The largest virtual world. Best Games with Open World on PC

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Passage of missions in modern games is a fascinating occupation, but it is not all of them. Many gamers prefer to just wander around the city without fulfilling any tasks, and decide independently what to do. Games with an open world are suitable for them. If we talk global, the open world allows the player to choose the direction of his movement. In some games, the user can predetermine the outcome of the game at all. In other words, the result may be completely different depending on the player's actions.
Below will be the list of the most famous games with the open world. In certain developments, it is even possible to choose the modes of passing campaigns and missions.

№15. Sleeping Dogs.

In 2012, the Gamers world saw one of the most high-profile innovations of the time. In order to successfully cope with all the difficulties, here the main character will have to learn martial arts. It is not surprising, considering that Sleeping Dogs is a purely Chinese fighter.

Special attention in the game is given to hand-to-hand combat. Weapon lovers are unlikely to appreciate this development United Front Game. But those who like various clean battle techniques should enjoy well-thought-out missions in the appropriate mode. Nevertheless, completely without weapons the game did not remain.
The area in which the action takes place is based on the legendary city of Hong Kong. The main character is a guide agent. His main task is to destroy the local mafia. To do this, he will have to penetrate the ranks of the gangsters.
Thanks to the open world, you can play without missions. You have the opportunity to just walk on Hong Kong, studying the area.

№14. Assassin's Creed.

The sensational game Assassin's Creed has become so popular that it was recently filmed by the film. This fighter contains a large number of adventure missions. In total, exactly six parts with unique and fascinating plot lines were released.

The actions of each part of Assassin's Creed occur in different centuries and in various countries. At the same time, the plot itself is the same in all parts. It is based on the long-standing opposition of the clans of the Templars and Assassins.
From the first part of the popularity of the game Assassin's Creed began to grow very rapidly. In it, the action transfers us in the age of crusades, then in our time. Since 2012, a few centuries ago, the hero is transferred to change the fate of his ancestor. But in the fifth part of the gamer will be invited to find in India, when pirates raged in this country.
The passage of missions is not mandatory. The main character is not limited to his movement: go where you want and when you want.
An interesting opportunity Assassin's Creed is the capture of ships. After such a board, you can go swimming on the seas. But it is impossible to choose the final outcome. The game, first of all, was loved by users with their unusual turns in plot lines that are close to real story World.

№13. Prototype 2.

Prototype 2 is an Action genre game. She deservedly turned out to be in this ranking, being, according to gamers, one of the best options for those who want to play in the open world. Prototype 2 Actions unfold in New York. According to the legend in this American metropolis there is an epidemic, daily exterminating thousands of people.

Named the main character James Helller. He also struck the terrible viral infectionHowever, he stayed alive. At the same time, the virus, on the contrary, gave him an inspection ability. But I could not save my family from death.
The drama happened could not pass just like that. James put a goal - by any means to find and destroy people who artificially launched this virus.
Parts of the body of the main character can turn into a weapon, due to which it is possible to fight enemies more efficiently. Another Heller feature is the ability to get the appearance of other people and heroes, as well as see their memories.

№12. Shenmue.

Above the third part of Shenmue, as above the first two, work Japanese developers. Determine the game genre is very difficult. In the Shenmue, the user has complete freedom of action. Main character He walks through the megalopolis, where he will have to face the gangster groups.
You can withstand bandits with various types of weapons, as well as combat skills. Certain skills are inherent in specific characters.

Unlocked scenes are a unique feature of this game Shenmue. This feature It is scenes that appear only under certain conditions. Surely, you met with unlocked scenes and in other games, but in Shenmue them as anywhere there is a lot. Thanks to this moment, Japanese development becomes even more exciting and interesting.
Shenmue has several diverse mini-games. Darts, Hangie, Racing - You can play all this here.
IN classic Shenmue consists of two disks. There is a large number on the additional disk useful material. Texture and music posted on this disk, it is possible to apply in the game at your discretion. There are in Shenmue and learning mode consisting of short videos. Thanks to them, you will deepen in the particular game and learn the main possibilities.
It is expected that the Japanese will release full version Third parts at the end of 2017.

№11. Dragon Age.

Three parts of this game have become a truly legendary franchise. Do you like fantasy genre? If so, then you can't do not like this game. The Canadian company BioWare has worked on it.
Dragon Age. Transfer us to the Middle Ages with a fantastic environment. The main area where the events are unfolded - the mainland Tedes and the Kingdom of Ferlden.

The player before the start of the game can make a choice of race. Dragon Age has the opportunity to play for Orcs, Dwarves, People, Demons and Cunners
Live creatures live in a separate world. And such characters like demons are in the world of perfume. A distinctive feature of the gnomes is the lack of magical skills. Gnomes are representatives of the lowest race.
In this rating, Dragon Age hit the ability to select a free regime. In it, the user can independently determine how the plot will unfold. It is allowed to play on certain gameplay developers. The time of passage of Dragon Age takes more than eighty hours of free time.
The task assigned to the gamer is to obtain the title of the most powerful race. To do this, you will have to defeat all your opponents, for which you will need to apply magic spells and participate in battles with enemies.

№10. Batman: ARKHAM ASYLUM

About the hero of comic book marvel was shot by a lot of films. Also, not one and not two developers appealed to the world their creations for gamers. However, Batman: ARKHAM ASYLUM objectively is the best game about Batman. Even old fantasy lovers and adventures this game will pleasantly surprise gamers.
The storyline unfolds around the confrontation of Batman and Joker. A bang man caught his enemy and brought him to Arkhem - a psychiatric hospital.

Superhero is surprising for the fact that Joker surrendered to almost no resistance. He suspects the wrong and follows the enemy every minute, even being in the clinic. As it turned out, Joker suspicion was not busting - Joker runs away from the hospital. During escape, this crazy frees other patients of a psychiatric hospital. He expects that they will help him in the seizure of the island.
In the plan of Joker, there is also theft of the drug, over long years worked the most advanced scientists. This remedy gives people incredible skills. Clown is not far from the incarnation of its plan in life, but there is always hope for Batman. By driving a superhero, it should not allow Joker to make a joker and subordinate to him psychopaths worryed a mess in the city.

№9. Fallout 4.

Among the post-apocalyptic games, the Fallout series provides one of the first positions according to gamers. Already the first part made a variety of in the game world, giving him something new and unprecedented until then. And she came out 20 years ago - in 1997. It was the first part that predetermined the success of the entire series.

With all the advantages of each part of the most religious, Fallout 4. The so-called free mode is available in it. The choice of skills and skills of the main character completely falls on the user.

№8. Dead Island: Riptide

Special love among gamers receive games about Zombies. A bright example of the action of such a genre is the game Dead Island: Riptide. On the story on which the game is based, the zombies attacked the tropical resort. On the summer holiday there are a large number of people who destroy these fictional killers one by one. Almost one person can withstand zombies - the main character. In his hands - the lives of other people.

Dead Island: Riptide pleased with gamers paying attention to physics. For example, according to what the character does, we can change the weather. This is especially true of the third part, developed on a new engine. This engine ensures that the speed parameter will be at the height.

№7. Far Cry 3.

In the third part, Far Cry can make a decision on how to move. The search for enemies is the main task for the main character. At the same time, no one forces it to fulfill the proposed missions. Similarly, you can simply move around the terrain, studying her features.

Full freedom of action makes it possible to use the entire terrain. In addition to bandits, you can meet wild animals on the island. These unpleasant creatures can in the most unexpected moments to attack the main character. At the same time, they are especially aggressive at night. For security reasons for survival, the gamer will need to rebuild her shelter.

№6. Gothic 2.

The fantastic gothic strategy stopped in this ranking for one step to top 5. The second series of legendary game was even more interesting than the first. Here you are awaiting a variety of campaigns and mission.

