How sofas are manufactured. Sofa do it yourself: We do according to the instructions with photos, at home

Reservoirs 26.06.2020

The sofa is the heart of the house. It serves as an element of interior decor, helps to relax after a difficult day. The sofa is not just a piece of furniture. It will certainly be a business card at home and the center of attention of your guests.

In this article, you will learn how to make a sofa personally not worse, but perhaps better than those sold in furniture stores. You will see from which elements the sofa consists and what materials are most often used in the process of its manufacture.

Do not forget that homemade furniture saves the lion's share of the family budget. Share you, for example, make a sofa yourself, its cost will amount to the amount in two, or even five times lower than the market!

However, it depends on the selected materials and the specifically taken design. The folding sofa will cost more, but if this is your first product, stop your project described in this article - it is perfect for those who wondered to learn how to make upholstered furniture.

Make your hand sofa - and you are on your own example, make sure that there is nothing complicated!

So, proceed.

To work, you will need the following materials and tools:

1. Tools:
- Electrolovka. If you do not have an electrolybiz - it is not trouble: take advantage of a tree with a tree, especially since it will be useful to you in the process of sawing bars;
- pneumatic furniture stapler. In case you intend to make only one product, use a mechanical stapler - it will cost cheaper;
- screwdriver;
- grinding or plans for stealing sharp corners of the frame;
- brace-clearance or acute screwdriver;
- a sharp knife for cutting of the foam rubber;
- scissors;
- sewing machine for stitching the elements of the coupling of the sofa;
- Roulette.

2. Materials:
- brus with a cross section of 40-50 mm;
- plywood or any other available, durable and, if possible, light sheet material;
- Furnace foam rubber, 50 mm thick. Porolon, like many other materials, you can purchase in a specialized online store "All for furniture";
- syntheps or batting for additional softness of the frame and the product as a whole;
- furniture fabric;
- glue joiner;
- a strong thread for overpracting upholstery details;
- self-tapping screws or furniture screws (when using the latter you will need an electric train);
- marker or pencil.

We will start work.

1. Frame
The basis of our sofa is a framework. It can be any forms and sizes, but this article describes the simplest project, make it possible to make a person who is inexpired in the production of upholstered furniture.

The framework of the frame is wooden bars and rails with a cross section of 40-50 mm or any other size that ensures the strength of the finished product.

The additional stiffness of the frame gives the leafy materials with which it is trimmed - plywood, OSB, chipboard, fiberboard, etc. Inside the frame is hollow, which makes it relatively easy.

At home, the sofa frame is collected using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Holes for screws can be pre-drilled a drill, and the screws themselves are melted to lubricate with joinery glue.

Also glue is often used at the junction of wooden parts before they are connected using self-tapping screws. In this case, they are pressed for some time to each other clamps.

In addition, when assembling a frame, it is convenient to use all sorts of angular and curvilinear metal fasteners.

The length of our sofa will be 3 meters. It is quite spacious and consists of two equal parts - 1.5 m. In the photo below you can see one of them - the left side of the sofa.

2. Rama and mattress
Frame of the future mattress - the foundations of our sofa - made of the board. For greater comfort, the binding of furniture belts is arranged.

It is easy to make it: first the belts are fixed by the stapler horizontally, then the binding should be performed and secured the belts perpendicular to the vertical.

The photo shows that we should get in the end. These are two components of the mattress.

3. Back
The photo below is the frame of the back of our sofa, trimmed by plywood. Please note that the frame itself is made of wooden bars, and metal connectors are used to attach parts.

The back is hollow and easy, it is convenient to work with it. The form in this case is the simplest possible - rectangular in the profile. Without much effort, it is possible to make it at the bottom, increasing the width at the base and reduce the width of the frame at the top.

4. Side parts
By analogy with the backrest, the side parts of the framework are made. It should be noted that the protruding bars who are visible in the photo in the future will serve us by the basis of the foam rubber. But about it next.

5. Fucking foam mats
After assembling the frame, proceed with the mounting of the foam rubber.

Slices of foam rubber required size and form are inserting the top and front of the back, as well as the inner surfaces of the side elements. We put the foam on the mattress over the binding.

