How to make yogurt from milk at home - a recipe. How to make delicious homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker

Decor elements 20.10.2019
Decor elements

Homemade yogurt starter cultures: video recipe

What do you need to make yogurt starter?

You will need: - 2 liters of milk (any fat content); - dry sourdough; - a two-liter container; - a towel or a large sheet of paper.

Since beneficial bacteria have the ability to become pathogenic, wash your hands thoroughly before starting work, and use only clean dishes during the preparation of the starter.

You can buy the basis for the starter at the pharmacy. For example, it can be dry starter cultures "Evitalia", "Narine", "Lactobacterin", "Bifidumbacterin". A substance that contains beneficial live bacteria capable of reproduction is suitable.

Many people advise using purchased yogurt, which is positioned as live, as a starter for yogurt. But it is undesirable to do this, because together with him in your homemade yogurt harmful bacteria can also enter and develop during the heating process, which can lead to indigestion or even poisoning.

How to make yogurt starter

After boiling 2 liters of milk, cool it to a temperature of 37–42 °, then remove the foam from it. Dilute the purchased sourdough in warmed milk, and then add this mixture to the cooled boiled milk. Mix the resulting composition thoroughly. Close the container with the contents tightly with a lid. Wrap the bowl with fermented milk in 3-5 layers of thick paper, then wrap it with a thick cloth and put it in a warm place for 11-13 hours to ferment (for example, near a heater or battery). Next, after cooling the fermented milk, place it in the refrigerator for two hours. After that, you can use the starter to make homemade yogurt.

You can use the original sourdough for up to 18 days.

2 liters of ready-made starter should be divided into parts: - 2/3 for direct consumption, starting the course of treatment (in case you are going to use yogurt in medicinal purposes); - 1/3 for making new portions of homemade yogurt, leaving this part of the current starter in the refrigerator.

To prepare the next portions of yogurt, boil another 2 liters of milk, then cool it to a temperature of 37–42 °. Remove the formed foam. With a clean spoon, add 2/3 cup of the active starter, then mix and close the container tightly with a lid. Wrap the container with fermented milk in 3-5 layers of thick paper, then wrap it in a thick cloth and put it in a heated fermentation room for 8-9 hours. After that, put the fermented milk in the refrigerator. After 3 hours, ready-made yogurt you can eat. Use the rest of the current starter according to the same algorithm, that is, at the rate of 2/3 cup of starter for 2 liters of milk.

Yogurt - sour milk product loved by adults and children for its pleasant taste and benefits. Natural yogurt contains only milk and lactic acid bacteria. They make this product so useful for the body.

Its regular use enhances the work gastrointestinal tract, stimulates metabolism, strengthens the immune system. It is the most easily digestible dairy product. Even lactose intolerant people can eat yogurt, as beneficial lactic acid bacteria ferment it in milk.

Benefits of homemade yogurt

Now yogurt can be found in any supermarket. However, before buying, you should carefully read the information on the label. If the composition includes any stabilizers, flavors, flavors, then the product cannot be considered natural and will be less useful.

But when preparing a fermented milk product at home, there is always confidence in the quality and correctness of its composition. This also applies to various supplements, at home they will be only healthy and natural: fruits, nuts, muesli.

Moreover, you can independently adjust the fat content of the product by choosing a higher or lower fat content of the original milk. This is important for those who monitor the calorie content of the diet.

Therefore, it is definitely worth preparing yogurt yourself at home. Moreover, it is quite easy to do this if you have special equipment in the form of a yogurt maker and even without it.

The principle of any method of making yogurt is simple. Milk is heated to 40-45 0 C, combined with live lactic acid bacteria and kept under constant temperature conditions for 8 to 12 hours. After that, the finished product is cooled, this improves the consistency and ensures the safety of bacteria.

