Pyelonephritis that you can't eat. Pyelonephritis: Symptoms and Diet Treatment

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A properly selected diet for pyelonephritis is the key to a quick recovery and accelerates the restoration of the normal functioning of the kidneys. Special nutritional rules must be observed during the period of an acute inflammatory process, and in the case of a chronic form of the disease, they help to avoid a relapse of the disease. With pyelonephritis in hospitals, the patient is assigned a table number 7, while such a diet does not have a negative effect on other organs.

Rules for choosing food for pyelonephritis

With pyelonephritis, the urinary function of the kidneys is disturbed, unnecessary substances are retained in the body and this leads to inflammatory changes and an increase in puffiness. Correctly selected nutrition will allow you to achieve several positive changes in the general course of treatment at once.

  • The diet for pyelonephritis in adults and sick children is selected with the condition of sparing the kidneys;
  • Special nutrition leads to the normalization of all metabolic reactions in the body;
  • Diet is a prerequisite for removing unnecessary salts and toxins from the body;
  • Restriction of certain types of food leads to a decrease in blood pressure, which is often kept at high rates with inflammation of the kidneys;
  • The diet also leads to increased urine output, and hence to a decrease in swelling.

Proper nutrition for pyelonephritis is a decrease in proteins. Foods containing carbohydrates and fats can be eaten as usual. It is also necessary to use as many fortified foods as possible in the diet.

When preparing dishes, any processing is allowed, that is, they can be boiled, baked, stewed. Outside of exacerbation, you can also eat fried foods, naturally, such processing should be the most moderate. Eating food in small portions up to 5 times a day, this will allow all vitamins and minerals to enter the kidneys throughout the day in the same amount. If there is no pronounced edema, then you need to drink at least two liters of useful fluids.

In the acute phase of the disease, food should be cooked without salt. Before eating it, the patient can add salt to it, but the amount of salt per day should not exceed 6 grams.

Diet for pyelonephritis in adults is also a complete rejection of alcoholic beverages. When alcohol is consumed, the load on the kidneys increases several times, and the excretion of metabolic products slows down. All this contributes to fluid retention and intensifies the symptoms of intoxication. Nutritionists advise to eat as many fruits, vegetables, dairy products as possible for inflammatory kidney diseases. This provides a shift in the acidic environment of urine to alkaline.

For the first time, acute pyelonephritis or its next exacerbation requires a special diet in the first two to three days of the disease. Herbal decoctions, unsweetened compotes and teas, vegetable, unsalted soups are allowed for use. Further, food is compiled taking into account the predominant use of plant foods, three to four days after the onset of the disease, you can start eating dairy products.

Prohibited foods for pyelonephritis

The diet for pyelonephritis provides for the complete elimination of certain foods, and the simultaneous increase in other types of food. This is necessary for maximum unloading of the kidneys and for the normalization of their normal physiological function. With pyelonephritis, you can not eat:

  • Rich soups from fish, meat, mushrooms. Bean soups are not recommended for consumption;
  • During the period of exacerbation of kidney inflammation, it is recommended to eat only salt-free bread, you can bake it yourself;
  • Salted and smoked fish is completely prohibited. Also, fatty fish are not recommended for food;
  • Legumes, sorrel, onions, radishes, radishes, spinach, canned and pickled vegetables;
  • Fatty and spicy cheeses;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Spices and hot seasonings;
  • Strong coffee and tea;
  • Chocolate, high fat sour cream. Confectionery.

Permitted products

The daily diet for pyelonephritis must be made taking into account what you can eat with kidney disease. There should be a strict restriction on the choice of dishes during the period of exacerbation, then the diet should be gradually expanded. With pyelonephritis, you can.

Pyelonephritis is a disease in which the kidney tissue becomes inflamed due to infection. In this case, the patient's natural outflow of urine is disturbed, it stagnates and this threatens the development of a severe inflammatory process and subsequent complications up to organ failure.

Usually, the symptomatology of pyelonephritis (fever up to high levels, intoxication, vomiting) forces the patient to go to a medical institution, where he is examined and appropriate treatment is prescribed.

One of the prerequisites for treatment is diet. According to the classification of dietary nutrition, patients with pyelonephritis are suitable diet number 7... It aims to increase the level of alkali in urine by eating foods that lead to this. These products are primarily fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products and milk.

During an exacerbation of the disease, patients need to be especially careful about their diet - eat only ripe berries and fruits, baked apples, and from vegetables - cauliflower and carrots.

Allowed Products... After the acute period is removed, proteins of animal origin can be introduced; it is recommended that sixty percent be obtained from dairy products.

Food must be well cooked. Fried, salted, spicy seasonings are prohibited. Such foods can aggressively affect the urinary tract. It is best to refuse garlic, onions, oily plants, which can cause aggravation.

