Simulation with tarot on finding a good job. Simulation of the future

Engineering systems 28.06.2020
Engineering systems

Many people know about Tarot cards. But Tarot cards are perceived mainly as a tool that can help a person perceive and analyze information, predict future events. This is true, but that's not all. Tarot cards can be used to change reality. It can be changes in one's own qualities, abilities, it can be an impact on the situation.

The fact is that our future is not defined. At every moment of life, any of us has at least several options for the development of further events. It is from the ability to make the right choice in a timely manner that the ability to be “at the right moment in time, in the right place, in the right state” depends. The ability and desire to make the right choices forms the Destiny of a Person.

If we know clearly and specifically what we want, and this is a conscious choice, we can use the plots depicted on the Tarot cards as a door to our psyche in order to "program" ourselves to fulfill a desire. Another question is whether your desire is true, that is, whether the fulfillment of the desired is useful. In other words, is your desire environmentally friendly? But this is a topic for another discussion. For now, I can give a hint that we can ask the cards about this by asking the question: “Is what I crave so much good for me.” The cards will show you this clearly and without prejudice.

The Tarot system is designed to solve existing problems, and not to suppress the will of a person, as happens with ordinary fortune-telling, when the situation is not analyzed, the reasons are not identified and options for behavior are not viewed, but the answer is simply given - what will happen if nothing is done. Once again I repeat that there are always several options for the development of events! The fates of people informationally exist in the form of casts and can be realized in the material world, or they can change. Why else would man be given reason and will?

Today we are opening a section where we will tell you how to use this or that Tarot card in real life.


Any event somehow changes our emotional state. This is a well known fact. In psychology, there are techniques when a person, artificially creating a certain state in himself, can change the surrounding reality through this state.

Each Arcana Tarot carries a certain state. This happens as a result of a combination of color, shape, plot. A person contemplating this or that lasso experiences the influence of all these combinations and also enters a certain state. A person begins to vibrate at the frequency of the lasso and, accordingly, according to the principle “like attracts like”, attracts events of the same vibration to himself in real life.

So, the first card in the deck is the Arcana "Jester". Sometimes this card is called "Fool", "Mad".

On the card presented here from the Rider-Waite deck, it is clear that a very young man is easily and carelessly, cheerfully heading towards the abyss. The abyss represents Chaos - the new, the unknown, the unknown. He has a white rose in his hand, as a symbol of innocence, purity. The sun is shining, but he is in danger of falling. The young man's face is filled with confidence and joy. Next to him we see a dog. Usually a dog is perceived by us as a sign of help, protection, friendship, disinterestedness. Thus, the jester is a Spirit who went on a journey in search of experience.

When can we use this card:

When we need optimism and the ability to take risks;

When there is an opportunity to start a new business, a new life, but doubts and

When it is necessary to forget the old and brightly open up to the new in life;

When we embark on an entirely new discipline

How to use the card:

We make a color photocopy of the card and right on the front side of the copy we clearly and briefly (like SMS) write what and how should be done. For example: “I easily start my new business. I am filled with optimism. My intuition is leading me on the right path." Carry the card with you: in your pocket, purse, in documents. When you feel filled with strength and enthusiasm and see the first real positive successes in what you have envisioned, you can burn a copy of the card, thanking the energies of the cards that influenced you, helped, set you up. You can continue to work, but using the energies of other cards that you put completely other goals.

I wish you all good luck on a happy journey of Tarot!

For questions on a more detailed and in-depth use of maps, I will answer by phone 89082585288.

Master Tarot MAZUNINA Tatyana Nikolaevna


Those who are fond of esotericism have probably heard of such a concept as a "mandala". This word is usually used to refer to a magical drawing made of certain geometric shapes, usually strictly symmetrical in outline. It is used for meditation and changing reality. But few people know that there is also a special Tarot mandala. About what it is, we will now talk with you.

What is a tarot mandala?

If the usual mandala for meditation consists of geometric shapes of different colors, then it is easy to guess that the Tarot mandala is a magical drawing in which Tarot cards are used instead of geometric shapes. Sometimes it's just one card, repeated many times in a pattern, and sometimes it's a whole set of Arcana. There are mandalas, for which two decks are used at once.

But the main elements of the Tarot mandala are a square, a triangle, a circle, i.e. strict geometric shapes.

Working with mandalas is as follows: a person relaxes as much as possible, enters a state, as in meditation, and begins to peer closely at the mandala drawing, concentrating on colors, figures and other elements of a magical picture. With the help of this exercise, he interacts with the energy inherent in the drawing, and it begins to influence his life. Regular practice with a tarot card based mandala can bring about the desired changes.

With the help of mandalas, you can attract happiness, success, wealth, and also correct your life situation. In order to change your reality, you can use ready-made mandalas created for specific situations, or you can create your own magical drawings.

Mandala Tarot for money from the Ace of Pentacles Magic Tarot deck of the Golden Dawn

To make it clearer for you, we will give some examples. Here, for example, is the Tarot mandala for money, wealth and material well-being, created from the Ace of Pentacles of the Golden Dawn Magic Tarot deck.

Tarot Mandala for Love from the Ace of Cups deck Magical Tarot of the Golden Dawn

And here is a mandala made from the Ace of Cups from the same deck. It helps to attract love, sincere feelings into a person’s life, and helps to accelerate the meeting with your true soulmate.

