Carbon dioxide hydrogen sulfide baths. Hydrogen sulfide baths: what it is, why are they prescribed and applying

Landscape design and layout 16.06.2019
Landscape design and layout

During the treatment of many diseases, modern doctors as additional way Treatment prescribe the reception of therapeutic baths, such as hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide baths that differ in different concentrations allow you to more efficiently get rid of gynecological, dermatological, urological and many other diseases. They are one of the most popular methods of balneology using natural sulfide mineral waters of various ionization and mineralization. How and to whom hydrogen sulfide baths, testimony and contraindications for the admission of which are shown below, and from which ages can they save a person?

Types of baths

The most famous Russian resorts, which can boast of natural sources of hydrogen sulfide waters, are Sochi, Pyatigorsk and Sernovodsk Caucasian.

Depending on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in water from natural sources of baths are divided into several types:

  • very strong - water in its composition contains more than 250 mg / l hydrogen sulfide;
  • strong baths - characterized by the content of hydrogen sulfide in water in the amount of 100-250 mg / l;
  • medium or sulphide baths of the average concentration - hydrogen sulfide in water 50-100 mg / l;
  • weaklyulfide - the number of the main active substance in water is in the range of 10 to 50 mg / l.

Most often, for medical purposes, patients are prescribed strong hydrogen sulfide baths, a few less often average and weakly mud.


Mechanism medical action hydrogen sulfide procedures are due not only to the presence of hydrosulfide ions and free hydrogen sulphide, but also by common factors for all baths, namely: the temperature regime, mechanical effect and hydrostatic pressure. Penetration useful materialcontained in water, have the following effect on the body:

  • metabolic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disintellation;
  • epithelizer;
  • secretory;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • sedative.

Regular reception hydrogen sulfide baths It helps to normalize the blood pressure and state of the nervous system, increase the peripheral resistance of the heart muscle and improving the coronary blood circulation. During the procedure, the capillaries are expanded, the acceleration of blood flow, the normalization of metabolic processes, an increase in the motor functions of the joints.

Indications and contraindications

Assign hydrogen sulfide baths should be exclusively by the doctor after a complete study of the patient's anamnesis.

The main indications for their use as an additional treatment method in parallel with the main therapy include:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels are entartronic (obliterating), hypertonicity of 1 and 2 stages, sclerotic changes in the heart muscle, light atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain, heart and peripheral vessels of limbs, heart disease, myocardiodestrophs, etc.;
  • diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system - chronic spondylitizers, polyarthritis of various etiology with subacute or chronic flow, osteochondrosis, Bekhterev's disease, post-traumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, not struck internal organs;
  • neurological diseases (not an exacerbated form) - encephalopathy after intricensication of the body, meningoencephalitis, neuralgia, neuritis, polyradiculites, infectious and traumatic plexitis, consequences of the injuries of the spinal cord and brain shells;
  • dermatological diseases - chronic, seborrheic and professional eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, chronic urticaria, dermatitis, sclerodermia and congenital dermatoses;
  • gynecological diseases - infertility of pipe genesis, chronic nonspecific pathologies in remission, disorders of the menstrual function;
  • endocrine diseases - malfunctions thyroid gland, as well as a light shape of diabetes.

Despite the wide range of indications and the obvious benefit of these procedures, there are hydrogen sulfide baths and their own contraindications. So, these procedures are contraindicated in the following pathologies:

  • angina;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • blood circulation failure;
  • myocardial infarction (especially repeated);
  • chronic diseases of the biliary tract, liver, as well as jade and nephrosis;
  • oncabolic;
  • tuberculosis.

How to take?

So that the procedure really benefit needs to be performed correctly. How to take a bath with hydrogen sulfide? First of all, within five hours before the bathing, it is necessary to refrain from smoking, alcohol and physical overvoltage.

Hydrogen baths are prescribed by courses, most often 10 sessions daily. The frequency of procedures and their duration is selected individually attending physician. You can take them every day or every other day. There should be a break between the courses, the duration of which is also determined by the doctor.

Immediately after eating or hungry stomach, it is not recommended to take hydrogen sulfide baths. Also, you should not go to the procedure after the study of therapeutic physical education. In the case when the baths are used in a complex with other procedures, such as spectable baths or compresses, the time difference between them should be at least 2 hours. After taking the bath you need to relax within an hour in a relaxed atmosphere.

- Therapeutic effects on the patient immersed in carbonic.

In carbonate mineral water, each factor acting on the body is mechanical, thermal and chemical - has specific features.

A two-phase water-gas environment operates on the skin of the patient's water-gas. Tuming from the surface of the skin of the skin bubbles irritate low-level mechanoreceptors of the skin, as a result of which the flow of afferent impulsation is formed into the overlying structures of the brain, which determines the formation of the sensations of the "tactile massage". By virtue of a significant difference in indifferent water temperatures (35-36 ° C) and carbon dioxide (12-13 ° C), gas in bubbles is heated. They form a sick thermostatic gas layer on the body, which makes it difficult to immediate heat exchange between mineral water and organism by thermal conductivity. The heat flux into the body of carbon dioxide is 1.4 times more than fresh. As a result of the increase in the action of the thermal factor, the patient has a feeling of "heat". Changing the functional properties of heat-sensitive skin structures leads to perversion of all types of skin sensitivity. The patient has an illusion of heat in carbon dioxide temperature 32 ° C and above and the illusion of cold at a water temperature of 25-30 ° C.

A significant flow of heat into the body causes the extension of the blood vessels, strengthening blood flow in a microcirculatory line and hyperemia of the skin. The reactions of vessels are phase character - a short-term spasm of vessels is replaced by their continuous expansion, disclosure of non-functional capillaries and improving microcirculation. At the same time, the increase in the temperature of the "shell" of the body leads to a decrease in total peripheral resistance, strengthening the renal blood flow and glomerular filtration.

Due to the pronounced lipoidotropia, carbon dioxide easily penetrates the body through the skin derivatives (at a speed of 20-300 ml / min). The quarter of the carbon dioxide penetrated into the body is deposited in the skin, and the rest falls into the vascular bed, changing the capacity of the labile bicarbonate buffer. Fast hydration C0 2 in carotid chemoreceptors and an increase in its voltage in central chemosensory structures of the rudral portion of the middle brain are accompanied by the accumulation of coalic acid in them, the dissociation of which leads to the formation of an excess proton. The following decrease in pH inside the chemosensory cells leads to a temporary restructuring of the operation of the Ca 2 + / 2N + -Athport of mitochondria, the proton potential shift on their membranes and the increase in cellular respiration. The afferent impulses of semoreceptors, heading into the centers of the oblong brain, cause activation of the excitation processes in the cerebral cortex and pronounced visceral reactions. Under the influence of carbon dioxide, hypersympathicotonic and parasympathetic influences on the heart are reduced.

Carbon dioxide causes pronounced coronaration, stimulates the development of the collaterals of the coronary channel, mobilizes the coronary heart rate. By increasing myocardial sensitivity to the adsnosine, it activates the energy exchange while reducing the oxygen consumption by the heart muscle at 18-22%. As a result, the auto regulation of coronary blood flow is improved and myocardial ischemia decreases the basis of the pathogenesis of ischemic heart disease.

The strengthening of the contractile function of the left ventricle leads to an increase in the shock and minute heart volume by 40-50% and the volume of circulating blood by 30%. Due to the increase in the venous inflow of blood to the heart (preload), the systole and the elongation of diastoles occurs. Such a phenomenon is in accordance with the law of Frank Starling, according to which the power of muscular reduction of myocardium is proportional to the degree of its initial stretching. Positive inotropic effect creates favorable conditions For the activity of the heart, as evidenced by the direct connection of tolerance to physical exertion in patients with a decrease in diastolic pressure and heart rate. Such a training effect of carbon dioxide baths can be implemented and neurohumoral by both the release of the atrial sodiumthical factor and the strengthening of the utilization of lipids in the body. The high probability of the latter is confirmed by a decrease in the content of total cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

Therapeutic effects - Hypotensive, cardiotonic, anti-inflammatory, metabolic, training.

