Stucco for the foundation which is better. How is the foundation plaster

Arrangement of the site 03.03.2020
Arrangement of the site

Regardless which foundation is made, sooner or later it will still begin to collapse. Especially fast cracks and damage appear on a brick and block foundation. It is no secret that cement is short-lived. He is not able to resist the influence of rain, and therefore it is pretty quickly washed away. Of course, that every owner of the house thinks about protecting the foundation. In this case, plastering the foundation will be the best defender, and the foundation plaster with their own hands is completely for everyone.

What positive parties has the foundation plaster? First of all, of course, it is its easy update and easy repair. It is very important to remember that plastering the foundation and interior is two completely different processes. In order for plastering work to be carried out correctly, and the coating was served for many years, it is necessary to know some secrets of preparation of a plaster mortar in a compartment with the rules of its application. It is worth noting that the addition of color pigment into the solution will additionally decorate the foundation.

What cement solution is needed?

To date, there are several variants of solutions suitable for plastering. Among them are distinguished solutions based on:

  • Plaster;
  • Clay;
  • Limes;
  • Sand;
  • Cement, etc.

It is worth saying that solutions with the first three additives in no case can be used for the foundation plaster, as they are intended for the interior decoration. It is important to remember that the plaster of the foundation of the house, more precisely, its base can be carried out exclusively with a mortar on a cement basis.

What should be included in the solution? In this case, only plasticizers can serve as additives, as well as various waterproofing components. Today it is not difficult to find such solutions - they are quite a lot presented in construction stores.

It is worth saying that at first glance, these solutions are practically no different with each other. However, if you look closely, you can see the difference in percentage of additives. This difference is very important. For example, the most plastic solution is applied much easier and is ideal for subsequent decoration of the foundation. Mixes with a large addition of waterproofing additives are perfect forces with high humidity.

There is a rule that states that the ratio of cement and sand, equal to 1: 5, will be acceptable for plaster. However, this rule is incorrect, since a similar solution for the plastering of the foundation after a while "sprinkle". The optimal proportion in this case is 1: 3, while it is important to remember that the sand can be used exclusively career, and the sinking. The volume of water is selected individually each time. So, the liquid plaster is quite suitable for the layer of the primer, whereas for the observer - plastic, sour cream type.

Preparation of solution

Preparation of the solution includes five stages:

Preparation of foundation

Plastering the foundation with your own hands is not a difficult thing, but painstaking. In order to qualitatively and correctly apply plaster, the foundation must be prepared in advance. In this case, you must adhere to 4 rules:

Stages of finishing foundation

Before starting to stack the foundation, it is necessary:

Installing beacons is made as follows:

  1. Using the hydroelectric background, a smooth strip is watched on the ground near the foundation. It is important that the indentation from the foundation is almost impaired (2-3 cm), the strip must pass closely.
  2. On the spot where the angle of the wall with the strip will be intersect, the peg is installed strictly vertically, and the height of the cavoge must correspond to the height of the base.
  3. The distance formed between the peg and the foundation should be filled with mortar. A vertical borgorm should form, whose alignment should be performed using a construction level. Such lighthouses should be done in all corners, as well as every 1.5-2 meters.
  4. In the pegs intended for corner beacons, you should drive 3 nails, which you need to pull the lace. This lace will work the landmark for which the stucco is the foundation under the stone. Accordingly, after tensioning the lace, 3 lines will appear: downstairs in the middle and on top of the base. It is important to remember that between the shoelains and directly beacons, remained the opening of 1 mm.

How to stack the foundation? In the future, there is nothing complicated process.

  • First of all, you should wait for the burden of beacons, after which it is necessary to spray the foundation. First of all, it is wetted with water. After that, with the help of a brush or a trowel, the cement mortar is splashing prepared in advance by the above-described rules. The permissible thickness of the layer varies between 5-9 mm.
  • After grazing "spray", on top of it should be applied to the primer composition - more liquid.
  • After the primer is grabbed, the application should be applied - more thick and plastic. It is this composition that is a plastering solution with waterproofers and plasticizers.
  • The last stage includes rubbing the surface. With this process, it is possible to achieve the most smooth surface, and also allows it to equalize it. Grout is carried out using a special grater, which has a fine metal grid. You can also use foam, or which other special tools. The most important thing is to choose the right moment for rubbing. In this case, the plaster should not be completely dried, while it should already be captured. It is possible to produce plaster with a variety of ways - under the stone, or to give it a relief surface.