Adhesive can be applied with a wide brush or use it in the form of an aerosol. Immediately after applying the glue layer, the foamo is pressed to the surface and leave for some time (usually no more than half an hour) before setting.

6. Sintepon (batting)
In order to hide the irregularities, smooth the sharp transitions and add volume, back, side parts and, at the request, the mattress wrapping with syntheps or a Vatin.

Before proceeding to this stage, it is necessary to stick all the sharp corners of the frame, so that the upholstery does not wipe and served as long as possible. This operation is carried out with the help of grinding, a planer or simply large sandpaper.

7. Tissue upholstery.
Covers usually stitch on finished patterns and patterns. If there are no, you can make them yourself, applying and trying on the fabric to each of the sofa elements, whether it is a back or pillow. Some of them can be sewn lightning for the convenience of their cleaning and washing.

Covers can be lined strictly in shape or dwell and grab the stapler in those places where the design allows.

As a last resort, sewing covers can be entrusted to specialists from Atelier. The design of them is quite simple and will cost inexpensively.

The sofa is one of the most important elements of the interior of any apartment or at home. It must be comfortable and beautiful, durable and resistant to pollution, especially if there are small children in the family. How to be if the products presented in the store cannot satisfy all the wishes, and buying a sofa created according to your request does not fit into the family budget? For a real man who knows a fuss in a joinery, the answer is obvious, create a sofa with their own hands. The drawings and schemes of the homemade furniture object can be the most diverse, as well as its shape, the texture and color of the upholstery. Tell how to make a dream and make a sofa on your own without spending.

Several arguments for motivation in favor of the manufacture of the sofa with their own hands:

  1. Not bad savings. However, we urge you not to put savings to the detriment of quality. In cases where you are not sure, use the services of professionals.
  2. The design of such a furniture subject will be created specifically for your interior. According to your sizes and dimensions.
  3. The sofa made by their own hands will always be fulfilled, because It is you responsible for this aspect.
  4. For manufacture, you can use high-quality wood, eco-friendly and reliable upholstery materials. Modern accessories will give the couch "viability".
  5. Repair of such furniture is carried out at times, because It is much easier to do if you know where and how it all arranged.
  6. Collecting the sofa independently, you will enjoy the creative process, satisfaction from the result and improving self-esteem is definitely.
  7. This is enough to start.

If in the thoughts the appropriate project is already prefeedling working. The first thing is useful is a sofa drawing with all the necessary dimensions, as well as assembly schemes. Drawings and schemes can be found on the Internet or in the presence of certain skills to create yourself. Unfortunately, ready-made software for designing upholstered furniture does not exist, and this would very simplify the life of modern ammodylkins. We offer a number of common ideas and sought-after sofas forms, which can be broken to modify on your own way.

Corner sofa do it yourself

Angular modular sofa is a very comfortable thing. It is large enough and will allow you to sit down all guests. In addition, it can transform depending on your mood. If you place a retractable or roll-out drawer on wheels, you can also get an additional storage location.

This is what is useful for the manufacture of such a sofa:

  • electrolovik;
  • schlifmashinka;
  • electric drill;
  • stapler for furniture;
  • sewing machine (if the sofa case you decide to sew yourself);
  • screwdriver;
  • Chipboard (from 12 mm thick);
  • bars wooden cross section 30x50 mm;
  • plywood (5 mm thick);
  • x / b cloth for the backrest;
  • metal corners, selflessness;
  • fabric for upholstery;
  • foam or other filler for packing (holofiber, batting, coconut fiber);
  • spring blocks;
  • required accessories (for example, legs).

The list of materials depends on the result you would like to get at the end of work.

Tip! Do not use nails for assembling parts. This connection quickly looses, and the sofa creaks and loses the form.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Based on each module there is a frame of chipboard (MDF or furniture shield, at your discretion) and bars. The parts between themselves are fastened with corners and self-drawing. Preferably, in places of compounds, it is pre-drilled holes for screwing the screws, which will protect the material from the bundle. The bottom is closed with a sheet of fine material (plywood, fiberboard).

