The most expensive coffee. The legendary luwak coffee: a delicacy or a trick for tourists

Decor elements 20.10.2019
Decor elements

Julia Vern 53 300 0

Coffee is a food product that is consumed in the form of a drink. Everywhere coffee is one of the most common and favorite drinks. Every day, each person's morning begins with a cup of hot aromatic coffee, it would even be difficult to imagine the beginning of a new day without it.

Coffee trees are grown in different countries, mainly in the tropical climate zone. These trees belong to the madder family and number about 60 different species.
The grains of this product include a large number of chemicals. The main components are:

  • caffeine, about 1-2%;
  • ester of caffeic and quinic acid - 5-8%;
  • 1% citric acid;
  • 6% carbohydrates;
  • 5% mineral salts.

The production of ordinary coffee differs in different ways of roasting (at different temperatures), adding impurities (which gives this or that taste of the drink), or a variety of coffee tree.
The production of the most expensive varieties of black drink has a slightly different and interesting scheme. These methods of production also influence the cost of a valuable product. So, get acquainted - expensive varieties of coffee and their production.

The most expensive varieties are obtained from animal excrement

The leader among connoisseurs of a prestigious and elite drink is coffee extracted from excrement, Kopi Luwak. The drink under this name is number one in terms of price in the whole world.
Real gourmets characterize it as a drink of real kings. It has a taste of dark chocolate and a delicate aftertaste of caramel, including a little vanilla flavor. Kopi Luwak is truly expensive, a cup of coffee can cost up to $100. Naturally, this is the price in countries far from the place of production.

Kopi Luwak production technology.

Only truly true connoisseurs know how this drink is made. This recipe is quite simple, and it just affects the cost. It is made, or rather obtained, from animal droppings. These animals are Chinese badgers or musangs. They look like the cartoon character Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, only gray in color. These badgers feed on coffee fruits, and they choose the most ripe and largest berries, collecting them both from trees and on the ground.
The ripe berry of the coffee tree has a red color and a large size. Small green grains do not attract these animals, so they only enjoy the ripe product. Badgers can consume up to 1 kg of ripe fruits per day. Eaten, basically, is digested in the body of animals, and only 5% does not have time to be digested, and they go out whole.
Coffee beans, while in the body of an animal, are processed there by gastric juice and civet. After that, the excrement that came out of the animal is collected by a person. Fruits that have not had time to be digested are selected and cleaned. After a long cleaning, they go through a process of drying and cleaning, then again a process of washing and drying. Dried grains are lightly roasted at a certain temperature. The exact recipe for preparation and processing is unknown, its producers keep it a secret.

The grains are washed several times, cleaned and roasted

An interesting fact is that the grains are selected only for six months, the rest of the six months they do not have such a taste. The fact is that the enzyme that gives coffee fruits a unique taste is secreted in animals for six months, and not for the next six months. Therefore, it makes no sense to collect coffee produced by animals at this time. More valued grains from males, as they have a special pleasant aroma.
The collected grains go through a 15-stage sorting stage. And only grains without defects are packed and sold as a whole. The rest are ground and sold crushed. This coffee is produced in southeast Asia - in Indonesia.
In Ethiopia, they tried to develop the same coffee production as in Indonesia. There are also coffee trees and similar animals, which are called viverra (civet). When tasters tried and compared these drinks, the Ethiopian version fell far short of the product from Indonesia in terms of quality.

Chon coffee variety

The second expensive variety is produced in Vietnam and is called Chon. It has a slightly different taste than the product from Indonesia, not worse in any way, just a little bit unusual. This variety is called an analogue of Indonesian coffee. Arabica and Robusta varieties are mainly used, but Catimor and Chari varieties are also less common.

