Script for World Health Day. II

landscaping 23.09.2019

Target: To develop a sense of collectivism, a sense of unity, cohesion, to form in educators responsibility for their health, motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Leading: Good evening, Dear friends, colleagues! We are glad to see you at our sports festival dedicated to Health Day! Today you are waiting for fun and jokes! You will not be bored here for a minute!

I am pleased to introduce you to our esteemed jury, as well as our wonderful teams and dear fans. So! Let's start with a warm-up!

I will say a phrase, after which you should say in chorus " We don't argue! " if you agree with the statement, or "We argue - we argue!' if you don't agree.

It rains in autumn.
Spring is ahead of us.
Blizzards raged all day long.
Birds have come from the south.
The maple leaf is falling off.
White lily of the valley blooms.
The apples are ripe in the orchard.
The nightingales sang in the grove.
We salted the cabbage.
And the rink was filled with water.
The fields are foggy.
In the garden - only weeds.
And holidays are waiting for everyone.
Victory Day is right there.
Let's go sunbathing.
The exam is waiting for you and me.
The days are getting longer.
It will be colder soon.
The puddles began to freeze.
The birds began to fly away.
Without sweets it is very difficult for us.
Fall is coming, by the way.
I will deceive you now.
You have been wrong many times.

  • So, the first competition!


You are invited to “open” a new kindergarten - inflate a balloon as quickly as possible, and then “populate” this kindergarten with children - quickly draw figures of children on the ball with felt-tip pens. Who will have more "children" in the kindergarten - the winner!

(according to the number of teams balloons and threads, according to the number of participants felt-tip pens)

  • Let's start the second contest!

And now we will check whether you know the fairy tales that you yourself read to children so well. I will read you a fairy tale, and you will have to write down the names of the familiar fairy tales you heard, and the jury will then check the correctness of the assignment.

How many stories have been told?

They lived - there was a grandfather and a woman, they had a hut not of ice, but of bast. They lived there for thirty years and three years. They lived, did not grieve, and everything was fine, but God did not give children. So the old woman says to the old man: “Go, old man, to the goldfish. Bow to the fish, obey, and ask her for an egg, but not a simple one, but a golden one. And the old man went to the blue sea. And the old woman at the window sat down to wait for him alone. Waiting - waiting from morning to night. Looks at the sea, even his eyes hurt.

And the old man is not joking at this time: he twists his arms and legs with ropes. Sharp teeth plunge into the very heart and beg for a testicle from her. And the old woman in the hut smiles and Ivan is waiting for the fool. Soon the fairy tale tells, but the deed is not soon done.

Winter has passed, spring has come. The sun began to bake and the old woman wanted to drink spring water. She went to the well, scooped up water, but the trouble is - she stumbled. The bucket fell to the very bottom of the well. The old woman is crying, washing herself with bitter tears. Look - a puddle. Let me, the old woman thinks, get drunk from this puddle. And then the mouse runs and says in a human voice: “Don’t drink, old, you’ll become a kid.” The old woman didn’t listen to the mouse and got drunk from the puddle. Suddenly thunder struck, lightning flashed, and the old woman turned into a frog. Ivan the Fool was returning from hunting.Look - the frog is sitting.He pulled the arrow, took aim ... Then the frog pleaded: "Don't ruin me, Ivanushka, I'll be useful to you."And so it happened, like a frog.

Ivanushka brought the frog to the palace to the king-father. And the sovereign immediately ordered to prepare three cauldrons: with ice water, with boiled water and with fresh milk. The frog bathed in three cauldrons and became a written beauty, which cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen!

Here they played a wedding. And the kids were not long in coming. A great many children were born to them: in scales, like the heat of grief, thirty-three heroes.

And the old man still walks by the blue sea to this day: he goes to the right - he starts the song, to the left - he tells the tale that I told you. So it turns out that the fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows and old people.

(the teams have leaflets, felt-tip pens, the jury has answers)

Jury Answers:

  • "The Fox and the Hare" or "Zayushkina's Hut";
  • "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish";
  • "Snow Maiden";
  • "Ryaba Hen";
  • "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs";
  • "Fly Tsokotukha";
  • "Baba Yaga";
  • “The Tale of Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”;
  • "Moroz Ivanovich";
  • "Princess Frog";
  • "The Little Humpbacked Horse";
  • "The Tale of Tsar Saltan";
  • "Ruslan and Ludmila".


