Prussians: how to get rid of, tips for destruction, effective means. How to get rid of red cockroaches - Prussians? The main methods of dealing with cockroaches include

reservoirs 16.06.2019

Each of us has encountered the problem of cockroaches in your home, these small red insects are called Prussians. As soon as you notice them scurrying around your kitchen, bathroom, corridors, do you wonder how to get rid of the Prussians once and for all at home? Useful tips outlined in this article, we will help you solve this problem.

Cockroaches can't stand cleanliness

Prussians, they are red cockroaches - living creatures, and like everyone else, they need some kind of food. If there is something to profit from in the kitchen, cockroaches will always find a way to get to forage base. Before starting the next military operations against them, it is necessary to give an objective assessment of the sanitary condition of your kitchen.

It will be at the proper level if you follow these rules:

  • In the kitchen, in no case should there be any crumbs on the table. Keep all food in the refrigerator.
  • Don't forget the trash can too. If you do not want to take out the garbage in the evening, then just tightly tie the container with a lid.
  • Floors must be kept properly clean - mandatory wet cleaning every day and once a week disinfecting the floor with at least vinegar will help you get rid of the Prussians once and for all at home.
  • The Prussians can't stand the smell of ammonia. Add a few drops of ammonia to a bucket of water and scrub the floor with it.

What can be purchased in stores against the Prussians?

It is easier to get cockroaches out of the house, because they cannot run from apartment to apartment. All the funds that stores offer you can be conditionally divided into several categories:

  • Aerosol insecticides, the most popular of them: "Raptor", "Raid", "Dichlorvos", "Combat".
  • Gel, powder, pencil. The most effective of them are considered "Raptor", "Brownie", pencil "Mashenka".
  • Traps for combating cockroaches with Velcro “Combat”, Raid”. In order to learn how to use them, read the instructions that are written on these same tools.

Important! To get an effective result, choose the means to get the Prussians out of the apartment at home, in this way:

  • If the Prussians are hosting in your kitchen in small quantities, you can limit yourself to only a pencil, powder or gel.
  • For instant extermination of a whole flock of insects, use an aerosol, spreading it directly to the location of the pests.
  • Use traps in combination with other means - including for prevention after the complete extermination of insects at home.

What is more effective against the Prussians?

All available funds to remove cockroaches have their advantages and disadvantages.

  • An aerosol product will remove all cockroaches in the house quickly enough. But after completing the treatment of the premises with insecticides, be sure to leave the premises for at least one 1 day. Then carry out a thorough cleaning in the house, apartment.
  • Traps are used for minor insect infestations. They go for bait, the smell of which attracts cockroaches. But use such a remedy with caution if your neighbors also have a similar problem, since smelling an alluring aroma, pests can run from them to you through the ventilation passages.
  • The most cardinal way is to call the pest control services. But due to the high cost, the services of professionals are rarely ordered. Basically, if you need to get rid of the Prussians once and for all at home, when their numbers are huge.

How to breed Prussians at home?

Is there enough a large number of people who are afraid and also do not trust ready-made substances from cockroaches, so they want to know how to get the Prussians out of the apartment without using special insecticides.

Verified folk remedy, which you can use to fight against the Prussians that are crawling around your house or apartment.

You will need: boiled eggs, potatoes and also boric acid.


  1. Finely chop potatoes and eggs.
  2. Add boric acid and make small balls out of the resulting porridge.
  3. Spread poisonous balls in those places where insects crawl.

Important! Cockroaches, having eaten these balls, will eventually die. But using this method, make sure that your poison balls are out of the reach of children, as well as pets.

Step-by-step instructions for the extermination of cockroaches

If pests have already tired you so much that you decide to thoroughly approach the issue of their extermination, take appropriate measures. To do this, proceed step by step in this way.

Step 1. Understand the situation

Understand that cockroaches appear in the apartment for a reason. If they are wound up and, moreover, actively multiply, it means that suitable conditions have been created for them.

