Nancy Drew Mystery Ranch Shadows Vegetables. "Nancy Drew: Mystery Ranch Shadows"

The buildings 24.09.2019
The buildings

Nancy Drew - the young observationary, manages to find a reason to investigate in each incident. That is, shove your curious nose in all the cracks and pester to those surrounding with the leading issues. And all this - with constant success leads to a tireless Nancy to the rays of the secrets.

Books written by Caroline Keen, reprinted many times in many countries of the world. If you want to search, then they can be found in our bookstores without much difficulty.

This time, Nancy was invited to visit the Edda Rancho and Diana Rowley, Aunt and Uncle Her girlfriends Bess and Jess. In order to relax and nicely spend time. But arriving at the place, Nancy learns that the girlfriends - they flew by another flight - there is still no. Moreover, there are no owners of the ranch ...

System requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 98SE / ME / 2000 / XP Operating System
  • Pentium-II processor 400 MHz
  • 64 MB. random access memory
  • 605 MB of Hard Disk Free
  • 3D video adapter with 16 MB memory
  • 16-bit sound card Compatible with DirectX
  • CD reader

Passage or "How it was in the game ..."

On all previous events of Nancy tells in a letter by housekeeper of the Drew Hanne family, so the long screensaver will not distract us from the investigation. Once in the living room, inspecting as it should. To begin with, come to coffee table And we study the first volume of books from the series "Entertaining horse breeding for teapots." We read carefully - not only that it is interesting, it is also useful in the future.

Then come to the fireplace. We note there that the clock on the fireplace shelf shows the wrong time, and the newspaper is lies in the paper tray (left of the hearth) with an article about a strong heat. Let's notice everything small parts - We are detectives. The most important things Nancy enters into their notebook, where from time to time you can look to refresh the memories.

Then go to the left side of the living room. In the corner there is a triangular chest with a puzzle on the lid. In the chest itself lie some things. Anoreter is still worth a secret, but it is locked. What a pity! To the left of the secreter, by the window, two bookcases are spittered freely. On the shelf right is the second volume of entertaining horse breeding. Carefully read. Turning to the left again, rest in the wall with windows and entrance door. A note hangs on the door, in which we are notified of the still broken porch and asked to use the rear door.

Racing the question of how Nancy managed to get into the house through the front entrance, if the repair is being repaired, and the door is generally closed? But this does not apply to the case ...

On the left there is another bookcase. Among other books find a novel with an autograph of the author, Berth Persell, signed by Diana Rowley. No more interesting on this wall. We return to the initial position.

To the right of the fireplace, on the wall, the portrait of Francis Hamber hangs. Even the right is worth the radio, which will be told to us about the terrible heat, sale of livestock and mi-vitamins for animals. We go to the kitchen and the first thing we throw to the refrigerator. We look at the phone of the sheriff - it is automatically entered into the memory of the Nancy mobile phone. We run through the eye the table of measures (it is very useful in the future) and turn to the right. To the left of us are the stove and the oven, on the right - the table with the drawer interesting recipes (diligently rewrote on a piece of paper), right at the rate - in the depths of the kitchen - the man stands back to us. We are trying to communicate, but he asks for starting to contact the owners by phone. Call Rouley and find out that Edda bit the poisonous snake in his hand, so in this moment Diana Karaulit husband in the hospital, where they will stay for some time.

Nancy ask to take the key from David from a secreter, pick up a letter from it and take the addressee. After the conversation with Rowley, we return to a conversation with Sam by the Turmond - local cook. He tells us about the ghost of a horse, who all the inhabitants of the ranch saw shortly before the accident, and the legend about the owner of this horse (when she was not yet a ghost), Dirka Valentine and the girl named Francis, who used to live in this house. It is her portrait hanging in the living room. Of course, with such a story Nancy tanned his eyes.

Shahov with Sam, go to the courtyard. Wrap up to the door and study the thermometer - hot. We go to a man standing next to the chicken coop. This is David. We talk with him about life, we get the key from the secret. David clearly dislike our presence on the ranch.

We go to the gate, decorated with a skull - this is a stable. Left - stall, right - amousnik and fodder in one bottle. Inside, we will find a few saddles, break, stalls with food, posters and taking toss. A very severe man, I must say. He tells us the rules of behavior with a horse and does not allow riding without passing an oral exam (I will immediately say that any puncture leads to the expulsion of Nancy with the ranch) on the knowledge of the subject. But before the exam, we need to get the crib (player) and the Flag (Nancy) - it should be asked by Sam. But before returning to the house, we take from the right bottom corner of the saddle (on the Horse Hick Holder: Bob), and with a bedside table. We go into the stall, come to Bob, our horse. Saddle, tighten the feed. Training was successful. Remove the saddle and go hang it into place. We raise the letter and read - this greeting card Tacks from his sister. The corresponding mark appears in the notebook.

While we go to the side of the house, we overtake us from Bess and Jess, who are stuck at the airport because of the breakdown of the aircraft (they will not get to the final titles to the ranch). Discusing with them all events on the ranch, having transferred the local legend about the robber, his beloved and the ghost of the horse, and also putting the working version, reaching the living room. We open the secret with the key and begin to rummage in the shops. I am removing a bipp on the chest, a desired letter for Mary, a note with threats from the sister of tack. From the left top compartment, we take three strange pieces of iron. Insert them into the lid of the triangular chest. Came up. Now we will look for cipher, but it will still have time.

For a couple of minutes we return to the stable to interrogate the tack about the note of his sister. Do not be shy to tear off a person from work and bring to white crown, and after a few such interrogations he will tell everything. So, if you believe the words of Tack, he communicates infrequently with her sister, and if he had been on the spot Rowley, he would have fired her due to a scandalous nature. Diligently outreach and go to the flap at Sam.

A spelling cook with joy loaded Nancy-Cinderella tasks. To begin with, I demanded to bring him fresh vegetables from the beds, and then fill the water bucket and prepare everything to breed a fire. I always suspected that the cutting of firewood was a purely female occupation. Sam only approved me in my opinion.

We go to the courtyard, turn around to the door and remove the wicker basket from the wall next to the thermometer (I would say that this is a tray). We go to the Groces and almost at the very fear we select twigs for extracts. After which we tear two clearly ripe tomatoes. Pink cause questions, so for the right answer to the climb through mobile phone to the Internet. I gather everything that you can, go to the hearth and pull out the burnt encryption from the cavity (in words letters are rearranged in places, but you can read it, but it is difficult to understand symbols),

And raise the red bucket from the ground. We go to the Red Building, fill the bucket with water and put in place from where they took. We approach the door to the house - the left on the ground is still drying. We take. We return to Sam, and together with the task, get eggs from the chicken coop, we get "not very reliable" a basket. Go to the chicken coop. But in order to gather and safely convey the eggs to the kitchen, we need to fix the basket. Follow the instructions and focus on the drawing, it should be the same along the entire length of the basket. Correctly set straw emit a characteristic sound. After everything is folded, we take a red thread and fasten all the rods in three places. We collect eggs in all cells (read the inscription on a large poster and do not touch the white chicken - it is mental!). The first egg is broken in the basket, but it will not affect the task, do not worry.

We leave the chickentechik and select drywalk at the wheels of the trolley. We return to Sam - he says that there are still eggs there. Go again to the chicken coop and, without going inside, pick up dry branches to the right of the building. This time the white chicken left, so boldly take her egg. After that, Sam is badly releasing to us a flask, although we have not yet proceeded to the arrangement of the fire. Well, okay. Anyway, we will deal with the bone. We have dry, we brought water. Now you should extort firewood. But for a start, we will take a couple of newspapers from the fireplace. The header of the second is very notable: robbers of the bank were noticed in the district, who killed a hundred thousand dollars in Denver. Clothes, machine and green glasses served as signs for identification. We remember. We take this newspaper for extras. We go to prick of lamps. Entertainment guarantee.

The sequence of actions is this: put a clip, stick the batter down, choose an angle of impact and your own location relative to all this disgrace, then beat a sledgehammer on the okuhu. And so - three times. Heartburning spectacle. But in fact, everything is very simple.

We take firewood and go to the Red Shed. If you get up a little bit away from it, you can see dry branches that are broken between the bush and the right wall (you have to look very closely to see). We take with you. We approach the hearth and lay the crumpled newspapers, branches and firewood. I hear praise from Sam. Now with a clean conscience, go to examine. To begin with, we look at the structure of the structure of the horse and her hooves (this poster hangs on the wall in front of the Tax). Redraw the name, useful. We take the saddle and talking to the Tax. We go to Bob, saddle, pull up a feed, take a reason. Sit down in the saddle. And here the TEX appears with his questions (questions and answers are attached below, so rewrite on the piece of paper and use on health).

Question. Where is the riquue joint? Answer. On the rear legs. Question. Where does the horse have an arrow? Answer. On the bottom side of the hoof. Question. How many feet in fifteen palms? Answer. Five feet. Question. What horse is the Tennes Walking? Answer. Horse. Question. How can I recognize a colic from a horse? Answer. She constantly falls to the ground, it gets up. Question. What is the difference between the healing and red-haired suit? Answer. At the gloa black tail, mane and legs. Question. What kind of Indian tribe began to breed the appaluzu? Answer. Ne-Persian. Question. Which horse is amazed by Laminit? Answer. Legs. Question. What should I always check before sitting on a saddled horse? Answer. Lead. Question. Who is so mule? Answer. The hybrid derived from the mare and donkey.

UV-F-F, coped. We are allowed to ride yourself, but it is forbidden to let Bob gallop. And Thank you. We approach the gate and choose the Mary shop on the map. We go inside and inspect. Old photos, texts about petroglyphs of the indigenous inhabitants of America, with the image of these drawings ... Old chest with engraving Eh and ah and three square holes - exactly like on a chest cover with a ranch - stands at the wall.

The table lies a booklet dedicated to Arizonian fossils. The automatic with the game "Run to the shelter", the table with the books Berta Persell - it was she who signed the book Diana. It turns out that Berta is a recognized expert on the history of the Arizona of the nineteenth century. And this summer she will visit local attractions. And here is her phone. Curious ... different arrow tips hang in the frame on the wall. Turn to the counter. On the left stands a photo of the lady riding on a beautiful horse. The horse rose on the piles ...

Everyone studied, you can proceed to interrogation of the hostess of the institution. Talking with Mary about everything, we return to the game. Pressing the arrows on the screen, help the cuckoo to whisk in a mink before the coitot will get the opportunity to record it in his lunch menu. The moves are made on one cage, in turn. If you went to a dead end, click on the "reset". The main thing in the game is to "hang out" the cuckoo on the tail. In the award, Nancy will receive an old coin the advantage of a century and a half with the inscription "Dry Creek".

We ask Mary about the prize, but she does not know what these coins were used in the nineteenth century. We approach the chest and carefully inspect it. Mary allows us to take something from the content, if we can open the chest. We did not pull her for language.

We go outside and call first Bass and Jess, and then Rowley. And we bring the certificate about the land that Mary wants to buy, about a ghost horse, about Francis Hamber and about a poisonous snake. We learn a lot of interesting things. The triangular chest earlier belonged to Francis's father. And his initials were M.H. So, the chest in the shop Mary also could belong to him. AK And E.h., apparently, his mother and father, once on the chest depicted a wedding motive ...

Once again, we look at the advertising poster Berta Persell, we go out on the street and call the famous writer. E.H. - This is Eldridge Hamber, and A. - Abigail. And this is really their wedding chest, and he belonged to grandfather and grandmother Francis father's line. The date of their wedding is the code: September 4, 1811. We return to the chest, insert three keys and set them on 4, 9 and 11 hours as if there were hour shooters. From the chest take the vintage clock. Returning to the ranch with a highly raised head.

We dissect Bob, we take the saddle in place. We replace tacks and go chatted with friendly Sam about Mary Yangsson and her strong desire to buy a plot of land at Rowley. After that, we go to open the triangular chest. We look at the color of the birds, go to the broken clock on the fireplace shelf and note that the red bird is 12 hours, blue - 2, and yellow - 7. Further act in the same way as before it is in the store.

