Laying mosaic tiles on the floor. How to lay mosaic tiles to avoid mistakes

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Bathroom decoration today is gaining the most different types. And given that this room can rightly be called the face of the whole house, the choice facing material should be approached responsibly.

And since laying mosaic tiles is not an easy task. It is worth studying the material on the site in order to eventually do everything yourself and save a lot of family budget money on this.

Material Features

Mosaic refers to a set of small ceramic tiles sized 10×10 mm or more. For simplified laying of the mosaic, it is laid out on a special grid. Mosaic tiles on a grid create separate modules, which allows you to speed up the process of wall cladding.

On this module, the seams between the tiles are the same size. Only in this case can you get beautiful decoration walls or floors. Although today there is a mosaic that does not have a similar basis and you have to lay it out completely on your own, i.e. not a module is placed on the wall, but each small tile separately.

The process is laborious, but the result fully justifies it. Mosaic on the wall today is made from various materials:

  1. Glass. It has a translucent structure. In order for the result to be satisfactory, it is important to choose the right adhesive and grout for the joints.
  2. A natural stone. Production is carried out from sandstone, marble, jasper and other materials. Main disadvantage- high price.
  3. Ceramic. It can be covered with azure or be matte. Unlike its counterparts, it has a more massive appearance.
  4. Metal. The basis for such a mosaic is stainless steel. This finish has a lot of advantages, as it has increased wear resistance.

Surface requirements

Before laying the mosaic tiles, it is necessary to carefully prepare the base. If simple tiles can be laid on a relatively flat wall / floor surface, then as for laying mosaic tiles, the surface must be perfectly flat.

Even if mosaic tiles are laid on a grid on an uneven surface, then all the flaws will be visible anyway. This is explained by the fact that the grid is not rigid, it only keeps small tiles at the same distance from each other.

Therefore, first of all, careful surface preparation is carried out. You will need long rule and level. So, you can check the height difference.

If the irregularities are relatively large, then it may be better to carry out a thorough leveling of the walls, for example, with drywall. Putting a mosaic on drywall will be very easy, because its surface is perfectly flat.

So, the whole preparatory process should come down to ensuring that the surface meets the following requirements:

  • Perfectly flat surface. The mosaic has distinguishing feature, which allows it to take any shape of the surface. This phenomenon is explained by its small size. You will not even be able to level with a large layer of adhesive. Therefore, if the difference is quite large, then it is better to level the wall with drywall.
  • Purity. Before laying out the mosaic, the surface of the wall must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and all kinds of contaminants.
  • Padding. A primer will completely help get rid of dust. Plus, priming allows you to increase the quality of the adhesion of the adhesive to the wall surface. It is better to purchase a deep penetration primer.

Compliance with these requirements will allow you to achieve the highest quality result.

The choice of adhesive composition

For laying mosaics, it is extremely important to choose the right adhesive composition. From right choice the end result will depend. So, there are several options. You can make your own mix.

Taking in certain proportions water, sand and cement. As for sand, it is allowed to use finely dispersed sand without any impurities. However, this decision is not relevant in all cases.

For this reason, it is better to purchase regular tile adhesive. As a rule, this is a mixture of sand with modified additives and Portland cement. If the tile is opaque, then this option is ideal, since the adhesive has dark color. There is also a polymer adhesive, based on polymer components.

As a result of hardening, a reliable adhesion of the material to the surface of the walls is formed. White glue is also known. It is made from cement mixture, however, it has components that allow the glue to keep its white color.

This is the ideal solution for laying transparent mosaics. Therefore, what glue to choose for you, consider all the above recommendations.

Instructions for laying mosaic

So, all the work comes down to the following algorithm:

  • Surface preparation.
  • Surface marking.
  • Mosaic laying.
  • Seam grouting.

Mosaic laying methods depend on the type of material used. Let's consider several options for laying glass mosaic and its analogue of smalt, as well as fixed on the modules.

