What is stone wool: we analyze the characteristics and technologies of insulation. Stone wool as an effective home insulation What is the melting temperature of stone wool fibers

Engineering systems 04.03.2020
Engineering systems

During the construction or repair of housing, the problem of insulation is very relevant today. It is intended to reduce financial expenses. Due to the rapidly rising prices, the material condition of most residents is greatly reduced. High-quality stone wool insulation will solve this problem, make living more comfortable and reduce heating bills in the future.

Such cotton wool is the best option for warming

Production technology

The main composition of stone wool is basalt. This is a rock that appears due to volcanic activity. To obtain a soft material, basalt is subjected to melting. The heated mass is divided into fibers by means of various technologies: blowing, rolling and others.

The resulting fibers cannot yet be used in insulation work, since they are not yet solid and tend to crumble at the slightest physical contact. Therefore, the "semi-finished product" must be fastened with adhesive solutions.

In this video you will learn how to choose a heater

For gluing fibers, phenol-formaldehyde resin is most often used. At this stage, the fibers not only hold together, but also form carpets of the desired thickness. So that in the future the insulation does not absorb moisture, it is treated with mineral oils. The very last stage is cutting into the desired dimensions and packaging. The result is an excellent stone wool insulation.

Most often, other names of stone wool are used on the market - mineral or basalt. All this is the same material obtained after processing basalt rocks.

Another one common mistake: often people do not know the difference between mineral and glass or slag. The first is made from molten glass, and the second - from domestic slag. Mineral wool very quickly displaces its competitors, since glass insulation is much inferior in environmental friendliness, and slag insulation is inferior in quality.

Properties and types

This insulation, as mentioned, is made from rocks and got the most best performance: excellent resistance to temperatures, open flames, acids, and thanks to the treatment with mineral oils, it has an excellent hydrophobicity coefficient. Thermal insulation made of stone wool not only perfectly insulates the building, it also has a good soundproofing property.

There are 3 types of insulation

A lot of people are afraid of the presence of phenol-formaldehyde resin in the insulation. It was previously thought that it was toxic, but upon careful study, all doubts disappeared. Maximum amount adhesive, which is permissible according to the norms, does not exceed 3% of the total mass. These proportions are necessarily checked by sanitary control, and safety studies have confirmed that cotton wool is harmless to the body.

But it is worth remembering that the material must be purchased only from certified companies, where the insulation passes all checks and studies. Little-known firms can produce cotton wool, neglecting the correct proportions of the components, and this greatly affects the quality and safety level.

The main characteristic that should be followed when purchasing cotton wool is density. Thanks to it, the material receives a certain level of thermal insulation properties, the installation method and technology depend on this indicator.

Each type has its own area of ​​application.

There are three types of insulation:

  1. Soft wool is produced in the form of rolls and slabs. It has a density of 10−50 kg/m3.
  2. Semi-rigid (plates) - 60-80 kg / m3.
  3. Rigid (plates) - 90−175 kg/m3.

On the packaging with cotton wool there should be special classifying marks of hardness and density. For example, PM-40 is a semi-soft cotton wool with a density of 40 kg/m3. The most popular brands used in the work are PM-40 (50), PP-70 (up to 80) and PZh-100 (up to 120).

Where each type is used:

  1. Soft insulation in the form of rolls is most often used in interfloor ceilings, partitions and pipelines.
  2. A semi-rigid board is used in the production of SIP panels, as well as in the insulation of ceilings and roofs.
  3. Rigid insulation is installed in places where the building often experiences physical stress, for example, floors, foundations and others.

If you want to achieve the maximum level of sound insulation, cotton wool is attached to the inside of the building frame, and for thermal insulation - to the outer layer of the building. The higher the sound insulation coefficient of wool, the better performance available. It varies from 0.87 to 0.95. Each manufacturer has their own sizing. Only the thickness matches, the possible range of which is from 50 to 200 mm.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is possible to draw certain conclusions about the advantages of this material only after a detailed study of the characteristics. The material has various positive properties and only two disadvantages.

Positive characteristics of stone wool:

  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • high coefficient of vapor transmission;
  • better resistance to fire (withstands heating up to +1100°С);
  • excellent environmental friendliness and biostability;
  • long service time;
  • simple installation technology.

The main negative property of stone wool is installation. During installation, a lot of dust is generated, which can adversely affect health. But to solve it is quite simple - it is necessary to protect the respiratory organs with a mask or respirator. The second disadvantage is the high cost of the material.

Basic rules of work

Mostly mineral wool is used to insulate walls from the outside, attics and roofs. To insulate the foundation, it is better to use inexpensive, but at the same time high-quality foam. It has greater rigidity and does not pass water.

If the correct technology is not observed during installation, then this will noticeably affect the result. The material will quickly become unusable, and its high price will hit the budget hard in case of repeated repairs.

Before use, it is necessary to treat the facade with an antiseptic. This will prevent rotting and prolong the life of the material. Foam concrete or brick before installation must be cleaned of old paint and plasters. The best time to work is summer.

Before installation, it is necessary to remove the window trim and door jambs. After installation, you will have to purchase new window and door cladding, as the thickness of the walls will increase markedly.

There are two main types of insulation:

  1. Dry. It is used only with the use of frames made of wood or steel (crate). The insulation is installed in the cells of the frame.
  2. Wet. In this case, the installation is carried out using glue and dish-shaped dowels.

Glue and dowels are used more often in cases where it is planned to apply a finishing layer. The surface of the insulation can be puttied or plastered.

Dry installation

A frame is used for mounting. The slats are installed so that the gap between them is 2 cm less than the width of the wool. This allows you to achieve maximum stacking density. All work starts from the corners and smoothly moves to the center. In order for the result to be of the highest quality, and for the laying to be even, it is necessary to use a level and a cord that is stretched between the corners of the wall.

If a roll is used during installation, then laying is done from top to bottom. Plates are installed only from the bottom up. The canvas must be fastened with construction tape. To fix the result, holes are drilled and dowels are driven into them.

The final stage is the installation of counter rails. This allows you to create a ventilated gap. The principle of installation is to prevent the joints of mineral wool from matching the corners of window and door openings.

If it is necessary to make the insulation layer thicker, then the plates are laid in several layers. It all depends on the needs and preferences of the owner.

wet way

The principle of such installation is the installation of insulation on an adhesive solution that attaches mineral wool to the wall. It is important that the glue passes steam well, otherwise condensation may accumulate in the material.

A layer of adhesive solution is distributed on the wall with a notched trowel. After that, the plate must be pressed against the wall as much as possible. Once the row is installed, it must be additionally fixed with dish-shaped dowels.

The final stage: glue is again applied to the insulation layer and the reinforcing mesh is fixed. This additionally strengthens the mineral wool boards. After that, you can plaster and make decorative work.

Mineral thermal insulation includes three types of materials: stone wool, glass wool and slag wool. The difference lies in the raw materials used to make the product.

stone wool- heat and sound insulating material, which is produced mainly from the melt of igneous rocks.

As one of the main components of raw materials for the production of stone wool, igneous rocks of the gabbro-basalt group and similar rocks are used. chemical composition metamorphic rocks, as well as marls.

TechnoNIKOL stone wool is a non-combustible insulation, ideal for thermal insulation, fire protection, creating acoustic comfort indoors.

What is the difference between TechnoNIKOL stone wool and other types of insulation?

TechnoNIKOL stone wool is a non-combustible material. Stone wool fibers are able to withstand temperatures without melting up to 1000 ºС. Stone wool products have heat and sound insulation properties due to their open porous structure. The air enclosed in the pores of stone wool has a low thermal conductivity and is in a stationary state, this is what determines its excellent thermal insulation qualities. Due to the open porosity, stone wool is a vapor-permeable material, the vapor permeability is approximately 0.25 - 0.35 mg/m·h·Pa. The density of thermal insulation can vary widely from about 30 kg / m³ to 220 kg / m³, therefore, the physical and mechanical characteristics also differ, so rigid plates are able to withstand a distributed load of 70 kPa (7000 kg / m²!).

