How to water flowers with succinic acid proportions. Ambulance for indoor plants - succinic acid: how to use in the care of flowers, so as not to harm

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On the Internet, you can now find many articles where succinic acid is presented to plant growers almost as a miracle cure for “everything”, moreover, it is cheap and absolutely harmless. This substance, indeed, can be useful for plants. But its use is associated with a number of reservations and nuances. The proposed material tells about how to properly use succinic acid when growing plants, and in what cases it is ineffective.

Chemical characteristics of succinic acid

For 20 tablets with a dosage of 0.1 g, pharmacies ask for 24-25 rubles. But it is better not to buy a preparation with such a small dosage for crop production, since in this case too many tablets will be needed to obtain a working solution of tablets.

The scientific synonym for the name "succinic acid" is ethane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid. It has been known to people since the 17th century, and in those distant times it was obtained by distillation of amber and was called the “spirit of ambergris”. Now the substance is produced mainly by industrial synthesis, from maleic acid, ethylene glycol and butanediol. It is this succinic acid that can be freely purchased at any pharmacy.

In the Kaliningrad region, which is called the Amber Territory, there are industries where succinic acid is obtained directly from amber. But both raw materials and technology are too expensive, so natural succinic acid is not used in crop production.

Outwardly, the described substance is a fine crystalline powder, sour in taste, with a barely noticeable bitterness. For convenience, it is often pressed into tablets, the dosage of which can be 0.1 or 0.5 g. This form of release of the drug is the most common. You can buy succinic acid at any pharmacy at a price of 15 rubles for 10 tablets of 0.5 g.

The effect of succinic acid on plants and scope

Succinic acid is not in vain used in medicine. This substance dramatically activates metabolism, increases the supply of cells with energy and oxygen. As a result, tissue respiration improves. In the tissues of plants, the “spirit of ambergris” does about the same thing:

  • activates the transport of oxygen inside the cell;
  • positively affects the activity of mitochondria, increasing the energy supply of the plant;
  • neutralizes free radicals, preventing them from damaging cell membranes and nucleic acids;
  • ensures normal protein synthesis.

Very often you can find the definition of succinic acid as a growth stimulant. It is not quite correct. This substance does not stimulate cell elongation and division, like auxins (learn → the use of growth hormones) or cytokinins. It activates metabolism and eliminates tissue hypoxia. Therefore, it would be more correct to consider succinic acid as an antistress agent for plants.

As a result of the action of succinic acid on plant tissues, the activation of plant growth is indeed observed. But this is just a positive "side effect" caused by a general improvement in metabolism and an increase in the energy supply of cells.

Read also the article ⇒ Biohumus (vermicompost) instructions for use, liquid, how to make in the country.

Advantages and disadvantages of succinic acid

As an aid for plant growers, succinic acid has important advantages. But it also has disadvantages, which in some cases can be critical:

Important! Succinic acid is only an auxiliary agent. It can complement other preparations and fertilizers and increase their effectiveness, but by no means replace them.

Preparation of a working solution of succinic acid

Producers of agricultural chemistry, against the backdrop of high demand, produce succinic acid in the "cottage" version, in the form of a powder. It is more convenient to use such a drug than tablets, but in terms of properties it is no different from a pharmacy one.

The effectiveness of succinic acid is manifested with strict adherence to the concentration of the working solution. It should be 0.1%.

To prepare such a solution, you need to do the following:

  • if powdered succinic acid is available, 1 g is measured (about half a teaspoon);
  • if pharmaceutical tablets are purchased, their dosage is checked, and as many pieces are taken as needed to obtain 1 g of succinic acid (at a dosage of 0.5 g - 2 pieces, at a dosage of 0.1 g - 10 pieces);
  • tablets are carefully ground into powder;
  • the measured amount of succinic acid is poured into a liter jar of hot water (not boiling water);
  • vigorously stirring, achieve complete dissolution of the substance in water.

It is not necessary to prepare a solution from hot water, but at a high temperature, succinic acid dissolves better, and the preparation is prepared faster. The solution is then cooled down. If any undissolved particles remain at the bottom, filtration through several layers of gauze will be required.

Tip #1 Starting to prepare the solution, you need to carefully read the information on the package with tablets. Some manufacturers indicate the total weight of the tablet in large print, and not the weight of the active substance, which confuses consumers. For example, on the package, “Pills weighing 0.5 g each” may be written large, and there will be only 0.1 g of succinic acid in them.

Treatment of vegetative plants with succinic acid

The working solution is not stored, since succinic acid is easily destroyed. Therefore, you need to cook exactly the amount that is necessary for quick use at a time.

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Sometimes plants suffer greatly from negative external factors:

  • return frosts;
  • drought;
  • excess moisture in the soil;
  • a significant increase in air temperature (for example, in greenhouses);
  • fungal and bacterial diseases;
  • pest invasion;
  • strong differences in day and night temperatures, etc.

In such cases, the anti-stress properties of succinic acid are more appropriate than ever. Plant treatment can be done by spraying or watering. It all depends on the acidity of the soil:

The table shows that watering acidic soils with a solution of succinic acid is undesirable. But on neutral and carbonate soils, it works better through the roots. The fact is that plants from alkaline soils poorly absorb iron and phosphorus. Light acidification, in this case, plays into the hands of the gardener. It turns out to achieve two goals at once: get rid of the consequences of stress in plants and nourish them with useful elements, without even introducing them additionally into the soil.

Irrigation rates with a solution of succinic acid depend on the size of the plant:

  • under indoor flowers, an average of a glass of the drug is poured;
  • for seedlings - 100 ml;
  • under planted bushes of vegetable crops (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc.) - 200-500 ml each.

How to spray with succinic acid (click to expand)

Foliar processing is done with a good fine spray sprayer. For indoor plants, which are more often under stress than outdoor plants, it can be carried out all year round, with an interval of 3 weeks. This will reduce the influence of factors such as dry air, lack of sunlight, limited soil volume and uneven watering.

Fruit crops are sprayed with succinic acid either after obvious external damaging effects, or 1 day after leaf feeding.

Root treatment when transplanting plants

In indoor floriculture, succinic acid can be useful when transplanting plants into new pots with soil replacement. After washing the roots, they are cut if necessary and the plant is placed in a container with a working solution for half an hour. The positive effect of succinic acid is especially noticeable when transplanting epiphytes, the root system of which is a problem area.