The main character has the opportunity to choose who to play: for people, orcs or barbarians. The main character should maximize its settlement. However, the gamer can choose free gameplay and enjoy the usual move along the map of the area.

№5. The Elder Scrolls.

The first parts of this game did not foretell the world glory of The Elder Scrolls. However, the part that appeared in 2011 made the entire series of popular. It was saved free mode.
Explore objects, look for tasks, and if necessary, use tips. And find on the ground you can have a lot of interesting things.

Interestingly, between the events of the penultimate and the last part of the period of time is about two hundred years.

№4. GTA: Vice City

It is difficult to find a gamer who did not play GTA: Vice City. This part had to have an ideal schedule at one time. However, the gameplay was more important. No less interesting than a variety of missions, there was free regime. It has the opportunity to spend time different ways: Ride on modern and new cars, make money, rob passersby and fight them, use weapons.

In GTA: Vice City can be leaving even beyond the city. At the same time, traveling along the prototype Miami and it is possible not only for cars, but also boats or helicopters.

Number 3. Red Dead Redemption

If the militants with superhero and zombies are abused, then there are not so many Westerns in the game world. The representative of this ancient genre is Red Dead Redemption. Open and quite extensive world allows you to explore all its objects. Gamer may find a job for himself.

The year of this game is 2010. And the actions described in it are dated 1911st year. As it should be western, everything happens in the Wild West in the USA.

№2. Witcher

In addition to the possibility of free movement, Russian localization is available in this game. You can enable it using settings. After turning on the name and names of the objects will be Russian. It will affect the voice processing process.

The plot tells about some herasta, which is known somewhat magical secrets. The Witcher leads an active hunt for monsters, and her result of the game may differ in accordance with the specific actions of the gamer.

№1. GTA V.

GRAND THEFT AUTO Open World was available back in 1997. GTA V, being the last to date, did not exception from this list. However, fantastic physics was added in this part. The combination of graphics and completely free movement and caused that this game got a legitimate first place.

GTA V added previously inaccessible capabilities. For example, you can slow down the time when shooting or when driving, thanks to which these skills will be more perfect.

We live in the Golden Age, when the market has enough great games with an open world. You are presented with a list of our loved ones.

It has come a great time of games with an open world and a multitude of virtual sandboxes, in which everything depends exclusively on the player's choice. Of course, they have their own stories, plot missions quests and goals, but players are free to fulfill them in the order in which they themselves come.

From fantasy worlds to whole galaxies, from modern cities to post-apocalyptic wastelands - the best games with an open world give gamers absolute freedom in decision-making so that they could do everything that will want and when they enter, getting a fascinating history during His own adventure. So, before you the most outstanding games with an open world for PC.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Assassin's Creed Odyssey has become a significant milestone for the entire franchise that has changed a lot of what the Assassin's Creed game series has been known. "Odyssey" transformed itself into a full RPG. At the same time, it keeps the tradition of having an incredibly large-scale open world filled with small details, colorful landscapes and diverse quests.

"It is said that the size does not matter, but" Odyssey "only wins from the huge scale of ancient Greece, especially due to the fact that every location differs from the previous one, it is written in our review.

This is an extensive world that I want to study and explore, and each of its part has its own unique atmosphere: from the arid waste of Crete to the plains of Arcadia, which are drunk in the greenery. This is not only the biggest, but also the most beautiful game from Ubisoft. "

The wide underwater world of the SUBNAUTICA game and a variety of underwater living creatures in general is a magnificent and strikingly huge open world in the computer games industry. The game literally is rarely so impeccable.

I admire how the light rendering and the drawing make each biome distinct underwater creation, such a stranger and at the same time such familiar. I like to sail at different creatures, even for aggressive. At such moments, I am happy to explore the system of underwater caves, forgetting at the same time leaving the glowing pointers that would help me to go back.

Honestly, imitation of life here at the most important level. Nevertheless, SUBNAUTICA gets flattering for incredible creating an illusion of the ecosystem. Big fish Eats small, and their respective characteristic and physical characteristics matter. And it does not matter that most of them look pretty well against the background of deep marine abyss. And between these studies on the call of natural curiosity, you can trace the plot. There is no word, in order not to spoil the science fiction riddle.

The game is definitely worth their money: the developers managed to transfer real locations into a virtual world with such accuracy and attention to detail, as well as such an excellent atmosphere that they were even more attractive than their real prototypes.

Los Santos looks much larger than Liberty City from GTA 4, and even the whole state of San Andreas, which we first saw in 2004 - as a result of Rockstar gave us a game made on such high standards that they clearly exceeded themselves Himself.

In addition to the excellent storyline and the real madness, which was doing on the expanses of GTA Online, about 100 hours of venues and shootouts on Earth, on water and in the air, which will enjoy all connoisseurs of the genre.

Assassin's Creed: Origins

The world of Origins is definitely the best in the entire game series and one of the best open, which ever existed. I liked our review of Chris, as Ubisoft worked for the location of ancient Egypt and made them lively, despite the huge area.

Cities and towns are sicked by local residents, farmers, workers and soldiers. Here great amount Wildlife (which ultimately can be tamed): Starting with evil crocodiles and hypopotamos that live in the waters of the Nile, and ending with the lions and hymenia that are hung on the sand dunes Mountains and Flamingo with white Herons that take off into the sky when you rush to Kone near them.

In the desert Tar you can find gold. The latter by 35 hours, trying to complete the main task, Chris was not possible to visit all places on the map. This means that in the game there were some tasks, characters and societies, for which you still can still look. Assassin's Creed: Origins proves that Ubisoft is able to revive interest in the 'brought' series' series thanks to simple skill.

At the same time, companies do not necessarily add dubious and base content. Nevertheless, there is great in the localities of ancient Egypt. Now you can explore every centimeter without killing people, thanks to the form of a training fashion.

It is decent so funny, the game Kingdom Come: Deliverance - RPG game with an open world, whose ambitions are ahead of its own problems, mainly. There is not only part of the Bohemian Middle Ages, but also a complex of imitation (conditionally historical) life and death.

If you are caught on theft, you will have to see some time behind bars. If you get a sword during a fist combat, your opponent is most likely to retreat or even apologize. Nobles will be more willing to communicate with you after you take a shower. If your reputation in the city is high enough - the locals, seeing you on the street, will exclaim your name and praise you.

He continues and barely affects everything else. Detailing in imitating life here is pretty absurd, but Kingdom Come managed to connect all this together on a rather good level. From beginning, and to the end you play for naive, vulnerable and unremarkable young man. The shadows of small dangers hang over the cute fool Henry, filling the world by riddles and the dangers that we are looking for in a huge open world.

Forza Horizon 3 is a racing simulator, but the game is not limited to rings alone. The players appears a huge and beautiful sandbox, full of urban streets, picturesque beaches, green forests and giant deserts, recreating a significant part of Australia.

Here we always have something to do: Racing, special tasks, special tricks, collecting bonuses, not to mention a decent fleet, where every car has been worked out to the smallest details. Forza Horizon 3 is a series due to its scale, variety and pleasure derived from passage.

In the game STALKER, the main enemy of the game can be called exactly the open world. Gamma radiation, many anomalies and radioactive storms can reduce the life of newbies to several moments. In each building, the probability of stumble upon the marauders or terrible mutating creatures. Cartridges and armor are a big rarity in this world, and the sense of alienation reigns here almost on each location.

But many experienced stalkers will confirm that the zone in an inexplicably attracts them. Explore abandoned Ukrainian plants and try to accept a lifeless silence. After some time, you will understand that the destroyed world of Stalker is beautiful in its own way.