So that we don't get bored
We will answer in rhyme.
Everything is clear, are you?
The game starts!
And let's pretend well
We are a big aquarium.
Here we will fit
With scuba… diver!
And here he sleeps, snores,
Oversized blue…
Responding to snoring
Running sideways...
And at the bottom in the sand lay down
With tentacles...
I'm glad to burrow next to him
Electric brother...
Not getting hooked
Marine lives here...
Looking for the best places
Five-winged ...
Just floated by
Flat body...
And behind her, like a burden.
Rushing burning ...
In the shell swims without fear
Among the fish...
Somewhere her jaw flashed
Black Sea …
Here at the bottom, well, like a toy,
Lies wonderful…
Near a stone, like a stump,
And behind him is the sea ...
Not one is frolicking here
Smart, sweet...
They play with him like a tag,
Someone shakes his head...
What? Mermaids don't exist?
But I, friends, dreamed ...
And in the game came ...
the final.

  • Let's start our third contest!

And now, we will look at the quality of your work as educators.


Two dolls lie in beds. You are given cards with tasks that you must complete in order. You must wake the doll, do exercises with it, wash it, brush your teeth, comb your hair, make the bed, dress, feed, walk with the doll, play with it, wash its hands, feed it, wash it, undress it, put it to bed and sing a lullaby. The winner is the one who does it faster and better.

(to-do list for two teams and jury)

(prepare everything for the competition)

  • Fourth Competition!


Many swear words in ancient times had a completely different meaning. I offer you a question and three possible answers. You write the question number and answer 1, 2 or 3.

1. hack-work formerly named...

1) Exit work of the priest - the funeral of the deceased at home, and not in the church.
2) An award in the form of a medal made of cheap copper.
3) Checking documents at the entrance to the city.

2. Girls of easy virtueoriginally called those young ladies who ...

1) Graduated from high school with poor grades;
2) Learned French;
3) Didn't get married until the age of 20.

3. Bastard is ...

1) Tax collector in Kievan Rus;
2) The profession of barge haulers, "drag" going ships through water obstacles;
3) Settlement on the border of two volosts.

4. Fiends once called...

1) Too talkative people;
2) Old Russian farmers, that is, those who left the community for the sake of private arable farming.
3) Children subjected to public flogging.

5. Idiot translated from Greek...

1) Private person;
2) A person who can read:
3) A man who refused to continue his father's craft.

6. The word scoundrel came to us from Latin. Its true meaning...

1) Border guard (the letter “P” has dropped out of the word over time;
2) A person who does not understand mushrooms, who collects only grebes;
3) Peasant, village dweller.

7. Scoundrel in Polish means...

1) A simple, humble person;
2) A confirmed bachelor with a large fortune.
3) A person hiding from military service.

8. Blockhead in old Russian...

1) a selfless person,
2) Widower
3) Massive boulder, rock.

9. Not related to swear words scoundrel because it meant...

1) A distrustful person;
2) Recruit unfit for military service;
3) A person incapable of hard physical labor.

10. The word infection meant in the past...

1) Charm;
2) A girl who has a very contagious laugh,
3) An ugly girl.

11. They called boobies ...

1) Shepherd;
2) groom;
3) The headman of the village.

12. Kopets was previously…

1) Men's pre-wedding ceremony, that is, "bachelor party";
2) A formidable throwing weapon in Ancient Russia;
3) A mound of earth (mound) to mark the boundaries of land ownership.

And we will play a little again while the jury sums up.

Theatrical riddles:

At least ask someone about it
They know - they were in Russia
Funny - daredevils,
Actors are funny.
Scenes, jokes and tricks
Compose… buffoons!

He walks around the stage, jumps,
He laughs, he cries!
At least someone will portray -
Mastery will amaze everyone!
And formed a long time ago
Occupation type... actor!

He leads all
Thinking, running, screaming!

He inspires actors
Manages the entire show
Like an orchestra conductor
But it's called... producer!

Now a king, and then a jester,
Beggar or king
Lady, witch or fly
Robinson or an old woman
Become will help, for example,
Theatrical… dresser.

narrow eye and a long nose
In the theatre, this is not an issue.
If you want to be different
Call for help... makeup!

The performance was a success
And the audience is happy!
Special applause for the artist
For colorful... Scenery.

The jury announces the results of the competitions.

  • Fifth Contest!

Now let's see how you play with children!