General cooking rules:

  1. UHT industrial milk is the safest and most ready to use. Other types of milk, including rustic steam milk, must first be boiled. This is done because the cooking temperature of about 40 0 ​​C is favorable for the development of not only beneficial bacteria, but also pathogens;
  2. At the same time, it is better not to take sterilized industrial milk. The taste will turn out just as pleasant, but there will be no expected benefit in the product;
  3. Dry starter for yogurt is sold in pharmacies and stores healthy eating. An instruction is attached to it, according to which the fermented milk product must be prepared;
  4. Bio-yogurt from the supermarket is also suitable as a starter. You just need to read the label and make sure it is natural. It is good if it contains only milk and sour-milk cultures. One cup is enough for a liter of milk;
  5. It is very important to thoroughly mix the starter and milk. It is better to first dilute it in a small amount, and only then combine it with the main volume of milk;
  6. Cooking utensils must be thoroughly washed, sterilized or poured over with boiling water;
  7. Try to “disturb” yogurt as little as possible during cooking - do not stir, do not shake, do not shake;
  8. Cooked yogurt can also be used as a starter. However, it is not recommended to ferment it more than 5 times, because the composition will change each time.

Cooking without yogurt

Preparation of natural yogurt is possible at home even without the use of special equipment. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and withstand temperature regime.

The easiest option is when milk and sourdough heated to 45 0 C are combined in a clean saucepan. The pan is covered with a lid, wrapped in a warm blanket and placed next to the battery for 8 hours. Then the blanket is removed, the pan is allowed to cool to room temperature and the finished product is placed in the refrigerator.

After mixing all the ingredients in a saucepan, you can pour the mixture into sterilized glass jars. Tighten the jars with cling film and place in a mold with warm water. Also tighten the form with cling film and put in the oven, turned off, but before that preheated to 50 0 C. Hold for at least 6 hours.

The optimal cooking time is often determined empirically - the longer the mixture is kept warm, the more acidic the taste. Here it is, to whom, which taste is more like. But the average cooking time is 8 hours. It is convenient to put the sourdough at night in order to get a ready-made product in the morning.

Yogurt in a slow cooker: easy and simple

If the house has a yogurt maker, the process of preparing this healthy product is simplified as much as possible. The device creates right conditions temperature, heats jars of sourdough required amount time and then automatically turns off.

All that is required is to dilute the milk and sourdough in the correct ratio, mix well and pour into jars that come with the yogurt maker in the kit.

A slow cooker is another assistant in making yogurt at home. Many models even have special mode and cups included. In this case, it is enough just to pour the mixture of milk and sourdough into containers, place them in the multicooker bowl and select desired program. After 8 hours, the yogurt will be ready.

If the slow cooker is not equipped with such a cooking mode, it is still possible to make homemade yogurt in it. In this case, the mixture is poured into jars.

It is very convenient to take cans from under baby food. They are covered with cling film and placed in a multicooker bowl, where warm water is poured at about 40 0 ​​C. The water should reach the “shoulders” of the jars.

Greek Yogurt: A Delicious Recipe

Greek yogurt is similar in composition to regular yogurt, but has a firmer texture and is more like soft cheese. It is eaten as an independent product, and is also used to prepare various dishes.

The procedure for preparing Greek yogurt is the same as for regular yogurt. Milk is combined with sourdough, poured into a container and suitable temperature conditions are created for 8 hours.

As a result, Greek yogurt turns out to be less than usual from the same amount of milk, about twice.

The product is extremely useful, it has a lot of calcium and protein and little milk sugar, which comes out with whey.

If you plan to leave Greek yogurt for sourdough, then you need to do this before excess liquid is squeezed out of it.

Frozen yogurt: how to cook at home

Frozen yogurt is a tasty and low-calorie dessert that is rich in calcium and contains beneficial lactic acid bacteria. In terms of usefulness, it is much superior to ice cream.

The basis of the frozen dessert is natural yogurt prepared at home in any convenient way. To make the product tasty, fruits, berries are added to it, sweetened with sugar or honey. Fruits and berries are best added to the yogurt mixture in the form of puree or finely chopped.

The ideal consistency of the dessert without interspersing ice is obtained when cooked in an ice cream maker. But, if there is none, it is possible to cook in freezer. You just have to set a timer and every 20-30 minutes take the yogurt-fruit mixture out of the freezer and beat until it thickens completely. The frozen delicacy will turn out tender and plastic, similar in texture to ice cream.

You can do it easier and freeze the mixture by pouring into molds. The taste and benefits of the product will be preserved, but the soft and plastic mass will no longer work.

