Health Day for Adults. Ceremonial closing of the holiday "Day of Health"

Water bodies 23.09.2019

Holiday script dedicated to World Day health

Hello guys! We are happy to see you!

Congratulations to all without a preface

Today is a holiday - Health Day!

After all, this is so in reality:

A healthy mind in a healthy body!

After all, how wonderful, gentlemen,

Always have health!

And so that there are no problems,

We wish everyone health!

Today I invite you all on a unique journey, where we will not only play, show our skill and ingenuity, but each of you will visit doctors: dentist, psychiatrist, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist and treatment room.

Guys, please tell me the rules of conduct in the hospital (children's answers). Well done, you told me everything right. But in order to go on a trip, we need to choose a senior of the group, who will receive a route sheet and must put a mark on the passage with each doctor. Do you understand? (selection of the senior group).

We will visit 6 doctors in total. Let's go in a circle from one office to another, where to go - it is written in the route sheet. Please be careful not to confuse anything.

If you come to the doctor's appointment, and there is still another group, then stand aside and wait, you will definitely be accepted. Senior groups are responsible for discipline. After going through all the stages, we will meet again in the assembly hall.

Before going on a trip, I suggest you play. Our game is called "This is me, this is me!" Now I will say phrases to you, and you will answer me with the words "This is me, this is me - look at me!" Be careful - you don't always have to answer, sometimes you have to keep silent.

In the morning I brush my teeth, because I am friends with the brush,

I go to the dentist for a checkup.

I wake up very early and run first to the bath

I'm not too lazy to wash, I go clean all day!

He didn't wash his hands, he didn't go to the bath for a month.

The girl - the cabbage chewed a pear for an hour,

Two - washed, three - dried!

The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away

And the pillow, like a frog, galloped away from me.

So we checked what you are with us - who are clean and who are dirty.

Well, what are we going on a long-awaited journey ???

(At the stages there are high school girls in white coats)

Dentist Blendomedov

    Guys, what is the right way to brush your teeth?

    I suggest you listen to Miss Hygiene's recipe "How to Brush Your Teeth Correctly":

As we ate deliciously, you need to brush your teeth right away.

Take a brush in your hand, apply toothpaste

And we got down to business boldly, we brush our teeth skillfully:

Top-down and right-left, top-down and left again.

And from the outside, from the inside, you rub hard.

So as not to suffer with teeth, we drive the brush in circles.

We brush our teeth carefully, because you can injure the gums.

And what's next? And then we rinse our teeth.

We'll need a mug. Smile as a friend.

We worked skillfully, our teeth became white!

    Show off your pretty teeth.

    Count how many teeth are in the lower jaw. And on top?

    Gritting your teeth, tell the tongue twister "Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying."

Well done boys! I suggest you play a little (optional).

    twist the hoop around the neck

We twist the hoop on the hand

Twist the hoop at the waist

We spin the hoop simultaneously on right hand and left leg.

Oculist Glazostroev

    Numbers from 1 to 10 are written on the board, you need to name them from 1 to 10 and vice versa.

    Who will stand longer on one leg with their eyes closed: hands on the belt, one leg bent at the knee, eyes closed. Everyone starts at the same time, whoever touches the floor with their feet is eliminated.

    Eye-diamond - the game "Ring throw".

Psychiatrist Sklerozovskaya

    Recall and sing 3 children's songs on a verse.

    Stand in a column, hands on shoulders to each other, eyes closed, except for the first participant. It is necessary to go a distance with obstacles behind the guide without disengaging.

    With one hand, slap yourself on the stomach, with the other, stroke your head.

    Game: toss balloon badminton racket without leaving the circle.

Lor Sopelkina

    We inhale with our nose, exhale for a long time with our mouth.

    Inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose.

    Inhale through the nose - a short exhalation through the mouth.

We perform 1-3 tasks 3 times.

    In one breath, pronounce EGORKI - the guys start all together, who are longer.

    Broken Phone game. Children stand in a circle and quickly pass each other the hidden word (nose, skier, boy, bird, ball).

Procedural. Nurse Vaccine

(guys sit down at their desks)

    Massage each other.

    Massage of the palms with prickly balls:

I roll the ball in circles

I chase him back and forth,

I will stroke my palm with it,

It's like I'm sweeping away crumbs.

And squeeze it a little

I will press with each finger

And I'll start with the other hand.

(repeat with other hand)

    Game: Winding the rope.

Well, guys, did you like our trip? And our doctors? Of course, after passing the medical examination, each person receives a certificate that he is healthy or has any deviations. It’s even interesting, what kind of diagnosis did our doctors give you guys? (iterates over references)

Aha, there it is! Okay. Wonderful.

So, let's start summing up.

It's time for us to say goodbye

It is a pity for us to part with you.

We will wait again for a visit,

And we want to wish you:

All healthy, strong to be,

Always love sports.

Remember everyone about hygiene,

Cleanliness, healthy body,

Make friends with vitamins

And, of course, no smoking!

Until next time, friends!

Scenario-staged development of a comprehensive health day for students and their families)

This scenario includes the materials necessary for organizing a health day as well as for carrying it out.

The purpose of the day of health: the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of convictions not to use alcohol, drugs.

The script contains slogans, quiz questions, poems, conversations. Instructions are given on the design of the points of the holiday: stages, halls, changing rooms, sports hall. It is desirable that health workers and sports workers (leaders sports sections and clubs of interest).

In this development, the main thematic points are highlighted complex day... Such traditional, well-known forms as sports competitions, the game "Happy Accident", club activities of interest are only indicated.

The proposed scenario is complex in nature and is addressed to all categories of students and their families.

I. Opening of the day.

The school lobby is brightly lit. A colorful banner "A healthy mind in a healthy body!" Hangs across the entire width of the lobby. Together with the numbers for the clothes handed over, each student is awarded with microlists "Seven Commandments of a Healthy Lifestyle".

1. Start your day with morning exercises followed by quenching with cool water.

2. Try to use transport less often within the city. Walk to school.

3. Don't overeat. Eat a variety of foods.

4. Go for a walk before bed.

5. Go to bed early and get up early. Sleep with open window in the warm season, and in winter - with an open window.

6. Don't smoke. Give up alcoholic beverages forever.

7. Do not be nervous over trifles, control your emotions.

The hallways in the foyer are colorfully decorated with health education slogans and posters, for example:

1. Appreciate life in active manifestation, life is not peace, but action, movement!

2. He who does not smoke or drink - he protects health!

3. Appetite for those who walk in the air, sleep soundly at night, and do not sit idle during the day.

4. Blame yourself for looking sickly and gloomy. Apparently, you are not doing physical education.

5. We can hardly avoid colds without following the correct regimen.

One of the halls hosts exhibitions of popular medical literature. The organizer of the exhibition is a librarian. Students can familiarize themselves with literature and purchase books of interest to them.

For the exhibition, books should be selected containing advice on occupational hygiene, everyday life, on combating drunkenness, smoking, on rational nutrition, recreation, physical education, sports, magazines "Physical culture and sports", books on cooking, handicrafts.

There is a poster in the lobby with a plan for a health day.

1-3 grades.

1. Puppet show "Moidodyr".

2. Game on stations "Routes of health".

5-7 grades.

1. Conversation "Enemies of Health".

2. Sports competition: "Dad, Mom and I are a sports family."

8-9 grades.

1. Viewing the video film "On the evil and the criminal."

2. Dispute "Hot Topic".

3. Game "Happy Accident" between the teams of 8th and 9th grades.

10-11 grades.