Important! In an apartment, insects are like a human disease. In fact, you can get cockroaches out quickly and easily. But to prevent their reappearance in the room is much more difficult.

To start breeding cockroaches should be with an assessment of the extent of the problems. And not in the apartment, but on the scale of the whole house.

Step 2: Chat with your neighbors

As a rule, it is from neighboring apartments that cockroach infestation begins. Therefore, go around at least 2-3 apartments with which there are common walls. If you go into a rage, go around the whole house. Agree with the tenants of other apartments on how to get rid of the Prussians once and for all at home by joint efforts and purposeful complex actions. So you will not leave pests a single chance.

Step 3. Eliminate the reasons for the settlement of cockroaches in your apartment

This is the most important task. Without its solution, even a powerful insecticide will work only for a short period of time. And by making the room unacceptable for the life of cockroaches, you can ensure the removal of cockroaches at home without additional means and measures.

What will be required for this? Quite a bit:

Step 4. Destroy existing cockroaches

This stage is a step of action, as well as a result. You can remove cockroaches in different ways and at different times. And for each of the methods there are optimal means, as well as methods. We have already given you information about some of them above. Now let's give 1 more example of how to get rid of the Prussians once and for all at home.

Freezing cockroaches is a near-perfect solution for those who live in the northern hemisphere and for those who can manage to keep their indoor temperatures as low as minus 8 degrees C without any risk to plumbing systems.

This operation is incredibly simple:

  1. Open all the windows in your room on a frosty day.
  2. Turn off all heaters.
  3. Leave your apartment to cool down for half a day.
  4. If the frost on the street is lower than minus 12 C.

Important! It will take 5-6 hours to reach the required temperature in the room, as well as the death of insects. For reliability, freeze the apartment for 9-10 hours.

This method has a lot of advantages - safety for people and pets, 0 financial investments, simplicity. Just take care of aquariums and terrariums in advance.

But it also has disadvantages: in heated apartments, cold can lead to breakage of radiators and pipes. At the same time, not everyone all year round This method is available, and it is this that significantly limits its application.

Step 5. Make the apartment safe for everyone else

When using any poisonous drugs, take care of the safety of children, as well as pets. Even though a significant part of the insecticides against cockroaches that are sold on the market are not highly toxic, they can still cause various disorders:

Rules for using funds to bring the Prussians out of the apartment at home:

  1. Place products containing borax and boric acid in places where animals and children cannot get them.
  2. When calling pest control services, carefully follow all their recommendations.
  3. As a rule, each remedy against the Prussians is sold with instructions, strict observance which guarantees safe and harmless pest control.

Step 6. Don't let cockroaches get into your apartment again

To prevent the reappearance of cockroaches in your apartment, carefully monitor its cleanliness, as well as sanitary condition. In addition, it will be useful to do the following.

cockroaches- one of the most tenacious household pests that spoil not only the aesthetics of the house, but can also be a source dangerous diseases. These insects are carriers of eggs of worms, pathogens of tuberculosis, hepatitis, dysentery and other diseases.

Cockroaches breed very quickly, and the life cycle of one individual reaches 7-8 months. But nevertheless, it is possible to bring out the Prussians, it is enough to know the most effective methods fight them.

Effective home remedy for cockroaches

The main methods of dealing with cockroaches include:

  • making traps;
  • exposure to low temperature;
  • the use of toxic odors;
  • poisoning through food baits;
  • electromagnetic repellers.

Gels from cockroaches

The advantage of using special gels is that the substance retains its poisonous qualities for a long time, even in open form. Thus, by preparing gel-based traps, you can be sure that the product will do its job for several days and even weeks.

The only negative: the action does not begin immediately, but only after 2-3 days. The effect is achieved gradually. The mass extinction of cockroaches falls on 8-10 days.

