Feijoa is a small green vitamin bomb. feijoa

Landscaping and planning 19.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

We can find a large number of exotic fruits in shops and markets.

Among them there are instances that need to be addressed Special attention.

These include, of course, feijoa. What is feijoa, where does it come from, what does it look like?

What kind of fruit?

Feijoa is the fruit of a shrub or low. The birthplace of the fruit is South America, where it is late XIX century and discovered by Europeans during a scientific expedition. Feijoa soon appeared in France. Then this tropical plant began to be bred on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, as well as in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

Did you know? Feijoa is named after the Portuguese João da Silva Feijo, who first described this tropical plant and its edible fruits.

Feijoa fruit is a greenish, sometimes with a blush, oval-shaped berry, comparable in size to chicken egg. Under the dense peel is a translucent pulp with several. The peel is quite dense and tastes tart, and the pulp is juicy and tastes like a mixture, kiwi,. The whole fruit is considered edible without exception.

Nutritional value and calories

Since feijoa has a pleasant taste, you can lose control over the amount of fruit eaten. Therefore, for people who follow their figure, information about the nutritional value and calorie content of this is very important.
100 g of the product contains 1.24 g of protein, 0.78 g of fat, 10.63 g of carbohydrates and 49 kcal (205 kJ). You also need to know that for 100 g of fruit there are 86 g of water and 0.74 g of ash. Keep in mind that these are averages. Depending on the place of growth and variety, these figures may vary.

Chemical composition

Feijoa fruit is a real storehouse of nutrients. It contains their record number - 93.

Most significant:

  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins - B1, B2, niacin, B5, B6, folic acid;
  • trace elements - iodine, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, etc.;
  • kahetin, leukoanthocin - biologically active substances;
  • Apple acid;
  • essential oils;
  • sucrose;
  • cellulose.

Did you know? The amount of iodine in 100 g of feijoa berries can be up to 35 mg. Such indicators are only for seafood.

What's the use?

There is no doubt that a large number of vitamins, minerals and other substances that are present in fruits will bring us great benefits. Consider how feijoa is useful for the human body.

First of all, due to the record iodine content, this fruit is capable of a short time saturate us with it necessary element. After all, a lack of iodine leads to a deterioration in memory and attention, a person will be lethargic, as if devoid of energy.

Important! Since the fruits are saturated with iodine due to its content in the sea air, maximum benefit bring fruits grown in close proximity to the sea.

Also, the content of a large amount of vitamin C, biologically active compounds and essential oils makes this exotic fruit a powerful antioxidant and a prophylactic against colds and SARS.
In addition, sucrose and fiber, which is present in this berry, saturates the stomach well. Therefore, it is considered a dietary product.

Feijoa application

In order for our amazing fruit to bring maximum benefits, you need to know where and how it is used. And the scope of the fruit is quite wide and varied.


Feijoa is the exotic fruit that doctors recommend in complex therapy for a number of diseases, because they are well aware of how useful it is.

In its raw form, the fruit is used to treat and prevent the following diseases:

  • diseases thyroid gland(with a lack of iodine in the body);
  • gastritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • avitaminosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • high cholesterol;
  • increased blood pressure.

In the form of jam, the fruit is used with warm tea for colds and flu, as an immune-strengthening remedy.

In dermatology, essential oils contained in fruits are used. They are an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, effective against fungus and a wide range of microbes.


Such useful product cosmetologists could not help but appreciate. They include it in their face masks. Such masks rejuvenate, nourish, relieve various inflammations, they are especially good in the cold season.

Feijoa fruits can be successfully used in home cosmetology, as their numerous healing properties will bring you benefit and pleasure, not harm.
Here are some mask recipes.

  • For dry, normal skin: mix a third of a glass of fruit pulp, a little cottage cheese, an egg yolk and a spoonful of olive oil into a homogeneous mass. Apply to the prepared skin of the face and neck, wait 20 minutes, rinse. You can repeat this mask up to three times a week.
  • For skin prone to oiliness: take half a glass of fruit pulp, a spoonful of camphor alcohol and lemon juice, mix well. Apply for 15 minutes, rinse. The effect of the application will be visible when using a similar mixture twice a week.
If you do not have time to prepare a mask, then you can simply rub the pulp on your face and neck, as well as your chest and arms.


A fruit with such a pleasant taste and incomparable aroma was appreciated by culinary specialists. Feijoa can be eaten raw or used in cooking.
Chopped fresh feijoa fruit will be good in fruit salads. As an addition, it can be served with fish and even meat. You can make jam from raw fruit.

To do this, add 700 g of granulated sugar per kilogram of whole berries twisted in a meat grinder and mix well. Arrange the fruit mass in small jars and refrigerate.

Important! If the jam is made from raw fruits without the use of heat treatment, then all useful material, and hence the properties.

With success, culinary lovers use this exotic fruit in the preparation of compotes, jams, and desserts. It is also recommended to use as a filling for baking.

Harm and contraindications

Like any food product, feijoa has beneficial features and contraindications.
This fruit should not be consumed by people who have health problems associated with a high content of iodine in the body. These diseases include hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease, under attack - the thyroid gland.

