Profile calculation. Accurate calculation of drywall - the key to waste-free installation How to calculate the amount of drywall

Decor elements 30.08.2019
Decor elements

Sometimes, when you start leveling the walls with dry plaster, you can make a mistake and take extra material, or vice versa, not enough of it, and to prevent this from happening, you are offered the simplest drywall calculator.

Drywall calculator starts with measurements

To determine how much material you need, you need to know the exact area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface to be finished. At the same time, it is advisable to approach measurements in detail, and if, for example, you need to cover a wall with drywall, do not limit yourself to two sides of the ceiling or wall. It should be remembered that the geometry of rooms is rarely perfect, which means that the upper edge of the wall and the lower one can vary in length. Therefore, we measure the full perimeter of each surface and calculate the area, which we then enter into the drywall calculator.

Be sure to take into account all deviations from perpendiculars, which should be formed by the adjacent sides of the walls and ceiling. In each such case, it is better to cut off a little from the whole sheet than to add a narrow strip, so we immediately make a ratio with the dimensions of the drywall. Plates are different lengths, both 2500 and 3000 millimeters, but their width, as a rule, is typical - 120 centimeters. Accordingly, focusing on the distance to the ceiling, it is better to choose the option closest in height. In other words, if there are 2.4 meters between the floor and the ceiling, we take a sheet of 2500, with a greater distance we use plates of 3000 millimeters. Sometimes it is better to lay drywall across, then the total height of 3 sheets will be 3600 mm.

What is the easiest way to calculate drywall?

The most elementary calculation is to divide the wall area without deducting window and door openings by 3 or 3.6, respectively for sheets 2500x1200 and 3000x1200. However, this will mean additional costs, since the fragments cut at the locations of the openings can be used later. For example, for slopes in openings limited by profiles, when leveling sheets are installed at a considerable distance from the walls (using jumpers). It will also be possible to supplement sheets with narrow strips where the length or width of the material is not enough.

If the entire room is finished with drywall, it should be remembered that the frame placed on the lintels reduces the volume of the room, which means that the coverage area will be less than the surface of the walls and ceiling. So, for example, if the mounting profiles are 10 centimeters away from the carriers, then the area finish will be reduced by 20 centimeters horizontally and 10 centimeters vertically. In such cases, it is better to calculate the material according to the frame, which, however, is constructed based on the dimensions of the drywall sheets.

All calculations are made depending on how the profiles are mounted. If the guides are set horizontally, the sheathing sheet will be oriented accordingly. The same with the vertical mounting of the frame. As usual, the profiles are placed every 600 millimeters so that the joined sheets are connected exactly in the middle of the guide. If several slabs of dry plaster do not fit on the surface of the wall or ceiling as a whole, the sawn off excess fragment should be included in the calculations as additional material. In other words, almost all cuts can be put into action.

If whole sheets are mounted to the frame every 600 millimeters and guides are installed on this basis, then additional profiles are needed for trimming, corresponding to the width of the fragments.

The subtleties of calculating dry plaster

The above was a simple way to calculate drywall, however, in this way it will be difficult to avoid a large number waste. So let's go the classic way. So, we do not need the total area of ​​the surfaces to be finished, that is, only the walls or complete with the ceiling, but minus the window and door openings. Get a formula like S pom =a.h . 2+b.h . 2+a.b, where a and b- the length of two adjacent walls, h- room height.

If any of the walls or the ceiling is not sheathed, remove one of the twos or last part formulas. In addition, you should immediately add the slopes of the same openings, as well as all the niches and that you want to make indoors. The material opens up quite wide possibilities, up to the introduction of a built-in shelving with large quantity shelves Of particular note are the nuances that take place in the construction of curly piers or niches.

The fact is that all the filigree patterned cuts will mean that you practically never use the fragment separated from the material plate. Therefore, we immediately believe that at least one slab is required for each wall, you just have to close your eyes to the waste. The same applies to curly niches in the shape of hearts, circles and triangles - such trimmings are good for nothing. An exception may be the use of the resulting figures as decoration for a children's room. It is no less difficult to calculate the area of ​​curly suspended ceilings, in particular, with a wavy contour.