Mosaic laying - details

So, before gluing the mosaic on the wall, you should prepare the surface. To do this, the old finish is completely removed. If there are potholes, chips or cracks, they should be removed immediately. You can buy ready-made plaster. It is especially necessary to equalize differences up to 5 mm.

After the surface of the wall must be coated with a deep penetration primer. This will increase the quality of the grip. The wall should dry well. The next step is marking.

When transferring the markup to the wall surface, be sure to use a level. After all, it depends on how good the mosaic will look on the wall. The main thing is to clearly draw the bottom line along which the first row will be laid out. By the same principle, the marking and laying of mosaics in the pool is carried out.

Before you start laying the mosaic tiles, first prepare the adhesive on which the mosaic is laid. In some cases, you can lay the mosaic on liquid nails. However, this requires a perfectly flat surface. Also, before gluing the mosaic tiles, the temperature in the room should be brought in the region from + 5 ° С to + 30 ° С.

Advice! If there is a pattern on the tile, it is necessary to check the combination of the pattern before applying the adhesive. Therefore, you can first lay out the tiles on the floor, and then gradually transfer it to the wall.

As you can see, the technology of laying tiles is not so complicated. During the laying of the tiles, constantly check it for evenness. Firstly, check everything by level, and secondly, apply a long rail to the mosaic itself.

It is important that it lies flat on the wall on a plane.. In conclusion, it remains to grout the laid tiles with a special two-component grout.

Gluing modules

Before laying the mosaic on the modules, the surface preparation process is carried out, as in the first case. Gluing a mosaic on a grid is much easier, because a uniform seam is immediately formed. So, glue is applied to the cleaned and prepared surface with a notched trowel.

The length of the teeth in it should not exceed 3 mm. Do not rush and stretch the glue immediately over the entire surface. You can evenly distribute it over 1 m2. This is especially important if you do not have styling skills, applied glue to large area may simply dry out.

After that, the laying of the mosaic on the grid is leveled with a rubber mallet. They should gently tap on its surface, achieving perfect evenness. Additionally, everything is checked by the level. Adhesive may come out through the seams during the pressing of the modules. It can be removed with a match or a small spatula.

The next step is grouting. It is recommended to wipe the seams with two-component compounds. It is preferable to purchase an adhesive that has antifungal properties.

They are usually sold dry. The dry mixture is mixed with water until a creamy state. Grout the seams between the tiles with a grout with a rubber spatula.

Grout residues may appear on the surface of the mosaic, so they should be removed with a damp sponge or cloth. When everything is dry, the stacked modules are wiped clean.

Advice! For reliability, a guide rail is fixed on the first row of the mosaic. For this, aluminum drywall profile. The profile is fixed to the wall according to the level. In this case, it will be easier for you to control evenness, especially the first row..

Fixing smalt and glass mosaics

Glass tiles have a lot of advantages. In its structure, it resembles rock crystal. It has no pores, which allows you to reliably resist moisture. It is not even affected by any microorganisms.

Handles easily negative impact alkalis, acids and other aggressive environments. Considering all this, glass mosaic is an ideal choice for bathroom and shower room.

As for smalt, this is one of the varieties of glass tiles. It contains natural compounds, which give the material a characteristic shade. However, there is also some difference. Under different angles of light, the mosaic takes on different shades. This is achieved through the effect of internal glow.

Before laying glass and smalt mosaics, as in all other cases, the surface should be carefully prepared. The surface must be well leveled to decorative effect was the best it could be.


