How to make a flower arrangement from artificial flowers. Decorative artificial flowers - decorating the interior of the house and garden

Garden equipment 30.08.2019
Garden equipment

Making a real tree of happiness with your own hands is the dream of any child, but what a child is there, and an adult is not averse to overpowering this task. And all handicraftsmen have such an opportunity. Topiary made of artificial flowers is not a tree of happiness, which can be created from simple materials, at random or to make a wish come true.

Look at examples of trees in the gallery of photos and videos, a master class - elegant, delicate trees with a beautiful crown, a thin leg, a nicely decorated pot. And as a wedding decoration, and as a bedside souvenir, and as a gift to a friend - in whatever form it is not used, this topiary looks equally convincing and fresh.

You can make such a tree with your own hands in several ways. It all depends mainly on what kind of flowers you use. If this already ready-made flowers, which can be bought in the store, the process of making topiary is simplified. But after all, flowers made of ribbons, and felt flowers, and silk and paper can be artificial.

An example is a master class on creating a topiary from paper roses. Video and photo instruction will also be useful for those who are just trying themselves in this business.

You will need:

  • Nice pot;
  • Gypsum (or alabaster);
  • The trunk of the tree is a pencil, sushi sticks, drumstick etc.);
  • Music paper or pages of a book in English;
  • Leg-split;
  • PVA glue and glue gun;
  • Base ball;
  • Paints, brush;
  • Decorative fixtures.

If you love the shabby chic style, then you can slightly modify this master class, just a little, and get stylish accessory just in shabby chic aesthetics. But more on that later.

The first thing you need to do is gather all the materials together. First of all, what you are going to make roses from. It can be music paper or old music books, even if they are yellowed. You can also use the pages of English-language books and magazines. If the pages are yellowed here too, you get a vintage topiary.

  • You need to make the flowers themselves. To do this, cut out petals of different shapes from paper. Twist a narrow and long one into a tube, and lay out the remaining petals one by one around it, until a bud is formed. The more promiscuous he is, the better. Just bend the petals with your own hands.
  • You can hold the petals a little over a candle flame or over a lighter so that their edges are brownish. Such a touch of antiquity will add more effect to the roses.
  • Each flower is fixed with a thread at the base or by gluing the petals.
  • Further, the master class proceeds according to the scenario familiar to the topiary. Base ball, it can be, for example rubber ball, you cover with paper on the principle of papier-mâché. If it is a foam blank, you can simply paint it to match the color of the roses.
  • With a glue gun, you fix on the basis of the rose, neatly, one by one. They must fill the ball from all sides. Leave room for the barrel hole.
  • If gaps are noticeable, beige or mother-of-pearl beads will cover them.

Now you need to make the trunk. You can take a thick pencil and wrap it with twine in several layers. Then the trunk needs to be inserted into the base ball, fastened to the glue, while not deforming the paper roses.

The master class will be the same if you use not paper flowers, but other samples. The photo and video show that the principle of creating a tree is the same.

Topiary made of artificial sisal flowers (video master class)

Artificial flower topiary pot

The pot can be decorated with your own hands if it does not seem elegant enough to you. You can get inspiration using the examples in the photo - there is decor with ribbons, and button decor, and beads, and twine, and braid.

And you can also decorate the pot with your own hands like this:

  • Fragment of canvas with embroidery... On the canvas, you embroider something in tune with the flower crown - the same roses, or maybe insect birds in the theme, or maybe some kind of statement at all. But the embroidery should be in the same style, if the roses are vintage, then the font is also vintage.
  • You can make a pot paintingacrylic paints, stencil, a little bit of zeal and you get another hand-made thing.
  • The pot can be wrapped in coarse burlap, then tie it with twine and decorate with another small rose, also made of paper with your own hands.

You can, of course, find both a video and a photo master class that will help decorate the pot.

As for the shabby chic style, just paint the pot with white paint with your own hands, allowing specially places for scuffs, underpainting. Sandpaper will help with this.

How to decorate a topiary pot: creative ideas(video)

Artificial Grass Topiary

Artificial flower topiary is no longer a novelty, but grass topiary is a fresh idea.

