The device of wooden floors in the house without basement. Independent flooring in a private house

Arrangement of the site 13.06.2019
Arrangement of the site

When the construction of the house is inhabit, the question of the floors occurs first of allSince they will depend on the strength of the coating, and the preservation of heat in the rooms, and therefore the health of residents. The device of floors in a private house can be made in several ways, but it is necessary to consider each of them to appreciate everything and against each option.

  • The most popular and comfortable floors for the house was always considered wooden, as wood, unlike concrete, is the warm material itself.
  • Concrete coatings are more durable compared to wood, but require good insulationSo they are often combined with wooden floors.
  • The bulk or floating floors were not so popular with the owners of the houses earlier, but in recent times many are increasingly turning to this option, as it is simple in the device, and it can be done literally in one day.

No matter how sex is chosen, it possesses specific features of their device, depending on the design of the house, from the area on which it should be laid, difficulties and nuances of installation, and even from the financial capabilities of housing owners.

In order for the floor in a private house to be warm, and it was nice to walk on him, each of his species requires insulation, so it is necessarily included in the plan common work arrangement.

Wooden floors can be made different waysBut always fixes to lagows that are made from the bars stacked on a concrete base, support pillars, or houses in the walls. The last option is possible only in the room with a small area, for example, narrow corridor or a small hallway.

In addition, wooden floors are divided into single-layer and two-layer, i.e. with rough floors.

Floors on the support pillars

The floors on the support pillars are made in cases where there is no possibility to tie lags with the walls of the house or this is not enough for the strength of the overall coating. The lag system, arranged only on the support pillars, is called "floating".

"Floating" floor on the support pillars

Floors on such a system are arranged as follows:

The first thing to do is to divert holes in the underground room of the house for installation brick pillars. Such mini-pitchers are placed at a distance of 70- 100 centimeters from each other. The depth of the pits should be at least fifty centimeters. The size of the section will depend on the height of the erected supports, the higher the pillar must be, the greater its width and thickness.

On the bottom of the dug holes, crushed stone, gravel or sand, a thickness of at least twenty centimeters, is then poured with water and thoroughly tamper. The better the bottom will be rambling, the more reliable will be the support for the lag system, so this process must be held on conscience.

On the rammed pillow, the column of red brick column is made, or the formwork is satisfied, the reinforcement is installed, and the cement-gravel mixture is poured. If the pillars are made from concrete, then their size should be in a cross section of at least 40 × 40, and better 50 × 50 cm. The erected poles are evaporated by level, and, if necessary, their height is adjusted.

On top of the pillars, to a depth of 10-15 centimeters, threaded studs are made up or anchor is installed, for which the floor overlapping beams will be fixed.

It should be noted that if the building or room has small squareThe support poles can be arranged only around the perimeter of the future room, but in this case you need to put massive beams on them.

After the posts are ready, on their top Filty waterproofing material. Better, if it is three ÷ four layers of rubberoid.

The holes are drilled in the beams through which the fastening studs will be held.

The beams or logs are stacked on the waterproofing, they are put on the studs and exhibit in terms of the level, aligning with wooden table lining. When the base of the floor will be exhibited, the lining is better to fix to the bars using nails, and the bars themselves must also be fixed by screwing them To the pillars of nuts through a wide washer. If the studs have an excess height, it is cut by grinding.

The underground surface is best to fall asleep clamzite, a layer of 15-20 centimeters - it will keep the moisture well that can come from the soil, and the floors will additionally be warm.

To the floor, suitable in this way, was warm, it is better to do it two-layer, especially since in this embodiment all conditions have been created. If it is assumed on the beams immediately lay the sex board immediately, then underground you need to fully fill in with a grazite, leaving between it and wooden coating Distance not more than ten centimeters.

Chernovaya Pol

A draft floor can be arranged in several ways. The choice of a specific method will depend on the insulation material.