Because of high content Sugar fruit is contraindicated in overweight people. If a person has diabetes, then its use is most likely prohibited, although this depends on the degree of the disease and requires consultation with a specialist.

There may also be a banal intolerance to this product. And if its use causes discomfort in the stomach, intestines or an allergic reaction, then this sweet miracle will have to be abandoned.
It is necessary to eat feijoa with caution for children and nursing mothers.

How to choose, eat, store

In order for a food product to bring maximum benefit to the body, it is necessary first of all to choose it correctly. And feijoa is no exception. Recommendations are as follows.

First, inspect the fruit externally. The peel should be dense, without dark spots and wrinkles. It is better to choose larger specimens, they are more ripe. You can ask to cut one fruit in half lengthwise.

The pulp should be translucent. If it is brown, then the fruit is overripe, if it is white and opaque, it is not ripe. In such cases, it is not necessary to buy it, it is not suitable for consumption.
Ripe feijoa fruit exudes a delicate aroma. You can taste the fruits ripened on the tree only by the sea, and for transportation, the fruits are removed unripe, so there may not be any aroma.

Feijoa is exactly the fruit that appears in the stores of our country only in early October. The sale of this product ends in December. At the same time, many do not even know how to eat feijoa correctly, what can be cooked from it and what useful qualities it has. Let's figure it out.

Where does this fruit grow?

Initially, an evergreen plant called feijoa appeared in Argentina. Uruguay, Brazil, it is in the subtropics of distant South America. For the first time about this tree in Europe learned only at the end of the 19th century. The plant got its name from the discoverer of the botanist - Joanie da Silvo Feijo. Now this tree is grown in the Crimea, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Krasnodar Territory. But large feijoa plantations can only be found in New Zealand. For a long time, this plant was considered decorative. A delightfully tree with silvery leaves spread very quickly in almost all subtropical zones. But in the tropics, the plant did not take root at all. Gradually, the popularity of this tree has increased. But despite this, many still do not know what feijoa is. The beneficial properties of this plant have long been proven.

Useful properties of feijoa

So, what is the use of feijoa. It should be noted that this fruit contains great amount iodine. According to the content of this trace element, feijoa can only be compared with seafood. Why does the body need iodine? This microelement improves memory and speeds up thought processes. When there is enough iodine in our body, we feel great. We are cheerful and full of energy. If there is a decrease in the amount of an element in our body, we feel severe weakness and get tired very quickly.

In addition, the feijoa fruit contains about 93 substances useful for humans. This fruit is a real piggy bank of vitamins. Feijoa contains fiber, essential sugar, malic acid, macro- and microelements.

The fruits of this plant are recommended for use in diseases of the thyroid gland. Feijoa fruit, the beneficial properties of which have been known for a long time, can be used for pyelonephritis, gastritis, beriberi, and also in the presence of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the fruits of the evergreen tree can reduce pressure, calm the heart. Feijoa essential oil helps to eliminate skin problems. This substance has anti-inflammatory properties.

Where can you use feijoa

As for the smell and taste of this fruit, they resemble a combination of pineapple, kiwi and strawberries. Now imagine how many different dishes can be made with such a unique component. Feijoa fruit is used to prepare various sauces, salads, desserts, compotes, jams and marmalades.

It is worth noting that these fruits go well with seafood. Especially with noble varieties of fish, such as sea bass or black cod. They can be stuffed with feijoa or served with fruit with these products as a side dish.

These fruits give a spicy and unique taste to poultry and pork meat. Very often, a side dish with feijoa is made in combination with various vegetables: zucchini, Brussels sprouts, carrots. However, the fruit itself should not be processed, as the boiled fruits become softer.

How to choose the right feijoa

So, what is useful feijoa, you already know. Now you need to understand how to choose the right fruits. When choosing this fruit, you should pay special attention to the color of the pulp. Of course, the feijoa needs to be cut. If the flesh of the fruit is transparent, then it is ripe. Don't buy fruit Brown. This indicates that the feijoa has begun to spoil. If the flesh inside turns out to be opaque and white, then the fruit is not ripe.

It is also worth remembering that the fruit retains its beneficial qualities only for a week. Therefore, you should not buy feijoa, the beneficial properties of which have long been known, with a margin. It is better to immediately cook something tasty from the fruits. It is worth noting that the fruits of this plant will not only allow you to diversify your menu, but also become a table decoration.

Feijoa: how to eat

This fruit can be eaten raw. It is worth noting that not only the pulp, but also the peel is suitable for food. Of course, it is not as tasty, but it has much more benefits. To eat the pulp, you need to cut the fruit and carefully cut it out with a spoon. However, it is better to prepare various dishes from feijoa. At the same time, vitamins are almost completely preserved. What can be cooked?

raw jam

So, feijoa, how is it eaten and in what form? For starters, you can try the jam from this fruit. The fruits should be crushed to a mushy state. This can be done with a blender or a meat grinder. In this case, the peel should not be removed, as it contains a huge amount of vitamins. The resulting mass must be mixed with sugar. It will turn out just amazing jam without cooking. For 1 kilogram of feijoa, 1 kilogram of sugar is needed. When the jam is ready, you can arrange it in jars, previously sterilized. It is better to store the finished product in the refrigerator. You can also add crushed hazelnuts or walnuts to the mixture.

