Cleaning the furnace with their own hands. Repair and cleaning of the furnace with their own hands: Step-by-step instructions and possible nuances

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The furnace and the fireplace are the main elements of the country house and cottages. They not only heaten the premises, but also used as decor. However, over time, the chimney clogs that negatively affects the work of the furnace. And in the case of the fireplace, smoke will return back and fall into the room.

The thrust and the furnace or fireplace becomes difficult to melt. If you encountered a similar problem, you will have to clean the furnace. There are several ways to this procedure. Let's figure out how to clean the chimney and the pipe with your own hands.

Why chimney is clogged

Chimneys are often clogged due to non-compliance with the furnace masonry technology or fireplace. When laying pipes, it is important to comply with the parameters of the internal lumen. If the dimensions are less required, the chimney walls accumulate burning waste.

As a result, a large amount of soot and soot is formed inside. This leads to a decrease in thrust and to the fact that the Russian oven or the fireplace is peeling and melt becomes problematic.

Not only brickwork is affected by the efficiency of chimney, but also the quality of building materials. Popular materials lead to the appearance of cracks in the pipe, which disrupts the size and geometry of the internal lumen.

The walls begin to gradually collapse. Be careful, since such defects can not be found immediately due to the fact that the soot hides them.

Improper use of chimney is a common cause of blockage. First of all, this applies to the use of raw fuel, firewood with a large content of resins when driving devices.

In addition, the construction of plastic, polyethylene and other similar garbage is negatively affected by the design. As a result, on the walls inside the pipe, the solutions are formed, which clogs the chimney.

In addition, extraneous garbage falls into the pipe, small insects and even birds. Therefore, it is very important to install a protective umbrella over the pipe. Sozha and soot, which are formed on the walls of the chimney design, not only complicate the extract.

The clogged chimney increases the risk of fires. Copy soot can spontaneously light up! Therefore, it is important to deal with the problem and the stove rather, correctly clean the pipe.

How to clean the chimney with a brush

The use of a special brush is the safest and easy way to clean the chimney in the private house furnace. It is important to choose the proper model of the brush in diameter and length, as well as a separate brush for the hebles of the chimney. By the way, it is in these hard-to-reach places that soot and soot settle.

Choose comfortable brushes with a flexible handle with a nylon rigid pile. It quickly cleans the chimney from each material, quickly takes the right shape, well cleans each bending and penetrates the most remote corners of the device.

In this case, the nylon brush does not scratch and does not damage the surface. By the way, the more scratches and damage in the pipe, the more soot accumulates inside the design. For the fireplace, choose a long brush with two handles.

To clean the chimney with a brush, first of all, you need to prepare the room. To do this, cover the furniture with a film, and windows take it with a tight fabric material. Be sure to put on gloves, safety glasses and respirator.

Wait until the oven or fireplace is cooled, remove the garbage from the inside, the remains of firewood and other foreign objects. Remove the damper from entering the chimney and shove the brush inside, tightly holding the product for the handle. To clean the fireplace, the brush is hosted from below.

Clean the inner surface on each side carefully, not missing any hard-to-step plot. Gradually, promote the brush further, removes the soot, soot, dirt and cobweb. After that, remove the fatty garbage and soot, close the damper and rinse the brush in conventional warm water.

Remember that it is possible to clean only a fully cooled and empty furnace! Be sure to use protection tools in the process of cleaning! Clean not only soot and soot, but also a web inside the pipe.

Other methods of mechanical cleaning

Instead, brushes use a classic garden watering hose. To do this, the hard hose is covered on top or bottom of the chimney. Make several cleaning movements, and the soot is already assembled inside the device. For a larger effect, you can attach a brush to one end of the hose, which is lowered into the pipe.

Also scrape the soot and soot from the walls of the passage can be brushes of various sizes, a shomeptol, weight on the chain or a long sixth. By the way, you can also attach a brush to the pole. It is important that the tool fit to the dimensions of the chimney. These are more dangerous ways, as they clean the pipe from the roof.

To comply with security, cleaning is made in weakly dry clear weather in gloves, a respirator and safety glasses. You can clean only a cold and empty furnace without trash or firewood inside.

There are also folk methods that have long been used to clean the furnace. However, note that they are more suitable for prevention and do not give to accumulate the garbage and the soot inside the pipe or prevent the deposit of the soot. Next, consider how to clean the chimney from the soot by folk remedies

How to clean the chimney folk remedies

  • Salt is an old and proven method. Chemicals that contain the salt, enter when heated into the reaction with oxygen. As a result, the soot and soot will less settle inside the chimney, so it is more prevention. For this, during the furnace, pour a small amount of cook or rock salt on the burning fuel;
  • Potato cleaning is an effective method that will help remove soot and soot from the pipe walls. To do this, take dry potato cleaning or cut potatoes on cubes and dry. It will take half a bucket of this tool, which is poured on hot coals. Hot couple settles on the walls of the pipe, after which they carry out the usual mechanical cleaning with the help of the brush;
  • Aspen and birch firewood is an effective, but not the safest way. Firewood is placed in a furnace or fireplace and burn fire. At the same time, the doors, dampers and valves must be open! During the furnace throw new firewood. By the way, birch products are better to clean from the bark. As a result, the soot lights up and comes out with white flakes from the pipe out. But this method is suitable only for such chimneys, which withstand the temperature of 1,000 degrees;
  • Aluminum banks are an unusual and safe way that will prevent the accumulation of soot inside the chimney channels. To do this, get a hot fire with a lot of solid coal and burn banks. For high-quality prevention, this procedure is repeated once in ten furnaces.

Chemical cleaning

Today manufacturers offer a special stove to clean pipes and chimneys. This is a very light, but not the most efficient and economical method, since soot will fall off only in some places.

