Soft cottage cheese cream. How to make cottage cheese cream for biscuit cake

Encyclopedia plants 17.10.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Many love desserts with cottage cheese cream, they are not only incredibly tasty, but also useful. Curd desserts will help usual dinner to turn into a real holiday with exquisite treats. This cream can be used to prepare pies, cakes, various cakes and even cookies and other sweets. You can cook your curd dessert yourself, and it is quite simple.

1) the benefits of cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is distinguished by a rather high content of protein, and since it is obtained as a result of fermentation, it is well absorbed by the body. This product is incredibly useful for both children and adults. It is difficult to overestimate its importance in the diet, it contains not only calcium, but also a large number of different useful and important substances.

2) Classic Copyright Creation Recipe

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 250 gr fat curd;
  • 50 GG of butter indoor temperature;
  • 300 g of sugar powder (if you are sweet tooth, you can put a little more sugar powder);
  • vanilla

To make your cream properly and tasty, you need not only to prepare the necessary ingredients, but it is also important to follow a certain cooking technology.

  • Mix prepared cottage cheese with vanilla and room temperature cream oil. Using a mixer, mix the ingredients before receiving a homogeneous consistency.
  • Gradually add sugar powder, mix the mass. So that there are no lumps in the cream, the powder is preferably pre-saming.
  • Wake up using the mixer your cream to homogeneous consistency.

Your cottage cheese cream is ready for a classic recipe, and you can use it in your culinary masterpieces.

3) cottage cheese custard

This cream is a bit modified, but it makes it unique. For its preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 gr of cottage cheese;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 50 g of sugar powder;
  • 2 pcs of egg yolks;
  • 0, 5 h. L. soda food;
  • vanilla

Preparation of cottage cheese cream:

  • It is necessary to prepare cottage cheese, for this wipe it through a sieve. Add all the ingredients in addition to the sugar to the prepared cottage cheese. Leave for three hours.
  • Prepare a water bath and put a mass for 10 minutes, add sugar, mix thoroughly. Leave a little cool.
  • Press the cooked mass to the container and leave for the night. On the morning you can use the finished cream.

4 ) Curd cream with cream

This cream is incredibly gentle and tasty, it is still easy and air. To prepare this air cream you will need the following products:

  • 200 GG of low fatty cottage cheese;
  • 200 ml of juicy cream;
  • vanilla;
  • 100 g of sugar powder.

Cooking cottage cheese cream:

  • Perebit cottage cheese to obtain a homogeneous mass. You can use a sieve or blender, which is much more convenient.
  • Mix the cream is finished, you can use it for your dishes.
    If you sprinkle any of these creams with grated chocolate, you will give sweet notes.

Biscuit cakes appeared so long ago that it was not known today who created this delicacy. And is it important? The main thing is that today airbag pleases all connoisseurs of gentle and delicious desserts. The dough does not differ in great variety, but the filling in it can be completely unexpected, so that every delicacy has its own unique taste. One of the gentle mess - curd cream for biscuit cake is a direct proof of that.

Light and gentle dessert

Curd cream is one of the most popular types of cake fillings. It is very not surprising, because such a layer is not only tasty, but also very useful. Working with cream is solid pleasure: it is very plastic and supple. Preparing the same dessert for counting minutes, which is very important with the modern rhythm of life.

In order to make a delicious and gentle cream from cottage cheese, you do not need to be an experienced confectioner. It is enough to have the necessary products, a good mixer and a little desire to pamper your close to the amazing dessert.

Suitable ingredients

The main component of the cream is cottage cheese. The choice of this product should be related to all seriousness, because the taste and appearance of the confectionery product will depend on its quality. The dairy product must have a pasty consistency. Of the coarse cottage cheese, it is unlikely to do a gentle, air and plastic cream. The taste of the ingredient is also very important: it should not be sour, otherwise the cake risks to purchase the same luxury.