1. Competitions in basketball (volleyball) between the national teams of 10 and 11 grades.

2. Dispute "Proper nutrition is the basis of health."

3. Interest club "Generation NEXT".

When students come to school, they go through the cloakroom, receive microlovers, and disperse to the points of the health day episodes.

II. Episodes of a comprehensive health day.

1-3 grades

Events are held in the halls and classrooms on the 1st floor.

1. Students watch a puppet show "Moidodyr". After the performance, the counselor invites the students to take part in the discussion of the "Daily routine" issue. Here are some sample questions that students should answer:

Where should you start your day?

Who can tell what the daily routine should be?

Why (why) do you need to observe the daily routine?

Why do you need to harden?

Continue the phrase "If you want to be healthy - ..."

- “Organize your leisure time with a reasonable purpose. Remember: rest is not idleness. " How to rest properly?

Summing up the results of the conversation, the conclusion sounds:

We wish you to grow, bloom,

Save up, strengthen health,

It is for a long journey

The stations are located in the offices of the 1st floor (there are signs on the offices). The time spent at the station is 10-15 minutes.

2.1 Station Poetic.

For each poem read to the class, points are put on the itinerary: 1 poem - 3 points. For instance:

By the clock he goes to bed,

Doesn't wait for instructions

Even if something is dreaming,

At 7 am Yegor gets up.

In the heat, in the cold, it doesn't matter

He opens a window

Charges quickly,

Eating soft-boiled eggs for breakfast

5 potato cutlets,

2 cups buttermilk

And a bowl of semolina.

Porridge is also not harmful.

(An excerpt from S. Mikhalkov's poem "About Stepanov Yegor".)

The hare gallops in a furrow,

His pocket is empty

Katya approached the hare,

Kalacha gave him.

Gave me a copper penny

To buy food for the crumbs.

And he bought tobacco,

Smokes lying on its side

Such a bum!

S. Marshak. Slacker hare

He's on a swing in the summer

In winter - ice skating.

He walks on stilts

And maybe on hand.

He's with a compass in his pocket

And with a globe in hand

With a ruler under my arm

With a serpent in the clouds ...

S. Mikhalkov. My friend

2.2 Station Musical.

The competition is held by a music teacher. The teacher plays a melody that the children have to guess. For each guessed melody, 3 points are added to the route list.

2.3 Station Sportivnaya (hall).

Jumping rope more than 20 times - 1 point;

Throwing rings (2-3 people); if all 5 rings hit - 3 points;

Name the sports (winter, summer). Points are awarded according to the number of the named sports.

2.4 Painting Station.

Choose from a class of 5 artists who take turns drawing a boxer with their eyes closed:

1st - head,

2nd - torso,

3rd - hands, gloves,

4th - legs,

5th - face.

The competition is evaluated when summing up the results of the game by station. Students compare the received works.

1st place - 6 points.

2nd place - 5 points.

3rd place - 4 points.

4th place - 3 points.

5th place - 2 points.

6th place - 1 point.

2.5 Station Zagadkino.

Students receive 1 point for each guessed riddle. The riddles should reflect the theme of the event. For instance:

The river flows - we are lying.

Ice on the river - we are running. (Skates.)

What is it at the checkmark?

Strings on a stick.

Wand in hand

A thread in the river. (Fishing rod.)

They beat - do not cry,

Only jumps higher. (Ball.)

Born in the forest -

Lives in the water. (A boat.)

I have two horses

Two horses.

They carry me on the water.

And the water is hard

Like a stone one. (Skates.)

He has two wheels

And the saddle on the frame

There are two pedals at the bottom

They twist them with their feet. (A bike.)

Two stripes in the snow

I leave it on the run.

I fly from them with an arrow,

And they follow me again. (Skis.)

He is stubborn and pot-bellied

The guys hurt him.

Why is the poor man beaten?

Because it is inflated. (Ball.)

Downhill - horses,

Up the hill-pieces of wood. (Skis, sledges.)

Writhing - like a cat,

And it will stretch - from the track. (Rope.)

2.6 Station Alfavitovo.

Given a set of letters, you need to collect the word meaning the sport.

For instance:





Students receive 3 points for each correct word. After passing all the stations, students gather in the hall to summarize. Drawings of boxers have already been placed in the lobby. The curators hand over the itinerary and an award ceremony for the winning class is held.

5-7 grades

Students gather in the assembly hall. Here is an exhibition of the poster "Enemies of Health", postal bags are installed to collect written questions.

1. Conversation "Alcohol is the enemy of health."

The office in which the conversation is held is decorated with posters on which the statements of famous people are written:

"Wine ... destroys the soul and posterity." L. N. Tolstoy.

"Drunkenness destroys beauty, reduces youth." Horace.

"Drunkenness is an exercise in thoughtlessness." Pythagoras.

We give summary conversations.

1.1 A bit of history.

Thief of the mind - this is the name of alcohol for a long time. People learned about the intoxicating properties of alcoholic beverages at least eight thousand years before our era.

With the advent of ceramic dishes it became possible to make alcoholic beverages from honey, fruit juices, barley, wheat, rice, millet. But grape wine was especially widespread in antiquity. In Greece, grapes began to be cultivated 4 thousand years before our era. Pure alcohol began to be obtained in the 6th-7th centuries and was called "Alcohol", which means "intoxicating". Since then alcoholic drinks quickly spread throughout the countries of the world due to the growing industrial production alcohol from cheap raw materials (potatoes, sugar production wastes, etc.) Alcohol so quickly entered everyday life that almost no artist, writer or poet avoided this topic.

Remember from A.S. Pushkin:

Circular buckets, foaming, hiss

On the lamentable feast of Oleg ...

The English poet Robert Burns sarcastically lists the reasons for drunkenness:

There are such reasons for drunkenness:

Wake, holiday, meeting, farewell,

Christening, wedding and divorce,

Frost, hunting, New Year,

Recovery, housewarming,

Sadness, remorse, fun,

Success, award, new rank

And just drunkenness - for no reason.

Translated by S. Ya. Marshak

1.2 The picture of drunkenness of workers in the novel by Maxim Gorky "Mother" is very well reflected.

“The youth sat in taverns or threw parties with each other, played accordions, sang obscene, ugly songs, danced, swore and drank ...

On holidays, young people came home late at night in torn clothes, in dirt and dust, with broken faces, ... offended, ... drunk and pitiful, unhappy, disgusting. "

Thus, over the centuries, drunkenness was spread among the people, the ruling circles only cared about getting more income from the sale of alcoholic beverages.

Alcoholism (drunkenness) is one of birthmarks the past, preserved in our society.

Prominent psychiatrist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev described psychological reasons drunkenness: “The point is that drunkenness is an age-old evil, it has taken deep roots in our everyday life and has given rise to a whole system of wild drinking habits. These customs require drinking and refreshments in any case ... ".

Drunkenness and alcoholism by themselves will not die out until the "drinking habits" disappear.

1.3 Where does drunkenness begin.

The reasons for the first introduction to alcohol are very diverse. Until the age of 11, the first acquaintance with alcohol occurs either by accident, or it is given “for appetite,” “treated with wine,” or the child tries it out of curiosity. At any older age, traditional reasons become motives: a holiday, a family celebration, guests, etc. From the age of 14-15 such reasons as “it was inconvenient to lag behind the guys”, “friends persuaded”, “for the company”, “for courage ". But once you touch alcohol, the psychological barrier is already removed and the teenager feels entitled to have a drink with his comrades. It is not for nothing that the people say: "Rivers begin from a brook, and drunkenness from a glass."

