Cake "Broken glass": a step by step recipe with a photo. Broken glass jelly cake, recipe with photo

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Step by step cake recipe Broken glass» with cookies.

sour cream - 500 gr.,

jelly - 2-3 multi-colored bags,

sugar - 100 gr.,

cookies - 100-150 gr.,

vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10 gr.),

gelatin - 1 sachet (10 gr.).

Broken glass cake- delicious and light cake, which is prepared without baking. Exist different recipes making this cake. Today we want to tell and show you how to make broken glass cake with cookies.

The recipe for Broken Glass Cake with cookies is very simple. The cake turns out very bright, great as a light dessert. will not leave indifferent neither children nor adults and can become a worthy decoration of any festive table.

Be sure to prepare the Broken Glass cake using our photo recipe. Your guests and family will thank you for such an amazing dessert.

Cooking cake "Broken glass" with cookies.

To prepare cake "Broken glass" with cookies First you need to prepare three types of jelly.

Jelly must be taken different colors and cook according to the instructions on the package. Then place the jelly in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours until completely solidified. Jelly must be prepared in advance.

Next, you need to pour the gelatin into a metal bowl or saucepan, pour 100 milliliters of water and leave to swell for about 10 minutes or for the time indicated on the package.

Put a bowl of gelatin on a small fire, warm it up a little to about 40-50 degrees. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Then the gelatin needs to be cooled. Next, the cookies must be broken into large pieces.

Now you need to cut the frozen jelly. To do this, it is necessary to lower each plate with ready-made jelly into a container with hot water for 30 seconds and then carefully invert onto a plate. Cut all the jelly into large pieces right on the plate.

Then put sour cream, sugar, vanilla sugar in a large salad bowl and beat until sugar dissolves. After that, pour in the cooled gelatin, while whisking with a mixer until smooth.

Next, you need to prepare the dishes in which the cake will solidify. Put jellies of different colors in a bowl.

Then pour in the prepared sour cream. Mix gently with a spoon.

Next, put the cookies on top and use a spoon to drown them in the sour cream mass. The cookies should lie flat as this will then be the bottom of the cake. From these ingredients, we got two cakes. Put the cakes in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours until completely solidified.

There are a lot of recipes for broken glass jelly cake. They make such a cake with biscuit, yogurt, cottage cheese. This is a sour cream cake recipe.

Sour cream is better to buy with a fat content of 20-25%. Multi-colored jelly can be made from ready-made jelly in packs or from gelatin and fruit and berry juice.


– 2 jars of 500 ml

Sugar - 2 cups

Jelly - 4 packs ( different color)

Gelatin - 50 grams (for sour cream)

Vanillin - 1 sachet (or vanilla sugar)

Kiwi - 1 piece

Orange - 1 piece (or tangerine 2-3 pieces)

How to make Broken Glass cake with sour cream:

First you need to make multi-colored jelly. You can make jelly from ready-made fruit jelly. If you cook from juice, then pour a dessert spoon of gelatin (without top) with a small amount of water. For each color - one spoonful in different bowls. Leave to swell, as written on the package.

Then pour gelatin with a glass of berry or fruit juice of different colors and heat in a water bath, without boiling. Stir the liquid periodically so that the gelatin dissolves better.

Instant gelatin can be immediately poured into juice and dissolved in a water bath.

Pour the dissolved gelatin into molds (each color separately). To do this, you can use ordinary plastic containers. Place in the refrigerator until the jelly hardens. Better to do at night.

When the colored gelatin hardens, cut it randomly into small pieces.

Using a mixer, beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla. In order for the sugar to dissolve faster when whipping, it is better to grind it into powdered sugar first.

Gelatin for sour cream pour 1.5 cups hot water and mix until the gelatin is completely dissolved. This is if the gelatin is instant. Prepare regular gelatin according to package directions.

Mix gradually whipped sour cream and dissolved gelatin. Gelatin must be cooled to room temperature before mixing.

Add chopped multi-colored jelly to this mass and mix gently.

Cover the mold with cling film. You can use a regular bowl or salad bowl. Cover with foil so that there are free ends.

First lay out the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bkiwi and orange slices. Then - sour cream.

Place in the refrigerator until the jelly is completely set.

Turn the frozen jelly onto a dish and garnish with orange, tangerines and kiwi if desired.

Advice. Jelly cake with sour cream can be prepared in layers. To do this, first lay out a layer of sour cream jelly, then a layer of colored jelly.

Enjoy your meal!