Epiphytes are plants that grow without soil. Of these, orchids are the most popular among amateur flower growers. They need a special substrate, and at the slightest violation of the growing technology, the roots begin to rot, and the plant dies.

Sometimes the roots of an orchid have to be cut very hard. In this case, after pruning and soaking in a solution of succinic acid, it is useful to hold the bush in a solution of the Kornevin rhizogenesis stimulator (see → Kornevin: use as a plant growth stimulator, seedlings). After transplanting into a fresh substrate, the plant is additionally sprayed with succinic acid.

Seed treatment with succinic acid

The effect of succinic acid on seed germination is evidenced by the results of a number of experiments and observations:

“For the experiment, the seeds of Belozerka sweet pepper were taken. The first batch was soaked in the Epin-Extra stimulant (see → how to use Epin + reviews), the second - in a 0.1% solution of succinic acid, the third - in a mixture of Epin-Extra and succinic acid in equal proportions. The control sample was soaked in clean water. The results showed that the germination rate of the samples treated with the stimulant and succinic acid is the same and 30% higher than the germination rate of the control sample. Treatment with a mixture of "Epin-Extra" and succinic acid gave the same result as the treatment with these preparations separately.

E. Sladkova, agronomist

This data speaks for itself. By increasing the metabolic rate in the seed, the rate of its germination increases. Despite the different mechanism of action, succinic acid gives a result similar to a growth stimulator.

Soak the seeds in a glass with a solution of succinic acid for 12 hours, and then sow. If the seeds are germinated on a napkin soaked in a solution, they are left in it until the roots appear.

Cases of ineffectiveness of succinic acid

For succinic acid to work, you need to understand when it loses its effectiveness. The conducted experiments show that there is no positive result in the following cases:

  • with an increase in the concentration of the working solution to 0.2% and above;
  • when the concentration of the working solution is below 0.1%;
  • when processing strongly weakened and damaged plants.

On bags of succinic acid produced for gardeners, they write about the effect of this substance on the volume of green mass, flowering and crop productivity. Practical observations do not confirm this. Compared to control plants, the samples treated with succinic acid did not show any difference in these parameters.

Read also the article ⇒ Ammonium sulfate (ammonium sulfate): instructions for use, properties, application to the soil (norm), reviews.

Feedback on the use of succinic acid

Succinic acid is especially appreciated by lovers of indoor plants. Judging by the reviews, this substance takes a strong place in their "first aid kit":

“I use succinic acid to spray all my plants, except for pubescent ones. Especially love the amber shower decorative leaves. I don’t practice watering - I noticed that after 4-5 such waterings, dracaena drop leaves. Apparently there is a shift in acidity, and they don't like it" (Marina, Severodvinsk).

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Actual questions about succinic acid

Question number 1. Is succinic acid suitable for preparing cuttings for rooting?

Good. Numerous observations show that rooting after cuttings are treated with succinic acid increases by at least 30%. If rooting of lignified material is carried out, it is necessary to place the cuttings in a 0.1% solution with the lower sections for 12-24 hours. In the future, once a week, the soil in the cuttings is watered with the same solution.

If indoor plants are cut, and green material is taken for rooting, it is enough just to dip the sections in a solution of succinic acid and immediately place them in the substrate. It is not necessary to water them with acid in the future, spraying is enough.

Question number 2. Does succinic acid help cut flowers last longer? (click to expand)

Helps. The cut flower can be placed directly into the 0.1% working solution. However, the effectiveness of succinic acid will not be higher than any other - citric, malic or simple aspirin. Any acids increase the conductivity of the vascular system, prolonging the safety of flowers in the cut.

Succinic acid is one of the components of plant and living organisms. In nature, it can be found in natural amber, which is mined, for example, in the Baltic Sea. There are methods for artificially obtaining a substance - this is exactly what is sold in pharmacies.

How succinic acid is obtained - its reserves in nature

Butane or succinic are varieties of carboxylic acids that are isolated from natural deposits - solidified resin, brown coal. That is, the substance is completely natural and safe for living organisms.

Mineral deposits are found all over the world - basically these deposits are the dried bottom of prehistoric seas. In the Dominican Republic, there are even deposits of blue and green amber, which are very rare - they are equated with precious stones, especially if inside they have ancient insects and reptiles that inhabited the planet millions of years ago.

Stones are mined by quarry or by hand. Those specimens that are not suitable for jewelry are used for medical purposes, as well as in the electronic, food and chemical industries.

The second way is extraction from brown coal. The third is the hydrogenation of maleic anhydride. This is the cheapest and technologically simplest way to produce succinic acid as a fertilizer for indoor plants and to maintain metabolism - for plants, the instructions for use are somewhat different than for ingestion. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the correct preparation of the solution.

Properties of the substance - fertilizer or stimulant

Succinic acid for flowers is not so much a fertilizer as a metabolism stimulator, which helps to properly absorb nutrients. For the same purpose, it is used in medicine.

Succinates - salts of succinic acid - dissolve well in hot water, react with chemicals, forming useful active compounds.

The principle of influence on plants

The question arises - does succinic acid bring benefits or harm to plants - according to gardeners and lovers of indoor flowers in large quantities, this substance harms crops. With improper preparation of the treatment solution, there were cases of drying of the leaves. The same fact is in the encyclopedia of chemists - in large quantities, acid is a poison, which was confirmed by experiments on rats.

Video: Succinic acid for all colors

Therefore, the use of succinic acid for indoor flowers should be based on strict adherence to dosages. With proper feeding of flowers with succinic acid in tablets, cellular respiration and absorption of nutrients improves.

The level of energy production increases, which is spent on all processes occurring in plant tissues. The substance is safe for soil microflora - bacteria are happy to eat it as organic matter, so residues do not accumulate in the soil. Thus, regular watering can encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria in soil that is rarely replenished.

Unfavorable growth conditions can be compensated by fertilizing flowers with succinic acid. Together with other fertilizers, the stimulant is able to increase the immunity of plants to diseases, especially fungal ones.

What is useful for flowers

Succinic acid and flowers - what is the beneficial effect:

  • quick recovery after transplantation, pruning;
  • recovery of diseased specimens;
  • adaptation to new conditions, which are sometimes unfavorable - rare watering, poor lighting;
  • preparation of seeds and cuttings for planting;
  • acceleration of chlorophyll synthesis, as a result - a rapid set of green mass;
  • protection from toxic substances.

Useful properties of succinic acid:

  • activates the growth of roots, which contributes to the rapid absorption of nutrients from the soil;
  • restores the vital activity of tissues damaged by the disease;
  • the effect is achieved by making minimal dosages.

