What is Ping. How to decrease, decrease or check ping

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Hi friends! Today I will tell you how to reduce ping! Those people who play online games are constantly asking how to check the ping and how to reduce it. From this article I will explain in detail what ping is and how to make it smaller.

Ping is the time it takes for information to be sent to the server and returned back. That is, I am from Odessa and go to the Kiev site, so the ping is the time until the information reaches Kiev and go back. As a rule, the ping time depends on your ISP, the better the Internet speed, the lower the ping will be. By the way, I recently wrote an article about, where I described all the tariffs and benefits. You can watch a video about this.

When you surf the Internet, you don't notice the difference between 20 ping and 150. But people who play online games can immediately notice this. Because online games load the Internet very much and its speed must be good, then the ping will be good. By the way, you can read it. With this everything is clear, let's see how to make the ping less.

How to reduce ping

In order to reduce ping we need to dig in the registry. To do this, we go to Start> Run and enter the regedit command there, after which we will go to the registry, and after that we go along the branches HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Multimedia \ SystemProfile after we double click on NetworkThrottlingIndex there will be "a" (hexadecimal number system), and we need to select ffffffff and click OK.

Then we restart the computer and we already know how to reduce the ping. I cannot give you a 100% guarantee that the ping will decrease. But if you notice a slowdown in programs or the computer starts to slow down, then change everything in place. Or read the article

When connecting to the Internet, the user is faced with moments when the speed of loading the page of the site does not fully satisfy. The same problem occurs for gamers playing online games. The quality of the Internet connection is very important here, as is the concept of "ping". What it is, what it is for, this article will inform.

Often people who play games over the network come across the phrase "Internet ping". In simple words, when any program is launched, data, or packets, are sent to any servers that also have access to the Internet.

The time it takes for the information to be transmitted to the server and the received response are called ping.

The lower the ping value of the internet speed, the better. Online games or services show this parameter on the screen, and it is constantly changing.

Ping is measured in milliseconds. When you perform any action in the game, for example, a shot, the signal is quickly transmitted to the game server. If there are problems, the signal will come to the user with a delay, which means that the picture on the screen will slow down. The problem is also present on Internet sites.

How to use the command"Ping"

There are users who are interested in the ping value and static data, for this it is possible to manually check the ping value of the Internet. This is done when the following situations arise:

  1. Slow connection speed when loading sites.
  2. The frequent disappearance of the Internet.
  3. Freezing picture when watching a movie or video.

When collecting information about the network, they are guided by these data:

  1. To select a server in a game, the ping value is important, because you want to enjoy this process. And if the user - the server administrator - has income from this, ping is more important for him.
  2. To place a website on the Internet use hosting services. The service provides the required space on the server. Sometimes it's interesting to know how data is transferred to and from the server.
  3. If the user has a website, the resource is sometimes visited by people from different countries. The owner may be interested in what kind of ping to the website the residents of this or that country will have.

There is only one conclusion here: if the value is large, then everything will work slowly.

To ping a website or simply check the quality of the connection based on the received data, various methods are used in Windows OS.

Command line

An easy way to check ping on the internet is to use the Windows Command Prompt by following these steps in order:

Special programs

There are special services on the Internet, connections. By the way, sometimes the value depends on the internet speed.

  • A popular service available on desktop as well as mobile -

Having passed to it, you need to press the "Start check" button and wait. The screen shows the values ​​of the receive and transmit speed, as well as ping. The verification uses servers located in different countries, that is, it is possible to compare the results depending on the location of the end client.

  • A similar service - ping-admin.ru... The design is slightly worse than the previous one, but it shows information well. There is more information about internet connection here.

All you need to do is enter the address of the site where the packets will be sent, tick the servers used for verification. As a result, the following information will appear:

  1. The monitoring point is the reference servers.
  2. IP address.
  3. The total time of sending and receiving.
  4. Connection and download speed.
  5. Page size.