Previously, this part of the house was called tweet, now - the base. For the protection and decoration of the base (foundation) of the private house use various materials. The plaster base is the best of protection, insulation and decor.

The owners of the housing or at home, by thinking on the repair plan, are often wondering how to plaster the foundation of the house, what materials to use, is it possible to do anything yourself. We will try to answer the main questions.

Requirements for basement plaster

The location of the base in the design of the house dictates its requirements for the quality of the trim of the base of the plaster. This is the front part of the building, possibly in contact with the soil, is subjected to a frequent abundant moistening and an increased mechanical effect.

Therefore, plaster for the base must have such qualities:

  • high strength;
  • resistance to aggressive substances;
  • frost resistance;
  • easy to clean;
  • resistance to UFL;
  • fire resistance;
  • high hydrophobicity;
  • vapor permeability;
  • resistance to the appearance of fungus, mold;
  • ease of local and overall repair;
  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • monolith;
  • aesthetics.

The newcomer needs to know which plaster meets these requests.

Suitable types of plastecroc

There are many types of ready-made (already released) or dry mixes (hereinafter referred to as SS), which can be plastered the base. These are compounds for outdoor work (universal) are also suitable. For finishing finishes, decorative plaster (also facade) are used.

For alignment, conventional cement (mineral) compositions with sandy filler are often used.

However, if the new private house still passes the shrinkage process, tests vibrations from railway or located in a seismically unfavorable area, ordinary cement formulations are not suitable, as they are easily covered by cracks. Other mineral plaster mixes for base are not suitable.

In general, for the base plaster, the compositions are used in the following types of bases:

  • (durable, however, easily contaminated, are capable of cracking, vigorous, durable, cheers);
  • (strong enough, elastic, have a variety of colors, waterproof, possess low vapor permeability);
  • (Durable, have high vapor permeability, hydrophobic, are easily and quickly laundered, taking into account the fact that they require pre-primer on a liquid-flow basis. They are expensive than mineral and acrylic compositions, they are very quickly grapped);
  • (super elastic; very durable, "breathable", water-repellent, durable, but expensive);
  • polymer cement (budget option, durable, "breathable", resistant to the formation of cracks).

Also for the base, if necessary, special plasters are used, for example, waterproofing, warm, sanitizing.

Sometimes the wooden house base is also made from waterproof wood. Such structures especially need protection.

Independent manufacture of plastering mix

To plastering the base of the house, you can cook the plastering cement makeup with your own hands. It will be cheaper than the purchase of the SS. All components are easily accessible. The filler in such a composition serves as sand (river or career), binding - portland cement grades 400 or 500. Dusty sand is sifted, washed. Cold clean water is used for the shifting, which is added as a plasticizer detergent or PVA.

The usual solution has a formula 1: 3-4 (on 1 volume of cement takes 3 or 4 parts of sand, 4 parts - for M500). The amount of water varies in the reasancement process, so it is poured on need.

The main thing is that the composition turns out to be screened, plastic, not too viscous or liquid.

If the solution is prepared in the containers, then the dry components are mixed in it, the water is added last:

  • step 1 - Sift the sand using a metallic sieve;
  • step 2 - in the trough we fall asleep the specified amount of sand;
  • step 3 - evenly scatter in the sand of the measured amount of cement;
  • step 4 - Mix everything thoroughly (then add a dry dye, if necessary);
  • step 5 - in water dissolve plasticizer (PVA, liquid soap) and a kel (if necessary);
  • step 6 - gradually pour water, mix the solution to the desired consistency.

Sand Selling Adding Sand in Corto Adding Cement
Adding water and liquid soap Summary

If a solution is used, then first poured most of the water, then sand is covered in a rotating pear, and the last is cement. Preparation of warm pearlitic plaster is described here.

Surface preparation

The base can be of different designs from any materials. Preparation of concrete or brick, as well as any other surface under the stucco, has its own characteristics.

