How can you build a portal to any world. What are the portals in Minecraft and how to make them? Creating a portal to the Nether in Minecraft

Encyclopedia of Plants 24.07.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Today we will talk about how to build a portal to the Ender world. Each player of the Minecraft sandbox will one day want to explore something unusual, which is not always encountered in the gaming space. Of course, the portal to the Ender world becomes the central desire of such people.

Point of arrival

This dimension is otherwise called the Edge. It bears this name for many reasons. First of all, because this is the last and highest task in terms of progress that the player can complete, since the final boss lives here. It is fraught with a lot of mysteries and secrets, it is in this place that you can get on the battlefield with a real Dragon. In case of victory, the player will receive numerous treasures. This explains the ongoing relevance of the question of how to build a portal to the Ender world.

Construction of the portal

In order to start building a passage to this mysterious dimension, you need to acquire 12 Eye of Ender artifacts and 12 special blocks. The latter are installed on the ground, forming a 4x4 frame. An Eye is laid out on the upper face of each block. After the portal to the Ender world (“Minecraft”) will open, and the player will enter the world of evil monsters.


In order to get to the cherished place, it is not at all necessary to engage in the construction of the structure yourself. In Minecraft, it is possible to find a portal. For this purpose, you will also need the Eye of Ender. Thanks to this artifact, you can find the right path. The eye will work as a kind of compass. To do this, you need to toss this item. At the same second, the artifact will be able to determine the correct direction and fly along the road to the nearest object suitable for the player. This way, you can do without the painstaking solution of the question of how to build a portal to the Ender world. All that remains for the character to do is to dutifully follow the Eye of Ender. At that moment, when the artifact falls down to the ground, the player needs to find a special labyrinth underground. It is there that the portal frame will be located with those slots-cells into which it will be necessary to place the Eye of Ender. In the case of the correct execution of the sequence of searches, getting into the required dimension will not be difficult. Now you know how to build a portal to the Ender world or find a ready-made one.

If you are already familiar with Minecraft, then you are well aware that this world is great and immense. How to move in it quickly over long distances? Well, let's say, in creative mode, you can take off and move quite far in flight without any problems, but in survival it's not long to get lost and abyss in search of your city. What to do if you urgently need to get exactly where you need to? Portals will help us to do this. You just need to build and activate them.

What are the portals in Minecraft without mods

It is useful for a beginner to know that in any version of the game, the portal can only be to hell and back, but you can and should use this portal to move to the city or to the point in the world where you built it. There is also a portal to Ender, but it cannot be built in survival mode, you can only find it. But in the creative it can be done, this will be discussed below.

How to make a portal to hell without mods

As mentioned above, this is the only portal that can be built without mods. It needs at least 10 blocks of obsidian (an economy version of the portal, but in fact it is built from 14 blocks) and a lighter. We lay out a rectangle from obsidian in 4 blocks horizontally and 5 vertically with an empty middle.

We set fire to the lower block and the portal is activated. Now, entering it, your character will fall into the Hell of hellstone and lava. It is also possible to build a portal to hell in creative mode, but such a portal will not work on Minecraft PE (Android), in the tablet version of the game, the portal replaces the lower world reactor, which is done in a completely different way.
So, to build a portal to hell, first we get obsidian by filling lava with water from a bucket (or vice versa with lava water).

Then we mine blocks of obsidian with a diamond pickaxe (and only diamond, no other pickaxe will work). Cooking fire.

We lay out a 4x5 frame, even without corners. Here are 2 options for the frame, choose any of the two.

We set fire to the lower block and that's it: the portal is ready to move you to the very inferno of hell.

In hell, you will come out of the same portal, which will be created there by itself. To return back to your world, enter it.

In versions of Minecraft PE 0.12. and above the portal to hell is built in the same way. But in the versions below - completely different: from gold, cobblestones and a reactor. It looks like this:

How to do: first we need to put 4 gold blocks (you need to put them opposite each other). Between these blocks are cobblestones (cross). Second layer: in the middle of the reactor, we place a cobblestone on each golden block. Third layer: a cobblestone on top of the reactor, we stick 4 more cobblestones to it in the same way as below.

Then we go into survival mode, tap on the reactor and, if you did everything right, then you will go to hell. The portal is activated when you touch the reactor with a sword. By the way, good equipment does not hurt.
And this is in hell:

How to make a portal to the city without mods

The portal to the city is, in fact, the same hellish one, only not an entrance, but an exit. No matter how many portals to hell you create, you will always come out of the one that you built the very first, so you need to make it where your house is located, that is, in the city. If you make the first portal in the forest, then you will always go out into the forest.