A solution prepared from tablets retains useful qualities for 3 days. It is recommended to use within the indicated time.

Despite all the positive characteristics, succinic acid is not a complete fertilizer. This means that it can help absorb nutrients, but cannot replace them. When organic matter or mineral components enter the soil, the rate of their absorption increases, and assimilation occurs completely.

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What fertilizers are used

Any vegetation needs macro and microelements - the NPK complex. Nitrogen promotes the growth of shoots and leaves, in which the formation of chlorophyll occurs, Phosphorus affects the root system, and also increases the absorption of nitrogen and potassium. Potassium is the main element on which the intensity of flowering of plants - indoor or garden - depends.

Therefore, before watering indoor flowers with succinic acid in tablets, it is necessary to add basic nutrition. It can be:

  • complex mixtures containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus;
  • microelement solution;
  • organic matter;
  • humates.

Succinic acid is especially well combined with humic fertilizers, for example, with potassium humate. This type of top dressing is already very well absorbed by crops, but with a stimulant in the form of succinic acid, the process is even more intensive. The degree of assimilation is up to 98%.

Video removed.

Chelated forms of minerals are the most economical top dressing, which requires three times less. The ions in chelates are “sealed” in an organic shell, so they pass well through the cell membrane, unlike ordinary substances. Such top dressing can be carried out less frequently and use less fertilizer.

Solution preparation

To make it convenient to prepare the solution, a 1% concentrate is first made. To do this, the tablet is dissolved in a glass of water, then the volume is added to 1 liter. To obtain a solution of the desired concentration, that is, 0.002%, it is necessary to dissolve 1 tablet in 10 liters.

If you add, for example, not 10 liters, but 9 or 8, there will be no problem. When watering, part of the solution will fall into the soil, where bacteria will utilize it. The rest will be absorbed by the root system.

The beneficial effect occurs depending on which part of the plant - underground or aboveground - was treated with a stimulant. When watering, the growth of roots is activated, when spraying - the growth of shoots and leaves.

The procedure is carried out once a month until the symptoms of nutritional deficiency disappear. We must not forget that a couple of days before watering with a stimulant, it is necessary to introduce a complex of nutrients - organic or mineral.

Seeds are soaked in a working solution for a day before planting. Dry them completely before sowing. For better rooting of the cuttings, they must be put in water with dissolved succinic acid for 2 to 3 hours - the concentration is normal.

Transplanted crops to improve root formation are watered once a week until the plant takes root and begins to grow.

Plant processing methods

The same culture solution can be watered or sprayed. It is recommended to combine these two methods.

Succinic acid in the garden is used to stimulate root growth and protect against adverse climatic conditions. Especially in spring, when night frosts periodically occur. Succinic acid promotes better absorption of potassium, which protects crops from the effects of low temperatures and drought.

On poor soils, where the amount of nutrients is limited, top dressing helps to increase the population of soil microorganisms that process plant residues, converting them into a form available for assimilation by the root system.

For what types is it used

Many novice indoor plant lovers ask what flowers can be watered with succinic acid. The fact is that the metabolism of all cultures proceeds in the same way, therefore, they can all be sprayed or watered with a solution. Flowering species respond particularly well.

Succinic acid for violets - the ability to bloom magnificently and for a long time, to tie a large number of buds. With regular watering, violets bloom from early spring to late autumn. From August, you can not use the solution, as the flower is gradually preparing for hibernation and its metabolism slows down.

Orchids are capricious plants because of their way of feeding. These are epiphytes that take food from the plant on which they live. When planting them in the soil, a deficiency of nutritional components may occur, due to which the plant will get sick. The solution helps to get comfortable in a new place and get substances from the soil.

Garden crops, as well as greenhouse crops, on various types of soil may lack minerals. An increase in the number of microorganisms in the soil contributes to the absorption of nutrients and full growth. Top dressing works well as a stimulant in the initial stage of the growing season, when green mass is recruited and immunity is formed.

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Succinic acid is an environmentally friendly substance obtained from natural amber. In indoor floriculture, it is used as a biostimulant, growth regulator, and also as a disinfectant. Spraying with succinic acid on the aerial parts of the plant is indicated in such stressful situations as drying out the earthy coma, hypothermia, burns on the leaves, and pest damage.

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How to breed succinic acid for plants and flowers

The method of diluting succinic acid for watering and spraying flowers is slightly different. We will talk about breeding for irrigation a little lower, but here we will talk about breeding for spraying.

In order to prepare a solution of succinic acid for spraying plants, take 1 tablet or 0.5 g of powder per 1 liter of water. First, the drug is diluted in a small container with warm water, after which the amount of liquid is gradually increased to the required volume. The finished solution is stored for no more than three days in a dark place, inaccessible to children and animals, at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius.

Small errors in concentration do not lead to any serious consequences, since the plants absorb the amount of solution they need. But too strong a concentration can lead to burns of the foliage and root system. If the drug is in tablets, before buying it is advisable to read the composition and choose the option where there are no additional substances: talc, ascorbic acid, starch, etc. Glucose is allowed.

Many people think that they use succinic acid as a fertilizer, but it should be remembered that succinic acid is a growth stimulant, not a fertilizer.

Important: it is advisable to spray the plant no more than two times in a row with an interval of 2-3 weeks. Excessive stimulation of metabolism can adversely affect his health. Some flower growers recommend using succinic acid no more than once every 2 years.

How to water flowers with succinic acid

For watering flowers with succinic acid in tablets, you need to take 2 tablets (they are usually produced in 0.5 g each). If you dilute 1 g of succinic acid in 5 liters. water, you can water the flowers under the root. This stimulates the growth of new shoots, increases bud formation and foliage, enhances flowering, improves root nutrition and plant appearance. When introduced into the soil, the drug normalizes its microflora, positively affects the vital activity of the microorganisms in it. This contributes to the purification of land poisoned by toxic waste, helps protect the soil from anthropogenic influence and prevents the accumulation of toxins in the plant.

Precautionary measures:

The tool can cause allergic reactions, so you need to wear gloves before working with it. If the solution or crystals come into contact with the skin, immediately rinse it with plenty of water. After completion of work, the remains of the drug are poured out; reusing an expired solution can harm the plant.

