Food garlic. Calorie Garlic

Encyclopedia of Plants 07.07.2020

Garlic belongs to the onion family and is a perennial vegetable crop that can be found in almost every corner of the world. Garlic is a very unpretentious plant, which makes it easy to breed it in the backyard.

In addition to being an excellent seasoning, this vegetable is also known for its beneficial properties and is often used in the treatment of many diseases.

Strange as it may sound, garlic is the sweetest vegetable, but not in taste, but in terms of the amount of sugars it contains - about 20-235 of the raw weight of the product.

Garlic: harm and benefit for a woman's body. Nutritional value, health benefits of this vegetable. Read about all this in this article.

The taste and characteristic pungent smell of the plant are associated with the presence of essential oil in it.(0.23-0.74%), mainly consisting of allicin and phytoncides. Allicin is a powerful antioxidant that binds free radicals.

In the absence of bonds, free radicals have a destructive effect on the cells of the body, which can lead to the development of tumors. In addition, damaged cells produce proteins that are unusual for this organism, and this, in turn, causes intoxication and poisoning.

Besides, allicin is a good antiseptic that can destroy pathogens. At the same time, allicin does not have a destructive effect on beneficial microorganisms living in the human body.

Scientists do not yet have an exact explanation for this phenomenon, but perhaps this is the result of a long evolutionary process, as a result of which many microbes have become immune to the effects of substances that do not pose a threat to the body.

Garlic also contains some organic acids, salicin, phloroglucinol, geraniol, kaempferol.

The calorie content of this vegetable is quite comparable with the calorie content of black bread - 149 kcal per 100 g.

Looking at it in more detail:

  • proteins are 6.5 g;
  • fats - 0.5 g (including saturated fatty acids - 0.1 g, unsaturated fatty acids - 0.1 g);
  • carbohydrates - 29.9 g (of which saccharides - 3.9 g, starch - 26 g);
  • dietary fiber - 1.5 g;
  • organic acids - 0.1 g;
  • ash - 1.5 g;
  • water - 60 g;
  • macronutrients (potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus) - 617 mg;
  • trace elements (iron, selenium, zinc, copper, iodine, manganese) - 179.035 mg;
  • vitamins - 798.8 mg.

The composition of this vegetable plant includes a significant amount of vitamins:

  1. Vitamin C- is known for its general strengthening effect and the ability to stimulate immune processes. The content in garlic is 0.8 mg.
  2. Vitamin A- improves vision, and is also a natural antioxidant.
  3. Vitamin B1 aka thiamine- has a positive effect on the work of the endocrine and nervous systems: speeds up metabolism, normalizes digestion, improves memory and attention. It is also able to increase appetite, and slow down the aging process in the body. Previously, garlic was often used as a pain reliever for dental problems, precisely due to the action of thiamine. The content of vitamin B1 in garlic is 0.2 mg.
  4. Vitamin B2 aka riboflavin- improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys, has a beneficial effect on vision. With regular use, it strengthens the immune system, strengthens bones and has a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails, which is why vitamin B2 is often recommended to pregnant women. In garlic, the amount of riboflavin is 0.1 mg.
  5. Vitamin B3 or niacin- regulates cholesterol levels and improves heart function. In garlic, the amount of niacin can reach 0.7 mg.
  6. Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid- is responsible for the rapid production of antibodies in the body, accelerates the regeneration of the skin. Due to these properties, it is often used to suppress inflammatory processes in the body. The amount of vitamin in garlic reaches 0.7 mg.
  7. Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine- contributes to the normalization of protein metabolism. It is often prescribed as an additive for disorders in the genitourinary system and cardiovascular ailments. Promotes health and hair growth. Garlic contains 1.2 mg of pyridoxine.
  8. Vitamin B9 or folic acid- Accelerates immune processes in the body. Its amount in garlic is up to 3 mg.

In addition, the product in question is very rich in various trace elements:

  • iron (improves skin condition, stimulates growth processes in the body);
  • phosphorus (has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the condition of the kidneys);
  • potassium (helps the work of the heart, kidneys, digestive organs);
  • zinc (responsible for the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates);
  • calcium (increases bone strength);
  • selenium (neutralizes inflammatory processes);
  • manganese (stabilizes cholesterol);
  • copper (improves the state of the nervous system);
  • sulfur (sulfur compounds destroy many types of pathogenic bacteria and neutralize toxic substances);
  • sodium (regulates water-salt metabolism in the body).

Due to such a variety of useful components in the composition, garlic is actively used in folk medicine as one of the main means in the treatment of many diseases.

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This vegetable has a positive effect on the digestive organs. Firstly, the use of garlic in food stimulates appetite and accelerates the production of gastric juice.

active elements in the composition of garlic accelerate the metabolism, contributing to the breakdown of fats. Due to these properties, garlic is often used for weight loss.

A significant content of vitamins and essential oils makes garlic one of the most effective means to combat a variety of viral and bacterial infections. On the one hand, it helps to suppress the activity of viruses and microbes, and on the other hand, it stimulates the body's own immune processes.

It is also known about the positive effect of a vegetable plant on the functioning of the nervous system: participating in the processing of glucose, its components relieve nervous tension and improve brain function, giving it additional energy.

