Jelly cake with biscuit - gentle freshness! Jelly cake with biscuit and berries, cream, fruits, cottage cheese, sour cream. How to make a cake with jelly on top

Decor elements 18.10.2019
Decor elements

The gentle coolness of fragrant jelly will not leave anyone indifferent in the days of the scorching sun. And the airy and soft biscuit will fill everyone with energy for the whole day. Also, thanks to the fruit, this jelly cake will become not only beautiful, but also very useful. This is especially important in summer, when there are a lot of fruits, and children completely refuse to eat them, and in winter, when almost every person has vitamin deficiency, and the body asks for vitamins. Each of us knows about the benefits of cream, as one of the most important dairy products.


Did you know that jelly is not such a new dish. Even more than 5 centuries ago, there were mentions of him in ancient manuscripts. Only then people used not gelatin, but pork or chicken bones to make jelly. Even in modern times, such meat jelly is brewed. That's just it is called jelly or jelly.

Over time, jelly recipes have evolved and improved. So in 1845, Peter Cooper invented a powder for making jelly from juices and mousses. True, that powder was not as strong in action as the current gelatin. He turned ordinary juice or colored water into jelly. And only after another 40 years, a powder was released, more like a modern jelly. He gave the dessert color, sweetness and strong density. It was then, in 1885, with the help of modern jelly at that time, that a jelly cake was first created.


For biscuit

  • 120 gr. Sahara,
  • 4 eggs,
  • 50 gr. flour.

For cream jelly

  • 0.5 l cream or thick sour cream,
  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 25 gr. gelatin.

For interlayer

  • 2 packs of jelly with your favorite flavor

For impregnation

  • 6 tablespoons of water,
  • 1 tablespoon brandy
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar.


  • 4-5 strawberries,
  • 50 gr. seedless green grapes,
  • 1-2 kiwi,
  • 1 orange
  • 30 gr. cherries

For oil rim

  • 300 gr. oils,
  • 0.5 cans of condensed milk.

Cooking jelly cake

First you need to prepare a biscuit

  1. 2 eggs beat with 60 gr. white sugar. It is best to beat them with a blender. In this case, the egg-sugar mass must necessarily increase by at least 3-4 times after beating. You can also first beat the whites with sugar in a separate bowl and the yolks separately, and then mix them together.
  2. then, in several passes, add 25 gr. to the whipped sweet mass. flour. This is about 2-2.5 tablespoons. Mix the whole dough from the bottom up slowly and carefully so that the proteins do not settle quickly. To mix, use a thin wooden spatula, it keeps the beaten eggs airy.

  3. cut off a small piece of parchment paper and line the bottom of the prepared baking dish. AT this case a detachable form in the form of a heart with a diameter of 21.5 cm was taken.

  4. carefully pour the dough into the mold

  5. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees and bake the biscuit in it for the first 15 minutes. Then reduce the temperature of the oven in 2-3 steps every 5-7 minutes by 5-10 degrees. The readiness of the biscuit should be checked with a match or a dough stick. Just stick a match in the middle of the biscuit. If the dough does not stick to it and it is dry, then the biscuit is ready.

  6. cook 1 more biscuit cake. However, it does not need to be removed from the mold after baking.

Prepare cognac impregnation

Now make cream jelly

  1. pour gelatin into a saucepan or stewpan with a volume of at least 750 ml.

  2. fill it with 0.5 cup cold water. Stir it with a spoon and leave for 20 minutes to swell.

  3. Whip cream or sour cream together with sugar. To make jelly, cream must be at room temperature. If you suddenly forgot to take them out of the refrigerator earlier, then just warm them up a little on the stove

  4. on the lowest heat and with constant stirring, melt the gelatin

  5. Remove gelatin from heat and stir in whipped cream or sour cream.

Then pour the first layer of jelly cake

Make lemon jelly

Now fill the second biscuit with cream jelly

Prepare fruit for cake decoration

Decorate the cake

Now make a beautiful cake rim

Such a jelly cake with fruits will diversify and decorate your everyday family meal. It will also be an excellent sweet congratulation on a holiday or a cool dessert on a hot picnic. For more fast option prepare a jelly cake with cookies. To do this, instead of baked biscuits, simply use cookies. Baked milk cookies or crackers are best.

