Log house from profiled timber into a bowl. Assembly of timber in a bowl or in a warm corner

The buildings 20.06.2020
The buildings

Question - "Assembling a beam into a bowl or into a warm corner - which is better?" - occurs not only among customers when analyzing projects of wooden houses. Discussions about the optimal scheme for cutting the joints of beams for a log house are also being conducted among professional builders, while there is no consensus on this matter.

Practice shows that in terms of energy efficiency, both the corner in the bowl and the warm corner are approximately the same. Their design reduces the risk of blowing, because the heat loss of the building at the joints of the walls is reduced. But at the same time, these types of connections have differences in design, which means in the complexity of installation. Therefore, you can choose between the two technologies only after analyzing all their pros and cons.

The technology of assembling a beam into a bowl

When installing a log house in a bowl, the edges of the bars (or logs, if cylindrical blanks are used) protrude outward on both sides. The connection itself looks like this:

  • An indent of 30-50 cm is made from the edge of the part.
  • At the selected distance, symmetrical recesses (cups) are formed, the dimensions of which allow two transverse beams to be tightly joined.
  • Sometimes recesses are made with an offset, forming a labyrinth lock - in this case, the tightness of the joint increases and its mobility decreases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the bowl

The main advantages of houses from a bar in a bowl are an attractive appearance and good thermal performance. The protruding ends of the bars look organic, while the contact point of the parts is not blown through, and also does not release heat. Another plus is the simple technology: the formation of lock recesses does not take much time, and it does not require high qualifications from the craftsmen. This makes work go faster.

The connection of the beam into the bowl also has disadvantages:

  • Firstly, due to the protrusions, the consumption of material increases, which means that more money will be required to purchase them.
  • Secondly, the side protrusions make it difficult (or impossible) for the external insulation of the house. So you have to limit yourself to internal thermal insulation, which is less effective.
  • Thirdly, the tightness of the angle chopped into the bowl directly depends on the accuracy of fitting parts and the moisture content of the timber. If damp wood was used during construction, then during the shrinkage process, gaps may form on the locks, through which the premises will actively lose heat. The main problem is that all the problematic joints are inside the wall, and it is impossible to caulk them without disassembling the log house.

All these shortcomings can be compensated for by professional design of the house with the correct thermal calculations, as well as the involvement of qualified builders in the assembly of the log house.

The technology of assembling a log house in a warm corner

A warm corner is a technology that is more difficult to implement, but at the same time more reliable. When assembling a beam using this method, there are no protruding parts - the ends of the parts are in the same plane with the wall. Approximately according to the same scheme, log cabins are laid (assembly of the beam “in the paw”).

To form a lock, a groove is cut on one beam (in the form of a rectangle or half-trapezoid), at the end of the second - a symmetrical spike. When assembling the beam, the spike is inserted into the groove and adjusted as tightly as possible, which completely eliminates blowing. Additional sealing is provided by laying sealing material. Jute or linen fiber is used for sealing.

Semi-trapezoidal locks ("dovetail") are more reliable - they minimize the horizontal mobility of the beams in the log house. Therefore, when forming the corners of wooden houses, they almost completely replaced rectangular configurations that were easier to install.

Pros and cons of a warm corner

The assembly of timber in a warm corner today is considered as the main option for the installation of wooden log cabins. There are two reasons - the high versatility of the design and good thermal insulation:

  • When assembling the castle (especially the semi-trapezoidal dovetail), a labyrinth joint is formed, which is not blown even in strong winds. The configuration of the joint contributes to the retention of the seal, which does not move even with shrinkage and movement of the bars.
  • Lock connections securely fix the parts, preventing them from moving in the longitudinal plane. This also allows you to compensate for deformations when the wood dries.
  • The high strength of the joints makes it possible to refuse additional mechanical fasteners using metal parts. Thus, zones with high thermal conductivity - "cold bridges" - are not formed at the corners of the building.
  • The shape of the log house itself is also different: the absence of protruding ends facilitates further work on the outer cladding with heat-insulating materials, followed by decorative finishing.