  1. The finished box is closed by chipboard. Options are possible here. You can fix the slab completely, and you can use the loop, then it turns out a storage box. Sofa modules can at your discretion have folding lids or be tightly closed.
  2. The next step is formed a back. The ends of the back are fastened with the front part. Rear mounted Fiberboard and closes a cloth with a furniture stapler.

  1. The back is covered with foam rubber or other filler, the ends of which are fixed by the stapler. Similarly, it should be done with the external side parts of the sofa. Top in the future will stretch the case. It can be made independently either to order.

  1. Listed manipulations should be made with all sofa modules.

Tip! Before assembly, make all the details of the sofa, polish them with grinding or sandpaper, as well as treat a special tool to protect against mold and insects.

  1. You can decorate such a sofa with pillows or other means at your discretion.

Upholstery sofa

To create soft parts, the main material, as a rule, is foaming (density of 35 kg / m3) in two layers. Porolon must be covered with nonwoven material in order to avoid possible friction of decorative coating and base, as well as sticking, slaughtering and formation of folds on the final coating of the sofa.

The coupling of the sofa deserves separate consideration. You can simplify work and cover with fabric societies at the corners.

However, it is unreliable and shortly. It should be made cover with spit angles. This is one of the arguments in favor of the registered cover. If you are not sure that you succeed, trust the professionals, it will save time and money.

For the manufacture of pillows, use foam foam mats. Covers for them, sewing traditionally inside out. In the last unfinished seam, zipper (secret) is seamless for easy removal and washing case.

Sofa from pallet

In order not to spend time on the manufacture of sofa frames, wooden pallets can be used for these purposes. Of these, just designer things are obtained and, it is necessary to notice, not only sofas.

Sofa from the served bath do it yourself

Semi-finished product for the sofa can be made not only wooden pallets. The main thing is your inspiration and creative approach. For example, an excellent sofa can be made of an adhesive cast iron bath (you can use steel). Do not hurry to throw it out, let's see what it will fit.

If you have an old bathroom, remove the legs, and surface the surface from the paint. Figure cut one of the walls of the grinder. It will be necessary to thoroughly cut the cuts. What came out, cover the dye of the desired shade. The legs that were cleaned are polished and painted separately, attached at the very end. It will remain to build a soft seat and decorate the sofa.

As you like this turn of events. That's what it looks like.

If you think the sofa can be extremely difficult and pathetic, then we hurry to disperse you. Even the simplest design will be able to hit by its sophistication, and the main thing. In any case, you will hit your guests and households.

Thus, you can make a sofa with your own hands, but in some cases, even need. If you have at least minimal skills of a carpenter and a joiner, designer and seamstress, then you definitely have no reason to abandon the realization of the dream. We hope that for inspiration we did everything you need. Case for you!

To date, the market of upholstered furniture in abundance is filled with various offers. But sometimes I want something special, made by your own hands. Choosing this path, you can make furniture you need and design, save finances.

Sofa size scheme.

So how do you make a soft sofa with your own hands? Let's figure it out, after all, the sofa do it yourself - the case that is practically everyone.

First Stage - Preparatory

How to make a sofa with your own hands? This question interests many. The sofa design is quite complex for beginners in the creation of furniture, so before proceeding to its manufacture, it is necessary to carefully examine all the nuances and features relating to the production of such furniture.

First you need to make a drawing of the future sofa on paper. All its components must be drawn on paper with the exact dimensions and other characteristics. A qualitative and detailed draft of the future sofa is a pledge of simple and rapid work on its manufacture. The standard version of the sofa implies its length of 1.9 m, but the height of the back, counting from the floor, about 0.8 m. Please note that the height of specifically the seat (excluding the size of the sofa pillows) must correspond to the value of about 0.3 m.

Before answering the question: how to make a sofa, you need to figure out its component elements. What is the usual sofa? It:

Sofa sofa scheme.

  1. Frame design.
  2. Armrests or railing.
  3. Sofa legs.
  4. Spread sofa.
  5. And directly the seat.

Everyone is clear that the basis of any kind of furniture is a skeleton design. From how it is made, and will depend on the service life of your furniture, in our case of a soft sofa. That is why experts advise only those materials that have high quality for mounting the framework. And also, pay attention to the size of the frame structure, because during the operation, when applying even minor errors, problems may arise regarding the deformation and the deflection of the sofa you made.