Therefore, in the future you will have to pursuer the pipe with a brush. In addition, the chemical agents leave an unpleasant smell that can weathered only in a few days.

Popular cleaning agents are PCC, comungiles, a pipeline system. In addition, you can use a mixture of copper sulfate, nitrate and crushed coke coal. Such drugs are placed during the furnace or fireplace furnace to the fuel running fuel.

When using these funds, be sure to follow the instructions and do not exceed the dosage! Chemical compounds have a quick effect and are not safe for humans, but the action passes after two to three months. And it is necessary to clean the pipe again, which is expensive and not economically.

After cleaning, any method necessarily remove the soot and garbage that have been poured. If you do not want or afraid to clean the chimney yourself, you can always contact professionals!

It is even necessary to clean the furnace if it does not even get to the time, as various waste has accumulated inside the pipe. Regular cleaning is the key to the correct and long work of the chimney. And the accumulation of combustion products reduces the efficiency of the device.

In addition, regular care and cleaning of the furnace or fireplace tube are important for human health. After all, due to soot and garbage in the canals, dangerous carbon black gas is formed.

Those who in the house or apartment have a furnace or fireplace, they know how important it is to regularly care and clean them. After all, as far as a thorough and perfect oven, if it does not care for her, it can sooner or later be broken. Few people know, but from the design of the furnace, its quality, the type of fuel consumed and the operating conditions depends on the operation of the device. But even if you comply with all the conditions prescribed in the instructions, you will have to think about how to clean the chimney.

You can get rid of pollution in the form of soot as independently and with a pipeline - it all depends on your desire and, of course, from material wealth. So, for a start, it is necessary to understand why the chimney is standing out soot and is it really important to clean it in time? In any oven when combustion of fuel, soot is always selected. Under the influence of hot air, soot and soot rises up and settles on the walls of the chimney.

If this soot do not remove, it gradually accumulates, and after a year, the layer of soot is several dozen centimeters. As a result, this can lead to sufficiently unpleasant consequences. The chimney hole is narrowed, and the thrust becomes much smaller. And this phenomenon already leads to the wear of the chimney walls, as a result of which the chimney canal may be disguised. Cases of fires that occurred as a result of a chimney spot are repeated. Get rid of soot in chimney, at least for elementary safety purposes.

Cleaning the smoke channel is divided into 3 main groups:

  • Self-purification;
  • Chemicals;
  • Mechanical cleaning.

How to clean the pipe in the apartment so-called home? One of the most common methods is the usual table salt. According to experts, this method is more suitable as the prevention of soot formation in chimney. Before filling the fuel, mix it with several staps of salt and then you can forget about the cleaning of the chimney for several years. Remember that the salt will not help clean the stove with a lot of soot on the pipe.

The second people's way is to use potato cleaning or ordinary raw potatoes. In this case, the amount of potatoes is taken at the calculation of the diameter of the chimney pipe. On average, to get rid of soot, you will need 2 potatoes buckets.

So, how to clean the stove? Take the potato and pour it right into the fire. The effect lies in the fact that the starch is released from the vegetable and begins to soften the soot, that as a result begins to leave the chimney. After you burn potatoes, clean the oven. Otherwise, the whole smoke will go back again and there will be a large number of Gary in the apartment.

Impact chemistry

How to clean the chimney in the apartment using a chemical? This is the second way to purify the chimney from soot. It is possible to get rid of the sleeve and a blockage with the help of a special antipagar chemical composition, for example, "comungiles" of the Czech company. This powder must be embedded together with the fuel, observing the dosage at the rate of 200 grams of the means per 1000 kg of fuel.

How does the powder action manifest? During the heating, the soot begins to gradually burn, while the temperature of this reaction should not be high. Such powders are working with liquid fuel and with solid.

If you can't buy powders for cleaning, then pay attention to the full name "Petrychist". This tool is fairly economical and you will need only one briquette for 6 months, but this is provided that you incite the fireplace twice a week.

Before using any of the above-mentioned means for cleansing soot in the apartment, you need to make sure that there are no foreign objects in the pipe or debris.

Do not be afraid that after using a "pipeline" for two weeks from the chimney will be poured soot, it is normal and indicates that the tool works effectively.

Mechanical cleansing

You can get rid of soot with a mechanical way. But it is important to comply with the correct sequence of actions. If you do this for the first time, it is better not to risk and cause a pipeline. For those who are confident in their power, it is recommended to follow these rules:

  • Close the holes through which smoke comes out of the apartment. If you do not do this, then all the chimney will fly to the house.
  • Tightly depart the firebox door. Open type fireplace will need to be covered with a damp cloth.
    Now you can climb the roof, but keep safety measures. In no case cannot clean the chimney into windy and rainy weather.
  • Open the channel that is designed to remove smoke and look at the layer of soot. If it is insignificant, that is less than 5 mm, then go home and start cleaning with the help of chemical or homemade.
  • If the soot layer is more than 5 mm, then carefully inspect the chimney for the presence of garbage. If they are detected, push them with a long stick down to extract already in the apartment.
  • The soot layer must be cleaned with a scraper or hero.
  • In order to clear the plot, you need to use a small metal ball that is attached to the cable.
  • After cleaning the chimney, you need to open the cleft holes and remove soot from them.
  • In the last move you need to clean the furnace.

If you have a fireplace with direct chimney, then it is best to clean it through the furnace, that is, below.

Clear chimney is actually quite simple, the main thing is to know what and how to do. You can choose one of the three options for cleansing the furnace. Be sure to look at the amount of soot, which for all the time it accumulated on the chimney. Most of the owners of fireplaces and furnaces are cleaning chimney on their own mechanically. But you must understand that this is a very dirty work that will take several hours of your time.

If you clean the chimney from soot, you can safely forget about the problems with the fireplace for a long time interval. To reduce the amount of soot accumulated on the pipe walls, try not to burn in the furnace a different garbage in the form of polyethylene packages and plastic bottles. It is also not recommended to put in the oven raw firewood ate or pine.