It is best to avoid waste by sawing each sheet lengthwise, exactly in half, and using both halves. Somewhat easier to calculate multilevel suspended ceilings with simple geometry, since there are special formulas for determining the area of ​​circles and squares. Round form calculated like this: S=πR2, where R is the radius, and we have already considered the rectangle above: S=ab. If you are inclined towards a non-standard design, and you have planned a triangular structure of the second hinged level on the ceiling, then the formula will be as follows: S=bh/2, where b- base, and h- height.

We determine the material consumption for the partition

Drywall is great not only for wall and ceiling cladding, but also for delimiting large room for several small ones. There are many varieties of partitions and piers made of dry plaster, the main two types are solid and intermittent, piers and, perhaps, columns can be attributed to the latter.. In addition, the second type of structures is also divided into two options - closed (which is similar to solid partitions) and openwork. In this case, the frames can be either single or double, to strengthen

How to calculate the number of guide and rack profile for installing drywall sheets? It's actually not as difficult as it sometimes seems. At the same time, it's not too easy. You see, for different types GKL structures require a different amount of profile (slightly different in different occasions). AT this material we will consider both general aspects of profile calculation and special cases that may cause difficulties. Let's start!

1. Calculation of the profile for wall cladding in one or two sheets consists in the following: when sheathing a rectilinear surface of the walls, the racks are set with a gap of 400 - 600 mm. between the middles, and the guides, respectively, along the entire length of the room, not excluding windows and doors (because, after all, there is also a cladding under and above them). Therefore, it all looks something like this (the scenes do not show the hangers of the PP, since their realistic modeling and placement would take an unreasonably long time):

This change house type building, participating in our series of publications as a 3-d model, will be sheathed with plasterboard around the entire perimeter, including windows and two doorways, one of which will be sewn up tightly. Also, partitions made of plasterboard will be installed in it and other operations will be carried out.

To calculate the number of guides, we just need to measure the perimeter of the room and multiply it by two, adding one spare piece to be sure. If you are suddenly a cheapskate, then you can not add, but in any case, the perimeter must be rounded up to a multiple of three, because the length of the guide profile is three meters. That is, for a perimeter of 15 meters, the number of guides will be: 15 x 2 = 30 / 3 = 10 pieces; for a perimeter of 24.7 meters: 24.7 x 2 \u003d 49.4 ≈ 51 / 3 \u003d 17 pieces. Usually also used so-called. correction factors for marriage, waste, and so on. Accordingly, the resulting number of guides must be multiplied by this very coefficient equal to 1.1, and for a room with many angles - by 1.2.

Number of hangers (type PP) it is also very easy to calculate: for each rack three meters long, there are at least five suspensions. This means that you need to multiply the number of rack profiles by five - and we get the number of suspensions.

But the calculation of the rack profile itself is already much more complicated: the fact is that for them there should be two racks (as in inside corners, and in the outer ones). Why - see the link, we will not be distracted here. Besides, in doorways reinforced double racks are also installed on the sides. And therefore, the calculation of racks based on the total perimeter of the room is incorrect, because you need to take into account length of each wall with corners, that is, not the length of all four (five, six, etc.) walls, but the length of each of these walls.

Accordingly, we count according to the following formula: Q1=l/0.6 + 1, where Q1 is the number of racks; l is the length of each wall; 0.6 - the distance between the middle of the racks. The unit is added because in any variant at the beginning and end of the sewing there is a rack (starting and ending). We divide the length of the wall by the distance between middle racks, and therefore the extreme, final rack is not taken into account. We also add two posts for each doorway. All values ​​are rounded up to a whole number. An example of calculating a GKL profile for a room with dimensions of 16 x 5 m and one doorway - we consider each side separately, then multiplying by two:

(((16/0.6 + 1) x 2) + ((5/0.6 + 1) x 2)) + 2 = ((26.66 + 1) x 2) + ((8.33 + 1) x 2)

We add one and take the multiplier out of brackets:

(27.66 + 9.33) x 2

Rounding up to a whole number:

(30 + 10) x 2 = 80

In total, we need eighty racks for GKL. We can add a couple of spares to them just in case (taking 10% of the stock is a bit much for them). I remind you again that it is not correct method profile calculation by dividing the total perimeter by the distance between the posts. By the way, it is better to trim with a distance of 40 cm, as when installing partitions.

