Presentation on the topic of dairy products for students. Presentation Topic: “Milk and dairy products

Engineering systems 30.06.2020
Engineering systems

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Research project "Milk and dairy products"
Project participants: pupils of the preparatory group, parents Developers: Popova Irina Petrovna Gorina Anna Nikolaevna
MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 4" p. Novokumsky

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Project type: research duration: 1 month Project participants: children aged 6-7 years, teachers, parents educational area: cognition integration: social and communicative development, physical, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development
Project passport

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Project relevance
Milk is an essential and indispensable product of baby food. In terms of its chemical composition and biological properties, it occupies an exceptional place among animal products used in the nutrition of children of all age groups. Therefore, we, adults, must help children discover the valuable qualities of milk, its significance for the development of the child's body.

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Preschool children do not understand the importance of milk and dairy products in the development of the human body. The children and I decided to see where the "milk rivers" flow from, find out where milk is contained and why does a person need milk?

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Purpose: to enrich children's knowledge about milk, as a valuable and useful product for the growth of a child's body.
Tasks: To expand the horizons of children about milk and dairy products. To form research skills in children (search for information in various sources). To develop a cognitive interest in research activities, the desire to learn new things. To develop the ability to work in a team, the desire to share information, to participate in joint experimental activities. To form in children a conscious attitude towards healthy eating. Invite parents to participate in the project.

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If children learn more about the value of milk and dairy products through their own research activities, they will understand that milk is a valuable food for the child's body and they will have a desire to eat it.

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Fundamental question

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Problematic issues
Where did milk come from?
Is milk good for humans?
What are dairy products?

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Research methods

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Stages of project implementation
Preparatory creation of a developing environment selection of information resources, encyclopedic and fiction creation of problem-game situations

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Practical stage

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Experiment No. 1 Modification of milk into curdled milk Poured into 2 glasses of fresh whole milk. One glass was placed in the cold, the other in the heat. Have you observed how milk changes in the cold and in the heat?
Conclusion: milk does not change in the cold, it is stored. When warm, milk sours and turns into a new food product - yogurt.

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Experiment No. 2 Modification of milk into yogurt
Berries were added to the curdled milk, mixed in a mixer. Conclusion: if you add berries or jam to curdled milk (kefir), and then beat it with a mixer, you get yogurt.

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Experiment No. 3 Modification of milk into cottage cheese
We had a question: What will happen to yogurt if it is heated even more? I put the yogurt on the electric stove, brought to a boil. Thick flakes appeared in the curdled milk and a yellow liquid separated. Strained through a colander. The water was glass and a thick mass remained - cottage cheese. Conclusion: to get cottage cheese, you need to heat yogurt to a boil and strain.

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milk magic
Experience in creating gorgeous floating patterns from common household materials. Pour milk into a flat bowl. Dripped on milk in several places gouache of different colors. A cotton swab was dipped into the product. Dishwashing liquid causes the milk and dye to mix, resulting in beautiful colored swirls on the surface of the milk.

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Why do people need to consume dairy products? .
Many people consider milk to be one of the best foods we eat. When you find out how many substances useful for your body are contained in it, you will understand why this is so. One of the main components of milk is protein, necessary for strengthening muscles and restoring them after hard work. The other is fat, which brings energy into your body. This fat, as you might guess, is called milk fat. Milk also contains sugar, which is another source of energy. Milk supplies the body with important mineral salts. They are required by a person to strengthen bones and produce fresh blood.

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Do you know what dishes can be prepared with milk and dairy products?

