How to quickly get rid of cockroaches in the apartment. What to run cockroaches in the apartment yourself the better to starve cockroaches in the apartment

The buildings 16.06.2019
The buildings

Fill the cockroaches are difficult due to the rapid fixture of cockroaches to weak poisons, which are primarily used to destroy insects. Cockroaches are so alive that they can survive nuclear War And adapt to a high level of radiation that would kill other inhabitants.

Tarakanov refer to the detachment of insects, which there are more than 5 thousand species. The name of the cockroaches is like the word tar-aqan in translation means running away, and since the cockroach can run at a speed of 20 centimeters per second, this name is fully justified. In some eastern countries There is a game called Tarakanya running, in which cockroaches use for race.

If cockroaches started in the house, they will not be able to climb them with their hunger, because they are omnivores and can use wallpaper, skin, wood, and even the glue is the only weakness of pedigree infection water, no cockroaches for a long time will not live.

Cockroaches are the most common friendliness of infections, so the cockroaches must be used immediately as they saw the first pest so that they do not have time to multiply. Cockroaches cause not only a feeling of squeamishness, but also allergic reactions, and many other diseases.

There are those who are kept as pets, but we have it quite rarely. You can use cockroaches as food for fish or terrarium inhabitants.

How best to erase cockroaches

Cockroaches are very lively and easily adapt to the poison, so before you begin to run cockroaches, you should carefully remove the residues of food in the house, find the location of pests, block access to water. If you live in an apartment or a hostel is better to stretch cockroaches at one time with the neighbors in order to get rid of the annoying insects for a long time.

They easily penetrate the gaps and small openings and if they relieve the cockroaches at home, they will move to the neighbors, and through time they can return. If you cannot independently cope with the invasion of cockroaches or you have little free time, you can call. Many firms offer insect elimination services in as soon as possible.

Than etching cockroaches?

  • Aerosols;
  • Traps for cockroaches;
  • Crayons, gels, powders;
  • Folk ways.

Aerosols effective tool Against insects, a good reputation has earned a raid and master 250. For the use of aerosol from cockroaches, it should be removed in the rooms where disinsection is planned. After preparing the premises, you should take care of your own security, you can not breathe an aerosol, so get in advance, the mask for breathing.

After processing, the room should be used for several hours, detailed information You can read on an insecticide bank. After complete ventilation, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the room with warm water.

Trap for cockroaches - quite effective and easy to use means. The principle of action is to infect one cockroach, which fell into the trap. Chemical substance It acts slowly and the stub has time to infect their relatives, but those others. Enough so that several insects fall into the trap to completely get rid of these pests.

The traps include a small cardboard, covered with a sticky substance when entering, to which the cockroach is sticking to and dies from hunger or from poisonous substances added to the adhesive.

The plus of the traps is simplicity in the installation, the absence of unpleasant odor and the rapid effect, and the small dimensions allow you to join the trap in the invisible place.

Small and powders - Smalls are wonderfully coping with the task, it is necessary to draw stripes on inner side Furniture and wait for results. Frequently use crawls for the safety net after the disinsection of the room so that the cockroaches do not return to the apartment.

Gels from cockroaches are used by the same principle that the shallow are applied to the dry surface where the cracks dwell and leave for a month, after which it is possible to repeat the procedure.

Powders from cockroaches should be poured in the corners, in places where the greatest number of cockroaches are observed. Calculated powder for large terms and it can be left so that the cockroaches are not returned to your home.

Folk ways to deal with cockroaches - one of the most effective methods To combat cockroaches is boric acid. Boric acid can be diluted in water and put on a sink pre-wiped her dry and remove all the liquid from the table and nearby. Cockroaches can hold out more than a month without food, but the water is needed constantly, so they will drink and be treated.

You can prepare poisoned balls from boiled yolk and boric acid, they should be mixed and rolling with small balls, after which it is possible to decompose in places of cluster of cockroaches. There is no smell and taste, so cockroaches, not suspecting consuming poison. Boric acid balls should be updated in a month and see that your pets do not have poison from cockroaches.

Less distribution of the means:

  • Pyrethrum - powder made of chamomile colors crumbles on the floor where insects are often found.
  • Bura - similar to boric acid, Used as a component for making bait for cracks.
  • Sharp odors - cockroaches do not like some plants that smell dramatically (geranium). You can put a few pots with geranium on the windowsill and wipe the windowsill, add chipidar or kerosene into the floors of the floors.