How to make real jam

Feijoa, whose beneficial properties are known to many, can be eaten in the form of jam. To prepare it, you need water, grated ginger, fruits and sugar, the amount of which should be 25% of all fruits. All components should be placed in a refractory container and put on fire. But best for water bath. The delicacy should be cooked for 6 hours. In this case, you need to remove the foam and stir regularly. Do not immediately add grated ginger. It is better to do this at the end of cooking. It is worth noting that such an extraordinary combination will make the jam more delicious. The finished delicacy should be wiped through a sieve. This will separate the ginger fibers and feijoa seeds from the jam.

Feijoa with beets

To prepare this simple salad you will need:

  1. Beet medium size.
  2. From 100 to 200 grams of feijoa.
  3. Walnuts.
  4. Salt.
  5. Vegetable oil.

Fruit must be peeled and then finely chopped. It is better to boil the beets and grind them on a coarse grater. Peel and crush nuts. Mix all the ingredients in one container, lightly salt and season with vegetable oil. It is worth considering that the calorie content of feijoa is very small. Therefore, the dish is perfect for those who follow their forms. In addition, boiled beets help cleanse the body. Such a diet salad contains a lot of vitamins and fiber.

Pork special

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • Pork.
  • Feijoa.
  • Lime.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt.
  • Cashew.
  • Paprika.
  • Mix of lettuce leaves.
  • Low-fat yogurt or mayonnaise.
  • Red wine

The meat must be washed, dried with a paper towel, and then cut into small and thin slices. Lime and feijoa also need to be thoroughly washed and chopped. Fruit is best cut into thin rings. Onions should be peeled and cut into strips. After that, you need to put a frying pan on the fire, pour a little vegetable oil and warm up well. In the heated fat, it is necessary to lower the pork slices and fry them on all sides. After that, put fruits and onions in the pan. You need to fry everything for another three minutes.

In an almost ready dish, you need to add a little red wine, soy sauce and add chopped cashews. All components must be thoroughly mixed and removed from heat. A mix of completely different varieties should be combined with low-fat yogurt or mayonnaise. An extraordinary dish is ready.

Cranberry and feijoa tincture

The calorie content of feijoa is very small, so this fruit can be used to prepare not only delicious, but also dietary dishes and drinks. To prepare cranberry tincture you will need:

Berries should be washed and crushed. Peel the feijoa and chop as desired. After that, you can prepare sugar syrup. To do this, pour 75 milliliters of water into a refractory container and dissolve sugar in it. Put the saucepan on the fire and bring to a boil. Pounded berries and chopped fruits should be transferred to a container with a volume of 700 milliliters. You also need to add sugar syrup. The remaining volume should be filled with water. Then everything needs to be mixed well. The container should be tightly closed and placed in dark place. The tincture will be ready in 7 days.


Feijoa is a real storehouse of nutrients. You can eat fruit not only in its raw form. Feijoa is great for preparing various salads, sweets and even meat. This product has a simply amazing taste, which makes any dish simply unique.

There are fruits that have a pronounced seasonal demand. These include the fruits of feijoa, the benefits and harms of which are today's story. They begin to appear on store shelves with the beginning of autumn. Although they say that nature has no bad weather, autumn slush and winter frosts make you think about getting as many nutrients as possible into the body. And everyone who guards their health is reviewing the menu, trying to include more vitamins in it.

According to one of the legends, people received a wonderful fruit as a gift from the gods for their obedience. But the history of the conquest of Europe by the fruit began rather late, compared to other exotic fruits, in the 19th century. It was then that the Brazilian naturalist Joao da Silva Feijo discovered it to the inhabitants of the Old World. We are indebted to him for the inconveniently pronounced name of the fruit.

At home, in South America, feijoa fruit is better known as acca. It grows on a tree of the myrtle family, sometimes reaching 4 meters in height. In our country, fruits ripen in the South of Russia, the Caucasus, and in the Crimea.

Feijoa - benefit and harm

Some people seriously consider feijoa to be a hybrid of strawberry, pineapple and kiwi (I wrote about it recently, you can follow the link and read). Ripe feijoa tastes, indeed, reminiscent of them. The impression can be spoiled by the dense peel of the fruit, but I will discuss the correct eating of the fruit below.

Although ... the feijoa skin itself is also useful, it contains substances valuable to health. Therefore, it is unreasonable to throw it away, it is better to dry it and then add it when brewing tea.

If we talk about the benefits and harms of feijoa to our body, then, first of all, it is worth starting with the natural natural substances that make up its composition.

  • First, feijoa is one of the fruits that deserve to be considered champions in terms of iodine content. Connections essential element are easily digested, as they are instant, which is especially important for those living in areas that are unfavorable in terms of iodine content.
  • The list of substances can be supplemented with potassium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, sodium, copper and calcium.
  • The vitamin range is also very impressive: these are vitamins C, PP, group B - 9, 6, 5, 2, 1. The fruit contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, unsaturated acids, dietary fiber, sugars. Add amino acids, there are only 5 of them, and among them are alanine, asparagine, tyrosine, arginine, glutamine, the proportion of which increases as the fetus ripens.