Universal mandala of the Tarot of the four Aces of the deck Magical Tarot of the Golden Dawn

And this is a universal Tarot mandala, created from four Aces. Aces always mean a source of energy, so we can say that meditation on this drawing will help a person go through life in the right way, avoid mistakes.

Modeling the Future with Mandala Building

A tarot reader can change future events by unfolding a mandala from a Tarot deck. This happens as follows: a certain alignment is created, made in the form of a magical drawing, and then after a thorough analysis of it, the master swaps some cards. But you can change cards only according to strictly defined rules, and not arbitrarily.

The Tarot Mandala for modeling the future is a very complex ritual that beginners will not be able to cope with. Therefore, we will only briefly talk about it, and if you are interested in this topic, you can learn more about it after reading the specialized literature.

There are several types of mandalas that are used to change future events, the most popular is the correction called "Cross". This mandala can be built on any area of ​​life - relationships, career, wish fulfillment, travel, etc.

To begin with, 56 Minor Arcana and one blank card are taken. Further, the directions of the world are determined, on each of which Aces are placed: to the East -, to the West - the Ace of Pentacles, to the South -, to the North -. A blank card must be placed in the center. Further, the Minor Arcana are laid out in clockwise order, starting from the East: first twos, then threes, then fours, etc. up to kings, while all suits should be strictly above "their" aces: pentacles - in the West, cups - in the South, wands - in the North, swords - in the East.

Next, the tarot reader determines the key cut - i.e. those cards that correspond to the hour of the day at which the unfolding of the mandala ended. In this case, the first cards (aces) mean the first hour of the day, the second (twos) - the second, etc. Since there are only fourteen cards in each direction, and there are 24 hours in a day, the fifteenth hour corresponds to tens, the sixteenth to nines, and so on down to Ace, which will symbolize the last hour of the day. As a result, it turns out that each court card is responsible for one hour, and each numerical card for two. The key cut is movable, i.e. its Master can move.

The next step in building a Tarot mandala for modeling the future is the introduction of the Major Arcana. The tarot reader takes the Major Arcana of the deck with his back to himself and, pulling them out randomly, lays out three more circles with them, starting from the East in a clockwise direction. Arcana, not included in the mandala, are put aside in a separate pile. The three slices that we got - the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth, cannot be moved during modeling, they are not movable.

  • The key (moving) cut can be rotated one, two or three steps clockwise
  • Moving slice cards can be exchanged for any other slices, including Major Arcana slices, without moving cards from one pile to another
  • Any card in the key slice can be swapped with the card in the center
  • If during the simulation a clean card gets into the movable slice, it can be changed to any Major Arcana of those that were not involved in the layout
  • Moving slice cards can be turned over, but only everything is done at once: straight lines become inverted, or vice versa

Thus, working with the Tarot mandala, the master seems to turn the wheel of life, changing the course of events. But it is important to remember that there are many nuances when working with modeling, so you can start practicing only after you have thoroughly studied the specialized literature.

Tarot mandala for correcting a life situation

Another way to correct fate is a mandala according to the Tree of Sephiroth. Before building a Tarot mandala, you need to go through a cleansing meditation: for three days, do not eat heavy food, do not take alcohol, and avoid emotional overstrain. To build a magical drawing, we use two decks - one will show the state of your affairs at a given point in time, and the second - corrects events in the way we need. As a corrective, it is better to take a deck that is soft in energy, for example, Osho Zen Tarot.

We begin the ritual by working with deck correction. We divide it into six parts: separately the Major Arcana, separately - Court cards, and four stacks corresponding to the suits. Court cards are not involved in the work, so we put the stack with them aside, and the rest of the cards are laid out as follows: in the center we put the stack of CA face up so that the first card is , and after it all the other CAs in numerical order. Above should be a stack of wands, also laid out from Ace to Ten, on the left (from the side of the heart) - a stack of cups / bowls, on the right - swords, below - pentacles.

Now we take the main deck, which will show the state of your affairs, divide it into the same piles (CA, court cards and number cards by suit) and lay out the Tarot mandala with it as follows: we simply remove the pile of court cards, Major Arcana, folded in natural in numerical order, we put a pile under a similar pile with the SA of the corrective deck, and mix the remaining forty numbered cards, thinking about our life at the moment, and then we begin to lay out the cards in the form of the Kabbalistic Sephiroth Tree - there should be ten cards in each branch, lay them out one by one on the map - one in the direction of the Wands (up), the next - in the direction of Cups (to the left), then - Swords (to the right), then - Pentacles (down).

Now we carefully analyze what we have done. The stack of Wands (upper part) is responsible for your personal activity, creativity, sexuality, energy, communication in society. Cups (left side) are your feelings, sensations, experiences, emotions. Swords (right stack) - your intellect, mental activity, and Pentacles (bottom stack) - finances, financial situation, work.

It is important to analyze each card in the Tarot mandala in order to understand how favorable it is, or vice versa, negative. And now we begin the most interesting: we take stacks of corrective cards and with their help we neutralize, strengthen or weaken those cards that we have dropped out. You can take only those cards that correspond to suits: for example, to correct the area of ​​feelings, we take only a stack of cups of the correcting deck, to change the material area, we use only a corrective stack of pentacles, etc.

