Beautiful decorative panels. Panels for the kitchen - ideas and instructions

Encyclopedia of Plants 15.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Write and draw whatever you want with the rope. The more textured the cord, the more expressive the result.

You will need:

Wooden board;

Paint (for example, acrylic) and a brush or sponge;

Glue for wood;

Corn starch;

Thick textured rope;

parchment or tracing paper;

A piece of transparent polyethylene;

Hammer and small nails;

A number of items that you will use as cargo;

Rubber gloves.

Work sequence:

1. Wrap the board with tracing paper or parchment and draw / write with a pencil the future pattern or inscription.

2. Mix in a container about 200 ml of glue, 3 tablespoons of water and 3 tablespoons of starch. Shake well (e.g. with a whisk). Put on gloves and soak the rope with this mixture.

3. Cover the board with the inscription with a film and lay out the inscription or drawing along the contour. Press down with improvised objects so that the rope does not move. Wait for the rope to dry.

4. Remove the dried rope - it should hold its shape. Paint the board and dry. Nail the inscription to the board with nails.

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2. Botanical paper panels: master class

It looks very unusual, but it is done quickly and easily! A great option is a duet or trio of such panels.

You will need:

For two paired panels - 2 sheets of colored paper in contrasting colors;

Scalpel or small craft knife

Cardboard backing or cutting mat;

Sketch pencil;

4 sticks to strengthen the upper and lower borders of the panel;

Loop lace;

4 flat pushpins.

Work sequence:

1. Draw sketches with a pencil on sheets of the same color.

2. Cut out the design with a knife on the rug. Some parts can be cut out completely, and some can only be cut, so that the paper remains in place.

3. Glue two sheets. For greater relief and expressiveness, the cut parts of the leaves can be bent, as shown in the photo.

4. Glue the strips on top and bottom.

5. Attach the cords with the buttons on the back of the upper bars - and you're done.

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3. Panel of woven napkins: master class

Take the napkins of the shape and size you like, paint them to your liking, choosing the colors that suit your interior.

You will need:

9 woven napkins;

Spray paint;

Masking tape.

Work sequence:

1. Cover those parts of the napkins that you will not paint over with masking tape. You can make different patterns.

2. Cover the napkins with spray paint. When the paint is dry, remove the tape.

3. It remains only to hang the decor on the wall.

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4. Panel from a branch and colored threads: a master class

A beautiful branch found in a forest or a park, plus the remnants of thread - it turns out an unusual element of decor.

You will need:

Big branch;

Threads different colors;


Work sequence:

1. Pick up the threads and the sequence in which you will pick up the colors. Cut them into equal pieces. Fold each in half and tie to a branch as shown in the photo.

2. When all the threads are tied, straighten them and trim the bottom with scissors.

3. It remains to make a loop and hang the work on the wall.

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5. Panel-mandala made of threads and braid: master class

Use colored threads and braid - the result will depend on your imagination and the selection of materials.

You will need:

3 long thin sticks;

Threads of different colors, thicknesses, textures, decorative braid;

File or jigsaw.

Work sequence:

1. Form the base of the panel from the sticks.

2. Secure the middle with threads.

3. Start braiding the sticks with threads, as shown in the photo, changing the thread from time to time. Cut the threads, tie the ends and hide the knot on the wrong side of the panel.

4. When the work is completed, saw off the remaining ends of the sticks.

5. Hang the panel on the wall.

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6. Calendar posters

If you really like the pictures from the "overdue" calendar, you can arrange them as a series of posters and hang them on the wall. As a rule, all illustrations for one calendar are made in the same style, and together they will look great.

stock up necessary quantity framework right size, cut out the pictures from the calendar, frame them and hang them on the wall.

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7. Paper patchwork

A wall panel can be made using the paper patchwork technique - it is easier than patchwork fabric, and the effect is interesting and unusual.

You will need:

Frame with glass;

Scheme for patchwork;

Several sheets of colored and patterned paper;

Ruler, pencil, scissors and glue.

Work sequence:

1. Choose a scheme - for example, use this one.

2. Draw the diagram on the base sheet in real size. Draw and cut out squares or other shapes from colored paper and glue them to the base sheet according to the diagram. When the sheet dries, the work can be inserted into the frame.

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8. Panel in the style of string art

String art is a technique for creating images from threads that are stretched over carnations driven into the base. A detailed story about string art with an understandable master class is here.

