Programs so that the computer worked faster. Acceleration of the laptop work

The buildings 20.10.2019
The buildings

To ensure quick work of programs without delays and freezes, you need to know how to speed up the operation of the computer. Quite often, the computer begins to slow down.

In the future, this leads to overheating of the central processor and deterioration of other hardware components.

To establish a stable job, you need to conduct actions to speed up the device.

Consider in more detail all available ways to improve the computer running the Windows operating system last versions.

Various additional extensions, plug-ins and booters can be installed on a computer along with other programs. Most often, these applications are viral and damage to the device.

At the same time, the installer may not even donate the user about installing third-party components.

All these utilities can not only infect the computer with a malicious program, but also fill the place in RAM, working constantly in the background.

Common causes of problems in the work of PC

Consider on the items of all the basic rules that will help maximize the computer.

All options are suitable for Windows 8.1 and more new versions.

  • Motes in the work of hardware. They arise if the wrong drivers for the video card are installed. You should not install the drive software that the system automatically detects.
    You must upload such software only from the official site of the manufacturer. If any of the hardware components has recently hot, it is necessary to quickly start working to restore the normal operation mode.
    Remember, if you use a relatively old device with a new OS, braking in operation is a completely normal phenomenon;
  • Infection of a personal computer with viruses and other types of malicious software.
    At the next stage of acceleration, make sure that the computer is not infected with any viruses, because they use the operating system resources and can receive unauthorized access to user information;
  • The presence of unnecessary background processes that occupy a place in the operational memory of the device and inhibit the work of the entire OS. There are programs that even after turning off them occupy a place in autoload.
    It is necessary to clean the device from such unnecessary processes and check the autoload mode. How to do this, consider further in the article;
  • Hard disk problems. The slow operation of this hardware component occurs due to when it is filled or broken the HDD drive.
    If you hear the strange sounds during the computer, which come from the housing, and not the speakers, most likely, this indicates that this hard disk must be replaced.

All the main reasons for the occurrence of braking in the computer are named. Now you can go to a detailed description of the solution for each of the reasons.

The presence of too much applications in the autoload is evidenced by the debt initial OS load.

If the power on the computer has increased significantly, first of all it is necessary to clean the unnecessary programs from this mode.

The user may not even know that the application or the game is in autoload.

For example, MalwareBytes and Antimalware applications.

They can be downloaded absolutely free, while they are able to very accurately scan the system, display and remove the found pests.

With such applications, you can very quickly clean the computer and significantly speed up the operation of the operating system by freeing additional resources that were previously used by viruses in the background.

By the way, malicious programs are not displayed in automatic load, so you can only find them using specialized utilities.

Applications for accelerating PC performance

Examples of such software can be CCleaner, Razer Game Booster and others.

Main functions:

  • The ability to delete an application from a computer startup;
  • Fast and efficient removal of unnecessary system.

Consider the functionality and the main features of the CCleaner application.

This is a small program that is able to quickly clear the computer from the programs that the user has not used for a long time.

The utility cannot accelerate performance directly.

Its basic function is an analysis of application use and their removal. Also, the user can clear the cache of the system and browsers.

You can also restore the system (it will be needed if the basic OS configuration was broken).

In the Registry tab, you can track all unnecessary records from programs and delete them.

In the cleaning tab, you can delete unnecessary programs, as well as clear the RAM from excess load.

Remove programs using built-in OS functions

Analyzing the use and deletion of applications that are not needed and have not been used for a long time, and using standard OS components.

To do this, go to the control panel window and find the installation and deletion utility icon there.

Click on it to open the following window:

Wait a few seconds that the system can create a full-fledged list of all components installed on the computer.

The destruction of unnecessary software will allow to free the hard disk space, so the computer will work a little faster.

If a constant shortage of RAM is present on the computer, it is best to install a slightly larger volume.

This option is suitable if you regularly delete the programs from autoloading, you scan the computer and delete viruses and other programs, and the RAM is still filled.

Perhaps on your computer too little OP for the stable operation of the installed operating system.

You can increase the RAM from 2GB to 4 GB or from 4GB to 8 GB.

For programs to run faster, you should purchase an additional SSD and connect it to the system hard disk.

Important! It is worth noting if you want to increase productivity only in games, it will be more expedient to buy a more powerful video card.

Greetings to your blog.