Food must be stewed or boiled and served immediately after cooking. To make it easier to navigate in nutrition with pyelonephritis, you can combine dishes from such products: cottage cheese, cheese (without seasonings), boiled meat, cereals, eggs, white bread (from wheat or corn flour), pasta, fruits and vegetables, sweet ( jam, marshmallow, marshmallow, sherbet).

It is useful to cook pumpkin porridge, there are slightly stewed zucchini, boiled beets and cauliflower. Patients should definitely eat the first courses, but not in broth, but in water, followed by the addition of boiled meat in small pieces. Frying the first course is prohibited.

Prohibited foods... You should not eat a lot of eggs, one hard-boiled egg or adding soft-boiled eggs to food is allowed per day. From boiled vegetables, you can combine all kinds of salads without hot spices. Patients can also eat mashed potatoes with moderate oil, pancakes, omelets, casseroles, etc.

When following a diet, it must be remembered that patients should limit their salt intake, significantly reduce the level of protein and fat intake. If patients with pyelonephritis are overweight, then carbohydrates should also be limited. Patients are prohibited from eating legumes, coffee, cocoa, white cabbage, various broths and gravies, spices and herbs. Any drinks containing alcohol are strictly prohibited.

Drinking liquids... With a not severe form of the disease (if the ailment is not accompanied by edema), the doctor can prescribe an abundant drink, which contributes to the early elimination of toxic products of the kidney, a decrease in the concentration of salts and flushing of the urinary tract. You should not drink water, but decoctions of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect - tea, rosehip decoction, fruit drink, mineral water, dried fruit compote, drinks from sour berries - cranberries or lingonberries.

Since the metabolism suffers from pyelonephritis, the patients are additionally prescribed multivitamins.

What can you eat with chronic pyelonephritis?

With chronic pyelonephritis, it is allowed to eat soft-boiled eggs.

Patients are recommended fractional meals (4–5 times a day); it is preferable to steam dishes, bake in the oven or boil. Salt is limited to 6 g per day, it is recommended to salt ready-made dishes on a plate. Allowed to eat the following foods:

  • lean meats and poultry, fish (boiled, stewed, baked without a crust, minced meat products), dietary boiled sausage, ham;
  • soups based on secondary meat broth, vegetable broth, dairy and fruit soups;
  • dairy products (milk no more than 2.5% fat, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, unsalted mild cheese, unsalted butter, etc.), sour cream and cream are limited;
  • white (preferably wheat) and gray bread, yesterday's baked goods or dried;
  • pasta, any cereals, flour products;
  • egg 1 pc. per day (preferably in the form of an omelet or soft-boiled boiled);
  • vegetables, both raw and boiled (except for those indicated in the list of products not recommended for use in chronic pyelonephritis);
  • fruits and berries (especially black currants, strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries);
  • honey, jam, marshmallow, marshmallow;
  • black, green and herbal teas, fruit drinks (especially cranberry and lingonberry), freshly squeezed juices diluted with water, rosehip decoction, etc.

Excluded from the diet:

  • smoked meats, pickles, pickles, canned food (including homemade), seasonings, spices, especially hot and salty;
  • mushrooms;
  • fatty rich broths;
  • legumes, cabbage, radish, garlic, onion, radish, celery, sorrel, spinach, lettuce;
  • refractory fats (mutton);
  • confectionery with fatty creams, cream;
  • fast food, chips, croutons and other snacks with added salt and spices;
  • coffee, chocolate, sugar is limited to 70 g per day;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Nutrition rules

A diet for pyelonephritis in adults has many beneficial properties and is aimed at:

  • normalization of kidney activity and metabolism;
  • lowering pressure;
  • elimination of puffiness;
  • disappearance of pain after pyelonephritis.

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Salt restriction

Inflammation in the kidneys affects the filtering and excretory activity, therefore, the excretion of harmful components is minimized. Sodium is retained in the blood and provokes edema, increases blood pressure and leads to the appearance of urolithiasis. That is why it is important for the patient to eat food with a minimum amount of salt. A person is allowed to eat no more than 6 grams per day.

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Drinking regimen

To reduce the intoxication of the body and speed up the elimination of all harmful components, doctors recommend drinking plenty of fluids. In addition to water, a person with a disease can drink such liquids: natural juice, fruit drink, mineral water and tea. You will need to observe that you consume at least 2 liters of various liquids per day.

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The need to follow a diet

Compliance with a diet normalizes kidney function.

Proper nutrition for pyelonephritis is aimed at normalizing the functioning of damaged kidneys and unloading the urinary organs. The most significant plus of the diet is its anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces the symptoms of the disease and makes the healing process faster. In addition, there is a decrease in blood pressure and normalization of water balance, which prevents additional complications during an exacerbation. The dietary food contains a large amount of vitamins that have a beneficial effect, strengthen the immune system and fight inflammatory processes.

