Icing for Easter cake - simple recipes for decorating pastries. Icing for Easter cake - technology for the preparation of sugar, protein, chocolate, gelatin glaze that does not crumble

Decor elements 17.10.2019
Decor elements

Hello dear readers! Getting closer to us Holy holiday Easter. Today we'll talk about various recipes icing for Easter cakes, how to cook it correctly, what secrets and subtleties exist. Glaze is responsible for the aesthetic design of a delicacy - a traditional rich cake. Festive pastries for Easter should not only be tasty, but also varied and beautiful. Sweet "fondant" is inexpensive and easy to prepare. Modern housewives cooking gives you the opportunity to fantasize with the taste and color of an appetizing decoration, not limited to simple classic protein glaze.

Secrets of cooking icing for Easter cakes

  • The basis of most recipes is powdered sugar. The best way- grind sugar yourself with a coffee grinder to make the product crumbly. The powder should be very fine and well sifted. With further use, it will not stray into lumps;
  • The icing fits perfectly on pastries, does not drain and sets well if its correct consistency is observed - approximately like sour cream of perfect uniformity. Add a little to the thick mixture. hot water or milk, and in liquid - a little more powdered sugar;
  • The classic snow-white glaze is turned into a colored one with the help of natural coloring matter: turmeric mixed with a piece of butter, juice of carrots, beets, blueberries, spinach or jam. This is a great substitute for store-bought food coloring;
  • As a decoration on top of the watering, they use: confectionery powder, nuts, coconut flakes, dried fruits, candied fruits, grated chocolate, marmalade, various figures;
  • When used in the recipe of egg whites, the consistency is dense and soft. For safety reasons (although there is little mention of this in practice), ready-made pastries with protein glaze are dried in the oven. 80 degrees is enough to kill salmonella bacteria;
  • The finished glaze is applied immediately to the cooled cakes. If it stands in the container for a while, the layer will turn out to be uneven and uneven;
  • To make glaze, water is often replaced with lemon juice. This gives very sweet pastries an interesting contrasting taste. Or add a few drops for flavor;
  • Aerated chocolate is not used in recipes. The mass is heterogeneous, with lumps. To make the color of the glaze more saturated, chocolate is combined with cocoa;
  • If there is a sufficient amount of glaze, the Easter cakes are dipped with a head into the mass, or applied to the baking surface with a silicone brush. If you smear the top of the muffin with a small layer of jam, before applying the protein glaze, the layer will lie flat, fix well and shine.

Icing recipes for Easter cakes. Classic protein glaze

Protein gives the mass ductility and plasticity. The “hat” on the Easter cake turns out to be dense and shiny.

You will need: fine sugar (1 cup), proteins (2 pcs.), Salt (a pinch).


  • Well-chilled proteins are whipped together with salt until a thick foam appears. First, the mixer is turned on at a low speed and gradually increased;
  • Continuing the process of whipping, pour sugar in small portions;
  • When the crystals are completely dissolved, the mass is ready.

Glaze on gelatin

The advantage of this decoration is the absence of stickiness and crumbling when cutting the cake. The layer is smooth, snow-white and uniform.

You will need: sugar (100 g), water (3 tablespoons), gelatin (0.5 tsp).


  • 1 st. l. hot water (70–80 degrees) dilute gelatin. After stirring, it becomes transparent;
  • Separately combine sugar and 2 tbsp. l. water, put on fire. The mixture must be brought to a boil so that the crystals are completely dissolved. The contents must be constantly stirred;
  • Next, add gelatin, stir and turn off the fire;
  • A slightly chilled mass is whipped with a mixer into a snow-white strong foam and immediately applied to Easter cakes.

Chocolate glaze

You will need: dark chocolate (90 g), sugar, orange juice and butter (3 tablespoons each).


  • All ingredients are mixed in a small saucepan. Warm up on the smallest fire, stirring the mixture all the time;
  • When the consistency becomes thick and homogeneous, the glaze is ready;
  • After 5 minutes, the already chilled mass can be applied to Easter cakes.

Chocolate egg glaze

You will need: proteins (2 pcs.), Powdered sugar (1 cup), cocoa powder (2 tsp), lemon juice(1 tsp), vanilla sugar (1 tsp).


