Projects of brick houses with an erker and attic. House construction projects with two erkers

Encyclopedia plants 24.05.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Cozy, light, unique - the qualities that are necessarily found in the description of the Dream House. Everyone wants to create a family nnoveshko, to make it truly fabulous, while reliable and practical. Projects of houses with the Erker are suitable for these purposes more than others.

A kind of attraction is definitely a unusual appearance will give the house. He will help, and create a unique interior. New forms - new opportunities, more space - more freedom of self-expression.

For a Russian person, the Erker sounds more exotic than it really looks. If the name cuts the hearing and associate with something expensive, bourgeois, then in practice it architectural solution Familiar to each Soviet citizen: Most multi-storey houses Stalin's buildings have such a matter.

The point is not only in the desire to stand out and individualize your housing - where there are to such needs in 30-50. Just the houses with the Erker were beneficially different from the operational qualities of the same type of buildings without remote structures:

  • erker increased useful Square premises with the same layout and construction area;
  • allowed to efficiently use natural lighting in the apartment, prolonging the daylight, and saving electricity;
  • for model planning And the style of life created the opportunity to stand out and implement individual solutions;
  • finally, in the era of total surveillance of everyone for everyone, provided an excellent opportunity for review.

Stalinist Apartment Building House with Erker

Today, other times and morals. Erker, rethinking his historical tasks, returns to construction market With peaceful goals. Houses with Erkers are increasingly choosing for construction and order or or choose from already ready. If you compare the number of similar orders 15 years ago and today, you can confidently say that their share has increased significantly.

From mass typical building to individual projects

In the construction of a private house, the future owners try to get away from typical patterns used in mass construction. But at the same time, save and bring it the best to your cottage that they have ordinary highlights.

Project one-storey house With Erker

The individual design of a single-storey house with the Erker will not only externally make a house in unique, attracting the views of passersby. But and very competently use the emerging advantages of the attached porch.

IN different types houses are used different forms and Types of Erkers. This is due to the possibility of basic building materials to take the right form, as well as a feature of the structures:

In a typical mass development, it is most often you can find exactly the latest accommodation options. Just, available, exquisitely.

Erker in combination with other external decor elements

Erker itself is a dominant element of the exterior decoration of the building. Anyone, the easiest and safest house turns into a mysterious medieval palace with its history and an atmosphere. And the design of a large cottage in several hundred square meters Using the Erker at the head of the outer design turns it into a real surname lock.

Meanwhile, the Erker can well be combined with other elements of the external finish.

House with Erker and Balcony

Excellent solution for two and three-story buildings. In this case, the Erker is located only on the first floor, and the second floor has a classic design. Outside, the protrusion begins on the foundation itself, rises to the height of the floor and ends with an elegant balcony, exactly repeating the contours of the erker. At the same time, the balcony can be both indoor and glazed and simply fenced space.

Houses with Erker and Mansard

This decision is suitable for small areas when a compact, but functional house is needed. At the same time, the Erker can be placed on both the first floor and on both at once. And you can generally abandon the Erker on the first floor, decides this element only the attic. As a rule, bedrooms and children's rooms are located in the attic. And for the other version, the Erker will be an excellent solution.

House with two erkers

What could be better than one erker? That's right, two Erker. You can decorate the house with this element more than once, but twice. Appearance The buildings will definitely unique. And in the interior there is a scope for creativity and self-realization. As a rule, if the Erkers are two, they are placed in the living room and the kitchen-dining room, zoning space.

Harmonious such a combination looks in enough spacious homes. And often erkers make different in height, for example, on one floor and in the entire height of the building. However, the project of the house with two erkers - requires careful study and accurate calculations. The task is not just to fit beautifully and combine these two elements, but also make the design safe and reliable.

During the two-story house with two erkers different height

Options Planning Houses with Erker

Different purposes, squares, floors of the house, one way or another, similar to layouts. After reviewing several dozen projects, you can already be predicted that and where the architect has been placed in next project. Despite the fact that household plans with the Erker have their own characteristics, it is possible to distinguish several patterns and general principlesThrough which the inner space is zoned.

The first floor is an active residential area.

It is most often located hall, living room, kitchen, dining room, fireplace Hall, Bathroom. Erker on the first floor is used in three types.

  • Erker in the living room. Then it is drawn up in a separate soft zone or chilut, so that among the noisy parties it was possible to retire and talk to the guests without leaving the guests.
  • Erker in the kitchen-dining room. Combines and shares at the same time two common areas. Thus, you can deal with two cases at once, take guests and bother in the kitchen. This option is perfectly suitable for families who are very often encountered with friends for a circle of tea.
  • Erker as a separate room. Most often a round corner erker is highlighted in an independent room. It can be used as a working office or as a closed chiural.