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Consequences of not following the diet

A patient who does not comply with the prescription runs the risk of delaying treatment and making himself such complications:

  • inflammation of the tissues around the kidney;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • purulent processes;
  • kidney failure and infections, the treatment of which can take many years of life.

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Diet for acute pyelonephritis

Diet for acute pyelonephritis includes restrictions that should help relieve pain. In acute pyelonephritis, it is recommended to consume 2 liters of fluid daily and lower the salt level to 6 grams per day. It is allowed to eat dairy products, and in the course of recovery, replenish the diet with lean meat. Soups should be vegetable soups, the presence of a small amount of cereals is allowed. Acute pyelonephritis involves eating in small portions at least 5 times a day and cooking food exclusively by steam, in the oven or by boiling on the stove.

Carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet.

It is important to give up:

  • salty;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • sweet;
  • canned food;
  • spicy;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • smoked.

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Nutrition for chronic pyelonephritis in adults

The diet for chronic pyelonephritis in adults is very similar to the diet for acute illness. You need to refuse those products that are listed above. What can you eat? Chronic pyelonephritis allows you to eat lean fish and poultry, vegetable soups, eggs, cereals, honey, sweets and fruits. At the same time, the amount of salt must also be reduced, and dry herbs or lemon juice can be used as a substitute. Observing a diet for chronic illness will not be 1 or 2 years, this process will drag on for a lifetime, in order to exclude the possibility of recurrence of symptoms.

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What can not be eaten with pyelonephritis?

The diet for chronic kidney pyelonephritis restricts the patient in many foods to help the kidneys cope with stress and normalize their activity. With pyelonephritis, you should not eat the following foods:

  • soups with the addition of meat or saturated fish broths;
  • salty bread;
  • fatty, highly salty and smoked food;
  • pickles;
  • hot spices and various spices;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • sweets.

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What food can you eat?

Food can be eaten boiled or baked.

It is important to make the menu from those products that are allowed for kidney pyelonephritis. You should change your diet at times when the symptoms of the disease are aggravated, and over time, add to it the food that will be allowed by the doctor. The following healthy foods are allowed to eat:

  • lean meat and fish (baked or boiled);
  • various fruits (especially those that have a diuretic effect);
  • cereals (buckwheat and oatmeal);
  • vegetable soups with cereals;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • liquids (teas, fruit drinks, mineral waters, compotes, herbal teas).

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Possible menu of table number 7 with pyelonephritis

There is a special table of dietary tables according to Pevzner, in which the diet for kidney inflammation is table 7. Nutrition is based on the fact that it contains a reduced amount of proteins and a normal amount of carbohydrates and fats. On the day, dietary table 7 for pyelonephritis involves drinking at least 2 liters of water. With an exacerbation of the disease, preference should be given to foods rich in vitamins. In this case, the calorie content of the diet should contain at least 2500 calories per day. An example of a daily menu:

  • for breakfast, you can make a salad of vegetables, boil cereals in water and drink weak coffee or tea;
  • for lunch, it is allowed to use a glass of freshly squeezed juice;
  • lunch should include soup made from vegetables, boiled or baked lean meats, cereals and compote;
  • for dinner, you should eat cottage cheese casserole, fruit puree, and a few hours before bedtime, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

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It is important to include fruits and vegetables in the diet of a pregnant woman.

It is important to note that pregnant girls should definitely follow nutritional therapy for pyelonephritis, because during pregnancy it is forbidden to drink most medications. In this case, a special diet will come to the rescue, paired with approved medications prescribed by a specialist. Prohibited foods:

  • fried:
  • sharp;
  • salty;
  • fatty.

It is useful to include in the diet for pyelonephritis a lot of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins necessary for pregnant women. It is required to drink more liquid, however, the doctor should establish the required volume in order to avoid the development of puffiness, which is often found during pregnancy. Often observed in pregnant women and diarrhea, if it occurs, the patient will need to eat prunes and beets.

Pyelonephritis is a disease characterized by inflammation in the kidney. A properly prescribed diet for pyelonephritis will help speed up the treatment process and normalize kidney function. In acute pyelonephritis, diet therapy will completely eradicate the disease, and in chronic pyelonephritis - to avoid relapse.

Nutrition rules

A diet for pyelonephritis in adults has many beneficial properties and is aimed at:

  • normalization of kidney activity and metabolism;
  • lowering pressure;
  • elimination of puffiness;
  • disappearance of pain after pyelonephritis.

Salt restriction

Inflammation in the kidneys affects the filtering and excretory activity, therefore, the excretion of harmful components is minimized. Sodium is retained in the blood and provokes edema, increases blood pressure and leads to the appearance of urolithiasis. That is why it is important for the patient to eat food with a minimum amount of salt. A person is allowed to eat no more than 6 grams per day.