To make it clearer, let's take a simple example: in the direction of the cups, we have a drop: to weaken its influence, we will put it on top of this card from the corrective deck: in this way, cruelty and failure will turn out to be a search for a new path for us. To strengthen, for example, the one in the stack of Pentacles, we will put it on top of the corrective deck, thereby making our success permanent. The main thing is to understand how to correctly decompose the adjustment layer, because we have only ten dropped cards and ten of those with which you can correct this area. All cards must participate in the layout, so before laying them out, think carefully about what and how you want to change.

As a result, your Tarot mandala should look like the one shown in the picture.

As you can see, with the help of Tarot cards, you can not only predict the future and analyze the past, but also change your present.

Modeling the situation on tarot

tarot is a tool that can be used not only for predictions. Each Arcana Tarot carries the energy of the symbols contained in it. By working with the energies of the arcana, we can change our lives, get rid of problems and model successful situations. The main thing is to have a good imagination and faith in yourself and your strengths.
As when closing the deck, we spend a certain amount of energy to ensure that the cards “work” for us, program the situation we need, and in Tarot meditation the same principle is used, only it takes more time, more energy and as a result the result is visible faster and brighter.
For example, the burning theme of love for many. Everyone knows that the color of love is red. Therefore, for such meditation, red candles and a red cloth are needed for the ritual. I use colored cardboard as a canvas, because I have not yet acquired all the colors. Considering that we set the goal to “attract” the love and attention of the opposite sex into our lives, it is better to do the ritual on the waxing moon.

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Interpretation of tarot cards
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You need to prepare an altar, which you will cover with a veil of the desired color, two candles, you can incense and selected three cards of the Tarot deck to work out the desired situation. The color of candles can be red, gold or orange, although deviations in the choice are allowed at your discretion, just do not take a cheap white paraffin candle, remember: what are the costs, such is the result. The rite is carried out in three stages, every evening, for three days, meditation is carried out on one of the cards.

For the rite, one target card and two accompanying it are selected.
If there is not enough passion in a relationship, this is the lasso Strength and wands, if you want more romance - the Moon and cups, the Jester will help fulfill the desire for spontaneous meetings and stupid deeds, push you to a risky step.
For example, a single girl wants to start a serious relationship with a man. In order to get married, you need to get to know him, and in order to get to know him, you need to be attractive, following this logic, we act.

The first meditation should take place on the map Empress or Queen of Cups, by the way, I advise you to use not only the major arcana in this practice, due to the fact that they are categorical in their interpretations and often act on the principle of “all or nothing”, but we are not waiting for the Prince of Denmark, but for a man - someone who can meet in everyday life, with their shortcomings and needs.
We choose the deck that is closer to the heart, many Tarologists who practice such meditation advise taking a new, previously unused deck, so as not to denigrate the rite with the accumulated energy from the layouts. I think that this is not categorical, but before the ceremony it is still worth cleaning it.

So, back to the situation, the girl chooses three cards for herself, let's stop on the Empress card, the Empress should be attractive, you need to see her like that, because in meditation, you will identify yourself with her, feel like a beautiful, passionate "sorceress" that takes men's hearts with one glance.

Choose the second card 10 of pentacles, in order to meet the long-awaited man, or 2 cups, for harmonious communication, you can of course choose a card of lovers, but in each deck she speaks ambiguously, and it’s not always a couple, often it’s a choice or even a triangle in a relationship, or a couple but with “non-standard” relationships. In order not to get something unpredictable, we choose situational cards.

And the third card 10 cups- because we want a house - a full cup and a strong family, or 6 wands- because this card is the achievement of goals and success (and in the Tarot of Inspiration, the girl is even in a veil).
Of these three, the target card is the third selected card, say 10 cups because the main goal is a family, an established relationship.

We lay out all three cards on the altar, from right to left, put the first card on a dais or lean against a stand so that it stands out from the background of the other two cards. We light candles and incense, tune in the right way. You must be calm and detached, you already need to tune in to the ceremony when preparing it, directing your thoughts in the right direction, it’s good if you put on a beautiful thing. Before the ceremony, you can take a bath, if it is not possible, then wash your face and rinse your hands up to the elbow, this will get rid of the negative energy that has accumulated on you during the day. Sit comfortably in front of the altar, your back should be straight, you can lean on the back of a chair or put a pillow so that the posture does not cause tension.

Focus on the first card. Merge with her, imagine that you own the secrets of the world and exist in harmony, you are subject to the forces that drive men crazy, because you are a sexy, bright, gentle and loving woman. Pour this energy into yourself. You can close your eyes and keep this image in your mind, continuing to develop and see imaginary pictures with your inner eye. The time of the ceremony is not limited. After the completion of the ceremony, the altar must be left in the form in which it is until the next evening. Throughout the day, try to “carry” these emotions with you.

On the second evening, we do the same, with the second card - 2 cups imagine how you are talking with a man, that you are on a date, he likes you, he smiles at you, his eyes shine. You feel mutual attraction, he is fascinated by you. You are funny and flirtatious and you really like his jokes). But now, while meditating on the second card, which we, by the way, placed on a dais, in its place in the center, and lowered the first one, we remember that there was the first card. Imagination draws the story of the development of your love, you concentrate on the Empress card for a short time, remembering how delightful and breathtaking you are and move on to the idea that this is exactly how you came on a date, playing its details again.