There is no other way to get into the city without mods, and you should not believe the one who claims that there is. Tested in practice, all other portals can be made only after installing mods.

End Portal (Ender)

Edge - a world in the form of an island, which is inhabited by a large number of wanderers of the edge, as well as a dragon (boss), after the destruction of the dragon, the player can see the end screensaver of the game.
In creative mode, it can be built from 12 frames + 12 Ender Eyes. All frames should be parallel to each other and face inward (it is better to place blocks from the inside, being in the center of the portal).

To activate the teleport, put an eye of the End into each frame.

The Survival Portal to the End is not created, it can only be found in the fortress using the Eye of Ender. It consists of 12 frames in the form of a square ring. To search for a portal to the end and activate it, you will need a large amount of the “eye of the end” item, which is crafted from the “pearl of the end”, which in turn drops out of Endermans (endermen). The Wanderer of the End appears in dark caves and at night, and quite rarely.
Eye of Ender (Eye of Ender) Recipe: Fire Powder + Ender Pearl
Fire powder is made from a fire rod that drops from ifrits (ifrits live in hell, their spawners can be found there).
You need to throw Enderman's eye into the air with the right mouse button and watch where he fell, from where the eye fell, you need to throw the next one. When you see that the eye goes down into the ground, you need to start going down there - the portal to the edge is located directly below it. Be careful, scales will spawn near the end portal, and there may be other hostile mobs as well.
The portal lacks a certain number of eyes, they need to be inserted with the right button, then the portal to the edge is activated and it will be enough to jump into it to get to the edge.

You can only get out of the region by killing the dragon or by dying.

Portal mods

Want more portals?
Wormhole X-Treme is a plugin that implements the functionality of minecraft portals. To create a portal in minecraft, you are required to build a certain figure from certain blocks. In the settings, you can change the form of the minecraft portal to any other, while you can have several forms at the same time for different purposes. The resources from which the minecraft portal is built can also be changed. The minecraft portal also comes with a remote control.

Maud Portal Gun for the Minecraft PE game will allow you to get everything that was available in the PC version. After you download and install it, you will have a weapon that creates portals, and many other pleasant things.
Nether Portal Mod for Android will add portals to hell. Or rather, the ability to build them in the same way as in the PC version.
And, of course, fashion for paradise and the twilight forest.

There is no paradise in the official Minecraft game. There is an ordinary world, the lower world (hell) and the edge, and in order for heaven to appear, a special mod must be installed, called Aether. If the mod is not installed, then the portal to paradise is not activated. It can be done, but it will only work with the mod. The charlatans offer a bunch of ways to build without mods, but none of them work!
How to do:
Make sure you have the Aether mod installed that is compatible with your game client version.
Lay out the glowing stone in a 4x5 block frame and pour water from the bucket onto the portal.

Welcome to Paradise.

Twilight Forest- mod for the twilight forest. We put the mod and build a portal. For the portal you will need 1 diamond, a bucket of water, a shovel and 12 flowers or mushrooms. We dig a hole 2x2 one block deep.
We fill it with water.
We plant blocks around the perimeter with flowers or mushrooms.
We throw a diamond into the water and retreat so that lightning does not strike us.
We go to the portal.

Immediately we build ourselves a reliable shelter, best of all underground, in this world hostile mobs are always active.

Portal to space

Its construction without mods is possible only in version 1.2.5. For later versions of the game, in order to get into space, one of the following mods must be installed: GalactiCraft or AstroCraft. And with mods MarsPlanetAlfa or MarsPlanetMod you can make a portal to mars. And do not forget that before flying into space, you also need to craft a spacesuit.

Enjoy your journey through the endless world of Minecraft!

For players who were not aware that there are portals in minecraft to the upper and lower worlds, this article will be of interest. It will tell about the possibilities of moving to hell and heaven, about how to get into such mysterious worlds. What dangers and adventures await you. If you like different maps, new biomes, you can download them on our website. If you are playing on a server that has the portal plugin for minecraft pe installed, then you do not need to download it, you just need to follow the instructions and do the things you need.

And things like other worlds are doubly dangerous, but you will be rewarded for your exploits if you are careful. In heaven and hell in the minecraft game, you can find the most hard-to-find and durable ores that are in the game. There is no limit to adventures, quite interesting locations are waiting for you ahead, but at the same time dangerous and mysterious.