Usually, the first acquaintance with alcohol is not what it seemed to you: the "bitter taste" of vodka, burning mouth, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting.

After such an unpleasant acquaintance, most teenagers avoid alcohol for a while.

Psychologically, Jack London describes his first acquaintance with alcohol exactly in the story "John the Barleycorn".

“The first time I got drunk was when I was 5 years old. It was a hot day, my father plowing a field half a mile from home. I was sent to bring him a beer. "Don't spill it along the way!" - punished me goodbye. The beer was, I remember, in a wooden bucket, with a wide top and without a lid. I carried it and splashed on my feet. I walked and wondered: why is this beer considered such a jewel? Probably delicious! After all, everything that parents forbid is always very tasty ... I put my nose into the bucket and began to lap up the thick liquid. What rubbish! He drank after all. It can't be that adults are wrong!

It is difficult to say how much I drank then: there was a toddler, and the bucket seemed huge, and I sipped everything, without stopping, plunging my face up to my ears in foam.

But I swallowed, I must confess, like a medicine: I felt sick, and I wanted to end this torment as soon as possible.

I slept under a tree until evening. At sunset my father woke me up ... I was barely alive ... I felt disgusting. "

1.4 Stages and forms of intoxication and alcoholism.

1. A slight degree of intoxication - at this time a person becomes unreasonably cheerful, inclined to overestimate his strengths, capabilities, abilities.

2. Average degree of intoxication - dizziness, ringing in the ears, tiredness, weakness, drowsiness, decreased interest in the environment.

3. Severe intoxication - symptoms of deep alcohol poisoning (nausea, vomiting, impaired coordination of movement, dizziness).

Alcoholism is a serious chronic disease, and in most cases it is incurable, develops on the basis of regular and prolonged use of alcohol, is characterized by an irrepressible craving for alcohol.

Alcoholism develops according to the following pattern:

a) The initial phase - a person constantly thinks about alcohol, drinks "for future use", he develops a greed for alcohol. However, he remains conscious of his guilt.

b) Critical phase - loss of control over oneself after the first sip of alcohol. Arrogance, aggressiveness develops. A person blames others for his troubles.

c) Chronic phase - daily hangover. Breakdown of personality. Confusion of thought. Blurred memory "Delirium tremens".

d) Conclusion - systematic alcohol abuse leads to a decrease in mental functions, deterioration of attention, loss of creativity. This mental impoverishment is reflected by Sergei Yesenin in his poem "The Black Man".

My friend, my friend

I am very, very sick.

I myself do not know where this pain came from.

Whether the wind is whistling

Over an empty and deserted field

Either, like a grove in September,

Alcohol showered the brains.

Alcoholism is a social evil, but it is an extinguishable evil.

2. Sports family competitions.

8-9 grades

1. Viewing the video film "On the evil and the criminal."

After the viewing, a discussion is held in which specialists from the district narcological dispensary, representatives of the PDN, and the district center take part. psychological and pedagogical help "Assistance". The material presented below can be taken as a basis as reference points:

2. Conversations for students "About evil and criminal."

This conversation is about the evil and the criminal that exists in society - about drug addiction.

Drug addiction is a special disease, much of it is completely unclear. A person who embarked on this path, in the end, loses his human appearance.

His psyche is distorted, ideas about the world around him are deformed, working capacity is lost ... However, in addition to this, drug addicts are subject to another danger - the danger of infection with all kinds infectious diseases including AIDS. The average life expectancy of a person who starts using drugs is 15 years. With the constant use of narcotic substances, the body becomes worn out, premature aging. By the age of forty, drug addicts look decrepit old people. Drug addicts older than this age hardly exist ...

According to the testimony of doctors and scientists, drugs remain in the adipose tissue of the human body for decades, in human hair they are found even after 25 years of cessation of use.

So what are drugs?

It is a poison that destroys not only the body but also the soul. It deforms the personality structure, turning a person into a weak-willed, devastated, slavishly dependent on "drugs", rapidly aging and prematurely dying creature. This is voluntary schizophrenia, detachment from reality, spiritual suicide.

Since time immemorial, people have tried to find a remedy to relieve pain - the most direct manifestation of human suffering. Various herbs have been used as pain relievers. Special properties some plants were known to the priests and tribal leaders, and they skillfully used this, relieving the people under their control from fear and anxiety, hunger and anxiety.

For a long time, drugs have been used for religious purposes in some tribes, as well as in medicinal purposes as a pain reliever.

The main purpose of drug use in modern medicine is to suppress the body's response to surgery and, above all, the sensation of pain. And for those who are doomed to unbearable torment and death, for example, at the final stages of cancer, narcotic substances brighten last days and hours of stay in this world. In medicine, drugs are used that do not cause complications and harmful consequences.

Drugs are a group of substances of different origins, but they are united by their similarity in their effects on the body. Most of these substances are of plant origin: opium poppy (opium, morphine, heroin is obtained from it), Indian hemp (hashish, marijuana or cannabis is obtained from it), bushes of coffee, coca, cola (caffeine, cocaine), etc. synthetic drugs that act like hard drugs, now their number reaches 1000.

The effect of drugs on the body occurs along the following chain:

euphoria ⇒ tolerance ⇒ abstinence.

Euphoria is an elated, joyful mood, a feeling of satisfaction, complete well-being, which does not correspond to the objective circumstances and the real state of the body.

At the initial intake of a narcotic substance, a person becomes cheerful, pleasant hallucinations, cheerfulness appear; the drug user feels like a superman. But these sensations disappear very quickly, and the person begins to form a mental addiction to the drug (the desire to experience new sensations). With a sin - four times the intake of a narcotic substance, tolerance develops.

Small doses of a narcotic substance do not satisfy the addict, and the dose becomes higher and higher.

And the third link in this chain is abstinence or withdrawal.

Withdrawal is a painful condition caused by an acute need of the body for a new dose of a narcotic substance.

Here are some examples from letters and case histories that characterize the formation of addiction to narcotic substances.

Historical facts

This was the first description of the sensations of a morphine addict in the world literature. The fate of de Quincey is very instructive. Addicted to drugs in his youth, he suffered from drug addiction all his life. Without any medical help, he quit taking drugs three times and was practically a healthy person... Why did he periodically become a drug addict? What kind of person was De Quincey?

He was almost a midget height, he was very worried about it. From a young age he was an inveterate tramp. He lived a significant part of his life in poverty, which did not prevent him from expanding his family and dooming him to the same life. De Quincey was an unbalanced person, and it was precisely such people who had an increased risk of developing drug addiction. However, when a tough need arose, he completely independently, without any appeal to doctors, overcame the painful passion.

2. It happened on the morning of October 3, 1849, when a passerby found an emaciated man lying on the ground. He barely showed signs of life. Although he occasionally mumbled something and, looking around in fright, suddenly smiled. “Apparently, a little out of place,” thought a passer-by. “You don't often see that in Baltimore. However, who knows: there is a tavern nearby. Probably, this guy went overboard. "

The stranger had no documents, he did not give his name. A police officer and a passer-by took the man to the hospital. He was unconscious and, without regaining consciousness, died on October 7. Only after some time did it become clear that it was the great American writer Edgar Ales Poe (1809 - 1849).

3. IN Miklouho-Maclay conducted experimental opium smoking in Hong Kong under the supervision of a physician with appropriate notes. Target: scientific knowledge... "I experienced a sense of peace, it was tempting and pleasant that I would like to never get rid of this state." But Nikolai Nikolaevich had a strong will and a clear mind, and the experiment was no longer repeated.