Chon production technology

The main participants in the production of the product from Vietnam are Asian palm citens. They also eat coffee beans and love them very much. The technology is similar to Indonesian producers, grains are also collected from litter, cleaned, washed, fried. At the exit of whole beans from the body of the animal, about 5-7% is also obtained. It is believed that the beans that came out of these animals have medicinal properties. Until recently, people considered palm martens to be pests until they once tried to make a drink from their droppings. Now they have specially made enclosures where they keep these animals and at the same time feed them with coffee beans.
Drying of the beans, not separated from the excrement, is done in the sun, after which each grain is selected, washed and dried again. After that, they move on to the frying process. The temperature at which they are fried is not disclosed by the manufacturers.
The Vietnamese have learned very well how to combine several varieties of a product into one, and the quality does not fall, but only improves. This coffee variety includes the aroma of cocoa, hot chocolate, vanilla, caramel. In general, all the best and necessary to get a divine aftertaste. The cost of this variety ranges from 150 to 250 dollars per kilogram.

Chon variety is produced by Asian palm citens

Chon coffee recipe

There are two popular recipes for making this drink by the Vietnamese themselves.

  1. Condensed milk is poured into the bottom of the cup and a special filter is placed on top. A spoonful of ground grains is poured into the filter, and pressed on top with a press. After that, I pour boiling water into the cup through the filter, and an excellent drink is obtained.
  2. The second way is somewhat unusual. The procedure is the same as in the first case, only a long glass is taken instead of a cup, and ice is used instead of condensed milk. The drink is served cold as refreshing in hot weather.

The Vietnamese themselves consider their drink number one in the world and say that if you try at least one sip, you will never be able to refuse it.

Variety Black Ivory

Another common and expensive drink is Black Ivory. Translated into Russian, it means "Black tusk". The cost of a kilogram of such grains is $ 1,000. It has its own special taste and aroma, somewhat similar to the previous two, but has an original aftertaste.

Black Ivory production

This drink is produced in Thailand. Elephants are the main producers. They are fed with ripe berries of Arabica coffee trees and receive almost finished coffee from feces. The beans that pass through the stomach of an elephant are processed by the stomach acid of this large animal. The acid is able to dissolve the protein of the coffee beans, which leads to the fact that the bitterness disappears from the finished product. Therefore, even the strongest Black Ivory coffee will never be bitter.

The process of digestion of fruits by the stomach of an elephant takes about 30 hours. During this period of time, the grains are saturated with fruity aromas of sugar cane, bananas and everything that the animal is fed with.

To get a kilogram of undeformed grains from the elephant's stomach, he needs to feed 35 kg of ripe berries, while mixing them with other ingredients that are included in the elephant's diet. During eating, most of the grains are simply destroyed, another part is digested by the stomach, and only a small part comes out of the elephant without deformation.
Women take grains from elephant dung, they select whole grains, and then send them to dry. Drying is done in factories in Bangkok. In Thailand, 26 elephants are engaged in the production of black drink.
It is very difficult to buy a product of this brand, since it is sold only in some cities in Thailand.

Black Ivory is made with the help of elephants

Other High Value Coffees

These varieties of dark drink are inferior in price to all of the above, but are not inferior in taste.

  • Coffee Yauco Selecto.
    This type of coffee is obtained in the Caribbean, from Arabica. Coffee trees are grown at an altitude of 100 meters above sea level, it is there that there is an excellent climate for their growth and a rich harvest.
    It is not passed through the organisms of animals, so coffee has a significantly lower cost - $ 50 per kilogram.
  • Starbucks.
    This drink with this name appeared quite recently in 2004. Introduced in Rwanda by Starbucks. This drink has its own distinctive aroma and aftertaste. When drinking this coffee, there is a slight sourness with a different bouquet of spices. The cost of a kilogram of grains is 50-60 dollars.
  • blue mountain.
    This type of coffee is produced in Walenford, Jamaica. A distinctive feature of the variety is the absence of bitterness and mild taste, which is very popular among the population of Japan. This variety is traditionally produced. Prices start at $100 per kilo and up.

