What to take on a vacation trip. Checklist for a successful trip

Decor elements 20.10.2019
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Probably, everyone faces a problem before traveling - to pack a suitcase, backpack or bag so as not to forget anything. Everything, of course, depends where you are going: to warmer climesor ski resort? We offer a kind of cheat sheet for travelers, in the form of a list of necessary things for a trip.

As a rule, we start preparing for the trip in advance,Of course, if the flight is not for a couple of hours)). In order not to forget anything, we make a list of necessary things.

List of necessary things

The list can be compiled in Word or Excel. Record on laptop, phone, tablet,or write on a sheet of paper in the old fashioned way so that it is always at hand(Moreover, having compiled such a list, it will be one hundred percent useful to you on each subsequent trip). We have two lists of necessary things: summer and winter, they are divided into items.

Documents, money, cards

  • It is better to keep money and documents separately. When traveling, it is convenient to have an inner pocket on clothes and store them there.
  • Divide the money into several parts and put it in different places
  • Passports. Keep electronic copies of all passports in your mail
  • You do not need to take a civil passport on a trip abroad
  • A photocopy of your passport (in case you lose or steal the original)
  • Medical insurance
  • Air tickets. Electronic and make a printout
  • Driver's license, international driver's license. If you are driving your own car: documents for the car, green card insurance (we wrotein detail )
  • Hotel reservations (confirmation of your stay)
  • Notepad with your notes: route, phone numbers, addresses, contacts
  • Money on credit cards, take a couple of cards (we wrote).

Personal hygiene items

  • Do not take large packages, they weigh a lot. If you run out of supplies, you can always buy them online.ste.
  • Toothbrushes and paste
  • Gaskets: day, night (well, if necessary, and you are a girl)
  • Manicure accessories (nail file, scissors). get a manicure and pedicure before the trip
  • Razor and shaving products
  • Comb
  • Perfume
  • Shampoo, shower gel, soap. Keep in mind that most hotels will have all of this in the room.
  • Deodorant
  • Cosmetics. Lipstick/lip gloss, mascara, mirror
  • Hairpins, crab, hair bands
  • Sunscreen (we wrote)
  • hair dryer
  • Hair straightener (if needed)
  • Mosquito spray (read how to choose mosquito repellent)
  • Wet wipes
  • Dry wipes
  • Preziki, no joke, there are 200 ways how to use them for other purposes)))


  • For chronic diseases, take the medicines that the doctor has prescribed for you (do not forget to take a prescription so that there are no problems at the border).
  • Pills for a headache (or a hard hangover, anything can happen).
  • Painkillers
  • something for the throat
  • From indigestion
  • Aspirin or equivalent
  • Bandage
  • Bactericidal plaster
  • Hygienic lipstick
  • In the articles, and we examined in more detail.

Technique and devices

  • Check and charge all devices before you travel
  • Don't forget to take chargers, extra batteries, accumulators and adapters
  • Mobile phone. Take another phone for a local sim card
  • Camera with memory card
  • Laptop, tablet (if you need them)
  • If you are traveling by car, a navigator with downloaded maps (can be replaced with a tablet or smartphone).
  • Take advantage of our


  • Several t-shirts with one trousers and shorts
  • One pair of outdoor shoes, jacket, sweater, etc. Choose comfortable clothing One pair of high heels
  • Evening dress
  • Several changes of underwear
  • Headwear for the season
  • Sunglasses
  • Outdoor shoes and indoor slippers
  • Do not take a new, not yet worn pair, it can rub your legs
  • Swimsuit or swimming trunks for a beach holiday, swimming pool or sauna
  • Yes! Be sure to leave room in your suitcase for shopping.
  • Other

Things and various garbage that you can not take, for example:

  • Umbrella
  • Wristwatch (required with water resistance)
  • Small souvenirs for new friends and locals
  • Compact raincoats
  • Guide
  • toothpicks
  • Clamps
  • Corkscrew
  • small padlock
  • Thermo mug
  • Stretch film and foil
  • A flask for whiskey (although not, you have to take)))) ...
  • Snorkel mask (read how to choose if you don't have one)
  • Karimats
  • Waterproof bags (will help a lot in a downpour)
  • Various nuts, seeds, chips (nasty things)..
  • Lighter ZIPPO
  • Booze, cigarettes
  • Batman costume, for role-playing (just kidding, ahaha)

IN list of necessary things you can add your fads, remove something, and add something.