What does the indicator depend on

The following factors affect ping:

  1. A bad connection problem is the physical location of the servers to which the packets are sent. The further they are, the more ping will be.
  2. The Internet connection channel is sometimes very busy, since many applications are running on it, a large number of users are connected.
  3. Components also affect the quality of the connection. The indicator also depends on the cable used, wired and wireless network settings.
  4. It is worth paying attention to the choice of a provider. Signal latency can manifest itself when choosing a cheap data plan. Even with an expensive tariff, problems often arise on the side of the provider. For example, there is not enough channel width. It is worth contacting the company's employees, perhaps they will help solve the problem.
  5. Another case is physical and software problems in the computer. It is necessary to check the network card, cables, what settings are installed. Viruses will also play a role if they are on the PC.

Optimal ping

It was said above that a high value is bad. With a high ping, you can't go far, which means you need to figure out the optimal value.

  • 45 ms or less - an option for multiplayer, video streaming on YouTube or Twitch.
  • 45-120 ms - when visiting Internet sites, watching videos does not cause discomfort.
  • More than 120 ms - when this indicator is reached, problems arise with the use of network applications.

If during the check it is clear that a large number of packages are being lost on different Internet resources, you should contact your provider.

Why ping is able to change the value

For Ping, it doesn't matter which tariff is connected, it doesn't care: 10 or 100 Mb / s. Different users with the same tariff and Internet connection speed will have different ping.

The value will change all the time because the channel uses a large number of visitors at the same time. Even programs running in the background on the computer affect this. Accordingly, there is no need to talk about stability.

Which ping is better: high or low

Naturally low.

It was already said above that ping is the time of sending packets to the server and returning a response. The shorter the time, the better.

It is possible to lower ping, but the probability of success is low. There are several effective ways:

  1. The following activities are carried out with the computer: complete cleaning of dust, replacing outdated equipment, performing registry optimization, defragmenting the HDD, disabling other programs running in the background that use the Internet.
  2. Use a different tariff.
  3. If it is impossible to change the provider, contact technical support, explaining the situation.
  4. Check your computer for viruses.
  5. If there is a wireless network, check who is connected, disconnect it using the router settings.

An effective way is to change your Internet provider. One such action sometimes solves all problems.

Ping reduction utilities

By using the following necessary programs, it is possible to "improve" your life on the Internet:


When using the Internet and applications, there are factors that affect its optimal performance. Ping is an important indicator that determines how high-quality Internet channel is used.

If a user plays online games, owns a server and a website, knowledge about this will not hurt at all.

Good hour!

I think many users, especially fans of computer games over the network (WOT, Counter Strike 1.6, WOW, etc.), noticed that sometimes the connection leaves much to be desired: the response of the characters in the game occurs with a delay after you press the buttons; the picture on the screen may twitch; sometimes the game is interrupted, causing an error. By the way, this can be observed in some programs, but in them it does not interfere so much.

Experienced users say this is due to the high ping. In this article, we will dwell in more detail on this, on the most common questions related to ping.

1. What is ping?

I will try to explain in my own words, as I understand it ...

When you run a network program, it sends pieces of information (let's call them packets) to other computers that are also connected to the Internet. The time it takes for this piece of information (packet) to reach another computer and a response to your PC will come from it - and it is called a ping.

In fact, there is a little wrong and not in such words, but in such a formulation it is very easy to understand the essence.

Those. than the lower your ping, the better... When you have a high ping, the game (program) starts to slow down, you do not have time to give commands in time, you do not have time to respond in time, etc.

2. What does ping depend on (in games as well)?

1) Some people think that ping depends on internet speed.

Yes and no. Indeed, if the speed of your Internet channel is not enough for a particular game, it will slow you down, the necessary packages will arrive with a delay.

In general, if the Internet speed is enough, then 10 Mbit / s does not matter for ping, you have the Internet or 100 Mbit / s.

Moreover, he himself was a repeated witness when different Internet providers in the same city, in the same house and entrance, had completely different pings, which differed by an order of magnitude! And some users (of course, mostly players), spitting on the speed of the Internet, switched to another Internet provider, only because of the ping. So the stability and quality of communication is more important than speed ...

2) A lot depends on the Internet provider (see a little above).