Carbon dioxide testimony

Indications - Diseases of cardio-vascular system (ischemic disease Hearts, stress angina and II FC, hypertensive disease I and II stages, post-infarction (3-6 months), myocardic and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, initial phenomena of atherosclerosis), respiratory disease (lung emphysema, pneumosclerosis, bronchial asthma in the remission), Functional disorders of the central nervous system (neurosis, sexy neurosis, vegetative neurosis, post-compute hemiparesis), chronic inflammatory diseases of female genital organs (adnexitis, salpingo-phorite), functional failure of ovarian, climax, metabolic disorders (obesity I and II degrees, gout in remission ), light shape of diabetes, nephrosclerosis.

Contraindications of carbon dioxide baths

Contraindications - Ischemic heart disease, stained angina of IV FC with unstable angina or heart rate impairment and conduction (flickering arrhythmia, atrioventricular blockade III degrees, extrasystolism of high gradations), mitral heart defects, heart failure II and III Stages, hyperthyroidism, poor tolerance of therapeutic medium (sweating, dizziness, etc.) when taking baths, chronic renal failure II and III Stages.

Natural sources Numerous and diverse. Such water is widely used at the resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters, Darasun (Russia), Borjomi (Georgia), Bad Elsterey Bad EMC (Germany), Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic), Saratoga Springs (USA), Vichy (France) and DR .

Artificial baths prepare with the use of an apparatus for water saturation with an-9 gas. Carbon dioxide from a cylinder with a gearbox passes through the apparatus in which cold tap water is simultaneously served. With the help of a hose saturated C0 2 water enters the bath through the tip with a large number of holes located at its bottom. Abroad, use apparatuses for cooking Baths ET et al. Artificial carbonate baths are also prepared by the chemical method of displacing carbonate carbonate or sodium bicarbonate (H 2 C0 3 or NaHC0 3) with hydrochloric acids or acidic salts.

Technique. Before conducting the procedure in the bath, pre-completed by a third hot water (70-80 l), is supplied with carbon dioxide water from the An-9 apparatus, then add cold water And bring to the required temperature and volume. The patient is immersed in the bath to the level of nipples.

The dosing of the baths is carried out by concentration of carbon dioxide, water temperature, its volume and the duration of the procedure.

The duration of the baths across the day increases from 5-7 minutes to 12-15 minutes at the end of the course of treatment. 12-15 baths are prescribed on the course of treatment. Repeated courses of carbon dioxide are carried out in 3-4 months.

Carbon dioxide combined with mineral baths (coal-chloride sodium baths), and mud (carbon dioxide-mud baths), as well as (carbon dioxide baths).

Carbon dioxide mineral waters are also used for intestinal washes, irrigation, rinsing and inhalation.

In the human body constantly undergoing carbon dioxide for oxygen, by interchangeable. H2O, caught in cells, gradually absorbed, giving them the necessary meals. After that turns into CO2. If such a process is broken, health problems appear, since all organs suffer from a lack of vital substances.

Dry carbonate baths restore metabolic processes, which generally improves the condition of the body. There was a wellness procedure in the XVIII century in Germany. Then the doctors used open gas jets from volcanic sources. Some time, scientists invented vacuum containers With direct CO2 feed from cylinders.

Carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide wellness baths

Dry procedures are carried out in wellness centers, advanced hospitals, sanatoriums and some spa salons. To begin with, the patient is satisfied with the special machine, with a built-in bag inside. The patient takes a convenient position. The head is located on top, the neck is covered with a seal so that the gas does not get into the respiratory system.

Using the remote, the specialist sets the heating temperature of the air and opens the supply of carbon dioxide to the bag.

Filling duration - 3 minutes. The procedure lasts up to 25 minutes, depending on the identified diagnosis. At the end of time, exhaust hatches are triggered in automatic mode, which pump air out of the chamber beyond the room.

The hydrogen sulfide baths end with the removal of the cervical seal and the patient output from the tank. Each technique is assigned individually. The minimum number of visits is 10 times. Maximum - to complete recovery.

Application of dry carbon dioxide baths, testimony and contraindications

Gas couples, entering the body through the skin layers, form biological substances that improve the processes of vital activity in it.


  • healing cardiovascular diseases, due to the expansion of the venous system: it helps to improve blood distillation through the heart and restore it;
  • fight with excess weight and cellulite sediments: under the influence of heat steam, fat accumulations are melted and removed beyond the body through sweat glands;
  • it is recommended for use in hypertension and atherosclerosis: under pressure of carbon dioxide, the veins occurs, the blood clots are eliminated, the pressure is normalized, the blood is normalized;
  • baths can delay the aging process, a beneficial effect on immune system updates cells in the body, restores skin layers, removes wrinkles;
  • carbon dioxide treatment methods are prescribed for bronchial diseases and respiratory system: Baths helps to remove bronchial spasms, breathing, intensive cough and outbreak;
  • the testimony applies to the removal of fatigue and sleep normalization: gas baths cause temporary excitation in the body, smoothly turning into the stage of soothing, due to this normalizes the state of the nervous system;
  • in case of failures in cerebral circulation, the benefits of carbon dioxide are large: there is an improvement in blood circulation over the body and in the brain, it helps to improve memory and increase (preservation) of intelligence;
  • healing the skin is treated psoriasis, improve the condition of the skin;
  • gas couples reduce blood viscosity, eliminate thrombosis, dry procedure, therefore suits seriously ill and people after operational intervention;
  • reduce blood sugar, treat sugar diabetes;
  • soothing muscle and menstrual pain, which is suitable for athletes and women who survived abortion, miscarriage.

Durary carbon dioxide has benefits and harm, so before going to the recreation procedure, remember some contraindications.

Sessions are categorically prohibited if the patient is experiencing heart failure or acute infarction stage. There is also no visiting baths for hypertension. Harm can be obtained by visiting the procedure during acute exacerbation of a cold.

Refuse the gas bath if you have the defective liver and kidney work. Contraindications for the bath are also available for women in position. Pregnancy in this case may develop incorrectly.

After that turns into CO2. If such a process is broken, health problems appear, since all organs suffer from a lack of vital substances.

Dry carbonate baths restore metabolic processes, which generally improves the condition of the body. There was a wellness procedure in the XVIII century in Germany. Then the doctors used open gas jets from volcanic sources. After some time, scientists invented vacuum containers with direct feeding of CO2 from cylinders.

Carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide wellness baths

Dry procedures are carried out in wellness centers, advanced hospitals, sanatoriums and some spa salons. To begin with, the patient is satisfied with the special machine, with a built-in bag inside. The patient takes a convenient position. The head is located on top, the neck is covered with a seal so that the gas does not get into the respiratory system.

Using the remote, the specialist sets the heating temperature of the air and opens the supply of carbon dioxide to the bag.

Filling duration - 3 minutes. The procedure lasts up to 25 minutes, depending on the identified diagnosis. At the end of time, exhaust hatches are triggered in automatic mode, which pump air out of the chamber beyond the room.

The hydrogen sulfide baths end with the removal of the cervical seal and the patient output from the tank. Each technique is assigned individually. The minimum number of visits is 10 times. Maximum - to complete recovery.

Application of dry carbon dioxide baths, testimony and contraindications

Gas couples, entering the body through the skin layers, form biological substances that improve the processes of vital activity in it.