Being an outstanding achievement in the technical plan, The Witcher 3 became a real milestone in the history of the development of games with an open world, because it is in it all the possibilities of modern game systems are used to the full coil to create a convincing environment, where each trifle has been worked out and looks natural. The gloomy swamps ordered is only an aperitif after which you are waiting for the main dishes in the form of a huge New Vigrand and northern Region Skeliga is one of the most beautiful locations in the history of the height of the height.

Here you can spend hundreds of hours by moving between the islands, performing various quests, facing witches, killing monsters and playing a gvint with noisy locals. Yes, the city in The Witcher 3 literally boil their lives, unlike other games with a free world that may seem rather dull compared to this.

Here you can simply be able to direct the hero in an arbitrary direction and still find anything - and this indicates the quality of the detailing of the open world.

Not in every game, the open world is as extensive as in Elite: Dangerous. You have to sit behind the steering wheel of the spacecraft and fly throughout the galaxy the Milky Way, along the way, fighting with pirates (or becoming one of them), undermining asteroids, transport and selling goods, or simply opening the uncharted stars of the planet, as well as entire systems.

It does not matter whether you are playing alone or online mode, you will always find adventures among 400 billion solar systems presented in ELITE. Of course, the case will not work without aliens.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

One of the brightest parts of Assassin's Creed since the release of the second game, Black Flag masterfully combines the usual elements of Parkour and swimming in the luxurious Caribbean archipelago. Small islands, whales, various forts and colonial fortifications - all this is waiting for you on the overshades of the ocean, and the standard Assassin's Creed series will unfold on the largest islands. Against the background of a frankly weak third part of Black Flag looked like a sip of fresh sea air.

The cities became less, and the plot is meaningless, but after all, not in every game you are brought to my own destroying port. Imagine how the guns of your ship will deal, seemingly durable walls, while you run on the battlefield, delaying the enemy commander with pistols at the ready. It is at such moments that you understand how good the local open world is. In addition, storms are beautifully recreated here.

Walk around the world of Morrowind is very much similar to a walk through the streets of the Victorian era - it is clear that without the intervention of technologies to recreate the image, but everything is surprisingly realistic. A certain look at the world, frozen in time, which simultaneously scares and attracts. Morrowind has become a real bridge between modern spectacular, but soulless 3D blockbusters and challenging role-playing games of the last century.

Thanks to famous mods, like OpenMW and SkyWind, it is possible that Morrowind's popularity will not fade in the coming years. The world of the game continues to surprise and delight the same way it was 15 years ago.

The entire potential of the open world in Metal Gear Solid 5 is revealed only when the player stops using a helicopter for each mission and starts moving around two huge locations on foot (Afghanistan and the border between Angola and Zaire), acting in the RPG style. Stealth Action from the Kojima Production team encourages freedom of action, and the progress system generously awards the player for most decisions taken.

Everything begins modestly: from a weak pistol in hand and vain attempts to get into the heads of enemies, but at the end of the game gamers can already attract opponents with a mechanical hand, raise tanks with balloons And cause an artillery strike on bears. Perhaps there are all the components of the Great Game.

Stylish and pixel 2D universe, presented in StarBound, saturated than it seems. You are waiting for quests, fighting with ordinary enemies and bosses, research, and interplanetary travel. Conducting excavations on the next planet, studying new solar systems Or remove your own town with NPC friendly, you will understand that the world (or rather, worlds) StarBound is so pleasant that I want to spend as much time in it.

This, of course, is not the deepest game from the list, but it attracts its miscondancy and the level of fun. You can not always see such a huge open world, which is a real playground for experiments, and the famous hook and endless parachutes help with ease moving around all the corners of this tropical paradise.

I am sure that you will hardly touch the Earth, quickly moving in the air from one point to another, pass the Say of Chaos and destruction. In Just Cause 3, we saw a more impressive scale, but in this game the open world is many times more interesting.

There is something attractive in the destroyed world, and the empty of Mad Max pleases the eye with its stunning views. From industrial locations to lifeless deserts and filled with toxic waste lakes - the local world is in danger, but this is built on it. In addition, it is possible to study local expanses on a homemade car, whose housing is covered with spikes that will be very useful when a collision with all madmen, which inhabit local expanses.

The gameplay in Mad Max may seem monotonous and quickly trapped, especially when the game makes us get out of the car and move on foot, but, nevertheless, the adventures of the insane Max are real high-octane pleasure.

The whole series of Saints Row is an inventive satire on the entire gaming industry, but do not rush to draw conclusions, seeing a little empty city from Saints Row 4. Sulestsable, such as jumps to distances in the style of Hulk, running at high speeds, as well as a set of unique weapons and Receptions straight from wrestling allow you to call the game the closest in spirit project to crackdown, which can only be found on the PC, but there is still a ton of humor here.

In favor of the game, there is a gun that allows you to inflate enemies to those until they explode, and Dubstep-guns, whose shooting speed depends on the suit on the character. Only these facts are enough to have at least try the game.

Appearance is deceptive: Westerado is a game with a stunning open world, which gives the player an incredible level of freedom. The plot here does not shine originality - we are looking for a certain madman who killed the whole of our family, but the personality of the criminal is changing at each new passage.

During the study of the dusty world in the style of the Wild West and the search for the killer, you are free to do anything - at any time you can accuse anyone on the above-mentioned crime. If you wish, you can even shoot any NPC right during the dialogue. Be a hero, a gangster or anyone else. The choice is entirely on you.

The harsh post-apocalyptic wastewhere according to its definition should be boring, but Bethesda has reached tenth of their own formula that make Fallout 4 as a rich place as possible. Yes, the game in the end turned out not so revolutionary as its predecessors, but participate in hostilities in the densely populated people and mutants in Boston, everything is also interesting. On the outskirts of the town of Diamond City boil endless contractions, while in the wasteless survival struggle with the incomplete mutants who are trying to devour everything that moves.

With the exception of Minecraft, this is the only game where gamers can change the world around. The villages are released to use the ownership of local residents to build cities with amenities, such as water supply and turrets, designed to drive uninvited guests. And since the game was based on an advanced version of the Creation engine underlying Skyrim and Oblivion, it became a real paradise for Model.

And, of course, it becomes only better with Fashion. By reference you will find a selection.

Thanks to the PlayStation Now and the backward compatibility of Xbox One, this masterpiece from Bethesda managed to get into our list. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion Passed Time Test. It is filled with a sufficient amount of quests and memorable characters (yes, I'm talking about you, smokers), so you will immediately want to get angry from around the world and try to get the highest rank in the thieves guild or return the gigantic potatoes to their legal owner.

As soon as you choose from prison in the Prologue, you can do everything that your soul, postponing even the mission to save the world for an indefinite period. So in real life it was also possible.

This is the best of existing games, if, of course, how to get comfortable in it. As in Minecraft, in Dwarf Fortress, whole planets are generated in a few seconds. And everything is not limited to the creation of realistic rivers and continents. The local system generates real civilizations with its own stories, wars, heroes and even religious beliefs. Sometimes civilization do not even worry the process of generating the world.

In these cases, we stumble upon the ruins of their buildings, restoring them for their fortress, or find hidden treasures in the role-playing mode. Many will score the ASCII interface, and before the start of the game it is worth watching a couple of training videos, but it is worth admitting that this moment This is one of the most advanced open worlds, which, besides, is regularly replenished with fresh updates and patches.

The open world is customary to identify with complete freedom and carefree fun, but Sunless SEA breaks a similar concept in the fluff and dust. The intriguing plot and complicated (and sometimes cruel) gameplay is so hardened that they involuntarily enter the role of the character. An ominous atmosphere will have to taste far from everyone - and certainly not to those who do not like to read, but the game retains the specified pace from the first seconds, and recently the released DLC is another reason to return to the full black humor adventure on the maritime expanses.