Disinsection services

This method will suit people who want to quickly get rid of pests without spending their time acquisition and test various methods. It is better to use cockroaches to provide professionals that use fairly expensive equipment, and the necessary devices that allow you to make work as quickly as possible. Many firms give a guarantee for the work done. Experts will tell what to do to avoid re-returning the stubs and how much the room should be aircraft so that the effect of chemicals ceased, and it was possible to return to the room.

How to avoid re-invasion of cockroaches

After getting rid of insects, it is not necessary to rejoice if you ignore the order in the home, they can return soon. To avoid a new pest appearance, it should be removed from the table crumbs and wipe the sink dry. It is necessary to change the poison several times and re-read the shallow line.

The destruction of cockroaches at home without a clear understanding of the reasons for their appearance in the room may be meaningless and ineffective. If the room or apartment for these insects is attractive, they will return to it and after applying the strongest and efficient drugs.

Therefore, the destruction of cockroaches in the apartment must be carried out comprehensively, consciously and only after analyzing the reasons why these insects penetrated it.

Cockroaches are fairly sensitive to most modern insecticides. Therefore, many of the funds sold today will be effective against them: Get, Raptor, RAID, Forsyt, Clean house, Dohlox, combat, microphos, chlorofos, boric acid.

See also our cockroach experiments:

We catch cockroaches and test them different means - See results ...

Insecticides developed to combat clusters - executioner, carboofos, Tetrix, Fufanon are also very effective. Since bugs are more resistant to chemistry, drugs destroying them, destroy and cockroaches. Due to this, the destruction of bedbugs and cockroaches in the room can be combined.

Before destroying cockroaches in the apartment, one should remove all people and pets from it at least for the day of processing. It is advisable to move the furniture in advance so that secluded and warm corners and spaces in bedside tables and cabinets.

If the tool suggests spraying, then the effective destruction of cockroaches will be to process the maximum large number Surfaces, cracks and cavities in the apartment. Very carefully should be applied to the disincent sheets, for carpets and plinths, in the ventilation holes.

At the time of processing, it is advisable to close all the windows in the room and give the drug, so to speak. Useful during processing to have a vacuum cleaner at hand and collect them from the shelters of insects.

An example of an apartment siscing cockroaches

Preparations for the destruction of cockroaches that require sputtering from cylinders, most of them easily disintegrate in air, and therefore after a few hours after use will not harm a person or pet.

A few hours after applying the drug, it is necessary to ventilate an apartment and spend thorough wet cleaning. All places where cockroaches may be present, and when detecting insects are found to collect them with a vacuum cleaner or hands.

"I suggested a neighbor how to destroy cockroaches in the house on my own and without any SES. I bought a normal RAID (more combat good tool) And they didn't just fill up under the bedside table, and the whole day was methodically sprayed all the lockers, plinths and shorts in the kitchen. Prussaki began to climb after fifteen minutes, and from there, where I could think about them less - from under the crib, because of the radiators, from the stove. I had to, of course, then all for a long time and tediously drag, but I didn't see more stumps in the house. "

Maria, Saransk

It is desirable to hold a similar procedure in rubber gloves, marlevary dressing and maximum closed clothes. Despite the fact that most of the insecticides are produced almost harmless to humans, there are cases of cases of allergic reactions when substances on the skin.

Preparations manufactured in the form of powders and chalk should be applied to the places of intended habitat or move the cockroaches. The advantage of such drugs is the ability to use them for a long time without removing residents from the room. It is only important to be confident that pets and small children will not get to the places in which the drugs were scattered or applied.

Use of traps to destroy cockroaches

Traps are installed in the places of likely movement of insects, and some of them are charged with bait - bread, cheese or apple.

The principle of working traps is different:

Such traps for the most part can be mounted on the walls or inclined surfaces and attract insects more than other secluded places in the apartment.

Traps of the first and second types in which insects are collected, as in shelter, require regular checks. Cockroaches of them shake in a bucket with water.

The remaining traps operate automatically and almost do not require human participation to destroy pests.

Destruction of cockroaches with poisoned baits

This method is perhaps the most popular in countryside. For the preparation of bait, boric acid is used, which is very toxic for cockroaches, but imperceptible to them in appearance and odor.

On a note

Instead of boric acid to destroy cockroaches, a drill can be used - chemical compound With the content of boron, also quite effective. However, it is difficult to buy it in pharmacies.

Lily, Odessa

With the addition of the borants are preparing bait of different composition. Egg yolks, sugar, starch, flour, cookies are in progress - almost any food, having a smell and capable of attracting insects. These components are mixed in equal proportions with boric acid, wetted with water for the manufacture of balls, and declined in places available for pests.