After removing the old plaster, an unpleasant picture can occur, since the solution that fills the seams of the old brickwork, starts sharpened over time. You can see bricks that should be replaced. Then the seams are cleaned from the Kroshev, extract parts of the discarded bricks, remove the old solution with a wire brush, is divened.

Preparation of a brick base in front of plaster

Moicing the surface of masonry with water, produce repairs (insert new bricks, planting per solution). Deep seams are filled with a solution, leaving an unmarried upper part of the seams with a depth of 10 mm. A new laying is also cleaned with a wire brush. The seams deepen on a centimeter to increase the adhesion of the base with a solution. Before applying plaster, brickwork is abundantly wetted.

Preparation of butt and booton

This base may also require the replacement of unsuitable stones, removing the crushing solution. The stunned stones are removed, the place is cleaned, and the stones are sitting on the solution at the same place. The forms of voids are filled with non-sinked mortar.

Preparation of concrete and reinforced concrete foundation

Revealed potholes, chips, cracks need to be repaired. If the cracks are evidence of the bias of the foundation, it is strengthened. Cracks are expanding. The surface is cleaned of dust. Separate cracks with cement mortar with the addition of sand. Strengthen, reinforcing the grid. Betonacton applies as primer.

You will need:

  • kelma, as well as spatulas;
  • lane planks;
  • grater;
  • brush;
  • rule;
  • cord;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • mixer;
  • capacity.

Watching technology of the private house

Now about how to plaster the foundation (basement).

Features of the technology of plastering the basement of the house:

  • optimal air temperature + 20 ° С (it is possible to work at + 5, + 35 ° C);
  • humidity - 60% (it is impossible to work during precipitation, it is recommended to choose the weather "window" in a few days without precipitation, without wind, or protect fresh plaster with a film);
  • the base must be covered by direct rays of the sun;
  • foundation plaster is performed in several stages;
  • at each stage of the plastering, a solution of a certain consistency (composition) is used, such a layer of two or three - spray, soil, covering (in the case of painting, for cladding tiles or under decorative plastering it is not needed);
  • observe the MIN layer thickness - 10 mm;
  • when aligning, lighthouses use;

Preparatory work

Above the features of the preparation of the foundation in particular cases were considered.

General principle of work:

Old unsuccessful stucco foundation is removed. Cracks and potholes are repaired by cement mortar using a reinforcing grid at large damage sizes. The base for applying the solution should be purified from lubricant stains, fat, rust, ledges of salts.

It is impossible to leave the foci of mold, fungus. Foreign spots are closed, dried, treated with special safety. Remove the extra metal parts, the remaining isolate oil paint. Apply on the concrete surface of notches (sufficient depth - 2 mm). The surface is cleaned of dust.

Application of soil

The prepared base after drying is ground, causing two layers of suitable primer.

Usually for porous bases, for example, bricks, deep penetration compositions are used. The primer is applied with a roller or brush (brick, hard-to-reach places). Dried after applying each primer layer. Before painting, plaster coating is also primed, but they take a different means (usually on an acrylic basis) also water-repellent deep penetration.

Use the facade primer.

To stack the foundation of the house, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the result is a multilayer design. If it is composed of different materials, the temperature linear stretching of materials may vary, which leads to a bundle, violating the integrity of the entire structure. Therefore, apply the applying of the plaster base on the grid.

The grid is needed at\u003e 20 mm thickness of plaster, as well as when using insulation. It is recommended to use a galvanized low carbon steel grid, which has an expansion coefficient, like a concrete or a stainless steel wire 20x20 mm. Fasten the grid to the base with special dowels or nails (nails can be scored in the seams of brickwork). Grid panels are jammed.

Installation of Mayakkov

After installing the grid, mounted beacons. For this, the curvature of the surface is carried out with the cord. Find the most protruding point. Focusing on it and installing the planks, build a vertical plane. Place lines of lighthouse planks. At the edges of each line, slightly retreating to the side, clog out the dowels so that the hats lie in one vertical plane.

Also in the same plane should be the upper edges of all beacons. Between the dowels (by hats) stretch the lace, along which the labels from the solution are applied over the planned line (not protruding above the cord). Gardening profiles are applied to the labels and lightly pushed so that their top coincides with the lace. They give a solution of labels to dry, after which it can be started to shuttering.