Drinking regimen

To reduce the intoxication of the body and speed up the elimination of all harmful components, doctors recommend drinking plenty of fluids. In addition to water, a person with a disease can drink such liquids: natural juice, fruit drink, mineral water and tea. You will need to observe that you consume at least 2 liters of various liquids per day.

The need to follow a diet

Compliance with a diet normalizes kidney function.

Proper nutrition for pyelonephritis is aimed at normalizing the functioning of damaged kidneys and unloading the urinary organs. The most significant plus of the diet is its anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces the symptoms of the disease and makes the healing process faster. In addition, there is a decrease in blood pressure and normalization of water balance, which prevents additional complications during an exacerbation. The dietary food contains a large amount of vitamins that have a beneficial effect, strengthen the immune system and fight inflammatory processes.

Consequences of not following the diet

A patient who does not comply with the prescription runs the risk of delaying treatment and making himself such complications:

  • inflammation of the tissues around the kidney;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • purulent processes;
  • kidney failure and infections, the treatment of which can take many years of life.

Diet for acute pyelonephritis

Diet for acute pyelonephritis includes restrictions that should help relieve pain. In acute pyelonephritis, it is recommended to consume 2 liters of fluid daily and lower the salt level to 6 grams per day. It is allowed to eat dairy products, and in the course of recovery, replenish the diet with lean meat. Soups should be vegetable soups, the presence of a small amount of cereals is allowed. Acute pyelonephritis involves eating in small portions at least 5 times a day and cooking food exclusively by steam, in the oven or by boiling on the stove.

Carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet.

It is important to give up:

  • salty;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • sweet;
  • canned food;
  • spicy;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • smoked.

Nutrition for chronic pyelonephritis in adults

The diet for chronic pyelonephritis in adults is very similar to the diet for acute illness. You need to refuse those products that are listed above. What can you eat? allows eating lean fish and poultry, vegetable soups, eggs, cereals, honey, sweets and fruits. At the same time, the amount of salt must also be reduced, and dry herbs or lemon juice can be used as a substitute. Observing a diet for chronic illness will not be 1 or 2 years, this process will drag on for a lifetime, in order to exclude the possibility of recurrence of symptoms.

What can not be eaten with pyelonephritis?

The diet for chronic kidney pyelonephritis restricts the patient in many foods to help the kidneys cope with stress and normalize their activity. With pyelonephritis, you should not eat the following foods:

  • soups with the addition of meat or saturated fish broths;
  • salty bread;
  • fatty, highly salty and smoked food;
  • pickles;
  • hot spices and various spices;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • sweets.

What food can you eat?

Food can be eaten boiled or baked.

It is important to make the menu from those products that are allowed for kidney pyelonephritis. You should change your diet at times when the symptoms of the disease are aggravated, and over time, add to it the food that will be allowed by the doctor. The following healthy foods are allowed to eat:

  • lean meat and fish (baked or boiled);
  • various fruits (especially those that have a diuretic effect);
  • cereals (buckwheat and oatmeal);
  • vegetable soups with cereals;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • liquids (teas, fruit drinks, mineral waters, compotes, herbal teas).

Possible menu of table number 7 with pyelonephritis

There is a special table of dietary tables according to Pevzner, in which the diet for kidney inflammation is table 7. Nutrition is based on the fact that it contains a reduced amount of proteins and a normal amount of carbohydrates and fats. On the day, dietary table 7 for pyelonephritis involves drinking at least 2 liters of water. With an exacerbation of the disease, preference should be given to foods rich in vitamins. In this case, the calorie content of the diet should contain at least 2500 calories per day. An example of a daily menu:

  • for breakfast, you can make a salad of vegetables, boil cereals in water and drink weak coffee or tea;
  • for lunch, it is allowed to use a glass of freshly squeezed juice;
  • lunch should include soup made from vegetables, boiled or baked lean meats, cereals and compote;
  • for dinner, you should eat cottage cheese casserole, fruit puree, and a few hours before bedtime, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Observance of food restrictions for patients helps to achieve an effective result in the treatment of diseases. To speed up the removal of the inflammatory process, to facilitate the functioning of a diseased kidney, cancellation of products that retain fluid in the body and lead to inflammation in the kidneys will be able to.

The constant application of the rules for pyelonephritis indicated in the diet helps to avoid exacerbation and serious consequences.

What should be the nutrition for pyelonephritis?

Doctors suggest that the basis of nutrition in adults with pyelonephritis follow the diet "Table number 7"... Diet rules help to draw up a menu for a week with pyelonephritis in adults.

The basic principle diet consists in fractional five meals a day.


