Make glass mosaic tiles with their own hands. Glass mosaic: how to glue stained glass

Engineering systems 29.08.2019
Engineering systems

To perform this lesson, the following materials will be needed:

1. Sheet clear glass Or, if there is a color sheet glass. Perhaps the glass has at home on the balcony or can be purchased in a specialized store. In the same place, by the way, the task gives small trimming or broken windows. You can use glass from under photo frames. There is another option to look for glass on the street, there is sometimes a lot of houses there in connection with the change of old windows on the "euro". It is important to use glass of one thickness.
2. Hand protection gloves.
3. Thick wooden ruler for more accurate cutting.
4. glass cutter. Glass cuts are sold in art stores.
5. Acrylic paints on glass and ceramics. I have they from Decola. On sale a wide variety of similar paints. In extreme cases, you can use the usual acrylic, and completely in the extreme - tempera and gouache.
6. The basis for our mosaic. It may be different depending on the idea. If this is a flat picture - then a robust plywood is suitable for the base (the main thing is not bent) or plastic. A small mosaic can be covered with any surfaces - flower pots, vases, photo frames and more. In my case, this is a pot.
7. Glue "Moment" to secure pieces. It is best to use a transparent option.
8. Grout for seams, which can act any astringent - whether it is a special tiled grout, plaster, alabaster, etc. For convenience, the mixture is also needed a small rubber spatula, and for cleaning - fabric.

So, you must first select the decorated surface and the pattern that we will apply on it. In my case, this is a light geometric ornament that I immediately painted on a pot. But if it is a more complex drawing, it is worth making a sketch and transfer it to the surface. Here you need to decide on the colors and dimensions of the mosaic that you will need. I will have 3 of them: barded, brown and yellow.

Cutting glass. Perhaps you have not tried to cut the glass glass cutter, but it is very simple! It is necessary to work in protective gloves. Glass crumbles on small pieces that may be painful. If certain sizes are required, it is better to lay them with a thin marker on glass. (I do it on the eye). It is better to use glass size up to 1, 5 cm, otherwise they will lag behind the cylindrical surface. We put a ruler where you need to cut off the strip of glass and, holding a glass cutter slightly under the tilt, quickly with a strengthen the line.

Then, we take the pliers, wrapped in pre-tape or painting tape, and, keeping the rest of the glass in the other hand, bow the glass strip.

Now they cut the square from this strip, shaking each separately. We will also need triangular elements. They are harder to cut them. So, inventing the drawing it is worth considering. Glass chips can not be adjusted in shape with bodies, like ceramic, as they just crumble.

Here are our glass and ready! It is better to chop immediately with the reserve!

Glass painting. Before painting, it is better to wash them to remove fat and dirt from the surface. When they dry, you can start painting! I usually lay them out onto a large sheet and paint each with a brush. This is a rather fast process! After you need to give them to dry.

I decided to still make inserts into monophonic stripes. At first I painted them with the help of contours, and after drying, the same paints as the rest.

It turned out a lot of multicolored pieces!

Print mosaic. To begin with, I nano drawing on the surface of the pencil.

I punish the edge of the pot with a painted scotch, so as not to be stuffing them by grouting. Whatever the product is probably there will be places that you do not want to get dirty!

And I start gluing the upper mosaic strip on glue. I nan it on small plotTo catch to glue 2-4 pieces. There are sophisticated places where you need to increase the right piece. Therefore, sometimes you must first estimate, and then glue. The glue should not be too much, so that it would not be squeezed in the seams between pieces.

Stick from above and below the barded strip.

Now sticking the yellow strip in the middle.

Purchasing brown stripes on both sides.

Fill the remaining space with a yellow mosaic.

Stout seams. Most often they need to rub. But if the mosaic is laid close and gently, you can not do this. To begin with, I am preparing a solution. In principle, on the packaging of any grout for tiles or plaster, it is written in what proportions it is necessary to mix binder and water. My grouting ended, so I use white plaster. The powder needs to be poured into the water, and not vice versa, and mix! The mixture should remind a liquid sour cream on the consistency. If it is thick, you can pour a little water. If we knew too liquid, the solution will thicken for a long time.

So, the prepared mixture should stand a little and thickening. It should not be very much. By the way, this grout can be any color. To do this, add paint directly to the liquid solution. I add yellow paint. Then I spread the spoon or thump (if undergun) the mixture on the mosaic and the spatula distribute over the entire surface. Grouting must be driven precisely in the seams between pieces. It is necessary to work quickly, as the solution quickly freezes.

The solution is a bit reduced. I take a cloth and believes from the surface of pieces of the residue of the solution. If the rag lubricates the solution, it means that it is not enough to dry.