Also cook sometime. Preparing this cake is very easy. Pour the prepared jelly into different plates different colors. Leave it until completely dry. Then prepare the creamy jelly, as in the above recipe. Cut the frozen multi-colored jelly into cubes and put it all together in a large bowl. Then pour the creamy jelly into it and mix everything with your hands. After the cake has completely set, lower the bowl into boiling water for 3-5 seconds. In this case, boiling water should not fall on the cake itself. Then take the bowl of jelly and invert it sharply onto a plate. And voila! You have a magical and delicious dessert ready. Surprise and delight your family and friends with your culinary skills. But such simple recipes delicious and beautiful dishes will help you with this.

To date, the most optimal, low-calorie jelly cake with biscuit and fruit is considered.

This dish has many variations that will satisfy the most fastidious gourmets and sweet lovers. with fruit everyone likes its unique taste. It simultaneously combines tenderness, sweetness from cream and a sour note from fruits. Such a dessert will please not only the family, but also the guests. And it will bring great benefits to children, because it contains fresh fruits.

History of cakes

Today, many culinary specialists argue where the history of this culinary masterpiece began. Some believe that the first cake was made in Italy. Linguists say that in translation from Italian the word "cake" means something intricate. Therefore, the word began to be associated with ornaments, flowers, in general, with

Others believe that the origin came from the East. Everyone knows oriental sweets, which were made from milk, honey and looked like a cake.

The most significant place in the preparation of such a dessert is occupied by France. It takes pride of place among confectionery products around the world. French confectioners have been improving for many centuries in the original serving and decoration of cakes. In this country, many sweets were born, without which no holiday can do. This is a biscuit, jelly, caramel and much more.

Each country is distinguished by its preparation and traditions of decorating desserts. Exquisite cakes are prepared for celebrations, uniquely decorated with various symbols. Some cakes deserve to be in the Guinness Book of Records.

They fell into the sections for the longest cake, the tallest and the largest cake in the world. Earlier in Russia they did not know the word "cake". At that time, loaves were baked, which represented pastries for the celebration.

For example, the baked one was decorated with various braids and curls. Sometimes figurines of the bride and groom were placed in the center.

The modern confectioner has unique recipe jelly or original decoration. Not so long ago, ordinary cakes were used at celebrations. But instead came cakes made to order, with all sorts of bells and whistles at the request of the client. Cakes consisting of several tiers are popular. This type came from European countries. Then he conquered America, and then Russia.

To please your family with sweets, a recipe is presented jelly cake with fruits. Today, there are many decorations for cakes. They are decorated with ornaments, figurines, fruits covered with chocolate. For such an activity, fantasy is the main thing.

Fruit jelly cake

To prepare such a cake, you will need the following components:

For test:

  1. Sunflower refined oil - 5 ml.
  2. Flour - 250 grams.
  3. Sugar - 200 grams.
  4. Eggs - 4 pieces.

For cream:

  1. Sugar - 100 grams.
  2. Sour cream 30% - 300 grams.

For filling:

  1. Water - 800 ml.
  2. Bananas - 2 pieces.
  3. Kiwi - 1 piece.
  4. Jelly with kiwi flavor - 200 grams.

Method for making a cake

First you need to pour cold boiled water jelly and leave for 40 minutes.

After the jelly swells, it is necessary, stirring, bring to a boil, then strain.

Cool the jelly and place in freezer to freeze for 50 minutes. The result should be a mass that has the consistency of jelly.

Grease a springform pan with a diameter of 22 cm sunflower oil, put the dough into it. Bake for 20 - 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. Until a golden crust forms.

To prepare the cream, mix sugar with sour cream until smooth and refrigerate.

After the cake is baked, it is necessary to remove the detachable form and allow the cake to cool at room temperature. After cooling completely, cut the cake into 2 parts. One part should remain in a detachable form.

Pour 2/3 of the cream on it, grease the second cake with the remaining cream and leave for 20 minutes for impregnation.

Cut bananas and kiwi into slices. We spread them on the bottom cake. Top with a second layer. Decorate with the remaining fruit.

Pour half-frozen jelly on top and put the cake in the refrigerator for complete solidification, about 2 hours.

After the jelly has completely solidified, the edges of the cake are carefully separated from the mold with a knife.

History of jelly

Many do not even realize that jelly is not a new dish. In manuscripts 5 centuries ago, such a product was mentioned. Previously, bones were used instead of gelatin.

Times have passed, jelly has improved. In 1845, jelly powder was invented. But he didn't have enough strong action and turned the liquid into the consistency of jelly. But 40 years have passed. They made a powder, the consistency of which is more suitable for modern jelly. It was in 1885 that a jelly cake with biscuit was first prepared. Today he is especially popular. We present to your attention the recipe for jelly cake with biscuit. It became so tender and light that sophisticated gourmets immediately liked it.