The gel contains nutritional supplements, which attract the Prussians even more than food. The main component is an insecticide, a substance toxic to insects. As well as thickeners, flavors and sometimes dyes.

There are many similar gels of different companies on the market. The best brands are such as Raptor, Dohlox and Globol gel.

Insecticide sprays

Benefits of cockroach sprays instant action. The disadvantage is that only those individuals that were on the surface at the time of spraying will die. Insects hiding in hard-to-reach places are likely to survive and multiply quickly. Sprays are effective only with a weak infection of the premises with pests.

It is necessary to spray the aerosol into all cracks and accessible places, avoiding contact with food and food surfaces. It is advisable to leave the premises for several hours: toxic fumes can affect the well-being of people and pets. The following sprays are most effective: Raid, Raptor, Kombat.

Crayons from cockroaches

The advantages of crayons and pencils are as follows:

  • Low cost compared to other means.
  • Economy of use. One chalk is enough to process a large area.
  • Ease of use. Even a child will cope.
  • Safety for people. When using crayons, there is no need to vacate the room.

These tools include Domovoy.

The disadvantages include the low efficiency of crayons with a strong infection of the apartment. In addition, when eaten, such a pencil can harm a person, so you need to be vigilant in a house with small children. Another aspect is the white streaks of chalk that spoil the view. As a rule, with careful processing of the apartment, it is not possible to confine ourselves to applying chalk only to surfaces that are not conspicuous.

Tired of pest control?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in the country house or in the apartment? They must be fought! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Mains powered, no recharging required
  • No addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​action of the device

Folk remedies for cockroaches at home

Folk remedies for the destruction of domestic cockroaches are safe for human and animal health. Many of them have been tested by more than one generation. For successful pest control, you first need to know what smells cockroaches are afraid of.

Bay leaf

Efficiency bay leaf in the fight against insects has been proven by many years of practice. Cockroaches are repelled by the essential oils contained in this plant. This is one of the most affordable methods, because every kitchen has a bay leaf, and its price is very low.

In addition, the advantage is that a person does not feel a pungent smell, even if the laurel is placed in many corners of the apartment.

Here are some tricks of this method:

  • Bay leaf is used whole, not smaller. Otherwise, the essential oils will evaporate in a few hours.
  • If possible, it is advisable to use bay twigs rather than leaves.
  • The more often the leaves are replaced, the higher the protection.
  • Essential oils fade quickly. Therefore, in ventilated rooms, where there is often a draft, the parsley should be changed more often.
  • As an analogue of bay leaf, you can use its decoction or tincture.

Boric acid poison

Boric acid is harmful to insects.

There are two main ways to etch cockroaches with this method:

  1. The first is the direct eating of the poison by the Prusak. The Most Common Way to Feed Pests - Egg Recipe . Boiled chicken yolk is kneaded with two tablespoons of boric acid solution. Small balls with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm are rolled from doughy raw materials, after which they are laid out in places where they were noticed.
  2. The second method is aimed at ensuring that the insect gets dirty in poison, and in the process of washing the poison from the paws gets into the stomach. To do this, boric acid powder is scattered in small quantities in the habitats of cockroaches or sprayed with a solution.

Boric acid can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. The cost of this drug is small. When working, take precautions, do not inhale the vapors of the substance and work with gloves. This is perhaps the most effective home remedy for cockroaches.


The principle of action of alcohol in the fight against cockroaches is based on a pungent odor. The upside is that cockroaches just run away, which means there is no need to clean up the dead insects. In addition, ammonia is an affordable and inexpensive remedy.

Sprinkle the surfaces with alcohol, and also leave cotton balls moistened with it in accessible places. It is advisable to add a few tablespoons of ammonia to the water for mopping, doing this with each wet cleaning. This will also be preventive.

This method is not very effective due to the rapid evaporation of the odor. But on initial stage the spread of pests is worth trying it out. In cases where cockroaches run from neighbors or from the basement, ammonia will not help. You need to resort to a stronger impact.