3) From the remoteness of the server.

Let's assume that the game server is located on your local network. Then the ping before it will probably be less than 5 ms (this is 0.005 seconds)! It is very fast and allows you to play all games and use any programs.

And take a server located overseas with a ping of 300 ms. Almost a third of a second, such a ping will allow you to play, perhaps, in some types of strategies (for example, turn-based strategies, where a high response speed is not required).

4) From the congestion of your Internet channel.

Often, in addition to the game, other network programs are running on your PC, which at some moments can significantly load both your network and your computer. In addition, do not forget that at the entrance (in the house) you are not alone using the Internet, and it is possible that the channel is simply overloaded.

3. How to measure (find out) your ping?

There are several ways. Here are the most popular ones.

1) Command line

This method is convenient to use when you know, for example, the IP server and want to know what the ping is from your computer to it. The method is widely used for a variety of purposes (for example, when setting up a network) ...

The first step, of course, is to open command line(in Windows 2000, XP, 7 - this can be done through the START menu. In Windows 7, 8, 10 - press the Win + R button combination, then write CMD in the window that opens and press Enter).

In the command line, write Ping and enter the IP address or domain name to which we will measure the ping, and press Enter. Here are a couple of examples of how you can check your ping:

Ping ya.ru


Average ping: 25ms

As you can see, the average ping time to Yandex from my computer is 25 ms. By the way, if such a ping is in games, then you will be quite comfortable playing and may never be interested in ping.

2) Special. services on the Internet

There are dozens of special sites (services) on the Internet that can measure the speed of your Internet connection (for example, download speed, upload speed, as well as ping).

The best services for checking the Internet (including ping):

One of the famous sites for checking the quality of the Internet - Speedtest.net... I recommend for use, a screenshot with an example is presented below.

Test example: ping 2 ms ...

3) Viewing properties in the game itself

You can also find out the ping directly in the game itself. Most games have built-in tools to check the quality of the connection.

For example, in WOW, ping is shown in a small separate window (see Latency).

193 ms is too high a ping, even for WOW, and in games like shooters like CS 1.6 you won't be able to play at all!

Ping in WoW game.

The second example, the popular shooter Counter Strike: next to the statistics (points, how many killed, etc.) the Latency column is shown and opposite each player the number - this is the ping! In general, in games of this kind, even the slightest advantage in ping can give tangible advantages!

4. How can I lower the ping?

Is it real? 😛

In general, on the Internet, many ways to reduce ping are described: there is something to change in the registry, change the game files, edit something there, etc. But to be honest, they work, God forbid, 1-2%, at least at one time (7-8 years) ago, I just did not try ... Of all the effective ones, I will cite a few.

1) Try to play on another server. It is quite possible that on another server your ping will drop several times! But this option is not always suitable.

2) Change your internet provider. This is the most powerful way! Especially if you know who to switch to: you probably have acquaintances, neighbors, friends, you can ask if everyone has such a high ping, test the work of the necessary programs with them and go already knowing all the questions ...

3) Try to clean your computer:; ; ,; try. Often times, games are slowed down not only because of ping.

4) If the speed of the Internet channel is not enough, connect to a higher speed tariff.

All the best!

Interaction between computers on a network is based on network connections. For the user, the connection between his computer and the server (game, mail) means that the server and the user's computer can exchange data.

Understanding Data Transfer

Playing on the network, checking and sending mail, searching for information through an Internet search engine is the exchange of data between the client (user's computer) and the server.

Since the client is usually remote from the server - the World of Warcraft game server in London, and the client is a Russian schoolboy in Penza - sending data from the client to the server and the server's response to the client takes time.

The time it takes for data to travel from client to server is called request latency. The time it takes for data to travel from the server to the client is a delayed response.

Since any connection is a "dialogue" between a client and a server over the TCP / IP protocol stack, the main thing is the total response delay and request latency - the bidirectional transfer time. This time is called Ping.

Ping is the time taken for a packet of data to travel from client to server and back.

How to measure ping

Initially, the word ping came from the name of a utility that is included in the system programs of the Windows operating system. It is stored in C: \ Windows \ System32 among the rest of the system files.