So, having calculated the number of racks along the length for each of the walls, we can add these values ​​\u200b\u200btogether and get the desired number. However, we can only do this if the height of the room is not more than 3 meters. If it is more, then the racks will have to be increased, and, accordingly, the necessary stock should be added. For example, the height of the room is 3.5 meters. The number of racks we have already calculated as indicated above, and it turns out, for example, 135. However, 0.5 meters must be added to each rack. We believe:

135 x 0.5 / 3 = 22.5 ≈ 23

We multiply the number of racks by the amount of the allowance (in meters) and divide by three - we get the number of whole additional racks, rounded up to a whole number. As you can see, everything is very simple, no cleverness and no nonsense. For curved surfaces and false ceilings are all considered the same. True, in the case of ceilings, it is also necessary to add connectors (“crabs”), suspensions and dowels for attaching the guides to the walls. In cases with installation of plasterboard partitions, as well as for wall cladding, these dowels (SORMAT 6 type) will also come in handy. See below for details.

2. Calculation of fasteners for the installation of drywall quite simple. In total, we have, as it were, four groups of elements: these are guides, racks, suspensions and the GKL sheets themselves. Accordingly, we need the following:

a) for guides, 7 self-tapping screws 4.2 x 25 mm each. type "metal to metal" and 7 nylon dowels type SORMAT 6 for each rail 3 meters long. In other words, you need to fasten the self-tapping screw every 40 - 50 cm. If you mount partitions, add a dozen more of those and others for each of the partitions: the side racks must be sewn to the walls.

b) For hangers of PP type: for each hanger, two self-tapping screws 4.2 x 13 mm. type "metal to metal", 1 self-tapping screw 4.2 x 25 mm. of the same type and one SORMAT 6 dowel; for ceiling suspensions - 1 self-tapping screw 4.2 x 32 or 4.2 x 45 mm., one dowel SORMAT 8 40 mm long., and for two-level - and 60 mm., plus the number of suspensions should be increased.

c) For racks: for each rack there are four metal-to-metal screws 4.2 x 13 mm, and if the rack is extended, then eight (not counting fasteners for PCB).

d) for GKL sheets we use self-tapping screws for GKL 3.8 x 32 mm. (if the crate is made of wood, then we take “drywall - wood”, if it is a metal frame, then we take “drywall - metal”). For each sheet of drywall measuring 1.2 x 2.5 meters, we need up to 100 - 120 self-tapping screws, and if the lining is carried out in two sheets, then even more. In other words, we turn the screws every 25 - 30 cm along the profile in one row (maximum 40 cm each).

In addition, fasteners should be added to connect the racks in the corners, and a small reserve for force majeure circumstances. In conclusion, a little advice: do not take self-tapping screws with a drill, as this will not greatly facilitate the work. When buying, take a closer look - it happens that the last turn on the screw is not completed. In this case, it will be very difficult to tighten such screws into the profile, and it is better not to take them at all. But good, ordinary self-tapping screws go into metal better.

3. Calculate sheets for installation is even easier. Stupidly we take the sewing area and divide it by the area of ​​​​one sheet, adding a margin (2 - 5%), or not adding it, so that later we can buy the missing one. As a rule, GKL is used to the maximum, along with trimmings. Determine optimal height sheet: if the room is 2.51 meters high, you do not need to take a GKL 3 meters high. At the same time, higher sheets can be used if they are. Do not forget that the GKL is located in checkerboard pattern. Some are too lazy to lift the sheet to screw the trim from the bottom, and in vain. If the sheet matches the height of the room, or slightly less than it, then you can sew butt-to-butt.

Finally, if the stitching is carried out in two sheets, then the result is multiplied by two. For ceilings with two or more levels, the first level is calculated by the ceiling area, and then the area of ​​\u200b\u200belements is calculated, and the second level is calculated from them. For consoles, everything is done in the same way.

When erecting drywall constructions The question usually arises as to how to calculate the amount of drywall profile in such a way as to minimize labor and material costs and at the same time ensure the required reliability. We will analyze in detail how many of these or other components will be needed when installing complete drywall systems. Depending on the selected design option, we may need rails, posts, ceiling profiles, hangers, connectors and extensions.

Calculation of the guide profile

When arranging facings and partitions, the profile for drywall, which guide the racks of the frame, is attached to the floor and ceiling along the entire length of the structure. Its double length corresponds to the number of guides, expressed in meters. If this number is divided by the standard length of 3 m, we get the value in pieces. When calculating, it is imperative to make an allowance for horizontal jumpers connecting adjacent racks in door, arched or window openings and various kinds of niches.