Having considered the prices, principles of production and characteristics of the tastes of each expensive coffee, the following can be noted that the most expensive varieties are the Kopi Luwak, Chon and Black Ivory brands. They have the same production principle, but different manufacturers. The production of a product by passing the grains through the stomach of an animal is very labor intensive. Both of these varieties of coffee are popular only among the rich and wealthy segments of the population.

This is the most expensive luwak coffee made from animal droppings. This variety of coffee has useful properties, pleasant aroma and unusual taste, which are due to fluffy animals of the viverrid family. They are called musangs, martens or civet. The real original luwak, or poop coffee, is made in Indonesia, where civets live in the wild. There they feed on fresh ripe coffee fruits, plucking them directly from the branches.

In the process of eating a coffee berry, the luwak animal eats only the pulp, and the grain enters the stomach and intestines as a whole. There it is processed with gastric secretions containing a special enzyme civet, which subsequently gives the grains a special delicate taste without excessive bitterness. Locals collect animal droppings, wash and dry in the sun.

With this specific processing method, the most expensive poop coffee in Indonesia is obtained, the very same luwak coffee. The original coffee has an exceptional taste and aroma. The cost of coffee from excrement is about $ 100 per cup of the finished drink.

And this is not surprising. Indeed, in Indonesia, where coffee is made from poop, musangs live in freedom in natural conditions. These fluffy creators of the most expensive litter coffee don't even breed in captivity. Therefore, the answer to the question of how much luwak coffee costs is unambiguous - very, very expensive. Animals select the most delicious and ripe berries, and from 1 kg of berries you will get only 50g of valuable coffee beans. It is also interesting that the enzyme necessary for obtaining Luwak coffee is produced in the body of civets only 6 months a year - therefore, local residents receive coffee from excrement only for half a year. The production of the most expensive coffee from litter is no more than a few hundred kilograms in one year from all over Sumatra.

Coffee has never been cheap. History remembers the times when coffee beans were worth their weight in gold. And this is not an exaggeration.

The Europeans, having groped for the "gold mine", began from the middle of the 18th century to actively equip plantations with coffee trees all over the world, where only the climate allowed them to do it: in Colombia and Mexico, India and Indonesia.

Coffee became cheaper, but still brought huge profits to those in whose hands its production and marketing were. You can read about how and where coffee is grown in the world.

Even in our days there are varieties available due to their high cost only to units. This is no longer about coffee as such, but about the exclusivity of certain types of raw materials, unusual ways of obtaining and processing it, and the significant costs associated with this.

A list of all varieties of coffee with names and their characteristics can be found in the article.

An overview of the most expensive tea in the world can be found.

The most expensive litter coffee in the world

Most of the most expensive coffee varieties in the world are obtained by exploiting “our smaller brothers”. And the best assistants are not even worth wishing for.

The fact is that animals and birds are endowed by nature with amazing extrasensory perception, which tells them which coffee fruits are the most ripe and delicious, and which ones are best ignored.

In human helpers: lemur in Bali, monkeys in Indonesia, elephants in Thailand, bats in Costa Rica.

The most famous among these varieties is Indonesian coffee. called Kopi Luwak. The “partner” of a person in this case is the animal musang, or the Malayan palm marten, which lives in Southeast and South Asia.

Gourmets consider this type of coffee to be the drink of kings, although they know perfectly well what it is made from - excrement.

However, this is not entirely true. They are made, of course, from coffee beans, but only after they are eaten by a cute animal, they go on a journey through its digestive system and again find themselves outside to undergo the necessary “sanitary treatment” in skillful human hands.

Coffee beans are the favorite food of musangs. They will never eat "greens", they will choose the most ripe and delicious fruits. They will find them on a tree and under it - at least a kilogram in one day.

Scientists have found that out of all this amount of coffee beans, only 5 percent remain undigested, and they leave the body of the animal safe and sound.

However, being inside the animal, they manage to pass treatment with gastric juice and an odorous substance called "civet". Both that, and another goes to grains only on advantage.

