Finding tools in the stalker call of pripyat. Weapon Systems Expert

garden equipment 26.06.2020
garden equipment

Walkthrough Stalker Call of Pripyat: Stalker Call of Pripyat where to find tools

A set of tools Young technician. It is hardly suitable for work that requires subtlety, but in conditions of a total lack of tools in the Zone, it can come in handy for an economical technician.

Zaton - the second floor of a building standing in a lowland, on the territory of the Sawmill.

Jupiter - an old wagon with a wandering anomaly under the bridge not far from the station building.

Tools for fine work

Nice set of tools. Apparently, carefully selected by an experienced craftsman for himself, dear. Despite the years, all the tools are well preserved.

Backwater - the courtyard of a mechanical substation, to the right of the Iron Forest.

Jupiter - there is a building below the fenced area of ​​​​Jupiter (entrance through the bridge to the rise and through the gate). Climb to the attic and, passing among the electrical, you will find the right cabinet.

Calibration tools

A professional set of tools for fine tuning equipment. The inscription on the box says that the set was made in the GDR. What is included in the kit is enough to carry out almost any set-up and calibration work.

Pripyat - Old KBO second floor

Pripyat - under the old department store building

In a game called "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" (Stalker: Call of Pripyat), the average player may have difficulty finding special caches that contain the tools necessary to gain access to new upgrades to the main character's armor and weapons.

The thing is that mechanics at the very beginning of the game can carry out only a few types of weapon upgrades - this is a change in caliber and an increase in magazine capacity, but in order to get access to other upgrades the player needs to search for different sets of tools. Each such set is located in the game in only a few copies, and in the absence of a certain experience in searching, as well as without a map, this can be quite problematic.


Of course, in the game you can always get information about the location of caches with tools from ordinary stalkers and other characters, but not everyone agrees to cooperate with the main character, and some of them can even deliberately misinform the player. Exactly for these reasons in this article we will tell you in detail where to look and how to find these most hidden caches. In the article you are currently reading, we will tell you where to find tools in Stalker: Call of Pripyat without having any problems finding and talking with other characters as you progress through the game.


Backwater is a territory in the game that is controlled by bandits and free stalkers. The location itself is a bed of a long-dried river. This is evidenced by scattered here and there barges, bulk carriers, boats and other marine equipment. In these, definitely atmospheric and gloomy places, there is not as much radiation as in the rest of the game, but mutated living creatures scurry about everywhere - these are mutant boars and blind dogs, and you can sometimes run into zombies.

There is only one large camp in these places, located on the Skadovsk dry cargo ship. The local mechanic Cardan can help the player carry out the modification and calibration of weapons, however, the tools here are very bad, so they must first be found.

Tools for rough work

So, for starters, in the northwest of the Zaton map, you will need to find a sawmill. Go there, but keep in mind that the path will be quite dangerous and it can be quite difficult to go there alone. When will you be able to get to the sawmill, you will find that it is inhabited by dangerous zombies. Despite the fact that there can be quite a lot of them, try to aim directly at their head, and then there will be no problems with them. When you deal with the zombies, it will be much easier to start searching.

In this location, you will need to go down to that part of the sawmill, which is located at the very foot of the hill. There, right in the center, there will be a building that we need. We go inside and climb the stairs to the attic. Then we make our way to the very end of this attic and find there the calibration tools of interest to us for rough work.

After you give these tools to the mechanic on the bulk carrier Skadovsk, you will be thanked with a cash reward and will be given the opportunity to make new modifications for your weapons.

Tools for fine work

Go south - to the substation workshops. There you will find a task from mercenaries neutrally disposed towards you. It turns out that they have run out of food and if you bring them 6 units of any food, you will be allowed inside the camp. Once inside, go to the very end of the road, and then turn around in the opposite direction and go inside the workshop. There also go forward to the very end, and after that turn left twice. This way you will reach the resting place of the gang. Take a close look at the mercenary who sits on the box - to the right of him is the same box with tools for fine calibration.


Jupiter is a secret factory in the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat", which in the old days produced extraordinary powerful firearms. And also the plant is equipped with an underground transport system, there are many workshops, an administrative complex and a couple of minor ancillary buildings.

Tools for rough work

Near the Jupiter plant there is a train station called Yanov. It's pretty big stalker camp, where you can find another technique. His name is Azot and he also needs tools to repair, calibrate and improve the weapons of the main character of the game.

You will need to do the following in order to find a local set.

  1. After leaving the station, follow the tracks to the southwest.
  2. Climb the bridge and jump off it onto the roof of the electric locomotive.
  3. Go to the end of the train and climb inside.
  4. Carefully, avoiding the electrical anomaly, return to the beginning of the composition.
  5. Take the tools located there and jump into the broken doors.

Tools for fine work

Head to the Jupiter plant itself, which is located in the southeast of the local level. Approach the building necessary from the concrete bath which is located at the western wall of the plant. Turn right, while facing the anomaly, and you will see the southern gate. Come inside. Next, the procedure is as follows:

  1. When you go up inside the factory, look at the building on the left and enter it.
  2. Climb up the stairs and go into the corridor.
  3. After you pass through a small corridor, you will enter the attic.
  4. Carefully walking between the electrical anomalies to the wall, which is on the opposite side, you will see a green cabinet.
  5. Open the closet and you will see that there is a box with tools inside.


