Do-it-yourself roof insulation device. Roof insulation - making the right choice

reservoirs 25.06.2019

Materials for roofing, as well as varieties of thermal insulation, there are enough to make a decent choice.

In order for housing arranged under the very roof to be comfortable for living, you need to take care of both thermal insulation and hydro and vapor barrier.

But the structure of the roof itself changes little. Be it Vacation home, a cottage in the city or a house in a summer cottage, they are still united by general rules for the design of roof insulation. If you follow these rules and do everything as you need, then you will certainly succeed. Arrangement is an important matter, and, like the construction of a house, it must be taken seriously. The first thing to do is to control the shape of the slopes.

The shape of the slopes: features

Shed roofs have one sloping surface and rest only on two parallel walls of the building.

The shape of a regular rectangle should be at the slopes of a gable roof, and the slopes of hip roofs should have the shape of isosceles triangles. This requirement is due to the fact that most roofing elements have a rectangular shape. If such elements are used when laying on a slope that is not rectangular in shape, then an unclosed wedge will definitely be obtained, which will interfere with the further installation of thermal insulation.

In order to close it, you will have to cut and fit the roofing material for the roof. This is the wrong approach, because in addition to the additional time, which the roof installation takes a lot of, extra time will be spent cash and spoiled the appearance of your building. In addition, the likelihood that the roof may begin to leak will increase several times, and this is a completely undesirable result.

Cutting roofing material for isosceles hip roof slopes is done according to one or two templates. It is also possible and even necessary to use halves of roofing materials on opposite sides of the slopes, this method saves material quite well.

You will have to cut materials individually for each slope only if, according to the plan or as a result of negligence, the roof slopes will have different angles of inclination from each other. Of course, in this case, it will not be possible to save materials, and the operating time will almost double.

How to get the right slope shape for a warm roof

The technology of a warm roof device resembles a layer cake.

To get the right shape (and it is needed for high-quality insulation and appearance), you must first measure the width, length, height and diagonal of the building. As you measure, you can find out a lot of unpleasant things, because of which it will not be possible to start the roofing immediately.

For example, opposite walls can have significant drops, and the building itself can take the form of a trapezoid or a diamond in an unexpected way. All these troubles can arise for various reasons: due to ordinary negligence or due to the lack of workmanship of carpenters or masons.

If errors on opposite masonry walls, even by 1 cm, will give 1 mm in the masonry seam, due to the lack of coordination of workers, this will already give noticeable differences, up to 1 cm per 1 m of wall height. This is in the case of the usual lack of coordination of professional workers, and if amateurs work, the difference can be much greater.

Wall defects should be eliminated as far as possible in order to facilitate roof insulation work. To achieve a strict horizontal roof ridge and laying the roof slope in the same plane with the horizon, you need to perform a truss system.

  1. A bed for wall rafters and linings for hanging rafters plus a Mauerlat are installed according to the water level. The bed must necessarily lie horizontally, no matter if it is above or below the Mauerlat. Mauerlat and lining should also be at the same level around the entire perimeter of the building.
  2. The distance between the bed and the Mauerlat must be the same. If necessary, it is adjusted, correcting the design.
  3. Racks are fixed only after the installation of the bed. They should be initially planned exactly the same, their verticality should not be in doubt.
  4. After installing the racks, a run is laid on them, which, if the previous steps are correctly performed, should lie horizontally.
  5. Once you have installed the wind struts, you can install the rafter legs. The thickness of the insulation layer directly depends on the choice of the thickness of the rafter legs.

The next step for proper roof insulation will be the installation of a ventilation system for the under-roof space. This is very important point, the correct ventilation device will affect the durability of a warm roof. As in all other processes, in order to achieve the desired result, it is worth adhering to certain rules.

After the rafter system is assembled, a vapor-permeable, moisture-wind-proof membrane is laid on top of it, it is better to stop your choice on a two- or three-layer membrane.

Membrane properties:

  • does not let condensate and moisture into the insulation;
  • freely releases evaporation from the insulation (insulation as a whole).

Moisture and wind insulation spreads along the entire slope horizontally and is attached to the rafters using a construction stapler. It is necessary to leave small overlaps over the gable and cornice overhangs.

In order to fix the vapor-permeable membrane, a counter-lattice is laid on top of the rafters, which is fastened with self-tapping screws. The integrity of the counter-lattice is not important, a counter-lattice consisting of several parts is quite acceptable, this is unimportant when a similar warm structure (roof) is being installed. After attaching it to the rafters, a crate is laid on top with a step.

Hemming of gables and cornices

The next step will be filing the cornices and gables of the warm roof, it is more convenient to do this from above, and not from below. And only after the completion of this work, you can start laying the roofing, completing the thermal insulation device. The insulation is inserted between the rafters, and a layer of vapor barrier film is fixed from the inside. It is necessary to correctly calculate the thickness of the insulation, its thermal conductivity and density.

Saving on insulation is not worth it, but calculate to avoid extra expenses, you need everything in advance. For middle lane In Russia, the thickness of the insulation should be at least 200 mm. Only under this condition will the roof be really warm. There is a certain procedure for performing such work on thermal insulation of the roof:

  1. A layer of insulation is fixed.
  2. The membrane is laid.
  3. The counter-lattice and crate are laid.
  4. Warm roof roofing (device).

But this order of thermal insulation is deliberately violated without loss of thermal insulation properties due to unpredictable weather conditions Russia. This must certainly be taken into account if there is a device of such a system.

Insulations are made taking into account the individual climatic conditions of each region. But in any case, for areas where precipitation is not uncommon, a layer of insulation can be placed from below so that it lasts as long as possible.

With a properly insulated roof, you will not be afraid of any atmospheric troubles, but for proper thermal insulation a responsible approach is needed. You need to prepare the necessary tools in advance:

  • axe;
  • a hammer;
  • saw;
  • ticks;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • hacksaw with fine teeth;
  • trowel;
  • putty knife;
  • Bulgarian.

We must not forget that the roof is covered from the bottom up. Corrugated sheets can be laid against the prevailing winds from left to right or vice versa.

Some roofing materials are pre-drilled for wire twists or nails and may be self-adhesive. Such roofs are assembled according to the constructor method. If there are no mounting holes, then the kit should include nails that are made exactly in the color of the coating and will not spoil the appearance of the building at all, and the device itself of the warm roof structure as a whole.

A rare owner of a country estate in our latitudes is not concerned about the issues of heat conservation. The number of spendthrifts among domestic owners is declining with stunning speed. There are few people who are ready to easily throw money away for heating the air outside their own roof.

The idea of ​​saving money has firmly taken root in the minds concerned with the choice of "cruising" methods of saving. To effective ways, allowing to achieve a tangible effect at minimal cost, is the insulation of a flat roof. As a result of well-executed thermal insulation, costs will be significantly reduced.

Warming flat roofs produced according to special rules that differ from the principles of thermal insulation of pitched counterparts. The analogy can be traced only in the sequence of laying layers roofing cake. Flat structures do not have truss systems, among the elements of which it is convenient to place a heat-insulating layer.

There is nothing to nail the crate, which forms a ventilation gap for ventilation of the components. Instead of channels for ventilation, if necessary, peculiar vents are created by partially gluing the coating to the underlying base.

According to building traditions, a flat roof is arranged by sequentially hoisting its components on top of each other. Traditional ingredients include:

  • Vapor barrier. It plays the role of a barrier to household fumes. It is located on the side of residential, economic, etc. premises.
  • Thermal insulation. Prevents the passage of heat waves from the inside to the outside of the building and in reverse direction. At the same time it copes with the duties of a barrier to sound vibrations.
  • Waterproofing. Covers the thermal insulation from the outside, protecting it from atmospheric water. It is laid in 4-6 rows, depending on the size of the roof slopes that direct water to water inlets, and on the technical characteristics of the roofing material. The outer layer of waterproofing of a conventional roof serves as a top coat. When constructing ballast roofs, gravel, topsoil, paving slabs, etc. are laid on top of the waterproofing.

Violation of the sequence of layers and laying rules ends in failure for the owners, who are forced to pay considerable sums for repairs or even for a total reconstruction of the roof.

It should be noted that the indicated layers, together with their laying sequence, are used only if it is necessary to preserve the heat obtained during space heating.

roof summer kitchen or a barn for storing country equipment, there is no reason to insulate. In such situations, the roofing pie includes only waterproofing if it is arranged on a concrete base, or consists of a prefabricated screed and waterproofing if corrugated board is used as the base.

Classification of insulated flat roofs

The external simplicity of a flat roof can lead to deep bewilderment of home craftsmen who want to quickly build a roof over private property. Those who recognize a flat roof as a budget option will also be surprised.

If the roof is built according to the mind: with the proper number of waterproofing layers, with insulation of the required thickness, with parapets, a drain and its heating, in the end it will cost quite decently, but it will also work flawlessly.

Flat roofs of the following categories are subject to insulation:

  • Combined, they're also useless. Their roof structure is combined with the ceiling. Warming is carried out by laying thermal insulation with accompanying layers on top of the base. The advantage of combined systems is that they practically do not need winter clearing of snow cover. After all, the ceiling is regularly heated from the inside. Minor snow deposits are easily eliminated by the natural force of the wind, which is why it is recommended to equip such roofs not with parapets, but with lattice fences. Disadvantage: the condition of the roof is difficult to monitor. The slightest damage be reflected in leaks, followed by a serious restoration of the roofing pie.
  • Attic, having two subspecies within a category. Attic floor the first subspecies is supplemented from above with a light superstructure. It is clear that in such cases it is necessary to isolate ceiling. In the scheme of the second subspecies, the attic superstructure and the ceiling are independent structures. This means that insulation is acceptable for both of them. The advantage of attic structures lies in the free monitoring of the condition of the roof and in the timely detection. The owners can dry the roofing cake by simply airing the attic. Among the significant advantages is the ability to conduct insulation upon completion of the construction of the roof. The disadvantage lies in the impressive cost, which, however, pays off due to long-term operation and rare repairs.