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cheese curds
chocolate milk
milk soup
chocolate yogurt
milk porridge
ice cream
cottage cheese, cereal casseroles
cottage cheese with sour cream

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WHAT IS MILK MADE: Cheese, cocktail, butter, yogurt, sour cream, ice cream, cottage cheese, condensed milk.
WHAT'S IN MILK: Water, vitamins, fats, proteins, calcium and phosphorus for bone development.
TREATMENT: For colds, poisoning, diseases: kidneys, heart, stomach.
DISHES WITH DAIRY PRODUCTS: Cereals, soups, sandwiches, pizza, dumplings, cottage cheese, casseroles, scrambled eggs, pancakes

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WHAT WE KNEW A cow gives milk A cow lives in a barn A cow grazes in a meadow and eats grass White milk is sold in a store Milk is boiled into porridge A car brings milk to the store
WHAT WE KNOW Milk is used to make cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, yogurt, curdled milk. Various very tasty and healthy dishes are prepared from milk. If you do not eat milk, there will be poor health. In our area, there are many cows in the livestock complex, where they are cared for by livestock breeders, veterinarians, calves, milkmaids. In caring for cows and feeding animals, technology is of great help to a person. Milk is brought to the store from the dairy, where it is processed and dairy products are made.

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Children have changed their minds about milk and dairy products and have now decided to consume dairy products on a regular basis.

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Be healthy!
There are a lot of useful vitamins and substances in milk. Drink fresh milk, So that caries disappears, So that the bones are strong, Your head does not hurt, The mood is always cheerful.

Milk is an essential and indispensable product of baby food. Due to its chemical composition and biological properties, it has an exceptional place among products of animal origin, used in the nutrition of children of all age groups. Unfortunately, not all children are happy to drink milk and eat milk-based dishes. Children do not understand the importance of milk and dairy products in the development of the human body. Therefore, we, adults, must help children discover the valuable qualities of milk, its significance for the development of the child's body.



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Slides captions:

"Milk and dairy products" Compiled by the teacher of the group "Ladushki" GBDOU No. 77 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg Formina Tatyana Viktorovna

Mystery. “It flows, but not water. It is always white as snow. It’s easy to recognize it by taste, After all, it’s in a jar ... ”(Milk)

“A cow in the yard - food is on the table” “I made porridge, so do not regret either milk or butter” For a long time, people have been saying proverbs and sayings about milk:

Milk contains:

MILK Reindeer Cow Koumiss (Horse) Camel Goat

strengthens teeth and bones quenches thirst reduces weight protects the heart strengthens hair and nails strengthens the immune system soothes


Yogurt is a fermented milk product usually with fruit additives. Yoghurts contain calcium, necessary for the formation and strengthening of bones, as well as for the growth of teeth, and vitamin B2, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of the child's body. Thanks to the use of yogurt, probiotics enter the body - substances that stimulate immune processes and ensure normal digestion in both children and adults.

Sour cream contains valuable vitamins: A, E, B2, B12, C, PP, as well as calcium, phosphorus and iron, which are necessary for a growing body.

Among all fermented milk products produced in the world today, kefir can rightfully take the first place. Kefir contains many health benefits.

T vorog is one of the most useful fermented milk products. Cottage cheese is rich in calcium and phosphorus, without which the full formation of the skeletal system is impossible. These substances are necessary for children during the period of bone growth, including teeth.

Cheese is one of the most ancient human foodstuffs. There are more than two hundred thousand varieties of this fermented milk product in the world.

Ice cream is a favorite treat for both children and adults. Ice cream contains a large amount of vitamins. In addition, one serving of ice cream is good for calming nerves and uplifting mood.

Drink e, children, milk You will be healthy!

natasha sidorova
Presentation "Milk and dairy products"

I think that the project has brought good results. Children showed great interest in working on this topic, they were happy to conduct experiments with milk and dairy products brought pictures, poems, proverbs. And with pleasure they drank tea with a pie of their own baking. And most importantly, the children began to eat dishes based on milk!

Related publications:

Preschool children do not understand the importance of milk and dairy products in the development of the human body. Not all children are happy.

From September to October 2018, the children and I worked on the "Milk Teeth" project. Children learned about the structure of teeth, about their name, about useful.

Perspective plan of the long-term project "Milk and dairy products" for the middle group Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Child Development Center "Kindergarten No. 239" of the Central District. Perspective.

