Forged wood cutters. Wood chisel

Water bodies 30.08.2019
Water bodies

Every master who works with wood has a carpentry chisel in his arsenal. The wood chisel is very useful in works that are related to the processing of wooden blanks. Perfectly sharpened blade of various shapes apply implementations for threads of any complexity. In hardware stores, you can buy both ready-made sets of devices and chisels by the piece.

Chisels for carving. Classification

A chisel is a professional carpenter's or joiner's tool used to prepare wood blanks for further processing... It will help to remove the chamfer, apply carving ornaments by removing excess layers of wood. The chisel design is very simple - it is plastic or wooden handle and a sharpened blade of various shapes.

There are the following types of chisels:

  • a straight chisel is needed for processing wood blanks and cutting out simple grooves
  • oblique chisel has a blade that is beveled at an angle of 450. It is used for cutting longitudinal grooves, as well as work related to the primary processing of the workpiece
  • angled chisel similar to the English letter V, 2 closed blade planes are at different angles. It is needed to create V-shaped grooves. The sharper and smaller the angle of the cutter, the deeper the cutter will get.
  • A semicircular chisel for wood is perhaps the most important type of this tool. Such a semicircular tool is used to prepare the product, and also cut out ornaments of varying complexity, apply serifs. A semicircular chisel can be round, medium or sloping
  • cranberry is very similar to a semicircular chisel. The main difference is that its working surface is rounded not only along the edge of the blade, but also along the rod. This shape guarantees a more precise movement of the tool along the wood. Cluckarzes are different. Their cutting part can be rounded, angular or straight
  • Caesarics can also be called a type of semicircular chisel, but they have a narrower working part, only 3 mm wide. Their main purpose is cutting thin grooves and working out the most small parts ornament
  • graters have a mushroom-shaped handle and an oblique cutter. They are mainly used for cutting grooves. With increased master pressure, the carving becomes clearer and deeper
  • A rivet is a mini-chisel for wood, which has a thin sharpening of a narrow blade, similar to a sharp leaf. This tool is used when conventional chisels cannot create a drawing of the required accuracy.
  • marigold is also a type of mini chisel. It is designed for cutting thin pieces, however, more rounded than rivets
  • the back chisel, like cranberry, has a notch convex outward to create a protruding pattern above the plane of the main blade.

Almost all of their listed chisels can have various modifications. A flat chisel is wide or narrow, an angular one with a wide angle and a narrow one, a round bend can be flattened or radial.

Choosing a chisel

Before choosing a chisel, you need to decide what kind of woodcarving you will be doing. If you rarely use them, you can buy an inexpensive kit that contains the main models of the device. Most often, such kits are purchased, for example, for repairing windows or other simple tasks.

However, if you are engaged in wood carving and plan to develop in this direction, then you should not save. You need to acquire the most quality tools... According to the manufacturing method, there are three types of models:

  • forged. Such chisels have the thickest blade, as a result of which they can easily interact with hardwood
  • cutting. These attachments are handy for precise and accurate handling of soft to medium woods.
  • stamped. When working with them, it is necessary to install a thrust washer so that the device does not deform when the mallet hits.

The craftsmen consider the most convenient chisel length to be 10-15 cm. A longer tool can withstand less load. The handle can be made of wood or plastic. According to reviews, the plastic handle is more durable and withstands impact loads better.

Its period of operation, as well as the quality of the product obtained, directly depends on the quality of the chisel. The quality of the fixture depends on the quality of the hardening of the metal part. The best for chisels are tool metals characterized by high strength and more long period exploitation. Tool steel is indicated by the following markings:

  • drop forged
  • the inscription "chrome-vanadium"

It is worth paying attention that the manufacturer is noted on the labeling. If this information is not available, and the price of the set is quite low, then you have a Chinese counterfeit in your hands.

In the event that the type of steel is not marked, you can check its real quality on a grindstone. When sharpening properly hardened steel, burrs develop and can be easily removed. If no burrs develop, the steel has been overheated and the tool is a hazard. If burrs are formed, but they cannot be removed, it means that the steel is too soft and will not withstand sharpening, and the sharp edge will deform even with little effort.