Application of succinic acid:

  • Under stress, the green part of the plant is sprayed.
  • To stimulate germination, the seeds are kept in solution for about a day, after which they are dried and planted in the ground. It is possible to germinate seeds in the solution itself.
  • To enhance root formation, the root system is soaked in the preparation for 40 minutes. After that, the plant is dried for about half an hour and planted in a permanent place.
  • The rapid rooting of the cutting is facilitated by immersing the lower part of the cut shoot in the solution for a day.
  • To stimulate growth, spray the top of the plant regularly in the morning or evening, at least twice a month.
  • Resuscitating a dying plant, a concentrated solution is prepared: 0.25 grams of succinic acid per liter of water, with which it is watered and sprayed.

Top dressing and resuscitation of indoor flowers with succinic acid

Regarding the use of succinic acid, flower growers have an ambiguous opinion. Some do not imagine caring for plants without it, others prefer traditional methods. But most orchid lovers use the drug as a growth stimulant, a means of resuscitation, and when the roots rot.

Using succinic acid for orchids

In case of rot on the roots or trunk of an orchid, it is necessary to clean it to living tissue and remove all affected areas by treating the sections with a fungicide. To stimulate the growth of new roots, the orchid can be fed on a leaf and cotton pads with a mixture of a concentrated solution of succinic acid (2 tablets per 0.5 l of water) and a complex of B vitamins diluted in 1 liter of water can be applied to the trunk.

Florists recommend using the same recipe when wrinkling leaves, for growing babies on peduncles. Some liquid complex fertilizers, which are preferred by orchid lovers, already contain succinic acid, but its amount is not always indicated. Flower growers who deal with violets, azaleas and gardenias also use this remedy as a growth and flowering stimulator.

The effect of the use of succinic acid is not noticeable to all growers. After a single treatment of a plant, indoor flower lovers expect some miraculous result and are disappointed in the preparation if nothing happens. But most still see its positive effect: an increase in the number of buds or the appearance of a rich color in the leaves. It shows up best on young plants. Sometimes positive changes become apparent only after the second or third treatment with succinic acid.

Succinic acid as a fertilizer for plants is very popular among gardeners. It includes useful chemical elements that are held in the crystals of a semi-precious stone, has a lot of positive properties, and is used as a growth activator. One of the ways how succinic acid is obtained is the process of reduction of maleic acid under specially created conditions for this. According to another method, the stimulant is removed by specific processing of amber.

The drug is widely used in horticulture and vegetable growing in order to disinfect the soil, accelerate seed germination and rooting of plants after picking. It prevents the spread of infections in the beds, activates the process of their development in an uninhabited area.

In this article, we will tell you why succinic acid is needed, describe its features and forms of application, and also consider how to dilute and use succinic acid for plants.

The benefits of succinic acid for plants are due to the fact that under the influence of an agrochemical, the composition and structure of the soil undergoes a change, which entails the rapid growth of cultivated vegetation.

The effect of succinic acid on the soil

Thanks to the feeding of plants with succinic acid:

  • the substrate becomes loose and soft;
  • useful microflora is restored, the earth is saturated with nutrients, toxins are removed.

The drug does not contain impurities that have a bad effect on the soil, it is well absorbed by the plant cells of garden and garden plantings.

The effect of acid on plants

Thanks to the drug:

  1. green growth is activated;
  2. increases its resistance to environmental conditions: prolonged hot weather, drought, lower air temperature;
  3. immunity is strengthened: garden and horticultural crops become less susceptible to infections.

A solution of succinic acid for plants promotes seed germination, active rooting of seedlings.

In what form is succinic acid used for plants?

For indoor plants, you can use succinic acid in powder or tablets, soluble in liquid. It is applied by the roots or by irrigation from above. Seedlings and seeds are kept in the activator before planting.

Preparation of various succinic acid concentrates

In order for the "amber" to benefit the vegetation, it is necessary to correctly make a recharge.

How to breed: proportions and nuances

Plants are treated with a liquid stimulant. The ratio of water and agrochemical depends on the purpose of the fertilizer:

  1. In order to prepare the seeds for planting, dissolve 2 g of the activator in 1 liter of water.
  2. When planting cuttings, transplanting adult specimens to another area, 0.2 g of the powder is dissolved in the same amount of liquid.
  3. For spraying, a concentration of the active substance of 0.03% is used.

How to use top dressing in tablets?

Succinic acid is sold in the form of tablets with a certain dosage. To make a solution with a concentration of 0.2%, you need to dissolve 20 powdered tablets in a liter of water, and 0.02% - 2.

Who benefits from succinic acid?

The use of succinic acid will benefit many indoor plants. It is preferred by palm trees, roses, dracaena, begonias, ficuses, succulents. Fertilizer will also be necessary for violets (they bloom brightly and longer from the drug), as well as for potatoes and cucumbers.

How to use succinic acid?

Watering plants with succinic acid is allowed at all stages of the growing season.

Pre-sowing treatment

In 1 liter of liquid dissolve 2 g of the drug, soak the seeds, keep from 6 to 12 hours. Then they are allowed to dry and planted in the garden. Potato tubers or perennial flowers are sprayed with the same solution, covered with a film, germinated.

Rooting cuttings

In order for the cuttings to take root better and faster, they are placed with the cut end in the dissolved preparation (1%), kept for twelve hours.

Seedling survival rate

In order for young greens to quickly adapt to environmental conditions and grow faster, it is advised to irrigate small bores with succinic acid (0.25% solution). At the end of the procedure, the seedlings must be transplanted. It is useful to spray the sprouts from above just before transplanting (they make a couple of dressings per day).

Stimulation of the root system

In order to activate the development of the roots of seedlings, young greenery should be fed with amber (0.2%). Subsequent manipulations are carried out after 7 days.

Stimulation of growth and flowering

Useful succinic acid for flowers. Spraying the foliage with amber liquid (1%) will help accelerate the development of shoots. The first top dressing is carried out even before the plants began to bloom, the applications are carried out twice a day. For non-flowering species, the action is repeated every few weeks.

Against stress

If home flowers wither and dry, adapt inactively, this is often due to stress. To combat the disease, it is recommended to take a 0.2% solution of the stimulant. Top dressing of flowers with succinic acid is done every 2-3 weeks.

Disease control

To get rid of ailments, a strongly acidic liquid mixture (2.5%; concentrated solution) is used, seedlings are dipped into it for ten minutes.

When and how often to water the flowers?

It is advisable to add succinic acid for plants in order to:

  • increase resistance to negative growing conditions;
  • reduce the risk of infection;
  • improve the quality of the substrate;
  • activate root growth.