  • Diet Table number 7 for kidney disease - menus and recipes
  • Oxaluria in adults and children - a dietary menu for the week and a list of products
  • Diet with an enlarged liver for adults and children

The diet used in the treatment of pyelonephritis in adults, in pregnant women, helps to cope with the symptoms and complications of the disease. During pregnancy the use of many medicines is prohibited.

To reduce the likelihood of an exacerbation in an acute illness in pregnant women, a competent dietary restriction helps.

From pregnant menu x in case of a chronic disease, fried, fatty, salty, spicy foods are removed. Particular attention is paid to the problem of constipation in pregnant women. During the period of complications exerted by pressure on the kidneys, pregnant women should drink more water, add beets, prunes to the diet.

During an exacerbation of the disease, a person must strictly follow the rules of dietary restrictions so as not to cause complications. The diet will include foods that are easily processed by the body in adults.

She must be filled with vitamins, micronutrients necessary for acute or chronic type of kidney disease found in adults. Doctors believe that daily calories with pyelonephritis of an aggravated form, observed in adults should equal 3200 kcal.

A diet for chronic, acute pyelonephritis helps reduce the burden on the kidneys. The adult diet is used in combination therapy. Food on the menu should be prepared by boiling, stewing, steaming.

What foods can and cannot be consumed?

The rules in the diet used in the treatment of various ailments depend on the stage and type. With pyelonephritis, a person may feel discomfort, pain, need food restriction during periods:

  • exacerbation;
  • going to the recovery stage.

To reduce the inflammatory symptom in men and women with pyelonephritis, a diet for patients prohibits the use of:

  • alcohol;
  • coffee drinks;
  • spicy food (spices, seasonings should preferably be excluded);
  • canned foods;
  • concentrated broths;
  • fried foods;
  • legumes;
  • cabbage.

One of the basic rules for pyelonephritis in adults is refusal from soups, the broth of which is cooked on meat... An exacerbation of an acute type of kidney disease suggests complete elimination of animal fats from food in adults and children.

Benefit for pyelonephritis in adults and children will bring liquid filled foods:

  • watermelon;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin.

Kidney disease in adults do not impose a limitation in a diet for a number of protein products that can be consumed:

  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs.

Porridge can become one of the main types of dishes in the menu for patients with acute, chronic type.

Recovery period in acute, chronic kidney disease, it provides relief in nutrition, adding garlic, onions, simple spices, lean fish and meat to recipes.

At each stage of treatment, a person must drink plenty of fluids in the absence of edematous symptoms with pyelonephritis.

Diet and menu for pyelonephritis for adults

Treatment of pyelonephritis in adults can consist of several points, one of which will be strict diet. In acute, chronic type of kidney disease for patients assigned to the diet "Table number 7".

Diet for pyelonephritis in adults "Table number 7" is based on the principle of cooking without salt.

Diet for pyelonephritis, chronic kidney disease , aimed at removing excess fluid from the body facilitating kidney function in adults.

The menu used for pyelonephritis during the treatment of kidney disease in adults with a diet can be represented by a list of dishes by day of the week.

So, a diet for pyelonephritis for adults - a menu for a week:

1 day diet

  1. For breakfast, you can serve a vinaigrette seasoned with sour cream, a slice of bread that does not contain salt, tea with the addition of milk.
  2. At lunchtime, borscht cooked in vegetable broth is allowed to add sour cream, boiled beef, potatoes, baked apples, compote.
  3. In the evening, a casserole of millet or potato with vegetables, dried fruits, milk with a bun.

Day 2

  1. For breakfast, we offer cottage cheese, a piece of unsalted bread with butter, tea (you can add milk if you wish).
  2. The lunch dish is represented by vegetarian pumpkin soup, boiled chicken, a side dish of stewed vegetables, baked fruits, and jelly.
  3. For dinner, vegetable cutlets, dried fruits, freshly squeezed juice.

Day 3

  1. For the first meal in the adult menu, he will offer semolina porridge, a variant of a vegetable salad, chicory.
  2. For a lunchtime snack, it is useful to eat 200 g of lean soup, boiled potatoes with a fish dish, and drink jelly.
  3. The evening reception is diversified by barley porridge and juice.

Day 4

  1. For breakfast for adults, you can cook cottage cheese with the addition of sour cream and berries, compote.
  2. At lunchtime, add porridge cooked in milk and compote to the lean soup.
  3. In the evening, you can allow meat pudding, jelly.

Day 5

  1. Breakfast consists of buckwheat porridge, vegetables in salad or separately, tea.
  2. Lunch food is represented by lean soup, porridge made from wheat groats, boiled veal, decoction of herbs.
  3. An omelet and stewed vegetables will diversify the evening reception.

Day 6

  1. At the first meal in adults, they will delight with pearl barley, cucumber, boiled cauliflower, tea.
  2. For lunch, you can eat borscht, rice cereal porridge with apples, boiled fish dish, compote.
  3. In the evening, cottage cheese, fruit, juice.