The main disadvantage of assembling a warm corner is the high complexity of installation. The formation of tongue and groove locks requires high precision and is time consuming. At the same time, it is important to strictly control the quality of the timber that is taken into work, otherwise cracks may occur in the bases of the spikes (the narrowest places), which greatly reduce the strength of the structure as a whole.

Which option is better when building a log house?

It is impossible to say unequivocally which assembly technology - a warm corner or a bowl - is better. With qualified installation in terms of thermal performance, they will have approximate parity: both options are characterized by low thermal conductivity and are not purged.

Therefore, the microclimate in the house, if it depends on the choice of the timber assembly method, does not depend too much.

But there are other aspects too:

  • When installing the bowl, the cost of purchasing material increases due to the formation of a protruding part on each beam. The increase in cost is not too big, but on a large-scale project it can be noticeable.
  • A house or cottage assembled in a warm corner is more economical in terms of material. But the construction itself will take longer, and a more qualified team of builders (with a corresponding difference in wages) will need to be involved in the work.
  • It is also worth considering whether your own thermal insulation of a log cabin is enough for you. If the thickness of the walls is not enough to keep the heat in the house, you should choose a warm corner. So you can mount external insulation - either immediately at the construction stage, or later, if it seems to you that the effectiveness of thermal insulation is insufficient.

When choosing a technique for assembling a log house between a bowl and a warm corner, one must also take into account the appearance of the building. The option with the protruding parts of the beams is closer to the classic log house, while the design with even joints of the planes looks more modern. But in any case, the final result - both externally, attacks and in terms of performance - will depend on the quality of the design and assembly of the structure.

Before starting construction, there is a difficult choice: which beam assembly is preferable? What you want to see in the final result plays a big role. Therefore, it is worth considering what these two methods are, and decide what you should focus on.

Corner "into the bowl"

The corners into the bowl are usually protrusions from the main contour of the log house by 30-50 cm. A longitudinal recess is made in each log, in the corners it is made larger, in the form across the lying log. They form a crosshair and are interconnected in the lock knot. If there is a choice between two methods, it is worth drawing an analogy and talking about the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Advantages of the angle "in the bowl":

· This method is often chosen for aesthetic reasons, it looks attractive, embossed, in Russian traditions.

· Thanks to the labyrinth lock in the bowl, such a log house holds heat well inside and does not let cold outside.

· The cost of erecting a bar in this way will be less than a “warm corner”, due to simple technology. But the volume of the timber is needed more, therefore, the amount for the materials will increase.

Disadvantages of the angle "into the bowl":

Sufficiently large consumption of materials. The ledges in the corners take about 30-50 cm for each log, and this significantly increases the cost of construction.

Any beam has residual moisture, and after drying, cracks may form at the joints (in the corners) if the recess was calculated incorrectly or non-professionals worked.

· In the case of the "bowl" there is no further possibility of warming the house from the outside, as with other log cabins.

Log cabin in a "warm corner"

The connection of the beam into a "warm corner" is considered the most heat-insulating and dense of all log house options. In order to achieve the most dense docking, a groove is made on one of the joined bars, and a spike of the appropriate shape on the other. As a result of this installation, an almost hermetic docking is obtained.

Advantages of the "warm corner":

Installation in this case will be carried out without any additional fasteners. This will ensure that there are no metal parts that form cold bridges.

· With the correct work of the masters, the joining of the spikes and grooves is very tight and reliable.

· Due to the tight joint, the possibility of a cold draft from the street is excluded, so it will be warm and comfortable in such a house.

· A log house with a “warm corner” is flat on all sides, so in the future there is the possibility of sheathing the house from the outside, if necessary.

Disadvantages of a "warm corner":

· This technology is more difficult to install than the “bowl”, therefore the cost of the work will be higher, as the qualification of specialists is higher.

· If you turn to unskilled craftsmen, there is a high probability of cracks on the beam due to improper manufacture of the spike. The technology of erecting a "warm corner" is not easy to implement.

"Bowl" or "warm corner"?

Having decided on all the pros and cons of the two technologies, the choice does not become easier in terms of price. If for a log house in a "bowl" more timber is required, which will be much more expensive in the final cost, then for a "warm corner" specialists are needed whose work is valued above others. That is, in the "bowl":

· More expensive materials;

· Cheaper installation services.