Stuccoing the foundation of the house with their hands begin with spray. This is the very first layer of a solution that is needed to ensure that the main plaster, leaving on the wall of the base, is easily and firmly connected with it. The solution is more liquid. When you prick, it fills fine slots and depressions. They pounce it with a brush or trowel.

If necessary, they roll a little (only so that air bubbles do not remain under the light boards). If a break is planned, the spray layer is drawn to the corner of the spatula (horizontally) for better clutch with the next layer. Only after that they give dry. Usually, without waiting for the seizure, the next layer is applied - the ground.


Soil is the main plaster layer. The solution for it is made of normal viscosity (the passing than for spray). Sequence of work:

  • The composition is applied by a trowel or a spatula, throwing a cake behind the cake of rows. The height of them should appear over the lighthouses.
  • Attaching the solution (between two lighthouses) meter-half in length, smash the rule to the rule. The rule is pressed against the beacons, and, shifting right-left (shuttle movements), lead it from below. On the rule, the excess solution is gaining, which the spatula is thrown into the container or ship on the base there, where the solution is not enough. Running-up spending several times, racing the solution on the plot, hold it from top to bottom. After such a reception, the solution will not disenteen on the wall.
  • They continue to throw the solution and sparkling it by the rule until the entire side of the base is attached.
  • If shuttering is produced by two layers (under the subsequent cladding with tiles or decorative plaster, hiding small irregularities), then after setting the solution, lighthouses are removed, going on with a spatula. Places of lighthouse layers are closed with a solution, aligning a wide spatula.
  • If you plan to paint or fine-layer decorative plaster, then the third layer is applied - the cross. The coverage has the same composition, only sand for the solution is taken up to 1.5 mm in size (sieved through the sieve with the cells of the same size). The consistency of the crossbar is the same as the spray. Apply to a spatula or a cylinder layer to 2 mm.

Running a solution to the rule of additional solution Removing beacons
Application corrupt

For plastering angular part, special reinforcing corners are installed on the corners.


For the subsequent painting, the upper plaster layer needs to be correctly lured and stalled. The grout is performed by a cooler, starting from the moment when the solution is grabbing (but still does not harde). Determine the readiness of the breakdown to stick. As soon as the solution ceases to stick to the finger, they begin to be wiping. Technology is not difficult. The purpose of the operation is to spill and discharge the surface, elimination of residual protrusions.

The processed area is wetted with water (enough to spray with a brush or moisten with a sponge). Apply to the surface of the cooler, and, by making circular movements (called grouting lying), rub. It does not need to press much. A slightly increase the pressure, leading the rugs along the grouts, reduce - above the hollows. When a solution is recruited on the side, it is removed in the bucket.

Features of decorative decoration

The decorative stucco of the foundation gives the appearance of the appearance of the whole building. Clapsing tiled, painting or decorative shocking can be applied as the foundation finishes.

To create various effects, formulations are usually used:

Elegantly looks the base covered with peasant plaster. For the base, it is better to use formulations with a large fraction of filler. If they want to decorate the foundation by the method of imprint, using curly rollers, stamps or matrix, selected textured mixtures.

Popular finishes that can be made from structural plasters:

  • "" (Ready-made mixtures are called);
  • "Lamb" (performed by simple admission);

The fur coat and lamb can be made from textured or structural plaster. The fundamental, significant species gives the private house to the finish of the foundation under the stone. Love for stone - durability, reliability and durability, preserved in humanity since Paleolithic.

You can perform in several ways. For example, you can simulate a torn stone using structural plaster, and you can apply the matrix. But the most impressive decorative effect is achieved by the 3D plaster.

  1. The prepared solution is applied to the wall, especially not aligning. Can be applied even with your hands.
  2. Applying a knife, Mastehein or homemade cutter, select the grooves that are to mimic stone masonry seams.
  3. When the solution slits a little, the edges of the seams are smoothed with a brush, trying to give them a natural look. Brush can be slightly moistened. The surface of "Kamushkov" can be slightly smooth to look like smooth cobblestones, and you can leave uneven - "torn".
  4. To finally make smooth, they are sent by a moistened with a sponge.
  5. After drying, the solution before painting you need to cover the "masonry" by the primer. Give a breath day.
  6. The dried "masonry" is painted with the help of a sponge under the color of natural stone. It is better to use two or three colors close to natural colors. To obtain a natural color, a chute black spike is added to the paint, which will reduce the brightness. Apply the dry brush technique for applying local white spots on the protruding parts, which will give "antiquity". The seams are painted in dark tones.