After careful cleaning the pot ready! Some corners will have to cleaned acute subject. We must give the pot to dry a couple of days. Now you can plant some fun cactus!

Letting that fastening the layer acrylic paint glue the moment to the surface is not the most durable ... Therefore, if it is not particularly picking it in the process of manufacture (after rubbing the seams, pieces will fasten with the surface of the pot) and after, then the product will be durable.
I made another 2 frames. One is one of the multicolored residues of painted mosaic with grout, the second is made of colored sheet glasses without grouting. For the foundation were used simple wooden frames from IKEA.

That's the whole lesson! Creative success!


Recently, increasing popularity in the interior and landscape design Acquires use decorative elements and a glass mosaic panel.

The glass mosaic is pieces of color or transparent glass, laid out in the form of a pattern and glued to the surface.

The gaps between the mosaic parts are filled with tiled grout, and in some cases the surface is covered with varnish.

It is especially nice that the glass mosaic makes it possible to create real masterpieces and make items for patterns with your own hands. However, if you are afraid to work with glass, it can be cut on yourself or beat, you can buy ready-made pieces of mosaic in stores for creativity. Such pieces of glass are usually geometrically correct figures: triangles, squares different sizes, less likely - Circles.

Independent manufacture of glass mosaic

Mosaic laying scheme "Christmas tree".

If you do not want to buy pieces of glass to compile mosaic patterns, then they can be made independently. To do this, you will need a glass of 3 mm thick different colorsYou plan to use in glass mosaic. If you did not find colored glassYou can take the usual transparent and paint of the necessary shades. Paint can be any: on an alcohol or oil basis.

With the help of glass cutter, the material is cut on curly parts or squares of the desired size. If you have a transparent glass, you need to stick it on sticky tape and cover paint desired flowers. It is necessary to stick pieces to ensure that there are no traces of paint on their front. Otherwise ready product Will look slightly. Very convenient for staining to use paint in an aerosol. After the paint is driving, you can sprinkle pieces, lay them on colors and use.

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How to lay a glass mosaic

It does not matter, whether you bought the material for mosaic or made yourself, the process of creating the product is still the same. Of paramount importance is the fact that you want to do: decorative panel, flower pot, Vaza, Art object for garden or decorate the walls. Based on the object on which the glass mosaic will be placed, you need to pick up the pattern and glue.

As a picture can serve as a cross-stitch or beads, as well as any other images.. To get a unhentic pattern, the mosaic pieces will need to be treated with glass cutter according to a given form or bite with special sodgers of squares so that they have approximately the desired outlines of the edge.

A glass mosaic is placed in two ways. If you want mosaic to decorate fresh-sweened walls, you can press each piece directly into the plaster, pre-placing the contours of the patterns. However, this method is not always suitable, for example, you put the plaster for a long time, and after some time they wanted to decorate the wall. Then the second method comes to the rescue, suitable for laying a glass mosaic on any surface - gluing.

It is best to choose transparent and capable glue droinen surfaces, for example, liquid nails. Since the pieces of glass mosaic are translucent, then the opaque glue can spoil the entire future composition. If you take adhesive for fastening different surfaces, you can decorate a plastic or clay pot, wooden countertop, glass or mirror, without worrying for the fortress of the laid out drawing.

When you chose the drawing and prepared all the materials, you can safely start making a mosaic with your own hands. Translate the pattern to the surface where the mosaic will be located, take a piece of glass of the desired color, lubricate it with glue and stick to the desired place, thus filling the entire space of the prepared pattern. Be sure to leave small gaps between pieces of glass, later the grout will fill them. When all the pieces are glued and dried, you need to proceed to the grout. It is bred to the consistency of sour cream, apply a spatula onto all the product, give dry. Clean the surplus first with a damp sponge, and then dry rag.

It is necessary to give a grout to fully harden, and after, at will, it is possible to cover the product with varnishes or a means of protected from moisture. Treatment with varnish or special protective means It is done so that the glass mosaic looks finished and had a deeper stained glass effect, as well as to ensure the durability of the product.

