The project of the cottage in Style Wright. Elite Prairie Style Houses

Reservoirs 12.05.2019

Preferred such houses follows to whom to taste wide windows With sash that transmits a lot of light into the house, a variety of forms, horizontal lines, long balconies. At the same time, the construction does not look like a jumble of scattered parts, projects of Wright houses are distinguished by the feeling of integrity and harmony. A characteristic feature of such buildings - canopies supported by pillars or columns. Separate the building preferably with natural materials, mainly by stone and wood.

Despite the fact that projects in the style of Wright provide for a certain canon, their architecture is characterized by the flexibility of the approach. Such a building may have various shapes - elongated or P-shaped, most importantly so that it is squat and shared on segments different height. Inside carriers not provided. The exterior of the house is made to form with the use of brick, marble, plaster plaster. In such a building, a person will feel under reliable protection. At the same time, traditional materials certainly dilute more modern - plastic, glass and concrete.

Freedom and Comfort

Extensive cottage spaces do not seem non-residential and empty due to thoughtful ergonomics. Proper zoning together with the comfort created by the operation of air conditioning and heating systems, an unprecedented comfort is attached to the premises. The presence of a fireplace works on it, and competent combination color Gamma. In decoration. Wright houses projects suggest the presence of a garage that, obey general style, It is the same work of art as the whole house.

Wright houses projects can be purchased in finished video Or order individual home design. In the first case, you will get the structure of fashionable, modern, carefully tested, but, of course, is not exclusive, since it was chosen to be chosen many times. In the second case, your home will be truly unique, but such documentation will cost more and creating it will require a certain time. In addition, you need to be directly involved in the process, expressing your wishes to architect.

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Frank Lloyd Wright

Do you dream about a house in Wright style? But you do not know how to realize your goal, to whom will contact and where to start. We are one of many engaged in creating such projects as in Wright style.

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Frank Lloyd Wright (Frank Lloyd Wright, June 8, 1867 - April 9, 1959) - American architect Novator. I had a huge impact on the development of Western architecture in the first half of the 20th century.

For his life, Wright created more than a thousand projects, among which were not only residential buildings, but also churches, schools, museums, office buildings and skyscrapers. He used various styles And their elements, but the main emphasis did, of course, on the organic architecture. Over time, the popularity of the "Prairi houses" has grown noticeably, and style direction began to call the name of his creator.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Created "Organic Architecture" and promoted open plan in architecture.

The organic architecture is the course of the architectural thought first formulated by Louis Salvylene based on the provisions of evolutionary biology in the 1890s. and found the most complete embodiment in the writings of his follower Frank Lloyd Wright in the 1920s - 1950s.

Style in architecture: Prairie Houses (Prairie House)

Fame Wright brought "Prairi's houses", designed by him from 1900 to 1917. "Prairi's houses" were created within the framework of the concept of "organic architecture", which is the ideal of which is integrity and unity with nature. Supporter of the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuing architectural space, Wright offered to bring the line under the tradition of deliberate allocation of the building and its component parts From the surrounding world, dominated in Western architectural thought since Palladio. According to Wright, the form of the building should each time to flow from its specific purpose and the unique conditions of the medium in which it is erected and exists.

In practical plan, designed by the Word of the Prairie House served as a natural continuation of the surrounding natural environmentlike evolutionary form natural organisms. It is characterized by an open plan, prevailing in the composition of the horizontal, far away from the houses of the roof raids, the terraces, finishing raw natural materials, Rhythm members of the facade framework, the prototype of which served Japanese temples. Many of the houses in terms of cross-shaped, and the center-in-fire fireplace unites open space. The interiors of Wright houses paid special attention, creating furniture itself and seeking each element to be comprehended and organically fit into the Wednesday created by it. The most famous among the "Prairie houses" are House Willits, Martin House and Roby House

In contrast to the functionalism, the organic architecture sees its task in creating buildings and structures that reveal the properties of natural materials and organically inscribed in the surrounding landscape. A supporter of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe continuity of architectural space, Wright offered to bring the line under the tradition of the deliberate release of the building and its component parts from the surrounding world, dominated in Western architectural thought since Palladio. In his opinion, the form of the building should flow from its specific purpose each time and the unique conditions of the medium in which it is erected and exists.