  • If slag or clamzite will be used as a insulation, then the draft floor is made solid, from the boards that are nourished to the bottom slice of the beams. The gaps between the boards are wicked by clay, diluted to not very dense condition. After graveling the clay, in the cells you can float the insulation, on top of which the film of vaporizolation is stacked.
  • If the floors are insulated with mineral wool, the boards are nailed to the lower side of the beams at a distance of 50 centimeters from each other.
  • On the beams and on the lower boards, vaporizolation is mounted and a thin plywood is stacked. It is laid onto the insulation, which is also closed with vapor barrier, attached to beams with a steplera and brackets.
  • Then the lags are nailed on the beams with a size of 10 × 3 centimeters, for which germ boards or thick plywood will be laid.

Videos: A clear example of a black floor mounting

Wood floor on the soil

Arrange the wooden floor and in the soil. For this there is its own scheme, focusing on which You can create a work plan.

  • The soil in the underground, it is necessary to tackle well, and arrange a pillow from sand, gravel or a crushed stone of a medium fraction, a thickness of 20 to 40 centimeters, and then tamper again.
  • On the rammed pillow, rigid waterproofing is laid, for example, rubberoid. If desired, it is possible for greater strength to put the reinforcement grid. Waterproofing should be on walls at least than 10 centimeters.
  • On waterproofing, put on a solution of bricks or concrete blockswhich will subsequently be support for beams. Supports are placed with such a calculation so that the beams are at a distance of 60 centimeters from each other (standard width of the insulation).
  • The first layer of insulation is placed around the bricks - it can be a foam in 50 ÷ 100 mm or mineral wool.
  • On bricks, and better - installed on concrete blocks wooden beams, align them in terms of level, and fix with a corner.
  • Between the laid beams, for greater insulation, you can additionally put the plates of mineral wool.
  • From above insulation, tax aGA Fasten a vapor barrier film.
  • Then stacked the gender, which is fixed with cloves, neatly driven into its side part.
  • The board is laid at a distance one - one and a half Santimeters from the wall, to ensure ventilation.

Wooden floor on a concrete tie

When installing the floor on the Concrete screed or stove, lags can fit directly onto a concrete or if you need to lift the floors to a small height of 10-20 centimeters, on a threaded studs.

When laying floors on a concrete, you can not save on lags - they must be sufficiently massive, then the floors will be reliable and non-incredible.

It is necessary to immediately note that with such a device, it is necessary to make it two-layer, i.e. With the above-described draft floor, otherwise it will be very cold.

  • First on concrete coating Preliminary layout of the location of the lag is made. They must be installed at a distance of 60 centimeters, taking into account the future insulation. Marking is done using line chopping.
  • Next, on the cast lines make markers at a distance of 30-40 centimeters.
  • At these points, the holes are drilled in which the studs with retainers that are approximately one height from the floor - they will hold the beams.
  • In the beams themselves at the extinted distance corresponding to the location of the holes mounted into the surface of the concrete surface, the holes drill, after which the beams on the studs are put on.
  • Then, using the level, twisted the locks in one or the other side, bringing all the beams to the perfect horizontal controlling it.
  • Top on the studs are spinning nuts, driving them into the prepared recess, and the extra part of the studs are cut by grinding.
  • The following stages are the device of the draft floor, insulation and flooring of pure floor.

Fastening the lag directly on the screed

On the concrete floor to arrange lags not at all difficultAnd you can do it yourself, having the necessary tools.

  • On the concrete coating, the bands are blank, also at a distance of 60 centimeters from each other, but they must be at the distance of the insulation thickness (150-200 mm).
  • Next with help anchor fastening Lags are securely installed on the concrete floor. At the same time, the bars can be of any height - it will depend on the desire of the owner of the house and from the possibility of lifting the floors to the desired height.
  • Then, it would be nice to lay a thin insulation, for example, foamed polyethylene, which can be fixed to lags with a bracket.
  • On the wall, throughout The perimeter of the room is installed strips cut from mineral wool mats.
  • Next on the covered polyethylene fit plates of insulating The material is either falling asleep clamzite of a small or medium fraction.
  • From above, it is necessary to close the insulation of steam barrier film.

