Cuba what country. Cuba: a country of freedom, cheerful people and sunny resorts

garden equipment 13.10.2019
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The name of the country comes from "akoba", which in the language of local Indians means "land, land".

Cuba Square. 110860 km2.

Cuban population. 11.39 million people (

Cuba GDP. $77.15 billion (

Location of Cuba. Cuba is a state located on the very large island West and several nearby islands. In the north it is washed by the Strait of Florida, in the southwest - by the Yucatan Strait, in the east - by the Windward Strait, in the south -.

Administrative divisions of Cuba. The state is divided into 14 provinces and the special municipality of Isle of Youth.

Form of government in Cuba. Republic.

Head of State of Cuba. Chairman of the State Council.

Supreme Legislature of Cuba. The National Assembly, which elects the Council of State.

Supreme executive body of Cuba. Council of Ministers.

Major cities in Cuba. Santiago de Cuba, Camaguey, Holguin, Guantanamo, Santa Clara, Cienfuegos, Matanzas.

State language of Cuba. Spanish.

Religion in Cuba. 55% - atheists, 40% -, 3% - Protestants.

Ethnic composition Cuba. 65% - descendants of Europeans, 20% - mulattoes, 12% - Africans, 1% - Chinese.

Fauna of Cuba. Of the mammalian representatives of the animal world, the hutia and the sand tooth should be distinguished. resides great amount bats, almost 300 species of birds, including vulture, quail, finches, macaws, hummingbirds. More than 700 species of fish and shellfish live in coastal waters. Insects are numerous, among which are very dangerous - sand flea and malarial mosquito.

Rivers and lakes of Cuba. The largest is Cauto.

Sights of Cuba. In Havana - the National Museum, the Colonial Museum, the Museum of Anthropology, the Moro Castle, the Santa Clara Monastery, the La Fuerza Fortress, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, the City Hall, the largest zoo in America; in Santiago de Cuba - Museum of Natural History; In Cardenas, the Oscar M. de Rojas Museum; in Camagüey - a large number of churches and mansions of the colonial period. On the shore of the bay is the world's largest aquarium.

Useful information for tourists

As souvenirs from Cuba, you can bring black coral and jewelry from it, products from tortoise shell (especially bracelets and hairpins). Don't forget to buy one or two bottles of unique Cuban rum and real Cuban cigars. When buying products made of crocodile skin, ask the seller for an export license, otherwise this souvenir will be confiscated during customs control. a good gift from Cuba there will also be a tumbadora or a bongo - percussion musical instruments. Another gift is the guayabera, a shirt worn by officials in the tropics. You will probably have to use the foreign exchange shops, as pesos can only buy books and medicines.

In Cuba, it is customary to pay a tip in the amount of 5-15% of the cost of services. The porter, the maid at the hotel are given 1 dollar.

Cuba, also known to the world as the "Island of Freedom", is located in the northern part of caribbean and is a large-scale island archipelago belonging to the Greater Antilles group. The country lies at the crossroads between North and South America, in its geographical shape a bit reminiscent of a lizard, whose tail is located in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and the body, along with the head, is turned to the side Atlantic Ocean.


Cuba is considered one of the most picturesque and colorful places on the planet. The majestic mountain ranges of the Cordillera de Guaniguanico, Escambray and Sierra Maestra are elegantly combined with flat terrain, dense tropical forests and grandiose waterfalls, thus forming the unique landscape image of the republic. Around big islands, abounding in white sandy beaches, numerous coral reefs and small islands sprawl, elegantly complementing the unique seascapes. Today, Cuba is ruled by the national Communist Party, and executive power is concentrated in the hands of the head of state, who simultaneously performs the functions of general secretary, and the chairman of the Council of Ministers. The main export commodities are sugar and nickel. Traditionally, famous Cuban cigars are in great demand in the West.

