Combining a balcony with a kitchen - how to successfully use additional square meters? Combining a balcony with a kitchen Layout options for a kitchen with a loggia.

garden equipment 30.08.2019
garden equipment

Many homeowners sooner or later come up with the idea to combine a balcony with a kitchen. There are many reasons for this - the desire to expand usable area kitchens, bring something new to the interior and much more.

Today we will talk about how to properly and effectively combine a kitchen with a loggia or balcony.

Types of combining a loggia with a kitchen

There are quite a few specific variations, but there are two main directions:

  1. Dismantling window and door block without affecting the window sill
  2. Dismantling of both blocks, combined with the removal of the window sill.

Let's describe each of them in more detail.

Dismantling only window and door blocks

As the name implies, this type of redevelopment consists in removing windows and doors.

After that, an L-shaped gap remains in the wall.

In fact, this species the association is not "serious", as it does not affect the walls and does not change the internal geometry of the apartment.

Important! It follows from this that it is not necessary to coordinate such a redevelopment with anyone, since the walls are not destroyed or processed.

However, if you decide to ever sell the apartment, then you will have to put the windows and doors in place. Therefore, do not rush to throw them away - they may still be useful to you.

Removing all blocks along with the window sill

Combining loggia and kitchen

But this type of combination requires the conclusion of specialists, the collection of many certificates and other paperwork and procedural red tape.

In itself, the redevelopment process in this case is quite lengthy and costly. How to dismantle the window sill without problems and troubles will be discussed below.

Ideas for a kitchen combined with a loggia

Most common cause deciding on redevelopment is the desire of the owners to expand the kitchen area. Therefore, it makes sense to move part of the kitchen area to the balcony. For example, the dining area. It is much more pleasant to have a meal before. Given the opportunity to conduct electricity to the balcony, the balcony area can extremely successfully act as a separate room intended only for food.

If you decide to leave the window sill, then you can equip it into a wonderful bar counter.

It is enough just to cover it with some kind of wood imitating a bar cover and put a few bar stools. And so, you get practically on an "empty" place, without investing anything.

As for the bar counter, a window sill (if it is wide enough) can also act as it. How to make a bar counter.

Also, the window sill can be expanded by deepening it into the kitchen, thereby completely isolating the cooking area from the dining area.

Although, no one forbids you to place part (or even all) of the equipment on the balcony. You can place all appliances on the balcony, up to the sink. However, this will only be possible if you live on the first floor, otherwise you simply will not be able to agree on the redevelopment - you will have to shift all communications.

But move the refrigerator, electric oven, microwave and others to the balcony electrical devices no one forbids you - with the help of this you can significantly unload the kitchen itself

Arrangement of a kitchen combined with a balcony

First of all, you should take care of this important element, . After all, when dismantling the doors, the kitchen will be in direct contact with environment, the only obstacle will be window block balconies and partition. For additional insulation balcony railings should use a special insulation, such as or, they also need to insulate the walls, floor and.

Windows should be chosen two-chamber (if possible, even three-chamber). Read about how to choose the right windows. Also, attention should be paid to the arrangement of a warm floor - a floor with electric heating will not be entirely profitable, as it consumes a significant amount of electricity, a reasonable solution would be to connect a warm water floor to central heating.

Photo gallery:

If you place electrical appliances on the balcony, you will need to conduct electricity to the balcony.

Considering the almost mandatory placement of additional lighting, lighting should be a mandatory item when arranging a balcony.

How to get permission to redevelop and possible problems

As mentioned above, if you just removed windows and doors, then it is not necessary to certify such a redevelopment, it is enough just to return the doors with windows to their place when selling the apartment.

If you started a serious redevelopment, then a simple algorithm of actions will help you:

  1. Collect the necessary list of documents - a house plan with an explication (floor by floor), copies of all documents confirming your right to own real estate, a redevelopment project that was drawn up in the appropriate organization.
  2. Contact the BTI for a registration certificate for this apartment.
  3. Contact the organization where you will draw up all the required project documentation.
  4. Approve the project to the organization that is designing your particular home
  5. Coordinate the project with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, SES, UK at home, with resource suppliers (gas, electricity, etc.)
  6. Obtain written consent from other residents of the apartment/house
  7. Draw up an act of acceptance in the housing inspection
  8. Get a passport for a “new” apartment at BTI
  9. Start directly redevelopment itself - demolish the window sill, etc.