On the third evening, we came to the target and last card, it should lie first from the left, we place it on a dais, the first two now lie exactly on the plane of the altar.
If this - 6 wands, then we see ourselves in a veil going down the aisle, you are satisfied and happy, because all your dreams have come true, happiness has knocked on your door, your relationship has developed so harmoniously and mutually that you are marrying a beloved and loving person.
And we act according to the old scheme, we return for a short time to the fact that I am the Empress, then we smoothly move on to the pleasant moments of a date and sum up the emotions of a beautiful wedding. After the completion of the ceremony, the altar can be removed the next evening.

Thus, it is possible to work through any life situations, as well as existing relationships, to strengthen family ties, work, financial situation, friendship, vacation, etc.
It must be remembered that you must give the energy that you received during the ceremony to those around you, with your mood, smiles and positive, and then the cycle of your wheel of fate will start in the right direction.
Good luck!

P.S. I can help you choose the right cards to simulate the situation, everyone who wants to try.

You can contact the author at the mailbox [email protected]

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The best way to predict your future is to create it yourself.

Peter Drucker

With the help of the Lenormand deck, you can model your future in the desired direction. This technique is called - card magic. It works partly, and perhaps precisely because our subconscious mind “thinks” with pictures, symbols, and building the right combination, actively mentally modeling the situation in the process of selecting the right cards, you give a signal to your subconscious mind to shape events around you in a certain way, this method is especially good for those who like to interrupt the desired signal with their horror stories that nothing will work out, or when one thing is consciously declared, and subconsciously a person actively draws pictures of the Apocalypse.

With simulation, you can program yourself for the best outcome of events, You begin to think about how best to act, calculate the steps in the right direction, change. The modeling process tunes in to the wave without interference! This method is also called future design or intention harmonization.

He switched to the Lenormand system from Tarot Magic, of course. in Tarot there are strong multifaceted archetypes, but this is also their complexity, in Lenormand, thanks to concise, intuitive symbols much easier to design your future.

Each Lenormand card, as well as the tarot arcana, carries its energy, which can be attracted for magical effects. For example, sun card carries the energies of success, and also it pulls out into the light what is not manifested, it can be used when required reveal the truth; Clover carries the energy of good luck, success, the ability to turn the wheel of Fortune in the right direction, it also gives protection and patronage of higher powers, because. associated with the Christian egregor, but works much softer and more pleasant than the map Cross; map Fishes connected to the egregor of financial well-being and abundance, it can be used as a symbol of the money channel.

Using the modeling technique you can attract the necessary energies into your life money, health, success, influence the events around you, your relationship with people, neutralize conflicts, cause sympathy, you can influence the mood of a person and his attitude to certain situations, as well as neutralize negative influences - damage, evil eye, envy, love spell.

Any maps can be used for the process of modeling the situation, the main thing is know the specific energy of each of them. The sun we put as an activator; Anchor as anchoring and grounding; lilies can be put as a harmonizer; rider as an analogue of the gas pedal; a map of Horus as a brake, a map clouds to fill in the fog and hide something; Coffin as the completion of an unnecessary process so that it quickly vanishes into oblivion; card House you can stop the situation completely, this is a static map, even more than Mountain, because it is supposed to bypass or overcome; map Snake will help you safely get out of any situation, like a map A fox; negative rats successfully used with the intention of losing weight and getting rid of excess weight; Ring helps to achieve mutual understanding and agreement, leads to cooperation; storks And Ship give return; The scythe helps to cut off the unnecessary, but be careful, this is a surgeon's scalpel, it will hurt.

I will talk more about the practical aspect of modeling in the next article " The practice of modeling on Lenormand maps».

Choosing a Lenormand deck for modeling

Any deck that you like is suitable for modeling, it is important that the images do not cause dissonance and rejection. When I lay out cards for modeling in a chain, layout or mandala, it is important for me direction of figures, who goes where or does not go, looks and what he does. For love - A man and a woman should look at each other when laying out; for a Child, for example, admission, it is better if the symbol on the map is directed towards the card, which symbolizes the place of admission, if the place is associated with education, then it is better that the Book is open, not closed. Compare 3 calculations:

The first layout is very positive in every character: the child is active and is heading towards the government house; The tower looks benevolent, not abandoned, like a school or a kindergarten, not a place of confinement; The book is a symbol of learning, opened, in the deck of Lo Scarabeo the book is also turned with a closed spine to a child who has turned his back on school and safely continues to play with dolls. If such nuances are not important for you, then this moment can be omitted. I use those decks that are free at the moment, even if not all the symbols suit me, but in priority for modeling decks Lenormand Piatnik, Lenormand Mundi, Primal Lenormand and Mystical Lenormand.

Cards should visually please you, tune in the right way, so for money topics it is better to take a high-quality, elite deck, for marriage cases - sensual and romantic, with well-drawn 28, 29, 25, 4, 24 cards. All in all deck drawings should easily reflect your desires. Therefore, I recommend choosing light positive decks with a pleasant color scheme and pattern, color is generally used separately in magic.