Garlic is contraindicated in diseases of the stomach and intestines. It is able to leave burns on the mucous membrane, which in the presence of gastritis, ulcers or inflammatory processes in the intestines can lead to a sharp deterioration in the condition.

The biggest the risk of garlic consumption is associated with the possibility of developing botulism in it during long-term storage. A particularly favorable environment for bacteria is oil and room temperature.

Raw garlic slows down platelets, which poses a significant risk for bleeding, especially when combined with blood-thinning drugs.

Do not forget that garlic can cause allergies. Although it should be noted that the percentage of such cases is quite low.

Be careful! Those with sensitive skin should be careful about getting garlic juice on it, as it can cause redness, pain, or even burns.

The benefits and harms of garlic for a woman's body

Garlic can bring not only benefits, but also harm to a woman's body. Nutritional value, health benefits you need to know.

Garlic reduces the risk of breast and uterine tumors. Women over 50 years of age are recommended to use garlic as a preventive measure for osteoporosis due to its positive effect on the condition of bones and joints.

It has been established that the components of garlic have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reducing irritability, stopping depressive states, which is especially important for the fair sex.

In addition, it is noted that the vegetable improves the condition of the hair, and also stimulates sexual activity.

Attention! During pregnancy, it is worth limiting the consumption of garlic, especially in the last trimester, as it can provoke preterm labor. It is also better for nursing mothers to refrain from eating this vegetable, as its essential oils can affect the taste of breast milk.

Garlic: benefits and harms for men

Garlic is useful for its ability to dilate blood vessels and thin the blood, which has a good effect on the erectile ability of men, improves blood circulation in the genitals.

In addition, due to its antioxidant properties, garlic reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer by about 2 times.

As already mentioned, the trace elements that make up this plant cope well with many types of pathogenic bacteria, including those that can cause male infertility.

But do not forget that the product in question can also have a negative effect on some organs. Thus, scientists have come to the conclusion that Some of the toxins found in garlic can enter brain cells and destroy them.

At the same time, in the middle of the 20th century. it was found that as a result of eating this vegetable before a flight, the reaction time of pilots decreased, since under the influence of toxins, brain waves lost their synchrony.

Garlic - health benefits and harms in fresh and cooked form

Pickled garlic (benefits and harms)

Pickled garlic retains most of the vitamins and minerals it contains, so the use of the product in this form, especially in the autumn-winter period, helps to cope with various types of viral infections, activates the immune system.

It also helps improve digestion and improve appetite.

Eating 1-2 cloves of pickled garlic a day can significantly reduce the risk of cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels, as well as avoid inflammation of the urinary tract.

Excessive consumption of this dish can lead to a headache, a decrease in the reaction rate. It is not recommended to use pickled garlic for pregnant women, people suffering from epilepsy, hemorrhoids. Those who have diseases of the digestive system should reduce the use of the product.

Boiled garlic (benefits and harms)

Boiled garlic is one of the easiest ways to prepare this vegetable: just place it in a small amount of water and boil for 10 minutes. In this form, it can serve as an addition to the main course or an appetizer.

Boiled garlic can bring both benefit and harm. it should be used with caution in the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system, epilepsy, pregnancy. It is also important to know about the health benefits and nutritional value.

If you salt the water during cooking and do not overexpose the garlic on the stove, then when cooking it will retain all its beneficial properties. Heat treatment activates the production of allicin, which improves blood circulation, lowers cholesterol, and also contributes to the normal functioning of the liver.

As in fresh form, a boiled vegetable should be used with caution in the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system, epilepsy, and pregnancy.

Fried garlic (benefits and harms)

This cooking method is sometimes called garlic confit. When roasted, the taste of garlic becomes much milder than that of the raw product, and the smell ceases to be too sharp.

Fried garlic can harm people suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Black garlic (benefits and harms)

Black garlic has much in common with the usual variety of this vegetable crop. Its main feature is the absence of a specific pungent taste and smell, which contributes to rapid absorption.

Black garlic has a beneficial effect on the immune system, helps in the treatment of viral diseases and colds, stabilizes blood pressure, helps maintain the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Due to the ability to influence cell growth, it has a slight rejuvenating effect.

The main restrictions on the use of this vegetable are associated with individual intolerance. product.

Salted garlic (benefits and harms)

Salted garlic, like pickled, is a convenient way to preserve the beneficial properties of the product. Eating in this form has a positive effect on the digestion process, lowers cholesterol levels., and also helps to cope with viral and colds.

With caution should be used by people with diseases of the pancreas, stomach, gallbladder, pregnant and lactating women.

The benefits and harms of baked garlic

Roasted garlic is commonly used to make ointments to help with calluses and corns. To do this, baked garlic is crushed into gruel, mixed with butter and applied to problem areas.

Garlic, wrapped in dough and baked in this way, helps relieve pain from sciatica, sprains, joint problems.

A mixture of baked onions and baked garlic is good for purulent inflammation of the skin.

It's important to know! External use of garlic can cause local allergic reactions.

The benefits of garlic for the human body in combination with other products

Garlic with milk (benefit and harm)

Among folk recipes, you can often find a combination of garlic with milk. This remedy is often used to treat coughs. To prepare it, milk is boiled and squeezed garlic is added there. Drink this medicine 2 times a day.