Pripyat is an abandoned city in northern Ukraine whose inhabitants were forced to leave a few days after the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Calibration tools

In Pripyat are the last two sets of tools. One of them is in the building of the department store, by the stairs on the table. Just don't follow the mutants deep into the basement once you're inside. But the second set is on the table, in the building of the old consumer services complex (KBO). While inside, go up to the second floor and kill the burer. Keep in mind that this is a fairly strong enemy and one of the more difficult mutants in the game. At the very end of the hall, in a small room, there will be a table, on which the very last set of tools in the game is located.


This video will show you where and how to assemble the tools.

Modification and improvement of weapons and armor applies to almost all games, because this is a great incentive to earn more money, which means making the gameplay even more interesting and confusing. The famous action Stalker did not neglect this moment and also offers to carry out a number of modifications that will make the armored suit more enduring and the weapon more formidable.

And although in Clear Sky it was necessary to bring flash drives to the mechanics, in the Stalker part Call of Pripyat instruments they will be replaced. The tools will be in all 3 locations, and you will need to find out their location yourself, since this is not shown on the map. Tools for rough and fine work can be found in the most unexpected places. For example, on Zaton, one of the sets of tools is next to the hungry mercenaries, and in order to pick them up, you will have to feed the poor guys, then they will allow you to freely roam their territory. Killing them all, deciding to save a couple of sticks of sausage, is not only selfish, but also causes a lot of problems, since there are a lot of them and they are well armed.

Tools in Call of Pripyat

Do not forget about friendship with the mechanics themselves, making friends with whom you can get a discount on their services. Cardan, a mechanic on the Zaton, misses his friends very much, that they have disappeared and to offer his help in collecting information is a great chance to make friends with him. Azot, a mechanic on Yanov, is thinking about how to get material for work. After you go to the cement plant and bring him wires, coils and much more, the prices for services will become lower.

A lot of rough tools are in the first location in the building next to the sawmill in the attic. There are a lot of military zombies at the fox mill and

Coarse and Fine Tools Stalker Call of Pripyat

stalker, you need to kill them from afar, for example, from a Kalash with an optical sight, about 300 rounds of ammunition will be enough for the whole thing)))).

There is also a set of thin tools in the first lok of the workshop under the station on the left there will be a shallow courtyard on which containers. Mercenaries live in these workshops, because that is their base, a little advice, buy more food, since they are all starving there, they can miss you if you feed them.

There is also a set of rough tools in the second lock near the station, where the railway intersects with the bridge in the car on the railway tracks in which the anomaly Electra is located, you need to climb into the car, jumping onto the diesel locomotive and then go along the cars to and go down through the hatch
A set of thin tools in the second location at the Jupiter plant (it is located to the right of the bandits' parking lot, in the attic where the Elektra anomaly is still in the closet).

Calibration tool!
City of Pripyat, Old KBO, On the second floor

Calibration tool!
In the same place in Pripyat, you need to go to the basement of the department store.

Having received a quest from Cardan at the Zaton location, when he asks you to find various tools for him, head to the abandoned one. Without engaging in battle with zombified stalkers, go around the warehouse building on the hill and go down to a detached ruined house.

Run past the stalled truck and dive through the doorway. Shoot the zombies inside the house, then in one of the 2 rooms find the stairs leading to the attic. Search the small room and pick up the tools.

Each technician needs 3 kinds of tools: rough work tools, fine work tools and calibration tools.

However, leaving the attic is not so easy. Zombified stalkers will gather in a bunch for shots and block the passage, preventing the player from getting out with inaccurate, but dense fire. Break the boxes in the attic and get the grenades from there. Throw them into the cracks on the floor into a cluster of dead stalkers. When those are blown away by the explosion, get down and run as fast as you can.

After that, you should visit the substation west of the Circus anomaly. Approaching it, you will stop from the menacing cry of the mercenaries who have settled in it. Negotiate with them, promising to bring food. In exchange for food, the mercenaries will let you dig in the substation's backyard, where, after a short search, you'll find another set of tools.

Nitrogen tool kit

Going to the Jupiter location, you will also have to look for tools for a local technician named Azot. To do this, go along the railway tracks to the south until you come across an abandoned train bridge. Climb onto the bridge and jump down the open hatch on the roof. Run through the cabin to the vestibule, where you will find tools on the floor. Having received what you want, jump onto the windowsill, sit down and climb out the window.

Another set of tools is located on the territory of the Jupiter plant. To do this, go to the Concrete Bath anomaly, where you will find the iron gate leading to the factory yard. Once inside, move to the right multi-story building, where you climb to the very top. On the last floor in the right corner there will be tools.

The tools for each of the technicians are interchangeable. You can take the tools from the Jupiter location to Cardan at the Zaton location, and you can give the tools from the Zaton to Azot on the Jupiter. Such a replacement will not affect anything.

Calibration tools

Having reached the location "Pripyat", go north to the old building of the former KBO. Go to the second floor and search the shelves, one of which will contain tools. Take them and fight back or run away from the burer who attacked you.

Another set of tools is located in the south of the dead city in the basement of a department store. Climbing into it, you will be attacked by a flock of mutated jerboas. Disperse them in bursts and follow the fleeing monsters. After running after them into the closet that served them as a nest, finish off the remaining rodents and pick up tools.

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