9. Scarf as a panel

A scarf or a scarf can also act as a panel - both with a bright pattern and with a monochrome pattern. Choose the one that suits your interior. AT this case the handkerchief is simply nailed to the wall with 4 corners. An option is to stretch it on a wooden frame.

10. Panel-paintings from wallpaper

The remnants of beautiful wallpapers serve as paintings here. You can also use sheets of wrapping paper. Wallpaper or paper can be pulled onto a tablet bought in an artist's store, secured from the inside with tape - it will already be good. For greater showiness, the “pictures” can be framed.

11. Panel paintings made of fabric

A series of panels made of fabric stretched over tablets can look very nice. You can use the leftover fabric or pick up something specially in the store. stretch the fabric over the wooden planks, securing it at the back with small nails or staples, a stapler.

12. Panel with "scales": a master class

For this huge panel, 687 cardboard circles were needed. Not the most fast work but the result is amazing!

You will need:

Wooden tablet / board / thick cardboard for the base;

A lot of drawing paper or other thick paper;

Circle template and scissors;

Pencil and ruler;

Glue or stapler;

Molding for decoration.

Work sequence:

1. First you need to cut out the circles. Draw them on paper using a template and cut, cut…

2. Draw the base into strips with a width equal to the radius of the circle. Attach or glue the circles row by row, starting from the bottom.

3. When the entire base is filled, trim the parts of the circles that go beyond it and fix the circles around the edges. Glue the molding on top.

Today, decorating rooms with panels is gaining more and more popularity. Such unusual decoration creates coziness in the house and brings a special atmosphere that favorably emphasizes the overall interior of the room.

The history of the appearance of the first decorative paintings dates back to the Middle Ages. Unlike paintings that were created on canvas, various materials were widely used for the manufacture of panels: shreds, paper, wood or various types of fabrics. Moreover, by combining several seemingly completely incompatible materials, skilled craftsmen managed to make canvases of extraordinary beauty.

Since ancient times, various types of panels have been used to properly highlight the decoration of the house and emphasize the unique image of the interior. Therefore, decorating surfaces with drawings and voluminous canvases made of fabrics was considered the best way decorate a room or facade.

Passing through the centuries, the art of creating tapestries and paintings from fabric has not lost its appeal at all.

Therefore, at present, thanks to the painstaking work of craftswomen, it will not be difficult to do it yourself, or to mass-produce a real masterpiece. BUT excellent result guaranteed if a person has a great imagination and is sincerely fond of this decorative needlework.

Fabric panel on the wall (video)

How to make a New Year's panel from fabric

New Year is a special holiday when everyone congratulates each other and presents gifts. Therefore, on this day, a self-made New Year's panel will be a great surprise.

For example, Santa Claus depicted on the canvas carrying a Christmas tree will be an unforgettable gift.

To make such a panel you need:

  • Special frame with dimensions 12x17 cm.
  • Blue print fabric.
  • Leather different color. For clothes and hats of Santa Claus - red, and for the face - pink. In addition, you will need fabrics of white, green and golden colors.
  • Plain cardboard 12x17 cm.

It is necessary to cover the cardboard with chintz fabric. After that, it is necessary to make a three-dimensional silhouette of the future Santa Claus out of cardboard.

Using red fabric, clothes and a hat are cut out. For mustaches, beards, and also "fur" apply white material. By the way, the “fur” should be cut to make a fringe. For the manufacture of sledges, silver fabric is used. And the Christmas tree should consist of separate parts and have several shades.

To give volume to the individual parts of the figurine, it is recommended to hold them for a short time over the candle fire.

Having taken care of the blanks, you can start gluing all the details of the future panel. To make a high-quality canvas, the master needs to show imagination and try to express all his feelings on the fabric. A properly made New Year's applique will be an excellent gift that will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to make a fabric wall panel

A decorative panel made of fabric, voluminous or regular size will become interesting subject interior. And thanks to the existence of a huge selection of such canvases, everyone will be able to choose the best option.

Some craftswomen prefer to create their own wall panels. Moreover, the whole process of making such a product is quite simple, and people who have never been engaged in needlework manage to create beautiful products.

For the manufacture of decorative panel the old one will do frame, you can also use a sheet of thick cardboard or chipboard.