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What can cut glass for the manufacture of glass mosaic

In order for the glass mosaic to be beautiful, it is necessary to have special tools that allow you to adjust the glass pieces under the desired form or size. Tools, without which it is impossible to do, not so much is glass cutter and several types of mosaic bodies. Cut and break the glass is not so simple, especially if you make a mosaic for the first time, but without required tool This process will be even more severe. Therefore, before creating, take care of the purchase:

  1. Glass cutter. They are two species, the most common is designed to cut the glass in a straight line. They make an incision, and then laid down the glass on this cut. Another type of glass cutter is called oily, it differs in what has a swivel head, which means that curvilinear cuts are able to do. If you want to professionally engage in mosaic, then it's worth buying precisely oil glass.
  2. Disk bodies. This is a very important tool, thanks to discs made of durable alloy, it is able to split a piece of glass on the smallest parts, while the chip is obtained at an angle of 90 ° to the surface.
  3. Leaders different species. Thanks to these bruises, it is possible to break pieces for which they have previously conducted a glass cutter. Some of their types are specifically for curvilinear splits. In order to assemble your first mosaic and, if necessary, "bite off" the extra edge of the details, it will be enough to buy a leaf for straight lines. If you are going to make a mosaic often, the set can be expanded.

Mosaic with her own hands is not only the opportunity to decorate the space around him beautiful and unusual things. This is also a way to spend time. However, it must be remembered that this work is associated with glass, and therefore you need to be careful not to damage your hands when sticking and wiping, and also carefully monitor the pieces of glass to fly when it is flushed.

Glass mosaic - original and beautiful view Needlework. Using a little fantasy, you can build such a masterpiece that will decorate your whole home.

Mosaic can be purchased two types:

  • Buy already ready mosaic in a construction store;
  • Make a mosaic with your hands from the girlfriend, it can be beautiful stones of broken glass and dishes, old ceramics, various beads or buttons.

These simple materials can be such beautiful compositions Make up that you will not see this anywhere and do not buy any money. And most importantly, the work will be considered as it is called, the author, and there is no same model. Everything depends on your desire and fantasy.

Of course, it is worth starting with the simplest sketches, but only then you can go to more complex compositions.

Start with light

The following tools and materials will be required for work:

  • Mosaic glass;
  • Glue;
  • Brushes;
  • Grout.

The usual mosaic can be not only a beautiful element of the decor, but also very useful in the life of any family. For example, use mosaic in places of switches and sockets. Sometimes it often happens that it is these places that take a gray and dirty appearance over time. So I came to help the mosaic, which can be easily rubbed, if there is a need for this.

  • Take out a mosaic from the bucket and select the necessary colors you need. The capacity of such a bucket is 1000 grams.
  • The necessary surface is grinning and start uploading on the principle of laying tile.
  • Glue by layers, after everyone, it is necessary to wait for the time for complete drying so that the drawing does not lose the appearance.
  • Thus, we make each layer of the sketch.
  • That's all, the original place for the switch is fully prepared. Such work took no more than 2 hours of time.

In the same way, you can make a frame at stained glass.

Second option

  • Ceramic tile color gamma Choose what colors are more like;
  • Blend of glue;
  • Grout;
  • A hammer;
  • Pliers;
  • Rubber spatula;
  • Construction primer;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Special temperature carving device.

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts.

First of all, it is necessary to make a stencil. You can draw yourself, but you can print. Cut it.

This is what pattern should you get:

The surface must be treated with construction primer, after drawing a rectangle with a size of 66 cm by 62 cm.

So that the tile is better glued, you can slide a little surface. After carrying a ready-made sketch.

From the tiles, cut out small pieces with a special device. Stacking mosaic to start with smaller details, such as the mustache. We do the same as shown in the photo:

Butterfly laid out. That's what kind of beauty turns out.

Now we start laying out the small square behind the butterfly itself. And make the frame.

So that the black frame does not look like black spot In the picture, you can dilute such a color, for example, white or any other suitable color.

We are waiting for a complete drying of the glue. After we produce the grout of the finished picture.

That's all, on this picture is completely ready. Now take her and hang on one of the walls of your home, you can make a metal frame.

Third lesson

For work, the following tools and materials will be required:

  • Colored glass;
  • Primer;
  • Glue;
  • Putty;
  • Thorough sponge.

From pieces of multicolored glass, you can decorate both the bathroom and the usual wall in the apartment. We will analyze today how to make a beautiful fish in the bathroom.

  1. The necessary surface must be glued, thereby equally. After applying the primer.
  2. Now we will transfer the pattern on the wall from the template. In our case, this is a fish.
  3. After finished drawing, we begin to lay out the glass, gluing every piece. It is better to do this in several techniques, giving breathing every row.
  4. We leave to complete drying the finished picture.
  5. After the picture is completely dried, we will drag the mask and begin to miss the finished picture.
  6. We leave until complete drying of this mixture. After half an hour with the help of a sponge, you can safely wipe the panel.
  7. That's all, the painting for the bathroom is completely ready.

Mosaic always looks very impressive and magically Transforms any interior, ODA even has some similarity with the art of creating stained glass windows. At home you can use glass mosaic in the whole palette of works on the decoration of the apartment: from the decor of the flower stands before designing the exotic panel on the walls.