Products can be produced coated with aluminum foil, kraft paper, fiberglass, etc.

What is the service life of TechnoNIKOL stone wool?

The service life of TechnoNIKOL stone wool slabs is at least 50 years, which is commensurate with the service life of the building.

All manufactured products from TECHNONICOL brand stone wool are characterized by a long service life in building structures. This is due to both the characteristics of an individual fiber and the operation of the entire thermal insulation material in construction.

Can you carry a pack of stone wool alone?

Despite the fact that the raw material for manufacturing is predominantly molten rock, stone wool slabs are light in weight, so one person can easily handle the transport of the material.

Also, TechnoNIKOL stone wool slabs are packed in shrink film, which undoubtedly facilitates the work with the material.

How does TechnoNIKOL stone wool reduce the noise level?

TechnoNIKOL stone wool slabs have good sound absorption of airborne and impact noise in a wide frequency range. Sound absorption is provided by a fibrous structure that effectively dampens the sound wave.

TechnoNIKOL stone wool is a highly porous material with a flexible skeleton. The mechanism of absorption of sound energy is as follows: sound waves, meeting with the surface of a porous material, cause the air inside the pores to oscillate. The pores have great resistance to the flow of air passing through them, due to which the sound wave is damped and absorbed when passing through the structure of the material, as a result of viscous friction, part of the sound energy is converted into heat.

Also, TechnoNIKOL stone wool slabs are used in floating floor structures, due to high sound insulation characteristics (relative compression and modulus of elasticity), the material effectively reduces impact noise.

In which soundproof structures can TechnoNIKOL stone wool be used?

TechnoNIKOL stone wool helps to fight all kinds of noise - both airborne and shock. In the "application" section of the website www.website you can see the various sound insulation solutions that use stone wool based material:

  • to combat airborne noise, suspended ceilings, joist floors, partitions and internal soundproof lining are used;
  • to combat impact noise - floating floor systems and floors on logs.

TechnoNIKOL Corporation received a conclusion from the Research Institute of Building Physics (NIISF RAASN) on the topic: “Measurement of the soundproofing properties of structures using stone wool, manufactured by TechnoNIKOL”, which reflects the test results of the above soundproofing solutions with indication of noise reduction indices in dB.

It must be remembered that soundproofing is whole complex activities aimed at achieving acoustic comfort. The first step is to find the source of the noise.

Sometimes the source itself is outside the building, but often the cause is still inside, for example: ventilation systems, pumping equipment, elevators, garbage chutes and other engineering equipment, noisy neighbors. Only after that it is necessary to take the necessary measures for soundproofing.

What material can be used for fire protection? - ceilings, columns, etc.

The TechnoNIKOL stone wool product line includes specially designed boards for fire protection of steel and reinforced concrete structures"Stove TECHNO OZM" and "Stove TECHNO OZB", respectively, which are able to provide up to 4 hours of fire protection building structures, which is confirmed by field tests.

Is it possible to cut TechnoNICOL stone wool products right on site?

Slabs, mats and cylinders made of TechnoNICOL stone wool can be easily cut on site using a fine-toothed knife or a hacksaw, which can be purchased at any hardware store. For mats with a steel mesh lining, it is recommended to use wire cutters or scissors for metal.

How to choose the right stone wool material for insulation of a particular structure?

TechnoNIKOL stone wool is intended for use in various fields and structures that require certain physical and mechanical characteristics of the material.

For example, the density of light grades starts from 25 kg/m3, and for roof insulation, the density is about 200 kg/m3. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right thermal insulation for each structure!

To facilitate the search for areas of application, you can use the convenient navigation block "EXPERT" on the site, where there is a division by product and application of each brand of TechnoNIKOL stone wool.

How is the environmental friendliness of TechnoNIKOL stone wool achieved?

The production of mineral wool insulation based on stone wool is a complex set of various technological processes. That is why TECHNO factories have always paid and continue to pay Special attention each link in this chain: and the quality of the initial raw materials, and strict observance of all stages of the production process - this is a guarantee of high consumer properties of the final product!

Environmental issues begin at the stage of selection of raw materials. The main raw material for the production of TECHNO mineral fiber is the stone raw material of the basalt group of rocks: basalt, porphyrite, gabbro-diabase, etc. It is the most common class of minerals that make up earth's crust and are nothing more than volcanic lava that has frozen, come to the surface or remains in the thickness of the earth - this is a material of completely natural origin.

TECHNO factories are equipped with the latest, fully automated equipment of European companies specializing in this area (Denmark, Slovenia, Germany). Reliable uniform bundle of fibers makes the material practically dust-free, which means it is environmentally friendly. All activities of the company are based on strict observance sanitary and hygienic standards: non-waste production, gas purification and afterburning system, high-performance dust-collecting equipment.

The ISO 9001:2000 certificate is a document confirming to the consumer that the production of heat-insulating mineral wool boards meets the requirements of international standards.

The environmental safety of TECHNONICOL stone wool is confirmed by a complete package of mandatory documentation (an expert opinion on compliance with unified sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic requirements), according to which the materials can be used outside and inside any type of premises (both residential and industrial).

Is rock wool food for rodents?

Stone wool TechnoNIKOL is biologically resistant material. Biological resistance refers to the ability of a material to withstand the effects of various macro- and microorganisms: the material does not support the vital activity of bacteria, mold, fungi, and is also not attractive as an environment for the existence of insects and rodents. TECHNONICOL products fully meet the criteria of biological stability, which is confirmed both by numerous tests and trials, and by field observations.

TechnoNIKOL stone wool consists of a material that does not attract rodents as food and is not food for them. Under forced conditions, rodents act on TechnoNICOL stone wool slabs like any other material, in cases where it is an obstacle (obstacle) to access to food and water or to satisfy other physiological needs of the animal.

Under conditions of free choice, rodents act on stone wool if they need bedding material. If there is a choice of nesting material (burlap, paper), TechnoNIKOL stone wool slabs attract rodents last.

It is known that for mice and concrete will not be a hindrance. If necessary - gnaw!

What is hydrophobicity?

Hydrophobicity (from other Greek ὕδωρ - water and φόβος - fear, fear) is a physical property of a molecule that "tends" to avoid contact with water. The molecule itself in this case is called hydrophobic.

About 70% of all damage to building structures is caused by moisture.

The presence of moisture in the insulation negatively affects its thermal insulation properties, service life and the microclimate of the room. If the insulation gets wet, costly and time-consuming measures are required to eliminate the consequences, which most often consist in replacing most of the structural elements. Stone wool should not be subjected to direct soaking, because it loses its properties when wet.

TECHNONICOL materials are made of stone and treated with water-repellent additives that give the insulation water-repellent properties. However, this allows them to be resistant only to short-term exposure to water.

How to store and transport stone wool material?

When working with TechnoNICOL stone wool material, you should follow the rules of transportation and storage.


  • Products are transported by all means of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force on this type of transport.
  • It is allowed to transport products over a distance of up to 500 km in open vehicles with mandatory protection from precipitation.


  • Boards should be stored packed and stacked on pallets separately by brand and size. The height of the stack is not more than 3 m.
  • Mats and cylinders should be stored packed and stacked on pallets or in containers separately by brand and size.
  • Pallets must be stored on a dry, level surface. During the entire period of storage, the material must be protected from the effects of precipitation.

How easy is it to work with TechnoNIKOL stone wool material?

A distinctive feature of heat and sound insulating slabs based on TECHNONICOL stone wool is a clear positioning of products according to the field of application. The characteristics are selected in such a way that the material works as reliably and efficiently as possible in this design. The products are compatible with all types of building materials (with the exception of acrylic decorative compositions on plaster facades). The installation of mineral wool insulation is most often a “dry” process (with the exception of plaster facades). You will never be touched by the problem of shrinkage deformations, you do not need expensive special equipment, you do not have to waste time waiting for moisture to come out of the material. The surface of the insulation is immediately ready for subsequent operations. An important advantage of the "dry" process is the ability to work at negative temperatures.