The recipe for a fermented milk drink in a thermos

On the one hand, a thermos is an ideal device for making delicious yogurt at home in the absence of a yogurt maker. Since it is able to maintain the desired temperature for a long time. On the other hand, using a thermos, it is more difficult to achieve sterile cooking conditions.

It is quite difficult to thoroughly rinse it, especially the lid. Therefore, when preparing yogurt, it is better to choose a thermos with a wide mouth. It is recommended not only to pour boiling water over it, but also to wipe it with alcohol.

The rest of the cooking process is simple. You will need a liter of milk and dry sourdough in the right proportion, or a glass of natural industrial yogurt. To make the finished product tastier, it is better to take milk with a fat content of at least 3%. Any milk other than UHT must be boiled and cooled.

AT clean dishes mix milk and sourdough heated to 40 0 ​​C. Pour the mixture into a thermos, close the lid, leave for at least 8 hours. During this period, try not to rearrange the thermos or shake it. Pour the finished yogurt into a glass dish and store in the refrigerator.

Experimenting with taste

Despite all the benefits of natural yogurt, children, and many adults, are also more fond of sweet fermented milk products with various additives in the form of dried fruits, chocolate chips, and jam. Of course, at home, the whole variety of yoghurt flavors is also available.

The only thing is that you should not add fillers to the mixture until the fermentation process is over. Otherwise, instead of fermenting lactose, beneficial bacteria will switch to other sweets, fruits or sugar. And yogurt just won't work.

Therefore, it is better to add all sorts of goodies to natural yogurt immediately before serving or after it has already been cooked, before cooling.

If the natural sour milk taste is not sweet enough and you want to add sugar, it is better to use powdered sugar. Or make sugar syrup - dilute the required amount of granulated sugar in water, and then pour it into the finished yogurt and mix.

Sometimes it is required to prepare a thick, dense yogurt in consistency. Thickness can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Before fermentation, add a couple of tablespoons of powdered milk to the milk mixture;
  • When the yogurt is ready, put corn starch in it, at the rate of 1 teaspoon per serving glass;
  • Before cooling, add agar-agar to the finished product.

Natural yogurt should be stored only in the refrigerator and no more than a week. After 7 days, the usefulness of the product is significantly reduced.

In addition to eating yogurt in kind and with sweet additives, this fermented milk product goes well with herbs such as cilantro, dill, parsley and various spices. And if you salt it, add pepper and finely chopped garlic, you get a tasty and light dressing for salads.

Meat for barbecue is also marinated in yogurt, it is able to neutralize excess fat, for example, pork. Conversely, lean meat marinated in yogurt will become juicier.

It should be remembered that the fermented milk product curdles at high temperatures. Therefore, it is added to hot dishes, gradually mixing at the end of cooking, while the yogurt itself should not be chilled, but at room temperature.

So the yogurt own cooking not only useful and tasty, but also able to find wide application in the home kitchen.

Who would have thought that making live yogurt at home is an absolutely simple task, for the preparation of which you do not need to have any special equipment or withstand difficult technological process. I myself have recently begun to cook it often, as it is in great demand among households, and most importantly, it gives me confidence that this product is natural and benefits my loved ones.

Some, perhaps, will not understand me, why bother if you can buy ready-made ones in any store. In fact, it’s really worth considering making your own yogurt. If only because: you get healthy yogurt with live bacteria -

You can control its composition - in homemade yogurt you will not find thickeners, dyes, flavors and other unnecessary things that can cause allergies at best

You can control its freshness - due to the absence of preservatives, you will not consume a product made a month ago

You can control its taste - choose different fillings yourself, experiment, and not be content with the standard mass-produced yogurt flavor set

If a child (or adult) has an intolerance cow's milk you can make yogurt with goat or sheep milk

It doesn't take long to make your own yogurt.

Finally, during the cooking process, you can come up with new recipes, for example, how to make ice cream from yogurt or an unusual sauce for salads, meat, etc.