Source Material for Glass Mosaic

In the process of creating a mosaic, you can combine colored glass with a variety of materials:

  • glass waste
  • cafe debris and facing ceramic tiles
  • shelli
  • stones
  • colored pebbles
  • beads
  • beads, etc.

Sketch for glass mosaic

Glass mosaic is almost impossible to perform without a predetermined drawing or an outline of the future work. They can be represented by the following types:

  • strictly geometric sketch
  • copy of picturesque work
  • abstract drawing
  • classic composition
  • fancy fantasy picture

The form and color gamut of the material is always selected in accordance with the design.

Mosaic of glass

Mosaic is created from the glass of the broken, broken or cut.

Technique "Nementation"

  • Cement or gypsum can be used as a filling mass for a glass mosaic.
  • To secure your drawing on the surface designed under the glass mosaic, it is important to prepare strong and reliable support. Most often use the thick sheet of glass, but you can also use a strong Phaneur, or at all special construction gridwhich will allow subsequent transfer and secure the resulting mosaic pattern, for example on the wall in the bathroom or kitchen. Do not use metal sheets for this purpose. It is important to perform only one immutable rule: the carrier plate should not breed from dampness.
  • Initially need to prepare a drawing, a mirror reflective desired result. With the help of high-quality decapadal glue or PVA (which can sometimes be replaced with egg protein, but to dry the work will be longer, and it is worse). Fix the pieces of glass on the sketch, from which your mosaic will be created. The surface should turn out to be smooth, because you stick the material on paper with a smooth side.
  • It is so called the technique that is most often used when working with decorative decorations From glass mosaic. This method allows to obtain a comfortable smooth working surface.
  • As you understand, there must be small gaps between fragments, which, after being filled with grouting. With large drawings small parts It is better to dispersonize to improve the perception of the finished mosaic from multicolored glass.
  • It is very important to take care in advance that the adhesive mass does not spread over the surface. This can be done using the restrictive strips that are removed after drying the gluing composition. The height of the planks depends on the height of the plate.
  • You can also use thickening moderators, if, for example, a very large mosaic and for full processing You need more time.

Glass mosaic creation technology

  1. The adhesive mass is applied with a flat layer on the bearing plate.
  2. The prepared pattern is pressed together with the material attached to it.
  3. The adhesive layer is left to complete drying. It is impossible to push the mosaic too much, because the seams should remain clean.
  4. After setting, the paper from the finished panel is removed moistened with a sponge in water.
  5. To finally close the remaining seams, you can use gypsum, cement (simple or marble), putty. The weight of the seal can be painted to obtain the effect of contrast.
  6. It remains only to wait for the drying of the mosaic seams and carefully separate the mosaic slab from the carrier.

Depending on your ideas, the finished glass mosaic can be hung or put. Mosaic can also be concluded in a metal, wooden or plastic frame.

"Positive" version of glass mosaic

With "positive work", pieces of glass are immediately installed where they will be located. It is convenient to use this method during the scenery of the floor.

First prepare the surface and all the necessary materials.

If the mosaic will occupy a very large surface, then it is traveled in parts.

Special attention requires the moment of placing a mosaic to still fresh plaster. Work is very painstaking and long, requiring patience and attention. With all, this will have to try to hurry, because the striking, the plaster loses its adhesive abilities and harden. Sometimes it is worth adding a moderator to the plaster mortar to push the time of setting the composition.

Pieces of glass or mosaic are placed in a fresh cement or gypsum bed with preservation of image positivity. Quality work Must demonstrate a perfectly smooth surface. Close the seams you can the same ways as with "negative work".

Important: Of course, mosaic can be made not only from glass. For example, mosaic from egg shellMade with your own hands, perfectly decorate the interior of almost any room.

Look at the photo - what delightful panels can be created independently of broken glass fragments:

Video with examples of works of mosaic masters working with glass

The most interesting articles:

Glass mosaic is the original and beautiful view of the needlework. Using a little fantasy, you can build such a masterpiece that will decorate your whole home.

Mosaic can be purchased two types:

Of these simple materials, you can make such beautiful compositions that you will not see this anywhere and do not buy any money. And most importantly, the work will be considered as it is called, the author, and there is no same model. Everything depends on your desire and fantasy.

Of course, it is worth starting with the simplest sketches, but only then you can go to more complex compositions.

Start with light

The usual mosaic can be not only a beautiful element of the decor, but also very useful in the life of any family. For example, use mosaic in places of switches and sockets. Sometimes it often happens that it is these places that take a gray and dirty appearance over time. So I came to help the mosaic, which can be easily rubbed, if there is a need for this.