Another way is to pour chopped garlic with hot milk and simmer for about 2 hours in the oven.

Also regular intake of a decoction of garlic in milk blinks to cope with hypertension and stabilize the pressure.

You should not resort to such methods if there are acute inflammatory processes in the digestive organs, as it can cause deterioration.

Honey with garlic: benefits

The combination of honey with garlic is widely used to increase immunity, in the treatment of viral and bacterial infections, and disorders of the genitourinary system.

Beets with garlic (benefit and harm)

Beets with garlic - it is not only a delicious snack, but also a good help in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, this dish causes a surge of energy, improves immunity and general condition of the body.

Doctors do not advise to abuse this snack, as it can exacerbate chronic diseases, provoke allergic reactions. You can not use garlic with beets for diabetes, gastric ulcer and acute gastritis.

Kefir with garlic: benefits

The squeezed garlic clove is poured with 2 cups of kefir and insisted for several hours in the refrigerator. The resulting infusion is drunk before going to bed.

The benefits of lard with garlic

Salo with garlic is not only very tasty, but also healthy. It helps cleanse blood vessels, helps lower cholesterol, improves liver function.

Note! Those who suffer from cholelithiasis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are better off refraining from eating lard with garlic.

Onions and garlic (benefits and harms)

Onion and garlic are very similar in composition and properties, so their combined use helps to achieve a greater effect in the treatment of various colds and their manifestations, as well as normalize the work of digestion and the cardiovascular system.

The use of onions with garlic also increases their harmful effects, so their use during pregnancy, acute inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines is not recommended.

But at the same time, the consumption of onions and garlic increases their harmful effects, so their use during pregnancy, acute inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines is not recommended.

Why the composition is useful: lemon, garlic and honey (use of the mixture)

The combination of beneficial substances of garlic, lemon and honey has long been used as a remedy. Garlic reduces the risk of tumors and strengthens blood vessels, lemon removes harmful substances from the body, and honey gives energy.

Learn how to improve health: What vitamins are best for adults to take for immunity

A mixture of these products helps to destroy pathogenic bacteria in the body, improves bowel function, and normalizes blood pressure. If you use it daily for 2 weeks, you can notice positive changes in the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

What does garlic cure?

Garlic - good and bad for the heart

Garlic has a particularly beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, accelerating blood flow, while reducing the load on the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to the trace elements it contains, garlic prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, lowers blood pressure and thereby prevents the development of vascular diseases.

The benefits of garlic for the liver

Due to the ability of some components to neutralize toxins and toxic substances, garlic significantly reduces the load on the liver, which is responsible in our body for cleansing. This helps the liver stay healthy longer.

Young shoots of the plant accelerate the absorption of fatty and heavy foods. by stimulating bile secretion by the liver. It is green sprouts that bring the greatest benefit to this organ, as they contain the maximum amount of vitamin A and ascorbic acid, which play an important role in cell metabolism.

Regular consumption of shoots helps the liver recover and accelerates the regeneration of its cells.

Garlic how to treat prostatitis

Garlic is a strong natural antibiotic. It has a powerful antimicrobial effect, and also stops inflammation, thanks to its essential oil.

To prepare an infusion for the treatment of the prostate, pour 5 pureed cloves with 2 cups of hot water and leave for about 12 hours and take a quarter cup 2 times a day.

Garlic at night (benefits and harms)

Eating garlic at night is often practiced for hypertension: 2-3 cloves, sometimes together with honey, help cleanse blood vessels and lower blood pressure. It should be taken according to the following scheme: 2 days of admission and 2 days of break.

Important to remember! Garlic can cause insomnia, heartburn, and affect blood pressure, so a sensible individual approach is important when using it.

Garlic on an empty stomach (benefit and harm)

You can often find recommendations for eating garlic on an empty stomach, as this ensures maximum absorption of the beneficial substances contained in it. In this case, it is recommended not to chew the product, but to swallow it in order to avoid a sharp smell from the mouth.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should not eat garlic on an empty stomach, so as not to provoke an exacerbation of diseases.

Regular consumption of garlic within reasonable limits has a beneficial effect on the human body and can compete with many pharmaceuticals without significant side effects.

About the benefits and harms of garlic for the body:

About the beneficial properties of garlic, nutritional value, health benefits for men and women - in this video, a dietitian tells:

Garlic is a herbaceous plant in the onion family. People have long been wondering what vitamins are in garlic and what benefits they bring to humans. After all, garlic is not only a garden plant that is eaten, but also a medicine.

Garlic is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals

The main vitamins found in garlic are the B vitamins. These include:

  1. B1 - thiamine. It helps the work of the nervous and endocrine systems. Actively participates in the normalization of the digestive tract. It improves metabolism in the human body by providing cells with energy, and also promotes the development of memory and thinking. Increases appetite. Slows down aging. Used to relieve toothache. Lack of vitamin B1 affects mood (it deteriorates). Nervous tics appear.
  2. B2 - riboflavin. It affects the condition of the mucous membrane, the functioning of the liver and kidneys. With constant intake, it improves visual acuity and affects growth. Strengthens immunity. Promotes the growth of bones, hair, nails, and also helps to absorb calcium in the body. Responsible for metabolism.
  3. B5 - pantothenic acid. It affects the production of antibodies and the renewal of the skin. Helps reduce inflammation. Increases stress resistance. Reduces weight. Helps in the treatment of allergies, pancreas and liver. Used during pregnancy to combat toxicosis.
  4. B6 - pyridoxine. Breaks down fats and normalizes protein metabolism. Promotes hair growth and strengthening. Improves heart function and blood flow to the brain. Reduces nausea. Acts as a diuretic.
  5. B9 - folic acid. Calms the nervous system. It has a beneficial effect on the circulatory and immune systems.