In the color of smoke you can understand that the chimney is time to clean. If the pipes did not have time to accumulate soot, then the transparent smoke will come out. If the layer of soot exceeds a few centimeters, then the tube is picked up black and thick smoke.

The safe and comfortable use of furnaces and fireplaces is impossible without a good thrust, which, in turn, depends on the state of the chimney. How to clean the chimney from soot and prevent its clogging, you will learn from this article.

At first glance, it seems that after combustion of firewood, the smoke will disappear without a trace, but it is not so at all. In addition to gaseous combustion products, smoke contains solid particles, it is they settled on the walls of the smoke channel, forming a gray or black flare. Water pairs, which are also kept in smoke, fasten the soot, and the flare becomes dense and solid. Especially subject to clogging narrow places, turns of the chimney, as well as the rough walls of brick pipes.

Say deposits in a pipe

In addition, mechanical stools are possible: the garbage leaves, the bird nests falling into the tube, the bird nests or bricks dropped out of masonry. Even a small blockage is capable of worsening cravings, and the soot embarked on the foreign object quickly clogs the chimney, making it impossible to further exploit the furnace. Clean the chimney from soot and blockages can be in several ways that are described below.

Ways to clean the chimney: what to choose?

The methods of purifying chimneys and chimneys are quite diverse, from people's folk methods, proven to modern, based on scientific developments. Consider more of them all.

Folk remedies

Our ancestors knew well the features of different types of wood. Coniferous firewood contains a large number of resins allocated together with smoke. A poorly dried, raw wood is smoldering, gives little heat, and at the same time highlights water vapor, which settles on the walls of the pipe, tumping loose soot into the monolith. It is best for the furnace of furnaces to fit drywood of hardwood: birch, alder, aspen. They burn with high heat transfer, almost do not give soot and soot and do not clog the pipe.

To clean the chimney in the antique, aspen firewood was used, burning with the formation of a high roast flame. When heating the walls of the chimney of the soot, it breaks down and roasts, and its residues are taken out through the pipe along with the smoke. In the same principle, many modern methods of cleaning pipes, which are described below are founded. For the prevention and periodic cleansing of the chimney, this vintage method can be used, throwing several dry oxine mines into the heated firebox. It is necessary to comply with fire safety and prevent overheating of pipes.

Another interesting folk method for cleaning the chimney is to burn dried potato cleaning. When they are combustion with smoke, substances are distinguished, baking soot and allow it to be easily removed through the cleaner holes.

Video - People's Method of Chimney Cleaning

Folk ways are interesting, but sometimes ineffective, especially when the plot has already been formed. In this case, it is wiser to resort to the means of chemical cleaning of pipes.

Chemical purification of chimney

In landstores, a large selection of various means allowing you to clean the chimney from soot without unnecessary trouble. These funds are in the form of powders, tablets, liquids or briquettes, mimicing lamps or pellets. The use of them is pretty simple: it is necessary to put the packaging in the furnace or fireplace and burn, together with firewood or separately. Detailed instructions are usually indicated on the package, as well as the dosage.

Powder cleaning agents are usually packed in silent dosage bags, depending on the degree of contamination of the pipe and chimney, one or more packets may be needed. They are thrown into the fire after the cross stove, without opening. The appearance of a flame painted into blue or green suggests that the tool works and highlights chemical-active substances that are splitting soot and fall.

Chemical cleaning agents

More convenient to use cleansing pellets or lamps, they are simply placed in a fireplace or a furnace right in the package and ignite, after which the furnace furnace continues for one or two hours. During this time, the resin and creosote that fasten the soot in the chimney are decomposed, and the small particles are taken out with the smoke outside, and large blocks fall down. Therefore, after cleaning and cooling the furnace, it is recommended to conduct an audit of the smoke channel through the door specifically designed for this.

Cleaning the chimney for preventing breakdowns spend several times a year. If the furnace is used no more than once a week, it is enough to use these means a couple of times a year. With a daily furnace furnace or the use of poor-quality firewood, prevention is carried out more often, every two months, without waiting for the ingrowth of the chimney soot.

Mechanical purification of chimney

With severe stamps caused by the strong narrowing of the lumen or in the trough of the garbage, chemicals may be powerless. Operation of the furnace becomes impossible and is very dangerous - deposits on the walls of the chimney when overheating light up, and together with smoke from the pipe, sparks or even flames are broken. In dry weather it can cause a fire. If there is no traction at all in your oven, and smoke goes inside the room, it must be cleaned mechanically using a special tool.

Fixtures designed to clean the chimney from soot and soot are very diverse: these are brushes, scrapers, ershos of different configurations and size, as well as kernels on a strong cable, which are punched by dense blockages. They can be purchased in specialized stores or make it yourself.

Video - how to make a hero to clean the chimney do it yourself

Cleaning the chimney is usually carried out from top to bottom: blockages are punched in the chimney, clean it with scrapers, jersoys and brushes, after which the smoke channels are clean through the cleaner doors, and the flaps and the flake itself are clean, as well as the ash tank. Fireplace pipes of simple configuration can be brushed from below, using a tower on a long handle. How to clean the chimney mechanically, is described below.

Technology cleaning chimney

1. Before you take on the role of a pipeline, take care of your own security. It is necessary to install a convenient staircase on the roof and take care of insurance that will not allow you to fall. When cleaning the chimney, you need to use the respirator.

Security measures when working

2. The valves open, otherwise the soot will accumulate on them, which can lead to an even larger. But the doors are flue, ash and cleaned - you need to close tightly so as not to stain the soot furniture and floors. Open fireplaces of fireplaces are better to drown a damp cloth, which is not sorry to throw away - to wash it, most likely it will not work.