The main techniques of wood carving

Different carving techniques assume a different position of the fixture in relation to the wooden plane. There are three main ways to work with wood with a chisel:

  • pruning. This work is carried out on the growth of fibers; the tool is placed with the non-sharpened side of the blade up, while you need to hold the handle with one hand, and the blade with the other so that thumb was aimed at the handle. If you hold the chisel in this position, then the master can easily set precise efforts to get as even and smooth surface
  • side cutting or picking of grooves. Flat chisels are used to produce rectangular grooves. A sharp edge can be beveled or straight. Most often, such a chisel is sharpened only on one side. Variants with a semicircular sharp edge (in the form of a quarter or semicircle) of the canvas are used to create grooves in a circular manner
  • perpendicular cutting. In such work, the chisel must be held by the handle with one hand, and the blade must be held with the thumb and forefinger of the other hand. In this way, you can thinly cut wood shavings once. Note that this method is the most time consuming.

Wood carving chisels are not designed to cut a large layer of wood in one go. Their task is to remove excess wood gradually, adhering to pre-defined lines.

During the cutting process, you can use a mallet or hammer. These additional tools will be needed if you need to quickly make a recess or hole. At the same time, complex patterns require long-term work and are cut slowly.

Universal chisel

Just a few years ago, work with wood was carried out using hand tools, but today there are devices, for example, an electric chisel, which make it possible to significantly facilitate the work of the master, as well as increase the speed of work while maintaining high quality.

The electric chisel is called universal because it allows you to carry out a wide range of work. High power chisel models can handle the removal of old parquet boards or roughing a large piece of wood, removing knots and other hard particles. It is unrealistic to cope with such work with only hand tools.

This tool is considered universal because it has many attachments of different shapes and sizes. For example, small semicircular and straight nozzles of 4 mm will help to make patterned carvings or engrave the master's initials, and more massive tools, whose width reaches 5 cm, are designed for removing wide chips, as well as roughing.

As you know, a sharp blade is safer than a dull one. This statement is also true for the chisel. An important point is cleaning the sharp edge of the chisel once or twice a year, depending on the frequency of use of the tool.

Even brand new chisels may not be sharp enough to carry out complex woodworking, for this reason it is worth sharpening them before using for the first time.

If old chisels have uneven or damaged chamfers, they can be corrected with grinding wheel... It is necessary to hold damaged chisel chamfers near the grinding wheel to remove serious burrs, dirt and rust.

The stone must have three levels - beginner, medium and small. It is such a stone that will make it possible to achieve the most acute condition. Sharpening stones are sold in garden and hardware stores... The stone is sold with lubricant, if it is not included, the seller will recommend purchasing it separately. The most effective are the following types of stones:

  • water stones. For such stones as lubricant ordinary water is used. They need to be soaked in water for a few minutes before using. This type of stone is very popular in Japan.
  • oil stones should be lubricated with petroleum based oil prior to use.

Start sharpening the chisel from the flat side. The flat face has a mirror image after proper sharpening. You need to move the chisel back and forth along the stone chips. Hold it with both hands, make smooth and forward movements, without jerking. If scratches appear on the flat surface of the stone, work must be continued on a stone of medium grain size, and then on a fine one. The flat side of the chisel will be completely sharpened when it has a mirror image.

Sharpening a chamfer with a stone is quite difficult. Better to use a special device. Place the chisel in the sharpener and tighten the screws to secure it tightly. Depending on the type of chisel, it is necessary to set the device to form an angle of approximately 20 to 35 degrees:

  • cleaning chisel - 20 degree angle
  • an ordinary chisel - an angle of 25 degrees.

Place the chamfer against the coarse-grained stone. Hold it with both hands. Move the chisel back and forth over a thin stone, as if stretching. If the chamfer is scratched, continue working on medium grit and then fine grit. When changing a stone, it is worth rubbing the blade.

Englishman E. Harris spent a week in the manufacture of the original 13-meter spoon from red cedar, working with a chainsaw, chisels with a mallet. Ordinary craftsmen, for whom carved patterns are a hobby, use a wider range of woodworking tools. There are hand knives, chisels, cutters, electric, laser engravers, accessories for drills, sharpening machines (flexible shaft). When making large structural elements dwellings (columns, beams) with decorative carvings, a chainsaw, a multifunctional power tool, a jigsaw, a reciprocating saw are usually used.