Woven fabric can be made in several ways.:

  1. The prepared fabric is stretched onto the base, after which it must be wrapped on the reverse side and fixed well with glue. It remains to attach the resulting base to the frame.
  2. From wooden slats you need to make a frame. Next, cut off the selected fabric, taking into account the allowance and pull on wooden blank. It is important to secure the material well on the reverse side with a stapler or nails.
  3. For the manufacture of fabric panels, you can do without a frame, instead you need plywood. Foam rubber or synthetic winterizer should be attached to the front side. The resulting base is covered with a prepared fabric and is well fixed on the reverse side.

To decorate the resulting canvas, you can use different materials. Some sheathe the product with colored beads or buttons. In addition, you can make beautiful and colorful flowers from scraps, the panel will look good and become the highlight of the room.

For the manufacture of children's panels on the wall, craftswomen specially create pictures or drawings, taking into account the preferences of the child. A similar detail of decor in the nursery will make the room bright and colorful.

Panel with fabric flowers - an unusual room decoration

Before making a more complex panel, you should familiarize yourself with the technology of its creation. Today there are many master classes where there is step-by-step instruction, allowing even a beginner to surprise others with a real masterpiece.

For a canvas with flowers, it is important to pre-prepare all the materials necessary for work, and make a blank. Thanks to the use of a special scheme, the result of painstaking work will be a quality product.

To do beautiful flowers for the panel you will need pieces of bright fabrics. You should cut circles of different sizes, here pre-prepared templates will become assistants. After that, you need to collect all the resulting circles together (the smallest part will be the last on top), and then sew them together. A bead is attached in the center - this will be the final stage in creating a flower.

To make the edges of the product have a wavy shape, you can burn them a little with a candle flame.

A good solution for decorating the future canvas with flowers will be the spring theme. With help sewing machine individually, you can make bright green blades of grass, which will have different sizes.

Upon completion of the manufacture of all parts of the intended canvas, it remains to properly attach them to the base. For very thin details, it is recommended to use glue, and sew on flowers and blades of grass.

The flower does not have to be round shape. After all, its creation depends entirely on the imagination of the author.

Making a panel from shreds of fabric with your own hands

Fans of abstraction can independently prepare an unusual decoration on the wall from scraps. Such a peculiar picture will help to emphasize the interior of the room and will become the pride of the mistress-craftswoman.

To work, you need a frame with equal sides and several types of contrast material. In order not to get confused in the future, it is better to draw a diagram of the future product in advance and number all the stripes.

The pieces are cut into the right amount and attached to the base, strictly following the specified order. To make the composition interesting and bright, it is important to alternate colors correctly and take care of reliable fastening details. For this, it is recommended to use a special hot melt adhesive.

On the wall, a picture of shreds will look very good. Therefore, upon completion of work, it is necessary to fix the resulting product in a frame.

When choosing a fabric for a panel, you need to consider its color, as well as its structure. Silk material will stand out on the wall perfectly and expensively. And the fabric, which has a dense structure, is very comfortable to work with.

To avoid sagging thin shreds, it is recommended to put cardboard in them. In addition to this purpose, such tabs will help to avoid translucence of the material.

If you need to make an abstract spiral from scraps, it is better to make a template in opposite side. And then lay out all the strips strictly according to the scheme.

Fabric panel (video)

Some craftswomen manage to make beautiful works from the remnants of fabric. Therefore, it is not necessary to use only new material.

Decorative panels are a special kind of monumental art that has appeared relatively recently. To be more precise, they used it in ancient times, but they decided to separate it into a separate style only at the beginning of the 20th century.

It is believed that the founder and discoverer of decorative panels for decorating facades is none other than Leonardo da Vinci himself. Naturally, history knows a lot of other examples when decor was done in the same way and much earlier. But it was he who created a fresco in this style on the cathedral, where he “embedd” the decor directly into the wall (on a Christian theme, by the way). Such wall decors can still be found in Italy - in the Middle Ages, this variation of sculptural art was extremely popular.

Directly "panel" as a term appeared already at the beginning of the 20th century. Sometimes they are also called murals. By the way, this type of decoration of the facade of the premises was extremely popular in the USSR, as well as in European countries, partly associated with the popularization of communism in them.

Modern decorative panels are made from:

  1. Stone;
  2. metal;
  3. clays;
  4. textiles;
  5. polyurethane;
  6. Frescoes (including ceramics);
  7. Stucco moldings (from any basis).