One of the most important conditions is the freshness of the dairy product. Non-quality cottage cheese will not only spoil the festive delicacy, but will lead to food poisoning. It is necessary to carefully examine the shelf life of the goods before purchasing it. It should be borne in mind that cake can be stored for several days And cottage cheese can turn into a ready-made dish. It is strongly recommended to buy a product produced not earlier than a few days before purchase. It is especially important to comply with this rule if the delicacy is preparing for children.

Other dairy products are additional ingredients: cream, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, milk, condensed milk, soft cheese and butter. All products must be fresh and have good quality. Only giving preference to natural components, you can be confident in an impeccable result. Various analogues with the product labeling (cheese product, sour cream product, etc.), do not suit the cream production, since do not have due quality and taste.

To diversify the taste of the filling, you can use various fruits: bananas, pineapples, lemons, oranges, strawberries, cherry, peaches, apricots, etc. Cocoa, walnuts, almonds, white and dark chocolate will give bright colors and new taste shades. For a magic aroma, you can add a few drops of fruit extract or vanillin.

To achieve a more dense consistency use gelatin or starch. However, such a layer is suitable only for juicy corsi, pre-impregnated with syrup, coffee or liquor.

Prepare all the products and feeding the mixer from the locker, you can safely begin the creation of a luxurious delicacy. Recipes for biscuit cake cream will help create the real masterpiece of confectionery art.

Curd-creamy layer

If you want to taste the most tender, light and air treat, which can only be imagined, should be made cottage cheese cream cream for the biscuit. The filling is flawless in all respects: quickly prepared, it is easy to apply and does not follow. A high calorie can be attributed to the only drawback, but dietary qualities are expected from the cake.

You will need:

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Cottage cheese to grind through a sieve with small holes.
  2. Cream pour into a deep container, and then add sugar powder, lemon juice and vanillin to them. Start the process of whipping a mixer with low revolutions. Gradually increasing the power, achieve a pomp of the mass. Well whipped cream should increase in volume.
  3. By little by adding flutter cottage cheese, to intensively mix the mass, bringing it to a homogeneous state.
  4. The finished cream is sent to the refrigerator for half an hour.

Tip: so that the cream is better cheating, they need to cool well. Used cottage cheese should also be taken from the refrigerator immediately before cooking.

Yoghurt cream

Is it possible to enjoy the delicious taste of cottage cheese cream to enjoy the delicious taste of curd cream for biscuit cake? The recipe with yogurt is responsible - yes! The ingredients of the layer are very useful and even those who carefully monitors their figure are used in a separate form. So why not turn these products in a light, gentle and insanely delicious filling for a cake?


  • a half cup of low-fat curd;
  • a glass of yogurt 4%;
  • package of vanilla sugar;
  • tea spoon of potato starch.


Tip: If the cream turned out to be too thick, the cakes should be soaked with syrup, alcohol or coffee. If the stuffing is too liquid, you can use a banana. This fruit is able to thicken cream.

Cottage cheese filling

If you need to achieve the stability of the dessert, the curd cream for the biscuit cake with gelatin is what is needed. Such a filling is light and weightless, and baking always has a neat appearance. Using the gelatin layer, it should be borne in mind that the cakes must be quite wet, otherwise the dessert will succeed in dry.

You will need:

  • polkilogram of cottage cheese 9%;
  • large packing gelatin (40 g);
  • sugar;
  • half a cup of sour cream;
  • half a cup of warm drinking water;
  • two packings of vanilla sugar.

Step-by-step guide:

Tip: If the cream still began to stack, it should be put on a moderate fire and, constantly stirring, bring to the desired consistency.

Oil dessert

Cream made of cottage cheese with oil is the favorite view of the fillings of many confectioners. Such impregnation has a smooth, thick consistency, which makes it very obedient even in the hands of an inexperienced culinary. Unlike classic oil sucks, cream with cottage cheese is very easy and does not waste baking. Such a dessert is perfect for the filling and design of cakes, cakes, cupcakes, and other goodies.


  • kilogram of cottage cheese;
  • polkylogram of butter;
  • several spoons of lemon zest;
  • three glasses of sugar powder (the quantity can be adjusted to their discretion).