  • healing cardiovascular diseases, due to the expansion of the venous system: it helps to improve blood distillation through the heart and restore it;
  • fight with excess weight and cellulite sediments: under the influence of heat steam, fat accumulations are melted and removed beyond the body through sweat glands;
  • it is recommended for use in hypertension and atherosclerosis: under pressure of carbon dioxide, the veins occurs, the blood clots are eliminated, the pressure is normalized, the blood is normalized;
  • baths can delay the aging process, a favorable effect on the immune system updates cells in the body, restores skin layers, removes wrinkles;
  • carbon dioxide treatment methods are prescribed for diseases of the bronchi and respiratory system: the baths help to remove bronchial spasms, breathing will be accepted, intensive cough and outbreak;
  • the testimony applies to the removal of fatigue and sleep normalization: gas baths cause temporary excitation in the body, smoothly turning into the stage of soothing, due to this normalizes the state of the nervous system;
  • in case of failures in cerebral circulation, the benefits of carbon dioxide are large: there is an improvement in blood circulation over the body and in the brain, it helps to improve memory and increase (preservation) of intelligence;
  • healing the skin is treated psoriasis, improve the condition of the skin;
  • gas couples reduce blood viscosity, eliminate thrombosis, dry procedure, therefore suits seriously ill and people after operational intervention;
  • reduce blood sugar, treat sugar diabetes;
  • soothing muscle and menstrual pain, which is suitable for athletes and women who survived abortion, miscarriage.

Durary carbon dioxide has benefits and harm, so before going to the recreation procedure, remember some contraindications.

Sessions are categorically prohibited if the patient is experiencing heart failure or acute infarction stage. There is also no visiting baths for hypertension. Harm can be obtained by visiting the procedure during acute exacerbation of a cold.

Refuse the gas bath if you have the defective liver and kidney work. Contraindications for the bath are also available for women in position. Pregnancy in this case may develop incorrectly.

And, most importantly, consult with the attending physician before receiving carbon dioxide, let the specialist will appreciate your health and will appoint the right course of treatment.

Collection of answers to your questions

The lack of carbon dioxide in the human body can be very dangerous. A list of diseases to which it can lead, scares: diabetes, intestinal obstruction, breathing difficulty. To eliminate the deficit of an important compound, dry carbon dioxide, indications and contraindications for which you will learn from this article are created.

Balneotherapy: What is it?

The physiotherapeutic technique based on improving the condition of the patient with bathing in therapeutic baths is called balneotherapy. Under this, the term can also imply rinse with mineral waters, souls, inhalation of vapors, etc.

To date, this therapy is very popular in a number of regions of the world. Among famous balneo resorts:

  • Sapareva Banya in Bulgaria;
  • Ananda in India (located in the Himalayas);
  • Ein Bokek (in the vicinity of the Dead Sea);
  • Geothermal source of blue lagoon in Iceland;
  • Bayle dialect (Romania);
  • Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic);
  • Rogasha (therapeutic complex in Slovenia);
  • Rio Odo (Argentina);
  • Warm Springs (Georgia, USA).

In this video, the therapist Diana Sobolev will tell, for which procedures are carried out using dry carbon dioxide, as it happens:

Anhydrous balneotherapy

One of the varieties of "bathing treatment" are carbon dioxide baths. In the traditional embodiment, ordinary water is used saturated with carbon dioxide.

Therapeutic effect is based on the beneficial effect of gas bubbles on the coating system of a person. Such a massage leads to muscle relaxation, circulatory stimulation and improved well-being.

However, the use of water is not devoid of some drawbacks:

  1. Temperature effect hot water may adversely affect patients with a number of diseases;
  2. Hydrostatic force (i.e. water pressure) makes wet balneotherapy inaccessible "cores" and hypertensive;
  3. The features of the design of physiotherapy devices create difficulties for old people and people with movement problems;
  4. Price. The best mineral springs are in Europe. The cost of treatment in the West is excellent for most people in Russia.

Conducting a session of balneotherapy

The procedure includes a number of such steps:

  1. Before starting a session, you need to undress. Golden to the underwear is quite enough;
  2. The patient's body is placed in a closed container. Most often it is large sizes polyethylene bag fixed at the neck level;
  3. The health worker points to the instrument panel the required temperature level;
  4. Upon reaching the required level, heating is stopped automatically;
  5. In the "cocoon" begins the supply of coalic acid, which later a short time penetrates skin into blood and tones life systems
  6. At the end of the session, the remnants of carbon dioxide are derived from the system;
  7. The nurse removes the camera (it is forbidden to do it yourself), after which the patient can dress.

Therapeutic action of coalic acid continues a few hours after the session is completed. Its duration may vary depending on the disease. The timing varies from 10 to 30 minutes.

To achieve the recreation effect, the physiotherapy office will have to visit about 10 times over two to three weeks.

Dry carbon dioxide: benefits and harm

The procedure will not be superfluous for those who suffer from such ailments:

  • Heavy chronic heart disease. The usual "wet" baths create an undesirable water pressure on the organs, while the dry technique is deprived of such a shortage;
  • Elevated blood pressure and blocking blood vessels. Due to the effects of carbon dioxide, the vessels increase in size, the flow of blood is improved;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Activation of brain supply with oxygen, improvement of memory and mental processes;
  • Rejuvenating effect: the procedure slows the processes of cell aging;
  • General strengthening of immunity.

Reabox Dry Carbonic Bath: Reviews

Modifications of cameras for dry balneotherapy There are a great set. One of the most popular models applied for a couple of dozen years old - domestic " Reabox" It is a closed "bath" in which you can sit.

For many years, "Reabox" managed to acquire the army of loyal fans. Here are real feedback from patients who have tried this treatment method:

  • Larisa, 26 years old, Kemerovo: "The child prescribed treatment in a dry bath. It was surprised to hear about such an unusual device. Represents it a cabin with a stool in which circulates warm air. Baby from this attraction in complete delight. All winter, we did not hurt anything. I advise everyone who has not yet tried ";
  • Margarita, 54 years, Smolensk: "I suffer from increased blood pressure here is not the first year. Girlfriend advised "Reabox". And I tell you: the process of treatment has never been so comfortable. A warm relaxing breeze is going on the body, which calms down well. And pleasant, and useful ";
  • Oleg, 48 years old, Krasnodar: "One and a half years suffered from weakness on the male part. During this time, I managed to change myself with any chemistry, thought about unsafe operations. But then the wife stumbled upon an alternative solution in the form of dry baths. Almost a month once every two days I visited the office. And the result was not forced to wait a long time: I feel even better than in youth. "

Carbon dioxide baths: testimony and contraindications

Useful effects can be achieved and at the immersion of the human body into the hydrogen sulfide environment. Molecules fall into the cerebrospinal fluid and delay oxidation in the tissues. Thus, hydrogen sulfide acts as an antioxidant. Accelerated hair growth is accelerated, recovery processes are activated and aging slows down.

The reading list is as follows:

  • Ailments of the cardiovascular system;
  • Disorders of the peripheral nervous system;
  • Bone fragility;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Problems with the coating system;
  • Loss of childbearing ability.

Contraindications include liver and kidney diseases, severe blockage of blood vessels.

Since the time of the ancient Greeks, treatment is known by immersion in the water of mineral springs. But you should not save to a ticket to Kislovodsk or Essentukov. Excellent solution Can be dry carbon dioxide baths. Indications and contraindications will list a qualified medical specialist. And the process itself will deliver true pleasure.

Video: Carbon dioxide reception process

In this video, the therapist Anna Morozova will show how the process of adopting dry carbon dioxide baths "Reabox" by patients will talk about the benefits of this procedure:

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide: treatment, testimony and contraindications

Carbon dioxide - therapeutic effects on the patient immersed in carbonic mineral water.

