Fallout: New Vegas guide - help with characteristics. Fallout: New Vegas - builds

Landscaping and planning 24.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

Features (or traits) change certain aspects of gameplay, providing advantages in one area at the expense of creating obstacles in others. During the character creation process, you can choose two traits for him/her, one trait, or none at all. The official add-on Old World Blues adds to the game.

List of features
Peculiarities Advantages fines Codes
Adds some "eccentric" content to the game, changes the original content and special encounters. Removes some "normal" content from the game. 000ed568
Adds +5 to Barter, Medicine, Repair, Science and Eloquence skills. Subtracts from the skills "Energy Weapons", "Explosives", "Weapons", "Cold Weapons" and "Unarmed" -5. 00137afe
+10 Action Points. -2 Damage Threshold. 00135f05
Attack speed for thrown weapons is increased by 30%. Throw range for thrown weapons is reduced by 25%. 00164ed1
+3% Critical Hit Chance. Equipment wears out 15% faster. 00137b02
The rate of fire of conventional and energy weapons is increased by 20%, while the number of AP required to fire a shot in V.A.T.S. from such weapons, is reduced by 20%. The accuracy of normal and energy weapons is reduced by 20%. 00135ec7
Increases the accuracy of normal and energy weapons by 20%. The rate of fire of normal and energy weapons is reduced by 20%, while the number of AP required to fire a shot in V.A.T.S. from such weapons is increased by 20%. 00135ec8
Melee and unarmed attacks deal 20% more damage. Melee and unarmed attacks deal 60% less critical damage. 00135ec5
+2 to Perception while wearing goggles. - 1 of the base value of Perception. 00135ec4
+1 to Agility. Limb Brittleness (Limbs take 25% more damage). 00135ec6

Character traits (Traits) in Fallout: New Vegas

Wild Wasteland

The wild wasteland attracts some of the strangest and even craziest inhabitants of post-apocalyptic America. Not for the faint of heart and not for the overly serious.

The feature adds references to content from the early parts of Fallout, as well as from other video games and movies. In-game, events added or changed by this feature will be indicated by: alien-themed music, the message "...", and an icon of a very surprised Vault Boy.

This feature allows you to get a unique Alien blaster, although this comes at the cost of losing the opportunity to find a unique YCS / 186 gauss rifle. The Alien blaster is more lethal than the YCS/186, but the blaster's ammo capacity is limited to 100 power cells for the entire game. There is also a difference in finding three holy frag grenades versus two charges for "Fat Man" in the Searchlight camp. This is where significant changes in the game for characters who have taken this trait end.

Refrigerator Trap: On the road from Goodsprings, not far from the springs of clean water, you will find a broken refrigerator with a skeleton in the player's exquisite hat. This is a reference to the fourth Indiana Jones film, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, in which Jones escapes a nuclear explosion in a lead-lined refrigerator. Considered by many to be one of the dumbest stunts in Indiana Jones history, the skeleton shows the natural result of someone trying to survive Armageddon in the fridge.

Johnny Five Aces: After agreeing to clear the geckos south of Goodsprings at the request of Barton Thorne, you'll find a bespectacled miner named Johnny dead on top of a hill with five aces on the table. There will be four red balloons lined up on the edge of the cliff. This is a reference to the unreleased game Zybourne Clock and its hero, Johnny Five of Aces (balls are a metaphorical explanation for time travel).

star Wars: near one of the destroyed houses in Nipton, to the right of the town hall, there are two skeletons - Owen and Beru. This is a reference to Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope ( Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope), which is the name of Luke Skywalker's uncle and aunt killed by Imperial stormtroopers.

Encounter with Aliens: North of Horowitz's farm, you can see a flying saucer (a UFO looks exactly the same as in Fallout 3) and three aliens. The Alien captain has a unique blaster and over a hundred power cells for it. If the character does not have the "Wild Wasteland" trait, then in the same place you will stumble upon a group of hostile mercenaries who will have a YCS / 186 gauss rifle.

Ta Samaya: Not far from the Devil's Throat you will find an unexploded atomic bomb in a funnel, exactly the same as in Megaton (Fallout 3). You can defuse the bomb and get some ammo for energy weapons.

Jimmy's Well: This well can only be discovered if Rex is your faithful companion. First, you should identify the location marker with Fields' hut, then turn to Rex, listen to his nervous howl and ask: "Did someone fall into the well?" After that, Rex in the affirmative barks twice and Jimmy's well materializes from the void near the hut. In the well you will find the exclusive air gun "Child of Abilene" waiting for you. This event is a reference to a similar quest from Fallout 2 and the well-known television series Lassie. If the character does not have the "Wild Wasteland" ability, then Jimmy's well will not appear under any circumstances, and the "Child of Abilene" air gun will end up in the Fields hut itself.

Holy Frag Grenade: In the basement of the South Church of Camp Searchlight, you will find three Holy Frag Grenade. This is a reference to the movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" and Fallout 2, which featured Antioch's Holy Hand Grenade. If the character does not have the "Wild Wasteland" ability, then instead of holy grenades in the church of the Searchlight camp there will be 2 nuclear charges for the "Fat Man".

Romanes Eunt Domus: You will see this scrawled on the north wall of the Legion's headquarters in Cottonwood Cove by some illiterate Legion-hater. This is a reference to Monty Python's Life of Brian, where Brian Cohen tried to write "Romans Go Home" on the wall, but what he actually came up with was something like "Novels Go Home". Roman centurion catches Brian in the act, forces him to fix grammatical errors and rewrite this phrase correctly a hundred times by the morning of the next day.

Detective Crusoe: During the Gourmet Food quest, in the locked Ultra-Luxe room, you will find the body of a private detective named Crusoe. His appearance is modeled after Detective Horatio Kane, a character on C.S.I.: Miami Crime Scene Investigation, played by actor David Caruso. If the character does not have the "Wild Wasteland" ability, then the same detective will have a different appearance and name (Jay Barnes).

Maud Gang: when leaving Sirulien Robotics, the character is attacked by three elderly women, the so-called Maud gang - Angry Aida, Grudgeful Ruth and Harmful Maud. Formidable grannies are dressed in pre-war spring clothes, and armed with rolling pins. This is most likely a reference to the Monty Python sketch "Infernal Grannies". The people of Freeside mention them from time to time.

Giant Rats: In some dungeons, such as Brock Cave or the New Vegas sewers, you can see rats of an unusual size, one and a half to two times larger than normal, in the original they are called R.O.U.S. (rodents of unusual size). This is a reference to William Goldman's The Princess Bride.

Battle of Hoover Dam: If you tune in to the NCR emergency radio frequency when the fight starts, you can hear "They're coming out of the walls man! They're coming outta the damn walls" and "Game Over Man! GAME OVER" among other radio messages. !" ("They're coming right out of the walls! They're coming right out of the fucking walls! Game over, game over!"). This is a reference to the movie "Aliens" (Aliens), this phrase is spoken by Private William Hudson during a shootout with Aliens. After listening to the negotiations, go to the premises near the control center, where three Legion centurions will stand near the breach in the wall. At their feet you will see three dead NCR fighters, one of whom is named Private Hudson.

Good Natured

Possessing a good soul, you prefer to resolve issues peacefully. You get +5 to Barter, Medicine, Repair, Science, and Speech, but -5 to Energy Weapons, Explosives, Weapons, Melee Weapons, and Unarmed. weapons."

This feature increases the social skills of the character, but at the same time reduces the combat ones. Although this feature is supposedly designed for players who play peaceful pacifists, it will be a good choice for warlike ones too. After all, most tend to develop only one or two combat skills (depending on their preferences) and, at the same time, use all social skills in one way or another.

Therefore, the feature gives twenty-five extra points to those skills that the characters are forced to use frequently during the game (buying and selling things, persuading NPCs in conversations, repairing weapons and equipment, self-healing the character, unlocking terminals), minus five or ten points from the favorites you fighting skills.


You gain +10 action points, but your carelessness reduces your damage threshold by 2.

Action Points (AP): Only used in V.A.T.S. in order to aim and hit the selected parts of the opponent's body. The number of possible attacks in this mode is limited by the current value of AP, since each hit inflicted reduces their stock. Different types of weapons require different amounts of AP. The total amount of AP available depends on your character's agility, in FNV it is calculated by the formula: AP = 65 + (3 * DEX) and can be increased permanently through perks and temporarily through some food, drink and other things.

Damage Threshold (DT): This is an armor value that determines its ability to reduce damage dealt to a character. In Fallout 3, armor has one characteristic - damage resistance (DR), which reduces damage taken by N percent. In Fallout: New Vegas, armor TP is first subtracted from the damage value, then the result is multiplied by (100% - DR). For example, if the enemy hit the character and his blow should remove 10 HP, and the character is equipped with armor with 2 HP, then 2 will be subtracted from 10 damage and 8 will remain. However, the received damage cannot be less than 20% of the original, that is, if due to the PU and SL of the armor, the damage drops to zero, then 20% of the original value of the damage dealt will still be counted.

Unpredictable (Loose Cannon)

From grenades to spears, you throw everything 30% faster, but your throwing range suffers by 25% less.

By choosing this feature, the character gains in the frequency of thrown weapons, but loses in the radius of destruction. In V.A.T.S. 30% reduction in the amount of AP required for each throw of thrown weapons, but also reduces the distance from which it is possible to hit the target. Subsequently, this penalty can be compensated by taking the “Swipe” perk, which increases the throw range and flight speed of thrown weapons by 50%.

Affected by this feature includes all melee weapons, all types of grenades and sticks of dynamite. Full List: Proton Throwing Hatchet, Proton Inverse Throwing Hatchet, Throwing Hatchet, Throwing Knife, Throwing Javelin, Tomahawk, Firebomb, Frag Grenade, Holy Frag Grenade, Dynamite, Long Fuse Dynamite, Plasma Grenade, Pulse Grenade, Micronuclear Bundle ( GRA), micronuclear grenade (GRA), nuclear grenade (GRA), tin grenade (GRA).

Built to Destroy

If a fire burns twice as brightly, it will go out twice as fast. All weapons gain +3% Critical Chance, but equipment wears out 15% faster.

In fact, it turns out that the weapon breaks down too quickly, especially at first, when all the barrels are a little alive without it. There are no obvious disadvantages only for players using only thrown weapons (spears, axes) and explosive weapons. However, while grenades, mines and sticks of dynamite are always in excellent condition, they do not have a bonus to critical damage, which makes this feature useless for those who like to destroy opponents with frag grenades, for example.

Critical chance depends on the state of the weapon, so you should always keep your weapon in good condition to get at least some benefit from this feature. Note that the weapon degrades with each shot or hit landed, so this trait affects rapid-fire weapons much more noticeably.

Note: The "Full Maintenance" perk, which you can get after taking Raul as a partner, fully compensates for the increased equipment wear rate.

Shooting offhand (Fast Shot)

When using normal and energy weapons, you shoot 20% faster, but also 20% less accurately.

Decreasing accuracy reduces the chance of hitting when firing in V.A.T.S. and adds trembling to the character's hands while aiming with the zoom. Please note that this feature reduces the maximum accuracy in V.A.T.S. up to 76%, which negates the effect of the perks "Commando", "Sniper" and "Duelist".

An example in numbers: a large-caliber sniper has a spread of 0.015 and a rate of fire of 0.4. With Snapshot, the spread will increase to 0.018 and the rate of fire to 0.48, so the difference will be negligible. Automatic weapons, with their already high base spread, "tolerate" this feature much worse.

This trait works well with other AP savings (with the MathLogic perk in particular). For some weapons, the AP cost of each shot is significantly reduced, allowing you to fire more shots in V.A.T.S. Example: All-American carbine, standard AP value 13, when used with Snapshot and Mathlogic, the AP cost drops to 9.36.

Trigger Discipline

When using conventional and energy weapons, you shoot 20% slower, but 20% more accurate.

If you take this feature, and then the perks "Commando", "Duelist" and "Sniper", then this will increase the chance of hitting the enemy in the head in V.A.T.S. up to 87.5%. The increase is very significant compared to the "Shooting" trait, which increases the chance of hitting the enemy in the head by only 25% with all of the above perks. The trait is best suited for a sniper character, as it allows you to shoot with greater accuracy at a greater distance.

Note: Don't choose "Snapshot" and "Descent Technique" at the same time, as their effects are opposite. It would seem that they should balance each other, but no, according to the rules of the game mechanics, "Shooting at a glance" multiplies the rate of fire by 1.2 and accuracy by 0.8, while "Descent technique" multiplies the rate of fire by 0.8 and accuracy by 1.2. Thus, if you choose both traits for your character, you will receive a 4% decrease in accuracy and rate of fire:

100% - (100% * 0.8 * 1.2) = 4%

Heavy Handed

Your melee and unarmed attacks deal more damage but less critical damage.

This trait increases the damage of unarmed and melee attacks by 20%, while reducing their critical damage by 60%. Since your character deals more damage with Heavy Hand, the critical damage reduction can take a back seat unless you rely primarily on stealth crits or your character crits frequently (certain perk/weapon combinations can provide a guaranteed chance inflicting a critical hit).

Example in numbers: take a machete with a critical strike chance of 7.5% (base character chance of 5% multiplied by 1.5 (critical strike chance for a machete)), so the character will inflict an average of one critical hit from 13-14. We get that the damage from a machete without the "Heavy Hand" and with it should be like this:

Without Heavy Hand: 13 * 11 (damage) + 1 crit (+11 damage) = 154 damage
With Heavy Hand: 13 * 13.2 (increased damage 11 * 1.2) + 1 critical hit (+4.5 damage = 11 * 0.6) = 176 damage

Weapons most compatible with Heavy Hand: Thermal Spear (10 crit damage); chainsaw (8 crit damage); Ripper and electric prod (5 crit damage); armature (very low crit chance); a board with nails, a cue stick and a rolling pin (zero crit chance).

Four eyes (Four Eyes)

Wearing glasses of any type gives you a +1 perception bonus, and removing glasses incurs a -1 penalty.

Requirements: Perception less than 10 and greater than 1.

Taking this trait reduces your character's base Perception value by 1 point. This circumstance may affect in the future in the form of the impossibility of taking perks that require a base value of Perception from 6 (for example, the "Sniper" perk). Conclusion: bespectacled people who want to take such perks will have to set their Perception to at least 7 when generating a character or increase the parameter using "Intensive Training".

Equipping points for a character with this trait actually increases Perception by +2, thus negating -1. Thus, the only positive moment will be a plus to the skills "Explosives", "Hacking" and "Energy Weapons" when wearing glasses.

Notes: Lucky shades provide a +3 Perception bonus for a character with this trait, while without it, they provide no bonus to Perception. This feature does not apply to motorcycle goggles (Biker Goggles).