Being a deadly poison for cockroaches, borax (sodium tetraborate) is absolutely harmless to humans and animals. In terms of efficiency and principles of action, it is similar to boric acid.

Options for using borax from cockroaches:

  • Make mashed potato and chicken egg. Add 1 tablespoon of borax to the mixture. Form into balls and arrange as baits.
  • Mix 200 grams of borax with 60 grams of starch and the same amount of powdered sugar. Add some vanilla sugar. Then pour water into the mixture until the consistency resembles a paste.


Pyrethrum- This is an insecticidal substance of natural origin in the form of a powder. It is made from ground dry chamomile flowers. For humans and animals, this powder is completely harmless, but for cockroaches it is poison.

Feverfew is added to various food baits, by analogy with other cockroach extermination recipes, or scattered in its pure form in insect habitats.


The use of kerosene or turpentine to destroy uninvited guests is a "grandfather" way. It is suitable only for those who have the opportunity to vacate an apartment for the period of persecution of cockroaches. Otherwise, toxic fumes can poison people as well.

Baseboards are lubricated with kerosene, accessible cracks and other surfaces are sprayed. As a rule, after a couple of days the pests run away. This method is especially effective when the source that attracts cockroaches is located in the house itself.

elderberry branches

When discussing which herbs cockroaches do not like, the first thing to note is elderberry. Black and red elderberry has been successfully used in the fight against pests that cannot stand its smell. Usually fresh flowers and twigs are used.

This is one of the most simple methods suitable for summer period: you need to get a fresh sprig of elderberry and put it in places where Prussians accumulate. You can also place sprigs behind the refrigerator, on the table, near the sink, behind the stove, and elsewhere.

Essential oils

In the fight against cockroaches, the following oils will be used:

  • Geranium oil (most popular).
  • Lemongrass.
  • Vetiver.
  • Lemon melissa.
  • Citronella.
  • Eucalyptus oil.

The essence of this method is in wiping surfaces with a special solution. Add a few drops to warm water essential oil or mixtures of oils. With the solution, you need to wipe not only the floor, but also all surfaces, including tables, chairs, shelves, a refrigerator, etc.

The more surfaces are “protected” by ethers, the more uncomfortable it is for cockroaches to be in the house.

Do not forget that before using oils, you need to carry out a general cleaning of the apartment, getting rid of crumbs and dirt that attract insects.

Plaster and alabaster

This method is the most cruel and not the most effective, but it has its place. This method comes down to eating gypsum (or alabaster) by cockroaches, which hardens in the stomach, leading to death. But it is not so easy to get insects to eat this substance, as they have a highly developed sense. To do this, gypsum is mixed with flour, sugar or semolina.


It's radical and very effective method because cockroaches are afraid of the cold.

But it can only be done if certain conditions are met:

  • Freezing is possible only in winter, when the temperature outside the window is much below zero.
  • Household members should be able to move out for a while.
  • If there is heating through pipes, all water must first be drained.

For the operation to be successful, the temperature in the house must be no higher than minus 15 degrees Celsius. The cold should be kept for at least 10 hours, but preferably several days.

Some describe a method of freezing each room separately when there is no way to free the dwelling. But, as practice shows, letting cold into the rooms one by one is not the best option, as insects will run to the warm parts of the house.

Stories from our readers!
“We spend the whole summer in the country, there are a lot of mosquitoes, flies and midges. It is impossible for adults or children to be in the house, and even more so on the street. We bought a trap lamp on the advice of neighbors.

We have been using the lamp for over a month. We forgot about flying insects and are often outdoors in the evenings. Very pleased with the result. I recommend to everyone."

Despite the fact that cockroaches are extremely tenacious, there are many factors that they are afraid of and try to avoid.