It is important to know - most of phenolic compounds are found in the skin of the fruit, thanks to them the fruits have an astringent taste.

What is useful feijoa

Let's answer the question, why should you eat feijoa and how is it useful?

  1. For the treatment and prevention of almost all endocrine diseases, except for hypothyroidism (more details in contraindications to the use of fruit).
  2. Useful for beriberi.
  3. Strengthens the immune system, helps treat colds and viral diseases. Helps to recover quickly after surgery and serious illness.
  4. Extremely useful for the intestines, due to the presence of a large amount of fiber. Recommended for patients with gastritis, diseases of the pancreas, liver.
  5. Hypertension, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  6. Berries are an excellent source of iron, it is recommended to take them with low hemoglobin.
  7. Has antifungal and antibacterial action, negatively affects pathogenic organisms.
  8. There is an opinion: the plant has an anti-cancer effect. Whether this is so is not known, but for prevention and with this disease, it is useful to take berries as a delicious medicine.
  9. Wound, ulcers, abrasions. Prepare a decoction of the bark, leaves and make lotions on the sore spot.
  10. Inflammation of the gums toothache- a decoction of leaves and tree bark will help.

Feijoa for diabetes

There is no categorical ban on the use of feijoa for diabetics. It is worth noting: in some diets designed for people suffering from high blood sugar, useful fruit is present.

But doctors strictly warn: you should not change your sense of proportion. Overeating fruit is strictly prohibited, since the composition of fruits contains quite a lot of different sugars, which affect the level of indicators to varying degrees.

  • The fruit is useful for patients, in addition to diabetes, suffering from depression, vitamin deficiency, an inflammatory process in the digestive tract, and arterial disease.
  • With obesity and hyperthyroidism (the thyroid gland produces too many hormones), feijoa fruits are harmful.

Important! Do not use other sources at the same time as feijoa simple sugars. Make sure that the fruit is ripe, and even slightly overripe.

The benefits and harms of feijoa for pregnant women

Women are very responsible for nutrition during pregnancy. The main condition is balance, diversity and its benefits, since now there is an active growth, development of the baby, the laying of all organs.

But ... unfortunately, it is in given time unimaginably drawn to various harms. Usually, doctors recommend to support the body, eat more fruits and vegetables, and preferably grown in that climate zone where you live. In winter, you see, it is unlikely to do this.

Feijoa is great for pregnant women, despite being exotic. What is the benefit of feijoa during pregnancy?

  • Vitamins. The most important women are PP, in the company of which vitamin C is absorbed much better.
  • Iron and iodine will become priceless natural substances during this period. The latter is easily digested and quickly enters the fetus. Pay attention to feijoa at the 12th week of pregnancy - the thyroid gland begins to form in the child.

Important! If you are prescribed drugs with the addition of iodine, which doctors often do during childbearing, fruit consumption should be limited, since an excess of iodine is as harmful as a deficiency.

Feijoa benefits for women

We women are most interested in whether feijoa can be adapted for personal care. The benefits of natural cosmetics are undeniable, and fruits meet all the requirements. Fruit masks perfectly rejuvenate the skin, give elasticity, improve complexion.

Beneficial effect on inflamed, acne-covered skin. It will help with, reducing the manifestation of spider veins, relieve pigmentation.

Preparation of a rejuvenating mask:

  • Mix cottage cheese, olive oil, yolk and chopped feijoa berries. Apply for 20 minutes and be beautiful!

The use of feijoa in the treatment of diseases - recipes

Feijoa berries are used in the treatment of various ailments, and if you live in a place where a tree grows, then leaves, flowers and bark.

  1. Jaundice. Brew tea from the leaves of the plant by adding the dried flowers.
  2. For the prevention and treatment of thyroid disease. Use tree leaves. Medicinal tea is prepared from them: a tablespoon is brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour.
  3. Nephritis. Tea with the addition of a spoonful of honey will help.
  4. Atherosclerosis. Make raw fruit jam and eat a spoonful for treatment, prevention and pleasure.
  5. Thyroid. Do not miss, friends, the feijoa season, and you will forget about thyroid problems. Raw berry jam will help, in which, to enhance the effect, add honey instead of sugar.

Feijoa jam:

Everyone will like raw fruit jam: grind feijoa in a meat grinder and add sugar. Take berries and sweetness in the same amount.

Feijoa - photo

Feijoa calories

AT diet food feijoa fruit is respected for its low nutritional value - it is low. If you are concerned about being overweight and trying to lose weight, feel free to include a healthy fruit in your menu.

Feijoa calories per 100 gr. - 52 - kcal.

How to choose and eat feijoa

For timely delivery to the buyer, the collection of fruits begins in advance, not yet ripe enough. Fruits do not lose their benefits during long-term transportation. But if you chose an already ripe copy, then eat it right away, it spoils rather quickly.

The ripe fruit has a thin skin of a dark green color, the pulp is jelly-like, light pink with a slight yellowish tinge. The unripe fruit should lie down a little so that it ripens faster, put a ripe banana next to it.