They are certainly easy to make with your own hands. The principle is absolutely the same - the main thing is, carefully, repeating the shape of the ball, stick fragments of artificial grass on this very ball.

By the way, such trees can be larger than ordinary topiary in size. This should be done if only because they will look more convincing in this size: a real tree with a rounded crown in a pot. A more weighty interior decoration, which can be in the living room and in the kitchen, and make it cozier, for example, a loggia.

it nice decor and for shooting a family video, and for photo sessions, and for a green corner in the house.

Topiary made of artificial hydrangea petals (video master class)

Topiary is a tree in the house, small, neat, perfect. One master class, and you yourself are the author of such a souvenir tree. Try it, and making topiary can become not only your hobby, but also a way to replenish your family's piggy bank.

Topiary made of artificial flowers (photo)

House and apartment design » Interior » Decor elements»Arrangements of artificial flowers. 100 photos and ideas. Do it yourself for the interior

Today's article is about interesting and unusual ideas artificial flower arrangements... Otherwise, we may have already learned how to make flowers for decoration from various materials, but to put it all into an attractive art object, unfortunately, lacks imagination. Let's take a look at the most popular approaches to the design of such decorative element like a bouquet.

Artificial flower arrangement

If you do center arrangement of artificial flowers, which is set up in the center of the room, most often the living room, and attracts the most attention, then a great idea is a small work in height, in which large inflorescences are connected. In this case, nothing distracts from the beauty of the plants themselves, from the combination of shades. In the photo below you can see what the described interior flowers look like.
Interesting as monofloral decor, in which they are usually used as the main component of a plant and one species, and one shade, and multi-textured work. Here is an example compositions of artificial flowers, photo which demonstrates what this principle of building a bouquet looks like. Cream roses in combination with delicate daylilies are made according to the principle of common shades, in a soft colors... Whereas the combination of peonies with hydrangeas, roses and chrysanthemums is completely built on the principle of contrast, when one shade emphasizes and sets off the beauty of another.
If for classic interior fit absolutely conservative in terms of form and content artificial flower arrangements then for modern interior the bouquet can become another characteristic decorative element that emphasizes original taste their owners and their desire to comply with fashion trends. The combination of glass containers, vases, flasks, spheres with bright accents is very popular today. In the photo you can just see an example of these flower arrangements. It is here, like nowhere else, that the use of imitation is justified, because the shape of these vases is sometimes so unusual that living plants can survive in it for a long time, while maintaining an attractive appearance, there just wouldn't be a chance.
In addition, the popularity of environmental motives does not pass in modern design and it is in it that unnatural plants are of the greatest relevance. They combine into unusual DIY artificial flower arrangements together with tree cuts, roots, vines, grass. Moreover, such compositions of artificial flowers, as you can see in the photo, it is enough just to do it yourself, having already necessary components, such as purchased plastic or fabric plants, grass, leaves, as well as branches brought from a forest or park, roots, even dried hay and grass. The easiest way is to pick up a wide vase or salad bowl, opaque, to lay the material on the bottom like a floral sponge, that is, one in which all the elements will be securely fixed. You need to arrange first wooden blocks at regular intervals, and then fill the free space with bright accents.

Artificial flower arrangements for the interior

Fancy compositions of artificial flowers for the interior- this is today a very popular way to bring bright accents in a modern apartment design. We want to show you two great ideas how to look at such crafts in a new way. The first idea is to place the bouquet not in a vase, on a horizontal surface, but directly on the wall.

It is the idea of ​​vertical placement that unites flower arrangements of artificial flowers for interior, images of which are posted above. In fact, attaching such elements to the wall is not so difficult if it is painted or pasted over with good quality wallpaper that will survive the attachment of the decorative element without affecting the appearance. The main thing is that the bouquets do not have heavy weight were bright and had unusual shape... Very often, in numerous tips for this kind of crafts, there are variations of the flower envelope, which we show you in the photo. It is done in one piece, that is, the stems are glued to inside paper or cardboard, so changing the arrangement of the elements will not work. However, the work itself is so simple that you can change it from season to season.
Vertically placed artificial flowers in the interior are not only hung on the wall, because bouquets hanging from the ceiling are both avant-garde and stylish. This fashion trend emerged from the fashion of decorating wedding and banquet halls and took root so well that it is used to decorate an apartment on a permanent basis. You can compositions of artificial flowers for the interior to buy ready-made or made on the basis of other techniques (for example, flower balls on ribbons are inspired by topiary, and others - fashionable geometric volumetric figures).
Hopefully today's examples have shown you that whatever the options compositions of artificial flowers - in a vase, as part of crafts, in avant-garde combinations - this is a great opportunity to decorate your home and make it even more individual.