The insulation work is safe and does not require special skills when insulating surfaces of any complexity.

All you need to do is to precisely cut the material and lay it in the structure without leaving any gaps.

When working with the material, it is important to follow the rules:

  • when cutting, a sharp knife with fine teeth or a hacksaw is used;
  • it is necessary to ensure sufficient ventilation of the room;
  • when performing work, the insulation must not be allowed to get wet - when working in the rain, it is necessary to apply protective coatings(hydrowind protection, polyethylene film). Materials based on stone wool are hydrophobized, which gives protection only against short-term water ingress;
  • If necessary, use personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles and a respirator).

How important is vapor permeability for a building material?

Due to the fact that there is always a difference in air temperatures inside and outside the building, and as a result, a pressure difference, there is always diffusion of water vapor through the building envelope towards the area of ​​lower pressure. The process of the appearance of moisture and its accumulation in the structure can be attributed to one of the most harmful factors, which leads to the destruction of the structure, the reduction of thermal protection, the deterioration of the microclimate, the appearance of mold, fungi, etc.

The vapor permeability of a building material is the ability of a layer of material to pass water vapor as a result of the difference in the partial pressure of water vapor at the same atmospheric pressure on both sides of the layer of building material. This ability to retain or pass water vapor is characterized by the value of the vapor permeability coefficient or vapor permeability resistance.

Particular attention should be paid to this parameter in the conditions of the use of modern building materials and technologies. Namely: installation of metal doors with rubber seals, plastic windows and panels, the use of vinyl wallpaper, paint and varnish products, insufficient distribution of air conditioning and forced ventilation systems.

Due to good vapor permeability, the use of TECHNONICOL stone wool will help to avoid the accumulation of moisture in the enclosing structure, which can lead not only to loss of heat-saving properties, but also to the destruction of the structure itself.

The structure of TECHNONICOL stone wool consists of almost 90% air, which is the basis of vapor permeability (the walls "breathe"). Water vapor freely seeps through the material without having time to condense in the thickness. The use of water-repellent material additives reduces the wettability of the material and prevents moisture from entering the fiber structure. The vapor permeability index of TECHNONICOL stone wool is 0.3 mg/h Pa m.

Phenol-formaldehyde binder is used to produce stone wool, can it be used in the house, is it not harmful?

In the production of insulation, a small amount (from 2 to 4.5%) of imported phenol-formaldehyde binder of the latest generation is used, which is completely polymerized (hardens) - the degree of polymerization is 99%. All our materials are certified by the SanEpidNadzor authorities for compliance with MPC standards. All products have a sanitary and epidemiological certificate for compliance with these standards and the scope for residential, public, etc. is indicated. buildings.

For reference: Phenol-formaldehyde resins are widely used in the furniture industry (plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, OSB).

People do not think about what tables they sit at, eat, what beds they sleep on. A heater with such a low content of organic substances is located inside partitions or walls.

How radioactive is stone wool and is there a radiation certificate?

The raw materials for the production of stone wool insulation are rocks of the gabbro-basalt group. This is a natural natural stone that is not radioactive.

For TECHNO brand products, there is a laboratory test report No. 5/SM dated January 17, 2007 for determining the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides, issued by an accredited radiation monitoring laboratory of CJSC Institute RYAZANPROEKT. According to the protocol, the products have a level of individual radionuclides of 39±6 Bq/kg, with a maximum allowable value of 370 Bq/kg according to NRS-99.

TechnoNIKOL stone wool is produced according to the Technical Specifications, does this mean that it is worse than GOST?

Mineral wool slabs of grades P-75, P-125, P-175, P-225 are produced in accordance with GOST 9573-96 "HEAT-INSULATING PLATES OF MINERAL WOOL WITH SYNTHETIC BINDER".

In terms of physical and mechanical parameters, the products comply with the requirements of this document.

TECHNO products are manufactured in accordance with the Technical Specifications (TS) developed at the factory.

The requirements for physical and mechanical characteristics in TU are much higher than those for GOST for “P” slabs.

Accordingly, TECHNO products have additionally regulated strength characteristics important in their field of application. This is the compressive strength for flat roof, peel strength of layers for facades, etc.

How is stone wool produced?

The technique for producing fiber from stone was "peeped" from nature: after volcanic eruptions in the Hawaiian Islands, the so-called "Pele's Hair" was found - cotton wool made from thin threads of volcanic rocks, which turned out to be the "predecessors" of modern material. For the first time cotton wool from rocks was obtained in the USA in 1897. Modern production stone wool is based on the principle of operation similar to the work of a volcano: In a furnace, where the temperature reaches about 1500 ºС, a fiery-liquid melt is obtained from rocks, which is then pulled into fiber in various ways:

  • Blast method
  • Centrifugal-roll method
  • Centrifugal blow method
  • Centrifugal spinneret-blast method
  • Other modified methods

After the fiberization process, the binder is introduced by spraying the binder onto the fibers, watering the stone wool carpet, or preparing hydromasses. A carpet made of stone wool with a binder applied to the fibers is subjected to heat treatment, where a coolant with a temperature of 180-230 ° C provokes a polycondensation reaction of the binder. The content of organic matter in finished products, as a rule, is about 3% by weight. Then the products are cut into required dimensions, packaging and warehousing.

What is the acidity module and what is its significance for TechnoNIKOL products?

One of the main indicators of the quality of stone wool fibers is the acidity modulus - the ratio between acidic and basic oxides.

The highest quality stone wool can be obtained from mountain gabbro-basalt rocks, with the introduction of additives of carbonate rocks to control the acidity modulus.

According to the value of the acidity modulus, stone wool can be classified according to GOST 4640-93 “Mineral wool. Specifications”, as follows (3 types):

  • A - acidity modulus St. 1.6
  • B - module of acidity St. 1.4 to 1.6
  • B - module of acidity St. 1.2 to 1.4

Wool with a high acidity modulus is more water resistant and therefore more durable.

Stone wool TechnoNICOL correspond to type A acidity module according to GOST 4640-93.

What role does the binder play in stone wool production?

One of the components of stone wool insulation is a binder that holds the fibers together, thereby providing products set parameters shape and density. Types of binder (possible):

  • Bituminous binders
  • synthetic binders. As a rule, these are phenol alcohols, phenol-formaldehyde, carbamide resins.
  • Composite binders (binders consisting of several components).
  • Bentonite clays.

At present, the most common use is a composite synthetic binder consisting of phenol-formaldehyde resins, water-repellent and plasticizing additives. AT finished product phenol and formaldehyde are in a bound state, the binder is inert to the environment.

1.22 Does your stove prick much more than other manufacturers?

When working with all fibrous insulation, there is such a feeling. The reason lies in the fact that the structure of the fibers is not always uniform. The melt of rock, transforming into thin threads, in addition to the glass phase, which is the main part of the fiber, contains inclusions of the crystalline phase (crystals). Such fibers are weakened, more brittle, prone to breakage (as, for example, the fragility of a human hair, although its diameter is 10-15 times the diameter of the fiber). The sensation of "causticity" is created by "fragments" of fibers. The fight against this phenomenon is carried out by all manufacturers of fibrous insulation. As for "pricking harder" it is, for the most part, subjective factor. Use protective equipment (gloves, mask) - they will completely help to avoid inconvenience.

1.23 Is your wool made from slag?

The composition of the raw material charge for the production of our products is chosen in such a way that the melt intended for the production of mineral fiber contains up to 75-80% of natural stone of the basalt group, the remaining 20-25% are corrective (modifying) additives to improve the quality of the fiber and give the necessary properties of the finished material.

Slag is considered to be products, the raw material for the production of which is slag, which is a waste of metallurgical plants. Our products are made from solid stone. The quality of such products is always on top.