The technology for gluing tiles is practically no different from the technology described above for laying conventional mosaics. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Before gluing the mosaic, the surface should be leveled, dried well and degreased.
  2. At the next stage, marking is necessarily carried out, applying vertical and horizontal lines to the wall. If there is one or another pattern / ornament, then mark these places on the wall so that you do not miss this nuance during the masonry process.
  3. First of all, it is recommended to lay out the pattern, if any. After that, the entire glass tile is adjusted. At the same time, make sure that it is laid as evenly as possible. Also make sure that the seams between the tiles are evenly spaced.
  4. Once everything is glued, be sure to wait for the glue to dry completely. Only then can the seams be overwritten. For this, it is recommended to use epoxy grout. Because it, unlike cement, does not damage the surface and is more resistant to moisture. After everything is polished with a flannel cloth.

Important! In the process of laying, you should immediately adjust everything in size. Otherwise, it will be impossible to fix anything after.

Watch additional video materials on how to properly lay a mosaic with your own hands. We hope you find the expert advice useful.

Tips from the experts Leroy Merlin

How to lay quickly and efficiently - tips from the master

Mosaic - the material is exceptionally spectacular in its own way. appearance, even if it is made in only one or two colors. Well, mosaic panels are generally beyond admiration. However, in the past, only a very few people could afford such a luxury. And not at all because of the high cost of the material, but because of the high prices for laying work: professionals who knew how to work with high precision, there were very few. Now you can cope with this task yourself thanks to the appearance of mosaic tiles on the grid.

Such plates consist of small pieces - mica, glass, ceramic, which are fastened together into small plates with a base of construction mesh. It turns out that you have a full-sized tile in your hands, but only flexible. Such a tile also has one more undoubted plus: it can be easily cut into composite pieces, strips without special tools.

For the convenience of working on even surfaces, manufacturers seal such plates with a special tape that does not allow the segments to “walk” relative to each other. Well, if you need to make a bend somewhere, you just need to peel off the tape and work quietly at least on round walls, though on a floor with roughnesses.

Laying technology

Actually, laying mosaic tiles on a grid is no different from working with standard ceramic tiles. The same tools and materials will be required:

  • primer (for wet rooms you need a moisture-resistant one with an antifungal effect);
  • tile adhesive (for working on curved surfaces, it is better to find glue on latex based specifically for the mosaic);
  • grout for seams;
  • spatula for leveling, pressing plates (preferably with a rubber base);
  • notched trowel for applying tile adhesive;
  • brush (roller) for primer;
  • glue mixer;
  • bucket or basin for the glue mixture.

Stage 1. Preparation of the base

Since our tile on the grid is a flexible material, you can not pay too much attention to leveling the surface - all irregularities are leveled. But before starting work, you still have to remove the old coating if it falls off in some places. In principle, it is possible to lay such tiles on concrete, and on wood, and on wood-shaving materials.

After the surface has been prepared, it must be generously primed using a brush or roller. You can proceed to work immediately, without waiting for the surface to dry - this will not hurt the case.

Stage 2. Laying tiles on the grid

Now we will follow the following steps:

  1. We mix the tile adhesive. You don’t need much at once - it quickly “turns to stone”. Expect a maximum of 1-1.5 hours of work. The recipe for the ratio of water and dry mixture will be indicated on the package, in fact, as well as the setting time.
  2. Using a notched trowel, we apply our glue to the surface. You should get grooves, their direction does not matter. It is recommended to apply glue at a time to such an area that you can paste over with tiles on the grid in half an hour, no more.
  3. We take our tile (when working on a curved surface, we first remove the tape) and press it with a spatula with a rubber base to the desired location. We make sure that the tile adhesive does not protrude strongly to the surface. We check the horizontal and vertical lines with a level or ruler. Crosses can be used to maintain the evenness of the gaps.
  4. After 30 minutes, after the glue has set, remove excess from the surface of the tile with a damp cloth. It will be difficult to do this later.
  5. After a day or two, you can proceed to grouting. To do this, we prepare the grout mixture and apply it to the tile so that all the seams are filled. We take a rubber spatula and diagonally "drive" our grout into the seams.
  6. Remove grout residues immediately or after 30 minutes with a damp cloth.