Cognitive research activity "Where do milk rivers flow from?"(from work experience) Purpose: creation of a social situation of development in the process of cognitive-playing activity "Where do milk rivers flow from?".

Presentation of the educational project "Vegetables and fruits - healthy products" in the middle age group Type of project: educational Duration of the project: from September 10 to September 14, 2018 Project participants: children of the middle age group.

Research project "What a miracle milk!" Research project "What a miracle milk!" Worked on the project: Project authors: Children and parents of the "F" mixed preschool group Leader:.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 68 of a combined type. Project on the topic: “Milk and dairy.

In April, the Bells group hosted a thematic project “Drink milk, children!” Prepared by the teacher Korshunova Nina Nikolaevna. Type.

Milk and dairy products Cow's milk is used both in its natural form and its processed products: skimmed milk, cream, whey. Various canned types of milk are also used: condensed with sugar and without sugar, dry.

Milk increases the nutritional value of confectionery. This is due to the fact that milk contains all the substances necessary to maintain life in proportions and forms favorable for absorption by the body and building its tissues.

Cow's milk Cow's milk is a secretion product of the mammary glands of a cow.

Milk is a solution of milk sugar and salts, in which protein substances and fat are in a colloidal state in the form of tiny balls 0.5-20 microns in size. The mass fraction of the components in cow's milk is not constant and varies depending on various factors within the following limits: fat - 3.0-5.0%, proteins - 3.5 - 4.0%, carbohydrates (lactose) - 4.6- 5.0%, minerals - 0.7-0.8%, mass fraction of solids - 11-13%.

Condensed and powdered milk Condensed and powdered milk is widely used in the production of almost all confectionery products.

Condensed milk Three types are produced: whole condensed milk with sugar; whole condensed milk without sugar, which is produced sterilized in jars; low-fat milk, condensed with sugar.

Sweetened condensed milk is prepared by boiling pasteurized milk under vacuum with the addition of sugar syrup. After boiling, the resulting product is cooled and poured into a container.

Condensed milk without sugar after boiling under vacuum is subjected to homogenization - crushing of fat globules, and after cooling and sealed packaging in cans - sterilization.

Requirements for the quality of condensed milk Taste and smell - sweet, clean, with a pronounced taste of pasteurized milk, without foreign tastes and odors, and for sterilized milk without sugar - characteristic sweetish-salty, characteristic of baked milk without foreign taste and odors. Color - white with a creamy tint, uniform throughout the mass. In low-fat milk, a bluish and slightly brownish tint is allowed. The consistency is homogeneous throughout the mass. For sweetened condensed milk, flouriness and a slight sediment of lactose are allowed.

Mass fraction of solids for condensed milk: - with whole sugar - not less than 73.5%, - for non-fat 70%, - for condensed milk without sugar - not less than 25.5%. The mass fraction of sugar is not less than 43.5% for whole and 44% for low-fat, respectively. In addition to sucrose, condensed milk contains lactose, the amount of which should be taken into account when calculating the mass of total sugar in confectionery.

Storage of condensed milk Condensed milk with and without sugar should be stored at a temperature of 0-10°C and a relative air humidity of no more than 85%, and for skimmed milk no more than 75%. Under these conditions, the shelf life for condensed whole milk packed in sealed containers is no more than 12 months.

Powdered milk Obtained by drying whole and skimmed milk. Drying is carried out in dryers of two types of designs: roller, spray. On roller dryers, the so-called "contact" drying is used.

The resulting milk powder has the form of a film and is ground into powder. When drying in spray dryers, milk is pumped through a nozzle into a large chamber in which hot air circulates. The dried milk falls to the bottom of the chamber as a powder.

Whole milk powder is divided into two grades depending on the quality according to organoleptic indicators and into two types depending on the fat content: 20 and 25% fat. The mass fraction of moisture for various types of dry whole and skimmed milk should be no more than 7%.