For the "warm corner":

· Cheaper materials;

· Expensive installation.

Here, the choice is more likely only in appearance and in what the developer wants to see as a result. The “chalice” looks embossed, in the old Russian traditions, and many people like this representation at home. "Warm Corner" has smooth walls, and if desired, they can be insulated from the outside or sheathed with vinyl, metal siding, facade panels, etc.

Our customers, before the final choice of the project or the conclusion of the contract, often ask the question: “Which way of felling is better: in a warm corner or into the bowl for a house from a bar?

We immediately answer that both methods of cutting corners are windproof from the outside. The quality of the house, its reliability and ability to retain heat, are not affected by the types of felling: a house made of timber and into a bowl, and into a warm corner will equally warm you in winter.

Of course, provided that the felling is carried out by professional carpenters, subject to all the rules for assembling a log house from a bar.

Carpenters from the company "Chukhloma estate" have the necessary qualities and skill to cut a house from a bar with locks into a bowl or into a warm corner, as it should. Therefore, we do not face the problem of how to cut a log house - the choice is up to the customer.

The difference in locks in a warm corner and in a bowl lies in the external design and shape of the castle itself, in the price of a log house in a bowl and in a warm corner.

Let's take a look at what a corner in a bowl is, a warm corner, so that you decide which of the cutting methods to stop at, make your choice.

1.Angle into the bowl

The method of cutting corners or "with the removal" is the most expensive method of cutting. This is due, first of all, to the additional expenditure of timber during the construction of the house.

Corners into the bowl are protrusions of rows protruding 30-50 cm beyond the main contour of the log house, they intersect with each other in the lock knot and continue in the form of extensions.

Making corners into a bowl has been used since antiquity, when cutting. Carpenters with an ax cut grooves in the log in the form of a semicircle, in the shape of a log, so that the logs of the log house, stacked in rows, were fastened together in locks, crossing.

The shape of the castle in a log with releases, in the form of a semicircle, reminded the ancient carpenters of the shape of a cup, so the name of the castle in the log house at the corners came into use - "into the bowl" or "with releases", "with takeaways", "with remainder".

Locks with releases in a log house from a bar have nothing to do with the shape in the form of a bowl, because they are made not for a round log, but for a square bar in the section, but by tradition it is called “into a bowl”.

The lumber "bowl" has a different configuration of the lock on the corners, this is the so-called. "Labyrinth Castle". The labyrinth lock has an offset on both sides, which ensures the stability of the log house due to these special offsets. The labyrinth lock also provides complete tightness of the closing of the beam at the corners, which excludes the ingress of air from outside.

Construction of a house from a bar according to the project into a bowl, washed down the corners into a bowl:

2.Lock a log house from a bar to a warm corner

The lock of a log house from a bar without outlets is called "in a warm corner". This method of cutting corners is also called "without a trace". In appearance, it is similar to a castle in a log house made of hand-cut logs, because it does not have outlets in crowns outside the walls.

A house made of timber is cheaper, because it consumes less building materials.

Making a castle in a warm corner occurs according to the principle "dovetail". At one end of the beam, a spike is cut in the form of a half-trapezoid, and at the other end, a groove for a half-trapezoid is cut. The rows of timber with sawn ends are tightly closed in the corners, thanks to the "thorn-groove" system. And so it is done on all four sides of the log house, from the first to the last crown.

"Dovetail" for a warm corner is made according to a single template, which is always at hand for carpenters. Such a complex closure at the corners and "flashing" of the timber in the rows ensures the stability and strength of the entire log house.

A well-made warm corner ensures complete closing of the beam in the locks and eliminates the blowing of a cold draft from the street.

Carpenters from the "Chukhloma estate" are building a house from a bar for two families according to the project, the video shows how they drill holes for wooden dowels, make grooves in the wall "into a cut" and cut a lock into a warm corner in a bar, making spikes and grooves for closures:

3. Which is better: a warm corner or a bowl?

Both types of lock in a log house are reliable, keep heat well from the inside and do not let the cold in from the outside, thanks to their complex configuration: a “labyrinth lock” in a bowl and a “dovetail” in a warm corner.