1.24 Why is stone wool better than glass wool?

The basis of all the valuable qualities of thermal insulation based on stone wool is the structure of the material. The chaotically woven arrangement of the fibers provides high rigidity of the products and their high resistance to mechanical stress. The material does not slip under its own weight and does not decrease in thickness over time.

The second important property of stone wool is hydrophobicity. The fibers of the material are treated with a special water-repellent composition, which allows water to roll off the surface of the insulation.

The third advantageous property of stone wool is incombustibility (NG). The sintering temperature of glass wool fibers is about 500°C, which is reached in a standard fire in 7 minutes, while stone wool fibers begin to sinter at a temperature of 1000-1200°C, and this temperature is reached in 2 hours of a standard fire. Thus, using stone wool, you get additional time for evacuation in case of fire.

1.25 Why can TECHNONICOL boards be different in color?

The color of the product plates is determined mainly by two parameters: the initial composition of the raw materials of the charge and the modes of heat treatment of the mineral wool carpet on the production line. Color deviations have nothing to do with operational characteristics products, after installation work all differences will be hidden by subsequent finishing.

1.26 What is the thermal conductivity of a material?

Thermal conductivity - the property of a material to transfer heat through its thickness from one surface to another if these surfaces have different temperatures (heat transfer through 1 m3 of material with a temperature difference of 1 ° C).

1.27 What is the density of a material?

Density is a scalar value measured for homogeneous bodies by the ratio of body mass to its volume.

In construction, the average and true density of the material is distinguished. It should be understood that when choosing a material for a particular application, density is not the main characteristic.

So, for facade systems with a thin plaster layer, the main characteristic is the peel strength of the layers, since the plaster layer is applied directly to the insulation.

What is stone wool, what varieties of this insulation exist, its specifications, advantages and disadvantages, how to choose the right material and installation features with your own hands.

Description and features of stone wool production

Stone wool is one of the varieties of mineral fibrous heat insulators. It can be made from various rocks, but the material based on basalt fibers is considered the highest quality. Therefore, this insulation is also called "basalt wool".

In this heat insulator, synthetic impurities are contained in minimal quantities, excellent natural characteristics stone. The fibers are intertwined and connected with the help of special substances. The latter are phenol and formaldehyde in the form of resins.

The method of producing stone fibers was invented after an unusual discovery in Hawaii. There, after the volcanic eruption, the so-called "Pele's hair" was discovered - thin threads of frozen volcanic rock. They became the forerunners of basalt fiber, created in their likeness, but already under production conditions. Stone wool was first produced in 1897 in the USA.

AT modern conditions the material is made using the principles of volcanoes. In special furnaces, at a temperature of about 1500 degrees above zero, rocks are melted and a liquid melt is obtained. It is drawn into fibers with various ways: centrifugal-roller, blast, centrifugal-blast, centrifugal-spunbond-blast and others. The thickness of the finished fibers is no more than seven microns, the length is no more than five centimeters.

After the fibers are formed, a binder is added to them, spraying it, watering the basalt "carpet" or preparing hydromasses. To endow products with certain technical properties, during the manufacturing process, the material is additionally processed with special solutions that increase density, vapor permeability, and hydrophobicity.

After applying binders and technical fluids, the basalt carpet is subjected to heat treatment at temperatures up to 230 degrees. Under such conditions, the polycondensation reaction takes place. After heat treatment, ready-made stone wool is obtained with a specific open cell structure, which is able to withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees Celsius. organic matter this material contains no more than 3%.

The main types of stone wool

Based on its texture, shape and suitability for certain purposes, stone wool is divided into several types.

In terms of hardness, stone wool insulation can be:

  • soft. This material is made from fibers of the smallest thickness. They create great amount cavities that hold air. It is he who prevents heat loss. Soft stone wool is used where no large mechanical loads are expected. It is suitable for insulation of facades, walls using frame technology, roofs and other things.
  • medium hardness. The fibers that are used in the production of this stone wool are more rigid, which allows the material to be used for thermal insulation of facades where high-speed air flows take place. Also, this heat insulator is suitable for heat, fire, sound insulation ventilation ducts.
  • hard. The fibers of this material are the thickest and most durable. This type of insulation is used in places where heavy loads are expected. It is possible to lay hard basalt wool under a concrete screed, it can be used to insulate walls with subsequent reinforcement and plastering directly on the heat insulator.
Stone wool can be produced in the form of rolls (soft material), slabs (medium and high fiber stiffness), as well as cylinders. The latter are used for thermal insulation of pipelines. As a rule, their sizes are suitable for insulating pipes with a diameter of more than two inches (50 millimeters).

There is another type of stone wool - foil material. It provides double insulation. That is, it not only does not release heat beyond its own limits, but also reflects it, directing warm air into the building. This heat insulator can have one-sided foiling and two-sided. This foil-coated stone wool is versatile and can be used in any environment.

Specifications of stone wool

The technical characteristics of this insulation allow it to be used both for heat and sound insulation, and for protection against fire. Consider basic properties stone wool:
  1. Thermal conductivity of stone wool. The fibers in the insulation are randomly located, not strictly oriented. The material has an air structure. A large number of air gaps makes stone wool an excellent heat insulator. The coefficient of thermal conductivity is low - from 0.032 to 0.048 W / (m * K). According to this indicator, cotton wool is close to cork, foamed rubber, extruded polystyrene foam.
  2. hydrophobicity. This type of mineral wool practically does not absorb water. Water absorption by volume is less than two percent. This allows you to use given material for warming wet rooms - bathrooms, saunas, baths, basements.
  3. Vapor permeability. Regardless of the density of stone wool, it has excellent vapor permeability. The moisture contained in the air penetrates through the insulation without any problems. In this case, condensation does not form, and the material does not get wet. This quality of stone wool guarantees optimal temperature and humidity conditions in a room insulated with this heat insulator. Vapor permeability averages 0.3 mg/(m*h*Pa).
  4. fire resistance. Basalt fiber wool is considered a non-combustible material. In addition, it can act as an obstacle to open fire. Maximum allowable temperature, which the material can withstand without melting, is 1114 degrees Celsius. Therefore, stone wool can be used to insulate devices that operate at high temperatures. According to fire safety standards, this insulation belongs to the NG group.
  5. Soundproofing. This insulation is able to muffle the vertical sound waves that go inside the walls. By absorbing acoustic waves, stone wool reduces the reverberation time and does not transmit sound not only into the insulated room, but also into neighboring rooms.
  6. Strength. Due to the random arrangement of fibers in stone wool, even a material with a low density can withstand heavy loads. With a deformation of ten percent, the insulation has strength limits for compression of 5-80 kilopascals. This property of stone wool guarantees a long service life without changes in shape and size.
  7. Chemical and biological activity. In chemical terms, this insulation is passive. It does not react with metal, wood, plastic and other materials. In addition, the heat insulator is not characterized by rotting, damage by microorganisms, rodents.
  8. Environmental Safety. The presence of phenol-formaldehyde resin in the composition of the material causes a lot of controversy regarding the environmental friendliness of stone wool. However, according to recent studies, the content of toxic substances in basalt fibers is extremely low. In addition, they do not stand out from cotton wool, since they are neutralized at the production stages.
  9. Stone wool thickness. Recently, this insulation has been produced with a thickness multiple of 50 millimeters. The same is the minimum thickness of the material. This heat insulator is used under a concrete screed, for floor insulation. The maximum thickness reaches 200 millimeters. Typically, such stone wool is used on the upper floors of multi-storey buildings.
  10. Stone wool dimensions. Stone wool in rolls is up to 10 meters long. The width is usually within 1.2 meters. The material in the plates has dimensions of 1000x1200 millimeters.