Garlic also contains vitamin C - ascorbic acid. It is especially useful in the treatment of colds and flu. It is a "shield" for the body from bacteria and infections. Provides mental stability.

Vitamin PP - nicotinic acid. Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Favorably affects the digestive system and heart function.

Vitamin K is phylloquinone. Regulates redox processes, participates in the formation, strengthening of bones and blood clotting.

Minerals found in garlic:

  1. Phosphorus. Participates in the work of the kidneys, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  2. Copper. Improves the functioning of the nervous system, brain and metabolism. Helps supply muscles with oxygen. Promotes healing of wounds.
  3. Selenium. Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Participates in the work of the heart and blood flow.
  4. Iron. Promotes human growth. Improves skin tone.
  5. Zinc. Breaks down proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  6. Sulfur. It is a bactericidal substance that kills microbes.
  7. Germanium. Protects blood vessels from varicose veins.

The calorie content of garlic in 100 grams of the product is 143 kcal.

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Useful and harmful properties of garlic

Since ancient times, people have noticed that eating garlic improves their well-being. Vitamins in garlic are known to help cure many diseases:

  1. Treatment of SARS and other colds. Vitamins contained in garlic affect the body, strengthening it. Not everyone knows that the effect of garlic on the body with a cold is similar to the action of antibiotics, only in small doses.
  2. Support the cardiovascular system by lowering blood cholesterol, stabilize blood pressure.
  3. They kill the causative agents of dysentery. Do not allow bacteria to multiply.
  4. Reduce blood viscosity.
  5. Increase urination, remove stones from the kidneys.
  6. Improves potency by increasing blood flow to the genitals.
  7. Reduces baldness and hair loss.
  8. It has a healing property: heals cuts, abrasions and cracks on the skin of the hands and feet.

Garlic not only has beneficial properties, but also has a number of negative characteristics, some of which adversely affect the body. This:

  • strong smell of garlic from the mouth;
  • increased feeling of hunger;
  • irritating effect on the gastric mucosa and oral cavity, the likelihood of mucosal burns, irritation of the kidneys and liver;
  • increased likelihood of exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • influence on the work of the brain, namely the inhibition of its vital activity: headaches appear, reaction and working capacity decrease.

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Grandma's recipes

Those who have ever heard of the benefits of garlic have used it to treat various ailments. Here are some recipes:

  1. Treatment of pharyngitis. 1 clove of garlic is taken and passed through a press. Add 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 leaf of aloe, also squeezed through a press. Then put the resulting mixture into a glass of warm water and stir. Gargle with the resulting solution throat for 5 - 6 minutes.
  2. From cough. Squeeze 1 clove of garlic through a press. Add 1 tsp. honey and 0.5 tbsp. boiled milk. Mix everything and drink 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  3. Treatment of ulcers. 1 - 2 cloves of garlic are ground into a gruel, everything is put in a glass of alcohol, after which it is evenly applied to a cotton pad and applied to the abscess. Then tied with a bandage. Keep for half an hour. Well heals, dries and disinfects the wound.
  4. For bowel treatment. 50 g of garlic are crushed and poured with vodka. Insist in a dark place for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Apply 2 times a day on an empty stomach by diluting 20 drops of garlic in a glass of milk.
  5. With diabetes. Rub 1 garlic bulb and pour 2-3 cups of dry red wine. Insist for a week in a bright place. Take 1 tablespoon every day before meals.
  6. For weight loss. Survive through the press 4 garlic cloves. Scroll one lemon through a meat grinder. Separately brew ginger root with honey. Strain and add to the mixture of garlic and lemon. Insist 3 - 4 hours in a warm place, and then put in the refrigerator. Drink 3-4 tablespoons before meals and always in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.

Biochemical composition of garlic

The composition of garlic is heterogeneous throughout the plant, which has not only a bulb - a head, but also a stem with leaves. Although garlic leaves are not as popular in salads as onion feathers, they have many more of some nutrients than the garlic fruit itself. There are especially many vitamins in the leaves, in particular ascorbic acid - up to 150 mg, and the fruits contain about 70 mg, which is 5–8%. Both the bulb and the leaves of garlic contain a small amount of vitamins B 1, B 3 and PP, and the leaves contain carotene - provitamin A.

Garlic bulbs, in addition to vitamins, contain vegetable protein, polysaccharides and fats.

The composition of garlic also depends on the time of year. The bulk of the nutrients are carbohydrates and polysaccharides, which garlic contains about 27%. In the fall, these are inulin and sucrose, and in the spring, a natural breakdown of these substances occurs, due to which glucose and fructose predominate in garlic. The polysaccharides accumulated in garlic are of great nutritional value and are easily absorbed by the body.