How to paint the base house on the plaster

Coloring base on plaster - finishing finish. The paint is required to choose and apply so that it does not break, did not recover before the term. The base (and this is the outer element of the house) is not suitable for any paint, but only the facade. The suitable option will be the compositions on an acrylic, silicone or combined basis. These paints are durable, elastic, racks to UFLs, vapor permeable.

Combine the color of the ground floor with a common color solution at home. You can paint the ground with a resin, which, drying, becomes matte, dark. The resin is divorced by kerosene, apply a roller.

Dirt is less visible on the outer surfaces of brown and gray.

  • Any technology only then leads to the expected result when correctly executed. This applies to the repair of the base of the private house.
  • If the base is made with a breakfast, then the water is less like it. But if there is no breakfast, the bottom of the base is placed by waterproofing composition.
  • Remember about the means of protection, apply them during work.
  • Do not use fans or calorifers for drying plaster. When the solution dials the strength of naturally, the cracks will not appear, and the strength of the plaster will be higher.

Watching the technology of non-ventilated (wet) facade

The insulation of the walls of the house, including the base, is made from an external or inner side. The wet facade is called a multi-layer insulation "pie" of several glued (compositions soluble in water) layers.

This is an external method that has several advantages over internal wall insulation:

  • indoors are not allocated condensate;
  • with a strong reducing the air temperature, the heat inside is preserved longer;
  • the room is slower than heated on hot days;
  • do not arise the bridges of cold, as with internal insulation.

Complied with a clear order of application of the wet facade layers:

  • primer;
  • glue composition;
  • insulation plates;
  • layer of additional calculation;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • stucco layer;
  • paint layer.

In this "Pie", the plaster base of the house performs the function of protection, thermal insulation and "cherries on the cake".

Considered in detail the question of how to stack the foundation, you can replenish the luggage of your knowledge in other sections of the site, where the answers to the question "how correctly" disassemble more. Including more information about the plaster base under the stone with their own hands. We wish good construction and repair!

Mechanical loads, atmospheric phenomena and increased humidity constantly have a negative impact on the base part of the house. This inevitably leads to a reduction in the period of operation and socle and the whole structure. In order for this part of the house, it always looked attractive, was strong and reliable over long, it takes a kind of defense. Strengthen the base, extend its service life and make an attractive outdoor part of the house will help plastered the surface. This facing method helps to increase moisture resistance and external influences. And polymeric additives included in plaster mixes increase the strength characteristics of the surface.

Advantages and disadvantages of plaster

Choosing a plaster mix as a facing material, it is important to get acquainted with all its advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, the plaster for the base is characterized by the following qualities:

  • Reliability and efficiency. Facing the base of the plaster reliably protects the surface over long years without additional repair.
  • Simple use. Walking the base is performed without complex tools and devices.
  • Low cost. Compared with other facing materials, plaster and work on its application do not require high costs.
  • Easy repair. In case of damage, the plastered surface can be easily and quickly repaired.

We also need to know about the disadvantages of the basement plaster, as it depends on this life and basement, and the whole structure. Among the main minuses of the material can be called the following:

  • Lower strength than that of stone or tiles.
  • Not a very long service life compared to other cladding materials.
  • Low thermal insulation properties.

In addition, it is impossible to use a wet method of applying plaster in the frost, under the hot sun and during precipitation.

Requirements for basement plaster

In order for the protective coating to perform its functions, it is necessary to make it properly and apply a plastering mixture. In addition, the basement plaster must have certain qualities:

  • High resistance to moisture. Any water, atmospheric or melt, has a property to accumulate near the bottom of the house. In addition, it contains many aggressive chemical compounds. Consequently, water constantly has a negative impact on the basis of the structure. The plastered surface must confront this factor and prevent the penetration of moisture to the base.
  • Increased strength. In addition to the water, the base may be mechanically exposed. The basement plaster must reliably protect the surface from this negative factor.
  • Frost resistance. The plaster mix should maintain its qualities even in regular thawing and freezing.
  • Resistance to ultraviolet rays. In summer, all surfaces are subjected to harmful effects of sunlight. The plaster for the base must withstand ultraviolet without reducing the strength characteristics.
  • Resistance to the effects of microorganisms. Fungi, bacteria insects and plants can cause biological corrosion. The basement plaster should be a reliable obstacle to this damage.