Summarizing the essence of all the listed methods of struggle, we can summarize:

  • Cockroaches do not withstand low temperatures, as well as very high ones.
  • Cannot tolerate strong odors.
  • Cockroaches are afraid of the light.
  • Some can't stand chemical compounds(boric acid, ammonia, etc.).
  • And of course, cockroaches do not like cleanliness. Regular general cleaning in the house significantly reduce the risk of these pests.
  1. Black dots. If small dark balls appeared on the dishes, kitchen shelves, alas, they were left by cockroaches. This is what their products look like.
  2. Specific smell.
  3. Clutches with eggs in corners and crevices. If you find them, you can, of course, be glad that your apartment has officially received the status of "cockroach-friendly", but this also means that the insects will have to be removed twice. First, the main number of pests will be destroyed, then the hatched offspring.
  4. Personal meeting. Cockroaches are curious and sociable creatures, therefore, if you do not pay attention to the alarm bells described above, sooner or later they themselves will make contact. Most often, black (up to 3 cm in length, kitchen) or red (up to 1.3 cm in length, Prussians) cockroaches start up in houses.

Why did they come to you

  1. You have a lot of delicious food. Cockroaches also love to eat. Only if you are eating sandwiches in front of the computer, they are content with little: leftover crumbs. And they also have enough open garbage bags or buckwheat scattered in the kitchen drawer.
  2. You have plenty of water available. A good lunch is a must. Therefore, puddles at the sink and a leaky shower cabin will come in handy.
  3. Your neighbors have plenty of food and water. No matter how hard you try to exterminate pests, all efforts can be broken by the stubbornness of your dirty neighbors. If you can’t agree with them, it’s enough to seal your own home: eliminate cracks and cracks.

Effective remedies for cockroaches

Folk methods

Boric acid for cockroaches is the strongest poison. Getting into the digestive tract of an insect, it affects it nervous system. paralyzes and dies of suffocation. It is best to use boric acid in powder, you can buy it at any pharmacy.

  • Sprinkle the powder along cockroach paths: along baseboards, at watering places (toilet, sink, shower). He will settle on the paws of an insect, and when the cockroach starts to clean them, he will fall into the stomach.
  • Make delicious baits: mix mashed potatoes, egg yolk, sugar or flour with boric acid and roll balls from the resulting mass. Spread them out wherever malicious barbels can run.

Ammonia It has a strong smell that cockroaches don't like. Therefore, they tend to leave the premises treated with this substance as soon as possible. To get rid of cockroaches, add ammonia to your water to clean floors, shelves, walls, and ceilings.

Freezing. Cockroaches are cold-blooded creatures. They cease to multiply and weaken at temperatures below +7 °C. However, this method can only be applied in winter, preferably in hard frost. It is enough just to leave the windows wide open for a day (or better for two). It is necessary that all rooms are frozen to -10-15 °C.

Trap will help if there are not so many cockroaches. It can be made at home. A jar with a wide neck, a deep enameled or glass bowl, grease the inside with oil, fat or petroleum jelly, and crumble the bait on the bottom: cookies, bread, sugar. Insects will be drawn to the smell of delicious, and then they will not be able to get out. Can also be used as a hazardous container plastic bottle: cut off the neck and, turning it over, insert it back like a funnel.

Leave the trap overnight in the kitchen or bathroom, and be sure to kill the pests in the morning. They can be poured with boiling water or sprayed with insecticide.


The market is rich in various specialized products: from sprays and crayons to nanotechnology lamps and traps. The main thing when working with such things is to carefully follow the instructions and do not forget about gloves and a protective mask.

How to get rid of cockroaches forever

If you live in a private house, it will be enough to thoroughly poison insects once, and then regularly take preventive measures so that insects do not come to visit in the future.

But if you are a happy homeowner in apartment building, without actions coordinated with the neighbors is indispensable. Agree with all residents and carry out pest control at the same time. Otherwise, it may happen that a cockroach landing from another floor will again and again enter your neutralized apartment.