Laying tiles on a grid - pretty simple work even for the non-professional. The technology is practically no different from working with conventional ceramics, but the advantages are working on uneven surfaces, the possibility of cutting into small pieces without using a grinder is quite obvious. Cope with a small area, such as 10 square meters, can one person in just one business day.

Video - laying mosaic tiles on a grid

Mosaic, made on the wall or floor, becomes the decoration of any room. If you think that laying a mosaic with your own hands is an unrealistic thing, then you are greatly mistaken. Of course, many masters will say that it is difficult to do such work. In some ways, they are right, but if you have a little effort, patience and a sense of taste, then making a mosaic in your home is quite possible. You can use this article as a guide.

Preparing the foundation

Laying out a mosaic (made from special tiles or individual elements) is a creative and challenging undertaking. Here you need to show more diligence and accuracy than when laying ordinary tiles. Increased demands are placed on almost everything.

So, when laying a mosaic, the preparation of the base must be taken more responsibly. If, during the installation of a tile coating, you can slightly correct the location of the tile using the thickness of the adhesive mass, then this will not work. Any bump or depression will be immediately visible. Moreover, such a requirement applies to any plane. Whether you are laying the mosaic on the ceiling, floor or wall, the surface quality must be perfect. Speaking in a popular way - as "under the wallpaper."

When preparing the surface, pay special attention to verticality and horizontality. If the error is more than 1–2 mm for every three meters, then ugly areas may form at the ends. Especially this requirement applies to laying mosaics from small tiles, here all the irregularities will be especially noticeable.

To improve adhesion and reduce the porosity of the base, the entire surface must be primed. It is advisable to do this in several layers. If you use transparent tiles in your “picture”, then it is worth covering the surface with tinting. Otherwise, the heterogeneity of the base will be visible through the transparent elements.

When laying mosaics in rooms with high humidity(bathrooms, saunas, etc.), another coat is required. It will consist of waterproofing impregnation.

We markup

Before you start laying the mosaic, you need to carry out a preliminary markup. This is especially important if you are doing this kind of work for the first time. Sketch first. In this case, you should pay attention to some nuances:

  • if the room has external corners (boxes or slopes), then the drawing should start from them;
  • if there is any on the wall decorative element(mirror or panel), then it also becomes a priority;
  • try to remove all possible trimmings in inconspicuous corners (for example, the corner of the front door).

After the paper sketch is ready, it is transferred to the wall. If the mosaic is laid on the floor, it is desirable to make a “dry” layout.

We apply glue

Now let's figure out how to glue. The adhesive mass must be selected carefully. As a rule, a special adhesive is produced for mosaics. It can be either tinted or white. Here the choice will depend on the tile used (transparent or not). Also pay attention to the base material.

When installing it is worth remembering that the glue hardens quite quickly. After twenty minutes, a film forms on its surface. Therefore, do not apply a large amount at once. It is better to go through no more than one square at a time.

The adhesive is applied with a straight spatula. The layer should not exceed four millimeters. Then they pass over the surface of the adhesive mass with a notched trowel (tooth height not more than 3 mm).

Some professionals apply a thin layer on the tile itself. In this way, a more reliable fastening is achieved. But such a layer should be minimal so that the mosaic looks even.

We mount the mosaic itself

If you know how to install ordinary tiles, then you will quickly figure out how to lay mosaic tiles. The principle is very similar, there are only some nuances.

So, for example, ordinary tiles (when laying on walls) are mounted from below. The bottom row will be the holding base for the top row. There is no need to do this with mosaic tiles. They weigh little, so you can start installation from any place you have planned.

It is better to start the first laying tests from an inconspicuous place. So you can practice a little and make the main part better and more beautiful.

The mosaic tile is leaning against the adhesive mass and pressed lightly. Here you should carefully look at the seams. It is unlikely that it will be possible to use plastic crosses (as is the case with ordinary tiles). Everything needs to be done by eye.

