Modern ceilings in apartments. How to separate the ceiling in a residential room: an overview of current solutions and ways to implement them

Garden technique 29.08.2019
Garden technique

The ceiling in the room takes a considerable area, so it should be approached by his finish. Sometimes, even thoughtful to the smallest interior looks unfinished, if the room is not involved in the creation of the general appearance above.

Options for finishing the ceiling are diverse, and pick up the most suitable material In accordance with the designer plan, the level of difficulty in manufacturing and financial capabilities will not be difficult. On the most common ways to finish the ceiling, which will be confirmed by the relevant photos, and will be discussed in this article.

Types of materials and methods for finishing the ceiling

There are many options for finishing and designing the ceiling, the choice of which depends on several criteria:

  1. Appointments of the room and microclimatic indicators in it. For example, a bathroom is characterized by high humidity, so the ceiling finishing material should be moisture-resistant. In the kitchen, in addition to moisture, there are temperature differences and contamination, so the ceiling must be withstanding cleaning. In the bedroom, special requirements are presented to the environmental and vapor permeability of the ceiling coating;

  1. From the size of the room and its height. In the low room, the suspended design of the ceiling "will absorb" at least 10 cm, but will allow the geometry of a narrow or too wide space. Glossy surfaces reflect the light and visually increase the room, and the matte softly disperse light rays;

Finishing in the apartment should harmoniously combine with the interior of the room

  1. From the style of the interior. Trendy multi-level tension the ceiling will suit For modern interiors, while a white smooth surface will be appropriate for classic design or country style;

  1. From the level of complexity. Some types of finish can be performed with their own hands, in other cases, work should be carried out by the forces of qualified specialists;

Bright glossy, photo

  1. From financial opportunities. There are finishing materials, the price of which is available for all, and more expensive, up to elite, for example, wooden panelsmanufactured to order from valuable breeds Woods.

To determine the choice, you need to know about the types of finishing materials and their properties. Some finish options should be considered more.

Finishing options


This way of finishing the surface is known for a long time. And before the appearance of finishing materials, was the only budget way to create a finish coating. It is still used when repairing premises, especially those who do not apply for sophistication - the ceiling is obtained smooth and white.

This method of finishing has its own positive and negative sides:

  1. Material based on lime has the most affordable cost;
  2. The ceiling finish can be made on its own, not attracting specialists and not possessing special construction skills;
  3. The material is environmentally safe, so it can often be found on the ceilings of children's and medical institutions;
  4. White smooth ceiling is universal and will look good in any interior;
  5. It is the whitewashed ceiling in combination with wooden beams will emphasize color rustic style in room.

Country style bedroom interior, photo

From the flaws of the blinks can be noted the following:

  1. Such a coating has a short service life;
  2. due to its properties is not resistant to moisture and pollution;
  3. Due to the high degree of hygroscopicity, the lime surface cannot be washed;
  4. Over time, the integrity of the coating is broken - it begins to flap and crumble;
  5. Does not have special decorativeness;
  6. The coating requires frequent update;

  1. Requires a thorough and complex preparatory process before whitewash - the base must be sharpened, plastering and primed;
  2. In the process of updating the old lime coating, removal of an existing layer and thorough preparation of the base is required;
  3. The production process of this type finishing work associated with the formation of a large amount of dust and pollution;
  4. The coating does not hide the irregularities and base defects.


Painting is a more practical way to finish the surface (see). Moreover, with the advent of modern decorative relief colors, the ceiling may acquire the original appearance. In addition, paint can have any shade and quality of the coating - glossy or matte.

  • With the help of paint, it is possible to make a ceiling by artistic painting, ornaments and patterns using stencils or curly rollers.

Contrast design in the apartment, photo

  • If you wish to create a smooth white coating, it is possible to use white matte paint for the classic interior of the room, and glossy - in the kitchen.

  • Durable such type of finishes can not be called either, but with proper preparation of the foundation and selection of paint, it will last longer than whitewashes. The base before applying paint should be carefully prepared.
  • First of all, the base is examined for the presence of leak places from above, and eliminate them when detected. Otherwise, the moisture causes the colorful coating.
  • Before applying paint, the base is aligned, cloth crack and ground. The quality of preparatory work will be the key to the uniform distribution of paint over the surface, its durability and aesthetic appearance.

According to the cost, painting water-dispersion compositions is one of budget ways Finishes relevant to any premises in the house.

Positive qualities include the following:

  1. Affordable cost;
  2. The process of applying paints on the ceiling does not require special skills;
  3. Paint is resistant to moisture, steam and temperature differences;
  4. Drying paint B short time, so this repair can be considered rapidly;
  5. Water-dispersion paint is environmentally friendly;
  6. A wide color scheme allows you to choose the required shade for any interior;
  7. Painting will become excellent solution For low premises.

Important! You can apply paint on any base, but it is necessary that the metal parts are previously treated with anti-corrosion compositions.

Of flaws this material You can note the following:

  1. Short operational period;
  2. Careful preparation of the base with the complete removal of old coating - plaster or bliss;
  3. The paint does not hide the irregularities and defects of the base, so it must be carefully aligned;
  4. Material requires periodic update. Glossy paint on the ceiling in the kitchen does not absorb smells and contamination, but fat spots are settled on its surface.


Another common inexpensive trim method is its decorative plastering:

  1. This material is environmentally safe;
  2. Possesses vapor permeability;
  3. Creates an even monolithic coating;
  4. Depending on the inner filler, it has varying degrees of relief;
  5. May be painted In any color and to be covered with varnish, which allows you to use it in the kitchen;

  1. Combined with many finishing materials in the interior;
  2. When applied hides shortcomings on the surfacetherefore does not require a complex procedure for the preparation of the foundation;
  3. Is a non-combustible material;
  4. It has affordable cost.

One of positive qualities This material is the possibility of applying a mechanized manner. To do this, use a special plastering machine or a paintopult, with which the mixture is fed under pressure and is evenly distributed over the surface.

This method of application saves meal, as it is applied dosed and covers even the most hard-to-reach places.

The speed of performance increases several times. The coating is obtained relief and the texture resembles a "fur coat".

After applying the entire composition on the ceiling, the plaster is smoothed with a spatula, resulting in an original drawing. When painting paint, a two-color relief coating is formed.

Important! Working with the plaster - especially on the ceiling, requires certain skills, so on our own forces will not work efficiently.


One of the inexpensive varieties of the ceiling finishes is to be salabing them with wallpaper. Special preparatory work It is not required - only the elimination of obvious irregularities and the coating of the primer. And small shortcomings, such as pores and small shells on a concrete basis, rolled material can hide.