Preventive measures

  1. Keep order at home. For the destruction of pests, one single cleaning is not enough, it is necessary to clean it regularly. Store food in airtight containers, remove crumbs from the table, and keep an eye on areas where pets eat. It would be a good idea to audit kitchen drawers for spilled cereals. It is advisable to wash the dishes immediately after eating, and not store them in the sink with the remnants of the meal inside.
  2. Take out the trash. Do not keep trash in a cabinet under the sink or store overflowing bags at front door. Get in the habit of regularly walking to the trash cans (or the garbage chute), and put a container with an airtight lid in the kitchen.
  3. Fix leaks promptly. While cockroaches can survive for weeks without food, they cannot survive even a day without water. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check potentially dangerous places (toilet bowl, sinks, pipe joints) for leaks. In addition, do not forget to dry the surfaces in the bathroom after active bathing. Well, it’s better not to abuse the sailor’s way of washing floors (this is when a bucket of water is poured onto the deck at once).
  4. Repair cracks. If your neighbors are not clean, take care of the impregnability of your apartment. Examine the walls, ceiling, corners of the room: perhaps there are. They deserve to be patched up. And close the ventilation holes with a special fine mesh through which insects cannot crawl.

Are you worried about mustachioed pests? How do you protect your apartment from cockroaches? Share your tips in the comments.

fast and effective destruction Prussians in the apartment

Having got rid of the red cockroaches, do not rush to celebrate your victory. Take care that they do not penetrate you again. The appearance of the Prussians in a house or apartment is a real disaster. People have been fighting these beetles for more than a year, but victory remains with them, despite the huge losses in their ranks. For many desperate homeowners, the question arises: why, despite all the means used, it is not possible to get rid of these annoying insects; How to get rid of the Prussians once and for all? If this question is considered comprehensively, then the answer to it is easy to find.

Cockroaches don't like cleanliness

Prussians (red cockroaches) are living creatures, they need something to eat. If there is something to profit from in the kitchen, they will always find ways to get to their food supply. Before starting the next fighting against them, it is necessary to assess the sanitary condition of the premises where food is prepared.

  • The kitchen should not be left with food residues, bread crumbs, liquid reservoirs overnight. All products should be cleaned in places inaccessible to insects or packed in plastic bags.
  • Don't forget about the trash can. If the family does not have a rule to take out the garbage in the evening, then the garbage bag must be tightly tied.
  • Floors must be kept properly clean. The presence of crumbs on the surface is unacceptable.

A clean kitchen will not be attractive to the Prussians, there will be fewer of them. But, of course, they won't disappear completely. However, now the fight against these insects will be more successful.

The Prussians do not tolerate the smell of ammonia. If you add a few drops to a bucket of water and wash the floor or wipe the places that the pests described are especially fond of, then these insects will leave you for a while.

What is sold in stores from the Prussians

It is easier to kill cockroaches in a private house than in an apartment, since they do not run from neighboring apartments, through ventilation grills or in other ways available to them.

Good feedback consumers deserved the pencil "Mashenka". People like it for its affordable price, safety and ease of use.

How to bring out the Prussians is advised by many printed editions and online publications, share their experiences and people who have found an effective remedy for these insects. From all this incoming information, it is important to find the best way to kill insects in your apartment.

To get rid of cockroaches, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. The operation of the device is based on the technology of electro-magnetic pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, ecological product for humans and pets.

An aerosol product will destroy all cockroaches in the house very quickly.

All the tools that stores offer us can be divided into several categories according to the method of their use.

  1. Aerosol insecticides, the most popular of which are Raptor, Raid, Dichlorvos. Fufanon, Microphos, Dohlox. Kombat and others.
  2. Gels, powders, pencils with insecticides, the most effective of them are Raptor, Brownie, Sturm, Masha's pencil.
  3. Traps for cockroaches with Velcro or poison (Combat, etc.).