Vitamins in garlic are represented by ascorbic acid (vitamin C), carotene, thiamine, riboflavin and nicotinic acid. The most valuable substance is thiamine, since it is found only in garlic - it is not found in any other vegetable. But garlic not only contains thiamine, but also helps the body absorb it from other foods.

Chemical elements

There are many trace elements in garlic, which are of great importance for the life of the human body. Moreover, in garlic cloves they are about 1.4–3.7%, and in leaves - up to 8.8%. Trace elements are involved in all redox reactions. If these reactions are violated, then the person begins to get sick.

Scientists have found that it is the violation of the electrolyte balance, that is, the amount of certain microelements in the body, that gives impetus to the development of most diseases. 17 chemical elements were found in garlic - phosphorus, potassium, copper, iodine, titanium, sulfur, germanium, molybdenum, zirconium, selenium, sodium, lead, calcium, cobalt, vanadium, magnesium, manganese. Let's get acquainted with some of them.

Germanium. This element is also found only in garlic, and in the plant it is much more than in the "Kremlin tablets". Germanium strengthens the walls of blood vessels, ensuring the elasticity of the vascular system, and protects against varicose veins. In addition, germanium activates oxygen, which is a powerful stimulant of the immune system.

Selenium actively participates in the antioxidant defense of the body, that is, in the fight against free radicals, in the decontamination of toxins in the liver, which makes garlic a strong remedy against heavy metal poisoning. Selenium is involved in the regeneration of skin cells, hair and nails. Since the soils of the North-West are extremely poor in selenium, it is practically absent in vegetables and fruits grown on these lands. Therefore, northerners are severely deficient in this element. Garlic, brought from southern places, is the richest natural source of selenium.

Iodine is important for the human body, as it has a high physiological activity, is involved in the regulation of metabolism and body temperature, protein, fat, water-electrolyte and vitamin metabolism. 1 kg of garlic contains 0.94 mg of iodine, so it is useful for the prevention of iodine deficiency and thyroid diseases.

Sulfur. The presence of a large amount of sulfur in garlic is extremely important (there are more than 100 sulfur-containing components). Sulfur-containing substances, or sulfides, have the ability to destroy especially dangerous bacteria - staphylococci, dysentery and typhoid bacilli, as well as pathogenic fungi and yeast, neutralize the poison, as if gluing together its free molecules. After that, the body rejects them without any complications for health. The same thing happens with carcinogens, which are very numerous in food additives and foreign-made products, and even domestic ones too. What's more, animal studies have shown that two sulfur compounds found in garlic, diallyl sulfide and sallyl cysteine, have the ability to kill cancer cells.

Phytoncides have a strong antibiotic property and are capable of destroying any viruses dangerous to humans in a very short time. If we compare the actions of garlic with chemicals, then garlic wins significantly. So, carbolic acid kills a tubercle bacillus in a day, sulfuric acid in 30 minutes, and garlic phytoncides cope with the task in just 5 minutes.

Allicin and adonizite. These are aspirin-like substances that can thin the blood and prevent blood clots.

The composition of garlic also includes pentosans, glucosides, pectins and organic acids.

Essential oil. Essential oils in garlic are about 2%. The main constituent of essential oils is diallyl disulfide. In addition to sulfur-containing compounds, essential oils contain volatile substances, which make up about 35% of the total volume, as well as phytoncides that inhibit the development of microorganisms.

Garlic is very high in calories. One kilogram of garlic contains 1110-1327 kcal.

Healing properties of garlic

With such a wide range of nutrients and trace elements, garlic can play a huge role in the prevention and treatment of even very serious diseases. Scientists suggest that the antimicrobial properties of garlic and its ability to increase immunity should be adopted by physicians in the fight against cancer, HIV infection and AIDS, since chemical drugs for these diseases are very toxic and bring a lot of harm to the body along with benefits. Therefore, garlic, as a natural and very strong medicine, has an unusually high potential. It is important that not only doctors understand this, but also pharmacists, who, apparently, do not benefit from understanding this yet. But in home treatment, garlic should be used as efficiently as possible. To do this, you need to know the properties of garlic, which are determined by its constituents.

Modern evidence indicates that raw, unground garlic is of greatest medical value. Many medicinal components of garlic are destroyed during heat treatment.

1. Anticoagulant property. This is the ability to prevent blood clotting. Thanks to it, garlic dissolves blood clots and prevents their formation, that is, it is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, as a result of which an accumulation of platelets forms on the walls of the artery, which leads to myocardial infarction and thromboembolism.

2. Antihypertensive property. This is the ability to lower blood pressure. For this purpose, garlic has been used since antiquity, and today drugs based on it successfully treat hypertension.

4. antibiotic property. Sulfur compounds are considered to be the main antimicrobial components of garlic. Garlic effectively destroys bacteria of such species as staphylococci, salmonella, vibrios, mycobacteria and protozoa. Previously, garlic was even used to treat amoebic dysentery that raged in Africa.

5. Antifungal property. This property allows garlic to be used for various fungal infections of the skin and internal organs. Even fungal infections such as candidiasis and cryptococci can be affected by garlic. And in China, garlic is successfully used in the treatment of cryptococcal meningitis.

6. antiviral property. It makes garlic an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases. People have noticed the antiviral properties of garlic for a long time, using this plant as food and remaining healthy even during epidemics. And even now those who like to season dishes with garlic practically do not get colds. Laboratory tests have shown that garlic is effective against influenza viruses.