Wallpaper in the modern interior in the apartment, photo

Of the positive qualities of such a decoration, the following can be noted:

  1. Affordable material cost;
  2. Environmental friendliness;
  3. Aesthetic appearance and variety of drawings and colors will allow you to choose the material for any interior solution (see);
  4. Some copies have embossing and embossed drawings on their surface;
  5. Wallpaper can be combined both between themselves and with other finishing materials, creating a unique appearance of the room;

  1. allow you to change if you wish color gamut interior without decorative coating;
  2. Quick way to give the room new look - work is performed relatively quickly, and are not related to the formation of a large number of construction trash and pollution;
  3. No special skills are required to perform work.

Of the disadvantages, it can be noted that wallpapers are not suitable for premises with high humidity. In the kitchen, the wallpaper can be punished in the dining area, and above the working - it is better to use a more practical coating.

Since the wallpaper is a rolled material, then the seamless coating will not work. In order to beat the Wallpaper to high quality, the second person will need.

Finishing with wallpaper is considered short-lived, and due to the complexity of the repair has lost its popularity. To replace them came modern material, which is called - liquid wallpaper.

Liquid wallpaper

This finishing material is also called "Silk Plaster" if it consists of silk fibers. By texture, this material really resembles a plaster composition, and the wallpaper is named due to the fact that it contains cellulose fibers.

Finishing with liquid wallpaper

  1. Instructions for applying are extremely simple - mass is distributed using a spatula;
  2. Forms an even monolithic coating that masks the flaws of the base;
  3. May have any shade and decorative fillers;
  4. Liquid wallpapers can be painted and lacquered, increasing their moisture resistance;
  5. The material is environmentally safe, so successfully applies in children's rooms and bedrooms;

  1. Has sound and thermal insulation qualities;
  2. Repairability is a damaged area, if it is scratching, you can smoke and smooth the spatula. Deeper damage can be chopped by fresh solution;

Important! Purchase liquid wallpaper is recommended with a small margin so that if necessary, use it when repairing the coating. The remains of the unspent mixture are suitable, which can be stored in the frozen form, and it is enough to pull it out when water is sufficient.

Niche decorated with liquid wallpaper

  1. With the help of stencils and using the composition of different shades, complex patterns can be performed;
  2. The coating refers to the discharge of durable;
  3. Vapor permeability;
  4. Working with this material does not require special construction skills;
  5. Liquid wallpapers do not fade under the influence of the Sun, if they include silk fibers.

From the disadvantages of this material, you can note the high cost. If the wallpaper is not covered with varnish, they will absorb smells and moisture.

Polystyrene tiles

They have a decorative appearance due to the embossed surface with different pattern. You can choose them for any interior: from classic - to a restrained modern type minimalism. With this finish, you can quickly perform the repair of the ceiling.

From the positive qualities of this material, the following can be noted:

  1. The tile has aesthetic appearance;
  2. It can be painted;
  3. Polystyrene products can have any size and shape;
  4. Tile has a slight weight, therefore does not have a special load on the base;
  5. Minor thickness allows you to use it in low rooms;

From polystyrene plates

  1. Tile masks minor irregularities and defects on the ceiling;
  2. Is a durable material with proper operation and installation;
  3. Has an affordable cost;
  4. Works do not require special skills, and simple installation allows you to repair the ceiling in a short time.

Important! The relief of the tile resembles a stucco, so it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of drawing - it will not be relevant for each interior.

You can additionally decorate with the help of a border - it will give it a complete appearance and hides the joint between the ceiling and the wall.

Suspended structures

Suspended ceiling systems are popular for many reasons. They look aesthetically, allow you to get the perfectly smooth surface of the ceiling or original multi-level construction.

Also, they hide communications: wiring, pipes, and, due to the retreat from the base surface, allow you to mount point lighting sources.

The principle of fastening the suspended construction is that the fasteners and suspension systems are fixed to the existing ceiling, which is mounted from the frame from metal profiles or wooden rails. Then the selected material is fixed on the frame - plasterboard, wooden rails or panel.

The presence of a frame allows not to make careful preparation of the base - it is enough to clean it from pollution and falling parts of the finish.

Multi-level design with spot backlight

The disadvantages of the finish can include the fact that the design inevitably takes the height of the room, so it is not recommended to install such a ceiling in low rooms.

Suspended ceiling of plasterboard

Plasterboard is most often used in suspended structures. It is easy to process, so allows you to make fragments of different shapes.

The use of drywall is perfectly smooth surface or multi-level. Using lED ribbon. You can create an effect of a "soar ceiling" if you place it around the perimeter of the structure.

Plasterboard sheets are made from pressed plaster and cardboard on both sides. The material has available cost and relatively low weight.

The disadvantage is the instability of the material to the effects of the liquid. In the kitchen it is recommended to use moisture-resistant plasterboard, and in the bathroom from this material it is better to refuse.

Plasterboard ceilings can be painted, plastering, damping with wallpaper. Another advantage is the possibility of performing the heat and sound insulation of the room when laying the corresponding material inside the design.

Important! Before painting the ceiling from drywall, it is necessary to sharpen joints and places for the attachment of self-tapping screws.

Placing point sources of lighting should be thought out in advance. To do this, it is recommended to draw a ceiling drawing on a scale, and transfer marking on the mounted ceiling. Multi-level structures with backlit in combination with PVC tensioning can be especially impressive.

Plasterboard - environmentally friendly material, so it can be used in children's rooms and bedrooms.

With the help of multi-level plasterboard structures, You can visually divide the room into separate functional zones, or adjust the geometry of space. It costs to remember that multi-level structures should have an outline in accordance with the interior style. Smooth lines emphasize the elegant bends of modern furniture, strict concise shapes will support the style of minimalism, etc.

Using panels, rails and plates in the suspended design

The frame of the suspended design can be seen by plastic, metal slats, or panels with a mirror surface. Modular elements use more often on a single-level ceiling design.

This material is notable for low installation. Such a suspended ceiling can be rubber, panel and cassette.

Rack suspended ceilings are made of plastic, aluminum or steel plastic.

Of the positive qualities of such a ceiling device, the following can be noted:

  1. Durable operational term;
  2. Rakes are made from moisture-proof material, so they can be used in rooms with high humidity of the kitchen or bathroom;
  3. Reiki is easy to mount, so special construction skills will not need;
  4. The ceiling made of metal plates is hygienic, is environmentally safe, does not rot and does not burn.

Of the shortcomings, it is possible to note the deformation of the plates over time.

Plastic panels are easy to install, and do not require special experience when working with them. From positive qualities can be noted:

  1. Simple installation;
  2. Moisture resistance material;
  3. Aesthetic appearance thanks large quantity shades and textures;
  4. Plastic is easy to care and does not absorb smells.

