List of gas hazardous works. Instructions on labor protection during gas-hazardous work in the gas industry

Engineering systems 26.09.2019

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination and have no contraindications to perform this type of work, trained in safe working methods and techniques, the use of personal protective equipment, and who have passed a knowledge test in the prescribed manner, are allowed to work independently on the performance of gas hazardous work.

1.2. Gas hazardous work includes work related to inspection, cleaning, repair, depressurization of process equipment, communications, including work inside tanks (tanks, tanks and other similar equipment, as well as collectors, tunnels, wells, pits and other similar places), when during which there is or is not excluded the possibility of release into the working area of ​​explosive and flammable or harmful vapors, gases and other substances that can cause an explosion, fire, have a harmful effect on the human body, as well as work with an insufficient oxygen content (volume fraction below 20% ).

1.3. When performing gas-hazardous work, employees are required to:

- perform only the work that is determined by the work or job description, order or work permit for the production of work;

- comply with the internal labor regulations;

- apply means of individual and collective protection;

- comply with the requirements of labor protection instructions;

- immediately notify their immediate or superior manager of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, of each accident that occurred at work, or of a deterioration in their health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning);

— undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, briefings on labor protection, testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;

- pass mandatory periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations (examinations), as well as to undergo extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) at the direction of the employer in cases provided for Labor Code and other federal laws;

- know the signs of poisoning with harmful substances, the location of communications and signaling equipment, the procedure for evacuating victims from the danger zone;

- be able to provide first aid to victims at work;

- be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment.

1.4. In the area of ​​gas-hazardous work, the following hazardous and harmful production factors may occur:

- increased gas contamination and insufficient oxygen content in the air of the working area.

- the location of the workplace at a considerable height relative to the surface of the earth (floor, flooring);

- insufficient illumination of the working area;

- movement of machines and mechanisms near the workplace.

1.5. To protect against exposure to hazardous and harmful factors, the following means of protection must be used:

- with increased gas content in the air of the working area, it is necessary to work in an anti-gas respirator (RPG-67, RU-60m, etc.) or a gas mask;

- when in the repair area, the employee must wear a protective helmet to protect the head from impacts from random objects and protruding parts of the equipment;

- in case of insufficient illumination of the working area, additional local lighting should be used.

- work at height should be performed only by a specially trained employee who has the appropriate qualification certificate.

1.6. To protect against hazardous and harmful production factors, the employee must be provided with overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the Model Industry Standards for the free issue of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment and the Collective Agreement.

1.7. In case of injury or indisposition, it is necessary to stop work, notify the work manager and contact a medical institution.

1.8. For non-compliance with the requirements of this instruction, the perpetrators are held accountable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Get your uniform in order. Sleeves and floors of overalls should be fastened with all buttons. Clothing must be tucked in so that there are no hanging ends or fluttering parts. It is forbidden to roll up the sleeves of overalls.

2.2. Check at the workplace for the availability and suitability of protective equipment, tools and devices, as well as fire extinguishing equipment, posters or safety signs.

2.3. When performing gas hazardous work, it is necessary to use an explosion-proof tool. Percussion explosion-proof tools must be made of non-ferrous metals, or their alloys (copper, aluminum, phosphor bronze, etc.).

Where it is impossible to use tools made of non-ferrous alloys and metals (restrictions on hardness, strength, etc.), copper-plated steel tools are used. Tools for cutting metal and other devices made of non-copper-plated steels are thickly lubricated with grease or technical petroleum jelly before use in explosive conditions. The use of electrical tools that produce sparks (drills, etc.) in a gassed environment is prohibited.

2.4. Shoes for persons performing gas dangerous work in wells, premises of hydraulic fracturing (GRPB), GRU, should not have steel horseshoes and nails.

2.5. When performing gas-hazardous work, portable lamps in an explosion-proof version with a voltage of 12 volts should be used.

2.6. Performers of gas hazardous work before starting work must:

- undergo a briefing on the safe conduct of work and sign the work permit;

- get acquainted with the conditions, nature and scope of work at the place of their implementation;

- perform only the work specified in the work permit;

- start work only at the direction of the person responsible for their implementation;

- apply protective equipment and observe the security measures provided for by the work permit.

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. Gas-hazardous work is allowed to be carried out only after all the preparatory work and measures provided for in the work permit and production instructions have been completed. It is forbidden to increase the amount of work provided for by the work permit.

3.2. Gas hazardous work must be carried out by a team of workers consisting of at least two people under the guidance of a specialist.

Gas hazardous work in wells, tunnels, collectors, as well as in trenches and pits with a depth of more than one meter must be carried out by a team of workers consisting of at least three people.

3.3. Carrying out repair work without the use of welding and flame cutting on low-pressure gas pipelines with a diameter of not more than fifty millimeters, bypassing external gas pipelines, repairing, inspecting and ventilating wells (without descending into them), checking and pumping condensate from condensate collectors, as well as inspecting the technical condition (bypassing ) internal gas pipelines and gas-using installations, including hydraulic fracturing (GRPB), ShRP and GRU, are carried out by two workers. Leadership is entrusted to the most skilled worker.

3.4. A work permit is issued for the performance of gas hazardous work, which provides for the development and subsequent implementation of a set of measures for the preparation and safe conduct of these works.

3.5. The organization must develop and approve a list of gas-hazardous work, including those performed without a work permit according to production instructions, ensuring their safe performance.

3.6. Persons entitled to issue work permits for the performance of gas hazardous work are appointed by order of the enterprise, from among managers and specialists certified in the prescribed manner and having at least one year of experience at gas distribution and gas consumption network facilities.

3.7. Periodically recurring gas hazardous work performed by a permanent staff of workers is carried out without issuing a work permit according to approved production instructions.

Such works include bypassing external gas pipelines, hydraulic fracturing (GRPB), ShRP and GRU, repair, inspection and ventilation of wells; checking and pumping out condensate from condensate collectors; Maintenance gas pipelines and gas equipment without shutting off gas; maintenance of valves and compensators located outside the wells; maintenance (technological) of gas-using installations (boilers, furnaces).

These works must be carried out by two workers and recorded in a special journal indicating the start and end times of work.

3.8. Launching gas into the gas distribution networks of settlements during primary gasification, into high-pressure gas pipelines; work on connecting high and medium pressure gas pipelines; repair work in the GRP (GRPB), ShRP and GRU using welding and gas cutting; repair work on gas pipelines of medium and high pressure (under gas) using welding and gas cutting; reduction and restoration of gas pressure in gas pipelines of medium and high pressures associated with the disconnection of consumers; turning off and then turning on the gas supply to industrial production are produced according to a special plan approved by the technical manager of the gas distribution organization.

The plan specifies the sequence of operations; placement of people; technical equipment; measures to ensure maximum safety; persons responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work (separately at each work site) and for general management and coordination of actions.

3.9. Each person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work is issued a separate work permit in accordance with the plan.

3.10. The plan and work permits must be accompanied by as-built documentation (drawing or photocopy of as-built documentation) indicating the place and nature of the work performed.

Before starting gas hazardous work, the person responsible for their implementation checks the compliance of the documentation with the actual location of the gas pipeline.

3.11. Work permits for gas hazardous work must be issued in advance for necessary training to work.

The work permit specifies the period of its validity, the start and end time of work.
If it is impossible to complete it within the prescribed period, the work permit for gas hazardous work is subject to extension by the person who issued it.

3.12. Work permits must be registered in a special journal.

3.13. The person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work, receiving a work permit, signs in the register of work permits.

3.14. Work permits must be stored for at least one year from the date of their closure.
Work permits issued for the initial start-up of gas, tie-in into an existing gas pipeline, shutdown of gas pipelines with welding tightly at branch points, are permanently stored in the executive and technical documentation for this gas pipeline.

3.15. If gas hazardous work performed under a work permit is carried out for more than one day, the person responsible for their implementation is obliged to report daily on the state of affairs to the person who issued the work permit.

3.16. The seconded personnel are issued work permits for the entire duration of the business trip. Carrying out gas hazardous work is controlled by a person appointed by the organization conducting the work.

3.17. Prior to the start of gas hazardous work, the person responsible for their implementation is obliged to instruct all workers on the technological sequence of operations and the necessary safety measures. After that, each employee who received the briefing must sign the work permit.

3.18. When carrying out gas hazardous work, all orders must be issued by the person responsible for the work.

Other officials and managers present during the work, give instructions only through the person responsible for the work.

3.19. Gas hazardous work must be carried out during the daytime. In areas of the northern climatic zone, gas hazardous work is carried out regardless of the time of day.

3.20. Works on localization and elimination of accidents are carried out regardless of the time of day under the direct supervision of a specialist.

3.21. Gas pipelines not put into operation within six months from the date of the test must be re-tested for tightness.
Additionally, the operation of electrochemical protection installations, the condition of smoke exhaust and ventilation systems, completeness and serviceability of gas equipment, fittings, measuring instruments and automation.

3.22. The connection of newly built gas pipelines to the existing ones is carried out only before the gas is launched.

All gas pipelines and gas equipment, before being connected to existing gas pipelines, as well as after repair, must be subjected to external inspection and control pressure testing (with air or inert gases) by the gas start-up team.

3.23. External gas pipelines of all pressures are subject to control pressure testing with a pressure of 0.02 megapascal. The pressure drop should not exceed 0.0001 megapascal per hour.

Outdoor gas pipelines with pressure natural gas up to 0.005 megapascal inclusive with hydraulic seals are subject to control pressure testing with a pressure of 0.004 megapascal. The pressure drop should not exceed 0.00005 megapascals in ten minutes.

Internal gas pipelines of industrial, agricultural and other industries, boiler houses, as well as equipment and gas pipelines of hydraulic fracturing (GRPB), ShRP and GRU are subject to control pressure testing with a pressure of 0.01 megapascal. The pressure drop should not exceed 0.0006 megapascals per hour.

The results of the control pressure test must be recorded in the work permits for the performance of gas hazardous work.

3.24. Excessive air pressure in the connected gas pipelines must be maintained until the start of work on their connection (tie-in).

3.25. If the launch of gas into the gas pipeline did not take place, then when resuming work on the launch of gas, it is subject to re-inspection and control pressure testing.

3.26. Welding and gas cutting on gas pipelines in wells, tunnels, collectors, technical undergrounds, hydraulic fracturing (GRPB) and GRU premises without shutting them down, purging with air or inert gas and installing plugs is not allowed.

Before starting work on welding (cutting) the gas pipeline, as well as replacing fittings, compensators and insulating flanges in wells, tunnels, collectors, ceilings should be removed (dismantled).
Before starting work, the air is checked for gas contamination. The volume fraction of gas in the air should not exceed twenty percent of the LCVRP (lower concentration limit flame propagation). Samples should be taken in the most poorly ventilated areas.

3.27. Gas cutting and welding on existing gas pipelines are allowed at a gas pressure of 0.0004-0.002 megapascals.

During the execution of work, constant monitoring of the gas pressure in the gas pipeline should be carried out.

If the gas pressure in the gas pipeline drops below 0.0004 megapascal or if it exceeds 0.002 megapascal, work should be stopped.

3.28. Connection of gas pipelines without pressure reduction should be carried out using special equipment that ensures the safety of work.

The production instruction for work on connecting gas pipelines without pressure reduction should take into account the recommendations of equipment manufacturers and contain the technological sequence of operations.

3.29. The gas pressure in the gas pipeline during work should be monitored using a specially installed pressure gauge.

It is allowed to use a pressure gauge installed no further than 100 meters from the place of work.

3.30. Work on connecting gas equipment to existing internal gas pipelines using welding (cutting) should be carried out with the gas pipelines turned off and purged with air or inert gas.

3.31. Reducing the gas pressure in the existing gas pipeline should be carried out using shut-off devices or pressure regulators.

In order to avoid excess gas pressure in the gas pipeline, excess pressure should be released to the candle using the available condensate collectors, or to a candle specially installed at the work site.

The vented gas should be flared whenever possible.

3.32. Checking the tightness of gas pipelines, fittings and devices with an open fire is not allowed. The presence of unauthorized persons, the use of sources open fire, as well as smoking in places where gas hazardous work is carried out is not allowed. Work areas should be fenced off.

Pit pits should be of a size convenient for work and evacuation of workers. Warning signs "Flammable - gas" are hung out or put up near the places where gas hazardous work is carried out.

3.33. During gas cutting (welding) on ​​existing gas pipelines, in order to avoid a large flame, the gas outlets are rubbed with chamotte clay with asbestos chips.

3.34. The removal of the plugs installed on the branches to consumers (inlets) is carried out at the direction of the person in charge of the gas start-up, after a visual inspection and pressure testing of the gas pipeline.

3.35. When gas is started, gas pipelines must be purged with gas until all air is expelled. The end of the purge should be established by analysis or by burning the samples taken. The volume fraction of oxygen should not exceed one percent by volume, and the combustion of gas should occur quietly, without pops.

3.36. Gas pipelines, when released from gas, must be purged with air or inert gas. The volume fraction of gas in the air sample (inert gas) should not exceed twenty percent of the LCVRP.
When purging gas pipelines, it is forbidden to release the gas-air mixture into rooms, ventilation and smoke exhaust systems, as well as to places where there is a possibility of it getting into buildings or igniting from a fire source.