Choosing a solution for plastering

The base is the outer part of the house, therefore, the solution should be forced to finish the buildings outside. In accordance with this, we can say that the plastering mixture for triming the base should be prepared on the basis of cement and sand. In addition to these basic components, various plasticizers and waterproofing components can be added to the solution.

The amount of sand and cement should also be seamless in particular parameters. The optimal proportion of these components in the solution for plastering the base is such a relation: for one part of the M400 cement cements take three parts of the sifted care sand. The volume of water in each case is selected individually.

It is important that the solution has a consistency of thick sour cream.

Stages of applying a plaster mix on the surface of the base

Qualitative application of plaster largely depends on compliance with the rules of work. Watching should be performed in several stages.

Surface preparation

At this stage, look at the surface and define distressed places. If or blocks, you need to carefully clean the seams. The existing cracks on the monolithic ribbon are expanding and deepened to remove weak points. In both cases, at the end of operation, it is necessary to make a rigid brush with an entire surface.

After that, the base is covered with a layer of primer penetration. This composition to strengthen the base will link the remaining dust and increase the adhesion of plaster with the surface. Seams, cracks and chips are labeled primer more thoroughly.

The primer can be replaced by a liquid cement solution that should be applied by a spray with a brush.

Leave the surface to completely dry primer or cement mortar.

Flashing surface

At this stage, it is also important to comply with the sequence in the work:

  1. The seams, cracks and depressions are filled with a prepared solution for shuttering.
  2. Metal reinforcing grid. This will make stucco more reliable and durable. Fastening is recommended to perform with a dowel with wide hats. On one square meter of the surface there should be about 20 fasteners.
  3. Go to the placement of beacons. To do this, retreating 0.3 m from the corners, screw screws into the wall. The upper and lower screw on both sides of the wall is combined with vertical thread. Next, the upper and lower screws are connected by horizontal thread. At the same time, the thread distance from the wall should be at least 2 cm. In horizontal threads, beacons from a metal profile are exposed, placing them at a distance of about 1.5 meters. The fixation of beacons is performed using a cement mortar and are waiting for their pouring. After that, you can move to the next step.
  4. The surface between the beacons is thrown by a solution for plastering and level with the help of the rule by conducting it in beacons. Actions are repeated until complete surface plastering.
  5. After 6 hours, it is necessary to remove the beaches, fill the formed recesses, and the surface to lure the plastering grater.

    If you leave the beacons, rusty spots may appear on the site of their location.

Finishing stage

Further actions are performed depending on the chosen method of decorative trim, since it is necessary to dry the surface for the facing.

The base is covered with polyethylene film to protect against atmospheric precipitation and sun rays, and leave for two or three weeks. In the process of drying, the surface must be periodically enabled with water. It is best to do it twice a day. The dried surface of the base is covered with a layer of primer and perform.

Decorative plaster base under stone

As a decorative trim of the base, you can use cladding under the stone. This decor can be made with your own hands.

It will take a sand-cement solution prepared from one part of the M400 grade cement, three parts of washed career sand and water. The finished mixture should have a thick consistency so that the mass is more conveniently applied to the wall.

The thickness of the decorative layer depends on the chosen type of masonry. For example, for imitation of bricks or blocks, enough thickness is 0.5-1 cm. To create a ribbon bout, a small stone or a goolysh. The layer thickness can reach 3 cm.

The process of creating decor elements can be performed in two ways:

  • Using stencils. For this workpiece applied to the plastered surface and insert. The stencil is cleaned, and the seams expand. As a result, smooth rows of the pattern are obtained.
  • Method of slit. By a solution with a sharp tool, the shape of stones are cut. The creation of larger elements and giving them a rounded form is performed by hand.