The second category of attic roofing systems suggests that thermal insulation can be placed either within the superstructure or above the ceiling. However, the priority is the second option for laying insulation for a flat roof.

According to the second scheme, an air chamber is formed between the roofing and the thermal insulation system. This is an attic that divides the structure into two parts with a different temperature background.

The difference between the external and internal temperature of the attic roof will not be as significant as it happens with structures without an attic. The temperature difference will not be so sharp and destructive. Plus, a minimum of condensate, which is the secret of the longevity of attic roofs.

Analysis of technical nuances

The choice of a flat roof insulation method is influenced by a number of circumstances, including the financial capabilities of the building owner, the required thermal insulation parameters and the bearing capacity of the building.

As a heater, almost all types of materials used to protect walls and ceilings are used: expanded clay, lightweight concrete, slabs of mineral and synthetic materials. However, the list of popular options for warming flat roofs is now headed by:

  • Styrofoam- a rigid material obtained by pressing and sintering styrene granules. Lightweight, sufficiently strong plates are used as a layer on top of which the screed is poured.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam- a rigid material obtained by mixing styrene granules with a blowing agent under high temperature and pressure. Everything is kneaded and brought to the condition in the extruder, and then squeezed out of it with simultaneous molding into plates of standard dimensions. It is used as a base for finishing roofing and as a heat-insulating layer under a concrete screed.
  • Mineral wool- fibrous semi-rigid and rigid material obtained by melting silicate rocks, waste from metallurgical production or mixtures thereof. Depending on the density, it is used as a basis for a waterproofing device or as a component of a multilayer insulation system.

Polystyrene representatives attract with a closed structure of granules sintered together and minimal moisture absorption. The extrusion namesake of the previous representative has the lowest thermal conductivity. Mineral wool pleases with ease of installation. The advantages of all these options include the lightest weight, resistance to burning and stability of insulating qualities.

The disappointing drawback of mineral wool is that the procedure for warming a flat roof with it from the outside must be timed to a period without rain. The stage of laying thermal insulation must be completed on the day of launch without transferring part of the work to the next day. If the mineral wool gets wet, it will have to be completely changed, because. the material will lose the insulating properties laid down by the manufacturer.

The type of insulation suitable for the arrangement is determined in accordance with the protocol SP 02.13130.2009, which regulates the adoption of measures to ensure the fire resistance of the facility under construction. The thickness of the thermal insulation is calculated in accordance with the instructions of the collection of rules on thermal protection of structures SNiP 23-02-2003.

Manufacturers of roofing thermal insulation produce a range of material with different parameters of density, compressive strength, thickness. Using the supplied construction market products, it is possible to arrange an insulation system with the necessary characteristics in any design scenario.

In addition to standard heat-insulating plates, wedge-shaped plates are produced from these materials, which are used in organizing the natural movement of atmospheric water to drain objects. They produce fillets installed along the interface lines of vertical planes with a horizontal roof surface.

Fillets prevent the formation of puddles and stagnant water near parapets, adjacent walls, square chimneys, skylights, etc. It should be remembered that it cannot be considered a worthy replacement for a layer of insulation. She is only responsible for water management.

The choice of insulation method depending on the base

Insulated roofing systems are arranged on a profiled steel sheet or on a reinforced concrete base. Reinforced concrete foundations include slabs, reinforced poured and prefabricated screeds. The pouring of the cement-sand screed is carried out only on concrete bases and only if the strength characteristics of the base are sufficient.

Method of construction of the insulation system and characteristics required type thermal insulation is selected depending on the type of base:

  • Insulation of a roof with a base of reinforced concrete slabs is carried out using mineral wool covered on top with a prefabricated or cement-sand reinforced screed. The compressive strength of the insulating material should be from 40 kPa or more. Deformation parameters not less than 10%. When installing a two-layer insulation system, the compressive strength of the lower tier must be at least 30 kPa, the upper tier from 60 kPa.
  • Thermal insulation of a repaired flat roof is carried out in two layers. The lower layer is made up of plates with compression resistance values ​​from 30 kPa, similar data for the upper layer from 60 kPa, with the possibility of deformation changes no more than 10%.
  • Insulated roofing on corrugated board must have a two-layer structure. The strength indicators of the lower tier, laid on top of the corrugated sheet, should be from 30 kPa, the same data of the layer laid on top from 60 kPa. Deformation limit 10%. If a device is planned on top of a bitumen-polymer roof, the material is laid directly on the thermal insulation system.

It is allowed to lay thermal insulation on galvanized corrugated board without a preparatory leveling layer of flat slate or DSP, if the thickness of the plate is twice the distance between the corrugations. The insulation must be based on the flat component of the profiled sheet with its own area of ​​at least 30%.

Mechanical fasteners for insulated flat roofs are set at the rate of 2 units per slab. If the roof is built on a concrete base, the fixation of the coating and insulation is carried out simultaneously.

Along lines of interface with vertical surfaces, around chimneys and other penetrations, the frequency of installation of fasteners is increased. Insulation of flat structures on profiled flooring is fixed separately from the waterproofing coating.

Rules for laying insulation

The principles of laying the thermal insulation of a flat roof are closely related to the rules for constructing a roofing pie, because the insulation is its significant and most impressive part in terms of volume. Remember that the heat-insulating material can be covered with a cement-sand screed or serve as the basis for laying waterproofing, together with the top coat.

When pouring over the mortar material for the screed device, the surface is leveled to install beacons that determine the power of the thermal insulation system.

The specifics of the thermal insulation device on a flat roof:

  • The laying of heat-insulating boards starts from the corner located in the lowered area of ​​the roof. If during the construction process the slope of the structure was not respected, then the first elements should be timed to the installation site of the water intake funnels or gutters.
  • Insulation plates are placed on the profiled flooring so that their long side is perpendicular to the corrugations in order to install fasteners in different ridges.
  • When installing multilayer thermal insulation, the plates are arranged according to the principle of the expansion of the seams. Those. the layout of the plates in each layer should resemble brickwork. In addition, the butt lines and crosshairs of the upper tier should not coincide with the analogues of the lower row. For this thermal insulation boards the second tier are cut out in the order proposed by the manufacturer of the material.

The cutting method given as an example, which has been repeatedly tested in practice, can significantly reduce consumption.

Mounting options for thermal insulation boards

Fixation of slab insulation is carried out in accordance with the type of roof being constructed. To fix the heat-insulating layer on a flat roof, the following methods are used:

  • Mechanical. Fixation is carried out by the so-called telescopic fasteners, the elements of which consist of self-tapping screws screwed into the base with plastic fungi passing through the thickness of the roofing pie. Special anchors are hammered into concrete slabs, they are fixed to the screeds with screws with plastic sleeves.
  • Adhesive. Thermal insulation and other components of the roofing cake are glued to hot bitumen-polymer mastic. The insulation is glued evenly, at least 30% of its area must be in contact with the base. The device of roofing systems with bitumen or bitumen-polymer coating is not used in rainy weather, because. completely deprives the insulation of the opportunity to part with excess steam. It is possible to glue at any time of the year if the roofing membrane completes the cake, allowing the excess of fumes accumulated in the thermal insulation to pass out.
  • Ballast. The insulation laid on a flat roof is simply covered with a waterproofing carpet, on top of which a gravel-pebble mixture is poured or paving slabs are installed on plastic supports. The components of the system lie freely, fixing the cake only around the perimeter and around the roof penetrations.

Ballasted roofs include the now very popular green roofs. True, these are inversion systems, because the order of laying the layers of the pie is somewhat different from the traditions. The insulation is placed on the waterproofing, which at the same time performs the functions of a vapor barrier.

Thermal insulation is covered by geodrainage polymer membrane, produced specifically for roofs with landscaping. A soil-vegetative layer is arranged on the drainage layer.

Thermal insulation device from the inside

Laying insulation boards from the inside of a building with a flat roof in the physical sense is not very convenient. Not everyone will be able to maintain their ability to work for a long time with arms extended upwards.

But it is practical, because you can work, despite the rain, snow, heavy wind, scorching sun. It is also not necessary to perform all thermal insulation actions in one day, because. the material will not get wet.

Work on laying thermal insulation from the inside proceeds in the following order:

  • A bar, both or one of whose sides is equal to the thickness of the insulation plate, is screwed along the joining line of the ceiling and wall. For internal insulation, softwood lumber and polystyrene foam boards that keep their shape perfectly are suitable.
  • We install a similar bar from a bar on the opposite wall.
  • We glue the polystyrene foam plate on hot bituminous mastic or glue to the ceiling and the side face of one of the planks. We firmly press the insulation to the mating surfaces. We fill the conditional strip with insulation plates completely. If necessary, we cut the extreme plates to actual dimensions.
  • We screw the bar to the side of the heat-insulating strip we created, pressing it tightly against the mating elements.
  • Pressing the polystyrene foam, we again form and glue the strip of insulation.
  • We alternate screwing the bars with gluing thermal insulation until we fill the ceiling plane.
  • Fasten with a stapler to the bars polyethylene film and sheathe the ceiling with drywall or similar material.

Before laying thermal insulation on the inside of the building, it is necessary to think over and calculate how, where and at what height to place lighting electrical appliances.

Video instruction with an example of work

Compliance with the rules, according to which it is required to build an insulated flat roof, guarantees long-term operation of the structure without the slightest problem.

There are many rules, but it is necessary to follow the construction postulates in order to exclude premature repairs. "To the conscience" equipped flat roof will be an excellent result of the work and the pride of the owner.