Tip: If the cream is used to decorate, it can be given the desired color. This will help food dyes that should be administered immediately after cottage cheese.

Treatment with condensed milk

The recipe for a curd cream for biscuit with a condensed milk is characterized by its simplicity and saturated creamy taste. Such a layer resembles a popular dessert "Bird's Milk". Any cake will become much more tastier if it is impregnated with a stuffing on the basis of condensed milk and cottage cheese.

It will take:

  • bank of condensed milk;
  • polkylogram of low fat curd;
  • glass of sugar powder.

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Cottage cheese into a homogeneous mass with a sieve or blender.
  2. In a deep bowl, connect condensed milk and sugar powder.
  3. Start the process of beating with low revolutions. By increasing the power, slowly enter cottage cheese. Beat to a lush, smooth condition.
  4. Cream can be used immediately or cool a little.

Tip: If it seems that the stuffing is too sweet, you can add a little fresh lemon juice.

Cream with cottage cheese and sour cream

Cream cream is obtained very lush, gentle and air. Such properties of the layer give sour cream. The filling perfectly impresses even the most dry cakes for the cake. For cream, it is necessary to use products with the highest fatness percentage.


  • kilogram of greasy cottage cheese;
  • a half cups sour cream 30%;
  • two incomplete glasses of sugar sand;
  • package Vanillina.


  1. Cottage cheese to turn into a homogeneous mass of the standard way.
  2. Add Vanilla, Sugar and beat a mixer for 5 minutes.
  3. Do not stop working with a mixer, gradually enter sour cream. Watch all the components before increasing the volume several times.
  4. Send a premise layer in a cold place for one hour.

Tip: Such a cream is perfectly harmonized with chocolate. To make a filling with a taste of cocoa, two chocolate tiles on a water bath should be melt. A little colding the mass, introduce it into the finished cream and beat the mixer again.

Banana tenderness

Cream with cottage cheese and banana gets so gentle that it just melts in the mouth. Dessert with such a filler has a delightful taste and beautiful fragrance. The interlayer consistency can be changed by increasing the number of kefir. The saturation of the dessert depends on how much bananas are used than they are more - the brighter and sweeter.

You will need:

  • polkilogram of cottage cheese;
  • forep of fatty kefir;
  • several ripe bananas;
  • package of vanilla sugar.

Step-by-step guide:

Tip: Ready cream should be tastefully tasted. If the bananas did not give enough sweetness, it is possible to increase it with sugar powder.

Small tricks for big pleasure

Cooking cream from cottage cheese - creative process. Experimenting with components, you can achieve incredible results that will be delighted all the tysters. Properly chosen natural components will make baking not only delicious, but also useful. So that the dessert always got on "5+", some simple rules should be followed:

Stopping baking curd cream for the cake, you can not worry that the dessert will remain unpleasant. Products with such a stuffing always cause admiration and gratitude to everyone who was lucky enough to enjoy. Enjoy your appetite and the most delicious cakes!

ATTENTION, only today!

Curd cream is the most popular addition to desserts - cakes, eclares and just to fruit. In addition, cooked from skimmed cottage cheese, it has reduced calorie, and for this reason is popular with "losing weight". Below are several options for simple and delicious creams for various types of desserts.

Curd cream - Classic recipe

For a classic cream, quite a bit of time and the minimum amount of products is necessary. It can be used to design baking, layers of cakes and layered cakes, or as a basis for the preparation of a more complex cream.

To prepare the classic recipe you will need:

  • cottage cheese (fat) - 250 g;
  • 350 grams of sugar powder;
  • creamy oil - 50 grams;
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla extract.

First you need to mix the vanilla extract with cottage cheese (9% fat). Then add butter, whipping a blender. After receiving homogeneous mass, gradually sugar sugar powder. This component should be sifted
To eliminate the formation of lumps. It is necessary to interish it with light movements, carefully stirring a spoon. Then mix the whole mixture in a blender.

On a note. Cream before applying to a cake or before using for a layer, you need to hold in the cold. This will give the durability of the curd layer of the dessert.

How to do for eclairs?