Second floor - sleeping area and personal space

Here are the bedroom of parents, children's bedroom bedrooms, guest Houserooms, bathroom, dressing room. The Erker may be present on the second floor, then one of these rooms, or two, if the erkers in the house are two and both are made to the entire height of the building, or one of them is in full height, and the second is located only on the second floor, will be equipped with this decorative Element.

  • Erker in the nursery. A great solution for creating a gaming area, a working or self-cozy corner. You can arrange such a bright niche in accordance with the age needs of the child.
  • Erker in the bedroom of parents. A very romantic solution that fills the room with extra light in the morning and special comfort in the evening. You can put a bed in such a niche, or organize an additional place for relax and solitude there.
  • Erker in the bathroom. Most unusual solutionBut the most spectacular. Where as not in your house can be taken hot bath And admire the sunset through huge windows. Modern design solutions All bold desires in life are allowed to implement.

Ground floor and office space

Depending on the planning in. Then all utility premises, such as the kettle, boiler, boiler room, pumping, laundry and other necessary surcharges are placed there. In absence ground floor They are either taken out for the main perimeter of residential space and are equipped with a separate entrance (according to the requirements of safety standards) or are placed directly in the house.

Not far from the entrance, central or black, under the stairs, near the bathrooms. The presence of an erker does not affect the presence of these rooms, and, of course, none of them is located directly on such a valuable area.

An example of a house planning with an erker and the ground floor

House combined with garage

Sometimes. Combined with a common facade, it is placed right under the house or alone, or separating the space of the ground floor with economic premises. Erker is not a hindrance to the embodiment of this project. The only one is superimposed by some restrictions on the functional use of the niche.

Example of planning at home with garage and erker

It is not necessary to place a nursery in such an erker, zone for relaxation and with caution tea or dining room. Excellent solution It will be placed in it or equip a soft corner. It is used actively only when many guests come to the house at the same time. The rest of the time serves decorative decoration interior.

House with Erker and Garage - right choice For connoisseurs of comfort, practicality and non-standard solutions.

However, such projects require a special approach to the development, accounting for the part of the site and compliance construction technologies.

They call part of the room, which beyond the plane of the facade wall of the building. The term occurred from the German ERKER (lantern): The protrusion on the facade with large windows is similar to the medieval street lamp, especially when the light is lit in the house.

Now the erkers consider the designs:

  • from carriage walls on the foundation (they are also called rizalitis);
  • with console bases.

In the form, these architectural elements are:

  • multifaceted;
  • rectangular;
  • rounded;
  • triangular;
  • trapezoidal.

Niche differ in Square:

  • a slight ledge, which is a window, which protrudes over the wall;
  • a small niche is part of the main premises;
  • separate part of the house, separate room.

May be an item of the first or any other floor of the building. It is occupied by one or two or three floors, there are two- or three-fold (by number of windows). In one house and even in one room there may be several erkers.

The top of the protrusion is satisfied:

  • multifaceted;
  • domed;
  • as a base for a balcony or part of the upper floor.

Distinctive feature - a significant area of \u200b\u200bglazingThe windows are placed on each wall of the niche, make panoramic, often - "to the floor".

Erkers become a spectacular architectural element of any home, give a respectable species, isolated among other buildings.

Advantages and disadvantages

By choosing in favor of projects of houses with a garage and an erker, some essential features should be taken into account.

Erkers appreciate the properties they attached home.

  • The room gets more natural lighting By increasing the number and area of \u200b\u200bwindows. Here you can arrange a light cozy corner for reading, communicating or work.
  • Increases the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  • The interior becomes more interesting, especially if beautiful panoramic views opens outside the window.
  • New opportunities for decorating and zoning appear.
  • The exteriorier of the house acquires individuality and style.

The main disadvantages consider the following two.

  1. Increase the cost of project development and construction, because such a protrusion is a complex design.
  2. The extension of the part of the building and an increase in the glazed surface entails heat loss, additional heating costs.

The garage in the house is also convenient.

  • from the residential premises, you can go to the garage and back, without going outside, this is especially important in bad weather;
  • noticeable savings on the device and maintenance of water supply, electricity, heating.

Of the minuses, there is an increase in the construction area and the rise in price of the project if the garage is located in the basement.

One-storey house with a bucket and garage often build with an attic. Choosing a house project with an attic, an erker and garage, you need to consider the features of the attic room.