A wedding bouquet is the most important accessory in a bride's outfit. If this wedding attribute is made with my own hands, then it will cease to be just an accessory, but will turn into a kind of amulet for your future family. After all, creating things with your own hands, you put your soul into them, and charge them with the energy of happiness. In Europe and the USA, it is now especially important and fashionable to make bouquets of artificial flowers, since it is fashionable, original and inexpensive.

Advantages of a bouquet of artificial flowers

Most brides do not think about creating an artificial bouquet. Following the outdated stereotype, most people believe that lifeless flowers are easy to distinguish from real ones, because they look substandard, unnatural and cheap. Artificial analogs are in many ways superior to their "living" counterparts. Experienced florists are able to transform materials such as plastic, wire, paper, fabric and so on into real floral masterpieces that are in no way inferior to their "living" counterparts, unless they have a fragrant natural floral scent.

Artificial attributes for the bride have several important advantages:

  • Quality. Modern artificial flowers are mainly produced in Europe under the strictest quality control the latest technology, in exact accordance with the shapes and colors of natural colors. The dyes used in their production are environmentally friendly and do not cause allergic reactions, and do not fade for many years. Upon closer inspection, your guests will not be able to guess that the wonderful flowers in your wedding bouquet were created by man. Choosing flowers with sequins, pebbles or bead stamens, be sure that they will hold on tightly throughout the entire celebration.

  • Persistence. A serious problem when using live bouquets is their susceptibility to conditions. environment, for example, heat, wind, frost. Fresh flowers are extremely sensitive to mechanical stress and lack of water. This problem brought a lot of grief to lovely brides, causing a lot of trouble to "reanimate" him. With improper packaging, it may not even "live" before the start of the celebration or look inappropriate for this event.

The main advantage of wedding arrangements made of artificial flowers is that they will not lose their beauty during a long solemn day, no matter what time of the year your wedding takes place. This wedding attribute will retain its charm and beauty even for many years, as long as it is kept in your memory of happy day in your life. Such an accessory is used by the bride when it is necessary to transfer the photo session to another day.

  • Versatility. The proposed version of the bride's bouquet is ideal if it is difficult to choose accessories of the appropriate shade and texture for the wedding dress or dress. Natural flowers often cannot meet such requirements, or they are extremely problematic to pick up. The variety of colors of artificial flowers is amazing. You can easily pick flowers in the composition with accuracy to the slightest shade that matches the color and shade of your outfit and celebration. Such compositions allow for bold additions in the form various decorations, stones, pearls, jewelry.
  • Comfort. An important point there will also be the comfort of using such an accessory during a wedding. Artificial flowers are much lighter than live flowers and are easier to transport. Such a wedding arrangement will not "flow" and will not stain your outfit, will not fade or wrinkle. For your peace of mind, it is better to do the wedding attribute in advance, so that you can be absolutely sure that it will be exactly as you intended, regardless of weather conditions or flowering plants you need.
  • Price. The cost of a wedding bouquet is also of great importance. Quality fresh flowers, especially if they are rare and only cut 1-2 days ago, will be expensive. The price range for modern artificial flowers of the highest quality will be significantly lower. In addition to the already described advantages, the price of the most beautiful wedding bouquet and accessories will be lower than that of their “living” counterparts. And if you make a bouquet with your own hands, it will help you to further reduce the budget of your wedding.

Bouquet understudy for throwing from artificial flowers

Why do you need an understudy bouquet? If your wedding bouquet has complex shape, for example, drop-shaped or in the form of a handbag, or even a fan-shaped bouquet, then throwing it over your head can be difficult. And if it is also heavy, then it will cause concern for the safety of the health of your guests. Many girls are of the opinion that it is worth keeping a wedding bouquet as a souvenir and giving it into the wrong hands - this is bad sign... You hold a wedding bouquet in your hands all day and transfer your energy to it. Just to solve these problems and superstitions, backup bouquets were invented.