A successful installation of a warm roof requires a special understanding of the purpose and properties of all materials used. A constructive approach to their choice, special knowledge and skills are important. If the homeowner has a clear idea of ​​how to arrange a "roofing cake" on the roof country house, then he will not only be able to build a quality roof, but create comfortable conditions for living in the house for a long period of time.

When creating a warm roof, it is necessary to take into account not only the climate of the region, but also the shape of the roof, the angle of inclination of the structure, the strength of the floors, etc. Creating a “roofing cake”, that is, a warm roof, requires a number of layers, as shown in the figure (PICTURE one). The design should include vapor barrier and waterproofing, ventilation gap, lathing, rafters, as well as roofing.

When choosing a heater, you can opt for mineral wool, expanded clay, basalt slabs, glass wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam. To facilitate the installation of the structure, you can choose the width of the slab, which corresponds to the gap between the two rafters. For residential attic spaces, the roof is insulated not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Otherwise, it is not necessary to do so.

Ways to insulate roofs of various shapes

support shed roofs there are two parallel walls of the building supporting the inclined surface. Gable roofs can have the shape of a regular rectangle. If the roof is hipped, its slope has the shape of an isosceles triangle. This requirement assumes that in most cases the roofing elements are rectangular in shape. This facilitates the installation of thermal insulation, eliminating the possible appearance of an unclosed wedge, to close which will require cutting and fitting the roofing material. This method is incorrect, since the installation of a warm roof requires sufficient material and time resources. As a result, the appearance of the building will be spoiled.

For isosceles slopes of the hip roof, the use of cutting material for the roof in one or two templates is required. For a good economy of materials, you can use their halves, laying these elements on opposite sides of the slopes. Individual cutting of roofing materials for two slopes will be needed when, by mistake or due to negligence, the roof slopes will be at different angles of inclination. This will entail an increase in the time to complete the work twice, but not saving materials.

Warm roofing technology

Required materials and tools and the procedure for performing work

During roof installation wooden house will need:

  • axe;
  • level;
  • plumb;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • plywood;
  • film;
  • construction stapler.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  1. The waterproofing layer is attached to the bars of the counter-lattice with the help of brackets, taking into account its sagging.
  2. The insulation is laid in such a way that there are no gaps between the rafters.
  3. If necessary, a second layer of insulation is laid in such a way that the seams of the two layers cannot coincide.
  4. The vapor barrier film is fixed with a stapler to the crate.
  5. The film is overlapped, which is fixed with adhesive tape.

It should be remembered that a warm roof is mounted by hand so that there is little space between the three layers so that condensation does not occur.

The resulting "pie" is closed with plywood.

How to avoid trouble when installing a roof

A well-insulated roof must have an appropriate appearance, for which the width, length, height and diagonal of the building are measured. During the measurement process, various unpleasant things can be detected that are an obstacle to the roofing. For example, in the presence of significant differences, the structure has acquired the shape of a rhombus or trapezoid, so the usual negligence of carpenters or masons can interfere with the quality of a warm roof.

Uncoordinated work by carpenters can leave an error of 1 cm on opposite sides of the masonry, which will cause another error of 1 mm in the masonry joint. In this case, the differences per 1 m of the height of the walls will reach 1 cm, which will make them noticeable. If the insulated roof is installed by amateurs, then the difference in error will be greater.

To facilitate the thermal insulation of the roof, it is necessary to eliminate wall defects in a timely manner. The rafter system should be mounted, observing the horizontal slope and ridge of the roof. If the integrity of the “roofing pie” is violated, “cold bridges” appear in a certain place, so it is necessary to properly lay the rafters and avoid gaps between them.

After building a solid roof, you need to make sure that it does its job of protecting your home from rain and think about its thermal insulation, since heat leakage in most cases occurs through the roof. By the way, the process of thermal insulation of the roof is in second place in importance after the creation of the tightness of the coating. With all the variety of roof structures, the process of its insulation is carried out according to similar principles. And how exactly - now you will find out!

  1. The essence of roof insulation

The essence of roof insulation

The roof is the weakest element in the construction of a residential building in terms of heat loss. The direction of heat flows upwards causes much higher heat leakage compared to walls and basements. Heat losses through an uninsulated roof often reach 30% of all losses in low-rise buildings. With rising heating and energy costs, there are tangible benefits from minimizing these losses.

The lack of thermal insulation or improper installation of insulation provokes the formation of condensate on the inner surface, which entails a violation of the microclimate in the house, the formation of fungus and mold. In this case, the roof will be heated by heat flows that come from the attic of the building, so in winter the snow that has settled on the roof quickly melts, flowing down the slope and turning into ice and icicles, as well as deforming the roof and breaking the waterproofing.

One of the important factors that affect such indicators is the humidity and temperature regime, the maintenance of which is provided by specific thermal insulation materials. To insulate the roof, materials and methods of thermal insulation are used that provide the highest quality of heat preservation in the house in accordance with established building codes. The insulation must have low water permeability and a certain vapor permeability - the ability to pass steam, allowing the roof to "breathe".

In the construction of private houses, the design of cold attics was traditionally used, when the main insulation was carried out along the surface of the floors, i.e. across the attic floor. This approach was associated with a lack of heat-insulating material that could be laid on roof structures. The modern approach allows you to insulate the under-roof space along the truss structures themselves, while creating a full-fledged attic and increasing living space at minimal cost.

Roof insulation materials

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of insulation. To insulate the roof, materials are used that differ in terms of thermal conductivity, vapor permeability, moisture repellency and mechanical characteristics, durability, resistance to fire, ease of use and cost. When buying thermal insulation material for roof insulation, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Compliance of the material with building codes and environmental standards.
  • Scope of use of the material - choose the material exclusively for roofing works.
  • Speed ​​and ease of installation - insulation should not require large labor costs and cause difficulties in work.
  • The useful life of the selected coating.
  • Water-repellent properties - the insulation material should not absorb moisture, as its thermal conductivity will decrease significantly.
  • Vapor barrier characteristics - it is better to choose a thermal insulation material with one side covered with foil.

It is necessary to select the insulation material so that its thickness ensures the energy loss of the building, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, therefore it should be determined based on the thermal conductivity of a certain material. If there is not enough thickness roof structures to organize the appropriate insulation, then to solve this issue it is necessary to use a more efficient insulation with a low level of thermal conductivity.

The main characteristic of heaters is the average density. Thermal insulation materials are divided by density into dense, medium, light and very light. High-density materials will not always provide high thermal insulation performance, but they are able to withstand more significant mechanical loads and create increased loads on the supporting structures of the insulated house. The density of the insulation is 20 - 200 kilograms per cubic meter. Let's look at the main types of heaters:

  1. Fiberglass and glass wool. The material has a high level of sound absorption and low weight. The price of fiberglass roof insulation is relatively low. However, in terms of its thermal insulation characteristics, glass wool is not inferior to other heaters.
  2. Mineral and basalt wool. Insulation is made on the basis of fibers rock, it is a ready-made rolls or plates various sizes. Depending on the desired result, it is customary to lay out the insulation in one or a couple of layers. The material has low hygroscopicity, provides a high level of sound insulation and does not burn. In the manufacture of mineral wool insulation, it undergoes toxicological and radiological testing.
  3. Extruded polystyrene foam and polystyrene. These materials are light in processing, have a small weight, are characterized by minimal thermal conductivity, and are not exposed to the harmful effects of moisture. Similar methods of thermal insulation differ from each other only in thermophysical characteristics: expanded polystyrene (foam) is airtight, and polystyrene has high air permeability. They are both combustible, but this problem can be easily solved with a flame retardant layer and flame retardant impregnation.
  4. Penofol. This material is polyethylene foam that is covered with aluminum foil. Its main features are low thermal conductivity and moisture absorption, as well as a small thickness, which saves space.

Preparing for the installation of thermal insulation

At the second stage of preparatory work, before fixing the heat-insulating material, it is necessary to check the electrical wiring for serviceability. Repair its damaged parts, replace worn wires, ring switches, carefully check all connectors, joints, fasteners and joints. If the electrical wiring is completely unsuitable, it should be redone.

Options for arranging thermal insulation of the roof

There are many methods of thermal insulation of the roof in construction practice. Which method to use in each case will depend on the complexity of the roof structure and the material used to insulate it. Let's look at them in more detail.

Laying thermal insulation material

There are several methods for laying thermal insulation material:

  1. Roll method. When creating thermal insulation, it is customary to use rolls with a substrate that protrudes on the sides. A foil insulation with a polymer filler and a substrate stands out from the rolled heat-insulating materials. A high level of thermal insulation is achievable due to the low density - 15 - 20 kg / cu. meter.
  2. Stuffed way. To do this, stretch a metal mesh with cells that have dimensions of 15 by 15 millimeters, and fix with pins, which are staggered. Then carry out layer-by-layer backfilling with material.
  3. Sleepy way. Such thermal insulation of the roof is used in the presence of a difference in the intervals between the rafter beams. The backfill material is fibrous or granular vermiculite, foam glass or perlite sand. The heating process provokes an increase in the volume of vermiculite by approximately 6-8 times. Backfill is an ideal way to insulate non-standard roofs. But this method should not be used in a ventilated attic in order to avoid its weathering.
  4. Sheet insulation. The materials are mineral fiber mats, polystyrene or polyurethane plates. Sheet heat insulator is attached directly to the roof rafters. The cost of its transportation and installation, due to its low weight, is much lower when compared with other methods of thermal insulation.

  5. Blow method. Within the framework of this technique, a mass of fibrous polymer is used as a material, which is fed by blowing through an elastic pipeline. This method is not suitable for attics under roofs of complex shape. For blown insulation, it is customary to use a material made on the basis of environmentally friendly cellulose fibers.
  6. Sprayed thermal insulation. Spraying can be carried out on any surface. Polyurethane foam is applied to all elements from the inside of the roof, it expands and fills all cracks and cavities with high quality. There is no need for additional fastening, because there will be no seam. The material is considered resistant to decay and exposure to harmful microorganisms, has a long service life.