  • In a deep bowl, combine cocoa powder, powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and put the container in hot water;
  • Then add proteins, lemon juice and grind the mass until smooth.

Chocolate glaze with condensed milk

You will need: condensed milk (4 tablespoons), milk or black chocolate (100 g), butter (4 tablespoons).


  • Melt chocolate broken into pieces in a water bath and add butter. Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed;
  • Chocolate bar can be replaced with cocoa. In this case, first melt the butter and pour 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • Condensed milk is added, removed from the water bath and transferred to the fire;
  • The mixture is turned off as soon as the first bubbles appear - the decoration is ready.

Creamy glaze

The product comes out soft both in texture and taste.

You will need: heavy cream (50 g), flour (50 g), sugar (50 g), corn starch (20 g).


  • Starch is diluted with a small amount of liquid and combined with warmed cream. The mass is heated over low heat for a minute;
  • Next, dissolve the flour and sugar in the cream, beat a little. Flour makes the mass snow-white, glossy and homogeneous;
  • You can diversify the protein-cream glaze to your liking - lemon, cranberry, strawberry or any fruit juice.

vanilla icing

You will need: powdered sugar (150 g), protein (1 pc.), Lemon juice (1 tbsp. L), salt (a pinch), vanillin - to taste.


  • The cooled protein is whipped together with salt into a strong foam. Salt improves the whipping process. The tip of the foam, when it is pulled up, should remain vertical;
  • Gradually add vanilla and powdered sugar, beat well;
  • Lemon juice is added little by little to a very dense foam and beat for another 10 seconds.

marshmallow icing

You will need: powdered sugar (300 g), white marshmallow (200 g), lemon juice (2 tablespoons), butter (1 tablespoon), food coloring - optional.


  • To soften the marshmallow, it is sent to the microwave;
  • Then pour over lemon juice, add powdered sugar and softened butter. Grind until smooth;
  • Food coloring is used if desired.

Butterscotch glaze

You will need: hard toffee (200 g), milk (1/4 cup), butter (40 g), powdered sugar (1–2 tbsp. L).


  • Warm up milk and butter;
  • Add powdered sugar and toffee. The mass is boiled, stirring constantly, until the sweets are completely dissolved;
  • Apply a sweet decoration on Easter cakes in several layers.

coffee glaze

Method 1

You will need: sugar (250 g), natural strong black coffee (100 g).


  • Put a drink with sugar on a small fire and stand until the crystals are completely dissolved;
  • Then cool slightly and beat with a mixer until the mixture thickens.

Method 2

You will need: strong coffee (3 tablespoons), butter (50 g), powdered sugar (2 cups), vanilla sugar (2 teaspoons) or vanilla extract (1 teaspoons).


  • Powdered sugar is whipped with coffee;
  • Add vanilla and softened butter, knead until smooth.

fruit glaze

You will need: powdered sugar (0.5 cups), protein (1 pc.), Berry juice (5 tbsp. L).


  • Powdered sugar and chilled protein are whipped to a thick foam;
  • Next, add the juice for coloring and mix well. Currant, cherry or strawberry give a good color shade.

Custard glaze

It is glossy and very soft. It does not freeze completely on the cake.

You will need: boiled water(150–200 g), granulated sugar (180 g), vanilla sugar (1 tsp), salt (a pinch), proteins (2 pcs.), Lemon juice (2 tbsp. L).


  • Combine sugar, water, lemon juice and send to a small fire;
  • The mass is boiled until a thick syrup is formed;
  • Chilled proteins with salt are knocked down into a strong foam;
  • Further, without stopping the whipping process, pour in the hot syrup and add vanilla sugar;
  • The resulting mixture is heated to a maximum of 60 degrees, not forgetting to constantly stir with a wooden spatula.

lemon glaze

You will need: powdered sugar (1 cup), protein (1 pc.), Lemon juice (a few drops), lemon zest, yellow food coloring.


  • Whip egg whites and powdered sugar to a glossy thick foam;
  • Next add lemon zest and juice. Beat thoroughly with a mixer;
  • At the last stage, food coloring is introduced and mixed well.

Sugar icing without eggs

You will need: milk (4 tablespoons), sugar (1 cup).


  • warm up in a saucepan;
  • Grind sugar in a coffee grinder and add to the liquid;
  • Boil over low heat until it thickens.