Eureka! Inside, we find an envelope addressed Francis. Inside the envelope, we find a letter from its lover Dirk Valentine with a secret message and numbers: 9, 12, 15, 22, 5, 25, 15, 21. What it means is unknown. The second sheet in the envelope was a strange card with letters and pictures. Put aside.

We look in the chest. Antique clock with initials M.Kh. On the internally side of the lid stopped six minutes fourth. We look at the clock carefully and click on the numbers on the dial in the following sequence: 10, 12, 4, 2, 6, 8. The dial opens, and we see inside the chain from the first chest and a photo of the couple: an elderly man and a young woman.

The third subject in the cache was the diary of Maryla Hamber, Francis's father, former sheriff of this area. We read, learn a lot of new things. Including about colors. Rosa Harrison - Remember. We read on and before us reveals the tragic story of a lonely father, whose daughter is in love with the train robber. Dirk hung, thanks to Meril, and Francis escaped from the house and never let him know about himself. Very sad story. We will investigate.

Promptly remember about the second clock. Give the box with a clock, pull out a chain from the inventory and insert into the clock. Initials F.Kh. Give out the hostess. In this watch, the secret is also hidden. Code 5, 7, 1, 9, 11, 3. In the clock, Francis lies only half the photo - the parts on which dad was depicted, no. On the back written: "Green bottle under ...".

We go to the courtyard. The evening comes with a picnic and songs by the fire. We understand that Sam does not know how to sing, and Tex with David claims that he does not know how to cook. Be that as it may, everyone diverges, and here a ghostly horse appears, swears behind the red barn, in which it immediately breaks the phone. Ranch hips. On this optimistic note the day ends.

Morning begins with a call of a concerned Diana Rouley. We talk about hurricanes and strange incidents. In the background, Ed is trying to declare himself healthy and break out of the hospital. After talking with Rouley, Sherif and Berta Persell, and share the information about Dirka Valentine. At the same time we find out where Francis was hiding from his father. For help in solving the puzzle appeal to Frank and Joe, lover detectives. But their advice did not help. We draw conclusions and go to the kitchen: Sam went somewhere. Taking advantage of the opportunity given in the table to the right of the stove. We find a geological map - Why could she need a cook? Suspiciously. Unfortunately, Sam caught us at the crime scene. In the rustling of repentance, asking for forgiveness and offer your help. Sam asks to bring him ripe vegetables from the garden. We take a basket, go to tomatoes and type the number of GDS - it was there that Sam bought a map. Interestingly interesting ... Tikhonya cook is interested in the treasures of Dirk Valentine. And working in the house where the beloved beloved robber lived. Very suspicious ... We collect vegetables, using tips from the telephone Internet.

You will be mistaken and bring the cook not that - he will complain about you to the owners, and Nancy will go on stage a suitcase-house. That's when the "second chance" is useful - the ability to return to the game before making an error. Rove all the beans from the left bed, you will not be mistaken. She has already matured. After harvesting, we again have to go to the chicken coop - not a touch white chicken!

We bring eggs into the kitchen, but Sam reappears us about the service - today the tack has a birthday, and if the cake is Sam, the birthday girl does not touch him. The glaze is ready, but the cake itself is behind us. By time Sam does not limit us. Take him a flask with water and go to read the recipe of the cake "Ranchha Shadows". As interesting, this recipe wrote Francis. Top of baking is decorated with marzipan flower. And then the flower ... Well, write down (there are a few measures that Nancy will be used).

  • 1 cup of cream oil - 2 packs
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 2/3 cup of milk - 5 buckets
  • 4 cups flour - 2 pints
  • 1 tablespoon bundle - 3 teaspoons
  • 2 1/3 cup of sugar - 7 buckets
  • 3 teaspoons vanilla

Bake in medium form 45 minutes when average temperature. We try korzh and decorate sugar icing. After that, we collect the marzipan flower Francis from pieces, focusing on the contours of the flower at the top of the cake. As a result, we turned out a flower called Tulip. Using the food dye of two colors, paint the stem with leaves and flower itself.

After we deftly baked and decorated the cake, you can continue to investigate. The entrance to the Red Building is closed by order of the sheriff. I call Fernandez and get permission to enter and inspect damage. The pipe really rusted himself, as Sam said. On Earth, the tip from the arrows is a little left of the pipe. And under the lower shelf of the rack, it turned out to be something interesting. The grill all this time hid an entrance to a secret move. We pass to the end, get out in the basement at home and stumble upon David. The tilting situation ... Pass a secret treasure detector and find out that his grandmother was a cousin Francis Hamber, and the heiress of its entire state. At least he is not a criminal. But David had the second half of the photo from the clock. On the back written: "The stairs to the basement". We look at the letter Francis cousin - in the upper right corner we see another flower - Lily. Now we know the mystery of Dave and give a promise to inspire him and repair the cage for chickens. After sincere conversation, David left, and we stayed alone with the basement. It is better for us.

Watch out. The rack is a bottle with an acid. Shelf below - embroidered wallet. We take into hand and carefully study. It seems that there is a lack of some flower. We go to LAZ again, we go down on one step, we turn around and study it as it should. Under it - a puzzle similar to the stains. Chip with initials F.Kh. It is necessary to move to one cage to the right. Under it and there is a green bottle. Inside, we find a ditch letter. Encrypted. All that can be taken out: Shawl Francis, embroidered wallet, knitting book, meeting on Friday in large stones. Mystery ...

Under it another letter. About four packs of crackers, stone agate and a meeting on Tuesday at the cactus. And here is the third letter. About the cake and flower on Francis letters, and a meeting on Thursday on Charlie's grave. We leave through a secret door (outside it is disguised as a bookcase) and go to look at Shal Francis in the portrait. Cheerful pattern. We admire, but we understand little. Let's get mobile and produce a search by browser. We read about agadas and about knitting on the needles. Another flower will be a chamomile. Hour from the hour is not easier.

Call your girlfriends and conduct an emergency meeting. We give Bass and Jass party task Find in their thick book on the 19th century, data about the manufacturer of a sewed beads wallet. Call Berta Persell and learn about the coin won at one and a half cent. Then call Diana Rouley and bring certificates about the sister of tack. We go to ask for a harsh horse horse. But this hater of urban ladies must first feed the chickens and horses. Already in a hurry, in a hurry.

Let's go to gardens with grain, open the extreme right - this is a mixture for chickens. We embarrass the two buckets in the yellow bucket on the scales, refuse to empty it and go feed chickens. We raise the lid, pour the grain, close the lid. Let the TEX burst from anger! Now proceed to the difficult stage - the horses also want to eat.

Bob diet: 2 oats measures (the leftmost box), 1 measure of corn (second on the left box), 1.5 stern mixture measures (third, corner box). Weigh. 4.5 kilograms - all strictly in books!

Clyde's diet: 3 oats, 1.5 mixtures. But it does not reach up to 4.5 kilograms, so add one more measure of corn.

The diet for the ace: 1 measure of oats, single corn (actually you have to take 2 corn measures), 3 stern mixture measures (in fact, you need to take the size of the mixture).

Feed the last horse, put a bucket in place and go to praise the harsh bar. But the uncle of something struggled and decided to give us to practice in a lasso throw and jump for a while. And the TEX himself will take the exam. As always. But we can go to Bob on your affairs. After we give the exam :).

Saddle Bob, tighten the feed, take into the pen. There are already standing carefully prepared by the TEX barrels in the number of three pieces and leaning towards the barbell. Lasso hangs nearby. First approach it - it is easier. We take, we are spinning, and when the rope forms the perfect circle, throwing five gets out of five, and we halfway to success.

With jumps harder. It is necessary to meet ten seconds, not taped a single barrel. The mouse click spoys a horse. Each error is plus five seconds to the final time, so one error is enough enough to fill up. The path of passage can be viewed on the wall in the stall. The first barrel bypass on the right, and the second and third - on the left,

After that, stop next to the TEX. We are gaining short patience and proceed. One click almost at the barrel is enough. Passed! Tack dropped the jaw. It serves him right! We take our Lasso.

We are going to dry stream. We come to the closest home from us to the right. Symbols are cut out on the veranda: the mirror inverted "in" and the capital "d". Dirk Valentine? Go to jail. Cameras are closed, we have no key. Like the city. On one of the bandages we find the letter, the title "P". We are deployed 180 degrees and go to the barrel - next to her on the ground is the arrow tip. The next pair of houses - the mail has another digestion with letters. It looks like the title "y" and "a". On the opposite side Streets worth shopping "Cappie". Whole, clean. On the door hangs a Novekhonky lock - a chain with a code. Sealed by order of the sheriff. It is useless to call, since the signal in the mountains is not caught.

We go back and turn to the boardwave toilet. In the sand, something lies, but when trying to raise the subject, the displeasing scorpion crashes on us. And he is clearly not in the mood. Shamefully retreat and return to the ranch of the shadows ... to drive past the excommunication Mary Yangson and Tack. Interesting alignment. Under interrogation, the TECS has denied everything. Visiting Mary. But before entering the store, call the Sherif Fernandez and learn the castle code: 9274. We are going to talk with Indiana, and cunning forcing it to admit that they have a novel with Tax. At the same time we learn about the reason why Mary so want to buy part of the land at Rowley.

We go out on the street and call Berta Persell to learn about the dry stream. It turns out that CEPP was at one time in the town of someone like the mayor. But it did not prevent him from keeping his tavern with the most real piano. It's time to go back in a dry stream. This time, Scorpio is not crawled to greet us, so that we calmly raised from the ground near the toilet the next tip of the spear.

We approach the CEPP institution, type 9274 on the castle and go inside. Sleeping bag in the corner, thermos, water in plastic bottle and toothpaste obviously do not belong to the objects of the nineteenth century. Here it is definitely someone lives. We approach the gaming machine and throw our coin into the slot. It is necessary to achieve the emergence of the four most revealed villains. A total of two attempts for each coin. The villains dropped out after the first attempt should be fixed with the buttons. If nothing happened, another coin can be won in the Mary machine. In case of winning here, you will receive two one-time coins.

We continue to be inspected. On the table lie books. Upper - guide for electricians (literature, too, somehow does not fit into the concept of the nineteenth century). The book is covered with a layer of dust. On the bar rack there is a bank from under the crackers, but the name is impossible to read. We return to the shop Mary, ask the owner about the treasures of Dirk Valentine. On the street, call Sherif Fernandez and tell me that there is someone in a dry stream. We return to the ranch, interrogate employees. Sam denies the presence of treasures (like Mary), TEX denies Mary's visit to EDDA Earth and Diana (as Mary itself denies it). One David denies nothing, but trying to figure out if Nancy has a young man. Hee hee.

We are going to Anasazi's gorge (Anashazi - an ancient Indian tribe that inhabited part of Arizona). We go, carefully look at the rock paintings - they immediately appear on the map left by Valentine Francis. From the ground in different places gorge raise three tips for arrows.

In the right side of the gorge (to the right of the ladder), we take Lasso and bow my head upstairs. We see the sticking log.

We cling, we climb upstairs. On the way, we look at all petroglyphs, we select a spear tip at the top and collect five more petroglyphs into our piggy bank.

We go down the rope down, we move away and look at the rocks. Give your drawing and begin to expose to the places the collected petroglyphs as they are cut on the rocks. As a result, at the bottom will appear "write dads name under the piano keys". We are going to the Mary shop, call Berta Persell and find out about Jonathan Valentine, Father Dirk, and also ask the writer to find out the full name of crackers in tin jar. We check the mail and find a letter from the girlfriends about the embroidery beads. Now we know that the flower was embroidered on the wallet and how to restore it. But for this we need beads. We go to Mary and ask beads. While she is looking for a box, we must place a showcase, and decompose the rings in size and color of stones. It is very simple and does not take much time.