Make a portal to space

UPDATE from 03/16/14

Friends, before describing the construction of a portal into space, we want to talk about a very cool alternative - fly into space ON A ROCKET! It's just that the portal to space, unfortunately, can only be made in version 1.2.5, and this wild junk is terribly inconvenient. Those who need the portal can safely scroll through, but we highly recommend the rocket to everyone, it's much, MUCH COOLER!)))

This is all done, of course, with the help of a mod. It's called GalactiCraft (you need two more files, you'll find them all at the link, along with installation instructions!). We use version 1.6.2, but there is a link to 1.6.4 as well.

We have described all the instructions for you in our review:

Well, now about the portal.

To calmly do without air, we need a spacesuit. It is crafted in the same way as any armor, only from wool. The recipes are on the screenshots below.

Airless space is fraught with a lot of dangers, so you need to AT LEAST follow the most basic rules:

  • stock up on supplies and tools in advance
  • don't forget to take more food
  • DO NOT JUMP! Otherwise, you will perish, like the author of the video below :)
  • move around the islands
  • do not forget to make yourself a platform on which you can move around, otherwise you will die (again, like the author of the video)
  • do not forget to take a weapon - the UFO does not sleep!

This journey is incredibly exciting. New territories in minecraft are always very interesting to explore, because it is not known what awaits you in an unfamiliar area. It is even more interesting to shoot your adventures on video and upload them to the Internet and show them to your friends.

Let's go on a trip to the moon

Yes, this is also possible!) And not with the help of a portal (there is no normal information about the portal to the moon, but if you suddenly know something about such a mod, write in the comments plz), but on a rocket. It's cooler for many reasons, and quite affordable. We have all the necessary files on our website, see the links in this article.

Well, as for the flight to the Moon itself, the preparation for it is very similar to the flight into space (how do you live on your own space station, by the way? :)). Therefore, we will not paint a lot, everything is in the video, we watch it:

This instruction will explain in detail to the players how to build a portal to paradise after all. First of all, you will need to download a mod that allows you to transfer. It must be installed, otherwise the portal will not work (here is a link to the Aether 2 mod).

After installing this mod in minecraft, you will need a stone called glowstone and from this stone we build a kind of frame as shown in the video. Sizes 4 by 6 blocks. The players will also need water, pour water into the already prepared “frame”. To do this, you need a bucket, the craft of which is shown in the figure below. Then be sure to fill a bucket of water (you can do it in any available reservoir) and pour it into the portal. It is necessary to fill in the entire frame of the portal, otherwise it will not work.

Players who do not want the portal to work all the time can make a button next to it that will turn it on and off.

Make portals to hell in minecraft

The portal allows you to make a teleport in minecraft, rather to a dark and scary location in which evil lurks, there is no view of the moon and the sun, and there is only darkness all around. There are strong monsters that are ready to devour you. Therefore, before moving there, you still need to stock up on food, weapons, armor. You can build it according to a not very complicated system, if you, of course, have a stone called obsidian in your inventory. Many beginners in minecraft do not know how to get this stone. Now I will tell you everything in detail. Obsidian can be obtained in 2 ways:
  1. You just need to craft a bucket, which was mentioned in paragraph 2, you need to pour water into it (you can in any reservoir) and find a place where there is lava. After pouring your water from the bucket onto the lava, a natural phenomenon will occur in minecraft and you will get the stone that you just need, called obsidian.
  2. It is necessary to make a good pickaxe (starting from diamond) and dig deep underground, there you will find this stone, it is dark purple in color, which is immediately noticeable. The stone will be mined for a long time, because it has strong properties.


It is necessary to mine minecraft with a pickaxe starting from a diamond one, if you do not have such an opportunity, then it is better to use the first method, because obsidian will not be mined with simple pickaxes.

Actually, let's move on to the construction of the portal. You need to create an empty obsidian rectangle 4 blocks wide and 5 blocks high, as shown in the picture.

Then you will need to craft a lighter (required), the craft of which is shown in the picture below.

Bring the lighter to the base of the rectangle and the portal to hell will work. To teleport you need to go into it and wait a few seconds until it moves you.

There are even mods that allow you to fly to the moon. But it’s not so easy to go to the moon, you will need to craft rockets according to the scheme, and only then will you be able to fly to the moon.*

*update from 03/23/14 - we not only wrote about this above, but also flew and filmed a video :)

Making a portal to the city

In Minecraft, we can also make a portal to the city. This is a little trick, the essence of which is this - we can get to hell from any portal to hell, of which we can build at least ten pieces. But from hell we will always return to the portal that we made first.