The general standard of living of the population in the state is quite low, although, as in many other countries of South and Central America, there is a large difference in income between the elite and ordinary citizens. Health care and infrastructure are poorly developed, which is seriously affected by the US embargo against the republic. On the other hand, serious attention is paid to education on the island, the level of which is considered one of the highest in Latin America. The main religion in the country is Catholicism. The ethnic composition is extremely diverse. Representatives of almost all continents live in Cuba. The overall percentage of the white population is just over 60%. One of the main factors of dissatisfaction of many islanders in relation to the current government is the fact that for local residents who want to leave their homeland, a special permit is required, which is not so easy to obtain. Since the country has a communist system, many elements of everyday life and features of the state structure here are similar to Soviet models of the second half of the last century, including free milk and the sale of products on cards.

general information

The territory of Cuba is almost 111 thousand square meters. km, with a population of about 11 million people. State language is Spanish, but some residents, especially in resort areas, are fluent in English. The national currency is pesos (CUP), convertible pesos (CUC) are used for settlements with foreigners. 100 CUC = $CUP:USD:100:2. Euros are also accepted, but American dollars, to put it mildly, are not popular. Local time is 7 hours behind Moscow time in summer and 8 hours in winter. The time zone is UTC−4 in summer and UTC−5 in winter. Mains voltage 110 V at a frequency of 60 Hz, A, B. Telephone country code +53. Internet

A brief excursion into history

For Europeans, Cuba was discovered by the famous Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus in the fall of 1492. The colonization of the island proceeded in parallel with the regular opposition of the local population, represented by the Taino Indians. In the second half of the 19th century, a large-scale war for the independence of Cuba began, which lasted for 10 years, and in 1898 Spain was defeated by the US army during the Spanish-American confrontation, after which American influence spread here. At the beginning of the 20th century, the country gained the long-awaited independence, which later turned first into the dictatorial regime of Gerardo Machado y Morales, and then Fulgencio Batista. In the summer of 1953, the Cuban Revolution broke out, one of the main organizers of which was the country's future prime minister, Fidel Castro. It ended 6 years later with the establishment of the communist regime. Soon followed agrarian reforms and broad social transformations. Dissatisfied new policy exiled to the United States without the right to return to their homeland. As in the USSR, harsh sanctions were applied to "enemies of the people." With the coming to power of Fidel's brother, Raul Castro, in 2008, the Cuban people gained more freedom, although in general state system didn't change much.


The island is dominated by a tropical trade wind climate, and the average annual air temperature ranges from +25 to +28 degrees. From May to September, the rainy season reigns in Cuba, which is characterized by prolonged tropical downpours. From October to April, clear sunny days predominate with high humidity. On the coast, the heat is much easier to carry than in the interior of the island, due to light winds blowing from the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. best time to visit Cuba is considered the period from November to April.

Visa and customs regulations

To travel to the Island of Freedom, a visa is not required for citizens of Russia, but it is necessary for citizens of Ukraine. Customs regulations include some restrictions regarding the export of cultural property, sea shells, any antiquities or precious metals from the country. When buying goods from crocodile skin, you should acquire a license from the seller, in order to avoid the seizure of the product during customs inspection at the border. Interestingly, no more than 50 Cuban cigars can be exported to Russia, but in this case, the Russian customs already acts as a restrictor of the freedom of import.

How to get there

In the role of the most popular and visited resorts of the Island of Freedom are, and. The most popular of them is Varadero. There is always noisy, bright and fun. Gorgeous sandy beaches, framed by evergreen palm trees, create a relaxed atmosphere, and numerous hotels, shops, restaurants and entertainment venues make your stay as comfortable and varied as possible. Holguin and Santa Maria del Mar are not so crowded and are more suitable exclusively for a beach pastime. In general, the tourist centers of Cuba enjoy great attention among tourists. All beaches are municipal, equipped with appropriate attributes and there is practically no local population on them. Hotels mainly operate on an all-inclusive basis and are located on the first coastline.

For travel lovers, Cuba is wonderful world with beautiful nature and architecture, rich in history, traditions and culture. An additional positive in the unique romantic atmosphere of the island is the friendliness of the locals and bright Sun rays reflected in the emerald waters of the Caribbean Sea.


A popular tourist destination in Cuba is Varadero, where expensive 4-5 * hotels with good areas and infrastructure are located, there are also more economical 3 * hotels in the resort, but do not be surprised if you see huge cockroaches there. If you want to really feel Cuba, it is best to stay in a private house Casa Particular, it is much cheaper than a hotel and the local color is provided. In general, in Cuba, in every city and village there are good city hotels with their own charm.