In order to prevent infection, it is necessary to process seedlings from one to five times a month.

What will be needed for work?

Before using a solution of succinic acid for flowers, you need to prepare:

  1. ammunition to protect the skin, eyes, mouth, nose;
  2. gloves;
  3. succinic acid;
  4. liquid;
  5. special dishes for diluting the solution;
  6. soft cloth and cotton wool;
  7. spray.

General rules of work

It is permissible to interact with the drug only in the presence of special clothing. It is not allowed to allow the presence of children near the substance. The prepared liquid cannot be kept for a long time, it must be applied within a few hours.

Ways to use the solution

Succinic acid is introduced in powder by:

  • root watering with a dissolved activator;
  • wet processing of young leaves.

It is useful to fertilize the ground with powder before planting. This will contribute to their survival, make the soil more nutritious.

How to prepare a concentrate?

To make a concentrated composition, you need to pour 1 g of the activator into a glass, add a liter of water. The substance is mixed well so that the active substance is completely dissolved, diluted with a small amount of water.

How to use a ready-made drug?

The prepared product is intended for:

  1. rubbing leaf plates: moisten a cotton swab abundantly in liquid, process the leaves on both sides;
  2. spraying: spray plants from a spray bottle without getting on the flowers;
  3. basal irrigation: pour fertilizer under the roots slowly, applying evenly throughout the treated area;
  4. moistening the earth: the soil is preliminarily loosened, moistened 5-10 cm deep. For processing 1 sq. m. area requires from 3 to 5 liters of solution.

Succinic acid can be combined with other fertilizers.

Spraying with a solution

Through the foliage, nutrients are absorbed faster by green cells, delivered to all parts of the plants.

Processing is done:

  • in early spring to eliminate nutritional deficiencies;
  • after pruning to relieve stress, or illness;
  • in order to reduce the toxicity of the soil as a result of the use of toxic agrochemicals.

Before using the liquid stimulant, it should be filtered.

Amber acid for roots

The substance promotes the active development of roots, prevents their decay, and prevents the spread of fungal infection.

An acidic liquid composition is prepared for the roots, the roots are lowered into it, they are kept for some time (3-4 hours) before the start of planting operations, the prepared seedlings are transferred to the nutrient substrate.

Seed treatment before sowing

The seed material is pre-soaked in acid, dried, sown in the beds.

You can put the seeds between the fabric treated with the active substance, cover with plastic wrap on top, leave until germination.


The shelf life of the tablets is 36 months from the date of issue. Keep the activator undiluted in a dry, warm room. Ready fertilizer is sold within three days.

Precautionary measures

Succinic acid is not poisonous, does not cause harm to greenery and humans. In case of penetration of the agropreparation into the eyes, they must be thoroughly rinsed. If the product has entered the digestive tract, it is recommended to drink liquids, seek medical help.

The use of succinic acid in tablets for plants stimulates the flowering of ornamental flower crops, and contributes to a rich harvest of vegetables. Thanks to the drug, the nutritional value of the soil increases.

In order for the use of the stimulant to be beneficial, it is important to strictly follow the recommended proportions indicated in the instructions during the preparation of the succinic acid solution. Before making it, you need to familiarize yourself with it in detail and find out why and how succinic acid is used. A hint on how to use succinic acid for flowers, garden and garden plants, how long to feed, can be obtained from professionals.

To feed garden vegetables, garden trees and shrubs, decorative flowering plants, various fertilizers are used to nourish and strengthen them. But in addition to this, to increase productivity and increase the absorption of nutrients from the earth in the household, gardeners and gardeners are increasingly using succinic acid to treat plants. Find out how to properly apply this growth stimulant and in what concentration to treat the plants.

Succinic acid is a white powder with a crystalline structure, it has no smell, it tastes like citric acid. It dissolves well in warm water. In crop production, it is used in minimal quantities, exclusively in liquid form, as a growth stimulator, for application by watering and spraying.

Succinic acid has a positive effect on plants: it activates growth processes, increases productivity. No negative properties were noted, it is completely harmless to any plants, insects, animals, humans, and is used in medicine.

The substance can be found in pharmacies as a medicine, or in a vegetable grower's store in powder form. Succinic acid in tablets is 0.5 g and 0.25 g. 1 tablet usually contains 0.1 g of acid, the rest is ballast substances.

Useful properties of succinic acid

It does not serve in the literal sense for feeding, it is, first of all, a plant growth stimulator. Succinic acid perfectly helps them absorb elements and various substances from the earth, accelerates the formation of chlorophyll in cells. The substance has a variety of positive effects on plants:

  1. This is a stress adaptogen, thanks to its effect, plants recover more quickly after adverse conditions - drought, heat, cold, lack of light, temperature changes, high humidity, or transplantation (the roots grow faster and the plant soon takes root).
  2. Improves the absorption of nutrients from the soil.
  3. Seedlings after planting in the ground more actively adapt to new environmental conditions, take root faster.
  4. All plants grow roots and new young shoots faster.
  5. There is an acceleration of flowering, fruit ripening, their quality and quantity increases.
  6. The substance helps to increase immunity to diseases and restore diseased or damaged plants.
  7. Prevents the accumulation of nitrates and other toxic substances in plant tissues, improves the composition of soil microflora.

The greatest benefit of succinic acid is manifested if it is used in a certain phase of crop development and at the recommended dosage. You can use the substance throughout the growing season. You can start with seeds and seedlings - soak them before planting, and then use them to water plants or sprinkle during budding and before flowering or during the growing season.

The benefit brought by the substance is obvious, but there is practically no harm. Even if you exceed the norm a little, the plants will not suffer. But still, succinic acid should be diluted in the recommended doses.

How to prepare a solution of succinic acid

It depends on what exactly is planned to be processed in the country, what concentration should be chosen to prepare a solution of succinic acid. Powder, tablets dissolve quickly in warm water.

To stimulate the growth of roots on the cuttings and just the growth of plants, you need to prepare a 0.002% solution (0.2 g per 10 l). For soaking the roots, the concentration will be higher - 0.02% (0.2 g per 1 liter). Liquid for seeds is prepared from 0.4 g per 10 l (0.004% solution), for spraying potatoes - 0.002%.

To prepare fertilizer from succinic acid for foliar spraying, dilute 0.2-1 g in 10 liters. Its use is for spraying before flowering, after it - 2 g per 10 liters, the number of treatments - 1-2 times per month.