When all things are laid out, you can begin to collect them. Divide things into 2 parts: what you take with you (hand luggage) and what you check in your luggage.

What to put in hand luggage

We put everything of value in hand luggage (documents, money, phone, etc.). E If you are flying by plane, then in hand luggage there should not be anything piercing and cutting and liquid. And also, what can be useful on the road:

  • napkins
  • comb
  • mirror
  • pen
  • leisure magazine or crossword puzzle
  • some water


We put everything in a suitcase compactly. So that things are not wrinkled, I twist them like a sausage. In my opinion, there are fewer places and the view remains good. The suitcase should never be packed all the way. Firstly, you may have an overweight (most airlines have a baggage allowance of up to 20 kg), and secondly, back, you will probably buy something for yourself or your loved ones.

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This post was prepared as part of a thematic photo project together with photographer Katerina Cherepanova. I express my deep gratitude to Katya for your cooperation and ideological spirit! Thank you for submitting photos!

A few years ago, I also took a lot of extra and, as it turns out later on a trip, unnecessary things. Over time, I learned to take only the most necessary, and on trips to Europe or Russia during the off-season, I go only with a backpack. I'll tell you how it happens below with an example!

So, on an April trip to the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Italy (about 20 days), my things fit freely in a backpack. I also went to St. Petersburg in May for 12 days with a backpack. Trips of 3-4 day duration are unconditional for me with a backpack. For example, now I have returned from Kazan in September, where all my things were also placed in a backpack!

I want to convince you right away that A LOT of things can fit in a backpack, the main thing is to follow a few simple but important rules! So, let's go - how to properly pack a suitcase or backpack?

Bathroom accessories

The most important rule to follow is never do not take full-size products(shampoos, balms, shower gels, etc.). These tools add the most weight to your suitcase! Many people buy such funds while already on vacation, and in principle, this is also a way out. But not for me. Firstly, I got used to using certain products that may not be in the store. Secondly, the first thing I want to do when I arrive / arrive at my destination is to take a shower, and not look for a store in order to buy shampoo, balm, etc. So I pour my favorite products into special miniature containers from Ikea. Toothpaste, soap - I also take in miniature.

For travel hair, I use an unconditional trio: a compact Tangle Teezer comb, an elastic band and a hair band, which I use when washing and applying makeup.

Care products

The same approach is taken to care products as to bathroom accessories. Face / hand cream, body balm I also carry in miniatures, if their packaging is large for my reasons.


Since I am talking about a trip in the off-season, then during this period, of course, a special tribute to cosmetics (going to the sea, for example, I keep it to a minimum). From cosmetics I take the basic products that I use daily. If the packaging is bulky, I try to replace it with another product. If this foundation is in a heavy package, I pour a small amount into a miniature.

As an accent from decorative cosmetics, I most often use lipsticks and lip pencils, so I take two / three variations on a trip - for everyday makeup and make-up for going out.

Clothes and shoes: 5 important rules

We got to the most difficult part - collecting clothes! My minimum set of clothes that fits in a backpack most often consists of two pairs of jeans / trousers, a couple of light jumpers / sweatshirts, two / three tops / t-shirts, one dress. There are several important rules in collecting clothes.

First rule: in order to pack your suitcase correctly, take only those things that are easy to combine with each other. For every thing that I take with me, there is an unspoken rule - if this thing is combined with others in at least 3 looks, then it suits me, and I take it with me! For example, a denim dress that can be worn both as a dress and as a shirt, tied at the waist.

The only exception can be a little black dress (well, or any other - to your taste). Although, even this black dress can be safely rolled up and worn as a top with jeans!

Second rule when choosing clothes: give preference to lighter things, and leave heavy ones at home. Sometimes I'm tricky: choosing light, not bulky things allows me to take an extra dress or jumper)

Third rule: when packing things, roll them up so they take up less space!