3.37. The disconnected sections of external gas pipelines, as well as internal ones, when dismantling gas equipment, must be cut off, freed from gas and welded tightly at the branch point.

3.38. In gassed wells, collectors, indoors and outdoors in a gassed atmosphere, repair work using open flames (welding, cutting) is unacceptable.

3.39. During internal inspection and repair, boilers or other gas-using installations must be disconnected from the gas pipeline using plugs.

3.40. Descent into wells (without brackets), pits should be carried out according to metal stairs with fixing them at the edge of the well (pit).
To prevent slipping and sparking when resting on a solid base, the stairs must have rubber "shoes".

3.41. No more than two people in life belts and gas masks should work in wells and pits. Outside, on the windward side, there should be two people to insure workers and prevent unauthorized persons from entering the place of work.

3.42. Disassembly (replacement) of equipment installed on external and internal gas pipelines must be carried out on a disconnected section of the gas pipeline with the installation of plugs.

Plugs must correspond to the maximum gas pressure in the gas pipeline, have shanks protruding beyond the flanges, and a stamp indicating the gas pressure and the diameter of the gas pipeline.

3.43. Stuffing of glands of stop valves, disassembly of threaded connections of condensate collectors on external gas pipelines of medium and high pressures is allowed at a gas pressure of not more than 0.1 megapascal.

3.44. Replacement of gaskets for flange connections on external gas pipelines is allowed at a gas pressure in the gas pipeline of 0.0004-0.002 megapascals.

3.45. Dismantling of flanged, threaded connections and fittings on internal gas pipelines of any pressure should be carried out on a disconnected and plugged section of the gas pipeline.

3.46. During repair work on gas pipelines and equipment in gassed rooms, monitoring of workers and preventing the introduction of sources of fire should be ensured.

3.47. Before starting repair work on underground gas pipelines related to the disconnection of the gas pipeline (replacement of valves, removal and installation of plugs, gaskets), it is necessary to disable the existing protection against electrochemical corrosion and install a jumper on the disconnected sections of the gas pipeline (if not permanently installed jumpers) to prevent sparking.

3.48. Elimination of ice, tar, naphthalene and other blockages in gas pipelines by drilling (with metal ramrods), pouring solvents or supplying steam is allowed at a gas pressure in the gas pipeline of not more than 0.005 megapascal.

3.49. The use of open fire for heating external polyethylene, sanitized steel and internal gas pipelines is prohibited.

3.50. When removing blockages in gas pipelines, measures should be taken to minimize the exit of gas from the gas pipeline. Work must be carried out in hose or oxygen-isolating gas masks. The release of gas into the room is prohibited.

When cleaning gas pipelines, consumers should be warned about the need to turn off gas-using installations until the end of work.

3.51. Threaded and flanged connections, which were disassembled to eliminate blockages in the gas pipeline, after assembly must be checked for leaks with a soapy emulsion or using highly sensitive gas analyzers (leak detectors).

3.52. Responsible for the availability of personal protective equipment for workers, their serviceability and use is the head of the work, and when performing work without technical guidance, the person who issued the task.

The availability and serviceability of the necessary personal protective equipment are determined when issuing a work permit for gas hazardous work.

When organizing work, the manager must provide for the possibility of quickly withdrawing workers from the danger zone.

Everyone involved in gas hazardous work must have a hose or oxygen-insulating gas mask prepared for work.

The use of filtering gas masks is not allowed.

3.53. Permission to turn on oxygen-insulating gas masks is given by the head of work.

When working in an oxygen-isolating gas mask, it is necessary to monitor the residual oxygen pressure in the gas mask cylinder, which ensures the return of the worker to a gas-free zone.

The duration of work in a gas mask without a break should not exceed thirty minutes.

The time of work in an oxygen-insulating gas mask should be recorded in his passport.

3.54. The air intake pipes of hose gas masks must be located on the windward side and secured. In the absence of forced air supply by a fan, the length of the hose should not exceed fifteen meters.

The hose must not be kinked or pinched.

Gas masks are checked for tightness before performing work by clamping the end of the corrugated breathing tube. It is impossible to breathe in a properly selected gas mask.

3.55. Rescue belts with rings for carabiners are tested fastened on both buckles with a load of two hundred kilograms in suspension for five minutes. After removing the load, the belt should not show signs of damage.

3.56. The carbines are tested with a load of two hundred kilograms with an open bolt for five minutes. After removing the load, the released bolt of the carabiner should fall into place without jamming.

3.57. Rescue belts must have shoulder straps with a ring for attaching the rope at the level of the shoulder blades (back). The use of belts without shoulder straps is prohibited.

3.58. Rescue ropes must be at least ten meters long and tested with a load of two hundred kilograms for fifteen minutes. After removing the load, the rope as a whole and individual threads should not be damaged.

3.59. Rescue belts with ropes and carabiners must be tested at least once every six months.

3.60. The test results are documented by an act or an entry in a special journal.

3.61. Before issuing belts, carabiners and ropes, it is necessary to conduct their external examination. Belts and ropes must have inventory numbers.

3.62. Additional safety measures when working in underground structures and tanks.

- All underground structures should be checked for the content of the most likely harmful substances in the air of the working area immediately before admission to them.

- For underground structures located in the immediate vicinity of the underground gas pipeline (at a distance of up to 15 m on both sides of it), the timing of inspections, the procedure for servicing and lowering people into them must be determined by the instruction approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

- If gas is detected in any of the structures accompanying the gas pipeline, it is necessary to take measures to ventilate them. At the same time, other underground structures within a radius of 50 m from the gas pipeline must be additionally checked for gas contamination.

- Characteristics of the most common explosive and harmful gases in underground structures are given in Appendix 5.

- All gas hazardous underground structures must be marked on technological schemes and route maps. Gas-hazardous underground structures must have a special hatch coloring (it is recommended to paint the second cover of the hatch or its cylindrical part yellow).

- The presence of the most likely harmful substances in the air of an underground structure or reservoir must be determined by a gas analyzer. Air samples should be taken using a hose lowered into the hatch of an underground structure or tank.

— Air samples should be taken from the most poorly ventilated areas of the upper and lower zones of an underground structure or reservoir. When sampling from the upper zone, the end of the hose must be lowered inward by 20 - 30 cm. In this case, a harmful substance with a lower density than air can be detected. To detect harmful substances heavier than air, sampling should be carried out from the lower zone of the underground structure, while the end of the hose should be lowered at a distance of no more than 1 m from the floor (ground).

- It is forbidden to descend into underground structures and tanks for air sampling.

- Before and during work in an underground structure or tank, natural or forced ventilation must be provided.

- Natural ventilation of chambers and channels should be created by opening at least two hatches with the installation of special visors near them, directing air flows into the hatches. Before people descend into an underground structure or climb into a tank, the duration of natural ventilation should be at least 20 minutes.

- Forced ventilation should be carried out if there is an underground structure or reservoir of harmful substances in the air or the air temperature in it is above 32 ° C.

- Forced ventilation can be provided by a mobile fan or compressor with a complete air exchange in an underground structure or tank for 10 - 15 minutes. The fan hose lowered into the underground structure should not reach the floor level by 20-25 cm.

- If natural and forced ventilation do not provide complete removal harmful substances, descent into an underground structure or reservoir is allowed only with the use of means that isolate the respiratory organs (self-rescuers PDU-3, SPI-20, etc., a hose gas mask). The use of a hose gas mask is permitted provided that there are no harmful and dangerous gases at the place of air intake.

— It is forbidden to ventilate an underground structure or reservoir with oxygen.

- At a distance of 10 - 15 m from the open hatches of underground structures located on the roadway, warning signs should be installed on both sides of the traffic. Outside settlements, at a distance of at least 50 m from the place of work, a warning road sign is additionally placed on the side of traffic. The work site must be fenced off. At night and in conditions of insufficient visibility, warning road signs, as well as a fence near the work site, must be illuminated with lamps with a voltage higher than 42 V. The fenced area at work sites and passage to hatches in winter time must be cleared of snow, ice and sprinkled with sand.

- Before allowing personnel to work in tanks and underground structures, pipelines through which gas, acids and other aggressive substances can enter must be turned off, plugs must be installed on their flange connections, warning posters or safety signs “Do not open - people are working."

- When opening the hatch of an underground structure or tank, you should stand on the windward side (with your back to the wind).

- The time spent in an underground structure or reservoir, as well as the duration of rest with an exit from them, is determined by the work manager, depending on the conditions and nature of the work, indicating this in the line of the "Special Conditions" order.

– It is allowed to work in an underground structure or tank (except for tanks for storing fuel and oils) at an air temperature in it above 32 ° C only in exceptional cases (in case of an accident, if it threatens people's lives, destruction of equipment, etc.) with the permission of the head works and under his direct supervision with the adoption of the necessary measures to prevent burns of personnel.

- When the air temperature in the underground structure or tank is above 32°C, work should be done in warm overalls. If there is a liquid medium in an underground structure or reservoir, rubber shoes must be used.

- It is forbidden to work in an underground structure or reservoir when the water level in it above the floor level is higher than 200 mm, as well as at a water temperature higher than 45 °C.

— Descent of workers into underground structures filled with steam and basements regardless of the air temperature in them is not allowed.

- To work inside an underground structure or tank, as well as for periodic inspections, an instructed team consisting of at least three people should be appointed, of which two should be at the hatch and monitor the condition of the working and air intake pipe of the hose gas mask. It is forbidden to allow unauthorized persons to the place of work.

— Observers do not have the right to leave the hatch of an underground structure or reservoir and be distracted by other work while a person is in an underground structure or reservoir.

- When working in an underground structure of great depth and length, when it is impossible to maintain visual observation of the worker, communication must be organized with him using the received signals or telephone.

- If a worker in an underground structure feels unwell, he must stop working and go to the surface, while the observer must help him, involving nearby personnel.

- If necessary, go down to the victim, one of the observers must put on an insulating device (self-rescuers PDU-3, SPI-20, etc., a hose gas mask) and a rescue belt, passing the end of the rescue rope to another observer who remains at the top.

- Before starting work, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the gas mask and hoses.

- For a gas mask with forced air supply, the serviceability of the blower and the operation of its drives must also be checked. The tightness of the gas mask and the hose is checked by clamping the end of the hose with a hand while wearing a gas mask. If it is impossible to breathe in this position, then the gas mask is working.

- Before descending into an underground structure or tank, the corrugated hose that supplies air to the breathing valve of the gas mask must be fastened to the waist belt.

- The air intake pipes of the gas mask should be located on the windward side of the place of release or the place of possible release of harmful substances and strengthened in such a way that dust is not sucked in from the soil surface. In the absence of forced air supply using a fan, the length of the hose should not exceed 15 m. The hose should not have sharp kinks or be pinched in anything.

— Analysis of air in an underground structure or reservoir should be carried out using explosion-proof gas analyzers, and in their absence, by taking an air sample and analyzing it outside the structure or reservoir.

- When working inside a gas hazardous underground structure or tank, the use of rescue belts and ropes is mandatory.

- Rescue belts must have shoulder straps on the back with a ring at their intersection for attaching a rescue rope. The belt should be adjusted so that the ring is located no lower than the shoulder blades. The use of belts without shoulder straps is prohibited. The other end of the rescue rope must be in the hands of an observer.

- The following signaling is used to communicate the observer and the worker in a gas-dangerous underground structure or reservoir:

· one jerk of the rescue rope for those working in the structure (tank) means “Tighten the hose and rope”. At the same time, they must be pulled up after the observer gives a signal (one jerk) and receives a response signal from a gas-dangerous underground structure or reservoir in the form of a single jerk. If there is no answer, you need to start extracting not only the hose and rope, but also the working one, since it is possible that the jerk was due to its fall;

· two jerks mean "Lower the hose and rope." Such a signal will be given by a worker, located in a gas-dangerous underground structure or reservoir, when he needs to move;

Three pulls means "All right". The rope and hose are pulled by a worker located in a gas-dangerous underground structure or tank, so the observer must hold the rope and hose so as not to interfere with their movement and prevent them from falling. As soon as the worker has stopped moving, he must give a signal - three jerks, which means "Everything is in order." The observer, having no signal after stopping the movement of the rope and hose, must request the worker with one jerk, to which he must receive a response with three jerks.

· repeated jerks of the rescue rope, filed by the observer, mean that the worker, who is in a gas-dangerous underground structure or tank, must approach the hatch or climb up. The same signals given by the worker, who is inside the tank, mean the requirement to remove it.

- Observers should be located on the windward side, periodically check the health of the worker and, at his signal, lower or pull out the rescue rope and hose.

- If, despite ventilation, the presence of harmful substances is detected by the device, then work in the underground structure should be prohibited until the entry of harmful substances is eliminated and a second check confirms their absence.

- If it is impossible to eliminate the flow of harmful substances into an underground structure with enhanced ventilation, it is necessary to descend into it and work in it in a self-rescuer (SPI-20, PDU-3, etc.) or a hose gas mask.