By default, wood is a fairly soft material, so the resource of the tool, taking into account reusable sharpening, is much higher than analogues used in metal processing. When selected by a beginner mastering this technology, it should be noted that high-quality hand tool for wood carving can cost no less than an electric engraver. A standard set of knives costs 1,500 - 700 rubles, an extended one has a price of 3 thousand rubles.

There are different technologies (ornament, animals, relief, applied carving), styles of carving. For beginners, since 1990, the Tatyanka style is the most popular, which has several nuances:

  • work without a stop - the workpiece is not fixed during cutting
  • material without blemishes - the exception is knots specially played by the master
  • texture is not taken into account - soft linden is preferable
  • storage - boards with incomplete patterns are stored in a wet rag or PVC bag on the balcony (in any unheated room)
  • tool - radius chisels (numbers 6, 17), jamb knife (blade 1.5 mm, blade width 20 mm, heel angle 45 degrees)

This technology is optimal for beginners, since the tool and material have a budgetary cost.

In addition to this technique, there are techniques:

  • volumetric thread - fine 3D image
  • openwork decor - the background of the picture is drilled out, cut out with gaps
  • geometric pattern - deepens into a sleek background
  • relief - the background is recessed, the picture protrudes above it
  • flat thread - not deep designation of the silhouette in the same plane with the background

After some practice, the master chooses a convenient tool for each technologist. For example, a bas-relief can be cut with a chisel, knife, drill; to make an openwork composition, you will have to use a jigsaw, drills, and refine the ornament with chisels.


All woodworking tools of this type have a standard numbering, which is quite difficult to understand. You should start with a purchase standard kits, the equipment of which is carried out by specialists. After gaining some experience, the master will be able to independently expand the assortment, depending on the chosen technique, individual genre preferences. The most popular knives are of the following types:

  • Tatyanka - long handle, the location of the bevel of the blade is 2 cm from the hand of the master with a standard upper grip

  • Bogorodsky - 9 - 7 cm blade for a rough outline, 6 - 3 cm for fine work, semicircular shape, partially sharpened similar to a pocket knife

  • Jamb - an analogue of a boot knife with a 45-degree beveled blade with one-sided sharpening

In addition to these options, there are hundreds of knives of different shapes and sizes. The leading manufacturers of this tool are companies:

  • Flexcut - sets of knives, chisels, mixed type
  • Frost - in addition to incisors, produces spoon cutters
  • Dem-Bart is a manufacturer specialized in decorating tools for stocks
  • Narex - sets from 4.5 thousand rubles
  • Petrov and Son - straight knives of five types
  • Pfeil - Swiss quality, violin, marking modifications, left-side jambs, netsuke grips

Wood carving knives require sharpening according to the technology:

  • bar - rough, then fine-grained plane (circular, then cutting motion)
  • cloth skin - sequentially 320, 400, 600 according to the same method
  • leather belt - with grinding paste-compound

The technology is used after purchase, with daily straightening in the future, the last two points are sufficient, depending on the strength of the wood.


Woodworking tools of this type are straight, angular (V-profile), reverse (convex shape), curved (radius edge), cranberries. Unlike a chisel, a chisel immediately selects a groove of the desired profile in the wood. Power chisels are tapped with a mallet, manual chisels are designed for manual pressure without shock loads.

Chisels for wood carving from Kirschen, Stubai are considered the best. Any modification (without a handle) of these companies costs from 800 rubles, has a high resource with proper sharpening, which a novice carver will have to learn.

Detailing, sampling of soft wood is best done with budget chisels from Japanese manufacturers, Transnistria firms, Korneev. The short blade tool is designed for manual work, easier to position, manageable in a solid wood. Long blade chisels are designed for impact threads.

Power sculptural tools can be distinguished by the thickness of the blade (from 2.5 mm), for non-impact modifications it does not exceed 1.5 - 1 mm. Mushroom-shaped handles are equipped with grippers - you cannot hit them with a mallet, it is inconvenient to hold them with both hands. Working with a grater requires practice, this type of chisel is used in carving miniatures.