Succinic acid in the garden

The time of soaking seeds in succinic acid before planting is 0.5-1 day. Then they must be dried. The duration of treatment for the seed material of all vegetables is the same, suitable for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, cabbage, etc. The solution is also suitable for planting potato tubers, they are sprayed with them and placed for germination.

Cuttings after cutting are kept in liquid from 6 hours to 1 day, the roots of seedlings - no more than 0.5 days. The use of succinic acid for seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables - watering with a solution (0.02%) 1 hour before transplanting or 1-2 single spraying of tomato seedlings per leaf per day. For watering seedlings after transplantation, the same solution is used, the number of waterings is 2 times, with a break of a week.

To accelerate the growth of new shoots, treatment is done every 2 weeks (0.002%). Liquid (0.5 g per 1 liter) is sprayed in the garden on weak, sick, poorly developing or damaged by diseases, cold, sun, plant pests. The frequency of treatments remains the same - every 2 weeks.

Succinic acid in horticulture

Shrubs and garden trees: cherries, apple trees, apricots, pears and plums, cherries, gooseberries and raspberries, grapes, etc. also require this substance, which stimulates flowering, and then fruit set, and their subsequent growth. The traditional way to apply succinic acid to plants is by spraying before and after the end of flowering. Liquid concentration - 0.1 g per 1 liter before flowering, and 2 times higher (0.2 g per 1 liter) - after. You can fertilize flowers with succinic acid - roses and other perennials, use it for seedlings of petunias, other annuals.

Succinic acid for indoor plants

Along with garden crops, indoor flowers need to be fed with succinic acid. Treated flowers get sick less, tolerate stress factors better, grow normally in often unfavorable, uncomfortable room conditions.

The beneficial properties of succinic acid for orchids are to normalize the microflora of the substrate, which is very important for these plants, to disinfect the roots, and to stimulate the growth of leaves and peduncles. Spraying with succinic acid is carried out once every 3 weeks, the concentration is 0.01%. With a weak solution, you can simply wipe the flower leaves to remove dust and refresh. If you prepare a solution of succinic acid (0.1%), then they can shed flowers during transplantation into another pot, which will speed up their survival. The use of succinic acid as a fertilizer for indoor flowers is to strengthen their immunity, accelerate adaptation, root formation, and improve resistance to infections.

Precautionary measures

The substance is harmless to all plants, animals, humans, insects, you can work with it by wearing only gloves, but try not to get into the eyes and mucous membranes. A small overdose, according to the instructions for use, is not terrible, plants do not react negatively to it. It is necessary to spray flowers, vegetables, trees in the morning or in the evening, burns on the leaves are possible during the day.

What will be discussed today will indirectly relate to the future harvest. Even in winter, gardeners have no time to relax, because in January they already need to think about preparing and buying seeds. It is important to take care of fertilizers in advance and that will help grow strong and healthy seedlings. One of the growth stimulants is succinic acid, which is usually preferred by Epin, Zircon and other similar products.

Perhaps someone is hearing about it for the first time for the first time, and someone has already used it in gardening. Meanwhile, it belongs to natural growth stimulants and has a wide range of applications in medicine, cosmetology and agronomy. It is completely harmless and has a lot of useful properties. Even exceeding the concentration above the recommended norm will not bring any harm to either humans or plants.

Outwardly, it is a white crystalline powder, tastes like citric acid. It is found in small amounts in many plants, amber. In its pure form, it can be found in oysters, kefir, curdled milk, cheese, wines with a long aging period, that is, in products that have undergone a fermentation process. And also it is found in products containing yeast, for example, in bread. There are turnips, aloe, hawthorn, sugar cane, unripe berries.

It should be noted right away that this is not a fertilizer. Succinic acid is an important component of metabolism in any living organism: in humans, animals, plants. It is a universal source of energy. In this regard, it performs a very important function - replenishing the energy deficit.

Succinic acid is produced by all organisms that breathe air. It acts simultaneously on all parts of the plant, awakening the appetite. The drug is completely natural origin.

What is its action?

  • Activation and acceleration of metabolic processes, replenishes the energy deficit, improves survival;
  • It is a stress adaptogen, thanks to which plants adapt more easily under adverse environmental conditions (drought, heat, recurrent spring frosts, high humidity);
  • Promotes rapid recovery and regrowth of the root system after transplantation, the plant takes root faster in a new place;
  • Thanks to a healthy root system, the absorption of essential nutrients from the soil improves;
  • New young shoots grow faster;
  • Normalizes and restores beneficial microflora in the soil;
  • Flowering, fruit ripening, their quality and quantity are accelerated;
  • Immunity to diseases and pests increases, sick and damaged by pests recover faster;
  • The accumulation in the tissues of the content of nitrates and other toxic substances is reduced.

There are many scientific reasons for its effectiveness. Because of this, there are standard preparations for the use of succinic acid in horticulture and horticulture, the main thing is that it be present in the composition.

Indications for the use of succinic acid for plants

In view of the fact that the product is non-toxic and harmless, it can be used for all types of plants: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, cabbages, potatoes, etc., as well as for fruit trees, shrubs, indoor flowers and seedlings.

When can succinic acid be used in the garden and in the garden for plants?

  • To speed up seed germination;
  • When at the stage of growing seedlings it is frail, unhealthy with pale leaves;
  • Reanimates the oppressed;
  • After transplanting seedlings to a permanent place in the greenhouse and in the open field, its survival rate improves;
  • Increases resistance to return frosts, in hot and dry weather, during prolonged rains, when it does not see the sun for a long time;
  • To increase immunity, because a healthy and strong plant will more easily cope with diseases and pests will not attack it;
  • Accelerates flowering and fruiting.

The use of succinic acid in relation to certain parts of the plant, respectively, stimulates their growth. If we water under the root, then the growth of the root system is stimulated, we spray the plant itself, which means the growth of young shoots is stimulated, flowering increases. Soaking the seeds before sowing improves their germination. And if you soak the cuttings in the solution, they will better then take root in a permanent place. Therefore, now, when the seedling season begins, it makes sense to pay attention to this drug.

How to breed succinic acid for watering plants in the garden

It doesn’t matter if you bought succinic acid in powder or tablets, you must first prepare an aqueous solution before use. The tablet must be crushed to a powdery state by crushing it between two spoons.

How to prepare an aqueous solution? First you need to prepare a 1% stock solution. To do this, 1 g of powder must first be dissolved in a small amount of warm water, so it will dissolve better. And then bring this solution to a volume of 1 liter. This is done if a pure powder is used, in which there are no impurities.