Do you, dear readers, have your favorite icing recipe for Easter cakes, what recipe do you usually cook according to?

Last year for Easter, we learned how to decorate Easter cake, and now let's tell you how to make icing for Easter cake.

Before, when I was little, we just sprinkled the pastries with powdered sugar through a strainer, and it turned out very tasty and elegant. Still sometimes the grandmother whipped egg whites with sugar and smeared the tops of Easter cakes with the resulting meringue. And then there were so many colorful, interesting confectionery toppings for decoration that we began to prepare icing every time in order to sprinkle the pastries with decorative beautiful toppings.

You can prepare the icing for Easter cakes by different recipes. I usually make white frosting. But in the winter I learned another recipe for icing for baking - lemon-sugar. I will share with you both recipes, and you choose which one you like best.

Update! A new publication has appeared on the site on how to make colored Easter icing: pink, lilac and other shades.

Protein glaze "from a bag" for Easter cake

The method is good because the icing is prepared simply, it turns out a lot of it - for a dozen Easter cakes. But raw egg white is used - that is, the egg must be fresh and of high quality; and then, the protein glaze dries for a long time.

This is the most popular way, perhaps because the glaze in bags is almost ready - it is enough to beat it with a mixer with 1 egg white. This is exactly where one of those proteins that remain after preparing the dough comes in handy (only yolks are needed in the dough, however, a whole dozen).


  • 1 egg white;
  • 1 sachet of frosting.

How to prepare protein glaze for Easter cake:

Put the egg white in a deep bowl and beat with a mixer until fluffy, then pour the contents of the bag into the same place and continue to beat for 3-5 minutes until the icing becomes thick and white. I beat according to the principle of "biscuit dough": starting at low speed and gradually moving to high speed. In the process of whipping, you can take a break for a couple of minutes so that the mixer does not overheat.

Having prepared the icing, we immediately grease the tops of the Easter cakes with it so that it does not dry out, but we do not sprinkle it with sprinkles immediately, but after waiting 3-4 minutes: the sprinkle spreads on fresh icing.

Homemade protein icing for Easter cake

If you are not a fan of shopping bags, then you can cook and home version protein glaze. The composition will be approximately the same, only you add all the ingredients yourself:

  • 1 egg white;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar (or sugar);

You can add a pinch of citric acid or 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

The principle is the same - beat egg white with sugar or powder until fluffy, thick mass.
You can not sprinkle the Easter cakes with sprinkles, but, after waiting until the icing hardens, paint with sugar pencils.

Or just put it in the oven and dry it a little, brown it - elegant white “caps” of icing also look very festive, like white foam of color on spring trees!

Easter icing sugar

I like this recipe because it does not use raw eggs, which means that icing can be safely offered to children.
I use this frosting for icing cookies and cupcakes.
You can make lemon icing or orange icing.

Lemon Glaze Ingredients:

  • 100 g of powdered sugar;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of lemon (or orange) juice.

From this amount, not very much glaze is obtained, for 3-4 Easter cakes. Therefore, if you bake a lot, increase the amount of ingredients.

How to make sugar lemon icing for Easter cake:

The method of preparation is simple: pour powdered sugar into a deep plate, and, gradually adding juice, rub with a spoon. We look at the consistency: the icing is needed not liquid, but not too thick. Lemon glaze is obtained with a slight sourness and is especially well combined with sweet pastry.

It is better to decorate Easter cakes with icing on the eve of the holiday, so that it has time to dry overnight, and you can put Easter cakes in an Easter basket.

Happy Easter to you!

Icing for Easter cake- it required component Easter baking. He makes her beautiful and attractive. It takes a little time to prepare, so you can experiment with different options. The composition can include coffee, berry and lemon juice, cocoa, food coloring, spices. Properly prepared glaze should be viscous and thick.