Mansard adds advantages:

  • with minimal additional costs - an increase in the living area, the attic occupies a fully or partial area over the first floor, sometimes it is expanded by console deposits;
  • reducing the heat loss of the main structure.

The minuses include:

  • bess and a small ceiling height in the attic;
  • the complexity of the device thermal circuit;
  • difficulty lighting;
  • room complexity in winter time.

The project of a two-story house with a garage and an erker assumes full-fledged second Building floor, as well as accounting for all weak and strong Parties comprehensive solution. Erker B. two-story house It can be located on any floor, or occupy both (two-minute erker).

It is useful to get acquainted with information on how to build a two-story brick house With the erker and garage, the video can be viewed below.

Features of the preparation of the project and buildings

The garage and the erker are designed simultaneously with the main house.

When designing the garage, single communications, ventilation system, foundation and roofing system are provided. Plus is savings money, time, reducing heat loss during operation. For the external walls of the garage, you can provide cheaper materials.

It is convenient to place a garage in the house if the plot is wide. If the frontal part of the site is narrow, the combination of the garage and the house can be problematic due to the complexity of organizing access paths.

If the initial project did not provide for the presence of a garage, it is not worth a hurry to attach it to avoid risks:

  • violation of the thermal contour of the building;
  • illiterate ventilation when exhaust gases can get into residential premises;
  • irregular roofing device;
  • change the load on the foundation.

When designing the Erker provide:

  • single with the main building foundation or remote console constructs;
  • calculate the system of heating and maintaining heat;
  • plan lighting and ventilation.

Errors in the device of erkers lead to discrepancies of seams, heat loss, destruction of elements.

How can I use the Erker?

Better than other light erker space is suitable for workplace arrangement or a reading corner. For this purpose there is a desktop, cozy chairs and a tea table. If niche is only wide window sill, can be put on it soft pillows And get a small sofa, which is nice to dream, looking out the window.

Chairs turned to windows form a place for private conversation. Place here room Flowers and trees in the tub and get a real winter Garden.

In the kitchen window niche, depending on the size, place working area, dining group with table and chairs, comfortable sofa or tea table.

A pleasant place to relax with a sofa is organized in a bedroom or living room erker.

Leave erkers and free, decorating them beautiful curtains and curtains. Using this space as a scene for children's performances, set new Year tree, arrange home exhibitions.

Among the projects of houses with a garage and an erker, the photos of which are presented here and on other profile resources, everyone will find their own, that which will make life comfortable, joyful, beautiful.

Cottages with a protrusion on the wall decorate any country plot. They create comfort, comfort, help save electricity. The house with the Erker is built in the same level or two-story. If it allows the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot, install a house with two erkers. They are located in the opposite points of the building or on the same wall.

What it is

The German word "Erker" means the protrusion on the wall. Such a designer solution is known for a long time. In the Middle Ages they used for the defense of fortresses. Today it is built to create an additional internal volume, giving the building of a unique type. Houses with the Erker design and build more difficult than ordinary. But the result is worth it.

What are the erkers

Specialists have created the classification of erkers in several criteria:

    in form (rectangular variant, semicircular, multifaceted);

    for floors (one-story, two-storey, multi-storey);

    at the installation site (Corner Erker, Wall, inscribed in the corner).

This architectural element can be located on any side of the house, there may be several of them. Depending on the room in which the erker protrusion is located, its functionality is thought out, design.

    Rectangular Erker shape meets most often. It is simple in design and construction.

    Semicircular The option requires large and more accurate calculations. Construction round walls More difficult from a technical point of view.

    Multifaceted The model makes it easier to work with Erker walls. This option is quite popular.

Two-storey house with two erkers. A two-tier protrusion is built into the angle of the building, one-level has a wall

Before creating a project of a house with an extension, the question decide how many floors will occupy an erk protrusion. The easiest option is one-story extension. It will take less materials and efforts on its construction. At the same time, he will give the building a unique view. The construction of a two-storey plaque will require more financial and temporary costs. But such a building will acquire more useful inner area, more original appearance.

Multi-storey plates are erected in high-rise buildings. They can be installed on all floors of the wall or limited to several levels.

The most common designers design wall-plated structures, having them on one or two walls. Corner erkers come forward for a short distance.

Building with one round angular erker and several walls

Inscribed in the angle of erker structures do not protrude forward - it turns out as if corner balcony - It looks original and significantly expands the overview of the room.

Design targeted archers are classic and combined with a balcony. It can be on the side, on top.

Pros and cons

Like all design solutions, Erkers have positive and negative sides.