All team members are blindfolded, then the pyramids are scattered according to the number of teams, large and small. Touch teams must correctly and quickly assemble the pyramids.

  • Sixth Contest!

And finally, the final competition!

Favorite fairy tales.

According to the principle of edible - inedible: for each correct answer - a step forward.
Each participant raises their hand if they know the answer.
Whoever picks it up first gets the answer.

  • Elevator for evil spirits (pipe).
  • Character bursting with laughter(bubble).
  • The personification of the family, which Pinocchio poked his nose(hearth).
  • Winnie's friend - Pooh, who was left with a tail(Eeyore).
  • Commander of the 33 bogatyrs(Chernomor).
  • Cave Pick - Spell(Sim - sim, open up!)
  • Detail of a woman's dress in which lakes and swans are placed(sleeve).
  • The radar of the king is a couch potato who is tired of military affairs(cockerel).
  • Artiodactyl labyrinth for Tiny - Khavroshechki(Cow).
  • The reward for the feat, which is given in addition by the kings(half of the kingdom).
  • Reliable means of orientation in fabulous situations(clew).
  • The friendliest communal apartment(teremok).
  • Seven wishes on one leg(semicolor).
  • ungrateful listener of songs(Fox).
  • The name of the great English glutton(Robin - Bobin Barabek).
  • The highest achievement of fabulous catering(tablecloth - self-assembly).
  • Traditional dish of Enikov - Benikov(vareniki).
  • The most round fairy tale hero(Kolobok).
  • Furry boot owner(cat).
  • Residence of Baba Yaga(a hut on chicken legs).

While the jury is summing up, we will play a little.

Everything is in motion:

Everything is in motion!
Who flies and who goes
Gesture must be shown!
I will help you.
Who flies - wave your hand!
Who swims - mark with a wave!
Who just walks - clap!
Who crawls - stomp!

Heavy Colorado potato beetle...
Candidate of Medical Sciences…
Skate fast-fast sea ...
Buzzing bees...
A beautiful white moth…
Fluffy little ferret…
Long earthworm...
Pot-bellied, little hamster...
Airy white jellyfish ...
Poet or composer muse ...
Spotted nimble snake ...
He, she, you and me...
The winged ostrich...
Santa Claus or Santa Claus...

- And now our esteemed jury will sum up the results of the latest competitions and announce today's winners!

Award ceremony.

The script of the holiday "Health Day"

Goals: strengthening the health of students;
engaging children in regular activities physical culture and sports;
organization of students' leisure;
promotion of physical culture and sports the best remedy from any disease;
development of physical qualities, beautiful posture, plastics of movements, training in the ability to perform tasks quickly and accurately;
the formation of collectivism and mutual assistance, discipline, courage, perseverance, perseverance, endurance, the upbringing of a "healthy spirit of rivalry"

Leading: College! Equal! Attention! Alignment to the middle!
Anthem of the Russian Federation
Leading: The right to open a Health Day is granted to the head of the branch of GBPOU Belebeevsky College of Mechanization and Electrification R.Z. Aflyatunov.
The director of the college addresses with words of congratulations to all participants of the holiday.
Leading: To sing songs louder
Live to be more interesting
You need to be strong and healthy!
These truths are not new.
Sport is friendly with health.
Stadium, pool and court,
Hall, ice rink - everywhere you are welcome.
For effort as a reward
There will be cups and records.
Your muscles will become hard.
Just remember athletes
Every day is sure
Start with exercise.
Don't play hide-and-seek with the nap.
Here is the secret of health!
On the sports square
Hello to all fitness friends!
Host: To the site
We invite you boys and girls.
Holiday of sports and health
Starts now.
Please take an oath.
Forever faithful to the sport to be:
We swear!
Do not cry and do not despair:
We swear!
Do not offend opponents:
We swear!
Competitions to love:
We swear!
Try to be the first in games
We swear!