So, if I've convinced you, let's talk about the ingredients. To make yogurt, you will definitely need milk and sourdough. The fatter the milk you use, the thicker and creamier your yogurt will be. Where can I buy yogurt starter? Starter cultures can either be purchased at a pharmacy or in supermarkets in the dairy department. Fortunately, nowadays you can find various starters for making fermented milk products at home - the choice is simply huge. Also, you can use ready-made high-quality live yogurt and ferment based on it. However, ready-made yogurt should be used no more than three times. For example, you bought a bag of sourdough starter and made yogurt out of it. Then, based on this yogurt, you made the next portion (this time). From the finished serving, you can make yogurt again (that's two). Take a little sourdough from the second portion and get another yogurt (that's three). All. It is not recommended to use this yogurt as a starter anymore. However, you yourself will feel it, as the taste will begin to change and sour.

As for the equipment, here you can use improvised means - glass jar, a saucepan, a thermos, a yogurt, a slow cooker, a bread maker (yes, I was surprised myself when I found out that there are bread makers with the function of making yogurt). I can’t say for sure, but it seems to me that the equipment does not affect the quality of the finished product, since the cooking technology itself and the ingredients remain unchanged. It (equipment) only simplifies the process and allows you to cook and store the product in portions. Of course, preparing yogurt in a yogurt maker is easier and much more convenient than rushing around with a saucepan that needs to be heated, wrapped, etc. But this does not mean that it will not work in the pan or it will be tasteless.

Making yogurt at home, as I wrote, does not take much time. You just need to boil the milk, cool it to 40 degrees (no more), pour the contents of a bag of sourdough into it (or add 50-70 grams of ready-made yogurt) and let it stand warm and at rest for about 8 hours. I cook yogurt in a slow cooker - I will not go into details in this article, if you are interested, you can read a step-by-step recipe with a photo on the forum. Better let me tell you how to cook frozen yogurt or frogurt - a natural and tasty dish.

Homemade yogurt is considered the most delicious and dietary product, it is easily prepared from natural ingredients: sourdough and milk. If desired, nuts, various fruit purees and berries can be added to such yogurt, this not only makes its taste more interesting, but also allows you to replenish the human body with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. To get a fermented milk product at home, it is enough to have the appropriate ingredients on hand and choose convenient way cooking.

Calorie content and composition

Bulgaria is the birthplace of yogurt, it was in this country that it was first prepared and the benefits of the product were appreciated. To date, it can be made both in liquid form (drinkable), and in thick, reminiscent of sour cream. The main difference between yogurt and other types of lactic acid products is that it contains special bacteria, they have a positive effect on the microflora of the digestive system, restoring its balance and eliminating the development of dysbacteriosis. In addition, the product is a valuable source of calcium and can be prepared with different calorie content, which is usually determined by the fat content of milk. Typically, with a calorie content of 68 kcal, 100 grams of a homemade product contains 5 g of protein, 3.2 g of fat and 8.5 g of carbohydrates.

As for the vitamin set, it is very extensive, these are vitamins B12, B6, B1, B2, C, A, PP and choline. The fermented milk mixture is also rich in minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, iodine, manganese, zinc and chromium.

Based on the foregoing, we can say that sourdough is a natural antibiotic, characterized by low calorie content and excellent taste properties. This makes yogurt a popular and indispensable dish on the table of every family.


Recently, many housewives prefer to cook yogurt on their own, since it is at home that a very healthy and tasty dessert is obtained from natural ingredients, which is easily digestible. human body and actively contributes to the formation of beneficial microflora in the intestines. "Live" cultures have a positive effect on metabolism and have probiotic properties, stopping the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine.

Regular use of these starters can prevent various diseases and make your skin healthy. Self-made yogurt does not contain preservatives, flavor enhancers, sugar and harmful fillers, in addition, it is richer in calcium and low in calories.

Based on it, you can prepare various dishes, easily replacing store-bought cream, sour cream or milk, especially for baby food: fruit mixtures with yogurt will be healthier, for example, than regular ice cream.

The product has many useful properties.