Chisels (like incisors) are not superfluous, they can significantly expand the capabilities of the master. Thus, with a sufficient budget, extended sets are purchased, with a limited one - sets of 5 - 3 items.

There are battery-powered electric machines of the network type, in which the equipment is driven by a vibration motor. The tools have a high price (from 15,000 rubles), a set of 3 chisels costs 5-3 thousand rubles.

Tool kits

The practice of making patterns is facilitated by a set of tools for wood, in the kit of which professionals lay several cutters, chisels. The assortment allows you to decorate handicrafts, power structures of a building, to make an overhead thread in almost any style. With some success, a firm decision on the choice of this hobby, the master usually buys several chisels, knives additionally.

On initial stage it is enough to decide on the type of thread:

  • in the manufacture of garden sculptures, percussion chisels, jigsaw are relevant
  • to decorate the wooden pillars of the gazebo, it is better to choose a router, a hand disc or a saber hacksaw
  • a hand-made engraver will allow you to qualitatively decorate with ornaments platbands, windshields, cornice strips
  • the same power tool can be used to decorate furniture facades
  • carving on small-sized piece products is often carried out with hand chisels, knives, cutters

In any store, manual instructions, electric tool you can get information on the field of application.

Wood Carving Power Tool

Unlike chisels, knives, chisels, which allow you to devote every free moment to your favorite business, woodworking power tools are volatile equipment. The technology of decorating blanks differs from manual cutting, but it also requires attention, perseverance, accuracy.


Tools for woodworking in the middle price segment are hand engravers with a set of nozzles for roughing and finishing. Most of them are equipped with a flexible shaft (analogue of a dental drill), which in the presence of a drive (drill, screwdriver, sharpening machine) can be a full-fledged power tool for openwork, invoice, figured, ornamental carving.

It is much easier to work with an engraver than with cutters, the productivity increases by an order of magnitude. Budget modifications cost from 1.5 thousand rubles, the tool of leading brands has a more complete set of equipment, it costs 10 - 7 thousand rubles.

Flexible shaft for wood carving

This type of handcrafted woodworking tool is available for any budget. For example, Bosch produces a 1.25 m shaft of 3500 rpm with a 6 - 1 mm chuck for drills of any manufacturer. The equipment weighs 850 g, costs 2.5 thousand rubles, and allows you to make threads of any complexity on wooden blanks, structures.

Wood carving for beginners with this fixture is the easiest option for whatever style you choose. When buying a sharpening machine, the budget increases to 5-4 thousand, however, the owner gets the opportunity to regularly edit the equipment (cutters, drills, burs), which is very convenient at home. A flexible shaft is included with this type of machine from most manufacturers.

The set of the cutter is very diverse, while the higher his professionalism, the more difficult the work, the big amount tools are used by the master (the range can number several hundred units).

So, the wood carver's set consists of the following basic tools.

1. Jamb knife... They perform geometric and contour carving, cut out ornaments.

Jamb knives with different sharpening blades:

The sharpening angle can vary from 30 to 80 ° and is determined by both the labor intensity of the work and its complexity.

A knife with a bevel angle of 60–80 ° is intended for cutting large straight ornaments; knives with a smaller bevel angle are suitable for smaller work or making curved patterns.

2. Cutter knife... The tool can have different shape depending on the type of thread. In geometric carving, they are made with rosettes, "lights", various curvilinear elements; in the outline - all kinds of rounding and bends.

Cutting knives.

A knife cutter is used in the slotted and laid on thread.

3. Straight chisel which they clean the background, cut through the outline of the ornament, remove the chamfer. The width of the chisels is different - from 5 to 30 mm.

Straight chisels.

4. Chisel-joint... It looks like a straight line, but its blade is cut at an angle of 45–70 °. The blade width ranges from 5 to 30 mm. The tool is used in geometric carving.


5. Sloping and semicircular chisels. This is the main tool with which you can perform staple cuts, semicircular holes in geometric and contour threads.

Sloping chisels.

Semicircular chisels.