Of the disadvantages, it is possible to note the instability of the decorative coating to the effects of sunlight, from which plastic burns out. Panels are fragile material - it must be considered when installing. The material does not have fire resistance and toxins allocate during ignition.

It is worth noting that when finishing the ceiling by plastic panels will not be a monolithic coating, and contamination can accumulate in the fields of joints. The surface of the panels has a glossy glitter, which can visually make a small room lighter.

Other suspended ceiling systems

Sure, ceiling design Not limited to tension and plasterboard options.

About how the ceilings are, we will tell in this part of the article:

  • On glass stained glass windows embedded in the design of suspended ceilings (see), we have already mentioned. It must be said that the glass for these purposes can be used not only natural, but also organic or, as it is also called, acrylic.
  • The stock of the strength of the organity is much higher and in weight it is easier. Therefore, in ceiling structures can be used acrylic stalk big size. Origients, as well as ordinary glass, is mates with a sandblasting method, patterns can be applied to it.

Acrylic suspended panels

  • Recently, another way to decorate the ceiling - the tissue drapery is reborn. As they say, the new is well forgotten old. Even in the Middle Ages, Baorara and living rooms were decorated. And now see how stylish and expensive looks like this interior.

  • Fabric can be used absolutely any - even atlas, even though sitheria. Avoid only structures with stripes and geometric patterns. There are several ways to fasten the material to the ceiling. It is sticking, and pulling on the frame, the use of sticky tapes, fixing with brackets to wooden slats.
  • This type of decor is not so often, after all, it is not very practical. The fabric is a fabric - it is dumping, and wet, and breaks. Yes, and the cost of such a finish is rather big.
  • If I want to use in the finish natural materialMore often draw your attention to the tree, bamboo, cork. Here is an example: on the walls of the room cork coatingAnd the ceiling is decorated with bamboo panels.

Stretch ceiling

The ceiling of the ceiling by the stretch canvas has recently become great popularity. The canvas is made of PVC films or fabric. In the first case, it can be glossy or matte, in the second - only matte.

The PVC film ceiling can be used in any rooms, tissue only in "dry". Stretch ceilings can be single or multi-level. They possess high decorative qualities - due to the wide range of colors and the possibility of applying various patterns and images.

Important! A distinctive feature of PVC film is its small width - not more than 3 m. Therefore, it is possible to form a docking seam, which is so small that it is unopened by the naked eye. Fissure canvases have a width of up to 5 meters, thereby form a seamless coating in standard residential premises.

  • The main advantage of the PVC ceiling film in front of the tissue canvas is its moisture resistance.
  • Such a ceiling can be washed and it is able to save the room from flooding from above, holding a large amount of fluid, which can be subsequently merged, moving the edge of the canvas.
  • The disadvantage of PVC films is that it is easily damaged in mechanical exposure and does not tolerate low temperatures. Therefore, when washing a PVC ceiling, it is necessary to remove the decorations from the hands to accidentally damage the cloth and not to use PVC canvas in unheated rooms.

Important! When washing a glossy ceiling, you cannot use abrasive cleaning products and rigid sponges that can scratch the surface.

Fabric ceilings are more durable, but they are afraid of moisture and will not protect from the flood on top. In addition, the fabric absorbs odors, so there are no such ceilings in the kitchen.

Stretch ceilings, like plasterboard, can be performed in several levels, and allow mounting point lamps.

Red flowers on the stretch canvas are harmoniously combined with tint tile on the walls in the bathroom

Important! When ordering a stretch ceiling, it is necessary at the stage of measuring the room to discuss with the master, where the sources of artificial light will be located, since the holes for them are cut at the manufacturer of the canvas.

Of the disadvantages of the tensioning canvase, it is possible to note only the high cost and the impossibility of independent manufacture and installation. This is done by specialized firms whose employees have the necessary skills, tools and equipment.

The process of installing the stretch ceiling itself is quickly, and is not associated with the formation of construction waste.

Stretch structures, like plasterboard, allow you to hide defects of the main ceiling and communication. You can also choose the height on which the canvas will be located.

Wooden panel ceiling

Panels made from natural wood, It is possible to separate the ceiling of any room, except for "wet". It is environmentally friendly, vapor-permeable material with a rich natural pattern and texture.

Wooden panels possess for a long time Services and do not require repair for many years with proper operation. Material has low thermal conductivity and high sound insulation properties. A warm shade of natural wood creates a special home atmosphere and comfort.

The cost of some products manufactured under the order is high enough. You can highlight a few most common varieties of wooden ceiling finishes.

Lining and Eurovanda

Decorative wooden panels

MDF panels

Cork panels

Ceiling design with moldings

To impart the surface of the completed view, various flexible elements made of foamed polystyrene or polyurethane use. It can be ceiling plinth, Moldings, frieze.
They differ only in their configuration.


  • It is not only about decoking the junctions between the ceiling and walls. The ceiling finishes with a frieze allows you to create various geometric shapes on its surface and patterns. Fix the frieze on the shp can or glue, depending on the surface, the decoration of which is produced.

  • Moldings and baguettes in section are somewhat larger than frieze. The ceiling decoration with molding can be made both by its perimeter and as a decor of boundaries between the levels of the suspended structure.
  • Using moldings, you can structure the ceiling, dividing it into squares or rectangles. This reception creates the effect of the suspended cassette ceiling, especially if it is point lighting.

  • To decorate the ceiling, you can use such details as interior baguettes. There was a time when they were used only for framing pictures.
    Not so long ago, they found the use in the finishing of the premises. They are made of various materials: from foam - to the tree.

Baguettes can be designed to paint or have ready decorative coating, Complete relief. They differ in width and can be used not only to finish the ceiling, but also walls, door and window Operas, Gardin.

The video in this article will tell about what option of the ceiling finishes can be performed in the apartment.

When designing modern interior In the dwelling, special attention is paid to the ceiling surface finish. The finishing materials for the ceiling are offered to consumers in the building materials market in a variety of color variants, textures and performance characteristics. Can be repaired ceiling classic way (fastening drywall on the main design), to launch well, perfectly align and whitewashing or salary. And you can quickly create smooth surface by mounting on suspended carcass Modern finishing films and panels. The main requirement when choosing a material - it must correspond to the individual style of housing and harmoniously fit into the overall interior design.

Painting solutions

This type of finishing materials includes chalk, exhausted lime, all kinds of painting formulations. When decorating the surface, it does not require the installation of a profile frame, which reduces the height of the ceiling in the room. Yes, and their price is small. However, there is a significant disadvantage - when installing lamps and ventilation air collectors, it will be necessary to drill deep furrows and holes in the basic ceiling structure.