Double-sided bouquets are made artificial, because such a wedding bouquet will remain a long memory for the girl who catches it, over the years it will not lose either its appearance or its shape. Such bouquets are much easier to create by giving them any shape and adding a variety of decorations to them. And the variety of colors and shades will allow you to create a backup bouquet that perfectly matches the color scheme of your wedding.

DIY bridal bouquet of artificial flowers

Creating a variety of beautiful artificial bouquets, use your imagination, give free rein to emotions. Feel free to use different materials: tissue paper, fabric, silk, ribbons, cold porcelain. Almost any jewelry will be useful to you: beads, pearls, stones, lace, feathers, bijouterie. If you prefer it to be simple, but tasteful, then a master class on creating a simple, but elegant and stylish bouquet will help you.

Step by step instructions for creating a wedding bouquet. Source materials:

  • Artificial hydrangeas and chrysanthemums that are as close to real ones as possible. The color, when creating such a composition, is preferable to white, but it is permissible to replace it with a more suitable one for your color scheme;
  • Floristic wire for flowers;
  • Natural linen or jute twine. It should match the color of the floral wire, but differ in shade from it;
  • Floral tape or organza, about 5 cm wide;
  • Several buttons;
  • Sharp knife or secateurs.

Process progress:

  1. Cut off any leaves and twigs from the artificial flowers with a pruner or sharp knife. Try to keep the stems of the flowers straight.

  1. Then take 3 hydrangeas and fold them into a tight bunch so that you get a triangle.

  1. Add three more hydrangeas to them, placing them so that they are slightly lower on the "sides" of the triangle. It is important that there is a little free space in the center - the last hydrangea flower will be on it. The last flower should be placed slightly higher than the others, so that your wedding bouquet has a more round and neat shape.
  2. Next, take three artificial chrysanthemums and add them to the bouquet, not from the edge, but closer to the center. Try so that the chrysanthemums are not close to each other, it is advisable to place them so that they form an open triangle.

  1. So that your wedding bouquet does not lose its shape, the flower stems need to be tightly wrapped with floral wire, on top (almost under the flowers themselves), in the center and below.

  1. Cut the stems to a length that is comfortable for holding the bouquet. Trim them.
  2. After that, it is necessary to tightly wrap the trunks with floral tape or organza. Start wrapping from above, stepping back about 2 cm from the flowers, going down. If you want the base of the bouquet to be thicker, then you should wrap it with tape in two or three layers. It is important to carefully secure the tape with the button at the top and bottom. In the final version, the buttons will not be visible, since they will be hidden by the twine. You should have a tight handle.

  1. To decorate the handle, you can attach a bow to it or wrap it in lace. It will look elegant if you wrap the handle with twine. You need to wrap freely and with imagination - there should be a lot of twine.

  1. In order to secure the twine in order to avoid unwinding it during the celebration, pass the rest of the floral wire through the twine thread weaves, securing its rings with each other and with the stems.

For more clarity, watch the video master class on making an accessory for the bride.

What if you want to somehow decorate and diversify your interior, but do not know how to do it in an original way? There is a way out - you need a topiary, also known as the tree of happiness or the European tree. Today we will look at how to make such a decoration from artificial flowers and fruits with our own hands.

Materials for topiary made of artificial flowers

  • Flower pot.
  • Plaster or alabaster.
  • Wand.
  • Floristic oasis.
  • Artificial flowers.
  • Artificial grass.
  • Gift ribbon, sisal fiber.
  • Floral burlap.
  • Glue gun.
  • Safety pins.

Artificial flowers, an oasis, and a gun can be purchased at any florist shop. If there is no oasis, then normal will do Styrofoam: just cut out the circle required size... The pistol can also be found at a sewing or hardware store. Please note that gun glue can be for different materials, the package usually contains a list of them. But if for some reason the choice is scarce, then take a transparent one - it is universal. You can also look for the wand in florist shops.