In carbonate mineral water, each factor acting on the body is mechanical, thermal and chemical - has specific features.

A two-phase water-gas environment operates on the skin of the patient's water-gas. Tuming from the surface of the skin of the skin bubbles irritate low-level mechanoreceptors of the skin, as a result of which the flow of afferent impulsation is formed into the overlying structures of the brain, which determines the formation of the sensations of the "tactile massage". By virtue of a significant difference in indifferent water temperatures (35-36 ° C) and carbon dioxide (12-13 ° C), gas in bubbles is heated. They form a sick thermostatic gas layer on the body, which makes it difficult to direct heat exchange between mineral water and the body by thermal conductivity. The heat flux into the body of carbon dioxide is 1.4 times more than fresh. As a result of the increase in the action of the thermal factor, the patient has a feeling of "heat". Changing the functional properties of heat-sensitive skin structures leads to perversion of all types of skin sensitivity. The patient has an illusion of heat in carbon dioxide temperature 32 ° C and above and the illusion of cold at water temperature ° C.

A significant flow of heat into the body causes the extension of the blood vessels, strengthening blood flow in a microcirculatory line and hyperemia of the skin. The reactions of vessels are phase character - a short-term spasm of vessels is replaced by their continuous expansion, disclosure of non-functional capillaries and improving microcirculation. At the same time, the increase in the temperature of the "shell" of the body leads to a decrease in total peripheral resistance, strengthening the renal blood flow and glomerular filtration.

Thanks to the pronounced lipoidotropy, carbon dioxide easily penetrates the body through skin derivatives (from speed / min). The quarter of the carbon dioxide penetrated into the body is deposited in the skin, and the rest falls into the vascular bed, changing the capacity of the labile bicarbonate buffer. Fast hydration C0 2 in carotid chemoreceptors and an increase in its voltage in central chemosensory structures of the rudral portion of the middle brain are accompanied by the accumulation of coalic acid in them, the dissociation of which leads to the formation of an excess proton. The following decrease in pH inside the chemosensory cells leads to a temporary restructuring of the operation of the Ca 2 + / 2N + -Athport of mitochondria, the proton potential shift on their membranes and the increase in cellular respiration. The afferent impulses of semoreceptors, heading into the centers of the oblong brain, cause activation of the excitation processes in the cerebral cortex and pronounced visceral reactions. Under the influence of carbon dioxide, hypersympathicotonic and parasympathetic influences on the heart are reduced.

Carbon dioxide causes pronounced coronaration, stimulates the development of the collaterals of the coronary channel, mobilizes the coronary heart rate. By increasing the sensitivity of myocardial to the adsnosine, it activates the energy exchange while reducing on% oxygen consumption by the heart muscle. As a result, the auto regulation of coronary blood flow is improved and myocardial ischemia decreases the basis of the pathogenesis of ischemic heart disease.

The strengthening of the contractile function of the left ventricle leads to an increase in the shock and minute volume of the heart by% and the volume of circulating blood by 30%. Due to the increase in the venous inflow of blood to the heart (preload), the systole and the elongation of diastoles occurs. Such a phenomenon is in accordance with the law of Frank Starling, according to which the power of muscular reduction of myocardium is proportional to the degree of its initial stretching. A positive inotropic effect creates favorable conditions for the activity of the heart, as evidenced by the direct connection of tolerance to physical exertion in patients with a decrease in diastolic pressure and heart rate. Such a training effect of carbon dioxide baths can be implemented and neurohumoral by both the release of the atrial sodiumthical factor and the strengthening of the utilization of lipids in the body. The high probability of the latter is confirmed by a decrease in the content of total cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

Carbon dioxide testimony

Contraindications of carbon dioxide baths

Natural sources are numerous and diverse. Such water is widely used at the resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters, Darasun (Russia), Borjomi (Georgia), Bad Elsterey Bad EMC (Germany), Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic), Saratoga Springs (USA), Vichy (France) and DR .

Artificial baths are prepared using the apparatus for water saturation with the AN-9 gas. Carbon dioxide from a cylinder with a gearbox passes through the apparatus in which cold tap water is simultaneously served. With the help of a hose saturated C0 2 water enters the bath through the tip with a large number of holes located at its bottom. Abroad, use apparatuses for cooking Baths ET et al. Artificial carbonate baths are also prepared by the chemical method of displacing carbonate carbonate or sodium bicarbonate (H 2 C0 3 or NaHC0 3) with hydrochloric acids or acidic salts.

Technique. Before conducting the procedure in a bath, pre-filled with a third of hot water (70-80 l), water is supplied with water dioxide water from the An-9 apparatus, then cold water is added and adjusted to the required temperature and volume. The patient is immersed in the bath to the level of nipples.

The dosing of the baths is carried out by concentration of carbon dioxide, water temperature, its volume and the duration of the procedure.

The duration of the baths held in the day increases from 5-7 min Domin at the end of the course of treatment. For the course of treatment for the appointment. Repeated courses of carbon dioxide are carried out in 3-4 months.

Carbon dioxide combines with mineral baths (carbon dioxide sodium baths), hydrogen sulfide baths and mud (carbon dioxide-mud baths), as well as radon baths (carbon dioxide baths).

Carbon dioxide mineral waters are also used for intestinal washes, irrigation, rinsing and inhalation.

Gas baths

The chemical impact of the gas bath is the penetration of gas into the body through intact skin. Each gas has specific properties and affects the state of organs and body systems in different ways. Gas baths prepared by artificially are applied in extracurient conditions.

In addition, in recent years, the so-called dry gas baths were distributed, in particular carbon dioxide, when the patient is immersed not to aqueous, but to a moistened gas environment.

Pearl baths

Pearl baths are baths in which water with a variety of air bubbles formed by thin metal tubes with a plurality of holes mounted in a wooden grid, located at the bottom of the bath where air flows with iodine pressure. In this case, the "drilling" of water, which has a mechanical action on the skin of the patient. In addition, the patient is experiencing a contrast temperature effect of water (35-36 ° C) and air (15-20 ° C).

Such baths are shown in functional disorders of the nervous system, general fatigue, at the I stage, hypertensive disease.

Duration of the proceduremin, daily or every other day.

On cosnosprocessor.

Artificial carbon dioxide

Artificial carbonate baths - baths in which natural or artificially cooked carbon dioxide mineral waters are affected. Water saturation with carbon dioxide can be achieved by a physical or chemical method. In the waterproofs, a physical method is usually applied, more perfect. For this purpose, the An-9 apparatus is used, which serves carbon dioxide from the cylinder under pressure 2 at and cold fresh water. In the apparatus, water is saturated with gas, after which it enters the bath, filled with 1/3 hot water. Cold water is then added to the bath. The total water temperature in the bath should be indifferent (° C).

The body of the patient immersed in carbon dioxide bath is covered by a variety of small gas bubbles. Solid cover from gas bubbles is degraded by the body surface from water. The thermal conductivity of carbon dioxide is smaller than water, so the bath seems more warm than a fresh bath of the same temperature.

Carbon dioxide has a chemical effect on the nervous skin receptors, which causes a reflexive response of its vessels. They expand, as a result of which the peripheral resistance of the current stream is reduced and blood circulation is significantly improved. Carbon dioxide also has a general resorbative effect, sucking through the skin and entering blood. Finally, carbon dioxide acts and inhalation.

The reflex and resorbative action of carbon dioxide has a powerful and multilateral influence on the vital activity of the human body. The tone of the sympathetic nervous system is reduced, the heart rate is reduced, and their strength increases; The peripheral resistance of blood vessels, blood pressure drops, significantly improves the ventilation of the lungs and admission to the oxygen body.

Carbon dioxide are shown in functional disorders of the nervous system with a predominance of sympathicotional, with a neurocirculatory dystonia of hypertensive type and initial stages of hypertensive disease, with ischemic heart disease under compensation.