4. American writer Keen Kesey, author of the novel "Over the Cuckoo's Nest," admitted: “We tried to understand what a creative fantasy that got out of control is capable of ... We tried to compose while under the influence of drugs. And not only to compose, but also to draw, play in the theater, sing on the stage, just live. " It was not possible to achieve any creative heights in this way. Kesey wrote his novel when he was young, working in a mental hospital.

Excerpts from letters and case histories

1. From a medical journal: “... We enter the basement of an apartment building. The room is divided wooden partitions... Several clamshells. This is the so-called sleeping car, where teenagers are "bastard". In the other half - bottles with chemicals, on the walls are portraits of rock musicians. Katya, an 8th grade student, visited this basement, where she was taught to swallow pills.

Here, - he says, - you swallow these pills, and before your eyes different color pictures appear, like in cartoons.

Katya drank 10 tablets at once. "...Came home. I don't feel anything. And suddenly I see: my head separates from my neck and floats to the window. I follow her, and she is from me. At the very window, my head turned around. She stuck her tongue out at me and flew out into the street. I shout: "Stop!"

Absolutely by chance, Katya's mother heard the glass clinking. She managed to remove her daughter from the windowsill, who wanted to jump from the 9th floor behind her head. "

2. Doctor's story: “A withered man was rushing about in a hospital bed. His body was beating and writhing in convulsions, covered with large drops of sweat. The patient was crying. He swore, begged, threatened, shouted in a wild voice:

Save! I'm dying! An injection! Worms, white worms are gnawing at me! Take away the worms!

These were withdrawal syndromes, or "withdrawal symptoms."

3. From the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda":

a) "... I smoked a cigarette with" weed ", and it became so easy for me, fun ... I wanted to run somewhere, shout, sing. I jumped out into the street and ran across the stream of cars. It seemed to me that the sea was shining ahead ... When I came to my senses afterwards, I found that my hands and face were badly cut - it turns out that I flew into the shop window ... ".

b) “... By the age of 27, my heart was already pounding, my whole body ached. Interest in everything disappeared ... Nightmares in a dream. Hallucinations. Spiders and worms fancied on the walls. From the corner of the uncleaned room, the red eyes of a snake and a rat stared ... ".

c) “... Until now, frost runs over the skin. When I remember how hard it was to get out of the habit. The terrible physical pain lasted 10 days. I did not sleep, did not eat, I could not get out of bed ... I thought that there would be no turning back. And here is the breakdown. The fields bloomed, and I was drawn again. It all started again. Now without this I am no longer able to work, to do anything at all ... I understand everything, I want to give it up and I can’t! After all, this person can, ah, a drug addict! "

d) “... I thought, I'll try it once and that's it ... I injected myself again. And it became so good. No problem. Then again and again ... But all the same it did not seem serious to me. I thought: I’ll quit at any time when I want ... I only later understood how Jesuitically “catches” a drug. Suddenly, at one moment, you notice with horror that everything, a terrible state begins: hands tremble, heartbeat - in general, you prick over and over again ... "

Here are just a few examples, but they show how cleverly "catches" a person's drug. The euphoria attracts, the growing tolerance forces the dose to be increased, and, finally, withdrawal punishes severely for trying to part with drugs. Rarely does anyone have the strength to free themselves from this intoxication.

Think for yourself, decide for yourself and remember:

1) after pleasure comes a cruel "retreat";

2) physical health deteriorates;

3) you are at risk of contracting AIDS;

4) mental abilities are weakened;

5) you are deprived of the future.

From the explanatory dictionary

Withdrawal is a painful condition caused by an acute need of the body for a new dose of a narcotic substance.

Alcoholism is a serious chronic illness caused by alcohol abuse.

An alcoholic is a person suffering from alcoholism.

Hallucination is a deception of the senses, a false perception due to a mental disorder (sometimes visual, auditory).

Hashish is a drug made from Indian hemp.

Heroin is a powerful drug made from the opium poppy.

A cocaine addict is a cocaine addict.

Mania - 1) a state of increased mental activity, excitement; 2) the exclusive concentration of consciousness, feelings on any one idea (megalomania, persecution, fear for oneself); 3) a strong, almost painful attraction, addiction to something.

Morphine is a narcotic and analgesic substance extracted from the milk juice of the opium poppy.

Morphinism is a painful addiction to morphine as a drug.

Marijuana is a drug derived from Indian hemp.

Narcologist - specialist in narcology (doctor).

Narcology is a branch of medicine dealing with alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse and their treatment.

A drug addict is a person suffering from drug addiction.

Drug addiction is a disease characterized by an irresistible craving for drugs, leading to severe dysfunctions of the body.

Drugs are potent substances, predominantly of plant origin, causing an agitated state and paralyzing the central nervous system.

Opium (opium) - dried milky juice from the unripe heads of a poisonous poppy, is used as a drug and pain reliever.

Substance abuse is a disease that manifests itself in the attraction to the use of certain toxic (poisonous) substances and drugs for the body.

Tolerance - tolerance, endurance, formed as a result of addiction and adaptation of the body to drugs.

Euphoria (from Greek) - an elevated, joyful mood, a feeling of satisfaction, complete well-being, which does not correspond to the objective circumstances and the real state of the body.

III. Game "Happy Accident".

Between the combined teams of grades 8 and 9. The theme of the game is “Sport as an essential condition for a healthy lifestyle”.

The team consists of 5 people.

1. Warm up.

Each team is asked in turn three questions:

What do the Olympic rings symbolize?

The origin of the word "sports day".

The origin of the word "Olympiad".

What year was the Olympiad in Moscow?

How many years will the Olympic Games take place?

What are the 7 ball games?

2. Competition for erudition.

In 1 minute, players must answer as many questions as possible.

Sample questions:

Volgograd Football Club. (Rotor.)

133rd world chess champion. (Kasparov.)

Name board games... (Chess, checkers, billiards, table tennis.)

Chess draw. (Pat.)

Football team in Kamyshin. (Textile worker.)

Winter sports (3-5 kinds).

Boxing court? (Boxing ring.)

Name the chess pieces (at least 3).

How many squares are there on the chessboard? (64.)

Russian sports game. (Small towns.) 5-26326 129

Game plan

Types of swimming. (Breaststroke, crawl, butterfly.)

Tennis court. (Court.)

Figure skiing. (Freestyle.)

Attack of a piece or pawn to the enemy king. (Shah.)

What is a goalkeeper? (Goalkeeper.)

End of the sporting event. (The finish.)

Sports weapon. (Sword.)

Sports cap. (Baseball cap.)

The highest achievement of anything. (Record.)

The largest ice rink in the country. (Olympic.)

3. Music and poetry competition.

Teams must, within 10 minutes, recall and name lines from songs, poems related to sports. And at this time ...

4. Playing with the fans.

The fans are invited to guess the sports crossword puzzle. For each named word, the team receives one point.

1. Belonging to a sports game. (Ball.)

2. Winner of a sports competition. (Champion.)

3. Position in boxing. (Knockout.)

4. Sportswoman. (Tennis player.)

5. Kind of sport. (Mountaineering.)

6. Athlete. (Yachtsman.)

7. Award to the winner. (Medal.)

8. Moment of the start of the competition. (Start.)

9. The highest achievement of something. (Record.)

5. Play assorted:

Fun relay races (10 minutes). -The theater of sports miniatures (10 minutes).

6. Homework.

Each team asks the opposing team three questions on the topic "Sport", prepared in advance.

7. Summing up.

Winner's reward ceremony.