Attention! In no case do not engage in redevelopment without the required permits and approvals: if an illegal redevelopment is discovered, you will be obliged to pay a fine and return the condition of the apartment to its previous form.

A balcony in the kitchen can be very useful if you use it rationally and wisely. This article will cover all possible options using the balcony as an additional function space for your kitchen.

The kitchen balcony is a huge help for the hostess. There you can store food in the cool season or cool hot dishes, as well as leave jelly and jelly to harden, for which it is very problematic to allocate space in the refrigerator, especially on the eve of the holidays. The presence of a balcony is a disadvantage for the kitchen only if it is the only one in the apartment: then the kitchen becomes a walk-through.

The interior design of a kitchen with access to a balcony largely depends on how it is planned to use the balcony space.

Repairing a kitchen with access to a balcony is a more complicated process than repairing an ordinary kitchen. Such a kitchen is considered more convenient and in order to make it as functional as possible, many resort to the idea of ​​​​attaching a balcony space to the kitchen. Also, the balcony can be used as an area for summer holiday, and if it is insulated, you can equip a beautiful winter garden on it.

The balcony, like the kitchen, is a fairly multifunctional room. If you combine the kitchen with a balcony, you can win in the kitchen space by expanding the room, but lose additional premises which is so necessary.

If you decide to preserve the integrity of the balcony, in order to fully access it, you will need to free up space, which can be priceless in a small kitchen. Installation can help save usable space sliding door to the kitchen balcony instead of the traditional swing.

To make a kitchen with a balcony as functional and aesthetic as possible, you need to remember the following:

  1. Thinking over the interior design of the kitchen, instead of the window of which there is a balcony, it should be taken into account that the movement of cold air from front door to the balcony will create discomfort. Therefore, if possible, it is recommended to arrange the dining and working areas in such a way that cold air flows pass them and people in the kitchen do not stay in a draft.
  2. If the balcony is insulated, it can be used as a cellar for storing blockages, you can equip it with a pantry with a small workshop for the owner of the house or a winter garden. If your apartment is not small and has enough space, an uninsulated kitchen balcony can be great. summer heat recreation.
  3. When renovating a kitchen with an adjacent balcony, use the same type of materials to finish them in the same style. This is advantageous in that even if the premises are divided balcony door, they will look like complements to each other. In addition, in this way you can visually expand the area of ​​​​a small kitchen.
  4. For the design of a kitchen with a balcony, great importance It has correct selection curtains. Will look stylish and elegant roller blinds made of washable fabric, attached directly to the balcony door and window. The functionality of Roman blinds will further save space. If you have chosen fabric curtains for your kitchen, you can make them different lengths: on the balcony door - to the floor, and on the window - to the level of the window sill. This will make the ceilings in the room visually higher and allow you to hide the balcony door.

  • If you plan to include glazing and insulation of the balcony in your kitchen renovation, you can significantly save on installing a balcony block by dismantling the old structure and installing a bar counter or countertop in place of the window sill. In addition, this opening can be designed in the form of an arch or semi-arch.

Seating area on the balcony

The kitchen balcony can be turned into a small recreation area for the hostess by installing a tiny sofa, a cozy floor lamp and a TV there.

You can make the balcony a full-fledged place to relax by arranging its interior design in oriental, Chinese or Japanese style. Such an unusual interior for a kitchen balcony will go well with a modern or classic kitchen.

A balcony with a cozy seating area will perfectly complement the interior design of any kitchen.

If it is not planned to include insulation of the balcony in the repair of your kitchen, you can install a table for tea parties on it in the warm season. Morning coffee or afternoon tea fresh air it will be more enjoyable if you do outdoor balcony aesthetically pleasing, taking care of exterior finish walls and installing wrought iron handrails and lamps.

Balcony in the kitchen - winter garden

A well-insulated kitchen balcony can become a beautiful green garden that delights the eyes of the owners throughout the whole year. On the balcony you can grow not only ornamental plants. Amateur gardeners may well use the balcony as a winter greenhouse, growing vegetables, root crops or greens on it.

If your choice is on the arrangement winter garden in the room of the kitchen balcony, and you have not yet started repairing the kitchen, the balcony can be completely glazed. This will add more daylight future plants. A transparent door from the balcony to the kitchen will provide light to the room adjacent to the balcony. For the kitchen, a transparent door to the balcony will give the effect of the presence of plants in the room.

If the balcony area allows, you can install dinner table or a table for tea parties.