Advantages of stone wool

Stone wool is considered one of the most popular among other mineral fiber heat insulators. Among its advantages are the following:
  • Excellent thermal insulation. Stone wool can be used even in harsh winter conditions. It is used for insulation of walls, facades, floors, roofs, pipelines and other elements of both domestic and industrial use.
  • Good sound insulation. In a house insulated with stone wool, you will not be disturbed by outside sounds. Any acoustic waves are able to extinguish this material. It also dampens vibrations well.
  • fire safety. Modern views stone wool are non-combustible and do not spread fire. Fibers can only melt, sinter, and then if the temperature reaches above 1000 degrees.
  • Versatility. It is possible to insulate with this material buildings that have long been erected or just built. It does not matter if the quality supply ventilation. Stone wool does not interfere with air microcirculation.
  • Chemical resistance. The material is not afraid of aggressive alkalis, acids, oils, solvents.
  • Water resistance. Due to the processing of fibers with special hydrophobic compounds, stone wool will not absorb water and therefore lose its qualities. Therefore, the material withstands short contact with water perfectly.
  • Long service life. Stone wool does not lose its thermal insulation qualities for a long time - up to 50 years or more.
  • Low specific gravity. This heat insulator is easy to transport and install even on your own.
  • Fast installation. It is especially convenient to lay stone wool in slabs. They are large and cover a large area at a time.
  • Environmental friendliness. The material is harmless both during installation and during operation. It almost does not generate dust, like other types of fibrous insulation, and it can be laid without using a large amount of protective equipment and fixtures.

Disadvantages of stone wool

There are not many cons to this heater. Basically, they appear in cases where you purchase poor quality stone wool from unscrupulous manufacturers. Then the material can get wet, which means it can lose its hydrophobic properties, be brittle, and even release toxic elements into the air.

In general, the following disadvantages of stone wool can be distinguished:

  1. Relatively high price. This cost differs from material famous brands, which guarantee that the insulation is made of pure basalt rocks, is environmentally friendly and will last a long time.
  2. Small amount of dust. Stone wool fibers practically do not prick, unlike glass or slag wool. However, shaking the basalt insulation leads to the appearance of small clouds of dust. Inhaling them is definitely not recommended. Therefore, it is worth using a respiratory mask during work.
  3. The presence of seams at the joints. The so-called cold bridges occur in places where stone wool slabs or mats do not touch tightly enough. Therefore, in order to avoid heat loss, during installation it is necessary to seal these holes with foam.

Criteria for choosing stone wool

It is necessary to choose stone wool based on your goals and the place where the insulation is used. When purchasing material, pay attention to the following recommendations:
  • If you are going to insulate a roof that is built with a slope, then buy a heat insulator that has a thickness of 15 centimeters and a density of up to 40 kilograms per cubic meter. Otherwise, over time, the insulation runs the risk of sagging.
  • To isolate interior partitions, use stone wool with a density of up to 50 kg/m 3 . This indicator will provide the necessary sound insulation.
  • Load-bearing walls are recommended to be insulated from the outside. So you will take out the dew point, where the condensate will appear, to the street. It is advisable to use stone wool with a thickness of about 10 centimeters and a density of at least 80 kilograms per cubic meter.
  • To insulate a ventilated facade, choose wool, which consists of two layers, or lay the material in two layers. Moreover, each will have a different density: loose - near the walls, dense - outside.
When choosing a heater, pay attention to its packaging. Most manufacturers wrap products in shrink wrap. If it has tears, parts of the material are exposed, then you should refuse to buy, as it may get wet during storage and lose its thermal insulation qualities.

Price and manufacturers of stone wool

It is recommended to choose stone wool from several of the most famous brands. These manufacturers ensure that the quality of their products is high level. The most popular brands are:
  1. Knauf. The product line includes stone wool for all areas of use. Thermo Roll is suitable for warming horizontal and vertical surfaces, the price of a roll is from 1.2 thousand rubles. Thermo Plate 037 is excellent for thermal insulation of floors, partitions, ceilings between floors, external walls. The package contains from 12 to 24 boards. The price of stone wool ranges from 1000 to 1400 rubles. LMF AluR are foil-coated basalt slabs that provide not only sound and heat insulation, but also fire safety. The cost of a roll is about 1000 rubles.
  2. Ursa. It offers materials for the insulation of civil and industrial buildings. There are several lines of stone wool. Pure One is a new generation material. Absolutely non-combustible, environmentally friendly, with high thermal insulation performance. One roll costs about 1500 rubles. XPS boards are designed for thermal insulation of facades, external walls, interfloor ceilings. The cost of packaging - from 1500 rubles.
  3. rockwool. The most popular stone wool lines from this brand are Cavity Butts and Roof Butts. It is a material in slabs for the insulation of external walls, facades and roofs. The price of products ranges from 1000 to 1500 rubles per package.
  4. Isover. This French manufacturer produces a huge range of insulation based on basalt fibers. The most popular types are: Isover Classic, Isover KT-37, Isover KL-37. The first is produced in the form of rolls of two mats. The price starts from 1500 rubles per pack. The second and third are the material in the slabs. It is preferred when handling rolls is difficult. The cost ranges from 900 to 1200 rubles per pack.
  5. TechnoNIKOL. This manufacturer of stone wool has the following product range by series: Basalite, Technofas, Rocklight. Basalite is basalt wool in slabs that can be used for thermal insulation of roofs, facades, pipelines, floors, partitions. A pack of 10 pieces will cost 1300 rubles. Technofas are lightweight basalt fiber slabs. There are 4 pieces in the package. Its price is from 800 rubles. Rocklight - universal tile material. A pack of 12 products costs from 800 rubles.

Brief instructions for installing stone wool

To install basalt insulation on a facade or external walls, you will need special glue and dowels with a large cap. It is not recommended to attach the material only to glue, as it can fall off with gusts of wind or mechanical stress.

Also, during the installation of stone wool, you will need construction knife, metal or wooden profile (slats). With their help, it will be necessary to equip the crate. If the plates have a high density - from 100 kilograms per cubic meter, then for cutting you will need a hacksaw for wood.

We carry out the work in stages:

  • We fix the vapor barrier film on the wall.
  • We install the profile or bars vertically with a step that slightly exceeds the width of the roll or insulation plate. The material must be placed so that it holds itself between the profiles.
  • We fill the finished cells with basalt wool, which is pre-lubricated with glue. Lightly press the insulation to the surface.
  • We begin to collect a layer of thermal insulation from the bottom up.
  • After you have assembled one row of stone wool, you need to fix the slabs or mats with dowels. To firmly fix the material on the wall, you will need 5-6 fasteners per square meter.
  • The resulting gaps between the slabs or stone wool mats are filled with scraps of insulation, and covered with mounting foam on top.
  • After covering the entire surface with material, place a windproof membrane on top. At the joints we glue with tape.
As a rule, high-density slabs are used to insulate facades and external walls, so immediately after their installation is completed, you can start applying plaster over them. This is called the "wet" method of insulation. We pre-glue the corners of the building with a reinforcing mesh. Also as facing material siding, artificial stone can act.

Watch the video review of stone wool:

Basalt fiber insulation is a material that is widely used in the field of thermal insulation. The excellent characteristics of stone wool and many varieties make it possible to use it for insulation of roofs, facades, external walls, partitions, floors, pipelines. A simple installation is within the power of even non-professionals.

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Sheep wool of volcanic origin or stone wool insulation

September 5, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works (laying the foundation, erecting walls, constructing the roof, etc.). Internal construction works (laying of internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communication, high technologies, computer equipment, programming.

Of all the heat insulators on the market, I like mineral fiber stone insulation the most. The high characteristics of the material allow it to be used in many sectors of the construction industry. Stone wool is used to insulate the facade, interior walls, ceilings, roofs, utilities, and so on.

Today I will tell you about the most important characteristics of mineral wool insulation. And next time I will describe how to do the thermal insulation of a residential cottage with my own hands.

Characteristics and performance properties

Stone wool insulation is a material consisting of microscopic fibers glued together with formaldehyde resins or other similar material. Due to the presence of air between the fibers, the product acquires high thermal insulation properties and several other advantages.