With more pronounced hemodynamic disorders, in particular with the rehabilitation of patients after myocardial infarction, four-chamber carbon dioxide can be used.

Bath duration is 6-10 minutes, every other day.

After the bath, rest is needed for 30 minutes.

On curban

Artificial hydrogen sulfide baths - baths, the main acting factor of which is hydrogen sulfide dissolved in fresh water. The saturation of water hydrogen sulfide is carried out by chemical by the reaction between sodium bicarbonate, technical sodium sulfide and hydrochloric acid, which in a certain sequence and dosage are added to the bath filled with water. The content of hydrogen sulfide in the bath is from 50 house / l. Difficulties associated with the use of hydrochloric acid eaters cause increased security compliance requirements (the need for an isolated bathroom room, exhaust cabinet, special forced ventilation, etc.), which limits the use of this physiotherapeutic method.

The hydrogen sulfide bath causes active skin hyperemia as a result of the intensive expansion of its small vessels, which helps to improve blood circulation and metabolism in tissues, reduce heart rate and reduce blood pressure, anti-inflammatory, absorbing, painful and desensitizing effect. Impact on the cardiovascular system is similar to the action of carbon dioxide, but more pronounced.

Indications for the use of hydrogen sulfide baths include the same diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as for carbon dioxide baths, as well as rheumatoid and shared polyarthritis, chronic radiculitis and neurites, gynecological diseases of inflammatory nature, some skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema).

Water temperature in a bath ° С, the duration of the procedure is 5-15 minutes, every other day. On cosnosprocessor.

Artificial radon baths

Artificial radon baths - baths, in which the main active medium is water with radon dissolved in it, which is a source of predominantly alpha radiation. Radon's decay products are settled in a row, affecting it alpha particles. In addition, sucking through the skin, although in small quantities, radon also has some resorption.

For the preparation of the radon bath, a concentrated solution of radon is used, which is obtained in the bush radon laboratories from radium salts solution. The concentrated solution of radon in the laboratory is poured into portion flasks, calculated, on the preparation of baths with a given concentration of radon. The solution is released through the siphon on the bottom filled with water bath and gently mix.

Radon baths enhance metabolic processes, have a common soothing and painful effect, normalize blood pressure, improve the contractile function of the heart. The use of them is shown in chronic polyarthritis, osteochondrosis of the spine, neurosis, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, gynecological diseases.

Water temperature in a bath ° C, radonanka / l content, duration of the proceduremin, daily or every other day.

On curban

Oxygen baths

Oxygen baths are only artificial. They are usually prepared by the physical method with the help of an apparatus for saturation of water with oxygen from a cylinder with a gearbox. The oxygen concentration in the bath does not exceed 50 mg / l. Oxygen is supplied to the bath with the tubes connected to the lattice located at the bottom of the bath.

The temperature of the water ° C, the duration of the procedure is daily or every other day. On cosnosprocessor. In addition to the usual sedative effect of fresh, indifferent water temperature, with such a procedure, oxygen bubbles have a slight mechanical effect, like air bubbles in the pearl bath.

Bykovskaya Yu. Types of rehabilitation: physiotherapy, healing physcutter, massage: studies. Manual / T.Y. Bykovskaya, A.B. Kabaruhin, L.A. Semenhenko, L.V. Kozlova, S.A. Kozlov, T.V. Besarab; under total. ed. B.V. Kabaruhina. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2010. - 557 p. (Medicine). FROM..

Baths with gases impurities

Pearl baths

Pearl baths are used in the disorders of the nervous system, with problems with the spine or the musculoskeletal system as a whole.

Pearl baths help with the first stage hypertension, with a violation of metabolism, with a sedentary lifestyle.

Pearl baths improve blood circulation and muscle tone, establish normal blood pressure and healthy sleep, help with pain in the joints and back.

Pearl baths are prescribed by a doctor and give the effect of post-commission.

Carbon dioxide

The initial temperature of carbonate baths - ° C, and the duration of the first procedure is 7 minutes. Gradually, during the course, the temperature is reduced, bringing to the end of treatment to 32 ° C, and the time increases dominant. Baths spend a day or 2 days in a row with a break on the third. Full course -Procedur.

Hydrogen sulfide baths

Hydrogen sulfide baths are shown for diseases:

joints of various origins outside the aggravation stage;

various diseases of the spine, bone diseases (not tuberculosis origin), muscles, ligaments, tendons and complications after injury;

various diseases of the cardiovascular system;

diseases of the peripheral nervous system: neuritis, radiculitis, plexitis, neuralgia, etc.;

diseases and consequences of damage to the spinal cord: paralysis, paresis;

skin diseases: Psoriasis in the remission stage, ichthyosis, scratch, neurodermit, etc.

Contraindications: common contraindications for watering; as well as diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract; diseases accompanied by bleeding or bleeding; pronounced forms of atherosclerosis; Women - the second half of pregnancy and lactation period.

Procedures are carried out every other day. Their duration does not exceed 8-12 minutes. Course -Procedur.

Radon baths

Artificial radon baths are used in balneology for the treatment of many diseases. These are: diseases of the organs of the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders (gout, urencular diathesis, etc.). Thyroid diseases (hyperthyroidism), various skin diseases, diseases of female genital organs, specialists celebrate the softer influence of radon baths compared to carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide baths, thanks to which the procedures are easier to transfer patients.

Procedures are carried out at the temperature of the water ° C, their duration is -med. Course -wan.

Balneurocyters in sanatorium-resort conditions are usually prescribed to the first half of the day, 1-1.5 hours after breakfast. Before taking a radon bath, other physiotherapeutic procedures are not carried out, limit physical activity. After the relative bath, the patient recommends rest for 1.5 hours.

Oxygen baths

A small piece of oxygen penetrates through the intact skin inside the organism. The external effect of oxygen is characterized by a slight irritation of skin receptors. Most of Oxygen insoluned in water rises up and creates its increased concentration over the water surface.

Oxygen affects the processes of excitation and braking, having a soothing effect on the processes in the cerebral cortex. Increased oxygen concentration improves metabolic processes in the body, normalizes blood pressure, normalizes vegetative processes, activates respiratory functions and replenishes oxygen deficiency.

The duration of the adoption of the oxygen bathroom at water temperature ° C. Course of treatment cylinder baths. Oxygen baths are accepted daily or every other day.

Indications for use: Myocardial infarction under recovery; Arterial hypertension 1-2 degree; myocardiodistrophy; cardiopsychoneurosis; angina in a stable condition; the consequences of ischemic strokes (brain and spinal); disorders of spinal and cerebral circulation; hypotalamic syndrome; post-traumatic encephalopathy; diabetic angiopathy; vibration disease; neurosis; polyneuropathy.

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Carbon dioxide sulphide baths

Carbon dioxide tubes belong to the mixed type of gas baths, in which there is a combination of the effects of carbon dioxide and sulfide water ions onto the human body.

Bathtub data can be both natural and artificial. The most famous similar mineral sources in Russia are sources in Essentuki and Pyatigorsk.

On the body when taking a bath, three main factor affect: physical, chemical and temperature. Physical factor It is characterized by hydrostatic pressure of water, as well as irritating skin with the effect of carbon dioxide bubbles. The temperature factor depends on the difference in water temperatures and carbon dioxide. The chemical factor is characterized by simultaneous impact on the skin and airways Sulfide ions, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. The more skin surfaces are exposed to these substances, the more their concentration in the bath, the therapeutic effect will be expressed.

Carbon dioxide bubbles annoy the skin receptors when they reach the surface of the skin, settled on it, and then take off from it and float to the surface. The alternate effect of bubbles and water forms a kind of "tactile massage".