Eclairs have long won the hearts of sweet lovers. This also has the merit of the cream, which serves as a stuffing.

Curd cream for eclairs is preparing from the following products:

  • 4 yolk chicken eggs;
  • cottage cheese - 400 grams;
  • vanillin;
  • 0.2 l of fat cream (from 30%).

Yellow needs to be pulled out with sugar, blender beat cottage cheese, also beat cream to the state of elastic foam. We combine all the ingredients, add vanillin, carefully whipped with a mixer or blender. For 1-2 hours we put in the cold. With the help of a confectionery syringe, inly part of the filling in each eclair.

For biscuit cake

Biscuit cake is a gentle dessert that should have the same gentle cream cap. To prepare a light curd cream for biscuit cake, you will need the following products:

  • sugar powder - 180 g;
  • cottage cheese (8-9%) - 480 g;
  • water - 180 g;
  • 20 grams of gelatin.

First option

Cottage cheese (9-18%) - 1 pack
Sour cream fat (20-25%) - 400 ml
Sugar - approximately 1 cup

Cottage cheese to grind (it is best to do in a blender so that even small grains remains). Add sugar and sour cream - beat everything. The taste of this cream can be diversified with vanilla sugar, walnut or almond nuts. Nuts should be crushed pretty finely, but not "in flour".

Another variant Cottage cheese cream can be prepared by taking sour cream and cottage cheese in the inverse proportion, and at the same time adding 50 g of butter. Ingredients together with sugar are whipped to homogeneity.

If you enter the gelatin (1 tablespoon) in a sweet curd-sour cream mass (1 tablespoon), it turns out to be a souffle based on the same cream. Such a souffle will look great as a layer between the biscuits - it will turn out to be a cake similar to "bird milk".

In any case, if you use cream based on sour cream and cottage cheese, then the finished product must be given to stand at about an hour in a cool place. During this time, the cakes are slightly soaked, and the cream will chase a little.

Curd cream cream

The word "cream" is associated with us with something gentle, sweet and very tasty. There is a huge number of species and methods of cooking various creams, each of which gives desserts a special taste. A curd cream cream is one of the most delicious and helpful creams.

For the preparation of cream from cottage cheese and cream, the following ingredients will be needed: 200 grams of low-fat curd, 200 milliliters thick cream, 100 grams of sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

1. With the help of a blender, grind cottage cheese before the formation of a homogeneous mass.

2. Mix cream with sugar, vanilla sugar and beat with a mixer into a strong magnificent foam.

3. Mix whipped cream with cottage cheese and gently mix.

The delicate texture of the cottage cheese cream allows you to use it as a filler and decorating cakes, cakes and cookies. In addition, placing a small amount of such a cream in a glass vase, decoring it with grated chocolate and fresh berries, you can get a magnificent self-dessert.

Curd and yoghurt cream

If you take the usual classic biscuit as the basis of the cake, but to fantasize with creams, then you can surprise guests every time with a new treat. I suggest try to prepare cottage cheese-yoghurt cream, which turns out to be melting in the mouth, light and gentle. Changing natural additives, you can make a variety of delicious creams. But you should not try to combine too many different flavors in one cream, yogurt and juice used in the cream should be harmoniously combined with the rest of the cake filling - fruit, impregnation or jam.

Recipe for cottage cheese and yogurt cream:

20 grams of gelatin;
500 grams of cottage cheese (rustic, necessarily fresh);
120 ml of any juice or water (half a compound);
400 grams of yogurt;
4 tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking cream:

1. Gelatin for 40 minutes to pour water (boiled chilled) or juice, which will give a cream definite taste.
2. Cottage cheese should be homogeneous, without "grains", it must be chopped through a small siter.
3. Beat the blender prepared cottage cheese, yogurt and sugar.
4. The clumsy gelatin warm on slow heat without boiling until the grains dissolve. Cool solution slightly.
5. Gelatin add to the curd mixture, continuously whipping cream blender.
6. Put the cream in the refrigeration chamber. After the cream thickens, it is laid out of the cup on the prepared root, but do not mix: it is easy to simply take the cream with a spoon and neatly spoil.