If the Prussians are hosting in the kitchen in small quantities, you can limit yourself to a pencil, powder or gel

What is more effective from the Prussians

All means available to the buyer for the destruction of cockroaches have their advantages and disadvantages.

  • An aerosol product will destroy all cockroaches in the house very quickly. But after treating the premises with insecticides, it will be necessary for all residents to move somewhere, at least for one day. Then you will need to carry out a thorough cleaning in the apartment or in the house. The aerosol product is suitable for combating large quantity prussians.
  • If the Prussians are hosting in the kitchen in small quantities, you can limit yourself to a pencil, powder or gel. When using these funds, there is no need to leave the premises. But their duration is longer. They are especially effective if you want to free some specific place from the presence of cockroaches, for example, a bedside table, pantry, closet, etc. Then it is enough to draw a line with a pencil or gel and uninvited neighbors will no longer visit this place.
  • Traps are used with a slight accumulation of insects. They are supplied with bait, the smell of which attracts insects, and Velcro, falling on which pests die.
  • The most cardinal means of ridding the dwelling of the Prussians is to call the pest control service. But due to the high cost of professional services, people rarely order.

If we talk about the cost of all the above funds used to destroy insects in an apartment. then the price of an aerosol in comparison with gels and pencils used for the same area is much higher.

Good consumer reviews earned the pencil "Mashenka". People like it for its affordable price, safety and ease of use. This is a fairly effective remedy if the problem with the Prussians is not of a global nature.

How to deal with cockroaches folk remedies ()

How to bring out the Prussians with improvised means

There are quite a few people who are afraid and do not trust the ready-made remedies for Prussians offered by manufacturers, so they want to know how to get rid of Prussians without using insecticides.

  • The Prussians do not tolerate the smell of ammonia. If you add a few drops to a bucket of water and wash the floor or wipe the places that the pests described are especially fond of, then these insects will leave you for a while.
  • There is another proven folk remedy that can be used to combat insects crawling around your apartment. You will need: boiled eggs and potatoes, as well as boric acid. Finely chop the eggs and potatoes, add boric acid and make small balls from the resulting mixture.

Poison balls need to be laid out in places where insects crawl. The Prussians, who have eaten such balls, die over time. But when using this method, make sure that your poison balls are out of the reach of children and pets.

It is easier to kill cockroaches in a private house than in an apartment, since they do not run from neighboring apartments, through ventilation grills or in other ways available to them.

Stay vigilant - cockroaches may return

Getting rid of red cockroaches. do not rush to celebrate your victory. Take care that they do not enter you again. We recommend learning about the types of domestic cockroaches.

To do this, close the ventilation grilles in the apartment with a mesh with small cells through which insects cannot seep through. Disinfect the room periodically and be sure to keep the apartment clean, especially in places where you cook, dine and feed pets.

Red cockroaches, or Prussians, are heat-loving insects that have accompanied humans for more than one century. It is believed that they were given the “folk” name because they came to Russia from Prussia (today Germany). However, this is an erroneous opinion, red cockroaches are immigrants from Central Asia.

The Prussians do not disdain any food. They feed on bread crumbs and any waste after cooking. Especially love wet food, but will not give up paper and wallpaper glue on hungry days. For many people, the appearance of cockroaches in the house is a real disaster. The fight against them lasts for years, but the victory still remains on the side of the beetles. Desperate homeowners often wonder: why can't they get rid of red cockroaches completely? What are the ways to prevent the appearance of uninvited "tenants"?

The situation is aggravated by the fact that harmful insects can live not only in the apartment, but also in food blocks. various enterprises, canteens, cafes, hospitals, hotels, garages and shops. Since the Prussians are in contact with garbage all the time, and then crawl on the tables, they carry a potential danger as carriers of infectious and parasitic diseases. That is why, as soon as the red-haired guests are seen in the kitchen, the fight against the Prussians should immediately begin.