Shustrik (Small Frame)

A slender build gives you +1 agility, but you damage limbs easily.

The character gains +1 to Dexterity with all the benefits that come with it (later taking perks with Dexterity requirements and a permanent increase of +2 dependent skills), however, his limbs - arms, legs and head - take 25% more damage and, hence, they break faster. This feature is very suitable for snipers, not for melee. At level 14, you can mitigate the negative effect of this trait on the character by taking the Diamond Skeleton perk (limbs receive only 50% of all normal damage, with the exception of damage they take when falling or jumping from a great height).

Note: after suffering 50 fractures, the character gains the "Tough Guy" test ability, which reduces the damage dealt to the limbs by 20%, thereby almost completely leveling the negative impact of the "Smart" trait.

Features added to the game by the Old World Blues add-on

Peculiarities Advantages fines Codes
+1 to all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. when in an open area. -1 to all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. while on the premises. xx0133ae
+2 to all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. during the period from 6:00 to 12:00. -1 to all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. during the period from 18:00 to 6:00. xx012767
You can carry 25 pounds more. -1 to all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats if you have less than 160 pounds of cargo in your backpack. xx01276d
+15% damage dealt when your health is below 50%. -2 to Perception and Agility while below 50% health. xx01276b
Chemicals last twice as long and the likelihood of dependence on them is zero. Character development is limited to level 30. xx01276e
+5 points to each skill. You get -10% less experience. xx012b86

You are afraid of closed spaces (perhaps because mutants live there). You get a +1 bonus to your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes when you go outside, and a -1 penalty when you go inside.

Due to the simplified verification of the fulfillment of the conditions of applicability of this feature, which is in some fact enclosed spaces the character will not suffer from claustrophobia, such as destroyed buildings in the open air and so on. Only those rooms, upon entering which you will see a loading screen, will be considered closed.

The trait can cause problems when picking locks or hacking computers in rooms (where safes and computers are most often located), however, the resulting -2 to Lockpicking and Science can be compensated with the help of various chemicals or magazines that temporarily increase skills.

Lark (Early Bird)

Hello larks! You gain +2 to all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. from 6am to 12pm, but from 6pm to 6am when you are not at your peak, all attributes are reduced by 1.

Every morning for 6 hours you get +2 to all attributes, but every night for 12 hours -1 to all attributes. The feature is very suitable for lovers of the right lifestyle, who dine on time and spend the night in their bed, but for a restless Courier, this is far from always possible.

The negative impact of this trait can be mitigated by taking the Night Creature perk: +2 to Intelligence and Perception from 6pm to 6am, under open sky and indoors. "Lark" works well with the "Solar Battery" perk: +2 to Strength and recovery of health points (+1 HP per 1 second), outdoors from 6 am to 6 pm.


You can carry 25 pounds more than usual, but all the attributes of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. are reduced by one if your backpack is less than 160 pounds.

This feature works great with the Strong Backbone, Cargo on the Shoulder, Rogue and Far Traveling perks, as well as the Travel Light perk, which increases movement speed when overloaded as well. To neutralize the negative impact of this feature, it is worth stuffing an empty backpack with various heavy and low-value items that you will not be sorry to throw away as soon as the character has 160 pounds of luggage.

Note: For a character with the Hoard Trait, who equips the Courier's Cloak (NCR variant), and has the Strong Backbone and Cargo on Shoulder perks, the maximum carry weight becomes 400 pounds.

Hot Blooded

When your health drops below 50% of normal, you gain +15% damage, but agility and perception are reduced by 2 points.

On the one hand, you will increase the damage dealt if you receive a bonus, however, the values ​​of the Weapons, Energy Weapons, and Explosives skills will decrease by 4, which will lead to a decrease in damage (fists and melee weapons are most beneficial in this scenario). Negative effects can be compensated by applying chemicals, taking some perks and traits, equipping armor or clothing that increases the attributes affected by the trait and combat skills. You can constantly keep your health below 50% and, in addition, take the Selfless Devotion perk (the damage resistance of your companions will increase by 50%).

Note: The in-game description for this trait is erroneously stating "you gain +10% damage", even though the G.A.K.K. visible modifier Calculate Weapon Damage = 1.15.

Logan's Loophole

You will never be sent to a nursing home, you will be forever young (no higher than level 30)! You won't be addicted to chemicals, and all drugs will last twice as long... but after 30, goodbye experience, abilities and skill points!

This perk isn't just limited to chemicals and meds, it also extends to skill journals, food, stealth fights, purified water, and so on. Regarding the limitation of character development by level 30, this is not critical, pumping over is not mandatory and is not required to complete the game and all add-ons.

This feature is the only way to gain immunity to all sorts of addictions (since the effects of perks that reduce the likelihood of getting addictions are multiplied, not added).

Trained (Skilled)

You have the skills, but not the experience. You get +5 points to each skill, but from now on you earn 10% less experience.

The trait gives a total of 65 skill points, which is very useful at the beginning of the game. If you pair "Trained" with "Kind Soul", then minus -5 points to combat skills will be eliminated, and all non-combat skills will receive an additional +5 points.

A lot of experience is gained during the passage of the game and all add-ons, so you may not even notice the negative from this feature - if you wish, you will still pump the character to the maximum. Therefore, this feature is considered by many to be effective, and perks that increase the amount of experience earned are useless.

If you can't deal with the loss of experience, take the perk "Diligent student" or rest often to get a "Charge of Vigor" (although they cannot completely neutralize the negative effect of this trait, you will still lose 1% of the experience). An alternative to the "Diligent Student" is the "Lessons Learned" (Lonesome Road) perk, which fully compensates for the decrease in the amount of experience gained.

After the blinding Nevada sun, it may seem that the gameplay of New Vegas is not far from Fallout 3. This is partly true, but Obsidian has also prepared a few surprises...

1 VATS mode, which allows you to target any part of the enemy body, no longer makes the character invulnerable for the duration! That is, earlier you could calmly watch how the hero in slow motion puts bullets into the enemy for the entire supply of action points, while the enemy’s shots do not cause him any harm. Now, the character in VATS is an excellent target, and for an unprepared player, a shootout in "bullet time" often ends in his own death. As a result, it no longer makes any sense to use all Action Points in one VATS session. 3-4 shots, then change position. Therefore, it is much more often necessary to shoot in the normal mode, since the appearance of Iron Sights (normal scope) contributes to the manifestation of shooter skills. VATS is best reserved for the following situations:
♦ battles with kazadors and Deathclaws;
♦ an attack on an enemy taken by surprise;
♦ shooting fast approaching melee;
♦ headshots of especially strong opponents from heavy rifles.

2 The composition of the enemies has changed a lot. It is no longer necessary to fight with the owners of power armor and energy weapons or with heavily armed mutants - the destruction of the Brotherhood of Steel and super mutants is optional, and if you meet Enclave fighters, then as potential allies. But the game added melee. These are the fighters of Caesar, and the Deathclaws, and the new inhabitants of the wasteland - Kazadors, huge mutated wasps. It is the Kazadores that are perhaps the most dangerous representatives of the fauna - they are well protected, it is very difficult to hit them, and their poison not only causes huge damage, but also resets action points. You should shoot kazadors in VATS mode, aiming at the wings - this is the easiest target, and a successful hit will deprive the enemy of mobility. Fortunately, wasps are easy to detect on the radar, unlike other types of enemies, they do not stand still and do not move straight, but quickly move left and right, which makes it easy to identify their corresponding red dots.

3 Along with the stock of health, an important indicator is the presence of Damage Threshold (DT) - the amount of damage blocked by armor. It is necessary to determine DT by eye (if you do not take a special perk for this) - if a shield icon appears next to the enemy’s health bar, it will not work to break through it from the current weapon. This greatly devalues ​​rapid-fire weapons, whose shots themselves are not very powerful, and the high rate of fire does not give an advantage against armored enemies.

4 Fallout 3 was very difficult (if not impossible) to complete as a character without developed weapon skills. In Fallout New Vegas, however, diplomacy is a real alternative to the battles required by the plot. For random encounters with hostile creatures, a pacifist character must have a faithful partner, since companions have been significantly strengthened.

5 Skill point bonus based on intelligence has been halved. All perks that increase skills directly have disappeared. Books that give extra points in the game without exception. The perk is given every two levels. There are almost no clothing that enhances performance. Bobbleheads with bonuses to SPECIAL have disappeared. All this means that it is physically impossible to pump almost all the skills to the maximum for the character (and this despite the fact that the maximum level has increased to 30). Therefore, how you create a character will often determine his fate.
However, this does not mean that it will not work out of it to create a killing machine in half with a brilliant diplomat. You just need to know the subtleties.

In keeping with the tradition of the series, the set of perks in Fallout New Vegas is extremely extensive, but most of either completely useless, or imprisoned for the passage of a very highly specialized character. Who in their right mind would need skills like Fortune Finder (a profit bonus that doesn't apply to trading and gambling) or Animal Friend (neutrality with animals, which for the most part either don't attack first or are quite weak in combat)? Therefore, only those perks that are of value to heroes of a more or less general profile will be described here.

Ladykiller/Black Widow and Confirmed Bachelor/Cherchez la Femme(The Woman Killer/Black Widow and The Convinced Bachelor/Cherchet La Femme)
Requirements: Level 2 Male/Female
A series of skills that expand on the interesting post-apocalyptic theme of sexuality. By taking the Ladykiller/Black Widow perk, the character gains the ability to choose unique lines when communicating with NPCs of the opposite sex (mostly frivolous types), as well as deal 10% more damage to enemies (also of the opposite sex). Confirmed Bachelor and Chechez la Femme have the same effect, but in relation to their gender. The effect of the perk does not apply to super mutants, ghouls, etc., only to humans. The skill is useful both for roleplaying and for increasing the combat effectiveness of the character. If you are only interested in the combat aspect, take only the "anti-male" option, since there are more male opponents in the game. These perks also unlock unique options solutions to some quests (unless, of course, you are against gay parades).

Intense Training(Intensive training)
Requirements: Level 2
A very useful perk that allows you to immediately get an additional one to any characteristic. Available from the very beginning, and you can take it at least ten times! A real alternative to implants.


Doubles the effect of reading magazines and 1 unit - from reading books. In fact, it gives +10 to all nonweapon skills (see above). Take without fail.

Requirements: Level 4, 4 Intelligence
With each new level, you get 2 extra skill points. Therefore, it is desirable to become Educated as early as possible: then for the game you will receive 54 points above the norm.

Shotgun Surgeon(Surgical Shotgun)
Requirements: Level 6, 45 Guns
Shotgun blasts ignore 10 target DT. In fact, this makes all the ammo for this type of weapon armor-piercing, making it ideal for taking out protected enemies at medium range.

Hand Loader/Vigilant Recyder(Hand Gear/Careful Master)
Requirements: Level 6, 70 Repair/Scien-ce
When firing firearms/energy weapons, a portion of shells/empty batteries remains (which can be reused), in addition, all recipes for creating one's own ammunition of one type or another are opened. The first skill is useful for a Guns specialist - the character switches to partial self-sufficiency, in addition, he gets the opportunity to make more powerful types of ammunition with his own hands. For Energy Weapons, the value is slightly lower, because it is easier to get charges for them.

blood message(Blood bath)
Requirements: 6th level
Increases damage against all types of enemies by 5%, and also makes all death animations more bloody. If you are not embarrassed that enemies will fly to pieces from sniper shots, take it without fail.

Requirements: Level 8
Increases the accuracy of rifles and shotguns in VATS mode. In fact, the Commando perk is an absolute must for anyone who uses firearms.

Living Anatomy(Practical anatomy)
Requirements: 8th level, 70 Medicine
Allows you to see the number of hit points and DT of the target, and also increases damage against humans and sentient ghouls by 5%. In general, it’s useful, but it’s hardly worth pumping medicine for the sake of this perk alone.

Super Slam(Ultimate)
Requirements: Level 8, 6 Strength, 45 Melee Weapons
Any melee strike (using Melee Weapons or Unarmed) can knock down an opponent, usually allowing them to be quickly and effectively finished off.

Requirements: 10th level
The best weapon perk in the game. The chance of a critical hit is increased by 5% - as many as five extra points of luck on the road to the wasteland do not roll. Moreover, it works on all types of weapons.

Hit the Deck(Get down!)
Requirements: Level 12, 70 Explosives
Reduces damage from the blast wave of both own and enemy weapons by 50%. It's in theory. In practice - this perk only works when you pick up a grenade launcher, and immediately increases your DT by 50% against ANY damage... Cheat? Chit.

Piercing Strike(penetrating blow)
Requirements: Level 12, 70 Unarmed
An analogue of the Shotgun Surgeon for melee weapons (Melee Weapons and Unarmed). Almost indispensable for characters of the corresponding specialization.

Requirements: Level 12, 6 Perception, 6 Luck
When shooting in VATS mode, the chance of hitting a head is greatly increased. Since there is usually no point in aiming at other parts of the body, any shooter needs a perk.

long haul(Distant wanderings)
Requirements: level 12, b Endurance, 70 Barter
Even when overloaded, you can still enjoy fast travel with the Pip-Boy card. Very useful after clearing large camps to immediately collect all the trophies and teleport with them to the city for sale.

Jury Rigger(Crazy hands)
Requirements: Level 14, 90 Repair
Allows you to repair weapons using samples of the same class as them. Saves a lot of time and money.

Purifier(Purity Fighter)
Requirements: 14th level
In melee combat, the character deals 50% more damage to Centaurs, Nightstalkers, Spores, Deathclaws, Super Mutants, and Wild Ghouls. Definitely a must-have perk for a melee plowman.

Better Criticals(Critical Damage)
Requirements: Level 16, 6 Perception, 6 Luck
50% increase in all critical hits. Take without fail.

Paralyzing Palm(Paralyzing hand)
Requirements: Level 18, 70 Unarmed
Any strike with a fist weapon can paralyze as much as thirty seconds. Although the description says that the character must be unarmed to do this, what is actually meant is the "unarmed" skill, i.e. the effect applies to all Unarmed.

Requirements: Level 20, 80 Melee Weapons, 80 Sneak
+15% Melee Critical Chance and +25% Critical Damage while Stealthed. Another indispensable ability for a melee expert.

Slayer(quick hit)
Requirements: Level 24, 7 Agility, 90 Melee Weapons
Melee attack speed is increased by 30%. Does not apply to the VATS regime.

