How to make a glass block in minecraft. How to make colored glass in Minecraft

Landscaping and planning 23.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

Glass in minecraft is a full-sized transparent block. Its main disadvantage is its fragility: you can break such a block even by hand let alone any tool. The question of how to make glass in minecraft is mostly asked by amateurs decorative elements– beautiful transparent roofs or windows. By the way, the latter serve not only for decoration, but also have functional purpose: in the house they will hide you from enemy mobs, which at the same time will remain visible to you. The only exception here is the spider - for him the glass remains transparent.

Disadvantages of glass in minecraft

The cost of making glass in minecraft is low, but it cannot be called durable. In addition, it can only be installed once, because after destruction, the blocks are simply destroyed, and do not fall.

Beds, ladders, jack-o'-lanterns, rails, levers, red dust, push buttons, and plates cannot be placed on these blocks. By the way, you can see how to do such things in minecraft.

Such inconveniences are somewhat compensated in various versions of the game. So, versions higher than 1.2 have the ability to install a torch and a red torch on the glass (while the latter will never turn off on it). In the updated version of Beta 1.8, a new block appeared - a glass panel, which is a flat glass.

Consider minecraft recipes how to make glass

If you have already looked here, or rather, where you can find it, and decided to start creating glass, you can relax: it will be very easy to acquire this block. To make glass in minecraft regular sand required, abundantly present on beaches and in deserts, as well as fuel for it. Charcoal or boards are best in this case. Further, everything is extremely simple: place the sand in the furnace and get a block of glass at the exit.

You can also make a lot of useful things from single blocks of glass. For example, to make a glass panel, you will need 16 such blocks, and only three will go to the flask. Glass combined with obsidian and Star Nether useful for making a lighthouse, and together with wood stove and Nether Quartz - sensor daylight.

How to make glass in Minecraft?

Glass is a transparent block that is used to craft the most various items. To get it, you need to use a furnace, fuel and sand. Let's take a closer look at how to make glass in Minecraft.

To make glass in Minecraft, you can use ordinary or red sand. Such material cannot be crafted, but can be mined. To do this, you can go to the desert or to the beach. AT in large numbers sand is present at the bottom of rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Only occasionally it can be found in caves. You can get it with your hand or with a shovel.

The fuel for creating glass can be boards, which are obtained after cutting down a tree, or coal, which falls out after the destruction of coal ore. Use last view fuel is preferable, as it has the maximum energy intensity.

To craft glass, place fuel in the furnace and place sand on top of it.

The finished glass will be transparent. You can use it to create windows and decor items. Glass is also used for enchanting. The spell "Silk Touch" is cast on it. After that, mobs and spiders do not see the player through the glass.

From clear glass you can do it in color. For this, various dyes and a crafting mesh are used. In it, glass blocks (8 pieces) are located along all side cells, and the selected dye is in the center.

Type of- solid block

Where to looking for- do it yourself;

Transparency- Yes;

glow- No;

explosion resistance – 1,5;

Tool– any instrument/hand;

foldable– yes, 64 pieces in a stack.

Description and features

Glass in minecraft allows you to create a house that is as close to real as possible - after all, what normal house does not have glazed frames? This also allows virtual world miss sunlight inside the room and see everything that is happening outside the window, while being safe.

This block has a low explosion resistance, so if creeper explosions are possible nearby, then you need to be on the lookout, as this may eventually open the way to your house, as a result of which it will no longer be safe.

But first things first, let's figure out how to make glass in minecraft. To begin with, you will need to get sand, which eventually needs to be burned in a kiln, and the process looks like this:

This is how you get finished block which can be installed immediately.

Almost all mobs (except the spider) perceive glass block as opaque, i.e. you see them, but they don't see you.

How to craft glass in minecraft is now not difficult for you and you need to do it, because this block has another very useful feature- mobs do not spawn on it at all, since it is a transparent block.

It should also be noted that you cannot install a bed on glass, pressure plates or buttons, levers and rails, only regular and red torches will be installed, with the red torch always on.

Well, we figured out how to make glass in minecraft, so it's time to deal with what can be made from glass.

Use in crafting as an ingredient

You can easily make a glass panel that looks more realistic like a natural window:

Decided to do potions, then create flasks:

If you also add clay, you will get flasks:

In this article we will look at recipes various kinds this element. Well, then we will describe how to make glass in Minecraft, and what is needed for it. Actually, any gamer who prefers building something larger, larger and more beautiful than building a standard box house, or who loves any non-standard solutions in the construction and decoration of the house, with one hundred percent accuracy will appreciate how unusual glass blocks are.