In the same way, you can make a frame at stained glass.

Second option

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts.

First of all, it is necessary to make a stencil. You can draw yourself, but you can print. Cut it.

This is what pattern should you get:

The surface must be treated with construction primer, after drawing a rectangle with a size of 66 cm by 62 cm.

From the tiles, cut out small pieces with a special device. Stacking mosaic to start with smaller details, such as the mustache. We do the same as shown in the photo:

Butterfly laid out. That's what kind of beauty turns out.

Now we start laying out the small square behind the butterfly itself.

We decorate the wall with a mosaic of sea glass

And make the frame.

So that the black frame does not look like a black stain in the picture, you can dilute such a color, for example, white or any other suitable color.

We are waiting for a complete drying of the glue. After we produce the grout of the finished picture.

That's all, on this picture is completely ready. Now take her and hang on one of the walls of your home, you can make a metal frame.

Third lesson

From pieces of multicolored glass, you can decorate both the bathroom and the usual wall in the apartment. We will analyze today how to make a beautiful fish in the bathroom.

In the same way, you can make a picture and for the kitchen. Featuring a beautiful pattern and mosaic, you can start to create masterpieces with your handles.

We bring to your attention to familiarize yourself with video lessons that will help in more detail in the process of making such paintings, as described above.

Video on the topic

Overview of glass mosaic with their own hands for the kitchen and in the bathroom with photos and video.

Glass Mosaic - Types, Production, Installation

Glass mosaic: how to glue stained glass

Mosaic and Smalt Mosaic Tool and Technology

Art mosaic is a picture made of hundreds or thousands of smallest glass pieces. Mosaic is a real work of art, which in the manufacture requires perseverance, attentiveness and desire to create. The creation process was able to see in one of the workshops of the stained glass studio "Alexandria", which began with stained glass over 20 years ago.

When creating stained glass used a large number of The opaque glass, the remnants of which have accumulated quite a lot, after which they decided to try to put them in the studio - to start laying out the mosaic. From this point on, six years have passed, and now the mosaic can be safely called the second main specialization of the studio. For such important work Masters were trained and workshops are equipped.

In one of these workshops - spacious room Mosaic harvested with high ceilings. The light, illuminated from high windows illuminated huge tables, on which paintings of varying degrees of readiness were laid out. At the edges of each table among scattered pieces of glass lay all sorts of tools: pliers for glass, nippers for mosaic, professional glass cutters and another tool for mosaic. Over two mosaics, bending the masters worked.

The walls have high racks with baths, each of which lay ready-made modules - small rectangular pieces of glass. Narrow, pressed to the wall staircase led on small balcony. At each step, under his feet, crouched pieces of glass - wizard, so as not to break away from work, threw trimming right to the floor.

At first glance, Mosaic was not very different from the stained glass - the same pieces of glass that need to be cut and enter into the picture. But if you look attentively, the whole sea of \u200b\u200bdifferences opens. "It all starts with cardboard - drawing of a future mosaic. Only if it comes to stitches with marked colors - here will be yellow, here - blue, then we simply see common lines and sketch "

Today, the mosaic is laid out by two basic ways. With one glass, it is cut exactly in the size of some area - the petal of the flower or the wing of dragonfly is akin to the Florentine mosaic. With a friend, closest to Roman mosaic, the picture is going out of small rectangular pieces. "I do not like to cut the glass - you immediately depend on those colors that are on the finished sheet. Smalt closer to painting - every module like smear brushes. And here we have much more freedom - we are artists themselves. Suppose I decided that the hair should be gold on the mosaic - and I make them golden. "

But this is not the only difference between mosaic and stained glass windows. The work here is much thinner - sometimes you have to spread the modules the size of a little more eyelashes. And they still need to cut out of the glass and, if necessary, polish. Customized modules to each other accounts for a tight, with the smallest gaps. The masters are not called such a jewelry job.

Bohle art glass cutters are used for cutting glass. They have a comfortable pad to face the fingers as close as possible to the glass cutter head.

If necessary, the module can be submitted on special machine Kristall 2000s glass edge processing

"We usually lay out the modules, starting with a particular element. Here, for example, a berry, and Andrei showed me a sketch of a new mosaic and began to drive a finger around an angular stylized berry, "I will lay out it at the beginning, then a row around it, then another row. But sometimes it happens differently - here see how Andryukha works, and Andrei nodded toward another master who worked on the mosaic icon of Nicholas, he first laid out a face and brushes, secured them and put them in the general panel. And now all the rest is completed around them. "

Most mosaicists in the workshop have an art education, but Andrei to the question began to engage in mosaic, with a smirk answered: "I came here at all in the garage came to work, I have no art education. I come, and I ask me: "Mosaic ever laid out?" Well, I replied that there is no. Nothing, they say, teach. So they taught that I already work here for the sixth year. "

Modules are laid out on the mounting film - a self-adhesive sheet that holds pieces of glass in place.