If the adhesive does not immediately set during installation on the walls, then the tile may move out a little. In this case, small cloves will help. They are inserted into the seam and hold the material in place.

As soon as the square is laid, it is necessary to walk on it with a plastic platform with a nozzle made of elastic material. With it, lightly tap the entire finished surface. At the same time, your actions should be moderately strong and short.

Half an hour after laying the square, it is necessary to remove the protruding excess glue. This is done carefully with a stick or brush with a hard bristle. If the mosaic tile has a paper coating, then it must be disposed of on the day of laying. To do this, wet it a little and remove it. Postponing this work for the next day is undesirable. Cured adhesive may be difficult.

We produce grout

Grouting should be started a day after laying. For this work, a rubber spatula is used. Check all seams before grouting. Remove protruding adhesive residues and debris from them. The grout itself is made with strokes in different directions. The last pass must be perpendicular to the previous one.

After applying the grout, the excess must be removed. If you are using waterproof material, then this is done immediately. Water-soluble grout is given for 10-15 minutes, then it is removed with a damp cloth. Remaining plaque can be removed at the end of the day with a soft cloth. On this, all work is completed.


A photo

Even in ancient times, with the help of mosaics, craftsmen created exclusive interiors. The advantages of this facing material over others are primarily in its water resistance and resistance to temperature fluctuations, therefore, not only the interior of the room, but also the facades of any buildings can be equipped with mosaics. Fire-resistant qualities are great for finishing fireplaces. Mosaic laying, video and photo tutorials that are given in this article will help you understand the basic principles of this process and help you avoid mistakes.

An expensive and attractive coating is mosaic, which must be properly installed. Before the laying process, you need to choose a quality adhesive, and also take into account the conditions in which the material will be used (floor, wall, pool thicket). An important role is played by the base for the mosaic, which must be carefully prepared. Laying the mosaic, the video of the master class, which is given here, was not chosen by chance, but was selected according to the criteria that the work is done correctly and professionally.

Styling tools

As necessary tools will have to use:

  • Bulgarian. It levels curved surfaces;
  • Level. To eliminate errors in alignment;
  • Pencil, cord and tape measure. With their help, markup is made;
  • Forceps. The sharpening angle must be obtuse;
  • Knife, preferably construction. They remove the base;
  • Spatula (notched) or comb;
  • Spatula (rubber). Overwrite the seams;
  • A small plastic container for water, a paint brush, a hard brush, a sponge.

Types of mosaic for laying

The types of mosaics are not complicated, but they determine the subsequent laying work on the base.

There are 2 types of mosaic according to the type of base:

  1. Mosaic applied on a mesh or paper base;
  2. Separate chipped elements from various types of stone, broken tiles or metal.

There are also mosaics by assembly type:

  1. Matrix (in this case, the mosaic is assembled on a matrix);
  2. Artistic (hand-assembled by mosaic artists).

And the type of drawing:

  • Background mosaic - monochrome color;
  • Stretching (sfumature) - the color changes from light to dark and vice versa;
  • Raznoton (a combination of several colors of the mosaic, while individual sheets when laying create a single surface).

Features and varieties of bases for laying mosaics

Most often found in various structures cement-sand screed, so that it has the necessary strength indicator, it should harden for about a month, after which you can start laying various decorative coatings. For execution correct installation take into account the residual moisture content of the base, which should not exceed 3%. To lay the mosaic, you need to make sure that the surfaces are even, so if there are defects or irregularities, leveling should be done.

Gypsum coatings are often found as a base, the residual moisture content of which should not be higher than 0.5%.

Each base on which the mosaic is supposed to be laid must be distinguished by its evenness and strength, dryness and cleanliness, otherwise it is impossible to avoid the appearance of various defects on the new coating or even peeling of the material from the surfaces.

The most difficult surfaces for laying mosaics are wood or rubber, as well as metal. They are deformable and during laying it is necessary to use special elastic adhesives.