How to eat fruit? Cut into small pieces and eat without the peel, cutting it off with a knife. Since it contains the lion's share of useful properties, it would be more expedient to eat the fruit completely. Most people cut the acca in half and then scoop out the flesh with a spoon.

Add fruits to salads, use in the preparation of appetizers, sauces, sandwiches, desserts, smoothies. Read the recipe for making feijoa jam a little higher.

Harm and contraindications for use

If you want to get the maximum benefit and minimum harm from the fruit, carefully read about the contraindications to the use of feijoa.

A ripe fruit rarely causes an allergic reaction, but when trying for the first time, first try a small piece and follow the reaction of the body. This must be done in without fail, especially those who know firsthand about allergies.

  • Among the recommendations there is one warning: do not mix feijoa with milk and products from it - intestinal upset is guaranteed.
  • Do not offer fruits to children under one year old, their body does not have enough enzymes that digest fruits.
  • The fruit contains an almost record amount of iodine. Refuse to use it in case of hyperthyroidism, it will have a detrimental effect on the body.
  • With diabetes, you should not completely refuse feijoa, but since it has a high sugar content, do not get carried away and eat the fruit only with the permission of a doctor.

Impressive, isn't it? In addition to the information, I picked up a video about the benefits and harms of feijoa for the health of the body. Be healthy! With love… Galina Nekrasova.

To prevent the lack of nutrients in the body, it is recommended to include foods saturated with them in your menu. Valuable properties feijoa fruits have for women's health. They contain many vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the full functioning of the woman's body.

Description and vitamin and mineral composition

It is a large fleshy berry. The fruit can be either round or slightly elongated. Its size varies from 2 to 5 cm, and its weight is up to 60 g. The fruit has a bumpy peel, which can be from light green to dark green in tone. The pulp is surrounded by a translucent white pulp, and inside are the seeds.


The fruit is very rich in vitamins. It contains:

  • (thiamine) - 8 mcg;
  • (riboflavin) - 32 mcg;
  • (niacin) - 0.29 mg;
  • (pantothenic acid) - 0.23 mcg;
  • (pyridoxine) - 0.05 mg;
  • (folic acid) - 38 mcg;
  • (ascorbic acid) - 20.3 mg.

Did you know? This plant was named after Joanie de Silva Feijo, who was its promoter and director of the Natural History Museum of Brazil.


Of the macronutrients in feijoa contains:

  • - 155 mg;
  • - 17 mg;
  • - 9 mg;
  • - 3 mg;
  • - 20 mg.
And from trace elements:
  • - 80 mcg;
  • - 70 mcg;
  • - 85 mcg;
  • - 55 mcg;
  • - 40 mcg.

In terms of iodine content, feijoa can even be compared with recognized leaders- seafood.

Calorie content and nutritional value of the product

100 g of fruit contains:

  • water - 86 g;
  • proteins - 1 g;
  • fat - 0.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10 g;
  • ash - 0.74 g.
Indicators may vary depending on the variety. Calorie content per 100 g of the product is 49 kcal.

What is useful feijoa

Due to its rich composition, the berry in question has a positive effect on the female body:

  • treats and prevents diseases of the endocrine system;
  • quickly copes with beriberi;
  • improves immunity;
  • helps to quickly recover after surgery or an illness;
  • normalizes the work of the digestive tract due to the fiber contained in the composition;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin;
  • fights fungal and pathogenic cells;
  • improves metabolism, improves blood circulation;
  • good for work nervous system, normalizes pressure;
  • thanks to the antioxidants in the composition of feijoa, the process of aging and cell destruction slows down;
  • relieves pain during menstruation;
  • fruit masks improve skin condition, relieve acne and pigmentation.

Is it possible

Women during pregnancy and lactation are very attentive to their diet, as this affects both the development of the child and the well-being of the mother.

During pregnancy

You can eat feijoa while carrying a baby.
Consider the benefits of using it:

  1. The berry contains a lot of iodine, which is important for the proper development of the fetus.
  2. Pregnant women often experience constipation. Feijoa will help to cope with this problem and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Folic acid contained in the berry has a beneficial effect on health future mother and contributes to the proper development of the fetus.
  4. Thanks to the iron in the composition of the berry, the risk of developing anemia is reduced.

When breastfeeding

When feeding a baby, a woman is allowed to eat the fetus in question when the child reaches 3 months of age. If you start using it earlier, then the development of an allergy in the baby is possible.

Important! Feijoa should be introduced into the menu of a nursing mother gradually, starting with the fourth part of the berry.

After use, you need to pay attention to the reaction of the baby: if a rash or loose stools appear, then it is worthwhile to postpone the introduction of a new product for a while. And if there were no negative reactions, then the next day, mom can increase the dose to half a berry.

The benefits of feijoa for those who want to lose weight

The considered fruit helps to lose weight. Consider its dietary properties:

  • 100 g of berries contain only 49 kcal and 17% of the daily fiber requirement. This combination saturates well and reduces the total number of calories consumed per day;
  • thanks to vegetable fibers, blood sugar control is improved and food is absorbed more slowly - this helps to prevent a large release of insulin after eating ( high level insulin in the body leads to the rapid formation of body fat);
  • the berry supports beneficial intestinal microflora, which is of great importance for normal weight;
  • feijoa has a low fructose content (2.95 g per 100 g of the product). A person who is losing weight can eat 15 g of fructose per day, which is equivalent to 0.5 kg of feijoa.