They are thoroughly washed, dried, fried. Manufacturers guarantee 100% purity and safety of the finished product, although the details of the processing of raw materials are kept secret.

Those who have tried this coffee note a whole a bouquet of exquisite flavors - vanilla, dark chocolate and caramel.

Analogues of this drink, which are produced in Ethiopia, according to tasters, are significantly inferior in quality and cannot be considered a worthy replacement for the Indonesian Kopi Luwak.

The famous coffee from Indonesia is not cheap. On average, 25-35 thousand rubles. It costs one kilogram of roasted beans.

Chon from Vietnam

Chon coffee from Vietnam is made in much the same way as the Indonesian Kopi Luwak. Coffee beans are eaten by Asian palm martens.

It is believed that, having been in the body of this animal, the grains acquire healing properties, so a cup of Chon coffee is not only tasty, but also healthy.

The drink surprises aromas of hot chocolate, cocoa, vanilla and caramel. It has a persistent, very pleasant aftertaste.

Interestingly, the Vietnamese way of making coffee is significantly different from the generally accepted one. It is never boiled in Turkish.

Condensed milk is poured into the bottom of the mug, then a device called “fin” (metal filter) is installed. Ground grains are poured into it (grinding should be coarse), pressed with a press and boiling water is poured.

The drink is strong and rich. There is also a summer recipe in which I use ice instead of condensed milk, and a tall transparent glass instead of a coffee mug. Excellent drink in hot climates.

The price of Chon variety for one kilogram is 150-250 dollars. There are offers on the Internet to purchase a 500-gram package for 2,700 rubles.

This brand belongs to Thailand. The technological process of preparing elite coffee includes ... elephant feces.

If, having learned about this, someone exclaims: “Yes, never in my life will I try coffee that remembers what elephant droppings are,” you will have to agree with this.

Yes, never most people on the planet have not tried and will not try Black Ivory. And not because everyone is so squeamish.

The fact is that only 50 kilograms of these grains per year go on sale, and they are sold only in a few cities in Thailand. A drop in the sea. To get a kilogram of the finished product, an elephant must eat 35 kg of the best coffee beans.

Being in the giant's stomach, the "surviving" grains completely lose their bitterness, but are saturated with the aromas of everything that he ate with pleasure - bananas and other tropical fruits, sugar cane.

There is an elite Black Ivory - 75 thousand rubles. per kilogram roasted grains.

Terra Nera

Terra Nera is the most expensive coffee brand in existence.. The price per kilogram can exceed the amount of 20 thousand dollars.

Moreover, in this case, the buyer overpays not only for exotic "excrement", but also for chic packaging.

Coffee of this variety (by the way, it is produced even less than Black Ivory, only 45 kg during the year) is sold in just one London store in a bag of silver paper, which reliably preserves the aroma of the beans.

The package is protected from outside penetration by a special valve and tied with a ribbon with a gold tag. If the buyer wants, his name will be engraved on the tag.

Full participants in the coffee production process are palm civet (the closest relatives of musangs) living in the southeast of Peru.

Classic Arabica, having been in the stomach of these animals, acquires hazelnut and cocoa flavors and has, according to experienced tasters, a truly great taste.

Other types of coffee from animal feces and more

And briefly about some other expensive varieties. Coffee Bat(the name speaks for itself) is obtained in Costa Rica with the help of this animal.

The animal cannot swallow whole coffee beans, but bite with sharp teeth and suck out the juice - please! It turns out that the grains begin to dry right on the tree. The work begun by bats is being completed by the hot tropical sun.

These beans are harvested, processed and made into delicious coffee that is worth 30 thousand rubles. per kilogram.

Blue Mountain (translated as Blue Mountain) is obtained in Jamaica in the traditional way, without the participation of animals and birds. The quality of raw materials here is influenced by a combination of various natural factors: the growth of coffee trees at high altitudes, the wind blowing from the sea, the special composition of the soil.