Semicircular chisels can have blades with high and medium sides; in sloping chisels, they are practically absent. The blade of such chisels can have a width of 530 mm.

6. Corner chisels, which are used in almost all types of threads, since they are very convenient for choosing narrow grooves. The blade width is 530 mm and the blade angle is 45–70 °.


7) Cranberry chisels... This is a kind of instrument, the short blade of which resembles a bent leg or a hook. Cluckars are indispensable in flat-relief and relief carving, in the processing of an in-depth background and bulges in deepened areas, in wood sampling. The profile of the chisels is different, the width of the blades is 550 mm.

Klukarzy: a - corner; b - semicircular; c - with a straight blade; d - with a wedge blade; d - with a left-side wedge blade; e - with a right-side wedge blade.

8... Tseraziki chisels... The blades of these chisels are different in shape, but they are always curved in their lower part.

Ceraziki: a - simple; b - cerasic cranberry.

9. Spoon knives, the very name of which indicates the purpose of this tool - the manufacture of spoons, ladles, etc. Unusual shape blades, which can be double-edged, semi-circular or circular, help to easily handle wood picking.

Spoon knives: a - semicircular; b - semicircular detachable; c - circular; d - annular, equipped with an additional handle.

10. Staples and scraped... They are used for removing bark, removing depressions, etc. Since the tool involves working with both hands, the workpiece is processed very quickly.



11. Coins. This is a kind of tool in the form of metal rods of different diameters, one of the ends of which has notches. geometric shapes and profiles. With its help, you can not only trim and compact a rough background, but also give the texture of a smooth surface, fill a picture.


12. Scrapers and cycle... The tool differs in its profile, thanks to which you can choose fillets, glazing beads, remove the nap from a surface that has a curvature.

Scrapers of various profiles.


13. Rasps... This tool is used to clean the thread, for which the notches are intended, which are shaped like teeth of different sizes. Rasps are flat, straight, semicircular, etc.

Rasps: a - flat; b - triangular; в - square; r - rhombic; d - semicircular; e - round; w - curly.

14. Steel wire bristle brush, with the help of which the wood texture on the product is revealed. A flat brush can be worked by hand, a round one is put on a power tool.

Wire brushes: a - flat; b - round

People who prefer to create decor items with their own hands can master the art of artistic cutting. Wood is a material that allows you to create genre paintings and decorative compositions... Such products can become a decoration of your own home, and you can also give them to friends. Today wooden crafts at the peak of popularity. There are a lot of woodcarving lessons on the Internet.

Selection of raw materials

From the right choice raw material depends on the quality of the resulting product. There are hard and soft timber. Each variety is distinguished by its pros and cons; for each specific case, a specific processing technology is selected.

Among soft breeds, the most commonly used are:

  • birch
  • aspen
  • pine
  • juniper.

The softer varieties are easier to handle, but can be easily ruined with one wrong move of the cutting tool.

Of the hard varieties, we single out:

  • Red tree
  • boxwood.

Solid wood has a higher cost, but the items are beautiful, unusual and popular. With such materials, craftsmen with experience most often work, who know the intricacies of processing a hard surface without damaging the tool or getting injured. Therefore, woodcarving for beginners is more readily available from soft woods.

When choosing, you should pay attention not only to the hardness, but also to the shade of the raw material. For young craftsmen, birch blanks are ideal. It can be processed in different directions. It drills and cuts well. For the first job, you need a small wood carving kit.

Thread types

Wood carving is a plastic art. Relief and volumetric sculptural carving are distinguished. Novice carvers must first master the techniques of creating a relief. In this technique, the following options are possible:

  • geometric
  • flat-relief
  • openwork
  • blind thread with matched background
  • slotted contour thread
  • waybill.

However, this is not the entire list. Classifications often differ due to the fact that our state is large enough. The names of the same technique may differ in different regions. But the essence of the work remains unchanged. All young masters start with geometric thread... It is distinguished by its lightness and beauty.

There are three types of geometric threads:

  • outline
  • trihedral-notched
  • nail or staple.