7. hypolipemic property. This is the ability of garlic, confirmed by many clinical trials, to reduce blood fat. Scientists have found that the systematic use of garlic reduces blood cholesterol and triglycerides and increases the amount of high-density lipoprotein, that is, garlic cures atherosclerosis, and also reduces the likelihood of developing other diseases associated with an increase in blood fat: cancer, diabetes, thromboembolic diseases and coronary heart disease.

8. Detoxifying property. It is the ability to decontaminate poisons. Garlic has shown to be effective in treating lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic poisoning. Some sulfur compounds are able to bind and remove from the body heavy metals and other poisons contained in artificial food colors, preservatives and sugar substitutes. Due to its ability to neutralize toxins, garlic has been successfully used in the treatment of poisoning.

9. Antitumor property. This property is confirmed by numerous clinical trials and folk experience: those who eat garlic are much less likely to get stomach cancer. And selenium and sulfur, which have antioxidant properties and remove carcinogenic substances from the body, and also raise immunity, contribute to the anti-cancer effects.

10. vitamin property. Due to the presence of vitamins in its composition, garlic is an unsurpassed source of these valuable and vital substances and treats beriberi.

11. Antacid property. This is the ability of garlic to have an antioxidant effect, that is, to bind free radicals. Garlic owes this quality to microelements: germanium, glutathione, selenium and zinc. Free radicals are considered the cause of many diseases, as well as aging of the body. Garlic has great potential in the fight against aging also because it prevents the formation of fats.

12. Immunomodulatory property. Garlic is a powerful modulator of biological reactions, that is, it affects the immune system at the cellular level. Many researches of scientists speak about it.

13. Wellness property. Garlic is a unique natural food supplement that promotes health and improves immunity. This plant is a very strong remedy against exhaustion of the body, because it contains micro and macro elements, amino acids and vitamins. Thanks to selenium, vitamin C and zinc, garlic is a good antioxidant. The germanium found in garlic stimulates the immune system. One of the most important vitamins that the body needs in case of nervous and physical exhaustion is thiamine (vitamin B 1), and garlic increases the body's ability to absorb thiamine, that is, it restores immunity.

Why does garlic have such a sharp and persistent smell? For the odor of this plant, a special substance is responsible - alliin, which in 1944 was isolated from garlic by the American scientist C. Cavallito. However, alliin itself has no smell, but emits a specific aroma only under the influence of a special enzyme alliin-lyase, which breaks it down. Indeed, garlic becomes odorous when they begin to cut and chop it. And in the whole clove, the decomposition of alliin does not occur because both reagents are separated (the enzyme is in vacuoles, and the substrate is in the cytoplasm). And only when the integrity of the tooth is violated, they interact. As a result of the breakdown of alliin, allicin is formed, which is also an amino acid. But allicin is even more unstable: it does not even need enzymes for its breakdown, it happens by itself. It decomposes into more stable compounds, one of which is diallyl disulfide. This is what gives the garlic its strong odor. It is worth noting that the multi-stage reaction of the decomposition of alliin into the simplest substances occurs so quickly that we do not have time to notice it, because garlic emits an aroma immediately after pressing on it with a knife.

This text is an introductory piece.

© Igor Normann -

    The beneficial effect of garlic on the human body has been known since ancient times. The chemical composition of the spicy plant is rich in macronutrients and vitamins. Garlic can be fried, stewed and even baked as a whole, but the vegetable will not lose its healing properties, which are widely and widely used in traditional medicine. With the help of garlic, you can strengthen the immune system, reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, increase endurance and performance, which is especially appreciated by athletes.

    The composition of garlic and calories

    Garlic contains a rich set of vitamins, macro- and microelements. It is scientifically proven that the product contains natural antibiotics. (Source - Wikipedia). The calorie content of fresh garlic is 148.5 kcal per 100 g and varies depending on the method of preparation, namely:

    • dried - 344.8 kcal;
    • baked - 15.7 kcal;
    • pickled or salted - 46.5 kcal;
    • boiled - 20.1 kcal;
    • fried - 41.4 kcal;
    • stewed - 143.2 kcal;
    • pods (arrows) of garlic - 24.2 kcal.

    1 clove of garlic contains approximately 5.8 kcal.

    Nutritional value of a fresh product per 100 g:

    • carbohydrates - 29.9 g;
    • proteins - 6.5 g;
    • fats - 0.5 g;
    • water - 60 g;
    • dietary fiber - 1.5 g;
    • ash - 1.5 g.

    The chemical composition of garlic per 100 g is presented in the table:

    In addition, the product contains a small amount of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids - 0.0229 g and - 0.02 g, as well as starch - 27 g and disaccharides - 3.9 g per 100 g.

    © ma_llina -

    Health Benefits

    Due to the unique chemical composition, garlic has beneficial properties for human health:

  1. The product helps to improve digestion, it is especially useful to add it to dishes that contain a lot of fat. In addition, the spicy plant has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.
  2. The systematic use of garlic helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and increase the level of useful.
  3. Garlic helps to normalize blood pressure.
  4. The product prevents the appearance of blood clots and has the ability to interfere with the process of agglutination of platelets.
  5. A spicy plant is useful to use in the presence of atherosclerosis - the product increases fibrinolytic activity.
  6. Garlic acts as a prophylactic against cancer due to the allicin that is part of the spicy plant. In addition, it is effective during the treatment of cancer.
  7. The plant has antiseptic properties due to allicin, is able to fight E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Juice or crushed pulp of garlic can be used to treat wounds.