Chalk and lime mortar

This inexpensive building material is sold in any construction store. Chalk siey and applied to the plane in the form aquatic solutionconsisting of the following components:

  • chalk - 3 kg;
  • water - 5 liters;
  • joinery glue - 30 grams;
  • household sinks - 20 grams.

Water is heated to 40 - 50 degrees, then enter into it alternately portion of joinery glue and chalk. The solution is thoroughly mixed. The dry blue is poured into a linen bag and lowered it into the water capacity. After complete dissolution and staining of water in blue colour, it is poured into the chalk solution to the desired shade.

The limestral solution is prepared from such components:
  • lime gasher - 3 kg;
  • salts of cook - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 10 liters;
  • household sinks - 10 grams.

In the bucket with water are injected gaured lime, painted with blue water, salt and stirred.

Before applying a solution from lime or chalk, it should be strained through dense fabric to cleanse from insoluble particles and lumps.

Water-emulsion paints

The most common materials for the ceiling decoration are water-dispersive paints. There are several types of color solutions that differ from each other with their characteristics:

  • Acrylic latex paints. Quick-drying paint possessed high levels White, forms a deep matte layer. Used to finish the ceiling in dry rooms or in moderate humidity. If necessary, it can be painted by universal collections into pastel colors.
  • Silicate paints. They color mineral surfaces, for example, plaster or previously treated with a previously estate or cement mortar. The coating of silicate composition has vapor permeability, moisture resistance and antibacterial property.
  • Silicone paints. Form an elastic, vapor-permeable and moisture-resistant film. As well as silicate solution is used for any type of mineral surface and does not require the use of special antiseptic additives.

Three building materials

With the help of inlet materials, you can adequately decorate the interior without large financial investments. They are quite simple and quickly mounted. This type of coating includes wallpaper and ceiling tiles.


The ceiling design can be made by four main types of wallpaper:

  1. Fliseline wallpaper. Two-layer material, one layer of which was applied by polyvinyl. It has a wide color palette or texture with patterns under the color. They are moisture-proof, fire-resistant, washable, with a dense basis, thanks to which minor defects on the plane can hide. Due to the pressed structure, it is possible to circulate air freely. With a sticker on the ceiling, they do not need to be impregnated with glue. It is enough to handle the glue composition a basic design. In addition, two times wider than paper, which helps reduce time on their sticking. They do not burn out in the sun, do not accumulate dust and can serve for many years.
  2. Vinyl wallpapers. Variation of fliesline wallpapers with a two-layer texture. The basis is phlizelin or paper on which a layer of polyvinyl chloride is applied. Made by two methods: hot embossed and no embossing. The maturity of vinyl canvases was most popular - silk-screen printing, which is smooth and pleasant to the touch surface. Their heavy base masks irregularities, and a variety of coloring creates an unusual decorative impression on the ceiling.
  3. Wallpaper of fiberglass.

Their tkut from glass bottles with different density and thickness. The stability is attached to the impregnated modified starch. Gymelocoes can be painted with paint compositions on aquatic or latex based. Such materials for finishing ceilings - durable, resistant to fire and exposure to ultraviolet rays;

Wallpaper on a tissue basis. Two-layer material S. paper base. On the front side, a coating of synthetic or natural materials is applied:

  • flax;
  • cotton;
  • wool;
  • velor;
  • shelka and others.

In the manufacture of such a coating, the fabric is impregnated with compositions, as a result of which the material acquires antistatic properties and does not fade into the sun, retaining its color and appearance for many years. The elegance of textile coating will give the interior of home comfort and extra warmth.

Liquid wallpaper.

In their composition, cellulose and textile fibers, as well as a binder - carboxymethyl cellulose. They are distinguished by high adhesion to any surface, elasticity, vapor permeability, noise insulating and thermal insulation properties. Liquid wallpaper mask small defects on the plane, do not burn out and dust will not accumulate. Disadvantage - are not suitable for ceilings of rooms with increased level humidity.

Ceiling tiles

The ceiling tile not only adorns the ceiling, but also insulates the apartment, creates a sound insulation, hides minor irregularities, as well as visually increases the size of the room.

It is made of various materials:

  • polystyrene foam;
  • tree;
  • metal.

The polystyrene foam tiles in turn differ from the manufacturing technology:

  1. Stamped tiles. It is made of foam blocks by pressing. Thickness finished product It is 6 - 8 mm. Tiles are very fragile, hygroscopic, have a loose outer layer, which is not recommended to wash.
  2. Extruded products. The material of the manufacture is extruded polystyrene foam with a fine-grained structure. It has a smooth and dense surface covered with water-repellent film. Such a tile is durable, perfectly clean and can restore the form after deformation. This type of material for the ceiling finishes has a wide color palette with an applied pattern or without it.
  3. Injection tiles. They are obtained by high-temperature processing of polystyrene foam raw materials. The product with a thickness of 9-14 mm has a shape with chinful geometric lines. Durable injection tile does not accumulate moisture, fireproof, environmentally friendly and has good heat insulating characteristics. Smooth edges of the product can be tightly docked together and thus produce absolutely seamless coating. The surface may be white color Under painting, colored or with imitation of other materials: wood, ceramics, fabric or marble.

Wooden tile is distinguished by high strength capable of withstanding physical and mechanical impact. For its manufacture use dry wood:

  • oak;
  • mahogany;
  • aspen;
  • pines;
  • linden and others.

Each breed of wood has its own texture and product from it makes it possible to uniquely issue a living room or kitchen interior under ancient. The outer side may be smooth, structural or decorated with carvings.

One of the most expensive materials finishing for the ceiling in the house is a metal tile.

The surface can be:

  • concave;
  • convex;
  • matte;
  • mirror;
  • smooth.

It is made from of stainless steel And additionally cover the surface with a protective moisture resistant layer of polymer. It is very durable, lightning, does not burn and is able to withstand the temperature differences.

Building materials with fastening for suspended structures

The ceiling finishes in the apartment is possible by modern materials for which it is required to install profiles in advance. Allows you to mask all surface defects, as well as hide engineering communications and consolidate the embedded lamps.

Fixed ceilings

They need to pre-collect on base design Metal profile frame or wooden barTo which the finishing panels will later be attached. Sew the ceiling can be different species Material:

  • gypsum panels;
  • panels from chipboard with laminated face;
  • panels made of plastic coating;
  • mDF panels;
  • plastic panels.