Balcony - pantry

On the balcony adjacent to the kitchen, if it is insulated, you can make racks, which are not many for storing utensils, canned blanks or fresh fruits and vegetables.

AT small apartments ah, as a rule, there are not enough storage rooms for storing things or working tools. Therefore, on the kitchen balcony, you can also install closed shelves for storing small items. To close the tool shelves and different things, it would be more rational to install a wooden or plastic accordion door or sliding doors like a wardrobe.

A closed cabinet looks more neat and aesthetically pleasing than open shelves with tools.

Balcony - workshop

AT small apartments very often the owner has no place other than by the TV. An insulated balcony adjacent to a small kitchen can be made a heated full-fledged room. If you equip a workshop on the kitchen balcony, having harmoniously thought through the details of its interior, this will brighten up the loneliness of the hostess standing at the stove and add wonderful moments that families often lack for communication between households. It will be much more interesting for the son to design an airplane model together with his dad in the workshop, watching the cooking delicious dinner mom.

In order for the workshop to be in harmony with the style chosen for the design of the kitchen, you need to consider the following points:

  • The desktop in the workshop can be equipped in the form of a closet with closing doors, which will hide the "work mess" in the absence of the owner.
  • Shelves and hanging elements for storing tools are best made closed.
  • It is better to choose the facades for cabinet furniture in the workshop the same as on the kitchen set.

Balcony - addition to the kitchen

You can transfer the work area to the balcony adjacent to the small kitchenette, almost completely freeing the room from kitchen equipment and leaving only a dining table there. The complexity of such a movement in the transfer of communications and small area balcony, which will only allow compact installation of equipment. It is much easier and more rational to transfer a dining table to the balcony. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony is small, you can install there folding table with folding chairs.

In order for a small kitchen with a balcony not to seem cluttered, you can install it on the balcony most kitchen appliances. If you remove only one refrigerator from the kitchen, the room will become much more spacious, and on the balcony the refrigerator will be in a small niche, and will not create the illusion of piling up. Having taken care of the electrical wiring in time, you can transfer a microwave oven, an electric oven, a coffee machine, a slow cooker, a bread machine and a double boiler to a heated balcony.

An association

The ability to combine the kitchen with a balcony will significantly increase the usable area of ​​a small kitchen, but prerequisite for this is the insulation of the balcony and the device of the heating system. By combining the kitchen with the balcony adjacent to it, you can significantly expand the working area or install a dining table in the resulting cozy corner near the window.

The opening remaining when combined can be decorated with an arch, semi-arch, left unchanged or ennobled with decorative columns - it all depends on the design of your kitchen.

If you do not demolish the window sill, you can install a countertop or a luxurious bar counter with hanging elements for storing dishes on it.

A kitchen with a balcony is an excellent field for action during the overhaul of the premises. In fact, options rational use the balcony located in the kitchen is more than enough. Someone equips a study there, someone - a living corner. The choice may depend on the needs of the family and your imagination.

Examples of a kitchen with a balcony (photo)

Attaching a balcony to the kitchen - effective method significant expansion of the kitchen space. This solution is relevant for small apartments, in which the cooking room usually does not differ. large area. But it is far from always possible to attach a loggia or balcony to the kitchen due to limitations in technical parameters.

Only the appropriate authorities, in particular the BTI, can unequivocally allow such an increase. This is due to a change in the design, load on load-bearing walls, features building materials. Therefore, redevelopment of the balcony and kitchen is not the easiest question from an official point of view. If the technical bureaus have allowed such a reconstruction, you can use one of the most effective methods.

Expansion of the kitchen due to the balcony: functionality and possibilities

Combining a kitchen with a balcony is a great opportunity to increase the space both visually and physically. Thanks to this technique, the room itself becomes not only larger, but also lighter and warmer. In addition, the design of the combined room can be more interesting than the interior of an ordinary rectangular kitchen.

Of course, such a solution requires high costs, because this is not only technical coordination, but also the need for high-quality insulation, because now you have to repair the balcony or loggia for thermal insulation and install batteries here.

You can combine spaces as follows:

  • - one of the options when the working area is arranged in the remote part, and on the spot the kitchen interior is transformed into a dining room or even a living room.
  • Partial union when the openings are released, but the wall on which the window rests is not removed.
  • Options for fully combining the balcony with the kitchen involve the elimination of any walls in the opening. Of course, there may be restrictions if the work is carried out according to bearing walls. For example, if you plan to combine a room with a loggia, which is much wider than the window opening, you will have to demolish the structures, and they may turn out to be load-bearing. Therefore, such repairs require approval. It is also important to consider that it is impossible to transfer batteries that belong to central heating here. Only additional heat sources can be used.