In practical plan, designed by the Word of the Prairie House served as a natural continuation of the environment, like the evolutionary form of natural organisms. The most influential representative of the organic architecture in Europe was Finn Alvar Aalto. Individualism of organic architecture inevitably agreed with the needs of modern urbanism, and it is not surprising that country mansions for wealthy originals, lovers of contemporary art were the main monuments of this direction. In the 1950s and Aalto, and Wright began to move away from organic architecture and, in general, switched to the design of buildings in a more versatile, international style.

An example of a house built in the style of prairies

Revival of interest K. organic architecture At the beginning of the XXI century, it is associated with the formation of aesthetics of bio-tec, which, unlike Wright, recognizes the possibility and significance of direct external analogies architectural forms With forms of organic nature.

Prairie School (English Prairie School) or Prairie Style - Architectural Direction end XIX. - The beginning of the 20th century, common mainly in the Midwest USA. It is one of the flows of "Organic Architecture".

The style is characterized by an abundance of horizontal lines, predominance. flat roofs, wide protruding cornices and intricate ornament. School Prairie marked the gap with traditions architecture XIX. century. Horizontal parts of the buildings resembled landscapes of great plains than and explained the sample name of the school. At the same time, the design of the design of Japanese temples was influenced, with which the Americans first met shortly before the emergence of a new course in architecture.

Distinctive features of Wright houses

Wright-style mansions and cottages are very diverse, but they all have common characteristics:

  • Horizontality of all lines. Cottage in the style of prairies in 2 or more floors will still be visually "shame", "cuddle" to the ground.
  • Angularity, sharp lines minimalism. The style feature is that with pronounced rigor external Forms They try to merge with nature, perfectly fit into space.
  • The presence of mounted shredded roofs, which involve the location of a large number of long balconies. Such a roof is a "right" hand of horizontal, because it is due to her, even a high-rise building "land", divided.
  • Segmenting. Inter-storey overlapThe roofs divide the building on the plots, the auxiliary elements are columns that carry the role of vertical separators. The peculiarity is that a hundred such a construction from the side looks like erected from a variety of solid cubes.
  • Naturalness. As for the finish, such materials are dominated here as a stone and wood (of course, along with concrete and glass). Today, in the outlining of houses in the style of Prairies, the siding fits perfectly, the mixing of several types of materials is also popular, which further emphasizes the geometry, segmented separation of the structure. For example, the room in which the kitchen is located, from the outside you can select a stone, etc. - everything is in your hands and depends on the fantasy, the skill of the architect.
  • Unity with nature. Such residential buildings should not create contrast in the existing landscape. Key moment architectural style - Eastern orientation, which allows you to perceive the construction as a whole with nature.
  • Panoramic glazing. Right forms Buildings, its smooth high walls have to accommodate large windows. This is an excellent tactic that works both outside and inside the house. Such a structure reflects the environment, merging with nature, and the inland areas become lighter, extensive thanks large quantity Natural light.

The houses look very concise and cozy, no fade parts, complex elements, everything is simple and functional.

Wright style architecture

Initially, the layout of such houses was T-shaped or in the form of a cross: rectangular elements crossed at right angles, forming a non-standard, but very convenient and reliable design. Modern projects They have preferably rectangular and Mr., thanks to which the area is saved.

Houses are low, even if there is a second and third floor, and the impression of the landing is even more enhanced by the horizontal orientation of buildings. The angularity of the buildings give numerous rectangular protrusions - erkers, multi-level extensions, square columns. The base and high foundation are absent, but the house itself is erected most often on the hill. Roofs of 3 and 4-pitched, with a slight bias, sometimes almost flat. Characteristic feature Roof designs are very broad skes borrowed from oriental architecture.

