Billiard business: how to open a billiard club. Business plan for a billiard club: necessary equipment and documents

The buildings 30.09.2019
The buildings

So, let's figure out how to open a billiard club. First of all, it is necessary to choose the legal form, the best option LLC will be registered. This is due to the fact that you will have to obtain licenses for alcohol, without which billiard revenue will be much lower. Registering an LLC today will cost four thousand rubles, plus authorized capital at least ten thousand.

A license for the sale of alcohol is issued for a period of one year, its cost will be forty thousand rubles. In order to avoid problems, take a part-time lawyer and accountant. They will be able to properly prepare the package of documents.

After registering and obtaining a license, you can do organizational moments: search for premises and purchase of equipment.

Remember: any entertainment business, including a billiard room, requires constant improvement, adding chips and original ideas. Otherwise, it will simply bore customers.


For a billiard club, you need to find a room with an area of ​​​​120-150 square meters. This area should accommodate the main hall, kitchen, toilet, a small storage room. In the main hall there are: 5-6 billiard tables, a bar counter, 5-6 tables for those who want to relax and have a snack.

Bar - necessary thing in the billiard room, as people who come to relax do not mind missing a couple of glasses of whiskey, beer or cocktails. You can make good money on alcohol and drinks, but without them, the club may become uninteresting for customers.

The kitchen can be with a small assortment, several options for hot, salads, dessert. Periodically, you can update the menu, changing unpopular dishes for something else. Thanks to the kitchen, you can earn money from passers-by who come in for a bite to eat or drink coffee, thus expanding the circle of customers.

Important: make sure that the room passes according to the standards of the fire service and SES. Otherwise, you will face large fines.

It is best to rent a room in which there was a cafe. In this case, you can negotiate with the owner to add several tables for meals, an equipped kitchen and a bar counter to the rental. Thus, you can save a good amount at the initial stage, New furniture and kitchen equipment is expensive.

Club equipment

If you could find a room with furniture and a bar counter, then all that remains is to purchase billiard tables, cues, balls and the necessary little things. It is also best to invest in automated timekeeping equipment, this will facilitate the work of staff and avoid wasting money. The cost of such a system ranges from 20 to 30 thousand rubles.

For an average club, you need a couple of tables for playing Russian billiards, one small table and two tables for American pool. In total, you need to purchase five tables. Their total cost will be about 350 thousand.

Tables, as a rule, are equipped with balls, but it’s better not to save money and buy spare ones (it will cost 4-5 thousand rubles). Also, five tables will require twenty cues, with an average cost of 2-3 thousand rubles.

Also, for each billiard table, you need to buy a lamp, five lamps with six lamps (for each table) will cost 70-75 thousand rubles.


For successful activity in the billiard business you need a professional marker. This is not just a person who is familiar with the rules of all billiards games, but also who owns a cue at a high level. He often has to play with clients, so he must be a good psychologist who understands what a person expects from him. He must be able to impose a fight on the most inveterate player in order to earn his respect and increase the credibility of the club. Also, his functions include the care of inventory and the resolution of emerging conflicts. Typically, markers receive daily pay, bonuses from management, and large tips from clients.

Also for customer service you will need

Bartenders (2 people, in shifts),

Waiters (4 people, 2 per shift),

Cooks (2 people, in shifts),

Administrators (2 people, in shifts),

Cleaning woman.

From correct selection personnel will depend on the profitability of your billiard club. People tend to relax in a place where they are politely answered, professionally served and not rude in any way. Therefore, carefully monitor the work of subordinates, train them, punish them for any negligence that affected the client.

Billiard club expenses and income

The example billiard club has several sources of income:

billiard table rental,

Let's assume that the billiard club will work 14 hours a day (from 12 noon to 2 am). average cost billiard table rental - 300 rubles per hour. In this club, five billiard tables can be rented at the same time. The main flow of customers falls from 19 pm to 2 am. Then the average monthly income from the rental of tables will be 300-350 thousand rubles. A bar with such attendance can bring in 250-300 thousand rubles a month, and a kitchen 150-200 thousand rubles.

Total monthly revenue is 700 - 900 thousand rubles.