When dissolving tablets, pay attention to the weight of the tablets and the content of succinic acid in it. So, a 0.5 g tablet contains 0.1 or 0.05 g of the desired agent, and the rest is excipients. This means that to obtain 1 liter of a 1% aqueous solution, you need to take 10 or 20 tablets, respectively.

Having prepared the mother liquor, it is already easy to prepare a working solution from it. Usually, a 0.01%, 0.02%, 0.001% and 0.004% solution is used for spraying and watering.

  • To obtain a 0.01% working solution, you need to dissolve 100 ml of a 1% stock solution in 10 liters of water;
  • For a 0.02% solution in 10 liters of water, add 200 ml of a 1% solution;
  • Accordingly, for 0.0001% in 10 liters of water, add 100 ml of a 1% solution;
  • A 0.004% solution is prepared as follows: 40 ml of a 1% stock solution is dissolved in 1 liter of water.

The prepared solution must be used within 3-5 days, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties. Special safety measures when working with it are not required, since the substance is not toxic. The agent quickly decomposes and does not accumulate in the soil, does not pollute the environment.

It is important to note that succinic acid acidifies the soil. This should be taken into account, since many vegetable and fruit crops do not like acidic soil.

To eliminate such a problem, you need to neutralize the prepared solution with alkali, namely, add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of solution. l. ammonia (ammonia). In this case, an ammonium salt of succinic acid is formed, otherwise ammonium succinate, since in Latin the word "succinum" means amber. And it will be an additional source of nitrogen.

Instructions for the use of succinic acid in the garden

The use of succinic acid is very extensive in horticulture and horticulture. First of all, its use must always be justified. Solutions of the product should be used only when no other measures allow the seedlings or the plant as a whole to develop well. Fertile soil has a good stimulating effect, organic substances also contain stimulating substances to one degree or another.

For soaking seeds, a 0.004% solution is used. To do this, 40 ml of a 1% solution is poured into a jar, the volume is adjusted to 1 liter. The seeds are soaked directly in the solution, or in a cloth moistened with the same solution, kept for no more than a day, then the seeds are dried and they are ready for sowing.

Aged seeds sprout quickly and amicably, the seedlings are strong, develop well, practically do not get sick.

Spraying plants

For spraying leaves in early spring in order to increase resistance to return spring frosts, a 0.01% solution is used. A stronger 0.02% solution is sprayed 2 more times, but only before flowering and after the plants have faded. These sprays are aimed at increasing immunity and increasing resistance to endure adverse conditions and possible diseases.

You can spray any vegetable crops, fruit trees, shrubs, vines and garden flowers.

When grafting and better rooting, the cuttings are soaked in a 0.01-0.02% solution for 10-15 hours, then planted in the ground in a permanent place. Such cuttings quickly form new roots and take root well.

To speed up germination

In order for the potatoes to germinate faster after planting, a 0.04% solution of succinic acid is used for this. To do this, spray the potato tubers and keep under the film until the solution dries completely on the surface of the tubers.

When transplanting plants

When transplanting seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs, as well as flowers, place their roots in 0.02% succinic acid for several hours, and then plant them in a hole in a permanent place. This will speed up the healing period of wounds on the roots, and the plant will take root better in a new place.

The use of succinic acid for watering cucumbers

One of the most favorite crops on the site are cucumbers. Gardeners treat their cultivation with special care, since it is a heat-loving crop, it is quickly affected by diseases and does not tolerate any stress. Succinic acid will help smooth out all these unpleasant factors.

Before planting cucumber seeds in the ground, soak the seeds in a 0.01% solution for a day, then dry and the seeds will be ready for sowing in the ground. If you plant cucumber seedlings, then after planting, pour the soil with the same solution. This will stimulate root growth and new roots will form faster. Thanks to a well-developed root system, the plant will receive all the nutrients from the soil in full, it will get stronger faster and will bear fruit.

Spraying an adult plant on the leaves with 0.01-0.02%, you stimulate the formation of new shoots and ovaries, as well as increase resistance to diseases and pests. After re-treatment after 2-3 weeks, you will notice faster fruit ripening and longer fruiting. For spraying, prepare a solution in warm water with a temperature of at least 18ºС.

Tomatoes respond very well to the use of this remedy.

  • Succinic acid helps fight against changes in ambient temperature and moisture deficiency.
  • Treated seeds and plants independently resist pests, as well as viruses and fungi.
  • It promotes the formation of new ovaries, more friendly flowering and fruit set, and the fruits themselves become sweeter and tastier, more useful substances are formed in them.
  • Beneficial microflora is formed under tomato bushes, which also has a positive effect.

To soak the seeds, before 2 g (incomplete teaspoon) of succinic acid powder, dilute in a small amount of warm water, stir, and then bring the volume of water to 1 liter. The seed is kept in solution for a day, then dried and sown in the ground for seedlings.

Seedlings and adult plants are watered or sprayed with a solution prepared at the rate of 2 g of powder per 20 liters of water (2 buckets), tomatoes are poured under the root from a watering can without a diffuser in a thin stream. For one root use 0.5-1 l of solution. This solution can be watered with adult tomatoes growing in a greenhouse and in open ground.

It is better to water adult plants during the period of active bud emergence 3 times per season with an interval of 2 weeks. Thus, you will significantly increase the yield of tomatoes from each bush.

How to use succinic acid for indoor flowers

The tool can be successfully used for indoor flowers. This will allow them to come to life in just a week.

Make an aqueous solution of succinic acid at the rate of 1 g of powder in 5 liters of warm water, stir and pour the flowers under the root. You will already notice the results in a week and you will be more than surprised. At indoor flowers. leaves will turn green, new buds will appear on flowering plants.

However, do not forget that this is not a top dressing, but just a stimulant and therefore you should not use it often. Enough 1 time in six months.

All plants for active development and flowering need help in the form of top dressing. Many gardeners know that succinic acid is vital for flowers. Thanks to her, problems with vegetable and flower crops appear less frequently, and it will be much easier to get rid of the diseases and attacks that have arisen.