After creating the necessary pattern, the surface is left until complete drying. Then cover the layer of primer and stain. For these purposes, you can use any paint for outdoor work.

Wet Facade Technology Walking

Plaster Wet facade is an alternative to conventional ventilated facades. For its manufacture, special mixtures are used, which contains water.

The wet plaster facade is applied by the following technology:

  1. Preparation of the foundation: Alignment and cleaning of the surface, as well as the elimination of existing defects. At the same stage, the surface is covered with a layer of primer.
  2. Installation of the base profile: At an altitude of 30 cm from the ground, a metallic profile is fixed with screws on the base. It is necessary for additional support for insulation, as well as to protect it from soil moisture.
  3. Installation of the insulation: With the help of a suitable adhesive composition, the insulation is attached to the surface of the base and leave on three days to set glue. After drying the adhesive layer, you can perform additional strengthening of the dowels.
  4. Application of the reinforcing layer: Special glue composition is applied to a thick layer on a thick layer, a reinforcing mesh is set and a second layer of glue is applied. Fast work at this stage allows you to create a durable two-layer monolith. To dry out the surface, it is necessary to wait about a week.
  5. Finish finish: Decorative plaster is applied to completely dried glue.

The plaster of the base will not only protect it from negative atmospheric phenomena, but also make an aesthetic and attractive appearance of the entire structure.

Such a foundation constructive as a base, speaking over the earth, is subjected to various mechanical, chemical, biological and atmospheric influences. Different (, ceramic tiles, natural stone and others) are used for the design sewn, but the most often used inexpensive plaster base of the foundation. Also attracts the plaster of the foundation of the house with their own hands, simple in performance even for beginners in such works. We will tell you how to stack the foundation and what to plastering the base of the house.

Basic requirements for coating from plaster

The cladding of the base of the plaster should have the following protective properties:

  1. Sufficient strength to perceive mechanical effects.
  2. Moisture resistance providing reliable protection against atmospheric precipitation.
  3. Resistant to low and high temperatures, as well as to constant cycles of alternate thawing and freezing.
  4. Resistance to direct action of ultraviolet, aggressive chemicals and electrochemical corrosion.
  5. Reliably protect the design from the appearance of mold, fungi, disorders of the integrity of germinating plants and rodents.
  6. Serve as an additional.

The work of plasters on energy spent equals the operation of miners, this will confirm any ruler-builder. If you add designer fantasy to labor costs, then the foundation plaster does not seem like a simple occupation. This type of work requires a serious approach and thorough preparation.

Stage of preparation

Before starting directly work on the work on the foundation of plastering composition, it is necessary to hold a number of preparatory activities.

  1. The surface of the foundation is purified from dust, dirt and oil spots. In case the foundation stood without a protective coating for more than a year or visually traces of the erosion of stone or concrete, from which the foundation was erected, the diagonal notch is applied to it.
  2. When applying a cutting mesh, the most susceptible erosion is cleaned up to a solid base of the material. In the foundation, folded from blocks, stones or bricks, remove from the seams of the old solution, which cries. Removal of the solution to produce a spatula.
  3. After cleaning the surface, it is necessary to predict the composition that has a property of deep internal impregnation.
  4. Before applying the main layer of plaster, all cracks, dents, chips and other damage, as well as purified seams, are maintained by cement-sandy solution to obtain a smooth surface.
  5. The entire height of the foundation around the perimeter is superimposed with a metal or fiberglass mesh for reinforcing plaster. For fastening the mesh, clogged dowels are used.
  6. If necessary, install lighthouses.

This prepared stage is completed. You can begin to make a solution for the plastering of the foundation.


The stuccoing of the foundation is made by a solution that the cement is the binder component, and the filler - the sand. The stages of the technological process of preparing the solution are as follows:

  • For the solution under the stucco, only career sand is necessary. River sand in a solution for plaster will lead to a bundle and sliding plaster layers. The sand is necessarily sieved through a grid with cells 2 x 2 mm.
  • In the event that a concrete mixer is used to produce a solution, it must be carefully flushed.
  • A concrete mixer turns on and when the drum running in it, the 4th buckets of sifted sand are thrown into it, and then 1-o bucket of cement. Cement for the plastering of the foundation takes no lower than the M-400 brand. In the event that the M-500 brand cement is used, the amount of sand in the solution must be increased by 1st bucket.
  • Without pouring water, the concrete mixer must connect cement and sand into a homogeneous composition in color and concentration.
  • Water is added from the bucket in small portions. It is not recommended to apply for feeding a pump with a hose, since the probability of overflow is high. However, this is not scary, it will be necessary to add sand and cement in the above proportions to obtain the required consistency.
  • To give a solution of viscosity, plasticity, water resistance and adultery to the surface of the foundation, plasticizing and antihygrophobic additives are added to it. The most common additive into the solution is PVA glue.

