Cake "broken glass". Sweet table decoration - Broken glass cake

reservoirs 18.10.2019

Today I will be talking about jelly cake "Broken glass"! I am periodically accused of feeding people not the healthiest food. Yes, I’m like that - I buy store-bought mayonnaise, and give sweets to children, and I can even boil sausages when I’m too lazy to cook. This culinary blog is not about a healthy lifestyle, it's about how you can, without too much bother, cook varied, tasty and - I'm not afraid of this word - mostly healthy food for a rather big family every day. Breakfasts, lunches and dinners without much hassle - this is the main leitmotif of the site, so I am not at all touched by the thought that purchased jelly is terrible and fefefe. Nothing terrible will happen if once a month my children eat a set of flavors and colors in a sweet form. Just as nothing bad will happen if they eat it twice a month or every week. I think that I quite significantly dilute their diet with fresh vegetables, fruits, salads and cereals, soups and meatballs - so much so that you can not suffer from an extra portion of jelly cake. All in all. I already gave - version on sour cream. Recently, we have been preparing the same cake on yogurt - and it will turn out, in my opinion, more interesting and tastier: yogurt gives the case lightness, airiness. Sour cream is denser and more solid, it is felt as a leading note, but yogurt very delicately gives way to fruit jelly, remaining a necessary but secondary performer. In short, it's better to try - and both options, to feel the difference.

Life is too short, so start with dessert.
Barbara Streisand

Broken glass cake recipe in my performance it is built on store-bought jelly and store-bought yogurt, however, if these products are taboo for you, you can do it all yourself at home: mix home-made compotes with gelatin, put milk with sourdough in a warm place, get the right "clean "products without E-Necks, dyes, stabilizers and preservatives, and already collect them in a jelly cake. Everything is in your hands and the question is how free and accessible they are for such games.

Broken glass cake recipe on yogurt


3 packs of jelly of different colors;

800 ml drinking yogurt;

30 g gelatin.


  • We boil water. Pour each jelly into a separate bowl - wide, not deep. Pour hot water - usually packs of jelly are designed for 400 ml of boiling water (at least, all our manufacturers do just that), I add 350 ml so that the jelly is a little more dense, and the cake keeps its shape better.
  • We clean in a cold place for 5-6 hours. It’s more convenient for me to pour the jelly in the morning, and do the rest of the manipulations before going to bed, then the Broken Glass cake is just ready for breakfast. Sometimes the algorithm is just different - I pour jelly in the evening, collect the cake in the morning, and enjoy it the next evening.
  • Pour the gelatin into a small saucepan, fill it with water so as to only moisten the dry mass, cover it with liquid (up to 100 ml). Leave until the gelatin swells - for 5-10 minutes.
  • We warm the gelatin over minimal heat - dissolve until smooth, but in no case boil.
  • Pour room temperature yogurt into a large bowl. We introduce gelatin in a thin stream, while quickly working with a mixer so that the gelatin is evenly distributed over the yogurt. The more even, the better.
  • We cut the frozen jelly directly in bowls into cubes of arbitrary size and - often - of arbitrary shape.
  • We shift into a bowl with yogurt - a spoon, not particularly caring about the safety of the cubes.
  • We mix.
  • We cover the bowl with cling film or a bag, put it in a cold place for at least 5 hours.
  • By the time of serving, we collect a full sink of hot water. For 5-10 seconds, lower the bowl of cake into hot water, making sure that water does not get into the bowl.
  • Cover the bowl with a large plate and invert the cake onto a plate.
  • Cut into slices and serve.
  • Bon Appetit!

Cake "Broken glass" jelly, very tender and moderately sweet. It is prepared in several stages: first you need to make three types of multi-colored jelly, bake a biscuit and, finally, prepare sour cream jelly.

For colorful jelly

you will need purchased mixtures - ready-made concentrate in bags, the contents of which are diluted with water and poured into molds. To make the cake look contrasting in the cut, chefs use jelly of different colors, for example, strawberry, orange and kiwi.


bake quickly at home or buy ready-made in the store to save time.

For sour cream jelly

you just need to beat sour cream with sugar and add swollen gelatin. Take sour cream with a fat content of 15-20%, always fresh and non-acidic, without grains! To make the cake even tastier, I recommend adding fruit, canned peaches and bananas work well.