Today on the Internet you can meet dozens of programs, the authors of which promise that your computer almost "takes off" after their use. In most cases, it will work as well, if you are not awarded with a dozen advertising modules (which are embedded in the browser without your knowledge).

However, many utilities honestly clear your disk from garbage, will perform disk defragmentation. And it is possible that if you have not done these operations for a long time, your PC will work a little faster than before.

However, there are utilities that can really speed up the computer by setting the optimal Windows settings by setting up a PC properly for a particular application. I tried some of the programs. About them and I want to tell. The programs divided into three relevant groups.

Accelerating Computer for Games

By the way, before recommending utilities to increase productivity in games, I would like to make a small remark. First, you need to update the drivers on the video card. Secondly, configure them accordingly. From this effect will be several times higher!

  • setting up AMD / RADEON video card :;
  • setting up NVIDIA video card :.

Game buster.

On my modest view, this utility is one of the best of its kind! As for one click in the description of the program, the authors were excited (while you install and register - a minute 2-3 minutes and a dozen clicks) - but she really works quickly.


  1. Provides Windows OS settings (supports the utility version XP, Vista, 7, 8) to optimal to start most games. Thanks to this, they begin to work somewhat faster than before.
  2. Defragments folders with installed games. On the one hand, a useless option for this program (after all, there are even built-in means of defragmentation in Windows), but put the hand on the heart, who of us do regularly defragmentation? And the utility will not forget if, of course, you install it ...
  3. Diagnizes the system for various vulnerabilities and not optimal parameters. A sufficiently necessary thing, about your system you can learn a lot of interesting things ...
  4. Game Buster allows you to save video and screenshots. Convenient, of course, but it is better to use the program for these purposes (it has its own super fast codec).

Conclusion: Game Buster thing I needed and if the speed of your games leaves much to be desired - try it unambiguously! In any case, I personally would have started optimizing the PC precisely from it!

Game Accelerator

Game Accelerator is not a bad enough program to speed up games. True, in my opinion she has not been updated for a long time. For a more stable and smooth process, the program optimizes Windows and iron. The utility does not require the user of specific knowledge, etc. - just run, save the settings and minimize in the tray.

Advantages and opportunities:

  • yES OPERATION MODES: hyper-acceleration, cooling, setting up the game in the background;
  • defragmentation of hard drives;
  • "Thin" configuration DirectX;
  • optimization of the resolution and frequency of frames in the game;
  • laptop energy saving mode.

Conclusion: the program has not been updated for a long time, but at one time, in the year, Edak 10 helped make a home PC faster. By its use, it reminds the previous utility. By the way, it is recommended to use it in a complex with other utilities for optimizing and cleaning Windows from trashal files.

Game Fire

"Fire game" translated into the Great and Mighty.

In fact, a very very interesting program that will help make a computer freeze. Includes options that are simply not in other analogues (by the way, there are two versions of the utility: paid and free)!


  • switching a PC into one click on turbo mode for games (super!);
  • windows optimization and its settings for optimal operation;
  • defragmentation of folders with games for faster access to files;
  • automatic prioritization of applications for optimal operation of the game, etc.

Conclusion: In general, a great "combine" for lovers to play. I recommend it unambiguously to test and familiarize. I really liked the utility!

Programs for cleaning the hard disk from garbage

I think it's no secret that with time the hard disk accumulates a large number of temporary files (they are also called "trash"). The fact is that during the operation of the operating system (and various applications), create files that are needed to them at a certain point in time, then they are removed, but not always. Time goes - and such not remote files is becoming more and more, the system begins to "slow down", trying to rapate a bunch of unnecessary information.

Therefore, sometimes, the system must be cleaned from such files. It not only allows you to save space on your hard disk, but also speed up the computer, sometimes essential!

And so, consider the top three (on my subjective look) ...


This is just a super-combine on cleaning and optimizing a computer! Glary Utilities allows not only to clear the disk from temporary files, but also to clear and optimize the system registry, optimize memory, make a backup of the data, clear the history of visits to websites, defragment HDD, to get information about the system, etc.

What is most pleased: the program is free, often updated, contains everything you need, plus in Russian.

Conclusion: an excellent complex, with regular use, along with some utility to speed up games (from the first item), you can achieve very good results.

Wise Disk Cleaner

This program, in my opinion, is one of the fastest cleaning hard disk from various and unnecessary files: cache, visiting history, temporary files, etc. And it does nothing without your knowledge - first the system scanning process, then you are reported Due to the removal of what how much space can be obtained, and then removes unnecessary from the hard drive. Very comfortably!