First, take a stick - this is the future tree trunk. If a stick is not available, a few kebab skewers, canapé skewers, or thick wire may work. In the last two cases, you will need to decorate the barrel with tape, colored thread, or sisal fiber.

After the barrel is ready, connect it to the ball. After making sure that the stick is securely fixed in the ball, we proceed to the design of the latter.

You need to attach the flowers with safety pins to the ball. You can additionally decorate the ball with threads or sisal fiber.

If you are not sure that you have firmly attached the flowers or tape, additionally secure them with a glue gun.

Carefully! The glue is very hot, and it is impossible to quickly remove it from the skin - you will get a burn guaranteed. The nose of the pistol is also very hot, although it is hidden in protective insulation, over time it is torn off, and it also becomes dangerous. Keep the gun away from children and animals.

Now let's start decorating the pot. You can wrap it in burlap, paint it with paints or beads, placing them on hot glue.

Please note that the size of the pot dictates to us the size of the entire composition as a whole - observe the proportions.

Tip: Hot glue leaves threads - they stretch from the place of gluing behind the nozzle of the gun. Do not rush to pull them in the hope of getting rid of them - wait until the glue cools down, and then safely remove.

Hot glue the holes in the bottom of the pot.

Attention! Gypsum hardens very quickly - in about 15 minutes, so don't hesitate to place the tree in the pot.

Place the artificial turf in the pot with hot glue.

Tip: If the glue flow has stopped, although the glue stick has not yet ended, gently push it in a little with a pencil.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Created to live in harmony with nature, people strive for beauty around them, which is why we love flowers - living works of art. The life of a cut plant is short, and a favorite bouquet will quickly lose its attractiveness. Then artificial flowers for decoration, indistinguishable from living ones, will come to the rescue.

Materials for artificial flowers

Modern production artificial plants- a whole industry that has achieved unprecedented success in the art of imitation. A flower for decoration, created from new materials, is not just as alive, it cannot be distinguished from the real one even from the distance of an outstretched hand. Each such product has its own image, its own character, its own unique color. The reason for this is modern materials and technologies that work wonders.

In compositions of artificial flowers for the interior, products are used that have a different structure, which differ in the material of manufacture. An amazingly beautiful bouquet, so enlivening a room can be made from:

  • silicone;
  • latex;
  • fabrics;
  • plastic.

Homemade bouquets made of thread, paper, beads, felt, and other improvised means are also used to decorate apartments. But really sophisticated hand-made works are rare, caring for such products is complicated, and they themselves quickly lose their attractiveness. Therefore, it is worth considering only artificial plants for the interior, created by craftsmen at modern enterprises.

Silicone Flowers

True masterpieces are created from this wonderful material. Silicone conveys the subtlest features of a vivid bouquet, the relief and texture of the petals, a variety of natural shades. The assortment of simulated plants is striking. It seems that any garden flower has its own silicone copy. Silicone products are durable, light resistant and easy to clean. The works of Chinese and Polish masters are especially good. Each plant is made by hand, so compositions from artificial silicone flowers for an interior are not cheap pleasure.

Latex flowers

Natural rubber (latex) is another material that has become a godsend for florists. Artificial plants made from it, not only in appearance, but also to the touch, resemble living ones. For latex products it is used sheet material... There is another technology in which flower petals are molded from fabric, after which they are coated on one or both sides with liquid rubber. Flowers for decoration are also made of synthetic latex. The service life of such products is shorter, since the artificial rubber loses its elasticity over time and begins to crumble.

Fabric bouquets

The first artificial flowers for home decoration appeared in China. They were made of high quality silk and were very expensive. Fabric imitations of plants are popular to this day. Silk, satin, cambric, crepe de Chine products can be used in the composition of artificial flowers for the interior. Synthetic fabrics of different compositions are also used. Exquisite fabric bouquets remain popular, successfully competing with latex and silicone bouquets in terms of value for money.

Plastic flowers

Plastic bouquets, which were produced earlier, were used more often in the ritual sphere, and for decoration living rooms they looked rude and unprepossessing. Modern plastic flowers become more and more graceful. Their updated appearance and low price attract the attention of buyers. In addition, high-quality plastic is used in the manufacture of plants from other materials. Stems, leaves, and other green elements are made from it. Modern plastic is an odorless material, it is easy to clean and does not require special care.