Widespread in Cuba, Creole cuisine includes an abundance of different national culinary products, including dishes of pork, chicken and vegetables seasoned with an impressive amount of spices. Dishes of crocodile or turtle meat, as well as turtle eggs, serve as delicacies. True gourmets should definitely try such national drinks as mojito, cuba libre or daiquiri. Restaurants and cafes are represented in the resorts and in the capital Havana, while in the provincial areas, there are only catering establishments and small eateries.


In shops, souvenir shops and markets there are numerous souvenirs made of crocodile skin, tortoise shell and black corals. Tourists often buy Cuban cigars, coffee and rum, as well as T-shirts, dishes and other products, with images of the leaders of the national liberation movement, Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara, printed on them.

Precautionary measures

Cuba is a safe country, you can safely walk the streets at night. The police are efficient and competent. The only thing is to always check the change that you are given when paying for services, in stores, etc., such cases are not uncommon. Women are advised to adhere to more restrained rules in clothing so as not to attract excessive attention from men.

Free economic zones were created. In 1997, there were already three FEZs operating in the country (Mariel, Wahai and the city of Havana).

Cuba exports, bringing income to the budget of its country, tobacco, seafood, sugar, nickel, medical products, coffee, citrus fruits.

Cuba's export partners are China, Canada, Spain, and the Netherlands. China has invested $500 million in the Cuban nickel industry, Brazil - the same amount in the development of Cuban hydrocarbon deposits, in the construction of a plant for the production of technical oils. A large nickel ore mining plant has been built in the province of Holguin.

The country today imports food, oil products, industrial equipment, chemical products. Its import business partners are Venezuela, China, Spain. Particularly tight and productive ties in terms of the Petrocaribe oil program with Venezuela. The trade turnover between the states annually reaches about 10 billion dollars.

Since 1962, the country has introduced a card system for the distribution of products. The "black market" thrives, as card products are issued irregularly here.

Cuba has a developed system of free public services: health care, higher, secondary education.

Since October 2010, the list of species has increased in the country entrepreneurial activity permitted by the government. In 2016, private small and medium-sized businesses were legalized.

Cuban branches of government

Cuba is a socialist republic of a parliamentary type. Most of the deputies in parliament still represent the Communist Party of Cuba.

The head of state is the Chairman of the State Council (he is also the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba), which exercises executive power in the country. The chairman of the Council of Ministers, who is also the second secretary of the Central Committee, helps him.

The government of the Cuban state consists of two branches: the Council of Ministers and the Council of State. The ministry has 31 ministers.

The highest authority on Liberty Island is the National Assembly of People's Power, i.e. parliament of the republic. It includes 609 deputies who are elected for 5 years. She was entrusted with the formation of the government, the appointment of the head of the state council. The duties of the Assembly also include the election of the People's Supreme Court. The provincial courts are elected by the provincial assemblies of people's power, and the municipal courts by the municipal assemblies.

The Republic of Cuba is divided administratively into 16 provinces, which are respectively divided into 169 municipalities. Only one municipality, Huventud, is accountable to the central authorities, the rest are subordinate to local administrative structures.

Cuba's participation in international organizations

AT last years, changing course to political sphere, being clamped economic sanctions, Cuba became active in influential international organizations.

The Republic is a member of the World trade organization, takes an active part in international agreements: the Paris Convention, the New York Convention on International Arbitration, the Madrid Protocol. Cuba is a member of the International Organization of ACP States. For decades, Cuba has been participating in social programs on the international level.

57 Cuban specialists work in 101 countries, of which 70% are health workers. One of the Cuban programs "Operation Miracle" provides affordable medical care in 16 countries to poor, seriously ill people. In 28 states Latin America the program "Yes, I can", aimed at combating illiteracy.

Whatever direction Cuba goes, the beauty of its natural landscape, the originality of culture and the attractiveness of the Cuban mentality will remain unchanged.

Picturesque coastlines, tropical climate, exotic flora and fauna, as well as retro cars driving around the city streets - all this is fabulous Cuba. It is not surprising that this place attracts tourists so much. By the way, Cuba has a second name (though unofficial) - since 1959 the country has proudly called itself the Island of Freedom.

What language is spoken in Cuba? The question is really interesting, because before colonization, the island was inhabited by tribes of Indians. Let's look at this point in more detail.

A little about the population of Cuba

Before the Spaniards began to colonize the island, the tribes of Siboney, Arawak Indians, Guanahanabeys, as well as settlers from Haiti lived here. Those languages ​​that were then spoken in Cuba have long been considered dead. They had no (or minimal) impact on the language spoken in Cuba today.

