What is the difference between a dispenser and an ejector in minecraft. How to make an ejector and what is it for? Pressure plate in Minecraft

Landscaping and planning 03.07.2020
Landscaping and planning

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we will talk about the ejector in the world of Minecraft.

How to craft?

For crafting, we need 7 units of cobblestone and 1 unit of red dust. Place them in the order shown in the picture and you will get an ejector.

Where to find crafting ingredients?

Cobblestone can be mined almost everywhere (except hell and the edge). Even a wooden pick will work as a mining tool.

Redstone (red dust). The extraction of this resource often occurs at a depth of 8 blocks from the bedrock. Most often it is found near lava. Generates as red ore, but drops a pinch of red dust when broken. Can be mined with an iron or diamond pickaxe. If mining is done with the wrong tool, then nothing will drop after the block is destroyed.

What is an ejector for?

Ejector- This is a container with nine cells. They can store various items. If you connect a redstone signal to the ejector, it will spit out one unit of the things inside. Things are not thrown out in turn, but in random order. Unlike the Dispenser, the Dispenser will not pour out lava, but will throw out a bucket of lava. He can also transfer things to the container in front. For example, a chest or other ejector. Unlike a funnel, an ejector allows you to transfer items to the top. You can create a chain of ejectors, which will be a system for transporting cargo horizontally and vertically.

  1. The ejector practically does not differ from the dispenser, the difference lies only in the texture of the front part;
  2. The ejector can be installed face up or down. This allows you to transport goods vertically and horizontally.

Good luck in the world of Minecraft!

Almost every gamer, even the one who does not play Minecraft, has heard of the distributor. This block in this game is incredibly popular, it is used and created very often, because it has the useful property of giving out items when activated. Also, he can not only give out an object, but perform an action with it - for example, a bucket of water will be poured out, and arrows will fly out, like from a bow. Naturally, the list of such actions is limited, but even this makes the dispenser an incredibly useful item. However, at the same time, many gamers forget about the ejector, which looks almost the same as the dispenser, but at the same time has slightly different properties. In this article, you will learn how to make an ejector in Minecraft, as well as how to use it.

What is an ejector?

Before dealing with the question of how to make an ejector in Minecraft, you need to learn a little about this block - what it can offer you, what functions it has. As you already understood, outwardly it is very similar to the dispenser - only the front side is slightly different. They also have their own differences and its functions. Of course, just like with the Dispenser, you can put items in the Dispenser, and when it is activated, it will give you a random item. In fact, the dispenser works on the same principle, but in the case of this block, the arrow would fly straight, the water would flow out, and so on. And the ejector will give you a bucket of water, arrows and other objects in the same way as other items. It would seem, why is it needed then, if it repeats the functions of a distributor in everything, but at the same time it is deprived of its main advantage? This will be discussed later, for now you need to figure out how to make an ejector in Minecraft.

crafting process

As you might have guessed, if you want to learn how to make an ejector in Minecraft, you only need to be able to create dispensers. Everyone knows perfectly well that to create a dispenser, you need to place a bow in the central cell of the workbench, red dust under it, and fill everything else with cobblestone. If you are interested in the ejector, then from this recipe you just need to remove the onion - and you get the block you need. That's all, there is no secret in how to make an ejector in Minecraft. But why is this necessary?

Using the ejector

The ejector is not much different in function from the dispenser and at the same time cannot do part of what the latter is capable of. Why, then, craft it at all? In fact, this question is inappropriate within the framework of this game, because in Minecraft, each block has its own use. However, if we talk specifically about the ejector, then it can make an excellent element for the transportation chain. The fact is that if you connect a large number of ejectors to each other, then the object placed in the first one in the chain will move along it at a speed of ten blocks per second, respectively, bypassing ten ejectors in one second.

Some might say that there is already a funnel system that looks much less cumbersome. But here it is worth noting that the chain of ejectors works in all directions, including vertically, while the other methods of transportation operate only horizontally. Well, now you know how to use the ejector in Minecraft, and you probably still think that this item is so useless.