Primer layer

Plastering foundation at home is applied at least two layers. The first, the obligatory layer plays the role of primer, while the subsequent layers can be the basis for further facing works, or be finishing and perform a decorative function.

The primer layer of plaster is applied with a thickness of no more than 10 mm. Apply this layer is necessary in the following sequence:

  1. The surface of the foundation before applying the primer layer is wetted with water, with the exception of places that were treated with cement-sandy solution.
  2. It is best to apply a primer layer with the help of Sokol and Kelma by splashing.
  3. Ringing the layer can be with the help of a toothed spatula with wave-like movements along the horizontal line of the foundation. The formed "waves" will contribute to the durable setting of the next layer of plaster.

Before plastering the foundation for the basis of the future cladding or apply the finish layer, it is necessary to wait for the primer to dry through the entire depth of the layer. The optimal time for drying and grappling the primer is 5-7 days. Like any cement-based solution, the primer is regularly wetted by water several times a day and are covered with cardboard or burlap to protect against direct sunlight, as well as rainfall in the form of rain.

Drying the primer layer should pass in natural conditions without applying additional drying equipment in the form of industrial fans or thermal guns.

Finish plaster

The decorative finish of the foundation of the plaster, depending on the specified texture, is made by a layer of 5-10 mm. To the solution for the finish layer, it is necessary to mix antihydrophobic additives to create a waterproofing surface of plaster. Before applying the finishing layer, the primer surface must be mixed with a small amount of water for better splicing of two layers.

To give the foundation of the completion of the architectural style, a certain texture of the appearance and relief of the surface is selected for the decorative layer. Currently, the following types of textures are common, which are reproduced without the use of special technical means or technologies and can be reproduced by the developer independently.

  • Plaster for the texture of the view "Travertine". Travertine is an artificial stone that is used for cladding foundations, ground floors and fences. To recreate its texture, plaster is applied with separate fragments, and not becoming a solid layer. The edges of the fragments are maintained by a steel grater before getting smooth surfaces and equipment.
  • The type of texture is "under a fur coat". The simplest, and therefore the common type of finish plaster. Application method - splashing. To recreate this texture, a solution is preparing, which on one side should not be liquid so that it does not slip after entering the primer, and on the other hand, it should not be too thick, in order not to form a whisk. Best of all, before starting the final work, try the thickness of the working solution on the draft surface. Can be sprayed with a solution or broom, in each case, the plasterer chooses the tool with which it is more convenient to work. For the uniformity of the texture, an additional device is used in the form of a mesh with cells 10 by 10 mm and restrictive rails around the perimeter with a height of 200-250 mm. The grid has a dimensional size of 1000 per 1000 mm and over the perimeter is bonded by a wooden frame. Restrictive bars allow you to keep the mesh at an equal distance from the foundation on the entire plane of the work performed.
  • The stuccoing of the foundation under the stone gives it a type of monolith and stability. The method is to break down the surface on the shapes, which the appearance resemble the edge of the boob stone. To reproduce the texture on the primer, a smooth layer of plastering at least 10 mm thick is applied. For a freshly heard surface, a pattern is applied repeating stone geometry. The simulation of the seams is best done with a rounded rod, or make a special device with a protrusion for uniform choosing a solution of plastering from suture imitation.
  • Formation under natural stone. For this type of decorative finishing of the foundation, it is necessary to prepare a special solution with the addition of filler in the form of crumbs of that stone, the coloring of which is planned to be reproduced, for example, granite or marble. After applying plaster, the layer is thoroughly recalled, and after a week drying - it grinds.

Stuccoing of the foundation with your hands video:

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