  • free + with the support of the Russian language;
  • there is nothing superfluous, concise design;
  • fast and downward work (after it is hardly another utility can find something on HDD, which can be removed);
  • supports all versions of Windows: Vista, 7, 8, 8.1.


Probably one of the most popular utilities for PC cleaning, not only in Russia, but also abroad. The main advantage of the program is its compactness and high degree of Windows cleaning. The functionality is not as rich as Glary Utilites, but in terms of removal of "garbage", she will relate to him with him (and maybe even benefit).

Main advantages:

  • free with the support of Russian language;
  • fast speed;
  • support for popular versions of Windows (XP, 7, 8) 32 and 64 bit systems.

I think even these three utilities for the majority will be more than enough. By choosing any of them and regularly conducting optimization, you can significantly increase the speed of the PC.

Well, for those who have few of these utilities, I will give a link to another article on the review of programs for cleaning the disk from "garbage":

Windows optimization and setup

In this subsection, I would like to make programs that work in the complex: i.e. Check the system to optimal parameters (if they are not specified, specify them), correctly configure applications, set the necessary priorities to various services, etc. In general, the programs that will fulfill the entire complex for optimizing and setting the OS for more productive work.

By the way, from all the variety of such programs, I liked everything only two. But they really improve PC performance, and, sometimes significantly!


That immediately bribes in this program - this is the focus aside by the user, i.e. You do not have to deal with long settings, read the Mount of Instructions, etc. Installed, launched, pressed, then agreed with changes that proposed to make a program - and voila, garbage removed, with revised registry errors, etc. It becomes an order of magnitude faster!

Main advantages:

  • there is a free version;
  • accelerates the system as a whole and Internet access;
  • conducts "thin" Windows settings for maximum performance;
  • reveals spyware and "unwanted" advertising modules, programs and removes them;
  • defragmented and optimizes the system registry;
  • corrects system vulnerabilities, etc.

Conclusion: one of the best cleaning and computer optimization programs. Literally for several clicks, you can significantly speed up the PC, getting rid of the whole mountain of problems and the need to install third-party utilities. I recommend to get acquainted and testing!

Auslogics Boostspeed.

Runing this program for the first time, I could not imagine that it would find a huge number of errors and problems affecting the speed and stability of the system. It is recommended to all those who are dissatisfied with the speed of the PC, as well, if your computer has been turned on and often "hangs".


  • deep disc cleaning from temporary and unnecessary files;
  • correction of "wrong" settings and parameters affecting the speed of the PC;
  • correction of vulnerabilities that can affect Windows stability;


  • the program is paid (there are significant limitations in the free version).

That's all. If you have something to add, it will be quite by the way. All of all!

Settings for modern operating systems (Windows 7, Windows 8, etc.), according to developers, must satisfy most of users, and independently of the model and modification of the laptop. However, the practice shows the opposite: due to the overload of the system and the presence of many unnecessary laptop programs do not cope with the processing of information, they fail to work, their performance falls. The most effective method is "overclocking", but there are other ways that will be discussed in this article.

Increased laptop performance is advisable for the following reasons:

  • will improve the performance of your laptop;
  • it will help your laptop to serve you longer than usual.

Several acceleration methods

Replacing the main component devices:

  • Replacing the hard disk and an increase in the amount of RAM.
  • Installation on the cooling system laptop.

A series of simple manipulations with your laptop:

  1. Cleaning automatic downloads.
  2. Disable background services.
  3. Optimization and defragmentation of the hard disk.
  4. Setting the power plans.
  5. (separate article).

How to improve the performance of a laptop using simple manipulations

Method 1: Carrying out the autoload

The laptop almost always performs automatic downloads from the Internet. And if one autoloads are required by the device to update current software versions, then others are absolutely not needed. The impressive part of these downloads the user does not use at all when working on a laptop. Here are only their presence in the memory of the device, as well as automatic start and operation in parallel with the operating system, strongly affect the speed of the desktop computer.

To clean the startup, you need:

  1. Open the main menu of the "Start" device.
  2. Go to the "Run" tab.
  3. In the opening line, enter the following key combination, swing the keyboard on the English layout: msconfig.
  4. Next, click on the "input".
  5. A new window will open, in which you need to select "Auto-loading", removing checkboxes from all programs that you do not use.
  6. To save the executed actions, click the Apply button, and then restart the system.