And only later, around the middle of the 20th century, decorative panels began to be actively cultivated in pictorial art and architecture. Now this term simply means a certain section of the wall, covered with a picture, ornament or mosaic with carvings.

Nautical ideas for shell panels in an article on our website:.

Decorative panel made of stone: the concept of selection

A stone panel is a very unusual and very relevant fake today, often present even in the developments of famous interior designers. But in order to get an exquisite picture, you have to prepare in advance!

In particular, we are talking about choosing the “right” pebbles, which can be found on the sea coast or purchased at a specialized store.

The main thing is that they all fit perfectly into the overall concept of the future panel and the interior solution of the room where it will be stored. After all, if you follow these simple rules, a home-made picture will please the eye for a long time to come!

How to make a decorative panel from polyurethane

Polyurethane is a material with the widest spectrum of action. It is used almost everywhere: in construction, domestic and industrial purposes, in heavy and light industry. It's time to use it unique opportunities and for artistic purposes!

Making figures from polyurethane will not be difficult even for the smallest craftsmen. However, it is very important to observe the production interval and wait until the material is completely dry. It will become very dense and will be reliably protected from mechanical stress and moisture. Immediately after drying, you can proceed to the most pleasant action - to form a panel and give it its final look!

Easy and simple: decorative clay panel

What could be better than a handmade souvenir? No, even the most expensive gift can go in comparison with it! Especially if you want to prepare a surprise for a loved one or a very important person.

A clay panel is a wonderful gift option, which both children and adults can master without the slightest difficulty.

All that is required is the utmost attention and the desire to create tirelessly. As a rule, the design of blanks takes the most time, from which a picture will be formed in the future. Decorating and transferring the figures to the base is one of the most pleasant moments, allowing the fantasy to work in full force, sometimes creating real masterpieces.

Unique design: decorative panels in the interior of a modern home

In the interior modern home a decorative panel can be used both in a modular and traditional type, that is, when the installation consists of only one element. The main difference between such a decor is that it must be created with your own hands. A kind of handicraft. And you can do it in any variation - there are no restrictions.

Now, for example, panels from:

  • papers;
  • fabrics;
  • Tree;
  • metal;
  • glass;
  • Stone;
  • gypsum;
  • polyurethane;
  • Food grade plastic (aka PVC).

If a person intended to create a panel with my own hands, it is recommended that the first thing to do is just look at the photos of such decors and understand what it is. Further, if there is no experience, it is better to consult with the designer to determine which of the panel options is suitable for the interior of the specified house. This is where most people have difficulty. It is worth noting that the panels can not only be placed on the wall. The floor is also a kind of “canvas” for decor placement.

What to choose: a decorative panel on the walls in the house

These are the easiest things to do, as they can be purchased at ready-made. These are, for example, modular paintings or some kind of beaded abstraction in a decorative wooden frame. It is convenient that such panels can close rough walls without finishing.

This option of using the panel will be especially useful if a thick false wall was previously installed (for example, for leveling).

What panel options can you recommend for beginners? The simplest decor- this is . Naturally, you will also need a board or wood board(Fibreboard, chipboard - not so important, because the mass of the structure will be quite small). Further, some pattern is made from the nails, along which the threads are then pulled. It turns out quite attractive, and most importantly - inexpensive.

If we talk about the walls, then it is for them best options panels:

  • Modular paintings (divided into several parts);
  • Wood carving (also in the form of a picture);
  • Ornament or mosaic from textiles.

Which option will be the best in this or that case - it is better to consult with the designer. It is worth noting that the panel can also be used to decorate furniture, a fireplace. And someone with his help completely hides some defects, wiring. In general, the flight of fancy is not limited here.

The simplest decor: do-it-yourself decorative panel

The simplest panel decor is the most common painting and textile composition. The first is a picture, but you can decorate it not only with paints, but also with stucco, plaster and even dried puff pastry! The image will receive three-dimensional forms, and at the same time it will look exactly like a mural. You can decorate it all precious stones if it is possible to allocate such funds. And for more “modest” variations, simple jewelry, IPC (imitation of drops), is also suitable.

So, the simplest version of the panel is textile. It will require scraps of fabric, as well as a wood base, on which the fabric will be attached.