10-11 grades

The program is prepared by high school students independently. During The Day, teachers act only as coordinating consultants.

At the end of all episodes of the day of health, a general final ruler is held, on which the coordinators read out the joint appeal of students in grades 1-11 to the students of the district - "Make the right choice."

Municipal educational institution

secondary school number 1

the municipal district of the city of Neya and the Neisky district of the Kostroma region

"Sport is friendly with healthy people"

(a sports event for students in grades 1-4, dedicated to the Day health)

Developed by: GPA educator

Silina Olga Sergeevna

2015 year

Purpose of the event:

Formation of students' need for a healthy lifestyle.


1. Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

2. Formation of a healthy attitude to life, development of the need to take care of your health.

3. Creation of a spiritual, creative atmosphere conducive to the development of the physical and creative potential of the child.

4. Promotion and instilling interest in various sports.

5. Creation of a creative atmosphere in a team of children based on the methodology of KTD.


Musical equipment; phonograms of songs: "A tourist's song", "A smile will make everyone brighter", "Get hardened if you want to be healthy", "A song about exercise" (students learn songs for the event in advance);

Sports and health thematic posters;

Sports equipment for fun starts: hoops, flags, balls, pins, restraints;

Plates “Start”, “Finish”, finishing bands, route signs.

Location: gym.

Before the event, students are instructed on safety during sports games and relay races.

Expected results:

Formation of the desire for a healthy lifestyle among younger students,

Involvement of students primary grades to playing sports,

Formation of an active life position.


On the sports ground I invite you children!

We are starting the holiday of sports and health now!

(Children enter the gym to the music, line up one at a time).


Hello dear friends! I say hello because I wish you good health. Health is our greatest value. Who knows what holiday is celebrated on April 7? (Answers of children). That's right, April 7 is proclaimed World Health Day. World - that means this day is celebrated all over our planet, in all civilized countries. Why do you think we need health?

Students. To be strong, beautiful, successful, to develop as a person, to always be in shape.

Leading. Today we have an unusual holiday - “Sport is friendly with the healthy”. Why do we need to be healthy? ( Children's answers: to be strong, enduring, to be creative, to do sports, to work well, to study, etc.) Today we will derive the formula for health. What are the main factors of a healthy lifestyle?

Students. Movement, hardening, daily routine, hygiene, diet, proper and nutritious nutrition, playing sports, avoiding stress, disease prevention, etc.

Leading ... Now name the factors that negatively affect health.

Students. Bad habits, smoking, poor diet, lack of hygiene, poor environment, a sedentary lifestyle.

Leading ... Today we will find out how we can maintain health and strengthen it. So, continue my phrase: "To get a boost of vivacity for the whole day, I am in the morning ..." ( Children: start with charging).


To the site in order

Get in a row soon!

For charging, for charging

We invite all the guys!

(The morning exercises "Do as I do" are conducted with the guys)

Learning the complex of morning exercises "Do as I do".

Exercising is carried out for primary school students, the exercises of which are performed to music.

Morning exercises (children repeat after the teacher).

1. I. p. - o. With. Walking in place with observance correct posture... Breathing is free.

2. I. p. - o. With. Hands to the sides, bend - inhale. Return to and. n. - exhale. 4-8 times.

3. I. p. - o. with., hands to the shoulders. Hands down - to the shoulders - to the sides - to the shoulders. Breathing is free. 3-6 times.

4. I. p. - wide leg stand apart, arms to the sides. Three springy forward bends, hands touching the left foot alternately, the floor and the right foot. Return to and. n. Breathing is free. 3-6 times.

5. I. p. - wide leg stand apart. Tilt to the left, hands on the belt - return to and. p. The same to the right. Breathing is free. 4-8 times.

6. I. p, - o. with., hands on the belt. Left back, get down on your left knee - return to and. n. The same with the right. Breathing is free. 3-4 times on each leg.

7. I. p. - wide stand legs apart, arms to the sides. Bending the right, tilt to the left, touch the toe - exhale. Return to and. n. - inhale. The same for the other leg. 2-3 times to each leg.

8. I. p. - o. with., hands on the belt. Two jumps forward, two jumps back. Breathing is free. After 5-10 jumps, switch to brisk walking with gradual deceleration.

9.I. p. - o. with., hands to the shoulders. Left leg to the side on the toe, arms up - inhale. Return to and. n. - exhale. The same with the right. 2-4 times from each leg (breathing exercise).


Everyone needs charging, everyone needs charging,

She saves us from laziness and disease!


So you and I started the road to good health through exercise.

Performance of the song "Song of Exercise".


1.) You are engaged in charging

Every morning in the morning

And of course, temper

This will help you so much!

2.) We will be happy for mom

Tempered from childhood,

Soon we will grow up and ourselves-

Let's become champions.

Performance of the song "Get Tempered if You Want to Be Healthy".

Leading. Continue with the next phrase: « The guarantee of our health and vitality after exercise ... (Children: proper nutrition, breakfast).Dramatization of the poem.(3 students).

1) Learn lessons so that for "five",

And do sports,

To strengthen the brain and muscles,

We need to eat right.

But before you sit down at the table,

You must wash your hands clean

When you eat, don't watch football

Don't be distracted by other sounds.

2) Don't skip breakfast,

It's healthy to have breakfast

Even the kids in the kindergarten know this!

If you missed breakfast,

You hurt your stomach!

Don't forget about lunch

You will avoid many troubles.

And don't forget about dinner -

Dinner is also very necessary.

3) A person needs to eat,

To get up and to sit down

To jump, somersault,

Sing songs, make friends, laugh!

To grow and develop

And at the same time do not get sick,

You need to eat right

From a very young age to be able to!

That's why it's always

For our health

Whole food is essential.

Leading ... We all know perfectly well that in order to be healthy, you need to observe hygiene. Let's call our personal hygiene assistants.


I walk-wander not through the forests, but through my mustache - through my hair.

And my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears. (Hairbrush).

Says the track-

Two embroidered ends:

"Have washed at least a little,

Wash the ink off your face.

Otherwise you're half a day

Dirty me. (Towel)

Slips away like a living

But I will not release it.

The matter is quite clear:

Let him wash my hands. (Soap)

Bone back,

Stiff bristles

Friends with mint paste

Serves us diligently. (Toothbrush)

The sage in him saw the sage,

A fool is a fool, a ram is a ram,

Sheep saw a sheep in him

And a monkey is a monkey.

But then they brought Fedya Baratov to him,

And Fedya saw a shaggy slob. (Mirror)

Leading. Who knows what stress is?(Answers of children). In our life, stress lies in wait for us everywhere. Some believe that drugs, alcohol, and smoking can help relieve stress. But this is a misconception. How do you think you can relieve stress? (Answers of children).

Leading. We are now going to learn some stress-relieving techniques. To do this, you can get under the shower, listen to calm music, you can go into the forest and scream loudly there, or you can also sing. Try singing when you feel bad and your mood will improve. And also enjoy life, smile more often.

Performance of the song "From a smile will brighten everyone."

Leading. Another way to relieve stress is clapping your hands. What are their names? ( Children: applause). Let's try clapping softly and then very loudly. (Children clap their hands).

What else do you need to do on a daily basis to be resilient, strong and healthy? (Answers of children: to be healthy - we move more, go in for tourism and sports.)


We are engaged in tourism

I really, really like it.

Everyone who dreams of records

Do sports!

Performance of the song "Tourist's Song".

Leading ... Sports and physical education are the main factors of a healthy lifestyle. Let us warm up a little and have a physical education.