Starting with Far Cry 2, each time offered a shooter player in new exotic locations - from Africa and tropical islands to Himalayas. Setting Far Cry 2, a unique approach to building an action scenes and a partnership system quickly made a game of admiration for critics. She and today looks worthy, but since then, a great stealth has appeared in Far Cry and a cooperative mode has been added, and the fascinating snow vertices from Far Cry 4 simply cannot be left without attention.

With each new part, the game was becoming more saturated, therefore, in 3 and 4 parts, great attention was paid to the capture and retention of various checkpoints. It is possible to approach the solution of this task in different ways in different ways - combining extensive arsenal and secretive murders in the near battle. Like its predecessors, Far Cry 4 boasts excellent fire physics. It is especially well noticeable at the moments when everything goes absolutely not according to plan.

What, if you submit an open world is not like a hostile environment, where you need to focus on survival, but as a foundation for the construction of your own world? Many games tried to repeat the success of Minecraft over the years. Some of them, like Terraria and Starbound, have succeeded noticeably, but the original that has become a symbol of a whole generation continues to grow in front of his eyes with each new patch.

It is quite simple for the genre of survival, but it is beautiful as an interactive designer - people build in it incredible in the detail of the world. Minecraft is not just a game with an excellent open world, but a real cultural phenomenon.

Perhaps this game is not the most beautiful of the worlds, but the complete freedom of action, which is given to the player in Mount & Blade: Warband, with more than compensates for all flaws. You are waiting for traveling on giant locations with medieval villages, cities and castles, where you can assemble your own army for battle with enemies (you can, of course, do it alone, but it's not so fun).

The combat system here is one of the best on the PC, and in the list of pluses of the game you can make and the opportunity to choose the style of passage. Perform quests, join any fraction and become its leader ... Or simply explore the world in your pleasure. And if you pay attention to many mods, you can transfer your adventures to the worlds of "Star Wars", "" and other iconic universes.

The world of Skyrima does not spin around you. Somewhere in the forest wilderness, the necromancet tries to revive the skeleton. At the same time, in the afternoon, you meet the gangs of gangsters trying to defeat the giant (the land of them in the Poor) or will credit in the nearby village, which the dragon attacks at the moment when you, full and satisfied, come out of the tavern. Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim consists of a variety of such stories that surround you everywhere: Even if you avoid any major settlements, you still perform at least 30% of quests on your way.

The game world is replete with various interesting activities: here you can see so much surprising, chop up so many unusual creatures into pieces, steal so many products from so many traders and explore so many cruel dormant ruins ... Oh yeah, and fight with dragons. Having played in Skyrim even as much as 100 hours (this is a newcomer level), you will pass far from all quests and kill not all bosses. It is difficult to overestimate the influence of this game on the game industry around the world. To understand which bar he installed for the next Elder Scrolls 6, we recommend that you immerse yourself in Skyrim's world right now.

Over the past few decades a virtual reality gained enormous popularity among all age groups. Games are becoming more interesting, more realistic, improves graphics and plot. Games with an open world and freedom of action are considered the best, which allows the user to not follow the linear plot, but play on its own scenario in the permissible game limits. It develops fantasy and gives the will creative abilities. Next, learn what they are top 10 games with open world on PC.

1. GTA V.

He heads top games with the open world of GTA V. At the moment, this is the last game from the GRAND THEFT AUTO LINE. Unlike previous versions, GTA V can play three characters to choose from. Each character has its own unique skills and their missions. For those who love the linear plot, more than 60 missions are provided in the game, many of which have several development options. For fans of great gaming space, there is also good news: the entire Map of Los Santos (Gaming Copy of Los Angeles) is open immediately. Now you do not need to pass most of the missions to be able to free movement throughout the city.

In GTA V, many interaction options with characters, however, be careful, the NPC now know how to call the police. An animals appeared in the game and interact with them. Also in the game you can rob banks, flirt with girls, go through a smartphone on the Internet and watch TV. This is a game with full of freedom of action!

Witcher 3 enters the list of the best RPG. The game is the final part of the trilogy created based on the Witcher's novels series. The only game of this line having a big open world.

The Witcher 3 transfers us to the fantastic world created by Andrzej Sapkovsky in his novels. At the disposal of the player two large gaming worlds, similar to Europe, the Middle Ages, several castles and small principalities. They live ordinary people, fabulous creatures and ill-wishing chimeras. The latter will have to kill, because calmly play, not even following the plot, it will not work.

The plot of the game is quite detailed and consists of a variety of missions, which is based on a war between two kingdoms. Realistic graphics and an excellent audition series of the game allow you to fully immerse yourself in the fabulous medieval with complete freedom of action.


Skyrim invites us to plunge into the magic world full of secrets and mysteries. At the very beginning, the player can choose race, appearance and character of the character. The storyline of the game has many branching, the missions put the main character in front of the choice that affects the further development of the plot. The player identifies the card itself and finds tasks, but they are not necessary to fulfill them.

As an alternative to the main plot in the game created a huge world with freedom of action. The character can move between cities, fight with flaws, join one of the eight guilds. Also in the game you can cook potions and food, work with woodcase and blacksmith, study magic, ride a horse on horseback, choose clothes and equipment, marry and get married. Life and landscapes of the game resemble an ancient Scandinavia. This RPG is a generation of the kingdom of cold and magic.

At the moment it is one of the most interesting games About superheroes. The plot of the game linear, the confrontation between Batman and Joker is put on its foundation. The player will act in a psychiatric hospital, where he can move freely, interact with objects, fight with villains and solve logical riddles using gadgets. The hospital card is quite large, but there are not many interaction capabilities. In any case, you will have to follow the plot. The game came out in 2009, because the schedule is difficult to call realistic, but the game DC Comics will definitely like the game.

Another part of Far Cry, released in 2014. This game is distinguished from previous hyperealist graphics, clear detailing of objects and a new level of the gaming world. Now animals and NPCs do not just exist, they actively interfere with the gameplay, often against the will of the player.

The plot line of the game develops around one character, but the plot is branched and has five possible endings. During the game, you need to perform various missions and tasks, but only the goals are provided for the plot, complete freedom of action is provided to achieve them. A player can ride the car or riding an elephant, fly, climb the mountains with special equipment. Predators can attack the character, they can help in making missions. In general, the world of NPC became much smarter, it remains only to learn to interact with him.

The best shooter of 2010 from a third party with an open world. The game is very similar to GTA, but the actions develop in America the beginning of the twentieth century. This gives Red Dead Redemption a special charm. Weapons of the last century, movement on horseback, animal hunting - all in the best traditions of those distant times.

The plot line of the game has branching and, as usual, consists of a variety of missions, which will have to be one character. You are playing former gangster, which helps law enforcement officers to neutralize their former gang. Now you yourself can choose whose side to become. The game of complete freedom of action allows you to go along the path of an honest agent or a merciless gangster, which is displayed on the "Honor" panel. An interesting and unusual plot of the game complements quite good graphics.

The seventh line of the ranking took RPG about survival Fallout 4. The game appeared at the end of 2015 and quickly became popular. Prologue to the main action takes place in the house of the main character, where we choose its gender and appearance. Here we will find the first secret of the "smart" game: if you chose a man to play, there will be a wife in his bedroom if a woman is a husband.

The beginning of the storyline does not have branching, you want whether or not, it will have to play in the postpocalyptic world 200 years after the first events of the game. First time the game itself leads you from one mission to another and freedom of action is not traced at all. However, at some point it is as if you are released on the will, now you yourself have the right to choose your way in the big world. In the game you can choose one of the four fractions, or try to support a good relationship Each, choose a weapon or pump your favorite gun to the maximum and go with her the whole game, develop one skill or everything, create or destroy. One more interesting feature Games: There is no good sensor in it and evil, now only you decide that there is good, and what evil.