Method 2: Turn off background services

Desktop design by default assumes the issuance of different visual effects. Of course, the visualization makes the work more pleasant, but it is this chip that intensively absorbs the processor resources, the video adapter's RAM. To improve the performance of the laptop, such "decorations" is better to turn off.

For this:

  1. Go to the main menu of the "Start" device.
  2. Click "Run".
  3. In the opening line we prescribe the following combination: Services.msc.

After that, a list of all the background services involved with a brief description of each of them will appear. Come on the list and select those services that do not use. When you click on the name of the service, a small menu will pop up in which you need to select the "Disable" button.

Perform all actions must be carefully shutting down only those background services that you really do not need. Otherwise, "forced shutdown" can cause malfunctions in the device.

Disabled parameters If you wish can always be restored, picking up the most correct operating mode for your laptop. Disabling background services will significantly unload the processor by simultaneously reducing the amount of RAM consumption. As a result, the performance of the laptop will increase, it will work much faster.

Method 3: We carry out optimization and defragmentation of the hard disk

In the process of working on the hard disk of the device, many fragmented files accumulate. Each time when accessing these files, the system spends a lot of time, which is expressed in the form of "hanging" and "braking". In order to exclude such phenomena, it should be performed to deterrate the hard disk.

This operation can be performed using special programs (utilities). The most popular utilities that really help improve the operation of the system are Defraggler and CCleaner. After starting, they automatically optimize the system and deterrate the hard disk defragmentation, cleaning the system from temporary files and accumulated on the disk error.

Defragmenting the disc can also be manually using a built-in defragmant. To do this, go to the main menu of the "Start" device, then go to the "program" - "standard" - "service", find "disk defragment" and launch the application.

Method 4: Perform the setting of power plans

In modern operating systems (for example, Windows 7), it is possible to manage the power saving options, in particular, the user can independently adjust the power plans for their laptop. The default system can use one of the modes:

  • "Balanced" - the mode that turns on automatically as soon as the laptop connects to the network.
  • "Economical" - mode that is used when operating the device from the battery.

If you configure the plan "Economical" in more detail, you can even more increase the performance of the laptop. If you activate the "High Performance" mode, then all the resources of the device will be used to the maximum without any restrictions.

To authorize this plan and access the settings of the center responsible for the power consumption of the device, you need to click on the Battery icon. You will then seek a new window in which you need to select "Advanced Power Settings". As soon as the plan is activated, it will be displayed in the "Power Supplies" window. Usually in laptops, the "High performance" mode is hidden by default. You can display it by clicking on the "Show Additional Plans" arrow.

To configure the "Economical" plan, you must follow the link "Setting the Power Plan", which is located opposite the mode name. This will translate the system to the economy mode, i.e. the device will automatically consume the minimum amount of energy.

How to speed up the laptop by replacing its elements

You should not do these operations if you have never had dealing with a computer assembly, you can seriously harm your laptop. It is best to refer to the professional in this case!

Step 1: Replacing the hard disk and an increase in the amount of RAM

Replace the processor or video card on a laptop, especially at home, it is impossible. However, it is possible to increase the performance of the device by replacing the hard disk and RAM. Initially, you will need to replace the hard drive with a special drive of the SSD type. This will provide an opportunity to significantly reduce the opening time of the main software programs and speed up the process of loading the operating system, as well as as a whole increase the performance of "iron".

As for RAM, many manufacturers in order to reduce the price of the finished device will noticeably save on RAM, establishing the simplest and cheap modules in laptops. Therefore, the "native" machine modules are advisable to replace more modern and high-speed memory modules, for example, Sodimm type. But before replacing, it is necessary to check what the memory standard supports your laptop (DDR3, DDR2 or DDR), as well as what maximum allowable amount of memory can be installed on your machine.

It is better not to save on the purchase of basic system components, because it is extremely problematic to replace other elements of the system on a laptop on their own, and sometimes impossible. In general, not to face similar problems, you need to purchase laptops in advance with the processors that correspond to the tasks facing the laptop. In order not to make a mistake in this choice, we recommend the article "".