- Before closing the hatches after the end of work, the manager and foreman must make sure that no one of the workers accidentally remained inside the underground structure or tank, and that materials, tools and other foreign objects are not forgotten there. It is forbidden to leave hatches open after completion of work in an underground structure or in a tank.

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

4.1. Works on localization and elimination of accidents on gas pipelines are carried out without a work permit until the direct threat of harm to life, health or property of other persons and the environment is eliminated. natural environment.
Restoration work to bring gas pipelines and gas equipment into a technically sound condition, they are carried out according to a permit.
In the event that emergency recovery work is carried out from start to finish by the emergency dispatch service within a period of not more than a day, a work permit is not issued.

4.2. In the event of accidents and situations that can lead to accidents and accidents, it is necessary:

- immediately stop work and notify the work manager,

- under the guidance of the person responsible for the performance of work, promptly take measures to eliminate the causes of accidents or situations that can lead to accidents or accidents,

4.3. In the event of a fire or smoke:

- notify workers in the production room, and, if possible, take measures to extinguish the fire;

- notify the head of the unit, if necessary, inform the fire brigade by phone "101, 112", report the fire to the dispatcher of the ODS by tel. 59-53-49, 89192898520;

- leave the danger zone and stay in the evacuation zone.

4.4. In case of accidents:

- organize first aid to the victim and, if necessary, deliver him to a medical organization;

- take urgent measures to prevent the development of an emergency or other emergency and the impact of traumatic factors on other persons;

- to preserve, before the investigation of the accident, the situation as it was at the time of the incident, if this does not threaten the life and health of other persons and does not lead to a catastrophe, accident or other emergency circumstances, and if it is impossible to maintain it, to record the current situation (draw up schemes, conduct other activities);

5. Labor protection requirements at the end of work

5.1. After the end of the shift, you must:

- make a record of the detected malfunctions in the defect log;

- all tools, devices and protective equipment should be put in order and placed in cabinets and racks;

- inform your immediate supervisor about the detected equipment malfunctions and violations of labor protection.

- take off overalls and work shoes, put them in a locker for work clothes and, if necessary, take a shower.

Gas-hazardous work, taking into account this instruction on labor protection when carrying out gas-hazardous work in the gas sector. The instruction on labor protection is available for free viewing and downloading.


1.1. Gas hazardous work includes:
- associated with the inspection, cleaning, repair, depressurization of process equipment, communications, including work inside tanks and other similar equipment, as well as in collectors, tunnels, wells, chambers, pits, trenches, pits and other similar places, during which there is or is not excluded, the possibility of release into the working area of ​​explosive and flammable or harmful vapors, gases and other substances that can cause an explosion, fire, have a harmful effect on the human body;
- with insufficient oxygen content in the air of the working area (volume fraction below 20%).
1.2. Gas-hazardous works (GOR) on gas distribution and gas consumption networks include:
- disconnection / connection of gas pipelines of various diameters on existing networks;
- connection (tie-in) of newly built external and internal gas pipelines to existing ones, disconnection (cutting) of gas pipelines;
— start-up of gas into gas pipelines during commissioning, depreservation, after repair (reconstruction), commissioning of hydraulic distribution stations (GRPB), ShRP and GRU;
— maintenance and repair of existing external and internal gas pipelines, gas equipment of the gas distribution unit (GRPB), ShRP and GRU, gas-using installations;
— replacement and installation of gas equipment on existing gas pipelines;
— elimination of stop valves of existing gas pipelines;
- removal of blockages, installation and removal of plugs on existing gas pipelines, as well as disconnection or connection to gas pipelines of gas-using installations;
- purge of gas pipelines when gas-using installations are turned off or turned on;
- bypassing external gas pipelines, hydraulic fracturing (GRPB), ShRP and GRU, repair, inspection and ventilation of wells, checking and pumping condensate from condensate collectors;
- openings in places of gas leaks until they are eliminated;
— liquidation of gas leaks on existing gas pipelines;
— repair with execution of hot (welding) works and gas cutting (including mechanical) on existing gas pipelines, hydraulic fracturing (GRPB), ShRP and GRU equipment.
1.3. Managers, specialists and workers are allowed to perform GOR:
- not younger than 18 years old;
— who have passed a medical examination in the prescribed manner and have no contraindications to the performance of this type of work;
- trained in safe methods and techniques of work, technologies for carrying out gas hazardous work, the use of personal protective equipment, the rules and techniques for providing first aid to victims;
– certified and tested knowledge in the field industrial safety in the scope of the “Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Networks”, who have passed the test of knowledge of safety and labor protection requirements in the prescribed manner and have access to independent work.
1.4. Before admission to self-fulfillment gas hazardous work (after a knowledge test), everyone must undergo an internship under the supervision of an experienced worker during the first ten work shifts.
1.5. Internship and admission to independent performance of gas hazardous work are issued by order of the organization.
1.6. All employees are required to comply with the Internal Labor Regulations, work and rest regime established at the enterprise.
1.7. Each employee starting the implementation of the GOR must be familiarized with:
- with the amount of work performed;
- with the existing risk of damage to health, with the rules and methods of safe work;
- with measures to protect against the effects of harmful and dangerous production factors;
- with the availability and condition of collective and individual protection equipment;
- with the mode of operation;
- with an evacuation plan.
1.8. When performing GOR, the employee may be exposed to the following hazardous and harmful production factors:
- exposure to explosive and flammable or harmful vapors, gases in the air of the working area;
- insufficient oxygen content;
- injury as a result of an explosion, fire, thermal impact, falling tool, falling employee from a height.
1.9. In order to avoid the impact of hazardous and harmful production factors on the employee, it is necessary to use protective equipment in accordance with established standards.
1.10. Depending on the working conditions, employees are provided with the following personal protective equipment:
- special clothing depending on the impact of harmful production factors;
- helmets to protect the head from injuries caused by falling objects or impacts on objects and structures;
- goggles, shields, protective screens to protect against dust, flying particles, bright light, radiation, etc.;
- protective gloves;
- special footwear of the appropriate type;
- means of individual respiratory protection (PPE);
- safety belts to protect against falls from a height.
1.11. Workers without personal protective equipment or with faulty personal protective equipment are not allowed to work.
1.12. In the event of an accident, you should:
- report the incident to your immediate supervisor;
- provide first aid to the victim;

1.13. If gas pollution, breathing complications, malfunction of equipment, fixtures, tools are detected, stop work, leave the place of work and inform your immediate supervisor about this.


2.1. GOR, carried out without issuing a work permit, are periodically repeated GOR, characterized by similar conditions for their implementation, the constancy of the place and nature of the work, and a certain composition of performers.
2.1.1. Such works on gas distribution and gas consumption networks include:
- bypassing external gas pipelines, hydraulic fracturing (GRPB), ShRP and GRU;
— repair, inspection and ventilation of wells;
— checking and pumping out condensate from condensate collectors;
— maintenance of gas pipelines and gas equipment without shutting off gas;
— maintenance of shut-off valves and compensators located outside the wells;
— maintenance (technological) of gas-using installations (boilers, furnaces).
These works should be carried out with at least two workers and recorded in a special journal indicating the start and end times of work.
2.1.2. Safety measures during such work should be set out in production instructions developed taking into account the requirements of this instruction.
2.1.3. GOR without a work permit are subject to mandatory registration in the subdivision in the "Journal of registration of gas hazardous work carried out without a work permit" (Appendix No. 1).
2.1.4. The magazine must be laced, sealed. The pages of the magazine should be numbered. The period of storage of the journal is at least 5 years from the date of its expiration.
2.2. GOR related to the prevention of the development of emergency situations and the need to localize and eliminate accidents on gas pipelines are carried out in accordance with the plans for localization and liquidation of accidents until the direct threat of harm to life, health or property of other persons and the environment is eliminated. A work permit for such work is not issued. The work is carried out under the guidance of the responsible manager of the localization and liquidation of the accident.
2.3. Restoration work to bring gas pipelines and gas equipment into a technically sound condition is carried out according to a work permit.
GOR, carried out according to a work permit - these are works that are not included in paragraphs. 2.1., 2.2. of this instruction, requiring the development and subsequent implementation of a set of measures for the preparation and safe performance of work, drawn up (set out) in the work permit (Appendix No. 2).
The work permit for the production of gas hazardous work must reflect the basic safety measures, as well as instructions, subject to the requirements of which it is allowed to perform these works.
2.3.1. GOR, performed according to the work permit, should be carried out during daylight hours.
In exceptional cases, urgent gas-hazardous work may be permitted during the hours of darkness. At the same time, the work permit must provide for additional measures to ensure the safe conduct of work, taking into account the conditions for their performance at night.
2.3.2. The order-permission to carry out the GOR is issued for each place and type of work to one team conducting such work, and is valid for one shift.
2.4. In production units, a list of GOR should be developed. The list should separately indicate the HOR:
- carried out with the issuance of a work permit;
- carried out without a work permit.
2.4.1. The list of GOR is developed by the head of the structural unit, agreed with the head of the department, with the production or technical department, as appropriate, with the H&S department and approved by the Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of the enterprise, reviewed and re-approved at least once a year.
2.4.2. If it becomes necessary to carry out GOR not included in the approved list, they must be carried out according to the permit in accordance with the requirements of this instruction, followed by their inclusion within 10 working days in the list in the established clause 2.4.1. okay.
2.5. Launching gas into the gas distribution networks of settlements during primary gasification, into high-pressure gas pipelines; work on connecting high and medium pressure gas pipelines; repair work in the GRP (GRPB), ShRP and GRU using welding and gas cutting; repair work on gas pipelines of medium and high pressure (under gas) using welding and gas cutting; reduction and restoration of gas pressure in gas pipelines of medium and high pressures associated with the disconnection of consumers; shutdown and subsequent inclusion of gas supply to industrial production are carried out according to a special plan approved by the technical manager of the gas distribution organization.
2.5.1. The plan specifies the sequence of operations; placement of people; technical equipment; measures to ensure maximum safety; persons responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work (separately at each work site) and for general management and coordination of actions.
2.5.2. Each person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work is issued a separate work permit in accordance with the plan.
2.5.3. The plan and work permits must be accompanied by as-built documentation (drawing or photocopy of as-built documentation) indicating the place and nature of the work performed.
Before starting gas hazardous work, the person responsible for their implementation checks the compliance of the documentation with the actual location of the gas pipeline.
2.6. Each GOR, performed with the issuance of a work permit or registered in the register of the GOR carried out without issuing a work permit, consists of two stages:
— preparation of the facility (equipment) for mining;
— direct carrying out of GOR.


3.1. Persons entitled to issue work permits for the performance of gas hazardous work are appointed by order of the enterprise from among executives and specialists certified in the prescribed manner and having experience in working at gas distribution and gas consumption network facilities for at least one year.
3.2. Work permits for gas hazardous work must be issued in advance for the necessary preparation for work.
3.3. The work permit indicates the period of its validity, the start and end time of work.
3.4. If it is impossible to complete it within the prescribed period, the work permit for gas hazardous work is subject to extension by the person who issued it.
3.5. The work permit is registered in the register of work permits for the production of GOR (Appendix No. 3) with the assignment of the next number. Without registration, the work permit is considered invalid.
3.6. The person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work, receiving a work permit, signs in the register of work permits.
3.7. Work permits must be stored for at least one year from the date of their closure, after which they are subject to destruction in the prescribed manner.
3.8. Work permits issued for the initial start-up of gas, tie-in into an existing gas pipeline, shutdown of gas pipelines with welding tightly at branch points, are permanently stored in the executive and technical documentation for this gas pipeline.
3.9. When issuing a work permit, the entries must be clear.
3.10. It is forbidden:
- filling out the work permit with a pencil;
— corrections in the text and carbon copy signatures of responsible persons.
3.11. If the work turned out to be unfinished, and the conditions for its implementation did not deteriorate and the nature of the work did not change, the work permit can be extended for the next shift of the same team with confirmation of the possibility of carrying out work for each subsequent shift with the signatures of the persons specified in clause 15 of the work permit. The person responsible for their implementation is obliged to report daily on the state of affairs to the person who issued the work permit.