Obviously, you can find a lot of combination options, and already on which of them are available in your case, you can develop a kitchen design along with a balcony, especially since the photo interesting ideas and ready-made projects are easy to find on the Internet.

Is it possible to connect a balcony with a kitchen or demolish walls - a question for technical bureaus, after solving which you can start developing a design project.

Combining a balcony with a kitchen: transferring the working area

Such a project is functional, as it allows you to significantly increase the dining or even living area. This solution adds another room, then the living room itself can be converted into a living space for a married couple or children. If you make a working area out of a balcony, then you can find a lot of design opportunities.

When the loggia is really spacious enough to place a stove here and, possibly, a sink, for transfer working area it is necessary to bring water and gas here, although the latter is possible only with permission gas facilities. But this is not about that: it is difficult to equip a full-fledged one here - you won’t close glass structures furniture. This determines the design features of such a room.

  • Here, mainly lower cabinets are used. The upper ones can be used at the end of the loggia. Two parallel blocks can be selected.
  • Wall between kitchen and balcony can be used as a bar counter for zoning and expanding the desktop, because it may not be enough.

  • The design largely depends on the width of the balcony.: if this is a loggia, and it is wider than the kitchen opening, then part of the working area will be hidden from view, and the arrangement will depend on this fact. There is actually no need to develop zoning here - all areas are obvious, but they can be distinguished by spotlights, a podium (the floor on the balcony will still have to be insulated, so it can be slightly raised).
  • With the complete combination of the premises, you can make a U-shaped kitchen: the attached section on the balcony will be in the form of a ledge and only the lower cabinets will be placed here. Here you can also take out work units - a sink or a hob. If the apartment is located on the upper floors, in the process of cooking there is a great opportunity to admire the surrounding views. You can choose an organic option on the Internet: for example, a photograph finished project with a kitchen in a bay window - a great idea for a space combined with a balcony.

In this case, the optimal modern interior kitchens, as there is simply not enough space for a classic and any aristocratic style. Moreover, in such a combined room there is not enough space for the appropriate furniture.

Functional solution for a small kitchen with a balcony

Instead of a working area, you can place here functional elements: fridge, washing machine, dishwasher and other technical units that usually take up a lot of space. Then the main square will be organized in a completely traditional way - with a suite and a dining area. And here it is appropriate to think about the layout: how to make a working set convenient and which dining group to choose.

Plans for small kitchen, combined with a balcony, are quite common:

  • L-shaped set, appropriate everywhere and always. Here the connected option will be interesting - part of the furniture with only lower drawers can be placed under the window - balcony glazing. In continuation, a linear headset is installed.
  • Linear set relevant when the room is not very long, as it will be inconvenient to move along single-row furniture.
  • Parallel it will be an ergonomic solution if there is a wide passage between the rows - at least 60 cm, but more is better, since even a couple of people will not warm up in such a narrow passage.

Harmonious kitchen combined with a balcony

Most often, combining these two spaces, the owners rely on the fact that there will be a dining area on the balcony. it optimal solution for those who like to cook a lot and do it in a spacious kitchen. The design of such a room can be interesting if the shape of the room is non-standard. For example, semi-circular or with several angles (like a bay window) balconies are especially harmonious in the role of a dining room.

  • Here are relevant different styles , but still the choice depends on the total area, since classics and other historical noble trends require a lot of space, because massive ceremonial furniture takes it away.
  • The layout of the furniture depends on the style, but most often an oval or round table and chairs are chosen for the dining area. The sofa in this place will not be so harmonious and functional.
  • If the loggia is big enough, then you can make a kitchen with a balcony door, but not in the usual format, but with a folding model that easily transforms the space into a single whole or, on the contrary, divides it into two zones.

Ideas for a kitchen combined with a balcony

If you decide to enlarge the kitchen with a balcony, you should consider not only technical issues. Choice color palette, design style, furniture arrangement and decoration largely depends on personal preferences, so you can focus on the advice of designers, but through the prism of your own tastes.

Of course, there is usually no place for extra openwork or massive rough country-style tables, for colonnades. classic interior or three-dimensional baroque relief. It is not surprising that modern style is most often chosen for such a room. It uses plastic transparent chairs and folding tables, multifunctional solutions for furniture and space organization.