Interior of Wright Houses

Specificity forms

The first thing that rushes into the eye becomes the integrity of the overall space and furnishings. Each subject of the interior is selected in such a way as to emphasize the horizontal length, the exhaust direction. Visually is done so that the vertical lines are as small as possible, and they were shorter. Due to the fact that high ceilings are thought out in the premises, large spaces, panoramic windows, the house is spacious, filled with natural light. According to the functionality of the Prairie style cottages resemble at home Loft. Segmenting and angularity is present not only in architecture from outside, but also in design interior premises. Interesting angular lamps, which not only emphasize the style geometry, but also resemble paper lights in Asian motifs. Often the choice stops on simple monotonous cabinets, but the color should differ slightly from the shade of the walls. Therefore, in such houses, it is not necessary to divide the space in the walls, but by zoning (use various finishes, masonry, smoothly moving in colored walls, etc.).

Convenience, practicality

Moment data can be achieved thanks to a minimalist slope. Therefore, in the interior there is all the most necessary - everything so that nothing "littered" the space, but only contributed to the maximum functionality. By ordering the construction of a rich style cottage, you need to remember that you will receive not only aesthetically perfect, pleasant illumination building, but also a comfortable housing that promotes the rest of the soul and body. When choosing furniture, these moments are also taken into account - it is geometrically correct, simple, convenient (squat and strong beds, square tumbs made of durable wood). The interior will "speak" about the reliability of the dwelling, while in no way losing its ease.

Color solutions

Colors for Wright style are chosen calm and neutral, but necessarily make bright spots to add paints and revive the overall picture. Neutral prairie style range is gray, brown, white sand shades. In this style there is no room chaoticness, there will be inappropriate with carpets with fancy patterns or decor on the walls with a fancy ornament. Wright style is a combination of elements and items that are perceived neutrally, this is a natural simplicity and pronounced segmentation of both the decor and all the decoration as a whole.

Finishing facilities

The design of the rooms occurs under the exterior walls - used brick, marble, plaster plaster. These materials create a feeling of security, weights on large squares at home. There are no restrictions on the use of only natural ingredients - an eclectic intersection with modern is allowed.

Accessories are also present

Let in minimalism all the most necessary, and in Right style there is always a little more. To the natural simplicity, clarity of the forms, the details of the ethnos it is possible to choose any details as specially selected to the style, and just madly likely. At the same time, it is important to know the measure - in the Prairie Guest Houses there should be no chaos and an overabundance in detail, which can lead to a violation of the basic concept of style. He in itself is beautiful, and the bust in the jewelry can only spoil everything.

Furniture objects in this style are deliberately selected in such a way as to emphasize the horizontal elongation of the forms, of course, there are also vertical elements, but also less less.

But this approach does not mean that the room will be clumsy squat. On the contrary, very high ceilings are characteristic of Wright style, necessarily and there are panoramic windows from the floor to the ceiling. Such functionalism, this style is similar to the loft style. However, Loft gave rise to the historical need, Wright style became innovation in the history of design and architecture.

The design of the interior decoration must adapt the stylistry of the segmentation of the outdoor architecture of the building. The highlight of such a style can become strict square, geometric lamps are emphasized. As a rule, for this style, the furniture is chosen as functional as possible, several ascetic, one-photon, but differing in color from the tone of the walls, which creates the integrity of the set of interior segments.

10 Architecture lessons from Frank Lloyd Wright

1. "The architect must be a stir ... Watch in the true sense of the word ... If he cannot foresee at least ten years ahead, it cannot be called an architect."

2. "Every great architect is necessarily great poet. He must be a great interpreter of his time. "

3. "Styles of houses should be as many people. A person with his individuality has the right to its expression and on its original life environment. "

4. "Where nature is taken as the basis, the building should be as if growing out of the ground and its form should be in harmony with the environment."