Concrete floor

Concrete floor arrange too in different ways, but, in general, they are similar by technology, with small deviations or additions.

Concrete coating, mostly make houses with concrete or brick walls, and start it with its device after the walls are removed and covered with roofing.

  • If necessary, the top layer of the soil is selected so that in its place to arrange a pillow from sand, which should be 10-15 centimeters. It needs to be good to ravage, watering water.
  • The next layer is the crushed stone of the middle faction, which also needs to be tamped. The thickness of his backfill should be at least 10 centimeters.
  • Next arrange a rough screed. It can be done insulated by adding a clamzite into a solution or a crumb of foam. In addition, the solution in this case can not be kneaded in the sand, but on gravel. Scientific lines and leave to stick.
  • It is necessary to disseminate waterproofing on the finished frozen black screed, which should be on the walls of 15-20 centimeters. For it, you can take a ruleroid or a conventional thick polyethylene film - the main thing is that the material be laid hermetically, with the sickness of the adhesive.
  • The insulation is embanked by the insulation - clayzit, or extruded expanded polystyrene foam high densitywhose thickness is chosen at the request of the home owner and depending on climatic conditions Region where the house was built.
  • A metal reinforcement mesh is installed on top of the insulation, and then pure screed is poured, into which you can also add insulating material. In order for the screed to be smooth, and the room did not have floor height drops, it should be done on the construction Level levels.
  • If desired, this coating can be made additional insulation. On the finished tie, you can flatten wooden floors, lay the Linoleum laminate or ceramic tiles. Nothing prevents organizing a "warm floor" system.

Dry screed floors

In the device flooring with a dry screed there is nothing complicated - it is done much faster than the concrete or wooden floor. That is why B. last years It is used more and more.

The main thing in its laying is a high-quality homogeneous bulk material. For such sex, use perlite, quartz or silica sand, slags or fine-grained clay. These materials are not only convenient in the work, but also perfectly perform the problem of sound insulation and thermal insulation. With a good distribution of bulk material on the square of the room, it almost does not give a shrinkage, therefore, with a conscientious performance of the work, bulk floors will serve for a long time.

Alignment of bulk mixes

  • In order for the floors to hold the shape, and the dry screed did not crumble, install special bulkheads from the boards.
  • Out of the dry screed, plates from moisture-resistant GVP, plywood or other sheet materials. The most important thing is to set perfectly smoothly the first plate - this is done using the level. The following stoves will be aligned in the first. The material has not needed to be pressed into the dry mixture, and it should be moved very carefully along the surface. Lacking sheet laying during all work is controlled by level.
  • In those areas that are susceptible to the greatest load, for example, in the aisles.
  • On the hypusoloconne Sheets there are folds, with the help of which they are connected to each other when laying them on a dry tie.
  • Sheets are stacked with offset half of the sheet, by analogy with brick masonry - This will increase the stability of the coating.
  • Setting the first layer of plates on the dry tie, usually go to the flooring of another one - it will make the floor more durable and stable. If the floor is used hypusoloconne Sheets, then on the first layer, Falts is cut from them, so that they are tightly adjacent to each other and the bulk material could not get between the first and second layer.
  • The second sheet of sheets is always laid perpendicular to the lower sheets.
  • The underlined top layer of sheets is fixed with Lower S. using glue and additionally bonded with self-storms. They are twisted necessarily under the load - for this it is enough just to get up on top sheetAnd the weight of the wizard will serve as a necessary cargo.
  • Exactly along line door openings The sheets are not recommended - it is necessary that the sheet is distributed in this place on both rooms.
  • It is embedded by waterproofing material, for example, sealant.
  • If such floors are arranged in a room where the moisture is increased, the entire surface of the floor, before laying the decorative coating is treated with coating waterproofing.

Thus, it is obvious that the floor in a private house on a dry screed is mounted quite easily, if approaching work seriously, to do it carefully and not hurry. Rush absolutely not appropriate - in terms of work of work, such a technology under any circumstances is many times greater than any other.