When packing such milk in containers with polyethylene liners, the humidity should be even lower: for spray-dried milk no more than 4%, and for film milk no more than 5%. Taste and smell should be characteristic of fresh pasteurized milk during spray drying (for skimmed - skimmed) and for film drying - boiled milk. Powdered milk in appearance should be a fine, dry powder of white with a creamy tint. When film drying, cream color is allowed.

Storage of powdered milk Powdered milk packed in a container with a polyethylene liner should be stored at a temperature of up to 10 ° C. At the same time, the relative humidity of the air should not exceed 85%. Powdered milk in a container with an insert made of parchment or cellophane should be stored at a temperature of up to 20 ° C. At the same time, the relative humidity of the air in the warehouse should not exceed 75%. Under these conditions, milk can be stored for up to 3 months from the date of production.

Fresh, sweetened and dried cream Cream is a dairy product with a high fat content obtained by milk separation.

Fresh (pasteurized) cream. Three types are produced, differing in fat content - 10, 20 and 25%. In the confectionery industry, pasteurized cream finds relatively limited use. Canned cream is used more often (condensed with sugar, dry and dry with sugar and dry high-fat).

Condensed cream with sugar. They should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 10°C and relative humidity not exceeding 75%. It is allowed to store sweetened condensed cream at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C for no more than 90 days.

Cream powder (high-fat). They are stored at a temperature not higher than 10 ° C and relative humidity not higher than 70%. In the confectionery industry, it is allowed to replace some dairy products with others. In this case, two main provisions must be observed: with any replacement, it is imperative to maintain the content of dry skimmed milk residue, and the total amount of solids during replacement must be constant.

Whey Products The following types of whey are intended for the confectionery industry: Concentrated milk whey, Condensed milk whey with sugar, Condensed fermented milk whey, Dry milk whey.

Concentrated milk whey This whey is divided into the following types: concentrated cheese whey (SMKP) with a mass fraction of solids of 13, 20 and 30%, concentrated curd milk whey (CMKT) with a mass fraction of solids of 13, 20 and 30%, milk whey concentrated fermented cheese whey (SMKP Sat) with a mass fraction of solids only 30%, concentrated milk whey with sugar (SMKPS) with a mass fraction of dry substances 52, 5, 65, 0, 75, 0 and 90, 0%, concentrated milk whey cottage cheese with sugar (SMKTS) with a mass fraction of solids 52, 5, 65, 0, 75, 0 and 90, 0%.

Condensed milk whey This whey is produced in four types: condensed cheese whey (SMSP), condensed curd milk whey (SMST), condensed milk whey fermented cheese (SMSP Sat), condensed milk whey with sugar (SMSS). All these types of whey condensed without sugar are produced with a mass fraction of solids of 40 and 60%, and whey condensed with sugar - with a mass fraction of solids of 75%.

Dry whey This whey is divided into two types according to the raw materials used: dry milk whey cheese (SMSu. P), dry milk whey curd (SMSu. T).

The group "dairy products" is formed by
raw sign, since the main raw material for
The goods belonging to this group are milk.
Dairy products are divided into the following
- drinking milk and cream;
- dairy products;
- cow's butter (butter and ghee);
- cheeses (rennet and sour milk);
- canned milk (condensed) and
dry dairy products;
- ice cream.


Milk - natural,
highly nutritious product
all the substances needed for
maintenance of life and development of the organism in
for a long time.
Milk is the secret
mammary gland of mammals.
Milk is synthesized from constituents
blood substances. For the formation of 1 liter of milk
540 liters must pass through the udder of a cow

The chemical composition of milk
depends on species and breed
animals, seasons,
livestock feeding conditions and
other factors.
Milk according to its composition
is a complex
system consisting of
organic and inorganic

The chemical composition of milk

Milk sugar (lactose). Lactose in cow's milk is on average
contains 4.7%. The sweetest milk is mare (up to 7% lactose).
An important indicator of the chemical composition of milk is dry
skimmed milk residue (SOMO), according to the content of which
judge the naturalness of milk.
protein substances. Milk protein is called casein. Casein
refers to complex proteins, in milk it is found in the form
calcium salt, which gives it its white color.
Milk fat (an average of 3.8%) is in the form of fat
balls coated with shells that prevent them from sticking together.