How to make icing for cake: some important rules

1. Glaze should be of medium thickness, approximately like sour cream. Only in this case it will be convenient to apply it to the surface of the product. It will grab well and will not drain. If the ingredients are too runny even though you followed the recipe, add some powdered sugar. And if the consistency is very thick - add a small spoonful of hot water.
2. If you do not have powder, then you can make it yourself. To do this, granulated sugar is placed in a coffee grinder and carefully ground until a white smoke appears. After grinding, sift the product through a strainer.
3. Lemon juice is often used to make glaze. Only a few drops are added for flavor. For sweet pastries you can add more juice to achieve an interesting and contrasting taste.
4. If you want to get a product with a dense and soft consistency, use eggs. Glazed pastries are additionally dried in the oven.
5. Use of dyes. Dyes are added to obtain bright, beautiful color. It is not necessary to buy store-bought ones, you can use natural ones. For example, to get a raspberry color, add to the recipe raspberry jam, and for orange - a slice of butter and a pinch of turmeric.
6. Stop using porous chocolate. It is better to use coffee or cocoa.

Do also. The technique allows you to cook pastries quickly and without hassle.

Icing for Easter cake: how to apply

The method of applying the glaze depends on its density. For application, it is convenient to use a pastry bag. With its help, one obtains beautiful patterns. Sugar fudge can be applied with a pastry brush. Another option that housewives use is a wide container into which products are lowered. To make the fondant lie evenly, first cover the surface with jam. Be sure to apply the product in small portions and spread with a spoon. Additionally, decorate Easter pastries with confectionery sprinkles, dried fruits, nuts, colored marmalade, multi-colored dragees, candied fruits and other goodies.

Icing for Easter cake: recipe

To prepare this simple fudge, you will need 4.2 tbsp. spoons of water and 1.25 tbsp. powdered sugar. Sift the last component through a sieve, pour into a saucepan, enter warm water. Warm the fondant, stir until the temperature reaches 45 degrees. If the consistency is too thick, add a little more water. Color with food coloring until you get any color.

Easter cake icing: recipe

Based on the powder, lemon fudge is also made. To do this, take 3-4 tsp. lemon juice. In a bowl, add powdered sugar, a little lemon juice, quickly mix in a circular motion. A fluid and thick mass should form.

White icing for cake

Beat the chicken squirrels until a strong foam forms. Gradually introduce a glass of powdered sugar (sift it through a fine strainer in advance). Beat until a strong protein mass is formed. To make the mass elastic, be sure to add lemon juice while whipping. Immediately grease the top of the cake so that the fondant does not have time to dry. Decorate with candy sprinkles. You can also try another option. Chicken protein is not interrupted, but pounded with the addition of sugar. Such a mass is interfered with for 40 minutes, until the protein acquires White color. Sugar must necessarily dissolve, and the resulting mass must not drain from a spoon.

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Icing for Easter cake: recipe with photo

Melt 66 g of butter in a frying pan or in a container. Pour in the juice of one lemon, add a glass of powder and 3 tbsp. cocoa spoons. Mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula. The same version of fondant can be prepared in another way. 1 st. sift the powder and combine in a container with a small spoonful of vanilla and 1.5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa. Pour water into a bowl, heat it, combine with a dessert spoon of citrus juice and egg white, heat well until smooth. Some housewives use real chocolate for cooking, which is stirred with a beautiful glossy sheen. Break the chocolate bar, put in a saucepan, pour 20 ml of water. Melt the chocolate until it melts. Dilute 55 g of butter, stirring it with a spoon, add to the chocolate. Cover the surface with chocolate icing in 2 layers.

It goes great with chocolate and cocoa. To prepare this glaze option, mix a chocolate bar, 55 g butter, 246 g powdered sugar, a tablespoon of starch and 90 ml milk, 3.1 tbsp. cocoa spoons. Pour milk with powder into a saucepan, stir over low heat. Throw broken chocolate bar, buttercream. As soon as the chocolate bar is melted, add starch and cocoa, mix well. Stir, cool slightly, spoon over the cake.

How to make icing for cake

Beat the egg white with 145 g of powdered sugar until a thick and fluffy mass is obtained. Enter a pinch of citric acid or a large spoonful of lemon juice. Sprinkle the cakes with sprinkles and wait for the glaze to harden.

lemon glaze

Pour the powder into a plate, gradually add the juice, rub with a spoon. Look at the consistency, you need a medium consistency fudge.