Cosmetic properties: homemade feijoa masks

This fruit is useful not only for internal health, but will help a woman always remain beautiful on the outside. Consider feijoa mask recipes that are easy to make on your own.


In order to make such a mask, you need to turn the berry into a puree. Then 2 tablespoons of puree are taken, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and the same amount of honey are added. All ingredients are well mixed. The mixture is applied to the skin of the face for a quarter of an hour. After that, the mask is washed off with water at room temperature.

For dry skin

For this mask, mix 1 tbsp. l. green berry puree with the same volume soft cottage cheese. Cream is added to the mixture to make a creamy mass. The mask is applied for 15 minutes, washed off first with warm water, and then with cool water.


To prepare such a mask, you need 2 tbsp. l. mix berry puree with 1 egg white and 1 tsp. honey. The resulting mass is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour and washed off with cool water.

For oily skin

You can prepare this remedy by mixing 2 tbsp. l. feijoa puree, potato starch and 2 drops of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mass on the face for 15 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature.

The use of medicinal properties

Feijoa for hypertension and atherosclerosis. The berries are passed through a meat grinder and mixed with sugar in a ratio of 2:1. You need to apply 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. This product should be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.

To normalize pressure. Berries should be crushed and mixed with sugar in equal parts. Take a sweet medicine should be in the morning and evening for 30 g.

With diseases of the cardiovascular system. 1 st. l. feijoa juice is mixed in 100 ml of water and taken 1 time per day.

Women, feijoa, cooking, or how to make feijoa jam

Any hostess can prepare healthy feijoa jam, as this recipe is very simple and will not take much time.

Required Ingredients

For jam you will need:

  • feijoa - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Step by step cooking process

To begin with, the edges are removed from the fruit. And then the berry will need to be ground in a meat grinder. If dimensions allow, then the fruit can be placed whole. Well, if the meat grinder is small, feijoa should be cut in half.

Did you know? It is believed that the first jam began to cook in Ancient Greece. They boiled quince with honey, achieving a viscous consistency of the mixture.

Feijoa jam is ready. It must be poured into jars and closed with lids. Store such a useful sweetness in the refrigerator or in any other cool place. This is the so-called "cold brewing" method.

Is it possible to eat feijoa skin

Feijoa peel can be eaten. It contains a large amount of catechins and leukoanthocyanins, which block the development cancer cells. If you regularly eat the skin, then the risk of oncology is significantly reduced.

The skin contains phenols, which have an antibacterial effect. It is often used to prepare disinfectant decoctions and infusions that help with stomatitis and inflammation of the gums. Also, small wounds and scratches are washed with these products.

The shell of the berry contains a lot of fiber. Therefore, if you eat the fruit along with the peel, the intestines will work better.

Storage rules

Feijoa is not stored for a long time - 7-10 days from the date of collection. Berries should be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of +2 ... +6 ° C, putting them in a paper bag or in a plastic ventilated container.

Important!Feijoa cannot be stored in a tightly closed plastic bag - the berries will quickly deteriorate. To increase the shelf life, it is recommended to make ventilation holes in the bag.

If the fruits are immature, they should be laid out in a single layer on a newspaper and left in a dry place where direct sunlight does not fall. The temperature should not exceed 23 °C. After the berries are ripe, they are put in the refrigerator.

Feijoa can be frozen. To do this, the fruits are placed in containers or bags for freezing and sent to the freezer. As needed, the berries are taken out. This storage method allows you to save almost all the useful properties of feijoa.

Possible harm and contraindications

It is not recommended to eat the fruits in question for people who have hypersensitivity to iodine or suffer from thyrotoxicosis. You can not use the berry in large quantities - this leads to allergies, rashes, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, deterioration of metabolism.

In case of an overdose, a sharp decrease in body temperature is observed, the pulse quickens, anxiety, loss of strength, and nervous breakdowns appear.

No less useful

In addition to feijoa, there are some more Exotic fruits which bring many benefits to the female body.

Orange contains folic acid, which is beneficial for pregnant women. The antioxidants in citrus help protect the skin from early appearance wrinkles, which allows you to keep a woman's youth for a long time.

Like its other "relatives" contains folic acid, which is important for women's health. Lime juice helps fight disease genitourinary system women.

The female body is exposed to varicose veins veins. Lime will help in this situation if you apply pieces of citrus to the diseased area at an early stage.

It is indispensable for pregnant women, due to the presence of folic acid in it, which favorably affects the development of the baby in the womb. It is also able to regulate the menstrual cycle.

Guava is an antidepressant: if you regularly use the fruit, it will improve the functioning of the nervous system and relieve stress and neurosis.

Feijoa has many beneficial properties and has a beneficial effect on women Health. When using it, do not forget about the measure to avoid negative consequences and harmful effects.