When mounting ceilings, guides are necessary only for a frame with single-level connectors - crabs. To calculate right amount, for simple single-level ceilings just measure the perimeter of contact between the ceiling and the wall. For multi-level ceilings (not to be confused with two-level frames), including complex configurations, when calculating drywall guides, you will have to add twice the length of the structure outline that is not adjacent to the walls to the calculated perimeter.

Rack profile calculation

Side racks of facings and partitions are installed and fixed on the wall, the rest are mounted at a certain distance from each other, called a step. You need to know its size when calculating the total number of rack profiles for drywall on walls. The length of the rack is selected taking into account the height of the structure.

When facing with GVL gypsum fiber sheets, the pitch is 600 mm. The value of this parameter when used for plasterboard cladding GKL, as well as when erecting partitions from any of these two materials, can be different, but must be taken as a multiple of the width of the sheet. Full list allowable values ​​are given in the table.

rack type Number of skin layers Construction height, m, no more Pitch, mm
Plasterboard claddings
PP 60x27 1 or 2 10 600
PS 50x50 2 3,3 600
3,9 400
4,5 300
PS 75x50 1 4,8 600
5,7 400
6 300
2 4,8 600
5,7 400
6,3 300
PS 100x50 1 6 600
6,3 400
6,9 300
2 6 600
6,6 400
7,2 300
PS 50x50 (value in brackets for GVL sheets 10 mm thick) 1 3 (2,5) 600
4 (3) 400
5 (4) 300
2 4 600
5 400
6 300
2 on a double frame 4,5 600
3 4,5 600
5,5 400
6,5 300
PS 75x50 1 4,5 600
6 400
7 300
2 5,5 600
6,5 400
7,5 300
2 on a double frame 6 600
3 6 600
7 400
8 300
PS 100x50 1 5 600
6,5 400
8 300
2 6,5 600
7,5 400
9 300
2 on a double frame 6,5 600
3 7 600
8 400
9,5 300
3 with insert steel sheets between them 9 300

If it is planned to lay on the surface of drywall ceramic tiles, the pitch should be no more than 400 mm, for curved sections of cladding, partitions and multi-level ceilings - 300.

On the side of the niches and openings, additional racks are mounted; for doors in partitions, they are made double. Rack jumpers are installed under and above the openings. How many jumpers need to be made depends on the resulting surface geometry, their number corresponds to the number of joints of drywall sheets.

Ceiling profile calculation

The main profiles are attached along the entire ceiling, the distance between them is indicated in the table.

Carriers are mounted across the ceiling, the center distance is 400 or 500 mm (a multiple of the width or length of the sheet), between the wall and the nearest carriers - 100.

For multi-level ceilings, the consumption for jumpers between the upper and lower rails should be taken into account.

Calculation of suspensions, connectors and extensions

If direct hangers are used for cladding, then they are installed in increments of no more than 1500 mm and at least 3 pieces per post. In all other cases, the calculation of the number of hangers for the frame under drywall is performed only when installing ceilings.

How many suspensions you need depends on the type of frame and load.

At the intersection points of the main and carrier ceiling profiles installed on one single-level or two-level connector. To determine the required need, you need to calculate total amount such points.

If the length of the ceiling profiles is not enough, they are increased with the help of extension cords. The number of extensions depends on the parameters of the ceiling and corresponds to the number of interface points.

The above calculations are given for a metal frame; in practice, installation of a cheaper wooden frame is allowed. It is recommended to correct the obtained data taking into account various tolerances, corrections for rejects and waste.

Calculation of drywall is a mandatory step before sheathing walls or ceilings of the GKL. Without a competent calculation of the material, fasteners and profile, it is difficult for even an experienced drywall worker to make repairs of high quality, not to mention real budget savings.

Calculation of drywall and profile using a calculator is a mandatory step before sheathing walls or ceiling GKL

For example, let's take a wall with one doorway, on which a 2.5x4m plasterboard is mounted. Two types of profiles are used for wall mounting: UD-27 (guide) and CD-60 (ceiling).

Calculation of guides

The UD-27 profile is fixed along the perimeter of the walls, taking into account the doorway. Calculate the perimeter: Р=(5+3)х2=16 m; subtracting the doorway (0.8 m), we get the final result of 15.2 m.

The height of the walls in the example is 3m, so it is enough to purchase 2 profiles of 3m each and fix them vertically along the edges of the wall.