Ping Utility Location

The purpose of the program is to assess the quality of network connections by evaluating the request / response delay.

It runs from the command line. To do this, press the key combination WIN + R. A progress window will open:

Command Prompt Window

To do this, you need to start the Windows console (command line) and call the ping command from it. There are several ways to launch the command line.

1 way

  1. click on the start button
  2. select the All programs item in the menu that opens
  3. select the item Standard
  4. select Command line from the list of standard programs

2 way

  1. click on the start button
  2. select the menu item Run
  3. in the opened window in the Open line write cmd
  4. click on the OK button
  5. command prompt will open

Whichever method you choose, you should end up with a command prompt. Now you need to enter the ping command in the command line and, separated by a space, the server address (you can enter the IP address or site URL).

On a note! If you need to check the ping to the game server, enter the address of this server. If you need to check the ping of the Internet (the quality of the Internet connection), enter the address of a known working server - for example, yandex.ru or google.com.

The address can be entered without http: // and / or www. For example, like this:

How to interpret the results of a ping request?

After entering the address, press the Enter key and monitor the results. When pinging the server, the results indicate:

  • the size of the sent packet in bytes (by default - 32 bytes)
  • response time in milliseconds
  • TTL (packet lifetime) - the time that the computer will wait for a response from the server

By default, four packets are sent to the server, after which the results of the ping check are displayed: the total number of sent packets, the number of packets received, the number of packets lost, the percentage of losses, the maximum, minimum and average packet receive-transmit time.

If not all packets have arrived, or if the spread between the maximum and minimum round-trip times is too large, then this may be a sign of network problems. Sometimes problems with the passage of packets (especially large ones) are caused by the enabled antivirus or firewall, so it is better to disable it before checking the ping.

Is it possible to check the ping more accurately?

To check the ping more accurately, you can independently set the ping parameters (the number of sent packets, packet size, packet lifetime, etc.). For this, special keys are used:

  • -n sets the number of packets to send, for example ping google.com -n 10 means that 10 packets will be sent to the server; a space must be put between n and the number of packets
  • -t sets an infinite number of packets to be sent: they will be sent until you manually stop ping
  • -l sets the packet size, for example ping google.com -l 64 means that 64-byte packets will be sent to the server; you need to put a space between l and the size of the packet

Several keys can be used at the same time. If you want to interrupt the ping, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C.

You can also check ping using services for: many of them check not only speed, but also ping.

The connection between your computer and some site located on the server that you are viewing does not take place in a straight line!

Therefore, when testing on the site, find the server that gives the best results when testing.

If there are connectivity problems, first check the pins (wall outlets, connectors, wires, routers, cards, etc.).
Windows network settings affect your Internet connection speed, but if you don't know what you are doing, don't do it!

Pingtest test.

Before testing the service to determine the quality of the network, servers nearby will be checked and a server with a minimum delay time in relation to your computer will be selected.

Fig. Screenshot of the test page for determining the characteristics of the network.

This test measures three indicators characterizing the quality of the network:

  1. Packet Loss- packet loss when receiving / transmitting from a server on the Internet and by your computer. A good network is characterized by packet loss in the range of 0% -1%.
  2. Ping- time spent on receiving packets from your computer to the Server on the Internet and back. Acceptable broadband quality should be less than 100ms.
  3. Jitter- The result of calculating the difference when measuring successive pings. An ideal network is characterized by - 0 ms. In a real network, the ping difference is greater than zero.


Internet network quality classification:
  • A - Great. MOS is greater than 4.37. Ping below 50ms and 0% packet loss
  • B - Good. MOS from 4.28 to 4.37. Ping below 90ms and 0% packet loss... Network quality is not available for all online games.
  • C - Satisfactory. MOS 4.00 to 4.37. Ping below 150ms and 1% packet loss... Bad for online games and Internet telephony; for streaming video, the quality of the Internet is acceptable.
  • D - Unsatisfactory. MOS from 2.50 to 3.99. Ping below 300ms and 3% packet loss... In such a network, all Internet applications will not work well.
  • F - Very bad. MOS is less than 2.50. Ping below 500ms and 20% packet loss. You should contact your provider to fix the problem.