Internal and external insulation

Internal insulation- this is the most popular thermal insulation option, which is suitable for pitched and flat roofs. The internal insulation of the roof is produced according to this technology: first, the inner lining of the room is laid, on top of it - a vapor barrier, then - a heat-insulating material, after that - wind and waterproofing.

The final thermal insulation layer is your chosen roofing material. Remember that the insulation must have the required width and be adapted to certain climatic conditions. But the main thing at the same time is to ensure that the material does not make the roof heavier, and to provide for the gaps that are required to remove moisture from the structure.

External roof insulation is carried out on the basis of flat roofs using rigid plates, which, therefore, are pressed against concrete slabs or pebbles. When organizing external thermal insulation, it is very important to calculate the strength of the roof in order to protect against roof collapse.

Insulation of pitched and flat roofs

The choice of thermal insulation technique pitched roof carried out, depending on the characteristics of the building. If the house is in operation, and you do not provide for the dismantling of the roofing material, the main or additional roof insulation must be carried out along the inside of the roof - directly along the truss systems.

If the building is only in the process of being erected, and you have not yet installed the roofing material, then it is worth insulating the outer side of the pitched roof structures, and the internal crate will act as a support for the thermal insulation material. For roof insulation, you can choose one or two layers of thermal insulation. But at the same time, it is worth using only a heater that has the same density.

It is customary to insulate pitched roofs on rafters with heat-insulating materials, which are characterized by low density (25–50 kilograms per cubic meter), designed exclusively for atmospheric effects and temperature. Remember that materials should not create a large load on the structure.

When building a new house for the thermal insulation of a flat roof, it is recommended to use a two-layer insulation method. The bottom layer is required for thermal protection, and the top layer is needed to distribute loads to the entire structure. The single-layer method is usually used exclusively for the repair and reconstruction of old roofs.

For thermal insulation of flat roofs, it is necessary to use dense insulation, which must withstand significant loads from snow and water, since precipitation often accumulates on such roofs. Flat roofs made of corrugated board need to be insulated with mineral wool, basalt and polystyrene foam slabs, which have a density of about 220 kilograms per cubic meter. Roof on reinforced concrete slab they are insulated with denser materials, for example, PPZh-200 plates.

Do-it-yourself roof insulation device

Roof thermal insulation is a multilayer system consisting of an inner vapor-tight layer, insulation and an upper membrane material, which is characterized by one-sided moisture permeability. A similar design is called a "roofing pie."

Manufacturers of modern building materials offer consumers a ready-made “pie”, but you can also create it yourself at the proper level of quality. The first layer is a moisture-proof material that protects the insulation layer from excessive moisture that comes from the room. Usually foil, polyethylene and other materials are used.

The material is laid on the inside of the supporting elements without gaps in a single layer, the joints are glued with sealant and fixed with planks to wooden structures using galvanized nails or a construction stapler. If it is impossible to lay the material in one layer, overlaps must be created, which should be more than 100 millimeters.

vapor barrier upper layer necessary to ensure the passage of moisture to the outside and prevent it from getting inside to the layer of heat-insulating material. Laying of heat-insulating material is carried out directly on the vapor barrier material. At the same time, it must be precisely cut to size, since its crushing is not allowed.

You will be able to achieve the planned and calculated efficiency of the thermal insulation of a soft roof only if you prevent the formation of cold bridges when laying the insulation. To do this, the roofing material must be laid without interruption by other structural elements. There should be no planes and depressions in the heat-insulating layer for the passage of air.

Thus, only high-quality installation of thermal insulation can save energy resources, recreate the most comfortable microclimate in the house. Therefore, it is not recommended to save on it, you must strictly follow the technology in order to avoid such fatal mistakes as the use of material of inappropriate width, installation of insulation of small thickness. Also remember that the maximum possible effect of the roof insulation procedure can only be achieved with an integrated approach to the thermal insulation of the house.

How to insulate the roof of a wooden building

When the rafter system is already exposed, fixed, it is much easier to insulate the slopes from above, and not from the inside.

What needs to be done: a crate is stuffed on the underside of the rafters along the length of the roof. You can buy made from a narrow, thin edged board or from a wooden block. It is possible to use rails.

This crate in continuation construction works will be used to secure the interior trim. After fixing the above-mentioned bars, the insulation itself is laid directly on top of them in the form of plates cut to the width of the rafters or rolled.

It is desirable that the insulation be somewhat smaller than the width of the rafters, then it becomes possible to form an air gap between the insulation and the hydro-vapor barrier, which will prevent moisture from entering the “pie” from the inside.

When the insulation is laid, a hydro-vapor barrier is pulled onto the rafters of the house. Its tension is carried out as follows: the roll is unwound from left to right, starting from the bottom row. The edges of the film are bent under the eaves for subsequent moisture removal and fixed with staples.

Sagging is allowed no more than 20 mm, but it is not recommended to drag the film. This can lead to rupture and subsequent loss of waterproofing properties. Such a device makes it possible to ventilate the heat-insulating layer of the roof from the inside.

The overlaps of the rows must exceed 100 mm inclusive, they are sealed with self-adhesive tape. Having fixed the film on the rafters of the house with the help of a stapler and staples, a counter-rail is stuffed onto each rafter. It should be more than 20 mm in height inclusive and in width be equal to the thickness of the rafter.

After fixing the counter-rail with nails, the roof lathing is stuffed onto it, the technology of which depends on the type of roof. This method is good in that it greatly facilitates the work with thermal insulation, since there is no need to find the performer under the insulation and fasten the material from the inside.

The correct execution of such a “pie” guarantees high-quality ventilation of the entire system, which will significantly increase its service life and prevent possible rotting of the wooden parts of the house.


Materials such as polyethylene or roofing material are quite applicable as a hydrovapor barrier. But it is better to use specially designed films or membranes for this purpose.

They have all the necessary properties and are made for this purpose. Warming, as a rule, is represented by mineral, eco- or glass wool of various densities, produced both in the form of plates and in the form of rolled rolls. The following options may apply:

  • polyurethane;
  • polystyrene foam;
  • foam insulation, usually made in the form of sheets.

When laying any type of slabs one on top of the other, the sheets should be placed in such a way that the displacement of their joints relative to each other is at least 30 cm. This is done in order to minimize the freezing points of the roof insulation. All possible wooden details it is desirable to treat the roof truss system and battens with an antiseptic liquid in order to avoid the subsequent appearance of all kinds of fungus and mold from the inside.

This kind of work can also be done from the inside. This will introduce certain difficulties in fixing the thermal insulation. To minimize them, the sheets should be cut in such a way that their size is slightly larger than the distance between the rafters. Thus, the insulation will be sufficiently tightly reinforced between them. An increase in size by more than 1.5 cm is unacceptable - subsequently, an excess of material can lead to swelling and subsequent sagging.

But there are not only wooden structures that need insulation. The same actions are necessary for concrete floors.

How to insulate a roof made of reinforced concrete slabs

First of all, the surface of such a roof must be completely dust-free, after which it is smeared with special mastic, on which a layer of hydrovapor barrier is rolled out. Polyethylene is laid with an overlap of rows of at least 100 mm, and is also sealed with self-adhesive tape. If the house has side cornices, then the film is stretched in such a way as to cover their side and end parts. Upon completion of this stage, the actual insulation is performed.

It is usually made from loose materials, such as expanded clay (therefore, this type of work cannot be carried out from the inside), poured on top of a waterproofing layer with a slight slope to prevent moisture from accumulating on a flat roof. After leveling the insulation, sheets of cement-bonded particle board are laid on top of it one on top of the other, with an offset of at least 50 cm relative to each other.

There is no need to fasten these sheets to the concrete surface of the roof, it is enough to fasten the layers together with self-tapping screws. It turns out a one-piece structure, clinging to the thermal insulation with its weight. Option for the warm season: in the summer, instead of laying sheets, the expanded clay layer is covered with a sand-concrete screed.

After performing a dry or cement screed, its surface (after drying) is covered with several layers of roofing material or similar materials. There can be up to four such layers, depending on the quality and thickness of the material. Each subsequent waterproofing material is rolled out perpendicular to the previous one, and carefully, over the entire area, is heated with a gas burner. This is done to stick the rows of material to each other from the inside. And the final one should differ from the previous ones in greater strength and waterproofing properties.

To increase the thermal insulation properties of the roof, the structure can be supplemented with another row of insulation. In this case, there is no need for a first layer of waterproofing film. It will be enough after dedusting to waterproof the coating of the house with mastic. After that, plates of extruded polystyrene foam are laid on the surface. They can be attracted to the plane of the roof with the help of "fungi", or you can not attract it, since it will subsequently be pressed with expanded clay and a dry screed. They are placed in two layers with an offset of ½ of the plate, followed by the above layer of expanded clay. All further operations are performed in accordance with the previous description.

The latter method of thermal insulation of the roof will slightly increase financial costs, but significantly improve functionality due to the tight fit of polystyrene foam to the smooth concrete surface of the house.

Design features of the roofing pie

The most common way to insulate a roof that you can do yourself is a "Canadian sandwich" or a roofing pie. This technology is a complex of several layers: a vapor barrier, mineral wool(or equivalent), wind and hydro barrier, roofing and ventilation gap. If the work is done by hand, and not by a specialist, then it is important to remember that you need to follow the process and sequence of laying materials to avoid leaks in the roof. This will increase the life of the roof, as well as retain moisture and retain heat.