4.1. The preparation of the facility (equipment, communications, etc.) for the performance of the GOR on it is carried out by the operational personnel of the enterprise under the guidance of the person responsible for preparatory work.
4.2. To prepare the facility for the GOR, the entire range of preparatory work provided for in the relevant instructions, in the work permit and the work organization plan, must be completed.
At the same time, measures should be taken to reduce the degree of danger of GOR:
- pressure relief;
- removal of harmful and explosive products and exclusion of their receipt from adjacent technological systems;
- exclusion of possible sources of sparking.
4.3. The place of the GOR, associated with the possibility of the release of explosive and harmful products, must be designated (fenced), and, if necessary, posted posts (from among the employees of the enterprise) in order to exclude the presence of unauthorized persons in the danger zone.
Warning signs "Flammable - gas" are hung out or put up near the places where gas hazardous work is carried out.
With a significant release of gas into the environment, it is necessary to prohibit the movement of vehicles within a radius of up to 50 m from the place of work.
The presence of unauthorized persons, the use of sources of open fire, as well as smoking in places where gas hazardous work is carried out is not allowed.
4.4. Pit pits should be of a size convenient for work and evacuation of workers.
4.5. Before starting repair work related to the disconnection of the gas pipeline (replacement of the valve, removal and installation of plugs, gaskets, etc.), it is necessary to turn off the existing electrical protection and install a jumper between the disconnected sections of the gas pipeline (in the absence of permanently installed jumpers) in order to prevent sparking.
4.6. Electric drives of moving mechanisms must be disconnected from power sources by a visible break and disconnected from these mechanisms. On starting devices at devices and in electric switchgears posters “Do not turn on - people are working!” are hung out, which are removed after the completion of work at the direction of the person responsible for the GOR.
4.7. Welding and gas cutting on gas pipelines in wells, tunnels, pits, trenches, collectors, technical undergrounds, hydraulic fracturing (GRPB) and GRU premises without shutting them down, purging with air or inert gas and installing plugs is not allowed.
Before starting work on welding (cutting) the gas pipeline, as well as replacing fittings, compensators and insulating flanges in wells, tunnels, collectors, ceilings should be removed (dismantled).
4.8. To assess the quality of the preparatory measures, before the start of the GOR, it is necessary to analyze the air environment for the content of explosive and harmful gases. The volume fraction of gas in the air should not exceed 20% of the NKPRP. Samples should be taken in the most poorly ventilated areas.
4.9. Before descending into a pit, well, tunnel, collector or trench, the immediate supervisor of the work must check for the presence of explosive and harmful gases there using special instruments.
4.10. In order to take air samples from a well, mine, collector and other underground structure, it is prohibited to descend into them.
4.11. The result of the analysis of the air environment for the content of explosive and harmful gases is entered by the work manager in clause 9 of the work permit at the opening of work.
4.12. Before starting work, the work manager checks the availability and serviceability of: PPE, overalls, safety shoes (issued by profession), corresponding to standard industry standards, tools, devices and other means of ensuring the safety of performers.
4.13. When organizing work, the manager must provide for the possibility of quickly withdrawing workers from the danger zone.
4.14. Everyone involved in gas hazardous work must have a hose gas mask prepared for work.
4.15. Prior to the start of gas-hazardous work, the person responsible for their implementation is obliged to instruct the performers on the technological sequence of operations and the necessary safety measures and check their ability to use personal protective equipment, knowledge of safe working methods and methods of providing first aid to victims, the procedure for evacuating from the danger zone (an approximate list of questions, illuminated during the briefing, is indicated in Appendix No. 4). After that, each employee who has received instructions must sign the work permit in paragraph 12.


5.1. GOR is allowed to be carried out only after all the preparatory work and activities provided for by the work permit, instructions and work organization plan have been completed.
It is forbidden to increase the amount of work provided for by the work permit.
5.2. The GOR should be carried out by a team of performers consisting of at least two people under the guidance of a specialist. Team members must be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment, overalls, footwear, tools, devices and equipment. auxiliary materials.
Gas hazardous work in wells, tunnels, collectors, as well as in trenches and pits with a depth of more than one meter must be carried out by a team of workers consisting of at least three people.
Work in a gas mask by one person (without an insurer) is PROHIBITED.
5.3. Before the start of the GOR, the person responsible for their implementation asks each performer about his state of health (if he feels unwell, the performer is not allowed to work).
5.4. It is only possible to enter a gas hazardous area with the permission of the person responsible for carrying out the work and in the appropriate protective equipment worn outside the danger zone. Work must begin in the presence of the person responsible for the work.
5.5. When carrying out gas hazardous work, all orders must be issued by the person responsible for the work.
Other officials and managers present during the work, give instructions only through the person responsible for the work.
5.6. Works related to the possible release of explosive products should be carried out using non-ferrous metal tools and devices that exclude sparking, the working part of the ferrous metal tool should be liberally lubricated with grease or other similar lubricant.
The use of electric tools that produce sparks is not allowed.
5.7. For lighting it is necessary to use explosion-proof portable lamps or rechargeable lamps with a voltage not exceeding 12V. Lights and rechargeable lamps should be turned on and off outside the work area.
5.8. Perform work in appropriate overalls and safety shoes. Shoes for persons performing gas-hazardous work in wells, premises of the GRP (GRPB), GRU, should not have steel horseshoes and nails.
5.9. To protect the respiratory organs of those working in wells, chambers, collectors, tunnels, pits, trenches, pits, hose gas masks should be used.
The use of filtering gas masks is prohibited.
5.10. The use of RPE and the duration of work in them must meet the requirements of standards and specifications.
The term of a one-time stay of a worker in a gas mask should not exceed 30 minutes, followed by a rest of at least 15 minutes.
5.11. In wells, chambers, collectors, tunnels, pits, trenches, pits and other similar places, no more than two people in life belts and hose gas masks prepared for work should work. Outside, on the windward side, there should be two people to insure workers and prevent unauthorized persons from entering the place of work.
5.12. In all cases, a worker descending into a well, chamber, collector, tunnel, pit, trench, pit and other similar places must wear a life belt (safety system) with a signal-rescue rope. The belt and signal-rescue rope must be tested in the prescribed manner. In the absence of visual communication between workers and observers, a radio or rope connection should be established.
5.13. When working in wells, chambers, collectors, tunnels, pits, trenches, pits and other similar places, the observer must be at the edge of the well, chamber, collector, tunnel, pit, trench, pit in the same equipment as the worker, having with an insulating (hose) gas mask (PSh) in the “ready” position. To transfer the PSh to the “ready” position, it is necessary to put on a rescue belt with a hose attached to it and a signal-rescue rope, a helmet-mask must be attached to a corrugated hose.
The observer must:
- monitor the signals and behavior of the worker;
- monitor the condition of the air hose of the gas mask and the location of the air intake device;
- descend into a well, chamber, collector, tunnel, pit, trench, pit to assist the victim in a hose gas mask after prior notification and with the permission of the person responsible for the GOR.
5.14. The air intake pipes of hose gas masks must be located on the windward side and secured. In the absence of forced air supply by a fan, the length of the hose should not exceed fifteen meters.
The hose must not be kinked or pinched.
5.15. To carry out repair work of an existing gas pipeline in wells, chambers, collectors, tunnels, pits, trenches, pits and other similar places that do not require disassembly of gas equipment, one worker is allowed to descend. In some cases, it is allowed to descend at the same time no more than two workers with life belts on and fastened with signal rescue ropes and insulating (hose) gas masks (PSh) in the “ready” position.
5.16. Work in a trench, pit, pit without PPE may be allowed by the work manager, provided that the volumetric oxygen content in the trench, pit, pit is at least 20%, and the content of explosive and flammable or harmful vapors, gases in the trench, pit, in the pit does not exceed 20% of the NKPRP in the air of the working area. In this case, the possibility of ingress of explosive and flammable or harmful vapors and gases from the outside should be excluded. Measures to ensure the safety of work in a trench, pit, pit without RPE should be set out in the work permit and the work organization plan and include:
— continuous guaranteed supply fresh air into a trench, pit, pit, providing a normal air regime in them;
- the frequency of monitoring the state of the air;
- the presence of each worker in a trench, pit, pit and observing hose gas masks in the “ready” position;
- the presence of each worker in a trench, pit, pit of a life belt with a signal-rescue rope attached to it and other measures to ensure the safety of workers.
5.17. For the descent of a worker into a well, chamber, collector, tunnel, pit, trench, pit and lifting from them, portable ladders are used, which must be tested in the prescribed manner and comply with safety conditions.
Checking the serviceability, stability and reliability of fixing the stairs at the place of work is carried out in the presence of the person responsible for the GOR.
5.18. A worker, when descending into a well, chamber, collector, tunnel, pit, trench, pit, and when leaving them, should not hold any objects in his hands. All tools and materials necessary for work must be supplied to the well, chamber, collector, tunnel, pit, trench, pit in a way that excludes their fall and injury to workers.
5.19. If in the actions of a person working in a well, chamber, sewer, tunnel, pit, trench, pit, there are deviations from normal behavior (signs of illness, an attempt to remove a gas mask, etc.), as well as in the event of other circumstances that threaten his safety, work should be stopped immediately, and the worker should be evacuated from the well, chamber, collector, tunnel, pit, trench, pit, having previously notified and received permission from the person responsible for the work, if necessary, call an ambulance medical care to the scene.
5.20. When carrying out GOR, associated with the possible release into the working area of ​​explosive and flammable or harmful vapors, gases that can cause an explosion or fire, it is prohibited to carry out hot work in the immediate vicinity.
5.21. Works are suspended by employees of the Health and Safety Department, representatives of the inspecting authorities in the following cases, when:
- detection of a discrepancy between the actual state of the conditions for the production of work and the safety requirements provided for by the work permit;
- changes in the volume and nature of work that caused changes in the conditions for the performance of work;
— detection by persons exercising control over the state of industrial safety and labor protection of violations of safety requirements by performers.
5.22. Interrupted work can be started only after the elimination of deficiencies and violations.


6.1. The connection of newly built gas pipelines to the existing ones is carried out only before the gas is launched.
All gas pipelines and gas equipment, before being connected to existing gas pipelines, as well as after repair, must be subjected to external inspection and control pressure testing (with air or inert gases) by the gas start-up team.
6.2. External gas pipelines of all pressures are subject to control pressure testing with a pressure of 0.02 megapascal. The pressure drop should not exceed 0.0001 megapascal per hour.
External gas pipelines with natural gas pressure up to 0.005 megapascal inclusive with hydraulic seals are subject to control pressure testing with a pressure of 0.004 megapascal. The pressure drop should not exceed 0.00005 megapascals in ten minutes.
Internal gas pipelines of industrial, agricultural and other industries, boiler houses, as well as equipment and gas pipelines of hydraulic fracturing (GRPB), ShRP and GRU are subject to control pressure testing with a pressure of 0.01 megapascal. The pressure drop should not exceed 0.0006 megapascals per hour.
The results of the control pressure test must be recorded in the work permits for the performance of gas hazardous work.
6.3. Excessive air pressure in the connected gas pipelines must be maintained until the start of work on their connection (tie-in).
6.4. If the launch of gas into the gas pipeline did not take place, then when resuming work on the launch of gas, it is subject to re-inspection and control pressure testing.
6.5. Gas cutting and welding on existing gas pipelines is allowed at a gas pressure of 0.0004 - 0.002 megapascal.
During the execution of work, constant monitoring of the gas pressure in the gas pipeline should be carried out.
If the gas pressure in the gas pipeline drops below 0.0004 megapascal or if it exceeds 0.002 megapascal, work should be stopped.
6.6. Connection of gas pipelines without pressure reduction should be carried out using special equipment that ensures the safety of work.
6.7. The gas pressure in the gas pipeline during work should be monitored using a specially installed pressure gauge.
It is allowed to use a pressure gauge installed no further than one hundred meters from the place of work.
6.8. Work on connecting gas equipment to existing internal gas pipelines using welding (cutting) should be carried out with the gas pipelines turned off and purged with air or inert gas.
6.9. Checking the tightness of gas pipelines, fittings and devices with an open fire is not allowed.
6.10. During gas cutting (welding) on ​​existing gas pipelines, in order to avoid a large flame, the gas outlets are rubbed with chamotte clay with asbestos chips.
6.11. During internal inspection and repair, boilers or other gas-using installations must be disconnected from the gas pipeline using plugs.
6.12. Disassembly (replacement) of equipment installed on external and internal gas pipelines must be carried out on a disconnected section of the gas pipeline with the installation of plugs.
Plugs must correspond to the maximum gas pressure in the gas pipeline, have shanks protruding beyond the flanges, and a stamp indicating the gas pressure and the diameter of the gas pipeline.
6.13. Replacement of gaskets for flange connections on external gas pipelines is allowed at a gas pressure in the gas pipeline of 0.0004 - 0.002 megapascals.
6.14. Dismantling of flanged, threaded connections and fittings on internal gas pipelines of any pressure should be carried out on a disconnected and plugged section of the gas pipeline.


7.1. In the event of an emergency, the GOR should be immediately stopped, the person responsible for the work and (or) the performer of the work should inform their immediate supervisor (in his absence, a higher manager) about this and take measures to limit the harmful effects on people and equipment.
7.2. In the event of a fire, inform the fire brigade by calling 101, your immediate supervisor and proceed to localize the fire with primary fire extinguishing equipment.
7.3. If gas contamination occurs, leave the gassed area, inform the emergency dispatch service by phone 104 and your immediate supervisor.
7.4. In the event of an accident, you must:
- provide first aid to the victim;
- summon ambulance by phone 103;
- report the incident to your immediate supervisor;
- maintain the situation as it was at the time of the incident, if this does not threaten the life and health of people.


8.1. At the end of the GOR, all equipment, tools and equipment must be removed to specially designated premises (places).
8.2. After carrying out the GOR, the place of work should be inspected by the person responsible for the work. The person responsible for carrying out must personally make sure that technological plugs are installed on the purge candles, tools, materials, foreign objects are removed, and a record of the work performed in clause 16 of the work permit is made.
8.3. All deficiencies discovered during and after the end of the work, the person responsible for the work must report to his immediate supervisor.