Day 7

  1. For breakfast, buckwheat porridge, tomatoes, chicory with milk.
  2. At lunchtime, boiled potatoes, steamed meatballs, and herbal broth can be added to the lean soup.
  3. In the evening, with pyelonephritis, it is useful to eat oatmeal porridge, fruits.

To diversify the diet for patients with pyelonephritis in adults, you can use a different menu offering a list of dishes for each day of the week, depending on the time of the meal.

Snacks can be arranged between the main meals:

  • omelet, rosehip infusion;
  • baked fruit, herbal decoction;
  • buckwheat porridge in milk, herbal decoction;
  • cottage cheese, tea.

Everyday menu for children

In children with pyelonephritis, the main course of treatment may be based on a less restrictive diet. A diet for pyelonephritis in children will help the kidneys and stomach function normally.

Exclusion of certain foods from the menu in children reduces the burden on the kidneys, facilitating the removal of fluid with pyelonephritis:

  • smoked products;
  • fried meat, fish;
  • fatty meats;
  • salty food;
  • cocoa, coffee, onion, garlic.

In children, depending on age, with pyelonephritis, it is worth introducing fermented milk and dairy products into the daily menu. In chronic pyelonephritis, the dietary guidelines for kidney treatment are based on the restriction rules used in adults.

To facilitate the daily choice of recipes for pyelonephritis, a pre-compiled menu for each day of the week helps. Especially useful will be: slave, omelet, vegetables, steamed.

Day 1

  1. For breakfast for children, the menu can offer semolina porridge, boiled egg, tea diluted with milk. Tea in children with pyelonephritis should be weak.
  2. For lunch, you can drink freshly squeezed juice.
  3. Lunch consists of a soup with vegetables with the addition of sour cream, fish meatballs with a side dish of potatoes, jelly. Afternoon snack from a glass of kefir with honey, fruits.
  4. For dinner, the children's menu includes macaroni and cheese, stewed vegetables, and tea.

Day 2

  1. For breakfast with pyelonephritis in children, you can cook buckwheat porridge with milk, cottage cheese pudding, carrots, raisins, cranberry juice.
  2. Lunch consists of tea with a slice of bran bread, cheese, tomato.
  3. Lunch on the menu is represented by boiled chicken with vinaigrette, rosehip infusion.
  4. For an afternoon snack for children, you can serve several pieces of marshmallow to a glass of kefir.
  5. Dinner of porridge with rice, dried fruits.

Day 3

  1. For breakfast, to facilitate the work of a diseased kidney in children, an omelet, a slice of white bread, chicory with the addition of milk are served.
  2. Lunch of cottage cheese with sour cream and honey.
  3. For lunch, children have cooked fish with vegetable casserole, you can add pasta.
  4. You can have a snack with fruits.
  5. Dinner for pyelonephritis, which has reached a chronic form, will consist of milk soup with rolled oats, fruit drink.

Day 4

  1. For breakfast, children bring buckwheat porridge, an egg, compote.
  2. A snack can be made with baked apples.
  3. For lunch, children can cook borscht in vegetable broth, boiled beef with potatoes, tea.
  4. The afternoon snack will consist of fruit with rosehip decoction.
  5. Dinner for children will include a casserole of cottage cheese, baked fruit, jelly.

Day 5

  1. For breakfast with pyelonephritis of the chronic stage in children, they will present on the menu oatmeal porridge, an egg, tea with the addition of milk.
  2. For lunch for children, you can use fruits, compote.
  3. For lunch, cook milk soup, meatballs with vegetable garnish, compote.
  4. An afternoon snack can consist of fruit salad.
  5. Dinner will diversify the menu with macaroni and cheese, milk.

Day 6

  1. Children's breakfast will be made up of vegetable casserole, cheese, weak tea.
  2. A snack can be carried out with a decoction of rose hips with fruit.
  3. Lunch on the menu of vegetable pilaf, baked apples, jelly.
  4. An afternoon snack is represented by cottage cheese casserole, milk.
  5. For dinner, children will have potato zrazy with sour cream, dried fruits, tea.

Day 7

  1. Breakfast with vegetable stew, loaves of bread and tea.
  2. Juice is suitable for an afternoon snack, fruit may be added.
  3. For lunch, children should offer boiled fish and potatoes, stewed vegetables, compote.
  4. An afternoon snack for children will delight with cottage cheese casserole and kefir.
  5. For dinner with pyelonephritis, you can offer a vinaigrette or vegetable casserole of your choice, tea.

You need to follow the diet strictly, without adding prohibited foods to the diet of children.

Healthy recipes

It is believed that dietary restrictions imposed by the rules of treatment lead to a paucity of menus. A diet for pyelonephritis can be tasty, healthy, allowing you to facilitate the work of a diseased kidney by eliminating harmful foods.