Since the Broken Glass cake is gelatinous, it will take time to set, at least 4-5 hours. It is even better to leave it in the refrigerator overnight so that the cakes stick together better with the base and the dessert is well cut. I recommend starting cooking the day before the festive event.

Total cooking time: 10 hours
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Yield: 10-15 servings, form 26x26 cm


for the recipe

  • jelly concentrate - 3 packs of different flavors
  • water - 250 ml for each package of jelly
  • bananas - 1-2 pcs.
  • sour cream - 600 g
  • sugar - 150 g
  • gelatin powder - 20 g
  • water for diluting gelatin - 100 ml
  • vanillin - 1 chip.

for biscuit

  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • cocoa powder - 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • baking powder - 7 g
  • soda - 3/4 tsp
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs. small
  • milk - 0.5 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • boiling water - 0.5 tbsp.

Note: 1 tbsp. = 200 ml.

How to make Broken Glass Cake

colorful jelly

First of all, you need to prepare three types of multi-colored jelly. I used pineapple, kiwi and cherry flavored dry concentrate, you can choose any flavor you like. The main thing is that the colors are different and bright, then the Broken Glass cake in the section will turn out to be colorful.

Carefully read the instructions on the packaging, as different manufacturers have different cooking techniques, water volume and hardening time. I have each package weighing 85 g is designed for 400 ml of boiling water, you just need to fall asleep and mix until dissolved. I used less water (250 ml each) so that the jelly not only hardens, but also cuts well with a knife. Poured into silicone molds, it is very easy to remove from them. If there are no such molds, any bowl will do, but after hardening it will have to be dipped in hot water so that the jelly lags behind the walls.

chocolate biscuit

For the biscuit, I combined all the dry ingredients in a bowl: sifted flour, cocoa powder, sugar, soda and baking powder. Separately, beat the eggs with a mixer until fluffy, poured in vegetable oil and beat again. I added the dry mixture and milk in parts to the beaten eggs, and at the end poured boiling water. I immediately poured the dough into a mold lined with parchment and sent it to a hot oven. I used a 26x26 cm square mold.

I baked at 180 degrees until fully cooked (the torch should be dry) - for 20-25 minutes. I cooled the biscuit on a wire rack, and then cut it lengthwise into two cakes. I prepared a light syrup for soaking biscuit cakes - from boiled water and sugar, you can take syrup from canned peaches or pineapples.

Sour cream jelly with cake additives

When all three types of jelly have hardened, they must be carefully removed from the molds and cut not too small, 2-3 cm in size. It is better to cut unevenly and roughly - in cutting, pieces of colored jelly will look more believable, like broken glass.

For sour cream jelly, we need to take gelatin powder, sour cream of any fat content, sugar and a little vanillin for flavoring. I measured 20 g of gelatin and poured it with boiled cold water in an amount of 100 ml. I left it for 10 minutes to swell (see the time indicated on the package), then warmed it up until it was completely dissolved so that there were no lumps.

While the gelatin swells, sour cream is combined with sugar and vanilla, beat with a mixer at low speed until the sugar crystals dissolve. Then diluted gelatin (warm, but not hot) was poured in a thin stream, without turning off the mixer. The result should be a homogeneous mass - it hardens very quickly, so we work further without delay.

Assembling the jelly cake

I laid out the first cake in the form, soaked it with syrup and distributed all the jelly filling on top. She covered with a second cake, pressing it lightly with her hands.

I also soaked the biscuit with syrup on top. I put the dessert in the refrigerator - it should completely freeze.

We send for 5 hours in the refrigerator

It remains to cut into portions and you can call everyone to the table! Cake "Mosaic" or "Broken glass" looks beautiful in the context, it is colorful and light, lovers of jelly desserts will like it. The recipe is especially relevant for the sultry summer time, when you want something light and cool. Enjoy tea drinking both in summer and in winter!