Step 2: Install the cooling system on the laptop

It is not worth ignoring the cooling system, because on how quickly the laptop is "heated", its performance, performance and duration of the operational period is directly dependent. Choosing a cooler (a device for cooling a laptop), it is desirable to give preference to known and proven manufacturers (for example Cooler Master, Zalman or Thermaltake). The cooling system will provide the device more quiet and reliable operation in the most extreme work conditions.

Also, it will also be installed in a fan laptop that will cool the front panel of the device, where the basket is usually located with hard drives. You can additionally install the fan in the back of the system unit.

As you know, any modification of Windows is starting to slow down over time. This is due exclusively with the specifics of the OS (accumulation of computer garbage, incomplete removal of programs, registry errors, hard disk overflow, etc.). Special service programs apply to troubleshooting problems to speed up the computer. But is it justified by their application? Next, the main aspects associated with the optimization of Windows-systems will be considered.

Why do you need computer accelerators?

First of all, you need to clearly imagine how this kind of application works and what exactly they optimize. Improving productivity due to the release of computing systems of the system is the main task of any software package, not counting the removal of unnecessary garbage hanging in the ballast system.

Any user can call the Task Manager and on the Performance tab view the necessary information. To reduce the load, from the memory you need to upload an unnecessary application and processes at the moment. Unfortunately, Windows Systems do not automatically do this (Microsoft experts for some reason believe that absolutely all services are needed to be applied at mandatory). That is why programs for accelerating the computer improve system performance indexes. But this concept is very relative.

What can be done with Windows?

The most accessible computer accelerators are the means of Windows-systems themselves, since there are not always such programs able to interfere with the operation of the OS and disconnect unnecessary elements.

To begin with, you can apply fixed fixed by the msconfig command in the "Run" console and go to the appropriate tab (in Windows 10, the transition will be implemented to the "Task Manager" tab). There you can turn off all unnecessary elements. But! The system shows not all services that can be turned off at the moment. This will be said a little later.

In Windows 10, it is advisable to deactivate the surveillance, turning off in the settings of the geolocation and data transmission parameters and send to Microsoft servers.

In addition, you can set maximum speed by disconnecting visual effects (to the greatest extent it concerns Windows 7 with its transparent panels and transition effects).

Finally, it is possible to set periodically conducted defragmentation to accelerate access to the most frequently used user files and applications due to their movement to the most speeds of the hard disk.

Computer Accelerator 3.0: Positive and Negative Parties

And now let's see what can be done using accelerators. Some users set a computer "computer accelerator" version 3.0, considering it by panacea from all troubles.

Alas, how can I understand user reviews, mostly this program is disliked. And that's why. The fact is that at first, this computer accelerator behaves very decently, finding many system errors that allegedly reduce its speed. And then the problems begin. To fix it all, the program should be trite to buy. And those who have not regretted funds and still acquired this software, remain completely disappointed, since the urgent capabilities turn out to be absolutely not what expected.

Most popular programs

Computer accelerators can be divided into narrow-controlled (registry cleaners, defragments, disk error detectors, etc.) and a common utility that includes several optimization modules.

Among all the fact that today you can meet in the computer technology market, it is worth allocating the following utilities separately:

  • AVZ PC TuneUp;
  • CCleaner;
  • Clean Master and many others.

Main modules

Any computer accelerator program, as a rule, contains several basic tools that can be used to optimize the system together or separately.

Even at startup, such utilities do not particularly differ. They immediately issue an interface with a button to start checking and optimizing the system with a proposal of the selection of the integrated modules, among which you can find the search for disk errors and in the registry, deleting garbage, fix shortcuts, optimization of Internet acceleration, autoload management, etc. Unfortunately, Not all of these tools behave as expected.

Possible problems

For example, an accelerator for a Windows 10 version called Advanced SyateMcare version 9.4 Pro When the Internet connection optimization is enabled and the hard disk error corrections often cause software failures. After them, the system, being in the reboot process, begins to restore some system components and fragment memory.

The AVZ PC TuneUp package initially refused to work on the Windows 10 platform. Now there are no problems, but the cleaning and acceleration cause legitimate doubts. After all, how can the user make sure that the program really worked? Only at the speed of opening their own programs and files, well, it may be even estimated on the Winchester. And if this is a system cache? An ordinary user will not even understand that he occupied some place. And this is not about editing records and registry keys.

Any computer accelerator (Windows 10) can extract how much information about what is cleared of something and something or deleted that and then. The user himself can check only his own intervention and viewing the result of actions in certain system sections. But after all, not everyone will decide to get into the registry and see what happened there it was that the optimizer took it and deleted it. A comparison can be made only if you create a backup by exporting to a REG file.