See in detail in the video how to make a composition of artificial flowers.

Flower arrangements in the interior

Natural flowers cannot be replaced by anything, however, in quality permanent element decor, cut plants are not very suitable. They quickly fade, lose their attractiveness. Flowers in pots are whimsical, require a sufficient amount of light, regular watering, feeding, transplanting. Carefully thought-out compositions of artificial flowers for the interior will remain unchanged for many years and will not need complicated maintenance.

Artificial flowers in the house can revive a boring room, create an accent, a bright color spot that attracts the attention of a guest. They do not need special conditions, they can be placed away from the light source, even in the hallway, bedroom or bathroom. Their lack of smell is more an advantage than a disadvantage. Silicone, latex and plastic do not smell, do not cause allergic reactions.

Interior compositions made of artificial flowers are especially appropriate when decorating premises for a holiday. Original bouquets, baskets with flowers will create a feeling of celebration, maintain the mood, and delight guests. In adorned with unfading flowering plants living room, even in winter, summer will reign. Tastefully selected artificial flowers in the interior are beautiful, stylish and fashionable.

Artificial flowers in pots

Exact copies of the living indoor plants very popular for decorating rooms, offices, beauty salons, cafes, restaurants. With their help, you can not only decorate the room, but also disguise the pipes of communications, distract attention from the flaws in the layout, design flaws. The imitators of climbing and hanging plants (ivy, asparagus, tradescantia, monster) and those of great height (ficuses, palms) do especially well with this. Their main element is decorative greenery. unusual leaves, and only sometimes they are made blooming.

Compositions in glass vases

Do you have a glass vase or even several? Don't leave them unoccupied. For each of them, you can choose a wonderful composition that will decorate your home. Everyone can make a bouquet in a vase, you need to take into account the size and shape of the vessel:

  • The vase is tall and narrow, great for flowers with long stems such as roses.
  • In a wide and low container, a bouquet with shortened legs looks great.

Pour clear, clear water into a vase. Artificial plants do not need it, but it will emphasize their similarity with natural ones, and make the composition realistic. A small bouquet of small flowers in a glass or jug ​​will harmoniously fit into the interior of the kitchen, and a high composition in a massive glass vase will take its place on dining table made of natural wood.

Bouquet in Biedermeier style

An interesting composition that can be made from both natural and artificial flowers is a Biedermeier. It is a round bouquet made up of large flower heads. In it, the same elements are located in circles, of which there are several. You can use plants of the same type, but in contrasting colors (for example, white and scarlet roses), or flowers different types... The elements of the bouquet are arranged tightly, no leaves or stems should be visible behind the petals. Sometimes the composition is decorated with ears and framed with greenery or paper.

Such a bouquet looks elegant and rich, it is perfect for decorating a living room, and if it is not too bright, then a bedroom. To compose the composition correctly, think over how many products of which colors you need to buy. A Biedermeier bouquet is good if it consists of four or more circles, it will require a lot of artificial plants. This composition belongs to the so-called massive style.

Classic design

In addition to bouquets in a vase, massive compositions are considered classics of floral design elements. different forms... Since ancient times, wire frames and moss have been used as a basis for their manufacture. They were replaced by a floristic sponge sold by specialty stores. Flowers, greens, and other components are densely located on the basis. The massive style is distinguished by dense filling of the composition's boundaries, it assumes the absence of free space between its elements.

The well-known floral composition "Byzantine Cone" is used to decorate spacious rooms for the holiday. The classic interior decoration gives the opportunity to show imagination and create a solemn atmosphere. The Byzantine cone is set on a platter and filled with artificial or dried flower heads, herbs. For this composition, fruits and berries are often used.

Classic compositions can be different sizes. Desktop option use at festive serving, and the floor (one meter and more) will decorate banquet halls, halls, verandas and loggias. The use of artificial flowers in the interior is a creative business that requires knowledge and delicate taste. Try to make a floral arrangement with your own hands. This can become your new and exciting hobby.

Video: do-it-yourself panels made of artificial flowers

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