Note: MOS- Mean Opinion Score - an indicator of the quality of voice messages transmission. In this case, it is determined by software methods and evaluated on a five-point scale. Best mark - 5 points

As we all know, the quality of the Internet is determined by the speed of the connection. In addition to speed, there is also such a thing as "ping". What is it and why is it so important.

Ping is the time spent transferring data from client to server and vice versa. The shorter this time, the better, the better your Internet connection is. A good ping is very important for fans of networked online games, because if it is too high, then it will be almost impossible to play.

This value is measured in milliseconds. The optimal ping is considered to be within 50ms, up to 100ms is still within the acceptable range. If higher, then your Internet is poor. It is impossible to solve this problem on your own, you need to contact your provider.

How can you check what your ping is to a specific server.

To do this, if you have Windows 7, then click "Start" and write cmd in the search bar and click on the found program. For Windows XP, click "Start - Run" and write cmd in the window that opens.

We found the command line, which could also be found by pressing "Start - All Programs - Standard"

In order to determine the ping, the corresponding ping command is used. If you type it and press enter, you can get help on this command.

Let's now check the ping against the Google search engine. To do this, enter the following command: ping google.com (separated by a space).

As you can see in the screenshot, the average is 42ms, which is pretty good. Instead of the site address, you can write the ip-address of the server relative to which you are measuring the ping.

To check the connection on the network, a special system command ping is used, which sends an ICMP request to a resource with a specific address on the network and displays the result that comes in response from this device.

That is, the ping command helps to identify the amount of time it takes to transfer certain data from one device to another.

The shorter the latency, the faster the connection between the two nodes is.

What is ping

Ping is the length of time during which a packet sent from one device on the network will be delivered to another device on the network and will be returned back.

The higher the ping, the longer, for example, the waiting time required to open a web page.

There is one more concept in relation to Ping, bordering on the first. Ping is also the most popular command for determining the speed of access to certain network devices. It can be used as the primary means of determining the return period for packets along the route of interest.

Ping should be used with any Internet site, including to control the quality of connection with terminal equipment. At the same time, ping allows you to quickly establish the presence or absence of connection problems at the physical (broken, damaged cable, failure of the network card, etc.) and software (for example, blocking all network traffic) levels.

Pinging is when you send a certain number of data packets from one device to another device, both on the local network and on the Internet. Thanks to this exchange of packages, you can get information on the quality of the connection.

If there are no responses received from the device being tested, then there are connection problems. Packets that did not come back are called "losses". The higher the number of lost packets, the worse. If all sent packets are lost, then this means either the absence of a network connection, or the unavailability of the pinged device.

The ping speed is very important: the lower it is, the faster and more reliable the connection between nodes.

Video: ping check

Verification methods

To test the connection using pinging, you can either run the ping command from the operating system console, or use specialized online services.

Through the command line

To check the ping through cmd, you need to do the following sequence of actions:

  • open a command prompt in one of three ways:


An alternative option to check the ping to the server online is to use online services. These Internet services allow you to check the availability of an information resource and the waiting time of users.

Let's consider the most common ones:

How to check the ping to the router

The fastest and easiest way in Windows to check the ping to the router is to use the Ping command. To do this, you first need to find out its ip-address. It is usually printed on the back of the router case. Most often, the router has the following ip address

In the command line, type the command: ping -t.

If the router has an IP address of (as is the case with D-Link routers), then the command should be: ping –t.

The -t parameter means that pings will be sent until the user interrupts the process by pressing the Ctrl + C keyboard shortcut, or closes the console window. A successful ping result is shown in the figure:

This result indicates that the ip-address is available and responses to ICMP requests are coming. If the router pings, therefore, we can talk about its availability from the workstation. In such a situation, you can connect to the settings of the router through its web interface.