What else to pay attention to the production of furniture? This is her legs. In the sofa, they are the main support, but sometimes the features of the design allow them to perform an exclusively decorative function. In this case, the entire load falls on the frame. Make the feet of a sofa from Balyasin. Usually choose oak. Such legs look great in almost any design. In addition to aesthetic appearance, this material has sufficiently high strength, which is also important.

How to make a sofa: Preparation required for work

So, to make a sofa with your own hands, you will need:

Sofa dragging scheme.

  • Chipboard and fiberboard;
  • bar;
  • plywood;
  • foam, sintepon, etc.;
  • fabric for furniture upholstery;
  • furniture glue;
  • nails, screws, etc.

This is due to materials. You need to choose them with quality and safety for human health. The optimal option for the purchase is a well-proven construction market of your city. And now a few words about the tools. All you need is:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • sewing machine;
  • scissors and knife;
  • stapler for furniture;
  • a hammer.

Preparing all of the above, you can safely begin to make a frame design. This is one of the stages, allowing you to answer the question how to make a sofa yourself?

Soft sofa scheme in section.

Using prepared pre-drawings, you first need to make the base of the sofa. They drink it either from plywood or from wooden shields that remain from some old furniture. If you choose on the plywood, then you will need an electric jigsaw to work. With it, you can easily and quickly make the basis of the desired form and size.

Very often, in the production of furniture of a complex shape, its base is cut from several parts, which are subsequently connected to each other.

After completing the work on making the foundation of the future sofa, you can move to the assembly of the frame structure. It will consist of racks and partitions. Racks will be vertical, horizontal partitions. Do not forget that the height of your sofa should be designed in advance. You should choose this indicator, focusing on the purpose of furniture and the place in which it will be located. If this is a sofa for the kitchen, then its height will be slightly higher than usual, as it is linked, sitting on low furniture, very uncomfortable. But the sofa for the living room either the bedroom implies a smaller height, since his destination is rest.

Sofa upholstery scheme.

At the next stage, the frame construction is covered with plywood. Its installation is carried out with the help of adhesive composition, the screws are used in addition. The space formed inside the space is very well suited for storage of bed linen.

So, the frame is assembled, now it's time to proceed to the manufacture of the back of the sofa. If your sofa is usual and is not a folding or other mobile design, the mounting work on the backing fastening is performed similar to the method described above. It is clear that the back should correspond to the size of the sofa base. The bar in the upper and lower parts of the back should correspond to the size of 9 cm. But the length of the vertical parts is usually about 45 cm, while the width of each part is about 6 cm. In order to combine the back with the base with a qualitatively, metallic corners are used.

As for the angle of inclination, here you can choose a convenient option for you.

Make a sofa comfortable very simple, you just need to choose a convenient position for yourself.

Transition to the sofa design

Now everything is ready for us, all parts of the sofa are assembled, it means that the time of making soft details of furniture has come. Do not forget to pre-process the framework using sandpaper, then paint it into the color you need or apply a layer of colorless lacquer coating.

Using the fabric for furniture and foam rubber, you need to make two bases, the thickness of which will be approximately 20 cm. As for other sizes, for example, the widths and lengths of these parts, then you need to proceed from the parameters of your frame. More precisely, you need to take the sofa backrest parameters and base. In order for the foam rubber to you for a long time, it should be wrapped in a synthepion, so it will be much less subjected to wear. You can connect two soft parts with each other using the stapler or sewing with lightning between them (better detachable).

After that, on the base of the sofa, it is necessary to fix the prepared pillows. For these purposes, the so-called velcro tape is used. If you have excess fabric, foam rubber and other materials, you can in addition to sew beautiful sofa pads. They look beautiful in the interior, creating comfort, and very functional during the rest.

SIVAL Formation Scheme on spring block.