Loved by many for its simplicity, brightness and taste, the Broken Glass dessert is very easy to make. Jelly cake "Broken Glass" is so named because it is multi-colored transparent pieces of jelly that look like broken glass, sometimes this cake is called "Mosaic". There are several options for making this cake. We will cook it on a biscuit pillow, fill the pieces of fruit and berry jelly with sour cream. The cake needs to chill in the fridge. We advise you to cook it a day in advance and leave it in the refrigerator before the celebration, so it is guaranteed to harden.

Taste Info Cakes and pastries

Biscuit Cake Ingredients:

  • Flour 1/3 tbsp. or 70 g;
  • Eggs 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Baking powder 1 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • For the jelly layer:
  • Berry or fruit jelly in packs - 4 pcs.;
  • Sugar 100 g;
  • Sour cream 400 ml;
  • Instant gelatin 1 pack - 20 g;
  • Detachable form - 23 cm.

How to cook jelly cake "Broken glass" with sour cream

First, prepare everything you need for the jelly layer. You can make your own jelly from fruits and berries, but I prefer store-bought, as it is brighter. With it, the cut cake looks much more fun. The fat content of sour cream does not matter, and it is important to check the expiration date of gelatin when buying, otherwise the result may not be as expected.

We dilute the jelly of each color with boiling water, while halving the amount of water indicated in the instructions so that the composition is more dense after solidification. So, instead of the recommended 400 ml of water, I added only 200.

Cool to room temperature, then leave the jelly to harden in the refrigerator for an hour or two.

At this time we are preparing a biscuit. You can make a cake without a cake, but it is a good base, moreover, it is more satisfying and tastier. We will prepare all the ingredients necessary for the biscuit cake.

Beat eggs with sugar in a blender so that the mass increases in volume and becomes white, the sugar should completely dissolve.

Sift the flour into the egg mixture, add the baking powder and lemon juice, gently mix everything with a spoon.

Lubricate the detachable form with oil, if there is parchment paper, it would be good to line the form with it. Pour in the biscuit dough.

We put the form in the oven, preheated to 175-180 °, for 20-25 minutes. Having endured the required time, open the oven and check the readiness of the cake with a match. It is impossible to open in advance so that the biscuit does not settle.

Let the cake cool right in the form, then, carefully transferring it to a wooden board or a large even dish, remove the parchment. We lay it out again in a detachable form.

In order to prepare a jelly layer, take gelatin, sour cream and sugar diluted with hot water (50 ml). Mix everything together thoroughly so that the sugar is completely dissolved, and the mass becomes homogeneous.

Jelly, frozen during this time in the refrigerator, we take out of the molds and cut into cubes. So that it does not immediately begin to melt, the board and knife must be chilled.

Now we take all the prepared ingredients and begin to assemble the cake. Pour a little sour cream filling into the cake mold and lay a layer of multi-colored jelly cubes.

Again, pour sour cream mixed with gelatin.

Lay another multi-colored layer and pour the remaining fill.

We put the form with the future cake in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours (or overnight) so that it freezes well.

We take out the finished Broken Glass jelly cake from the mold, cut it into portions and serve it on the festive table.

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Jelly cake "Broken glass" with fruit

Unusually delicate jelly cake "Broken Glass" is suitable for any holiday, it will delight not only children, but also adults with its bright look and melting taste. Moreover, it is so easy to prepare, and its ingredients are so simple that you can pamper your loved ones not only on holidays, but also on any day. I prefer to make a cake with fruit, many do it with colored store-bought jelly, or you can use both. In winter I use bananas, kiwi, grapes and tangerines, and in summer I add berries.

Biscuit Ingredients:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

For jelly:

  • Sour cream (the fatter the better) - 500 g;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Gelatin - 20 g;
  • Water (or milk) - 100 ml.