5. "The house should not stand on a hill. He must be a hill. Be it part. The house and the hill must exist together, be in unity. "

6. "Architecture is the mother of all arts. Without your own architecture, our civilization will not have a soul. "

7. Once in 1957, Wright said to American TV presenter Whales: "I want the architecture to be free. I want the architecture to fit into the environment and was a decoration of the landscape, and not his increasing. Letters of our customers tell about how the buildings we built changed the course of their life, all their existence. It completely changed. I would like to do it for the whole country. "

8. "Good building does not spoil the landscape, but makes it even more beautiful than he was before the construction."

9. "Architecture is life, or at least a form, created by lifeAnd therefore is the most true monument of the life of the world of yesterday's, today's and future. "

10. "Architecture is the mother of all arts. Without your own architecture, our civilization will not have a soul. "

Frank Lloyd Wright was a pioneer modern architecture and conflicting personality. He became famous for his eyes and beliefs. His ideas, words and anticipation continue to inspire architects and art people today.

Draft single-family residential building in the Moscow region.

Design 2014. Implementation 2015-2016

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe house, taking into account the balconies and the terraces of 422 m2, living space 291 m2.

And here, the charm of reality - autumn 2016 ... built!

More than our news

The process of creating this project is described in detail in the article in which specific example Explain .

The project was very meaningful, first of all by the customer. The customer knew what he wanted, but was not tied to whatever the example or style. This is a rather rare condition when the wishes are clearly defined. At the same time, the customer did not spend independent work In search of examples on the Internet, but came to us. Architect B. this case It has a complete picture of the source data, sometimes mutually exclusive, but necessary for execution, and most importantly - freedom remains (flexibility, if you want) in finding a specific planning solution.

Designed quickly and with Azart, managed to lay interior decisions in the project, terraces grew, but they were allowed.

Designed everything that was possible: sets ar - Architectural solutions ( ), Cr - Constructive decisions ( ), OV - heating and ventilation and VC - water supply and sewage.

In this project, the AR kit contains 44 sheets, and the Kyrgyz Republic is 31 sheets. This is exactly the amount that the money will save you, nerves, time in the construction process and, most importantly, guarantees the desired result. The house that meets all the wishes of your family, as in the design process, we threw all unwanted.

Project - Your Strategy!

This living room is a design created by the architect!

The living room is spilled through panoramic windows on the terrace, in steps - to the courtyard. It is limitless and, at the same time, the terrace protects it and the space is very cozy. In total, in our projects, it is possible to implement the most beloved topics - the placement of the fireplace directly by the window. Emphasized and I will emphasize the attention that the interior is not only a sofa, carpet and .... This is a mood that changes throughout the year. Burning fireplace against the background of the Golden Garden, a snow-covered yard or spring shower is in my understanding interior. And the sofa is nothing here.

In the layout for the living room, an independent volume is designated - there is no second floor over the living room, which allows you to make it semi-trial, as well as create tripartite lighting. The volume of the living room can be seen in the section in the axes of 5-6.

The layout of the house is very functional. This house for several generations, except for a young family with children will live a senior generation. This includes a separate "apartment" - bedroom, office, san. knot.

The kitchen is common to everyone, everyone is found here. And immediately recall the dialogue from the film "On Family Circumstances":

- Do you have a big table? - Suppose there. - You do not have a large table. So, when the whole family, children, great-grandchildren gather in the evening behind this table. Three four generations. What is bad here, I ask you? Who bothers it? And now I will ask you where such families. I do not even ask you where such tables.

Here is such a table! Here will live such a family.

Well worked.

We call the house for two or three generations - wise houses. They should be such that each person has a personal space and a space uniting everyone ... for a large table, for example. In such houses do not quarrel, because at home - wise!

Another we designed in May 2015, look, very interesting.

We invite you to the design of large and small houses! Together we will select best solution For your family. , consultation is free

And, yes! Constructive home:

  • The foundation is a small-breeding foundation;
  • Walls from aerated concrete blocks, 400 mm thick with thin layer plaster and color, locally - cladding with clinker tiles and natural stone;
  • Overlapping over the 1st floor - prefabs Zh.B. Plates, overlap over 2 floors insulated on wooden beams;
  • Roof - Wooden rafter design with folded coating.