The sum of the lengths of the two sides minus the door is 5 + 5-0.8 = 9.2 m, the dimensions of the opening are 2.1x0.8 m, the perimeter is 2.1x2 + 0.8 = 5 (excluding the floor). Total - 9.2 + 5 \u003d 14.2 m. Since the size of the profile is 4m - 14.2: 4 \u003d 3.5 or 4 pieces (after rounding). The sections of the profile remaining after cutting can also be used.

So, for the installation of drywall on a wall measuring 3x5m with a doorway of 2.1x0.8, you will need:

  • profile UD-27, 2 pcs. 3 m;
  • profile UD-27, 4 pcs. 4 each (1.8 m in the remainder).

Calculation of the frame profile CD-60

The CD-60 profile has the form of a grid with squares of 0.6x0.6 m. This size is the most popular, but not at all mandatory. Variants of deviations in the dimensions of the side of the window can vary from 10 to 20 cm.

It is important to consider what more squares, the lower the rigidity of the frame, and, consequently, the strength drywall wall.

CD-60 profiles consist of a frame profile and a jumper, and this type must be mounted only along the perimeter of the gypsum board. Depending on the location of the sheet (horizontally or vertically), the profiles are positioned and calculated in the same way. Most often, sheets are mounted vertically.

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Since the width of the GKL is 1.2 m, the frame profiles are mounted vertically in increments of 0.6 m. If the wall has an opening, it is difficult to calculate the number of profiles with absolute accuracy. Maintaining an interval of 0.6 m, it is necessary to shift all the profiles a little (by about 0.1 m), so that the first profile is 0.5 m away from the edge of the wall, the rest - according to the standard.

Profile Calculator

If the base wall is sheathed with drywall, then the surface of the frame is covered on one side, laying under the plasterboard mineral wool or other heater.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • The guide profile laid along the floor and ceiling is duplicated with soundproofing tape.
  • In increments of 0.4-0.6 m, rack profiles are mounted.
  • A heater is laid between the profiles, then the wall is sewn up with drywall and puttied under wallpaper or painting.
  • If there are communications in the wall or too thick a layer of insulation, then 2 rows of racks are moved apart by a few centimeters and connected with jumpers.

Calculations can be facilitated by a calculator for calculating plasterboard structures, which can be easily found on the Internet.

So, if you focus on the calculator, then for 1 m² of wall you need:

  • drywall -1.05 m²;
  • guide profile - 1.1 m;
  • rack profile - 2 m;
  • self-tapping screws - 17 pcs. 25 cm;
  • putties for seams - 0.45 kg;
  • reinforcing tape - 1.1 m;
  • dowels for floor and ceiling guides - 1.6 pcs.;
  • soundproofing tape - 1.5 m²;
  • primers - 0.1 l;
  • insulation - 1 m²;
  • final putty (if necessary) - 1.2 kg.

Calculation of materials for the ceiling, calculator - video instruction

Calculation for walls

For example, let's take standard sheet drywall with dimensions 3x1.2x0.0125 m.

When installing, the sheets are mounted sequentially, from left to right, without offsets. From the figure, it can be understood that the first two sheets are fixed without waste, strictly along the contours of the metal frame. The sheets that cover the opening are cut into 2 parts according to the photo. For the time being, you can close your eyes to the waste. So, for mounting a 5x3 m wall, 4 sheets of drywall are required.

Calculation of the consumption of materials for wall cladding with plasterboard - milestone before the construction of the plasterboard wall

Finally, a few more tips:

  • To fix the profile on the wall, you need a 6x40mm dowel (the size depends on the thickness of the wall).
  • The dowels for connecting the profile are hammered in in increments of 0.3-0.4 m. To mount the profile to the suspension, 4 self-tapping screws are needed.
  • The crab can be fixed with 4 dowels.
  • The profile with the connector is fixed with 2 dowels.
  • Drywall with metal frame connected with self-tapping screws MN 25/30 with a step of 0.25 m.

If the room is completely finished with drywall, it must be taken into account that the frame with jumpers reduces the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, and, therefore, the amount of material will be required less than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls and ceiling on the base surface. In such cases, the calculation of drywall sheets is carried out according to the frame, and the installation of the frame mesh, in turn, must be consistent with the dimensions of the plasterboard.

There are methodologies for accurately calculating the consumption of drywall sheets in order to rationally and highly efficiently use the project budget. The calculation of drywall in any way begins with a careful and thorough measurement of the dimensions of the sheathed plane.