Physical education.

What is physical education?

Training and play. (Steps in place)

What is physical education?

"Fiz" and "kul" and "tu" and "ra". (Various exercises for the hands)

Hands up, hands down.

This is "nat". (Hands up then down)

We twist our neck like a steering wheel.

This is "kul". (Circular rotation of the head to the left, then to the right)

Dexterously jump high.

This is "tu". (Jump up)

Run half an hour in the morning.

This is RA". (Running in place)

Doing this business, you will be strong, dexterous, courageous. (Flexion of the arms to the shoulders and extension)

Plus a good figure. (Turns the torso to the left, to the right)

That's what physical education means! (Steps in place)

Leading. Sport helps to make health strong, and our life is more interesting. Now we will check if you are familiar with different kinds sports.


1) To become healthy, agile,

We all need training.

This charging is not easy:

I always write after two "k"

Hit the ball and the puck with a club

And I am called ... (hockey)

2) Not offended, but inflated

They lead him across the field,

And if they hit, we'll kick it

Can't keep up with ... (ball)

3) B open field by the birch

Stripes are visible in the snow.

The fox came closer

Someone else was running here ... (skis)

4) On a clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass

Legs ride along the road

And two wheels are running

The riddle has an answer

This is my ... (bike)

5) I want to become a strongman,

I come to the strongman:

“Tell us about this,

How did you become a strong man? "

He will smile in response:

“Very simple, many years

Getting out of bed every day

I lift ... (dumbbells) "

Leading. I see that you have all learned the rules of a healthy lifestyle and I hope you will always follow them. You already know that health helps us in successful studies, work and of course ... ( Children's answer: In sports). The next stage of our holiday: sports competitions. (Students are divided into teams, come up with names, presentation by the jury).

Sport competitions

1. “Running Relay”. The participant with the ball runs like a snake (between the pins) to the “Finish” mark and back, passes the ball to another.

2. “Collect the potatoes”. A participant with a bucket runs to the hoop, and to the hoop must crawl under the barrier. Pours potatoes (cubes) from the bucket and runs, crawling back under the barrier. Another participant does the same, but only collects the potatoes in a bucket.

3. “Ball over heads”. Participants stand in a column one at a time, pass a large ball over their heads to the back. The last participant takes the ball and stands up first and starts passing the ball back, etc. until the whole team is in place.

4. "The ball under your feet." Jumping with the ball sandwiched between the knees to the “Finish” mark and back.

5. "Koloboks". Jumping on large fitness balls to the finish line and back, passing the baton to the next participant.

6. "Friendly team". The first participant with a hoop runs to the “Finish” mark, then comes back, taking the next player of the team into the hoop, until the whole team is in the hoop.

Summing up the results of the competition, awarding certificates and chocolate medals to all participants.

Leading. Today we have no losers, you are all winners, because now you know all the rules of health.

(Reflection). How do you think, physical exercise good for the health? If you think not, then clap your hands, if you think that they are necessary for our health, then loudly clap your hands and stamp your feet. So, express your attitude to sports. (Children clap their hands, stamp their feet)


The whole alphabet of health

You need to know tightly

And in life this knowledge

Apply everywhere!

Remember every-

No more wealth

Than our health!

And, I will say goodbye to you,

Grow everything into heroes!

(Teams are lined up one by one, leaving the hall to music and applause.)

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Scenario sports event"We are very friendly with sports" preschool age 6-7 years old

Target: Formation of healthy lifestyle habits.


  • to consolidate the knowledge of children on how to maintain and improve health.
  • to satisfy the need of children for physical activity.
  • create a positive emotional attitude.
  • to involve in physical education and sports;
  • develop moral and volitional qualities: speed, strength, dexterity, endurance, the ability to interact with each other, mutual assistance, support in the group in solving basic tasks in achieving a common goal;


  • cube - 4 pcs.;
  • hockey stick - 4 pcs.;
  • hoop - 4 pcs.;
  • average ball - by the number of children;
  • rope-1pc;
  • card "Daily routine" -4 sets
  • vegetables, fruits-4 sets

(The music "Heroes of Sports" is played before the construction. Children of group No. 5 are playing to the music "Sports March", then children of group No. 6, following the music "Sports March," enter the hall in a column, make a circle of honor and line up.)

1 child:

Today is a holiday, an important day,
We are not too lazy to meet him.

Everyone loves him - me and you.

2 child:

You are friends with the red sun
I'm glad to the cool wave
You are not afraid of the rain
Snowfall is not terrible.

3 child:

You are not afraid of the wind
You don't get tired in the game
And you go to bed early
And you get up with the sun.

4 child:

You go skiing in winter
You are frolicking at the skating rink.
And tanned in summer
Swimming in the river.

5 child:

You love to jump, run,
Play with a tight ball.
You will grow up healthy!
You will be a strong man!

Today our event is dedicated to World Health Day, which is celebrated on April 7 - this is one of the most wonderful holidays of the year, when all people show how they are friends with physical education and sports. After all, how often you go in for sports depends on what your health will be. And today we will show each other how we love sports and love doing it. First, I suggest you say hello to each other.

Let's say hello game

(gr 5.6) Children of group 5.6 walk around the hall to the music “If you are kind”. As soon as the music ends, the children come up to each other and begin to say hello: knee, shoulder, back, nose.

Leading: Stand in a line. Guys, I know that you love to play sports and do exercises in the morning. (gr 5.6)

(Form a circle) Stop once, twice. To the left, open at arm's length. (Formation in a circle to perform the ORU.) (Music of the ORU A. Glyzin SPORT minus)

  1. I. p. basic stance, feet foot-width apart, arms along the body 1-raise your arms to the sides 2-arms up, clap your hands above your head 3-arms to the sides 4-starting position (6 times)
  2. I. p. stand feet at the width of the feet, hands on the belt 1-turn to the left, arms to the sides, 2-turn straight, hands on the belt. 3- turn to the right, arms to the sides 4-starting position. (6 times)
  3. I. p. stand feet at the width of a foot, hands on the belt 1-arms to the sides 2-sit down, clap your hands in front of you 3-stand up, arms to the sides 4-starting position (6-8 times)
  4. I. p. basic stance feet wide, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs in place for a count of 1-8, repeat 3-4 times in alternation with a short pause (walking). Finished the exercise.

Leading: Attention! Attention! Our sports bus sets off on a journey across the country of Health. Hurry to the bus without delay, take your knowledge with you!

(Children sit on chairs, pretending that they are driving a bus, the music "Our Bus" is played)

1. CITY "Daily routine"

Leading: (column 6) Here we arrived in the city "Daily routine". To be strong and courageous, you must observe the daily routine.

(Each team is given cards with a daily routine. Teams must line up in the correct order).

(Children sit on chairs, music "Our bus" sounds)

2. CITY "Sport"

2.1. Relay "Gymnastics"

6 child:

Beauty and plastic
Gives us ... (gymnastics)

Commands, on a signal, perform "Heron". The winner is the team that will stand the longest and perform the "Heron" exercise beautifully.(column 5)

2.2. Hockey

7 child:

There's a game in the yard in the morning
The kids played out.

Participants with the help hockey stick you need to circle the puck (cube) with a snake between the marking chips and return to your team. (column 6)

2.3 Football + Basketball

Children roll the ball with their foot to the hoop, taking the ball in their hands, hitting the ball on the floor into the hoop, catching it, and running back to their team. (the number of hits is counted and the speed of execution is taken into account).(column 6)

2.4 Volleyball

10 child:

Here the team wins
If the ball does not drop.
He flies with a good pitch
Not into the goal, through the net.
And the playground, not the field
Athletes in ... (Volleyball)(column 5)

Game "Who will throw more balls?"