For filling:


  1. First, prepare the gelatin. To do this, soak it in cold water (I prefer milk) and leave it to swell for 30 minutes.
  2. Cooking biscuit. Beat the yolks with sugar until a white foam is obtained, carefully introduce the proteins there. Continuing to stir, carefully pour in the flour. If desired, you can add half a bag (1 tsp) of baking powder, but with proper whipping, the biscuit will rise perfectly without it.
  3. Pour the dough into a mold greased with butter and put in an oven preheated to 180 ° for 20-25 minutes. When the biscuit is ready, it will turn brown, its top will be golden. We carefully open the oven door to protect the biscuit from settling, and with the help of a match we make sure that it is ready (the match must remain dry).
  4. While the biscuit is cooling, prepare the fruits and berries. Wash, dry, clean, cut (small berries can be put whole).
  5. Now let's start making jelly for the Broken Glass cake with fruit. Thoroughly beat sour cream with sugar. Add the swollen gelatin and stir.
  6. All the components of the cake are ready, it remains to assemble it.
  7. I prefer to use a detachable form, it is very convenient. At the bottom of the form we lay the biscuit (if it was baked in another). I cut it into 2 cakes, since it is a bit thick as a whole, I put one in a mold, and I break the second in the middle of the cake, but this is optional.
  8. We put a layer of different fruits on the cake (with pieces of the second cake), pour in part of the sour cream, another layer of fruit - another layer of jelly, and so on. I usually get 3 of these layers.
  9. We remove the form with the future cake in the refrigerator. After 2-3 hours, the delicious Broken Glass dessert will be ready. I prefer to leave it to dry all night.
  10. Before serving, we take out the form from the refrigerator, carefully remove the sides and transfer the cake to a dish. Cut and eat right away. He cannot stand for a long time, otherwise it will flow. But for a long time it will not stand idle, because it is surprisingly tasty!


  • More often they prepare a “Broken Glass” cake with sour cream, or you can add cottage cheese, but then it’s better to take not granular, but homogeneous, fat-free, and beat it with milk until the consistency of sour cream.
  • If you are too lazy to bake a biscuit, you can use the usual shortbread cookies from the store or do without it altogether, make a cake only from jelly.
  • You can use soft multi-colored marmalade for the filling together with fruits (when, for example, the fruits do not differ too much in color).

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Greetings, dear reader of my page! Broken glass jelly cake is an easy-to-prepare, amazingly delicious jelly cake on sour cream with gelatin. It is very easy to cook it - absolutely anyone can do it, because the ingredients for it are bought almost ready. It remains just to mix, cut, and send to the refrigerator.

I really like these simple recipes, one of which, however, you only need to bake the cakes, but those are from ready-made puff pastry, which is sold in any store.

Looks cake Broken glass simply gorgeous, both in the cut and in general. The guests are just crazy! See for yourself:

And in the context of the cake - in general, beauty, like a real mosaic of broken glass:

The tender pulp of this no-bake cake is due to its simple ingredients:

  1. Jelly of different colors - you choose the colors yourself.
  2. Gelatin - one 10-gram sachet is enough.
  3. Jelly powder - you can take it if there are not enough flowers, and dilute it. After - send it to the refrigerator and it will turn into jelly. We took orange powder.
  4. Sugar - half a glass or 100 grams.
  5. Sour cream - 500 grams.
  6. Vanilla sugar 8 gram sachet.

For a sample - see photos:

That's all it takes for this delicious cake. We prepared orange yellow gelatin ourselves, in the photo - a sample bag.

This is a green apple jelly.

This cherry jelly is bright red in color.

This is the orange jelly that gives yellow fragments of "glass". It is easy to dilute - just like in the instructions on the back of the bag, and in the refrigerator until the desired jelly-like state.

We use gelatin and vanilla sugar like this. But any other is possible - it doesn't matter. There is sour cream and sugar.

First you need to start preparing the gelatin. To do this, you need to dilute it with a glass of water at room temperature.

And put it aside so that it absorbs water. Water can be either boiled or raw. Then we'll do the sour cream.

In a separate bowl, add 500 grams of sour cream, mix with half a glass of sugar and a bag of vanillin. All this is desirable to mix with a mixer, so that everything mixes well.

The next step is to boil the gelatin. It boils quickly. The goal is for it to become transparent, like amber.

As you can see in the photo, it absorbed water and swelled. Now, constantly stirring over low heat, bring it to a transparent state, without lumps.

This is a ready-made, transparent gelatin for adding to sour cream, but it must first be cooled to room temperature, in any way possible. For example - place in a larger bowl with cold water. In the meantime, it's all cooling down, prepare the broken glass:

We take out the jelly from the cups, and cut into any random shapes so that they form a pattern that creates the illusion of broken glass.