3. Cleaning starts from above, with chimney. Before you start cleaning, you need to remove a headband with a pipe, a scraper or a rigid brush to remove soot at an affordable distance. The tool can be lengthened using the knob enhanced.

Purge starting with pipes

4. Inaccessible parts of the chickens are clean using a flexible hero - cable with a nozzle at one end and a knob for rotation on the other. The diameter of the nozzle must exceed the diameter of the pipe in 1.2-1.3 times. The cable is injected inside the chimney and begin to gently promote, rotating the handle.

Flexible ERS for cleaning pipes from soot

5. If the ERS is stuck, it means that a serious block formed in chimney, and it is possible to break through with the kernel. The core on the cable is sharply lowered into the chimney, trying not to touch the walls so as not to lend a brick. Eliminating the blockage, continue to clean the hero.

Core for pipe cleaning

6. After cleaning the pipe, it is embarrassed to remove soot through the cleaner doors. In a complex furnace, they are usually somewhat, and they are located in the places of turns of the smoke channel. First, it is absorbed by South, falling on top, then the chimney itself can be cleaned with scrapers and hero. At the same time moving from top to bottom, to the furnace. In the fireplaces with direct chimney of the clean door may not be completely, and all the soot immediately falls into the furnace.

Cleaning smoke channels from soot

7. The furnace and the roller cleans the last turn. Final cleaning can be performed using a vacuum cleaner. If your vacuum cleaner is equipped with a tissue bag for collecting dust, it is better to buy a disposable paper for this purpose, since it is impossible to clean it from soot.

Removal of soot from the grain of the vacuum cleaner

8. Clear the furnace and check the craving. If cleaning eliminated the blockage, then after cooling the oven it is put back the head. If the thrust has not improved, it is possible that the smoke channel is clogged in a hard-to-reach place, and without the help of a qualified bicker can no longer do.

9. In the future, when using the furnace, you should not neglect the prevention of blockages with the help of the people described above, or modern methods.

So that the chimney does not bother the soot, you need to stick to a few simple rules:

  • It is better to use dry firewood from deciduous trees as fuel, and at the end of the furnace periodically put in the oxin furnace or the means of prevention.
  • It is impossible to burn in the furnace trash, especially plastic, polyethylene, packaging paper.
  • To reduce moisture condensation, the chimney must be inspired, especially if it is made of metal. Usually use ready-made double tubes of the "sandwich" type with a layer of non-combustible insulation.
  • It is necessary to put on the tank on the pipe that protects it from random trash or precipitation.

With the right use of the furnace, the question "how to clean the chimney from soot" will arise very rarely, and you can fully enjoy a bright flame and warmth.

Overestimate the value of the chimney for optimal operation of the thermal unit is difficult. The main task of this device is the withdrawal of combustion products from the furnace to the atmosphere. At the same time, the following tasks should be solved;

  1. Getting uniform during the day of the thermal regime in the house.
  2. The optimal mode of combustion of fuel taking into account its economical spending.
  3. High-quality removal of combustion products from the furnace and the prevention of their getting into the residential zone of the building.

The solution of this trice problem is ensured by the right constructive solution of the thermal unit itself and its quality maintenance during operation.

An important role is given to the chimney. The effectiveness of this device is determined by several important factors:

  1. The correct selection of sections and the size of the chimney. With a square or rectangular shape of the pipe, the flue gases, which rises up the helix, forms stagnant zones in the corners. They are formed by plaque Say in the first place. The channel size should be one and a half times larger in the furnace, the minimum dimensions of the square smoke channel are 140x140 millimeters, and the round sequence area should be at least than square in the specified sizes. The total length of the chimney is needed more than 5 meters. The length of the horizontal site is allowed not more than one meter.

To improve the thrust in the smoke channel of a square or rectangular section, inserts are often installed, which to some extent reduces the formation of soot.

  1. The material from which the chimney is arranged. In this case, two factors have a value - the quality of the inner surface of the smoke channel and the thermal conductivity of the material from which it is manufactured. In the first case, the effect of irregularities, in addition to the reduction of the flow rate, affects the ability to precipitate soot. The high thermal conductivity of the pipe material contributes to the rapid cooling of the furnace gases, and consequently to increased condensation and sedimentation of the soot on the wall.

  1. The level of thermal loss during operation. The insufficiency of thrust in the chimney adversely affects the degree of combustion of fuel, which leads to enhanced planting of the smoke channel. And sunbathing soot in the pipe is often tantamount to natural disaster.

The aggregate and interaction of the above factors and determines the success of the smoke system.

We intentionally omit a number of rules and important factors of the chimney device, concentrating the reader's attention precisely for the causes and consequences of the formation of the particulate aircraft.

What is soot and how it is formed

Saya is a fuel combustion product. It is contained in flue gases in the form of fine unburned particles. In addition, it contains water vapor from moisture contained in fuel, carbon monoxide (CO2) and other fuel oxidation products. At high temperatures, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which there are already a pair of hydrogen and coal acids.

Hot smoke condenses on the inner surface, in the form of an oily bad smelling fluid. It includes solid not burnt substances, in consequence of which condensate condensate over time turns into a resilnese precipitate. In case of non-compliance with a number of rules for using the thermal unit, this precipitate accumulates rather quickly, reducing the cross-section of the chimney until its complete closure.

It should be noted that certain conditions are needed for condensation. One of them is the temperature at which it starts. There is even a term for this - "dew point". Obviously, when having heated the chimney, it will spread above in the chimney channel.

There may be such a situation when the "dew point" will be outside the chimney, and condensation occurs already in the open space. It suggests that the conclusion is suggested that it is impossible to avoid the formation of soot on the walls of the chimney. But the correctly arranged furnace gas removal system significantly increases the frequency of cleaning.