The chemical composition of milk

Minerals play an important role in the formation of new
tissue cells, enzymes, vitamins, hormones, as well as in
mineral metabolism of the body. Content
minerals in milk up to 1%. Among mineral
salts contained in milk, a special place is occupied by salts
calcium and phosphorus.
Of the enzymes in milk, perixidase, reductase,
phosphatase, catalase, lactase, lipase.
Milk contains vitamins: fat-soluble (A, D, E, K)
and water-soluble (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, PP, C, H-biotin), folic

The chemical composition of milk

Bactericidal substances - immune bodies exert
detrimental or inhibitory effect on microorganisms,
got into milk.
Hormones are regulators of complex biochemical
processes and carry out communication between separate bodies.
Dyes - carotene, chlorophyll, xanthophyll
pass into milk from the feed.
Water is the main part of milk, the amount of water determines
the physical state of the product, physico-chemical and
biochemical processes in it.

Technological scheme for the production of drinking milk

- Acceptance
- Normalization
- Homogenization
- Heat treatment
- Bottling
- Capping
- Marking
- Storage
- Transportation
- Implementation

Essence of pasteurization For durability
milk during storage
milk is in
partial destruction, sterilization is used,
in which they die
only micro-organisms
milk in heating
and bacterial spores.
740C for 15-20 s.
The composition of milk while sterilizing milk
carried out in autoclaves
does not change.
at a temperature of 1200C in
within 20 min.

Milk classification

All kinds of milk differ before
total by SOMO content, by food
additives and fillers, as well as
heat treatment method.
According to the technical regulations for
milk and dairy products and
current standards, currently
time adopted the following main
terms for milk
dairy products:

Milk is a product of normal physiological secretion
mammary glands of farm animals, obtained from
one or more animals during lactation with one and
over milking, without any additions to this product or
extracting any substances from it;
Dairy products - products of milk processing,
including a dairy product, a dairy compound
product, milk-containing product, by-product
milk processing;
A dairy product is a food product that is made from
milk and (or) its components without the use of
non-dairy fat and protein and which may contain
functionally necessary for milk processing

Dairy compound product is a food product,
made from milk and (or) dairy products
without or with the addition of by-products
processing of milk and non-dairy components, which
not added to replace the constituents of milk. In that
the finished product of the constituent parts of milk should be more than 50
%, in ice cream and sweet products of milk processing -
more than 40%;
Milk-containing product is a food product,
made from milk and (or) dairy products, and (or)
by-products of milk and non-dairy processing
components, including non-dairy fats and (or) proteins, with
mass fraction of milk solids in solids
finished product not less than 20%;

Secondary dairy raw materials - a by-product of processing
milk, dairy product with partially lost
identification features or consumer
properties (including such products recalled within
their expiration dates, but corresponding to the requirements
food raw materials safety requirements),
intended for use after processing;
By-product of milk processing - obtained in
the process of production of milk processing products
related product;
Milk drink is a dairy product made from
concentrated or condensed milk or powdered
whole milk or skimmed milk powder and water.

Depending on the degree and type of processing, the following types of milk and dairy products are distinguished:

raw milk - milk that has not been subjected to thermal
processing at a temperature of more than 40 ° C or processing, in
as a result of which its constituent parts change;
drinking milk - milk with a mass fraction of fat not more than 9
%, produced from raw milk and (or) dairy
products and subjected to heat treatment or other
processing in order to regulate its constituent parts (without
use of whole milk powder, skimmed milk powder

whole milk - milk, the components of which are not
exposed through their regulation;
normalized milk - milk, mass fraction values
fat or protein, or SOMO of which are given in
compliance with the standards established in the regulatory or
technical documents;
reconstituted milk - milk drink,
made by adding drinking water to
concentrated, thickened or dry product
milk processing until the relevant
organoleptic and physico-chemical properties of the product,
not subjected to concentration, thickening or