Garlic is useful for athletes and people of physical labor - the product increases endurance and performance.

The benefits of garlic for the female body

Garlic reduces pain in a disease such as femoral osteoarthritis, which affects women more often in old age. The product is recommended to be consumed regularly as a prevention of this disease. The sulfur compounds that make up garlic have a beneficial effect on the condition of ligaments, cartilage and joints.

The systematic use of the product reduces the risk of developing cancerous tumors in the mammary glands and the genitourinary system. Thanks to the spicy plant, you can quickly restore the body after stressful situations, improve the condition of the nervous system and normalize sleep patterns.

In addition, garlic is used for cosmetic purposes to improve skin condition and prevent hair loss.

Benefits for men

The most well-known benefit for men from the systematic use of garlic is increased potency, since this product is a natural aphrodisiac. Garlic with systematic use reduces the risk of malignant tumors of the prostate gland by about 50%.

Thanks to the ability of the spicy plant to fight bacteria, the development of infections that can lead to male infertility is prevented.

According to statistics, men are more likely to suffer from atherosclerosis than women, and the regular addition of garlic to food, no matter in what form: fresh, boiled, fried, baked or dried, will cleanse the vessels and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood.

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Medicinal properties

In folk medicine, garlic is used both for preventive and medicinal purposes. Greater attention should be paid to the product during the spread of infectious diseases.

The medicinal properties of the spicy plant apply to:

  1. Sore throat. To cope with a sore throat, you need to prepare a garlic tincture for drinking (pour 5 crushed cloves with a glass of sour milk, leave for half an hour, drink 1 teaspoon a couple of times a day) or gargle (pour 1 clove passed through the press with a glass of warm water, let stand 1 hour and then strain).
  2. Flu or cold. It is problematic to cure an infectious disease with only chopped garlic, it must be used as an additional remedy along with honey, mixing in equal amounts. It is enough to take folk medicine a couple of times a day for half an hour before meals.
  3. Atherosclerosis. Therapeutic tincture is prepared with honey-based garlic. To do this, you need to take half a tablespoon of the juice of a spicy plant and mix with honey in the same amount. Take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  4. Bronchial asthma. A decoction of garlic in milk significantly alleviates the symptoms of the disease. It is necessary to take 12-15 cloves of garlic and cook in 0.5 tbsp. milk, drink tincture enough times a day.
  5. Excessive blood viscosity. A blood-thinning tincture is made from peeled garlic cloves and purified water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon of pulp to 3 tablespoons of liquid. Finely chop the garlic cloves and add water. Keep the workpiece in a dark place for 2 weeks, stirring occasionally. Then strain the tincture and add 1 tablespoon of honey and lemon. Eat 1 tbsp. l. for the night. The number of components can be increased, the main thing is to adhere to the proportions.

Harm and contraindications

Contraindications to the use of a spicy plant are as follows:

  • allergy;
  • liver pathologies such as hepatitis or nephrosis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • an exacerbated form of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is forbidden to use garlic for lactating women.

People whose work requires increased attention and quick reaction (pilots, surgeons, drivers, etc.) are not recommended to eat the product before work, as garlic can cause distraction.

Excessive consumption of the product can cause heartburn, bloating and gas in the intestines. It is strictly forbidden to use garlic for people taking blood thinners, since garlic has similar properties and in case of injury it will be difficult to stop bleeding.

© dvoevnore -


Garlic is a useful and versatile product that not only improves the taste of dishes, giving them spice, but also has a healing effect on the human body. With the help of a spicy plant, you can get rid of extra pounds, increase male potency and increase stamina. The systematic use of garlic will strengthen the immune system and prevent infection with viral and bacterial diseases.

Garlic is a plant that harmonizes perfectly with fish and meat dishes. In addition, it is used in side dishes and salads, added to soups and borscht. This vegetable in itself is quite multifunctional, since it can be eaten fried, boiled, pickled and stewed. But also we must not forget about the presence of numerous vitamins in it. And what exactly these vitamins can be found below.

Garlic is recognized as the healthiest vegetable around the world.

What is in garlic?

Garlic is a herbaceous biennial plant whose stem is 50 centimeters tall. Due to its pungent smell and taste, it is indispensable in various cuisines of the world.

According to scientists, the composition of garlic includes:

  • 7–28% ascorbic acid;
  • 6–8% proteins;
  • 20–20% polysaccharides;
  • 0.5% sugars.

The smell and taste of this plant are caused by the substance allicin.

Allicin - a chemical compound formed during the mechanical destruction of garlic cells, helps them get rid of free radicals. Allicin is a means of combating microbes and cancer.

Garlic contains all known vitamins and minerals.

Ascorbic acid and carotene in a mature vegetable is not so much as in young shoots of a plant.

This plant contains the following elements:

  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus and zinc.

Garlic is rich in nitrogen compounds: insulin, phosphoric, sulfuric, silicic acids, essential oils, extractives and thiamine.