Just Cause 2. This game is a semantic continuation of the first part of Just Cause, entered the top games on the PC PC with an open world. We play Rico Rodriguez - the CIA agent, which was sent to Panau Island to overthrow the current government. The beginning of the story of MGRs linear, but soon the player receives complete freedom of action.

The card is a few large islands, because it will be difficult to move on foot. In the game about a hundred species of transport, which goes, flies and swims, it can be sorted or buy, and after - to modify at its discretion. The main enemy is the army of the current government, with the rest of the NPC you can create any relationship. Help the groupings by performing their small missions and they will become on your side. The plot of the game has two control points: arrival on the island and the achievement of the main goal - the rest is at your discretion.

This game with a big world is designed to introduce us to the very sources of the cybernetic revolution, it has preques the existing parts of Deus Ex. You are playing Adam Jensen - a man whose body parts are cyber implants. At the beginning of the game, the main character can still not use its implants in full capacity, but during the game you have new features and various modifications of the hero's body.

The plot of the game consists of a variety of missions, each of which can be performed at least two ways. You can shoot in everything in a row, seeking your goal, and you can search for peaceful ways, to pass missions as a spy or scout, negotiate with heroes, convince and deceive. The open world of the game allows you to walk through the detroprint of the future, hacking the castles and penetrating various buildings. Deus Ex: Human Revolution will delight both fans of rough strength and lovers to act carefully, relying on logic.

Last on our list of best games with open world - RPG "Dead Island: Riptide". The main story of the game is this: the ship on which you are subject to a terrible epidemic and everything, except for the main character and a couple of lucky, turned into a zombie, now they are speaking trying to overcome mutating, and they do it with your hands.

In general, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe game is interesting and in addition to the main line there are many additional missions. Freedom of action in the game allows you to explore the island and kill zombies with any ways, literally by all that can come to mind. There are no limits for the possibilities of modifying weapons, for example, you can score nails into a battle, and it will apply more damage. The concept of the game is sufficient: there is a zombie, everything else limit only the framework of your imagination.

Hi friends! Overview of the best games with an open world in which you can run where you want and perform the tasks that you yourself want to take and perform. The order of the description of the games is determined by the accident, it is quite difficult to say which of them is the best. Each of them is good and has its own unique features, atmosphere of gameplay and peace. So drove the best games Open World.

Fallout 1,2,3,4 New Vegas

The area of \u200b\u200bthe world Fallout 4 - 78 square meters. km.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe world Fallout 3 - 54 square meters. km.

Fallout is a whole series of post-apocalyptic computer games. The first Fallout appeared back in 1997, and immediately gained popularity among the players. Fallout provided his role-playing system in the game - complete freedom of action in the game, where only you decide what you will have a character, how will you go, what abilities you can have with whom to communicate and to whom to help. The second part was published 1998.


After 10 years, the third part was published that completely changed the gameplay of the game, and the schedule, but the same atmosphere remained in the game. Following Fallout 3, Fallout came out: New Vegas. And quite recently the fourth part.

Once in the open and unknown world you have to visit new places, see various settlements of people, mutants, merchants, slave trade, cave children, explore abandoned asylum and catacombs of the former subway. Only you decide how our way, to rob all and kill on your way or help everyone in need. Your solutions will determine how you finish the game. You can decide to blow up the city of people to the atomic bomb or save them to eliminating the bomb, helping the workers to look for slaves or forever stop their activities. At the end of the game you will have to decide who should live in postpocalyptic world and who to die.


The area of \u200b\u200bthe world GTA 5 - 81 square meters. km.

GTA began his procession in the distant 1997 and at the moment there are already 15 episodes. GTA is the games in the action genre, in which the player does everything that wants in various fictional cities and districts of the prototypes of the real cities of the United States: for example, such as San Andreas, San Fierro, Liberty City and so on.


Full freedom act, you want to beat someone or kill, sobbing the car, helicopter, the plane - please. Attach money to the bank or in some promotions to buy several houses for yourself, a yacht car. In short, the city with full possibilities in which you will not have an oblique watch people if you did something wrong, in the extreme case they just get the gun and shoot you, but it is not scary you can always start with the place of conservation.

The latest GTA Series 5. In the game we can manage and play three characters when switching between them. The game added even more diversity. You can play golf, do yoga, go to the gym, and so on.

Assassin's Creed.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe world Assassin's Creed is 10 square meters. km.

Assassin's Creed Adventure Action Already 9 Series already in each of which actions occur in different times And at different points of the world. The plot of all episodes is based on the traditional confrontation between the two commanders of the Templars and Assassins.


For example, the first part occurs simultaneously in 2012 and 1191 during the times of crusades, the main character of the game with the help of the animus device will participate in the life of their ancestor. In the third part of the action occur in America from 1754 to 1783. The actions of the game will occur in West Indies in the heyday of piracy.

Assassin's Creed Open World in which we can move where we want and perform various tasks, but unfortunately we do not affect the ending of the game. The endings occur since they are planned and we cannot choose the paths of the outcome. But Assassin's Creed is the game of its atmosphere. For example, Black Flag is suitable for lovers and maritime subjects. Most of the game takes place on the own ship "Galka" on which we can capture other ships, take them on boarding, hunt on marine animals and animals on the islands. Assassin's Creed is distinguished by an unusual historical atmosphere of time.

Mass Effect 1.2 3

The first part of the Mass Effect was published in 2007. In the game, we have to play for Captain Shepard, in a distant future, when earthlings went into space, and interact with many other extraterrestrial civilizations and races. Shepard will be the first earthlings of which will be taken in a specially division "Spectrum". The spectrum obeys only the Citadel Council into which several alien races.


Traveling through the space on the ship "Normandy CP-1", you can move both on the tasks of the storyline and perform additional tasks. Mass Effect is not a completely open world. Yes, we can move at the station and performing a task or move to another point of space, but there is some linearity in the game, just a lot of tasks.

The main chip of the game is the system of dialogs with different characters with whom we meet in the game. When choosing an answer option, in the dialog we can influence the actions of the character with which we communicate, separate dialog branches also appear, with good pumping ability. We can apply charm or disappearing on the player. As we interact with the characters, this attitude with them is developing with them. Shepard has sex with alien finals and the death of many of your allies and assistants in each part can determine the degree of preparation of the detachment and Shepard itself, who you will send to a certain task and so on.

Mafia II.

The area of \u200b\u200bMafia II - 25.9 square meters. km.

The first part of Mafia that came out in 2004 became a breakthrough at the time. Excellent graphics and gagules (at that time, of course), the atmosphere of the game, where the simple taxi driver earning crumbs is suddenly lucky and the opportunity to become a member of the mafia family. By atmospheric and plot I can say this one of the best games. Yes, it has an open world, but it is not so diverse as in Mafia II.


Mafia II came out only in 2010. If you have not played this game, you missed a lot from the gaming industry. America after World War II, the young soldier of Vito arrives for several days home to relax from the war. He meets his long-time friend Joe, who made him a certificate that he is no longer suitable for the service in the army. And Vito, along with Joe, work on the mafia begin to work on the mafia to become full family members. As a result, the question of friendship or family will rise before heroes!?

If you want to have a wheelbarrow in the game, then just treat it, beat into the garage, change the numbers and pronsect. Do you need grandmothers for good clothes? Then hi-knock the wheelbarrow and sell it or a jewelry store robbery, well, or in the end, the robes of the clothing store itself.

Slowing around the city, you can listen to the radio and music of those times, switching the stations, perform tasks for various characters, inspect the city or at any time move along the main plot. In this game, there is an open world, your amazing world with an atmosphere in the style of "Ancient Father" in which is completely immersed and enjoy.