It is better to buy a deck for all occasions at once Primal Lenormand(First Original Lenormand, Ur-Lenormand, Primal Lenormand), the cards are large, dense, of high quality, in a beautiful case, the drawings are simple sketchy with a minimum of details, the symbol is in its purest form, such cards as blank blanks are better suited for magic than richly painted with many minor extraneous details.

Correction and modeling - what's the difference?

Conventionally, I divide the impact on the future with the help of cards into 2 types:

  • Modeling- acts as a soft harmonization of the background, helps to resolve issues and fulfill desires;
  • Correction- a stronger impact, usually carried out after the forecast showed a negative outcome for the Querent. Ritual objects are often used (an altar, candles, stones, runes, etc.).

When the mental flow and the general field of a person change, which, in fact, read the cards from the Querent. In general, even if, after a fortune-telling session with an unfavorable prognosis, a person himself thinks: “Why did I get such an answer? What am I doing wrong? How can I influence the situation, what steps can be taken? This alone will give progress, awareness in the process is very important, after this, a person’s behavior, his actions and, accordingly, his fate change. But a person does not always have enough awareness for a clean and uncomplicated analysis of his role in what is happening, it seems that everyone around is to blame, and he himself is white and poofy, and he wants correction without understanding too clearly what it actually is.

Before correction, it is desirable to make an alignment, which will show the result of such an impact, because not every situation can be intervened and prevent the natural course of events. In this case, the magician refuses to influence, because. neglecting the answer given by the Higher Forces is fraught. If the go-ahead is “given”, then the Querent should be ready to change and, possibly, bend itself, this process is quite uncomfortable, to say the least, old problems and caches with skeletons are often revealed, in general, this is such an active working out your karma for the sake of changing it, because the goal should be really important, and not easy to play around, and then think I needed it at all? You can’t quit halfway, it’s like getting up from the operating table in the middle of the operation and going home with the thought that it will heal and grow on its own. It is impossible to radically change the course of events in fate and not hurt the person himself, maybe someone had a similar experience, I don’t. Corrections sometimes have to be carried out in several stages and several times.

Modeling the future on maps is a gentle and not particularly energy-intensive way, it does not require lengthy preparations and is quite easy to use even for novice cartomaniacs. But, of course, you must know at least the basic meanings of the cards, try them out in practice, how exactly they are played with you, and have a deck that has been worked out by layouts. Sometimes they use a new and specially charged deck for magical operations, which they buy on a certain day, but I only use old decks for magic that have been worked out.

Separately, I will say about the perception of the cards - each master has his own unique developments, the meanings of the cards, which other masters may not have, or even they may contradict the classics, and then other people's developments according to the formulas will not work for you or will give the exact opposite result. The deck may resonate with you in a certain way, but how - you can only understand this with practice. That is why it is so important to have the experience of prediction.

Besides, every card has its shadow side, for example, Stars- these are not only brilliant prospects, but also illusory, daydreaming, detachment from reality, virtuality, distant fantasy projects. A favorable card A heart next to a negative card, it will not talk about love and pleasant feelings, but about strong feelings or even illness. Map Ring in addition to cooperation and marriage, it can mean running in a circle, obsession with the current situation, and if a lonely girl puts out the wrong combination with the Ring in the hope of meeting her future husband, she can loop the state of her loneliness and search.

Practicing divination, you will master card combinations in pairs and triads and will be able to make successful “paths” to simulate the desired situation. I, for example, in modeling never use negative cards(Scythe, Coffin), except for the card Rats, and even then with great apprehension. But sometimes the Scourge card is used in combination with the Letter card as the desired signature on the document, and the Kos card for the quick sale of a house or car, in terms of the fact that the owner loses his property and receives money for it (+ Pisces card). For me it too risky combinations. Of course, this does not apply to questions about blocking, disassembly and other witchcraft. But complex issues cannot be solved by modeling, it is better to master the correction method, which is closer to ritual work, and sometimes after one such correction, the deck has to be destroyed or left at the mercy.

Basics of modeling on Lenormand maps

Key points in modeling:

Card face (window, top)- this is the card that you see when you hold the deck - a wish card is placed here, your request, what you want to receive. With this card you seal the deck.

Back (bottom, bottom of the deck)- the last card, an activator card is placed there, the energy with which the intention is activated, the situation is harmonized. The bottom card gives energy, support to the whole deck, penetrating it through and through and bringing it to the desired result. For example, you need to activate the receipt of some letter or news - you put the Sun down, and the Rider or Letter card on top.

You can add cards down- they will answer the question of how or through what the changes will go, additional conditions that need to be harmonized, for example, if the decision depends on the boss, then you can add a Bear, Dog, Heart, Ring card, in general, those cards that can soften the boss and incline him to your side when resolving the issue. But the activator card is still the last one, for me it is always the Sun card. I lay out the cards in this mixed form below, when there are both "how" cards and an activator-amplifier.

Choose the cards you need for work, hide the negative ones closer to the center of the deck, diluting them with neutral or positive ones, put positive cards closer to the edges. Cards are selected according to their meaning and associations, according to the plot in the figure, according to their own intuition.