About the prevention of the chimney pipe

In the process of development, the heating systems became increasingly perfect. Some techniques have been developed experimentally, allowing to significantly reduce soot formation, such as:

  1. Hearth chimney. This is performed in the following ways: plastering the surface of brick pipes; The shelter of the outer surface with various rolled or slave insulation with the subsequent installation of protection from a foil film, metal sheet and other materials; Use for a smoke-free device of special insulated blocks with ceramic pipes; Protective devices for sheltering the outlet of the chimney from garbage and nesting birds; The use of two-layer "sandwich pipes" from metal with a layer of insulation.

The goal of all these activities is to create conditions for the rapid warm-up of the smoke channel, as a result of which the dew point in the process rises above, up to the surrounding environment.

  1. The greatest amount of soot is formed on the bends of the chimney, so in the design you need to use no more than one knee with an extreme need to change its direction.
  2. When the chimney device is mandatory, the internal surface shall be made in order to reduce the number of irregularities that contribute to the deposition of soot.
  3. Use with the furnace of chemical or biological methods for cleaning the inner surface of chimneys.

Chemical methods cleaning

What to protrude the oven to clean the chimney? These substances can be attributed as follows:

  1. Naphthalene. It is made on the surface of fuel well preheated oven. At the same time, naphthalene evaporates, and its pairs destroy the holistic layer of the scene. It is made in the form of flakes into the atmosphere. The disadvantage of the method is the unpleasant smell of this drug remaining indoors. Therefore, it is not used to clean pipes where an open source of ignition is used (for example, a fireplace).

  1. Made with its own hands from simple and affordable ingredients a mixture of blue. Read the composition:
    • 1/5 copper vigor;
    • 1/7 Selitras;
    • 1/2 Coke of the middle fraction.

The mixture is brought into a well-warmed firebox. Evaporation products as well as in the first case are destroyed by a layer of soot leaving with smoke gases outside. The amount of mixture introduced for one cleaners is about 20 grams, the periodicity of use is 1-2 times a month. The furnace door after making the mixture you need to cover tightly.

  1. To combat soot deposits, firewood is used from aspen, which are entered into the maximum preheated furnace in the amount of 1-2 lanes of the medium size. The combustion temperature of such firewood is higher than that of the usually used fuel, and minor sediments are burned right during the firebox. With significant deposits, this method does not apply to not provoke a fire. It is recommended to produce regularly with a couple of times in 7 days.

  1. Shell from walnut. Its combustion also occurs at a large temperature and the principle of operation is the same in the previous case. One-time dose of the shell must be no more than three liters.

  1. Salt stone. It is brought into the furnace when the furnace is ignited in the amount of 1-2 spoors. The evaporation from it softens the layer of soot in the pipe, which peels off the walls and falls into the drive.
  2. Potato peelings. They are used by entering into the furnace in an amount of up to 5 kilograms in a dry form. Couples starch effectively softening soot, and it falls off from the walls of the pipe literally to pieces. The means is used as accumulated.

It can also be used to clean the chimney starch in the amount of one spoon on the furnace.

  1. Chemical substance to protect chimneys. They are manufactured in the industry purposefully for the protection of flue pipes from Nagara and Soota. Forms of release are different from imitation of wood or briquettes to powder or liquid compositions. We indicate some of them most popular:
    • "Pulling is a pipeline." It is performed as a small size of briquettes. It consists of ammonium sulfate, phosphorus oxide, coal wax, and other chemically active components may also be present. For the heating season, it is enough to use 1-2 full, to maintain the chimney in good condition. The tool eliminates the formation of soot in the furnace, and the old nagar is breaking and removed from the walls. Release form - briquettes for chimney cleaning. Not to be confused with a facility-clean-rubbing agent, which is also an effective tool - cleaner.

    • "Comineek" - powder substance, contains 5 bags of 15 grams in one package. The basis is copper chloride, which contributes to the flameless combustion of Gary and Sopot at a small temperature without flame. It is recommended to use at a thickness of a nagar layer no more than 2 millimeters. When applying, it is necessary to carefully air the room.

    • Anti-barbecue chemical composition - (PCC). The tool is burned directly in the bags in the furnace. You need about 200 grams. by 1 tons of fire.

Facilities for removing Nagar are presented in stores in a wide range, and you can always choose the appropriate option for any situation.

When using purchased tools from planting smoke pipes, it is necessary to fully implement the manufacturer's recommendations, especially in terms of safety requirements.

Mechanical methods of cleaning from soot

This is usually cardinal intervention and it is produced at least once a year at the beginning of the heating season. This is caused by the need not only to remove the soot layer, but also a garbage caused by the wind. And sometimes you have to get the bird nests that appeared during the downtime of the thermal unit.

Cleaning mechanically produced on top of pipes using various tools and devices, both manually and using drives from electric drills or chainsaws.

If the lumen of the pipe is strongly clogged with soot, the initial breakdown needs to be produced by a clean core to collapse in Nagar, and then continue with brushes and brushes to pure walls.

Before starting work, it is desirable to protrude the furnace with potato cleaning or starch for softening soot. After cooling the furnace, its surface must be covered with a wet web to eliminate the seas in the room when it is collapsed if it happens - the cleaning of the room will take more than one month. You also need to close the windshield tightly and pissed, and the Sewber open completely.

Works need to be done using roofing staircase, if necessary, to establish a fencing. Before lifting to height, it is impossible to take potent drugs. Alcohol intake is eliminated categorically. Otherwise, the pipeline risks his health.

All work needs to be performed with dry windless weather in the bright time of the day.