9.1. Hose gas masks (PSh) are PPE of an insulating type and serve to protect the respiratory organs, eyes and face of an employee in an air environment containing 18% or less oxygen (in wells, trenches, pits, etc., as well as in containers, tanks and other insulated devices) and when the content of harmful substances of unknown composition and concentration or the volume content of harmful substances in the air is more than 0.5% by volume.
Ammunition (rescue belt with shoulder straps) serves to provide safe conditions labor when working in a gassed environment, for securing and extracting workers in case of accidents, as well as for securing a gas mask hose and a signal-rescue rope.
In explosive environments - use a PSh equipped with ammunition made of cotton materials; under conditions of exposure to aggressive substances (acids, alkalis, etc.), a PSh equipped with ammunition from synthetic materials.
9.2. Hose gas mask type ПШ-1 consists of:
- front part;
- two corrugated tubes connected in series;
- air supply reinforced hose 10 m long;
- ammunition with a signal-rescue rope 13-15m long;
- a filter box with an anti-dust filter;
- a pin for fixing the end of the hose in the zone clean air;
- suitcases (bags, bags) for storage and transportation.
9.3. Hose gas mask type ПШ-2 is a means of protection with forced air supply and is designed for simultaneous protection of the respiratory organs, eyes and face of one or two workers.
It consists of one or two sets specified in clause 9.2., the length of the reinforced air hoses is 20 meters, the length of the signal and rescue ropes is 25 meters.
For forced air supply to PSh-2, a blower with an electric or manual drive is provided.
9.4. Breathable air enters the front part of the PSh through a reinforced hose, the suction end of which with a filter element is located in the clean air zone. At the same time, the possibility of contamination of the clean zone with harmful substances above the MPC should be excluded.
9.5. Hose gas masks, waist belts and signal-rescue ropes included in the gas mask kit, before and after use, must be checked by the person responsible for the work together with the performer of the work.
9.5.1. When looking at the front:
- check the integrity of the mask body;
- the integrity of the sight glasses;
- the presence and condition of the inhalation and exhalation valves, rubber gaskets;
- check the size match.
9.5.2. When examining a corrugated tube:
- check the integrity of the corrugation by external inspection and stretching;
- no dents, corrosion on metal parts;
- the presence of a nipple rubber ring.
9.5.3. When inspecting the air hose, you must:
- check the absence of bubbles, cracks, delaminations of the wire spiral exposure, transverse deformation of the rubber-fabric sleeve;
- check the integrity of the fitting, bracket, union nut and nipple.
If possible, blow out the hose with clean air.
9.5.4. Check the integrity of the filter element, the presence of an aerosol filter in it, the reliability of the connection of parts.
9.5.5. When inspecting ammunition, you must:
- check the rescue belt and shoulder straps - for the absence of cuts and tears of strands, ribbons and stitching threads, burns, oiling, integrity of the buckles;
- check the signal-rescue rope - for the absence of brown spots, the smell of mold, rot, knots, thinning, abrasions and other defects that reduce strength;
- check the presence of tags on the rescue belt and signal-rescue rope.
Operation of a wet signal-rescue rope is PROHIBITED.
9.6. After an external examination, the owner is obliged to check the hose gas mask for the tightness of the system:
9.6.1. The tightness test of the PS is carried out in the following way:
- collect PSh;
- put on the front part;
- hermetically close the filter;
- take 3-4 deep breaths.
If air does not enter the front part, then the PSH is sealed.
9.7. If at least one defect is detected during the PSH check, it is PROHIBITED to use a gas mask.
9.8. PPE should not be used:
- if you feel shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea or other discomfort;
- if the front part is not tightly fitted;
- if the bristles, beard, mustache or sideburns are in contact with the surface of the front part, thereby violating its tightness.
9.9. If in the process of working in a gas mask one feels difficulty in breathing, the penetration of the smell of harmful substances and (or) dizziness and (or) malaise, another physical effect, it is necessary to hold your breath and immediately, without removing the gas mask, leave the gassed area.
9.10. Prolonged contact of the air-supply reinforced hose PSH with the remains of oil products in the liquid phase, its movement by dragging, twisting of the hose relative to the longitudinal axis, squeezing, kinks and sharp bends, as well as contact of the hose with objects whose temperature is above plus 70 ° C is not allowed.
9.11. Upon completion of work, check the condition of the RPE.
9.12. After use, wipe the front parts of gas masks dry, if necessary, dry.
9.13. In case of contamination, wash the front part and valves with warm water and soap, then with clean water. Dry the front part in the air, excluding exposure to direct sun rays.
9.14. RPE should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C at a distance of at least 1 m from heat-emitting devices. PPE should not be subjected to deformation and impact loads, aggressive substances and moisture. The rubber parts of RPE should not be exposed to sunlight.
9.15. It is allowed to store the RPE at a temperature below 0°C, in this case, the RPE is kept for at least 24 hours at a temperature of (20±5)°C before use.
9.16. Hose gas masks are checked at least once every six months.
9.17. Rescue belts with rings for carabiners are tested fastened on both buckles with a load of two hundred kilograms, suspended for five minutes. After removing the load, the belt should not show signs of damage.
9.18. Carabiners are tested with a load of two hundred kilograms with an open bolt for five minutes. After removing the load, the released bolt of the carabiner should fall into place without jamming.
9.19. Rescue belts must have shoulder straps with a ring for attaching the rope at the level of the shoulder blades (back).
The use of belts without shoulder straps is prohibited.
9.20. Rescue ropes must be at least ten meters long and tested with a load of two hundred kilograms for fifteen minutes. After removing the load, the rope as a whole and individual threads should not be damaged.
9.21. Rescue belts with ropes and carabiners must be tested at least once every six months.
9.22. The test results are documented by an act or an entry in a special journal.
9.23. Before issuing belts, carabiners and ropes, it is necessary to conduct their external examination.
9.24. Rescue belts and ropes must be tagged with inventory numbers and the date of the tests performed.


10.1. Control over the organization of gas-hazardous work in the organization is carried out directly by the head of the unit that carries out the work, the general director, deputy general director - chief engineer, deputy general director for construction, heads of departments, according to affiliation, health and safety department.
10.2. Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer, Deputy General Director for Construction, heads of departments of the enterprise are obliged to:
- organize work to ensure compliance with the requirements of this instruction in general for the enterprise and departments, respectively;
— ensure the creation of training grounds and simulators for teaching safe methods of gas hazardous work.
10.3. The head of the structural unit is obliged to:
- organize the development of measures for the preparation and safe conduct of gas hazardous work and ensure control over their implementation;
- appoint a person responsible for the preparation and a person responsible for carrying out the work, who know the procedure for preparing and the rules for carrying out these works;
- together with the person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work, determine the necessary personal protective equipment, the composition of the performers and establish the mode of operation (duration of stay in protective equipment, breaks in work, frequency of air sampling, etc.).
10.4. The responsible person who issued and signed the work permit for the GOR is obliged:
- organize work to ensure compliance with the requirements of this instruction in the unit;
- to organize work to ensure the safe conduct of mining as a whole for the unit;
- make a decision on the need and possibility of carrying out the GOR;
- develop measures for the preparation and safe conduct of GOR and ensure control over their implementation;
- together with the person responsible for the GOR, determine the RPE;
- establish the mode of operation (duration of stay in protective equipment, breaks in work) of the performers of the GOR;
- organize control over the state of the air environment at the work site, establish the frequency of sampling.
10.5. Responsible for the preparation of the facility for carrying out the mining work is the head (specialist) of the unit in charge of the operational personnel of this unit.
The person responsible for preparing the facility for the GOR is obliged
- ensure the consistency and completeness of the implementation of the measures and security measures provided for in the work permit;
— to ensure the correctness and reliability of disconnection and damping (if necessary) of the GOR section;
— to ensure the analysis of the air environment at the place of work after the completion of preparatory measures;
- to ensure the possibility of safe preparatory work and the mining operations themselves;
- ensure the correctness of the scheme for shutting down equipment and communications on which the mining should be carried out;
- after the completion of the preparatory work, check the completeness and quality of its implementation;
— bring to the attention of the performers about the specific features of the object and the characteristic hazards that may arise during the work (which equipment is under pressure, high temperature, voltage, explosive, etc. before and during the mining work);
- to carry out the admission of personnel to the preparatory work;
- check the readiness of the object for the mining.
10.6. Responsible for carrying out the GOR is the head (specialist) of the unit who has received a work permit to carry out such work, who knows how to safely carry out such work, is admitted to the management of gas hazardous work and is in charge of the performers of the GOR.
10.6.1. The person responsible for conducting the GOR is obliged to:
- together with the person responsible for the preparation of the facility, check the completeness of the implementation of preparatory measures, the readiness of the facility for work;
- check with the performers the availability and serviceability of RPE, overalls, safety shoes (issued by profession) that comply with standard industry standards, tools and devices, their compliance with the nature of the work performed;
- check the correctness and completeness of the security measures taken;
— to ensure the availability of qualifications of performers corresponding to the work performed;
- instruct the performers on the rules for the safe conduct of work and the procedure for evacuating workers (injured) from the danger zone with an entry in clause 12 of the work permit;
- instruct the performers to start work, having previously checked the place of work, the state of protective equipment, and the readiness of the performers to carry out work;
- to carry out technical management of the work;
— to ensure that the performers comply with security measures;
- control the implementation by the performers of the activities provided for in the work permit, the relevant instructions and the work organization plan;
- to ensure the sequence and mode of implementation of GOR;
- to ensure control of the state of the air environment in the area of ​​the GOR;
- take measures to exclude the admission to the site of the GOR of persons not involved in its implementation;
- in the event of a danger or deterioration in the health of the performers, immediately stop the work, inform your immediate supervisor about this;
- at the end of the regulated breaks, make sure that the conditions for the safe conduct of work have not changed, do not allow the resumption of work if a change in the conditions for its safe conduct is detected;
- at the end of the work, check the completeness and quality of the work and close the work permit.
10.6.2. The change of those responsible for carrying out work during the entire period of work on one work permit is allowed by an order for the enterprise subdivision or an order for the enterprise. Otherwise, the work is suspended, the work permit is reissued.
10.7. The performers of the GOR are obliged to:
- fulfill all security measures provided for in the work permit, the relevant instructions and the work organization plan;
- receive instructions on the safe conduct of work and sign in clause 12 of the work permit;
- get acquainted with the conditions, nature and scope of work at the place of their implementation;
- perform only the work specified in the work permit;
- start work only at the direction of the person responsible for their implementation;
- to use serviceable equipment, tools and devices during work;
- be able to use RPE, overalls, safety shoes (issued by profession) that comply with standard industry standards, other safety equipment and comply with the safety measures provided for by the work permit, relevant instructions and work organization plans;
- know the signs of poisoning with harmful substances, the location of communications and signaling equipment, the procedure for evacuating victims from the danger zone;
- be able to provide first aid to victims, use rescue equipment and tools;
- monitor the condition of workmates, provide them with the necessary assistance;
- in case of deterioration of one's own health or detection of signs of indisposition among workmates, stop work, leave the danger zone and immediately inform the person responsible for its implementation;
- stop work in the event of a dangerous situation, as well as at the request of the person responsible for the work, the head of the unit, employees of the HSE department, representatives of inspecting organizations;
- after completion of work, put the place of work in order, remove tools, fixtures, etc.
10.8. The persons who issued and signed the work permit are responsible for the necessity and possibility of carrying out gas hazardous work, for the correctness and completeness of the developed measures for the preparation and conduct of gas hazardous work specified in the work permit, as well as for the sufficient qualifications of the persons included in the work permit as managers and performers of gas hazardous work.
10.9. Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer, Deputy General Director for Construction, heads of departments of the enterprise are responsible for organizing work to ensure the safe conduct of gas hazardous work in the whole enterprise and departments, respectively.
10.10. Responsibility for organizing the safe conduct of gas-hazardous work in a structural subdivision lies with the head of this subdivision.
10.11. The H&S Department is responsible for the periodic control of the organization and conduct of the GOR.
10.12. For violation of the requirements of this instruction, the perpetrators are held liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

We thank Vyacheslav for the provided instructions! =)

This instruction has been developed to organize the safe conduct of gas hazardous work.