Tasters note in this sort of coffee a harmonious combination of three tastes - bitterness, sweetness and sourness. And this variety surprises with the aroma of fresh nectarines.

Buying Blue Mountain is difficult - 85 percent of coffee is sent to Japan, where this drink is very popular. The cost of a kilogram of grains is 27 thousand rubles.

The jacou bird in Brazil is involved in the creation of a coffee variety called the jacou bird. For a very long time in the southeast of the country, the bird was considered a pest and exterminated.

This continued until one local farmer at the end of the last century realized to use bird droppings in the same way as in other countries they use the excrement of some animals.

Coffee, obtained on the basis of such unusual raw materials, surprises with its flavor notes: pineapple and coconut milk. A kilogram of grains is estimated at 28 thousand rubles.

Which of the listed varieties of coffee is tastier and more justifies the high price that is being asked for it, it is difficult to say.

Few people manage to try all the exotic species. In addition, there is always a great danger of acquiring a fake.

If a person has the opportunity to visit different parts of the world as a tourist or on business, coffee must be tasted there - it most closely matches the characteristics of the variety and is much cheaper.

If you haven’t seen it, then be sure to watch an excellent American film with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman in the lead roles called “Before I played it in the box”. One of the heroes of the tape, a millionaire and a big snob, was very fond of periodically drinking gourmet luwak coffee - the most expensive coffee in the world.

Good day, friends.

Well, wealthy people can afford it. The second main character found information about how this drink is prepared and informed a friend. Everything that was in the proposed description is quite true ...

In general, we will not retell and delve into the plot. Let us focus on what kind of luwak coffee is, and how it is obtained. Read it, we hope it will be interesting!

The birthplace of any coffee is generally considered the Indonesian island of Java. A long time ago, Arabica, Liberica, and Robusta were grown in Java, and everywhere. However, at the end of the 19th century, a rust fungus struck all the Javanese coffee plantations in the lowland, and only those plantations that were at an altitude of more than one kilometer above sea level survived.

Robusta turned out to be the most unpretentious type of coffee, so it makes up 90 percent of all the product grown in Indonesia. As for luwak coffee, it is not entirely of plant origin! ..

The most expensive coffee in the world: how is luwak coffee made?

The origin of luwak coffee is quite unusual. No, at first everything proceeds according to the standard scheme: there are coffee trees, beans grow on them - as in all other cases. Then the ripest of these beans are eaten by a creature that goes by several names: palm civet or marten, civet cat, punch cat.

On the island of Java itself, it is called musang or luwak. This is a living "coffee processing machine". The food eaten is processed in the body of the animal, but the coffee beans are not digested, but are passed out along with the feces. These "crapped" grains are the raw materials for the product known as luwak coffee - the most expensive coffee in the world.

You are disappointed?

However, gourmets are advised not to attach importance to this. After all, in the end, it is not excrement that is brewed (and, thank God!), but coffee beans - carefully washed by the attendants, dried, roasted on fire and packaged.

This is how the “source” of luwak coffee looks like

So, the animal involved in the production of luwak coffee has a body almost a meter long and a tail of almost the same length. At the same time, this person has a stable propensity for libations. We are talking about the consumption of low-alcohol punch by palm marten - mash from palm juice, which is snacked on various berries, including coffee.

Musangs-luvaks lead a bohemian lifestyle: during the day they sleep off the labors of the righteous in the caves, and at night they go out to “production”. They will drink punch, eat ripe, exceptionally ripe and very fragrant beans.

So, the initial stage of making coffee from a luwak animal is built in search of the best berries and eating them.

Luwak coffee: how it's made

At the second stage, when the musangs digest the pulp of the beans, the grains remain whole and unharmed, and they are safely excreted during defecation. By the way, the composition of the gastric juice of punch cats includes a special substance - cebitin, which breaks down the proteins of coffee beans.