Watch video - Easy cleaning method

During the production of chimney cleaning, the following materials and tools are used:

  1. ERS for cleaning the lumen of the chimney. It can be made of plastic or metal with a size of 1.5-2 times larger channel size.
  2. A flexible cable with a handle for rotation (similar to the sanitary), as well as a sufficiently durable rope.
  3. Rigid brush with bristles from synthetic material on a long handle. It is necessary to provide for its additional extension, because we remember that the length of the chimney is at least 5 meters.
  4. Metal cargo, in classic design in the form of a bowl. It is trained to the rope below the brush. The size of the ball is selected no more than half of the size of the chimney.
  5. Metal scraper to remove sugared soot stains.

Cleaning work should be carried out in the following order:

  1. Cleaning begins using the cargo with the hero. The primary punching of the internal lumen is produced. When performing this operation, the device cannot be swinging so as not to damage the walls of the chimney.
  2. With a thick layer of Nagar first, it is better to work with a metal scraper to remove protrusions and spots of soot.
  3. Clean cleaning must be performed with a brush with rigid bristles.
  4. Further, the ovens with open fireboxes can be removed from the bottom, removing the soot through the heatpace. The walls are cleaned with a brush with a long pile, at the end, cleaning the chimney with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Currently, a vacuum chimney purifier appeared on the market. His dignity consists in high-quality cleaning. For the price is a tool for professionals.

If, by virtue of some reasons, it did not have a hash of the desired size, it can be made on a plastic bottle. For this, its walls are cut vertically on a strip of 15-20 millimeters wide in such a way that they are rejected by vertical. Such a home-made tool works no worse than standard.

When cleaning the chimney with chainsaw it is used as a drive for the traditional tool

Features of the cleaning of stainless steel pipe

Such chimneys are characterized by high quality of the inner surface. This property allows condensate freely to drain down into the condensate collector, from where it is periodically drained and disposed. The lack of condensate prevents the formation of soot. But Nagar, for various reasons, still forms and need to be cleaned. This is as follows:

  1. Through the hole in the tee in the pipes, a round brush on a flexible shaft is started. Nagar is cleaned by rotating the brush from the electric drill. As the drive shaft is promoted, the length is increasing in length to clean the pipe along the entire length.
  2. When sustained in Naigar, cleaning can be burning with a soldering lamp. To do this, it needs to dismantle the chimney and burn it. At a temperature of 800-900 degrees sufficient for the target, even the colors of victories will not appear on a high-quality stainless pipe.
  3. At the end of purification, the chimney is desirable to warm up to lead the dew point beyond the chimney.

The described option is suitable only for an austenitic class stainless steel. If you sold pipes made of steel ferrite or half-improverite class, they will most likely not have the necessary operational qualities. Determine the correspondence is simple - normal stainless steel is not magnetic.

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The need to clean the inner surface of the pipe sandwich arises not often - the condensate follows it properly. But if you suddenly need to make this procedure, then you need to use an elongated cylindrical brush on a flexible drive cable resulting rotation from the electric motor.

You can also disassemble chimney and clean each pipe separately.

Cleaning chimney from smiling sediments

Some types of fuel form viscous components from condensate and hard-threshable creature components. It is very difficult to fight them, but it is difficult to clean.

To reduce the likelihood of formation of such precipitation, the chemical preparation "HANSA" is used, which is a crystalline substance. It has a complex composition, one part of which contributes to the decomposition of wood on the resin and water vapor, and the second - decomposes the resin on the lego growing components that are also burned here. Previously postponed resin spots on the walls of the chimney are also decomposed on small crystals and shivened in the furnace.

Hansa is loaded into the burning fire. At the beginning of the heating period, it should be used daily, then periodically. Details on packaging.

Clearance of curved chimney from soot

Setting the smoke with a bend is the last solution to which it is worth contacting. This is mainly the feature of the house design. Cleaning the knee of the pipe is not difficult if it was concerned in the installation of observation luchkov during installation.

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Through them, the pipe can be cleared without much difficulty. However, arrange more than two knees on one chimney undesirable. Installing the tricks for cleaning must be mandatory.

Cleaning the chimney of the gas boiler or column

The reason for the execution of such an operation will be reduced traction. This is a considerable danger, especially when it comes to adaptation in an apartment building. In such a situation, danger is not only inhabitants of one apartment.

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Determine the reduction of thrust will not be a pipe. The signal can be a slamming of the lobby. Cleaning the chimney of the gas column is similar to the cleaning of a conventional chimney.

As a result of the long use of heating furnaces, gas boilers, etc., a number of rules aimed at the efficient use of heat devices were developed naturally. The main ones are:

  • It is not recommended to use for the firewood stove of the firewood of resinous wood, such as pine, spruce and other similar, as well as raw. In this case, there is an intensive formation of soot and resins.
  • The furnace can not be imparted by trimming of composite materials, including plywood, chipboard, OSP, organity and other similarities. The composite materials used in their manufacture are actively clogged with chimney by hardwood precipitation on the walls.
  • When using stone coal as fuel (for most structural furnaces, it is suitable) It is necessary to choose the correctly of its variety. One of the best is the anthracite fraction of the "nut", which does not release a large number of particulate components. A good fuel is metallurgical coke. It is made from high-grade anthracite by burning in coke batteries. At the same time, all the harmful elements burn out, so coal burns smoothly and hot. The disadvantage is difficult fire. Therefore, it is better to use a mixture of coke and anthracite. The cheapest and "harmful" fuel of this class are the grade of gas coal ("combustion"). They burn faster and distinguish a large number of planning components. Well burns and highlights little soot briquetted coal
  • In solid fuel stoves, it is categorically not recommended to use household garbage as fuel, especially plastic. When the garbage is intimidated by the guarantee of the rapid formation of the particulate sediments on the walls of the pipe.
  • When installing the chimney channel, it is necessary to clearly comply with the requirements that provide maximum traction. This, first of all, refers to the rules for installing pipes in height.

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and operational qualities. Now knowing than to turn to clean the chimney, it is easy to contain it in working condition at least during the heating season. But cleaning at its beginning of the heating season is still a real and inevitable need. However, success to you!