The classification of milk according to the type of heat treatment provides for the following division:

baked milk - drinking milk subjected to thermal
processing at a temperature of 85 to 99 ° C with an exposure of at least 3
h until specific organoleptic properties are achieved;
pasteurized, sterilized, UHT-treated milk -
drinking milk subjected to heat treatment for the purpose of
compliance with established requirements for microbiological
safety indicators;
thermized milk - milk that has undergone rehabilitation
at a temperature of 60-68 ° C with an exposure of up to 30 s. Such processing
carried out either at the beginning or at the end of the technological process
production of dairy products.

Depending on the mass fraction of fat,
contained in milk, it is divided into:
- low fat
- low fat
- low fat
- classical,
- high-fat.

Types of milk

Natural - non-skimmed milk that does not contain
any impurities.
Normalized - milk, the fat content of which
brought to the norm of 2.5-3.2%.
Reconstituted - milk with a fat content of 2.5-3.2
% produced wholly or partly from dry
cow's milk, sweetened condensed milk, whole
and lean; from skimmed milk,
canned; from cream, butter and

Types of milk

High-fat milk - milk brought to
cream to a fat content of 6% and subjected to
Baked - milk, which is brought with cream to the content
fat 6%, subjected to homogenization and long
heat treatment at high temperature.
Protein - milk with a high content of dry
fat free substances.
Fortified - whole or low fat
pasteurized milk with added vitamin C.

Types of milk

Low-fat (skimmed) milk is obtained by
separation of whole milk.
Malted - milk produced from normalized
pasteurized milk with the addition of malt extract.
Sterilized bottled milk contains 8.2% fat; his
taste, smell and color are the same as baked milk.
Ionic milk is characterized by a reduced content
Vitalakt-DM - ​​baby milk, which, according to the chemical
composition close to breast milk.

Milk can be classified according to characteristics
milk obtained from various animals:
Sheep milk - white with a yellowish tint viscous
liquid with a characteristic odor and sweetish
smack. Compared to cow's, it is more than
1.5 times richer in fat (5.4-8.5%) and protein,
Goat milk by chemical composition and some
properties similar to cow. Contains more protein
fat and calcium, but little carotene and less
heat-resistant due to the high content

Mare's milk is called albumin -
the ratio of casein to albumin in it is 1:1. It
is white with bluish
a touch of liquid sweet taste; is different
from cow high content
lactose, less fat, salts and
Reindeer milk is characterized by a special
density and exceptional food
value. Thickness resembles cream.


Differ from milk in increased
milk fat content. They receive
by separating milk.
Cream is used as raw material
in the manufacture of sour cream and butter
oils, as well as an independent
food product.
Pasteurized cream produced
(10, 20 and 35%), sterilized (10 and 20%),
with sugar and flavorings.

Evaluation of the quality of milk and cream

The quality of milk and cream is evaluated by organoleptic,
physicochemical and bacteriological indicators.
Organoleptic indicators include:
The consistency of milk and cream should be homogeneous, without
sediment, for cream - without stray lumps of fat and flakes
Color - white with slightly yellowish or cream
tint (low-fat milk may have a slightly bluish
Taste and smell - clean, without foreign tastes and

The main physical and chemical indicators of milk quality and
cream are the mass fraction of fat (in%, not less), acidity (in
degrees Turner, no more), the absence of phosphatase (in
pasteurized milk and cream), for milk - density
(g/cm3, not less), degree of purity.
Bacteriological indicators - total
microorganisms in 1 ml of milk (cream) and the titer of bacteria of the group
Escherichia coli (BGKP).
The safety indicators of milk and cream include the content
toxic elements (lead, cadmium, copper, zinc, mercury,
arsenic), antibiotics, hormones, pesticides,
radionuclides, as well as microbiological (sanitary and hygienic) indicators.