This gives Luwak coffee an exclusive taste with a barely noticeable bitterness and various shades: from the taste of butter to the taste of honey. Experts note that after drinking the drink, a surprisingly pleasant aftertaste remains in the mouth. The saturation of the taste is enhanced by the specific method of roasting the beans on a light fire.

In addition to collecting animal feces left in the wild, there is another opportunity to extract raw materials for luwak coffee, production has been established on farms. Here, the musangs are kept in captivity, and they only eat the beans that the farmer offers them, and not those that they usually pay attention to when they are in the wild. Add to everything else stress, a sedentary lifestyle and a bunch of diseases that arise in connection with this ...

Meet Musang is a living and walking "factory" for the production of coffee

Gourmets note that the drink obtained artificially is inferior in quality and taste to what is produced in the old way. Now you know how luwak coffee is made.

Luwak coffee

When it becomes known to the public that coffee from the luwak animal is made from grains extracted from feces, the question involuntarily begs: who, I wonder, guessed to pick them out of poop?

It turns out that during the colonization of Indonesia by the Netherlands, Europeans forbade the local population to collect coffee beans from trees. Disobedience was followed by severe punishment. So the natives were forced to use civet poop to prepare an invigorating liquid.

Animals making luwak coffee consume an average of about one kilogram of berries per day. At the exit from each individual, approximately 50 grams of grains are obtained. Few? Undoubtedly. This is a word about why luwak coffee is insanely expensive.

On the farm, the musang's gluttony is closely monitored. They are fed with fruits and rice porridge with chicken. Films from coffee beans spit out by animals are removed from the tray so that they eat even more berries.

Unfortunately, luwak musangs do not breed in captivity, and therefore, to maintain the numerical composition of the livestock, wild animals are being captured.

Luwak coffee: where is it produced?

Traditionally, coffee from luwak excrement comes to the market from Indonesia (from the islands of Java, Sumatra, Bali), as well as from the Philippines. Many of our tourists are not averse to visiting farms where they keep punch cats, and it is there to drink a cup of drink. The goods are also sold in supermarkets, but much more expensive.

By the way, these are not all countries where luwak coffee is produced. Its release is also organized in Vietnam and India.

Luwak coffee production in Vietnam

In addition, there are reports that manufacturers have learned how to imitate the aroma of civet, i.e. to artificially achieve an elegant aftertaste of the drink, they do not add optimism.

How to brew luwak coffee

First, we will describe how the Vietnamese cope with brewing this type of coffee, whose product received high ratings from tourists.

Vietnamese luwak coffee is prepared in a mug. Its bottom is poured abundantly with condensed milk, then ground coffee powder is poured through the filter. The whole consistency is pressed down with a press, and again, boiling water is poured through the filter (to slow down the process).

At home, it is best to prepare coffee from the luwak animal in a Turk. Some coffee lovers are sure that the drink must be consumed in its pure form, in other words, without any additives and sugar.

Others, on the contrary, do not consider coffee unsweetened. Moreover, according to some recipes, sugar should be added during cooking. As a result, the taste of the drink is bright, besides, the noble coffee foam is better preserved with sugar.

At home, it is best to prepare coffee from the luwak animal in a Turk.

You can try adding a small pinch of table salt when cooking. They say that this way the drink is richer.

How to brew luwak coffee classic:

  • slightly warm the Turk on fire;
  • then pour ground coffee into it. If necessary, add spices, sugar;
  • reheat the Turku, pour very cold water almost to the top and mix everything with a spoon. The slower the drink is brewed, the tastier it comes out;
  • after waiting for the foam, remove from heat and cool. Then repeat the procedure a couple of times. It should be taken into account that the drink should not boil, and the foam should remain intact - otherwise the coffee aroma will quickly disappear;
  • remove the foam with a spoon;
  • pour coffee into cups (if everything is done correctly, the foam will take up the entire surface of the drink).