If the IP address of the router is not available and there is no response from the device, then the result of the ping command is as follows:

In such a situation, you need to check which ip-address is set in the settings of the network card, try to change the port in the router and, in extreme cases, reset the router settings to the factory settings.

Usually, ping is discussed in case of an increase in the time between operations on the local network or the Internet, or in the absence of a response from the addressee. For example, it is quite often required to check the ping in relation to search engines. Often the comfort of online games depends on ping.

It is wise to check the ping to the game server before playing. Of course, the lower the ping, the more comfortable the network is.

If you often play online games, then the word "ping" is familiar to you even if you are not particularly versed in computer networks. In this article, you will learn briefly what ping is and how to check it, but in more detail we will dwell on how to reduce it or make it less. I will also answer a couple of questions related to it along the way.
I want to note that you will not learn anything supernova and innovative. All this was and will always be relevant and it is likely that you already knew everything without an article, but I think that some do not know or do not know everything.

So, let's begin.

What is ping?

Ping is the time it takes to be sent to the server and returned back. This can be compared to how long it takes you to get to the store and back home. This is how the store will be the server, you will be the client (computer), and the time spent will be a ping. Ping is measured in milliseconds (ms).

How to check (find out) your ping?

In order to determine your ping, you can use the regular and ping commands.

We open and write there the address of the site or server. For example ping a site

Here we look at the last line "Approximate round-trip time in ms:" and Average it will be your ping to this server (for example 47)

If you want to find out your ping to the server with the game, then write its address in the line. For example, Counter Strike servers have a bunch of ip: port (for example
We write to the command line ping and find out.

As you understood, for the definition it is not at all necessary to write the address (domain) of the site or server. It is quite enough of it.

How can I lower the ping?

What if the ping is high? Reduce! It makes sense ...

In fact, many factors affect ping. Of course, if you have a powerful computer and high-speed Internet, then you will not even think about it, but others still have to look for ways to reduce ping in every possible way in order to play a game or get access to a resource faster.
By the way, maybe many of you asked the question "Why do I surf the Internet and watch videos online normally, but when I start playing, the ping is immediately high?" The fact is that when you play a game, much more performance of both the computer itself and the network is used to display the picture in real time.

So, let's start lowering the ping by looking at the factors that affect it.

  • Change your internet connection, provider or tariff.
    Are you using a USB tethering? F furnace it!
    Do you use one operator? Change to another.
    Use a cheap rate? We take more expensive and higher speed.

    Yes, although it costs money and not everyone can afford both a wired one and a change of operator or tariff, but still this is the most effective and reliable way to reduce ping. Perhaps, perhaps, the tariff does not always help, but it depends on the specific case.

  • Changing the server.
    Also, on the one hand, not everyone will be able to do this. he is either alone or a favorite, but still this factor affects the ping. Have you noticed, for example, that in the "counter" there are servers with a relatively low ping, but there are much higher ones? There are two things here:
    1) Depends on the remoteness of the server itself. For example, if you live in Kazan (and your provider's server too), and the game server is located in Moscow, then the speed will be the same. But if the game server is located in Kazan itself (or closer / further), then the ping will be less (or more, if further). It is logical. The closer the servers are to each other, the less time they need to get to each other.
    2) Depends on the number of routers between you and the server. Expires from first dependency. The further you are, the greater the distance and the more intermediate routers to connect you.
    By the way, you can also see how many routers are present on the path to the server in the command line. To do this, there is the Tracert command in which we replace the zeros with the necessary numbers and get complete information.

    Therefore, we are looking for a server that is closer and play on it.

  • Updating the network card driver.
    It may be that it has not been updated or you yourself did not know about it that a new version has appeared. So this is a necessary task in itself, but for a network card it is especially necessary if you want to reduce ping.
  • Ping reduction commands.
    Many games have their own ping reduction commands. More precisely, these settings relate to the Internet connection. For example, the following basic commands are used for "counter":

    Rate - indicates what size of information in bytes will be transmitted in one second.
    Cl_updaterate - indicates the number of packets received from the server by the client. To determine the size of one received packet in bytes, you need to divide the rate by this number.
    Cl_cmdrate - sets how many network packets will be sent to the server from your computer, that is, the client. To determine the size of one sent packet in bytes, it is necessary to divide cl_rate by the specified number.