The most significant include:

  1. thermal insulation properties. Mineral wool cuts off the heat flow, so the heat-shielding layer of this material allows you to effectively store heat energy indoors in winter and does not sunbeams warm up living rooms summer.

The efficiency of the insulation is usually indicated by its coefficient of thermal conductivity (λ). The lower this value, the better. Mineral wool (depending on the material from which it is made) has a coefficient equal to 0.032 W / (m * K), that is, lower than that of many alternative heaters.

And the value of resistance to heat transfer R directly depends on this value. It is determined by the formula:

R = d / λ, where d is the thickness of the material.

From this formula it can be seen that the lower the thermal conductivity, the thinner the layer of insulation will be needed to equip reliable thermal insulation.

Practice shows that in middle lane For effective insulation in Russia, it is enough to use mineral mats 100 mm thick (density for walls should be from 65 to 145 kg per cubic meter).

  1. Soundproof properties. Unlike foam and XPS, stone wool has an open structure, that is, the air inside the insulation is not closed into sealed cells. Thanks to this, as well as the random arrangement of the fibers, the material absorbs sound waves very effectively. And both air noise and shock.

The sound absorption coefficient is denoted by the Latin letter a and is usually between 0 and 1. Moreover, the first value indicates the complete absorption of all sounds, and the last - the absence of the described properties.

The soundproofing properties of the described insulation are close to 1, but complete soundproofing of the premises can be achieved only if a mineral wool heat insulator is used in combination with other sound-absorbing building materials. In addition, during construction, I recommend strictly following the technological sequence of actions.

  1. Fire resistance. The raw material from which the insulation is made has a high melting point, which means that the material itself is non-combustible and, when heated, does not emit combustion products hazardous to humans into the air.

Mineral wool insulation belongs to the European fire resistance classes A1 and A2 or domestic NG, G1, G2 (that is, the most non-combustible). Therefore, I really like to use such material for thermal insulation of balconies and wooden houses, which is very important to protect from the rapid spread of fire.

Another important parameter is smoke generation, which is denoted by the letter d (in Russia - D). This coefficient is equal to 0, that is, when in contact with an open fire, the material does not smoke the premises, making it possible to carry out evacuation.

  1. Vapor permeability. Here we are talking about how much air can pass through a layer of material in a certain period of time. If the vapor permeability of the enclosing structures is sufficient, the water vapor generated in the room is effectively removed to the outside, and a comfortable microclimate is formed in the rooms.

The vapor permeability of mineral wool is 0.48 g/(m*h*hPa), which is quite sufficient, since the vapor permeability of walls made of wood or mineral blocks is usually lower. That moment is very important that when water vapor passes through the insulation, moisture does not condense inside, increasing thermal conductivity, but is removed outside (usually through ventilation gaps).

There are also other important technical characteristics, such as: density, strength, dimensions, and so on. However, they vary depending on the type and purpose of the insulation. Therefore, I will talk about them in more detail below.


According to GOST under the number 52953-2008, mineral wool insulation includes three types of materials. They differ in the type of raw materials from which the fibers are made. And, accordingly, because of this, the operational properties of the heat insulator change.

It is important enough to know for a master who is going to do insulation, so I will focus on the description certain categories in details.

glass wool

For the manufacture of this mineral insulation, river sand, limestone, soda and borax are used. That is, the raw material from which glass is usually made, which is why the heat insulator got its name.

Manufacturing technology is simple. All components are poured into the furnace, where they are melted at a temperature of 1400 degrees Celsius, after which the melt is filtered. Then, in centrifuges, the mass is inflated with steam, which forms the thinnest glass threads (5 microns thick and 15 to 45 mm long).

The fibers are then mixed with a polymer-based binder and heated again to 250 degrees Celsius. In the process of heating, the adhesive mass polymerizes and, together with the fibers, forms a heat-insulating material, which has been known for several decades.

For ease of use, mineral wool is cut into strips different lengths and width.

I described the pros and cons of glass wool as a heater in the table.

Advantages Flaws
The thermal conductivity of glass wool is from 0.038 to 0.046 W/(m*K), depending on the density of the material High fiber fragility. During mechanical action during installation, the fibers break and can cause irritation of the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and inhalation organs.
Can be used as an effective sound insulator When heated above 450 degrees, the integrity of the glass wool structure is destroyed, and it ceases to perform the functions assigned to it.
Does not change its geometric dimensions during the entire service life
It can be used at ambient temperature from -60 to +450 degrees Celsius.
Glass fibers are high strength(do not confuse with fragility)

Glass wool is an inexpensive insulating material, but it is not without some drawbacks that limit its use. Therefore, in most cases, I worked with glass wool when it was necessary to insulate utilities or premises that were not intended for permanent residence of people.

slag wool

It is made from slag heaps, which are waste products from the steel industry. The technology for the production of this insulation is similar to that described above.

In the process of processing, fibers with a thickness of 04-22 microns and a length of 16 microns are formed from slags. When gluing, they form heaters with a density of 75-400 kg per cubic meter.

Now about the pros and cons of the material.

Advantages Flaws
Low price. Compared to other types of mineral wool, this insulation is the cheapest, as it is made from easily accessible blast-furnace waste. Low operating temperature. The material is not able to maintain its internal structure and, accordingly, operational properties when heated above 300 degrees Celsius.
Even with a small fire, the fibers of slag wool sinter together in monolithic layer, after which the insulation layer ceases to perform thermal insulation functions.
The service life of slag wool does not exceed 15 years, after which the coefficient of its thermal conductivity begins to increase sharply.
The material absorbs moisture well and is reluctant to part with it. Therefore, with external insulation, it is necessary to take measures for its thorough waterproofing.
In the material, when moistened, begin to occur chemical reactions, as a result of which acids are formed, which adversely affect the integrity of insulated structural elements (especially metal ones).
Slag fibers are as brittle as glass wool. Therefore, when working with it, it is necessary to observe safety precautions and use protective equipment.

The number of minuses of slag wool is so great that it is not justified by the low cost. Therefore, in modern private construction, this type of insulation is practically not used.

Basalt wool

It is made from minerals of volcanic origin with a high melting point. The collected basalt is melted in furnaces at temperatures above 1500 degrees Celsius, after which insulation fibers 3-5 microns thick and 16 microns long are formed from the melt in a centrifuge.

After that, the fibers are glued together with a formaldehyde binder, forming a heater, the density of which, depending on the purpose, ranges from 30 to 220 kg per cubic meter.

The pros and cons of this material are as follows:

Advantages Flaws
It has a low thermal conductivity, which is in the range from 90.035 to 0.04k W / (m * K) The disadvantages include the possible emission of formaldehyde from the insulation layer. However chemical compounds the adhesive composition can be released only with significant heating, so that the material does not pose a danger to people during normal operation.
Due to the chaotic arrangement of the fibers, it can be used to equip soundproof partitions.
It does not ignite in case of fire and has a very high melting point. It retains its structure and properties when heated to 700 degrees and cooled to -180 degrees Celsius.
Retains its dimensions and does not shrink during the entire period of operation.
Has hydrophobic properties. Not only does it not absorb, but also repels water, thanks to which basalt wool is perfect for external insulation of facades.
Chemically neutral and safe for the environment and human health. Does not destroy surfaces with which it comes into contact during laying.
Basalt insulation fibers are not destroyed during installation and do not cause allergic reactions. Installation of insulation does not require any special skills from the builder.

As you can see, this material has a lot of advantages, which is why I like it. Moreover, modern manufacturers produce many varieties of basalt insulation with different performance properties. They can be used for insulation of various structures. I will tell you more about this below.

Brands of mineral wool and areas of its use

It is possible to insulate various structural elements of buildings and structures with the help of mineral wool. But in order to achieve the best result, it is necessary to use specially designed materials for each type of insulation. I will talk about them on the example of products Russian company TechnoNIKOL.

The list is as follows:

  1. Technolight. A material designed to insulate surfaces of residential and commercial buildings that will not experience external mechanical stress. This includes ventilated facades and roofs, attics, attic floors with laying between the joists, frame walls and internal separating partitions.