Now let's move on to costs. At the same time, you will have to spend 460 thousand rubles on the purchase of equipment. This amount will include a time tracking system, five billiard tables, cues, balls, lamps. We will also add to these expenses the receipt of a license for alcohol - 40 thousand rubles. Total one-time costs: 500 thousand rubles.

You have to pay monthly rent, about 150 thousand rubles. Wages employees - 200 thousand rubles (15 thousand salary for a waiter and bartender, 15 thousand for an administrator and a marker, 20 thousand salary for a cook, 7 thousand for a cleaner, 5 thousand for a lawyer and accountant). Taxes - 35,000 rubles. Purchase of food and alcohol per month - 150 thousand rubles. Total monthly costs will be: 535 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate the total costs for the year of the billiard club: 535,000 X 12 + 500,000 = 6,920,000 rubles. Payback at average turnover (800 thousand rubles per month) will take 9 months of work.

As we could see, a billiard club is a costly business, but it pays off very quickly and is promising. Therefore, if you decide to open an entertainment facility, then pay attention to the billiard business. According to experts, six out of ten such clubs are experiencing a payback period and continue to develop further. Good luck in your search for your business!

  • Description of products and services
  • Premises selection
  • Recruitment
  • Risk assessment
  • Financial plan
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for opening a billiard club in a city with a population of 350 thousand inhabitants.

How much money do you need to open a billiard club

The initial costs of starting a business will include:

  • Deposit for renting premises (2 months) - 160 thousand rubles.
  • Cosmetic repairs of the premises - 400 thousand rubles.
  • Bar equipment - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Kitchen equipment and inventory - 250 thousand rubles.
  • Office equipment (staff and accountant room) - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Billiard equipment (tables, cues, balls, accessories) - 1300 thousand rubles.
  • Creation of an assortment of goods (products, ingredients, beer and snacks) - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 300 thousand rubles.

Total - 3,060,000 rubles. Sources of project financing: 30% - own funds, 70% - borrowed (funds of a private investor).

Description of products and services

Our billiard club will offer a range of services:

  • Russian billiards - 3 tables, the price of the game is 200 rubles per hour
  • American billiards (pool) — 2 tables, game price 150 rubles per hour
  • VIP game with an experienced marker
  • Bar with beer drinks and snacks
  • Hookah
  • Broadcasting of sports competitions
  • Men's parties

It should be noted that in our city (350 thousand inhabitants) there are only two billiard clubs that can provide a similar list of services. The rest of the market players offer customers a much smaller list of services (most often, only playing billiards). We believe that for a city of this size it is extremely small.

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Premises selection

To open a billiard room, a room of 220 square meters will be rented. The room contains all the necessary communications (electricity, gas, water) and does not need to be repaired. Lease payments will amount to 80 thousand rubles per month.

What equipment to choose for a billiard club

The size of the room will accommodate a cozy bar, a kitchen, 5 gaming tables, a hookah room, a staff room, a cloakroom and a restroom. It should be noted that in order to provide quality services, the club will purchase only high-quality equipment. First of all, these are professional billiard tables, balls and cues. The average cost of one billiard table is 200 thousand rubles. Special attention will be paid to billiard room lighting. Spot lights will be placed above each table with a timer function - at the end of the game, the light above the table will turn off, signaling the players that the paid time has ended.


The staff of the institution will consist of: bartenders, cooks, administrator, markers and waiters. There will be special requirements for markers. A person should perfectly know the rules of playing billiards, be polite and responsive and have a good command of the skills of the game. His duties will include monitoring the health of the equipment, explaining the rules of the game and holding vip-parties with the club's clients. The payroll fund for personnel will amount to 150,000 rubles per month.

What taxation system to choose for a billiard club

As organizational form The club plans to register an LLC - a limited liability company. The number of founders is 2 people. Billiard room taxation system - USN, 15% of the institution's profit.

Risk assessment

The main risks associated with running this business are as follows:

  • High competition among billiard clubs;
  • Low price of the service, which does not allow the club to develop (without additional services);
  • Development of other types of entertainment that contribute to the outflow of customers.