Physical Characteristics (SPECIAL)


Affects maximum carry weight (150 + 10 per strength point), fistfight damage (0.5 per strength point), Melee Weapons skill (+2 per strength point). If earlier it only made sense to invest points in strength for a melee fighter, now a sniper cannot live without muscles. As in the first two series, in New Vegas each weapon has a minimum power value that allows them to be used. In principle, you can pick it up and shoot with less force, but the accuracy will drop dramatically, and the VATS mode will become practically useless - the chance of hitting will be around 3-4%. Pistols require 3-4 strength points, rifles - 4-5, heavy weapons - 6 and above. Fortunately, there is a Weapon Handling perk that allows you to reduce the strength requirement by 2 points for all weapons - although it is only available at level 16. In principle, it makes sense to set no more than four points of strength - with Weapon Handling, an implant (and / or Intense Training) and, optionally, power armor, it will grow to 8-9, which is more than enough for the most powerful weapons.


Affects radar range, Energy Weapons, Lockpick and Explosives skills (+2 per perception point)
Contrary to early statements from the developers, perception in NV does not directly affect accuracy. First of all, the distance at which the character detects enemies (which are displayed on the radar) depends on it. However, the usefulness of this is doubtful in light of the fact that the ED-E companion automatically increases this ability almost to the maximum. On the other hand, high (6 points) perception unlocks useful perks like Sniper and Better Criticals. By the way, this is the only SPECIAL stat that is increased by ubiquitous clothing - almost all hats provide a +1 bonus to perception. In addition, glasses with the Four Eyes trait have the same effect. In general, more than 6 perception points are really not useful, and when generating, feel free to put four or five.


Affects resistance to poison (5% per point of stamina, 0% at 1 point), resistance to radiation (2% per point of stamina, 0% at 1 point), reduced chance of losing consciousness in battle, number of implants (1 per point stamina), Survival and Unarmed skills (+2 per stamina point)
Many believe that stamina has become one of the most important parameters - it determines the maximum number of implants that can be placed in the New Vegas clinic (one per stamina point), giving a +1 bonus to any characteristic. However, by getting implants, you are just getting back (for money) the points that you took away from other parameters for endurance, so the meaning of this is by no means obvious. More importantly, high stamina gives a serious increase in hit points and resistance to poison and radiation. With 10 points of stamina, the character takes 45% less damage from the poison of the Kazadores - this is decent. On the other hand, pumping up a characteristic just for the sake of surviving in a battle with one type of opponent is definitely an excess. For melee characters, set the stamina higher, four points is enough for the shooters.


It affects the armor and damage of teammates (+5 per point of charm), skills Barter and Speech (+2 per point of charm).
Charm, aka charisma, was considered very important in the days of Fallout 2 - the maximum size of the hero's party depended on it. Alas, in Fallout New Vegas you can still take it with you. only one companion (not counting the cyberdog robot). Charisma, by and large, affects the combat effectiveness of an ally and nothing more. Yes, with 10 points of charm, the partner does 50% more damage - but due to bad AI, this is not so useful. It makes sense to drive charisma to a minimum when playing as a "diplomat with a gun" - free up a lot of points, and lose very little, because the Speech skill is responsible for the effectiveness of persuasion, which can be developed regardless of charm. Only minor conversations like flirting with a sniper in McCarenna when playing as a woman (requires charisma 7) will become inaccessible, but 99% of the dialogues will not suffer from this in any way. On the other hand, it’s really possible to pass the game as a pacifist, who will do all the dirty work with the hands of a partner - and here high charm is very useful.


Affects skill points gained per level (10 + 0.5 per intelligence point), Medicine, Repair and Science skills (+2 per intelligence point)
The most important parameter. High intelligence provides a greater number of skill points gained with each level: thus, the character develops faster in both a combat and diplomatic sense. In addition, intelligence is required to pass a series of checks during dialogues. Bet nine and raise to ten at the first opportunity.


Affects the number of action points (65 + 3 per agility point), Guns and Sneak skills (+2 per dexterity point).
VATS mode has become less useful, and outside of it, agility affects. only on the starting indicators of a number of skills and the speed of changing weapons. Nevertheless, the game is full of situations where nothing much can be done without the aiming system (for example, when a Deathclaw is rushing at you, which without VATS you can shoot 3-4 times at most), and there a large number of action points is vital. Yes, and in time to change a rifle to a machine gun is sometimes also a matter of life and death, and with low dexterity the character does it slowly... It is recommended to take 7 points of dexterity, bring it up to 8 with the help of Small Frame and then raise it to 9 with an implant. 92 action points will be enough for all occasions.


Affects all skills (1 per two points of luck), critical hit chance (1% per point of luck).
Perhaps the third most important parameter after intelligence and dexterity. First, it gives starting bonuses to all skills at once. Secondly, it determines the chance of a critical hit (and the Sniper perk also requires 6 points, good luck). Thirdly, it increases the likelihood of winning at the casino, which will allow you to enrich yourself with several tens of thousands of caps immediately upon arrival at the Strip. Sounds tempting? Nevertheless, it is quite possible to save money on luck, because. The Finesse perk and the First Recon Beret take each give 5% critical chance, which is actually equal to 5 points of luck on top of the available one. Of course, 100% critical hits is an achievable result (if you use weapons with a multiplier, for example, 5x for the Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle), but even with 6 base luck points, the character will deal heavy damage quite often.

When pumping skills, remember that any of them can be increased by 10 points by reading the corresponding magazine. With the Comprehension perk, the bonus increases to 20 points. The problem is that the holey head of our hero will retain valuable knowledge for a short time, in just a couple of minutes he will forget everything that he has just read. Conclusion - swing peaceful skills (which are required by the situation, for example, chatting up an NPC or picking a lock), mentally adding 20 points to them. Let's say a Speech skill of 60 points is actually enough to select a phrase that requires 80 points - just read the magazine before speaking. Upgrade weapon skills to the maximum (since they really need no more than two), because turning to the press in the midst of a battle is not the best idea.
Magazines are sold at most merchants (and cost a penny), and are also scattered throughout the game world, so you will always have a supply of 3-4 publications for each skill.



Firearms of all kinds - pistols, revolvers, submachine guns, rifles, machine guns, shotguns, machine guns. If you do not download a convinced pacifist or a fighter at close range, this skill is necessary for almost any hero - you will have to shoot a lot and often. From which the question is open, because the choice is extensive. Nevertheless, we advise you to immediately forget about one-handed weapons, and especially not to pin your hopes on rapid-fire weapons. The real value in New Vegas is only sniper rifles and shotguns. The life of a sniper is free both in and out of VATS mode - in open spaces you will be able to eliminate most enemies even before they get into automatic shooting range, not to mention melee. Shotguns, on the other hand, are useful due to saving ammo (compared to machine guns) and the Shotgun Surgeon perk: not only do standard charges actually turn into armor-piercing ones, they also inflict enormous damage at close range - sometimes even a Deathclaw that runs up to you does not have time to wave its paw.

The game can really be completed with the help of Guns alone, without downloading other branches. Energy Weapons are the only equally versatile alternative.

Energy Weapons(Energy weapon)

From a branch of "elite" weapons, swinging in the mid-late game, energy weapons have become a replacement for conventional firearms. Simple laser pistols and rifles will begin to appear at the very beginning, and then the turn of machine guns and snipers will come (everyone's favorite Gauss rifle) of all types. Guns have their energy counterparts. True, good energy weapons are not as common as firearms, and usually cost more.
Also, energy weapons include both types of flamethrowers - Flamethrower and Incinerator (two types). The first is very effective at close range, the second is a kind of grenade launcher, firing napalm clots in an arc.
The main advantage of energy weapons is the absence of problems with ammunition. There are few types of batteries in the game and they are literally lying around at every turn. In addition, Recharger weapons do not require ammo at all (although they regenerate rather slowly). Basically, for this reason, Energy Weapons is recommended as a replacement for Guns in Hardcore mode - simply because you don't have to carry two backpacks of ammo with you.


This includes all types of weapons associated with explosives - from grenades to rocket launchers. Compared to Fallout 3, the explosion radius of ammunition has increased (and it can also be increased with the help of a perk), which makes "heavy artillery" dangerous for the owner in enclosed spaces. In the desert, it is best to resolve issues at a distance from sniper weapon. However, explosives are well suited for the role of a secondary weapon when dismantling with numerous enemies or individual armored individuals (although even Deathclaws fit perfectly with a single armor-piercing shot from a rifle to destroy light vehicles ...). Keep in mind that almost all weapons with explosive ammo can fire canopy - this is useful when clearing ruins when you need to smoke the enemy out of cover. By the way, plasma grenades are specifically explosives, not energy weapons.

Melee Weapons(Steel arms)

Standard hand-to-hand weapons range from knives to chainsaws. It differs from Unarmed in that it usually deals higher damage, but is significantly inferior in terms of the percentage of critical hits. Close combat specialization will require high strength and pumping Sneak (for inconspicuous penetration side by side to enemies with firearms). If Guns and Energy Weapons are mutually exclusive abilities (you can pump both branches to the maximum, but the weapon will simply duplicate each other), then Melee Weapons and Unarmed should be developed in pairs. The Ninja perk requires 80 points in Melee Weapons, and the Slayer requires 90 points in Unarmed, while they are equally useful for both skills (with Slayer, which increases attack speed outside of VATS, is more important for Melee Weapons). Don't forget about Piercing Strike, which is the equivalent of the Shotgun Surgeon for both types of melee weapons.
By the way, Melee Weapons also includes throwing weapons - spears, axes, etc. Piercing-cutting arsenal can be smeared with poison own cooking(preferably just doing this with throwable samples to weaken the enemy before close combat), and the strongest poison samples do really serious damage. However, they still remain the choice of connoisseurs of the exotic.

Unarmed(Without weapons)

All kinds of melee weapons designed for connoisseurs of martial arts. They have a high critical strike chance, which increases by another 5% in VATS mode. In addition, the Paralyzing Fist perk allows you to stun the enemy for 30 seconds with Unarmed, and the special Mantis Gauntlet gauntlet completely ignores the enemy’s armor, which allows you to open even well-protected targets. In general, a very effective skill, useful also in light of the fact that you will have to fight on fists in some quests.



The higher this skill, the cheaper it is to repair and buy things. In addition, in many dialogues it will be possible to show off the skills of a merchant and agree on more profitable financial terms. All this is useful, but in fact, you rarely have to use the services of sellers (and loot or winnings in the casino are usually enough to cover the costs), and it is better to repair all items yourself. Convincing in dialogues that are not related to money usually has to be done with Speech. So you have nothing to lose by leaving Barter in its infancy.


The most important "dialogue" skill. You will have to persuade, intimidate or butter up your opponent repeatedly, and a well-suspended tongue is simply indispensable for completing many quests. If you do not go through the game for a fundamentally unsociable character, a high (under 90 by the end of the game) Speech skill is necessary for almost anyone. In principle, with Speech pumped to the limit and a good partner, you can go through New Vegas without touching weapons at all - even boss battles in the final game can be avoided by talking to them.

Lockpick(Breaking into)

A useful skill that allows you to pick locks on doors and containers. It is not mandatory for passing, but it will greatly facilitate life and make the shoulder bag heavier. In addition, without a pumped hacking skill, you won’t get some items and open easy paths - say, the Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle (the best example of a firearm in the game) or a safe tunnel to get to the Bomber base are only available to owners of 100 Lockpick points. Because all castles in the game require a skill that is a multiple of 25 (0/25/50/75/100), it doesn't make sense to keep it at intermediate values. With the bonus from the magazine and the Comprehension perk, get your Lockpick to 30 (enough to pick locks with a skill of 50 while under the influence of the magazine) at the beginning of the game, and then go up to 55 and 80 as you progress.

Science(The science)

The Lockpick analogue for hacking computers also affects the efficiency of making homemade ammunition for energy weapons and phrases in dialogues related to applied science. To some extent, it is an alternative to Lockpick (many locks in the game can be opened either with a master key or using a computer). If you choose one skill out of two, then Science is preferable in terms of the totality of benefits, although many areas and items will still remain inaccessible. Among other things, the skill is used when working with robots. For example, you can use Science to reprogram Primm Slim into a new sheriff (the third option for dealing with the sheriff situation in Primm), reduce the Repair requirement by 20 points when repairing an ED-E, or reprogram Fisto's sex robot in Freeside. Like Lockpick, Science is desirable to download in intervals of 30/55/80.


One of the most important nonweapon skills. Although "peaceful" it is a stretch - the main task is to maintain the weapon in a combat-ready state: as in Fallout 3, it deteriorates with each shot, which reduces damage. Weapons are repaired using similar samples in the inventory - open the pipboy, press R and choose what to dismantle for spare parts (and you can do this anywhere, you don’t need a workbench even in Hardcore mode). There were two rifles with 50% condition - one became 100%. The main difference from the third part is that a high skill is not required to restore weapons to their original state, only a sufficient amount of consumables is needed. However, you need to upgrade Repair to 90 in order to gain access to the Jury Rigger perk, which makes repairs much easier - now you can repair weapons using samples that are approximately similar to it, and not duplicates of the exact same gun. Repair is also used to make ammo (.308 caliber requires 70 points, 45-70 Gov "t - 90, 50mg -100) and repair quest items.


This useful skill will help to avoid an unwanted meeting, kill a strong one and steal something useful. A shot or hit from stealth is automatically a critical hit. To switch to silent mode, just crouch (Ctrl key). The skill is very useful for fighters at close range, although it is better for snipers to attack by crouching first. In a number of quests, again, you will have to steal or spy. By the way, due to the frequent use of Sneak - the only peaceful skill that needs to be downloaded without relying on magazines.


The ability to cook food and poisons also determines how many hit points food/water restores and how much it satisfies hunger/thirst (on hardcore). In normal mode - an absolutely unnecessary skill, but in hardcore - very important. With a skill of 50 food / water is twice as effective, and with a skill of 100 - and all three.

Medicine(The medicine)

Analog Survival for medical products - allows you to create medicines and increase the effectiveness of the same formula. Oddly enough, simple stimpacks require as much as 70" Medicine points to make, and Consumables harder to find than ready-made stimpacks. But this skill is predictably required in quests related to treatment. When generating a character, you can choose three skills that immediately receive a bonus of 15 points. We recommend taking one weapon skill (for obvious reasons), eloquence (for solving quests) and repair (to keep weapons in combat-ready condition).

After allocating skill points, you need to choose two traits that combine a positive and a negative effect. By the way, you can choose one or skip this moment altogether.

Built to Destroy(Born to destroy)
Critical strike chance is increased by 3%, but weapons begin to deteriorate 15% faster. A controversial trait, but in general rather useful - of course, you will have to spend more extra weapons for spare parts, and when shooting from rare rifles, think twice before each shot. But three percent is a lot, in fact - three extra points of luck.

fast shot(Shooting offhand)
The weapon's rate of fire increases, but its accuracy decreases. Despite the apparent benefit for fans of automatic firearms, the trait is almost meaningless: spend more ammo to make it harder to hit the enemy!