Recipes for dishes with pyelonephritis are surprising in their simplicity and lightness. It turns out that you can eat tasty and right.

Pumpkin Soup Recipe Will Enrich Menu in Kidney Disease Diet

Pumpkin soup


  • pumpkin in a volume of 300g;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • water with a volume of 1.5 liters.

Grind pumpkin, potato, onion, carrot. After boiling, add vegetables to 1.5 liters of water in the sequence: potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, onions. When ready, bring the soup to a puree state.

Can be added to the menu for children and adults soup from vegetables and millet

Vegetable and millet soup

The composition of the recipe is represented by a set of products:

  • a couple of spoons of millet;
  • 0.7 l of vegetable broth;
  • half a carrot;
  • two potatoes;
  • parsley root.

Stew carrots and parsley root, add hot broth, millet, potatoes, cook for 20 minutes. You can add sour cream, herbs to the finished soup.

Pilaf with raisins and prunes

Pilaf with raisins and prunes


  • rice 70g;
  • raisins 10g;
  • prunes 15g / dried apricots;
  • water 150ml;
  • butter 10g;
  • sugar 10g.

Cook rice until half cooked, add steamed dried fruits, sugar, butter. Cook on a steam bath in an oven covered with a lid.

For dinner on the menu you can use recipe for vegetable cutlets

Vegetable cutlets


  • 700 g of cauliflower;
  • ½ glass of milk;
  • egg;
  • a spoonful of semolina;
  • a spoonful of butter.

Cauliflower is stewed in milk with the addition of water, semolina is added, the mixture is stewed for 5 minutes. Add an egg to the cooled mass, make cutlets, you can roll in breadcrumbs, steam.

Dinner on the diet menu can be presented potato casserole

Potato casserole


  • from 4 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 100 g of cabbage;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • butter;
  • sour cream.

Form the casserole in layers: boiled potatoes, scalded carrots, cabbage dipped in boiling water. Use sour cream with flour between layers.

It will pleasantly surprise you in the menu used for pyelonephritis, rice and apple casserole

Rice and apple casserole

In medicine, pyelonephritis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the cups and pelvis of the kidneys. This disease often develops from an acute form of the course into a chronic one, which is accompanied by frequent exacerbations. In order for such periods to occur as rarely as possible, and a long-term remission of chronic pyelonephritis occurs, doctors strongly recommend that specific dietary meals be strictly observed.

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Why generally follow a diet for inflammation of the calyx-pelvic region of the kidneys, what tasks does proper nutrition solve? Doctors have drawn up a number of goals that are achieved precisely by nutritional correction:

  • creating optimal conditions for the urinary system, in particular the kidneys;
  • reducing the load on the organs affected by the inflammatory process;
  • reduction and stabilization of blood pressure (against the background of pyelonephritis, its indicators are usually increased);
  • reduction of frontal and peripheral edema;
  • improving the process of removing toxins, toxins, salts and nitrogenous compounds from the body.
  • restricting food with protein content;
  • maintaining the amount of incoming fats and carbohydrates within the physiological norm;
  • dietary food should be fortified.

With pyelonephritis, you need to consume a certain amount of liquid - up to 3 liters per day, moreover, this amount includes first courses, and tea, and compotes with fruit drinks.

People with diagnosed pyelonephritis should not only know what foods they can and should eat, but which ones should be discarded. The fact is that it is very important to follow certain rules:

  1. Diet meals for pyelonephritis can be baked, stewed, boiled and even fried - with the disease in question, only the urinary system is affected, the gastrointestinal tract works normally. Food, by the way, does not need to be chopped - even large pieces of food do not increase the burden on the kidneys. True, you will need to consult a nutritionist, because when diagnosing diseases of the digestive system, the rule of eating dishes of any preparation does not work.
  2. You need to take food at least 4 times a day, it will be better for the body to have 5 meals a day. With this regime, the body will constantly have the necessary supply of vitamins and micro- / macroelements, and the kidneys will have time to process the waste products of the body in a normal rhythm.
  3. It is imperative to limit the use of salt, doctors generally forbid salting food, and only ready-made dishes can be slightly adjusted to taste. You just need to remember - people with diagnosed pyelonephritis can consume a maximum of 6 grams of table salt per day. This limitation is due to the fact that it is the accumulation of salt in the body (and during the inflammatory process, the kidneys cease to completely remove excess sodium ions from the body) provokes the appearance of peripheral and frontal edema, increases blood pressure, and can cause the formation of stones in the kidneys and ureters.
  4. The patient needs to give up alcoholic beverages and not just limit their use during exacerbations, but forget about them even during prolonged remission. The fact is that alcohol has a crazy load on the kidneys, they start to work slowly and do not have time to remove toxins from the body. The result of this attitude to the recommendations of doctors will be edema, exacerbation of the inflammatory process.
  5. The diet does not imply any specific temperature regime for food with pyelonephritis. But, we repeat, this rule applies only if the patient does not have any disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system.
  6. It is imperative that patients eat foods that have an alkalizing effect - vegetables, fruits, milk - as part of their diet. This is due to the fact that the acidic environment is considered the most favorable for the development of pathogens, namely, they are provocateurs of the inflammatory process in the calyx-pelvic region of the kidneys.