Financial plan

Let's proceed to the calculation of the main indicators of the billiard club's economic efficiency. Fixed monthly expenses

  • Rent - 80 thousand rubles.
  • Salary + insurance contributions - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Utility expenses - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Depreciation of equipment - 15 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Outsourcing (accounting and cleaning) - 15 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 30 thousand rubles.

Total cost - 380 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn at a billiard club

  • The average check of the establishment (billiards + bar services) is 600 rubles per person.
  • Number of visitors on a weekday - 20 people
  • Number of visitors on a day off - 60 people
  • Revenue per month - 264 thousand rubles. (22 days) + 288 thousand rubles. (8 days) = 552 thousand rubles.
  • The institution's profit before tax - 172 thousand rubles
  • Net profit (minus the USN tax, 15%) - 146.2 thousand rubles.

The profitability of a billiard club, according to the business plan, is 26.5%. With such indicators, the project pays off in 25-30 months of work (taking into account the period for business promotion).

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What documents are needed to open

If you decide to open a billiard club, then you will obviously need the following papers:

  • registering you as a private entrepreneur;
  • necessary licenses and permits for the premises, an agreement on garbage collection, certificates from the fire inspection;
  • a document confirming the compliance of the premises with the standards of the sanitary-epidemic service.

Specify OKVED code for registering a billiard club

For a billiard club, the codes are 71.40 and 92.72.

In the entertainment market, the billiard business is a rather interesting niche, but it is difficult to make money on such a business and reach a stable sufficient profitability. Therefore, in order to achieve good results and good profits in this business, you will need to draw up a business plan.

If the entrepreneur is a fan of this wonderful game, then most likely he will succeed. This billiard room business plan will detail all possible nuances, contain all calculations and describe the situation on the market in Russia.

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What do you need to open a billiard club?

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The amount of cash investments that will be needed to create your own club

The business plan must include Money, which will be necessary to open your own billiard club with standard set additional services (most often a kitchen and a bar) can be approximately $40,000-$200,000.

Those clubs that require a large amount of cash investment are most often elite and clubs for the mass visitor, which have big number billiard tables (their number is usually about 15-20). Such clubs are not widespread. Therefore, to open any of them, you will need to make all the necessary economic calculations.

Regarding cheaper projects (the cost of which is about $ 40,000), it is worth noting that their share is small and soon the entrepreneur will be able to find out why.

The cost of one square meter on a turnkey basis will depend on the chosen class of the institution and can range from approximately 400 to 800 dollars.

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Billiard club payback period

The business plan must necessarily include the payback period of the billiard room. It can vary from 2 to 4 years. The time frame will depend on various factors, but the main one is attendance. Attendance will depend on where the club is planned to be located and how many services it can offer its customers. The quality of such services is also important.

From the opening of a billiard club until it reaches the estimated attendance, on average, no more than 3 months can pass. If the attendance of the club does not reach the calculated value within 3 months, the owners of such a billiard room should definitely reconsider their attitude to business.

However, if you take into account everything that will be outlined below in this business plan, the entrepreneur will succeed and will not have to face such problems.

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Choosing the right room for a billiard club

You need to start by finding a room that is suitable for opening billiard business. It will be necessary to determine the location and concept of the club. It is important to note that there is no need to be afraid of sleeping areas. This is due to the fact that not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the center may not be the most the best place to start your own business, but also in the regions. Therefore, there is reason to think about placing a billiard room in some residential area. There may be several reasons for this choice:

  • potential visitors to mid-level billiard clubs are often too lazy to go to the city center, therefore, it will be more convenient for them to find a club near him;
  • Quite often, it is better for potential customers of elite billiard rooms to drive a longer distance by car, but to drive up to the club itself. It is no secret that the central areas in most cities are heavily overloaded with vehicles, and therefore it is not always possible to organize large and high-quality parking.

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What area of ​​the premises is suitable for opening such a club?

The selected room must meet two main requirements:

  1. The area of ​​​​the room should be large enough, about 400-450 square meters. meters for a medium-sized club.
  2. If there are columns in the room, they must be located as close as possible to the perimeter of the hall. Otherwise, there is a possibility that they will interfere with the correct placement of billiard tables.

Therefore, it can be concluded from this that ideal option room for billiards is a wide hall, which has a rectangular shape.