Leading: To be healthy, dexterous, you need to move as much as possible. After all, it is not for nothing that they say: "Movement is life." I suggest you all move a little, stretch your body. Each group gets points.
All groups and class teachers find your place on the sports ground, and repeat the movements after me to the music:
1. We looked at the neighbor on the right.
2. We looked at the neighbor on the left.
3. Looked at the sky, looked at the earth.
4. Changed into a circle.
5. We go in a circle to the right, we speed up the step, we speed up more, we ran ......
6. We go in a circle to the left, we speed up the step, we speed up more, we ran ......
7. Stopped, turned around, looked at each other, smiled...
8. Now show how friendly you are: go all to the center of your circle, and now back.
9. Raise your hands and applaud each other!
Well, let's start our holiday.
Leading: Now the teams will present their team, name the mottos.
Jury presentation.
- Not a single competition is complete without judges. Today the teams will be judged (representation of the jury members).
Let the jury the whole course of the battle
Track without a hitch.
Who will be friendlier
He will win in battle.
I you he she -
We are a beautiful country!
We are a healthy country!
We have all the power, I know!
1st competition. "Accurate shooter".
The goal is to knock down as many balls as possible with another ball.

Leading: Our sports holiday
It's time for us to continue.
Children are happy about the sports holiday.
We will shout to the sports holiday - Hurray !!!
- The next match is called
2nd competition. "Swamp".
Shifting the leaflets-boards, the teams must cross the "swamp" without getting their feet wet. The team that spends the least time on the transition, the fewest number of times set foot on the ground, wins.

Being healthy is fashionable!
Being healthy is great!
Being healthy is not dangerous!
A healthy generation is a strong province, a strong country!

3rd competition. Relay "Penguins"
In one direction, players move by jumping, with the ball sandwiched between their knees. Back - take the ball in your hands and run back.

Leading: You did a great job, and we offer you a new interesting
4th competition. Captains Competition.
It is necessary to put an inflatable ball into the bucket with a stick, without touching it with your hands.
Respite for the contestants.
Entertainment show with spectators and fans
Fans must answer the questions (for each answer one point)
1. What color is the Olympic flag? (White)
2. How many rings are on the Olympic flag? (Five rings)
3. Which country is the homeland Olympic Games? (Greece)
4. After how many years are the Summer Olympics? (After four years)
5. Who was dedicated to the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece? (God of gods Zeus)
6. What color are the Olympic rings? (Blue, black, red, green, yellow.)
7. How is the champion of the modern Olympic Games awarded? (Gold Olympic medal)
8. The motto of the Olympic Games? (Faster, higher, stronger)
9. Who was the initiator of the beginning of the Olympic movement? (P. Coubertin)
10. What was the award for the champion of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece? (Olive wreath)
11. How much gold does an Olympic medal contain? (Not less than 6 grams)
12. In what year was the Olympiad held in Russia? (2014)
13. In which city was the Olympiad in 2014? (Sochi)
14. Do children under 16 take part in the Olympiad? (No, only from 18)
15. Do women participate in the Olympiad? (Yes)
The sun is shining over Russia
Bright path of life.
You be happy in the world
Be healthy, be!

5 Competition "Towing".
On a signal, the first players of each team tow the hoop with the ball in such a way that the ball remains in the hoop while moving. If the ball is lost, return it to the hoop and continue the task. The winner is the team whose all players complete this task faster.
Host: Yes, you played together like that,
And maybe you're tired?
For fun, for order
I'll give you another riddle:
1. Throw it into the river - it doesn’t sink,
You hit the wall - do not moan,
You will throw winter
Will fly up (ball)
2. Wooden horses gallop through the snow,
Do not fall into the snow (skis)
3. This horse does not eat oats,
2 wheels instead of legs.
Sit on horseback and ride it
Just better drive (bike).
4. Bone back, hard bristle
Friendly with mint paste
Serves us diligently (toothbrush)
5. He lay down in his pocket and guards - a roar, a crybaby and a dirty one,
They will wipe away the streams of tears, they will not forget about the nose (handkerchief)

6th competition "Kangaroo"
Whose team will jump next? Team members take turns jumping from a place. Each next one starts jumping from the landing site of the previous jumper. The team with the most wins total length jumps. (Assistant judges monitor the correct execution of the task).

Laughter is with us!
We live the best!
We never part with him.
Wherever we are, we laugh!
Let's look out the window in the morning
The rain is pouring, but we are laughing!
If we go hiking
Laughter is not far behind us!
Young, perky laughter!
Laughing is not a sin!

7th competition "Laughter" American scientists have found that when a person laughs, almost three times more air enters his lungs. In addition, laughter perfectly trains the vocal cords. So laugh to your health!
Whose team will laugh more contagiously will win the competition
Moderator: Dear children and guests! So our sports competitions are over. Now we will ask the distinguished jury to sum up the results and name the winners.
The last type of competition
We have completed and now
The result of all our competitions,
Let the judges bring it to us.
Fan competition.