Stretch ceiling

The construction of the stretch ceiling is manufactured under the influence of high temperatures from the shells of elastic materials: polyester fabric or ultra-thin pVC films. With their help, they create absolutely smooth ceiling surfaces, allowing to hide all the irregularities of the base structure and perfectly fit into any interior design. The product is resistant to the effects of moisture, corrosion and ultraviolet radiation. Has a wide range color solutions and textures. Stretch ceilings can have:

  • Matte surface. It has a seamless rough texture, outwardly resembling plaster. They do not reflect the glare artificial lighting And the sun rays will not break when flooding, do not crack and will not change the bright shade over time. Matte products perfectly fit into any classic interior.
  • Glossy tide. The glossy stretch ceiling is capable of accumulating and reflect the light, thus making the room lighter and visually above.
  • Texture resembling satin or siter. They are produced mainly milk, light-cream, gentle-green, pink and white. Bright hues Satin stretch ceiling visually expand the dimensions, making the space more voluminous.
  • Applicated photo printing or artistic drawing. Photo printing I. art painting Applied to a matte or satin stretch ceiling, reflecting your fantasy and taste.

You can also establish any kind of lamp or a combination of several types of light sources, visually expanding the space of the room or focusing on a certain part of the interior.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important on time to decide what of these materials can be separated the ceiling so that it is harmonized with the overall interior design and did not go in terms of the budget.

The main essence of the article

Ceiling decoration can be produced various materials, among which, except for traditional plaster and subsequent coloring with chalk, lime or water-emulsion compositions - plastic, foam and expanded polystyrene, fabrics and wallpapers, PVC films, wood or metal.

Modern options - stretching and dropped ceilingscreating a unique interior design.

Modern cosmetic repair of any room does not work out without ceiling, be it is simple urban apartment, elite cottage or vacation home. But not every man has an idea of \u200b\u200bwhether to separate the ceiling in the room using simple materials, as well as the minimum of financial and physical costs.

Moreover, the ceiling does not have to be made in a classic style. - If you wish, you can even create a star sky card.

The main options for design ceiling:

  • whitewash;
  • coloring;
  • pasting wallpaper;
  • pasting ceiling plates;
  • liquid wallpaper;
  • suspended ceiling;
  • stretch ceiling.

Each of these options has its own characteristics. So, not any ceiling can be suitable for coloring due to uneven surface. In such cases, it is better to resort to the use of tension or suspended canvas, which will hide all the structural lack of builders.


  • This method of finishing the ceiling used our grandmothersWhen equipped their homes. IN modern houses And offices, in the corridors and in the hall, too, you can often find the whitewashed ceilings, because the necessary finishing materials are quite inexpensive.
  • but this option can be applied only for perfectly smooth surfaces.. Otherwise, the result may be the opposite desired.
  • The main disadvantage of the use of blots as a finishing material is dirt. First, the seminal surface is not recommended to wet, which is a serious limitation to select this method of finishing the ceiling in rooms such as kitchen, bathroom, boiler room. Secondly, the whots leaves the mounted divorces on all surfaces where the solution is inserted.

To avoid long-term posturperary cleaning, the following blurry technology is recommended:

  1. Shipping floor cellophane film or newspapers.
  2. Remove the furniture from the room, and if it is impossible - close it with cellophane film or special covers.
  3. Cook whirl (chalk or lime).
  4. Turn the surface with brushes one or several times.

Tip! No matter how carefully was not carried out, it is inevitable to splashing it, so it is recommended to lay the floor, as well as use gloves and work clothes.


This method of finishing is becoming increasingly popular. As for the option with whitewash, in this case An ideally smooth ceiling is required - almost any person, who at least once made this procedure can be separated from paint.

Painting technology:

  1. slip and polish ceiling;
  2. zagabluite the surface of the diluted water-level paint;
  3. swipe staining Surfaces 1-2 times.

The coloring of the ceiling, compared with other ways to finish, has several undeniable advantages:

  • special paint is not afraid of water, so the painted ceilings can be boldly washed and even use special means;
  • if desired you can easily change the color gamut room, just repainting the ceiling;
  • this option is pretty cheap and affordable.

Ceiling pasting with wallpaper and slabs

Fucking wallpaper

When choosing a room design option, many still stop on the usual oboh. This material is the best than you can separate the ceiling in residential areas yourself.

Wallpaper is excellent even for pasting not too smooth and cracked surfaces. This procedure is inexpensive and does not require large costs on materials.

The disadvantage of this method of finishing the ceilings is large complexity. It is necessary to closely make sure that the air can not accumulate under the walls.

Especially acute this problem concerns rolls with a large width. In addition, the work on pasting is better to spend together - this should be considered before separating the ceiling itself.

Casting ceiling plates

As with the ceiling pasting with wallpaper, ceiling plates do not require perfectly smooth surface. They easily hide all minor flaws, including small cracks and not too embossed irregularities.

Caution! Ceiling tile has a soft texture. It should be glued very carefully, otherwise traces can remain in the prescript places, which will be impossible.

Before separating the ceiling in the room by placing it with special plates, you need to decide where the so-called source point will be. It is recommended to place it in the most viewed corner and from there to start the ceiling pasting.

The second option is to start glue the slabs from the center of the room, evenly trimmed them along the edges near the walls. The irregularity of the joints of the walls and the ceiling perfectly hide the ceiling plinths.

Liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper or silk plaster - Excellent alternative to other ways to finish the ceiling. They are able to give the ceiling special features of royal luxury and amazing grace, turning it into a real work of art.

In order to finish the ceiling with liquid wallpaper:

  1. Clean the surface from dust and dirt thoroughly.
  2. Fully drain the ceiling.
  3. Straighten the surface.
  4. Apply silk plaster to the ceiling with a specially designed trowel.

However, the application of this type of plaster - very complex procedure and requires certain skills. Therefore, before separating the ceiling - it is better to consult a specialist.

Suspended ceiling

This option is very popular when designing urban apartments, residential buildings, as well as office premises. Suspended ceiling is metal carcass attached to the ceiling and lined with removable panels.

About how it is better to separate the ceiling by this method knows a lot. The main task is the choice of material.

For cuisine I. small premises It is better to use plastic panels. This material is easily clean and well interacts with cleaning substances, resistant to the constant impact of moisture and steam. It is often used for the design of bathrooms and bathrooms.

But in ordinary rooms you can apply panels from any materials. The most common is plasterboard.

It is easily cut and therefore perfectly suitable for the design of figure suspended ceilings, which is often practiced in large halls and living rooms. Of flaws plasterboard plates You can highlight them bending instability.

The main "minus" of the suspended ceiling is that it significantly reduces the height of the ceilings. Therefore, for the design of low premises, this method is not suitable.

The advantages of suspended ceilings:

  • the possibility of changing individual plates (in the case of leaks or the appearance of cracks in the stoves do not have to change the entire ceiling);
  • the ability to hide any flaws of the ceiling, including deep cracks and the relief that cannot be eliminated;
  • the ability to hide any ceiling communications (pipes, wiring, etc.).