To prevent roof leaks, it is necessary to prevent moisture from entering the structural elements of the roof. In this case, it is necessary to create certain conditions under which condensation will not form. To do this, the roof has the following elements of roofing insulation: a hydro-barrier or wind and moisture protection (perforated film), vapor barrier, ventilation gaps between the wind and moisture protection and thermal insulation, as well as between the roofing and wind and moisture protection. It is important to ensure air circulation in the direction from the bottom up. The insulation technology is implemented in the directional removal of moisture that passes through the vapor barrier and evaporates from the upper surface of the insulation, and then goes into the ventilation gap between the roof and the hydro barrier. It is worth knowing that mineral wool and basalt insulation should always be dry, as raw heat-insulating boards lose their insulating properties, and heat loss can be up to 60%.

Roof preparation

When insulating the roof with your own hands, first of all, you need to draw up a work plan and decide on thermal insulation materials. Any roof, regardless of the type of construction, consists of an external and internal part. The roof from the outside (from the street) is called the roof, and the inside is made up of a frame of rafters and floor slabs. In order for the roof to be warm and last for a long time, before starting work, if necessary, it is necessary to carry out repair work, get rid of moisture and all its manifestations on the roof structure: rust, fungus or mold. In this case, the metal parts are cleaned with a metal brush and coated with anti-corrosion agents, and areas affected by mold or fungus are treated with antiseptic compounds.

Regardless of the type of roof, in the absence of insulation, the heat loss of a house can be 25%. Based on this, it is important to choose a suitable thermal insulation material. To simplify the installation of insulation with your own hands, the width of the plates should correspond to the distance between the rafters. Otherwise, cold zones will form in unfilled areas, which will lead to a decrease in the quality of the insulation structure. If you use roll insulation (instead of slab insulation), then you can set any width by cutting the roll with a conventional wood saw. This will be true if the distance between the rafters is different. To keep the roof warm, today there is a wide selection of heaters. Each of them has its pros and cons:

  1. Glass wool is relatively cheap, easy to install, and has good thermal insulation characteristics. It must be used in conjunction with waterproofing, as it can lose up to 60% of its thermal insulation properties when wet. It is not a favorable environment for the life of rodents and insects.
  2. Mineral wool - similar in characteristics to glass wool, but has a large service life(up to 50 years). It is very convenient for do-it-yourself installation, as it is available in rolls or in the form of plates.
  3. Basalt slabs - the main advantage of this insulation is high fire resistance. When wet, it loses its thermal insulation properties, therefore, like other fibrous insulation, it should be protected from moisture.
  4. Styrofoam is one of the cheapest, but no less effective heaters. The variety of slab sizes allows it to be used for any roof construction. The disadvantage is the fragility of the plates, so you need to be careful during installation. In this case, the roof can become a habitat for rodents when using foam as a heater.
  5. Expanded clay - the main advantage is the environmental friendliness and fire resistance of the material. At the same time, it is biologically resistant. But the application technology mainly applies to horizontal surfaces (roof floors, ceilings), which limits its application. It is also heavier than mineral wool.
  6. Polyurethane foam is a liquid insulation with a rather low thermal conductivity. It is applied by spraying onto the prepared waterproofing layer. Suitable in cases where you need to quickly carry out warming measures.

Roof insulation process

The roof can be pitched or flat. standard roof is divided into the following types: tent, single-fold, gable, attic and others. The roof itself consists of: roofing (corrugated board, tiles, slate) and internal supports. If the roof is insulated during the construction process, then the insulation technology is selected at the design stage of the entire building and is general scheme house project. But most often, insulation is carried out when the house is already standing. The method of insulation does not depend on the material from which the house is built. The roof of a metal, stone or wooden structure is insulated using one technology.

Insulation is selected depending on the operating conditions. The selected material must be able to withstand temperature changes in the area, changes in humidity and possible mechanical stress. Thermal insulation depends on the purpose, application and use of the attic at home. If the roof will act as a living space, then it should be insulated both from the outside and from the inside. If as non-residential, then it is not necessary to insulate inside. If there are communication lines on the roof, it is necessary, before starting work on insulation, to check them for serviceability so that in the future this does not lead to fire or leakage behind the insulation layer.

Features of insulation of pitched and flat roofs

When a building is in use, interior work for roof insulation. The method of insulation from the inside is similar to the insulation of a ventilated facade. The difference lies only in the method of installation of the outer finishing material and a heater. When doing work with your own hands, this method is the most optimal. The hydrobarrier is installed between the rafters and the roof and is attached using a construction stapler. After that, the installation of the thermal insulation layer begins. When using mineral wool, the thickness of the insulation must correspond to the thickness of the rafters. Laying of heat-insulating plates is carried out from the bottom of the roof slope and fastened with stuffed rails to the rafters or with the help of a nylon cord. Mineral wool sheets are laid without large gaps. The next step is to attach the vapor barrier. It is good to use perforated membrane construction film for this.

The technology for insulating a flat roof is slightly different from insulating a pitched roof, since the insulation takes place both outside and inside. This method is more resource-intensive physically and financially. To reduce costs, you can insulate a flat roof from the outside for the first winter, and if this is not enough, then proceed with the insulation from the inside. For outdoor use, it is recommended to use basalt wool. It is ideal for roof insulation from the outside due to its characteristics (low thermal conductivity, durability, high resistance to mechanical stress, fire resistance).

A warm and dry roof is the key to a comfortable and carefree living for all residents of the house. And it is worth remembering that the insulation not only retains heat cold winter, but also does not let the heat into the house in the hot summer.

Warm and cold roof

The two existing types of metal roofing - warm and cold - represent two very different approaches to the installation process. Consider the features of each of them.

The device of a warm roof from a metal tile

A warm roof is a type of gable roof with an insulated attic. When installing a warm roof, it is important to remember that condensation often forms on the inside of the metal tile, and before laying the insulation, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing material. We recommend using membranes for this, which allow steam to pass through and remove all excess liquid to the outside.

It is possible to use waterproof films as waterproofing, while it is important that the film is not stretched, but sags to drain the accumulated liquid.

After the membrane we lay the insulation. Most often, for roof insulation, such insulation material as basalt wool, supplied in mats, is used. It is important to lay the insulation very carefully, overlapping the joints of the first row with the second.

Cold roof device

A feature of a cold roof made of metal is the fact that only the attic is insulated, while the roof slopes remain without insulation and are ventilated.

Roofing pie construction

The technology of metal roofing, regardless of the type chosen and the allowable variations within them, consists of a set of elements that form in a certain sequence:

  • Rafter;
  • waterproofing material;
  • insulation;
  • Lathing and counter lathing;
  • Ventilation holes;
  • ridge beam
  • Endova (inner corner of the slope);
  • Frontal board or spillway gutter.

Let's consider the device of a roof from a metal tile and some moments of technology separately.

Features of the crate when using metal tiles

When stuffing the crate, we recommend using a beam with a section of 50 mm, and along the eaves, use boards of 50/100 mm. It is important that when creating a warm roof on top of the waterproofing material, it is necessary to fill another layer of the crate. The bars are nailed along the rafters, from the roof ridge down. Then, horizontally attach another row of beams to them, the fastening step of which is calculated depending on the type of metal tile used and can vary from 60 to 90 cm.

IMPORTANT: the device of the roof ridge requires special attention. When creating a roof ridge from a metal tile, the top of the roof must be strengthened as much as possible by stuffing a couple of boards on each side of the ridge.

Creating ventilation holes

The crate acts not only as a basis for fastening the roof, but also creates ventilation ducts. The air flows circulating through these channels create the necessary gap between the waterproofing and the roof itself.

Subtleties in the installation of the valley

If the design of the roof assumes the presence of internal corners of the slope, then their design is carried out using a valley from the ridge and down to the slope. The valley installation technology includes a number of important points, failure to comply with which is fraught with roof leaks:

  • An additional board should be mounted to each valley;
  • overlap additional boards must be at least 20 cm;
  • It is recommended to cut the bottom line of the valley below the eaves line and make a flanging;
  • An additional seal should be installed under the flanging.
  • From above, to create a neat look, the valley boards are closed decorative overlays, in the installation of which it is also worth adhering to certain rules: installation from the bottom up and observing an overlap of 10 cm. Careful work with self-tapping screws requires special attention, when installing them on a decorative strip, it is important to prevent damage to it.

Drain organization

If you plan to equip the roof with a drain, then cornice boards should be used to reinforce the slope. They are laid along the overhangs in the grooves made in advance in the rafters. It is to these boards that hooks should be attached to fix the gutter, correlating their step with the step of the truss system.

If the organization of an organized drain is not included in your plans, then a frontal board, which is attached to the ends of the rafters, is used to fasten the roofing elements along the edges of the roof. Such an end plate serves not only as a decorative element, but also prevents the metal tile from rattling during strong winds.

Common mistakes when installing a metal roof on your own

When creating a roof from a metal tile with your own hands, typical for different cases errors. It is very important to pay close attention when mounting the roof:

  • In the presence of skylights;
  • In the case of dormer windows;
  • If there are pipes below the ridge line.

Sheets of metal in these cases often form holes along the edge of the notch. The use of two single-module sheets for each of the listed elements will help to avoid this.

Instructions for bypassing pipes when installing metal tiles

Let us consider in more detail the algorithm of actions if it is necessary to bypass the pipe. Before proceeding with the installation of roofing material around the pipe, its surface must be prepared.

The preparatory stage includes:

  • Complete plastering of the pipe surface;
  • Plant waterproofing material on the sides;
  • Installing a drainage system on a slope at a distance of no more than 80 cm from the pipe;
  • Installation of an additional crate above the pipe.
  • When installing the roof around the pipe, it is important to follow the correct order of installation of aprons: first the bottom and side, then the top.

Sheets of metal tiles that will be laid on both sides of the pipe must be cut above the stamp line, but at a distance of no more than 15 cm from the pipe itself to this line. It is also necessary to measure the side of the apron that lies on the slope. It is important to cover the nearest wave crest with an apron.