The beneficial properties and contraindications of feijoa are due to its unusually rich vitamin composition. This exotic fruit native to Brazil is not only part of diet meals of various kinds, but is also used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases: diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, gout, chronic colitis and pyelonephritis. In addition, the benefits of the pulp and peel of the fruit have been proven in cosmetology.

Feijoa: fruit or berry

Feijoa (also Akka Sellova or Akka Feijoa) - view evergreen shrubs cultivated in tropical and subtropical climates. On the territory of Russia, this fruit is grown in the Transcaucasus, the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory.

These are large fleshy berries with a bumpy skin. Their weight varies from 20 to 120 g depending on the variety. Fruit diameter - 2-5 cm, length - 2-7 cm. Despite the rather large size, feijoa fruits are considered berries.

In shape, these berries resemble kiwi. The taste of the pulp is soft, sour, with hints of strawberries and pineapple. The seeds are small and almost invisible. The color of the peel varies depending on the subspecies of the fruit: it can be colored both in light yellow-green tones and in dark green shades. Sometimes the surface of the berry is covered with a thin anthocyanin coating.

Fruits are recommended to be consumed fresh, but they do not lose their beneficial properties even when heat treatment. This quality of the berry explains such a variety of feijoa recipes. They are used to prepare:

  • compotes and juices;
  • sour or sweet and sour sauces;
  • jams, marmalade, jam and marmalade;
  • minced fruit for stuffing fish;
  • marshmallows;
  • liquors, liqueurs and wines.

How to eat feijoa: with or without peel

The benefits of the fruit are best preserved when consumed fresh. To do this, the fruit is cut in half and the soft pulp is eaten out with a spoon, but the peel of the fruit can also be eaten - it is no less useful than the pulp of this fruit, since it contains many biologically active components. In particular, due to the high concentration of antioxidants in the peel of berries, feijoa is used in the treatment and prevention of cancer.

However, the skin of the berries is rarely eaten fresh, because it tastes rather unpleasant. It is usually dried and used to make tea. In addition, the tart, astringent taste of the fruit can be softened by dressing when adding berries to fruit salads. In other words, there is a feijoa with or without a peel - everyone decides for himself.

Fresh fruits keep from 7 to 20 days, depending on how they are stored.

How to clean feijoa

In the traditional sense of the word, this fruit is not peeled. When feijoa ripens, the fruit becomes soft. It is carefully cut in the middle and the flesh is eaten with a teaspoon without touching the peel.

Nutritional value and composition of feijoa

Feijoa is the only fruit in the world with a higher iodine content than any other seafood. This high concentration makes it useful in the treatment of thyroid problems. Moreover, iodine is found in fruits in a water-soluble state, which is why the body quickly absorbs this element. Fresh berries are a rich source of vitamin C and fiber, but these elements vitamin composition fruit is not limited. They contain:

  • B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic and folic acids, pyridoxine);
  • proteins fats carbohydrates;
  • sucrose;
  • pectin substances;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids - plant polyphenols with antitumor effect;
  • saponins are biologically active components that regulate water-salt metabolism in the body;
  • antioxidants (biologically active components kahetin and leukoanthocin);
  • micro and macro elements (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus).

The calorie content of feijoa is 49 kcal.

What is useful feijoa for the body

The high concentration of vitamins B and C causes wide application of this fruit in the treatment and prevention of beriberi. In terms of the amount of iodine contained in its fruits, feijoa surpasses even red fish, so the inclusion of fruit in the daily diet brings considerable benefits in restoring pancreatic function.

Regular moderate consumption of these berries has the following effects on the human body:

  • improves the function of nerve endings;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease;
  • the work of the thyroid gland is restored;
  • goiter growth is prevented;
  • wounds heal better;
  • the risk of developing osteoporosis is reduced;
  • memory improves;
  • improves blood quality;
  • general irritability and weakness, depression decreases;
  • there is a prevention of tumor and catarrhal diseases;
  • improves lung and brain function.

Feijoa: useful properties for men

The benefits of feijoa fruit for men is the prevention and treatment of prostatitis. It has been scientifically proven that eating 2-3 fruits a day prevents re-inflammation of the prostate gland. In addition, since the list of useful properties of the berry includes the normalization of the activity of the endocrine gland, small portions of fruits are recommended for eating with hormone therapy.

What is useful feijoa for women

The benefits of feijoa for a woman's body lies, first of all, in the dietary properties of its fruits. Feijoa is recommended to be used during the diet for women who want to lose weight. These berries contain in their composition substances that have a stimulating effect on metabolism, which has a positive effect on the figure of a woman.

Important! When using fresh fruits instead of confectionery, the first results will be noticeable in a week.

The fruits of the berries have also found their application in cosmetology - their use in stimulating regenerative processes upper layers skin is incredible. Masks made from feijoa pulp have a rejuvenating effect on the skin and smooth out deep wrinkles. The crushed peel is used in the creation of topical applications to reduce redness and irritation on the skin.