Original mosaic with your own hands: Decor from the bat

When the whole picture is assembled, Aracal sticks on top of her face - another self-adhesive sheet. After that, the mosaic is turned over and removed the assembly film, and it is the basis of its place - a special tissue, which is finally glued by the mosaic elements of the mosaic. When the modules are firmly enshrined on the basis, which became unnecessary Aracal removed.

Mosaic based on the picture of Gustav Klimt "Water Snakes". Above this mosaic, Andrei worked unsubunned for three months

Such cunning manipulations are made in order for the artist with a set by seen the facial part of the mosaic - such as it becomes after mounting the basis. There is, however, the so-called reverse set, when the mosaic is collected mirror right on Arakale. Only here is a glass for mosaic - a whimping thing: often one side can differ very much from the other in the drawing and color, and to predict. Predict, how the mosaic will look like in the end, with the reverse set will be very difficult.

"And after that, the most interesting thing begins - rubbing the seams. The grout is selected by the color of the modules and, if necessary, mix the desired kel. But after that, the work may change beyond recognition: the individual sections are brushed, others will darken, and some colors can merge. And nothing can be done with it - it remains only every time to represent what happens in the end. "

The work went with her guy - the little pieces of glass one after another lay on the table, folding into the future picture.

How to make a mosaic from the bat tile do it yourself

Glass mosaic do it yourself

All the great popularity is acquired by things made by their own hands. Using items handmade You can decorate the interior and make it unique and unique. One of the options that can be fully implemented at home is the manufacture of glass mosaic.

Master Class - Glass Mosaic

Before you begin making a glass mosaic with your own hands, you need to decorate in this way. We give an example with the decoration of the flower pot.

This is how our flower pot will look at the end of work.

As you can see, make a glass mosaic very easily, you just need to have a little time, patience and girlfriend. And the result will exceed all expectations.

  • glass waste
  • shelli
  • stones
  • colored pebbles
  • beads
  • beads, etc.

Sketch for glass mosaic

  • copy of picturesque work
  • abstract drawing
  • classic composition
  • fancy fantasy picture

Technique "Nementation"

  • Initially need to prepare a drawing, a mirror reflective desired result. With the help of high-quality decapadal glue or PVA (which can sometimes be replaced with egg protein, but to dry the work will be longer, and it is worse). Fix the pieces of glass on the sketch, from which your mosaic will be created. The surface should turn out to be smooth, because you stick the material on paper with a smooth side.

Look at the photo - what delightful panels can be created independently of broken glass fragments:

Video with examples of works of mosaic masters working with glass

The most interesting articles:

Glass mosaic do it yourself

All the great popularity is acquired by things made by their own hands. With the help of handmade items, you can decorate the interior and make it unique and unique. One of the options that can be fully implemented at home is the manufacture of glass mosaic.

Master Class - Glass Mosaic

Before you begin making a glass mosaic with your own hands, you need to decorate in this way. We give an example with the decoration of the flower pot.

This is how our flower pot will look at the end of work.

As you can see, make a glass mosaic very easily, you just need to have a little time, patience and girlfriend. And the result will exceed all expectations.

Articles on the topic:

How to make a mosaic with your own hands?

Increasingly popular in modern finish Houses and apartments use Mosaic, who came to us from a long time. In the master class we will show how you can make a mosaic with your own hands.

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Family lovers will come to the revenue various stands, with which it is easy to create whole compositions, decoring your interior. In master classes, we will show some of the way, how to make a stand for flowers with your own hands.

Stained glass on glass do it yourself

Stand for shoes with your own hands

It is difficult to imagine the interior of the hallway without a footboard, such a small, but very functional part. How to make such furniture with your own hands, we will show in the master class.

Glass Mosaic Production Technology

The leading position among mosaic collections on the right occupies a mosaic of glass. The availability of material for production, unlimited possibilities of color and decorative solutions, wide price framework, high technical and consumer qualities are beneficial to the number of similar products of industry. Look at the glass mosaic factory and learn some secrets of production such a multi-sided product.

Mosaic's origin

As you know, the glass is obtained by mirrox quartz sand In the liquid transparent mass - the mixture. At this stage, the decorative tasks of the future product are also solved. To give the color in the transparent mass, dyes of iron, manganese, chromium, and many others add dyes. If the technology assumes the manufacture of opaque, matte glass, then field spat is added to the mixture. But that's not all. Let's look at the Holy Factories - Chemical Laboratory .