Be careful when choosing a card if it seems to fit, but inside you feel rejection or negativity, doubt, some nuance confuses you, then it’s better to replace it with another one or check with the masters how this card is played in practice, how the card is played in a pair or triad which you chose for her.

Cards, especially in combination with each other, can behave differently. Therefore, it is best to specify your intention.

Clearly and honestly form an intention! This does not mean that you need to think through to the smallest detail how the fulfillment of a desire will take place step by step, but you must look into yourself and honestly answer Do you really want it? The worst thing that can happen here is self-deception with an eye to conventions or a frivolous attitude - today I want it, tomorrow I don’t want it. Refusal to recognize your true desires, clinging to secondary goals, self-deception - all this will nullify your efforts.

Sometimes our wishes come true but too expensive, so specify in the wording that would not like to pay for what they received with their happiness in love or material well-being. If you feel insecure here, then you can sacrifice something yourself, as, for example, in runic magic.

Break multi-pass difficult situations into parts and stages, or simply into the desired overall result, but then the simulation will take more time.

The more cards you used in the simulation, the slower the situation will unwind, but for complex issues this is the best option.

I lay down my cards wish up picture, so the deck transmits energy to the outside, helping to achieve what you want. And I put the picture down to store the deck.

If the deck has been lying for a long time, and there is no movement, you need to change the cards to another combination, or make a deal with clarifying questions and advice on how best to resolve this situation.

Map modeling methods

So, there are several options for modeling situations on Lenormand maps:

Closing Deck Method

Most cartomancers between fortune-telling close the deck with resonant favorable cards, but you can, by closing with certain cards, use the deck to design the situation you need.

With this method, the deck is closed from above and below with the necessary cards, for example, for money Fishes up, The sun at the bottom. Sometimes the deck is "asked" a question - What cards are better to close to solve the current problem? And close the dropped cards. In theory, if you are not afraid to rely on fate, then the deck will show you the best way to resolve your situation, but this may be far from what you wanted and how you wanted. Way too random, didn't suit me.

Select the cards you need for work. Pick up those that symbolize your desire, visualize what you want to achieve, holding the cards in your hands a little, put them on top of the deck. Then, take the cards for the bottom, visualize how this will happen, hold a full deck in your hands for a while, imagining how the flow of energy from your hands permeates the cards and fills them with strength. After that, the deck can be wrapped in cloth and left in a cozy place until the wish is fulfilled.

Tracks method

In the variant with the closing of the deck, we set a general program for money, meeting or attracting love. A more in-depth version is the "tracks" of the cards. To do this, select the Significator of your request, as well as a card - a form (Lady for a woman, Gentleman for a man and both cards, if the question concerns relationships, the 13th Child card is suitable for children). Then lay out the necessary cards, for example, if relations, then Heart, Ring, etc .; for work - Bear, Anchor, Pisces, as well as cards that complement the nuances of your desire. With the Anchor card, you can fix the result, put the Sun as the last card as an activator. Visualize the desired result.

Then you collect the tracks in sequence so that the card-blank (for whom it is done) lies first on top, then the Significator of desire and then the entire track in sequence. The bottom card is The sun, from it the track sequentially as the implementation will take place. In this form, the deck must be postponed until the wish is fulfilled.

Modeling method "5 cards"

This method is similar to the tracks, but will suit those who like well-defined positions. The first card symbolizes the event you want, the second card how it will happen, and the third card symbolizes what you want as a result. At the bottom I put Anchor And The sun.

Method "Closed"

Divide the deck in half, lay out the cards of the desired result on the top of the first half of the deck, and on the other half how you can come to it, through events or sympathy, the favor of the people on whom the decision depends. Bring both halves of the deck together face to face, wrap in cloth and place in a secluded place.

Modeling method with meditation

Choose the main key card of your request, put a candle (in a candlestick) on the card, light a candle with the intention of fulfilling a desire. Imagine in the flame of a candle what you want to receive as accurately as possible, using feelings, putting the power of intention. For professionals, meditation can last 30 minutes or more, you can meditate until the candle burns out, for the first time take small church candles. In fact, this way of modeling is sending intention to the world. Then the cards can be put on top of the deck, put in a prominent place, carried with you. This is especially effective if you want quick goal achievement. But for some, the way to remove the card from sight and generally forget about this ritual is more suitable, it is easier for them to let go of desire. So try which one is yours.

Modeling method with water

This technique is also borrowed from Tarot magic. Everyone knows the properties of water in terms of retaining the information received, the action of holy water, as well as whispered and spoken water, is based on this property. Kashpirovsky charging three-liter cans of water placed in front of the TV set also used this magical property.

So, you have some question that you want to quickly resolve or desire.

Take a transparent glass, pour melted water or the one that is, but better in good quality.

Choose 2 cards from the Lenormand deck: the first card is associated with your innermost desire - as a final result, the second card answers the question of how your desire will be fulfilled or activates the first card with its energy, usually this card The sun.

Then we take the bottom card, put it on the altar with the picture up and put a glass of water on top, on top, with the picture to the water, cover it with the card that symbolizes the result. In this position, the energy of the cards closes and actively interacts with water.

Leave this design overnight, the water will be saturated with energy, and in the morning, the first thing you wake up, drink the whole glass.