Fourth Rule concerns shoes. I take only comfortable shoes, and they should be combined with all the chosen things. Most often, these are two pairs of shoes: comfortable sneakers and some boots that can be worn with both a dress and jeans.

Fifth Rule, also related to shoes: I eat on the road in heavier shoes, I put the lighter ones in a backpack! Both pairs must be comfortable!


As accessories, I take a small bag and a fabric shopping bag with me, which fold easily and perfectly into a backpack. During the day when I travel, I move with a backpack, and in the evening, when I go out, I will take a small bag. Shopper bag - in case of unforeseen purchases.

Among the obligatory accessories in my backpack there will always be one snood or stole, as well as a light scarf with which I cover my head when entering a church / monastery. Such a scarf always travels with me and takes up a gram of weight.

Like any girl, I dilute the images with jewelry, so when traveling with a minimum amount of clothes, bright, unusual accessories will always save. Lately I've been into brooches.

Or it could be a collar/necklace. I also take sunglasses with me.


The minimum set of gadgets on my journey is a light Panasonic Lumix GF6 mirrorless camera, an iPhone 5s and an old Transcend player with your favorite music.

Important things

One of the important details is glasses for vision, these are my second eyes, I can’t do without them. Also in this category I include a wallet with cash and cards, a flash drive for photos. In my backpack you can always find a notebook with a pen. when traveling, I always record the most important information in a notebook, which I collect bit by bit for the blog, keep booklets, memory tickets.

It seems that I have listed so many things here that all this will not fit in a backpack! But I assure you, it is not. The basic contents that I showed today as an example fit freely in my backpack. The main thing is to train yourself and reassure that these things will really be enough for you!

I hope my experience was of some help to you! Have a great trip with a light suitcase!

Traveling is always a lot of impressions, meeting interesting people, visiting previously unknown places and adventures. To get the most out of your trip, make sure there are no distractions. If everything is prepared in advance for the road, then during the trip there will be no need to waste time looking for some urgently needed little thing.

Making a list of things

On the last day in the turmoil, there is a high probability of losing sight of something. The easiest option to take all things is to make a list. It includes all the items that are definitely needed or will help in an unforeseen situation. Assembling the bag in the presence of a list takes a short period of time. The list includes only the essentials. On the one hand, there should be enough things so that you don’t need anything during the trip. On the other hand, there should not be too many of them so that the bag does not become heavy, which is especially important if you carry your luggage with you all the time.

To make a universal list for all occasions is simply unrealistic. A trip to the sea will always be different from a trip to a ski resort, at least in terms of clothing. For an overnight stay in a tent, you will obviously need more things than for a night in a hotel room. However, we will try to give general recommendations on what to take with you on the road.

Personal care products

The set of hygiene products for women and men will be different. However, both lists will include:

  • deodorant;
  • toilet paper, wet and dry wipes;
  • means for cleaning teeth and oral cavity (toothpaste and brush, toothpicks, dental floss, mouthwash, chewing gum);
  • mirror and comb;
  • manicure set;
  • bath accessories (soap, shower gel, shampoo, washcloth).

Naturally, everyone in the list may or may not have certain things.

Representatives of the weaker sex additionally receive tubes of face and body creams, hair clips and decorative cosmetics. For men, the list usually includes a razor and shaving products. To save space, they can be replaced with a battery-powered electric shaver. If you do not have one, then it is better to compare prices in different stores. Women in the bag can also find body hair removal products, but there are many types of them to advise something specific.

In summer, sunscreens, sunscreens and aftersun creams are additionally available. Choose all tubes and jars of small sizes. With a trip duration of several days, it is easier to grab samplers.

Clothing and footwear

Choose clothes that are comfortable and appropriate for the season. It is better to choose things that do not require ironing and are well cleaned of dirt. Depending on the season, they take thermal underwear and an extra set of underwear. The weather is not always good, it is better to prepare in advance for different situations. In case of rain or snow, it is advisable to take a raincoat, an umbrella, spare clothes, so that if you suddenly get wet, there is something to change into.

Shoes should be comfortable, not rub anywhere. If it is winter, then it is good to keep warm, and in summer, on the contrary, it is good to ventilate so that the legs do not steam.