In addition to sugar, and in rare cases, salt, spices, alcoholic beverages, and milk are added to luwak coffee. Experimenting with their combination and quantity allows you to get an unimaginable number of recipes. Of the spices for making coffee are suitable: cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla, ginger, allspice, cloves and more.

How to Brew Luwak Coffee - Recipes

And now about how to brew luwak coffee according to ready-made recipes.

"Mediterranean coffee":

  • glass of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of coffee;
  • cocoa, cinnamon, anise - ½ teaspoon each;
  • ginger and orange peel - a quarter each.

"With cinnamon and black pepper":

  • coffee is prepared in the usual way;
  • put a pinch of cinnamon along with sugar at the bottom of the turkey, and at the end of cooking, throw a peppercorn into the resulting drink.

"With cardamom and spices":

  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • 3 teaspoons of coffee;
  • 5 boxes of green cardamom;
  • ½ cloves;
  • anise and ginger powder.

Send finely chopped cardamom, cloves, a quarter of a spoon of ginger and anise to a well-heated Turk over a small fire.

Kopi Luwak coffee packaging

As soon as the aroma of spices spreads in the kitchen space, pour coffee inside, mix with spices by shaking the Turks, pour filtered water. Put on a slow fire, wait for the foam to rise, ideally three times, if laziness, then one time will be enough.

Luwak coffee reviews

As most gourmets admit, the described drink causes an ambiguous reaction. Not everything is pleasant and good, which is expensive. So, luwak coffee reviews:

  • the girl wrote on one of the forums that she was always stopped from buying luwak coffee by the originality of production and the number of fakes (and in Russia this is generally a disaster!). Allegedly bought into a lot of materials and videos on this topic. Intuition did not disappoint, I bought a quality product. appreciated it;
  • she is echoed by a guy who admitted that the coffee is excellent, the taste attracted with a slight sourness, which does not spoil the taste, but, on the contrary, complements it. Daily use of such a drink is unprofitable, on weekends - just right;
  • a group of friends tasted coffee, each of them was satisfied. I was especially struck by the fact that the drink completely lacks the bitterness inherent in ordinary coffee. The aroma is subtle and pleasant. The only but is the biting cost of the product;
  • another guy admitted that he thought about how you can spend such a lot of money on coffee! Coffee! It turned out that the taste is more than unusual - soft, and as if weightless;
  • among the laudatory words come across and critical. There are people who claim that luwak coffee tastes disgusting. Firstly, lifeless, and secondly, faded. So, for an amateur ...

How much is luwak coffee

The cost of luwak coffee is not just high, but very high. In general, it ranges from 250 to 1200 dollars per kilogram. The inability to establish production of luwak coffee in Indonesia on an industrial scale dictates a high price for it.

But, despite the high cost, the goods are bought up with a bang!

Those wishing to try an unusual coffee drink are not decreasing. Even the exorbitant cost of luwak coffee does not stop enthusiasts. Everyone wants to understand what is so special about him. Someone after the test assures that he figured it out, the other only pretends, but in fact does not find anything special in him, and the third does not hide his annoyance at the wasted money.

They sell photo luwak coffee in chic, beautifully designed packages. Well, of course, an expensive product should be presented, as befits the level of prestige of the product! In beautiful jars, wooden boxes, in metallized bags. It is packaged both in 100 and 1000 grams.

And they buy luwak coffee from us, the price in Russia, if it differs from the global one in terms of rubles, it is not drastically. Well, you have to understand, there is a cheating because of transportation costs, and because of the intervention of resellers. So for a 300-gram package of luwak coffee (price in Moscow) you need to pay a little more than five and a half thousand, for a 200-gram package - about five thousand.

If you like to experiment, be sure to try it.

And finally. There are many interesting videos on the Internet that can be conditionally combined with the term luwak coffee video. In them you can get information about the life of the musang animal, about how raw materials are collected in Indonesian forests. Thank you for your attention, see you soon!

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