You can come up with a drawing yourself or copy the pattern you like. You should not immediately start cutting out complex drawings. The pattern is made up of simple geometric shapes, it can be stripes, squares, triangles of various types, polygons, circles and segments of a circle. So that from such simple forms get beautiful combinations, all the same elements must be made of the same size, of the same depth. Only in this way the individual cut out figures will become a uniform pattern, called an ornament.

To practice geometric carving on homogeneous wood, you need to have one cutter 0.2 cm wide and chisels for wood carving, about 5 - 10 pieces.

First, you need to mark the fields on each side with the help of a marking compass. The rectangular section obtained inside the fields must be divided using a ruler and a square in width into the required number of segments and draw lines.

The knife-cutter must be installed vertically in relation to the workpiece at the beginning of the first line and cut it with a toe to a depth of about 1.5-2 mm. The cutter is guided from the opposite edge towards you. The carving is done while seated. In order for the cutter not to wag and to get as few chips as possible, the heel of the cutter must be brought closer to the board.

At the end of the outlined line, the workpiece must be turned to the left and drawn with a cutter along the same line at an angle from the second edge. As a result of such actions, you will get an even groove, or a groove, of a regular triangular cross-section.

Carver's workplace

Wood carving implies working with sharp objects, therefore, it must be carried out behind a workbench that meets the necessary requirements for stability and strength. If a workbench is not available, any size worktop can be used. At the same time, in height, it should not exceed the level of the cutter's belt. Jagging is often formed during operation and needs to be removed. The board on which the ornament is cut must be firmly fixed with clamps.

Lighting is also important. For a large number natural light, the table should be placed near the window. In the presence of one light source, dull dark shadows are observed, which interfere with making a clean carving. Professionals advise to install 2-3 more lamps above the table. They must be installed in such a way that they illuminate the table with different sides... Light sources should be positioned above the cutter's eyes. Comfort and safety are the result of quality lighting.

A wood carving tool kit can be purchased from specialized stores. It is applicable to almost all types of threads. Moreover, the quality of the final product depends on the quality of the tools used.

The tools must be made conscientiously, from high quality steel. In addition, they must be perfectly sharpened. Poor quality tools crumble and crumple wood. Basic carving tools:

  • knives-jambs. They are used to create small indentations. The blade of such a knife is beveled by 35-400. The web width can be from 4 to 50 mm. By the type of sharpening, single-facet and double-facet are distinguished
  • cutter knives are necessary for the implementation of geometric, contour and sculptural carving. They are suitable for machining rounded elements
  • chisels have different shapes. They can be straight, sloping, angular, semicircular. Straight chisels can make shallow grooves, chamfer. Semicircular notches are made sloping and semicircular. Corner chisels create thin grooves
  • spoon knives are needed to create internal spherical surfaces for volumetric carving
  • staples and staples are used to remove rough virgin wood
  • engravings are metal rods with a working surface in the form of various geometric shapes. They are used to process smooth workpieces in order to give them a texture or pattern.

Wood carving is an amazingly beautiful and very popular type of manual woodworking in our time. Carved interior details conquer with their magnificent appearance and reflect rich national traditions.

Creative people who simply "itch" their hands to do something very interesting and useful should pay attention to woodcarving. Girls and women may think that this is only a man's business. And they will be wrong, because there are no fewer women who make wood carvings than men.

About wood carving for beginners

To decorate indoor and outdoor spaces can be used different kinds carvings and techniques for the embodiment of the conceived. If you are interested in this type of needlework, then you should understand that you need to master the methods and techniques of wood processing, purchase necessary tools and improve your carving skills.

V modern world smartphones and tablets, a wooden stand decorated with wood carvings looks very original.

Skillfully executed carving in the form of simple and ornate patterns and ornaments as if revives the world and endows it with sophistication, charm, emphasizes the taste of the owner of luxurious things and the talent of the master.

The works of the best master carvers adorn the temples. Pay attention to the photo of the iconostasis of the upper church of the Savior Image Not Made by Hands, which is located in Moscow, in the Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God in Fili.

Modern masters with delicate taste create real masterpieces.

And thanks to the technologies of finishing and protecting the finished product from the destructive effects of mold and insects, these carved wood crafts have served people for hundreds of years.