Four Eyes(Four eyes)
With glasses, the character gets +1 to perception, without glasses - vice versa. Glasses can be worn with most headgear and are common. However, Perception is not an important stat to spend one of the two abilities on it.

good natured(Kind soul)
Weapon skills (Guns, Energy Weapons, Explosives, Melee, Unarmed) at the start are underestimated by five units, and peaceful ones (Barter, Medicine, Repair, Science, Speech) - by the same five units are overstated. This might seem like a choice for a pacifist character. However, even a combat hero really needs to pump only one, maximum - two weapon skills, while all peaceful ones will be useful to him. It turns out the exchange of points 5 to 1, which is very good.

heavy handed(heavy hand)
The character deals more damage in melee combat, but the chance of a critical hit decreases. Somehow this makes sense. the trait is only for those who pump Melee Weapons. For Unarmed, it is completely useless, since in fisticuffs everything is tied to critical hits.

Damage Threshold is reduced by two units, but in VATS mode the player receives additional action points. In good armor, the penalty to DT is practically not felt, while extra action points are always useful. It makes sense to take for a sniper character who does not climb on the rampage and often uses the VATS mode.

Loose Cannon(Unpredictable)
Grenade throwing speed is increased by 30% (both normal and VATS), but throwing range is reduced by 25%. An absolutely useless trait in the light of the fact that hand grenades are at best secondary weapons, and the effect does not apply to grenade launchers.

small frame(Shustrik)
The character gains an extra point in Agility in exchange for an increased chance of limb injury. No options - the most successful trait. The broken paws of the hero are easy to cure with one stimpack (in normal mode) and a doctor's bag (in hardcore), and they break quite rarely. But an extra point of dexterity is always useful, especially for a combat character.

Trigger Discipline(Descent technique)
The opposite of Fast Shot. The rate of fire drops, but the accuracy increases. A useful trait for a sniper, however, at medium and close range it can create problems

Wild Wasteland(wild wasteland)
The only trait that has neither a positive nor a negative effect. With it, Random Encounters are added to the game along the lines of Fallout 2 - mostly meaningless, but funny, like a refrigerator with an Indiana Jones skeleton inside. Only with this trait you can find the legendary Holy Hand Grenade and the Alien Blaster energy pistol (without Wild Wasteland, other powerful weapons will lie in their place). Recommended for those who are nostalgic for the second series.

Review in LCI: №12 2010

Our courier rushes towards danger, incinerates enemies with a laser, and knocks out an armored nkrovtsy with a fist. If all the parameters are driven into the "muscles" and not the "brain", the game, even in the "Hardcore" mode, is like fussing in the sandbox. And so - until the first locked door or a secure terminal appears on our way - you won’t melt the door with a laser, there is no EMP grenade for hacking computers, and it’s no longer possible to “talk” the key character with your fists.

Obsidian again ruthlessly broke the stereotypes of role-playing games. If in Alpha Protocol it was still supposed to play the role of a "terminator", then in "New Vegas" this approach is completely eradicated. Hardly a quarter of the problems and challenges in the game are solved by brute force, and knowing how to properly distribute starting parameters, which skills to develop first and where to look for secrets is valued more than our own dexterity and reaction.

We collect the character

Is it possible to embrace the immensity, if there are so few development points, and each parameter convinces with its description that it is he who is the best in the game?

Power. Responsible for how much junk we can pick up and take away without damage on the move, as well as how formidable weapons we can use. Inventory size is very important for a treasure hunter, so at least seven points should be invested in strength, but it is not worth developing it to the maximum - the carry weight increases only by 10 points per point, and weapons with a parameter requirement higher than 8 are not found in the game. Strength can be increased for a while by drinking alcohol and "buffout".

Perception. The parameter is not of the first importance - it depends on how quickly we notice red dots on the map. If you are planning to play with a tandem of Boon and ED-E satellites, do not invest points at all, because with the help of the robot our hero will be able to see the danger at a very long distance, and thanks to the sniper, enemies will be highlighted in red in aiming mode. True, the "Sniper" and "Critical Damage" features, which require six points of perception, will become unavailable.

Endurance. It is vital for both the verbal warfare lover and the heavy gun fan to maximize this value - stamina determines the amount of health of the character, and it will never be superfluous, especially in the "Hardcore" mode. And the parameter also affects the survival skill, which is extremely important at the highest level of difficulty.

A popular sign: if the passage is blocked by mines or traps, then there is something to guard ahead.

Charisma. Speaking skills are now valued above all else, but charm itself does not play a role. It gives an increase to protection and damage to your companions, and also a plus to "barter" and "eloquence". If you are playing the role of a lone wolf, you do not need to invest points in charm, and it is better to develop skills separately. In addition, at the right time, charisma can be temporarily increased by as much as five units by eating “holiday mentats”, and another one can be obtained by wearing “open pajamas”.

Intelligence. The second most important parameter after endurance. It affects how many skill points we get when moving to the next level. And if you want to create a universal character, a specialist in all areas, a high value of intelligence is a matter of first importance.

Agility. It affects how many action points we get in V.A.T.S. mode, the speed of walking and reloading weapons. Considering that there are twice as many of these default points in the game as in Fallout 3, the increase granted by agility will be negligible. Those who are used to solving problems peacefully can do without investments at all, the “terminators” will need an increase in dexterity.

Luck. Traditionally affects everything little by little. The most tempting thing is that the chance for critical damage from all types of weapons increases, and this is a good reason to invest the remaining points in this parameter.

As the game progresses, you can improve the parameters in several ways:

Implants. In a medical clinic in New Vegas, for an immodest amount (4000 caps), you can raise one of the parameters by one. And if the character has a large supply of health, you can put a second implant. In addition to the standard skill upgrades, two more upgrades are available - armor boost (8000 caps) and health regeneration (12000 caps).

Peculiarities. You can select the Intense Training ability when you level up to raise the stat by one. A feature can be selected multiple times.

Food and drinks. If a high value of any parameter is required in a conversation with key NPCs, you can temporarily increase it by taking a certain drug, drink, or eating a fruit of the Mojave flora. For example, tobacco chewing gum increases dexterity and perception, ant nectar, brahmin steak or alcohol increases strength. Eating the gifts of the desert must be done carefully so as not to pick up a side effect, for example, a minus to strength for eating raw meat.

We study professions

With a high barter skill, we can not only buy cheap, but also shake extra money from NPCs during some quests.

After distributing the parameters, you must select three main skills in order to get a one-time increase of fifteen points to each of them. We recommend Speech, Barter, and Weapons (or Energy Weapons) to make up for their low starting values.

Key skills of the game - barter and eloquence. A well-spoken tongue saves time and money, the ability to get new quests, avoid unnecessary battles, or simply maintain a good reputation with NPCs. In addition, without these skills, it is impossible to complete some quests, such as "Paying the bills" and "You can rely on me."

At the initial stage, you need to raise at least one of these skills to 50, and by the middle of the game keep both at the limit of 75. It is not necessary to develop them to 100 if you have things in your inventory that raise the skill or magazines that temporarily increase their value, but this is better do to avoid some battles in the final game.

The second place in importance is occupied by combat skills - weapon, unarmed, steel arms, explosives and energy weapons. It makes no sense to study them all, it is enough to invest points in only one or two, depending on preferences.

An important role has been played medicine and survival. The higher the value, the more effectively you use medicines (stimulants, antiradin, etc.) and the more health you restore with food, and in the "Hardcore" mode, you will be injured and bitten more often. The success of some quests depends on the high level of medicine. For example, Joana from Gomorrah will tell about her problem (and give out a quest) only to an experienced doctor, and healer skills can also make it easier to complete one of the main quests for Caesar's Legion. Survival affects what dishes (and how effective they will be) we can cook on a fire in camps.

An experienced scientist is always held in high esteem. Demonstrate to Jack your high knowledge of science, and this will save you from unnecessary running around the map.

Fighting monsters is much easier when they have no
the opportunity to grab our legs - from this hill you can shoot the whole flock of geckos.

Next in demand are the science and breaking into. The sooner we start investing points in them, the fewer secrets will remain undiscovered. If at first they are of little use, then closer to the middle of the game, locked doors and password-protected terminals will be found at every turn, especially when exploring secret shelters and scientific complexes. Science can make it easier to solve some quests - for example, by telling the interlocutor the right recipe for his invention.

These two skills should be intensively developed upon reaching levels 13-15, it is at this time that many castles of “medium” complexity will begin to come across on the hero’s path. And in the beginning, you can still get by with magazines, good scientific literature there are quite a few scattered across the Mojave.

A less important but still useful skill is repair. Determines how long we will wear equipment and shoot guns before it all turns into unnecessary trash. But first of all, repairs are needed to solve plot problems - block the secret door, fix the elevator, repair the ED-E robot without the help of parts. I recommend developing repairs to at least 50 - by early stages it is not relevant, but is needed only when it falls into our hands unique weapon and powerful armor to keep them fit for as long as possible.

Probably the most useless skill in the game secrecy. Responsible for how successfully we will rob neutral and friendly NPCs. Considering that the developers do not indulge in stealth tasks, and theft negatively affects karma, is it worth it?

We collect souvenirs

In "New Vegas" you can not only look for books that improve your skills, but also collect souvenir "snow globes". There are seven such balls, and collecting them threatens us with great benefits.

Mojave residents do not need souvenir orbs - collecting them will not be considered theft.

The collected balls are stacked in the presidential suite of the Lucky 38 casino, on a special pedestal, and Mr. House's girlfriend, named Jane, puts them there. She can be found opposite the elevator, in a huge room with monitors, and you can bring trophies to her at any time.

For each balloon, Jane gives out 2000 caps (this is the easiest income in the game). These items cannot be thrown out of the backpack (they are considered quest items), and if you kill Jane or House, there will be no one to receive a reward and " snow globes» will remain in our inventory forever.

Goodsprings. The ball lies in Goodsprings Cemetery, next to one of the tombstones.

Mormon fort. In a square tower on the territory of the fort. Climb up the stairs and look at the shelving.

Nellis Air Force Base. Lying on a table in the museum of the bombers. The ball is easiest to pick up during the mission "Into the Sky!".

Polygon. The snow globe is located in the Lucky 38 casino itself, in the cocktail room, behind one of the cash registers.

Strip. The souvenir is located in Vault Hotel 21, on a table near the bed in Sarah's room. You can get into the room by breaking the door or stealing a magnetic card from the owner of the establishment.

Mount Charleston. In one of the buildings in Jacobstown, lies on the counter in the hotel.

Hoover Dam. The toy is located in the first building, in the information center, on the counter in the very center of the hall.

Become special

In addition to skills and parameters, an important place in the game is occupied by peculiarities, or rather, their correct choice with every second increase in the combat level. When creating a character, we can choose up to two of these abilities - however, the choice is not rich, and almost all of them are flawed (more action points, but the damage threshold decreases, etc.). Besides "Wild wasteland"(you can discover secret events and find unique things in the game, but the collectible gauss gun becomes unavailable) and "Good soul"(a plus for peaceful skills, a minus for combat skills - suitable for “diplomats”) I don’t advise you to pay attention to anything.

Now let's determine what traits you need to take when leveling up. There are many of them, so we will describe only the most useful and those that look tempting, but only at first glance.

Intense workout. Adds one point to any of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. You can study several times (up to ten). Can be taken once, at the second level, until more appetizing skills are available.

The Convinced Bachelor and the Woman Killer (Cherchet La Fam and the Black Widow for female characters). In combat with a character of the opposite sex, you deal +10% damage, and unique phrases can appear in dialogues - sometimes they help to impress NPCs (as an alternative to eloquence) and even make it easier to complete some quests.

Educated(requirement: 4th level; intelligence 4). Grants two additional skill points when you level up. It is not in vain that the game advises to take this feature early - this is extremely necessary if we are going to make our ward a master of all trades.

Understanding(Level 4; Intelligence 4). We get double the skill bonus when reading scientific journals (temporarily get +20 points instead of +10), as well as one additional point when using a study book (4 points are added permanently instead of three). This is useful for book hunters, though not as important as the Educated ability.

Fortitude(6th level; stamina 5). Defense Boost, +3 Total Damage Threshold, can be selected a second time. Mojave is an unsafe place, and this feature will not be superfluous for anyone.

strong backbone(8th level; strength 5; endurance 5). The capacity of our backpack is increased by 50 units. It will be useful for those who regret extra power points for their character, but do not forget that companions can also be used as "walking backpacks".

Here and now(10th level). The ability to immediately get the next level. Suitable for fans of high-speed passage, connoisseurs of a more thoughtful game can do without it.

Accuracy(10th level). Significantly increases the chance to deal critical damage in combat (this is the same as with five extra luck points). Suitable for everyone - and those who are used to solving problems by force, and even diplomats. After all, you will have to shoot a lot and often in the game.

distant wanderings(Level 12; barter 70; stamina 6). Allows you to use fast travel even when you are overwhelmed. Perfect for lovers of easy money - you can collect all the equipment on the battlefield, ignoring the inventory capacity, and quickly move to any outlet on the global map.

crazy hands(14th level; repair 90). A similar sample is no longer needed to repair weapons and armor, just a similar item will do as a repair material. Useful in the later stages of the game to repair unique or just expensive equipment.

Center of gravity(14th level; weapon 70). In V.A.T.S. we deal an additional 15% damage if we aim at the torso or torso. A useful feature for enforcers, especially in the late game.

Prize!(16th level). Allows you to select the fourth bonus skill, which allows you to immediately raise it by 15 points. Take it without hesitation.

Researcher(20th level). Extremely dubious ability - displays all the locations in the game. Its disadvantage is that it is sometimes very difficult to find the right place on the global map among a lot of points, especially if the task label does not indicate the area you need.

Rad absorption(28th level; stamina 7). The level of radiation contamination will decrease by itself over time. A very convenient thing if you are a fan of running through secret underground complexes, you can not take the rest, since radiation is rare on the surface.

Features can be obtained not only for getting every second level, but also during the game, for certain actions and completing quests. For example, Andy from Novak will teach you how to throw a ranger if you complete his small task, and if you kill the right amount of some kind of living creature, you will get an increase in damage against this type of enemy.

Improving abilities

If you are not strong enough in some field of activity, you can look for books that allow you to increase your skills by three or four units. There are four books scattered throughout the Mojave for each of the thirteen skills, which in total allows you to raise each of them by 12 points, and with the Understanding trait - by 16.

All books (as well as magazines) should not be sought in the bare steppe, but in locations, whether it be a cave, a shelter, a hut, or a whole complex. Usually they lie on prominent places - tables, beds or bookshelves. To make your search easier, here are some tips:

Skill books are easy to find; usually they lie where they belong - on tables, shelves and racks.