Despite the obvious advantages of life in his own house, not everyone will decide to exchange a comfortable apartment on it. The main reason for this choice is the fear of the need to continuously care for the structure, plot and communications. IN multi-storey houses most of This work is carried out by communal enterprises, while in the private sector, the responsibility fully falls on the owner. And to take independent construction Capable units. If you decide to such a responsible step, not being a professional builder, you need to take all responsibility to each stage of this difficult business. In this article, we will deal with how to properly arrange floors in a private house. Speech will go Not about the decorative coating, but about the choice of the floor design, the correct waterproofing and insulation.

Selection of material for the base device

Frequently, wood is used for the floor in private house building. This is due not only by perennial traditions, but also practical considerations. This material has several undeniable advantages:

  • Durability;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Maintainability;
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • Relative ease of installation.

Having stopped at this option, it is important to choose the right wood. There are several criteria that the source material must correspond to the floor to be durable, durable and warm:

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the tree breed. It is best to arrange wooden floors in a private house from oak or ash - such a floor will be the most durable. However, the cost of such a material is quite high and not everyone affordable. Coniferous species of trees - larch, pine, spruce, cedar and fir.
  • Boards and bars should be dry. Their humidity cannot exceed 12%. Otherwise, during operation, they may be a story.

Wood should not have cracks and chips, and for protection against insects it is treated with antiseptics

Despite all the advantages of wood, many prefer to equip the floor from concrete. Most often, this choice is due to the durability of the material. By choosing this method, it is important to make sure that concrete and accurately comply with the work technologies.

Options for possible designs

First of all, you need to select the type of design of your floor. This choice depends on how you plan to operate the building. So, for dacha houseIt will only be used in summer, a fairly single militant floor, and for a full-fledged residential building, where you plan to live constantly, you need to choose a well warmed option.

Option number 1 - Single milking floor

This is the easiest of performance and operation of the floor arrangement. It is suitable only for summer buildings or housing in regions with a warm climate. If the house project is provided with sealing floor beams into the wall, then the width between them is usually too big in order to immediately lay the boards. To ensure the necessary floor strength, you need to put lagows - wooden bars. If you are planning a flooring device on the support pillars, you can immediately place the beams at the required distance from each other and do without additional costs for lags.

The distance between lags depends on the thickness of the floorboard. So, if you plan to use a pinched board with a thickness of 38 mm, the distance between lags can be 60-70 cm. If the thickness of the board is 28 mm, it is necessary to lay the lags more often - at a distance of half meter from each other

So, we put lags on the beams and put them in terms of the level using wooden gaskets and wedges. Making sure that all the bars are on the same level, they attach them to the beams of nails, and then nail the boards to them.

Option number 2 - Double milking floor

This version of the floor device will require significantly more costs and effort, however, it allows you to reduce heat loss. Chernova recommended to do from wood coniferous rocks. In order to save it, you can use an unedged board or porch.

As a rule, there is a layer between the draft and finishing floor heat insulating material. For these purposes, clamzite is used or a mixture of clay with wood sawdust or straw. Of course, you can use modern materials - Polyfoam or extruded polystyrene foam. On top of the insulating material, the purple floor of the tipped board is laid.

Option number 3 - concrete floor

The device of concrete floor in a private house is divided into several stages:

  • First you want to mark up. The easiest way to use for these purposes laser level. It is installed on the bottom of the doorway and make marks on the walls. This will be the level of the future floor. For layout of the level in the center of the room in the walls on the markup, nails are driven and stretched thin ropes.
  • Now we proceed to the organization of gravel sucks. This layer will serve as thermal insulation of your sex. Run the soil and clean it from garbage. Then we drive pegs, each of which should be below the level of the future concrete screed on 10 cm. Smelling start from the wall of the opposite door. When the whole area is covered, ravine and tamper gravel in loving with pegs and delete the latter.
  • Then it is necessary to pour a layer of sand, tackle it and smooth the surface.
  • It has great importance proper waterproofing Floor, in a private house, concrete floor is most often protected from moisture with a polyethylene waglet, a thickness of at least 250 mk.
  • Now you can proceed to the fill. First, in terms of installing beacons from wooden Reques At a distance of 1-1,5m from each other. It is necessary to make this so that the upper edge of the rails concerned the stretched rope. After that, the marking from the ropes can be removed.
  • Fill the space between the two slats concrete, ranging from the far wall. Then the rule is moving it and remove the surplus.