Spaniards exterminated most Indian tribes. They began to bring slaves from Africa to Cuba, and in considerable quantities - more than a million people were transported over three and a half hundred years.

Galicians, Castilians, Navarrese, Catalans also began to arrive from Spain. In addition to them, the French, Germans, Italians and British moved to the island.

In the middle of the 19th century, Chinese began to be imported into Cuba. In subsequent years, more than 125,000 people were moved here.

also in late XIX At the beginning of the 20th century, the population of the Canary Islands actively emigrated to Cuba.

At the beginning of the 20th century, many Americans also moved to the island, who created colonies on the island of Pinos.

During the First and Second World Wars, more and more new immigrants appeared in Cuba, primarily Jews moved here.

You can imagine how diverse the population of the island has become! More than 11 million people now live here, and the data on the racial composition of the country is very ambiguous, so the question of what languages ​​are currently spoken in Cuba becomes even more interesting.

Official language of Cuba

What language is spoken by absolutely everyone in Cuba? Spanish is the official language here. But, of course, it is different from European Spanish. Big influence rendered dialects of African slaves imported to the island centuries ago. Also contributed to the language that is now spoken in Cuba, many other immigrants from different countries. The result was a Cuban dialect (also called Cuban Spanish) - Español cubano.

What is interesting about the Cuban dialect?

I must say that most of all Español cubano is similar to the Canarian dialect. This is due to the fact that in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, residents of the Canary Islands moved to Cuba, which influenced the language variant that is now spoken in Cuba.

In the Cuban variety Spanish there are some nuances of pronunciation that at first may seem unusual to those who speak classical Spanish.

Second person pronouns in plural does not apply here - Cubans only speak "you" with everyone, although in fairness it should be noted that in the east of the island there is also an appeal to "you". The dialect of the eastern part of Cuba is closer to the variant of the Spanish language of the Dominican Republic.

In Cuba, it contains words that are unique to the Cuban dialect. They are usually called "cubanisms". Again, many Cubanisms are associated with the vocabulary of the Canarian dialect.

In addition, in the Cuban variety of Spanish, there are borrowings from English, French and Russian. The political situation in Cuba contributed to the emergence of the words compañero/compañera, which translates as "comrade". Here the word is used instead of señor/señora ("master"/"mistress").

What other languages ​​are spoken in Cuba?

What language is spoken in Cuba besides Spanish? A small number of the inhabitants of the Island of Freedom speak Russian - this is the same generation that studied in the Soviet Union. Many of them remember Russian quite well.

Some of the Cubans also know English and French. Knowing English, of course, helps them in the tourism business.

Having learned what language is in Cuba, they sit down at Spanish textbooks and try to learn at least basic phrases and expressions. Indeed, almost the entire population of Cuba does not speak other than Cuban-Spanish, no other language.

It is possible that during your trip you will come across a Cuban who knows Russian, but it will be a person who studied in the Soviet Union, and there are very few such people.

There is another category of Cubans who speak English - these are the so-called friends. These are young Cubans who are trying to make money on foreigners and pester them on the streets. They always begin their appeal to a tourist with the phrase: “My Friend”. Hence the name of these "friends" white man. Friends themselves understand that not knowing of English language, they will not be able to earn anything in Cuba, so they teach him intensively. They make money on tourists by offering to find accommodation, a girl, cheap cigars, a restaurant and coke. They will walk with you all day and you will have to support them, i.e. buy them food and drinks if you went to a bar with them.

When you ask Cubans what language they learned in school in Cuba, the most common answer is English. Although in practice it turns out that they do not even understand basic words such as "Hello", "Yes" and "No". It is impossible to explain this phenomenon.

So what language is spoken in Cuba, and what should tourists who do not know Spanish do? The answer is simple, you need to learn Spanish and learn it seriously, because with local population you will not agree on the fingers. They do not understand sign language, unlike Asians.

If you are flying through a travel agency, you will most likely arrive in Varadero, where you will probably not need Spanish if you do not leave the hotel into the city. If you go on excursions with a Russian-speaking guide, then you will not need Spanish either. But if you are an independent traveler, then before the trip, go to Spanish courses. And remember that Cuban pronunciation of words is different from Spanish.

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