Junktown Merchant. Stories»(Barter): Primm - Bison Steve Hotel; Vault 22; Shack of a fake cap; Elaid Technologies offices.

"Lies: A Primer for a Congressman"(Eloquence): NCR Correctional Institution; Tumbleweed ranch; Freeside - "Cirulien Robotics"; mine "Lucky Jim".

"Pistols and Bullets"(Weapon): Vault 34; Strip - "Gomorrah"; Nevada Highway Patrol post; Raul's hut.

"Nikola Tesla and you"(Energy Weapon): Hidden Valley; Repconn Headquarters - 1st floor; Repconn Headquarters - 2nd floor; Old nuclear test site.

"Into cover! Lie down!(Explosives): Mojave Outpost; Sloan; Ranger post "Foxtrot"; Nellis Air Force Base.

"Illustrated Fistfight"(Unarmed): Nipton Road Parking; Fisherman's hut; Strip - "Tops"; Shelter 11.

"Grocknar the Barbarian"(Melee): Cannibal Johnson's Cave; Secret cave warehouse; Cottonwood Cove; Jacobstown.

"The Therapeutic Journal of the District of Columbia"(Medicine): Nowak; HELIOS One; secret quarters of the Followers; crater in the Mesquite Mountains.

"Science for All"(Science): Nipton - town hall; Repconn headquarters; Camp Forlorn Hope; brewery.

It is important: another book can be obtained as a reward from Ignacio for the quest "Sun Flare", if you direct the energy of Archimedes to the entire region.

"Modern Castles"(Hack): Wolfhorn Ranch; miners' lair; the Bitter Springs Recreation Area; mine "Silver Peak".

"Electronics Repair"(Repair): Sloane; wind farm; Nellis Air Force Base; Brotherhood of Steel bunker.

"Wasteland Survival Guide"(Survival): Marauder platform; camp in the Mesquite Mountains; radio station "Lone Wolf"; Matthew's livestock farm.

"Combat regulations of the Chinese special forces"(Stealth): Goodsprings; Vault 3; sharecropper farms; Camp Searchlight.

Hunt for Achievements

Having moved to the Steam service, the game inherited its traditional achievement system. Among the fifty commemorative badges there are both standard ones, obtained without fail when full passage games, and those that are achieved with considerable effort. Let's discuss them now.

A special place is occupied by achievements where you need to inflict 10,000 points of damage with a certain type of weapon. Medals for conventional and energy weapons are easy to get - know for yourself that you pour plasma and lead on your enemies, it's harder with close combat and explosives.

Bighorn sheep - ideal
nye "targets" in order to increase the number of applied
hay damage with explosives.

Fists alone are not effective anywhere, especially against monsters, so to get the Fist Fighter award, stock up on power or spiked brass knuckles. Surprisingly, Caesar's legionnaires (as well as simple bandits, demolitions and Devils) will suit the role of "punching bags", thanks to weak armor, but a sufficient amount of health. Also, melee attacks exhaust the enemy, and when you blizzard him, he is practically not combat-ready.

With melee weapons, the tactics are similar, but it is better to fight monsters. Provoke the enemy pack to aggression and start running back, waving something heavy in front of you (armature or a sledgehammer will do, or even better, Tabitha's Super Sledgehammer, who lives on Black Mountain), - if you do not let the enemies get very close to you, such way you can beat everyone without harm to health.

The hardest thing is to deal 10,000 damage with explosives. This can be done in several ways - throwing dynamite or a grenade at a pack of bighorns (they have a lot of health, and they usually move in tight packs), toss C4 explosives into a neutral camp of a potential enemy, and then detonate - or use anti-personnel mines, laying them in narrow passages , and then luring opponents to this piece of terrain.

It is unlikely that you can restore 10,000 health units with food and stimulants in one playthrough, since it is not justified to develop both medicine and survival at the same time - it is better to focus on one thing. Another task from the category of difficult is to clean fifty pockets, because this is fraught with the loss of karma. Try to steal from enemies or those with whom you are not going to be friends, and so that you are not caught doing this, use the "stealth-boy".

Looking for unique guns

At any role play there is a place for several unique samples of weapons and uniforms. But in New Vegas arms very lot. Gathering a good collection of exclusive barrels will take a lot of time and getting into the habit of looking into the pockets of every story NPC, but aiming makes it easier.

Without weapons:

Golden Gloves (Lucky 38 strip casino): in the VIP box, behind the bar.

Knuckles "Revenge of the Fallen" (Cottonwood Cove): in the office of Aurelius and Phoenix, in the table.

Brass Knuckles "Love and Hate" (Bonnie Springs): the leader of the gang of Vipers.

Glove "Nahrap" (mine "Ruby Hill"): on the corpse of a member of the Jackal gang.

Cutting Glove "Opener" (Camp McCarran): from the Little Brat.

On a note: The glove can only be obtained by killing its owner, but at the airport in McCarran, this is difficult to do. Better complete the quests related to the elimination of Devils, and you will find the Brat in Freeside, near the Mormon Fort, on the railway lane already dead.

Paladin's Toaster Glove (Black Rock Cave): On a prospector's corpse.


Annabelle Grenade Launcher (Black Mountain): On Shadow's corpse.

Grenade launcher (40 mm) "Bang-bang" (solar panels AB Nellis): you can get into the complex only through the quest "Bad ants".

Grenade launcher (40 mm) "Mercy" (Dead Wind Cave): guarded by the legendary Death Claw.

Holy Hand Grenade x5 (Searchlight Camp): in a broken church, in the basement x3; the other two can be found randomly from NCR warriors (all grenades are available only with the Savage Wasteland trait).


Ratslayer Vermint Rifle (Brock Cave): In the northeast part of the cave, on a table.

Long Carbine (Camp McCarran): Carried by Corporal Sterling of the 1st NCR Recon Battalion.

It is important: if you kill Chief Chief during the quest "The Bounty Hunter", the entire recon battalion will be transferred to the Forlorn Hope camp, along with a corporal and a unique cannon.

All-American Rifleman's Carbine (Vault 34): In the armory, near the overturned table.

Minigun CZ57 "Avenger" (Devil's Throat): in the back of a truck, in the center of the abyss.

Rex and Cass are an excellent tandem for fleeting and deadly battles.

Big Boom sawn-off (Gibson Junkyard): in the garage, at Mom Gibson's.

Dinning Bell Hunting Shotgun (Thorn, New Vegas): Reward for the Take It All quest from Red Lucy.

Pistol "Maria" (Strip Tops): Benny.

Vance's submachine gun (Vance's stash - near the H&H Tools factory): in a safe (can be obtained with lockpicking skill 100 or with eloquence 55 to convince the owners to part with it themselves).

Lucky Revolver (Primm - Hotel Bison Steve): in the hard level floor safe (requires lockpicking skill 75).

Revolver "The Same" (Novak): sold in the gift shop "At the Dinosaur".

Machine Gun (Camp McCarran): Rewarded by hacking the warehouse computer and turning in Contreras to Lieutenant Boyd.

Gobi Scout Sniper Rifle (sniper position near Cottonwood Cove): in a locker (you need 100 lockpick to open).

Mysterious Magnum (Dry Lake Eldorado): At Lownsem Drifter (with barter 50+, the sample can be obtained peacefully).

Exclusive air gun "Child of Abilene" (Fields' hut). On the shelf, next to the wall.

On a note: if the Wild Waste trait is taken, the weapon will be in Jimmy's Well. After leaving the hut, Rex (if only he is your companion at that moment) will howl, and in a conversation with him you need to ask if anyone fell into the well. After that, the location with the weapon will be displayed on our map.

Steel arms:

Two-handed hammer "Baby!" (Cave Charleston): in the lair of night hunters.

"Driver - Stick Nefi" (in the south of Vault 3): at the leader of the Devils Driver Nephi.

Piece of Pipe "Simple Club" (Sealed Collector): removed from the corpse of a prospector.

On a note: You can get to this location through the Central sewer through the hatch near the entrance to the McCarran camp. The key to the locked sewer is in the "Blind" Luke.

Machete "Liberator" (Nelson): in the barracks, by the Dead Sea.

Chance's Knife (on the hill, near the Tribe): in Chance's grave.

Straight razor "Figaro" (Freeside): in the school of doubles of the King, at the hairdresser Sergio.

Cleaver "Cut" (Wulfhorn Ranch): on the farm.

Knock Knock Ax (Camp Searchlight): in the fire station, on the second floor.

Energy weapons:

"Euclid's Algorithm" (Freeside): the boy Max running after the girl Stacey.

Alien Blaster (North of Horowitz Farm): From the Alien Captain (Wild Wasteland only).

YCS/186 Gauss Rifle (north of Horowitz Farm): one of the mercenaries (unavailable if the Wild Waste perk is equipped)

Laser rifle Prototype AER14 (Vault 22): in the common areas, in the recreation area.

Pew Pew Laser Pistol (Sunset Sasparilla Headquarters): Received as a reward from The Legend of the Star and The Invaluable Lesson quests by collecting fifty Star Caps.

Plasma Rifle Q-35 Modulator (Repconn Headquarters): On the ground floor, behind a keycard, science (100) or lockpick (100) door.

Prototype "Tesla Beaton" (Crash Site of the Rotary Wing): guarded by golden geckos.

There is a way to get some unique specimens without killing their owners. To do this, first call on the aggression of this NPC (shoot from a weak weapon so as not to kill), and when the character is armed with the barrel you need, switch to V.A.T.S. and take one successful shot at right hand to cause the opponent to drop the weapon. Now we quickly hide our barrel behind our back - your hands are empty, the NPCs too, there are no more reasons for aggression. We just have to pick up a unique cannon and go home.

Already in the next issue you will find:

— stories about the most unusual and intricate storyline and additional quests;

- a story about the win-win tactics of playing "caravan";

- the ten most dangerous enemies in the game and the most effective ways to eliminate them.

The first thing a player in FNV faces is character generation. First you will need to allocate the available SPECIAL points according to the characteristics.
Actually, here I will describe the characteristics themselves, and try to reveal some aspects of the game associated with them.
The very name of the SPECIAL system is derived from

Strength (Strength)
Perception (Perception)
Charisma (Charm)
Luck (Luck)
The system has undergone a minimum of changes compared to Fallout 3.
Strength (Strength)- Affects carry weight and melee damage. One of the most important stats in the game. Simply put, the more Strength you have, the more things you can carry with you and the better you fight in hand-to-hand combat. Unlike Fallout 3, strength also affects weapon handling. Some weapons require a high amount of strength, such as the Ballistic Fist or the Minigun. You can view the requirements for weapons directly in the inventory by hovering over the weapon with the cursor. If there is not enough strength to use the weapon, accuracy (in the case of firearms / energy weapons) or attack speed (in the case of melee weapons or melee weapons) will suffer.
Strength also affects the damage dealt by melee weapons. Initial melee weapon damage = STR - 5, minimum - 1.
I do not recommend from the very beginning of the game, create a character with a very high indicator of strength, because. with the help of implants and two abilities from Old World Blues, you can increase strength by 3. Certain types of armor also increase strength, usually power ones. A value of 6 is optimal in my opinion.

Perception (Perception)- a parameter that affects the appearance of enemy marks on the compass, as well as the Courier's ability to control energy weapons, explosives and door locks. Actually, this is not the most useful stat in SPECIAL. As a rule, even with a low value of Perception, enemies can still be seen, and the presence of ED-E in companions will allow you to notice enemies long before you get close to them within a shot. In my opinion, the optimal value is 5.

Endurance- in FNV, a rather important parameter. It is important at least because the higher the endurance, the more implants you can install yourself. Also affects starting hit points, resistance to poisons and radiation. I do not advise to lower the value below five. With a value of 9, you will already be able to install all available implants (as well as stamina itself).

Charisma (Charm)- I think many will agree with me. Useless parameter for FNV. In the previous parts of the game, it affected the chance to negotiate with someone, but here the chance to negotiate is directly affected by Skillcheck (skill check in the dialogue). The perks that can be obtained with high charisma are simply ridiculous. However, the higher your charisma, the more damage your companions deal, at 10% per point of charisma. However, I personally thought that Fallout was the story of one man, not a small army. I recommend always setting it to 1 (yeah, one).

Intelligence- perhaps the most important parameter. Affects the number of points received upon reaching a new level, as well as medicine, science and repair. A character with an INT above 7 has a 95% chance of gaining all skills developed by 100 by level 50. For every 0.5 INT you will gain a bonus skill point upon leveling up.
As a rule, I take INT equal to 7 at the beginning of the game in order to raise it to 8 later. Of course, there is also a very fun option to play as a fool character, INT<3.

Agility- an important parameter. Affects the amount of AP in VATS mode, and also allows you to take some very strong perks. In FNV, unlike in F3, VATS is no longer a divine force. Now in VATS you are dealt more damage, and you can make fewer shots. Personally, I never liked this system, but still ... I do not advise taking below 5, for me the optimal value is 6.

Luck (Luck)- the parameter, at first glance, does not particularly affect anything. But! This is one of the strongest stats in the game. Luck affects the chance to critically hit the enemy, the success of winning in the casino and some checks in the dialogues. With a luck of 10, slots will give out a jackpot for ~20 attempts, and in blackjack your losses will be minimized. Usually I used to take Luck equal to 8. There is also an implant for good luck (sic!). About how luck works directly in battle, I will describe below.

As the subtitle implies, here I will try to describe the skills, their application and share my observations (as if they are of interest to someone).
I will not describe them in this order: combat, auxiliary in combat and peaceful.

Weapon: Unlike the F3, some types of heavy weapons fall into this category, such as the minigun. The initial value of the skill depends on agility, and the skill itself helps you handle gunpowder weapons like pistols, rifles, and machine guns.
As it is right, a good firearm requires remarkable strength from the shooter, but the cartridges for such weapons cost little and weigh little (but not all). There is such a parameter as a skill requirement when using a weapon. It only affects accuracy, and even without the proper skill level or strength indicator, you can still fire weapons from weapons. From about the beginning to the middle of the game, firearms will prevail over other types, and you will be forced to use them.
Also, for many types of firearms, there are various ammunition, for example:
Armor-piercing (reduce the target's PU, but do less damage).
Expansive (poorly penetrate PU, but deal more damage).
Incendiary (set the target on fire on impact).
Army (break weapons faster, but cost less).
There are other types of ammunition, but I really don’t want to describe them. Maybe later somehow.
In general, firearms are a very good skill, because very powerful samples fall under the category of gunpowder murder weapons.