1.1. Gas hazardous work is one of the types of work with increased danger.
Increased Hazard Work (RPO) is hazardous work, for which, in each individual case, it is necessary to develop, prepare and implement safety measures in the prescribed manner.
1.2. Gas hazardous work includes:
- works, during the production of which the possibility of separation and accumulation in working area vapors of petroleum products and other flammable and explosive gases or harmful substances (hereinafter referred to as the release and accumulation of flammable and explosive and harmful substances), which creates a risk of explosion and (or) fire at the place of work or poisoning of workers performing these works;
- work in places where it is possible that the oxygen content will decrease to a concentration of less than 20% by volume (hereinafter referred to as the decrease in oxygen concentration), which creates a risk of loss of consciousness by workers performing these works.
1.3. The risk of explosion and (or) fire or poisoning of workers due to the release and accumulation of fire-explosive and harmful substances is not excluded:
In gas hazardous areas, for example:
- in pumping stations for pumping oil products;
- in the pumping and compressor departments, the department for filling cylinders with liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LHG);
- in storage tanks for petroleum products, LPG and in the territory immediately adjacent to them;
- on loading and unloading racks, berthing facilities, platforms for unloading (loading) of autogas carriers, gas dispensers, especially at the time of unloading or loading oil products and LPG;
- in isolated and non-ventilated premises where equipment is located or where oil product pipelines or gas communications pass;
— in technological pits and wells;
- in trays with technological pipelines, wells of industrial storm and household sewerage;
- near open sedimentation tanks, oil traps with waste oil products (oil sludge, etc.)
When performing work classified as gas hazardous, i.e. any technological operations (draining, filling, level measurement, sampling, etc.), maintenance, cleaning, repair, installation, dismantling associated with depressurization of tanks, containers, equipment and communications containing LPG, oil products and (or ) its vapor, as well as those committed with open structures containing waste oil products.
In case of deviation from normal operating modes and in emergency situations:
- when oil products (LPG) leak and their vapors penetrate through leaks in manholes, covers, seals, as well as due to malfunction of shut-off, control, safety valves and other process equipment;
- in case of spill (emission) of oil products (LHG) due to violation of the technological regime, destruction of equipment and for other reasons.
1.4. The danger of loss of consciousness by workers due to a decrease in oxygen concentration is not excluded:
- in all structures located below ground level (wells, pits, trays, tanks, etc.);
- in closed structures located above ground level (tanks and other containers).
1.5. The list of gas hazardous places at the facilities of the enterprise is approved by the order of the director.
1.6. Gas hazardous work should be carried out only during the daytime, except in emergency cases.
1.7. Persons over 18 years of age who do not have contraindications for health reasons to perform this type of work, who have been trained in labor protection when performing gas hazardous work, and who have been trained in the rules for using personal protective equipment (PPE) of the respiratory organs, are allowed to perform gas hazardous work.
1.8. The control of the organization of gas hazardous work at the enterprise's facilities is carried out by specialists of the industrial safety and labor protection service.
1.9. To organize the preparation and conduct of gas hazardous work, the order appoints:
- persons responsible for issuing a work permit and carrying out admission to the implementation of the RPO;
— persons responsible for preparing the facility for RPR;
- persons responsible for carrying out RPO (if RPO is carried out by the personnel of the production unit).
1.10. Responsibility for approval of the work permit rests with the chief engineer or technical director.
1.11. In the case when the preparation and direct conduct of gas-hazardous work are carried out by one group of performers, it is allowed to appoint one leader for its preparation and conduct, provided that the appointed person knows the safe methods and techniques of conducting work and is released from performing other duties for the period of its implementation.
1.12. It is not allowed to appoint one person responsible for the preparation and conduct of group I gas hazardous work.
1.13. When carrying out hot work in gas-hazardous places, the requirements of the Instructions for the organization of the safe conduct of hot work at explosive and fire hazardous objects should be additionally observed.
1.14. The requirements of the Instruction apply to gas-hazardous work performed at the facilities, both by their own divisions and by contracting (service) organizations.


2.1. The enterprise should develop a list of gas-hazardous works, taking into account the production and technological features of the operated facilities for each separate production unit (gas station, gas filling station, oil depot, gas filling station (GNS), liquefied gas discharge point (LNG), etc.). The recommended form of the list of gas-hazardous works is given in Appendix 1.
2.2. If it becomes necessary to carry out gas-hazardous work not included in the approved list, they must be carried out according to a work permit with their subsequent inclusion in the list.
2.3. The list should separately indicate gas hazardous work:
Gas-hazardous work of group I, carried out with the issuance of a work permit:
Works related to the depressurization of process equipment and communications, from which toxic, explosive and fire-explosive substances have not been removed or the possibility of their release is not excluded:
- preparation of the tank for cleaning;
— replacement of shut-off and control valves of technological pipelines;
— replacement of gaskets in flanged connections of technological pipelines;
— repair (replacement) of the main equipment of the tank;
— repair (replacement) of pumping equipment;
— repair of technological pipelines;
— repair of filling and draining (hose) devices;
— replacement (repair) of fuel dispensers (hereinafter referred to as the fuel dispenser), replacement of the fuel dispenser pump.
Work carried out in closed containers:
— tank cleaning;
— work in technological wells;
- repair internal devices reservoir;
— flaw detection of welded seams of the walls and the bottom of the tank;
— repair of the bottom of tanks.
— start-up of gas in gas pipelines and other gas process equipment during commissioning after completion of construction, reconstruction, expansion and overhaul, during re-preservation;
— carrying out commissioning works;
- initial filling of tanks with liquefied gas when they are put into operation, as well as after repair, cleaning, technical examination;
- removal of blockages, installation and removal of plugs on existing gas pipelines, as well as disconnection of units, equipment and individual units from gas pipelines;
— disconnection from the existing network and purging of gas pipelines, conservation and depreservation of gas pipelines and gas process equipment;
— preparation for technical examination of LPG tanks;
— repair of existing internal and external gas pipelines, equipment of pump and compressor departments, filling stations, LPG tanks;
— dismantling of gas pipelines, tanks, gas process equipment;
Maintenance associated with the dismantling of fittings, pumps and compressors at the work site;
- excavation of soil in places of gas leakage until it is eliminated;
– all types of repairs related to the performance of welding and hot work on the territory of the gas filling station, PSSG, gas filling station;
— conducting electrical tests in hazardous areas.
To carry out gas hazardous work of group I, a work permit of the established form is issued, which provides for the development and subsequent implementation of a set of measures for the preparation and safe conduct of work. In accordance with the requirements of the regulatory and technical documents of Rostekhnadzor, when performing gas hazardous work at an oil depot and gas stations, a work permit is issued in the form specified in Appendix 2; specified in Appendix 3 to this Instruction.
Gas-hazardous works of the II group are periodically recurring gas-hazardous works, which are an integral part of technological process, characterized by similar conditions for their implementation, the constancy of the place and nature of the work, a certain composition of performers. They are produced without issuing a work permit, but with the obligatory registration of such work before they begin in the "Journal of accounting for gas hazardous work carried out without a work permit".
Group II gas hazardous work includes:
– drainage of bottom water from tanks, containers, pipelines open way;
— sampling of oil products from tanks, automobile and car tanks;
– manual measurement of the level (including visual) of the oil product in tanks, cisterns;
— unloading and filling of oil products at railway, automobile overpasses, gas stations (connecting drain devices, lowering filling devices, monitoring the completeness of draining or filling tanks);
– maintenance of technological equipment of oil depots and gas stations;
— elimination of leakages of oil products into the stuffing box seal of stop valves;
— elimination of minor leaks of oil products into flanged connections of process pipelines, if this work does not require gasket replacement;
— measurements of temperature and density of selected samples of oil products;
— installation and removal of technological plugs;
— removal of air pockets from process equipment and pipelines;
— removal and installation of technical pressure gauges;
– pouring oil products into barrels;
— repair of fuel dispenser equipment (fuel dispenser): replacement of the dispensing tap, replacement of the filter element of the fuel dispenser, replacement of the liquid volume meter, replacement of sealing elements, belt drives, etc., cleaning of the internal surfaces of the fuel dispenser;
– checking the fuel dispenser for the accuracy of dispensing;
Works on gas equipment of GNS, PSSG, AGZS:
- maintenance of shut-off valves, safety valves and checking their settings;
— maintenance of process equipment;
— repair, inspection and ventilation of wells;
– repair work without the use of welding and cutting in wells;
— discharge of LPG from tank cars into PSSG tanks;
— discharge of LPG from tankers into gas filling stations;
— filling of LPG tankers at the HPS, PSSG;
— pumping out unevaporated LPG residues from tanks;
— LPG sampling;
— steaming and washing of LPG cylinders at the HPS;
— refueling of LPG vehicles at gas filling stations;
– filling LPG cylinders at the HPS;
— discharge of gas from overfilled and defective cylinders to the HPS;
— replacement and verification of instrumentation and equipment on process equipment.
Safety measures during the performance of such work are set out in technological regulations, production instructions and instructions for labor protection. Such work is recorded in the "Journal of accounting for gas hazardous work carried out without a work permit" (hereinafter referred to as the register of gas hazardous work), the form of which is indicated in Appendix 4 to this Instruction. The magazine must be laced and sealed. Pages in the magazine should be numbered. The period of storage of the journal is 3 months from the date of its expiration.
Group III gas-hazardous work related to preventing the development of emergency situations and the need to localize accidents is carried out without issuing work permits until the direct threat to maintenance personnel, material assets, buildings and structures is eliminated. They are carried out in accordance with the Plans for the localization and elimination of emergency situations, the Plans for the elimination of emergency spills of oil and oil products, the Action Plans for emergency situations of natural and man-made nature.


3.1. Each gas-hazardous work performed with the issuance of a work permit or recorded in the register of gas-hazardous work consists of two stages: preparation of the facility for gas-hazardous work and direct gas-hazardous work.
3.2. Gas-hazardous work can be carried out only if there are duly executed documents for the performance of gas-hazardous work.
3.3. The work permit is issued in two copies. The initial execution of the work permit and its annexes, as well as the provision of the work permit for approval and approval, is carried out by the person responsible for issuing the work permit. For the purpose of efficiency, it is allowed to provide a work permit for approval and approval to responsible persons using facsimile and electronic communication, with the subsequent replacement of sheets of the work permit containing original signatures.
3.4. The list of measures for the preparation of the facility and the safe conduct of gas hazardous work, the action plan for the preparation and safe conduct of the RPO (hereinafter referred to as the work plan) is prepared by the person responsible for issuing the work permit and admission to the conduct of the RPO, together with the persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of the RPO RPO.
3.5. The work plan should include the main activities provided for by the current list of gas hazardous work, depending on the place and nature of the work, clarifying and supplementing them based on the specific conditions of the work.
3.6. The work plan, which is a mandatory annex to the work permit, indicates the strict sequence of their implementation, the placement of people, the need for mechanisms, fixtures and materials, measures are provided to ensure the safety of each gas-hazardous work, indicating the persons responsible for preparing the facility and carrying out the work.
3.7. If gas hazardous work is performed by the contractor, the work plan must be approved by the responsible persons from the customer and the contractor.
3.8. In the order - admission, an agreement must be drawn up or an entry “not required” is made.
3.9. The person responsible for issuing a work permit and carrying out admission to the RPO is obliged to sign clause 9 of the work permit, issue against signature in the "Journal of registration of work permits for carrying out work of increased danger" approved work permit to the person responsible for carrying out preparatory work, and give permission for the implementation of preparatory measures.
3.10. The person responsible for carrying out the preparatory work organizes and controls the execution of work to prepare for the RPO. Operations to prepare the facility for gas hazardous work are carried out by the staff of the unit.
3.11. After the implementation of the measures provided for in the work permit for the preparation of the facility and verification of the completeness and quality of their implementation, the persons responsible for preparing for the RPO and conducting the RPO put their signatures in clause 13.
3.12. After that, the work permit is returned to the person responsible for issuing the work permit and carrying out admission to the RPO, who, after checking the implementation of the preparatory measures on his part, gives permission to work (permit) and transfers it to the person responsible for the RPO.
3.13. The composition of the team of performers of gas hazardous work and the mark of the briefing are entered in clause 11 of the work permit.
3.14. One copy of the work permit remains with the person responsible for conducting the RPO, the second - with the person responsible for issuing the work permit and carrying out admission to the RPO.
3.15. The shelf life of work permits is at least 3 months from the date of completion of work, with the exception of work permits issued during gas hazardous work at facilities using LPG. The period of storage of the “Journal of registration of permits for work of increased danger” is 5 years from the date of its expiration.
3.16. Work permits issued during gas hazardous work at facilities using LPG (AGZS, GNS, PSSG) are stored for at least one year. Work permits issued for the primary discharge of gas, the performance of repair work using welding on elements of technological gas pipelines and tanks in the ground, are permanently stored in the executive and technical documentation of the facility.
3.17. The work permit is issued separately for each team for each place and type of gas hazardous work and is valid for one day shift. If these works are not completed on time, and its conditions have not deteriorated, and the nature of the work has not changed, then the work permit can be extended for the next shift of the same team with confirmation of the possibility of carrying out work for each subsequent shift with the signatures of the persons indicated in the relevant paragraph permit order.
3.18. If it is necessary to change the type, increase the amount of work and expand the workplace, a new work permit is issued.
3.19. In the work permit, all the details should be filled in in accordance with the interlinear (decoding of signatures, indication of position and date). The work permit must be completed clearly, specifically and clearly. It is forbidden to make corrections, cross-outs in the work permit, and draw up entries in pencil or photocopy. Entries in both copies must be clear and strictly comply with the established form.
3.20. Before carrying out work on cleaning the tanks, an act of readiness of the tank for cleaning work is drawn up in the form established by Appendix 7 to these Instructions.