Patients with the disease under consideration need to limit the amount or completely exclude the use of those products that irritate the kidneys. These include:

In fact, most of the usual foods can be eaten with this disease. For example, doctors recommend that you definitely introduce fruits and vegetables, milk and various drinks into the diet. List of foods and dishes allowed for use as part of the diet for pyelonephritis:

  • any products made from yeast-free dough, but without the addition of salt;
  • bread, preferably yesterday's and cooked without adding salt;
  • soups with milk and vegetable broths;
  • "Secondary" meat and fish broths from low-fat products;
  • any poultry and lean meats, just keep in mind that it is better to boil them before frying and stewing;
  • weak black tea, green tea;
  • fruit drinks and rosehip decoction;
  • jelly from vegetables and fruits;
  • zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes;
  • any greens, carrots and beets;
  • any vegetable salads - both raw and boiled;
  • pasta;
  • absolutely all cereals;
  • oils - vegetable and unsalted butter;
  • any sauces - tomato, sour cream, milk;
  • citric acid, vanillin and cinnamon;
  • various spices and seasonings (be careful with spicy additives!);
  • boiled eggs or steamed omelet;
  • milk and all lactic acid products.

Diet for pyelonephritis of pregnant women

If the disease in question is diagnosed in women during pregnancy, then nutritionists develop a slightly different diet for them. It is highly recommended to introduce the following foods and dishes into the menu of a pregnant woman with diagnosed pyelonephritis:

  • boiled chicken without skin;
  • whole milk and low-fat cream;
  • fermented baked milk and kefir, sour cream and yoghurts with a minimum percentage of fat;
  • dietary bread without salt;
  • uncomfortable pastries;
  • steamed omelets, boiled eggs, but not more than 2 times a week;
  • boiled or baked fish (remove the skin);
  • weak black tea with the addition of milk, fruit drinks, jelly from fruits and vegetables;
  • zucchini, eggplants, cucumbers, carrots, fresh tomatoes;
  • apples, pears, grapes;
  • some spices - it is allowed to add cloves, parsley, dill, bay leaves and cinnamon to dishes;
  • porridge cooked without adding salt.

If a woman diagnosed with pyelonephritis is pregnant, then she needs to exclude spicy, sour, pickled and salty foods, legumes, mustard, cocoa, baked goods, sorrel, radishes and spinach from the diet.

Note:during pregnancy, almost all medicines are prohibited for use, therefore, the inflammatory process in the renal calyx should be “contained” by the diet.

What will happen if you do not follow a diet with pyelonephritis

Many patients with chronic pyelonephritis, unfortunately, ignore the recommendations of a nutritionist and constantly violate the prescribed diet. No, during periods of exacerbation of the inflammatory process, even the most careless patients remember the need to exclude provoking foods from the menu, but as soon as the disease enters the stage of remission and all pronounced symptoms disappear, they allow themselves to relax. It is unlikely that they realize the seriousness of pyelonephritis, because even with a simple violation of the diet, the following complications can occur:

  • the inflammatory process begins not only to progress, but also to spread to the tissues surrounding the kidney - this condition is called paranephritis;
  • with a probability of up to 87%, stones will begin to form in the patient's kidneys - pyelonephritis and urolithiasis in tandem pose a threat to human life;
  • if, in chronic pyelonephritis, periods of exacerbation of the pathology are too often recorded, then doctors begin to put a high level of risk of developing a carbuncle or abscess in the kidneys - literally purulent fusion of the kidney occurs;
  • the kidneys work not only with impairments, but in an unacceptable mode, which as a result can lead to renal failure - a condition requiring immediate medical attention, possibly surgery and removal of the affected organ;
  • with a constant violation of the diet, toxins accumulate in the body, which can "result" in a bacteriotoxic shock - only specialists are able to remove the patient from it.

Treatment of pyelonephritis, proceeding in a chronic form, is always long-term, doctors speak of the impossibility of complete recovery, but the likelihood of long-term remission of the pathology is very high. In order for the inflammatory process in the renal calyx to stop in its development, it is necessary not only to fulfill all the prescriptions of the attending physician, to take courses of physiotherapy and spa treatment - it is very important to observe the regime and diet.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical columnist, therapist of the highest qualification category.

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