Comparison of some accelerator programs

Nevertheless, it is worth stopping on the verification processes. The best for the search for spyware modules are ASC, AVZ and CCleaner. Even when starting the standard check function, it starts exactly from this. Antivirus, of course, causes some doubts, but it is necessary to pay tribute to all programs, this module does not cause conflicts with full-time software.

Cancer registry by combined programs is somewhat worse than if specialized utilities like Registry Cleaner were used. In the case of Advanced Systemcare, the program at first launch proposes to install the iobit Uninstaller application. The utility is very useful because it helps to remove residual objects after uninstalling programs.

Among the majority of users, the CCleaner application uses special respect, since it offers the most powerful comprehensive cleaning of the computer system, taking into account all its specifics. By the way, the mobile version of this software package is almost all the parameters ahead of the nearest competitors.

To say, from all this is the optimal solution, it is simply impossible. This is facilitated by the subtleties of the setting of each application and its interaction with the system. But what to do is not recommended at all, it can be accelerated by Turbo, the module of which can be found in several programs of this type (at least user feedback speaks about it). But in general, the use of such utilities is completely justified. The simplest cleaning and optimization by unloading unnecessary services and processes from RAM has almost all popular software packages at the highest level.

Several conclusions

Of course, the computer accelerators can be used and needed, because the entire system optimization process is greatly simplified. But only far from all optimizer programs are able to interfere with critical system processes. And it needs to be aware very clearly. No Windows system (with the exception of the oldest modifications) will not give permission to perform a prohibition of anything that the optimizer would be supermoded. There are already restrictions on the parties by the developers themselves.

Nevertheless, all the above programs for cosmetic, so to speak, repair will be suitable. Why not? Some of them, cleaning the registry, disk partitions or defragmentation is made an order of magnitude better (CCleaner at least). Otherwise, it is better not to rely on them. By the way, and restoring Windows using such utilities remains under a big question. And here, if anyone does not know, in particularly critical situations, when the boot sector is damaged, it is not necessary to do without command line. And no optimizer utility will help.

Due to the features of the Windows system, users often have problems. Thus, the registry after a few months of active use is becoming unnecessary ways, and the file system requires defragmentation. Such little things turn into serious problems with time, slowing the operation of the operating system. And in order to get rid of them, programs appeared to speed up the computer.

Free Computer Acceleration Programs

A powerful utility that allows you to solve problems comprehensively. Using it, you can completely delete installed applications and games, clean the registry, fix some system errors. In addition, CCleaner may clean browsers, strongly accelerating their work.

Thanks to gentle algorithms of action, this program cannot adversely affect the performance of the computer. On the contrary, many noted that after conducting a thorough scanning, it works several times faster. This also applies to browsers that are cleaned of cache, unnecessary data.

The program interface is very convenient, it looks modern and understandable. Also, there is a quality Russian translation. Thanks to this and other advantages of CCleaner has a high rating and a lot of positive feedback. According to many profile publications, this is the best program in your own way.

Program with ambiguous user reviews. Many praise her for the speed and quality of work, and some come to anger from such an aggressive distribution policy. The utility is often set when the user sets other free programs.

However, its functionality is really good. By running it once, you will forever get rid of any computer hang, errors in the registry and lack of performance. Like other software acceleration programs, this simply turns into a tray, working offline. It is very convenient, especially for forgetful users. In addition, it applies to Russian.

Advanced SystemCare Free can almost all: optimize the registry and hard disk, improve the work of the browsers, guarantee the user's safety. Thanks to the versatility, it entered this top.

Excellent program in Russian, developed by the same company as the previous one. It was created specifically for gamers, but it will be useful not only to them. Through it, you can clear the RAM, defragment the hard disk and the registry. Also, Razer Game Booster conducts a thorough network analysis, reducing ping, increasing the connection speed.

Among all similar programs, for Windows, this program is highlighted by a very wide functionality. In addition to optimizing the work, it can record video from the screen (do screenshots), update drivers of any devices! This is very important not only for gaming, but also for ordinary PCs.

Razer Game Booster can be downloaded for free, receiving all the power and convenience of this program. It is important to consider that it does not have any restrictions, trial periods and requirements to pay for services. This is completely free software.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments, we will definitely help.

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