There are some nuances in this method:

  • TO better get a new one, without any extraneous energies and unnecessary information that "stick" during fortune-telling and magic. Therefore, either buy a deck for personal use, or print the necessary cards on a color printer.
  • Move the altar to the head of the bed or to the bedside table. To immediately upon awakening to drink water.
  • The ritual with the same combination should be performed every day for 3, 7, 9 days.
Photo modeling method

Take a photo of yourself, or the person for whom you are modeling, preferably full-length, and that he was alone in the photo. If there is no photo, then you can symbolically draw a figure on the sheet and sign the name and date of birth so that there are links to a specific person.

Put the photo in the center of the altar, surround it with the necessary cards as if in a frame.

Spread method or mandala

Sometimes it is enough to lay out 2-3 cards without any spells and rituals in order to simulate the desired situation or insure the desired result. This will increase the necessary energy and help in overcoming obstacles.

Variant of the chain of events, alignment and mandala closer to a correction. Still, simpler non-started situations are taken for modeling, but before the operation, you can make a deal for everything for and against your “Wishlist”, because you will change your future and it is better to know in advance what the consequences of your intervention in the natural course of events may be. If the problem is old and can not be solved in any way, then it is better to make a correction with preliminary preparation. on the accumulation of energy for your desire and deep work with the request. Such questions are not common, and by the strength of the request they usually differ from “wants”.

You can take a ready-made layout for modeling (Station for two) or come up with it yourself on request for key points.

Mandala- this is a symbolic picture, made up of cards, as from a designer, it has a circular shape and a certain symmetry. Several decks can be used as a constructor, the laid out cards symbolically form a world in which the modeling object is fixed, depicted by one of the Personal Cards (28 or 29 cards). Mandalas from cards lie for a long time, within 1, 2 or 3 months, during which the necessary simulated changes will occur to work out a specific task.

Laying out a layout for simulation is best read the slander or visa as in runes, if it is in verse, then the action is stronger, but still the main thing is to coherently stipulate and voice your intention, at the end do not forget mention what would be without harm to you and your loved ones, and so that the result will please you. In fact, few people are willing to get what they want at any cost.

If you decide to lay out the mandala, then you can place a meditation cushion in the center, and after laying it out, sit in the center, focusing on your intention. Candles, stones and incense are welcome.

Your desire is taken as the starting point - how you want the situation to develop, through what actions and influences of other people or events, in order to reach the desired result. Analyze all the important points, following the logic of the sequence, be as careful and correct as possible.

Take a deck, you can take two if you need duplicate cards to enhance and complement the picture with what is not in the first deck.

Slowly sorting through the deck, we select all the cards that, in your opinion, are more or less suitable. Review the selected cards again, and again, until you are sure that you have selected all the necessary cards. The selection process itself already includes magic and mental modeling, as You concentrate on the question, add options, clear the desire of everything superfluous and unimportant. Having selected the cards you need to work, start laying them out in the right order, so you draw a certain layout, draw up a plan, break down the path to achieve the goal into specific steps, determining for yourself what you really want to get. This is already a process of building intention and mental modeling.

If you want to strengthen some positions or specify what you want, then you can use cards from another deck, where the images in your opinion are more correct and better reflect the essence. With this method, you can mix classic decks with negative ones if the issue affects the conflict area.

Then forces are invoked on the altar or in the outlined circle, a spell or visa is read, the cards set aside for modeling are laid out one after the other in the desired sequence, simultaneously they are comprehended again, and attunement occurs. This is how you draw the future, create what will become a reality in your life or in the life of your Querent.

The ritual can be enhanced by adding candles of the desired color, stones or runes, draping the place with a cloth of the desired color, choosing an astrologically appropriate time, even if just according to the lunar calendar(for profit on the growing moon, for deliverance and cleansing - on the waning one).

After the ritual, the cards can be left on the altar until the intended execution, or they can be collected step by step as they were laid out and placed facing the remaining deck, sealing it in this way.

Modeling the negative on Lenormand cards

I believe the deck Lenorman is not very suitable for negative operations, it is better to use runic or spell magic for this, when the artifact is destroyed after use.

In addition, keep in mind that, when specifying a negative combination, you pass it through yourself, and then, if you don’t make a competent defense, then cards will flash next to you.

If you still decide to model the destructive on the cards, then it is better to store them away (in a barn or non-residential premises). When negative, combinations of favorable cards (object) with unfavorable ones (destruction of the object) are used. You can also put on the bottom The sun, but better moon in conjunction with coffin(to be empty, to wither away), with oblique(for the rapid destruction of communication, trauma), s rats(for dirt, devastation, corroding from the inside), Ship for parting Scourge and Metla for squabbling, etc.

Pay close attention to dreams during this period, in dreams you may receive a warning or a hint on how best to proceed.

By swinging the whip too hard, you can hit yourself, and with such actions you can bring trouble on yourself and loved ones, this has nothing to do with morality, simply by calling on a certain force for embodiment, charged in a certain way, you automatically change yourself and the space around in accordance with by this force. Of course, in a fit of despair, it seems that there is nothing to lose anyway, I can assume that this can be applied, but still think over other options well, and do you really have nothing to lose and there is absolutely no other way out? Aleister Crowley wrote that a knife or pistol is much more useful for killing than magic, and anyone who thinks that the use of magic will protect him from otherwise inevitable punishment is simply a fool who does not know the basics of royal art.