Cottage cheese cream for cake

I think many love delicious desserts, wrapped by curd cream. With cottage cheese cream, you can make pies, cakes, cakes, cookies, as well as using unsweetened ingredients, sandwiches and petes.
Curd cream for cake is enough just to cook at home, and the recipe can be different every time. I offer two options perfectly combined with biscuit test.

Oil cream


200 grams of cottage cheese;
150 grams of sugar powder;
200 grams of butter;
Vanillin to taste.


1. Leave the oil warm for several hours for softening, then cut into pieces, pushing the sugar powder and thoroughly beat the mixer.
2. Cottage cheese to rub through fine sieve, add to the oil mixture, beat.
3. Continuing intensely beat, add vanillin.
4. Remove for an hour on the cold, and the cream is ready.

Curd-jelly cream


200 ml of milk;
150 grams of cottage cheese;
2 tablespoons of butter;
4 chicken eggs;
4 tablespoons of flour;
1 cup of sugar;
1 tablespoon gelatin;
Vanillin to taste.


1. Pour flour to the bucket, fill with milk, mix well to disappear all lumps. Bring to a boil and then cool.
2. Cottage cheese through a sieve with a spoon, combine with butter and sugar, mix.
3. Separate yolks from proteins, beat, combine with cottage cheese. Mix in a blender thoroughly before receiving a homogeneous consistency.
4. Stir the flour with cottage cheese and vanilla.
5. Selects to danguate in water for 20 minutes, warm up to complete dissolution.
6. Squirrel mixer to beat into a lush foam.
7. Connect the cottage cheese, gelatin and proteins, mix well and remove for four hours in the refrigerator.

Curd Cream Cream

If you do not know how to make the curd cream with condensed milk at home, this recipe will help you. Take a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 cup of sugar, 1 tablespoon gelatin, 4 eggs, 200 ml of milk, 3 tablespoons flour, 3 tablespoons of butter and condensed milk. Fill with milk flour, mix before the formation of a homogeneous mass and bring to a boil, and then cool. Wear yolks, add creamy oil, sugar and cottage cheese to them. Also beat to a homogeneous mixture. Pour the condensed milk (you will need about 5-6 tablespoons) and flour with milk, add vanillin and mix again.

Further preparation is no less simple. Instruct the gelatin in water, and whiten whistles in a thick foam. Mix all components and leave in the refrigerator to a couple of-hours. With this curd cream with condensed milk, you can make more delicious meals. Note that the cream itself will be sufficiently thick due to gelatin.

If this recipe seems too complicated to you, use the following. Mix together 1 cup of sugar sand, 1 packaging of vanillina, 1 pack of low-fat curd. Make sure that there are no lumps in the mass. After that, add condensed milk to taste and sour cream. As a result, you will have a sweet homogeneous cream, also a sufficiently thick consistency.

Curd cream for eclairs

Eclairs - a delightful dessert, acquaintance with whom Gourmets are obliged by Marie-Antoine Karem, for the extraordinary culinary skill with the nicknamed "king of cooks". The name of this lightest cupcake in French means "zipper", which probably implies very fast, "lightning" cooking dishes. The traditional filling of the oblong "pie" from the custard test is a heavy oil cream, the number of calories in which terrifying all the clearing representatives of the fine sex. Minimize the consequences of the absorption of your favorite delicacy will help the curd cream for eclairs - no less tasty, but, while far from such a calorie.

In order to prepare at home such a filling, write down the following recipe:

Bundle of cottage cheese (200 gr.);
one glass of sugar powder;
200 ml of oily cream;
Vanilla essence (2-3 drops).

All products used for cooking products must certainly be absolutely fresh. The wipe cottage cheese is lost with sugar powder and combine with whipped cream. Add vanilla essence or vanilla sugar to taste, and how much can mix everything or beat the mixer so that the filling has become more air. Screw the curd cream into the confectionery bag and fill them with cooled eclairs through a small hole. If there is no confectionery bag in your kitchen - just touch the cake on the side, after which the teaspoon is in the resulting gap to put a little curd cream. Finished eclairs plump sugar powder and serve to the table.