The required area must be calculated based on the fact that most of the space will be occupied by billiard tables, which will require from 30 to 40 square meters. meters per table. The area will depend on the size of the tables themselves and the level of comfort provided to visitors in the immediate process of the game.

In addition, you will need to multiply 30-40 square meters. meters for the number of gaming tables that are planned to be located, it will be necessary to allocate a sufficient amount of space to accommodate the bar counter, tables for potential visitors who want to use the services of the kitchen, as well as chairs and tables that will be located near the billiard tables and are intended for players to relax and their friends.

Do not forget about the space that will be needed to accommodate technological and utility rooms.

Based required amount square meters for all of the above premises, it will be possible to find out the total area that will be suitable for opening your own billiard club.

It is worth noting that billiard tables do not need to be licensed. Regarding the requirements that are imposed on the premises by officials, and all the necessary permits, which will be needed in order to open a billiard room, it is worth noting that the process is no different from the process of opening a bar, restaurant or cafe.

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Definition of the concept of the opened billiard club

To date, the most popular are 3 main concepts of billiard clubs. It is worth noting that one of them will need to be chosen as the base even before the opening of the club, because each concept dictates the appropriate requirements.

  1. Commercial concept. Billiard club, which is intended for the general public of visitors of various levels (not only billiard players). In such an institution, billiards acts as a means of recreation.
  2. Sports concept. A similar billiard club is intended for professional players in this game. Consequently, it will no longer attract those people who consider billiards as a means of recreation, but people who are interested in playing billiards directly.
  3. The concept of an elite club. This billiard room is positioned as an institution for wealthy clients. Its peculiarity is the provision of expensive and exclusive services, which often have no analogues in other billiard rooms in the city.

The most expensive of these types will be an elite billiard club. After it, there will be a sports billiard room (requires the purchase of expensive equipment). The cheapest will be the opening of a commercial club. However, there are cases in which a commercial billiard room can cost more than a sports club. This may be related to high level costs for such various Additional services, like a bar or kitchen, which must be in a commercial club.

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Suitable layout for creating a billiard club

There is enough a large number of different opinions on this, but the most common approaches are as follows:

  1. For the opening of commercial and sports billiard rooms, the most suitable layout is in which the various functional areas of the billiard room (tables for visitors, a bar, a place where billiard ash will be installed, and so on) must be combined into one hall, in one space. It is believed that a single place can create a specific billiard room atmosphere, where potential visitors will come not only to play billiards, but also to show off in public. At the same time, other visitors not only drink and eat, but also watch the game as if it were a free show.
  2. In order to open elite billiard clubs, you will need such a layout in which the arriving company will be able to retire in a separate room, which will have its own billiard table.

It is important to note that today a fairly common option is to create a commercial club that has a separate VIP room.

In order to correctly position the billiard tables, it is recommended to use computer programs that allow you to correctly position everything you need in the hall. In addition, it is worth knowing that such a service in this moment renders a large number of firms-suppliers of the billiard equipment.

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What games will potential visitors be able to play?

The main games that will be offered to potential visitors are pool and the Russian pyramid. In some clubs you can find tables for carom and very rarely - for snooker. Therefore, we can conclude that the current practice reflects the needs of customers in certain games.

It is important to be aware of the main differences between games like pool and Russian pyramid.

In the Russian pyramid, the size of the pocket is only a few millimeters wider than the diameter of the ball. This makes it extremely difficult for the ball to get into the pocket, respectively, and contributes to the delay of the game for an hour or more. Basic conditions successful game is not to score maximum amount balls yourself, and not let your opponent pocket a single ball.

In pool, the pocket is almost twice as wide as the diameter of the ball. Accordingly, the party will be played out much faster. Quite frequent are cases in which a player, having successfully broken the balls at the beginning, begins to drive them one by one, while not allowing his opponent to pocket a single ball. There are other cases in which a player, having made at least one mistake at the end of the game, will have to watch how his opponent pockets all the balls.

Almost all over the world the most popular is American billiards. In Las Vegas, for example, a large number of world championships are held, in which the prize fund can reach $500,000.

In Russia, the situation is as follows: older and middle-aged men prefer to play the Russian pyramid, young people - to the pool and a little Russian billiards, and women mostly to the pool.