Preparing walls for laying mosaics

Nowadays, there are many options for wall decoration. Mosaic wall decoration is now gaining great popularity.

Regardless of the type of mosaic, the preparation of the walls should be as thorough and correct as possible. The surface of the walls should not have any curvature, potholes, cracks. Plasterboard walls are best suited for decorating walls with mosaics.

When choosing an adhesive for tiles, it is best to rely on latex adhesive. It is this glue that will reliably fix various types of mosaics, such as glass, stone, metal or smalt.

The obligatory process of preparing the walls is their complete cleaning from dust and dirt. For maximum quality mosaic finishing, the walls are pre-primed. After that, mosaic laying can be performed, a video with this process was posted at the beginning of the article.

Laying mosaics on the wall is a more laborious process than on the floor, as the material may slip if the work is performed without observing the laying technology.


If it is planned to lay mosaics in the pool or bathroom, then it is necessary to create high-quality and reliable waterproofing, which is most often performed using special waterproofing compounds. These compositions are applied to the surfaces with a spatula, and the layer can be applied twice, and its thickness can be 2 cm.

During the laying process, seams are formed between the individual elements of the mosaic, which must be filled with silicone or polyurethane sealant, and colored grout is often used, which is selected depending on the color of the mosaic. The material is pressed against the surface with a rubber spatula for a while, after which the laying is considered completed.

Step by step laying algorithm

There are several steps for laying mosaic tiles. First, you need to prepare wall surface. Sanding and thorough cleaning of dust and debris. Second: mark and draw the laying area. At least three sheets are measured, taking into account the intersheet space, all measurements are applied to the surface vertically and simultaneously horizontally. The entire lined sector should be 9 sheets. Third: the actual styling. The solution is selected depending on the type of mosaic, applied with a spatula within the lined 9 sheets. The teeth on the spatula remove the excess, and level the solution. Nuance: the gaps between the sheets are verified extremely accurately, a paper or mesh base on top of the laid tiles. For uniformity, carry out with a spatula (only rubber!). Having finished with one sector, proceed to the next, also starting with marking. Having laid the second sector, they return to the first - moisten the paper with a sponge and remove it. It is necessary to work with extreme caution, since the glue has not yet dried out and the tile can “crawl”. After removing the paper, the gaps are leveled and excess glue is removed, the process must be carried out until the glue is completely dry. This is how the entire planned surface of the wall is processed. Fourth, not earlier than a day later, the joints are grouted. At a time, no more than 2 sq. m, it dries in about 20 minutes (depending on the temperature of the room). Excess is washed off with a wet sponge. If you use a product with acids, wash off with plenty of water.

The process of laying a mosaic with a mesh base

Such a mosaic is considered the easiest to install, and therefore the most common. So, you have a task: there is a mosaic on the grid, laying is carried out on a flat surface. Here's what needs to be done. To begin with, latex glue is applied to the surface of the walls with a comb, after which the tiles are applied to the wall. The mosaic should also be pressed down with a wide rubber object, while straightening the mosaic elements for the utmost uniformity of the seams. When the glue is completely dry, the seams are cleaned and grouting begins. This version of work, in which there is a lot of mosaic laying, video and photo access, is performed without difficulty, since the laid out drawing is visible and even the pressing force can be calculated in advance. This type of work is similar to how tiles are laid, mosaics only require crosses, not wedges, when installing. Another thing is laying mosaics on a paper basis.

The process of laying mosaics with a paper base

for mosaic of this type colorless glue or glue solution is best white color. Important when laying tiles is the selection of the amount of glue. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it and not save so that the material will fall off and all costs will have to be incurred again. The seams will be uneven and crossed if a large amount of glue is applied, and if it is not enough, voids will form in the seams.

It is very important not to confuse the installation side, there were construction teams without experience working with the material, who managed to lay the paper base inside even into the pool bowl. The sheets floating away from the side will make an indelible impression on you, if you have not experienced a feeling of horror for a long time, then you can safely try the services of unprepared masters.