Curd-Banana Cream

Air and incredibly gentle cottage cheese and banana cream can be served as a separate dessert, putting it in the cream and beautifully decorating. Such cream is well filling the sand baskets, delicious tubes and biscuit rolls. Mass of cottage cheese and banana can also be used as a layer for cakes.

Prepare such a dessert at home is quite simple. The recipe for a cottage cheese-banana cream is simple, ingredients available.

So, we begin the preparation of delicacy. Take products:

Cottage cheese (200 g);
kefir (100 g);
banana (2 pieces);
sugar (to taste);
Vanilla sugar (1 bag);
Nuts or chocolate for decoration.

In the blender, we whipitate cottage cheese, turning it into a lush homogeneous mass. Add kefir, sugar, vanilla sugar and sliced \u200b\u200bto small pieces of banana. We beat over again. If the sugar was dissolved dessert ready.

The finished cottage cheese-banana mass is decorated in the cremes, decorated with grated chocolate or nuts. Such a cream will especially like guests who prefer light and useful desserts. If you are preparing a cream from cottage cheese and banana for a cake layer or as a filler for confectionery products, you can reduce the amount of kefir in the recipe. Such a cream will turn out to be more dense, it will not spread around the product.

This cream can be mixed with the creamy gelatin mass, and then the dessert will resemble the "bird's milk". It is very tasty if layer of such a cream lay out over a biscuit korzh. It remains only to decorate the top of the cake, and you can safely serve even the most sophisticated guests.

Curd cream with gelatin

Curd cream with gelatin - one of the best options for layers and decorating light summer cakes, in the preparation of fresh berries and fruits. Efficious noque combined with bright fruit-berry taste guarantees the hostess an excellent result. There is not one recipe for curd cream - however, like any other. How to make such a cream at home?

We will need:

400 g of cottage cheese, 4 eggs, 100 g of sugar (better sugar), 200 g of fat cream, vanillin, 1 tsp. gelatin. To achieve the best result, cottage cheese wipe through a sieve or grinding in a blender until it turns into a homogeneous gentle mass. Separately rub 4 yolks with sugar before the appearance of foam. We prepare gelatin: Dissolve it in 1/3 cup of cold water and wait until I wake. Then we drain the extra moisture and heated gelatin on slow heat until complete dissolution. While gelatin is cool, the cream is whipped with a mixer. Their fatty should be at least 30%, of lighter strong, stable mass do not beat. Remember that before the cream whipping must be cooled. However, you can buy and ready.

Connect cottage cheese with yolks, vanilla and cream. Mass whipped with a mixer for greater homogeneity. We introduce vanillin - a thin flowing, not in a hurry. Mix thoroughly. Ready! Curd cream with gelatin is perfectly stored in the refrigerator. It can be used as a layer for a cake, and as a separate delicious dessert. In this case, it is served portion, decorated with grated chocolate or jam, jam. Optionally, you can add pieces of fresh fruits or raisins, a grated lemon zest.

Curd crey It is an excellent option for filling for pies, cakes and festive cakes. You can decorate them cupcakes, Muffins, served in the creams with nuts and chocolate. If you want to get a thicker product, add gelatin to it, if more liquid - sour cream or condensed milk. Another secret of properly cooked delicacy is high-quality cottage cheese. It must be fresh and rubbed through the sieve.

Curd cream for biscuit cake

We offer all lovers of biscuit to bake a delicious roll with lush and tender stuffing. For him you will need:

Egg - 4 pieces
- Flour - 155 g
- Maslice - 3 tbsp. l.
- Bustyer - Tea Spoon
- Starchchik - 2 tbsp. Spoons
- Milk - 3 tbsp. Spoons
- Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
- Sol.