Performing work on the courtyard of the sofa, it is necessary to listen to some advice of professionals, then in the process of work you will not have any problems and do not have to start all over again. So:

  1. Before you begin to cut, you need to carefully measure all design details. Do not forget that you need to add a couple of centimeters to the parameters received to perform seams.
  2. In order to determine the amount of fabric more accurately (to save money), you can pre-make the layout of the piece of cuttings on paper. Do not forget that at the same time you need to take into account the pattern, and the direction of the pile, if any. If these are details of the seat, the direction of the pile should be from the back, and on the contamination of the backrest. If you have chosen a cloth with a large pattern, for example, striped, then, most likely, you will have to customize the drawing, and it will take a significant amount of material. Therefore, do not forget to purchase an additional tissue.
  3. Do not immediately cut down all parts, as some nuances can be revealed during the work. Collect and sew first one of the details, and after that, by estimating the result and making the necessary amendments, you can continue to work. For example, some furniture fabrics have the property in one direction or in both, some, on the contrary, are absolutely not subject to it. All of these moments need to be taken into account both at strollers and when the sofa is directly upholstered.

Summing up the outdated

Now you know how to make a soft sofa with your own hands. Agree, despite the complex design, work on its manufacture is available for self-execution. And the result of the work done will certainly be able to please not only you and members of your family, but also guests who can appreciate your work by spending the evening in your home.

Do not be afraid to do something wrong, because the experience brings only benefits, and, gaining it, you become a real professional master, who can be done by doing anyone, even the most difficult, tasks.

Currently, the cost of good furniture is quite high, and the quality of factory products often leaves much to be desired. Those who have experience in making simple items from a tree or chipboard can try to make furniture with their own hands. Do not think that this is an unbearable and complex task for an ordinary person. Soft furniture with your own hands can be done very quickly. It will have guaranteed quality and long service life.

The upholstery material should be durable, not to deform, do not wait for a long time.

Upholstered furniture surrounds us everywhere. In the living room we used to put soft sofas, chairs and puffs. In the kitchen it is very convenient to eat food, sitting on a soft corner or chairs. On the balcony, many dream of putting comfortable sofa. The ability to make upholstered furniture with your own hands can very well come in handy to those who decided to furnish their new apartment or house.

If you first decided to make up the manufacture of upholstered furniture, then it is better to try something simple, for example, to make the otfik. Having mastered the technology of making a small product, you can proceed to more complex designs. Very often the masters who master it is a simple matter, continue to subsequently make furniture for their relatives, friends or to order. The acquired experience in the manufacture of upholstered furniture is guaranteed to save money to buy finished furniture and even get income.

Before the production of furniture should be declaring what you want to get as a result, draw sketch, make drawings of the elements of the future product.

Do not bother to buy high-quality beautiful fabric and good filler.

The larger bubbles, the less high-quality foam rubber.

Typically, polyurethane or foam rubber is used as a filler. The tissue for the skin must be strong enough. Before starting to sow her furniture, it is necessary to experiment on a small piece of fabrics and determine how it is easy to remove with pollution and damage. If holes and arrows will appear on the mechanical effect on the tissue, then it is impossible to use it for the production of furniture. It should be remembered that the fabric for furniture upholstery should be harmoniously combined in color and texture with curtains and other textiles, which is available in the room.

The process of making upholstered furniture is divided into 2 stages. At the first stage, you need to create a framework. This is not at all difficult if you once performed carpentry work. At the second stage, all elements of the design are connected, the filler is stacked and the trim is performed.

Manufacture of Pouf.

This consideration is characterized by its multifunctionality. The emblem is not only an element of the decor, but also performs the function of the chair, and can also serve as a convenient place to store things. Purification options are very much, they can be frame and frameless, round and rectangular, trimmed with cloth and knitted. Consider the technology of manufacturing a rectangular frame pouf standard size - 400x400x500 mm.

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Tools and materials

  1. A piece of chipboard of 1750x2400x16 mm.
  2. Wooden ram 150x40x40 mm.
  3. 2 piano loops.
  4. Material for upholstery is synthesis, foam rubber or batting (50 mm thick).
  5. 4 rollers.
  6. Dense fabric for upholstery.
  7. A hammer.
  8. Hacksaw with small teeth.
  9. Stapler for furniture.
  10. Pencil and ruler.
  11. Screwdriver.
  12. Self-tapping screws.
  13. Carpentry glue.