A log house in a bowl with extensions looks more embossed. It looks emphatically stylish, in the tradition of making log cabins, when wooden houses were cut down with the help of one more axe.

A log house from a beam into a bowl does not imply additional wall cladding from the outside, because. offsets at the corners will interfere with this. Bowls on the corners are a sign of making a house out of wood.

But for corner offsets there is an additional consumption of timber, approximately one meter for each bar, so a house from a timber into a bowl is more expensive.

No additional building materials are spent on a house from a bar in a warm corner for the sake of "beauty", so its production is cheaper.

A log house with a warm corner is even at the corners on all sides, so it can be sheathed from the outside if necessary.

Thus, which log house suits you best, make your own choice: with bowls decorating a log house, but more expensive or with a warm corner - cheaper and allowing wall cladding.

Both methods of cutting corners are reliable and time-tested, which shows that in terms of quality characteristics, one is not inferior to the other.

4. Construction of houses from a bar into a bowl and into a warm corner, examples with photos and videos:

House from a bar in a bowl according to the project

House from a bar 8x12 in a bowl according to the project

The beginning of the construction of a house from a bar into a bowl according to the project "Patriarch" for shrinkage

Continuation of the construction of a house from a beam into a bowl according to the project "Patriarch"

The construction of gables and roofs on a house from a bar into a bowl according to the project "Patriarch"

Roof installation and completion

Interior finishing after shrinkage next year

Finishing a house from a bar into a turnkey bowl after shrinkage

A house made of timber in a warm corner 12.5x12.6 for two families according to a project for two families

House from a bar in a warm corner according to the project

The beginning of construction of a house from a bar in a warm corner according to the project "Forest Ponds" for shrinkage

It is easier to install a log house from a profiled beam from a ready-made kit with sawn cups. Cutting cups is carried out according to the project of a house or a bath. On sale you can find ready-made kits or order sawing bowls from specialists for your project. You can cut the cups with your own hands, but their design will be simple. For cutting use a special tool - "cup cutter". The better profiled timber with cups from the manufacturer, the design of various types of saws and the features of making your own hands in one article.

According to their shape, cups on a beam are distinguished into simple ones that can be made by hand and complex ones with a special labyrinth. Complex ones can be made using a cup cutter, as they have a lock to save heat. A thermal lock makes the connection as tight as possible and the joints of the timber not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also inaccessible to the penetration of wind and cold. According to the shape of the connection of the profiled beam with the cups, the connections are divided:

  1. In "oblo".
  2. In a "cup".
  3. "Dovetail".

The first two compounds with the remainder, the third without. Connecting the corners of the house with the rest has a number of advantages:

  1. The corners are warmer.
  2. Facade aesthetics.

The cons include:

  1. Material consumption increases.
  2. It is difficult to perform additional insulation of corner joints.

A bar with sawn cups is suitable for connecting with the rest - “into the oblo”. It is his pretexts to consider our readers.

What are the pros and cons of a warm corner

The connection of the corners of a house made of profiled timber with the rest is called a “warm corner”. It was formed due to the lock connection, which reliably protects the corners from freezing. Cupping is not always the most effective. Since the profiled material of natural moisture shrinks and dries out, a void appears between the bars, which cannot be additionally caulked. Problems can be avoided by using profiled material of chamber drying or glued. It is important to know a number of features before choosing a sawing into a manual or factory cup:

  1. Bowls sawn on machines can only have certain sizes, since the settings are not unlimited.
  2. The manual way of sawing cannot be perfect, as there is always an error during work.
  3. An experienced craftsman can make bowls no worse than any factory ones.
  4. When sawing in factories, you still have to adjust the corner joints, since the timber can dry out or, on the contrary, gain moisture.
  5. Factory cutting is performed with a margin of 1-1.5 cm; during manual cutting, you can adjust and fold the timber tightly (in an interference fit).