Aprons are fastened with self-tapping screws with the obligatory use of sealant and sealing material.

If the house has a round pipe, then it is dangerous to rely on one's own strength when bypassing it. Installation of a roof around a round pipe is a rather complex and well-adjusted enterprise. In this case, we advise you to seek help from specialists.

Installation of metal tiles: basic rules

Mounting sheets of metal tiles is a fairly simple and pleasant process, however, it is important not to forget about following a number of rules:

  • Walking on the metal tile should be in soft shoes, without stepping on the stiffeners;
  • Before fixing the sheet, it is important to make sure that it is horizontal;
  • First, you need to temporarily fix and place 3-4 sheets next to each other and, making sure that their fastening is even, fasten them together and to the crate;
  • The bottom edge of the sheets should protrude 5 cm from the edge of the eaves;
  • It is not difficult to correctly cover the roof with roofing material - at the attachment points, the sheet must be in contact with the boards of the crate. Such fastening will help to avoid unnecessary gaps and subsequently leaks.

The device of a roof made of metal contains many nuances, which are very important to consider. Only if all installation rules are followed, a covered roof will please you with an impeccable and long-term service, keeping your home warm and dry in any weather.

In modern construction, much attention is paid to energy-saving technologies. There is a constant search for effective materials and methods of thermal insulation of residential premises. This is due to the continuous growth of tariffs for heat and electricity and significant costs for housing maintenance, especially large area. In addition, our summer is short, the heating season lasts 7-8 months. One of the important measures for warming a house is the thermal insulation of the roof, since up to 30% of heat loss occurs on the roof. The use of the latest building materials makes it possible to build high-quality and environmentally friendly thermal insulation of the roof.

The roof is an important architectural and engineering part of the building. For the purpose of safety, certain requirements are imposed on the roof device. All roofing materials and structural elements must be strong, stable and meet fire safety standards.

Roof device:

  • Interior decoration.
  • Vapor barrier layer.
  • Interior trim.
  • Rafter.
  • Bars for the ventilation gap.
  • Roof decking.
  • Thermal insulation layer.
  • Superdiffusion waterproof membrane.
  • Roof covering.

To protect the building from meteorological precipitation, the upper layer of the roof is used - a roof covering, on which a slope is provided for the natural flow of water and a drainage system. The heat-insulating layer protects against seasonal and daily fluctuations in air temperature.

The roof structure is subjected to a contrasting temperature effect: the inner surface of the roof has the temperature of the air in the room, while the outer surface cools down to -40C in winter and heats up to + 70-80C in summer. In addition, outside the roof is illuminated and heated unevenly, the temperature of individual sections of the roof differs by 20-30°C. Almost all building materials are subject to tension and compression under the influence of temperature. To prevent deformation and destruction of the roof, it is very important to choose materials for a multi-layer roof structure with an approximately equal coefficient of thermal expansion.

The replacement of thaws by frosts leads to the appearance of ice and icicles that trap water on the roof. Moisture penetrates into the roof through cracks in the tiles or slate. A waterproofing layer is used to protect the building from leaks.

The roof is exposed to the destructive action of moisture not only from the outside, but also from the under-roof space. Water vapor from the dwelling, rising up, condenses on the inner surface of the roof. The greater the temperature difference in the house and on the street, the more intense the formation of condensate. This problem is especially pronounced in winter, when water flows down, forming streaks on the ceiling.

Moisture has a destructive effect on roof structures, causes corrosion of metal elements and rotting of wood. An increase in humidity by only 5% reduces the thermal insulation function of the material by 2-3 times. To effectively protect the roof directly under the thermal insulation, a special vapor-proof film is used. However, no vapor barrier material is able to provide an absolute barrier against moisture. To eliminate dampness, it is necessary to create good air circulation with the help of ventilation gaps. For active ventilation during installation, a special gap of 50-70 mm is made between the vapor barrier film and the roofing material. Many companies producing roofing equipment offer ready-made ventilation devices: ridge and overhang aerators, ventilation grilles and tiles, exhaust pipes.

The slope of the roof is designed depending on the roofing material and climate zone. In dry climates and strong winds roof slope angle up to 30° is allowed. With heavy rainfall, the slope of the roof is 45 ° or more.

When designing a roof structure, the load of the snow thickness is taken into account, which depends on the slope of the roof. In snowy regions, the angle of the roof slope is increased so that snow does not accumulate on the roof. On the pitched roof, snow retainers are equipped to prevent snow avalanches and damage to the drainage system. Thermal insulation of the roof is also carried out taking into account the climate of the area.

When using piece roofing material, the slope angle must exceed 22 °. With roofing from rolled materials, the optimal slope angle is from 5 to 25 °, from tiles and sheets of asbestos cement - 25-35 ° or more. Increasing the slope increases the consumption of materials and, therefore, the total cost of the roof. The multi-layer structure of the roof allows you to protect the building from adverse natural factors, significantly reduce heat loss and heating costs, and create a comfortable microclimate in the living room.

Roof insulation device

The planning of the thermal insulation of the roof is carried out in parallel with the design of the building. The roof structure is taken into account, a material with high strength, vapor permeability, and low thermal conductivity is selected. Thermal insulation must be fireproof, moisture and biostable, durable. When repairing the roof, it is possible to replace the heat-insulating layer with a new insulation.

Thermal insulation of the roof is made of several layers:

  • Vapor barrier layer.
  • Insulation layer.
  • ventilation gaps.
  • Wind and waterproof layer.
  • Ventilation.
  • Roof covering.

Violation of the arrangement of thermal insulation layers or improper installation lead to damage, and sometimes complete destruction of the roof.

Arrangement of the vapor barrier of the roof requires special care, since the remaining gap or defect leads to the penetration of moist air. Permissible moisture transmission for vapor barrier is 22 mg per 1 square meter per day. If the throughput of the vapor barrier layer is greater, the steam will penetrate into the insulation and condense. In turn, this will lead to frost and ice in winter and melt water leaks in spring.

Properly planned and installed thermal insulation of the roof will provide almost perfect protection for the house. The roofing "pie" of a vapor barrier, insulation, ventilation gap, wind and moisture protective layer prevents the appearance of condensate and ensures the normal functioning of the roof structure.

The thermal insulation system is suitable for all types of roofs, does not require high costs, is easy to install, practical, durable. Roof insulation is simply necessary to create a healthy microclimate in the house and reduce housing maintenance costs.

Roof insulation materials

For thermal insulation of the roof, special materials are used to increase the thermal resistance of the coating and reduce heat loss. Thermal insulation material according to quality standards must be biostable, hydrophobic, non-toxic, fire resistant, and also have a long service life.

When choosing a heat insulator, the climatic features of the area are taken into account. According to the chemical composition, organic and inorganic materials are distinguished. Heaters come in various forms of release: soft, hard tiled and loose. Soft heat insulators include mineral wool, glass wool and stone wool rolls based on paper or foil. Loose insulation are produced in the form of balls and granules from wool, shale minerals, polystyrene, cork and are intended for floor insulation in attics and mansards.

The main criteria for the quality of a good heat insulator are thermal conductivity and density. More dense and heavier materials increase the load on the supporting structures of the house, which is unsafe for some types of buildings. The thickness of the insulation layer is selected in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, taking into account the energy loss of the building. The thickness of the heat insulator depends on the heat transfer resistance. It is calculated based on the thermal conductivity of a particular material. If the thickness of the rafters is insufficient for adequate insulation, then a more efficient material with low thermal conductivity is used.

When using roofing insulation with correctly calculated parameters, you can achieve the maximum heat-saving effect. The lower the resistance, the lower the transport and installation costs. The uniformity of the insulation and the ease of installation should be taken into account, this affects the quality of the installation work.

The modern market offers customers a variety of different technical characteristics of heaters. Currently in high demand are:

  • Mineral wool is the most affordable thermal insulation material. It has sufficient density, excellent sound insulation, low thermal conductivity. All mineral wool insulation has a porous structure that allows steam to pass through. Mineral wool is non-hygroscopic, does not burn, has a service life of up to 25 years.
  • Cellulose insulation appeared on the market not so long ago, but is already in great demand due to its environmental friendliness, good breathability, sound insulation, antiseptic and low thermal conductivity. Cellulose heat insulator does not emit harmful volatile substances and does not cause allergic reactions. Cellulose insulation is non-combustible, resistant to decay, mold and fungus damage and eating by rodents. When laying the cellulose web, an integral coating is formed without cracks and seams.
  • Polystyrene insulation: penoizol, expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam. Expanded polystyrene received the greatest practical application. It is characterized by minimal thermal conductivity, low weight and long service life. Expanded polystyrene is not subject to the formation of mold, rot, fungus. A serious disadvantage is high flammability, complete destruction at a temperature of 90 degrees. Penoizol is used less frequently, is characterized by low thermal conductivity, durability, low weight, water resistance, low cost. Penoizol is an economical and effective heat-insulating material. The only disadvantage of the coating is considered to be a pungent odor during application and drying of the composition. Extruded polystyrene foam does not lose its properties at temperature drops from -50 to +75 degrees.

How to choose the right heater

The effectiveness of roof insulation depends primarily on the quality of the insulation. When buying a material, it is important to check the compliance of the insulation with environmental regulations and building standards. Emissions of harmful substances hazardous to human health are unacceptable. Insulation must be designed specifically for roofing. It is desirable that installation work with a heater were not difficult.

Attention should be paid to the service life of the thermal insulation coating, specific gravity, thermal conductivity, characteristics of water-repellent, vapor barrier properties. It is better to choose a thermal insulation material with a foil coating.

Roof insulation installation

With all the variety of roof structures, its thermal insulation is carried out according to similar principles based on the laws of physics.