Jelly cake with biscuit and fruit

To make a cake, you need to use the following ingredients:

For cooking biscuit dough necessary:

  1. Eggs - 4 pieces.
  2. Flour - 100 grams.
  3. Sugar - 150 grams.

For the base we use:

  1. Sour cream - 500 grams.
  2. Fruit - optional or seasonal.
  3. Instant gelatin - 15 grams.
  4. Jelly - multi-colored can be taken at will.

Cooking method

Jelly cake with biscuit and fruit is prepared quickly enough and does not require much effort.

To begin with, we bake a biscuit, you can add cocoa to the dough to make a chocolate cake. Let's cool down. Then tear into pieces.

Pour gelatin with water, wait until it swells. After that, put on fire to dissolve, make sure that the gelatin does not boil. Let cool to room temperature.

Mix sour cream with sugar until smooth, then pour in the cooled gelatin.

We cover the cake mold with cling film and lay out the biscuit and fruits in layers, pouring the cream. If desired, decorate the top with fruit or pour jelly. The main thing is to use half as much water as indicated on the package.

Place the cake in the refrigerator until completely frozen. .
Then flip the jelly cake with fruit. The photo shows an example of design.

Biscuit history

The history of biscuit begins in ancient times. Now it is impossible to establish who first invented the recipe for such a test.

In the 15th century, there was the first mention of biscuit by English sailors. Before a long voyage, the coquis stocked up on a slightly dried biscuit. We chose the biscuit, as it does not contain oil. This feature allows him for a long time not to grow moldy from dampness. The biscuit was also chosen because of its nutritional value and the fact that it took up relatively little space.

Secular gourmets did not leave the biscuit without attention. There are suggestions that one gourmet tried such a dough on the ship. But it was not only useful product but quite tasty. Soon this type of product was created at the court of Queen Victoria. The pastries were quite fresh and had a layer of jam. From this period, the biscuit began its journey around the world.

Many people love jelly cakes, but not many know how to bake a tender enough sponge cake. For an inexperienced confectioner, a jelly cake with cookies will be a real salvation. The recipe for one of the types of dessert is given below. In addition, the advantage of such a dessert is that it does not have to be baked at all.

Jelly cake with cookies

To make a cake, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Jelly - pack.
  2. Cookies - 200 grams.
  3. Sour cream - 300 ml.
  4. Kiwi - 3 pieces (if desired, you can replace with other fruits).
  5. Coconut flakes - 50 grams.
  6. Gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.
  7. Sugar - to taste.
  8. Water - 50 ml.

Cooking method

Pour gelatin with water and let it swell. Then it must be heated until completely dissolved. We breed jelly, taking half the water than indicated on the package. Let him cool down a bit. Fruit cut into small cubes. Crush cookies. Next, in a deep bowl, mix jelly, gelatin and taken fruits. Mix everything thoroughly, add crushed cookies. Add sugar to taste. Once again, gently mix everything. Add sour cream and mix again. Pour into a mold and place in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

Then carefully remove from the mold, a sharp knife will help to separate from the edges. You can also get the cake out of the mold with boiling water. To do this, the form is placed for a few seconds in hot water then abruptly invert onto a platter.

Taking one recipe, but constantly changing fruits, it will be possible to get a different jelly cake with biscuit and fruits, which will delight the sweet tooth. enjoying delicate cake, gourmet will receive vitamin bomb. If the child does not want to eat fruits, make such a dessert - he will eat all the fruits with pleasure.

Homemade cakes are an invariable attribute of any family holiday. True, in last years the domestic confectionery industry has spoiled us so much that many housewives do not bother making homemade cakes, but prefer to buy ready-made ones. And the reason for this is not only the availability of these delicacies, but also the chic look of store-bought cakes.

Meanwhile, if you are not friends with confectionery decorations, but want to serve an exquisite cake with your own hands, then a jelly cake is your option. The recipe for such a cake is not available in a single copy. They prepare similar desserts with butter and curd cream, with a biscuit or sand base, combine jelly and soufflé. And there is a recipe (and more than one) for such a cake without baking! But most importantly - this cake will look incomparable without additional decorations. And, of course, it will definitely turn out delicious. And you just have to choose a recipe and cook such a cake for the occasion or just like that, for a good mood.

German jellied cake

This is perhaps the classic of jelly cakes. Its recipe became known in the Soviet Union thanks to the stupid culinary creativity of housewives, whose husbands served in the GDR. So, the recipe for a German jellied cake has successfully migrated to the notebooks of Soviet citizens and has become one of the most “imported” options among all homemade cake recipes.