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Montaja technology

  1. First of all, mark the work surface. For the walls of the pouf with a hacksaw, 2 rectangular segments of 370х400 mm in size are cut, for side parts - 2 segments of 370x400 mm and one segment 400x400 mm. The timber is poured into 4 parts in such a way that each part has a length of 370 mm.
  2. From cut slices collect box. The frame must have a height of 370 mm. With the help of joinery glue glue bars along the inner corners of the design. Next, the corners of the frame are fixed with self-draws. If desired, the design can be additionally strengthened with metal corners.
  3. After the box is ready, you can proceed to the upholstery of the POPI.

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Making a sofa

Creating a sofa is a rather complicated and time consuming process. Before starting work, you need to think about every detail of the design. Each element should be pre-design on paper. Than more will be a drawing, the easier it will make a sofa. Most often, the sofa has a length of 1.9 m and the height of the back 0.75-0.85 m. Basic sofa elements: frame, seat, back, legs and railing. Additionally, you can sew decorative pillows. The frame is the main component. From how efficiently it will be completed, the operational characteristics of the sofa directly depend directly. It is very important to choose its size correctly.

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Tools and materials

Sofa framework design scheme.

  1. Ruler and pencil.
  2. Wooden timber.
  3. Brozent plywood.
  4. Chipboard, fiberboard.
  5. Material for upholstery - batting, foam rubber or syntheps.
  6. Decorative furniture fabric.
  7. Furniture glue.
  8. Nails, screws.
  9. Electric jigsaw.
  10. Electric drill.
  11. Screwdriver.
  12. Furniture stapler.
  13. Sewing machine.
  14. A hammer.
  15. Scissors.

The process of making upholstered furniture with your own hands at home is very entertaining and interesting. The main thing is the presence of desire and fantasy, which is useful in order to implement creative ideas, and ordinary - in exclusive. Read the article, watch photos, video, drawings and assembly schemes.

Soft furniture with your own hands according to drawings and assembly schemes

At home, you can make upholstered furniture with your own hands having such materials as:

  • Wood or metal base.
  • Material for upholstery.
  • Filler.
  • Electrostanok for foam clipp.

To make good upholstered furniture with your own hands, I need practice. You can get it using video view, photos, drawings and assembly schemes. To begin with, you can try to collect homemade emblems. And only then proceed to more complex furniture objects. Production of sofas, or tables requires a more dashed hand and experience.

Make upholstered furniture at home is easier than enclosure. Since such interior items almost 80% percent are already consisting of the carcass itself. To date, innovative technologies provide a large selection of material:

  1. Various appliances for cutting the desired material.
  2. Glue that can glue any surface.
  3. Material MDF.
  4. Fabric for upholstery (color and design depends only on individual preferences).

Making upholstered furniture at home step by step

Make upholstered furniture with your own hands using a selection of drawings. Adhering to the assembly scheme, you can proceed directly to the manufacture:

  1. Making framework

For this prepare modern elastic MDF. With it, we create the necessary form of our furniture. The strength of this material will not doubt in good quality. In order to give the right shape, several MDF sheets are taken, glued together with each other and the result is the necessary basis. Glue for gluing materials is selected directly for MDF sheets.

  1. Create a soft part

To do this, it is best to use foam rubber, as it will last for a very long time and will not lose the right shape eventually. To create a more elastic layer of softness for furniture, you need to adhere to the "Sandwich" rule. Several layers of foam rubber are taken, which have different rigidity, and are superimposed on each other. Using the machine for cutting the foam rubber, the necessary parts are cut.

  1. Create fabric upholstery

After the basis is ready and the soft part of the furniture, go to the tissue upholstery. Immediately it all depends on the imagination of the manufacturer. As they say on any color and taste. The main thing is that the upholstery have a stylish and beautiful view that will fit into a certain interior.

There are many ideas that will help in the manufacture of upholstered furniture. For example, for car enthusiasts, a variant of making from old tires.

Some so mastered the process of creating furniture with their own hands at home with the help of drawings and assembly schemes, which made this business. The main thing is to be able to make the original products that will be in demand. It all depends only on desire, fantasy and, of course, from the presence of the necessary materials.

See also Video: Upholstered furniture with your own hands, drawings and assembly schemes

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