Each participant receives the ball, the players' task is to throw the balls over the net (rope) to the court of the other team until the signal "stop". After the stoppage, the number of balls on the court of both teams is counted. The team that has fewer balls on its court wins.

3. CITY "Healthy food".

Leading: Wonderful! We invited a doctor to our holiday. And here she is. Meet her with thunderous applause.

(Children sit down. To the music Doctor Vitaminkina's exit and Doctor Aibolit enters the hall.)

Doctor Vitaminkina: Hello! My name is Doctor Elena Vladimirovna Vitaminkina.

Leading: How did you get there, Elena Vladimirovna?


I barely made it to your holiday.
I ran through the fields, through the forests, through the meadows,
And she only whispered two words:
"Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Kindergarten!"

Leading: Dear Doctor, you are not late at all. But we need your help: We need to figure out: "What is useful and what is harmful for our guys?"

Doctor Vitaminkina: I will be happy to help your children. I have prepared a game for them, I will ask questions, and you will answer them correctly. (gr 5.6)

"What is useful and what is harmful?"

  1. Brush your teeth in the morning and evening.
  2. Eat chips and drink soda.
  3. Wash hands before eating, after walking and using the toilet.
  4. To walk outside.
  5. Walking without a hat in the rain.
  6. Overeat sweets, cakes and ice cream.
  7. Exercise in the morning.
  8. Get hardened.
  9. Go to bed late.
  10. Eat vegetables and fruits.

Doctor Vitaminkina: Our body needs healthy and nutritious food. We're going to play now.

(On the table there are pictures (plastic products) depicting useful and harmful products. Teams need to collect pictures (plastic products) with healthy food. Each participant reaches the table (chair), takes one picture (plastic product), returns to the team, puts items into the container. Whoever is faster wins)(column 6)

Doctor Vitaminkina: I am very pleased with you! And so that you are as healthy and strong: go in for sports, eat healthy foods and take vitamins (fruits), well, I'm in a hurry to see other children. Goodbye!

(The doctor once gives the children vitamins (fruits) and goes off to the music Exit and Departure of Doctor Vitaminkina "It's great to live".)

Leading: Our teams competed remarkably, and friendship and sport wins today, as always in our life. Long live sports! And to all groups - certificates!

Leading: I thank all the participants of the competition, I wish you health, success in sports and congratulate everyone on World Health Day!

1 child:

Today is a holiday, an important day,
We are not too lazy to meet him.
Health day, beauty day,
Everyone loves him - me and you.
And everyone around always repeats:
"To be healthy - wow!"

2 child:

"Bless you" (S. Ostrovsky)

You are friends with the red sun
I'm glad to the cool wave
You are not afraid of the rain
Snowfall is not terrible.

3 child:

You are not afraid of the wind
You don't get tired in the game
And you go to bed early
And you get up with the sun.

4 child:

You go skiing in winter
You are frolicking at the skating rink.
And tanned in summer
Swimming in the river.

5 child:

You love to jump, run,
Play with a tight ball.
You will grow up healthy!
You will be a strong man!

6 child:

Beauty and plastic
Gives us ... (gymnastics)

7 child:

There's a game in the yard in the morning
The kids played out.
Shouts: "puck!", "Past!", "Hit!" -
There is a game - ... (Hockey)

8 child:

We break through the corner -
We hammer in our heads!
And the fifth goal was at the gate!
We love very much ... (football)

9 child:

Children love to play ball
And throw it into the ring.
The ball hits the floor loudly
So this is ... (basketball)

10 child:

Here the team wins
If the ball does not drop.
He flies with a good pitch
Not into the goal, through the net.
And the playground, not the field
Athletes in ... (Volleyball)

Target: To develop a sense of collectivism, a sense of unity, cohesion, to form teachers' responsibility for their health, motivation for healthy image life.

Leading: Good evening, Dear friends, colleagues! We are glad to see you at our sports event dedicated to the Day of Health! Fun and jokes await you today! You will not be bored here for a minute!

I am glad to introduce you to our distinguished jury, as well as our wonderful teams and dear fans. So! Let's start with a warm-up!

I will say a phrase after which you must say in unison “ We do not argue! "If you agree with the statement, or"We argue - we argue!"If you do not agree.

It rains in the fall.
Spring awaits us ahead.
Snowstorms swept all day.
Birds came from the south.
The maple leaf is falling off.
White lily of the valley blooms.
The apples in the garden are ripe.
In the grove the nightingales began to sing.
We salted the cabbage.
And the skating rink was filled with water.
There is fog in the fields.
There are only weeds in the garden.
And the holidays are waiting for everyone.
Victory Day is right there.
Let's go sunbathing in a crowd.
The exam is waiting for you and me.
The days are getting longer.
It will be colder soon.
The puddles began to freeze.
The birds began to fly away.
It's very difficult for us without sweets.
Autumn is coming, by the way.
I will deceive you now.
You have been wrong many times.

  • So, the first competition!


You are invited to "open" a new kindergarten - inflate the balloon as quickly as possible, and then "populate" this kindergarten with children - quickly draw figures of children on the balloon with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “children” in the kindergarten is the winner!

(by the number of teams Balloons and threads, according to the number of participants felt-tip pens)

  • We are starting the second competition!

And now we will check if you know so well the fairy tales that you yourself read to children. I will read you a fairy tale, and you will have to write down the names of the familiar fairy tales you heard, and the jury will then check the correctness of the assignment.

How many fairy tales have you heard?

Once upon a time, they had a grandfather and a woman, they had a hut not ice, but bast. They lived in it for thirty years and three years. They lived, did not grieve, and everything was fine, but God did not give children. So the old woman says to the old man: “Go, old man, to the goldfish. Bow to the fish, obey, and beg from her for an egg, but not a simple one, but a golden one ”. And the old man went to the blue sea. And the old woman sat down by the window to wait for him alone. Waiting - it will wait from morning to night. Looks out to sea, even his eyes hurt.

And the old man is not joking at this time: he twists his arms and legs to the fish with ropes. Sharp teeth plunges into the very heart and begs the testicle from her. And the old woman in the hut grins and Ivan is waiting for the fool. Soon the tale will tell itself, but it will take a long time before the deed is done.

Now the winter is over, spring has come. The sun began to bake and the old woman wanted to drink the spring water. She went to the well, scooped up water, but the trouble is - she stumbled. The bucket fell to the very bottom of the well. The old woman cries, she washes her face with bitter tears. Lo and behold - a puddle. Give, the old woman thinks, I'll drink from this puddle. And then the mouse runs and in a human voice says: “Don't drink, old, you will become a kid.” The old woman did not obey the mouse and drank from a puddle. Suddenly thunder struck, lightning flashed, and the old woman turned into a frog. Ivan the Fool was returning from a hunt. Lo and behold, the frog was sitting. He pulled an arrow, took aim ... Then the frog begged: “Don't ruin me, Ivanushka, I'll be useful to you.” And so it happened, like a frog.

Ivanushka brought the frog to the palace to the tsar-father. And immediately the emperor ordered to prepare three cauldrons: with icy water, with boiled water and with fresh milk. The frog bathed in three cauldrons and became a written beauty, no matter what to say in a fairy tale, or describe with a pen!

Then they played a wedding. And the kids were not long in coming. They had a great multitude of children: in scales, like the heat of grief, thirty-three heroes.