We finish sorting and return to Mary. We take beads. Once again, we look at everything in the store. Next to the booklet is sleeping with a pink tree, and on the table to the right of the rings lies a set of tapes with the initials of Francis Hamber on a bag. We speak again with Mary about the tree. If necessary, reserves with coins at one and a half cent for saving the cuckoo from the honest. We return to the dry stream, go to the capping restaurant, come to the piano and open the puzzle under the keys. The code is the name of the Father Dirk: Jonathan. We start with the penultimate letter. Click on it until I see "a". Go to the sixth letter - we are interested in "T", we click on the last one - "N", then the third - "O" (the second letter will be exposed at all), the fifth - "A", and the first - "d". It will only remain to restore the fourth - "n", and the cache will open.

We take a note: "At the entrance to the sheriff, you need to find what you can start. The handle and plug add. In places, it is possible. And you can search on to behave." The forks are, apparently, the tottones from the Mary shop. Handles we still do not. Will seek...

We reach the toilet and see that on the left (the right side of the store's porch) is something blushing. We approach closer ... Here it is, the desired handle lies near the manual mill.

We approach the porch of the prison, raise the flooring under the initials of Dirk Valentine (inverted "in" and "d"). We find some mechanical device. Again, we hurry to Mary to ask for tunes, taking the device with you. Not entering the store, we look at the Internet about the crackers - they were called "sunflower". Here is another flower in our piggy bank. Now I will repair the wallet. Using the letter of Jass and Bass as a hint, we ride the beads on the thread in the following sequence: yellow, four times alternate black bispers with black beads with red corners; Red, white, red, red with pink corners - repeat four times. As a result, it will be something resembling Mac. We ask Mary Tamertons for a while, but she can give them to Nancy trembled, if we bring her ten tips for arrows. We will fold the tips in a special box. While we have only six pieces. But we have not yet drove in the town called a wild trail. Jump there.

Seventh tip We select to the right of the path, opposite Bob. We make a step forward - to the left of the path raise the eighth tip. The next step will lead us to Charlie's grave. Under the striped stone opposite the grave, the snake hits, it is better not to surprise. We go further along the path - raise the ninth tip. We reach the skull - the tenth tip lies in the dust on the other side of the road. We return to Mary and give the box to her. But it turns out that one tip is superfluous, and we get it back. At the same time taking the tunes. It's time to solve another puzzle.

We go to the dry stream, go to the CEpp and put the box on the bar counter, to the right of the cans of crackers.

Insert the handle, armed with aktonami and begin to act. The letters are engraved on the camera, as well as on the casket lid. We put in the grooves of the Coverton covers so that Francis is the name, turn the handle. The sound of beating glass is heard - a wall lamp crashed. Inside there was another note from Dirog: "In the magnet found under a striped stone helps to cope with the locks."

We return to the ranch, dissection Bob. Comes evening. We return to the amubichnoe and take gloves from the saddle. We have work on the repair of a chicken coop. We will replace the right wall of the chicken coop. We take gloves from inventory and click on the pliers. Lovers to collect puzzles task will take pleasure. Immediately at the end of the work, Nancy will notice that its gloves are glowing in the dark.

And the ghostly horse will immediately appear as a harbinger of misfortune - the wire will fly off the pillar and the ranch will plunge into darkness.

The next morning begins with a call of Bass and Jass with good news: they will finally fly to Ranch. Someday. We say goodbye and go to extract a magnet from the refrigerator. After a couple of moments, the red apple magnet turns out in the pocket of Nancy. We agree to your head to help Sam to collect once again vegetables and eggs ... we go to the courtyard and bump into a strange horseshoe. We go to show it tacks. It determines that the stone in the horseshoe is clearly from the abandoned city.

Quickly collect vegetables for Sam (we break everything except the variety " Ivory") And the eggs, ask the flask with water and go to the tack of permission to ride. The harsh man decided to complicate our life and disassembled the bridle of Bob. Until we collect, you will not go to ride. We will not go on the bridle hanging on the left of the door (it will be better to redraw on a piece of paper If you are not a horse and you can not collect breaks with closed eyes). Give the contents of the bank and proceed.

After everything successfully happened, we ask the tack again to allow us to ride and go to seek adventure into an abandoned city. Go to the tavern. The books disappeared, things in the corner - too. We play in the machine - if anyone did not do this for the first time - we collect the four bandits, we get two coins. We go to look at the box in the corner, we see the key lying on it. When you try to raise it, we get a heavy item on your head and immediately disconnect.

We come to myself on the Narahs in the Valentine Ding Chamber behind the locked door. Not bad. To the right of the sink we see crossed sticks. But we will be able to deal with them later. Deploy 180 degrees and pick up bricks from the floor. We will have artistic violation of bricks in the key. So, the disposition is this: the key hangs on the nail to the right of us. Slightly on the side is lying chair. Purpose: get the key.

We are promoting Lasso (do not ask me how to do it, sitting in the room in cramped conditions - I am not a cowboy), we throw on the back of the chair, put a chair in a vertical position. Bricks are knocked down the key with a nail, exhibiting the power and height of the throw. After the key turns out to be on a chair, we again put on the back of the lasso and rush the chair. The key falls on the floor in our side and turns out to be in the hands of Nancy. Now calmly engage in inscriptions on the wall. The code is simple, one shorter is equal to one letter of the alphabet. That is, four vertical and one oblique - the fifth in the account of the letter, that is, "d". Armed with alphabet and consider. The letter I write under chopsticks. We get "under the lamp of the bank." Open the camera lock, go out and stumble on the paper - the key to decrypt the block of paper from the hearth. Now we can read what is written there. From the note it becomes clear that the criminals have an accomplice in the house, as we assumed. Well, to be right is still nice.

Come to the jar, peering in bricks on the right corner and pull out a note from the cache: " different methods Play one game. I know them and you will help you. The ring that you have and Ellie, put into the machine, which is in the Cappie Bar. "We need a ring.

We return to the ranch, dissection Bob, take the saddle in place and go to communicate with Dave. We ask O. young man Ring of his grandmother for a while and tell about the incident in a dry stream. Before you return to the establishment of CEpp, I call Sherif and repeat our story. Civic duty is completed, now you can go.

We approach the gaming machine, we save the game, insert the David's grandmother ring in a red oval on the machine and get the task to collect the most good four characters. Be prepared to load several times. This time, as a prize, we will get the key. In anticipation of the relative attendant of the mystery of the mystery to the wild trail. We reach the striped stone, with significant effort moving it away and stumble upon the puzzle.

In the center of the labyrinth there are four multi-colored circles, in the corners - four chips with elements: iron (Fe), silicon (Si), copper (CU) and manganese (Mn). The magnet should be dragged every chip along the labyrinth, which is still closed on top of six straps, to the corresponding circle: iron - to orange, silicon - to gray, copper - to blue-green, manganese - to pinkish-purple.

As I have already mentioned, six slats are britched on top of the labyrinth, so most The time will have to act a tight - the labyrinth grooves are narrow, the chips will be lost frequently. Focus on sound, it's easier.

When all chips are in place, the cache opens. Inside will be a box. To open it, you will have to get a head again.

Davim in the picture in the middle, so that the yellow rose appears. On the left, set the sunflower (flower with crackers), right - Lily (flower with Francis letters). At the top of clicking before the appearance of poppy (like on a wallet), at the bottom of us you are interested in chamomile and tulip. The box opens. Inside, we find a note and another locked department. We read a note and open the ballerina the key. Atree is another hint. It is connected with petroglyphs in Anasazi gorge. Guess the riddles easier, being in place. We are going to the gorge.

According to the condition, we got a handwritten Latin V - Valentine. And we just have such a Petrogram on the map - V, wound right. Throw Lasso, we climb on the rock, move the stone with a petroglyph to the side. Under it, another note and white oval pebble were discovered in Niche.

"The grave of Charlie raise him up. Turn the way and you will find a way to the treasure. Go there. Yes, and I'm not talking about Tom Charlie, what is buried in a dry stream."

Why are all the notes with actions written by white (and not quite white) verse, and the attitudes about Charlie - prose? Apparently, this part should not take into account - this is a distracting maneuver for strangers. We take pebbles with you - it is very scratched - and we are going to Mary's shop to polish Kreagun. For a few minutes, and in our hands a landscape agate depicting two trees in the form of the letter V. Without believing a dirk, we return to the famous grave of Charlie, turn 180 degrees and immediately see a tree from our agate. It turned out that this place is pretty far away, so we are riding.

The road is alone, it is impossible to get lost. Raise your head upstairs, we see the sticking log, throwing Lasso, climb. Dirk hid his treasures in an ancient dwelling Anashai, cut down in stone. Awesome. We go ahead along the winding corridor and see the next encrypted message on the wall. As written in the key, the letters in words are rearranged by places, and the squares with vertical dashes denote colors. We look closely, and they write on the piece of paper, in which sequence to go. After that, we go on the road. Colors indicate the door you need. Do not forget to pick up on the way from VAZ five keys!

Brown (chocolate), green (kiwi) - in the corner there is a jug with a key inside, yellow - pass forward and take the key from the vase under the opening "Orange" door, red - staircase upstairs and key in a jug on a piece of wall, blue - staircase down , orange (orange), green, yellow - staircase, brown, blue, green, orange, blue, brown - another vase with key inside, green, orange, red, blue, yellow, green, blue - vase with key under The opening of the "red" door next to the covered rug of the hole, green, brown - the staircase is up, yellow - the door.

"Yellow" door is closed on a castle with five keys that we found in vases on the way here.

Open the castle (strange, no puzzles), go inside. The room is painted with hearts and, it can be said romantic decorated. In the right corner there is a small chest made by golden hearts. This is the treasure of Dirk Valentine.

Close the chest and come out of the door to see Sam's labyrinth going down. It is started in spatial speech with explanations of what is happening. We run down as soon as he finishes rant, descend on the "brown" staircase and fall into the hall. We change the stone over the red door (where they took the last key from the vase) with a stone over the green door. After that, from a safe place, we see how the criminal falls into the pit. All this goes into the final video, in which everything ends well: Dave gets treasure, Rouley continues to engage in Rancho, Mary and Tax officially begin to meet, the horse is no longer maging with luminous cream, and the frog travelers finally got to Rancho. And Nancy Drew, on the nicknamed iron pants, goes to England to investigate the damper of Blackmore's estate.

Do not want to join? ;).

... and how it was in the book "

I don't want to disclose all the secrets of the book - it is worth reading it. But without a book, some moments of the game will be incomprehensible. First, the newspaper headlines completely misunderstood about the robberies of the bank substituted in the district. In the book there is not only the treasure of Dirk Valentine, but also robbers. Sam was one of this gang. Secondly, the moment with the question of Dave about the young man Nancy is displayed in detail in the book and has a direct attitude to the investigation.

Third, Tex met not from Mary, but ...

However, I will not tell anything else. Read yourself, the book is shorter than this game. But she is no less interesting.

Conclusion and evaluation

What can I say? Rarely when you have to face with really an interesting game. So interesting that after its completion was pleased with the book. The "mystery of the ranch of the shadows" was passed for a little less than two days with a break for sleep and food. It is impossible to tear off. A few moments even after reading the book remained incomprehensible, well, yes, well ...

And if you consider how many materials on the Internet had to go to quickly answer the questions of the tack, and not to leave the location and again go to the house read "Entertaining horse breeding" in two volumes, then the benefit from the game becomes clear - I can now describe from summer Differences of the masters or the structure of the hoof, as well as to tell the history of the appeal. So in any case, the game is worth a candle, despite the fact that the chief criminal was calculated in the first third of the game. I look forward to the rest of the units about Nancy Iron pants and her girlfriends.

And a little bit technical information Finally. In the game you can choose two levels of difficulty. I played low. If you choose a more complex passage, forget about the help of Bass with Jess and Joe with Frank, although the latter and so did not help much. Well, the puzzles, of course, will become more difficult.