Dye Recipe

Sift 500 g of granulated sugar into a saucepan, pour in 6 tbsp. spoons of water, turn on the fire. Heat the mixture until it is warm. At this time, stir it with a wooden spoon. Pour half of the syrup onto the Easter cake, trim with a knife, holding it first in hot water. Pour the rest of the mass into 3 small cups and mix with multi-colored dyes.

pistachio glaze

Required products:

Sugar - 90 g
- fragrant pink water - ? Art. spoons
- peeled pistachios - 50 g
- a few crystals of citric acid
- a handful of green spinach

Cooking steps:

Peel pistachios, crush, mix with granulated sugar, citric acid and fragrant water. Sort the spinach, cut off the roots, wash, dip in boiling water and boil with the lid closed. This will keep the green color. Drain the water, squeeze the spinach well, rub through a sieve with a thick mesh. Mix the resulting puree with other glaze products.

Write in your cookbook and.

Chocolate leaves for decoration

Chop dark chocolate with a knife, melt in a water bath. Select a few leaves of a non-poisonous plant, wipe them with paper towels, apply chocolate with a brush. Once it becomes firm, remove the leaves. Decorate the finished cakes with chocolate leaves.

saffron glaze


A few drops of saffron
- vanilla sugar
- lemon peel
- sugar - 90 g
- rum -? Art. spoons

Combine all components, knead well and rub thoroughly.

Easter icing allows you to diversify pastries, make them beautiful and original. For cooking, you can use both familiar and not very ordinary products. For example, pistachios, saffron, rum, spinach, etc. The kids love the protein and chocolate fudge. The last option is prepared using chocolate, coffee or cocoa. To obtain bright and colorful fondants, food colors are used: yellow, red, green, blue, etc. Be sure to try several options and see how beautiful your pastries will be.

When Easter cakes are ready, think about decoration options, so that pastries will not only be tasty, but also beautiful. One of the most popular types of decoration is cake icing, which is made from proteins and sugar. But if you diversify the ingredients, you can make icing for Easter cake with chocolate, gelatin and lemon juice.

Chocolate glaze with cream

The icing for Easter cake prepared according to this recipe is glossy after hardening and is prepared without an egg. Chocolate is better to take with 70% cocoa.

Glaze is ready for 30 minutes. Only 800 kcal.


  • two l.h. powdered sugar;
  • 120 g of chocolate;
  • 50 ml. cream;
  • 30 gr. drain. oils;
  • 50 ml. water.


  1. Break the chocolate into cubes, put in a bowl and melt in a steam bath.
  2. When the chocolate starts to melt, add a little water and stir.
  3. Pour in the powder and continue to hold the bowl over the steam.
  4. Pour in the cream and stir.
  5. Place butter in bowl with chocolate. When it melts, the glaze is ready.

Before decorating Easter cake, glaze for Easter cake should cool down a bit. The first layer of glaze should be thin.

Icing sugar with gelatin

The sugar icing for Easter cake does not crumble when cutting pastries, because it is prepared with gelatin and turns out to be viscous and homogeneous. You can add dyes to it.

Calorie content - 700 kcal. It will take an hour to prepare the glaze.


  • one tsp gelatin;
  • half stack. water + 2 tsp;
  • stack Sahara.


  1. Pour gelatin in a bowl with two tablespoons of water, leave to swell for 30 minutes.
  2. Pour sugar with water and put on a small fire, stirring until dissolved.
  3. When the syrup becomes transparent and resembles liquid honey in consistency, add gelatin and beat with a mixer until white.
  4. Decorate Easter cakes with finished and slightly cooled icing and put them in the oven for 5 minutes at 180 degrees so that the icing becomes elastic. It is important to pull out the Easter cakes exactly after 5 minutes, so that the icing does not darken and crumble.


  • a pinch of salt;
  • two proteins;
  • stack Sahara.


  1. Put the whites in the refrigerator for a while: they must be chilled before whipping.
  2. Add salt to the chilled proteins and beat with a mixer, increasing the speed to get a thick foam.
  3. Continue beating and gradually add the sugar to dissolve.
  4. When finished, cover the cooled cakes in two layers with icing.

The icing of Easter cakes must be left to harden at room temperature.

White chocolate icing

White icing from Easter cake can be made from white chocolate, which will look festive.


  • chocolate bar;
  • two tbsp. milk;
  • 175 g of powdered sugar.


  1. Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt in a water bath.
  2. Mix a spoonful of milk with powder and pour into chocolate.
  3. Stir the icing until you get a homogeneous thick mass.
  4. Pour in the rest of the milk and beat the glaze with a mixer.