The Elder Scrolls.

The area of \u200b\u200bThe Elder Scrolls V Skyrim is 39 square meters. km.

The Elder Scrolls Series of Computer Role Games. The most popular was the Skyrim series published in 2011. Like previous games of the series, Skyrim provides the player with the opportunity to travel freely through the extensive game world, exploring it and independently finding new places and tasks. Skyrim action takes place in the fictional province Skyrim on the mainland Tamriel, two hundred years after the events of the previous game series.


The main storyline of the game is associated with the advent of the mighty Dragon of Aduin in Skyrim; On the main character - a dragonborn, the task is to stop the return of dragons and defeat Aduin. Skyrim saves the concept of a large and open world characteristic of the Elder Scrolls series.

The player can fire freely throughout the province of Skyrim, which includes nine large citiesMany small villages, as well as extensive spaces of wild lands and high mountains. In cities, the player can indulge in such classes like cooking and potions, farming, work with ore or blacksmithing. At the same time, the developers note that the gameplay can take about 300 hours.

The game received many positive responses and awards. I became the best game of the year and the best role-playing game of the year. On our site also enters.

Sleeping Dogs.

2012 release date 2012 Sleeping Dogs is a Hong Kong militant, with a bias on martial arts and Eastern topics. The main process of the game is based on fights, also in the middle of the game the missions begin in which the weapon occupies a central place. The map of the city was created on the basis of the really existing city of Hong Kong.


Sleeping Dogs offers players to take on the role of Wei Shenya, an agent under the cover, which is entrusted to destroy from the inside Hong Kong Triad. While players discover the streets lit by fire of neon signs, and lively trading rows, the plot of loyalty and betrayal will be revealed. To destroy the criminal groups, Hong Kong Wei will be introduced into a criminal triad criminal group. Well, what to say is an open world in which the main task is to fight using various items around themselves and the ability to explore the Gaming Hong Kong.

Far Cry Series

Square of the world Far Cry 4 - 32 square meters. km.

Square of the world Far Cry 5 - 49 square meters. km.

Specifically pro the latter part Games and the best part in which you should play. Far Cry 3 Release date 2012. One of the fourth part in the genre is only improved, but the gamelight is the same. Specifically about the third part of the main character, Jason Brodi, goes with friends on vacation to an unusually beautiful tropical island of the hands of Island. Having made a parachute jump, he and his friends are captured to local pirates. He managed to escape after which he gets to the chapter of local resistance. You will have to go through a hard way from a simple guy who never kept in the hands of weapons to a steep fighter.


In the Far Cry, the hero can move throughout the island from locations to the location, gaining and performing different tasks that it can perform or not. In contrast to the second part, many people call to put it mildly with the game, this part is really surprising by its open world. When you start to explore the island in search of adventures on your fifth point, just immerse yourself in this open world forgetting about the main storyline in the game. Is this not an indicator of a good open world in the game?

South Park The Stick Of Truth (South Park Truth Park)

At the time of writing this review of the games with an open world, a very popular game "Southern Park of Truth stick" was published. If you know the popular cartoon South Park, then this game is just removed on it. The game in which everything makes you smile or lagging. For example, Superudars have the main characters to use their own farting. You can run into the enemy stink-spell, whispering or roof dragon. In the game very small worldLimited by a small town, but it is interesting to study, meet new characters, get tasks and also to close other people's apartments.


In the game you can fight the Nazi zombies, use anal alien probe to move through the walls, fight in a reduced size with dwarves right under the parents engaged in love and ride from daddy eggs. In short, a lot of interesting things during you will be doing something in the game. The game goes quickly and in one breath and in the end you regret that so few tasks. In general, I recommend the game.

Batman: Arkham City

One of the best games about Batman, a city filled with criminals in the Action-Adventure genre, the game includes puzzles, active use of the "detective mode", in which the skeletons of enemies are highlighted, prompts and employees appear to perform various examinations, such as tracking of a sniper bullet track. The player has access to a criminal database that monitors the main villains in the city.


In addition to the main, there are also secondary tasks with the participation of key characters. The player can move silently, avoiding meetings with prisoners and other enemies. You can also use devices to remove enemies without any noise. If Batman enters into battle, it begins to act improved combat system From the previous game, which allows you to shy away from several enemies right away, quickly respond to blows from items and use all gadgets in battle. Free movement in the city is a bit difficult, as various gangs under the guidance of Joker, Penguin and Twilight were fully occupied.

Dragon AGE 1,2,3

Dragon Age - Computer RPG in a fantasy world developed by the Canadian BioWare Studio and received many awards. The action takes place in the fantasy world, created specifically for this series, in the era of the mythical Middle Ages, on the Tedas mainland, lying in the southern hemisphere, mostly in the kingdom of Ferlden. The game has races: people, elves, gnomes, kunari. All races, except for the gnomes, have a congenital ability to magic. In addition to the "physical" world in the universe, there is both "world of spirits", the so-called shadow in which the demons also live.


Huge world. More than 80 hours of gameplay and a large global map with a player's freedom epic story, which is fully created by you. Unpredictability of choice. The player can start the game from the selection of one of six prehistory. Decide which choice to do is, it will be a good deed or cruel depends on you. The development of history and the plot depends on the decisions taken by you and the actions committed during the game. Furious contractions with enemies. Fight against huge and terrifying creatures. Use more than 100 skills and spells in the fights. Decapate opponents and use destructive magic that breaks the enemy from the inside.

The Witcher (Witcher) 1,2,3

World Square Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - 136 sq. M. km.

The game world is based on the works of the Polish writer Fantasy Angeya Sapkovsky. It differs from most of the invented universes in the absence of a clear division on black and white. Developers celebrate the maturity of their gaming world, as well as the fact that their characters drive ordinary human (or inhuman) needs, passions and feelings, and not any abstract forces as good or evil


The game world is inhabited by various races - people, elves, Krasnolyuda, as well as many a variety of monsters. Some characters in the dialogues literally quote the text of the works of Sapkovsky. In the process of passing the player, many times have to make a choice of further actions, which can strongly affect the plot. The consequences of the choice are periodically shown in the form of stories or insights that sees the main character.

Gothic (Gothic) 1,2,3,4

The area of \u200b\u200bthe world of Ghotic 3 - 76 square meters. km.

The Universe of the Gothic series consists of mainland and island. The mainland consists of myrthas, forest plains in the center of the mainland, Nordmar, a snow-covered rocky terrain in the north, and varanta, the desert in the south. In addition, exists large Island Horinis and a group of southern islands south of Varanta. Gothic Adventure RPG with unprecedented freedom of action opens the way to medieval universe, permeated magic.


The camp of the robbers and the tower of magicians replace huge caves, dungeons and the Logov monsters. The nonlinear plot and more than 200 excellent voiced characters inhale life in every moment of the game. One of the most successful artificial intelligence in the history of the genre creates a realistic atmosphere of interaction with the surrounding world. Acquired skills and characteristics immediately find their visual embodiment in the main character, eliminating endless digits and statistics. The fantasy world is more than 25 square kilometers. Three types of heroes: Magician, Paladin and Warrior. Ability to create your own magical things and spells.

Saints Row 1-4

The series offers a player the role of the Sainted Gang leader in a big city, freeing the city from gang, aliens and others. For the most part, the missions have to kill, steal, invade other criminal actions. Also, earning money in mini-missions available as an alternative pastime. These optional to perform tasks are available in breaks between plot missions.


The Saints Row series is distinguished by the degree of freedom, this player - he decides what to do. Unlike most games of the Action genre, which are a serial set of levels with a linear passage, in Saints Row player chooses which tasks to perform it. Depending on this, relationships with various organizations can change. The use of transport in the urban environment provides simulation of the similarity of the present city, up to pedestrians reacting to traffic lights.