  • 2 cups flour (approx)
  • Half a glass of sugar
  • A pack of butter or margarine for baking
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder for dough
  • handful of almonds

For cream:

  • Half a kilo of cottage cheese
  • 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream
  • 3 eggs
  • Half glass of sugar
  • A teaspoon of vanilla sugar
  • 2 sachets of gelatin.

For jelly:

  • 2 packages fruit jelly powder
  • 1 sachet of gelatin
  • Fresh or canned fruit


For this cake, we need a detachable form. In it we will bake a sand base, in it we will also collect a cake. Let the butter melt a little, and then put it in a bowl and lightly beat with a mixer. Then add sugar to the butter and now beat everything together until it becomes a cream. By the way, if you do not have a mixer, then you can thoroughly grind the butter with sugar with an ordinary tablespoon.

Now put the nuts chopped with a knife into the oil and mix well again. Next, sift the flour and mix it with the baking powder. We introduce the flour into the butter gradually, first stirring it with a spoon, and then kneading the dough with our hands. We cover the form with baking paper and put the dough into it. Having leveled the cake, we send the form to the preheated oven for about half an hour. The baked cake is carefully removed from the mold and left to cool.

While the cake is cooling, let's make the curd cream. Beat the eggs with sugar, and then introduce them into the cottage cheese. Add sour cream there and grind everything properly or beat with a mixer. Dilute gelatin with water (as indicated on the package) and heat in a water bath. Let the gelatin cool down and add it to the cream.

Now we take the form again (previously washed and dried) and place the cake in it, on which we put the curd cream. Level the cream layer and send everything to the freezer. While the layer is drying curd cream, prepare fruit and jelly. Dilute the jelly with water according to the instructions and mix with gelatin, prepared as for curd cream. We take out the form from the freezer, spread the fruits on top of the curd layer and carefully fill them with liquid jelly. Again we remove the cake in the freezer for fifteen minutes, and then move it refrigerator compartment. The cake is ready when upper layer the jelly is completely frozen. To transfer the cake to a dish (cake maker), with a sharp and thin knife, draw several times along the edge of the mold between the sides and the cake. We remove the sides, and gently move the cake to the dish. Gorgeous handsome man! Striped flaky edge and fruity frenzy under clear jelly.


Ideally, the fruit should match the jelly with which the cake is made. And pay attention: green fruits under red or pink jelly look unappetizing. But orange jelly is perfect for fruits and berries of any color. And further. The chic look of the cake depends a lot on how you arrange the fruit.

Cake "Swan Lake"

The cake recipe under this name exists in many interpretations. The whole point of this cake is in the swans. They are molded from mastic, cut from apples or prepared from choux pastry. The water surface is imitated with the help of tinted cream or colored coconut flakes. But the recipe for a real Swan Lake cake is a recipe for a cake with jelly and eclair swans. Here we are with you and try to cook it.


  • 6 eggs
  • A glass of flour
  • glass of sugar

For cream:

  • Bank of condensed milk
  • Tablespoon of flour
  • Glass of water
  • Tablespoon of butter

For jelly:

  • 4 sachets of gelatin
  • 2 cups tarragon lemonade
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 bags of dry blue or green jelly
  • 1 sachet of gelatin

For swans:

  • Half a stick of butter
  • 150 g flour
  • Glass of water
  • 5 eggs
  • A pinch of salt


Let's bake a biscuit first. Carefully separate the egg whites from the yolks, put the whites in the refrigerator, and beat the yolks with sugar. The more thoroughly the yolks are beaten, the more magnificent the biscuit will turn out. Add the sifted flour to the yolk-sugar mixture and mix well. Then beat the whites into a strong foam. It should turn out thick and fluffy, and when turning the dishes upside down, the foam should not slide along the walls and fall out of the dishes. Whipped egg whites carefully, one tablespoon at a time, enter into the dough, mixing it very gently. We bake a biscuit in a form with split edges, which we cover with baking paper or grease with oil and sprinkle with flour.

While the biscuit is being prepared, we make custard dough for the swans. Pour water into a saucepan, add oil and salt and let the water boil. Then pour the flour into the water, mix thoroughly and continue to cook (stirring!), Until the dough begins to gather into a lump and, leaving no traces, easily separates from the walls and bottom of the pan. Remove from fire and cool slightly. One by one, beat the eggs into the dough. Important! In no case should you put all the eggs in the dough at once.

Transfer the dough to pastry bag or into an ordinary cornet and onto a baking sheet covered with baking paper, squeeze out oblong strips that will become the body of the swans. On the other baking sheet we draw thin “twos” in the form of swan necks. During this time, the biscuit is already baked. We take out the form from the oven and send the baking sheets with choux pastry to the oven. It will take us a little more than half an hour to bake blanks for swans.