Important! For high-quality waterproofing, polyethylene must enter the walls by 10-15 cm, that is, above the level of the concrete screed. In addition, if the width of the polyethylene sheet is smaller than the width of the room, and you use several bands, carefully connect them with each other with the help of construction screws.

Filling of concrete floor on the ceramzit. Any smooth rack can serve as a ruler for sprinkling, a little longer than the distance between the guides

When concrete "grabs", it is necessary to remove the rails, and the emptiness is filled with a solution and to dissolve "grater" for plaster. Now we cover the floor with polyethylene and leave for 3-4 weeks. It is desirable to remove the film and moisturize concrete once a few days. This will allow the material to gain maximum strength.

Subtleties of the "warm floor"

Do not forget about such a novelty as warm floors, because in a private house, installing such a heating system is most justified. This is especially true when the premises are heated not by radiators, but with the help of pipes with a coolant, located under the surface of the floor. It should be noted that heating in a building with wooden floors is very problematic and not too efficient. This is due to low heat thermal conductivity. But allows you to use it with success.

If you still intend to equip a warm floor in wooden house, use the electrical or infrared system

Whatever the option of the floor of the floor you have not chosen for your home, remember that it is important to accurately follow technology and do not save on materials, even after finishing work They will not be visible. With poor performance work on the device of the draft floor or its heat and waterproofing, even the most expensive decorative coating will soon come into disrepair.

What is a basement? Simply, room at home. There are special technologies in the construction of the basement, in which the basement waterproofing is provided, waterproofing the outer wall of the basement and the foundation. Waterproofing protects the basement, and, consequently, the house from moisture and water to the house. However, the technologies for the construction of basements does not provide for the mandatory insulation of basements and the more non-heating is not provided in the basement and even more so in the underground.

But not only the basement, the room in the house for storing a separate home Skarba, but also underground is a source of cold air penetrating to the house. The underground of the first floor is formed between the walls belt Fundament, as well as all other foundations other than monolithic foundations UCHP and RPP. By definition, the underground is cold, well thought out (ventilated) space under the house. Ventilation provides special ventilation openings in the foundation (produced). Do not save from the cold mandatory backflow of soil and layers from rubble and sand in the underground.

All these features make the main requirement for the floor of the first floor of a private house - its insulation. Normated insulation of gender SNIP 23-02-2003 " Heavy protection buildings. " More about architectural design in.

5 floor structures above the basement depending on the type of overlapping

Wooden floor design over basement

Wooden floor on the first floor of the house is made by lags. Lags can lie (rely on) on the pillars from concrete and bricks or selected in size and stacking step, to be made without support.

In both cases, the beam is made from the bottom of the tree, the non-combustible insulation (mineral wool) is placed on it and everything is sewn from above plates OSB. or moisture-resistant plywood.

The design of the wooden floor by lags lagged on the reference poles is similar. The difference is only in the insulation of beams from contact with the stone platforms of the support pillars with the help of wooden gaskets covered with antiseptic and covered with rubberoid.

In the picture, one layer of this design did not fit, but it is needed. This is a layer of a vaporizolator, which is placed on the insulation, under the brine of the first floor.

Video Articles: Floor insulation

class \u003d "Eliadunit"\u003e

Concrete floor design over the basement

Optionally, the use of beams for the floor of the first floor. For good foundation, the black floor of the first floor can be concrete plate Overlapping. In this case, the design of the floor changes, but the principle remains the same: the floor must be insulated and protected from the formation of condensate due to the temperature difference.