Energy weapons- following the style of the game, this weapon is a stereotypical representation of the American inhabitants of the 50-60s. Various light bulbs, red laser beams, green plasma and more.
As a rule, such weapons are very expensive, and their ammunition is also expensive. Has low durability, but deals (usually) high damage.
There are some fun guns in this category, like the reload pistol (infinite ammo). Toward the end of the game, these weapons will be found everywhere. Also, it is worth noting that the flamethrower and its derivatives are energy weapons.
Just like firearms, energy weapons have several types of ammunition (their creation is affected by the Science skill).

Without weapons- the ability to fight with the help of fists, brass knuckles and their derivatives. An underestimated skill by many that has simply lethal power. There are many perks for him, for example, increasing penetration or knockout (and these perks, as a rule, share a place with melee weapons). Also, as the game progresses, you will be able to learn several special moves for unarmed combat, such as:
Ranger Throw - When moving backwards, you knock over the target.
Khan Reception - When moving sideways, you throw sand in the target's face, disorienting it.
Scribe's Technique - When blocking, you can counterattack.
Legionary Strike - When moving forward, you deal increased damage, and the movement itself is faster.
My comment: fortunately, in FNV, the arsenal of weapons for unarmed combat is (oddly enough) very large. From simple brass knuckles to high-tech ballistic fists. In a small room, a fighter with high unarmed combat skill and good equipment can paint the walls red in a few seconds.

Steel arms- the ability to swing axes, swing a knife or, with an evil laugh, shred opponents with a chainsaw. A very interesting skill for melee fighters. Some types of melee weapons ignore the enemy's SU / PU, which allows you to cut where the bullet does not pierce. There are also very useful (and some even cheating) abilities for this weapon.
It is worth noting that upon reaching the skill level of 50 and 75, you will open new attacks in the VATS mode (as in the case of unarmed combat).

explosives- Another underestimated skill by many. It affects the damage of grenades, rockets, the detonation time of enemy mines and the lethality of mines you set, and will also come in handy in a couple of places in the game.
Firstly, this category includes the most powerful weapon in the game - the Fat Man (and his friend Esther). Secondly, grenades absolutely do not care about the chance of hitting VATS. If the chance in VATS shows more than 10%, then you have already hit, because. explosives have radius actions. A great way to cripple the enemy before he reaches you. And an equally great way to kill a bunch of people with one shot / throw. With the help of perks, you can increase the damage dealt by 60%.

The medicine- everything is simple here. The higher the skill, the better healing substances (not food) work for you. Some medicine-related perks will give you the ability to swipe more drugs, so much so that you put in longer. Also useful in some places during the passage.

stealth- the ability to sneak, steal and not get caught when stealing. However, in FNV, like in F3, stealth is poorly implemented, and it will become useful only if you have the Silent Run perk and a stealth skill above 80. Why? Do not know.
The chance of your detection is affected by: illumination, perception of the enemy, and whether you are running or moving slowly.
A good ability, thanks to it you can cut out entire settlements, and no one will tell you anything (this makes it a bit of a cheat).

Breaking into- allows you to pick locks. There are several types of locks - very easy (you can pick with the starting value of the skill), easy (25), medium (50), hard (75), and very hard (100). There are only 10 locks closed on the "very difficult" level in the game, but the ability should not be neglected. But download it from the very beginning too.

The science- the level of your scientific knowledge. Allows you to hack terminals and sometimes program robots. The difficulty levels are the same as in hacking (point above). There are quite a few science checks in the game, but you only need to level above 70 towards the end of the game, and in the Old World Blues DLC (in fact, everything is tied to science there).

Repair- A VERY useful skill. Allows you to repair your own equipment, some quest items and participate in some events. With a skill value of 90 at level 14, you can get a frankly cheating ability in which you will not need money at all. It will be described below. I advise you to download immediately after you pump barter to 70 (more on that below).

Eloquence- your chance to negotiate with some character. It could be facilitating a quest or a peaceful solution to a problem. There are no other reasons to download this skill in the game. But as a rule in all DLCs or important storylines, having a high skill in this skill is recommended for a good ending. However, in the first half of the game, you should not raise it higher than 60.

Barter This skill is underestimated by many. And very in vain. With a skill of 70, you will be able to carry a lot more things (by getting the appropriate ability), as well as sell things for a lot more. There are quite a few skill checks for barter (as well as for eloquence).

Survival- the ability to create things at the campfire, stove and successfully interact with some characters. There aren't many survival-related perks, and the ones that do exist are virtually useless. However, you can craft interesting things and food will heal you better (in hardcore mode). The skill may seem useless, but don't underestimate it.


When generating a character, after the distribution of points, the good doctor will ask you to "fill out the medical record" in order to fix the medical history. Why he needs it - it is not clear, but oh well.
Filling consists in choosing features - there can be one, two, or zero. As a rule, they provide benefits, but along with it they bring tangible harm. But not all.
Here is the list:

Wild Wasteland- this feature brings an element of insanity to the game, fans of Fallout 2 will appreciate it. So, for example, you can get an alien blaster or participate in a special event with Rex. Typically, a feature replaces some locations in the game, so be careful (for example, you cannot get YCS-186 with it).

kind soul- You gain +5 to non-weapon skills, but lose 5 to combat skills. Nothing special, just a slight redistribution of ability points.

Kamikaze- you have more AP (by 10) but lower damage threshold (by 2). If you do not plan to get into the thick of the fighting, and prefer to use VATS, you should consider taking this feature.

Unpredictable- you throw throwing weapons faster (these are not only spears and knives, but also grenades, dynamite and other explosives), but the range is reduced by a quarter. Basically, nothing special.

Created to destroy- you have more chance of a critical hit (+3%), but weapons wear out faster (by 15%). Some weapons do not depend on wear, but also do not have a critical hit chance (for example, dynamite). In general, this trait has more pluses than minuses.

Shooting offhand- You fire weapons 20% faster, but your accuracy drops by 20%. In VATS, all your shots will require 20% less AP, but your accuracy will drop. When shooting outside VATS, you will fire any weapon faster (even a minigun. I wonder how it is).

Escape technique- the opposite of the "Shooting at random" feature, the accuracy is higher, the rate of fire is lower.

heavy hand- an interesting feature. All your normal melee or fist attacks deal 20% more damage, but critical hits are 60% weaker. There is a weapon in which the chance of a critical hit tends to zero (chainsaw, "Ripper"), which means that the negative effect of the ability does not actually work.

Four eyes- in my opinion, one of the most useful traits for any character. The fact is that power armor in the game has been turned into a "mobile coffin", and is more suitable for melee fighters. The rest of the characters are forced to wear takes the first reconnaissance battalion to increase the chance of a critical hit. With this ability, you can add glasses to your beret (or other headgear), which will increase your perception by an additional +1 ( or +2 if you find Lucky Sunglasses). In-game, the multiplier is shown as +2 when wearing glasses, but in reality, your Perception will drop permanently by 1 after taking a perk (and you will have to increase it to take the abilities associated with it). Recipe for Success: 6 Starting Perception + Implant + Headgear + Lucky Sunglasses = 10 Perception.

Shustrik- Agility is higher by 1, but limbs break more often. The feature is good outside of the "hardcore" mode, and harmful in it. Most likely, you will not have many doctor's bags or "hydras" for frequent treatment of injuries ... a consequence, either we play a sniper, to which enemies do not approach at all, or we stock up on a huge amount of medicines. In general, you can still compensate for the penalty from the trait with the help of the Diamond Skeleton perk and the Tough Guy challenge perk (partially).

Hot blood- when your health drops below 50%, damage increases by 15%, but dexterity and perception decrease by 2. Penalties can be compensated with clothing, and when playing without using VATS, they will not be noticeable at all. However, oddly enough, you won't notice a difference in damage either - by FNV standards, 15% is not too much.

Claustrophobia- Additional +1 to all SPECIAL stats outdoors, and -1 indoors. In terms of game mechanics, the STRIP, and several other places, also belong to the premises. I do not know what to say about this feature, I myself have not played with it. But the penalty to STR and INT should be very frustrating.

Early bird- from 6 am to noon you get +2 to all SPECIAL parameters, but from 6 pm to 6 am they are reduced by 1. Penalties can be partially offset by the Night Creature ability (+1 INT and +1 SP), the ability to strengthen with the help of "Solar battery" (another +2 strength during the day). In general, a strange feature.

Trained is one of the really useful features. All your skills are increased by 5, but experience points gained are reduced by 10%. And given that this feature can be taken 3 times in the whole game, the skills will increase by as much as +15 (however, this was not intended, so the method is not "fair").
How to do it? And like this: when creating a character, we take this feature, after exiting goodsprings we change the character, taking this feature again, and again we take it in the Old World Blues Autodoc.

Thrifty- You take a penalty of 1 to all SPECIAL stats if your carry weight is less than 160 units, however you can carry 25 more weight. Also a useful feature, you will hardly notice a penalty to it. The maximum number of cargo carried in the game is 350 (with a strength of 10, the perks "Strong backbone" and "Bear's burden"), however can be raised up to 400, using this trait and the Courier duster (by siding with the NCR in Lonesome Road).

Loophole Logan- chemicals last twice as long on you, and you will never get used to them. But the maximum level is limited to 30. Well, in general, this trait is a real ambush for all traits. You can take it if you are not going to pump above level 30 (most skills can be pumped up to 80-90 already to it), or if you do not lose interest in the game after reaching the level cap.


2 level

Black Widow/Lady Killer- You deal 10% more damage to male characters, and sometimes you have special options in the dialogue. This ability is not very useful as you won't notice a 10% difference during combat ( weapons in the game are either too weak or too powerful).

Cherchet la femme / Convinced bachelor- analogue of the Black Widow (above). You deal 10% more damage to women, and sometimes you have new dialogue branches. I also can't call this ability useful, since most opponents die equally quickly / slowly and there are not too many female opponents in the game.

friend of the night- you see brighter in dark caves. The effect is comparable to Cat Eye, a useless skill. I have nothing more to say.

scope- your thrown weapons fly further and faster (by 50%), and this applies not only to spears and grenades. It also increases the speed of shots from the "Fat Man", and some other guns. Useful for fans of explosives in the early game, because it allows you to hit targets more efficiently.

Hunter- a perk that allows you to deal more critical damage to animals, such as brahmins or geckos. Considering that animals will pose a danger (and even minimal) only in the first third of the game, the ability is useless. And you don't always deal critical damage. is not it?

Intense workout- Waste of points. If you distributed the points correctly at the beginning, you will never look at this ability. I have nothing to say.

Fast reload- if you have watched a lot of westerns and like to play a cowboy, you are here. As one of the FNV characters said: there are two types of people: those who load weapons as usual, and those who load them like the devil. Adds 25% reload speed. Not a very important choice, but an interesting one.

Good memory- also not the most interesting ability. The magazines will affect you three times longer, but no more. It is unlikely that you will have to increase your skill with a magazine for more than a minute. Another unnecessary ability, in my opinion.

Diligent student- You get 10% more experience, which can compensate for the penalty from the skillful trait. But in my opinion, you get to the last level too quickly, and many players lose interest in the game after reaching the level cap. Don't waste your money on this ability.

Abilities added in DLC:

In shining armor- You get +2 DR against energy weapons if you are wearing sunglasses, and +5 DR if you are wearing armor made of metal (eg Metal Armor, T51 Power Armor). I don't know about the last patch, but this ability didn't work before. This is due to a bug. and the ability itself, even if it works, is not very useful, in my opinion.

Joys of the old world- the chance of getting addicted to all types of drugs (any type of alcohol, baffat, mentats, etc.) is reduced by 25%. The ability adds a modifier, i.e. if your chance of resistance to substances was 10%, then after taking the ability it will become 7.5%. The ability also adds a 50% healing effect to some types of food and most alcoholic products, mainly those found in the Dead Money addon. I can't call this ability very useful.

Bullets from trash- Slightly bugged ability. The bug is that it can unlock all possible types of ammunition for equipment on a workbench (perhaps it should be like that. But then it is not clear why the "manual equipment" ability is needed). Also allows you to craft ammo from scrap metal and cans. However, the consumption of reagents is simply idiotic, 5 (five!) Cans are required for 1 cartridge. In the same Contreras quest, gunsmiths could create a whole arsenal out of 100 cans. This ability is useless.

light touch- an interesting ability. Your enemies are 25% less likely to critically hit you, and you gain an additional 5% more critical hit chance when wearing light armor or nothing at all. This ability is the best choice at the second level, if you take it for free (more on that in the next paragraph). However, it is worth noting that it does not add +5 to the luck modifier, and the critical damage from it will be calculated as follows: (your LUCK * weapon critical multiplier) + 5% of the ability. Simply put, this ability does not add a multiplier to the chance to hit with a crit, but only a small percentage on top.

Abilities from Dead Money can be obtained for free at the beginning of the game. It is enough just to pump up to the second level without leaving Goodsprings, take one of the abilities, and then go on a journey. When the character change menu appears, agree to change the parameters, and choose another ability. Voila! The ability from Dead Money has been retained, and another one has been added - the one you chose.

4th level

Run-shoot- An ability that reduces the accuracy penalty on the run if you are using a one-handed firearm or energy weapon. Also affects one-handed melee and grenades (this is not indicated in the description). Not a very useful ability, only useful to those who do not like VATS.

child of radiation- Increases your health regeneration rate based on the level of radiation exposure. You will receive 2 points of health regeneration for every 200 points of radiation, a maximum of 8 per second (of course, a maximum of 10, but with such a dose of radiation the character dies). It may seem that the ability is not very useful, since the penalties to the parameters are very high with high exposure, however, with an exposure of 800+ units, the health regeneration rate negates virtually all incoming damage to the character (from bullets, for example), and makes it actually immortal. Also, the ability works when you are sleeping/waiting.

Cannibal- the ability to eat human corpses while in stealth mode. Health does not restore too much, and the eating animation takes a few seconds. I'm sure you'll get tired of this skill after 10 uses. There is also an interesting hidden ability related to cannibalism - after killing and eating four NPCs (Caesar, King, President Kimball and Mr. House), you will receive +1 to INT, LUC, STR and CHA each time you eat corpses. Later, you can learn to eat the corpses of not only people, but also some other creatures.

Educated- after taking this ability, you will receive two additional skill points per level. This ability is mandatory , it is strictly not recommended to ignore it. You can get 90 extra skill points if you have all the DLCs (after all, each DLC increases the level cap by 5).

Understanding- a good ability at the beginning of the game, which does not pay for itself at a level cap of 50. Gives +1 skill point when reading a textbook (permanently), and +10 skill point (temporarily) when reading a magazine. It's really cool to have this ability in the beginning, as it will be possible to advance many skill checks, hack difficult terminals and open many locks. Works great with the "Logan Loophole" trait.

Travel light- When you wear light armor, or do without armor at all, you run 10% faster (and also sneak). This ability can compensate for the penalty to running speed when carrying a two-handed weapon, but in general you should not pay attention to it - at the fourth level there are much better abilities.