Check out the gorgeous carved pieces of furniture:

Stylish doors:

Delightful handmade figurines:

Very often connoisseurs collect handmade carvings. A wonderful chess set worthy of any collection.

Perhaps, over time, your masterpieces of woodcarving will be carefully preserved by collectors or decorate temples.

Types of wood carving

Of all types of wood carving, it is very interesting openwork or through thread on a tree, which is inherent in some transparency, in which only the image remains, without the background. An example is an overhead thread - this is an ornament that is attached to a finished background after being made by a master.

Geometric thread on wood This is a type of carving in which a pattern is formed using many simple geometric shapes (often using a rhombus).

Oriental carving on wood it is distinguished by the whimsical forms. Egypt is the cradle of oriental wood carvings.

Embossed carving on wood. In this technique, the image is located above the background or at the same level with it. These are carved panels of various shapes with a three-dimensional image.

- This is a flat-relief carving, but it is distinguished by an abundance of carved and molded decorations, various flowers, curls, leaves, figures of people in unnatural poses, and fantastic fantastic animals.

It originated in the village of Kudrino. Caskets, vases, dishes, ladles, and home decor items are considered well-known products in this type of carving. The main element is floral ornament: rosettes, curls and twigs.

Volumetric (sculptural) carving great for making sculptures, figurines of animals and people, toys. - a subspecies of volumetric thread. This is the main trade in the village of Bogorodskoye in the Moscow region. The famous Bogorodsk toys are figurines of animals and people made of linden and alder.

It was most often used to decorate wooden Scandinavian churches. Woodcarvers decorated church buildings inside and outside with images of Gods and various animals.

- the simplest and most peculiar type of thread. On a flat background, the master cuts grooves - grooves, forming a pattern. Carved landscapes - images of landscapes on a tree.

All these types of carving are rather arbitrary. Each craftsman chooses the most appropriate one, taking into account work experience, quality of wood and creative inspiration.

What can be decorated with carvings?

The simplest staircase is being transformed, decorated with carved balusters. Balusters- these are curly columns in the form of columns, stylish and noble staircase decoration. Wooden balusters look organically with a spiral wooden staircase.

Bas-relief. Another name for "low relief". This is a sculptural image on a plane. Most often these are figures of people and animals. .

Choosing tools for wood carving

As in every business, woodcarving has its own secrets, nuances that allow you to reveal the beauty of wood in a wonderful ornament. It is necessary to pick up special tools for wood carving and stock up on the necessary blanks and sketches for wood carving, which will be embodied in the form of drawings, borders, lace or genre scenes.

Basic toolkit

Very high demands are placed on the quality of the threading tools. Of course, craftsmanship plays an important role, but well-chosen and sharpened tools will help bring your idea to life. Experienced carvers at first glance at the tool will tell about its quality, and beginners are lost in the store from a huge selection.

The basic set for wood carving includes:

  • several knives and chisels;
  • needles;
  • hacksaws for metal;
  • vice;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill with several types of drills;
  • bars.

The knives should be made only of high quality steel. It is better to purchase them in specialized stores for creativity. Although at the initial stage, just sharpened knives will do. Knives from Tatyanka, Narex, Kogatana and others will serve as an excellent start.

It is not necessary to choose an expensive foreign-made instrument, because domestic instruments can be the same good quality but much cheaper

As your skill grows, you may need a set of tools, a milling machine, a drill, etc.

Chisels for carving

Sometimes a sharpened screwdriver or file is used instead of a chisel for wood carving.

Chisel flat Is a long rod with a flat cutting edge at the end. It is very often used for the primary processing of wood.

Semicircular chisel Is one of the most important tools for work. They differ somewhat in the degree of roundness, that is, they are medium, round and sloping.

It still happens V-Shaped version of chisels... It can come in handy for geometric wood carving, which we will introduce you below.

For beginners, a small but good quality wood carving kit is enough to immediately get used to the correct movement and pressure.

In this video, a wonderful master A. Yuriev shared with us which tools to choose for carving.

How to avoid injury when carving wood

Any tool of a master carver can be compared to a straight razor, therefore, when working with it, you need to strictly observe safety measures. The material must be positioned so that it is possible to work freely with a knife or chisel, excluding the possibility of hitting the hands with a sharp edge.