First thing:

  • We cover the wood sheet with varnish;
  • We mark out how the patches will be placed;
  • We sew them in the right order;
  • We stick to the base.

The result is a picture-panel of fabric in the patchwork style. Cheap, pretty, and trendy. More difficult option- decor directly from wood. Here you will have to base the technique of wood carving. However, all this will still need to be supplemented, for example, with metal inserts, stones, ceramics, plastics and paints.

DIY decorative panel (video)

The main rule for creating a panel is the absence of rules. It can be a painting, an entire sculpture or a wrought iron installation. Their creation has become the main source of income for many. But it's better to at least try to do it yourself. There is nothing difficult in this.

Examples of decorative panels (photo)

Any decor tends to get boring and the first thought is to start a renovation to satisfy the aesthetic needs. However, this will come at a high cost.

To update the interior, it is not necessary to make a grandiose repair. Any room can be effectively decorated with a masterpiece of design art of your own making.

You can get by with a little blood, you just need to bring a few new elements into the interior. One option to freshen up a room is accommodation wall panel.

Handmade things are valued much higher and look very organic in the interior of any style. A decorative wall panel with your own hands is an opportunity to create coziness and harmonize the design of a room that combines several interior solutions at once.

The first step in creating a panel is to decide on the design of the future decoration

The optimal place for placing a panel is a free wall, where the decoration will be the only

The use of wall panels is relevant:

  • when connected different styles interior;
  • when focusing on certain design elements;
  • will help to divide the room into zones;
  • if necessary, hide the imperfections of the surface of the walls;
  • to bring variety and comfort to your home.

With the help of the panel, you can highlight the sleeping area, the main thing is to choose good combination colors

Panels for different designs must be selected very carefully and take into account color scheme. If the walls in the interior of the room are dark in color, then the panel should be light, but at the same time not stand out from the wall. overall composition. Modern trends accept the creation of panels with views of megacities, classicism involves the use of mosaics or drawings with natural motifs.

For a spacious room, use a large panel, even reaching the ceiling

It is easy to create a decorative panel for the interior with your own hands, and if there was no previous experience in needlework, there is always a way out. You can purchase ready-made mosaics that are simply laid out like a puzzle and attached to the surface, or you can use a photo collage of family photos.

Types of decorative panels

There are many varieties of wall panels and among them:

Decorative panel made of stone looks monumental and very durable.

Decorative panel of decorative plaster

DIY panel for the interior of decorative plaster gives the room an extraordinary look and is a three-dimensional image. If you place the light correctly, you can achieve the effect of increasing the space and make you want to feel the wall by touch.

A three-dimensional panel of decorative plaster looks spectacular and creates visual space.

Large selection of decorative finishing materials allows you to create unique effects:

  • under marble and other stone;
  • silk or velvet;
  • aged walls;
  • cracked soil;
  • wood.

Pictures from bulk plaster can be created on the surface of any material: stone, brick, wood or metal

Before starting work, walls or other surfaces must be primed. At the next stage, a sketch of the future panel in the interior is applied and plaster is applied in layers. After drying, each layer must be sanded for better adhesion to each other. The work is quite painstaking, but worth the time spent. The result is a strong, beautiful, embossed image. And to increase wear resistance, the finished decoration can be varnished.

A syringe is used to create a bas-relief

Decorative panel made of wood

At all times, wood has been considered an excellent material that can harmoniously look in any interior. Carved wall decoration looks expensive and breathable new life in old interior. You can burn a picture on a tree or use nails and threads of different colors to create a work of art.

Such a panel will require extraordinary abilities, but it looks chic

A wooden panel made of cut branches will decorate even the simplest interior, and it is not difficult to make it

When choosing a material, you should buy expensive varieties wood, as the product should serve for many years.

Decorative panel of ceramic tiles

Ceramic tile is a fairly durable material that can be easily used in the interior of a kitchen or bathroom. But their use is not limited to these rooms, as it will look appropriate in the living room and in the hallway.

The panel may consist of several ceramic tiles or fill out most walls

Ceramic wall panels can be located both on the entire wall and in certain areas. And also, it is possible to acquire an image that does not have clearly defined boundaries. This allows you to create perspective in the design.

The mosaic panel is made from small ceramic parts and requires perseverance

To the virtues similar material include:

  • durability;
  • image quality;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • a wide range of pictures.