The most durable glass is smalt. For cooking this material ready mass out silicate glass Pershed the powder, mixed with metal oxides and baked in hot wardrobes. The result is very resistant to different damage to the glass.

But main feature Smalts - peculiar translucency, inner glow, barely noticeable colored divorces. Each Tesser radiates its unique deep pattern. Mosaic from smalt - the most the best choice For public premises, since it is able to withstand frequent cleaning, washing, mechanical impact.
One of the decor variants is imitation of pearl coating. Quite expensive process. Iridium, used in production, is very rare in nature, appreciated on a par with gold and platinum. When adding to the glass mass, it creates a pearl pattern. Pearl in nature is limited in the palette, and Iridium plays with all the colors of the rainbow. By the way, it is named this metal in honor of the goddess Rainbow - Irida.
Mosaic with adventurine like gemstone. Inside the glass base, sparkling points are shifted. The production of such a glass mosaic is quite time consuming. For the preparation of Avanturin 5 days, a special mixture is melted in the furnaces, then add copper oxide and boil 12 hours. Another 10 days you need to wait for the mixture cooled. The resulting mass is peathed into the powder and add to liquid glass. Accurate compliance with the formulation does not guarantee the expected result. Up to 30 percent of the marriage in each batch. Hence such a high price of mosaic with adventuric.

Production and varieties of mosaic

To create mosaic fragments, the mass is poured into special forms. The form is different. The most common - squares 10 × 10, 20 × 20 and 50 × 50 mm with a thickness of 4 to 12 mm thick. In addition, the texture of the glass mass allows the use of round, rectangular oval, rhombid, "marine pebbles" and other forms. The last innovation of one of the Italian firms was the use of plant motives for creating mosaic forms.

There are several more techniques of glass mosaic decor, which are obtained by filling the glass masses in the form.

One of them is a real golden mosaic. No, no, not a trick of Venetian glass windows.

Mosaic of glass

In this mosaic, 960 samples are really used.
The idea of \u200b\u200bcreation belongs to the Masters of Byzantium. Golden Cartareli - Scheduled in the Golden Plate. Technology is similar to the preparation of hot sandwich. On the solid foundation of the smalt leaf, a thin plate of gravestone is placed on top of everything covered on top protective layer transparent glass. After the roasting cabinet, gold firmly saves with other layers and goes out shining unusual smalle. For a variety of shades, colorless transparent glass can be replaced with color, instead of gold use silver foil.

Assembling mosaic chips. Pros and cons

To simplify the use of mosaic in construction and investigative works, mosaic chips are gained in the canvas. For this use two technologies: direct set and reverse set. With a direct set, the chips are stacked on the grid face to the consumer. Fixing on the decorative plane is made by the grid face. The grid is flexible enough, which allows the use of a mosaic for curvilinear planes. Another significant plus mesh is the ability to hide small base surface defects. With a reverse set, mosaic fragments are stacked in the matrix and the front side is fixed onto cardboard or film. Installation is based on a glass part of the tile, and the cardboard is cleaned some time. Such a set makes small spaces available for laying tiles, saves funds by departure installation. The standard form for the matrix serves a square of 30 × 30 cm consisting of 225 modules with a size of 20 × 20 mm each.

The technological process of forming glass matrices allows you to vary and the size of the square and chips for it. In addition to monophonic sets, a variety of mixes make in the workshop. Popularly use both mixtures of shades of one color and a combination of contrasting mosaic squares. Another type of mixing services - the ability to individually pick up and order a mixture for your exclusive design interior.
A separate group of mixtures is the so-called mosaic stretching.

In 8 sheets, mixtures with a smooth transition from a light shade of chips to dark or vice versa, from dark to light, are formed. Installation of stretch marks has some feature. Sheets are stacked on the decorated area according to the numbers vertical rows.

Questions Consultant Manager
1. Practical glass mosaic
Glass chips pass a special thermal hardening, after which you can withstand various loads. By the way, this hardening allows you to use this product with external facing of furnaces and fireplaces. Since the glass mosaic is recruited from small quadraticles - it is simply impossible to break it. Sharp corners of the mosaic tesser during installation are maintained by a special solution.
2. physical characteristics
The only type of mosaic with zero water absorption is perfect for water facilities - fountains, pools, shower. A glass mosaic withstands not only up to 145 heat degrees, but also frosts up to -30 degrees. Such temperature characteristics allow you to use it for the scenery of outdoor reservoirs and facades. And the last argument - glass production technology makes color resistant to sunny rays and the effects of ultraviolet.
3. Ecology product
Glass mosaic does not highlight harmful substances, perfectly clean and easily cleaned by contamination, which prevents the development of unhealthy microflora and various bacteria.
4. Available price framework
A large assortment Mosaic creates the same wide price framework, which makes accessible goods regardless of the size of the wallet. Purchase of glass mosaic is able to please diverse views, excellent quality and monetary savings.