Entomologist- You deal 50% more damage to insects and creatures that have evolved from them due to mutation. There are 6 creatures in total: praying mantis, ant, blower, cazador, radscorpion, radroach. Only Cazador and Radscorpion pose a serious danger from the whole group (but only at the beginning of the game), so it's not worth taking the ability.

6th level

Selfless devotion- If your health drops below half, your companions fight better. In practice, this means getting +50% DR. When playing in normal mode, the ability is of little use, on hardcore too.

Two guns- when firing from a shotgun, you ignore 10 units of enemy DR. An interesting choice if you like shotguns (it's a pity that there are only 6 types in the game, not counting the unique ones). Pairs well with the "stay away" ability, which sometimes allows you to knock back opponents with a shot.

Duelist- Accuracy with one-handed weapons in VATS mode is increased by 25%. The bonus is multiplicative, i.e. similar effects from other abilities will stack on top of each other instead of just stacking. A good choice if you like VATS and love one-handed weapons. There are not very many powerful samples in the category of pistols, but those that are, sometimes make a two-handed weapon in terms of power.

treasure hunter- you find more lids in containers that haven't been opened yet. The usefulness of this ability is extremely insignificant, because with the ability to play caravan and having the ability to "crazy hands" you will always have a lot of money.

Blood bath- an ability that was a feature in Fallout 1-2. Enemies will occasionally die gruesome deaths (more like being torn to pieces) and you deal 5% more damage with any weapon. Here the aesthetic choice is to take or not to take this ability. If you like to kill everyone you see (and I like it), then take it, if not, then don't. The 5% damage bonus isn't that significant, because the weapon is either too weak or too powerful, so you won't notice the difference.

impenetrability- You get +3 DR for each rank of the ability taken (2 ranks in total). With the implant, you get +10 DR along with the ability taken. Impenetrability can be recommended to melee fighters, because. they get hit more often than shooters.

Professional- You deal 20% more critical damage with pistols while in stealth mode. Due to an oversight by the developers, you deal more damage even when you're not sneaking. Works great with other pistol perks.

zealous owner- you know new schemes for creating ammunition for energy weapons, and save "empty" batteries more often. You can craft very powerful ammunition, I advise you to take this ability if you are fond of energy weapons.

Hand gear- an analogue of the "careful owner", but this time for firearms. I think everything is clear - it is worth taking for those who love gunpowder and lead.

lead belly- You get 50% less rads if you drink contaminated water or eat contaminated food. Do not take. Never.

Minesweeper Expert- for each rank of the ability, explosives deal an additional +20% damage (+60% with all ranks). 60% is not 10%, and certainly not 5% ( Yes its true?). Therefore, if you like explosions, be sure to take all 3 ranks. Synergizes well with the following ability:

Crazy Bomber/Raging Terrorist is the only ability added to GRU. You can create many new types of explosives. The requirements for creating a truly powerful explosive are high, but it's worth it. Here's what you can create:
NSA Grenade, Tin Grenade, Cap Mine (economical recipe), Fat Man Mine (strange thing), Powerful Time Bomb, NSA Bundle (very cool thing), Nuka Grenade.
I advise everyone to take this ability in general, regardless of the build.

8 level

hoarder- one of the most useful abilities in the "hardcore" mode. If an item's weight is 2 or less, it is reduced by 50%. This ability will allow you to carry a whole store of ammo, food, and crafting items.
I advise you to take in every passage.

Fast reaction- you draw your weapon twice as fast and sheath it. I never took this ability because it is useless.

stone wall- You are less likely to be knocked down and gain +5 to your damage threshold when you are melee attacked. The ability also works on monsters that can knock down. Not a bad ability for a melee fighter, useless for everyone else.

Cowboy- damage from dynamite, hatchets, knives and revolvers, as well as from rifles with lever reloading is increased by 25%. A very interesting ability, you can play a cowboy, and revolvers are one of the most powerful pistols in the game. Recommended if you want new experiences.

Commando- additional 25% chance to hit VATS. You'll likely use two-handed weapons more than one-handed weapons throughout the playthrough, so get it (if VATS appeals to you. Don't get the rest).

strong backbone-You are carrying 50 units of weight more. An ability that is better for everyone to take without exception - after all, lack of space in a backpack is the most common problem, isn't it? (in general, the weight can be increased to 400 (!!!) units).

Practical anatomy- 5% damage to ghouls (non-wild) and humans, you can also see the character's HP numbers, and how you pierced the armor with a shot. Interesting, but nothing special.

Rad-resistance- 25% additional radiation resistance. Truly one of the most useless abilities (after all, you have Rad-X!).

scary man- in some dialogues you can intimidate your opponent. There are few of them, so it's better to take another ability.

Superblow- oh yes, boy. This is the trump card of a melee fighter. Take this ability and you will kill everyone you see. When "activated", the target will be paralyzed for 5 seconds, and you can finish it off. Thanks to weapons with a high attack speed (Lubricated Lightning, Saturnite Brass Knuckles), you can even kill enemies of unprecedented strength (attention! some NPCs and creatures are immune to paralysis, such as Ulysses).

Freeloader- You find more ammo in containers. The ability was good in Fallout 3, in NV it no longer has those advantages - after all, ammunition is not too expensive and is widely available. You can take it if you want something weird.

Abilities from Honest Hearts:

Both the table and the house- you will be able to sleep near the fire (even in the area where the radiation is). Not the most useful ability, but can come in handy in hardcore mode.

Imperialist- additional 15% damage to raiders and other savages. You also get a x1.25 multiplier to your critical hit chance in VATS mode. 15% is ridiculous when it comes to raiders (they die very quickly even without this ability). I would not take it, only if for role-playing reasons.

The wisdom of the tribes- You receive 2 times less damage to limbs from animals and insects, as well as an additional 25% protection against poisons. And you can still eat mutated insects in stealth mode. I can’t really comment on this ability, I never took it - but judging by the description, it is useless.

Infantryman- You deal 25% more damage with weapons that use .45, 9mm, 5mm caliber, as well as when using 40mm grenade launchers, combat knives and grenades.
This ability would be especially good if it could work alongside the Gun Runners Arsenal. And so in the list of weapons that are affected by the perk, there are powerful examples (for example, Light in the Darkness, All-American and light machine gun.)

level 10

Nerd Rabies- An interesting ability for the early game. As soon as your health drops to 20% or below, then the strength increases to 10, and your damage threshold increases by 15. A good use of the ability is carrying cargo.

animal friend- an ability that no one takes (because charisma is needed). Animals will stop attacking you (i.e. dogs, bighorns, geckos (not fire), rats and some others). At the second level of the ability, they will come to your aid, being nearby. It is useless - the animals are too weak to somehow help in battle.

Here and now- You lose the chance to choose a normal ability, but you immediately get the next level. In the game, the last level fills up quickly enough, and the number of useful abilities to choose from is limited. Do not take. Never.

Matlogic- shots and actions in VATS mode require 10% less AP costs. Fans of the aiming system should like this, because in fact you will save more AP, which means more shooting. Pairs well with the Death on the Rise perk.

miss luck- sometimes in VATS mode, a girl dressed as a stripper will appear to "give you a helping hand." The target it fires at can be stunned, exploded, or maimed. Miss Luck has a 10% chance to spawn, but only if you didn't kill the target during VATS. Doesn't rule out the "mysterious stranger" ability, but it's impossible for both of them to appear.

night creature- after sunset, you get +2 to intelligence and perception (no higher than 10). Works both indoors and outdoors.

Sandman- you can kill silently kill people when they are sleeping. Nothing interesting - how often did you kill sleepers in general?

Plasma hello- The amount of AP required to use plasma weapons (as well as grenades) is reduced by 20%. Take only if you really like plasma weapons.

A mysterious stranger- sometimes, during the operation of the VATS mode, an immortal man in a cloak may appear, and with a characteristic melody, he will open fire on your enemies. He deals 9000 damage from each shot, but the enemy's health must be below 150 HP. It is believed that the Mysterious Stranger is the father of guitarist Lownsem Drifter.

Accuracy- You gain an additional 5% critical hit chance, which counts as Luck. That is, during the battle, your luck can be 15, and a critical hit will be calculated from it. I advise you to take all the characters.

Anarchist - When fighting NCR, Legion or Brotherhood of Steel, you get +2 AP and +5% critical hit chance. Not the most useful ability, even though you will have to kill people from the NCR / Legion very often.

Stay away - You can knock over an enemy by hitting him with a shotgun. The enemy will lose HP for 5-7 seconds, works on all creatures except for three NPCs. An interesting ability for shotgun lovers. The chance to knock down is calculated as follows: 10% for each pellet that hits the target.

Level 12

Silent running- useful ability. Enemies will be less likely to notice you when you are running in stealth mode. Also removes the noise produced by heavy armor and equipment (you will not be heard even if you are wearing power armor, but you are carrying a fat man).

distant wanderings- even when overloaded, you can travel using "fast travel". You can try to play the role of a caravan (Attention! possible cases of robbery).

Kill zone- Your explosives have a 25% greater damage radius. Extremely I advise you to take the following with this ability: adamanite skeleton, lie down!(some explosives can severely cripple even a well-equipped hero, such as special ammo for the "Fat Man").

irresistible force- in the game is not very clear explanation of this ability. It works like this: when you hit an enemy who is "in block", the power of your hit is multiplied by 4. There are not very many enemies that block your attacks, so the ability to take is not worth it.

carrion- with the "Cannibal" ability, you can eat the corpses of super mutants and wild ghouls. You lose karma, the act is considered a crime.

Pyromaniac- You deal 50% more damage when using fire related weapons and some ammo. (There are 11 such types of weapons, and 4 ammunition). The ability does not affect the signal pistol (probably a flaw). Usefulness is average, but you can take it if you really like to burn all living things.

penetrating blow- all your attacks with melee weapons / items for unarmed combat ignore 15 PU of the enemy. Mandatory ability for melee, useless for everyone else.

roboticist- you deal 25% more damage to any robot, and robots can also be turned off (if you sneak up unnoticed). There are not very many robots in the game, and most of those that are, are located in the Big Mountain. So decide for yourself whether to take this perk.

Sniper- The chance to hit the enemy in the head is increased by 25%. If you like VATS - take it, because most of the shots are made to the head. In Fallout/Fallout 2, the ability was incredibly strong, in New Vegas its value has been significantly reduced.

Accelerated Metabolism- You recover 20% more health when using stimpacks. Not the most useful ability, but you can take it if for some reason you get beat up all the time.

fountain of life- additional 30 health points. If your stamina is less than 9, it is better to take the "intensive training" ability (you will get 10 less health, but bonuses to poison and radiation resistance).

Vigilance - You gain +2 Perception while not moving while stealthed.

Heavyweight - weapons weighing more than 10 units will weigh half as much. Does not work on modified weapons if the modifications lowered the weight below 10. Very useful for people who love really big guns.

trapper - the chance to damage the opponent's legs is increased by 25% in VATS mode. A good choice if you have to run away from everyone forever.

Level 14

diamond skeleton- Your limbs take 50% less damage. In fact, the translation of the ability is somewhat incorrect, in the original it was adamanitic skeleton. Diamond is just a fragile stone. The ability is good for those who play with the "Nimble" trait or use explosives, but have not yet taken perks to reduce damage from it.

Fighter for purity- You deal 50% more damage in combat with monsters using melee weapons or brass knuckles. Monsters mean wild ghouls, centaurs, death claws, ghost people, night hunters, sporogens, super mutants, shadows, carnivorous plants and aliens (Wild Wasteland). I know that there is likely to be a schoolboy who mowed down a quarry or other deathclaw sites, posted it on Youtube and now rejoices. In reality, this ability is of little use (personally in my opinion).

light step- You will not trigger mines and floor traps by touching them. Useless feature. It is better to invest in the following ability:

crazy hands- perhaps the most imba-ability. You can repair weapons with all its varieties. The tip on the loading screen says that plasma weapons can be repaired with laser weapons, but this is not the case. I will try to describe how this perk works, and why it is so good:
Let's imagine that you have found a hunting rifle, but you are not going to use it, because. download energy weapons. You can sell it for, say, 300 caps. it is in bad condition. With this ability, you can do otherwise - buy a varmint rifle for 100 caps, repair a full hunting rifle with it, and sell it, bailing out much more money.
There are several categories of weapons - and weapons of the "one-handed pistols" category can only repair one-handed pistols ( logics). There are the following categories:
-brass knuckles
-one-handed cold weapon
-two-handed cold weapon
- energy pistols
-laser two-handed weapon
-energy weapons of other types
-heavy energy weapons (plazmoliv, insenirator, flamethrower)
- pistols and PP
-two-hand automatic
- weapons with a lever type of reloading
-machine guns
- grenade launchers
- rocket launchers
In fact, weapons are divided according to the type of fire.
Take this ability when you get repair to 90. A must.

Chemist- chemicals act on you twice as long. These are not only drugs, but also healing / beneficial substances. Such as food, antiradin and water. Not a bad ability for the "hardcore" mode.

Center of gravity- You deal 15% more damage when shooting at the torso in VATS mode. I don't think you (yes, specifically you) are shooting to the torso in VATS. Everyone shoots in the head, or in the legs, or in the right arm. So the ability is not very useful.

Level 16

Zinger- adds 15 AP to you. You can take it twice. Moderately useful for those who love VATS. However, with a rank 2 ability, the consequence is better to take either both, or not at all.

Critical Damage- Mandatory ability, useful to everyone. You deal 50% more damage on a critical hit against an enemy. When using sniper rifles, you will be able to deal massive damage while shooting from stealth.

Weapon Handling- weapon strength requirements decreased by 2. This ability was good in vanilla, but lost its coolness after OWB.
PS: if you don't have enough strength, then attack speed (melee) or accuracy (shooting) will suffer.

Prize!- You get +15 to any skill you choose. Useless ability after the release of all 4 DLCs. Never take.

Decay- an ambiguous ability. When you kill an enemy with an energy weapon, it explodes like a plasma grenade, dealing damage to everyone nearby. A chain reaction is possible.
-With the right shot, you can kill a whole crowd.
-It is not recommended to shoot enemies close, as you will most likely be crippled.

Chemistry resistance- the chance to get hooked on chemistry is halved.

Level 18

An ability with which you can try to pick again a lock that you failed to pick using the FORCE. NO.

Traveler instinct
Outdoors, you get +1 Agility and +1 Perception. Only useful if you're going to negate a trait penalty. For closed locations, let me remind you, the Strip is also considered.

Massed fire
Each time you mark a body part on a target in VATS mode (in other words, aim at the leg, for example), the chance for each shot increases by 5%. Regardless of whether you hit the target or not, the chance will increase for each shot.
Of course, it is only useful for those who use VATS, but in the late game, the relevance of the ability is lost.