  • Treatment of allergies and dysbacteriosis. It is worth noting that such a starter is recommended for people who have an allergic reaction to lactose. Sour-milk cultures accelerate the absorption of this carbohydrate. It should be borne in mind that the mixtures must be consumed fresh, they are not recommended to be stored for a long time, a maximum of two days. When long terms and improper storage conditions, yogurt will turn sour and the trace elements and vitamins contained in it will lose their medicinal qualities. Therefore, it is advisable to make sourdough a day before use.
  • Maintaining immunity in the presence of the body's tendency to frequent acute respiratory infections and viral infections. The product helps with herpes diseases, restoring immune system human and eliminating the development of various pathologies. To do this, it is enough to eat 300 g of mixtures per day and in a month you will be able to see excellent result- the incidence rate will decrease significantly.

  • Help in losing weight. Low calorie content, which most often ranges from 45 to 80 kcal per 100 g, allows people who are overweight to carry out fasting days and cleansing of the body. For such diets, it is best to use a product made from skim milk, in which case its calorie content will not exceed 56 kcal. Thanks to an accelerated metabolism, fat cells will begin to be burned, and mineral elements and vitamins will strengthen all systems and make bones strong.
  • Prevention of oncological diseases. When yogurt is included in the daily diet, not only the restoration of microflora will be observed, but also the resistance of cells to malignant tumors. This is especially recommended during courses of antibiotics, which kill beneficial bacteria and leave the body "open" to the emergence of new infections, including cancer.
  • Elimination of vaginal candidiasis. Natural components significantly reduce the number of harmful bacteria that contribute to the appearance of viral bacilli on the mucous membrane.
  • Withdrawal of cholesterol. If you eat at least 100 g of the product per day, then you can significantly lower blood cholesterol levels and improve general state health.
  • Cleansing the intestines from the accumulation of feces, toxins and toxins. Thanks to medicinal microorganisms, the functioning of the stomach and intestines improves, and staphylococci, streptococci and typhoid bacilli are completely destroyed.

Contraindications and harm

Despite many positive characteristics, the use of yogurt, according to some experts, can also adversely affect human health. This is due to the fact that the fermented milk product in its main composition contains bacteria, which, entering the stomach, are destroyed and die, without ultimately bringing any benefit. In addition, such bacteria, passing through natural barriers, can act unpredictably, causing, for example, enhanced education gas and diarrhea. As a result, the intestinal microflora begins to change and negative consequences are possible.

Synthetic yogurt is considered especially harmful, as it is filled with stabilizers, thickeners and preservatives. Of course, outwardly the product looks appetizing, but the berry and fruit additives that make up its composition are often subjected to radioactive processing, which contributes to their long shelf life. In addition, the calorie content of such desserts goes off scale and subsequently, instead of getting rid of extra pounds, you can, on the contrary, gain weight. Therefore, store-bought options must be abandoned once and for all, replacing them with home cooking.

So that yogurt does not harm the body, it is recommended to prepare it only from natural milk, giving preference to goat's. It is undesirable to use sourdough products for people who have problems with digestive system. They may have an exacerbation of the condition.

It is also important to observe the timing of the use of homemade desserts, otherwise they can cause diarrhea and the reproduction of disease-causing bacilli.

Step by step recipes

Natural yogurt is prepared by hand without additives, using the method of fermenting lactose and fermenting regular milk. As a result heat treatment it turns out useful product, whose bacteria have a beneficial effect on the entire human digestive system, activating metabolic processes in the body. In addition, self-made yogurt is processed more efficiently than regular milk.

Therefore, when choosing between live sourdough and milk, it is best to give preference to the first, since it can be consumed even by people suffering from individual lactose and milk protein intolerance.

To make your own yogurt at home, you can use various ways. Manufacturing with the help of an electric yogurt maker and a slow cooker is very popular. And when such equipment is not at hand, then cooking is possible in the oven, the most important thing for ripening is air temperature. Before you start preparing live yogurt, you need to purchase milk and the most important component - sourdough, without which it will not be possible to make a product. Sourdough is usually sold in small containers in pharmacies or stores, depending on its components, there may be a different name. The most common types of sourdough are symbilact and acidolact, they are used when you need to make both a regular and a drinking product.