It is important to take into account that due to the prevalence of this method, the news of its ineffectiveness is increasingly appear: in different cities And the regions of the country appear the populations of cockroaches, for which boron-containing drugs cease to be poison. Therefore, for the preparation of special bait today, new components are seeking everywhere.

How to choose cockroaches

Favoring cockroaches - the method of invalid Russian. Most countries in which cockroaches live are in the tropics, and wait for frosts there is unrealistic.

In Russia, the winter cockroaches can be removed without the use of chemistry and long-playing traps: only a few hours open the windows and play all the premises.

This method is good in that it does not give the cracks to escape into neighboring premises, which often occurs when using insecticides. Insects, when decreasing temperatures, simply lose mobility, and when it drops below the physiologically acceptable level for them, dies.

On a note

It is much more efficient to freeze the bugs - the last digestion only at temperatures below minus 22 ° C. Therefore, in many cases, if the cockroaches started to destroy them without the use of chemical insecticides.

But it is important to remember about the ability of cockroaches to rapid movements - an adult insect may run to 13 meters for a minute, and because in the same apartment big House There is an active destruction of pests, they are likely to run into the neighboring.

Cockroaches belong to the most unpleasant household insect pests that not only cause many disgust external speciesBut also able to significantly lower the quality of accommodation in the house or apartment. Getting rid of such neighbors, as a rule, takes a lot of time and strength.

Fill the cockroaches are not as easy as it may seem at first glance. These household pests are not only quickly multiplied, but also perfectly adapt to the poison. Even a very effective means against cockroaches may not work. If there are a large number of pests in the house and the most modern drugs will not help completely destroy them. Therefore, before riding cockroaches, you should study biological features This species.


Cockroaches belong to the suburior of insects and the detachment of cockroaches. Currently there are more than four thousand species of these insects.

Cockroaches are very thermal-loving and moisture insects, they are mobile and lead the night lifestyle most often, which is able to significantly complicate the fight against them. During the daytime, these pests are well hiding and finding them quite difficult. They feed on all sorts of vegetable and animal substances.

To get rid of cockroaches, our readers advise the Pest-Reject repeller. The operation of the device is based on electro-magnetic pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, environmental for humans and pets.

It should be remembered that cockroaches are one of the most endless and ancient types of insects. Some species are able to maintain viability within a month in the absence of food. Cockroaches have a developed ability to resist radiation changes. They adapt perfectly to the poisoning substances.

  • fill the cockroaches in the apartment fails completely, and after a while they appear again, although not in such a large quantity;
  • after hiding strong chemicals, a very sharp and unpleasant smell may remain;
  • chemical preparations for injuries insects possess high levels Toxicity and when used at home can be a significant threat to the health of residents and domestic animals.

Before riding cockroaches with strong chemicals, you can try to destroy these household pests with the help of folk remedies that show good efficiency in the presence of a slight amount of insects in the home.

How to defeat cockroaches by folk remedies (video)

Folk recipes

It's no secret that folk remedies Against cockroaches are less effective and used in recently rather as a habit, but they are safer for use at home and allow us to reduce the number of these insects. The most popular includes the following available for independent use Recipes:

  • cooked with screwed egg yolk mix with three packaging acid boring bags, from the resulting "test" small balls, which unfold in the risk area of \u200b\u200bpests;
  • mix in an equal ratio of boric acid, sugar sand and flour, add water in the amount required for the tough condition of the mixture, roll small balls and decompose in the places of the largest accumulation of insects;
  • two hundred grams of sodium tetrabrate powder mix with three tablespoons of sugar sand and the same amount of potato starch, you can add vanilla sugar; The resulting mixture is to dissolve water and roll balls;
  • in mashed potatoes Add boiled egg And the boor, from the finished adhesive mixture to cut small balls and decompose in the places of movement of cockroaches.

Should not be neglected and so very effective waylike a sharp decrease in temperature indicators. Of course, at home this method is not always applicable, but even minor frosts have a destructive effect on adults and pest larvae. Properly performed combination allows you to destroy the whole colony of insects.