In serial panel typical high-rise buildings are not found smooth walls and the ideal geometry of the space of the apartment. It is not uncommon for the ceiling and floor edges to differ in length along one wall. There are littered corners, irregularities in the ceiling and floor bases. Therefore, the measurement is made taking into account the nuances and all kinds of deviations.

Wall sheathing

Calculate how much GKL is needed with the least error, will help to correctly determine the exact area that is planned by the project for finishing.

The area is subtracted from the parameters of the total area:

  • door frames;
  • window openings;
  • Arok;
  • balcony blocks.

For simplicity and convenience, a wall plan is drawn, where all cutouts are indicated. Calculations are performed according to this working drawing, taking into account the bends of the frame.

Inside the niches there are shelves, which are also sewn up. This parameter is also taken into account when calculating the material.

Take into account the use of various scraps in the work. So for slopes, lintels, curly ceiling elements or in hard-to-reach places, the remaining fragments of the material are used.

A typical mistake for beginners who perform the calculation on their own is taking into account the removal of frame jumpers. This design reduces the amount of space, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcladding is reduced. The surfaces of the walls and ceiling are calculated taking into account the parameters of the jumpers.

Sometimes they resort to a two-layer sheathing drywall sheets- to strengthen the structure or to insulate housing construction. In this case, when calculating the amount of consumable material, multiply by 2.

Example of work

Wall Perimeter Calculation

Use one of the calculation options.

For plane correct form

P \u003d (a + b) 2,

P is the desired perimeter;

a - length;

b - width.

For a complex contoured surface:

P \u003d a + a1 + b + b1,

P is the perimeter of the wall;

a, a1 - the length at the upper and lower base of the wall;

b, b1 are the values ​​of the parameters along the width of the plane.

Construction Calculator

Manufacturers facing material for the convenience of buyers, they place an online drywall calculator on their websites. With its help, it is easy to calculate how many drywall panels are needed, for example, for a wall. Need to know:

  • GKL parameters - they are produced in different sizes from various brands;
  • Wall dimensions.

The calculation performed automatically will give out not only how many pieces of drywall boards are needed, but also the consumption of related material:

  • metal profile products;
  • Hardware;
  • Fastening devices.

There are also various specialized construction and calculation and estimate computer programs that give a calculation and a clear idea of ​​how much is needed to complete the work.

A simple solution

Let's say this is a calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall in a room of the correct shape and a simple configuration without openings. The calculation in this case is elementary and acceptable in one of the techniques you like:

  • The wall area is divided by the area of ​​​​one plasterboard panel, the number of panels is obtained in pieces.
  • The length of the plane is divided by the width of the GCR, the result of the calculation is the desired number of sheets.

In any case, the number obtained by calculation is rounded up to a larger integer.

How to calculate drywall for a wall

The calculation of the material is performed according to the formula:

Z = (S1:S2)k,

Z - the number of drywall sheets;

S1 - skin area;

S2 - the area of ​​​​one plasterboard panel;

k is the correction factor, the value of which depends on the space parameters.

Application of the correction factor (k):

  • Up to 12 m² - 1.35;
  • 12-20 m² - 1.2;
  • Over 20 m² - 1.1.

Correct execution of the calculation will minimize the loss of drywall.

GKL dimensions

The values ​​of the length of the material within - 1.5-3.6 m. Running or standard size- 2.0-3.0 m.

The choice of the length of the purchased material depends on the size of the wall being sheathed. At large area plane, it is more expedient to buy long slabs, since the number of seams, joints will decrease and the cost of embedding will decrease, you will not have to make jumpers. The complexity of the process will be reduced.

Construction Calculator

It is worth thinking about the convenience of transportation. At installation work performed independently, a drywall lift will help out.

The width of drywall is usually 1.2 m. Manufacturers also produce narrow-format sheets. The choice of material is individual.

Aspects of the acquisition of drywall

Right choice algorithm:

  • Trust the trusted trademarks and reliable brands;
  • Purchase at specialized outlets;
  • Check the storage conditions of the material in the warehouse;
  • Monitor loading and unloading operations when purchasing;
  • Examine each sheet for defects - deformation, scratches, damage to the gypsum core, dents, distortions, integrity of the cardboard lining, absence of foreign inclusions on the edge, excessive moisture, upon delivery.

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