Thermorecceptors of the skin are irritated due to the difference in indifferent temperature of sulfide water and carbon dioxide bubbles. The water temperature in the mixture of Migraradusov, and carbon dioxide temperature does not exceed the devices. The contrast of these temperatures in the carbon dioxide bath is more pronounced than in other types of baths. Due to this, the so-called "Temperature Massage" is created. At the physiological level, changes are also noticeable: when exposed to cool carbon dioxide, arterial pressure increases, with indifferent temperature baths, on the contrary, decreases. It is also noticed that at the same temperature and the duration of the procedure, the heat from carbon dioxide-sulfide baths in the body is significantly larger than from fresh.

Under the action of carbon dioxide and sulfide ions, the metabolism increases, the blood circulation is improved, regenerative processes on the skin are activated. Sulphides stimulate redox reactions, improve tissue respiration, activate the body's immune system. Carbon dioxide increases the volume of pulmonary ventilation and breathing depth, the efficiency of the cardiovascular system increases.

The combination of carbon dioxide and sulfide baths gives a greater therapeutic effect than individual procedures. Therefore, a list of diseases for which carbon dioxide-sulphide baths are recommended, quite extensive. Most often, this procedure is used for various diseases of the cardiovascular system and joint diseases. The capillaries and small vessels expand, the redistribution of blood in the body is being redistributed, the pulse is peaked and the impact volume of blood increases. Carbon dioxide tubes have a favorable effect on the vegetative, central and peripheral nervous systems, are used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, obesity, skin diseases and allergic reactions.

Good results showed the treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems in children. Already after one course receiving baths, there were significant improvements in the state of affected areas in the muscles and nervous trunks. A good result also showed the use of baths in children 3-14 years after operations of heart defects.

IN therapeutic purposes Natural carbon dioxide baths are used in resorts, and artificial baths in extracurient conditions.

To prepare a carbon dioxide bath, water ads are recruited, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide / l and carbon dioxide -0.7-1 g / l. The course of treatment is 8-12 procedures for 8-15 minutes held every other day.

  • hypertension 1-2A stage;
  • inflammatory gynecological diseases;
  • chronic diseases of nerves, muscles and joints;
  • diseases of peripheral vessels (post-tomboflectic syndrome, endarterite);
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema).
  • common for water procedures;
  • hypertension 2B stage and higher;
  • atherosclerosis in severe form;
  • frequent attacks of angina;
  • individual intolerance to the procedure;
  • insufficiency of blood circulation 2-3 degrees;
  • inflammatory processes.

Carbon dioxide: testimony and contraindications

Carbon dioxide baths are one of the varieties of gas balneotherapy. For the procedure, water is used for carbon dioxide. Highlighting from the solution, gas bubbles have a healing effect on the body. To famous resorts, where you can try natural carbon dioxide sources include Essentuki, Kislovodsk and sewan. In many medical institutions Artificially prepared bath solutions are also practiced.

The benefits of treatment

Carbon dioxide is annoying tactile skin receptors, which leads to reflexive relaxation capillaries and arterioles located in it. This effect is saved for another 20 minutes after the completion of the procedure. Prolonged extension of vessels contributes to the improvement of peripheral blood circulation, heartbeat rehabilitation and increase the strength of the heart muscle cuts. The change in all these indicators favorably affects the well-being of patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Gas bubbles, then settled on the surface of the skin, then disappearing from it, create a feeling of massage. In response to incoming tactile impulses in the brain, excitation processes are activated. The total muscles tone increases, the work of endocrine glands is stimulated, including genital. After each procedure, patients feel the tide of strength and energy.

Significantly affecting the work of regulatory mechanisms, carbon dioxide shall cause changes in various types of exchange: fat, protein, carbohydrate and salt. Biochemical reactions are enhanced in the body, regenerative processes are improved, fat reserves are more active.

Changes in blood pressure during the procedure depend on the water temperature. It has been established that carbon dioxide baths with a temperature of 32-35 ° C have an inhibitory effect on vasomotor centers and cause a pressure drop. Such procedures are recommended for patients with hypertension. But the cool baths (25-27ºС) pressure increase, so hypotonized are more suitable.

Steaming out of water, carbon dioxide enters the lungs and stimulates the respiratory center. Breathing becomes more rare and deep, as a result of which cardiac emission increases, the period of relaxation (diastole) of the heart muscle is extended. Create favorable conditions for "recreation" of a weakened heart.

In general, coursework treats with carbon dioxide baths contributes to the health improvement, increases endurance and ability to work.

When procedures are assigned

The use of procedures are effective in various diseases of cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory and nervous systems:

  • ischemic heart disease 1-2 degree;
  • angina stress 1-2 degree;
  • arterial hypertension 1-2 degree;
  • patch of the mitral valve;
  • myocardiodistrophy;
  • states after the myocardial infarction;
  • neurasthenia;
  • neurosis;
  • endarteritis;
  • reino syndrome;
  • atherosclerosis of peripheral arteries;
  • diabetes;
  • impotence;
  • hypokinesia;
  • climacteric disorders;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • bronchial asthma (out of the aggravation stage);
  • pneumosclerosis.

In preventive purposes, carbon dioxide can be assigned to persons working under oxygen deficiency conditions.


  • ischemic heart disease 3 degree;
  • arterial hypertension of 3 degrees;
  • disturbance of the Cardiac Muscle;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • intolerance to carbon dioxide;
  • renal failure of 2-3 degrees;
  • acute infections;
  • acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute mental disorders.

How the therapy is carried out

Before starting the procedures, a third bath is filled with hot water (70-80º), then a solution with carbon dioxide is added to it and the last turn - cold water in the amount required to create the desired temperature. The first procedures are carried out at a temperature of 35-37ºС. By 4-5 session, this parameter is reduced to 32ºС.

The patient is immersed in the bath so that the water reached the chest level. The duration of treatment is 7-15 minutes. After completion of the procedure, the body wipe dry with a terry towel. If necessary, you can carry out local carbonate baths, for example, only for the abdominal organs.

To enhance therapeutic effects, carbon dioxide can be combined with magnetotherapy, electroitortion or mud appliqués.

Carbon dioxide hydrogen sulfide baths

Mineral-gas baths are therapeutic effects on a patient immersed in mineral water with gases dissolved in it (the leading actor).

Carbon dioxide - therapeutic effects on a patient immersed in carbonic mineral water.

Mechanism of therapeutic action

The concentration of carbon dioxide in mineral water used for carbon dioxide baths is from 0.5 to 1.5-2 g / l, water temperature is 35-36 ° C, with certain diseases (arterial hypotension, neurosis, neurocirculatory dystonia) water temperature reduced to 34-32 ° C; Procedures are prescribed every other day or 4-5 times a week, on the course of treatment 10-12 baths.

The mechanism of action of carbon dioxide in external use is made up of temperature, mechanical and chemical factors, each of which is distinguished by its specific effect due to the presence of carbon dioxide.

The mechanical action of carbon dioxide baths is explained by the difference in sensations, which is caused by simultaneously irritating the skin with carbon dioxide and water. A peculiar micro massage of the skin sacrament on it and the tightening gas bubbles causes tactile skin irritation and is an important component Medical action. Gas bubbles with a temperature of 12 ° C alternately stick to the skin and burst, water is increasing in their place. During the reception of carbon dioxide, even with a water temperature of 35 ° C, the body is located in the conditions of greater heat loss than when taking fresh water baths.

The water temperature has a significant impact on the change in blood pressure. Temperature baths 34-35 ° C cause a hypotensive effect in the process of the procedure, when leaving the bath, systolic arterial pressure can increase with the subsequent decrease in half an hour and slow return to the initial level. The opposite effect is peculiar to carbon dioxide baths of a relatively low temperature (28-29 ° C). At the beginning of the procedure there is an increase in blood pressure, which by the end of the procedure reaches the initial level or decreases.