Cleanliness is the key to the absence of red cockroaches

If insects are noticed in the house, then first of all it is necessary to assess the sanitary condition of the kitchen. Prussians are living creatures that need to eat in order to continue life and reproduce. That is why, if there is a lot of waste in the place of food preparation, they will definitely find their way to their food supply.

Before taking any measures to get rid of the Prussians, you need to perform a number of actions:

  • carefully remove all crumbs and leftover food, cups or bowls of liquid, especially in the evening;
  • pack the products tightly in cling film and clean away from the Prussians;
  • wash and dry the sink;
  • every evening, take out the trash can or carefully tie the bag so that cockroaches cannot penetrate it;
  • regularly wash the floor in the apartment and prevent the presence of crumbs on its surface.

In addition, you need to try to determine for what reason red cockroaches appeared in the house. If it turns out that the Prussians got into housing with things from a hospital or hotel, then you can safely start pest control to get rid of them once and for all. However, if the reason lies in the unsanitary condition of the neighboring apartment, then it will be extremely difficult to destroy the Prussians, since others will definitely come to replace the killed individuals. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive treatment of all adjacent premises.

Constant maintenance of cleanliness in the apartment will significantly reduce the number of red cockroaches, as they will not like their home. However, it will still not be possible to get rid of the periodic visits of "guests".

Effective means of exterminating cockroaches

Currently, there are several proven methods for the destruction of harmful insects. Tips for effectively and quickly getting rid of red cockroaches can be found in many print and online publications. You can find a lot of reviews in which people share own experience fight against the Prussians in the apartment. But after analyzing the information, it becomes clear that each case is individual, so it is important to find the most effective method, taking into account the characteristics of your home, the presence of small children and pets.

All remedies against cockroaches can conditionally be divided into two categories: folk and chemicals. Production preparations for insect control in large assortment sold in shops and markets. Depending on the form of release, they are divided into three types:

  1. aerosols ("Raptor", "Reid", dichlorvos and others);
  2. products in the form of powders, gels and sticks(The most popular are "Brownie", Raptor, "Sturm" and the pencil "Mashenka");
  3. traps for prussians electric, with poison and Velcro, as well as ultrasonic repellers.

Any of the drugs can be used at home, but each of them has certain disadvantages. So, Velcro traps, powders, gels and pencils will not have the desired effect if there are too many insects. Aerosols are capable of destroying a large number of Prussians, but residents will have to leave their homes for a while.

Folk ways of fighting

Many people, for various reasons, do not want to use "chemistry" in the apartment. In this case, you can resort to proven folk ways helping to get rid of red cockroaches. We present the most popular of them.

  1. Use of ammonia. The Prussians cannot stand its smell, so every time during cleaning it is recommended to add a few drops of the solution to the water. This technique will temporarily get rid of insects.
  2. Boric acid baits. This remedy can be easily prepared at home. To do this, boil some potatoes and chicken eggs, carefully grind them to make a gruel, and displace with boric acid. From ready mix form small balls and spread them in the habitats of the Prussians.

In no case should children and animals be allowed to come into contact with such poison, as the consequences can be extremely unpleasant.

Unfortunately, none of the listed remedies will help get rid of cockroaches forever if there are too many insects, and the neighboring apartment is a source of distribution of the Prussians. In this case, only complex processing involving professional workers Helps kill cockroaches.

Preventive actions

To finally get rid of red cockroaches, you need to follow simple rules:

  • constantly maintain cleanliness;
  • take out the trash in a timely manner;
  • wash and dry the sink every evening - this will deprive the insects of water;
  • carefully close all the ventilation ducts in the apartment with a mesh with small cells to prevent the penetration of Prussians from neighboring rooms;
  • seal all cracks in the floor and baseboards.

If these measures are observed all the time, then the Prussians will leave the house forever and will never disturb with their presence again.

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