While the swans are preparing, let's get busy custard. Pour condensed milk, water and flour diluted to a liquid slurry into a saucepan. We put it all on a slow fire and cook, stirring, until the first bubbles appear on the surface of the cream. Cool the cream and beat it with butter, just put the butter in the cream and use a mixer. We divide the biscuit into two cakes and coat with custard.

Cooking jelly. We soak the gelatin, let it swell, and then heat it in a water bath. Pour gelatin into lemonade or into a pre-prepared solution of powdered jelly. We put the cake in the mold, snap the sides and carefully pour the jelly. We put the form in the freezer.

We fill the baked blanks for swans with the remaining custard, insert the “necks” into the “torso” and sprinkle the swans with powdered sugar. When the jelly on the cake hardens, we put our birds on it, if desired, we decorate the “lake” with mint leaves or buttercream flowers.

grape cake

One more recipe gorgeous cake with jelly and fresh fruit. Best of all, this recipe does not require baking! And the result will exceed your wildest expectations. Are we trying?


  • Sweet crackers - 300 g
  • Sour cream with a fat content of at least 20% - 700 g
  • Sugar - glass
  • Seedless raisins - 100 g
  • Grapes fresh white or green - 1 large brush
  • Chocolate - 2 bars
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • Fruit jelly (powder) green - 1 package
  • Gelatin - 3 sachets (30 g)


First, soak the gelatin and leave it to swell, and then heat it in a water bath and leave to cool. Pour raisins with boiling water, soak in it for about ten minutes, and then rinse and dry, throwing it on a sieve. Jelly from a bag is also diluted with water, focusing on the instructions on the package. Grind the crackers, breaking them into small pieces with your hands. Put sour cream in a saucepan, add sugar and vanilla to it and beat with a mixer until fluffy. Then add gelatin to sour cream and whisk again.

Chop the chocolate into crumbs and put in a saucepan with sour cream. We also add raisins and crackers. Pour the mixture into a mold with removable sides and send it to the freezer. After half an hour, we take out the form and spread the top of the sour cream jelly with grapes. Pour the prepared jelly and put it in the refrigerator again. When the top layer of jelly hardens, the cake can be removed from the mold and served.

Corn flakes jelly cake

This recipe is also attractive in the "cold" way of making the cake. As a matter of fact, this is one of the variants of the German jellied cake without baking. And how much this recipe will suit your taste, judge for yourself.


  • Corn flakes - 200 g
  • Butter - 1 pack (200 g)
  • Fruit yogurt - 500 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Citric acid - a third of a teaspoon
  • Instant gelatin - 3 sachets (30 g)
  • Fruit jelly (in powder) - 2 packs
  • Fresh fruits - any


First, prepare the base for the cake - a cake of corn flakes. To do this, put softened butter in a bowl and add flakes to it. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for half an hour or an hour. After that, we cover the mold with removable sides with cling film and put the corn-butter mixture into it. We level the “dough” and put the form in the refrigerator so that the cake freezes. Soak gelatin, heat it in a water bath and leave to cool.

Meanwhile, prepare the yogurt cream. Beat the yogurt with a mixer, gradually adding sugar and lemon to it. Lastly, pour in the cooled gelatin and put this mixture on the cornflake cake. We put the form in the refrigerator again and wait until the yogurt layer “grabs”. At this time, we breed jelly powder and prepare fruits for the cake. When the top layer of the cake hardens enough, put the fruit on it and fill it with liquid jelly. The cake is ready when the top layer of jelly is completely dry.

Cake "Sandwich with red caviar"

Yes, imagine, such a cake can also be prepared. The whole feature of this cake is in red caviar, which we will make from gelatin. But you can bake biscuit or sand cakes for this cake - that's how you like it. The main thing is that they are soft. By the way, chocolate dough can also be used for cakes. Then you get a black bread sandwich. Cream for such a cake - any oil. Well, for this we need the following ingredients:

  • 6 eggs
  • glass of sugar
  • A glass of flour
  • Butter pack
  • Can of condensed milk
  • Orange jelly powder


First, we prepare a classic biscuit. Beat the egg yolks with sugar and mix with the sifted flour. We also beat the proteins with a mixer until a lush and stable foam. Then, one tablespoon at a time, introduce the proteins into the dough, put the dough into a mold and send it to the oven. Thirty minutes later we take out the biscuit and leave to cool.