The main difference between mechanical and manual sawing is the complexity of the thermal lock. It's nearly impossible to do it by hand. But the factory one is also not always of high quality and ideal. Drank cups depends on the quality of the machine and the cup cutter. You can use a cup cutter even at a construction site, as there are massive stationary and small mobile machines. The shape of the cup, the depth and angle of the cut depend on the choice of machine and nozzle. Corner cutting is necessary for easier corner laying.

How a cup cutter works

For sawing bowls by the stationary method, powerful electric milling machines are used: Interskom FM-62 / 220E, AEG 2050, Makita 3612C, Felisatti RF62 / 2200VE and others. Plates with cutters for sawing are located in the design of the machine. The edge of the milling cutters is sharp and rotates when drunk. When rotating, the cutters receive a large load, in order to reduce it, the plates have an inclination. The plates can be removed and inserted into place, securing with a special screw. Cutters for sawing bowls are mounted on a special frame that is movable and adjusts the length and width of the bowl.

Rising and lowering the cutter makes it possible to drill the required depth. The complexity of the lock depends on the model of the machine and the installed cutter. The mobile milling machine is installed directly on the profiled timber in the place where the bowl was drunk and fixed with tessellates. During operation, the frame moves across the beam, which makes it possible to work with a beam of any section. In this case, the groove is obtained in the required dimensions according to the given scheme. The main thing is not only to correctly install the cup saw, but also to calculate the place washed down. You can see more about how they work on a cup cutter in the video:

Where is the bowl washed down on a beam

Corner joints in different sections of the beam are performed differently. It is necessary to calculate the place of the cup so that the material does not become brittle and does not crack when laying the walls of the house in the corners. Washed down can be calculated using the standard formula: H \u003d (B + c): 4 (H is the thickness of the groove of the profiled material, B is the height of the selected beam, c is the height of the existing groove or spike at the profile. For example, take a profiled beam with a simple locking connection of 10 mm, section 200x200 mm Insert the values ​​into the formula: (200 + 10): 4 = 52.5 mm This will be the size of the depth of the gash.

  1. The middle of the gash is marked and an incision is made along the borders to a depth of 10 - 20 mm.
  2. The cutter is lowered onto the sawn grooves and start working at the previously calculated depth.

Judging by customer reviews, ready-made factory cups do not always fit in size during assembly and they still have to be finalized. To simplify the work, you can buy a manual cup cutter. The price of a typewriter starts at 35,000 rubles, but by purchasing a bar without cups, you can save. They use a manual cup cutter right during the assembly of a house or a bath from a profiled beam. The drank can be measured right on the spot and adjusted to the desired shape.

In this case, the connection to a warm corner is more hermetic. If the production of profiled timber is small, then it will be more profitable to purchase such a hand tool. Moreover, you can perform work of the same quality as on a powerful milling machine. Depending on the type of frieze you choose, you can cut the cup in different ways. The number of cutters depends on the brand of the cup cutter and its power. The more feathers in the configuration and the higher the power of the equipment, the higher the price of the cup cutter.

Types of cutters and corner joints that they make

From the selected shape of the cutter, a different corner connection of the profiled beam is obtained:

  1. Four-sided bowl. The connection is made on a profiled beam with one rounded side - a block house or with even ones. Reminds four-way connection in the corner laying logs with the rest. A cylindrical end mill is used to make the connection. The side parts of the bowl are obtained according to the template, which is fixed to the material with laces. The cuts are straight above and below. The beams fit exactly into each other.
  2. T-shaped bowl. This angle is called "dovetail". The cutter has a special shape with a sidecut. Machines on which such cutters are included: Brussivit, Euroblock, Craze, Bluk. The bowl is made in two steps, details can be seen in the photo.

Price for drank cups

The price for sawing bowls in a profiled bursa depends on the complexity of the design, the section and type of timber, the complexity of the design of the house. You can buy a profiled beam with cups as a ready-made kit at any large construction company that manufactures the material. In large cities, the price differs little, we calculated the average and present it in the form of a table:

You should not expect that when ordering bowls from a construction company, you can get an impeccable material. The human factor has not been canceled. The only thing worth overpaying for is the complex shape of the bowl for a warmer corner connection.