Architectural decision of the host. Buildings with a garage, creating an architectural ensemble, you can see there you will find photos of construction

Nothing pleases the architect and the customer as an approach of completion of construction. Front work. August, 2016:

August, 2017, the house in all its magnificence meets:

Thank you for interested!

Yours faithfully,

Katerina Ponomareva

Do you like large areas, many decor and functionality? Then the Prairie-style house will be most suitable for you. Such buildings are distinguished by their squatness, low roofs and protruding from the general geometry by massive cornices. The features of this direction were formed under the influence of Japanese architecture - as a result, numerous interior spaces, smoothly flowing into each other.

Interesting, "melted" buildings perfectly fit into environment Due to the presence of a variety of loggias, terraces, windows, hinged roofs. Although the style itself is minimalist.

With the project of the house in the style of prairies you can embody your individuality - it is not necessary to clearly follow polls. The direction is quite flexible, suggests the first thing to maintain a conceptual "handwriting".

Prairie Style - Free Wright Plan

Large rectangular premises made from natural material And harmony with nature - this is exactly the name of the houses of Wright. An architect call your buildings organic, because his main desire was to create a maximum of functionality and comfort in the house. Thus, free construction is based on the basis of which many horizontal lines and squatness.

The first houses directly from the very creator of the style were T-shaped, where 2 such rectangular spaces crossed each other. The design looked a little unusual, even extremely, but was distinguished by sufficient strength, stability. In addition, the architect paid special attention high level illumination, therefore, even to the choice of terrain to build a new house, he approached quite carefully - determined the best place For building an elevation, so that the maximum in the house has as much as possible natural light. In this regard, in projects in the style of Prairies, a large number of windows are expected, sometimes large sizes.

Where did the inspiration of Wright, the founder of the prairie style?

Probably, many people had a question why this direction in architecture gained just such a name. The Great US plains have become a source of style by handing it its horizontal orientation and squatness. So it seems that houses want to become invisible, merge with the horizon line.

Many things have learned the architect from the eastern motives. Hooked his hinged roofs, which stored to go away from the main foundation. A special impact also provided minimalism, and due to the functional, neat forms, it was possible to bring it to the conditions of naturalism. Adding naturalness, Wright was able to create beautiful, comfortable and practical interiors. He adhered to the paradigm of natural organicity, the house must be combined with the landscape. Clear border is erased.

Consider the main features of the Prairie style:

  • Horizontality of all lines. Cottage in the style of prairies in 2 or more floors will still be visually "shame", "cuddle" to the ground.
  • Cealing, clear lines of minimalism. The style of the feature is that with the pronounced severity of the external forms, they try to merge with nature, perfectly fit into the space.
  • The presence of mounted shredded roofs, which involve the location of a large number of long balconies. Such a roof is a "right" hand of horizontal, because it is due to her, even a high-rise building "land", divided.
  • Segmenting. Inter-storey floors, roofs divide the building on the plots, the auxiliary elements are columns that carry the role of vertical separators. The peculiarity is that a hundred such a construction from the side looks like erected from a variety of solid cubes.
  • Naturalness. As for the finish, such materials are dominated here as a stone and wood (of course, along with concrete and glass). Today, in the outlining of houses in the style of Prairies, the siding fits perfectly, the mixing of several types of materials is also popular, which further emphasizes the geometry, segmented separation of the structure. For example, the room in which the kitchen is located, from the outside you can select a stone, etc. - everything is in your hands and depends on the fantasy, the skill of the architect.
  • Unity with nature. Such residential buildings should not create contrast in the existing landscape. The key moment of architectural style is the Eastern orientation, which allows you to take the construction as a whole with nature.
  • Panoramic glazing. The correct forms of the building, its smooth high walls have to accommodate large windows. This is an excellent tactic that works both outside and inside the house. Such a structure reflects the environment, merging with nature, and the internal areas become lighter, extensive due to a large number of natural light.