Therefore, we can make ourselves, as it were, a "passage" from the house directly to the city. The course of action is as follows:

1. First we must find the city. How? Stock up on provisions and run ahead!) Not forgetting, of course, to make a compass and a map in advance. Usually villages come across on the plains or in the desert.

3. We teleport to hell, build a portal with non-combustible material, you can just use a cobblestone.

4. We return to the ordinary world, run back to the house, or to where you want to get into the city from, and build another portal to hell.

5. We are transported to hell, exit the portal, and immediately go into it again.

And that's it! After that, we find ourselves not where we came from to hell, but in the city.

Here is such a simple thing, use it to your health;)

Well, as usual, watch our video. Don't forget to subscribe!

Making a portal to the end

So, the Minecraft portal is a guide to another dimension, in our case, to Krai. In essence, these are twelve frames forming a square. For this conductor to work, and you got to the End you need to activate it. The activator is the eye of the Edge. They need twelve pieces, according to the number of frames. Each eye must be installed in a frame block. You can’t make a “window” to the Land on your own, you can only find it in Minecraft. Search should be in the fortress. There, in a special room, above the lava, there is a portal. Some frames sometimes already have an eye of the End, but even in this case, their number is a maximum of two. The rest will have to be mined. After filling all the frames inside, nine blocks appear, directly, of the portal. This whole scheme may not work if the room in which the portal is located somehow intersects with, for example, abandoned mines or any other similar (natural) structures. Then you have to go in search of another fortress.

The teleportation itself the player in the End occurs after the crafter contacts the portal. The transfer is lightning fast - having taken a step, it will be possible to return only from the Edge dimension. Once at the destination, the crafter spawns on a special obsidian platform, which often ends up in the air. To get back, you need to either die (then the player is resurrected in the normal Minecraft world), or kill a very tough enemy - the Ender dragon, which is also called Ender. Killing a dragon will generate a reverse portal, but making a gorynych kirdyk is extremely difficult.

And now, in list form, the nuances that Every Minecraft traveler needs to know going to the edge.

  • End first appeared in Beta 1.9pre-release4. This pleasant event happened on October 13, 2011.
  • Initially, Notch planned that this dimension in Minecraft would be called "Ender", but later the name was slightly shortened - to End.
  • There should have been several dragons in Ender. End is gifted with only one, but what!
  • If you look very closely, you can understand that the blocks of the portal frames are made of End stone.
  • Again, if you look closely, you can see that the portal block itself is a darker version of one of the several water states in Minecraft.
  • To get to the Land of Minecraft, you can contact the portal as you like, only it is not recommended to enter the minecart. It’s not that it won’t be faster, you won’t get there at all.
  • Portal blocks are deployed in both directions.
  • The block of this portal, like its "colleague" leading to the Underworld of Minecraft, can be eliminated with water.
  • It is extremely infrequently possible to generate an Underwater portal in Minecraft to this gloomy place. And, of course, you can't do it yourself either.
  • Blocks of the "corridor" to Ender's habitat, like any other blocks in Minecraft, can be destroyed. But this can only be done in Creative mode.
  • Destruction of frame blocks does not entail the destruction of the portal block.
  • "Dismantling" the frame is accompanied by the sound of breaking glass.
  • At the beginning, the frames had other properties. They also had a different texture. They were transparent blue blocks that emitted the light of the fifteenth level. They were not then solid, they could be broken. But it could also be repaired using the Eye of the Edge.
  • In one version of Minecraft, the frame could be blown up.

When you first start the game, your character finds himself in a world that is in many ways similar to the real one: around green lawns that give way to forests, mountains and deserts. Through all this flow rivers that flow into large seas and oceans. However, there are quite unusual creatures in this world, you can find strange materials, but otherwise it is quite ordinary. And the players believe that he is the only one. This is a rather serious mistake, because in reality they lose a lot. Indeed, in Minecraft there is far from one world. There are two more parallel ones that you can get to using portals. Also, additional locations are added using mods. In this article, you will learn in "Minecraft" in a world different from the initial one. After all, portals are the only way to move between worlds, so you have to learn how to create them.

Portal to the Nether

The very first extra world you will be able to visit is the Nether, which most players simply refer to as "Minecraft" to the world of Hell? The recipe for success is very simple, but you may have some problems getting materials. The fact is that the portal must consist of obsidian, which is not generated in the world upon creation. And you can't craft it. How then to get it?