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Greetings, dear reader of my page! Broken glass jelly cake - easy to prepare, amazingly delicious jelly cake ic on sour cream with gelatin. It is very easy to prepare it - absolutely anyone can do it, because the ingredients for it are bought almost ready. It remains just to mix, cut, and send to the refrigerator.

I really like these ones simple recipes, one of which -, however, you only need to bake cakes, but even those - from ready-made puff pastry, which is sold in any store.

Looks cake Broken glass simply gorgeous, both in the cut and in general. The guests are just crazy! See for yourself:

And in the context of the cake - in general, beauty, like a real mosaic of broken glass:

The tender pulp of this no-bake cake is due to its simple ingredients:

  1. Jelly of different colors - you choose the colors yourself.
  2. Gelatin - one 10-gram sachet is enough.
  3. Jelly powder - you can take it if there are not enough flowers, and dilute it. After - send it to the refrigerator and it will turn into jelly. We took orange powder.
  4. Sugar - half a glass or 100 grams.
  5. Sour cream - 500 grams.
  6. Vanilla sugar 8 gram sachet.

For a sample - see photos:

That's all it takes delicious cake. gelatin orange yellow color we prepared it ourselves, in the photo - a bag for the sample.

This is a green apple jelly.

This cherry jelly is bright red in color.

This is the orange jelly that gives yellow fragments of "glass". It is easy to dilute - just like in the instructions on the back of the bag, and in the refrigerator until the desired jelly-like state.

We use gelatin and vanilla sugar like this. But any other is possible - it doesn't matter. There is sour cream and sugar.

First you need to start preparing the gelatin. To do this, you need to dilute it with a glass of water at room temperature.

And put it aside so that it absorbs water. Water can be either boiled or raw. Then we'll do the sour cream.

In a separate bowl, add 500 grams of sour cream, mix with half a glass of sugar and a bag of vanillin. All this is desirable to mix with a mixer, so that everything mixes well.

The next step is to boil the gelatin. It boils quickly. The goal is for it to become transparent, like amber.

As you can see in the photo, it absorbed water and swelled. Now, constantly stirring over low heat, bring it to a transparent state, without lumps.

This is ready-made, transparent gelatin, for adding to sour cream, but first it must be cooled to room temperature, with any accessible way. For example - put in a bowl bigger size, With cold water. In the meantime, it's all cooling down, prepare the broken glass:

We take out the jelly from the cups, and cut into any random shapes so that they form a pattern that creates the illusion of broken glass.

Cut like this. We also cut all the jelly, which is different figures.

We collect all the pieces in one dish, regardless of color.

The field of how the jelly was cut, we need to finally prepare the cream. To do this, while mixing with a mixer, add the cooled gelatin in small portions. It is gradually and in small portions and at a low mixer speed - until a homogeneous mass.

This is our cake mold. The shape can be absolutely any - choose to taste - even square, even rectangular, whatever. The only caveat is that it should be smooth from the inside so that the cake separates without difficulty and damage, otherwise its appearance will be spoiled, which we would not want.

If there is no smooth shape, you can use any, but after covering it with food cellophane film so that the edges hang down. This will be very convenient when removing the cake from the mold.

We put pieces of jelly into the mold, and pour sour cream with gelatin.

All this is gently mixed, then sent to the refrigerator for the night, or for 4-5 hours. This is enough time for the cake to take shape.

The best part remains:

Having covered the form with the cake with a dish of a suitable size, turn it over and carefully remove the form. The cake is ready - you can immediately serve it to the table.

Below is a video recipe for making this amazingly delicious cake, if you have any questions, or have something useful to add - feel free to write in the comments below, we will be happy to participate in the discussion. And the star scale best estimate you of this recipe.

Sincerely, .

Servings: 8
Cooking time: 2 hours

Recipe Description

To prepare a dessert you need:

  • Sour cream of any fat content - 400-500 grams;
  • Sugar - 4-5 tablespoons;
  • Gelatin - 20 grams;
  • Pineapple, raspberry and lemon jelly.

Cooking step by step:

So where do we start? We take 3 packages of instant fruit jelly and pour each flavor into a separate bowl. I had lemon, raspberry and pineapple, but it doesn't matter. Dilute with warm water, according to the instructions, and stir with a spoon until the lumps dissolve. I poured 400 ml into each bowl.
We put the jelly in the refrigerator and wait until it hardens.

Now let's deal with gelatin for sour cream. Pour 20 grams into a cup and pour 200 ml of water.
Leave it to stand for 10 minutes, so that the gelatin swells and mix. When there is not a single lump left in the cup, it is ready for use.