What should be the ceiling finish in the kitchen? Unfortunately, beautiful and suitable in style - the answer is insufficient. The material must satisfy the mass of other requirements, otherwise the repairs in the room will turn into the current problem, and the appearance of the kitchen will not please the hostess.

Mandatory requirements

Advantages of pasting:

  • wallpaper hide small surface defects;
  • the estimated ceiling can be washed;
  • for repair, only wallpaper and glue are needed;
  • when leakage or damage, you can always punish the ceiling again.


  • couples and hot air are destroying on wallpaper glue: Wallpapers are not deformed, but peeled from the ceiling;
  • washable wallpapers, which must be considered when creating ventilation.

Finishing plastic tiles

And polystyrene foam tiles - not the same thing. Panels have large squarecan imitate a ceiling of eurograms, cladding with a stone or even a tree. Plastic tile Dimensions and shape has quite traditional, most often - light color, can be with a pattern or embossed.

The last option on the ceiling is better not to mock, as the relief is excellent collects dirt and soot.

The polystyrene foam tile has the following advantages:

  • of course, it is quite a budget option;
  • extremely easy installation: the foam finish in the kitchen can be simply pasted on the ceiling;
  • wash ceiling tiles just enough wet sponge;
  • the finish can be painted in any other color;
  • it is better to choose a laminated tile for the kitchen: it is more resistant to moisture and temperature drops.

The ceiling tile for the kitchen has the following flaws:

  • decorative quality products are low;
  • the foam finish is difficult to call fireproof, material, unfortunately, is burning, and with the release of harmful substances.

Tree casing

Kitchen B. wooden house By default, we are trimmed with wood. Used for this and plywood, and eurvagra, and more interesting decorative panels and modules.

It should be borne in mind that wooden ceilings visually reduce the height of the room.

Wooden ceilings in the kitchen - the pleasure is not cheap, even if the most ordinary pine is used for decoration. In addition, the material is capricious and requires additional care.

Benefits wooden ceilings:

  • parry permeability and ability to regulate the microclimate turns such a finish into the most eco-friendly option;
  • the luxurious view of the wooden ceilings out of competition, while they create a homely cozy atmosphere;
  • wood slats are covered with special compositions to improve water and fire resistance.

The flaws of the tree is also a lot:

  • neither an antiseptic nor lacquering gives high resistance to moisture and temperature fluctuations;
  • wooden trim should be periodically processed in order to extend the service life;
  • the tree is perfectly burning;
  • the cost of finishing is very significant.

What else can be separated in the kitchen the ceiling? In addition to the actual boards, the layers of laminate and the lining are used. But if the lining, in fact, the version of the wooden board, then the product from the laminate is more interesting: this composite material from the fibrous plate and in its resistance to moisture and temperature fluctuations is noticeably superior to the tree.

Finish with wood in the kitchen.

Dropped ceilings

When the question arises than to cover the ceiling in the kitchen, you have to take into account the condition of the base surface. If the ceiling defects are small, then such a finish, as the polystyrene foam tile cope with their disguise. But if the height difference is essential or there are large defects like rusts, it is necessary to resort to the option more radical.

The suspended ceiling is a frame that is fixed on the ceiling surface using suspensions. The frame from below can be seen literally by any material - from drywall to metal plates. At the same time, the space between the basic and decorative ceiling can be placed and pipes and lightingYes, and the state of the overlap ceases to matter (the next photo is clearly visible).

Classified suspended systems Depending on the material of the finish. Their many: only glass is not suitable, and only because of great cost and weight.

  • You can shelter the carcass - Material non-combustible, well transfers fluctuations in humidity and temperature, vapor permanent. For kitchens use waterproof drywall.

The most remarkable quality material is the ability to create complex design configurations. In addition, plasterboard can be painted, plastering, damop the wallpaper to your liking. What to wash the material? Enough wet sponge.

  • . The main advantage is the combination of available cost with excellent dirt-repellent properties. You can wash them from any contamination - water or detergent. To a pair and moisture, they are quite stable, and deform only with close contact with fire, which is impossible in this case.

Imitate wood, stone cladding and even a mirror surface. The material is very diverse. The disadvantage is bad vapor permeability, so that the hood in the kitchen will need powerful.

  • Metal rails - a rare view for the kitchen. Aluminum or steel strips are quite expensive, but otherwise they are an excellent choice: the metal is not lit, not subject to mold or corrosion, is perfectly clean, extremely durable and diverse. We are produced both matte and shiny lamellas or even imitation of wood and stone. In addition, the metal is absolutely hygienic.

Metal suspended ceilings have only one disadvantage: the metal is well carried out warm, therefore steam, when connecting with the ceiling immediately forms condensate. For RESEK, this is not a problem, but in order to prevent condensate transformation into "rain", it is necessary to arrange good ventilation.

Stretch ceiling

Here the frame is missing, and the casing - the film canvas is fixed in a special baguette. The latter is mounted on the wall, and not on the ceiling.

Accordingly, it does not depend on the basic surface state. The distance from the canvas to the overlap can be both large to hide the pipes, for example, as well as small - 5 cm, so low ceiling In the kitchen is not an obstacle.

As a material for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen, the film canvas is preferable. PVC film is resistant to dampness, water, not suffer even when flooding from above, absolutely hygienic. Installation of the ceiling takes a minimum of time, but it is not possible to implement it yourself: for installation requires special equipment.

The exceptional popularity of the product explains the exclusive decorativeness. The film ceiling can have any configuration, any color and even volume - for example, in the form of a dome if the ceilings are high enough.

  • Matte bars Perfectly transfers color and imitates a natural surface: stone, wood, fabric.
  • Satin ceiling Strengthens shades, which is a big plus for darkened rooms.
  • Mirror ceiling in the kitchen (Rally speaking, glossy), provides visual increase spaces 2 times. In addition, the sparkling surface further reflects the light. Glossy ceilings Unlike traditional may have a dark shade.
  • Pearl cloth Combined with pastel shades. It does not create the impression of a glass surface, but has a soft shimmering gloss, which visually raises the ceiling.

The better to separate the kitchen depends on many factors. In one case, decorativeness and hygienicity are important, in the other - cost and durability. However, the diversity of modern materials allows you to satisfy any requirements.

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How to separate the ceiling in a residential room: an overview of current solutions and ways to implement them

Hello. In this article, I will tell you how to separate the ceiling in the house or in the apartment. I am sure that the topic will be interesting to many compatriots who planned capital or cosmetic repair of their real estate. After all, despite the abundance of ways to finish the overlap, it is difficult to determine the optimal option.

What depends the choice of finishes

You may be interested in the fact that the ceiling in Berlin, Paris or other major world cities, but often the choice of the optimal version depends not only on fashion trends, but also from other factors.