In "Minecraft 2.0"

Everyone knows that the developers of Minecraft made a joke on gamers and on the first of April released a sequel to the game, which turned out to be As part of this joke, the ejector was transformed - all the items that he gave out, he turned into fish.

When you need to speed up the transportation of things in the Minecraft world, you often cannot do without such a device as an ejector. The device has nine cells, in each of them you can put different items. In terms of its functionality, the ejector is similar to the distributor. But that's just how it seems. There is a difference. So, for example, the ejector, when supplying lava, will not pour it out to you, but will throw out a bucket with a hot mixture. In addition, by properly organizing the chain from such devices, you can set up a whole transportation system. You need to know that the ejector does not give things in order, they all fly out of it randomly. In addition, the device can feed chests and other cargo up and forward, which is not available to other devices.

List of materials for the ejector and ways to find them

To make an ejector, you need cobblestone (7 units) and red dust (1 unit). We are looking for a cobblestone in the vicinity, it is everywhere, with the exception of hell. The red dust is located deep in the mine, so to search for it, you will need to go down several levels. We take a diamond pickaxe, a torch, food supplies and forward. Having dug holes to the location of hot lava, we stop. It is here, nearby, that the red ore is located. By breaking its block, you can get the red dust that is so necessary for the player. It is important to know - taking a wooden pick into the mine, it is impossible to get red dust.

Work in the workbench

When the red dust and cobblestones are mined, we proceed to the process of manufacturing the ejector. Open the workbench and place the cobblestone like this:
- the first row is completely laid with cobblestones;
- the second row we put a cobblestone only along the edges - in the first and third cells;
- the third row is drawn up similarly to the second. Except that the central cell of the bottom row is filled with red dust.
After the process is completed, we get a functioning ejector.

Craft doors in Minecraft

Ingredients: planks x6 or iron ingots x6.

Doors can be opened by clicking on them with the RMB (right mouse button), with the help of a button, and levers.

Craft hatch in Minecraft

Ingredients: planks x6.

The hatch works on the same principle as the door.

Pressure plate in Minecraft

Ingredients: stone x2 or planks x2.

It is activated if any character stands on it.

Craft buttons in Minecraft

Ingredients: stone or wood.

A wooden button, unlike an iron one, can be activated by a long-range hit on it (button) with an arrow. And so we activate the PCM.

Red torch craft

Ingredients: red dust, stick.

Illuminates and more.

Craft Lever in Minecraft

Ingredients: cobblestone, stick.

How to turn objects on and off.

Music block crafting

Ingredients: Planks x8, Redstone.

We create our own melodies in it!

Player craft

Ingredients: planks x8, diamond.

Same picture as the music. block, only in the middle is a diamond instead of red dust.

Playing records...

Craft ejector in Minecraft

Ingredients: cobblestone x7, redstone.

Distributes items... The same thing with crafting a distributor in minecraft, only a bow in the middle... You can make a trap out of it, for example, it will smack you with arrows.

Kraft red repeater and comparator

Ingredients: Stone x3, Red Torch x2, Red Dust.

Used when creating circuits from redstone.

Ingredients: Nether Quartz, Red Torch x3, Stone x3.

Same principle as repeater.


Ingredients: planks x3, cobblestone x4, iron ingot, red dust.

It works on the principle of an elevator, pushes the blocks up and to the side.

Craft sticky piston

Ingredients: piston, slime.

Works just like a piston, only what it pushes comes back with it!

Craft mechanical gate

Ingredients: board x2, stick x4.

Instead of doors, you can put a gate.

Glowing lamp craft

Ingredients: glowstone, red dust x4.

Bulb-block that glows from the redstone.

tension sensor

Ingredients: iron ingot, stick, board.

Switch. You can pull the thread and make a trap

Everything, that's all the mechanisms that exist at the moment.

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