Technical devices

No trip is complete without phones and cameras. In addition to the smartphone, be sure to take a charger to it. A spare battery will not be superfluous, especially if there is no access to an outlet or this opportunity rarely occurs. When traveling abroad, telephone calls in roaming are expensive. In this case, they buy walkie-talkies and communicate with each other for free.

In addition to the camera itself, several pairs of batteries or a battery with a charger are taken to power it. Check the free space on your memory card before you travel. Take care of the maximum protection of photographic equipment from physical damage, water and dust ingress.

Among other technical means may be a gps navigator, a laptop, an e-book, a tablet. Don't forget the chargers for them too. If two gadgets are replaced by one, then take one. It should be borne in mind that there may be only one outlet at the place of residence and, moreover, in an inconvenient place, so take care of the presence of a tee and an extension cord.

When traveling, you must take all the medicines that you regularly take. If there are none, then it is advisable to include anti-cold, anti-inflammatory and painkillers in your first aid kit. Medicines used for burns, indigestion and sprains will not be superfluous. Put some band-aids and condoms on just in case. The latter can be used not only for its intended purpose. For example, you can put valuables or documents in a condom so that water does not get on them.

Money and documents

Before any trip, estimate how much money you will need. Change the required amount to another currency if you plan to travel to another country. Carry enough cash if you are traveling through sparsely populated areas and there may not be a bank branch or ATM nearby.

Of the documents, the list includes a passport, international passport, medical insurance, tickets, visa. Just in case, it is better to make copies of your passport and grab maps, guides to the places you are going to visit.


In addition to the main set, the list often includes:

  • cup
  • Lantern;
  • threads and needles;
  • items for writing (pen, pencil, notepad).

While you get to your destination, you will want to eat and drink. Prepare yourself some food and drink. And in the cold season it is better to take a thermos with hot tea / coffee.

Compiling a universal list for any trip is unrealistic. But there are several categories of goods that will be useful on most trips. The list includes things that they plan to use in the future, or those that will help in a critical situation. And let the only thing that will never come in handy be a first aid kit.

March 10th, 2013 02:44 pm

Airplane socks. I read it in some magazine a long time ago, tried it, and now we fly only in them. The bottom line is to take off your shoes on the plane, and so that the legs don’t blow and the neighbors don’t smell - put on fluffy spacious cozy socks.

Ordinary socks. I mentioned for the sake of a chip - on small trips I usually try to take socks that are close to the stage of dying, and without regrets I throw them away on a trip. Saves not weight, but volume.

UPD this should have been at the very beginning, but I didn't realize it. And because of this, some of the commentators had a clear misunderstanding. So I am correcting:

This list is for two adults, Europe (city\beach), suitcase - 1 pc, I don’t know the size of the suitcase in centimeters (if necessary, I can measure it), but I know that if necessary, I take it as hand luggage in most airlines. The weight turns out to be decent - more than 10 kg, usually in the region of 12-15, this is along with clothes (which I deliberately did not indicate on the list). Also, I didn’t indicate mandatory things like “money-documents-insurance” in the list, because the post, as it were, is not about that :-) In 95 percent of cases, we hand over the suitcase in luggage, so I was not puzzled by the issue of optimization for hand luggage. But with some effort, I think that you can push it by hand, with the exception of a knife and a nail file.

Not mine, but I take out interesting from the comments just in case:
- disinfectant spray / gel for hands
- thin plastic raincoat
- compact ashtray
- thread-needles (travel set)
- Activated carbon - ? (unienzyme, as I understand it, it already contains, as I understand it)
- aftershave balm/lotion

When going on vacation, it is very important to properly treat the fees - to put things in such a way that only the most necessary items are in the suitcases, and nothing more. This is especially true for air travel. In order for the fees to pass quickly and efficiently, it is best to make a list of what to take with you on a trip in advance. Over time, it can be supplemented, gradually crossing out what has already been prepared.

Those who like to spend holidays away from home can make such a list once. After the first trip, correct it, taking into account what was taken, but not needed, or enter the missing items.

Money and documents

Of course, you cannot do without these two things on any trip, even if you go on vacation to relatives in the nearest village. And if you fly by plane or travel by train for a long period of time, documents and money on the trip will come in handy.