- this is a log house with releases, when the logs go beyond the log frame by 30-50 cm. The place where the logs meet in the log house is called the "lock", where they are fastened together by cutting in the log, made in a special way. The lock was cut in the form of a semicircle, according to the shape and size of the log that will fit into this groove, resembling drinking dishes in configuration, therefore, in the everyday life of carpenters, such an angular connection has been called “into a bowl” since time immemorial.

A log house without releases is a log house where the corners of the house are even, without protrusions beyond the contour of the building and have a special shape in the form of a trapezoid or dovetail. The carpenter's term "the corner of the log house in the paw" also goes back deep into antiquity, when Russian architects cut huts, wooden estates and towers with only one ax, erecting real works of wooden architecture.

There is nothing in common with a real bowl in a timber castle, it is of direct shape, because. the beam itself has the correct geometric shape, unlike a semicircular log. Houses from a bar into a bowl are of industrial production, the so-called. "constructors" and manual, when a team of experienced carpenters at the construction site erects a log house from a bar and manually makes a cut into the bowl in each bar.

A log house from a bar “into a warm corner” is built “without a trace”, when the lock on the corners is cut out in a way, in the terminology of carpenters, referred to as “half-dovetail”.

2. Profiled timber with industrial production cups

Mechanical bowl sawing has its pros and cons.

In production, the lock "with the remainder" is made on a special milling machine. In the design of the machine there are plates with cutters, which have sharp edges, rotating, they cut out recesses in the wood of the desired shape and configuration. The cutters are removable, after sharpening they are returned to their place. The plates are mounted in a special movable frame that adjusts the length and width in the bowl lock being made. The cutter blades are raised and lowered to create the required depth of cut in the timber. The level of complexity of the lock, which can be performed mechanically in production, depends on the model of the machine and the milling plates.

The main advantage of the production of profiled timber with cups is its speed. The mechanical work of a special milling machine makes it possible to produce the maximum amount of finished lumber building material in the shortest possible time.

Theoretically, the manufacture of a profiled lock into a cup on a machine should occur with maximum accuracy, in fact, this is not always the case. Building materials do not always turn out to be perfect, sometimes they have to be “brought to mind” on the spot manually.

The most complex configuration of the bowl is considered to be the connection to the “labyrinth lock”, when the cups cut from all sides are offset on both sides. With this arrangement of the lock in the timber, it is considered impossible for air to enter from the outside.

In the manufacture of a “labyrinth lock” on a milling lock, inaccuracies sometimes occur, gaps in the mechanical method of manufacturing this most complex type of lock happen up to 1-1.5 cm, which does not happen to experienced carpenters who make this type of lock manually.

3. Profiled timber with handmade cups

Individual work with a cupped profiled log house, when carpenters manually build a specific object, can be compared to the work of a fashion designer. The manufacture of a profiled bar with a cup in an industrial way can be equated to the work of "ready-to-wear", i.e. consumer goods of mass production.

When assembling a house from a profiled beam into a cup from a production designer, carpenters of medium qualification most often work, who do not have complex manual skills.

Many manufacturers do not undertake to make log cabins with it because of the complexity of manufacturing bay window corner joints on the machine and offer their customers a frame view of this architectural element in a wooden house.

Experienced carpenters can manually cut a bay window from a bar with a special corner joint in it.

The Chukhlomskaya Usadba company builds constructor houses with profiled beams in a cup. But our special pride is the carpenters, the descendants of the architects who built, and in Russia back in the century before last. Our carpenters own the secrets of their craft, which were passed on from generation to generation by their great-grandfathers, grandfathers and fathers. They are able to build not only houses from profiled timber with cups, but also cut log cabins from solid logs, which is considered the highest qualification of a carpenter.

Therefore, if you want to build a house from a profiled beam with cups, contact the company "Chukhloma estate", we will build you a house, even from a designer, even a hand-cut "haute couture" according to an individual project.

Projects of houses from profiled timber with cups:

8x11 m 1 515 000 rub.

12x8 m 1 776 000 rub.

10x11.5 m 1 700 000 rub.

8x10 m 1 368 000 rub.

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