Among them, I note the following:

  • The state of overlapping, namely, the degree of its preservation;
  • The type of overlapping, namely, with the use of which materials and for what technologies the ceiling is made;
  • The height of the overlap and, as a result, the ability to lower the ceiling without prejudice to the comfort of living;
  • Features of the operation of the room, namely, seasonality of residence, the presence of heating in the cold season, the degree of moisture content in the air, etc.;
  • Budget funds allocated for repair work;
  • Terms set for repair work.

So, I listed the main factors affecting the choice of the method of finishing the ceiling overlap. If you are interested in one or another method of finishing, consider its characteristics, taking into account the listed factors and will be clear, it is suitable or not.

The most common ways to finish the ceilings

Immediately, I want to note that almost all the methods listed in the table can be performed with your own hands using the available tool. Consider each of the listed finish options.

Walking overlaid

Perhaps this is the most common way that is successfully used for a long time. Watching technology involves applying a certain amount of special mixture to the surface of the surface and the subsequent alignment of the applied layer.

Based on what material work is performed, shuttering is two types:

  • Black - when a mixture with large grain filler is applied to the embossed surface;
  • Finishing - when the fine mixture overlaps the microrelief on the truncated layer of draft plaster.

What are the pros and cons of technology from the point of view of independent execution of the ceiling finish?

Among the advantages, I note the following:

  • Availability and relative low price ready-made mixes;
  • Opportunity independent preparation mixtures;
  • Overall strengthening of overlap;
  • The versatility of technology, since a properly chosen mixture will stick to most overlaps.

However, there are disadvantages, and among them:

  • The complexity of the process, even when using guide lighthouses;
  • In order to count on the optimal result, the impressive experience of performing plastering works is required;
  • For a long time of project implementation.

In order to be clear how the ceiling plaster is performed, I propose a brief photo report with explanations to each stage:

  • First, using the level and cord, the lowest point at the overlap is determined;

  • In accordance with this point on the surface of the surface, guide lights are established;

  • Prepared plastering mix strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
  • With the help of a plaster cell, the solution is applied to the ceiling by a layer, a little protruding for the surface of beacons;

  • The rule of the edges is installed on the lighthouses and is carried out towards themselves, as a result of which the applied layer is leveled;

  • After pulling out the mixture on the surface there are small failures, they must be filled with a mixture and pull out the rule again;
  • After all overlap is completely passed, the time it is waiting for the mixture for complete drying;

  • A mixture is prepared for finishing alignment and is applied to the prepared surface of the Kelma;

  • After the complete drying of the finish layer, the surface is polished by a painting grater;
  • At the end of the grinding, the ceiling removed in zero is ground and stained.

By the way, I forgot to tell about the most serious lack of plastered ceilings - they are sensitive to temperature drops and to excess air humidity. If the room is heated irregularly, the likelihood of the appearance of pigment stains and mold in the corners and around the perimeter of the ceiling adjuncing to the walls is large.

Plasterton covering

The next equally demanded option is a ceiling of plasterboard. This method has many advantages, among which:

  • The ability to build not only single-level, but also multi-level structures;
  • Unlimited possibilities in choosing architectural forms;
  • The ability to hide various communications in the cover of the overlap;
  • Simplicity and shorter timing of the trim device.

By the way, the shortcomings of this technology, which you need to pay attention is practically no. Intrigued? In this case, I propose to learn how to separate the ceiling by plasterboard.

The instruction of the finish does not represent anything complicated:

  • On the perimeter of the room, a level with an indentation of the lowest ceiling point is not less than 4 cm;

In previous articles, I told why 4 cm, but I repeat again. The thickness of the guide profile is 3 cm and another 1 cm remains to grab a profile when you will be aligned on the suspension.

  • In the removed level around the perimeter of the walls on a dowel-nails, a CD profile is attached;
  • Along the long wall on the surface of the draft ceiling, the markup is performed, according to which guide profiles are mounted;

  • Profiles are aligned on the cord and fixed with suspensions;
  • If necessary, sound and thermal insulation material is laid at intervals between guide profiles;
  • At the same stage, a wiring is laid between the profile to lighting equipment or other communications;

  • The installed profiles are squeezed with plasterboard, which is fastened with separate fragments into dispersion on the tapping screw;
  • After the overlap is covered, cut and lines the seams;

  • Prepared seams are filled with putty and are sampled by the reinforcing grid;
  • All the coating is putty, and then polished when the ceiling evenly checks;
  • At the end of grinding the ceiling is fully ready for painting works.

Putting in chipstone

Such a shelter finish - optimal option For use in the country

This technique is not much different from the previous instruction, only instead of light drywall, wood-chip or oriented chipboard are used.

What explains the choice of such a material? It is truth to say, drywall over all parameters exceeds the chipboard. Therefore, it can be assumed that the OSP and the chipboard as a ceiling is used in the event that there is no possibility to buy drywall or there is no sufficient experience to work with it.

Although, such conclusions are doubtful, since GLCs ultimately are not more expensive than OSP plates, and it's easy to work with him.

Among the shortcomings of the chipboard applied as the ceiling cover, I note the following:

  • High emission of formaldehyde, especially this applies to the chipboard;
  • The large weight of the plate and, as a result, the load on the carrier frame;
  • Complex finish finishbecause leveling putty on chipboardah hold with difficulty;
  • Despite the mark "moisture-resistant", any chipboard is destroyed in conditions high humidityTherefore, such materials are not recommended for mounting in the bathroom or in the bath.

Are there any advantages in chip slabs for which these materials should be used as a sheat?

The only advantage is the appearance of the OSP, which will be combined with the same wall decoration. But once again I will pay your attention to the high emission of formaldehyde, and therefore such materials or additionally put sand and the appearance is lost, or not installed in residential areas.

Plywood trim

This finish option is not as popular as plaster or as the use of drywall.

The main reason is that the ceilings are rarely trimmed by plywood, is a high price of high-quality material and the need for the experience of finishing work. That is, everyone can fix on the crate, but to do it so that the surface looks like a whole without traces fasteners And only qualified installers will be able to interpute seams.

What is good plywood applied as a finishing material? Plywood is environmentally friendly pure MaterialMade of wood veneer. Faneru features a small degree of formaldehyde emissions in comparison with chipstones.

Due to the fact that in production, a veneer is used, a surface, trimmed by plywood, looks like a wholesaler. Such a ceiling cover has no unpleasant odorcharacteristic of vinyl lining and stretch ceilings. Nevertheless, Plywood is rarely used to finish apartments and still remains a choice for arranging a country house.

How does the ceiling be shedding plywood? There are two common ways:

  • Putting up a wooden crate and installation of plates on a self-tapping screw;
  • Installation of plates directly to the overlap, with the condition that it is quite smooth, dry and dense.