TO positive qualities These protrusions are referred such factors:

    natural increases light premises, which reduces electricity costs;

    added volume rooms;

    created beautiful panoramic view out of the window;

    the ability to create a special zones in the room;

    improves ventilation;

    the building looks nice.

Projects of houses with an erker at the top level should take into account the load on the floor. In such embodiments, the lower part of the extension is envisaged. The big plus of these models is that the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is increasing without building a land plot.
On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most from construction companiespresented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".
The house with the Erker Two-storey, the project with a protrusion on the second floor looks original, but requires more attention to itself when developing:

Wooden house with an erker on the second floor is reinforced at the bottom

The minuses of the Erkers are less, but they must be considered:

    when building construction requires additional calculations for roofs and walls;

    houses with Erkera stand more expensive ordinary;

    rises the risk of cold air access to the room, which means that additional insulation.

Projects of houses with Erker

Corner ercket designs are installed on one or several points. Such projects are performed for walls from any building materials. Wooden houses With the aircraft extension, most often elevated from the profiled bar, as the house from such a material is better holding heat.

The most popular wall variant Erker. The form of the protrusion is chosen at the request of the owner.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Most of the two-tier airflows are made not on the classic second floor, but on the attic. Houses with the Erker and the attic allow you to save on construction. If you set an angular ercket design, the area of \u200b\u200bthe house will not decrease, but construction costs will be reduced.

The roof of the protrusion can be combined with the roof of the house or be autonomous.

The Erker floor can serve as a garage roof, if the latter is equipped with a building or is located near the house.

How much to install windows

Most often, the project provides for the installation of a plating module on the south side of the house. This allows you to ensure maximum room lighting with natural light. For the southern regions, where the average annual temperature is made of windows over the entire protruding wall.

For the northern regions, we think over the installation options depending on the situation. This can be one window in the design center with deaf side walls, or on each wall set a separate window. The height of the window opening is chosen at will. It can be from the floor to the ceiling or put ordinary windows.

House 8x9 with two erkers

The house 8x9 refers to the category of small buildings.

Plan 1 floor at home 8x9 with 2 protrusions. Entrance to the building is located in the wall of Erker

Erkers allow you to increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe structure without special financial costs. An extension serves as an entrance tambour. Due to the equipment of the protrusion, you can zonate the premises, make them more functional.

Interior options

Choice interior decoration Designs depends on the room functional.

Video Description

An example of a house design with the Erker, see the video:

Choose furniture

In the target niche of the children's room, it is suitable for a working area where the child performs homework, plays.

The living room is arranged a winter garden, a place for tea drinking, secluded conversations. In such an archers, a small table with armchairs, a sofa with large quantity Pillows.

Extra space arranged a recreation area

The kitchen erker allows the hostess to be distracted from cooking, without leaving their room. In this segment you can arrange a dining room, visually separating it from the kitchen.

The bedroom with the Erker looks particularly intimate.

Fashionably began to equip in the plating a bath. This option is design on the wall located in the inside of the courtyard. This allows you to combine relaxes and hygienic procedures.

It is impossible to block the protrusion with cumbersome furniture - cabinets, headsets. They will make the room uncomfortable and dark.


Curtains for Erker require special attention. For a variant with a round or semicircular perimeter, special eaves are ordered either stretch the solid wire. Eaves on the walls with angles hang eternity on each smooth cut separately.

Curtains for the aircraft extension are selected in one color gamma With room design. Lightweight, functional curtains are appropriate for the kitchen. Bright kitchen curtains make the room more original and memorable.

The living room is hanging dense, porks of noble shades, Rolling are neutral of light shades.

In the bedroom are appropriate curtains of pastel tones. They can be transparent, but in this case, other elements are installed on the windows - rolets, Roman curtains, blinds.

What should be taken into account during construction

The construction of walls for the aircraft protrusion requires competent masonry of bricks or blocks. In such a facade, the windows fit well. This is especially important for constructions round and semicircular shape. While the externally, the Erker is a decoration of the house, the project of a two-story house with a plating an extension must take into account that its walls are carriers. The calculation of the strength is done in the same way as for the rest of the walls.

The installation of the roof is specified. Erck protrusions are required additional elements - Endovy, roofing material, reference beams. The protruding position of the Erker makes the roof vulnerable to wind gusts. A separate calculation of the inclination angles is made to cover the roof of the erker, the margin of safety is calculated. The joints with the main roof are processed by sealant.

Video Description

What can be the nuances when installing the roof near the house with the Erker, see the video:


Erkery designs are an original architectural solution that allows you to decorate the house and expand its useful area. Existing models are designed for various financial opportunities, taste, area area, construction material. But if you wish to build a house with a two-storey erker or one level, it must be borne in mind that it will inevitably entail the complication of the project and an increase in the ultimate cost of the house.