Feijoa during pregnancy

The diet of pregnant women should be rich and balanced, so during this period, doctors recommend diversifying its feijoa. Daily consumption of at least one fruit has a beneficial effect on the growing body of the child:

  1. The folates contained in the pulp of the fruit stimulate the processes of hematopoiesis.
  2. The plant fibers that these berries are rich in help prevent frequent constipation during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  3. During pregnancy, it is recommended to include iodine-containing foods in the diet, and feijoa surpasses even seafood in this parameter.

Feijoa for pregnant women can be consumed both fresh and after processing.

Important! Feijoa is especially useful to eat at the 11th-12th week of pregnancy, when the baby's thyroid gland is developing intensively.

Feijoa while breastfeeding

The high content of iron in the fruit brings these berries closer to the pomegranate. This element is necessary to strengthen immune system breastfeeding mothers and their children, so the use of feijoa in moderation is mandatory when breastfeeding, but this should be approached with caution. Berries are included in the diet only a month after birth. Intensive fruit consumption during pregnancy will do more harm than good.

Is feijoa possible for children

Feijoa rarely causes an allergic reaction in the body, but it is given to young children with great care. Despite the extensive list of useful properties, its benefits are most fully revealed when eaten by adults. The fact is that the children's body is not able to absorb well some of the elements that make up this fruit, so there may be problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract with excessive consumption of berries.

The use of feijoa in medicine

AT traditional medicine the pulp and peel of the fruit is used to prepare a variety of infusions, decoctions and solutions. A variety of means is due to an extensive list of useful properties of the berry, but the use of fresh berries also brings no less benefit.

Decoctions from the leaves, bark and fruits of the plant are used as an antiseptic. disinfectant, which treats small wounds, abrasions and rinses oral cavity with bleeding gums. Such decoctions also relieve acute toothache.

Fresh berries act as a useful food supplement for gastritis and pyelonephritis. In addition, these exotic fruits strengthen the immune system, increase the body's resistance to colds, and have pronounced antidepressant properties. For the treatment of influenza, pomace from the essential oils of berries and a variety of jams are used.

The benefits of the fruit are undeniable with overwork - with increased mental stress, the fruits reduce chronic fatigue, drowsiness and irritability. Berries are also prescribed for violations of the thyroid gland.

Regular use of feijoa is an effective medicinal and prophylactic agent for the normalization of blood pressure because these berries are rich in potassium. Finally, the fruits stop the symptoms of toxicosis.

Useful properties of feijoa for the thyroid gland

Feijoa accumulates iodine well, so the fruit is an extremely useful food supplement in case of violation correct operation thyroid gland. For the treatment of goiter prepare the following infusion:

  • grind 1 tbsp. l. fresh berry leaves;
  • crushed leaves are poured into a glass container and poured with 1 glass of boiling water;
  • the mixture is infused for half an hour, after which the infusion is ready for use.

Dosage: 1 glass 2 times a day. If desired, you can add honey to the infusion.

Important! Not all varieties are rich in iodine. It is practically absent in the berries from Batumi, therefore it is completely pointless to use such fruits to normalize the function of the thyroid gland - their benefit in this case is minimal.

Feijoa for diabetes

The use of feijoa in diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2 is not prohibited. Moreover, recent Scientific research confirmed the benefits of the berry in violation of the function of the pancreas, but take the fruit in small quantities. They are rich in sucrose, therefore, in order to avoid an increase in blood sugar levels in diabetes, feijoa is consumed fresh or as part of tea. Thus, the potential of all useful properties will be fully disclosed.

Useful properties of feijoa jam

The benefits of feijoa jam is that this dessert not only retains many useful substances during heat treatment, but is also recommended for use in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, cancer and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, when the product is included in the daily diet, there is a general strengthening of the immune system of the human body. Finally, its benefits have long been confirmed in the treatment of colds and viral diseases.

Prepare jam as follows:

  • juice is squeezed out of 1 orange;
  • 500 g of berries are crushed without peeling;
  • the crushed mass is boiled for 10 minutes;
  • after this time, sugar and orange juice are added to the water;
  • then the fruits are boiled until the mass thickens, after which the jam can be poured into jars.

The benefits of feijoa jam are due to the rich composition of fresh fruits that are used to make this dessert. In particular, the beneficial properties of berries are explained by the high concentration of vitamin C, fiber, sucrose, pectin and malic acid.

In addition, the preparation of jam is described in the video below:

Feijoa Contraindications

The inclusion of feijoa in the diet can bring both benefits and considerable harm. They are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and diabetes mellitus due to the high content of sucrose.

Also, the high concentration of iodine in this fruit is a health hazard for people with hyperthyroidism. High-calorie fruits will bring particular harm to people suffering from overweight. In addition, an overdose of iodine is dangerous for the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Important! You can not combine berries with milk, since the pectin substances contained in the fruits are not combined with lactose and therefore neutralize all the beneficial properties of the product. The combination of any dairy products with this fruit can adversely affect the digestive system.


Useful properties and contraindications of feijoa require some caution when eating its fruits. The pulp and peel of fruits are rich in vitamins, nutrients and, of course, bring great benefits to the body, but oversaturation with them is just as harmful as their lack. In addition, the growth of berries is of considerable importance - fruits grown in areas with poor iodine soil, for example, are practically useless for stimulating the thyroid gland.

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