The area of \u200b\u200bthe world Dayz - 225 square meters. km.

Dayz is a Survival Horror in the open world is a modification for the ARMA 2 computer game. The action of the modification takes place in the fictional post-Soviet state of Chernrugsia, the inhabitants of which as a result of some cataclysm turned into aggressive zombies. The character managed by the player must survive in a hostile environment, avoiding enemies and getting weapons and supplies in abandoned buildings.


The character is threatened not only by computer-driven zombies and other players, but also natural factors - hunger, thirst, injury and illness. Death in the game is final and irreversible - with the death of the character, the player is invited to enter the game anew, creating a new character and starting the accumulation of supplies from scratch.

The Forest.

After the crash of the aircraft, the player will be in a random location on the island. After that, the player is invited to explore the island in search of a son stolen by local aborigines. The player will have to resist natural factors, to look for resources for survival, as well as resist the agenicians inhabiting the island. The main character may die, so he needs to follow health. Health can be restored by food and tablets, as well as healing herbs.


Also, the main character has an energy indicator that can be restored to drinking water, listening to music, sitting on a bench or by room. To hide from the natives and monsters, you can be covered with mud, but it is washed off in water and rain. Around the broken aircraft scattered suitcases that can be opened with an ax. In suitcases you can find valuable things, such as food, water, tablets and fabric. The Forest is a game open world and freedom of action, but each of your rampant action can lead to death. So far, only the alpha version of the game came out.


RUST is online game and sandbox. It should be understood that this game is not on the likeness of the GTA series, where your hero is the most important and wet all in a row. Here you can do anything, complete freedom of action, i.e. you can meet another player and he will kill you for the sake of Luta, you can do the same. Nothing hurts to rob the house of another player. The game has a randomly generated map.


The main task is of course survive. The players throw on the map where they crawl weapons with clothes, get food and even build houses. At the same time your character will torment hunger, cold, thirst or just wild animals will threaten your life.

Everything in the game can be used for something, the most elementary - you can simply take a stone and knock out a stick from the tree, after that it is to find the tip on the map and after all this together to connect to get a spear. In general, everything is used in the game, you will get into your hands.

Just Cause 2.

The area of \u200b\u200bJust Cause 2 - 1036 square meters. km.

Just Cause 2 Dynamic fiction shooter and a large platform for enjoying dizzying tricks, permanent explosions. Map of the game represents the archipelago from a variety of islands different sizes. 5 are different climatic zones These are sands, snow-covered mountains, jungle and all this player can explore.


The main character of the operative of the CIA has arrived order in this world. And for this, he has complete freedom of action: he can sang a car, helicopter, boat, blow up the house, clinging to the hook for the building or for the same helicopter, and then drop on the parachute.

The game has both races and shootouts on cars, a large number of additional missions, shooting from various weapons and of course the desire to explode. Just Cause 3 was also published, but for some reason she was not widely popular.

Ark: Survival Evolved

Ark: Survival Evolved is the same sandbox where we are thrown out without everything on Ark Island, distinguishes the game your ecosystem in which dinosaurs live with which we can fight or use them as driving animals. The game is at the development stage, in principle, like all the popular sandboxes, but you can already play in it.


In Game the main objective survival. Hunger, the cold of the danger of the surrounding world will constantly force you to act. Also in the game you are free to do whatever you want, unless of course you will die with hunger. From everything that surrounds you can get useful resources. Even in the game there is a Tolik esoterica. You can call on the help of mythical beings. The game will appeal to lovers of the genre of sandboxes.

Red Dead Redemption

The Red Dead Redemption area is 73 square meters. km.

Only console games for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

The action of the game takes place in America the beginning of the 20th century. The protagonist of the game, John Marston, the former thug, left the bloody fishery, is forced to work at state agents to kill, or seize the living of its former accomplices, including his "old friend" - Bill Williamson. If Marton doesn't do this, his family will suffer.


The hero is destined to overcome the huge distance from the Western borders of the United States, where the chaos reigns and urged unprincipled corrupt officials, and simple settlers lead an endless struggle for survival, visit Mexico, staying on the verge of civil war, and get to the civilized cities of the American North.

The player speaking in the role of a former bandit, a player is pretty running on America, looking into small colorful cities and mastering the secret mountain trails. But the most important thing is to grow up, because the goal of him is the most correct: to acquaint with the law even the most stubble corners of Cowboy America. The game is a real GTA, only in the Antines of the Wild West "and with a considerable number of side tasks.

Special engine under huge free space for research. Red Dead Redemption can be called "Epic Western". Well, for the revival of the landscape, we will be offered a dynamic change of weather and seasons, over 40 species of animals that are walking on digital proraircles, horse racing, rides on diligences, trains ...

Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

World Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - 350 sq. km.

Tactical shooter with elements of realism and a huge open world. The events of the game are unfolding on the island of Skira, which is rich in oil and other valuable fossils. The area is a controversial territory, which leads to a large-scale conflict between Russia, the United States and China.


The main distinguishing features of the game is complete freedom of action in the open world. Due to the large-scale card, the player can plan unique tactical actions, bypassing the enemy from the rear or hiding behind the folds of the terrain. The game implements a realistic damage system and the correct ballistics of the flight of the bullet.

Burnout Paradise

World Burnout Paradise - 67 sq. M. km.

Acrade racing simulator. The player enters the open game world, which is the perfect place for any racers. The city has no residents, and at each intersection it is powerful to arrange a real drag racing. The game has freedom of action and many tasks for the execution of which you can get new technique.


The player can explore a large game world, passing the various quests, which open access to faster motorcycles and cars. The race can be arranged almost on every street, and for extreme driving lovers there are special traces with springboard and slopes.


World Size True CRIME: Streets of La - 622 sq. M. km.

Third party shooter with an overlooked world. The player will be in the role of Nick - an experienced detective, which is known for his methods of fighting crime. Often, the cop simply shoots all the gangsters, leaving behind mass destruction. The game begins with a new case, which offered Nika.


The game has a huge open world, which is a city and adjacent territories. Also, the project is implemented by the karma system, which affects the relationship of other characters to the player. Low karma lowers rank at the police department and will affect the ending of the game. In essence, the game is a classic third-person shooter with a good plot and a dynamic gameplay.

Test Drive Unlimited

The area of \u200b\u200bthe world Test Drive Unlimited is 1545 square meters. km.

Arcade simulator car racing. The actions of the game occur in a large open world, which is a separate island. To start the game, the player must buy a house and purchase the first car with which you can start making money for a new technique. As the world's world studies studies, you can perform various tasks, participate in competitions, as well as upgrade cars.


The game presents a large selection of modern cars that can be repainted and tuning under their taste. Since the actions occur in the open world, the player has complete freedom of action and can perform tasks in an arbitrary order. The game has a simple control, good graphics and high-quality musical accompaniment.


Square of the world Fuel - 14440 square meters. km. The most huge open locations in the gaming industry (the Guinness Book of Records).

Arcade off-road racing simulator with a large-scale open world. The game tolerates into an alternative reality in which America has undergone mass natural cataclysms, which turned all the roads and cities in the Great Desert. The survivors begin to compete for the last remains of oil and fuel.


The game implements one of the largest gaming worlds, which is noted in the Guinness Book of Records. The essence of the game lies in constant distillations with computer opponents. Each track can be passed in a few ways, for example, you can go along the rolled road, or cut off through a complete off-road. The game is distinguished by post-apocalyptic style and a large set of off-road techniques.

Black Desert.

Square World Black Desert is about 350 square meters. km.