Cut like this. We also cut all the jelly, which is different figures.

We collect all the pieces in one dish, regardless of color.

The field of how the jelly was cut, we need to finally prepare the cream. To do this, while mixing with a mixer, add the cooled gelatin in small portions. It is gradually and in small portions and at a low mixer speed - until a homogeneous mass.

This is our cake mold. The shape can be absolutely any - choose to taste - even square, even rectangular, whatever. The only caveat is that it should be smooth from the inside so that the cake separates without difficulty and damage, otherwise its appearance will be spoiled, which we would not want.

If there is no smooth shape, you can use any, but after covering it with food cellophane film so that the edges hang down. This will be very convenient when removing the cake from the mold.

We put pieces of jelly into the mold, and pour sour cream with gelatin.

All this is gently mixed, then sent to the refrigerator for the night, or for 4-5 hours. This is enough time for the cake to take shape.

The best part remains:

Having covered the form with the cake with a dish of a suitable size, turn it over and carefully remove the form. The cake is ready - you can immediately serve it to the table.

Below is a video recipe for making this amazingly delicious cake, if you have any questions, or have something useful to add - feel free to write in the comments below, we will be happy to participate in the discussion. And the star scale is your best rating for this recipe.

Sincerely, .

Broken glass jelly is a very pleasant, light and beautiful dessert! Delicate milky-creamy taste with a fragrant fruity note. It consists of pieces of multi-colored fruit jelly and sour cream base. There are recipes for condensed milk. In my opinion, the presence of sour cream in this dessert makes it more winning. Firstly, sour cream can be taken in the desired fat content, which is important for those who follow the figure. Secondly, we put sugar as much as we want. It's no secret that someone likes very sweet, and give someone a more fruity taste! It can be prepared in the form, or you can, like me, in portions, in silicone molds. This jelly dessert is very popular with children, so the recipe is perfect for children's parties! Adults will enjoy them too!


  • sour cream - 1 cup.
  • powdered sugar - 4-5 tablespoons.
  • vanillin - 1 pinch.
  • gelatin - 20 grams (1 pack).
  • multi-colored fruit jelly - 2-3 packs.
  • walnuts for serving - 2 tablespoons.

How to make jelly Broken glass with sour cream:

1. Prepare the necessary products. Nothing to clean and wash is not necessary, the main thing is that everything is at hand.

2. Dilute fruit jelly according to the instructions, it is better to take less water than indicated, so the jelly will be more dense and it will be more convenient to cut it into pieces. I took strawberry and orange flavored jelly. For brightness, you can take another bag of green jelly. Put the prepared fruit jelly to harden in the refrigerator. When it cools down, cut it into cubes. To get the jelly out of the cup, dip it for half a minute in hot water. The jelly will slip out very easily! If, when cutting the jelly, it reaches for the knife, then we lower the knife into hot water, so it will be much easier to cut the jelly.

By the way, jelly can be made from real juice or homemade, this is especially true in summer, when there are a lot of berries and fruits, or when dessert is prepared for children.

3. Pour a pack of gelatin into a cup and pour in a few tablespoons of warm water, about 4-5. Warm up a little in the microwave so that the gelatin dissolves better. Do not bring to a boil, boiling destroys the gelling properties! Dissolve the right amount of powdered sugar or fine sugar in sour cream, add vanillin for flavor. Pour gelatin into sour cream and mix thoroughly.

4. Now we collect dessert. We put a few pieces of multi-colored fruit jelly at the bottom of the silicone mold, pour sour cream into a third of the mold, then a few more pieces of jelly and again sour cream. Filling with sour cream in 2-3 doses allows sour cream to better penetrate through the jelly, there will be no empty cavities and air bubbles.

5. Dessert Broken glass is ready, it remains to let it harden in the refrigerator. It will take a little time, in about an hour they can be eaten! Therefore, I advise you to cook this dessert in small forms. It will take much longer for the cake to harden. Yes, and I easily released the jelly from the silicone mold, I did not lower it into hot water.

We serve our dessert, sprinkled with nut crumbs. You can serve some syrup or fruit sauce. Help yourself!

Bon Appetit!!!

Sincerely, Nadezhda Yurikova.

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