If a concrete slab is used as the base of the first floor, any part of the floor is appropriate:

  • Paul Po. wooden lagum laid on the stove, with insulation between lags;
  • Warm water or electric floor;
  • Semi-dry screed on the layer of rigid insulation with the subsequent device of thin electric floor.

Loaded floor design (floating floor)

The loaded floor, the base of which serves as the slab overlap, is done like this:

The insulation of polystyrene is spilled on the ceiling slab, a film is stacked on it, which will serve as a waterproofer. Through the film is made. Floating floor screed is separated from the walls with a thin layer of insulation (damper). The dry tie is covered with a vapor insulator and a steering base for the first floor.


Usually, for insulation of the floor of the first floor, a wooden warm floor device does not apply. Let me remind you, the wooden system of the warm floor is to be made, between lags or on a special wooden flooring and laid on it reflective elements.

However, it is quite acceptable, to arrange a warm floor on the first floor, if it is a slab overlap. The main thing is not to forget that the insulation of concrete from the extruded polypropylene should be thicker 25-30 mm. And also under the insulation, the waterproofing material is stacked on the stove, and the heat reflective material is placed on the insulation.

The floor is an integral part of any room, whether a private house (Apartment) or Public Building.

Undoubtedly, one of the main parts defining the entire interior of the room as a whole and providing comfortable accommodation And the durability of the construction.

This part of the room is quite expensive (up to 30% of total costs) and labor-intensive on the device, it is top layer overlap separating the building on the zone.

For a single-storey private house, such a division looks like this: a basement, living part, attic.

The base is the most wearing part, since the load on it is the most constant.

Therefore, repairing it is most often, although high-quality base stages and the use of high-quality materials provide the opportunity to forget about repairs for a long time.

Material for the base should be sealing, taking into account the purpose of operation, microclimate in the room and approach its choice is necessary seriously: for example, it is impossible to lower the parquet in the toilet or bathroom, and the laminate is better not to apply to laying the floor in the kitchen or in the hallway.

Types of foundations for a private house

In a private house, they can be two types:

  1. Wooden. The bases are lags (bars) laid with a waterproofing bedding (if it comes to the base in the basement or residential room in the house without basement) or without it (if it comes to the field between residential rooms, residential premises and basement or attic). Such bases are warm and do not require significant labor costs for installation.
  2. Concrete. The basis for concrete bases is the prepared base in the form of a sand pillow. Compared to the wooden basis, concrete floors suggest wet work in several techniques, which makes their production and installation by volume and long enough.

Wooden floors can be mounted as:

  • simple single dumping base;
  • double downtown (warmer).

Features of the installation of the board wooden floor

Single cardiac base is mounted in compliance with the following recommendations:

  1. The boards are laid on the lags laid on the bars or the support beams themselves (if the beams are embedded in the walls, then lagging on them is a mandatory requirement).
  2. If the basis for laying is the support pillars, then the beams are laid initially with compliance with the established requirements: when the distance between the supports in 80 cm, the beams must be laid 1x1 m, with a distance of 1 or more meters - 1.2x1.2 m.
  3. If there is no complaints about the beam system, then you can carry out floor laying on the beams themselves. If still the beam system does not fully suit you, it is better to additionally put the grid of the lag, exposing the level and consolidating with nails.
  4. Applied to laying the base of lags may have a cross section 50x50 or 60x60 mm.

Mount the boardwalk simply simply by attaching the boards you use with the help of long screws or nails to lags or reference bars.

If the laid packed base is planned as a piston, then we continue to be covered with varnish it (preferably in two layers).

If the boardwalk is used as a blacks, then we put the coverage you chose it (it is recommended to use linoleum).

Laying a single dozen base will not bring heat to your home, but only reduce your costs.

Therefore, it is better to lay a double board-made floor, which includes a rough base of the unedged board and the picker floor of the t-shirt.

For laying a draft base, we use the boards previously treated with an antiseptic (the thickness of the boards up to 45 mm), which are tightly put on the cranial bars stuffed on the beams.