Purchased Pill

The greatest efficiency is observed when processing an apartment with special chemicals. Some of them have a pronounced toxic effect, and many are relatively harmless to warm-blooded. Most often used the following drugs proper application which allows you to completely destroy household insects in a residential room:

  • special traps absolutely safe for residents and pets, but not fast;
  • effective aerosol preparation "Sinuzan", which is distinguished by a high level of toxicity and sharp, pretty unpleasant odorthat requires compliance with all precautions during processing;
  • gel "FAS", whose composition is based on two insecticides of different types - Diazinone and cypermetry, which are perfectly coping with cockroaches;
  • small "Masha", which is constantly being improved by the manufacturer and allows us to successfully fight with such household pests as cockroaches;

  • very popular aerosol preparation from crawling pests "Raptor", showing good efficiency, but enough toxic for people and pets;
  • globol gel - a very effective drug from German producers, characterized by almost instant destructive effects on the object;
  • aerosol "Master-250" or "Gett", which is quite popular and well copes with the destruction of crawling household pests;
  • gel pasta "Sturm" - Easy to use, affordable and very effective preparation.

To achieve maximum efficiency using chemical preparationsThe rules for the processing of residential premises should be followed.

Processing rules

If the safety of folk remedies is not questioned and such substances can be absolutely used not only in the rooms, but also in the kitchen, the use of chemical preparations industrial production If you violate the use rules, it may be dangerous and involves strictly follow the instructions attached by the manufacturer.

It should be remembered that the use of strong toxic drugs is always associated with the risk of allergic manifestations. It is very important to comply with all precautions when using chemicals in the kitchen. It is necessary not only to hide all the food and dishes, but also use personal protective equipment, including respirator and gloves. After processing, the room must be managed.

Help professionals

If the number of cockroaches in the residential room has become significant, and there is no possibility to cope with the invasion of pests on their own, optimal option There will be an invitation for disinsectional events of specialists.

How to get rid of cockroaches (video)

Professional disinsectors not only correctly select the drug for more effective destruction Household pests, but also provide a guarantee for the entire amount of work performed.

The cockroach is a very movable red-brown or black insecthaving a flat up to 3 cm in the length of the body of oval shape. Such a structure allows it to penetrate the most hard-to-reach places and narrow slots, as well as move along the vertical surface, which makes it difficult for their destruction. Life expectancy of insects for more than a year.

Interesting! Without food, the cockroach can live about 40 days, without water about 70 days. Hungry insects can attack and eat each other. Having worried their bites and for people.

Signs of indoor infection

If you need to start their destruction. On their presence indicate such signs.
  1. Presence on shelves kitchen furniture, wallpaper or dishes of small black balls resembling poppy grains. This is nothing more than life products.
  2. Masonry with eggs. Such capsules can be detected on kitchen shelves or in the corners of the apartment.
  3. With a large cluster of cockroaches in the room there is an unpleasant smell.
  4. Insects are actively looking for power and water sources not only at night. A cockroacan running on the floor or furniture can be found in the afternoon.

Causes of appearance

More often small cockroaches can be found or in the bathroom - it is places where there is perfect conditions For their lives. Where:

  • There are a lot of food: crumbs on the table or sex available food waste, dirty dishes;
  • Improper storage food products (without packing or in a non-grinding container);
  • There is a source for drinking: water puddles near the shell or bathroom;
  • Unclean neighbors. Antisanitary conditions in the next apartment can cause cockroaches in your home.

Methods of dealing with cockroaches

Today there is a lot of universal and capable of destroying cockroaches in the apartment forever.


Most popular with consumers for the destruction of insects today enjoy who can raise cockroaches in a few days. The remedy is sold in large syringes or tubes, which simplifies the method of use: strips (up to 2 cm) are applied by a dotted method throughout the perimeter of the room.

The most effective for destruction are the following stamps:

  • Killer;
  • Storm.

"The cockroaches appeared not for the first time. Previously, they tried to do with folk methods, but they have not worked for a while. This time we decided to fight gel Raptor. The cockroaches disappeared, although not immediately. "

Elena, Moscow


  • Raptor;
  • Baigon.

Powders and chalk

Extermination of cockroaches in the apartment can be using insecticidal type and or. They are applied in places of intended habitat. The advantages of this method of destruction of pests is:

  • The possibility of processing in hard-to-reach places;
  • Easy use;
  • Safety for humans and pets.

The disadvantages include:

  • Fast addiction of insects;
  • The need for re-processing;
  • Low efficiency of destroying cockroaches (they should be applied to initial stages indoor infection, with a large cluster of insects do not give a good result).

The greatest popularity is:

  • small Masha;
  • Tornado or powders Medilis Cup;
  • Clean world.