The first method is good in that by setting the crate you can compensate for the irregularities of the overlap. This is done by lining under the crate on the site of the failure of plywood pieces.

In addition, as when mounting drywall and other slab materials, an insulation materials and communications can be laid into the interval between overlapping or plywood. Thus, the ceiling trim plywood is not only eco-friendly and beautiful, but also functional.

Application of plastic panels

Plastic panels are the first polymer, that is synthetic material In our review. And despite the fact that the material is synthetic, it is becoming more and more popular every year. Why?

There are several reasons for them:

  • Affordable price, as the plastic panels are significantly cheaper than the other materials listed in the review;
  • A wide range of panels presented on sale, that is, you can buy both wide and narrow monochrome and color modifications;
  • Low panel weight and, as a result, a small load on the carrier frame;
  • Stability of panels to excessive humidity in the air, and therefore the possibility of mounting in the kitchens and in the bathrooms;
  • Simplicity and compressed montage mounting.

In order to be clear how easy it is to work with plastic panels, I will tell you about what the ceiling covering instructions do it yourself.

Installation instructions Next:

  • The overlap is determined by the most protruding section and relative to this section around the perimeter places the level of the thickness of the guide profile;
  • Fresh profiles at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other with the calculation that they should be located across the intended direction of panels;

  • Around the perimeter of the room along the lower edge of the fixed profiles on the glue or on the dowel-nails, the initial strips (profile with a groove, which includes the end of the panels);

  • Panels are inserted in a spike in the initial bar, at the same time the commercial ends into the side planks;

  • Fresh panels on the profiles with self-strokes from the groove, as shown in the photo;

  • The last panel cuts a longitudinally on the contour of the wall with a gap of about 12 cm and is attached to the profile;

  • On top of the last panel attached a longitudinally cropped initial plank.

Agree that it is not difficult to see the ceiling with plastic panels and you will probably cope with this.

Are there any disadvantages of plastic panels that should be known before installation?

PVC panels can be deformed under the influence of high temperatures. However, this is not a disadvantage and nevertheless lighting devices need to hang so that closely the lamps do not swing the surface. With the advent of new types of lighting equipment with a smaller heat generation, this problem becomes less relevant.

Another feature of plastic panels is zero vapor permeability. Thus, during the cold season, the probability of condensate falling in the bathroom. Therefore, in rooms with wet air, in the case of the use of plastic panels, it is advisable to equip an effective ventilation system.

Wooden chipping finish

Now that you know how to separate the ceiling by plastic panels, I will tell you about using an externally similar material - wooden lining.

Wooden lining, unlike plastic panels, has not received special distribution when the urban apartment is arranged. However, such a material is used everywhere when finishing the ceilings on dachas and country houses.

Constructively, the lining is similar to plastic panels, because of which the panels are often mistakenly called clapboard.

From one edge of the lining there is a spike, and on the other hand, a groove. During the assembly of the spike of one panel inserted into the grooves of another panel, as a result of which collected design Different with tightness.

As in the case of plastic panels, you can make communication and insulating materials for the lining. It is more than relevant if the overlap in a private house is cold or in the apartment floor above live noisy neighbors.

Along with numerous advantages, the lining has a couple of significant drawbacks, among which is low resistance to temperature differences, to excessive humidity and to the effects of biological factors. The lining is made of wood, and the tree from frequent temperature fluctuations is deformed, refusal from excessive humidity, and rotates from the effects of biological factors.

To prevent damage to wood, the lining before the installation is advisable to prepare, namely to be impregnated with antiseptic preparations, and on top to cover the layer of varnish. Of course, indoors decorated wooden clapboardIt is desirable to maintain uniform indicators of temperature and humidity.

Plastic ceiling pastry

If you are facing the question, than you can make it very cheap to separate the ceiling on the balcony, in the kitchen or in other auxiliary rooms, plastic tile - This is an excellent solution.

Plastic tile are square or rectangular plates made from PVC. The surface of the plates may have various factormay be one-color or color. The finishing material is lightweight, and therefore the installation is performed by gluing directly to the surface of the ceiling.

When choosing such a method of arrangement of construction surfaces, it is necessary to take into account that plastic plates are unable to hide the relief of the base on which the installation is performed, so the surface must be initially smooth.

On sale, along with plates, a wide range of glue is presented. Glue is selected according to the type mounting surface. The resource of the decoration with plates is limited only by the holding ability of glue.

Among the significant drawbacks of the method, I will note that the plates are contaminated with time and due to the complex relief and the flexing surface wash them not so simple. In addition, most of the adhesive compositions adapted to work with this material are high adhesion, and therefore remove the glued plates can be removed with the "meat".

Stretch ceiling over black base

Another actual way of finishing overlaps is the installation of stretch ceilings. Among the advantages of the method, I will note the following:

  • The possibility of installation with any types of ceilings;
  • The minimum gap between the web and the overlap is 20 mm, which means that the installation is allowed in a low ceiling room;
  • The strength of the coating despite the small thickness of the canvas;
  • The possibility of installation in the ceiling of lighting devices;
  • A wide range of colors and textured versions;
  • Easy operational service, as all modern stretch ceilings antistatic and dust do not accumulate on them;
  • Affordable price in comparison with other materials.

Are there any deficiencies inherent in this method of finishing?

The lack of one is a specific unpleasant smell in the first week after installation. Therefore, I recommend ordering the installation of vinyl ceilings in the warm season, when the windows indoors can be kept constantly open. I repeat once again within 5-7 days the unpleasant smell of plastic leaves completely.

How is the installation of the vinyl ceiling?

Immediately I want to note that with your own hands the ceiling can be separated the most different materialsBut tension vinyl structures are purchased to order and their installation is performed by experts.

Why? Well, if only because when installing the ceiling standard toolthat is in the household, do not do.

In order to the cloth evenly warmed around the entire area and the heat gun is used, it does not make sense for the sake of a single installation of the ceiling. By the way, the hair dryer will not be able to replace the heat gun.

In addition, for the correct installation of the canvas, you need the appropriate experience. While still the film of the height, you must quickly stretch it and hook on the profile that it will not work without proper skill.

Finally, the ceilings are made only to order in size for one or another room. Because it is most likely to buy a ready-made cloth for self-installation.


Now that you know how and than perform the ceiling finish, you can choose the best way For the arrangement of one or another room.

What can I advise me? Personally, I like the decoration of plasterboard and stretch ceilings. The reasons for which I prefer these finish options are listed earlier.

I hope you also decide on your opinion about how to separate the ceiling in the apartment. If there are any questions, ask them in the comments to the article will definitely answer.

November 6, 2016.

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