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Glass mosaic - an excellent solution to problems with the processing of old broken glasses and creating a unique design of your home

Mosaic always looks very effectively and magically transforms any interior, ODA even has some similarity with the art of creating stained glass. At home you can use glass mosaic in the whole palette of works on the decoration of the apartment: from the decor of the flower stands before designing the exotic panel on the walls.

Source Material for Glass Mosaic

In the process of creating a mosaic, you can combine colored glass with a variety of materials:

  • glass waste
  • cafe debris and facing ceramic tiles
  • shelli
  • stones
  • colored pebbles
  • beads
  • beads, etc.

Sketch for glass mosaic

Glass mosaic is almost impossible to perform without a predetermined drawing or an outline of the future work. They can be represented by the following types:

  • strictly geometric sketch
  • copy of picturesque work
  • abstract drawing
  • classic composition
  • fancy fantasy picture

The form and color gamut of the material is always selected in accordance with the design. Mosaic is created from the glass of the broken, broken or cut.

Technique "Nementation"

  • Cement or gypsum can be used as a filling mass for a glass mosaic.
  • To secure your drawing on the surface designed under the glass mosaic, it is important to prepare a strong and reliable support. Most often use the thick sheet of glass, but you can also use a strong fane, or at all a special construction grid that will allow you to transfer and secure the obtained mosaic pattern, for example on the wall in the bathroom or kitchen. Do not use metal sheets for this purpose. It is important to perform only one immutable rule: the carrier plate should not breed from dampness.
  • Initially need to prepare a drawing, a mirror reflective desired result.

    Glass Mosaic: Home Decor Element

    With the help of high-quality decapadal glue or PVA (which can sometimes be replaced with egg protein, but to dry the work will be longer, and it is worse). Fix the pieces of glass on the sketch, from which your mosaic will be created. The surface should turn out to be smooth, because you stick the material on paper with a smooth side.

  • This is exactly the name of the technique, which is most often used when working with decorative decorations made of glass mosaics. This method allows to obtain a comfortable smooth working surface.
  • As you understand, there must be small gaps between fragments, which, after being filled with grouting. With large drawings, small details are better dispersed to improve the perception of the finished mosaic from multicolored glass.
  • It is very important to take care in advance that the adhesive mass does not spread over the surface. This can be done using the restrictive strips that are removed after drying the gluing composition. The height of the planks depends on the height of the plate.
  • You can also use thickening moderators, if, for example, a very large mosaic and need more time for complete processing.

Glass mosaic creation technology

  1. The adhesive mass is applied with a flat layer on the bearing plate.
  2. The prepared pattern is pressed together with the material attached to it.
  3. The adhesive layer is left to complete drying. It is impossible to push the mosaic too much, because the seams should remain clean.
  4. After setting, the paper from the finished panel is removed moistened with a sponge in water.
  5. To finally close the remaining seams, you can use gypsum, cement (simple or marble), putty. The weight of the seal can be painted to obtain the effect of contrast.
  6. It remains only to wait for the drying of the mosaic seams and carefully separate the mosaic slab from the carrier.

Depending on your ideas, the finished glass mosaic can be hung or put. Mosaic can also be concluded in a metal, wooden or plastic frame.

"Positive" version of glass mosaic

With "positive work", pieces of glass are immediately installed where they will be located. It is convenient to use this method during the scenery of the floor.

First prepare the surface and all the necessary materials.

If the mosaic will occupy a very large surface, then it is traveled in parts.

Special attention requires the moment of placing a mosaic to still fresh plaster. Work is very painstaking and long, requiring patience and attention. With all, this will have to try to hurry, because the striking, the plaster loses its adhesive abilities and harden. Sometimes it is worth adding a moderator to the plaster mortar to push the time of setting the composition.

Pieces of glass or mosaic are placed in a fresh cement or gypsum bed with preservation of image positivity. High-quality work should demonstrate a perfectly smooth surface. Close the seams you can the same ways as with "negative work".

Important: Of course, mosaic can be made not only from glass. For example, a mosaic from the egg shell made by their own hands will perfectly decorate the interior of almost any room.

Look at the photo - what delightful panels can be created independently of broken glass fragments.

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