The place to work should be comfortable and clean. All unnecessary in this moment instruments must be stacked neatly as they are very sharp and can cause injury.

Materials for work

Each type of wood for carving has its pros and cons. It is easy to work with soft wood, but there can be a lot of scrap too. These are aspen, linden, birch. For beginners, this wood is best suited.

Oak, boxwood, mahogany are more expensive and complex wood. It is hard and durable, so it is difficult to cut from such wood. Very often there are troubles when working with such types of wood. Either the tool or the craftsman may be damaged.

An experienced woodcutter can easily work with a variety of woods, including juniper. Well, for beginners it is better to use inexpensive materials - spruce, pine, pear or birch.

Whichever tools are chosen for wood carving, safety precautions must be strictly followed!

Geometric carving technology

Geometric wood carving is considered the easiest and perfect for beginners. To create the conceived pattern, you need to have a small set of wood carving tools and clearly maintain the pattern. For geometric wood carving, symmetry and repetition are of paramount importance. This is achieved by a wonderful play of light and shadow.

Cutting boards using this technique, wooden panels look great in the kitchen.

Geometric thread consists of sequential cutting of simple geometric shapes: rectangles, triangles, squares, rhombuses. But the result is a wonderful ornament that looks different under different lighting conditions.

Sequence of execution any wood carving is like this:

  • First, a blank is made of wood (board, deck, blank).
  • Further, a rough leveling of the surface of the workpiece, in which all defects and roughness are removed.
  • Then a decorative relief is formed with special cutters.
  • After completing the main thread finishing- grinding, impregnation, painting, varnishing.

Do not work with the workpiece on your knees! The foreman must have a table to work with.

Master class "Geometric wood carving on a cutting board"

Instruments... You will need 2 knives for wood carving: a triangular jamb knife and a feather knife, a ruler, a compass, and a pencil.

Jamb knife triangle is required for cutting triangular shapes different configuration as well as for cutting long straight lines. For cutting long lines such as a petal or a groove, a knife-feather is used. Carving knives should be sharp and comfortable.

First step. We sketch the pattern on the board. It can be applied using a compass and ruler. Or you can print the patterns for carving taken on the Internet and transfer them to a prepared cutting board using a carbon copy.

Second phase... Cut out the petals. We use a knife-feather.

During work, the thumb is firmly pressed against the board, and the index finger lightly touches the wood. This will help to adjust the depth of entry of the knife into the surface and the angle of inclination. And your thumb will help you move the blade smoothly. First, cut to one side at an angle, then turn the board over and cut on the other side.

If the shavings are twisted in a "string" - the knife is good, sharp. It must be periodically sharpened with a piece of skin with GOI paste.

Third stage... Cut out the triangles with a jamb knife. With the "heel", at an angle of 45 degrees, we cut the knife into the tree, without bringing it to the edges of the pattern from three sides. The slots should be joined on all sides in a pyramid shape. A sliver, falling out, forms a beautiful triangle.

Stage four. What we did not manage to cut off, carefully clean out so that the edges are frequent and even. By the same principle, we cut grooves and triangles around the perimeter of the board.

Fifth stage... We grind everything with sandpaper, process it with natural impregnation. Everything! The work is done. We decorate the kitchen with a useful and beautiful cutting board with wood carvings.

Drawings for wood carving

Photos, drawings and sketches are a must for woodcarving. A large drawing for wood carving is used for dimensional products: for facades of houses, interior decoration carving of churches, windows.

For interior items and furniture, carvers use small patterns that are carefully worked out by a master.


We offer you an archive of. Choose, print, create.

Video master classes in woodcarving for beginners

Of course, the wood carving looks especially impressive in the video. Channel "MANUAL WOOD CARVING" shows the features of geometric threading for beginners.

A feminine perspective on wood carving. Channel tatiankacarving shows us how to make flower petals and leaves.

Konstantin Belyaev on his channel talks in detail about cutters for wood carving.

And in this video Ivan the Builder shows how to make a raised-plane thread:

We'd be very happy if this article inspired you to take up woodcarving!

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