Decorate the cake with icing while it is warm. You can also sprinkle powder and decorations, coconut or nuts on it. Calorie glaze approximately 1080 kcal. Glaze is ready for 30 minutes.

Chocolate glaze with starch

Chocolate icing for Easter cake with the addition of starch does not thicken quickly and can be applied to cooled and hot pastries.


  • spoon st. starch;
  • three st. l. cocoa;
  • three tbsp. potato starch;
  • three tbsp. water.

Cooking steps:

  1. Sift the powder and mix with starch and cocoa.
  2. Pour in cold water and stir the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Cover the cakes with the finished icing.

It will take quite a bit of time to prepare the glaze - about 15-20 minutes. Calorie content - 1000 kcal.

How to make icing for cake. Types of glaze for Easter cake. How to make protein, sugar, icing with gelatin, as well as white icing.


Easter is the brightest, most joyful and long-awaited holiday. It is customary to prepare for this day in advance: housewives clean up their homes for a month, clean, wash, polish everything to a shine, buy food, look for interesting recipes cooking cakes. Generally about decoration finished baking they remember later when they take the cakes out of the oven. This time everything will be different, because we have specially selected for you an interesting selection of how to make icing for Easter cake.

Making real fudge is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Compared with the preparation of the dough and the baking process, then of course, not much time is spent on preparing the mass. But still, you will have to prepare the necessary ingredients in advance and try to make the fudge a success.

Each housewife has her own glaze recipes, and our task is to teach you how to make the perfect glaze.

  • the consistency of the protein glaze should be certain: the mass should not be thick, but also quite liquid. Just the most suitable option- This is an ornament that resembles thick sour cream in consistency. This density is ideal for ready-made baking: it lays down evenly, sets quickly, and also holds perfectly;
  • if everything was done correctly, but the icing turned out to be watery, then you should not throw it away: you need to add a tablespoon of powdered sugar to the mass, mix well. If it turned out the other way around, the mass is thick and dense, then you can dilute it with boiled water or warm milk (the amount is a tablespoon);
  • if you want to quickly prepare the desired product, then use powdered sugar instead of sugar;
  • add dyes? If you want to diversify the tops of Easter cakes, then it is allowed to mix food dyes into the finished mass. But it's better to use natural dyes: it is turmeric, jam, juices;
  • if you are making a protein mass, then it is easier to dry it in a warm oven;
  • if you want the icing to lie evenly, then first you need to grease the cake with a thin layer of jam or marmalade, and then apply the icing. It will be perfectly smooth and shiny;
  • if you want to do chocolate icing, then use ordinary chocolate, you should not take porous chocolate, since the mass will turn out to be heterogeneous;
  • adding cocoa powder to the glaze, you can get a beautiful rich shade;
  • if the glaze turned out to be liquid and there is nothing to add as a thickener, then you need to apply such a mass with a brush in a thin layer. You will have to wait until the first layer dries, then you can apply the next one and so on.

Icing for cookies. Photo:

Types of glaze for Easter cake

There are many interesting and a variety of recipes, including the preparation of glaze for Easter baking.

  • protein - the most popular and beloved by many hostesses. Since egg white is present in the composition, it turns out to be plastic and viscous, and when it hardens, a hard crust forms on the surface. If you add food coloring to the finished mass, you can make royal fudge (the composition includes protein, powdered sugar, lemon juice). The mass must be placed in pastry bag, and then draw patterns right on the Easter cakes. Such a spread does not crumble;
  • sugar: based on sugar, water (not always), as well as lemon juice. If you prepare such a glaze according to the recipe, then the mass will turn out to be thick, hardens well, the surface is matte;
  • glaze with milk or milk: the basis of the recipe is milk, powdered sugar and butter. Optionally, dyes, cocoa are added. The glaze is soft. To get a dense mass, you will have to add sugar and boil the mass over low heat;
  • chocolate icing is made from a bar of chocolate, butter, cream and powdered sugar. Cream can be replaced with sour cream or milk.

Icing for Easter cake. Best Recipes

Let's start with the most common recipe and learn how to make protein glaze for Easter cake together.

What you need:

  • powdered sugar - 120 g;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 tbsp;
  • egg white - 1 pc.