Beautiful projects of houses with Erker: photo, catalog

The external beauty of the cottage is definitely important. It is achieved not necessarily complex design of the house and roof. Such an architectural element as an erker diversified boring rectangular shapes Private house, makes them original and presentable. It is such houses that this section of the catalog, which in 2018 replenished new interesting projects. Buy we have projects of houses with an erker (photos, videos, sketching projects, the drawings can be viewed in this section) in the average price.

Erker is a protrusion in the outer wall of the house most often quadrangular shape (examining our typical projects Cottages with the Erker, you can see that it is based on a rectangle or a trapezium). But there are no less popular triangular, round, or multifaceted erkers (author's project of the house with round Erker quite interesting).

Erker is performed on the entire height of the floor. This design is distinguished by large glazing grounds: as a rule, the window has a window in each wall of the erker. Over the Erker there is a balcony, arrange a roof over it, if it provides for the schemes two-storey houses With the Erker, as well as the projects of mansard houses with the Erker, or fit into the roofing structure of the whole house (the project of a single-storey house with an erker).

Plans for projects of houses with Erker: the advantages of the architectural element

Erker, this is not only an exterior decoration, it has a number of other advantages:

  1. The windows located in the erker will help increase the level of illumination of the room. At the same time, the light source can be located not only in the direction at a right angle to the facade, but in parallel to it. Project country house With the Erker, thanks to its design, adds beauty interior and increases the penetration time inside the sun's rays.
  2. Eric designs increase residential Square at home. Although not much, but functionally.
  3. Erker helps zoning the interior. Even a small deepening in the wall will help to visually separate the area adjacent to it from the rest of the room, while the absence of visible delimiters (walls or other partitions) will visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthis zone (it is very convenient to lay projects of houses with an erker as a single-storey house, so two-level). In the dining room located in Erker, it will be much cozy:
  4. Erker in the best way separate it from the day zone,
  5. little dining area will seem more,
  6. here will be lighter than in the living room,
  7. in addition, the large windows of Erker will give you good view on beautiful landscape design Your garden, if of course ready-made projects of houses with the Erker provide for the landscape design. Design of houses with an erker and landscape design can be ordered separately. Also for the additional cost, the layout of houses with the Erker can be changed.

Plans of houses with Erker: Features

Architectural projects of houses with Erker are endowed with the following individual features:

  • Rooms with the Erker require additional costs for heating in winter. This is due to the physical characteristics of distribution. warm air In the house and large glazing grounds. The most economical in this sense is the design option of the house - rectangular (two-storey or cottage With the Erker should not be square or too elongated in the plan). Any protrusions complex forms We will require additional energy for heating.
  • Erker build more difficult than just the wall of the house (which you would build if the erker was not). It is necessary to correctly perform the masonry of the walls, to provide window designs in them, build a roof over the erker and ensure its competent fit to the wall of the house (if it requires, for example, a project of a single-storey house with an erker). Perform all these construction features leads to an increase in estimates.

However, projects of houses with the Erker - the task is not for any architect. It is necessary to have sufficient qualifications and experience in creating such projects, since the slightest error may lead to the fact that the strength of the walls and overlaps will suffer, which means that the bearing ability of the whole house will disturb. Avoiding problems will help appeal to qualified specialists who "gave a ticket to life" not by one building. It is not easy to distinguish such a company from one-day, and yet it can tell the previous work, their advantages and disadvantages to discuss the previous works, their advantages and disadvantages and, in particular, to submit recommendations from previous customers.

Projects of houses with an erker can be the most diverse: the erker can be simply a small bend of the wall, and may have the area of \u200b\u200bthe whole living room. Its main feature is big square glazing, at the expense of which more daylight penetrates into the house, and it opens from the Erker himself excellent review on the adjacent area. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully consider the location of this element relative to the parties to the light. Being on sunny sideHe may cause a number of troubles, whereas in a room with a shortage of lighting, on the contrary, will save from this problem.

In addition, the erkers can be nasty, external, angular, can be placed on one floor at home or at once (if the construction of a two-story house is planned). They can have various shapes - From the polyhedron and trapezium to the semicircle. Projects of houses with the Erker allow you to more rationally zonate residential space, and this is another plus that makes them attractive to customers. Choosing a house with this item, it is better to clearly present for yourself, which function it will perform whether it will serve for additional lighting or receiving an additional space, and maybe just for beauty. So it will be easier to stop at a specific design documentation.

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