Decoupage panel

Decorating a wall with a decoupage panel is easy to do with your own hands. For manufacturing, you need to buy a base (plywood), which must be sanded, primed, painted in the desired color and glued on a decoupage card or napkin. The finished work is varnished for ease of further use.

Elegant decorative panels using decoupage technique can be made with children

Such decorative element will be appropriate in any interior, as you can choose any image that will complement the design.

Panel of wine corks

To create it, you will need the wine corks themselves and a frame where they will be placed. To increase the number, they can be cut in half. You can attach them both to a hot gun and Dragon glue.

Corks are cut with a sharp cutter and laid out in the right order

As a frame, it is better to choose materials with a natural origin under the tree. Thus, it will not distract attention from the composition.

This picture fits perfectly into the interior of the living room or kitchen.

In the interior of the kitchen, such a panel will look appropriate and stylish.

Decorative panel in the interior

In addition to thinking over the material for decorating the wall, you need to decide on its correct size. For large rooms you can use images that occupy most of the wall, and for small ones it is better to get by with less bulky compositions. Even with the help of a small panel, you can place accents and emphasize the individuality of the design.

Panel from the remnants of wallpaper - cheap option decorating your room

For this panel, a large stack of old newspapers, glue, paints and a clock mechanism were needed.

As an exception, there may be a decorative panel in the interior, on which the motif has a horizontal or vertical arrangement. Such decorations can occupy the entire wall of a small room, playing the role of visually expanding the space or increasing the height of the ceilings.

They sawed, sawed off, knocked down and covered with stain - what could be easier?

Wall panel for the kitchen

A decorative panel for the kitchen should be made of durable materials, as this room is saturated with cooking smells and surfaces are prone to soot formation. Usually the decor is placed near the dining area or on the apron, in the center of the working area.

For panels above the stove, ceramic tiles should be used.

by the most suitable material is a tile. But near the table away from the stove, you can use any kind of wall decor.

Bathroom panel

because of high humidity, a decorative panel for the interior of the bathroom is possible only from tiles or mosaics. But that doesn't reduce the options.

Ceramic panel with favorite flowers of the landlady

A beautiful landscape or other image placed on the wall behind the bathroom will give the impression of presence. Pictures with sea beaches, mermaids, yachts and so on are widespread.

Beautiful panel for the bedroom

It is advised to place a decorative panel in the bedroom near the head of the bed.

Above the head of the bed perfect place for bedroom panels

When choosing a picture, you need to understand that the room is intended for relaxation, so the use of bright colors and dynamic images is not recommended. And also, the decoration can be hung on any free wall, but it is desirable that it be located opposite the door.

Panel for a children's room

To creation simple decoration you can attract your child to the wall in the nursery. This will not only contribute to its development, but will also help you navigate with the chosen pattern.

This panel is made of colored paper and glued directly onto the wallpaper, and a polystyrene ceiling plinth was used for the frame.

For a panel, you can use fabrics, embroidery or an elementary mosaic depicting your favorite cartoon character. In this room, you can experiment with color, but do not forget that this is not only a play area, but also a children's bedroom.

Panel in the interior of the living room

As in any other room, the panel should be in harmony with overall design and match the dimensions of the room. Often, natural images of a forest with paths stretching into the distance are used to decorate walls. This allows you to create perspective and expand the boundaries of space. A well-chosen image will turn the apartment into a cozy nest.

The basis of the panel with parrots is a sheet of plywood, on which the fabric is stretched and all this is inserted into the frame

Decorative panel of family photos

Video on how to make a decorative panel from plaster

Photo gallery: ideas for decorating a wall panel

Empty walls in the apartment make the atmosphere uncomfortable, inhospitable. But everything changes if they are decorated with paintings or such a decorative element as a panel. Make it easy from improvised materials. This does not require the talent of an artist or carpenter: all figures can be made using a stencil.

Moreover, do-it-yourself wall panels are a great activity for the whole family, in which both adults and children can take part. A joint lesson will unite family members, and the masterpiece created at the same time will fill the house with peace, love and harmony.

Salt dough is an excellent material for modeling. The very process of creating a masterpiece perfectly develops fine motor skills, which is useful for children for speech production.