July 25, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction work (bookmark the foundation, construction of walls, roof design, etc.). Domestic construction work (laying internal communications, roughing and finishing). Hobbies: Mobile communications, high technology, computer equipment, programming.

As it turned out, in the yard, relatives stood a bathhouse, which they have not used for a long time, as chimney clouted in the oven. Fortunately, I knew how to cope with this problem with my own hands, so I quickly took up the work and restored the overall furnace. Award from the heart shaved in the steam room and gathered very valuable information.

The results of everything was the instruction for cleaning chimney pipes, which I suggest your attention.

Why do you need a clean chimney channels

Many in their childhood saw how their grandfathers and great-grandfathers were cleaned with pipes from soot, but not everyone knows why you need to spend this not too pleasant operation. Therefore, I will work a little lecturer so that you have something to tell your children long winter evenings, swinging in the rocking chair by the fireplace.

So, when combustion of solid fuel, in addition to thermal energy and hot gases, soot is formed in the furnace. The streams of ascending thermal air it rises up the chimney and gradually settles on the walls of the smoke tube.

As the heating device is working, the soot layer becomes thicker. And in the end, all this can lead to very unpleasant consequences:

  • the channel for the output of gases formed during burning is strongly narrowed, due to which the thrust in the pipe is reduced;
  • soot, pouring on the walls of the chimney, damages the surface of the pipe and reduces the life of the device;
  • the efficiency coefficient of the furnace (generating heat energy) is reduced, that is, to maintain the desired temperature in the room you will have to use more firewood, coal, fuel briquettes or what you have there;
  • the likelihood of fire sediments inside the furnace chimney increases.

It will help to get rid of all troubles, only cleaning the smoke canal will help. It is only important to determine when it is necessary to start this not the most pleasant procedure. That's what I will tell you next.

When it is already impossible to postpone this unpleasant

In principle, based on our own experience, I can tell you that if the fireplace or wood-burning furnace is folded by an experienced master and they are complied with all the requirements, worry about how to clean the pipe from soot, it will be necessary to be more often once a few years.

Especially if you use high-quality fuel. For example, if in the furnace, in addition to firewood, you will throw different garbage, plastic bottles, plastic bags and other plastic objects, no need to count on clean chimney.

I can still advise you not to use for heating. Firewood, especially pine or spruce wood.
Most of all, birch fields are suitable for the furnace, which have lacquered in your field at least 2 years since the workpiece.

So, I will tell you about what signs indicate the need for urgent cleaning of the chimney:

  1. Changing the color of smoke. Clean pipe is clean, light and transparent smoke. If soot has accumulated there, it will change its color to the darker. And the smoke itself will become more dense.

  1. Changing the shade of an open flame in the furnace. If the rod in the tube is normal and chimney clean, the firewood burns with a light flame of an orange shade. The need to clean the chimney will testify the fire of orange color.

Whatever it was, I advise you to carry out the preventive cleaning of the pipe every 6 months: until the beginning of the cold season and after its end. This allows not only to remove the soot in time, but also to get rid of clogging the smoke canal by web, bird nests that fled leaves and so on.

Focusing on the signs outlined above, you definitely determine what you need to start work. But how to do it - we'll figure it out below.

Pipe cleaning methods

There are many ways to clean the pipe from soot. You can use both folk remedies and tips and the achievements of the modern chemical industry. Yes, no one canceled the mechanical way, that is, you can well work out for the pipeline.

In my practice I had to apply all the available ways, so I can safely talk about each of them in more detail.

Method 1 - use grandmother

It is not necessary to wonder the waistly. Our grandparents have long known that you need to burn in the oven to get rid of soot. I will not say that these ways are very effective, but they have the right to exist.

Here are some funds that you can use:

  1. Rock salt. The usual dining salt must be poured on burning firewood or coal.

This method is quite common, but not particularly effective. My grandmother often poured salt to the stove, but she did it not so much to get rid of soot deposits in the smoke-free channel, how much to prevent its accumulation. Therefore, I will not stop for a long time, I will tell about another way.

  1. Skirts from potatoes or potatoes themselves. The amount is determined by the size of the furnace in the furnace, but it usually grabbed near the bucket of such waste. They need to pour into already burning fire.

The essence of the method is that when burning, the potatoes from potatoes are distinguished by starch, which has a property softening soot deposits on the chimney. After this, the underlining waste is falling into the lower part of the pipe, from where they are removed through a specially made hole (it is provided for the furnace closer).

  1. Firewood from aspen. To tell about the technology itself especially nothing. It is necessary to distort the firewood from aspen lane, after which melt the fire in the furnace.

This is what. Aspen firewood is lit with a very large temperature, so hot gases come into the smoke tube, which burn soot deposits. This method is sufficiently dangerous, so I advise you to comply with some precautions:

  • make sure that the chimney material will endure the effects of high temperature;
  • check that sediments of soot in the channel are not so great to ignite.

And in principle, no one bothers you to buy special chemicals for cleaning stoves from soot. Their price is small, and effectiveness is proved by practical experience. At least my. Therefore, the story will go about them.

Method 2 - call for help science

Modern industry produce a lot of funds specifically designed to remove soot from the chimney. They can be supplied in the form:

  • powders;
  • liquids;
  • fuel briquettes.

They are added to the furnace during fuel combustion. The chemical elements contained in preparations do not harm human health, but have a destructive effect on soot deposits, causing its collapse into the lower part of the chimney.

Use additives must be used as deposits accumulated or from time to time, as a preventive tool.

The most popular means for cleaning chimneys from soot I described in the table with which I propose to get acquainted.