Before purchasing succinic acid, you need to know what benefits and what harm it can do to a plant. Its use is practiced in floriculture and horticulture for:

  • Stimulation and intensive growth of flowers and a rich harvest;
  • Strengthening the process of synthesis of chlorophyll in the leafy part of the plant;
  • Normalization of microflora, by activating the vital activity of microorganisms;
  • Improving the composition of the land, especially in areas contaminated with toxic agents, since acid prevents the accumulation of nitrates;
  • Accelerating the rehabilitation of plants after stressful situations, heat, cold, waterlogging and drought;
  • Improving immunity and helping flowers attacked by pests, diseases and rot of the root system;
  • Strengthening young shoots and roots;
  • Better absorption of other top dressings.

If you treat plants with succinic acid following the instructions and observing all the nuances of application, it will not do any harm. Even with an overdose, the flower will absorb only the amount of the drug that it needs.

Despite the wide range of applications, succinic acid cannot be used as a regular fertilizer, so the additional application of mineral and complex mixtures is mandatory. The drug only helps the root system to absorb nutrients from fertilizers. Due to the increase in the activity of microflora, the speed of their processing increases.

Production and release form

The acid consists of white crystals that are odorless, easily soluble in the aquatic environment and quickly disintegrate in the soil. It is a product of amber processing, but is also found in nature. In a small amount it can be found in brown coal and living organisms.

Succinic acid for flowers is sold not only where you can buy garden tools, but also in a pharmacy. It can also be ordered online. It is produced in the form of a finely crystalline powder or in the form of tablets of 0.25 g and 0.1 g. Everyone can choose what is more convenient for him: the tablets for preparing the solution must be crushed, and the powder must be weighed and measured out the right amount. The average price of a stimulant is 40 rubles per 100 g.

Rules for preparing a solution of succinic acid

For a standard 0.1% solution, dilute 1 g of the drug in a liter of water. If you use succinic acid for plants in the form of tablets, you need to take 4 pcs. 0.25 g per liter of liquid. Add more acid or water depending on the desired concentration and strength of exposure.

The tool has a significant impact on the vital activity of plants, even in small concentrations. First, pour the substance into a small amount of liquid and heat until the grains are completely dissolved, or pour the powder with warm water and mix thoroughly. Dilute the resulting concentrate with the remaining water to the desired volume. The finished solution should be applied within 3 days, and stored at a temperature not lower than +25 °C. After the expiration date, the active ingredients will be decomposed by microorganisms. The repeated use of the solution will not give an effect.

Methods for treating plants with succinic acid

There are several methods of using succinic acid in horticulture and floriculture to achieve the desired goal:

  • Soaking in a solution of the root system and planting material;
  • Spraying the top of the plant;
  • Rubbing the solution of the green part of the plant;
  • Watering.


For better growth of the root system and shoots, planting material is soaked in a solution of succinic acid: seeds, seedlings, cuttings, tubers and roots. It is usually made in low concentration.

For quick germination of seeds, they are soaked in a 0.04% (0.4 g per 1 liter) solution for 2 days. Dry thoroughly on gauze at room temperature and planted in the ground. Also, seeds can be left in an acidic liquid until germination and immediately planted in the ground, as you can not hesitate.

To strengthen the seedlings and the early formation of roots in the cuttings, a stronger composition is prepared. The roots of seedlings are immersed in a 0.02% (0.2 g per 1 liter) solution for 30 minutes and planted in the soil. Cuttings for rooting are chosen with at least three leaves. Their sections are immersed in acid 0.02% (0.2 per 1 liter) concentration per 2 cm, but they should not touch the bottom. Withstand several hours and root in the usual way.
It will improve resistance to diseases and ensure rapid growth by keeping tubers, parts of rhizomes and bulbs in a 0.01-0.02% solution for about 6 hours.

In the process of transplanting, the roots of diseased flowers are soaked for 30 minutes in the same solution. If you use succinic acid for flowers, you can achieve their recovery, as it has a healing effect, helps to cope with stress, especially during transplantation, fungal diseases and pest attacks.

The treatment of the plant is carried out using a spray gun filled with the finished composition. Spraying should be carried out in the early morning or late evening to eliminate the possibility of sunburn on the leaves. Not sparing the solution, it is necessary to carefully spray the upper part of the plant - stems, shoots and leaves.

To form immunity to various diseases and pest attacks in horticulture, berry bushes and fruit trees are treated with a 0.03% (0.3 g per 1 liter) solution of succinic acid. For spraying a grape tree, you can use 0.08% (0.8 g per 1 liter) concentration.

Thanks to these simple actions, you can get a rich harvest and high-quality fruits.

For indoor flowers, spraying with succinic acid is necessary, as the procedure stimulates the appearance of new leaves and sprouts. It is recommended to carry it out before flowering or after a 1% solution every 15-20 days.

To accelerate the rehabilitation of plants after illnesses and adverse situations, anti-stress treatment is carried out. It is mainly used for orchids and, depending on the time of year, is performed in different ways. In summer, they experience a lot of stress if the room is hot and dry. The leaves begin to wither and new flower stalks are in no hurry to appear. Then prepare a 0.2% solution and spray the plant for 2 weeks. In winter, orchids are treated with 0.05% composition every 2-3 weeks. The remaining mixture can be poured over the flower. As a result of such simple actions, the plant will quickly grow and cope with the disease.

When pests attack a plant, it must be sprayed with a weak solution. Or take a cotton swab dipped in it and wipe the leaves and stems. Usually, after several treatments, the pests disappear.

Watering with succinic acid

To restore the soil microflora, it is necessary to irrigate the plants with a 1% solution once every 15-20 days. Depending on the plant variety, the concentration can be adjusted by adding more acid or water. Frequent watering of flowers with succinic acid will lead to acidification of the substrate. The best result is the alternation of spraying with watering.

For indoor plants, irrigation with a solution of succinic acid is carried out once a year. An exception is the need for resuscitation. And for succulent plants, one watering is enough for the entire life cycle. It will provide good immunity to various diseases and free the soil from toxins.

Precautions when working with succinic acid

The drug is non-toxic and harmless to humans. During the preparation and application of the solution, it is necessary to wear gloves to prevent it from getting on the skin and mucous membranes. The site of contact with the concentrate may become inflamed or a rash of allergic origin will appear on the body. But this happens very rarely. The affected area should be washed immediately with clean water. Do not eat, drink or smoke during processing. Keep out of the reach of children and animals.

Succinic acid as a biostimulant has many advantages: it gives a good result, it is combined with fertilizers, it is suitable for all varieties of garden and indoor plants, it has a low cost and is safe.

If the plants are treated with succinic acid, according to the instructions for use, they will thank the owner with a rich harvest and lush flowering.

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