The Russian pyramid is also not deprived of the number of competitions and tournaments that are held at the level of Europe, Russia and even the world.

Billiards today is a very popular game. Billiard sports are developing at a fairly rapid pace, and there are more and more fans of this game. Playing billiards is fashionable, and maintaining your own billiard club is not only fashionable, but also profitable.

Most often, billiard clubs are opened by those who themselves are passionate about this game. Such people can better feel all the nuances that this business, and know what billiard lovers need. However, if you are still far from this game, but still want to make a business on it, then you also have every chance of success. The main thing is to soberly assess the prospects and work out all the stages of organizing a business.

When you start writing your own business plan, do without already finished example pretty hard. Especially if you are writing a business plan for the first time. Therefore, we suggest that you download and carefully read the following billiard club business plan templates. This will help you quickly present the future "picture" of your own business.

Download billiard club business plan This business plan contains fairly brief but understandable information on all the main sections of the business plan: summary, description of services, marketing, investments, organization, finances, risks.
Download billiard club business plan This business plan is more detailed than the previous one, most of information is presented in the form of diagrams, tables and diagrams. Detailed calculations are also available.

How to open a billiard club

So, you have an idea to open your own billiards club. What is important to foresee and organize so that the business does not fail?


If you went to billiard clubs, then you probably know that they come in several different directions. To summarize, the opening of a billiard club can be carried out in terms of such concepts as consumer, sports and elite. We named the first concept as such because it is aimed at the widest range of consumers. There are many such billiard clubs. Their visitors are people with different incomes and social status, but the main goal of all of them is entertainment and leisure while playing billiards. In such establishments, often the main profit comes not from the game of billiards itself, but also from the sale of drinks in the bar and other entertainment services.

The sports concept assumes that professional billiard players and those who aspire to this will visit your institution. From the point of view of financial investments, sports billiard clubs will cost the entrepreneur more than consumer clubs. There must be only professional equipment of the highest quality and the organization of the game must be in accordance with all the rules. Tournaments and competitions are often held in sports-type billiard clubs, which serves as an excellent marketing ploy and attracts customers even more.

And finally, elite clubs. Their visitors are high-income people who need a luxurious environment and the highest quality of service. Of course, the prices in such establishments are an order of magnitude higher than in others. Clients of elite billiard rooms come there not only for the purpose of the game itself. They also want to emphasize their status, so absolutely everything in such establishments must correspond to a high level.


As the practice of numerous billiard clubs shows, these establishments are in demand both in the central parts of cities and on the outskirts. It is only necessary to understand whether people will go specifically to your institution (to study the demand for this service in a particular area, to study the presence of competitors). It will be a big advantage if there is a convenient transport interchange near the club. If in the case of elite clubs this is not so important (since their visitors will arrive in private cars), then for customers of consumer and sports clubs this will be a big plus.

A billiard club for 8-10 tables will require an area of ​​approximately 400 square meters. Be sure to consider that between the tables there should be sufficient free space to ensure customers' comfort while playing.

Consider giving visitors the opportunity to play in a private room (respectively, this will require additional space) or in a common room.


It must be said right away that it is impossible to save on equipment. If you are tight on finances, then it is better to save on something else, but not on billiard equipment (tables, cues, etc.). Or even postpone the opening of a business until better “financial” times.

People who are fond of billiards and often play it will immediately feel low-quality equipment and, most likely, will not come to your establishment again. Good a pool table should be heavy and rigid in its construction. In this regard, experts recommend using billiards with metal frame, which are more reliable and durable compared to conventional wooden ones.

The cloth on the tables should be dense, and correspond to certain types of billiard games. When choosing an equipment supplier, give preference to well-known firms. There are a lot of suppliers now, and choosing the first one that comes across, you run the risk of purchasing low-quality goods.

Balls and cues also choose carefully. Often in billiard clubs there are cues from different manufacturers and different price categories, so that the client can choose the one that will be more convenient for him to use. Avid players are well versed in billiard equipment, and in particular cues, and some of them prefer handmade cues instead of the usual one-piece cues.