This is due to the fact that it has a number useful properties, which, if they can be found in other blocks, then with great difficulty. And appearance glasses are, in general, much more attractive than most other elements in the game.

Why is glass needed in the game?

Without blocks in Minecraft, it is impossible to build even the most common structure that every self-respecting player creates - at home. After all, what house is built without windows? Is that a dark gloomy box or a barrack with a basement. Therefore, no other block can replace useful and necessary glass. It is possible, of course, to use a gate or a fence so that the light still gets into the room, but anyone will agree that it will look as unnatural as possible than the glass windows we are used to.

In addition to the aesthetic function, glass blocks also perform a protective one. So, for example, any monster or other mobs perceive them not as transparent, but as full-fledged and solid, therefore, being at home, you can be sure that the monster that you see through the glass window will not be able to detect you, which means , will not try to break into your home.

Spiders are an exception, but even they will not be able to break the glass barrier. Thus, professional players very often build glass walls or glass passages in the mines, which allows them to continue their activities in peace.

In addition, glass is the most convenient material for experiments: you can, for example, create an entire bunker made of glass right under water, which will open up many new interesting possibilities.

Glass is not of any kind natural material, so it is impossible to get it in a mine or on the surface, which means that glass is obtained by crafting. The process of making glass is very simple. The block we need can be obtained by firing sand in a furnace, which is available everywhere, especially near water bodies. If there is no oven, you can craft it from eight blocks of stone. Can be used as fuel for the stove various materials: coal, charcoal, lava bucket or simple wood, which is spent much faster than coal.

glass properties

glass panel

Glass block, although not a natural material, easily acts as a crafting element and helps to create a variety of other things. So, for example, having several blocks of glass, you can get a glass panel. Externally, such a panel resembles an ordinary glass block and has all its functions, but it is much thinner.

To craft a glass panel, you need glass and a workbench, which can be crafted with four blocks of wood. To get the panel, it is enough to expand one block on each section in the two lower rows of the workbench. Sixteen glass panels can be obtained from six glass blocks.

The installation of glass panels resembles the placement of a fence: if you put two such panels side by side, they connect and form a semblance of a monolithic row. The difference from a fence is that it is possible to jump over a series of glass panels. However, it is quite possible to create a transparent wall from panels. It is not possible to install glass panels flat as they form a cross shape, however they can be installed in window openings instead of glass blocks.

Initially, when glass panels first appeared, they fell out when broken and could be collected. This was later corrected and the glass panels are now just as brittle as normal glass blocks.

What can be made from glass?

There are a number of items for which glass is the primary crafting element.

Special types of glass

In addition to the standard glass in the game, thanks to various mods, it can take on any look and properties.

  • Colored glass. The way to get it is quite simple: just have ordinary glass and dye.
  • Liquid glass. Appeared in the game thanks to the Forestry mod. In it, you can craft various electronics and get glass in liquid form.
  • X-ray glass. It is the most interesting option for amateur miners, as it allows you to see everything that is under it dozens of blocks below. It is a very expensive luxury, as eight diamonds are needed to produce X-ray glass.
  • Also, thanks to the Fancy Glass mod, glass can turn into a purely decorative block, like a brick. Thus, ordinary glass turned into construction material, and it is now possible to build a house consisting entirely of this material with your own hands.



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In order to make minecraft glass, you need to get sand. It is usually found near the water. It is mined with a shovel.

It can be done like this. 2 sticks are taken for the handle and something from materials such as board, cobblestone, iron, gold or diamond (accordingly, the strength of the shovel depends on this). Here is the scheme for crafting a shovel.

For the production of glass, we need a stove. We load any fuel into the stove: coal, boards, firewood (everything that burns). And on top we put sand on the melting point.

Sand, as you know, under the influence of heating turns into glass. Let's wait a bit and get the glass.

It can also be turned into a glass panel. You can craft windows in your home. It has wonderful properties: it transmits light, mobs (any moving creatures) will not see you behind the glass, except for spiders. you can hide from zombies behind glass, and spiders see everything. The glass is very fragile and easy to break. Do not put on it: a bed, a ladder, a door, a stove, rails, a lever;

It can be used to make a daylight sensor, a beacon, etc.

How to make fiberglass in minecraft

Fiberglass is a cable that can withstand high voltage. It

obtained without isolation. If you touch it, you will be electrocuted and you will lose part of your life.

Would need:

  • Glass (6 pieces)
  • Red Dust (2 gems) or Iron
  • Diamond (one is enough).

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