The aspiration of Wright was the reunification of modern and nature, as well as happening in modern. But there is some difference here:

  • modern everything "packs in nature", where smoothness and aesthetics become the main elements;
  • prairies removes from nature the most important thing, skillfully connecting with functionality and neutral forms.

What does the interior of the guest houses in the style of Prairie look like?

To make your home as functional as possible, organic and at the same time cozy, it is worth sticking to a given style not only when the building is cleaned outside, but also take care of the correct design inside.

What are the features of the interior of the ritov house inprojects of elite houses ?

  • Specificity forms. The first thing that rushes into the eye becomes the integrity of the overall space and furnishings. Each subject of the interior is selected in such a way as to emphasize the horizontal length, the exhaust direction. Visually is done so that the vertical lines are as small as possible, and they were shorter. Due to the fact that high ceilings are thought out in the premises, large spaces, panoramic windows, the house is spacious, filled with natural light. According to the functionality of the Prairie style cottages resemble at home Loft. Segmenting and angularity is present not only in architecture from the outside, but also in the design of indoors. Interesting angular lamps, which not only emphasize the style geometry, but also resemble paper lights in Asian motifs. Often the choice stops on simple monotonous cabinets, but the color should differ slightly from the shade of the walls. Therefore, in such houses, it is not taken at home to separate the space, but by zoning (the use of various finishes, masonry, smoothly turning into colored walls, etc.).
  • Convenience, practicality. Moment data can be achieved thanks to a minimalist slope. Therefore, in the interior there is all the most necessary - everything so that nothing "littered" the space, but only contributed to the maximum functionality. Ordering the construction of cottages In Style Wright, you need to remember that you will receive not only aesthetically perfect, pleasant illumination building, but also a comfortable housing that promotes the rest of the soul and body. When choosing furniture, these moments are also taken into account - it is geometrically correct, simple, convenient (squat and strong beds, square tumbs made of durable wood). The interior will "speak" about the reliability of the dwelling, while in no way losing its ease.
  • Color solutions. Elite houses in the style of prairies are characteristic and minimalism in colors. Here everything is simple - shades are simple, discreet, calm. The basis of the entire interior becomes natural tones (sand, gray, white, brown), but it is possible to use several bright spots for accents that are capable of somewhat "revive" the overall image.
  • Finishing facilities. The design of the rooms occurs under the exterior walls - used brick, marble, gypsum plaster. It is these materials that create a feeling of security, weights on large areas of the house. There are no restrictions on the use of only natural ingredients - an eclectic intersection with modern is allowed.
  • Accessories are also present. Let in minimalism all the most necessary, and in Right style there is always a little more. To the natural simplicity, clarity of the forms, the details of the ethnos it is possible to choose any details as specially selected to the style, and just madly likely. At the same time, it is important to know the measure - in the Prairie Guest Houses there should be no chaos and an overabundance in detail, which can lead to a violation of the basic concept of style. He in itself is beautiful, and the bust in the jewelry can only spoil everything.

Create a unique elite prairie house easily

The exclusivity of this architectural, designer direction created by Write is explained by the compound of several styles (ethnos, organic, minimalism). Perhaps such a mixing would be called eclectic, only Lloyd Wright managed to create a separate, independent direction. And he turned out perfectly combine comfort, space, uniqueness and simplicity.

The maximum of freedom of space is skillfully complemented by ergonomics, engineering systems, competent layout And zoning is purposefully "working" to create a comfortable and cozy situation in the house.

Properly recreate the style, clearly following the traditions, while we build a strong, reliable, durable house will be able to professionals with extensive experience. Turning to Innovroy, you will get a lot of advantages and guarantees. On account of the company Mass successfully implemented elevate houses projects Created by individual customer requests.

Experts take on the fulfillment of all tasks from the zero itself, starting with the research and selection of a suitable area, ending with the construction of a residential building and coordinate all documents in responsible instances.

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