Meanwhile, prepare the cream. Place softened butter in a bowl and beat lightly. Continuing to beat, in small portions add condensed milk to it. The cream is considered ready when it begins to easily and without traces lag behind the walls of the bowl. But in our case, this is not necessary - we will not make cream decorations, so he does not need to keep the shape. Dividing the biscuit into two cakes, we give it the shape of a sandwich, cutting off the excess parts along the edges. We send the cut biscuit to the oven to dry and make crumbs out of it for sprinkling the sides of the cake. We coat the middle, sides and top of the cake with cream. Sprinkle the sides with biscuit crumbs.

And now the most important thing - caviar! We dilute jelly with half the norm of water indicated on the package. Heated jelly in accordance with the instructions, we begin to drip it into ice water using a pipette, syringe or medical syringe without a needle. We throw the "eggs" on a sieve, and then lay them on top of the cake. That's all.

Choose a recipe, cook jelly and make wonderful cakes with them - tasty and beautiful. If you wish, you will certainly succeed. Don't be afraid to experiment and learn something new. Cook with pleasure, and enjoy your meal!

3 years ago


It's no secret - we all love sweets, especially. But at the same time, many of us are thinking about. Of course, you should not eat cakes every day, but sometimes you really want to treat yourself to something delicious. And there is an alternative to high-calorie flour pastries - jelly desserts, for example, or. And you can make a cake with fruit and biscuit pieces - a light, delicate, refreshing dessert. Today we will cook jelly cake with sour cream. I assure you, this extraordinary delicacy will surprise, delight and delight everyone who tries it!

What is necessary:

for biscuit cake

  • 3 eggs
  • half a glass of sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda without vinegar

for sour cream jelly cream

  • 4 tbsp gelatin
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 800 g low-fat sour cream 10%
  • 1 cup of sugar

For filling

  • 2-3 oranges (depending on size)
  • 3-4 tangerines
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 can canned pineapple (pieces)

Jelly cake with fruits and sour cream

Cold cake recipe with photo

First you need to pour gelatin cold water, it is better to take boiled or purified water, and leave the gelatin to swell. This will take 30 minutes.

Since we have a jelly cake with a biscuit, first of all we will bake biscuit cake base. The biscuit cake recipe is very simple. Mix eggs with sugar, add soda without vinegar and sifted flour.

Mixing all the ingredients for the crust

The dough is ready.

The dough is ready

Pour the dough into the mold. Bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Remove the cake from the mold and leave to cool.

Bake at t 180 degrees for 15 minutes

When the cake is completely cool, cut it into small squares, about 1.5 x 1.5 cm. This is for those who want large pieces of biscuit.

Cut the cooled cake into squares

Usually, the biscuit cake is high in the middle. Therefore, I advise you to cut the cake into strips, and then cut it in half in the widest places so that the pieces are small.

You can make biscuit cubes smaller

While the biscuit cake for the cake is cooling, you need prepare fruit.

Peel oranges and tangerines. We disassemble the tangerines into slices and, if necessary, carefully remove the bones. Cut the oranges into circles, or, if the oranges are large, into semicircles.
Thinly slice the banana into slices. If you have canned pineapples in circles, then cut them into pieces. Pineapples should be thrown into a colander to remove excess liquid.

Preparing fruit for filling

Now preparing the basis for a jelly cake with fruits- sour cream with gelatin.

Pour sugar into sour cream, mix and leave until completely dissolved. Then whisk well.

Cooking sour cream

We put the swollen gelatin on fire and heat with constant stirring until completely dissolved.

Do not boil!

It is better to pour hot gelatin into another bowl and leave to cool completely.

Pour hot gelatin into another bowl

Pour the cooled gelatin with constant stirring into the sour cream. The base for the cake is ready.

Mix sour cream with cooled gelatin

Now let's form this beautiful jelly cake with biscuit and fruits.

We take a form with detachable sides, so it will be easier to put the finished cake out of the form. If you do not have such a form, take any form with high sides and, before laying out the finished cake, dip the form in warm water for a few seconds, and then invert the form onto a dish.

Advice! First, test your flare mold for leaks by pouring tap water into it and holding the mold over the sink. If the form leaks - the sides are loosely pressed to the bottom, then line the form with cling film and then feel free to start cooking.

We line the form with detachable sides with cling film

Fruits - oranges and tangerines - beautifully spread on the bottom of the form - this will be the top of the cake.

Put oranges and tangerines at the bottom of the form

You can put orange circles on the walls of the form, in ready-made the cake will be brighter.

Spread a portion of the biscuit evenly on top.

Spread the biscuit evenly

Arrange fruits on biscuit cubes. Gently press the fruit down with your hand to compress the layers.