You can also buy ordinary store-bought yogurt for starter culture, but it should be remembered that there will be less benefit in it, since the content of live bacteria there is minimal. Some housewives often choose their own sourdough for cooking. To do this, it is enough to make yogurt once and store it for no more than 3 days in a geometric package in a cool place. If the workpiece is placed in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, then it will be suitable for several months and will not lose its useful qualities.

The principle of cooking homemade yogurt is simple, the most important thing is to decide for what purposes it is prepared. If it is a strawberry dessert, then you will additionally need strawberries and sugar. It is possible to add other berries and fruits. Regardless of the method of preparation, lactic acid bacteria are poured into fresh milk, then the mixture is provided with a special temperature regime. When the souring process has passed, the product is ready for use.

During cooking, they usually create a temperature of + 40 to 45 ° C, this indicator is very important, because at temperatures above + 50 ° C, lactic acid bacteria die. The finished product needs mandatory cooling, for this it is placed in the cold for a couple of hours, during which time it acquires its final appearance while retaining useful properties.

from sourdough

In the case when a starter purchased at a store or pharmacy is used, then before preparing yogurt, you should carefully familiarize yourself with detailed instruction indicated on the jar. This moment is worth taking Special attention, since the final result will depend on the number of such bacteria in milk. Each manufacturer gives its own prescriptions that are suitable for a particular type of bacteria.

In the manufacture of store-bought yogurt, the usual proportion is used - 100 g of the finished product is taken for 1 liter of milk, and when choosing homemade sourdough it is enough to add 2 tablespoons to one liter of milk.

The fermentation process on average takes up to 12 hours, it all depends on the quality of the ferment. For pharmacy and store bacteria, it is indicated exact time. As for the consistency of yogurt, it can be different: the more the mixture stays, the better it will turn out. If you need to prepare a drinking dessert, then you need to choose the minimum time. In addition, the dishes in which the mixture is prepared must be not only clean, but also sterile.

First, a container is prepared, it is poured over with boiling water. Then milk is boiled, it is advisable to use not store-bought, but “village”. You can not immediately add fruits, sugar and other ingredients, because during the fermentation of the culture will begin to actively act on the fruit and on their fermentation. Milk is poured into the dishes and waiting for it to cool to + 40 ° C, then the desired proportion of the starter is added, everything is mixed well, covered warm blanket and left for a maximum of 12 hours. Then, if desired, sweet syrup, nuts, fruits or berries can be added to the finished product.

It is undesirable to use sugar in its pure form, since its grains may not dissolve and crunch when eating yogurt.

From goat milk

Goat milk yogurt is considered the most useful and nutritious. To prepare it, you should buy 1 liter of milk and any starter, the milk is taken raw, then to improve the quality it is boiled, bringing it to a temperature of + 90 ° C. When bubbles appear on the edges of the container, the steam rises, and the liquid increases in volume and begins to move rapidly, the pan is removed from the heat and cooled. If there is confidence that the milk is good, then it can not be boiled, since it does not contain complex protein, which must be destroyed to improve digestion. In addition, raw goat's milk contains more useful enzymes, which are partially killed when boiled.

After everything is decided with the main ingredient, a container for yogurt is prepared, it is scalded with boiling water. It’s good if you have a cooking thermometer at hand, with it you can easily determine the temperature of milk, which should not be lower than + 40 ° C. In the absence of such a device, the temperature is checked “by touch”, a finger is lowered into the milk, if it is a little hot, then it is considered ready. You can also drop milk on your wrist, the skin should be warm.

When using milk with a temperature above +50 ° C, the bacteria will “die” and all the work will be in vain.

A few months ago I bought a yogurt maker. Since then, I have been delighted with such a useful purchase! I often cook yogurt and serve it to the whole family.
Natural homemade yogurt is really healthy, unlike the substance that is sold in stores.

First of all, in purchased yoghurts, the percentage of live microflora is much lower. And the longer yogurt is stored on the store shelf, the less beneficial bacteria it contains.

Secondly, in addition to milk and sourdough, sugar and various fillers with a not very natural composition are added to store-bought yogurts. Dyes, flavors, thickeners, stabilizers ... In general, a dubious compiler.

In natural homemade yoghurt All the ingredients are known and understood, nothing more. And such yogurt is eaten 1-2 days after preparation. So live bacteria are there maximum amount. The benefits for digestion are maximum.