Name Description
Anti-barbecue chemical composition Special bulk powder, which must be poured directly on firewood during their combustion. This is a very effective means that allows you to quickly get rid of Nagara in the chimney channel. It can also be used for prophylaxis. In this case, the consumption of powder is 200 g per ton of fuel.
Comungonek Means for removing Czech production. It also comes in the form of a powder, which contains a catalyst that allows you to burn out so in safe at low temperatures. However, the powder is only suitable for removing the Nagar's not too thick layer.
Polyseen-carvilla The most popular method in our country is the method of cleaning chimney from soot. It can be used to clean pipes of furnaces and boilers working not only on solid, but also on fuel. Effectively removes sauhing accumulation and can be used for prophylaxis. In my case, to maintain the pure chimney of the fireplace in the country, there is enough of one PLAN, which I burn every month.

Considering that most likely you will use exactly the "Pinbyness", I will tell you how to clean the sage in the pipe with it:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to make sure that the smoke channel is not completely packed with a soot, garbage or outsiders.
  2. You can burn the fuel briquette itself both with the main fuel and completely independently.
  3. To achieve maximum efficiency, I burn in firewood fireplace, after which I put the briquette on hot wood coals (like kebab, just not on skewers).
  4. Before use, you need to remove the packaging, but not the wrapper itself, into which the substance is wrapped.
  5. Usually it flashes on their own, but if for some reason it did not happen, set fire to the wrap from two sides alone.

The chemical itself, corrupting South, continues to operate about 14 days. Throughout this time, there is a collapse of chips from the pipe from the pipe into the furnace or the bottom of the smoke channel. It needs to be constantly removed from there.

In conclusion, this section I want to mention one characteristic about which not all knows about which. "Polyentener" during combustion forms gases with a temperature of over 1000 degrees Celsius, which can melt the flue pipe from steel. Therefore, it is possible to use a substance in furnaces with stone and ceramic pipes.

Method 3 - We climb on the pipe

I think you all familiarize the folk wisdom about what you can do good job only with your own hands. This is exactly what I was guided by cluttering pipes on a bath in the village. In this case, you get rid of not only from sauhing accumulations, but also from garbage in the canal.

At the end of the work, you yourself make sure how efficiently and smuggling the oven will work. And how I was shaped in the bath, I will not tell, otherwise you will envy.

We only talk about the scheme of work when cleaning the chimney from the internal saving accumulations. The sequence of action is:

  1. First, close the doors or lay the holes with the holes in the chimns, which are specifically designed to clean the stoves from the saving accumulations. If this is not done, you are then tortured to wash off the inner rooms of the bath (or what you have there) from a black unpleasant flying.

If you brush the fireplace with an open furnace, I advise you to curtain it with a damp cloth, so that, again, avoid the Parco-economic day of cleaning the living room.

  1. Then depicting Carlson and climb the roof. Since you don't have a motor, I advise you to come up with something as insurance, so as not to break down in the world's rank. Believe me, I don't want to carry you into traumatology.

By the way, if it rains, climbing the roof is also better to avoid. You will hit you or lightning, or you slip on the roof. Both are hardly like you and your loved ones.

  1. First of all, you need to inspect the pipe from above. If the saving accumulations do not exceed 2 mm, you do not need to complicate your life. Travel to the store, buy a pipe cleaning agent and scatter it into the furnace. This will be more than enough.

You also need to see if a foreign object is not overlapping. Often it can be a bird's nest or fallen leaves. In this case, the plug must either pull up, or push down to remove through the door.

  1. If soot, as in my case, a lot, we clean it with a special scraper. Then it can be replaced by a special brush that is sold in a specialized store.

To achieve maximum efficiency, I recommend to measure the diameter of the pipe in advance and purchase a tool whose diameter is somewhat larger than the smoke channel dimensions. It will turn out to be a kind of rash, similar to the one who soap moms in childhood a bottle of milk.

  1. Another point. In the process of work, it turned out that some cork was formed inside the pipe, which prevented the cleaning. In this case, you need to use a special girlet on the chain that breaks the blockage and wrap it down.

I do not advise in this case to use a sports gircuit with a handle. She is shifted by the center of gravity, so it can get stuck inside the tube channel and pull it out from there you can not. We will have to partially disassemble the smoke canal.

  1. If you do not clean the furnace, but, you can partially release the smoke channel from the soot, flying-up. For this, special brushes on a long and durable handle are sold. It builds up in length, so you can get very deep inside the pipe.

  1. At the end of the cleaning, it is necessary to remove the flowing soot from the furnace and from the pipe through specifically for this, the provided doors. Do not forget to clean up, there is also a lot of soot, which you want to delete.

On this cleaner, the chimney could be considered over. If it were not for one important stage - quality control of work. It can be safely entrusted with your second half, unless, of course, she will not be afraid to climb onto the roof.

Quality quality control

Upon completion of work, you need to check the quality of the work done and, most importantly, the state of the chimney itself. This can be done visually, but it is better to rent a special camera-endoscope, with which you can see the pipe throughout its entire.

If direct reach will be detected slots or defects in the surface of the chimney, they must be eliminated. This can be done as follows:

  • divide clean clay with water and loss of cracks and cracks;
  • after drying this layer, it is necessary to make a clay-sandy solution and carefully lure them all other defects;
  • the last stage is the whims of the processed areas with lime or painting with a water-emulsion.

If in some places you could not clean the chimney, you will have to resort to partial disassembly of the furnace, since the residues of soot in the smoke canal can cause serious trouble.


As you can see, nothing complicated in cleaning the pipe from soot. The main thing is to decide on the fulfillment of this dirty and unpleasant work. But in my case I was waiting for a reward in the form of a pleasant pastime in Banke. And I suggest watching the video in this article, where there is a bunch of information about the design and operation of furnaces.

And one moment. I would be very grateful if in the comments to this material you shared our own secrets and tips on how to better clean the pipe from soot. Perhaps the next time I do not have to spend so much time on the restoration of the overall furnace.

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