And otherwise, an excellent game and a great gift for a teenage girl. I do not know if the boy wants to play for the girl :).

Estimates will be as follows:

  • Graphics: 80%
  • Sound: 80%
  • Game process: 90%
  • Overall impression: 83%

Publisher in Russia and CIS countries: "New Disk"
Russian-speaking site Nancy Drew:

Nancy Drew - the young observationary, manages to find a reason to investigate in each incident. That is, shove your curious nose in all the cracks and pester to those surrounding with the leading issues. And all this - with constant success leads to a tireless Nancy to the rays of the secrets.
Books written by Caroline Keen, reprinted many times in many countries of the world. If you want to search, then they can be found in our bookstores without much difficulty.

This time, Nancy was invited to visit the Edda Rancho and Diana Rowley, Aunt and Uncle Her girlfriends Bess and Jess. In order to relax and nicely spend time. But arriving at the place, Nancy learns that the girlfriends - they flew by another flight - there is still no. Moreover, there are no owners of the ranch ...

System requirements

Microsoft Windows 98SE / ME / 2000 / XP Operating System
Pentium-II processor 400 MHz
605 MB of Hard Disk Free
3D video adapter with 16 MB memory
16-bit sound card compatible with DirectX
CD reader

It is strongly recommended to complete all other Windows programs before starting the game.

Passage or "How it was in the game ..."

On all previous events of Nancy tells in a letter by housekeeper of the Drew Hanne family, so the long screensaver will not distract us from the investigation. Once in the living room, inspecting as it should. To begin with, we approach the journal table and study the first volume of the book from the "Entertaining horse breaker" series. We read carefully - not only that it is interesting, it is also useful in the future.

Then come to the fireplace. We note there that the clock on the fireplace shelf shows the wrong time, and the newspaper is lies in the paper tray (left of the hearth) with an article about a strong heat. Let's notice all the minor details - we are detectives. The most important things Nancy enters into their notebook, where from time to time you can look to refresh the memories.

Then go to the left side of the living room. In the corner there is a triangular chest with a puzzle on the lid. In the chest itself lie some things. Anoreter is still worth a secret, but it is locked. What a pity! To the left of the secreter, by the window, two bookcases are spittered freely. On the shelf right is the second volume of entertaining horse breeding. Carefully read. Turning to the left again, we rest in the wall with windows and the entrance door. A note hangs on the door, in which we are notified of the still broken porch and asked to use the rear door.

Racing the question of how Nancy managed to get into the house through the front entrance, if the repair is being repaired, and the door is generally closed? But this does not apply to the case ...

On the left there is another bookcase. Among other books find a novel with an autograph of the author, Berth Persell, signed by Diana Rowley. No more interesting on this wall. We return to the initial position.

To the right of the fireplace, on the wall, the portrait of Francis Hamber hangs. Even the right is worth the radio, which will be told to us about the terrible heat, sale of livestock and mi-vitamins for animals. We go to the kitchen and the first thing we throw to the refrigerator. We look at the phone of the sheriff - it is automatically entered into the memory of the Nancy mobile phone. We run through the eye the table of measures (it is very useful in the future) and turn to the right. To the left of us is the stove and the oven, right - the table with the box of interesting recipes (diligently rewrote on a piece of paper), right at the rate - in the depths of the kitchen - the man stands back to us. We are trying to communicate, but he asks for starting to contact the owners by phone. Rowley call and find out that Edda bit the poisonous snake in his hand, so at the moment Diana Karaulit her husband in the hospital, where they will stay for some time.

Nancy ask to take the key from David from a secreter, pick up a letter from it and take the addressee. After the conversation with Rowley, we return to a conversation with Sam by the Turmond - local cook. He tells us about the ghost of a horse, who all the inhabitants of the ranch saw shortly before the accident, and the legend about the owner of this horse (when she was not yet a ghost), Dirka Valentine and the girl named Francis, who used to live in this house. It is her portrait hanging in the living room. Of course, with such a story Nancy tanned his eyes.

Shahov with Sam, go to the courtyard. Wrap up to the door and study the thermometer - hot. We go to a man standing next to the chicken coop. This is David. We talk with him about life, we get the key from the secret. David clearly dislike our presence on the ranch.

We go to the gate, decorated with a skull - this is a stable. Left - stall, right - amousnik and fodder in one bottle. Inside, we will find a few saddles, break, stalls with food, posters and taking toss. A very severe man, I must say. He tells us the rules of behavior with a horse and does not allow riding without passing an oral exam (I will immediately say that any puncture leads to the expulsion of Nancy with the ranch) on the knowledge of the subject. But before the exam, we need to get the crib (player) and the Flag (Nancy) - it should be asked by Sam. But before returning to the house, we take from the right bottom corner of the saddle (on the Horse Hick Holder: Bob), and with a bedside table. We go into the stall, come to Bob, our horse. Saddle, tighten the feed. Training was successful. Remove the saddle and go hang it into place. We raise the supposed letter and read - this is a tacks greeting card from his sister. The corresponding mark appears in the notebook.

While we go to the side of the house, we overtake us from Bess and Jess, who are stuck at the airport because of the breakdown of the aircraft (they will not get to the final titles to the ranch). Discusing with them all events on the ranch, having transferred the local legend about the robber, his beloved and the ghost of the horse, and also putting the working version, reaching the living room. We open the secret with the key and begin to rummage in the shops. I am removing a bipp on the chest, a desired letter for Mary, a note with threats from the sister of tack. From the left top compartment, we take three strange pieces of iron. Insert them into the lid of the triangular chest. Came up. Now we will look for cipher, but it will still have time.

For a couple of minutes we return to the stable to interrogate the tack about the note of his sister. Do not be shy to tear off a person from work and bring to white crown, and after a few such interrogations he will tell everything. So, if you believe the words of Tack, he communicates infrequently with her sister, and if he had been on the spot Rowley, he would have fired her due to a scandalous nature. Diligently outreach and go to the flap at Sam.

A spelling cook with joy loaded Nancy-Cinderella tasks. To begin with, I demanded to bring him fresh vegetables from the beds, and then fill the water bucket and prepare everything to breed a fire. I always suspected that the cutting of firewood was a purely female occupation. Sam only approved me in my opinion.

We go to the courtyard, turn around to the door and remove the wicker basket from the wall next to the thermometer (I would say that this is a tray). We go to the Groces and almost at the very fear we select twigs for extracts. After that, we tear two obviously ripe tomatoes. Pink cause questions, so for the correct answer we climb through a mobile phone on the Internet. I gather everything that you can, go to the hearth and pull out the burnt encryption from the cavity (in words letters are rearranged in places, but you can read it, but it is difficult to understand symbols),

You will be mistaken and bring the cook not that - he will complain about you to the owners, and Nancy will go on stage a suitcase-house. That's when the "second chance" is useful - the ability to return to the game before making an error. Rove all the beans from the left bed, you will not be mistaken. She has already matured. After harvesting, we again have to go to the chicken coop - not a touch white chicken!

We bring eggs into the kitchen, but Sam reappears us about the service - today the tack has a birthday, and if the cake is Sam, the birthday girl does not touch him. The glaze is ready, but the cake itself is behind us. By time Sam does not limit us. Take him a flask with water and go to read the recipe of the cake "Ranchha Shadows". As interesting, this recipe wrote Francis. Top of baking is decorated with marzipan flower. And then the flower ... Well, write down (there are a few measures that Nancy will be used).

1 cup of cream oil - 2 packs
2 eggs
1 2/3 cup of milk - 5 buckets
4 cups flour - 2 pints
1 tablespoon bundle - 3 teaspoons
2 1/3 cup of sugar - 7 buckets
3 teaspoons vanilla

We bake in the middle form 45 minutes at an average temperature. We try korzh and decorate sugar icing. After that, we collect the marzipan flower Francis from pieces, focusing on the contours of the flower at the top of the cake. As a result, we turned out a flower called Tulip. Using the food dye of two colors, paint the stem with leaves and flower itself.

After we deftly baked and decorated the cake, you can continue to investigate. The entrance to the Red Building is closed by order of the sheriff. I call Fernandez and get permission to enter and inspect damage. The pipe really rusted himself, as Sam said. On Earth, the tip from the arrows is a little left of the pipe. And under the lower shelf of the rack, it turned out to be something interesting. The grill all this time hid an entrance to a secret move. We pass to the end, get out in the basement at home and stumble upon David. The tilting situation ... Pass a secret treasure detector and find out that his grandmother was a cousin Francis Hamber, and the heiress of its entire state. At least he is not a criminal. But David had the second half of the photo from the clock. On the back written: "The stairs to the basement". We look at the letter Francis cousin - in the upper right corner we see another flower - Lily. Now we know the mystery of Dave and give a promise to inspire him and repair the cage for chickens. After sincere conversation, David left, and we stayed alone with the basement. It is better for us.

Watch out. The rack is a bottle with an acid. Shelf below - embroidered wallet. We take into hand and carefully study. It seems that there is a lack of some flower. We go to LAZ again, we go down on one step, we turn around and study it as it should. Under it - a puzzle similar to the stains. Chip with initials F.Kh. It is necessary to move to one cage to the right. Under it and there is a green bottle. Inside, we find a ditch letter. Encrypted. All that can be taken out: Shawl Francis, embroidered wallet, knitting book, meeting on Friday in large stones. Mystery ...

Under it another letter. About four packs of crackers, stone agate and a meeting on Tuesday at the cactus. And here is the third letter. About the cake and flower on Francis letters, and a meeting on Thursday on Charlie's grave. We leave through a secret door (outside it is disguised as a bookcase) and go to look at Shal Francis in the portrait. Cheerful pattern. We admire, but we understand little. Let's get mobile and produce a search by browser. We read about agadas and about knitting on the needles. Another flower will be a chamomile. Hour from the hour is not easier.

Call your girlfriends and conduct an emergency meeting. We give Bass and Jass party task Find in their thick book on the 19th century, data about the manufacturer of a sewed beads wallet. Call Berta Persell and learn about the coin won at one and a half cent. Then call Diana Rouley and bring certificates about the sister of tack. We go to ask for a harsh horse horse. But this hater of urban ladies must first feed the chickens and horses. Already in a hurry, in a hurry.

Let's go to gardens with grain, open the extreme right - this is a mixture for chickens. We embarrass the two buckets in the yellow bucket on the scales, refuse to empty it and go feed chickens. We raise the lid, pour the grain, close the lid. Let the TEX burst from anger! Now proceed to the difficult stage - the horses also want to eat.

Bob diet: 2 oats measures (the leftmost box), 1 measure of corn (second on the left box), 1.5 stern mixture measures (third, corner box). Weigh. 4.5 kilograms - all strictly in books!

Clyde's diet: 3 oats, 1.5 mixtures. But it does not reach up to 4.5 kilograms, so add one more measure of corn.

The diet for the ace: 1 measure of oats, single corn (actually you have to take 2 corn measures), 3 stern mixture measures (in fact, you need to take the size of the mixture).

Feed the last horse, put a bucket in place and go to praise the harsh bar. But the uncle of something struggled and decided to give us to practice in a lasso throw and jump for a while. And the TEX himself will take the exam. As always. But we can go to Bob on your affairs. After we give the exam :).

Saddle Bob, tighten the feed, take into the pen. There are already standing carefully prepared by the TEX barrels in the number of three pieces and leaning towards the barbell. Lasso hangs nearby. First approach it - it is easier. We take, we are spinning, and when the rope forms the perfect circle, throwing five gets out of five, and we halfway to success.

With jumps harder. It is necessary to meet ten seconds, not taped a single barrel. The mouse click spoys a horse. Each error is plus five seconds to the final time, so one error is enough enough to fill up. The path of passage can be viewed on the wall in the stall. The first barrel bypass on the right, and the second and third - on the left,

... After that, stop near the Tax. We are gaining short patience and proceed. One click almost at the barrel is enough. Passed! Tack dropped the jaw. It serves him right! We take our Lasso.