I want to point out right now: no need to ferment your yogurt at the store. The quality of such yogurt will be low. Buy a normal sourdough starter from a pharmacy or online store. I use Vivo starters. So far I have tried yogurt, lactulose yogurt, symbilact and sour cream. In the near future I want to try more Lactina starter cultures.

Another nuance about heating milk. Instructions for starters and yoghurt makers usually recommend preheating the milk to 40 degrees and then adding the starter.
I have found that when preheating milk, the yogurt comes out lumpy. Regular pasteurized milk is also lumpy (maybe I bought the wrong milk?).

Therefore, after several experiments, I began to use only baked milk. I take it directly from the refrigerator, do not heat it. Yoghurt is of excellent quality - tender, tasty, without lumps. Sometimes I replace some of the milk with cream to make the yogurt creamier and more tender.

Ingredients for making homemade sourdough yogurt:

  • 1 liter of baked milk. I use 4% fat milk.
  • 1 package of sourdough (weight - 1 g).

How to make sourdough yogurt in a yogurt maker

1. Pour some milk into a measuring cup with a pouring spout. Pour the starter from the package there, mix thoroughly with a fork. Pour in the remaining milk and mix thoroughly again.

2. Pour milk with sourdough into jars and put the jars in the yogurt maker. You do not need to close the jars with lids! Now cover the yogurt maker with a lid and turn it on. If the yogurt maker is automatic, then upon reaching desired temperature she will turn herself off. I have a Tefal la 8872 yogurt maker - automatic, it turns off the heat after about 45 minutes. Please read the instructions for your yogurt maker.
We leave the jars of milk in the yogurt maker for 5-7 hours. All this time we do not shake the yogurt maker, do not open and do not mix the contents!
After 5-7 hours, we take out the jars of yogurt, close them with lids and send them to the refrigerator. After 2-4 hours, enjoy chilled homemade yogurt.

Ingredients for refermenting yogurt at home:

  • 900 ml of baked milk.
  • 100 ml natural homemade yogurt (1 jar)

How to ferment homemade yogurt in a yogurt maker

1. Pour half of the milk into a measuring cup with a pouring spout. We spread all the yogurt from the jar, mix with milk with a fork. Pour the remaining milk into the glass and mix again with a fork.
2. The second step is the same as for the initial fermentation (see above)

How to make homemade yogurt in a slow cooker

If you do not have a yogurt maker, but have a slow cooker, then you can cook yogurt in it. Pour the mixed ingredients into jars or glass glasses. You can use baby food jars.
We close the jars with lids or plastic wrap.
We put a waffle towel or a cloth napkin on the bottom of the multicooker pan.
We put jars in the multicooker.
Pour warm (40 degrees C) water into the slow cooker so that the water does not reach the throat of the jars.
Close the lid of the multicooker, turn on the “Heating” mode for 15 minutes. After an hour, turn on the heating again for 15 minutes. After that, we keep the yogurt in the slow cooker for 4-6 hours, then take it out and put it in the refrigerator.

How to make natural homemade yogurt in a thermos

If you do not have a yogurt maker or a slow cooker, then you can cook yogurt in a simple thermos. To do this, you will have to preheat the milk to 40 degrees. Otherwise, the principle is the same - the ingredients are mixed and poured into a thermos. The thermos is wrapped in a blanket and placed in a warm place for several hours. Then the yogurt is laid out in portioned jars and cooled in the refrigerator.

Note to the owner

  • Mix the ingredients for yogurt with a fork, not a whisk, to avoid whipping.
  • The longer the fermentation time, the thicker and more acidic the yogurt will be. Don't overcook if you don't like sour.
  • If you want to make a runny drinking yogurt, then reduce the fermentation time to 4-5 hours. If you want thick, then keep 7-8 hours. It makes no sense to keep longer - the yogurt will no longer become thicker, but it will acquire a sour taste.
  • Chilled yogurt becomes thicker.
  • Yogurt with kiwi pieces should be eaten immediately! If you mix yogurt with kiwi and leave for more than 15 minutes, the yogurt will become bitter. Kiwi contains substances that break down milk proteins.

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