Roof insulation has a multilayer structure. "Roofing pie". Consists of a vapor barrier layer, insulation, top membrane with one-sided moisture permeability. Manufacturers of building materials produce a "roofing cake" in finished form. But you can do the laying of thermal insulation layers with your own hands.

The first layer is a moisture-proof material to protect the heat insulator from moisture penetration from the room. The material is laid without gaps with an overlap, the joints are glued with sealant. The upper vapor-permeable layer serves to isolate the insulation from moisture and its release to the outside.

Preparatory work

Before starting work on thermal insulation of the roof, it is required proper preparation insulated surface:

Roof insulation installation methods

In construction practice, two methods of insulating installation for the roof are used:

  • Internal roof insulation. It is the most common thermal insulation option, practiced for both flat and pitched roofs. It is carried out in the following order: first, the interior decoration of the room is performed, then the vapor barrier, then the heat-insulating layer, followed by the wind and waterproofing membrane and the roofing material completes the structure. During installation, gaps are provided for the weathering of moisture. The insulation must have the necessary parameters, taking into account the load on the supporting roof structures and adaptation to existing weather conditions.
  • External roof insulation. It is mounted on the basis of flat roofs using rigid slabs, on top of which pebbles or concrete slabs are laid. It is very important when installing thermal insulation by an external method to calculate the strength of the roof in order to protect the structure and people from roof collapse.

The choice of thermal insulation method depends on the design of the roof and the materials used. The installation of a heat-insulating roof covering, in principle, is simple, but still requires certain technical training and necessary tools. If there is no construction experience, it is not worth the risk, it is better to immediately contact the specialists. They get rid of unnecessary financial costs and do the job in a professional manner.

The installation of roof insulation begins with the laying of a vapor barrier on the inside of the supporting structures. The most commonly used are polyethylene and foil. The material is spread along the rafters in a single sheet and fastened with planks to wooden structures with galvanized nails or a construction stapler.

If it is difficult to lay the material in a single layer, overlaps of 100 mm are created. Insulation is placed directly on the vapor barrier layer. Thermal insulation material is cut exactly to size. Insufficient thickness of the thermal insulation of the roof can cause inefficient insulation of the structure, and gaps during its installation will lead to the formation of "cold bridges".

The waterproofing layer is attached horizontally directly to the rafters. Cloths of material are joined with an overlap of at least 100 mm wide. The film material is stretched tightly enough, the sagging height is not more than 20mm. Between the film and the insulation form a ventilation gap. Counter rails are installed on the film for subsequent lathing.

Properly executed roof insulation device not only reduces the heat loss of the building in winter, but also provides coolness in the summer heat.

The roofing "pie" is a reliable barrier against dampness and preserves the integrity of the roof structures for a long time. The thermal insulation of the roof is done for many years, therefore, during the installation process, one should not save on building materials and the quality of work. Remodeling is always more difficult and expensive, and the cost of insulation is quickly offset by the savings in heat energy when heating a room.

Flat roof insulation

Most residential high-rise buildings have flat roofs. Flat roofs are also erected in the construction of industrial facilities, public buildings, industrial premises, shopping and logistics centers. A standard flat roof consists of:

  • Base (reinforced concrete floor or corrugated board).
  • Vapor barrier layer (polymer films, bitumen-polymer materials).
  • Insulation (polystyrene).
  • Waterproofing coating (bitumen-polymer materials).

Roofs are insulated both internally and externally. There are also one- and two-layer thermal insulation systems. In a two-layer system, the lower layer is actually a heater, the upper layer serves to redistribute the mechanical load. Due to this, a reduction in the weight of the roof and the load on the ceiling is achieved.

For the repair of old roofs, a single-layer thermal insulation system of insulation of the same density is mainly used. The disadvantage of a standard flat roof is the frequent violation of the waterproofing layer under the influence of external factors.

For the arrangement of external insulation of a flat roof, rigid heat-insulating plates are used, which cover the base on the beams of the supporting structure. Insulation materials are pressed down with pebbles.

To insulate a flat roof from the inside, polystyrene foam plates 25 mm thick are used. Bulk materials for floor insulation are placed between the bars and leveled with a special bar. For insulation of attic floors, mineral wool is more suitable, which is placed on top of the ceiling or between the rafters.

Each of the thermal insulation materials has certain properties that are the selection criterion for flat roofs. different type. Styrofoam is used for thermal insulation of unexploited roofs and only if there is a refractory cushion in the composition of the "roofing pie". It can serve as a screed over the insulation and below it - a reinforced concrete floor. An extruded heat insulator is used to cover an inverted and loadable roof. On lightweight structures and non-exploited flat roofs with screeds, as a rule, rigid mineral wool insulation is used.

Inverted roof

The inversion method of flat roof insulation is quite common in recent times. The insulation is placed on the waterproofing layer, which increases the thermal and physical properties of the roof. The waterproofing layer is protected from sudden temperature changes, direct exposure to meteorological precipitation, and mechanical damage. As a result, both waterproofing and thermal insulation of the roof are improved.

The inverted roof has the following device:

  • Cover base.
  • Waterproofing.
  • Insulation (extruded polystyrene foam).
  • Protective layer (filtering synthetic layer).
  • Loading gravel layer.

The protective layer retains precipitation, extruded foam styrene reliably protects the underlying waterproofing layer and the base of the roof from moisture and temperature fluctuations.

Inverted roofs make it possible to use open areas in various purposes(exploited inverted roofs). In big cities on flat roofs arrange green terraces, summer cafes and even parking lots.

When constructing thermal insulation of flat roofs, extruded heaters, mineral wool, and foam plastics are usually used. Insulation material must be waterproof, durable, fireproof.

Thermal insulation for pitched roofs

Pitched roofs are roofs with a slope angle of more than 10 °. Technological features of the installation of thermal insulation of flat and pitched roofs differ significantly. Pitched roofs are more complex and are more often used in individual housing construction. The frame bearing system of a pitched roof consists of rafters, a ridge, and a batten. The bearing elements are made of wood or metal. The rafters are located along the perimeter of the roof at a distance of 60-100 cm from each other.

For thermal insulation during installation or repair of the roof, the insulation is placed inside the frame in the gaps between the rafters. The heat insulator is laid in one or more layers, depending on the required coefficient of thermal conductivity and operating conditions. In any case, the thickness of the heat insulator for a pitched roof should be at least 10 cm. An additional frame is stuffed on the low rafters from the inside, on which thermal insulation is placed. The insulation fixed between the rafters is closed from the inside with a vapor barrier layer from the accumulation of moisture and the formation of condensate. Finished thermal insulation, depending on the functional purpose of the roof space, covered with drywall or other facing material. Traditionally, mineral wool or glass wool slabs are used to insulate pitched roofs.

The outer side of the insulation is covered with a hydro- and windproof layer. For these purposes, there are diffusion, superdiffusion, anti-condensate membranes. They are fixed directly to the rafters. A gap is left between the insulation and the membrane. Before installing the lathing, 5 cm thick slats are nailed to the rafters to create an air gap between the roofing and the membrane. For a pitched roof, a heater with high vapor permeability is chosen. Mineral wool insulation and staple glass wool freely pass water vapor. Glass wool is more hygroscopic, so vapor and waterproofing is performed with great care. Vapor-permeable, "breathable", insulation helps to maintain the integrity of the supporting structures and increase the duration of the roof.

The choice of thermal insulation for a pitched roof is made depending on the characteristics of the building. In a finished building in operation, the main or additional thermal insulation is carried out from the inside of the roof along the truss structures.

In an unfinished building, when the roofing has not yet been installed, it is more rational to carry out insulation from the outside of the roof structures.

In a non-residential attic, the floor is insulated, which is the ceiling for the rooms. In the case of attic equipment for housing, thermal insulation is installed along the entire contour of the frame. Pitched roof insulation materials should have high heat and sound insulating properties and light weight.

Features of thermal insulation of attic and mansard roofs

There are differences in the thermal insulation of attic and attic spaces, which is due to the fundamental difference in the arrangement of these types of pitched roofs.

The attic roof is insulated along the slope itself, and in the attic room, the insulation is placed between the lags on top of the ceilings.

If you plan to use the attic as a utility non-residential premises, then the thermal insulation layer is covered with a deck of wooden planks to protect against mechanical damage when walking. In the case of rare visits to the attic, instead of flooring, you can limit yourself to pedestrian ladders.

Living room in the attic, attic, requires considerable effort to arrange, but it expands usable area at home. When equipping the attic, first of all, they organize a system of under-roof ventilation and thermal insulation. The thermal insulation of the attic roof requires a greater consumption of insulation and boards compared to the attic roof. Installation of vapor barrier and waterproofing is carried out in order to protect the insulation from penetrating steam and condensate, which forms on the inside of the roofing.

For thermal insulation of a pitched roof, heaters of a certain type are selected with the appropriate physical and technical parameters: low and medium hardness and a density of 35 to 125 kg per cubic meter.

Insulation of pitched roofs is carried out with materials with a mineral and fiberglass base. Glass wool insulation is cheaper, but more thermally conductive. Mineral wool insulation is less environmentally friendly.

When insulating the attic, they cover the roof slopes with rigid materials. The thickness of the rafters is measured and heat-insulating plates are prepared. The width of the plates should exceed the interval between the rafters by 1 cm, and the thickness should be 2.5 cm less than the rafter legs. Plates are fixed with nails, screws, mastic or glue.

Thermal insulation materials for roofs must be highly resistant to compression and peeling of layers and other mechanical stresses in order to reliably withstand wind and snow load.