Terms and conditions of storage

The temperature of milk and cream at the outlet from the enterprise
should be no more than 8°С (pasteurized) and 20°С
Pasteurized milk and cream are stored at
not higher than 8°C within 36 hours from the end
technological process.
Sterilized milk is stored at a temperature not exceeding
20°C - from 10 days to 6 months depending on the type
packaging, sterilization mode and storage temperature,
sterilized cream at the same temperature - no more
30 days.

Dairy products

Fermented milk groups
- sour milk drinks
- sour cream
- cottage cheese and curd products

Sour-milk according to the nature of fermentation is divided into groups

The first group includes
products received in
result of lactic acid
fermentation - ryazhenka,
curdled milk, acidophilic
milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt
etc. These products
sour milk taste
dense and homogeneous
clot of gas bubbles.
To the second group
include products from
mixed fermentation
(lactic and
alcohol) - koumiss,
kefir, etc. They
sour milk taste
but sharper

Dairy products have a large dietary and
medicinal value. Contain more biologically valuable
substances are water-soluble vitamins. They include
lactic acid and antibiotics.
Lactic acid and lactic acid bacteria
products that can take root in the intestines, suppress
putrefactive microflora.
Aromatic substances, acids and alcohol contained in
fermented milk products, stimulate appetite, stimulate
secretion of gastric juice, improve metabolism.
Dairy products are easily digested in the gastrointestinal tract and quickly absorbed by the human body.

Sour milk drinks

For production
liquid fermented milk
drinks use
whole or
lean cow
milk, cream, buttermilk,
whey, yeast and

Manufacturing technology
fermented milk drinks:
- preparation of raw materials (milk or cream)
- normalize it by fat
- heat treatment
- homogenization
- cooling down to temperature
- fermentation process
- ripening and cooling

Assortment of dairy drinks

Buttermilk is different from others
fermented milk drinks dense,
undisturbed clot without gas bubbles.
Depending on the technology
and composition of bacterial starter cultures
produce yogurt:
Ordinary, Mechnikovskaya, Southern,
Puff, Citrus.
Varenets is made from sterilized
and baked milk, fermented with pure
cultures of thermophilic lactic acid
streptococci, with or without
adding bulgarian sticks.

Ryazhenka is prepared from
normalized melted
milk fermented with pure
cultures of lactic acid
streptococci with the addition of or
without adding bulgarian sticks.
acidophilus drinks
have the greatest
preventive and curative
properties. Range:
acidophilus milk and

Yogurt is a special kind
curdled milk cooked on
thermophilic lactic acid
streptococcus and bacillus bulgaricus
at a temperature of 40-450C.
In the production of yoghurts
food flavorings are used
products, fragrances,
consistency stabilizers and
natural fruit supplements.

Yogurt depending on the mass fraction
fat is divided into:
- non-fat milk (not more than 0.1%):
- low-fat milk (from 0.3
up to 2.5%);
- dairy bold (from 1.2 to 4.5%);
- milky cream (from 4.7 to 7%);
- creamy milk (from 4.5 to 9.5%);
- creamy (not less than 10%).

Kefir is a product
lactic acid and alcohol
fermentation produced from
normalized or
low fat
pasteurized milk
by fermentation
kefir fungi or a mixture
them with pure cultures
lactic streptococci,
sticks and yeast.

Kumis is made from mare's milk.
Kumis is easily absorbed by the body and has
valuable dietary and medicinal properties.
Depending on the type of raw material, koumiss is produced
natural - from unpasteurized mare
milk 1% fat and koumiss from cow's milk
1.5% fat.
By ripening time from the moment of fermentation
koumiss is divided into weak (one-day,
containing 0.6% alcohol); medium (two days -
1.1% alcohol) and strong (three-day - 1.6% alcohol).

Storage of fermented milk drinks

temperature 4-80C - the implementation period is not
more than 36 hours
natural kefir - 4-80C - no more than 48 hours
koumiss from cow's milk - 4-80С - not
more than 72h
yogurt - (4±2) 0С - no more than 30 days

Sour cream

- fermented milk product,
produced by
pasteurized cream
pure cultures
lactic acid
streptococci with
subsequent maturation
the resulting clot.