List of required documents:

  • A foreign passport (if you are crossing the border) and a civil passport if you are traveling through the territory of Russia. It is advisable to make photocopies of passports in case they are lost;
  • Put travel documents in your passport - train, plane or bus tickets. Scan them and identify them in one of the folders on your gadget;
  • If you decide to spend your vacation in a resort, be sure to grab a voucher for the hotel where you decide to stay;
  • For sanatoriums and health resorts, you will need a medical card;
  • Those who have health insurance will need to bring a photocopy of it with them. If there is none, and the trip is long, be sure to issue it;
  • A driver's license if you are traveling by car and an international driver's license if you plan to rent a car abroad.

Important! Please note that when traveling abroad, you can get into unforeseen and non-standard situations. Therefore, among your loved ones staying at home, there must be a trusted person who can resolve problems with local authorities. Even a lost SIM card from a mobile phone cannot be restored without a notarized power of attorney.

Divide funds according to the following principle:

  • A small amount of cash, which may be needed at the airport, at the railway station or on the train itself;
  • Be sure not one, but several bank cards. It is better if they are from different banks and support different payment systems - MasterCard or Visa. Before leaving, pay attention to their expiration dates;

If the vacation is related to crossing the border, grab a small amount of currency and open at least one foreign currency account in the bank.

Do not forget that before going abroad you need to report it to the nearest bank branch where a foreign currency account is opened. Otherwise, you will not withdraw money from an ATM of another state!

Engineering and electronics

Be sure to take a mobile phone on the road, even if the “roaming” service is not issued for you. You may need it to inform your relatives in case an unforeseen situation arises at the airport or railway station and you need their help. Also pack your charger.

A tablet or laptop, if necessary, is checked in at the airport as hand luggage. The same applies to a camera or camcorder. Do not forget to take chargers with all devices. Bring a flash drive to your laptop or tablet.

Clothing and footwear

The list of things you need to take with you on the road depends on the time of year, the country you are going to, and, of course, how exactly you are going to spend your time. Tourist routes with a backpack on your shoulders and a beach holiday in a luxury hotel on the seashore will require completely different equipment from you.

The clothes that you plan to take on a trip should not be a lot. List only the essentials:

  • You do not need to take warm clothes to the countries of Asia and the South East. A few pairs of T-shirts, shorts, bathing suits and sun hats are all you need in Vietnam, China, Thailand or Bali. Shoes are slates and a pair of sneakers for hiking and sightseeing trips;
  • In European countries, you can expect various natural disasters. You need to prepare for them. Be sure to bring raincoats and umbrellas if you are traveling to the UK, Finland or Switzerland;
  • On the shores of the Mediterranean, 2-3 bathing suits, a small amount of summer shoes and clothes will be appropriate.

When making a list for a trip, be guided by the place of residence. If there is an opportunity to do laundry at a camp site or in a rest home, and in hotels to give things to the laundry, do not take a lot of them.

Hygiene items and first aid kit

Going to relax in resorts in the summer, be sure to add sunscreens and lotions, insect repellents, sun glasses, and hygienic lipstick to the list of items.

There should not be a lot of hygiene items if you are going to live where everything you need can be bought. Here is a rough list:

  • Shampoo and hair balm;
  • Dry and wet sanitary napkins;
  • A small bar of soap and roll-on deodorant;
  • Hairdryer, comb;
  • Manicure scissors, nail file.

Provide a small sewing kit. Its standard version: white, black thread, a pair of needles, a few safety pins.

Remember that during air travel, the amount of liquids is regulated by the carrier company! It is also forbidden to carry cans of hairspray and deodorant in hand luggage.

When collecting a first-aid kit, take into account the fact that strong psychotropic drugs and tranquilizers are allowed to be transported by plane only if you have a medical report and a prescription from your doctor (for your last name).

Starting to pack things according to the compiled list of what is needed on the trip, immediately divide them into those that will fly in the luggage compartment and those that will be checked out as hand luggage. Try not to pack a lot of clothes and shoes! Remember that for every extra kilo at the airport you will have to pay extra!

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