The technical characteristics of the insulation are as follows:

  • length of mineral mat or roll - 1 m, 2 m;
  • insulation width - 0.6 m;
  • thickness of the heat-insulating material - from 4 to 20 cm (changes in 1 cm increments);
  • density - 40 kg per cubic meter.
  1. Rocklite. Thermal insulation for warming vertical, horizontal and inclined surfaces. This type of insulation is suitable for installation in attic building envelopes, paneled walls, floors, interfloor ceilings and internal partitions.

  • thickness of heat-insulating material - 5 cm;
  • density - 30 kg per cubic meter.
  1. Technoblock. Slab mineral wool thermal insulation designed for insulation various surfaces that do not experience external load during operation. Most often used for insulation frame buildings. Suitable for insulation of three-layer masonry (the insulation is located inside the wall of mineral blocks or bricks).

The main characteristics and properties of this material:

  • insulation width - 0.6 m;
  • thickness of the heat-insulating material - 3-20 cm in increments of 1 cm;
  • density - from 45 to 65 kg per cubic meter.
  1. Technovent. Special mineral wool produced by TechnoNIKOL, which is used for the construction of multi-layer ventilated insulating facades.

The main characteristics and properties of this material:

  • length of mineral mat or roll - 1 m, 1.2 m;
  • insulation width - 0.5, 0.6 m;
  • thickness of heat-insulating material - from 3 to 20 cm in 1 cm increments
  1. Technofas. Insulating material of increased density and strength, which is used for external insulation facades with subsequent plastering with a thin layer of protective or decorative thin-layer plaster.

The main characteristics and properties of this material:

  • length of mineral mat or roll - 1 m, 1.2 m;
  • insulation width - 0.5, 0.6 m;
  1. Technoflor. Under this name, a whole group of fibrous insulation is produced, which are designed for thermal insulation of floors in residential and industrial buildings.

There are the following varieties:

  • Technoflor Ground is suitable for heat and sound insulation of floors laid on the ground, floating and designed for heating. The density of the material is 90 kg per cubic meter, the thickness is from 4 to 15 cm.
  • Technoflor Standard is a material for floor insulation, which is then planned to be poured with a cement screed directly over the heat-insulating material. The density of the material is 110 kg per cubic meter, the thickness is from 2 to 5 cm.
  • Technoflor Prof is a mineral wool thermal insulation designed to insulate floors that experience increased loads during operation, including floating, heated and poured screed. Great for warming warehouses and sports facilities. The density of the material is 170 kg per cubic meter, the thickness is from 2 to 5 cm.

Other specifications are as follows:

  • length of mineral mat or roll - 1 m, 1.2 m;
  • insulation width - 0.5, 0.6 m;
  1. Technosandwich. Material used in the manufacture of insulated building structures.

As in the previous case, there are several types of insulation here:

  • Technosandwich Concrete - used as thermal insulation in the manufacture of wall panels from concrete and reinforced concrete;
  • Technosandwich C - a material used to insulate structural wall panels, sheathed on both sides with a metal profiled sheet;
  • Technosandchich K - is used as a heat-insulating layer for three-layer panels intended for roofing.

The main characteristics and properties of this material:

  • length of mineral mat or roll - 1 m, 1.2 m;
  • insulation width - 0.5, 0.6 m;
  • thickness of heat-insulating material - from 5 to 15 cm;
  • density - 145 kg per cubic meter.
  1. Technoruf. It is used for thermal insulation of flat industrial roofs with ceilings made of reinforced concrete slabs or profiled sheets. A flexible waterproofing membrane (roofing felt) can be mounted on top of the insulation or a thin cement screed can be equipped.

The main characteristics and properties of this material:

  • length of mineral mat or roll - 1.2 m, 2.4 m;
  • insulation width - 0.5, 0.6 m;
  • thickness of heat-insulating material - from 5 to 11 cm;
  • density - from 140 to 180 kg per cubic meter.
  1. Technoruf N. Mineral wool material used as thermal insulation in structural reinforced concrete or profiled concrete sheet metal, which is covered from above with flexible roofing material or mastic.

The main characteristics and properties of this material:

  • length of mineral mat or roll - 1 m, 1.2 m;
  • insulation width - 0.5, 0.6 m;

Typically, the material is used in tandem with Technoruf V insulation.

  1. Technoruf V. Designed for the arrangement of the upper heat-insulating layer (above the Technoruf N or Technoruf insulation) on flat and sloping roofs, followed by the installation of flexible roofing material or rolled waterproofing membranes.

The main characteristics and properties of this material:

  • length of mineral mat or roll - 1 m, 1.2 m;
  • insulation width - 0.5, 0.6 m;
  • thickness of heat-insulating material - from 3 to 5 cm;
  • density - from 170 to 190 kg per cubic meter.
  1. The material consists of two layers and is intended for the arrangement of insulating ventilated facades. Due to the presence of two layers of different thicknesses and densities, there is no need to install different heat-insulating materials. As a result, the number of fasteners, installation time and the cost of the entire insulation system are reduced.

The advantage of the material is that it can be mounted on a ventilated facade without an additional windproof film that protects the material from fraying.

The main characteristics and properties of this material:

  • the length of the mineral mat or roll is 1.2 m;
  • insulation width - 0.6 m;
  • the thickness of the heat-insulating material - from 8 to 20 cm (in this case, the thickness of the heat-insulating material of the upper layer is 3 cm, and the bottom - from 5 to 17);
  • the density of the lower layer is 45 kg per cubic meter - it is necessary for effective protection against heat loss;
  • the density of the upper layer - 90 k per cubic meter - provides the necessary strength of the heat-insulating layer.
  1. A material whose operational properties are similar to the previous one. But it is denser and is intended for facade insulation using “wet” technology, followed by plastering with cement mortar.

The main characteristics and properties of this material:

  • the length of the mineral mat or roll is 1.2 m;
  • insulation width - 0.6 m;
  • the thickness of the heat-insulating material is from 8 to 20 cm (in this case, the thickness of the upper layer is 3 cm, and the lower layer is from 5 to 17);
  • the density of the lower layer is 95 kg per cubic meter - it is necessary for effective protection against heat loss;
  • the density of the upper layer - 180 k per cubic meter - provides the necessary strength of the heat-insulating layer.
  1. Technofas L. It is used for insulation of building facades with subsequent application of cement plaster. This material is specially designed for thermal insulation of wall sections with a curvilinear structure. The insulation is attached with the help of an adhesive composition, and it is fixed with “fungi” only between individual strips of insulation. Some specialists do not use mechanical fasteners at all when insulating surfaces up to 20 m high, since the tensile strength of the adhesive is more than 80 kPa.

The main characteristics and properties of this material:

  • length of mineral mat or roll - 1 m, 1.2 m;
  • insulation width - 0.5, 0.6 m;
  • thickness of heat-insulating material - from 5 to 25 cm;
  • density - from 95 to 120 kg per cubic meter.
  1. Sewing mat TechnoNIKOL. The main purpose of the material is thermal insulation and fire protection of various structures. Used for installation on round and conical structures, ventilation pipes and so on. The insulation is reinforced with galvanized steel mesh, which makes the insulation layer rigid and facilitates the installation of the material.

The main characteristics and properties of this material:

  • length of mineral mat or roll - 2 m;
  • insulation width - 1.2 m;
  • thickness of heat-insulating material - from 5 to 10 cm;
  • density - from 80 to 100 kg per cubic meter.
  1. Lamella mat TechnoNIKOL. Material for heat and vapor barrier of engineering communications. It can be used for installation on surfaces that during operation are heated to a temperature of 250 degrees Celsius.

The main characteristics and properties of this material:

  • the length of the mineral mat or roll is from 2.5 to 10 m;
  • insulation width - 1.2 m;
  • thickness of heat-insulating material - from 2 to 10 cm;
  • insulation density - 35 kg per cubic meter.