The chemical action of carbon dioxide is that during the bath in the body penetrates about 30 mg of carbon dioxide per minute. Carbon dioxide enters the body in two ways: with inhaled air and through the skin, as a result of which its content in arterial blood increases. Inhalation of carbon dioxide leads to reinforced exhalation, lungs are exempt from its excess and are more saturated with oxygen. At the beginning of the immersion in the bath, ventilation of the lungs is enhanced, and breathing becomes deeper and less.

The action of carbon dioxide on thermoregulation processes is increased heat transfer due to intensive expansion of skin capillaries, lowering the internal body temperature and venous blood. Cooling the body is accompanied by a feeling of heat as a result of intensive expansion of skin vessels, which ensures the possibility of carrying balneotherapy in conditions of lower temperatures. Carbon dioxide changes heat transfer conditions: increases the activity of thermal receptors and slows down the activity of cold receptors, reduces the body temperature, increases skin blood flow.

Carbon dioxide has an effect on the receptors and effector devices of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, contributing to the formation of active biological substances: active acetylcholine, histamine, serotonin and cholinesterase. Skin capillaries expand, their number increases, the capillar closets are accelerated. An important aspect of carbon dioxide baths seems to be their ability to reduce the tone of venous vessels.

Action of carbon dioxide on the cardiovascular system. Cardiology patients have a carbon dioxide bath causes an increase in the minute volume, the changes of which are nonresko (up to%), which allows you to consider carbon dioxide as a low-loading procedure for the heart. Depending on the saturation of the blood carbon dioxide coming into the right or left heart, the minute and systolic volume of the heart changes, the coronary blood flow, blood oxygenation and myocardial metabolism improve. Under the influence of carbon dioxide, blood pressure increases moderately (in the first 5 min. Baths), and then decreases. The listed effects are more prolonged in the period. The Balneotherapy course leads to an increase in the oxidative functions of mitochondria of myocardium, mobilizing aerobic and anaerobic energy formation.

Carbon dioxide have a kind of influence on the nervous system. Carbon dioxide is able to strengthen the metabolism in the brain, as a result of which the content of gammaamic acid, adenosinerythrifosphoric acid increases, the content of norepinephrine in the diancephal sections of the brain and in the walls of the brain vessels increase, while the bioelectric activity of the brain is improved, the mental performance increases. In contrast to other mineral waters, carbon dioxide increases the excitability of the central nervous system, they have a tonic effect on the bark of the brain. Under the influence of carbon dioxide baths, reactivity on physical and mental loads decreases.

Carbon dioxide has a pronounced positive effect on the vegetative nervous system mediated through the central regulation mechanisms (hypothalamus, the reticular formation of the brain stem, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system). As a result, the excitability of the sympathetic is reduced and the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system increases, which leads to the economization of the heart, brain and other bodies and systems, to improving their nutrition and providing oxygen.

Therapeutic effects are hypotensive, cardiotonic, anti-inflammatory, metabolic, training.

Indications - Cardiovascular Diseases (Ischemic Heart Disease, Stainlessness of Voltage 1 and II FC, Hypertension I and II Stages, post-infarction (3-6 months), Myocardic and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, initial phenomena of atherosclerosis), respiratory disease (lung emphysema , pneumosclerosis, bronchial asthma in the stage of remission), functional disorders of the central nervous system (neurosis, sexy neurosis, vegetative neurosis, post-quantity hemiparesis), chronic inflammatory diseases of female genital organs (adnexite, salpingo-phorite), functional failure of ovarian, climax, metabolic disorders ( Obesity I and II degrees, gout in the remission), light shape of diabetes mellitus, nephrosclerosis.

Contraindications - coronary heart disease, angina stress IV FC with unstable angina or heart rate impaired and conduction (flickering arrhythmia, atrioventricular blockade III, extrasystolia of high gradations), mitral heart defects, heart failure II and III stages, hyperthyroidism, poor tolerance of therapeutic environment (sweating, dizziness, etc.) when taking baths, chronic renal failure II and III stages.

Hydrogen sulfide baths are therapeutic effects on a patient immersed in hydrogen sulfide mineral water.

Mechanism of therapeutic action

Hydrogen sulfide as a strong reducing agent causes the transformation of disulfide groups of proteins and enzymes into sulfhydryls and acts as a natural antioxidant. As a result, the activity of the pentose cycle and the synthesis of low-density lipoproteins with a pronounced atherogenic effect is reduced. Competitive ligand-receptor interaction of sulfhydryl groups activates re-injuries, causes the release of insulin from the protein complex and stimulates Glycoliz.

The resulting sulfide ion is included in the synthesis of amino acids of methionine and cysteine, induces the differentiation of the cells of the basal and tweeted layers of the epidermis, accelerates hair growth, activates the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands. In fact, in the metabolism of mucopolysaccharides, it utilizes chondriotine acid and accelerates the synthesis of collagen with fibroblasts. Hydrogen sulfide due to activation of polymorphic-cell mononuclearov stimulates reparative regeneration and streamlines the structure of collagen fibers in the scar, as a result of which their extensiveness and elasticity becomes less than that of normal surrounding tissue. In addition, the sulfide ion induces mitoses in hepatocytes and activated by cytochrome P 450, which leads to an increase in the synthesis of plasma proteins and α-glycoproteins, and also enhances the inactivation of toxins in the liver.

Reducing the affinity of endothelium receptors to ligands, hydrogen sulfide causes the accumulation of biologically active substances (cytokines, prostaglandins, bradykin) and mediators (histamine and acetylcholine) in surface tissues. As a result, two-phase changes in the blood flow of the skin occur - the initial short-term spasm of the vessels is replaced by their continuous expansion. An increase in blood flow in the arteriols, capillaries and veneules leads to hyperemia of the skin, which is preserved up to 20 minutes after the end of the procedure. The pulsed activity of the nerve leather conductors at the beginning of the bath is intensified, and then significantly decreases, which causes a decrease in pain and tactile skin sensitivity.

Therapeutic effects are anti-inflammatory (reparative regenerative), metabolic (glycolithic and dipolitic), epithelizer, immunomodulating, disintellation, secretory, secdative.

Indications - Cardiovascular System Diseases (Ischemic Heart Diseases, Stainlessness of the Voltage I and II FC, Myocardiodystrophia, post-infarction (4-6 months), myocardic and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, initial phenomena of atherosclerosis), peripheral disease (neuralgia, toxic polyneurite, lumbar-sacral radiculitis, myelitis) and central (encephalitis, neurasthenia, traumatic cerebros) nervous system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatic and infectious and allergic polyarthritis, spondylosis, osteochondropathy, osteoarthritis), diseases of the skin, diseases of vessels (obliterating endarterite, Reino disease, varicose disease), pipe infertility, vibration disease, chronic salts poisoning heavy metals (lead and mercury).

Contraindications are acute and chronic liver diseases, biliary tract and kidney disease, ischemic heart disease, stainlessness of voltage III FC, heart failure of stage II, toxic-allergic reactions to hydrogen sulfide, vegetual dysfunction, pronounced atherosclerosis of brain vessels.

Radon baths are therapeutic effects on a patient immersed in radon mineral water.

Mechanism of therapeutic action

The main active data factor of the baths is dissolved inert gas Radon Rn, the collapse of which is accompanied by A radiation. When the radon deposits on the skin ("active flask") a-radiation of its molecules causes ionization of proteins and water molecules in the dermis with the formation of toxic metabolites of oxygen and hydroperoxides, the concentration of which in the skin can reach (20-200) 10 6 pairs / mm 3. In addition, during the procedure, a 0.15 to 0.27% of radon penetrates through the skin, which causes a high concentration of ionization products in the tissues of internal organs (steam / mm 3).