We are going to dry stream. We come to the closest home from us to the right. Symbols are cut out on the veranda: the mirror inverted "in" and the capital "d". Dirk Valentine? Go to jail. Cameras are closed, we have no key. Like the city. On one of the bandages we find the letter, the title "P". We are deployed 180 degrees and go to the barrel - next to her on the ground is the arrow tip. The next pair of houses - the mail has another digestion with letters. It looks like the title "y" and "a". On the opposite side of the street there is a shop "CAPPI". Whole, clean. On the door hangs a Novekhonky lock - a chain with a code. Sealed by order of the sheriff. It is useless to call, since the signal in the mountains is not caught.

We go back and turn to the boardwave toilet. In the sand, something lies, but when trying to raise the subject, the displeasing scorpion crashes on us. And he is clearly not in the mood. Shamefully retreat and return to the ranch of the shadows ... to drive past the excommunication Mary Yangson and Tack. Interesting alignment. Under interrogation, the TECS has denied everything. Visiting Mary. But before entering the store, call the Sherif Fernandez and learn the castle code: 9274. We are going to talk with Indiana, and cunning forcing it to admit that they have a novel with Tax. At the same time we learn about the reason why Mary so want to buy part of the land at Rowley.

We go out on the street and call Berta Persell to learn about the dry stream. It turns out that CEPP was at one time in the town of someone like the mayor. But it did not prevent him from keeping his tavern with the most real piano. It's time to go back in a dry stream. This time, Scorpio is not crawled to greet us, so that we calmly raised from the ground near the toilet the next tip of the spear.

We approach the CEPP institution, type 9274 on the castle and go inside. Sleeping bag in the corner, thermos, water in a plastic bottle and toothpaste clearly do not apply to the objects of the nineteenth century. Here it is definitely someone lives. We approach the gaming machine and throw our coin into the slot. It is necessary to achieve the emergence of the four most revealed villains. A total of two attempts for each coin. The villains dropped out after the first attempt should be fixed with the buttons. If nothing happened, another coin can be won in the Mary machine. In case of winning here, you will receive two one-time coins.

We continue to be inspected. On the table lie books. Upper - guide for electricians (literature, too, somehow does not fit into the concept of the nineteenth century). The book is covered with a layer of dust. On the bar rack there is a bank from under the crackers, but the name is impossible to read. We return to the shop Mary, ask the owner about the treasures of Dirk Valentine. On the street, call Sherif Fernandez and tell me that there is someone in a dry stream. We return to the ranch, interrogate employees. Sam denies the presence of treasures (like Mary), TEX denies Mary's visit to EDDA Earth and Diana (as Mary itself denies it). One David denies nothing, but trying to figure out if Nancy has a young man. Hee hee.

We are going to Anasazi's gorge (Anashazi - an ancient Indian tribe that inhabited part of Arizona). We go, carefully look at the rock paintings - they immediately appear on the map left by Valentine Francis. From the ground in different places gorge raise three tips for arrows.
In the right side of the gorge (to the right of the ladder), we take Lasso and bow my head upstairs. We see the sticking log.

We cling, we climb upstairs. On the way, we look at all petroglyphs, we select a spear tip at the top and collect five more petroglyphs into our piggy bank.

We go down the rope down, we move away and look at the rocks. Give your drawing and begin to expose to the places the collected petroglyphs as they are cut on the rocks. As a result, at the bottom will appear "write dads name under the piano keys". We are going to the Mary store, call Berta Persell and find out about Jonathan Valentine, Father Dirk, and also ask the writer to find out the full name of crackers in a tin can. We check the mail and find a letter from the girlfriends about the embroidery beads. Now we know that the flower was embroidered on the wallet and how to restore it. But for this we need beads. We go to Mary and ask beads. While she is looking for a box, we must place a showcase, and decompose the rings in size and color of stones. It is very simple and does not take much time.

We finish sorting and return to Mary. We take beads. Once again, we look at everything in the store. Next to the booklet is sleeping with a pink tree, and on the table to the right of the rings lies a set of tapes with the initials of Francis Hamber on a bag. We speak again with Mary about the tree. If necessary, reserves with coins at one and a half cent for saving the cuckoo from the honest. We return to the dry stream, go to the capping restaurant, come to the piano and open the puzzle under the keys. The code is the name of the Father Dirk: Jonathan. We start with the penultimate letter. Click on it until I see "a". Go to the sixth letter - we are interested in "T", we click on the last one - "N", then the third - "O" (the second letter will be exposed at all), the fifth - "A", and the first - "d". It will only remain to restore the fourth - "n", and the cache will open.

We take a note: "At the entrance to the sheriff, you need to find what you can start. The handle and plug add. In places, it is possible. And you can search on to behave." The forks are, apparently, the tottones from the Mary shop. Handles we still do not. Will seek...

We reach the toilet and see that on the left (the right side of the store's porch) is something blushing. We approach closer ... Here it is, the desired handle lies near the manual mill.

We approach the porch of the prison, raise the flooring under the initials of Dirk Valentine (inverted "in" and "d"). We find some mechanical device. Again, we hurry to Mary to ask for tunes, taking the device with you. Not entering the store, we look at the Internet about the crackers - they were called "sunflower". Here is another flower in our piggy bank. Now I will repair the wallet. Using the letter of Jass and Bass as a hint, we ride the beads on the thread in the following sequence: yellow, four times alternate black bispers with black beads with red corners; Red, white, red, red with pink corners - repeat four times. As a result, it will be something resembling Mac. We ask Mary Tamertons for a while, but she can give them to Nancy trembled, if we bring her ten tips for arrows. We will fold the tips in a special box. While we have only six pieces. But we have not yet drove in the town called a wild trail. Jump there.

Seventh tip We select to the right of the path, opposite Bob. We make a step forward - to the left of the path raise the eighth tip. The next step will lead us to Charlie's grave. Under the striped stone opposite the grave, the snake hits, it is better not to surprise. We go further along the path - raise the ninth tip. We reach the skull - the tenth tip lies in the dust on the other side of the road. We return to Mary and give the box to her. But it turns out that one tip is superfluous, and we get it back. At the same time taking the tunes. It's time to solve another puzzle.

We go to the dry stream, go to the CEpp and put the box on the bar counter, to the right of the cans of crackers.
Insert the handle, armed with aktonami and begin to act. The letters are engraved on the camera, as well as on the casket lid. We put in the grooves of the Coverton covers so that Francis is the name, turn the handle. The sound of beating glass is heard - a wall lamp crashed. Inside there was another note from Dirog: "In the magnet found under a striped stone helps to cope with the locks."

We return to the ranch, dissection Bob. Comes evening. We return to the amubichnoe and take gloves from the saddle. We have work on the repair of a chicken coop. We will replace the right wall of the chicken coop. We take gloves from inventory and click on the pliers. Lovers to collect puzzles task will take pleasure. Immediately at the end of the work, Nancy will notice that its gloves are glowing in the dark.

And the ghostly horse will immediately appear as a harbinger of misfortune - the wire will fly off the pillar and the ranch will plunge into darkness.

The next morning begins with a call of Bass and Jass with good news: they will finally fly to Ranch. Someday. We say goodbye and go to extract a magnet from the refrigerator. After a couple of moments, the red apple magnet turns out in the pocket of Nancy. We agree to your head to help Sam to collect once again vegetables and eggs ... we go to the courtyard and bump into a strange horseshoe. We go to show it tacks. It determines that the stone in the horseshoe is clearly from the abandoned city.

Quickly collect vegetables for Sam (we tear everything except the "ivory" variety) and eggs, we ask the flask with water and go to the tack for the resolution of ride. The harsh man decided to complicate our life and disassembled the bridle of Bob. So far we will not collect, do not go to ride. Weiently focus on the bridle hanging on the left of the door (it will be better to redraw on a piece of paper if you are not a horner and cannot collect breaks with closed eyes). Give the contents of banks and proceed.

After everything successfully happened, we ask the tack again to allow us to ride and go to seek adventure into an abandoned city. Go to the tavern. The books disappeared, things in the corner - too. We play in the machine - if anyone did not do this for the first time - we collect the four bandits, we get two coins. We go to look at the box in the corner, we see the key lying on it. When you try to raise it, we get a heavy item on your head and immediately disconnect.

We come to myself on the Narahs in the Valentine Ding Chamber behind the locked door. Not bad. To the right of the sink we see crossed sticks. But we will be able to deal with them later. Deploy 180 degrees and pick up bricks from the floor. We will have artistic violation of bricks in the key. So, the disposition is this: the key hangs on the nail to the right of us. Slightly on the side is lying chair. Purpose: get the key.

We are promoting Lasso (do not ask me how to do it, sitting in the room in cramped conditions - I am not a cowboy), we throw on the back of the chair, put a chair in a vertical position. Bricks are knocked down the key with a nail, exhibiting the power and height of the throw. After the key turns out to be on a chair, we again put on the back of the lasso and rush the chair. The key falls on the floor in our side and turns out to be in the hands of Nancy. Now calmly engage in inscriptions on the wall. The code is simple, one shorter is equal to one letter of the alphabet. That is, four vertical and one oblique - the fifth in the account of the letter, that is, "d". Armed with alphabet and consider. The letter I write under chopsticks. We get "under the lamp of the bank." Open the camera lock, go out and stumble on the paper - the key to decrypt the block of paper from the hearth. Now we can read what is written there. From the note it becomes clear that the criminals have an accomplice in the house, as we assumed. Well, to be right is still nice.

We approach the bank, peer into bricks on the right corner and pull out a note from the cache: "There are different ways to play in one game. I know them and help you. Ring that you have and Ellie, put into the machine that is worth Cappie Bar. We need a ring.

We return to the ranch, dissection Bob, take the saddle in place and go to communicate with Dave. We ask the young man of his grandmother's ring for a while and tell about the incident in a dry stream. Before you return to the establishment of CEpp, I call Sherif and repeat our story. Civic duty is completed, now you can go.

We approach the gaming machine, we save the game, insert the David's grandmother ring in a red oval on the machine and get the task to collect the most good four characters. Be prepared to load several times. This time, as a prize, we will get the key. In anticipation of the relative attendant of the mystery of the mystery to the wild trail. We reach the striped stone, with significant effort moving it away and stumble upon the puzzle.

In the center of the labyrinth there are four multi-colored circles, in the corners - four chips with elements: iron (Fe), silicon (Si), copper (CU) and manganese (Mn). The magnet should be dragged every chip along the labyrinth, which is still closed on top of six straps, to the corresponding circle: iron - to orange, silicon - to gray, copper - to blue-green, manganese - to pinkish-purple.

As I have already mentioned, six layers are britched on top of the labyrinth, so most of the time you have to act - the labyrinth grain is narrow, the chips will be lost frequently. Focus on sound, it's easier.

When all chips are in place, the cache opens. Inside will be a box. To open it, you will have to get a head again.

Davim in the picture in the middle, so that the yellow rose appears. On the left, set the sunflower (flower with crackers), right - Lily (flower with Francis letters). At the top of clicking before the appearance of poppy (like on a wallet), at the bottom of us you are interested in chamomile and tulip. The box opens. Inside, we find a note and another locked department. We read a note and open the ballerina the key. Atree is another hint. It is connected with petroglyphs in Anasazi gorge. Guess the riddles easier, being in place. We are going to the gorge.

According to the condition, we got a handwritten Latin V - Valentine. And we just have such a Petrogram on the map - V, wound right. Throw Lasso, we climb on the rock, move the stone with a petroglyph to the side. Under it, another note and white oval pebble were discovered in Niche.
"The grave of Charlie raise him up. Turn the way and you will find a way to the treasure. Go there. Yes, and I'm not talking about Tom Charlie, what is buried in a dry stream."