4.1. Preparation of the facility for carrying out gas-hazardous work on it is carried out by the operational personnel of the facility under the guidance of a person appointed by order, responsible for preparing the facility for conducting RPO.
4.2. Responsible for preparing the facility for gas hazardous work is the head of the engineering and technical workers (ITR), who is subordinate to the operational personnel of the facility.
4.3. To prepare an object (equipment, communications, etc.) for gas hazardous work, the entire range of preparatory work provided for in the relevant rules, instructions, work permit, work plan must be completed. At the same time, measures must be taken to reduce the degree of danger of gas hazardous work by removing toxic and explosive products, to exclude their entry from adjacent technological systems, and also to exclude possible sources of sparking.
4.4. The place of gas-hazardous work should be fenced off in order to exclude persons who are not related to gas-hazardous work in the danger zone, and marked with warning posters (“Flammable!”, “Gas-hazardous!”, “Do not smoke!”), Which are removed after completion of work at the direction of the person responsible for conducting the RPO.
4.5. Electric drives of moving mechanisms must be disconnected from power sources and disconnected from these mechanisms. Posters “Do not turn on - people are working!” Are posted on starting and switchgears, which are removed after completion of work at the direction of the person responsible for the RPO.
4.6. To assess the quality of the preparatory measures, before the start of gas hazardous work, a laboratory or instrumental analysis of the air environment for the content of harmful, explosive and explosive substances (hereinafter referred to as the analysis of the air environment) is carried out with the issuance of a certificate in the form established by Appendix 5 to this Instruction, and recording the results in clause 12 of the work permit. The analysis of the air environment must be ensured by the person responsible for conducting the RPO.
4.7. During the preparation of the facility for gas hazardous work, the availability and serviceability of PPE, fire extinguishing equipment, tools, and devices designed to ensure the safety of performers are checked.
4.8. Before starting work in a gassed place, the person responsible for carrying out the preparatory work is obliged to check the serviceability of the gas mask, as well as the strength of the rescue harness and rope. If a gas mask or life belt is found to be defective, their use is not allowed. The life belt must be securely fastened, the rope must not have tears, be at least 10 meters long, have sufficient thickness and strength.
4.9. Heated containers, before lowering workers into them, must be cooled to a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. In exceptional cases, if it is necessary to work at a higher temperature, additional safety measures are developed (continuous blowing with fresh air, the use of thermal protective suits, shoes, frequent breaks in work, etc.).
4.10. Before starting work, the person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work must check the implementation of the preparatory work according to the plan for their implementation, instruct all workers on the necessary safety measures, check their ability to use personal protective equipment, knowledge of safe working methods and first aid methods for victims. On the briefing, each performer of the work must sign in clause 11 of the work permit.
4.11. In case of targeted briefing before carrying out gas-hazardous work, the person responsible for carrying out the RPO brings to the attention of the work performers information about the work to be done in the amount specified in Appendix 6 to the Instruction.


5.1. Gas hazardous work is carried out both by the personnel of production units and with the involvement of employees of contracting (service) organizations.
5.2. Gas hazardous work is carried out under the supervision of a person responsible for carrying out the RPO, appointed by order of the structural unit.
5.3. When carrying out gas hazardous work by employees of contracting (service) organizations, the responsible person for the safe performance of work is the responsible work manager appointed by order of the contracting (service) organization.
5.4. The admission to the performance of gas-hazardous work is carried out by the person responsible for issuing the work permit, who, after checking the implementation of the preparatory measures, for his part, gives permission to carry out work (permit) and transfers the work permit to the person responsible for conducting the RPO.
5.5. The readiness of the facility and performers to carry out gas hazardous work must be reported to the fire department representative (the person responsible for ensuring measures fire safety on the object). Without confirmation of the possibility of carrying out work, executed by signature in clause 14.1. work permit, the representative of the specified service, the start of work is prohibited.
5.6. Before the start of gas-hazardous work, the person responsible for their implementation interrogates each performer about his state of health. Employees who report being unwell or feeling unwell may not be sent to work.
5.7. Workers performing gas-hazardous work have the right to start work only after issuing a work permit and verifying the implementation of all safety measures indicated therein, and only in the presence of the manager responsible for carrying out these works.
5.8. Gas hazardous work should be carried out under the direct supervision of the person responsible for the work, whose continuous presence during the work is mandatory.
5.9. Gas hazardous work is carried out by a team of performers consisting of at least three people when performing work inside underground structures, tanks and other containers. When performing other types of gas hazardous work, the composition of the team of performers in the amount of two people is allowed.
5.10. Team members must be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment, special footwear, overalls, tools, devices and auxiliary materials.
5.11. Gas-hazardous work of group I should be carried out in the presence of observers, equipped in the same way as the workers. Staying inside a gassed room or tank in a hose gas mask should be no more than 15 minutes, after which a rest of at least 15 minutes is necessary. It is possible to descend into a well or other gas-hazardous place only if there are two understudies; it is forbidden for two workers to descend into the well with one observer.
5.12. When working in wells, inside tanks and other gassed places, the observer should periodically interrogate the worker about his state of health by twitching the rescue rope or shouting; if necessary, the observer must pull the worker out. The recommended signals are as follows: two jerks - everything is in order; three jerks - immediate exit.
5.13. Gas hazardous work of group I is carried out in hose gas masks of the PSh-1, PSh-2 brands. The use of filtering and oxygen-isolating gas masks for these purposes is not allowed. During operation, the air intake pipes of hose gas masks should be located in the direction of the wind in the clean air zone and reliably grounded. In the absence of forced air supply with a fan, the length of the hose should not exceed 10 meters. The hose must not be kinked or pinched. When performing work, it is forbidden to violate the rules for working in a hose gas mask, use a gas mask of an inappropriate size and brand.
5.14. The use of candle or lamp, ordinary electric lamps, open flame when descending into the well is prohibited. It is necessary to use only explosion-proof 12 V rechargeable lamps for lighting, which must be switched on and off outside the explosive zone.
5.15. When performing gas hazardous work, it is not allowed:
- work in shoes with steel nails, horseshoes;
- work with a tool that causes sparking upon impact;
- use faulty or untested gas masks, safety belts, ropes and ladders.
5.16. Special clothing with antistatic properties should be used in these works.
5.17. If any malfunctions are detected (hose puncture, blower stop, rescue rope break), as well as when an employee tries to remove a gas mask helmet, work must be immediately suspended, and the employee must be taken out of the danger zone.
5.18. Work inside underground structures (tanks, wells, collectors, in tunnels and trenches and other similar devices and structures) without respiratory protection is not allowed.
5.19. Work without respiratory protective equipment is allowed provided that the volume fraction of oxygen inside the tank is at least 20%, and the content of harmful vapors and gases is less than the maximum allowable concentration (MPC). In this case, the possibility of harmful, explosive and explosive vapors and gases from outside entering the tank should be excluded.
5.20. When carrying out gas-hazardous work, it is necessary to carry out control analyzes of the air environment at the places of work with the issuance of certificates based on the results of air analysis.
5.21. Gas-hazardous works must be immediately stopped if during their implementation the appearance of vapors of oil products causing a fire hazard or a danger of poisoning is detected.
5.22. During gas hazardous work, constant monitoring of the state of gas contamination of the air with vapors of petroleum products at the workplace and in the hazardous area (in tanks and enclosed spaces pump stations - at least once per hour, in open ventilated places, in open ventilated rooms - at least once every 2 hours).


6.1. Containers to be opened, inspected, cleaned or repaired must be taken out of the production process, freed from the product, disconnected from existing equipment and pipeline systems using standard plugs (according to the diagram attached to the approval order) and, depending on the properties of those products are washed and steamed for the time specified in the production instructions.
6.2. The tank intended for repair, after being freed from oil products, must be disconnected from all pipelines with the installation of dielectric gaskets. On the disconnected pipelines it is necessary to put metal plugs with a shank indicator. The thickness of the plugs is determined based on the possible maximum pressure, but it must be at least 3 mm.
6.3. Installation (removal) of plugs, included in the list of measures for the preparation of the object, can be carried out both by the operational personnel performing the preparatory work, and by the personnel included in the team for the implementation of these works. Safety measures when installing (removing) plugs should be set out in clause 6 of the work permit for performing gas hazardous work.
6.4. The installation and removal of plugs should be recorded in a special log. The places for installing plugs must be brought to the attention of the maintenance personnel of this facility.
6.5. Before starting work inside the tanks and for the entire time they are carried out in the area of ​​gas hazardous work, a poster "Gas hazardous work" is hung in a prominent place, which is removed after they are completed and only with the permission of the person responsible for the work.
6.6. Natural ventilation of the tank with a vapor concentration in the gas volume of more than 2000 mg / m³ should be carried out only through the upper skylights. Opening manholes of the first belt for natural ventilation (aeration) is allowed at an oil product vapor concentration of not more than 2000 mg/m³.
6.7. During work to remove residues of oil products, deposits, and pollution, the tank should be intensively ventilated and the content of harmful vapors and gases in it should be monitored at least every hour after the start of work. Control air analyzes are also carried out during breaks in work for more than one hour, as well as when signs of oil product vapors entering the tank are detected or when the meteorological situation changes. The results of analyzes of the air environment, carried out in the process of performing work, are entered in clause 11 of the work permit for work.
6.8. Descend into underground structures, horizontal tanks and containers, enter vertical tanks only with the permission of the person responsible for the work, and only in protective equipment worn in the clean air zone.
6.9. A worker descending into the tank must wear a gas mask, a rescue belt with a signal-rescue rope. The belt, carabiner and signal rescue rope must be tested in the prescribed manner. During operation, at least two workers with hose gas masks, in special clothing and footwear should be at the tank. If necessary, they can assist the worker in the tank.
6.10. To descend the worker into the tank, work inside the tank and rise from it, portable ladders are used, which must be tested in the prescribed manner and comply with safety requirements. Checking the serviceability, stability and reliability of fixing the stairs at the place of work is carried out in the presence of the person responsible for the work.
6.11. The worker, when descending into the tank and when leaving it, should not hold any objects in his hands. All tools and materials necessary for work must be fed into the container in a way that prevents them from falling and injuring workers.
6.12. Work should be carried out only in the presence of 2 observers (for each worker) and located in the clean air zone at the hatch (manhole), equipped in the same way as the worker, and one of the observers must have a gas mask in the "ready" position. This supervisor must:
- monitor the condition of the air hose of the gas mask and the location of the air intake device, the operation of the air injection equipment;
- monitor the signals and behavior of the worker, ask about his well-being;
- together with the second observer in a dangerous situation, pull the worker out if he cannot get out on his own.
6.13. Work inside underground structures and tanks should be immediately stopped, and the worker should be immediately evacuated to the outside in the event of the following dangerous situations:
- if deviations from normal behavior are observed in the actions of the worker (signs of malaise, an attempt to remove the gas mask);
- when a hose malfunction is detected, the blower stops working;
- in the event of other circumstances that threaten the safety of the employee.
6.14. After finishing work inside the tank, the person responsible for carrying it out before closing the hatches must personally make sure that there are no people left in the tank, tools, materials are removed, there are no foreign objects left, and make a note about this in clause 17 of the work permit.

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  • 6.1. Periodically recurring gas-hazardous work, which is an integral part of the technological process, is carried out without a work permit, but with a mandatory entry in the shop register of gas-hazardous work.

    6.2. They are carried out by the technological or maintenance personnel of the workshop in the presence of respiratory protection equipment, which are used if necessary.

    6.3. Before starting these works, an analysis of the air environment for the content of harmful substances should be carried out with an entry in the register of gas hazardous work. Familiarize the performers with the conditions for the safe performance of work.

    6.4. OTB employees are required to periodically monitor the implementation of these works.

    6.5. Emergency work to eliminate the sudden release of explosive vapors, gases, liquid products in case of damage to equipment, pipelines is carried out in insulating respiratory protection in accordance with the accident elimination plan by the members of the DGSD.


    7.1. A warning poster is posted on devices and containers that are being repaired or cleaned before starting work. "Gas hazardous work", which can be removed only with the permission of the person responsible for carrying out these works.

    7.2. The preparation of apparatus and containers for repair work, inspection and cleaning is carried out by the operating and maintenance personnel of the workshop under the guidance of the engineer responsible for their preparation.

    7.3. Equipment to be opened for inspection, cleaning or repair must be disconnected by shutoff valves from all existing communications, freed from the product, plugged from all pipelines with standard plugs. After that, depending on the products in the apparatus or container, it is necessary to steam them with steam, rinse with water, and, if necessary, blow them with an inert gas or clean air. The sequence of operations to be carried out is indicated in the work permit with the application of the scheme.

    7.4. Installation (removal) of plugs, included in the list of measures to prepare the facility for gas hazardous work, does not require additional issuance of a work permit. Safety measures when installing (removing) plugs must be set out in the work permit for performing work inside the apparatus.

    7.5. Apparatus and containers heated in the process of preparing them for inspection, cleaning or repair must be cooled to a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. If it is necessary to work at a higher temperature, additional safety measures are developed: continuous blowing with fresh air, the use of asbestos suits, heat-insulating shoes, frequent breaks in work, etc.

    7.6. It is forbidden to work inside the machine at a temperature of 50°C or more.

    7.7. If there are electrically driven agitators in the apparatus or container, it is necessary to remove the voltage by disconnecting the electrical circuit by removing the fuse on the electrical panel. Posters are posted on the starter and electrical panel "Do not turn on, people are working!". Posters are removed only after the completion of all work with the permission of the person responsible for their implementation.