And the old man by the blue sea walks to this day: he goes to the right - the song starts, to the left - the fairy tale that I told you tells you. So it turns out that the tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows and old people.

(the teams have leaflets, felt-tip pens, the jury has answers)

Answers for the jury:

  • "The Fox and the Hare" or "Zayushkina Hut";
  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish";
  • "Snow Maiden";
  • "Ryaba Chicken";
  • “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes”;
  • "Fly Tsokotukha";
  • "Baba Yaga";
  • “The Tale of Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”;
  • "Moroz Ivanovich";
  • "Princess Frog";
  • "The Little Humpbacked Horse";
  • "The Tale of Tsar Saltan";
  • "Ruslan and Ludmila".


So that we do not get bored,
We will answer in rhyme.
Is it clear to you yet?
The game begins!
And let's present it well
We are a big aquarium.
It will fit here
Scuba diving ... diver!
And here he sleeps, snores,
Enormous blue ...
Reacting to snoring
Runs sideways ...
And lay down in the sand at the bottom
With tentacles ...
I'm glad to bury myself next to him
Electric brother ...
Without getting hooked
The sea lives here ...
Looking for the best places
Five-winged ...
I just swam nearby
With a flat body ...
And behind her, like a burden.
Burning rushes ...
Swims in a shell without fear
Among the fish ...
Somewhere the jaw flashed
Black Sea ...
Here at the bottom, well, like a toy,
Lies a wonderful ...
Near a stone, like a tree stump,
And behind him is the sea ...
Not one is frolicking here
Smart, affectionate ...
They play with him like tag,
Long-tailed ...
Someone shakes his head ...
What? There are no mermaids?
But I, friends, dreamed ...
And in the game came ...
the final.

  • We are starting the third competition!

Now, we will take a look at the quality of your work as educators.


Two dolls are in the cribs. You are provided with cards with tasks that you must complete in order. You have to wake up the doll, do exercises with it, wash, brush your teeth, comb your hair, make the bed, dress, feed, walk with the doll, play with it, wash its hands, feed it, wash, undress, put it in bed and sing a lullaby. The winner is the one who does it faster and better.

(to-do list for two teams and a jury)

(prepare everything for the competition)

  • Fourth competition!


Many swear words in ancient times had a completely different meaning. I bring to your attention a question and three possible answers. You write the question number and the answer 1, 2 or 3.

1. Halturoyu used to be called ...

1) The priest's field work is the funeral service for the deceased at home, not in church.
2) An award in the form of a medal made of cheap copper.
3) Verification of documents at the entrance to the city.

2. Girls of easy virtueoriginally called those young ladies who ...

1) Graduated from high school with poor grades;
2) Learned French;
3) Did not get married until the age of 20.

3. The bastard is ...

1) Tax collector in Kievan Rus;
2) The profession of barge haulers, “dumping” ships going through water obstacles;
3) Settlement on the border of two volosts.

4. Fiends once called ...

1) Too talkative people;
2) Old Russian farmers, that is, those who left the community for the sake of private farming.
3) Children who have been publicly flogged.

5. Idiot translated from Greek ...

1) Private person;
2) A person who can read:
3) A person who refused to continue his father's craft.

6. The word bastard came to us from Latin. Its true meaning ...

1) Border guard (the letter "R" dropped out of the word over time;
2) A person who is not versed in mushrooms, picking some toadstools;
3) Peasant, villager.

7. Scoundrel in Polish it meant ...

1) A simple, ordinary person;
2) A convinced bachelor with a great fortune.
3) A person hiding from military service.

8. Doodle in Old Russian ...

1) Unselfish person,
2) Widower,
3) Massive block, rock.

9. Did not apply to swear words scoundrel because it meant ...

1) a distrustful person;
2) A recruit unfit for military service;
3) A person incapable of hard physical labor.

10. Word contagion in the past meant ...

1) Lovely;
2) A girl who laughs very contagiously,
3) An ugly girl.

11. They called it a nut ...

1) Shepherd;
2) The groom;
3) The headman of the village.

12. Kopec previously represented ...

1) Men's pre-wedding ceremony, that is, "bachelor party";
2) A formidable throwing weapon in Ancient Russia;
3) A mound of earth (mound) to mark the boundaries of land ownership.

And we'll play a little again while the jury sums up the results.

Theatrical riddles:

At least ask about that,
They know - they were in Russia
Amusers are daredevils
Actors are merry.
Scenes, jokes and tricks
They composed ... buffoons!

He walks around the stage, jumps,
Now he laughs, now he cries!
At least someone will portray -
The skill will amaze everyone!
And formed for a long time
Type of profession ... actor!

He leads everyone
Thinks, runs, shouts!

He inspires actors
He controls the whole performance,
As an orchestra conductor,
But it is called ... director!

First a king, and then a jester,
A beggar or a king
Lady, witch or fly,
Robinson or an old woman
Become will help, for example,
Theatrical… dresser.

Narrow eye and a long nose
In theater, this is not a question.
If you want to be different
Call for help ... makeup!

The performance was a success
And the audience is happy with everything!
Special applause for the artist
For colorful ... Scenery.

The jury announces the results of the competitions.

  • Fifth competition!

Now let's see how you play with the kids!


All team members are blindfolded, then pyramids are scattered according to the number of teams, large and small. Teams must touch the pyramids correctly and quickly.

  • Sixth competition!

Well, and the last, final competition!

Favorite fairy tales.

According to the principle of edible - inedible: for each correct answer - a step forward.
Each participant raises his hand if he knows the answer.
Whoever picked it up first answers.

  • Elevator for evil spirits (pipe).
  • Character bursting with laughter(bubble).
  • The personification of the family, which Buratino poked his nose(hearth).
  • Winnie's friend - Pooh, who was left with a tail(Eeyore).
  • Commander of the 33 heroes(Chernomor).
  • Cave Lockpick - Spell(Sim - sim, open up!)
  • Detail of a woman's dress in which lakes and swans are placed(sleeve).
  • The Tsar's radar is a lazybones who are tired of military affairs(cockerel).
  • A cloven-hoofed maze for Tiny - Havroshechka(Cow).
  • The reward for the feat, which is given in addition to the kings(my kingdom).
  • A reliable means of orientation in fairy-tale situations(clew).
  • The friendliest communal apartment(teremok).
  • Seven desires on one leg(seven-color).
  • Ungrateful listener of songs(Fox).
  • The name of the great English glutton(Robin - Bobin Barabek).
  • The highest achievement of a fabulous catering(the tablecloth is self-assembled).
  • Traditional dish Enikov - Benikov(vareniki).
  • The most round fairytale hero (Gingerbread man).
  • Furry boot wearer(cat).
  • Residence of Baba Yaga(a hut on chicken legs).

While the jury is summarizing, we'll play a little.

Everything in motion:

Everything lives in motion!
Who flies and who walks
It is necessary to show with a gesture!
I will help you.
Who flies - wave your hand!
Who swims - mark it as a wave!
Who just walks - clap!
Whoever crawls - drown!

Heavy Colorado Potato Beetle ...
Candidate of Medical Sciences…
Fast-fast seahorse ...
A buzzing swarm of bees ...
A beautiful white moth ...
Fluffy little ferret ...
Long earthworm ...
A pot-bellied, little hamster ...
Airy white jellyfish ...
A poet or composer's muse ...
Spotted nimble snake ...
He, she, you and me ...
Winged bird ostrich ...
Santa Claus or Santa Claus ...

- And now our esteemed jury will sum up the latest competitions and announce today's winners!

Award Ceremony.

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