Products of proteins, being autoantignenes are transferred to Langerhans cells and, similar to the products of photodegradation of proteins, come into contact with sensitized T-lymphocytes-helpers. The synthesis of neutral proteases, biologically active substances and immunoglobulins with tissue histiocytes (macrophages) and polymorphic cells (macrophages) and polymorphic cells (macrophages) are sharply enhanced by the cytokines released. The induction of immune processes in the skin potentiate the products of the peroxide oxidation of lipids, which activate the proliferation and differentiation of T- and B-lymphocytes with the products of immunoglobulins. Along with the activation of the reactivity of the organism, the α-radiation stimulates the differentiation of cells of the basal and spinning layers of the epidermis; A-irradiation of melanocytes leads to the formation of dof, dof-quinon and dof-amines stimulating the formation of melanin. In addition, radon enhances the synthesis of glycosocaminoglycans in the connective tissue, due to which the structurally ordered granulation tissue fibers are formed in the scars.

During the procedure through the skin and respiratory tract to the body penetrates 0.3-6.4% of the radon contained in the water, which causes the α-irradiation of the tissues of internal organs. The main depot of resorbated radon is the skin, a small part of it (3%) is settled in the basal cells of segmental and subsegimentary bronchi. Raising the affinity of α- and β-adrenoreceptors of various tissues to the released mediators and biologically active substances (histamine, norepinephrine, bradykin, etc.), Radon causes two-phase changes in local blood flow in them. The initial short-term (1-3 min) spasm of the surface dermal plexus vessels is replaced by a long expansion of the arteriole and a slight decrease in venular outflow, which leads to hyperemia of the skin and increase the volume of circulating blood. On the contrary, the conductivity of non-cellinized nerve conductors at A-irradiation with radon is significantly reduced, which reduces pain sensitivity. The tone of the sympathetic department of the vegetative nervous system is reduced, and parasympathetic - rises.

By modulating ligand receptor interactions in adrenoreceptors of the heart and lungs, radon increases the shock and minute volume of the heart, causes the shortening of systole and elongation of diastoles at a constant heart rate frequency. Breathing becomes rare and deep, increases his minute volume. Activating the function of the screw substance of the adrenal glands, Radon stimulates the coat products of the cortex okilo in and the insulin production of the pancreas function. As a result, the organism intensifies the processes of glycolysis and lipolysis, which leads to the reduction of body weight, a slight decrease in the main exchange and a decrease in the blood content of free lipids and p-lioproteins of low density. Along with this, radon reduces the activity of the thyroid gland and ovaries, as well as the excretion of catecholamines with adrenal glands, regardless of their initial level.

Therapeutic effects are anti-inflammatory (reparative-regenerative), analgesic, metabolic (glycolytic and lipolytic), epithelizer, immunostimulating, vasodilator.

Indications - Diseases of the cardiovascular system (Ischemic heart disease, angina stainlessness I-III FC, myocardiodystrophy, mitral heart defects, post-infarction (1 month), myocardic and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, initial phenomena of atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease I and II stages obliterated Atherosclerosis, varicose disease), diseases and consequences of peripheral injuries (neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis, plexitis) and central (neurotic, sleep disorders, consequences of closed brain injuries) nervous system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system of inflammatory and degenerative nature (arthritis and polyarthritis , Osters, osteomyelitis, bone fractures with slow consolidation, osteoarthritis, spondylitis), chronic diseases of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, skin disease (psoriasis, red flat, neurodermit, sclerodermia), keloid scars, long-lasting wounds and trophic ulcers , Gong, Diabetes, Diffuse a toxic goiter 1-III degree, obesity II and III degree, chronic inflammatory diseases of female genital organs with hormonally dependent neoplasms (fibromyoma, endometriosis), prostatitis.

Contraindications - acute inflammatory processes, coronary heart disease, angina stress IV FC, unstable angina, heart rate II, heart rate impaired (flickering arrhythmia, political extrasystole), leukopenia of any etiology, hyperthyroidism, poor tolerance of radon mineral water (sweating, shortness of breath, Dizziness and so on.), Professional contacts with ionizing radiation, benign tumors, epilepsy, vegetual dysfunction.

Carbon dioxide is one of the varieties of gas. For the procedure, water is used for carbon dioxide. Highlighting from the solution, gas bubbles have a healing effect on the body. To famous resorts, where you can try natural carbon dioxide sources include Essentuki, Kislovodsk and sewan. In many medical institutions, artificially prepared bath solutions are also practiced.

The benefits of treatment

Carbon dioxide is annoying tactile skin receptors, which leads to reflexive relaxation capillaries and arterioles located in it. This effect is saved for another 20 minutes after the completion of the procedure. Prolonged extension of vessels contributes to the improvement of peripheral blood circulation, heartbeat rehabilitation and increase the strength of the heart muscle cuts. The change in all these indicators favorably affects the well-being of patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Gas bubbles, then settled on the surface of the skin, then disappearing from it, create a feeling of massage. In response to incoming tactile impulses in the brain, excitation processes are activated. The total muscles tone increases, the work of endocrine glands is stimulated, including genital. After each procedure, patients feel the tide of strength and energy.

Significantly affecting the work of regulatory mechanisms, carbon dioxide shall cause changes in various types of exchange: fat, protein, carbohydrate and salt. Biochemical reactions are enhanced in the body, regenerative processes are improved, fat reserves are more active.

Changes in blood pressure during the procedure depend on the water temperature. It has been established that carbon dioxide baths with a temperature of 32-35 ° C have an inhibitory effect on vasomotor centers and cause a pressure drop. Such procedures are recommended for patients with hypertension. But the cool baths (25-27ºС) pressure increase, so hypotonized are more suitable.

Steaming out of water, carbon dioxide enters the lungs and stimulates the respiratory center. Breathing becomes more rare and deep, as a result of which cardiac emission increases, the period of relaxation (diastole) of the heart muscle is extended. Create favorable conditions for "recreation" of a weakened heart.

In general, coursework treats with carbon dioxide baths contributes to the health improvement, increases endurance and ability to work.

When procedures are assigned

The use of procedures are effective in various diseases of cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory and nervous systems:

  • ischemic heart disease 1-2 degree;
  • angina stress 1-2 degree;
  • arterial hypertension 1-2 degree;
  • patch of the mitral valve;
  • myocardiodistrophy;
  • states after the myocardial infarction;
  • neurasthenia;
  • neurosis;
  • endarteritis;
  • reino syndrome;
  • atherosclerosis of peripheral arteries;
  • diabetes;
  • impotence;
  • hypokinesia;
  • climacteric disorders;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • bronchial asthma (out of the aggravation stage);
  • pneumosclerosis.

In preventive purposes, carbon dioxide can be assigned to persons working under oxygen deficiency conditions.


  • ischemic heart disease 3 degree;
  • arterial hypertension of 3 degrees;
  • disturbance of the Cardiac Muscle;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • intolerance to carbon dioxide;
  • renal failure of 2-3 degrees;
  • acute infections;
  • acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute mental disorders.

How the therapy is carried out

Before starting the procedures, the bath for a third is filled with hot water (70-80º), then a solution with carbon dioxide is added to it and the last turn is cold water in the amount required to create the desired temperature. The first procedures are carried out at a temperature of 35-37ºС. By 4-5 session, this parameter is reduced to 32ºС.

The patient is immersed in the bath so that the water reached the chest level. The duration of treatment is 7-15 minutes. After completion of the procedure, the body wipe dry with a terry towel. If necessary, you can carry out local carbonate baths, for example, only for the abdominal organs.

To enhance therapeutic effects, carbon dioxide can be combined with, or.

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