Stages of cooking:

Eggs with sugar. Mass must beat. It will take about 7 minutes. Throw flour, baking powder, starch, cautiously stirred by a spoon. In the resulting dough, pour the oil pre-melted with milk. All this gently surfaches. The baggage to unlock with parchment paper, wrapped with oil, pour the biscuit dough, put into the heated oven to 180 degrees, albeit just stands for 10 minutes. Biscuit must be twisted a little. Without separating it from parchment, proceed to folding. Now proceed to the cooking of the Kremya: Mix ½ packs of butter, ½ cup of fatty sour cream, 0.5 packs of fatty cottage cheese. Add sugar, sweat to homogeneity. Cooling roll Rode, separate from the paper, mark the fatty mixture, turn the roll again, put cool.

It turns out very tasty.

Cottage cheese

Putch is not very fat cottage cheese, add 1 cup of sugar sand and 420 ml of oily sour cream. All this beat. The taste is varied by almond nuts, walnut nuts, vanilla sugar. Nuts need to grind, but they should not be like flour. You can try another option of such a delicacy. For it, take sour cream and cottage cheese in the inverse proportion, put 50 g of butter creamy. Take all the components before receiving homogeneity. To obtain a souffle in a sweet curd mass, enter a tablespoon gelatin, lying on a small fire. Between the biscuit layers, such a souffle can look quite pretty.

Prepare and.

Curd cream cream

Required products:

Degreased cottage cheese - 200 g
- thick cream - 220 ml
- Sugar - 120 g
- Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.

Stages of cooking:

Cottage cheese over the blender before receiving homogeneity. Sugar stir with cream, vaniline, overload to a fortune foam condition. Whipped cream connect with cottage cheese, gently stir. The resulting gentle mass can be used as a filling for cookies, cakes and cakes. You can also place it in the creaman and decorate with fresh berries and grated chocolate.

Do also.

Curd and yoghurt cream

20 g gelatin soam in water for 20 minutes. You can use juice instead of water, which will give a special taste to the finished product. 500 g cottage cheese over the sieve to get rid of grains. Connect it from 420 g of yogurt and 4 tbsp. Sugar sand, cross in a blender. The clumsy gelatin is warm up until the grains dissolve, slightly cool the solution. Weitin add to the curd mass, beat without a break. Put the Kommer in the refrigerator, let it thicken.

Creum cream - recipe.

3 tablespoons of flour fill 220 ml of milk, stir up to a homogeneous state, boil, let it cool. 4 Yolk Beat, put a pack of low-fat curd, a glass of sugar and 3 tbsp. Spoons of butter. Load the mass until uniformity. In the composition, pour the condensed milk, add vanillin, mix again. Instruct the gelatin in the water, whisk to get foam, stir all the ingredients, leave for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

Creum cream for eclairs

Ecler is an excellent dessert that will have to taste to any gourmet. Classic stuffing for eclairs is heavy oil cream. If you want to get lighter delicacy, we suggest you to prepare the following option:

220 g of cottage cheese with a glass of sugar powder, connect with 200 g of fat cream. Add a vanilla essherence or vanilla sugar, carefully stirre or beat the mixer. The filling should become more air. Type it in a confectionery bag, fill the cakes through the hole. If the confectionery bag was not at hand, simply cut the eclair on the side and fill them with stuffing.

It turns out quite tasty.

Curd cream - recipes with photos.

420 g of cottage cheese chop in a blender before receiving a homogeneous mass. Separately scroll 4 yolks together with the sugar to appear foam. Prepare gelatin: dissolve it in 1/3 glasses of cool water, wait until it wakes up. Excessive moisture, warm the gelatin on weak heat so that it completely dissolved while it cools, 200 g cream with a mixer. The fatty cream should be no less than 30%. Before whipping, they certainly need to cool. Cottage cheese with yolks, cream, vanilla. Mass will with a mixer, enter vanillin, stir well.

You will certainly please your taste and.

Curd Cream - Cake Recipe.


- Cottage cheese - 255 g
- Sugar syrup - 3 tbsp. Spoons
- Vanilla
- Orange zest
- Sugar - 5 tbsp. span
- Cream - a half cup
- Gelatin - tablespoon
- Walnut - 30 g


Curls pass through the meat grinder, add sugar sand, add vanillin, half of crushed and roasted nuts, orange and lemon crust, whipped cream, dissolved gelatin. Put the ready-made mass of the bowl, cool, serve in the creams, decorate with whole nuts, slices of oranges.