    7.8. Permission to carry out work inside the apparatus, tank, etc. is issued by the head of the workshop only after a personal check of the readiness of the device, tank for inspection, cleaning or repair, as well as the implementation of the necessary measures to ensure the safety of the work.

    7.9. To protect the respiratory organs working inside the devices, hose gas masks PSh-1, PSh-2 or insulating air devices should be used. The use of filtering gas masks is prohibited.

    7.10. Work inside the apparatus (except for cleaning) without a gas mask is allowed only with the written permission of the chief engineer in the work permit, if the quality of preparation of the apparatus ensures the presence of oxygen in it at least 20% by volume, and the content of harmful vapors and gases is below the maximum permissible concentrations and the possibility of their ingress from outside or release from deposits and lining. Cleaning of the apparatus is carried out in all cases only in hose gas masks. When working without a hose gas mask, it is imperative to have it with you in full combat readiness.

    7.11. Measures to ensure the safety of work inside the apparatus without personal respiratory protection should be set out in the instructions for workplaces and in the work permit and include:

    7.11.1. Continuous supply of fresh air to the apparatus to ensure normal air conditions.

    7.11.2. Continuous monitoring of the state of the air environment.

    7.11.3. The presence of each working in the apparatus and observing hose gas masks in combat readiness.

    7.11.4. Each person working in the tank must have a rescue belt with a signal-rescue rope attached to it.

    7.11.5. Availability of signaling and communication facilities near the work site, etc.

    7.12. The analysis of the air inside the apparatus is carried out by the workers of the chemical laboratory. The content of harmful vapors and gases is determined on a chromatograph, and the oxygen content is determined by a gas analyzer of the GKhL-100 type.

    7.13. To carry out hot work inside the apparatus, it is necessary to attach a formalized permit (work permit) for hot work to the work permit for carrying out gas hazardous work. A hose gas mask must be available at the site of hot work.

    7.14. The rules for working inside apparatuses and tanks apply to work inside boilers, furnaces, wells, collectors, pits, trenches and other similar structures.

    NOTE. Work inside sewer wells, collectors, in trenches and other similar places without insulating respiratory protection is prohibited.

    7.15. In all cases, a worker descending into an apparatus or container must have a life belt with a fixed rope. The belt and rope must be tested in the prescribed manner. Before the worker is lowered into the apparatus or container, the observer is obliged to agree with him on the system for supplying conditional signals.

    7.16. When descending into and out of the apparatus, the worker must not hold any objects in his hands. All tools and materials necessary for work must be fed into the apparatus in a way that prevents them from falling and injuring the worker.

    7.17. Methods for the safe descent into the apparatus of workers, tools and materials, as well as methods for the rapid evacuation of workers from it, are determined by the person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work.

    7.18. In case of attempts on the part of the person working in the device to remove the gas mask or life belt and in case of all other phenomena that threaten his safety (hose malfunction, blower stop, rope break, signs of malaise, etc.), work must be stopped immediately, the worker must be evacuated from apparatus and report to the responsible manager for carrying out gas hazardous work.

    7.19. When working inside the apparatus of two or more people, it is necessary to exclude the mutual intersection of hoses and rescue ropes both outside and inside the apparatus. Provide for the sequence of evacuation of workers in the event of danger and additional security measures for work with a mandatory entry in the work permit.

    7.20. As a rule, one person is allowed to work in the apparatus or container. If it is necessary to work up to two or more people, additional security measures must be implemented. Each person working in the apparatus is assigned one observer and an understudy. He must know the rules for providing first (pre-medical) assistance to the victim, hold the signal-rescue rope in his hands and monitor the signaling to the workers (the order of signaling is established by the workers before the start of work).

    7.21. It is allowed to descend into the apparatus, container and start working in them only in the presence of the person responsible for this work.

    7.22. When carrying out work inside the apparatus, the observer must be at the hatch in the same equipment as the worker, have a hose gas mask in the “Ready” position, continuously monitor the worker, the location of the air intake device so that it is in the clean air zone and does not allow kinks in the hose. If necessary, the observer, with the permission of the person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work, is obliged to descend into the container, the apparatus in insulating respiratory protection equipment to assist the victim.

    7.23. When performing work inside the apparatus, container, in addition to the observer, there must be a person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work.

    7.24. In column-type apparatuses, when operating simultaneously at different elevations, it is necessary to provide for the installation of continuous protective floorings of sufficient strength, excluding injury to materials working from the upper elevations if the tool falls.

    7.25. If smells of vapors, gases are found in the apparatus, or if signs of malaise appear, the worker must give a signal to the observer, leave the apparatus with his help and report to the person responsible for the work.

    7.26. For the descent of the worker into the apparatus and the exit from it, the use wooden stairs, which must be tested in the prescribed manner and comply with safety requirements. Checking the serviceability, stability and reliability of fixing the stairs is carried out in the presence of the person responsible for the work.

    7.27. After completing work inside the apparatus, the person responsible for carrying out gas hazardous work, before closing the hatches, must personally make sure that there are no people left in the apparatus, tools and materials are removed, and make a note about this in clause 16 of the work permit.

    7.28. When working in wells, fences illuminated at night should be installed. Carrying out work in wells must be agreed with the heads of workshops technologically related to these facilities in order for them to take measures to prevent emissions of harmful substances to the place of work.

    7.29. Hot work in tanks, apparatus is carried out with fully open hatches and forced air exchange, which ensures normal air conditions in the work area. When they are carried out, a work permit is issued for carrying out gas hazardous work, as well as a permit for conducting hot work.

    7.30. Occasional openings and closings of shut-off valves located in wells related to the conduct of the technological process are carried out at the direction of the shift supervisor with an entry in the register of gas hazardous work carried out without a work permit. This work is carried out in a hose gas mask in the presence of an understudy.

    7.31. When applying protective coatings to the internal surfaces of the container, apparatus, the implementation of which is accompanied by the release of harmful and explosive substances, it is necessary to provide for the forced removal of these products. It is forbidden to perform work without insulating respiratory protection equipment.

    5. Providing medical assistance in case of poisoning.

    Gas hazardous work is carried out in a gassed environment or during which gas can escape from the gas pipeline and units or the oxygen content is less than 20%.

    Types of gas hazardous work:

    1) Tapping into a gas pipeline under gas

    2) Descent of gas from the gas pipeline of units, start-up of gas into gas pipelines and units.

    3) Repair work on the pipeline.

    4) Installation and removal of plugs on the existing gas pipeline.

    5) Dismantling of the gas pipeline that was under gas.

    6) Work in the furnaces of the boiler.

    7) Bypass and inspection of gas equipment. Revision of completed work.

    Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical commission, are trained, have a certificate, and are able to use protective equipment are allowed to perform gas hazardous work.

    The composition of the brigade for gas hazardous work.

    When working in gas wells, boiler furnaces, trenches deeper than 1m, as well as during the repair and revision of hydraulic fracturing, the team must have at least 3 workers, and the rest of the work is carried out by a team of at least 2 workers.

    Gas-hazardous work performed under the guidance of engineers.

    1. tie-in to the gas pipeline

    2. launching gas into the gas pipeline

    3. revision

    4. repair of gas equipment, except for repair work of low pressure up to 50mm without cutting and welding

    5. installing and removing plugs

    6. dismantling of equipment that was under gas

    7. work in the boiler furnace

    Without an admission order according to the instructions, but with an entry in the shift log, bypassing and inspecting gas pipelines and gas equipment. Gas hazardous work is carried out under the guidance of an experienced locksmith from the team.

    1 Repair work on a low-pressure gas pipeline with a diameter of more than 50 mm without cutting and welding.

    2 Bypass inspection of gas equipment.

    Work performed under a permit.

    1. tie-in under gas

    2. start gas or hydraulic fracturing

    3. revision of gas equipment

    4. any repair

    5. Installing and removing plugs

    6. dismantling of gas pipelines that were under gas

    7. work in the boiler furnace

    Issue a work permit the right of a person who has a permit to carry out gas hazardous work and carried out by order for an engineering and technical enterprise. The permit order is registered in a special journal, issued in two copies, issued for one shift. If the work has not been completed, the volume of work does not increase, the conditions do not increase and the composition of the team does not change, then the permit permit can be extended by the person who issued the order. Members of the brigade before starting work must be instructed and sign the permit order. An increase in the scope of work specified in the order is prohibited. The outfit is stored for a year and the registration log for 5 years. The initial order for the gas start-up permit is stored permanently.

    Work performed according to a permit and a special plan .

    1. Starting gas into the gas pipeline and equipment with a pressure of 0.6 MPa (6 atm.)

    2. All tie-in and welding work in the plan indicates the scope of work, the need for devices of extremely important equipment, the sequence of actions of each worker, and safety measures. The permit order and the plan are written out in advance for preparatory work. Each enterprise should develop a list of gas-hazardous work, which separately indicates:

    A) Work carried out on the basis of a permit.

    B) Work carried out without a work permit with an entry in the journal.

    C) Emergency without a work order according to the plan for the elimination of possible accidents

    This list is re-approved once a year.

    All gas hazardous work is carried out during daylight hours, with the exception of emergency work.

    Safety measures when performing gas hazardous work:

    1. In case of extreme importance, signs designate a security zone within a radius of 10m around the object, and a duty officer is posted at the entrance.

    2. Open fire and no smoking are allowed in the area.

    3. Organize the maximum ventilation of the place of work.

    4. Workers must be instructed before starting work.

    5. Use only serviceable tools - hammers and sledgehammers made of non-ferrous metal, the rest of the tool must be copper-plated or working parts thickly lubricated with grease.

    6. Lighting must be explosion-proof. Portable lighting voltage 12v.

    7. When working in a gassed area and gas wells, workers must wear gas masks in rescue belts with a rope. Work in hose gas masks no more than 30 minutes.

    8. When working in the furnaces of boilers, if there is no gas contamination, you can work without a gas mask, but a gas mask should be nearby.

    9. Shoes should be without horseshoes and iron nails. Specialist. cotton clothing.

    10. When performing work, follow the instructions of the work manager.

    11. Responsibility for the state of the work performed lies with the work manager.

    12. Entering the gassed area is possible only with the permission of the work manager. Protective equipment may only be put on and taken off outside the zone.

    13. Developed and approved instructions for gas hazardous work.


    Gas-hazardous work is carried out according to a permit. The team consists of 3 people under the leadership of engineers. The boiler must be switched off, dehydrated, plugs installed on the gas pipeline fittings, disconnected from the general gas duct, from the steam and water mains. At the firebox, all the hatches open, the explosive valves are removed. The furnace must be cooled and ventilated before starting work; the temperature and gas content of the furnace are checked. The temperature should not exceed +45C, gas contamination is not higher than 1%. If necessary, turn on the blower fan. No more than 2 people can work in the firebox at the same time, they must be in protective equipment. An attendant must always be at the outer manhole. Signs are posted on valves and gate valves, on electric switches (PEOPLE DO NOT TURN ON) All electrical equipment must be turned off, and the cables must be grounded. Time spent by people in the firebox +45С 20 minutes emergency lighting 12 V.


    Gas-hazardous work is carried out according to a tolerance line under the guidance of engineering and technical personnel. A team of 2 people works during the day. Preparatory work is carried out in advance, which includes:

    1. preparation of documentation

    2. room cleaning

    3. prepare fire fighting equipment

    4. Necessary fixture materials and tools

    At the beginning of work, the responsible person instructs the brigade against signature. The responsible person distributes the work at the entrance, signs are put up (GAS-HAZARDOUS WORK IS CARRIED OUT) and a person on duty is put up. After that, an inspection of gas pipelines and equipment is carried out. Close the locking devices, check the presence of a plug at the inlet of the gas pipeline.

    Outsiders are removed from the boiler room and check the presence of open fire, open doors and windows, do internal pressure testing with air of 1000 mm of water column for 1 hour. The pressure drop is allowed by 60mm of water column. When pressure testing, threaded flange and oil seals are washed. Detected leaks are eliminated after pressure relief. If the pressure test is normal, open the purge plug and the safety plug. Then we remove the plug at the inlet, open the valve and do a gas purge, we control the purge by burning a gas sample. To do this, at a far point from the inlet, a hose is connected to the gas pipeline, and the other end of the hose is lowered into a soapy solution. If the flame is calm yellow without pops, then the purge can be completed. Before igniting the bubbles, close the container with the solution and take it outside. At the end of the check, we close the candles and control valves, check the room for gas contamination. You can start lighting up the boiler.

    The initial start-up and adjustment of automation should be carried out by a special team with the participation of the boiler room personnel for 72 hours.


    Carry out a planned shutdown of the boilers. Close the control and working valves at the gas pipeline inlet, open the purge candle and the safety candle. Then we put a stub.


    This work is carried out by the boiler room personnel. Gas-hazardous work is carried out according to a permit at the head of engineering and technical personnel in the daytime. An audit of the boiler room and gas equipment is being carried out, gas ducts, fans, electrical equipment, instrumentation, all work is documented by an act signed by the commission of the enterprise.

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