Why are all the notes with actions written by white (and not quite white) verse, and the attitudes about Charlie - prose? Apparently, this part should not take into account - this is a distracting maneuver for strangers. We take pebbles with you - it is very scratched - and we are going to Mary's shop to polish Kreagun. For a few minutes, and in our hands a landscape agate depicting two trees in the form of the letter V. Without believing a dirk, we return to the famous grave of Charlie, turn 180 degrees and immediately see a tree from our agate. It turned out that this place is pretty far away, so we are riding.

The road is alone, it is impossible to get lost. Raise your head upstairs, we see the sticking log, throwing Lasso, climb. Dirk hid his treasures in an ancient dwelling Anashai, cut down in stone. Awesome. We go ahead along the winding corridor and see the next encrypted message on the wall. As written in the key, the letters in words are rearranged by places, and the squares with vertical dashes denote colors. We look closely, and they write on the piece of paper, in which sequence to go. After that, we go on the road. Colors indicate the door you need. Do not forget to pick up on the way from VAZ five keys!

Brown (chocolate), green (kiwi) - in the corner there is a jug with a key inside, yellow - pass forward and take the key from the vase under the opening "Orange" door, red - staircase upstairs and key in a jug on a piece of wall, blue - staircase down , orange (orange), green, yellow - staircase, brown, blue, green, orange, blue, brown - another vase with key inside, green, orange, red, blue, yellow, green, blue - vase with key under The opening of the "red" door next to the covered rug of the hole, green, brown - the staircase is up, yellow - the door.

"Yellow" door is closed on a castle with five keys that we found in vases on the way here.

Open the castle (strange, no puzzles), go inside. The room is painted with hearts and, it can be said romantic decorated. In the right corner there is a small chest made by golden hearts. This is the treasure of Dirk Valentine.

Close the chest and come out of the door to see Sam's labyrinth going down. It is started in spatial speech with explanations of what is happening. We run down as soon as he finishes rant, descend on the "brown" staircase and fall into the hall. We change the stone over the red door (where they took the last key from the vase) with a stone over the green door. After that, from a safe place, we see how the criminal falls into the pit. All this goes into the final video, in which everything ends well: Dave gets treasure, Rouley continues to engage in Rancho, Mary and Tax officially begin to meet, the horse is no longer maging with luminous cream, and the frog travelers finally got to Rancho. And Nancy Drew, on the nicknamed iron pants, goes to England to investigate the damper of Blackmore's estate.

Do not want to join? ;).

"... And as it was in the book"

I don't want to disclose all the secrets of the book - it is worth reading it. But without a book, some moments of the game will be incomprehensible. First, the newspaper headlines completely misunderstood about the robberies of the bank substituted in the district. In the book there is not only the treasure of Dirk Valentine, but also robbers. Sam was one of this gang. Secondly, the moment with the question of Dave about the young man Nancy is displayed in detail in the book and has a direct attitude to the investigation.
Third, Tex met not from Mary, but ...

However, I will not tell anything else. Read yourself, the book is shorter than this game. But she is no less interesting.

Conclusion and evaluation

What can I say? Rarely when you come across a really interesting game. So interesting that after its completion was pleased with the book. The "mystery of the ranch of the shadows" was passed for a little less than two days with a break for sleep and food. It is impossible to tear off. A few moments even after reading the book remained incomprehensible, well, yes, well ...

And if you consider how many materials on the Internet had to go to quickly answer the questions of the tack, and not to leave the location and again go to the house read "Entertaining horse breeding" in two volumes, then the benefit from the game becomes clear - I can now describe from summer Differences of the masters or the structure of the hoof, as well as to tell the history of the appeal. So in any case, the game is worth a candle, despite the fact that the chief criminal was calculated in the first third of the game. I look forward to the rest of the units about Nancy Iron pants and her girlfriends.

Well, just a little technical information in finally. In the game you can choose two levels of difficulty. I played low. If you choose a more complex passage, forget about the help of Bass with Jess and Joe with Frank, although the latter and so did not help much. Well, the puzzles, of course, will become more difficult.

And otherwise, an excellent game and a great gift for a teenage girl. I do not know if the boy wants to play for the girl :).

Estimates will be as follows:

Graphics: 80%
Sound: 80%
Game process: 90%

Overall impression: 83%

Move into the kitchen and come to the refrigerator to remove the magnet from it. Then find Sam and talk to him. Continue the passage of Nancy Drew: the mystery of the ranch of shadows and choose from home, not forgetting to raise the horseshoe, which will be nearby. Then go on vegetable beds and collect those vegetables that grow on the first and second bed. Also go to the chicken coop and attribute the collected food to the cook.

Remove the phone and go online, read necessary information About roses, agats and knitting. Then you can chat with Dave and Tax. After that, collect the bridle that can be taken from the can, which is near the poster. I advise you to do it carefully, so that nothing fell.

You can now go to the souvenir shop and chat with Mary. She will ask you to place a showcase. Start passing this task in the game Nancy Drew: the mystery of the ranch of shadows from the rings to be decomposed in shape. By the way, on the left side there will be a template for which you need to stick. Then put them in color and size. If there are difficulties with the size, then its definition is written under each ring. As soon as some kind of ring turns out to be in your hands, it will immediately turn over and you will see a sign drawn on it.

If you compare a seen symbol with what is written below, then it will be "Om - Moon". That is, this small ring can be inserted first in his color gamut and uniform group. Having attached maximum effort, place the showcase and get beads in the form of remuneration.

Now with beads you need to embroider a flower on the wallet. Open the inventory and get a wallet and beads. Then attach the beads to the place embroidered. You need to embroider by sticking to the following sequence:

First yellow beads, then black, black and red, again black beads, black and red, black, black and red beads, then black, black and red, now beads of red, white, red, then red pink, red, white beads, red, red-pink beads, back beads red, and then white, red beads, red and pink, red beads, then beads white color, Red and finish embroidery with red-pink beads.

After you finish the embroidery, continue the passage of Nancy Drew: the mystery of the ranch of shadows, jump onto the horse and head in a dry stream. Once on the spot, go to the angle where the box is located. As soon as you approach her, you will immediately find yourself in prison. Go to the washbasin and look around him invasses. It is worth noting that the amount of black \u003d order number Letters in the alphabet. For example, 2 \u003d b. Sooner or later you should have the following word: "PodlatampoBank".

Now you need to turn on the left side and approach the next chamber to take a brick from there. Then get lasso and become opposite the chamber door to raise the chair with it. The key will be in your hands, determine the power of the throw (average) and click on the arrogant that is the second left. In the further passage of Nancy Drew: the mystery of the ranch of the shadows you need to apply Lasso to the chair and pick up the key to open the grille. It is worth noting that if you drop it, there will be only one chance to replay.

Now you need to pick a note with the encoding. Go to the jar and about the white lamp, look for an active point. Then open the cache and read the message. Now you need to go on a wild path and find a stone there in a strip. As soon as it is near him, move the iron rings framing it on the sides. They need to move closer to the stones different colorslocated in the middle of the labyrinth.

Now it will be necessary to pick up colors to minerals. Remember everything that their chemistry knew and proceed. So, iron (Fe) should be red, copper (Cu) Make a blue, manganese (Mn) should be painted in pink color, and silicon (Si) - in gray.

In the further passage of the game Nancy Drew: the mystery of the ranch of the shadows need to wait a bit until the ability to move the circles. Do it with a magnet. It is worth noting if you leave a mini-game several times, then the plank will disappear, which is blocking the labyrinth. So take advantage of this opportunity. Now the cache will open, from which to take the casket with flowers.

Jump onto the horse and return to the ranch. Find there Dave and talk to him. At the end, he will give you a ring belonging to his grandmother, together with whom you need to go to the abandoned city. Find slot machine And insert a coin. After throwing it into the hole, the ring must be attached to the red button and then click on the lever. Now they will appear on the monitor bandits: good and evil. Before good, you need to click on the buttons of the red color, and then lower the lever.

As soon as you win, you can pick up the key and get a floral box from the inventory. Now you need to place flowers in such a sequence: first poppy, then sunflower and rose yellow color, then lily and chamomile, and at the end of the tulips. Go to the message that is right and read it. Then insert the key won in the machine to the well to appear the next note. After reading it, get the scheme and connect all the petroglyphs, using the recommendations set out in the note. You should get V only with curl.

Continue the passage of Nancy Drew: the secret of the ranch of shadows and go to the gorge called Anashai. Rear to the top of the rock and there to find the stone on which the same drawing is engraved that you have received a few minutes earlier. Then move this boulder to get another note from under it. Read it and take the stone. Then go to Mary and give her a found stone to polish.

It turns out on the abandoned path and move to the place of grave Charlie. After a while you will see a stone with the image. You need to make several turns around yourself until Nancy says that the similarity noticed. As soon as you find yourself in place, turn right and move to the rock.

Stop and see the log, lying on top of a non-rock. Remove Lasso and hooked for a log to dig. Sooner or later you will find yourself in the hut. Find a hint in it, which will be engraved on one of the walls. Now get the note that you find earlier to decipher the message. So, for the successful passage of this task in the game of Nancy Drew: the mystery of the ranch of the shadows you need to have the following colors, after the letters rearrange the letters:

Chocolate - brown color;
- Square with a feature on the left - blue color;
- Kiwi - green color;
- Square with a feature on the right - red;
- Orange - orange;
- The middle square with a line in the middle is yellow.

Now you need to go through the next way:
- Start S. brown color, then there is a green color, then yellow color, red, blue, now orange, green, yellow, brown, blue, green, orange, blue, brown, then green, orange, then red, blue Color, yellow, green, blue, green, then brown and yellow.

It is worth noting that in the further passage of Nancy Drew: the mystery of the ranch of the shadows you will need to navigate the colors of the stones that are located above each passage. First, turn the right side and pass to the hall that is located under the brown stone. Then turn to the left and go to the jug. After you look into it, find the first key, poured in the form of the letter L. You can turn around and go to the hall that is under the stone orange color. Also find a jug in it and get the second key from it, poured in the form of a sign of equality. As soon as he turns out to be in your hands, you can get out of this hall and go through the one that is under a yellow stone.

Then move to the right side and go to the hall that under the red stone. Rear to the stairs upstairs, and then turn on the right side twice, and then go ahead. Find a jug and check the jug standing on the attack to get the third key from there, poured in the form of a wedge. Only then can go to the hall, located under the blue stone. Now go down the stairs and go to the room that is under the orange stone.

Continue the passage of this task in the game Nancy Drew: the secret of the ranch of shadows and turn the right to enter the hall under the green stone. Turn once again to the right and get into the room, which is under the blue stone. To the right and left to go to the hall under the green stone. Now go to the room that is under the orange stone, and then turn right to go to the hall that under the blue stone. Once inside, turn to the left side to move to the room that is under the brown stone. As soon as you find yourself in it, turn right and become a face to the hall that under a green stone to see a jug. Now you can get the key from it, poured in form I.

Get out from here and move to a lounge under the brown stone. Become a facing room over which the stone is green to find another jug. Come and check its contents. Then enter the room that under the green stone and choose the one that under orange. There, too, there is a jug, check it out, and then move to the right side, a little forward and right again. Thus, you will find yourself in that room, which is under a stone of red. Turn left and pass forward to turn left again and go into the room that under blue stone. Continue the passage of Nancy Drew: the mystery of the ranch of shadows and go to the room that is under a yellow stone and turn left to be in that room that under green stone. From it, go to the room located under the blue stone. Find a jug in it and take away from there the last fifth key, poured in the form of U.

Click on the carpet and see a hole in the floor. Then turn left and select on the hall that is under the green stone, come to the staircase and go to the hall that under the brown stone. Then go out of it in the room that under the yellow stone. All, you turned out to be near the door.

It is worth noting that at the end of the way you will see the door, which will have five different locks in which you need to insert the keys found to you. After click on the castle and go to the opened door. See the chest standing on the table, open it. Then go out and go down the stairs. As soon as you find yourself near the hole that covers the carpet, remove the red stone from the wall and turn to the passage. Now in the passage of Nancy Drew: the mystery of the ranch of the shadows should be replaced with green stone on red. All, turn into an empty place insert the green stone. Congratulations, the game is passed, it remains to view the final video.