Next, cover the draft base with a thermal insulation layer of at least 30 mm (use wood sawdust and clay or clamzit) and put the piston base (use for it exclusively boards from coniferous rocks), navigating nails.

If you plan to put additional coating on the piston basis, then it is necessary to bother it, pre-deepening the nails cap with the help of a metal beta and hammer.

After that, you can lay any coating.

In order to ensure ventilation, it is necessary to make holes at the corners of the room (no more than 60 mm in diameter).

We suggest you view a useful video about how floors are arranged in private houses.

As mentioned earlier, wooden base In the basement or residential room without basement mounted on lags laid on the waterproofing cushion.

The material for such a pillow can be sandstone, gravel or simple soil.

IN this case Lags are stacked not on the pillow itself, but on brick columns (height not less than 2 bricks), which are located on the area of \u200b\u200bthe whole floor so that between the bars laid on them there is a 40-70 cm.

If a wooden base is placed on overlappings, for example, between the basement or the attic and a residential premises, then no waterproofing in this case will be needed.

Lagges are fixed through the way with anchors or screws.

When laying a wooden floor, it should be borne in mind that the tree used should be pre-impregnated to prevent the effects of various rodents, microorganisms and insects on it.

Before laying concrete base It is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing on a previously rambered sandy pillow, and then the heat insulating layer.

? You can find out the answer by reading the article on our website.

Many themselves ask a question: what to cut a laminate? Showing what and how to cut it without much effort. Try!

From this you will learn how to lay cork substrate under laminate. Good luck to you in repair!

Only with such preliminary preparation you can start laying a concrete base.

The layer of laid concrete should be at least 5 cm and should correspond to the level of the foundation of the house in its highest point.

The basis for the fill of the concrete screed can still serve a concrete plate.

If the slab is smooth, then you can safely save on waterproofing - it is not necessary to lay it, and putting only thermal insulation, cover it with a finishing cement-sand tie.

This will be enough.

The piston flooring should be placed on the screed only after its drying and bonding.

By the way, if outdoor coating It is a laminate, then it is necessary to pre-store the concrete with a special underfilk coating, and if the parquet, then it is necessary to lay the ply.

If you want to put the tile, then besides the tiled glue you do not need anything else.

In contact with

"Cheap, but laborious" - so briefly, you can characterize the floors equipped with the soil. They are created directly on Earth, on the first floors of private houses, and are represented by "Multilayer Pie" in the context. But due to availability large number Hidden layers control the process of the floor of the floor on the soil is recommended at all stages. Otherwise, you can get a cat in a bag. " Such floors are often used when you develop where exactly the garage becomes the room in which the floor is equipped with a soil

On the soil you can make two types of floor: concrete or wooden. We will tell about the device of the most common floors from concrete.

  • All work on the floor device must be started after the walls are erected and the roof is constructed.
  • The top of the future floor should be closed with a doorway (including finishing coating). Therefore, during the markup, the level is set to "zero" with the bottom of the doorway and applied throughout the perimeter of the room.
  • To correctly calculate the thickness of the floor design and correctly set the lower mark, you need to decide in advance how many layers will be in your "pie" and what kind of thicknesses they will be.

Installation technology

It begins with clearing and dumping soil. The soil layer is removed by the builders until the overall height of the "zero" before the soil becomes equal to the thickness of the design of the multilayer "cake". After that, a thorough surface of the surface should be careful. As a result of these works, a smooth and sufficiently dense base should be obtained, which can be walking, without leaving deepening from the legs.

  • The basic base and all layers of the "pie" concrete floor must be adjusted strictly by level.

Preparation of the basis

Failure of gravel, sand and rubble is performed to stop the capillary water lift. The thickness of the gravel layer is, as a rule, 5-10 cm. After the gravel is poured by water and thoroughly tamper. Following the layer of gravel should go a layer of sand with a thickness of about 10 cm, which is also wetting and tamped. And on top of the sand, a 7-10-centimeter layer of large rubble (fraction 40-50 mm) is stacked, compacted, pumped by a thin layer of sand, aligns and tamper.