As you can see, for any type of insulation there is suitable material. And this is what I have not told about Rockwool products, which also have excellent quality and technical characteristics.


Despite the fact that the price of mineral wool (in particular, basalt) is higher than the cost of, for example, polystyrene foam, it is this that I most often use for work. If you are interested in how stone wool is insulated from the outside, you can watch the video in this article or wait for the next material, which will provide detailed step-by-step instruction for work.

What do you think about the effectiveness of using basalt insulation for private construction? You can leave your opinion in the comments to the material.

If you are starting the stage of warming the room and at the same time are lost with the choice of material, then basalt-based stone wool will be an excellent solution. Such a fibrous insulation belongs to the mineral category, and is made on the basis of rock (stone) waste, including basalt. Hence the name - stone (basalt) wool. Therefore, the question “which is better - stone or basalt wool” is at least formed incorrectly. We emphasize once again that stone wool is a heater based on basalt (stone) rocks.

Types of insulation material

  • Glass wool is a material made from glass waste and some sand.
  • Stone wool - a heater made from basalt rocks.
  • Slag wool is a material that is produced from the waste of the metallurgical industry.

In the material below, we will consider basalt insulation, form its description and study the technical characteristics in detail in order to understand that it is better and more convenient to use this particular type of material for insulating rooms and industrial equipment.

Production technology of stone insulation

Basalt insulation is made from waste from the mining industry, but most of the constituent substance is given to basalt. The stone wool production process is as follows:

  • First, all rock waste, crushed almost to a powder state, is heated at a temperature of 1300-1500 degrees Celsius. At this moment, the base substance melts to the state of thin fibers. At the same time, the process of fiber formation is stopped depending on the required rigidity of the basalt insulation boards. That is, if you need soft stone wool, then the fibers will be slightly longer and thicker. If the purpose of production is semi-rigid or rigid boards, then the fiber is made thicker and shorter.
  • Then, in special tanks, the fibrous base is mixed with air masses, which allows the fiber to cool and fix it in a chaotic manner relative to each other.
  • Next, phenolic resins are added to the resulting mass as a binder. They do not allow the fibers to move from their position, which means that the structure of the stone heat insulator will remain unchanged, subject to the operating conditions.
  • The final stage in the production of basalt insulation is the pressing of plates while simultaneously exposed to a temperature of 300 degrees Celsius.

Important: as a layer that reduces the hydrophobicity of the insulation, metallized sheets are used, which are either planted on glue or sewn with a metallized thread. This type of stone slabs behaves especially well when insulating facades under wet finish or when warming saunas and baths.

The format and structure of the insulation

According to the type of purpose, all basalt-based heaters can be divided according to shape and structure. So, there are such types of insulating material:

  • Plates. The most popular heat insulator. It is used for insulation of flat horizontal/vertical and inclined surfaces. Easy to install, light and easy to cut.
  • Mats (rolls). They have a softer structure and are used if the object does not experience an increased bearing load. They can also be used for insulation of ventilation and industrial equipment of increased fire hazard.
  • Cylinders. A special subspecies of basalt wool, used for warming highways for various purposes, including gas pipelines.

According to its structure, basalt can be:

  • soft . More flexible insulation. Unlike plates, it has a lower density and is most often sold in mats and rolls.
  • Semi-rigid. This type of mineral material is most often sold in two forms - cylinders or slabs. This structure has proved to be the best in construction work private and industrial purposes.
  • Rigid slabs. This material has the highest density and is used where high bearing loads on the object are provided, as well as increased equipment fire hazard. Plates of increased rigidity are especially often used in industry.

Characteristics of insulation based on basalt

To understand the difference between basalt (stone) wool and glass wool (or polystyrene), let's study in detail the technical characteristics of basalt insulation. So, they look like this:

  • Thermal conductivity. For stone wool, the thermal conductivity level is from 0.032 to 0.048 W/(m*K), while foam and foamed rubber have the same values. Glass wool is slightly larger and transmits heat faster, but not significantly.
  • fire resistance. This criterion is important when choosing a heater. So, it is worth knowing that stone wool begins to melt only at a temperature of 1114 degrees Celsius, but does not ignite. At the same time, the foam is able to burn already at a temperature of 400-500 degrees. In addition, basalt wool can compare favorably in that it tends to self-extinguish when melted, while polystyrene foam will also release harmful styrene and phenol vapors into the atmosphere.
  • Hydrophobicity. Here the insulation is slightly inferior to expanded polystyrene. But not critical. The percentage of water absorption by stone wool is only 2%. At the same time, the foam does not absorb water at all. However, if stone wool gets wet for a long time, then the structure of the slabs and mats will still lose its original state.
  • Vapor permeability. Here the indicator is 0.3 mg / (m * h * Pa). This suggests that breathing walls made of wood or brick can easily let their vapors out without fear of being subject to the negative and destructive effects of condensate. That will successfully pass through the structure of basalt wool and come out. That is, moisture is not terrible for walls or insulation.
  • Soundproofing. Basalt wool perfectly suppresses noise both from outside and inside apartment partitions. Therefore, this type of insulation is especially in demand by developers whose facilities are located in a noisy area.
  • Density. Here the density level of boards and mats can vary from 30 to 159 kg/m3. Accordingly, with an increase in the density of the arrangement of fibers in the structure of basalt, its rigidity also increases.

  • Strength . Stone heaters not prone to deformation over a long period of time. The exception is a large amount of water that has fallen on the insulation. So, for compression, stone wool can withstand from 5 to 80 kilopascals.
  • Environmental friendliness. Plates and mats of basalt insulation, although they contain phenolic resins, are still considered an environmentally friendly material, since large quantity phenols have already been neutralized at the stage of insulation production. Therefore, slabs and mats can be used both outside and inside objects.
  • Chemical and biological inertness. Basalt insulation does not rot, does not rust, does not react with metal and other aggressive media. At the same time, no microorganisms and living beings are able to live in the material.

Important: when working with stone wool, despite the ease and simplicity of its operation, it is necessary to use protective clothing. Since the plates can crumble slightly when cutting, which gives allergenic pollen. And when installing segments of insulation, all joints should be closed with scraps of basalt fiber material.

Since basalt-based mineral insulation has a different density and shape, you need to be guided by the following principles when choosing a material:

  • To insulate a sloping roof, it is better to use a material whose thickness will be at least 15 cm, and the density - from 40 kg / m3.
  • To achieve high-quality sound insulation in interior partitions, you can use a heater with a density of 40-60 kg / m3. This will be enough, and overpaying - it makes no sense.
  • To insulate the exterior walls of the house, it is recommended to use basalt insulation boards with a thickness of 10 cm or more and a density of at least 80 kg/m3.
  • If a ventilated facade will be installed in two layers, then it is advisable to use two types of material - soft wool and then more rigid. At the same time, softer material should be arranged closer to the walls, and closer to facade decoration- rigid boards.

Important: when buying basalt-based insulation, pay attention to the packaging. As a rule, the manufacturer packs the material in a shrink film, which prevents moisture from getting inside. And if the packaging is torn or broken in places, it is better to refuse such a purchase. It is possible that during storage or transportation of the insulation, moisture has already got into it, which reduces the thermal insulation properties of basalt wool.

Manufacturers and cost of basalt insulation

In the Russian market, the most popular are basalt insulation from these manufacturers:

  • This manufacturer has a heater of any density and shape. Most often, the plates are packed in 12-24 pieces. in the package. The cost of basalt from Knauf starts from 16 USD. for packing.
  • Here, the insulation also has two types - rolls and plates. The cost of slab insulation starts from 14 USD. for packing.
  • The cost of insulation from this manufacturer also starts from 14-24 USD. for packing.
  • A new manufacturer of basalt-based insulation, but already well proven. The cost of the material starts from 24 USD. for packing in slabs or rolls.

We hope that the characteristics and cost of basalt fiber material given in the material will help you make the right choice and insulate your object with high quality.

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