MLA the young and senior detective are distinguished by the complexity of puzzles.
Tips give Frank and Joe Hardy.
Jobs are noted only after changing location.

First day

We come to visit relatives Bess and Jess Edu and Diana Rowley in Tonmbwid, Arizona. David Gregory is met at the airport - a ranch worker. Call your friends and find out that they are stuck in Omaha because of the fault of the aircraft. Jess bought a book about the clothes and jewels of the 19th century - this must be remembered.
Rowley call - Ed bit the snake, which was in their bedroom and now they are in the hospital. Rowley is asked to take a letter for Mary Yangson, which lies in a secreter. The key from the secreter must be taken from David, and to get to Mary can be riding only. They begin to talk about a ghostly horse, but the conversation is interrupted.

1. We look at the ranch

Let's go to the courtyard, go to David for the key from a secreter. David tells us about a ghost horse. We open a secret, read the bunch of the sale of the chest, the letter of Jane Nash, we take a letter for Mary and the laundr.
We go to the stable, communicate with Britten Britten Konyom. He explains what needs to be done to leave Ranch and what to do when returning.

Leave: take a hat, gloves, saddle, steam with water
Return: Early a horse, hang the saddle in place.

We also have to give him an exam for knowledge of horses. Come search for information.
We look at all posters in the stable - "The structure of a horsepie hoof", "It is dangerous to ride without tightening the foot", "Quanthork".
We go to the house.
In the living room on the table lies "the leadership of a novice horse breaker, volume 1", and there is a volume in the closet 2. I think this information is enough to pass the TEXS exam.
At the same time, we read the newspaper by the fireplace (the third newspaper - "True" - :)), let's look at the faulty clock on the fireplace shelf. In the corner there is a large chest. Let's try to apply to the cover of the knee - suitable, but how to turn them?
Let's look at the Bard Persell Book in the closet. Let's listen to news on the radio.
We go to the kitchen. Meet Sam Turmand. He tells us about Francis Hamber - the former owner of Rancho, her father - Sheriff, Dirka Valentine and his ghostly horse. So whose big portrait hanging in the living room!
He will give us a flask in exchange for the collected vegetables, it is also necessary to prepare everything for the fire.

2. Help on Rancho-1

We go out on the street, we take the basket on the wall next to the entrance, go for vegetables.

Collection of vegetables-1:
Sam asked to collect only ripe vegetables. We find out how they look - come out through the mobile phone.


left Ginochka - Tomatoes "Northern Light" - 4, right groceries tomatoes "Beefsteks" - 2, Tomatoes "Golden Queen" - 2.

Sam gives a basket for eggs. We go to the chicken coop. We put the egg in the basket - it breaks. It is necessary to overwhelm it. The task is simple, but you need to put one to the other very gently to put part - then they will "stick". We flash the basket with a thread.

Junior detective

Senior detective

Check the chicken cookebed. If there are no eggs, you have to wait, but still do something else.

Preparing a fire.

In the house by the fireplace we take two newspapers.
We are looking for a branch for a fire, there must be 5:
We look at the door of the chicken coop - right

immediately unfold - Rusty trolley in the center of the yard

between beds with vegetables

at the entrance to the house - on the left

we look at the pump door - right

Catch firewood. I have numbered the angle of the blow from left to right from 1 to 5, the position of the legs is from left to right from top to bottom from 1 to 9.


blow 2, legs 4
Blow 5, legs 8
Blow 3, legs 3

Call me Nancy - Iron Woodcutter!
We take firewood. In place for the fireplace put 2 newspapers, 5 branches and 3 split logs. We take from there some mint paper with incomprehensible cipher. We take a bucket, we go to the pumping, pour water and put a bucket in place.
Now check the chicken coop.
All chickens like chickens, and one holds. If you distort it, you will see a horror movie on the screen of your computer. Therefore, it is necessary to wait until she leaves for his affairs and after picking up an egg. In total, we bring Sam six eggs, he gives a flask with water.

3. Let's leave the ranch

We go to the tack. We are waiting for the exam.
Take saddle, gloves, white hat. We go to Bob, hinder the saddle on him, be surely tighten the feeder (when the blue palm appears, you need to raise the crowd three times and click on the boom), click on the reins (we take Bob, then click on the reins once again, and Nancy climbs to the horse) - We ready.

Right answers for tack:

where is the gardener joint - on the hind legs
Where is the arrow - on the underside of the hoof
how many feet in 15 palms - 5
which horse is a Tennesseskaya walk - horse
How can I recognize colic from a horse - she constantly falls, then gets up
What is the difference between the oven from red, black tail, mane and legs
What an Indian tribe began to breed an appaluzu - Ne-Persian
Which horse is amazed by laminitis - legs
What you should always check before sitting on a saddled horse
Who is such a mare mule and donkey

4. Mary and her store

We give a letter Mary and ask her about the chest, which she bought from Rouley. The chest is closed, but if we open it, it will allow us to take something from there. At the chest initials Eh-ah in a heart and doves. It can be discovered if you find out who did it. We try to attach the laysteries - are suitable, but how to twist them?
We look at the windows showcase. We read a brochure about Arizonian fossils, find out that iron (Fe) paints fossils in orange, red and yellow colors, copper (CU) - in blue and green, manganese (Mn) - in pink and purple, silicon (Si) - in gray and white. We read information about petroglyphs. We consider the box with the camera with the initials of FC.
In the corner there is a gaming machine. At the stand we look like the tips of the arrows of the ancient Indians look.
We read annotation to the book Berth Persell "Wind Prairie". The following is indicated by her phone - apparently, no accident.
We go outside, call Berta (her phone will automatically appear in a mobile phone). Maybe something useful will recognize?

5. Open the chests

Berta talks about the Humbers family. Eh-ah is the initials of grandfather and grandmother Francis Hamber. They got married on September 4, 1811. So, the code to the chest is 4, 9, 11. We take the laundry, set the numbers, open the chest. We take a pocket watch from there, which are closed while.

We return to the ranch.
We put the saddle in place, the greeting card from Jane Nash, addressed to Tacks, falls on the floor. It turns out that she is his sister! We ask about the tack about it, it is rude and unluckled.
Let's try to open the second chest.
We look at the lid. Each well is located inside the drawing of a bird - pink, blue and yellow. The center draws a hint of the clock. Once again, we look at the clock on the fireplace shelf - the same colors. Pink corresponds to digit 12, blue - 2, yellow - 7.

Take the lock, set the code 12, 2, 7. Open the chest.

We read the diary of Sheriff Hamber - the sad story of love Francis Hamber and Dirk Valentine. We read a letter of Dirk Valentine, in which he writes about Francis's favorite colors and flowers on her favorite things. We note that he gave his beloved flower - Harrison's rose (you can read more about it in Nancy's mobile phone). We take a distinguished piece of cliffs, where you need to apply petroglyphs, write the numbers "9, 12, 15, 22, 5, 25, 15, 21". If you take the English alphabet, the numbers are encrypted "I Love You". We take another pocket watch. The passage of this riddle does not exist, because The set sequence is generated randomly. Active numbers - 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. You need to press the numbers and memorize the sequence at which the numbers are "shaped". When they all "stick", the clock will open. Inside the photo of Francis Hamber and her father and a clockwork mechanism. We use it on the second clock that we found in the chest in the store. We open them in the same way as the previous ones. Active numbers - 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. Give half the photo - on it Francis Humber. On the back inscription: "Green bottle under ..."
The evening comes (if he did not come, it means that you did not finish something). Everyone is sitting by the fire, listen to Sam's songs, how suddenly from afar to the ranch jumps a ghostly horse, and then in the pumping tube.

Second day

6. Secondary stroke and green bottle

We speak Rouley - they ask us to contact the sheriff. We go to the kitchen, on the refrigerator hangs a piece of paper with a sheriff phone (his phone will automatically appear in a mobile phone). We go to the street inspect the pumping. Another sheriff phone hangs on the door if you suddenly forgot to see the room on the refrigerator.
Call the sherif - it allows you to look inside. We inspect the pipe opposite the entrance - it is completely rusty. We see from the floor to the left of the entrance grille, open - well, as usual, a secret move ... We go on it and fall into the basement, in which David is located. We speak with him. It turns out that he is looking for the treasures of Dirk Valentine! His great-grandfather was sister Francis Hamber. He shows us half the photo, which I found - on her Father Francis. On the back of the inscription: "The stairs to the basement." David leaves, take a wallet with a shelf, embroidered with beads, we consider it - something is missing here. We find a bottle with acid - I wonder why it is needed? Most likely someone poured acid On the tube in the pump, so that it is the slope of the iron so that then it was easy to hit the pipe, and it breaks down. Everything is clear, it's no reason - someone takesn Rowley or wants to drive them out of ranch.
If you climb the stairs, we get into the living room. If you click on the book in the left closet, the door opens in a secret move. But we will go and see what is in a green bottle under the stairs. Let's go down from the basement in a secret move, and Nancy must say that this is exactly the staircase that needs. We unfold and press the top step.
It is necessary to move the records so as to release the plate with the letters of FC.

Junior detective

Senior detective

Take out a bottle, in her dirk letters to Francis. Pay attention to the following: Pattern on Shawli in the portrait of Francis, Wallet, Crackers' crackers, cake, paper for letters. Here are the favorite Francis flowers (and Rosa Harrison from the sheriff diary). Well, the action plan is clear.
We go to the living room. Carefully look at the shawl. We climb on the Internet, we find an article about knitting, look at the patterns. Click on Shawl Again - the pattern is called "Chamomile".
Call your friends - they have a book on clothes and accessories of the 19th century. They will get information about the wallet and call later.
We go to the tack. He admits that Jane Nash is his sister, Rouley her fired for quick temper. After that, he himself settled on the ranch and does not want Rouley to know about their relationship, because troubles began on the ranch, and tacks could be accused of them. Motive he has - revenge for his sister. We can not ride, we will not help Sam on the housework.
Go to David. He asks us to replace us in the evening partition for chickens, just it will be necessary to not forget to put on gloves. We ask him about the letter that Francis wrote his grandmother. We read the letter - Lily is drawn on it. David also says that the prison in which the Dirk Valentine was kept in a dry stream.

7.Good on Rancho-2

Go to Sam, but it is not. Well, let's see what he hides there in his chest? GEOLOGICAL CARD! What for? The map shows the phone of the South-Eastern Geological Society. Returns Sam - we caught up. We speak with him. He admits that he was looking for gold on the Rowley plot, but did not find anything. Sam was in the pumping and saw the pipe, which thoroughly rusted and believes that she broke out because of the horses hidden.
We go to the courtyard, call geologist. He says that Sam bought a map, because I heard about the treasures of Dirk Valentine, who hid them at the foot of the shady mountain. Gold in these parts is impossible to find, it means that Sam is lying.
We return to Sam and apologize. We ask if it does not need help. Again vegetables ...


Left Ginochka - Beans 5, Tomatoes "Ivory" - 2, Right Circuit - Tomatoes "Beefsteks" - 2, Beans "Black Turtle" - 3.

We go beyond the eggs. We take 6 pieces, a monster chicken do not touch. Sam gives a flask with water and asks bake a cake.

8. Burning cake

Recipe look in a box on the table.
Translation of one units of bulk weight measures to other hanging on the refrigerator.
It will take:
1 pint \u003d 2 glasses
1 tablespoon \u003d 3 teaspoons


oil - 2 times, egg - 2 times, milk - 5 times, flour - 2 times, baking powder - 3 times, sugar - 7 times, vanilla - 3 times.
Pour the dough into the middle container and the bum at an average temperature of 45 minutes.

Now decorate the cake with icing. We collect a flower of marzipan pieces. If the parts are delivered correctly, they will "stick". When everyone collects, it will turn out to be a tulip. We take a silent and paint the flower. Cake ready.

We go to the tack, which has a birthday today. He did not improve his character, he still does not allow to leave Ranch.