Step-by-step instruction– laying tiles, mosaics, metal tesserae

Then the mosaic is pressed to the surface, as a result of which the glue will fill the seams on its own. paper base while preventing surpluses. After the glue dries, remove the paper layer, after wetting it with water. Next, the grout is carried out in the usual way using a rubber spatula. Laying a mosaic, the video is also published above, this type is more difficult, since the pattern is not visible until the paper is removed.

This option requires that the work be performed by a professional master mosaicist.

Self-adhesive mosaic

There is also a self-adhesive mosaic, which is most popular among designers. This mosaic is used when decorating rooms with high humidity. However, with its minimum level of adhesion, it is best when overhaul do not choose such a tile. Do-it-yourself mosaic laying in this version of the mosaic is best suited, since you do not need to have special skills.


The most attractive, high-quality and elegant type of finish remains the manual selection of mosaics, which are independently selected from individual parts.

There are two ways to lay such a mosaic:

  1. To begin with, a drawing of the elements is laid out on the floor, and then, in turn, each part is transferred to the surface of the walls;
  2. Mosaic in the form of a picture is glued with the front side to thick paper, then transferred to the walls. After the glue dries, the paper is removed.

Important: the size of each mosaic element should not be large. Medium-sized fragments will allow you to accurately and accurately form a pattern using various types of material.

Main conclusions

Mosaic is realized in various types, however, most often it does not absorb moisture, and for its installation it is necessary to use reliable and high-quality adhesive compositions. What is the difference between mosaics is now clear and how to lay a mosaic on a grid is now clear. If all these conditions are met, then at the output you will get unique design interior with an artistic component, no worse than the basilicas of Byzantium.

Not quite correct information, laying mosaics in the bathroom The best way applications this material, it is suitable for any room of the apartment or house. And if there is a swimming pool, then this material is a higher priority than, for example, tiles or porcelain stoneware. Mosaic tile is a natural and environmentally friendly material, it does not emit toxins when heated strongly. Care is extremely simple, it is easy to wash, it retains its original appearance for many years.

It is worth noting that tile laying, mosaic (the video of which was given) is different and the tile laying master may not be the mosaic laying master. These are quite different types of work, although the materials are very similar, but even the preparation of the glue for the work is different. We recommend taking this into account. The technology of laying mosaics is different from that of laying tiles and the preparation of mosaic masters requires a longer one, as it has many secrets, from preparing the base to facing curved surfaces. How to properly lay a mosaic based on the data in this article, you can definitely understand and do correct selection and tools and builders. A large number of video and photo examples, allowed to reveal the theme of styling as much as possible various types mosaics.

A modern mosaic consists of many small cubes, fixed on a special grid with a single sheet. The grid can be easily cut and glued ready-made mosaic tiles to the surface. Moreover, this tile has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • noble and neat appearance;
  • high impact resistance and resistance to cleaning abrasives;
  • ease of care;
  • a wide range of mosaic tiles allows you to create unique patterns of any shades;
  • Easily fits on any flat and curved surfaces.


Depending on the material decorative mosaic for walls can be of several types:

  1. ceramic.
  2. It is an ordinary tiled rectangular or square tiles, but much smaller. The texture of such a mosaic can be different: glazed, heterogeneous or covered with a grid of cracks. The palette of shades of such a mosaic is very diverse, and manufacturers also offer tile options with a mixture of several colors. Typically, ceramic tiles are used to decorate the walls of a bath, kitchen or pool.

  3. Mirror.
  4. Small pieces of mirrors with finished edges make up a single panel that visually expands the space, adding more and more light and air to a darkened room. In addition, mirror tiles perfectly help to hide the unevenness and defects of the walls.