Black Desert is the most anticipated game of 2015, created in the new generation MMORPG genre and enabling the best qualities of famous online hits with a huge seamless world. Ultra-modern graphics, detailed studged characters and realistic gaming world will allow you to immerse yourself in the exciting era of the Middle Ages. The players expect a dynamic combat system, large-scale siege of locks and cruel PVP battles anywhere in the world.


You are waiting for endless adventures and many exciting activities: trade, creating objects, home interior arrangement, and epic siege with combat elephants, guns and siege stairs, requiring a coherent teamwork.
All this is with ultramodern graphics, luxurious landscapes and dynamic weather. The size of locations, which are invariably beautiful and, of course, keep in themselves many secrets and secrets, ready to open only the most inquisitive adventurists. Siege in the game - a real fighting theater, where only strongest and much different people survive

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It is difficult to find a gamer who will say that games with small worlds are better than games with big. As a rule, the opposite happens: everyone wants more, and the more, the better. All because the big world is usually associated with freedom, and it is not easy to imagine something more valuable in video games than freedom. So the big world is an interesting thing. And right now I will tell you about the ten not the oldest games whose worlds were the biggest. And, I can argue, everything will turn out to be at all as you think.

10th place. Skyrim: The. Special Edition (39 km?).

Go to the trump card! Probably when it came about the open world, many immediately remembered Skyrim, but as it turned out, the world of this game is not so great. The game has been many years old, but, nevertheless, at one time, her ice spaces caused delight. And now, to put it mildly, they do not seem small. For example, a map of another game from Bethesda - Fallout 4 - has an area of \u200b\u200bjust 15 square kilometers, despite the difference in many years. True, it is worth adding that in these the most 39 km Skyrima did not enter the dungeon. They are calculated to calculate in a difficult matter, but if you add them more, then perhaps the project would have risen higher. Well, and still need to take into account that in this case We are talking about a special publication with all his additions.

9th place. Far Cry 4 (45 km?).

Love ubisoft to games with open worlds affected instantly. A first-person shooter, and with the world - it is, you know, it stands dear. Usually, if we say "first-person shooter", mean something corridor. But here is not. There is a big, seamless, multi-level world. There are no special caves here, but without them it turned out pretty good. We do not have accurate data on the world area Far Cry 3, but, as reported from the places, the world of the third part turned out noticeably less.

8th place. Mad Max (50 km?).

If you find face, you can repeat the developers who are told that the world of mad Max is infinite. But we know that it is not. It is worth it to call for the map zone, as the inscription about the fact that, they say, it is a wild wasteland, and there is absolutely nothing to do here. And, indeed, there was nothing to do, because there was nothing useful in this empty itself. As for the world, here the situation is as follows: the world does not open immediately. From the first minutes, it is impossible to sit down on the wheel and drive it on the diagonal. Cards open small sitesAnd therefore they do not make a special impression, and do not affect the scale. However, the world, due to the "Automotive" of the game, is still big.

7th place. Witcher 3 (52 km?).

With the Play World Square Third Witcher the story next. At the foresomy stage, the developers stated about 139 square kilometers. We were then even thought, and wondered that, they say, it's three times more than Skyrima. But there is one nuance: the developers counted the square in general of the whole card, with the seas, with the mountains, for which not to get out, and with all buildings in which they do not go. And, in general, the area of \u200b\u200bthe playable card is slightly more fifty square kilometers, and this is with a supplement blood and wine. Without it, something in the area of \u200b\u200bforty. So, as we see, the best, in my personal opinion, the open world, turned out at all not so great, which seemed, for we still have six more games.

6th place. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (74 km?)

I would love to tell you about Dragon Age: Inquisition, but, unfortunately, I do not own information. Therefore, get what I own. The world of the new Zelda is really big. There is, where to turn around the shoulder, but, as in the inquisition, I had to sacrifice the density of content. Card, what to say, empty and monotony. You run through the forests and the steppes, and only jumping on the way animals diverse transitions between interesting, truly game, locations. But the world is really big, and if it were not for a mini card, it could easily be lost in it, endlessly loops on hills and ravines.

5th place. Grand Theft AUTO V (80 km?).

I wanted to put Watch Dogs 2, but in the genre of urban action games with an open world, the last GTA has no competitors, and there will not be Cyberpunk 2077. So, what do we have? And we have a huge map, the world of which is twice the world of Skyrima and 5 times more than the world Fallout 4. So it turns out that in Skyrima huge expanses and cities, in Fallaut, like, as it were, a wasteland, and here one is the only city with surroundings, and such a scale. But, you need to consider the following: This area was calculated, given the territory on which you can fly by plane. With the same success, it would be possible to calculate the marine world of the Third Witcher, thanks to which the game about the adventures of Geralhal from Rivia would be noticeably higher.

4th place. Assassin "S Creed 4: Black Flag (100 km?).

Suddenly? Quite. And I will say more: In general, the world of the game is about 250 square kilometers, but, as you already, probably, we understand, we are talking about marine spaces, for which you are offered to swim on the ships. If they drop them, then there are about a hundred kilometers of sushi, which can be running. Not in vain exactly the black flag, many fans of this pseudo-historical series consider the best part. The best, not the best, but the world is very big in it, and perhaps even more than the world of Assassin "S Creed: Unity. However, the record seems to be short for short, for in Ubisoft will soon release a new part about Egypt. Ah, there, Where Egypt, there is a desert, and where the desert, there is a minimum of content, it means that you can make a huge world. Well, and if you remember that there will be the Mediterranean Sea, according to which, allegedly, it will be possible to swim in Greece, The scale of the new Assassin "S Creed I will not solve.

3rd place. Xenoblade Chronicles X (340 km?).

You are unlikely to expect to see this game here. Another action for Nintendo consoles with a huge world. But here you also need to understand: the world, although big, but empty. In addition, the method of moving in it seems to be the most high-tech in our whole charts. One thing to run on foot, ride horses, or even ride cars, and completely different - to move on futuristic, spacecraft on the air cushion. In general, the world is big, but - there is an opinion - hardly fans will be different in the screenshots of their geographical affiliation, thinking, someone to carry out such an experiment. There are no memorable places on the map, but 340 square kilometers, it is also no joke.

2nd place. JUST CAUSE 3 (370 km?).

And one more game, which you hardly waited, and if we were waiting, it is clearly not at this place. So, what do we get? It turns out in the amount of 1000 square kilometers as a whole, but strictly gaming, with land, and without a useless ocean, almost three times less. Nevertheless, it is very significant. For example, if the whole world of Fallout 4 crosses in a diagonal in 40 minutes, the world simply because 3 intersect in 8 hours. A chic result that will not be easy to overcome. True, as practice shows, the size of the world is not always the key to the high quality of the game, and this particular action did not speak as expected optimists: too much monotony, but the world is really huge.

1st place. Ghost Recon Wildlands - (400 km?).

Well, and the winner of our hit parade, in which games measured sizes, turns out to be the last moment of the game Ubisoft, which was originally positioned as a game with an open world. The world is really huge here. And all thanks to Bolivia - a country where a lot, many wild drug dealers and deserts. And where there is a desert, you can not shove there in scale. It is noteworthy that the real Bolivian area is slightly over a million square kilometers. Those. Almost half of the whole state got here. Serious result, especially since there is almost no water here. Everywhere one solid land, on which you can run. What to say if the intersection of the entire map on the aircraft requires about 8 minutes. Whether the guys were running on on foot - science is unknown.

Such here we turned out top chick. Here, of course, you need to take into account that there is no many games, whose worlds could take a worthy place. And all because the data on their area is unknown. Well, there are still games with a procedural-generated world, such as No Man's Sky, but it's a little from another opera, so they are not crowded here. And you, if you know about games whose worlds are more, and even know their area, then, of course, write about it in the comments. Well, and on this everything. Play only in good games, and let no one go beaten.

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