Lay fruit on top

Fill with cream.

Fill with cream

Fruits should be almost completely filled with sour cream and jelly cream.

Then again distribute the biscuit and fruit, pour the remaining cream to the edge of the mold.

We spread the fruit to the edge of the form and pour the remaining cream

Cover the cake with cling film. Press lightly on top with your hands to level the surface and soak the biscuit. We cover the top of the film with a plate slightly larger in diameter so that the surface remains even when it hardens and, preferably, put the form on a plate to avoid smudges of the cream. Now refrigerate overnight.

Cover with clingfilm, press down lightly and refrigerate overnight.

Here we have such a wonderful jelly cake with fruits and sour cream!

Fruity jelly cake is not too sweet, refreshing and tender. Everyone will be delighted!


Dessert for today 🙂 — how to arrange a fruit plate (melon, orange, grapes, kiwi, pomegranate)

2016, . All rights reserved.

The history of the origin of the jelly cake is very blurry, and it is impossible to say with certainty who exactly and in what country invented this culinary masterpiece. Some official sources indicate that an American engineer invented jelly, and later introduced additional fruit flavors, and it was in the USA that these pastries began to be produced.

Others say it's entirely French. There is also a version that the first jelly cakes appeared in Italy.

You can argue and find out endlessly, but there is hardly any practical sense in this: at present, each country has its own original recipes cooking this dish.

Step by step recipe fruit jelly cake

Ingredients Quantity
Flour - 400 g
Gelatin - 1 pack
Sugar - 150 g
Egg - 1 PC.
Margarine - 200 g
Baking powder - 1 package
Fruits - 500 g
Water - 1 glass
Vanillin - 1 sachet
Vegetable oil - for lubrication
Cream from a can - for decoration
Time for preparing: 840 minutes Calories per 100 grams: 257 kcal

Ordinary cakes have become less and less popular. They were replaced by beautiful two-tiered jelly masterpieces with fruits and a lot of all sorts of bells and whistles.

We collect half a glass of cold water, pour gelatin into it and stir vigorously until completely dissolved. We leave for 25 minutes.

In a large plastic bowl, combine sugar, eggs and margarine. You should get a lush air mass.

Gradually, we begin to pour the crushed flour with vanilla and baking powder, and then knead the dough from under the bottom with a silicone spatula. You can do this with a whisk or a tablespoon, but then you risk losing the volume of the future cake.

We cover the form with parchment paper, after greasing the bottom vegetable oil. This way it won't stick and you can easily separate it from the cake after baking. We activate the oven by setting the temperature to 190 ° C.

Pour the dough-like mass into a mold and send to bake for 40 minutes. Pour the swollen gelatin into a small metal bowl (preferably from stainless steel) and put it on the burner, bring to a boil over low heat and boil for 8 minutes, constantly stirring.

Remove, let cool and refrigerate for about an hour. We wash and chop any fruit you have in the refrigerator into large slices. It can be bananas, peaches, kiwi, tangerines, oranges.

We take out the cake, let it cool and cut it into two parts. Pour the remaining water into an enameled bowl, add 3 tablespoons of sugar, squeeze out a whole lemon (if you cut it in half and pierce it with a fork in several places, the juice will ooze freely).

We mix everything, put it on the burner and wait for the sugar to dissolve completely. Remove from fire and let cool. We take the first half of the cake, pour lemon syrup. Three to four tablespoons will suffice.

We spread the fruits in a chaotic manner, squeeze the cream from the balloon on top, press it with another cake, soak it again and now lay out the fruits beautifully (as a decor). Pour plenty of jelly over the entire cake, in consistency it should be like jelly.

And let it chill in the fridge overnight.

Cold jelly dessert with fruits and sour cream

Summertime is the very time when you need to eat more fruits and berries in order to saturate your body with minerals and vitamins. A light dessert in the form of a jelly cake with them and sour cream will expand your menu and delight your loved ones.


  • Raspberries - 300 g;
  • Blackberry - 200 g;
  • Mulberry - 100 g;
  • Gooseberries - 50 g;
  • Low-fat sour cream - 700 ml;
  • Purified water - 700 ml;
  • Sugar - 300 g;
  • Jelly - 5 bags;
  • Gelatin - 1 sachet.

We collect water in a stainless steel pan, put it on the burner and bring to a boil, pour in the jelly and quickly stir. If you add food coloring at the same time, the dish will look more colorful and interesting. As soon as the jelly is boiled, pour into molds.

Boil instant gelatin in boiling water. In a separate container, beat cold sour cream and sugar and, without stopping, pour in the gelatin mass.