Thermal insulation by spraying polyurethane

It is applied to warming of any surfaces of all types of roofs. Fast, convenient and economical way. It does not require the dismantling of the old roof, so it can be used for roof repairs. It is especially effective in difficult areas of the roof with many different elements: masts, ventilation pipes, joints, chimneys. As a result of spraying, a light, durable heat-insulating layer is obtained that does not create a load on the roof. Polyurethanes are superior in thermal insulation properties to extruded polystyrene foam and mineral wool.

Thermal insulation during roof repair

During roofing repair work remove roofing that has become unusable and seal various structural elements.

Roof repair work consists of two stages. First, a heat insulator is laid in the form of a screed, then the installation of roofing materials is carried out. Rolled materials can be spread out after the final drying of the screed. To speed up the setting of concrete, special additives are used that reduce water consumption and increase the resistance of concrete to damage.

For laying the screed, polystyrene concrete, foam concrete, expanded clay concrete are used. The use of these materials reduces the time of repair work. Concrete mix production is carried out in the vicinity of the construction site. To obtain a homogeneous mixture of good quality, special equipment or a pneumatic blower mixer is used. Before laying, the heat insulator is leveled and compacted by vibrating and trombling. For lightweight concrete aggregates, only vibration is used. The repair of the roof is completed by processing the entire roofing surface with a protective polymer composition.

Warm and cold roof insulation

Roofs with an attic are warm. Thermal insulation of this design is provided by additional air space between the roof, walls and ceiling of the upper floor. AT this case additional thermal insulation of the roof may not be required. attic construction effectively protects the building from the cold, provides constant ventilation and moisture exchange. In the under-roof room, you can equip an attic under living room, in which the walls are roof slopes. For good thermal insulation of the roof, the height from the floor to the crown attic room should be at least 1.5m.

Cold roofs include roofs without an attic, which are most often erected over unheated premises, garages, and outbuildings. Such a roof is intended only for protection from precipitation. Roof insulation is not required in this case.

Thermal insulation of a soft roof

As a material for the manufacture of soft roofing is used flexible tile. This material has a long history, and its popularity is gaining momentum in our time. The indisputable advantages of a soft roof are low cost, economical consumption of material during installation, excellent sound insulation, tightness, resistance to decay and corrosion. The term of operation of a soft roof is more than 50 years.

Most often, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam are used for thermal insulation of the roof. Polyurethane foam is the most promising insulation due to its absolute water resistance and lightness.

There are two main schemes for warming a soft roof: single-layer thermal insulation and two-layer:

  • A single layer system is economical but inefficient. Its use is justified in old or renovated buildings. According to this scheme, thermal insulation is made of materials of the same density.
  • A two-layer thermal insulation scheme is standard for new buildings. The bottom layer, the main one, consists of a heat-resistant material 7-17cm thick. The two-layer thermal insulation system prevents heat leakage and does not exert any special load on the roof structures.

"Roofing cake" for a soft roof made of shingles

Warm option:

  • Bituminous tiles.
  • Lining carpet.
  • OSB or plywood.
  • Waterproof film.
  • Insulation.
  • Vapor barrier film.
  • Rafter.

The heat insulator is attached to the soft roof with dowels. It is necessary to have a ventilation duct for such a roof to ventilate the under-roof space.

For comfortable living in winter, the thickness of the insulation should be at least 225mm. The composition of the thermal insulation of a soft roof includes steam and waterproofing film, which prevent the ingress of water and steam into the insulation material. To increase the service life, it is recommended to install under soft roof a flat, stable base made of grooved board or OSB plywood. A special lining carpet is fixed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof.

Cold version:

  • Bituminous tiles.
  • Lining carpet.
  • OSB or plywood.
  • The crate is step.
  • Rafter.

It is used in the construction of sheds, garages, outbuildings that do not require insulation.

When arranging roof insulation, strict adherence to all engineering and technical rules is required, otherwise homeowners can expect trouble in the form of leaks or dampness. Violations or deviations in the technology of laying layers of thermal insulation can lead to serious damage to the roof. As protection for the house, the roof itself needs to be taken care of. The roof, packed with the latest technology, will reliably protect the house from the destructive effects of adverse climatic factors: cold and heat, precipitation, wind and dust.

What should be the house? First of all, warm. Agree, comfort is out of the question when there are drafts in the room, and the air temperature during cold periods reduces all thoughts to a cup of hot coffee or tea. Rapidly rising energy prices are forcing consumers to limit their consumption in order to save cost items and look for other ways to insulate residential premises. One of these was the thermal insulation of the roof, which allows saving up to 25-30% of energy costs. Given the fact that a third of the heat loss falls on the roof, it is recommended to finish it with special roofing materials in the first place.

Roof insulation means the installation of a special material with special technical characteristics that increases the thermal resistance of the coating, which can significantly reduce heating costs by reducing heat loss. It can be performed on any type of roof, does not require large financial costs, is distinguished by ease of organization, endurance, durability, practicality and special functionality. Thermal insulation of the roof is the only chance to significantly reduce expenditure items, make the microclimate in the house healthy, and human life as comfortable as possible.

The modern market is ready to offer consumers a wide variety of technical parameters of roof insulation. Massive popularity gained in recent years:

  • mineral wool- one of the most affordable heat-insulating materials, characterized by excellent sound-proofing properties, impeccable vapor permeability and low thermal conductivity. It does not absorb moisture, does not burn, has a service life of up to 25 years and is sufficiently dense to insulate residential buildings;

Mineral wool retains heat well and guarantees the absence of extraneous noise

  • cellulose insulation- materials made on the basis of cellulose. They appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already been able to conquer it due to their qualities, such as environmental friendliness, breathability, excellent insulating properties, low thermal conductivity, antiseptic. Cellulose insulation is not subject to rotting, mold and fungus, they are not eaten by rodents. Thanks to additives, they perfectly resist fire, are mounted quite simply, forming a solid surface without voids and seams;

Cellulose insulation does not contain harmful volatile substances and does not cause allergies

Extruded polystyrene foam retains its properties at temperature fluctuations from -50 to +75 degrees

Rules for choosing a heater

The effectiveness of the thermal insulation of the roof of the house and its technical components largely depend on the material used for this purpose. How to choose it correctly? Quite simply, it is important to focus on the following criteria when buying:

  • compliance of the insulation with regulations and building standards;
  • the scope of the material is exclusively for roofing;
  • ease and speed of installation (it should not cause difficulties and require large labor costs);
  • price-quality ratio;
  • service life of the selected thermal insulation coating;
  • the presence of water-repellent properties (insulation should not absorb moisture, otherwise its thermal conductivity will increase several times);
  • vapor barrier characteristics (it is desirable to use a thermal insulation material, one side of which is covered with foil).

It is important to choose the right insulating coating

It is important to remember: roofing for roof thermal insulation must meet not only the above criteria, but also environmental standards. The release of harmful substances under the influence of sunlight or any other natural phenomena hazardous to human health is unacceptable.

Preparatory work before the installation of thermal insulation

Before starting work on roof insulation, it is necessary to without fail properly prepare the surface to be insulated. You should start by checking the rafters for rotting, fungus and mold. If the listed defects are nevertheless found, but in small quantities, the rafters should be cleaned with sandpaper, treated with special antiseptics and painted with oil, enamel or bituminous paint, thus isolating them from the effects of the external environment. If the damage to the elements is significant, it is better to replace them.

The second stage of preparatory work before the installation of roof insulation is to check the electrical wiring for serviceability. Its damaged parts should be repaired, worn wires should be replaced, switches should ring, carefully check all connectors, joints, fasteners, and junctions. In case of complete unsuitability of the electrical wiring, it is better to redo it.

Important: checking the electrical wiring before installing heat-insulating materials on the roof must be done without fail, with the support of professionals. Thus, you can save yourself from possible troubles and troubles in the future associated with fire.

Heat-insulating "pie"

Methods of installation of heat-insulating materials

In construction practice, there are two ways to install an insulating roofing:

Internal roof insulation

This is the most common type of thermal insulation, suitable for both flat and pitched roofs, and is produced according to the following technology: first, the interior lining of the room is laid, then the vapor barrier, and on top of it - heat-insulating material, wind and waterproofing.

The final thermal insulation layer is the selected roofing material.

It is important to know: the insulation must have a certain width and be adapted to the existing climatic conditions. The main thing is that it does not greatly burden the roof structure. When installing it, it is prudent to leave gaps necessary to remove moisture from the structure.

When installing roof insulation, you must strictly adhere to the installation rules.

External roof insulation

It is produced on the basis of flat roofs using rigid slabs, which, in turn, are pressed against pebbles or concrete slabs. When organizing thermal insulation in this way, it is very important to calculate the strength of the roof in order to protect yourself from roof collapse.

Which method is more suitable in each case depends on the complexity of the roof structure and the materials used to insulate it.

Mounting Features

Installation of a heat-insulating roofing is, at first glance, very easy, but you should not do it yourself, especially in cases where the master does not have a certain technical knowledge base and the necessary tools. It is better not to experiment and immediately turn to specialists. They will do the job at the proper level and save you from unnecessary financial costs.

It is possible to achieve the calculated and planned efficiency of roof thermal insulation only if the formation of cold bridges is prevented. To do this, the roofing material should be laid over the wood decking or rafters, without being interrupted by any other structural element. There should be no depressions or planes in the thermal insulation layer for the passage of air.

Properly installed roof insulation should prevent the formation of cold bridges.

Only high-quality installation of thermal insulation can save energy resources, create the most comfortable microclimate in the house. Therefore, it is not worth saving on it, otherwise fatal errors, such as the use of insulating material of the wrong width, the creation of a small thickness of insulation cannot be avoided. Turning to professional builders, you can not worry about the quality of work and the effectiveness of the heat-insulating layer.

An integrated approach to insulation

It should also be remembered that it is possible to achieve the maximum possible effect from roof insulation only with an integrated approach to the thermal insulation of the house.

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