To ensure comfort, it is optimal to choose a light range and, possibly, a play of light and shadow. It's better to give up ordinary curtains in favor of technological Roman curtains or blinds. Lighting should be organized by several lamps and entire systems thereof.

By choosing ergonomic and built-in solutions, you can make the interior as spacious and functional as possible, while meeting the requirements for comfort.

Hello! On this page you can see examples of combining balconies and loggias with a kitchen. You will be able to explore the advantages of combining a balcony and a loggia with a kitchen, as well as get acquainted with the main methods of implementation and the cost of work.

Also in the presented examples you can choose optimal design kitchen combined with a balcony and a loggia. For greater clarity, all blocks are supplemented with photo and video materials.

Note: most of the presented examples of combining a loggia and a balcony with a kitchen are projects based on the dismantling of a balcony block. This option, compared with the complete dismantling of the wall, is simpler and cheaper to perform.
Photo of combining a large loggia with a kitchen Photo of combining a compact balcony with a kitchen Photo of combining a large loggia and kitchen Photo of combining a loggia with a kitchen and installing a sink into a countertop

Coordination when combining a kitchen with a balcony or loggia.

Combining loggias and balconies with the kitchen by dismantling the balcony block

agreement is not needed

When combining loggias and balconies with a kitchen by dismantling the balcony block only the windows and balcony door are removed. The wall under the window sill and the threshold remain intact. Such changes are not redevelopment of residential apartments, and therefore obtaining a permit from the BTI is not required.

Advantages of combining by dismantling the balcony block:

  • no need for BTI permission,
  • high speed of work,
  • affordable combination price (approximately 10% of the total repair cost),
  • the window sill wall is decorated with a countertop,
  • if necessary, all changes can be returned to their original state.
The advantages of such a combination of a balcony with a kitchen were commented on by our customer in her video review.

Combining loggias and balconies with the kitchen by dismantling the window sill and threshold

need approval

Combination of loggias and balconies with a kitchen by dismantling the window sill and threshold regulated by Decree No. 508-PP dated October 25, 2011 “On the organization of the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings". According to it and addendum No. 840-PP dated 12/26/2012 “On Amendments to the Legal Acts of the Government of Moscow”, the dismantling of the wall between the loggia, balcony and kitchen refers to the redevelopment of the apartment. Their implementation requires permission from the BTI.

To obtain permission, follow these steps:

  • request a technical passport of the apartment from the BTI,
  • compose technical project redevelopment,
  • coordinate the redevelopment project with the developer of the house of your series,
  • coordinate changes in the project with the Ministry of Emergency Situations,
  • coordinate the project with SES,
  • coordinate the project with the company managing your house,
  • coordinate the redevelopment with the gas service,
  • coordinate the redevelopment with the energy company,
  • invite Moszhilinspektsiya to obtain the Act,
  • get a new registration certificate from BTI.

The combination of balconies and loggias with the kitchen in the examples in the photo and video

You can get acquainted with examples of combining balconies and loggias with a kitchen by looking at thematic photo galleries and video clips with ready-made solutions. Special attention given to examples with a functional tabletop, which serves as a bar counter, shelves for service or a place to store household appliances.

Let's start our acquaintance with examples of combining balconies and loggias with a kitchen. In this block, original and affordable design projects of balconies and loggias combined with a small kitchen are selected. You can see the interior modern kitchen combined with a balcony and compact loggias. Design projects are developed taking into account colors compatible premises. Pay attention to the decorative tabletop: most often it serves as a compact bar counter. See all the details in the photo and video materials.

We continue our acquaintance with the project of combining balconies and loggias with a kitchen. In this block you can get acquainted with the interior of the kitchen, combined with a loggia. Also in the block are examples of a living room kitchen combined with a turnkey balcony. Pay attention to the functionality of the countertop: it is used as a place to store household appliances or as a full-fledged bar counter. Among the presented options there are both affordable examples of combining loggias and balconies with a kitchen, as well as expensive design projects based on elite materials.

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with the kitchen

Some of the published photos allow you to see what the kitchen will look like on small and large balconies. The tabletop, installed on the wall remaining after alignment, serves either as a bar counter or as a set of shelves for dishes and sets. All the details can be seen in the photo and video materials collected in the thematic gallery.