Paralyzing palm- with a 30% chance you can paralyze the target you attack, provided that you use unarmed combat devices in VATS mode. The chance is high, but this ability only helps against single targets. If 5-6 strong opponents come up against you, and you have enough action points just to give each of them a head, most likely only 1-2 of them will fall paralyzed. Ability, in general, is quite doubtful. But if you like VATS, it's fine for you.

Hacker- analogue burglar, but associated with terminals. Actually, the SAVE / LOAD mechanism exists not just for beauty. And if you, my friend, play hardcore, without using saves before each terminal, then just try not to screw up the hack. You are welcome.

Level 20

An eye for an eye- You will deal 10% more damage for each damaged limb. Another ability that you should not take. Taking into account the fact that when the character's head is damaged, his eyes constantly "swallow", when his legs are damaged, he walks like slowpoke, if his hands are damaged, he shoots the same way as I do in real life after three bottles of whiskey ... NO.

Serpentocynologist- You are getting minor bonuses to perception, poison resistance, and stealth when consuming night hunter body parts. NO.(in general, it seems that at levels after 18, the number of useless abilities begins to prevail over useful ones).

Researcher- not the most useful ability, it just opens all the locations on the map (but this does not mean that you can fast travel to them). In fact, it marks places you have not explored. Does not open locations associated with some quests (for example, the quest to find the body of the ranger Morales). Add-on locations will only become open if the ability was taken before the add-ons were installed. In principle, you can take it if you cannot understand where this or that location is located, and then load before taking the ability.

fine dish- When killing a living creature, you have a 50% chance to get from one to three units of liquid red paste or black pudding. I would not take this ability, because I have never experienced problems with healing substances, but:
1) this is a good way to earn money, because this loot has relatively good value.
2) heals really well.
3) come in handy in the Dead Money addon, where healing agents are in short supply.

Ninja- You deal 20% more damage on a critical hit when using a melee weapon, and your critical strike chance is increased by 15%. This ability is not worth taking. Let me explain: 20% critical damage is good, but not too much. After all, in fact, a critical hit at any stage of the game is either too strong or too weak. And the formula for calculating the chance of a crit works crookedly: You probably expect that after taking this ability, you will have an additional 15% chance to crit, even with a 1% chance to crit. But no. If you have a 1% crit chance, it becomes 1.15% with this ability. Very useful, isn't it?

Atomic- Your Strength, attack speed and movement speed increase when you are in a radioactive zone. Also increases the speed of recovery of OD. Not very useful (in my opinion), because There are not too many places where there is an increased level of radiation in the game. Take unless for role-playing reasons.

Death on the rise - NERF! In Fallout 3, the ability was just damn cool, because it gave 1000 AP after killing in VATS mode. In Vegas, it gives 20 AP, which is hardly enough even for one shot. But if you build a character with a priority in using VATS, it's worth taking.

Solar battery- When you are in open spaces during the day (from 6 am to 6 pm), you get +2 strength and slowly regenerate your health (1 HP per 1 second). In fact, it is only needed to cancel the trait penalty.

Level 22

friendly jokes- your damage to partners will be only 25% of the usual.
Let me digress a bit and say that hardcore teammates are more trouble than they're worth. There are several reasons for this:
1) If you are not playing on easy difficulty, you will find that they very often die if you do not equip them with the best equipment and do not climb into the thick of it.
2) Their tactics are too stupid, in fact your partner is just an ordinary raider with increased stats, so you should not expect any tactical decisions other than whining like "I need a different caliber" from them.
3) When they die, you have to reload (unless you fundamentally use save/load, of course).
4) Partly related to the third point (above): when partners die, they are very sorry. To me personally.
In short: the ability to take is not worth it, because. you will see the death of your "friends" more than once in the whole game in any case.

Laser head-All laser weapons do 15% more damage and critical hit chance is increased by 10%. If you read what was written above (many, many lines up), then you know that 15% damage, in fact, does not affect anything. However, the crit chance is calculated correctly, and therefore the ability is very good for laser lovers. With a Gatling laser, real miracles can be done.

Voracious reader- I will say right away, friends, I have NEVER taken this ability, and I will be VERY glad if you tell me its pros and cons. Thanks in advance.

Irradiated beauty- normally removes all your radiation when you go to bed. In hardcore, it only removes 100 units. For me personally, it's useless.

Nuclear chemist- You can craft Nuka Cola at the workbench. The only advantage of this ability is that you can create Nuka-Grenade using Quartz Nuka-Cola, because its quantity in the game is limited.

Does not apply.

Lessons learned - for each level you get 1% more to the experience gained (for example, + 46% at level 46). Not the most useful ability, since you get to level 50 pretty quickly.

Level 28

Rad absorption- your exposure level will decrease over time (for every 20 seconds - 1 RAD). If your exposure level is 999, then it will take you 167(!) game hours to reset it. The ability also works when you are sleeping/waiting/traveling with fast travel.

Sky overhead - when you sleep on any bed you get a charge of vivacity (+10% to experience gained). But this is not the main thing. In fact, any unoccupied bed begins to be considered player-owned, and even after an hour of sleep you will be fully healed from injuries. In Lonesome Road, you can find a sleeping bag and, in fact, heal at any time (outside of combat). A very strong ability, but the requirements for it are very high (survival: 100).

Skills and their description.

Power. This parameter directly affects, as you already understood, the strength of the character. How strong your character will be depends on how much junk he can carry on his shoulders. If you are a fan of collecting anything - guns, armor, saucepans, then I recommend raising this skill to seven units. But there is no point in pumping strength to the maximum - weapons with a strength requirement of more than 8 units are not found in the game. You can easily increase this parameter for a certain period of time with the help of alcohol or “buffout”, if necessary.

Perception. I can’t say that this parameter greatly affects the game - it depends on how quickly you can notice the enemy. In the event that you like ED-E and Boon as allies, you should not spend points on this parameter. Thanks to the sniper, enemies will be marked in red when you aim, and the robot will allow you to detect enemies at an impressive distance. But if you need the Critical Damage and Sharpshooter features, then I advise you to pump your perception to 6.

Endurance. No matter what role you decide to play in Fallout - a smart talker or a lover of heavy weapons, I recommend that you increase your stamina to the maximum possible, because this parameter affects the amount of your character's life and survival skill. It's especially important to level up your stamina if you're playing in Hardcore mode.

Charisma. Of course, conversational skills are necessary for a hero traveling through a ruthless and callous wasteland, but charm will not really affect the game and will only give a plus to the barter and eloquence skills, as well as inspire your companions, giving them a bonus to defense and damage. If you plan to travel alone and always act on your own, then don't waste skills on charisma, but rather pump each necessary skill separately. Charisma can be increased by 1 point by dressing up in "revealing pajamas", and mentats will temporarily increase your charm by as much as five points.

Intelligence. The most important parameter after endurance. Affects the number of skills acquired when moving to the next level. Intelligence is worth investing in to the maximum if you want your character to be an expert in many areas.

Agility. This parameter affects the number of action points in turn-based V.A.T.S., as well as the speed of reloading weapons and movement. For peace-loving characters, this parameter is not very useful, but for fans of hard methods of achieving the goal, you should pump up the dexterity of your hero.

Luck. How lucky your character is will affect all stats and will also increase the chance of critical damage for any type of weapon. Therefore, I advise you to invest the remaining points in luck.

Examples of building builds for different roles.

Deadly Sniper:
STR: 6 (8); VSP: 8; VNS: 5; CHAR: 2 (1); INT: 2 (1); LOV: 8; LUC: 9. By removing one point from charisma with intelligence and investing them in strength, it will be possible to use heavy weapons and miniguns.
Skills: Weapon (70), Repair (70), Medicine (70), Stealth (50), Science (50), Survival (45).
Abilities: Quick Reload, Cherchet La Femme / Convinced Bachelor, Hunter, Travel Light, Entomologist, Hand Gear, Bloodbath, Practical Anatomy, Commando, Sharpshooter, Silent Run, Roboticist, Center of Gravity, Critical Damage, Weapon Handling, Accuracy.
Features: Four Eyes, Nimble (for a stealth sniper), Release Technique, Designed to Destroy (for a sharp shooter with critical damage).
Armament: varmint rifles, hunting, sniper and large-caliber rifles.
Equipment: Takes 1st Recon Battalion, Stealth Boy, Gunsmith Repair Kit, Goggles, Reinforced Leather Armor for Travel Light.
Implants: Perception, Agility and Luck.
Partners, Companions, Companions: Boone, ED-E.

One-handed shooter:
STR: 5; VSP: 7; VNS: 5; CHAR: 5; INT: 5; LOV: 8; LUC: 5.
Skills: Science (70), Medicine (70), Stealth (70), Repair (70), Weapons (45), Melee (45), Survival (45), Energy weapons (optional).
Abilities: Quick Reload, Educated, Cowboy, Run-Shoot, Travel Light, Quick Reactions, Dual Guns, Duelist, Fortitude (2), Hand Gear, Professional, Practical Anatomy, Mathlogic, Quickie (2), Nerves of Steel.
Features: Snapshot, Designed to Destroy, Wild Wasteland.
Armament: all one-handed firearms, pistols, Alien blaster, "The One", "Sequoia", lever-action shotgun, sawn-off shotgun.
Equipment: cowboy hat "Desperado", takes the 1st recon battalion.
Implants: Nemean Subdermal Armor, PHOENIX Monocytic Multiplier, Perception, Agility, Intelligence.
Partners, companions, satellites: Raul, Rex, Lily.

Friendly diplomat:
STR: 5; VSP: 6; VNS: 4; CHAR: 9; INT: 6; LOV: 4; LUC: 6.
Skills: Speech (70), Science (50), Survival (45), Barter, Medicine, Repair, Unarmed, or any combat skill at will.
Abilities: Black Widow / Woman Killer, Cherchet La Femme / Confirmed Bachelor, Good Memory, Understanding, Selfless Devotion, Educated, Scary Person, Nerd Madness, Mysterious Stranger, Miss Luck, Animal Friend (2).
Features: Kind soul.
Armament: depending on the chosen combat skill.
Equipment: Any clothing with attribute bonuses and damage resistance.
Implants: intelligence, perception, charisma, luck.
Partners, companions, satellites: Arcade Gennon, Boone, Cass (with the ability of Whiskey and Rose).

Energy Weapon Master:
STR: 6; VSP: 8; VNS: 5; CHAR: 3; INT: 5; LOV: 8; LUC: 5.
Skills: Energy weapons (90), Weapons (70), Science (70), Explosives.
Abilities: Fast Reload, Run-Shoot, Commando, Thrifty Master, Plasma Hello, Center of Gravity, Disintegration, Massive Fire, Laser Commander.
Features: Technique of descent.
Weapons: Q35 plasma beam, RCW laser, Alien blaster, Euclid's Algorithm, pistol and rifle with reload.
Equipment: power armor, Chinese stealth armor, spacesuit, reinforced metal armor.
Implants: Stamina, Nemean Subdermal Armor, PHOENIX Monocytic Multiplier.
Partners, companions, companions: Arcade Gennon, Veronica.

Energy Weapon Expert:
STR: 4; VSP: 5; VNS: 8; CHAR: 1; INT: 8; LOV: 6; LUC: 8.
Skills: Energy weapons (100), Repair (90), Barter (78), Lockpicking (78), Science (78), Eloquence (78).
Abilities: Intensive training (luck), Educated, Zealous master, Fortitude (2), Accuracy, Blood bath, Weapon handling, Critical damage, Death on the rise, Crazy hands, Sharpshooter, Silent run, Nerves of steel, Laser boss.
Features: Shustrik.
Weapons: Q35 Plasma Beam, Multi-Plasma Rifle, Plasma Gun, Laser Beam, Pulse Pistol, Euclid's Algorithm.
Equipment: T-51b armor, T-51b armor helmet.
Implants: Strength, Perception, Endurance, Intelligence, Agility, Luck.
Partners, Companions, Companions: Veronica, ED-E.

Cunning Thief:
STR: 5; VSP: 5; VNS: 5; CHAR: 5; INT: 5; LOV: 9; LUC: 6.
Skills: Stealth (70), Lockpicking (70), Barter (70), Science, Weapons.
Abilities: Educated, Treasure hunter, Light step, Professional, Strong spine, Hoarder, Freeloader, Housekeeper, Silent running, Far wandering.
Features: Kind soul, Shustrik.
Armament: 22 caliber pistol and submachine gun with silencer, 10mm pistol with laser sight, silencer and extended magazine, 12.7mm pistol and submachine gun with silencer, varmint rifle with NV scope, silencer and extended magazine, silenced sniper rifle.
Equipment: scout armor, Chinese stealth armor, faction clothing.
Implants: Agility, Intelligence, Luck.
Partners, companions, satellites: Lily, ED-D, Rex.

Melee Master:
STR: 8; VSP: 5; VNS: 6; CHAR: 4; INT: 7; LOV: 6; LUC: 4.
Skills: Unarmed (90), Melee (90), Stealth (80), Survival (70), Barter (70), Science, Repair, Medicine.
Abilities: Hunter, Intense Training (Strength/Stamina/Agility), Travel Light, Radiation Child, Stout Backbone, Hoarder, Ultimate, Rockwall, Rad Resistance, Travel Far, Force Irresistible, Purity Fighter, Solar Powered, Ninja, Death on takeoff, Quick Strike, Rad Absorption.
Features: Kind soul, Four eyes, Wild Wasteland, Heavy hand.
Armament: power brass knuckles, ballistic fist, spiked brass knuckles, smooth machete, super sledgehammer.
Equipment: goggles, ranger combat armor, reinforced metal armor.
Implants: Endurance, Intelligence, Luck, Agility, Nemean Subdermal Armor, PHOENIX Monocytic Multiplier.
Partners, companions, satellites: Rex, Cass.

Mad Demoman:
STR: 9; VSP: 8; VNS: 8; CHAR: 1; INT: 2; LOV: 5; LUC: 7.
Skills: Explosives (70), Barter (70), Medicine.
Abilities: Swipe, Expert Minesweeper (3), Rogue, Get Down!, Hit Zone, Diamond Skeleton, Light Step, Critical Damage, Friendly Banter, Intense Training (Intelligence).
Features: Unpredictable.
Armament: grenades, 40 mm grenade launcher, multi-shot 40 mm grenade launcher, automatic grenade launcher, Fat Man.
Equipment: normal and reinforced metal armor, ranger combat armor, power armor.
Implants: Perception, Stamina, Intelligence, Nemean Subdermal Armor, PHOENIX Monocytic Multiplier.
Partners, Companions, Companions: Cass, Boone, Arcade Gennon.

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