Why not a plasticine panel? After all, he also warms up well, develops motor skills, and there is a wide choice color palette. The fact is that plasticine always remains soft, it cannot be dried, and sooner or later the panel may be damaged. But the dried dough is not scary: it is hard and durable. And if varnished, it will be stored for centuries.

To make salt dough you will need:
  1. Fine salt - 1 tbsp.;
  2. Flour - 2 tbsp.;
  3. Unrefined vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l. (instead, it is better to take the same amount of dry wallpaper glue or cream for hands, face);
  4. Water - about 125 ml.

Properly prepared dough should not stick to your hands, it should knead well and be quite dense and elastic. If it is too viscous, add flour; if it sticks to your hands, add butter.

You can make the dough fragrant by adding spices: red and black pepper, turmeric, nutmeg, cinnamon and others. You can color the dough with food coloring.

How to make a panel of salt dough:
  • From ready dough sculpt a picture or make separate figures for it, which will later need to be assembled.

What the picture will be, what details it should consist of, depends only on your imagination. Here is another example of a do-it-yourself panel made from dough.

  • When the molding is completed, the dough panels are put to dry in the oven for an hour.
  • The temperature inside the oven should not exceed 80 degrees.

In order for a salt dough panel to be durable, it must be covered with a layer of varnish.

Fabric panel

You can decorate the wall with different materials. One of the most popular is fabric. For the panel, you can use any fabric that is available in your home:

  • sackcloth;
  • jersey;
  • canvas;
  • calico;
  • felt;
  • atlas;
  • silk;
  • chintz.

Fabric panels can be created in a variety of ways. It is impossible to describe them all at once, but we will give examples of some of the ideas for crafts.

Square panel of multi-colored patches

For work you will need:

  1. Base panel (cardboard);
  2. Multi-colored patches of fabric;
  3. Threads;
  4. Sewing machine (you can also manually, but it takes a long time).
How to make a panel from patches:
  • First, mark the basis for the panel on cardboard. To do this, redraw the drawing with a pencil in the same way as in the photo below. It is important not to confuse the numbering. Each number indicates when and where to sew the next flap.

  • When the base is prepared, you can begin to lay pieces of fabric. They need to be bent in half and sewn to the base so that the cut off part remains out of sight, and the folded part shows off a smooth and clear fold line. To better understand how to make a panel with your own hands in this way, see the photo below.

Felt for creativity

Children are very pleased with funny cartoon panels made of felt depicting little animals. This is the easiest way to create original decoration for the wall, as you only need:

  1. Original picture (you can print any picture from the Internet);
  2. Cardboard;
  3. Pencil;
  4. Scissors;
  5. Felt;
  6. Glue;
  7. The basis for the panel (cardboard, fabric and other materials).

How to make a felt panel:
  • Using a picture, it is easy to cut out stencils for animal figures with a pencil, cardboard and scissors.
  • According to the stencil, patterns are planned on felt fabric.
  • Then the figures are cut out and glued to the base so that the desired picture is obtained.

See what a fun panel you can make from felt.

Burlap panel

The burlap itself looks very unusual. Therefore, the simplest panel of this material is a piece of canvas stretched in a frame. But required condition- the frame must be decorated, otherwise this burlap panel will not produce an effect. Decor can also be made from burlap: cut out ribbons, flowers and other decorations.

Burlap can also be used as a basis for a panel, as in the photo above. From it you can add flowers, as in the second photo:

They, in turn, become decorative elements for another panel, as in the photo below:

Paper panel

Paper is one of the simplest and available materials. You can make a lot of beautiful home decor items from it. Not only an adult, but also a child will cope with this. How to decorate a wall with your own hands using colored paper, read below.

Panel of round paper structures

This panel can be made in less than an hour, but it will decorate the wall for a very long time. Against the background of this panel, you can make good shots. Suitable for active and cheerful people. For it you will need the following materials and tools:

  • scotch;
  • paperclips;
  • colored paper;
  • stapler;
  • pins.
How to make a paper panel:

The finished product is very bright and beautiful.

Photo panel

The word "photo" is immediately associated with the image of a person or a whole friendly company. Usually photographs are framed not for beauty, but for memory. But all this can be combined with the help of a panel of photographs.

And here it is not necessarily your photos that are needed - they can be artistic. This idea will especially appeal to you if you are an amateur photographer. See what original panel it turns out.