  • I take into account phase and position of the moon, planetary clock. I look at very important tasks horar, I select the time using the methods of elective astrology;
  • Combining modeling with key turning points of the year(new year, solstice, equinox, strong holidays of the wheel of the year) enhances the effect;
  • picking up color of candles for the task(for passion - red; for love - pink; money - rich green; success and social achievements - yellow, gold or purple; for malicious witchcraft, destruction or cleansing - a black candle);
  • It is better to choose a later time, firstly, no one will distract, and secondly, this is a traditionally favorable time for magical operations and all sorts of magic;
  • I use herbs and incense for tuning and cleaning;
  • The most important thing before the ritual - clean the room, and above all clean up physically. Then prepare an altar, a circle, or your usual workplace. The main thing is to clear the space and set yourself up for a magical operation;
  • If in you have the feature of "interrupting" the signal the desired vision of a negative outcome, if the fears are very strong, then seal the situation with intention;
  • End the process with some meaningful ritual or in the usual way, you can, for example, put a glass of water next to it before starting and drink all the water after finishing. The final ritual not only acts as an "anchor" to the fulfillment of a desire, but also helps to let go of the intention, close it for oneself and not cycle;
  • It is better not to touch the deck during the modeling process for layouts. Put it under glass in a closet, on a windowsill under the Moon and the Sun, wrap it in a cloth and put it in a secluded place where no one will move or scatter it, this is especially true if you have cats in your house. If you decide to wrap in fabric, it is better if it is natural, of high quality and of a noble color, I use a deep blue color, but white or natural linen type is also well suited;
  • You can duplicate the simulation on tarot or runes.

Important points in modeling on Lenormand maps

In magic, beginners often work the rule of the "evil leprechaun"- when you get what you want, but in such a form or through such a series of events that you will not receive any satisfaction and joy, or even regret that you interfered with the natural course of events. For example when a person wants to work at home and gets an injury that chains him to bed; wants a free schedule at work and the person is reduced the amount of work along with the salary; if you want to get money, a large amount can really suddenly fall on the card, but then it turns out that this is a bank error and the money is soon debited, and so on and so forth. Who is interested in this topic, watch the movie "Route 60". Therefore, it is so important to carefully select the deck so that the images are “no surprises” and specify the intention. Logic and minimalism are the priority here!

Always be careful with negative cards., especially at first, can come back to haunt and very seriously. It is better to avoid negativity, try to reframe your desire in a positive way, such desires always have more power. If someone wants to severely punish, then it is still worth asking for retribution, justice, judgment according to merit, help and protection. But as it is already clear, you yourself must be clean here, otherwise it may backfire in the other direction and it will become even worse than it was before.

Why am I not getting anything with event modeling? What to do?

If you have read the forums and were inspired to do everything, everything, everything according to the rules, but you didn’t get anything as a result - do not immediately get upset and give up. Someone has tons of personal power, the ability to form an intention in years and send it to the world, someone has less, someone is completely in its infancy, depending on this, it takes different times to realize a desire. The results will also be different. If you just picked up the cards yesterday, you have never practiced meditation before, and there were no crazy energy releases, then do not expect an impressive wow effect from your magical experiences. What can you recommend to get started? Study the cards, actively practice, along the way, do some practices to increase personal strength (yoga, qigong, especially the Tree stance, vipasana), attend retreats, give up bad habits. A sharp accumulation of strength is helped temporary but severe self-restraints or taboos. Traditionally, sexual abstinence is used to accumulate energy, or rather sexual discharge in any form, or silence and informational isolation for a day or more. Choose something that you are used to doing regularly and something that is quite difficult to refuse (for example, coffee in the morning, if you are used to drinking milk, then give it up, or carbonated drinks, meat, sweets, your favorite (!) Food) - after the expiration of the term, you can return to all this; give yourself a vow for a certain period of time to perform some actions that you have not done before (jogging, exercising, swimming), in general, choose something that causes discomfort, pulls you out of your usual rut and requires effort, this is similar to the Nautiz rune ( need), when a flame is extracted from the friction of two sticks.This power will go to the realization of your plan. To make it easier to get through this period set realistic deadlines- best within a month, after which you will return to your coffee, soda and cigarettes.

It is most effective to make commitments a month before modeling, the fulfillment of which will remind you of the upcoming work and concentrate the energy of attention. Such techniques keep you in a state of awareness at all times. The very essence of the taboo is secondary, choose what is difficult for you to do, if you swear a lot, then give up foul language for this month. Such practices greatly strengthen the will and teach concentration.

Sometimes the simulation fails because the situation is very complicated, there are too many factors involved, other people, karmic knots and elaborations. To solve complex issues painstaking step-by-step work is needed. And better perform correction with a preliminary layout current situation and possible solutions.


Modeling technique intersects with the map of desires and visualizations of the goal, therefore, your combination of cards can be printed out in order to periodically glance and remember your goal, put a screensaver on your desktop or phone, carry a deck with modeling with you, put it under your pillow. If you did modeling for business, then it is better to take the deck to the workplace. Sometimes it happens that we don’t seem to need anything special, then we can just close the deck to give ourselves some qualities, energy and good mood.

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