  5. From smalt.
  6. Represents pieces of specially processed and heated to high temperature glass. Thanks to this treatment, smalt acquires high impact resistance, frost resistance, wear resistance and the ability to beautifully refract light. Each piece of smalt has a slightly different shade from the other piece, which allows you to create original panels.

  7. Venetian glass.
  8. Mosaic cladding, consisting of Venetian glass, is very durable and strong, and an endless variety of shades due to the addition of certain substances allows you to collect whole works of art. Such mosaics ennoble walls, floors, surfaces of fireplaces and furniture.

  9. From natural stone.
  10. This tile is made up of pieces. natural stone: marble, jasper, tuff or sandstone. Most often, this type of mosaic is used in the design of floors or garden paths.

  11. From artificial granite.
  12. Pieces of such a mosaic are obtained by mixing broken glass with granite or marble. Due to the manufacturing technology, the mosaic seems to flicker, shimmering with light from within. Since the tile is very reliable and durable, it is used when facing not only the walls of rooms, but lay out floors and stairs with them.

Laying mosaics on the wall with your own hands. How to glue?

How to lay out a mosaic on a wall? Before you put the mosaic on the wall with your own hands, it is necessary, in addition to the tile itself, to purchase the following materials and tools:

  • epoxy glue or latex-based glue (if the mosaic will be used in rooms with high humidity);
  • a spatula with teeth about 0.5 cm, wire cutters, a knife, a rubber mallet, a wooden block, a hard rubber ironing press, a sponge for wetting with water, a trowel;
  • tile grout matching the color of the mosaic.
  1. Surface preparation.
  2. Thoroughly clean the surface on which the facing work will be carried out from peeling plaster, old paint, wallpaper and dirt. If there are recesses on the wall, then they must be puttied. Finish sanding the walls with coarse sandpaper.

  3. Glue application.
  4. Spread the adhesive evenly with a notched trowel onto the wall. Glue should cover as much of the surface as you can tile in 10 minutes (glue drying time). Glue can not be applied to mosaic tiles, however, experts still advise to process the mosaic as well for better adhesion of the cladding.

  5. Gluing tiles.
  6. How to glue the mosaic on the wall? Start laying the mosaic tiles with the paper side facing out. After that, press firmly on the tile with an ironing press. If excess glue appears through the gaps, it must be removed with a damp cloth.

    To your attention a video about laying mosaics on the wall.

  7. markup.
  8. After the first fragment of the mosaic is glued to the wall, it is necessary to mark the wall according to the level. So that the sheets of tiles do not move down from the level during the drying process, it is necessary to make a double gap under them in advance using special spacer crosses.

    Check the level of the entire sheet of tiles. If it deviates, carefully correct it with wooden block by tapping lightly with a rubber mallet.

  9. Removing paper and glue residue.
  10. 15-20 minutes after the glue has dried, remove the paper from the top surface of the mosaic. To lightly peel off the paper, wet it with a damp sponge. The paper will come off the tile well after it is completely saturated with water. Use a knife to cut off excess glue.

  11. Gap grouting.
  12. After the final drying of the tiles (after about 24-30 hours), it is necessary to remove all spacer crosses from the gaps. Then, using a grout trowel at a 300 diagonal angle, apply the grout to the mosaic tile and forcefully swipe over this surface a couple of times, trying to fill the gap as tightly as possible. Grout first on small area to determine the susceptibility of the solution.

    This is done in order to have time to clean the tile from the hardening grout in time, otherwise it can seize very tightly and it will be much more difficult to remove it. Scrub the dried grout with a right angle trowel, then wipe with a damp sponge and polish with a dry cloth.

  13. Application of sealant.
  14. In order to extend the life of the mosaic tiles and protect the gaps from moisture penetration, apply a small layer of sealant or a special protective coating to the joints between the mosaic tiles.

Making a room luxurious is not difficult if you use mosaic tiles as decoration. Even a novice master can lay it, it’s only worth remember the sequence and carefully complete the entire laying process.

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