It is also necessary to equip the billiard room with a time tracking system. These can be traditional balltimers or more modern systems accounting, which are special special lighting above each table, showing the time of the game.

Bar organization

Selling drinks at the bar is very important point organization of a billiard club. If we are talking about clubs designed for the general consumer, then the income from the bar sometimes even exceeds the income from the game itself. And some visitors even come to billiard clubs just to drink and watch other people play.

Be sure to include beer in the bar assortment (as practice shows, it is most popular in billiard rooms), and do not forget about strong drinks. If you open an elite billiard club, then alcoholic drinks in the bar should be appropriate.


The billiard club will require the following employees: director (maybe the owner of the club), administrators, bartenders, waiters, security guards, cleaning lady and markers.

Markers- these are people who perfectly master the rules of various billiard games, are aware of all the subtleties and nuances. The responsibilities of the marker include supervision of the game, they are also responsible for the safety of the billiard equipment and care for it between games. There is an opinion that a good professional marker is a kind of psychologist who, while playing with a client, should understand what the client expects from him - a fierce struggle, failure, or just a casual pastime while playing.

Recently, our people have a truly huge and ever-increasing interest in billiards. According to statistics, every visitor to clubs and bars has played this game at least once, 30% do not refuse to play “for company”, and 50% are active billiard lovers.

In "civilized" countries, many people have a small pool table at home. In our small apartments it would take up the whole room, not to mention the fact that buying it is a luxury that few people can afford. Therefore, billiards is played in places of recreation - clubs, bars, restaurants - especially since there the game can be combined with the delights of local cuisine, beer and chatting with friends. Despite the fact that the number of billiard clubs continues to grow rapidly, in the evening it is rare to find a free billiard table - so many people want to play and, therefore, so little competition.

Despite the seeming seriousness of this business, it can be started with a fairly modest cost. Of course, it will be expensive to acquire your own premises: you won’t be able to limit yourself to a cheap pavilion, you need a capital premises, which cost a lot of money to build or even rent. AT start-up capital up to 5000 USD (restriction of this book) will clearly not be able to meet.

But take a look: there is probably more than one cafe or bar in the city whose income does not allow you to purchase a table on your own. Why not place your table in this bar - it will benefit the owner of the establishment as much as you? Bar owners are well aware that with the ever-increasing number of all kinds of bars and cafes, visitors are becoming more picky. They will no longer go to the first institution that comes across, but will sort it out. And to attract them, the cafe must have some kind of zest. One of the trump cards popular today is the presence of a billiard table. If in a large company planning to visit a cafe, at least one person loves billiards, it is likely that the whole company will go exactly where there is a billiard table. Thus, in the presence of billiards in the bar there will be new visitors - lovers of this game. Moreover, if they like the conditions, it is likely that they will become regular customers.

In addition to direct profit (payment for games), billiards will also bring indirect profit to the owner of the establishment: while waiting for their turn at the billiard table, visitors will order something at the bar. In addition, they will spend more time in the bar if they become addicted to the game, which also means an increase in income.

Needless to say, such an offer is likely to interest the owner of the bar? You can agree with him to share the income from your billiard table in half or in any other ratio.

With all this, the problems of maintaining the premises, preparing reports, taxes and others will not be solved by you, but by the owner of the bar, which is also important.

*When looking for a room, remember that it must be dry, without temperature fluctuations - unsuitable conditions lead to deformation of the table and, consequently, a deterioration in the quality of the game. There should be free space around the table no less than the length of the cue (usually a billiard room has an area of ​​​​about 35–40 m 2). Make sure to have a separate lockable room, as you will need somewhere to store billiard balls, cues, etc. The floor in the bar must be durable, as big table(in particular, for the Russian pyramid) can weigh up to one and a half tons. Just in case, it is desirable to further strengthen the floor at the location of the legs in order to avoid distortions and subsidence of the table. In addition, convenient access to the building for cars and a metro station or bus stop nearby are desirable.

About equipment

billiard tables

Billiard tables in clubs and bars are operated in harsh conditions: there are a large number of visitors, and, as a rule, not quite suitable conditions, and non-professional players who can damage the table ... Therefore, the tables must be durable, specially designed for such conditions.