The plant contains polysaccharides and carbohydrates, which in the fall are presented in it in the form of sucrose and inulin.

In the spring, an increase in glucose and fructose occurs in the composition of the vegetable.

It is necessary to use freshly peeled garlic, as in the air it loses its properties.

Dieting people need to eat garlic, since its energy value per hundred grams is only 143 kilocalories.

Minerals and vitamins

This plant is enriched with various trace elements. This vegetable is not only a cure for colds and all kinds of viral diseases, but also an important product for the functioning of the body as a whole. The plant contains almost all the useful elements of group "B", which play a significant role in cellular metabolism.

Vitamins in garlic are very diverse.

B1 - improves the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems in the human body. It normalizes digestion, improves metabolism and affects the human brain, making it receptive to gaining new knowledge. Thanks to this vitamin, another name is thiamine, a person's appetite increases. For women, it is attractive because it slows down the aging process. In the past, people were convinced that garlic is an effective remedy for toothache, and this is true, since the thiamine contained in it helps to reduce or get rid of toothache. With a lack of this vitamin in the body, a person experiences a decrease in mood, which can develop into depression. This plant contains 0.2 mg.

vitamins in garlic

B2 is a vitamin, another name for riboflavin, which affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys. With prolonged use of products with its presence, an increase in growth and improvement in vision are observed. If you constantly eat garlic, then the riboflavin contained in it will help strengthen the immune system. It is recommended that pregnant women add foods containing this vitamin to their daily diet, as it strengthens bones, improves the condition of hair, skin, and nails. In garlic, its amount reaches 0.1 mg.

Pickled garlic retains all vitamins

B5 - ensures the production of antibodies in the body and accelerates the renewal of the skin. Another name for this vitamin is pantothenic acid. In the presence of an inflammatory process in the human body, it is recommended to immediately consume products containing this acid, since it provides a rapid reduction in inflammation. Vitamin is an assistant for overweight people. Prescribed for pregnant women during toxicosis. In garlic, the amount is 0.7 mg.

B6 is a vitamin that normalizes protein metabolism. Promotes the growth of healthy and silky hair. It is recommended to use for people with problems of the cardiovascular system, urination. The above plant contains 1.2 mg.

B9 - vitamin for calming nerves, improves the immune system. In this vegetable, its amount is 3 mg.

Arrows of garlic are also eaten

After reviewing the list of all the vitamins that are contained in the plant, people can easily find the answer to the question of exactly what are the beneficial properties of garlic.

  • Phosphorus - improves the functioning of the kidneys and the human cardiovascular system, its content in the above vegetable is 153 mg.
  • Selenium is an anti-inflammatory agent in the body.
  • Zinc - provides the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Iron - accelerates human growth and improves skin condition.
  • Copper - increases resistance to stressful situations.

Despite the huge list of useful properties of a vegetable, we still won’t be able to eat a lot of it, since it has a rather specific smell. But using 2 or 3 of its cloves a day, you can not be afraid of a cold for a long time.

Contraindications for the consumption of garlic and its harm

Despite the large number of useful substances that garlic contains and its beneficial effect on a person’s well-being, it, like any fruit or vegetable, also has contraindications. The excessive use of this plant is prohibited because of the content in it of such a harmful substance as sulfonal - a hydroxyl ion, which tends to penetrate the human brain, thereby causing extremely unpleasant consequences.

But you do not need to immediately be critical of the plant, because moderate consumption will only bring you benefits, without negative consequences.

Breastfeeding mother should give up garlic for a while

It is worth highlighting that garlic in large quantities is not recommended for the following group of people:

  1. Women in late pregnancy (may adversely affect the health of the child).
  2. Breastfeeding mothers (a specific taste will appear in milk, and the baby will refuse to suck it).
  3. People who suffer from diseases associated with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, hepatitis, ulcers).
  4. Epileptics (the plant can cause an attack).
  5. Suffering from hemorrhoids.
  6. People who are prone to tantrums, depression and all kinds of mental disorders.

An extremely undesirable combination with drugs that are intended for the treatment of cancer, high blood pressure.

Positive features of garlic

It is worth noting that, despite the constant use of this vegetable for food, people do not know what positive properties the plant has.

An ointment of fat with garlic is used for rubbing when coughing, as well as for skin diseases.

The benefits of eating garlic are as follows:

  • Improves our immune system.
  • It helps to reduce cholesterol by ten percent, the allicin contained in it affects this.
  • Reduces the risk of melanoma and malignant tumors.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, prevents the formation of blood clots.

Vessel cleansing medicine: garlic, lemon and honey

How to get rid of the specific smell of garlic?

There are a lot of tips that will help people eat this vegetable and not suffer from a specific smell:

The plant has a peculiar aroma. This fact is due to the content of essential oils in its composition. Because of this, people do not risk eating a vegetable before leaving the house.

To eliminate the smell, just chew on a mint leaf.

In order to no longer worry about this aroma and achieve fresh breath, just eat a couple of slices of lemon or a few sprigs of parsley.

After contact with this vegetable, the hands acquire a specific smell. To get rid of it, just rub your palms with salt, and then wash in warm water. It is preferable to use a freshly picked plant, because due to the length of time, it simply loses its beneficial properties. It is up to you to decide which method to use to get rid of the garlic smell.

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