"The cockroaches appeared in my grandmother's house. She struggled with them in the old way with them Masha Masha. But since there were too many of them, ultimately had to use aerosols and traps. Masha in our case did not help. "

Igor, Krasnodar


Especially effective bait attracting cockroaches with their smell. Such traps can be made independently at home. Prying a piece of cardboard from all sides to glue with a sticky ribbon or bilateral scotch, and put a little honey or other sweet to the center. In search of delicacy, the insect meets with a sticky ribbon, to pass by which he cannot.

There are also electrical traps. They kill the pest in the discharge of the current.

The best manufacturers of such products, according to consumer comments, companies are recognized:

  • Raid;
  • Combat.


High efficiency is characterized by microcapsular means of destroying cockroaches. An example of this is a drug that allows you to get rid of insects in the shortest possible time and forever. It must be solved correctly in water according to the instructions, and make the room with the resulting solution. Insects immediately react to a high-tech remedy, seeking to leave the processed territory.

The disadvantages of digging can be attributed to high cost, the inability to be in the apartment for 2 days from the moment of processing and the need for a re-procedure, since the tool does not destroy the eggs of cockroaches.

Boric acid

And you can simply scatter powder on the cockroach paths (along the plinths, around the shell, toilet bowl and bath). The insect will try to clean it with his paws. Acid, hitting the stomach of the stomach, paralyzes it.

Buy boric powder can be in any pharmacy. In addition, it will be quite a bit.



Provides for the destruction of cockroaches and the process of freezing - another people's methodwhich is relevant for the cold season. Many home insects do not endure. Are no exception and cockroaches. It is enough to cool the apartment, in order to take care of the preservation of the plumbing and heating system.


It is possible to erase cockroaches with help. Its smell does not like pests. Therefore, it is enough to add substance to the water for cleaning, and all surfaces in the house are treated with a solution. A similar effect has vinegar or acetic essence.

"In the fight against cockroaches, folk remedies, in particular, vinegar, we did not help: the effect of them was short-term and the problem was quickly returned. I had to destroy the pests with modern chemicals. "

Olga, Veliky Novgorod

Essential oils

Prevent the appearance in the apartment insects will help essential oils. Enough in water for cleaning add a few drops of oil melissa, eucalyptus, mint or cedar. Their smell do not tolerate pests and seek to leave the room sooner. This method is suitable for prevention than to destroy pests.

Disinsection service

If the above methods have not brought a positive result, you can use the services. They will help you kill all cockroaches in the apartment at a time if the challenge is organized for the whole house. Only in this case success is guaranteed.

"We live on the first floor and constantly engage in the destruction of cockroaches in the apartment. Only a specialized service helped us. The remaining funds, folk and modern, possessed only a temporary effect. Therefore, we all recommend contacting professionals! "

Matvey, Ekaterinburg


So that the cockroaches left your apartment forever, you need to think about preventive measures. It is important to create in the apartment such conditions under which cockroaches do not survive.

  1. We support cleanliness in the apartment: No dirty dishes, crumbs on the floor and tables, proper storage of products (in sealed dishes or packages), pure garbage bucket with a dense lid.
  2. Timely eliminating leaks. Tank toilet bowl, pipe joints, shells should not become a source of drinking for cockroaches. You should also wipe the surface in the bathroom after water procedures.
  3. Liquidate crackswhich are a passage for insects from the next apartment. It is necessary to carefully examine the ceiling, walls, angles in the room and when the cracks are detected, it is highly smeared. Ventilation holes should be closed with a mosquito net.

Pretty well showed itself in the fight against the cockroaches of the Bura, and sodium salt. They are added to the baits, destroying for insects. Often, a vinegar is used to combat stubs, which are treated by plinths, gaps, ventilation, thresholds, kitchen cabinets and other surfaces. As a scaping agent, People's Silver recommends using odorous cedar essential oils, gerany, mint, melissa, eucalyptus and other plants with a sharp resistant odor. For catching insects use.

The disconnecting effect of aromatic substances is preferably combined with poisoning baits.

Inna, Saratov

Maria, Perm.

Physical techniques

Adhesive traps with bait will not help get rid of cockroaches forever, but you can make them with your own hands and significantly reduce the number of populations. For their manufacture are suitable carton boxes Or strips of tight paper on which the adhesive composition is applied or double-sided tape is attached. The center of such a design is placed an appetizing bait. Wanting to get to delicacy, the cockroach tight will stick to her basis.

On a note!

Recently, we use popularity. However, their effectiveness is constantly becoming subject to disputes.

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