All billiard tables can be conditionally divided into inexpensive home and office tables; tables for commercial use; as well as elite and collectible. Small home table can be purchased for 400–700 USD. A professional pool table designed for commercial use will cost at least 2000 USD. A table for Russian billiards costs about 4000 USD. Used equipment can be bought much cheaper, but only if you are a true specialist in this field and can accurately determine the degree of wear.

A good option is to use pool tables with a token mechanism. In such tables, the balls falling into the pockets are collected inside the table, and rolled out for the next game only after the player puts the token into the machine. This will save you money on a marker - it will simply not be needed (although it may be necessary for creating a professional image).

Traditionally in high demand tables of the American firms Brunswick and Valley use. Stable demand for the products of the firms „I.J. Riley" (England), "Murrey", "Olhausen", "AMF" (USA), "Sam Billiards" (Spain), "Garlando" (Italy), "Sivissidis" (Greece), "Wik" (Poland), Dynamo, Ruptur (Belarus), Al Pari (Moscow).

billiard cues

High-quality cues consist of two parts, held together by a connecting node - a joint. The front part is made of a lighter grade of wood, the back is made of a heavier one. For commercial use, one-piece cues are usually purchased. Leading manufacturers are Cuetec, Falcon, Joss, McDermott, Predator, Schon and Viking. Cues from well-known manufacturers cost from 150–200 USD and more. A cue of unknown origin can be bought for 20 USD.

billiard balls

Currently, several foreign companies are popular: Saluc (Belgium), Brunswick (USA), DYBIOR (Germany). Phenol-aldehyde resin, from which high-quality balls are made, has the same density throughout the entire volume of the ball, and the center of gravity ensures balance and correct and accurate rolling of the ball during the game. Balloon set good quality will cost 100-200 USD.


In addition to the above equipment, you will need a triangle for laying balls - 5-10 USD, leather stickers for a cue - 1-5 USD, crayons (if you approach the matter professionally, you also need to buy them. Moreover, for different stickers - different crayons, costing about a dollar apiece ).


The table at least once a year will need to be pulled - to replace the cloth. The cost of one running meter cloth (its width ranges from 150–200 mm) - 40–60 USD.


Thus, you can purchase all the equipment for approximately 2500 USD (if you choose a pool) or 4500 USD - Russian billiards). Plus the cost of advertising and making a sign - about 200 USD.

An hour of playing billiards in Kyiv costs about 4 USD. According to entrepreneurs, a billiard table in an ordinary cafe is open for at least seven to eight hours a day (on weekends it can be loaded for 10-12 hours). At daily work this is about 900 USD of income per month. When you share the proceeds with the owner of the bar 50/50, you are left with about 450 USD per month.

By the way, if a bar or cafe that meets your requirements, in a good place and decent view for some reason, is not in great demand, this is only to your advantage. The owner of a high-income bar will purchase a pool table without your help, if he sees fit. Your proposal, most likely, will be of interest to those who are not yet available.

As for the popularity of the establishment, take care of its advertising. In addition, someone already knows about a long-existing bar, and it is still easier to promote it than a completely new institution. By installing a billiard table in a bar where there was no billiards before, you, in fact, change the position of this bar in the market, turning it from just a bar into a billiard club. It is the emphasis on billiards that should be key point your advertising campaign. You have to cover a new segment of the market - billiard lovers. You can inform them about the appearance of a new bar by any accessible ways which have been discussed many times in this book. Among other things, a large and catchy outdoor sign is very important, which distinguishes the building from other adjacent buildings.

LAW By itself, the fact of opening a billiard room does not provide for obtaining a license or patent. So, if in the billiard room there are only tables for amateur sports competitions in billiards, or such a table is installed in a cafe or other entertainment institution, this type of activity is not subject to patenting. If billiard tables are installed, which are put into action with the help of a special token or coin, then this is considered as a gambling business, for which a patent is required. The amount of payment for the cost of such a patent is fixed - 600 hryvnia for each billiard table per year.
In addition, if you are going to sell alcoholic beverages or tobacco products in the billiard room, then remember that a separate patent is required for each of these products.

Based on the materials of the book by Yu.N. Kiseleva "Bank of ideas for private business"

Billiard Club Business Plan Ready


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