Add sugar to sour cream and stir until completely dissolved. Sour cream should not be too cold (take it out of the refrigerator in advance), otherwise the gelatin will take lumps.
If the sour cream is still very cold, you can heat it in a water bath, at the same time the sugar will dissolve. Do not rush to mix gelatin with sour cream because it will thicken before your eyes.

First you need to cut fruit jelly into cubes and arrange in cups.

After that, it is already possible to mix sour cream with gelatin, pouring it in a thin stream and stirring constantly.
The resulting mixture is poured into glasses with cubes of fruit jelly.
Here's what I came up with.
All these portions sold out in one evening, because everyone wanted to get a supplement. Such a dessert is often served in cafes, but it is not cheap, so I advise you to learn how to make it yourself.
Dessert "broken glass" will decorate the table on children's day birthday or any other holiday.

Good day to all. Today I have a broken glass jelly cake for you, I have a recipe with photos. This jelly cake has other names (Aquarium, Mosaic ...), but somehow in our family this cake took root under the name "Broken Glass".
Culinary recipes on the Folk Knowledge blog are all only with step by step photos, it is very convenient not only to read the recipe itself, but also to see the step-by-step preparation of the dish.

Everyone in our family loves jelly, especially children, especially since this dessert is very easy to prepare and simply cannot fail. It turns out quite a tasty dessert, which will be a table decoration for any holiday, and not only for a holiday. For example, we often cook a jelly cake for no reason, just like that, it’s very tasty and only one of our own bright view lifts the mood.

To prepare the broken glass jelly cake, we need:

  • 3 packs of jelly (I have cherry, lemon and kiwi flavored jelly)
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar (10-15 grams)
  • 500 grams of sour cream (I have 15% sour cream)
  • 1 sachet of gelatin (20 gr.)
  • 3-4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 150 ml milk

You can buy jelly with the taste that you like, that is, strawberry, peach, kiwi, raspberry, orange, lemon ... It is better to take jelly of different colors, then the jelly cake will be colorful and bright.

The photo shows the ingredients for the Broken Glass jelly cake: gelatin, vanilla, sour cream and jelly of different colors. I have three bags, you can optionally take more bags, but then you will need twice as much sour cream and gelatin.

I look on the Internet, many people put a layer of cookies or a biscuit on the bottom of the form, for example, I just love jelly without cookies.

We breed jelly according to the instructions on the package, I have written for 1 pack of jelly you need 400 ml of hot boiled water.

I pour jelly on the floor liter jar, pour hot boiled water (400 ml), mix everything well, until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

I pour the finished jelly into molds or bowls, this is already as convenient for you. Next, wait for the jelly to harden.

Frozen jelly we mode cubes. You can cut into small cubes, you can large ones, we tried it this way and that, it turns out more beautifully when you cut the jelly into small cubes, but not very finely.

Now for the sour cream. It tastes best when you buy homemade sour cream, but it also turns out delicious with a store.

To begin with, we dilute gelatin in a small amount of hot water, about 100 ml, leave to swell. But the photo shows that vanilla is added to gelatin, I wanted to experiment a little, but best of all, add vanilla to sour cream.

Then mix sour cream with sugar, add gelatin to sour cream. But gelatin is immediately taken in lumps. Therefore, I put sour cream with sugar, vanilla and gelatin on fire, add milk and warm it up well, stirring constantly, but do not boil, sugar and gelatin dissolve so well. Why do I do this, it’s just that gelatin hardens very quickly, and if you warm it up, then you need to cool it, and it immediately starts to harden, you add it to sour cream, lumps form.

Next, lay out our chopped jelly in any form, so that later you can pour sour cream. I have a square baking dish, so the jelly can then be cut into beautiful squares. We distribute the jelly cubes evenly in shape and color.

Now fill the jelly with sour cream jelly.

It is necessary that all the jelly is evenly filled with sour cream. If desired, pieces of fruit and berries can be added to the jelly cake.

Next, the jelly cake should harden well. It hardens quite quickly, within about a couple of hours, especially if the form with the jelly cake is taken out to the cold, I take it out to the balcony or put the jelly cake in the refrigerator.

Here is such a beauty. We prepared such a jelly cake for our son's birthday, children, before and adults were delighted. Can be cut into rectangles and served in portions.

It turns out tasty and beautiful, the jelly cake looks bright, one might say cheerfully.

Years have passed, but he is still popular with us. Only to get it out of the bowl, I had to heat it in a water bath. And he swam a little on top. But his taste was not affected by this.

Enjoy your meal.

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