Bake and.

Curd cream for biscuit.

100 g of creamy oil scatter with 100 g of condensed milk, add 420 g of cottage cheese, vanillin, stir until homogeneity. Kremy Cool, Start biscuit cakes.

Curd Cream Cake Photo:

Curd apricot cream.

You will need:

Dried apricots - 120 g
- Orange juice - 455 ml
- Sugar powder
- Honey
- whipped cream
- Gelatin - 15 g
- Lemon Zestra


Lemon zest, lay apricots in a saucepan, pour orange juice, prepare 5.5 minutes at medium power. Cover the lid, cool. Sanitis dissolve in water, put on 35 seconds to the furnace at an average power. Juice with apricots Put in the combine, make mashed potatoes. Add honey or sugar, enter the gelatin, interfere until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Spread on the creams, cool.

And how do you?

Recipe with berries.


Cream, cottage cheese - 200 g
- Sugar - 155 g
- honey - 2 tablespoons
- Vanillin - one bag
- Black and red currants - 155 g
- Orange
- Canned peach - 3 pieces


Orange divide into separate slices. Canned peaches separate on halves. Cottage cheese over the sieve, mix with vanilla sugar. Cream with sugar, connect with cottage cheese. Sent a little for the decor. In the Kremyk, spread the treats with layers, alternating him with currants. The last layer decorate the berries of currant, slices of orange, halves of peaches. The rest of the Kremya stirred with honey, fold into the confectionery syringe, place the robes.

Cottage cheese custard.

220 g of butter Put in small pieces, add sugar powder (155 g), take the mixer. 220 g of cottage cheese over the sieve, add to the oil with sugar. Get the resulting mixture again, add vanillin, put in the refrigerator for one hour.

Chocolate-curd cream


Cream - 220 ml
- Chocolate - teaspoon
- Sugar sand - 120 g
- Milk - 120 ml
- Cocoa powder - 30 g
- Curd - 220 g


Cocoa Mix with sugar, pour the warm milk with a jet, stir. Add cottage cheerler, spread the cream, couch with a mixer, clean the delicacy 15 minutes in a cool place.

Pannaya cake with cottage cheese cream

Ingredients for pancakes:

Milk - 620 ml
- Cocoa and Sugar Sand - 1.5 tablespoons
- Busty, salt - ½ teaspoon
- Egg - 2 pieces
- vegetable oil - 30 ml
- flour - one glass

For filling:

Curd - 420 g
- Vanilin
- Sugar - 80 g
- Sour cream - 125 ml

Stages of cooking:

First of all, you need to bake pancakes: in a small saucepan take eggs, beat them, add sugar sand and salt. Add a small part of the milk, prevent, add flour mixed with a baking powder. The contents of the saucepans are carefully stirred, the resulting the remaining milk, add vegetable oil. By consistency, the dough should be sufficiently liquid. The more liquid it will, the thinner will turn out the pancakes. For 20 minutes, leave the contents alone. Make a stuffing: plunge cottage cheese into a blender, take it to a state of homogeneous mass. If the product is originally dry, you can add some milk. Add vanillin, sugar, sour cream, hurt. Fry pancakes. Heat a frying pan, lubricate it with vegetable oil, pour the dough with a halter, evenly distribute, fridge pancakes. As soon as you bake 5 pancakes, add cocoa to the contents of the saucepans, make the chocolate pancakes. Form the cake: lay out a white pancake on the dish, lubricate it with stuffing. Now put a chocolate pancake, wake again. Upper pancake wake cream. Decorate the cake: Sprinkle cocoa mixed with crushed walnuts.

There are quite a lot of cooking options for the preparation of gentle and delicious cream from cottage cheese. In the main composition you can include sour cream, cream, condensed milk, fruits, berries, crushed nuts, honey, lemon zest. Such a delicacy can be used as a filling for pancakes, cakes, pies, and can be served as an independent dish.

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