    These commands are written either to the console or directly to the configuration file.

    Few people will give you the exact value. they are individual for different providers and servers. For example, someone is comfortable playing with such teams:

    cl_updaterate 25
    cl_cmdrate 25
    rate 12500

    while others have less ping with commands like this:

    cl_updaterate 101
    cl_cmdrate 101
    rate 25000

    It is better to calculate it empirically.
    I will not focus on this because many articles and games have been written about this. Google to the rescue

  • We prioritize.
    You can tell the system that some process (namely our game) requires more attention, and therefore it will be allocated more resources. It's a matter of priority. Usually it is average for everyone.
    So, we start the game, then we need to start it in any convenient way, and then find the process with the game and give it the priority "High" or "Above average".
    Also, in some cases, you can, on the contrary, lower the priority. We do the same, but set the priority to "Low" or "Below Average".

    This must be done every time you start the game.
    To automate this process a little, you need to create a file containing the priority in the cmd folder with the game. The text in it will be like this:

    start / belownormal wow.exe (for World of Warcraft)

    start / belownormal L2.exe (for Lineage)

    start / belownormal hl2.exe -game cstrike(for Counter-Strike: Source)

    start / belownormal hl.exe -game cstrike(for Counter-Strike 1.6)

    And so on. Depending on which process (file) you gave priority.

    The text above gives priority to "Below Average". If you are interested and need more - write in the comments.

  • Change registry settings.
    Someone may call this a useless exercise, tk. online games use UDP, and it works over IP, and TCP settings are useless (and we will change them), but I still want you to know that there are such parameters.
    ATTENTION! Before changing, be sure to make a backup!!!

    So, we need the following sections and such parameters:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Tcpip \ Parameters \ Interfaces \

    We are looking for our network interface (if you do not know which one, you will have to do it in all) and change the TcpAckFrequency parameter to 1
    This parameter causes the TCP / IP acknowledgment message to be sent after each received segment and not to wait for the next.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ MSMQ \ Parameters

    The TCPNoDelay parameter is set to 1
    This option reduces latency by disabling one of the Windows Nagle algorithms.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Multimedia \ SystemProfile

    The NetworkThrottlingIndex ffffffff parameter (hex).
    This parameter removes restrictions for non-multimedia traffic.

    There are also additional parameters that do not really wiggle, but still ...

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Tcpip \ Parameters

    SackOpts - 1 (0 - disable). Selective transmission of corrupted data.

    EnablePMTUDiscovery - 1 (0 - disable). Automatically determine the maximum size of the transmitted data block.

    EnablePMTUBHDetect - 1 (0 - disable). Enables the black hole router detection algorithm.

    DisableTaskOffload - 0 (1 - disable). Allows you to unload the central processor, freeing it from calculating checksums for the TCP protocol, shifting this task to the network adapter.

    DefaultTTL - 64 (to disable - remove this parameter). Determines the maximum time an IP packet can stay on the network if it cannot reach the destination host. This greatly limits the number of routers that an IP packet can pass through before being dropped.

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Psched

    NonBestEffortLimit - 0. Disables QoS bandwidth reservation.

    If some parameter is missing, create it.
    If it doesn't help, it's better to return everything as it was (either from a backup, or from memory).
    Don't blame me later for breaking something. Do everything at your own peril and risk!

  • .
    It is possible that they use some of your traffic to send their data. Viruses are bad anyway. Therefore, check, search and eliminate.
  • Disable antivirus.
    Antiviruses often consume a lot of resources, including data transfer. Therefore, disabling them temporarily can help.
  • Disabling bootloaders.
    Disable for a while everything possible that consumes traffic - online video (music), downloading something somewhere (if you know what and where), etc. In general, everything that consumes Internet traffic.
    You can also view and complete processes in the Manager that are familiar to you and you know that they can go online.

    And ... something else, and what exactly - I think you yourself write in the comments how you managed to lower the ping, and I will supplement the article

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