Wash and dry the berries. We cut jelly in a chaotic manner on a beautiful dish, put berries on top of a slide, pour everything with sour cream and send it to the cold.

Ideally, if the jelly cake will infuse all night.

Light jelly cake with fruit and biscuit

Jelly cake with fruits - tender light dish. If you add a biscuit to it, you will get not just an everyday dessert, but a solemn one - for an anniversary or wedding. Thanks to the airy structure of the biscuit and creamy fruit cream, the cake will melt in your mouth.


  • Flour - 550 g;
  • Eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 350 g;
  • Vanillin - 1 pack;
  • Gelatin - 2 sachets;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Low-fat yogurt - 250 ml;
  • Jelly - 3 packs;
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • Corn starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Turmeric - 1 tsp;
  • Strawberries - 500 g;
  • Tangerines - 300 g;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Cream 33% - 300 ml.

Dilute gelatin in a glass of cold water, leave to swell for one hour. We drive fresh chilled eggs into a clean glass bowl, beat with a mixer at low speed of the whisk. Gradually begin to add sugar and vanilla, continuing to beat.

When a stable eggnog appears, add crushed flour with starch in small portions. It will add airiness to the biscuit. At the end, add a spoonful of turmeric and gently knead the whole mass. Such a small dose of spice will not be felt in baking, but will give the cakes a beautiful yellow color.

Well grease the baking dish with oil, pour half the dough. We put to bake in the oven preheated to 185 ° C for 25 minutes. We check the readiness of the cake by pressing on the surface with a wooden spatula: if it returns to its original shape, the dough is baked and can be removed. If a dent appears, send it to bake again. You do not need to pierce it with a toothpick, the biscuit may fall, losing volume.

Boil water in an iron bowl, pour in gelatin and, stirring constantly, bring to a homogeneous state. Remove from heat and let cool to ambient temperature. Gradually increasing the speed, whip the cream.

Make sure your utensils are perfectly clean. A few drops of water or other moisture at the bottom will cause the cream to not rise. Add sugar homemade yogurt and gelatin mass.

Mix everything thoroughly. Dilute the jelly according to the instructions, pour into containers and leave to harden.

Wash, peel and cut strawberries and tangerines. Cut the biscuit into two pieces with a thread. Put one cake layer on the bottom of the detachable form, randomly distribute the fruits on top, pour over the creamy soufflé, let stand for 30 minutes.

After a while, put another cake, again fruit and soufflé. Pour the finished jelly on top and leave to harden in a cool place for 6 hours.

Cottage cheese jelly cake without baking: easy and simple

If you like sweets, but limit yourself, for fear of ruining your figure with a few extra calories, cheese cake with a refreshing taste and a small percentage of fat content - an excellent dessert option.


  • Low-fat sour cream - 350 ml;
  • Shortbread cookies - 400 g;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Jelly with "Kiwi" flavor - 2 sachets;
  • Gelatin - 1 sachet;
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Lime - 1 pc.;
  • Mint or Melissa - 2 sprigs.

Pour the gelatin into a small plate, fill it with cold boiled water, add the juice squeezed out of the lime. Let it swell for an hour. We breed jelly according to the manufacturer's instructions.

We grind the cookies into crumbs, add soft butter, put them on a large plate and level them - this will be the basis for our cake. We send it to the refrigerator.

We combine cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar, beat into an airy lush mass. Heat the gelatin, stirring constantly. After it has cooled, pour it into the curd cream.

We shift it onto a sand base, put it in the refrigerator for one hour, and as soon as the cake has cooled, put the frozen jelly on top. Jelly should be knocked out with the taste of "Kiwi". In conjunction with fermented milk products the cake will not be sugary, but with a touch of sourness.

You can decorate it with a sprig of fresh mint or lemon balm.

  1. Jelly cake is usually prepared from fresh fruits in summer, but if you want to cook it in winter, you can use frozen fruits or even replace them with jam or marmalade;
  2. If your jelly does not harden well and does not hold the volume of jelly, before laying out the layers, put foil or a plastic bag into the mold, thus creating high sides. So the whole cake will stick together, and after the refrigerator you don’t have to worry that the tiers will fall;
  3. If there is no lime on hand, you can replace it with lemon or, in extreme cases, grapefruit;
  4. To prepare a jelly cake, you can use not only store-bought jelly, but home-made jelly from compotes or juices. The process is short and very simple, but you will know that your dessert does not contain synthetic flavors or colors;
  5. If you dilute the gelatin in the evening, then in the morning you can already start cooking.

Thank you for your attention and enjoy your culinary preparations!

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