How the glaze is made:

  1. The protein must be taken chilled, it must be separated from the yolk very carefully so that not even a drop of yolk gets into the protein.
  2. If the egg is not chilled, then the separated protein must be refrigerated.
  3. We will beat the protein with a mixer, only first the shoulder blades need to be thoroughly washed so that they are dry and clean.
  4. Beat the mass at low speeds, as you beat, gradually increase the speed.
  5. It is necessary to beat until a white stable foam is obtained.
  6. Next, without stopping, add a little powdered sugar (be sure to sift through a sieve!), Continue to beat.
  7. Then, almost at the very end, add lemon juice, beat for 10 seconds and gradually reduce the speed of the mixer, we complete the work.

Recipe for white icing for Easter cake

White fondant or icing is very easy to prepare, you need to purchase a bag of white icing from the store and dilute according to the instructions. It turns out such a glaze of pure white color, the consistency is thick, but such a fondant does not always harden. If you apply the glaze immediately in a thick layer, then it will dry and stick for a long time.

Another way to prepare glaze to cover the tops of Easter cakes:

  • prepare sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • boiled chilled water - 3 tablespoons;
  • vinegar 3% - half a teaspoon.

How to make white frosting:

  1. First you need to make 3% vinegar, you just need to dilute ordinary table vinegar with water.
  2. Further, the principle of preparation is as follows: a thick syrup must be boiled from sugar and water. Cook until the drop holds its shape and does not spread on the saucer.
  3. You need to add vinegar to the syrup (by the way, it can be replaced with citric acid), mix, cool the mass in a bowl of cold water.
  4. When the syrup has cooled, you need to beat it for 10 minutes until it thickens and brightens.

How to make icing sugar for cookies

Sugar mass can be made as from ordinary white sugar as well as powdered sugar. Let's consider both options.

Recipe icing sugar for the cake:

  • take 1 glass of sugar;
  • you need half a glass of water;
  • chilled protein - 1 pc.

How to make fondant:

  1. Pour sugar with water, put the container on a slow fire, warm it up. We wait until it boils, then boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Separately, beat the egg white (chilled) until stiff peaks form.
  3. Continuing to beat the protein, we gradually introduce the slightly cooled sugar syrup. It turns out that we brew protein. The result is a beautiful icing.

The second frosting recipe:

  • you will need 1 cup of powdered sugar;
  • warm water - 4 tablespoons;
  • flavoring and food coloring - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix powdered sugar with water, heat over low heat to 40 degrees, stir continuously.
  2. If you see that the mass is thickening, you can dilute it with water, if on the contrary - thicken it with powdered sugar.
  3. As soon as the glaze is cooked, you need to apply it immediately, until it grabs.

How to cook icing with gelatin for Easter cake

Try this recipe for making fudge with gelatin, it is prepared simply from the following ingredients:

  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • water - 6 tablespoons;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp

Cooking fondant for Easter cakes:

  1. We recommend buying instant gelatin to save time. Gelatin should be poured into a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of water (cold), leave for 5 minutes.
  2. When the gelatin blooms, you need to mix it, add water (another 4 tablespoons), put on a slow fire.
  3. When it warms up a little, add a glass of sugar, stir constantly so that the icing does not seize with lumps.
  4. As soon as the gelatin dissolves, the mixture must be removed from the heat and quickly beat with a mixer. It only takes 2 or 3 minutes to beat.
  5. Then the icing must be left on the table to cool, after which you can decorate Easter cakes.

Recipe for icing for Easter cake so that it does not sprinkle

The glaze that does not dry out does not crumble. So you just need to cook a "wet" fudge. She will not crumble.

If this option suits you, then you need to prepare the following:

  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • finely ground powdered sugar - 250 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

How to make fondant:

  1. Separate the protein from the yolk, mix the protein with a fork, without beating!
  2. Powdered sugar should be added to the protein in small portions. It is advisable to use a store-bought product (there is also starch).
  3. Add lemon juice literally drop by drop, continue to knead the mass, adjusting the thickness of the glaze with acid.
  4. The mass can be immediately applied to the top of the Easter cakes, if applied in a thin layer, it will dry out and will not stick or crumble.

Now you know several ways to make icing for decorating Easter cakes.

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