Your attention is another selection of examples of a kitchen combined with turnkey loggias and balconies. This block contains design options for a modern kitchen, which was combined with a balcony and a loggia. Thanks to this, the usable space of the kitchen increases and the possibilities for its use expand. Some of the examples allow you to see the location of bulky household appliances that were moved from the kitchen to the room combined with it. All the details can be studied in the photo and video materials posted in our gallery.

Your attention is an example of combining a 6-meter balcony with a kitchen. They refused to convert the balcony into a kitchen and place the customer's household appliances. They wished to equip a full-fledged recreation area and a comfortable living room on a large 6-meter balcony. A large balcony is combined not only with the kitchen, but also with the adjoining room. The interior design uses bright colors and a lot of decorative elements. The main style is oriental motifs. Two decorative table tops were used as a bar counter. For all the details of the living room kitchen combined with a balcony, see the photo and video materials.

We present to your attention the overhaul project of the loggia with its connection to the kitchen. The object is a bay window in the house of the Iceberg series. The customers needed additional living space, and therefore it was decided to use an empty loggia for this. Also, the customers wished to combine the kitchen, which is adjacent to it. Works were performed: alignment by dismantling the balcony block, overhaul turnkey, finishing plastic panels, installation of decorative countertops, glazing with warm PVC windows, insulation and vapor barrier, installation of new electrical wiring, installation of underfloor heating systems, installation of built-in furniture. See photos and videos for all the details.

We continue our acquaintance with examples of combining a balcony and a kitchen. The object is a standard-shaped balcony in a 504 series house, located next to the kitchen. Customers needed to expand kitchen space, and therefore it was decided to use an empty balcony for this. For arranging a full-fledged dining room in the kitchen, all Appliances and the stove were moved to the balcony. Works were carried out: glazing with warm PVC windows, finishing plastic clapboard turnkey, insulation and vapor barrier, replacement of electrical wiring and installation of lighting. You can get acquainted with the project in the photo and video in the gallery.

Your attention is presented to the project of combining the loggia with the kitchen. The customer wanted a small loggia to complement the space of the adjacent kitchen. Was designed individual project, which takes into account the shape of the loggia, all the wishes of the customer and small area premises. Light shades and darker shades were used in the decoration. flooring. The dismantled balcony block turned into a compact and comfortable dark wood countertop. The walls are decorated with wallpaper with a marble pattern, which is successfully combined with the interior of the kitchen. Installed Spotlights with economical lamps. The result of the work performed can be seen in the photo gallery and on the video.

We present to your attention the project of combining a loggia with a kitchen. The object is a loggia in the house of the P-111M series, located next to the kitchen. The customer needed a clean and tidy room, with affordable finishing materials.

This site is often visited on demand, although only one article has been written. I looked at a lot of photos submitted in search engines, and I realized that people are looking for unusual solution problems of increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, but it is not. And all for the most banal reason - too small balconies. And connecting the kitchen with a balcony is the easiest way to increase space.

Well, what can you offer if the kitchen is small and the balcony is also miniature? The only solution is to remove the window opening, insulate the floor and parapet, and install high-quality glazing. So? How to rationally dispose of the resulting area?

Part of the furniture or a refrigerator can be taken out to the balcony connected to the kitchen. The window sill can be turned into a table or a bar counter. And, perhaps, this is where the ideas end.

What not to do when connecting the kitchen to the balcony

Naturally, you can not take out heating radiators on the balcony. But usually, the balconies next to the kitchen are so small that it is enough good insulation, sealing and high-quality three-chamber to keep warm.

Some residents want to move the stove to the balcony. Under no circumstances should this be done.

First, it will violate your safety and the safety of the whole house. And secondly and, most importantly, never such a redevelopment. And if you do not want problems in the future for yourself or for your loved ones, when inheriting housing, it is better not to take the stove out onto the balcony. You can just put an electric grill or multiwatt.

There are more acceptable solutions to this problem of combining a kitchen with a balcony.

As you can see in this photo, hob plates are located on the windowsill. It is convenient, beautiful, and even unexpected. And at the same time, no one can say that the stove is on the balcony.

I also liked the idea with mirror panels in the window opening. Known fact that mirrors visually increase the space, and they add light.

And I also liked the idea and a soft corner on the balcony.

You can pick it up and get a great little dining room in the kitchen.

And on the balcony, combined with the kitchen, you can install a regular electric grill and all accessories for it. Then such a balcony will be functional addition to your kitchen.

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