9. Feed chickens and horses

The weight of the feed is indicated in kilograms. Note boxes from 1 to 5 from left to right.
1-Oats, 2- Ferry mixture, 3-corn, 5-chickens.
In the first drawer lies the measure of 1 kg weighing, in the second - weighing of 1.5 kg, in the third - 0.5 kg. In this way,

Bob: 2 times out of 1, 1 time out of 2, 2 times out of 3
Clyde: 3 times out of 1, 1 time from 2
Ace: 1 time out of 1, 2 times out of 2, 1 time out of 3.
Then 2 times out of 5 - go to the chicken coop, a supar in the feeder for chickens.

Finally, the TEX permits to take Bob, but it suggests that it is necessary to learn how to quit Lasso and quickly travel around the horses.

10. Earn Lasso

To get a lasso in tack, you need to sample it on a broom 4 times out of 5.
The secret of the throw: Push the left mouse, we wait until Lasso turns into the perfect circle, let go of the mouse.
Now we rent an exit exam. You need faster than 10 seconds to slip between three barrels. The route is drawn on a poster on a stable fence.
Secret: As soon as the blue arrow appears on the screen, you need to quickly press the barrel. We carry out the task for 9.5 seconds and get Lasso.
Let's leave. On the way, we meet Mary Yangson - it means that the store is closed. Let's go to her later. It's time to deal with a rated leaflet from a ditch letter.

11. Anasazi and Petroglyph Gorge

Carefully look at the rocks and carry all petroglyphs on the sheet. You need to find 17 drawings. Click on the petroglyph, a sheet appears on the screen, put the picture in the desired place. Some petroglyphs can be seen if you get up - here it will take Lasso.
When you do everything right, the phrase appears at the bottom of the leaf: "Write your name under the piano keys."

Let's go to Mary. When I ask her about what she did on the lands of Rouley, in response she says that she was not there. Strange ...
Call Berta, maybe she knows something? Berta tells that "Dad" is the father of Dirk Valentine Jonathan. So you need to find and write the name "Jonathan" on it.
We are going to a new "dry stream" location.

12. Dry stream

We go down the street. On the sides of the street. Dilapidated store buildings, mail, sheriff house with prison, bank, Bar Cappie. Let's go to the sheriff's house - we need the key to open the Ding Camera. We go to the bar - on the door of the castle. "Closed by order of the sheriff." The phone does not work here, so we return to any location, for example, to the Mary shop. Sheriffs find out the code - 9-2-7-4. We return to the KEPPI bar. We see on the Table "Manual for Electricians" . What does it do here? Some powder on the table scattered ...
On the other table there is a bank of crackers with an erased label. Maybe Berta will help us again? Nearby is some kind of deepening in the table.
Under the window - slot machine. We see that someone lives in the bar, - water, boxes, mattress.
In the corner there is a piano. We open the panel - we need to score the name "Jonathan".


Prix \u200b\u200ball the letters from 1 to 8.
1 turns 1 and 4, 2 - 1, 2 and 5, 3 - 2 and 3, 4 only themselves, 5 - 1 and 5, 6 - 6 and 8, 7 - 6 and 7, 8 - 2, 4 and 8.

click 5 until I put 5 a (5 times)
Click 1, until I put on 1 d (3 times)
Click 3, until we put on 3 o (3 times)
We click 8 until I put on 2 g (1 time)
Click 7, until we stand at 7 a (3 times)
Click 6, until we put on 6 tons, and on 8-n (1 time)
Click 4 until I put on 4 H (3 times)

Get a note:
"At the entrance to the sheriff you need to find
What can be started.
Pitch and plugs add,
In places, it is broken.
And you can search for further news. "
Let's look at the terrace in prison. One floorboard opens (on it initials "D.V.") - Give the box that Dirk did.

Continue the passage of Nancy Drew: the mystery of the ranch of shadows and run into the kitchen to open a box under the picture with a horse and get a geological map from there. Then go to Sam and talk to him. Go to the tray basket hanging on the wall, and go to vegetable Gerson. It is worth noting that the beefstex should be red. Collect the harvest, take it to the cook, and then go to the chicken coop of eggs. Bring them to Sam again. Then go to the table and look into the box standing on the table to get a cake recipe from there.

Now go to the table, which is near washing to start the oven. Remove the bowl and put the following ingredients in it: two packs of oil, five glasses of milk, two glasses of flour, two eggs, seven glasses of sugar, three spoons of a baking powder, three spoons of vanilla. Then go away from the table and click on the "Bake" icon. Pour all the contents in medium-sized dishes and place the timer for 45 minutes. Bake on medium intensity. Then collect flower from the dough and pull it out. I advise the leaves and stems to decorate green, and the bud is red. Ultimately, you will get a tulip.

Go to the red shed and open the door. It is worth noting that there is a pumping station. Then you can get the phone and type the sheriff. Once inside pumping station, go to the left and click at the active point - it is a magnifying glass, red. So in your hands will be the tip. Then go to the regiments and inspect them. Look down and find a lattice under them, click on it and go down. Continue the passage of Nancy Drew: the mystery of the ranch of shadows and move to the next lattice, open it again and take into basementlocated under the house.

After talking to the guest, choose through a born passage and go down the stairs. Now you need to stand up to her face, so that it is good to consider the step, that from above, and then open it. Now it is necessary to solve the puzzle in which you will have to move the strip of red. After the starter with the initials is moved one step, you will find the bottle of green in which there will be letters.

You can return to the basement and approach the steps for which you need to go up. Ultimately, you will find yourself in the house, move to the canvas, which shows the lady. After you study it, find Dave and talk to him. After the conversation, he will give a letter written by his granny. Read it and go to Tacks. After talking to him, go out to the street and pass to the household in order to feed his living creatures. In the further passing of Nancy Drew: the mystery of the ranch of the shadows you need to learn the greenboard of the green color, on which the diet of horses and chickens are painted. I advise you not to skip the third box that is not like the rest.
Store the following recommendations:

For Bob:
- from the 1st box you need to pour two parts of the feed;
- from the 2nd box - one part of the feed;
- From the 3rd - two parts.

Then leave here, to activate the window with a question in which it will be asked if it is necessary to pour cooked. If you do everything right, then click on "no" and go to the skipping. Take the bucket and pour the mixture. Then you can return and put a bucket where it is fun (in front of Bob).

For Clyde:
- From the 1st drawer, pour three circles;
- Of the 2nd - one mug.

For ace:
- From the 1st box, take one mug;
- from the 2nd box - two circles;
- From the 3rd box - one mug.

To feed the chickens when passing this task in the game, Nancy Drew: the mystery of the ranch of the shadows, you need to prepare a mixture consisting of two mugs, swelling from the fifth drawer.

Go to the chicken coop and go to the grid to find an active point on it through which you can serve food. Find tacks and talk to him, then take the saddle and put it on Bob. I advise you not to forget how to pull the feed and only then get out of the hill. Seddle Bob, take Lasso and click the cursor on the broom, and then click the left mouse button to make them a circle proper form. It is worth noting that when passing nonsense Drew: the mystery of the ranch of shadows, the exhaustion of this skill will require a lot of patience. As soon as you throw the broom on Lasso five times, click on the barrel and with the maximum speed of the barriers, because you will have time only ten seconds. Just carefully, do not stay in them. Then you can pick up on the right earned lasso and ask permission to horseback walk.

Having received a positive answer, take the hillock and head to the dry stream. Once around the store, go to his threshold and take the red handle that disappeared from the kerosene lamp. Look around and on the right, find the tip. As soon as you get close to the barn, do not be scared, because someone will suddenly appear. Now go to the sherif and come to the last chamber. After that, you can go out and approach the kidney, about which the next tip lies. Finding it, move to the CEpping house.

It turns out that it is closed on the lock opening with the code. Continue the passage of Nancy Drew: the mystery of the ranch of shadows and head to Mary, after calling Sherif. He will tell you the desired code - 9274. Having reached, do not forget it. Drive to Mary on the wild trail.

After some time, you will see the tip to be selected on the right to pick up. By the way, near him, only on the left, is still one. Then make three more steps along the path to pick up the next tip. A little passing, you will see a skull, about which another tip is lying. After you select all the above tips, turn around and look at the burial place of Charlie, which is left. Now turn the right side and go to the stone to click. Now hear the hiss of the rattle snake, run.

Now your path should go through Anasazi gorge. Get ready to search 17 petroglyphs. It is worth noting, clicking on them, in automatic mode will be transferred to your card. You need every petroglyph to put a place in the scheme where it is on the rock. Carefully study it and find the squares of white to determine the location of petroglyphs.

Go to the foot of the cliff and find a tip and petroglyph there, which will see the right in the triangular form. Then go to the left triangular protrusion and click on it to pick up two more petroglyphs. Now in the passage of this task in the game Nancy Dry: the mystery of the ranch of the shadows should return to two screens back and approach the right side of the monitor. As soon as you find yourself about a concave rock, you will find two signs: the first - behind the bushes, the second - over the boulder, on the right side.

Now you need to return to one screen, hover over the left side until the yellow arrow will be displayed. Only after that you can climb on the rock. Once at the top, you will see the right petroglyphs. Then turn left and see the next characters below the hole round shape. Start the descent and on the way, pick up the next tip.

Now look upstairs and notice the snag. Get lasso and throw it on her to start the rise. It is worth noting that along the way you can pick up two more petroglyphs. Once at the top, go to the right part of the protrusion and find there the tip and three symbols there (they are on a round ledge in the rock). After placing them on the scheme, turn to the left and go to the stone where you can find another character.

In the further passage of Nancy Drew: the mystery of the ranch of the shadows can return to one screen back to turn the right and see the sign on the stone. Then move to the store and study the table on which there are spins of stones and a photo of ladies with a white buckle. Then find Marie and talk to her. Now you can get out of the shop and call Berta, without forgetting about your girlfriends. Then take to the horse and go to the dry stream to open the encoded door obtained from the sheriff in ciffer.

After opening the door and go into at home, you will see the mattress on the floor, near the piano with an active point below. Go to her click. Now in the passage of the game Nancy Drew: the mystery of the Ranch of Shadows will highlight the code word "Jonathan", which must be introduced. Do not be afraid, everything will be ok if you follow the following algorithm:

Click 5 five times until "A" is not expanded;
- Click three times on 1 until "D" will be displayed;
- Click on 3 three times until "O"

Click three times on 4 until you see "H";
- Once click on 8 until "F" is displayed;
- Three times click on 7 until "A" appears;
- Helm 6 once to appear "T";
- Click once on 8 to exposed "N".

Now there will be a move in the cache. Run there and take the message. I advise you to look at those books that stand on the table, then approach the bar rack to see a jar with crackers, about which there is an active point. Then in the passage of nonsense Drew: the mystery of the ranch of the shadows go to the sherif and tears from the horse, find around the threshold of his office an active point that will be marked by an unknown sign.

After the next cache opens, take the stand for tape from it, and then go to the store. Come to Mary and ask about them. After talking, choose the street and type Bert and GDS. After it can go in the direction of the dry stream. Once on the spot, go to the house, which was opened with code. Come to the bar and put a stand for tapes on it. Then you can get a red handle from the inventory to insert it into the instrument.

It is worth noting that each Tamarton has its own letter. Now you have to assemble the word "Francis". Since three letters are already engraved on the stand, you need to collect the rest. After laying out the desired word, you can scroll through the handle. So the lamp opens, from which you need to get a message.

As soon as you read it, come back home and do not forget to reject Bob. Take the seat in place and put a horse. Go to the stable and take the gloves from there. Then go to the chicken coop and go to the lattice. Lay around it an active point and click on it. Now open the inventory and apply gloves on pliers. Thus, you will repair the lattice.

It is worth noting that in this puzzle all tasks will be generated in random order, therefore there is no single solution. Rely on logic and everything will turn out. Then pick up the largest piece and apply it to all active sites until Nancy says that the grid is repaired.

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