Here you need to know one trick. You need to make sure that flowing water gets on the lava source, otherwise you will get ordinary cobblestones instead of obsidian. To create a portal, you will need fourteen blocks of obsidian, and if you have already got them, you can start building the portal itself. The passage in it should be two by three blocks, that is, in the end you will get a rectangle with an empty space in the center. To fill it, you will need a lighter, which is crafted from flint and an iron ingot. You need to activate the lighter next to the portal, then the void inside it will be covered with a purple layer, through which you can already get into Hell. However, this is not the only option available to you. Learn how to make a portal in Minecraft to the world of End.

Portal to End

The second world that exists in the original version of the game is the End. If you are thinking about how to make a portal in Minecraft to the world of End, then you should think twice. The fact is that the journey will be one way: the developers added this world so that players who are tired of playing do not abandon the process, but complete it by teleporting to the last world and killing the main boss - the dragon. You do not need to build this portal - you only need to activate it. To do this, you will need to kill Endermans and Blazes in the Lower World in order to combine eyes and powder, from which the very elements that you should insert into the holes on the portal will be obtained. You can find it in the dungeons - these are natural structures, and you will activate the portal immediately when you insert the received stones.

Portal to paradise

The most popular world added by the mod is Paradise. A portal to it is created in much the same way as to Hell, only instead of obsidian you will need to find glowstone - a material that can only be mined in the Lower World. After creating the same arch, you will need to pour water into it. A blue veil will appear, through which you will have to go to find yourself in a new world.

Other worlds

You can also make a portal to the world of Herobrine in Minecraft - this is just one of many examples. All of them are unofficial and are added to the game with the help of modifications. But you can choose what you like the most, download, install and start traveling through unknown locations. Add a portal to the world of Endermen and many other interesting and fascinating worlds to Minecraft!

The game world of Minecraft is incredibly large, and besides, there are several dimensions here, including the Ender world, where the main boss and endermen live. There is nothing useful here besides obsidian and end stone. Many will ask a quite reasonable question: “What then to do in this dimension, poor in resources?”. Everything is very simple.

The fact is that in order to complete the Minecraft game, it is necessary to destroy the main boss - the Dragon of the Edge. However, in order to kill him, you must first penetrate the End, and this can only be done through a special passage that can only be found in the fortress. To find the portal, you will have to create the Eye of the Edge, and for this you will need ifrit powder, which falls out of ifrits and Ender pearls, showered from endermen.

These ingredients must be thrown into the air and moved in the direction of their flight. As soon as the Eye begins to descend on you, start excavating under you - this is where the entrance to the "End" will be. However, the passage should be excavated with care, as there is a high chance of falling into the lava directly below the passage.

If you do not have the desire to spend time looking for a passage to the Ender world, then you can build it yourself. This is only possible with the TooManyItems mod or using administrative commands. The passage to the End can be made using 12 portal blocks and 12 enderman eyes, which are obtained in two ways.

Create a portal using commands

Portal blocks, without which it is impossible to create a passage to the Ender, can be obtained using a special command. To do this, open the panel by pressing (T) and enter /give 120 12, where the first number is the item ID, and the second is the quantity.

In the event that you have not yet managed to make enough Eye of Ender and you do not have the required resources - 12 enderman pearls and 12 powders, then all this can also be collected through the command line. To do this, enter /give 381 12.


This Minecraft mod allows you to greatly simplify the gameplay and reduce the time required to achieve various goals in the game. TooManyItems allows you to select the required items for yourself in one click, enchant without restrictions, change the weather and much more. So download the mod and get everything you need.

After you have all the components, you can finally make a portal to the End. To do this, you need to install 12 portal blocks in such a way that a frame forms. To activate the portal, you need to place one "Eye of the Edge" on each of the blocks. Now the passage is ready.

Things to do in Krai

Once in the Ender, you will have to fight the Ender dragon, which attacks immediately after the player enters this world. You will need to destroy the crystals on the obsidian towers that heal the main boss and only then deal with the dragon. After the destruction, a dragon egg will fall out of the boss, which, without installing mods, plays only a decorative role. There will also be a passage that allows you to return to the familiar world.

After the death of the main boss, the Edge will be useful only because many endermen live here, from which Ender pearls fall out.

Return to the familiar world

So, you ended up in the Land and destroyed the main boss, but how to return back to the familiar world? There are two options: die or exit through a special portal that will appear where the Ender dragon died. It is better to use the portal, because then all the trophies and valuables will remain with you in complete safety.

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