  • If there is a crushed stone on the surface with sharply sticking edges, it must be removed or put so that there are no sharp corners on the entire plane.

Chernovaya screed

The device of the draft screed is not a constructive, but the technological layer, on top of which the waterproofing layer will later be installed. The black screed is mounted from concrete class B7.5 - B10 using a rubble 5-20 fraction on a polyethylene film, so as not to give concrete "milk" to go into the layers of bellows or in the ground. The thickness of this layer is usually 5-7 cm. It is optional to reinforce it.

  • The sheets of the film are stacked by braziness and are well-skilled with scotch. The material is necessarily started onto the walls at a height of 15-20 cm.

Poland waterproofing

Waterproofing device is recommended if the level groundwater Locals above 2 meters from floor bottom. The main task of waterproofing is the protection of the insulation and the finishing screed from moisture. Ruberoids, polymer-bitumen membranes, PVC membranes and similar materials are used as waterproofing.

  • When making a decision on the need for waterproofing, you need to focus on the most high level Groundwater, which can be on a specific territory, that is, to watch how highly water rises in spring, with a flood.

Thermal insulation is no less important

The thermal insulation device is made only for heated rooms. If you want to save on the heating of the room (and the weight loss through the floor is about 10-20% of all losses), the layer of insulation should be provided in your "cake." To increase the heat insulation qualities of the floor, you can use foam, mineral Wat or extruded polystyrene foam.

  • Before insulation, experts are advised to perform a heat engineering of sex on the soil, which will determine the degree of need to insulate the gender and optimal Material for this.

Clean screed

The finishing device is almost the final stage of working with a mandatory reinforcing grid. The thickness of the finishing screed is 7-10 cm. Unlike the draft, it is necessarily reinforced by the grid. If it is planned that there will be something heavy on the floor (heavier than 200 kg / m2), it is recommended to rein the mesh with a wire diameter of 4 mm. If the load is up to 200 kg / m2, the diameter can be 3 mm. In order for the grid to be in the middle of the solution layer, it should be installed on the stand 2-3 cm height.

The solution is poured under beacons, as the rails stacked from each other at a distance of two meters. The mixture is then aligned and compacted using a vibration or a rule that is based on the rail. After the concrete solidification, the surface is recommended to be treated with a self-leveling mixture.

  • The fill of the concrete floor is made in one, a maximum of two comes. This is necessary to create a monolithic and durable design.
  • After the fill with concrete and the subsequent alignment of the surface of the floor is covered with a film and give it to stand 3-4 weeks to solidify. Throughout this time, the surface is constantly wetted by water so that it does not go crack.


  • The fourth stage is a climb. Have to take wooden barber And his end catch up the entire surface of the screed. The sound from the blows should be the same all over the entire screed area, "solid", "ringing". If the sound is "deaf", "empty", which means that there is detachments of the screed, which is unacceptable.

Opinion of the Specialist of Yulia Queen, the leading marketing manager of the company "Roof Isolation":

  • The device of floors is appropriate in cases where the building structure does not imply the presence of basement.
  • Concrete floor in the soil can be built with a tape and column foundations.
  • If there is a high level of groundwater in the area, the monolithic floor of the soil is recommended to be arranged by lags.

When furnaces on the ground is very important to choose proper insulation And take care of high-quality hydro and vapor barriers. The main requirements when choosing insulation are high strength Mechanical loads, shift strength and stretching, as well as resistance to moisture. Therefore, for floors on the ground, an extruded polystyrene foam density is 55 kg / m³ or rigid mineral wool insulation with a density of 135-180 kg / m³ (this material can absorb moisture, therefore, its contact with the soil or tie must be minimized, isolating with a special film) . Sometimes in order to save as insulation, the usual PSB-C-35 or PSB-C-50 foam is used (in conditions of high load on the floor).

As a waterproofing, you can use the flooded bitumen or bitumen polymer materials based on polyester. Such a base withstands heavy loads and is subject to a small stretch. Thus, a layer of waterproofing with minor oscillations of the soil will not be damaged.

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