A simple panel of colored paper

This panel can be made with your own hands in 20 minutes, but it looks so original that you can’t look away. The only difficulty that will arise in this case is the search for paper of 30 multi-colored shades.

How to make a panel of colored paper:

The final stage of manufacturing the panel is shown in the photo below:

Panel of beads

A beaded wall panel is usually very difficult to make. It will take patience, time and the desire to make a real masterpiece. Beaded panels can be created in several ways:

  1. By forming a pattern with beads and glue;
  2. By embroidery with beads on fabric;
  3. By weaving.

For each case, a special scheme will be required. You can invent it yourself. But for this you need to dream up well, especially when it comes to weaving. But you can use a ready-made master class, there are many of them on the Internet. Consider one of the ideas for a beaded panel.

Bead panel "Strawberry"

In order to make such a panel, as in the photo, you will need the following materials:

  • white beads with a diameter of 5 mm;
  • green beads (2 or more shades) with a diameter of 2.3 mm;
  • red beads diameter 2.1 mm;
  • beads yellow color diameters 5 mm;
  • special wire for beading.
How to make a panel of beads "Strawberry":

See below what elegant panels can be made using ordinary beads.

A panel made of newspaper tubes looks very creative. Everyone has material for it. Prepare:

  • Magazines or newspapers;
  • If you want to change the color of the paper, you will need paint or food coloring;
  • Scissors;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Glue.

Follow instructions:

  1. Cut newspapers into individual sheets;
  2. Roll the sheets into tubes, fixing them with glue;
  3. Paint the tubes any color you like;
  4. Twist the resulting tubes around, alternating tubes of different colors;
  5. Make many of these circles of different sizes;
  6. Sew the resulting circles together with a strong twine;
  7. Next, we decorate the walls with our own hands using a finished panel.

According to this instruction, you can create many different panels. They look very unusual, and you would never guess that this is an ordinary newspaper!

Amazing pictures can be created using ordinary nails and thread. However, the panel will require not only them. Check if you have everything:

  • Board - the basis for the panel;
  • Small cloves (a lot);
  • Multi-colored threads;
  • A hammer;
  • Scissors;
  • Scotch;
  • Stencil drawing (you can print any from the Internet).

How to make a panel of threads and nails:
  1. First you need to cut a stencil, which is placed on the board. To keep the pattern motionless, it is fixed with adhesive tape.
  2. Then begin to drive along the contour of the carnation parts of the drawing so that, if you remove the stencil, it is clear what is drawn there. This is necessary in order not to get confused later in selecting individual fragments of the pattern for wrapping it with a thread of the same color.
  3. The stencil can be removed when the last carnation is driven in. Then start working with yarn. To do this, its end is fixed on one of the small carnations and wound around a certain area: for example, on a flower petal. There is no definite order here. The main thing is that as a result the thread is wound uniformly everywhere.
  4. "Paint over" with threads in a similar way each fragment of the picture.

Almost every house has a casket or jar, where for years they have been folded with buttons. In the end, there were so many of them that there was nowhere to put them. Multi-colored buttons, large and small, with holes or with bows - all this can be an excellent material for a panel that will decorate a boring wall.

For a panel of buttons, you will need the following materials:

  • base (cardboard, fabric stretched over a frame, board);
  • buttons of different colors and sizes;
  • glue;
  • fantasy or drawing to summarize it on the basis;
  • pencil;
  • copy paper.

The most original thing that comes to mind is the Money Tree panel. Of course, it is better to make it from the coins themselves, but since the coins are not green, they can be successfully replaced with buttons. But no one forbids arranging coins with buttons in one panel. It's believed that Money Tree brings money into the house. Make such a panel for your home so that it always has prosperity. For this:

  1. Apply a pattern on the base in the form of a thick trunk and a lush crown;
  2. Prepare green and brown buttons in different sizes and shades of color;
  3. Apply glue to the base in the right places and glue the buttons one by one. They begin to glue from the trunk, as it should look under the crown of the tree. Stick buttons in the form of leaves, going to the trunk, so that you can see how the green foliage “hangs”.

In fact, the buttons do not have to be green, as it may be autumn in the yard. Then the buttons for the leaves can be yellow, red, brown. Here it is appropriate to arrange buttons together with yellow coins. And you can make a background out of silver coins: as if frost had fallen on an autumn morning and the ground was frozen.

Beautiful button panels - ideas in the video:

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