Technological scheme for the production of sour cream

- acceptance and separation of milk
- cream normalization
- pasteurization
- homogenization
- cooling
- fermentation and fermentation
- packaging
- cooling and ripening
sour cream
- storage and transportation

According to the fat content, sour cream is divided into types:
- increased fat content - 36%;
- ordinary - 30%;
- canteen - 25, 20, 15%;
- dietary - 10%.
The quality of sour cream is evaluated by organoleptic
(appearance and texture, taste and smell, color) and physicochemical (mass fraction of fat, solids,
acidity) indicators.
Sour cream is stored at a temperature from 0 to 60C.
Shelf life of sour cream 15, 20 and 25% fat at
temperature from 0 to 60C no more than 72 hours, 10% fat content - no
more than 48 hours from the date of manufacture.

Cottage cheese and curd products

Cottage cheese is made from whole
normalized or
fat-free pasteurized
milk by fermentation
sourdough prepared on
pure cultures of lactic acid
bacteria with or without
adding rennet and
separating some of the whey from

There are two ways to produce cottage cheese:

- acidic
produce lean
cottage cheese.
- acid rennet
produce cottage cheese
bold and bold.
According to the fat content, cottage cheese is divided into:
bold (18%), bold (9%), non-greasy,
peasant (5%), canteen (2%), children's (15%),
soft dietary fat content 5.5; eleven; 12%,
lean and fruity.

Curd products
made from cottage cheese
made from
pasteurized milk with
adding flavor and
aromatic fillers.
These products include
cheese and curd masses,
cakes, creams and pastes; products
cottage cheese.

Storage of curd products and cottage cheese

Store cottage cheese, curd products, cakes
cottage cheese, semi-finished products
temperature 4-80C. shelf life (no more)
respectively 36, 36, 24, 36 hours.
Frozen dumplings are stored at
temperature not higher than -100C, shelf life -
15 days;
Frozen cottage cheese - -180С, term
storage from 4 to 6 months.

Milk canned food

- products,
made from
natural milk and
food fillers,
which as a result
special processing and
packaging may long
time to save your
consumer properties.

Depending on the source of raw materials and the method of preservation, canned milk products are divided into

Condensed milk
canned food
- whole milk condensed with
- condensed cream with sugar
- cocoa with condensed milk
and sugar
- coffee with condensed
cream and sugar
Dry dairy products
- whole milk powder
- dry milk
- dry cream
- dairy products

Store condensed milk canned food at a temperature of 0 to
100С and relative air humidity not higher than 75% from 10 to
12 months
Dry dairy products are stored at temperatures from 1 to 100C
and relative air humidity not higher than 75% for 8
months from the day of production.

Ice cream

sweet refreshing product that
obtained by beating and
freezing milk or fruit mixtures with sugar and
stabilizers, and for some species
add flavor and aroma
Ice cream has a high nutritional
and biological value.

Ice cream, depending on the composition of the raw materials used, is divided into groups:

- milk based
- on a fruit and berry basis
- based on sugar
- on dairy and fruit and berry
- milk-containing
- made without milling

Depending on the normalized mass fraction of fat
ice cream is divided into low-fat, low-fat,
classic, fat and high fat.
Ice cream depending on the flavorings used
and fillers are divided into chocolate, creme brulee,
nut, fruit, with jam, with soft caramel, etc.
Depending on temperature and consistency, ice cream
subdivided into soft and hardened;
depending on the method of manufacture - on a single layer,
multi-layered, glazed, decorated, products from
ice cream;
depending on the weight and type of packaging - by weight and

The quality of ice cream is evaluated
by organoleptic (structure,
texture, color, appearance)
and physicochemical (mass
proportion of fat, sucrose, dry
substances, acidity)
Store ice cream in
refrigerators chambers at
temperature -300C. shelf life
from 2 to 4 months

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