4 people in turn perform an exercise called "skiing". Instead of skis are used carton boxes. It is necessary to go the distance by rounding the chair.
Host: Let's give the floor to the jury and find out whose team today has become the best, fastest, most attentive, most friendly and athletic.
The jury sums up the results of the competition. Certificates and prizes are awarded.

Leading: And now the word to the chairman of the jury

Summing up, awarding

Long live nets, balls and rackets,
green field and sunshine!
Long live rest! Fight and hike!
Long live the joy of sports victories!

Podgornaya Ludmila Nikolaevna physical education teacher, MBOU gymnasium No. 18, Krasnodar


schoolwide sports festival

"Health and Sports Day"

Target: educating a generation striving for a healthy lifestyle by involving children in such forms of organization of recreational work as sports relay races, competitions in various types sports, promotional presentations on the topic of health.


    to promote the formation of healthy lifestyle skills in students;

    to promote the development and improvement of such qualities as endurance, dexterity, strength, thinking, the ability to coordinate one's movements;

    contribute to the definition of the value of their health and measures to preserve it;

    attract the attention of children to a variety of sports.

Holiday participants: students of grades 1-11, teachers, parents.

Decoration of the sports hall sports ground): posters “A healthy mind in a healthy body”, “Health is a pearl of a person”.

Recreation design: tree trunk of Life, poster "Health and work go together!" exhibition-poster "Course on a healthy lifestyle!"

Relevance: According to a medical examination conducted in an educational institution in the 1st grade, 20% of children who have chronic diseases, in the 5th grade - 30%, in the 9th grade - 44%. In general, only 12% of schoolchildren have a satisfactory functional state of the body. From grades 1 to 9, the frequency of decreased visual acuity increases by 1.5 times; the frequency of non-observance of posture - 1.5 times; the prevalence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, digestive organs - 1.4 times; disease prevalence endocrine system- 2.6 times. According to the head of the department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Alina Levitskaya, the reason for this situation is not only the impact of environmental factors and genetic heredity, today physical inactivity is progressing - a sedentary lifestyle during training sessions and at home.
Today's students are the future of the country tomorrow. According to Art. No. 12,13,20,32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", where the responsibility is clearly indicated educational institution for the life and safety of children, strengthening the health of children and caring for them is one of the main tasks of the school.

Organizational stage:

    Drawing up a school-wide regulation on the Day of Health and Sports and an action plan.

    Drawing competition on the topic: "If you want to be healthy, go in for sports!"

    Issue of the informational wall newspaper "It's great to be healthy!"

    Preparation and production of a leaflet, an information booklet, revealing the topic: "I choose sports as an alternative to bad habits."

    Preparation and publication of an information booklet on the topic "Prevention of bad habits".

Grand opening

School-wide Health and Sports Day

Sounds the introduction of the song "Physical education-hooray!" Leaders appear on the stage.Presenter 1: It's good to be human! This is power for life! Host 2: This is knowledge and wisdom, This is dexterity, speed! Presenter 1: To be fashionable for a day, for a month, And healthy - forever! Host 2: I, you, he, she - We are a beautiful country! We are a healthy country! We have all the power, I know! Presenter 1: The sun is shining over Russia, The path of life is bright. You be happy in the world, be healthy, be! Host 2: So let's say firmly - No to all misfortunes! We will then be healthy Many, many years! Presenter 1: Being healthy is fashionable!
Host 2: Being healthy is great!
Presenter 1: Being healthy is not dangerous!
Host 2: A healthy generation is a strong province, a strong country! It is under this motto that events dedicated to the Day of Health and Sports will be held today!
Presenter 1: And the pioneers of the school-wide Day of Health and Sports will be members of the Our Youth propaganda team.
Host 2: How many problems do today's youth have! I don’t want to learn lessons, but I want to play on the computer, walk the streets with a company. And then we say, where do sick people come from?
Presenter 1: This is what the guys will tell us now.

"Young people choose health!",

propaganda performance, dedicated to the Day health

Against the background of the musical intro, the words sound:
Where do sick people come from? Maybe they are not bad at all? Maybe sick people come from somewhere? But healthy people don’t know this? Where does Seryozha’s illness come from? this story now we know?

A boy comes out, pulling a briefcase by the strap. His head is lowered, his gaze is downcast.

The words are in the background:

A little man is walking home from school, He carries a heavy briefcase with him. His back squinted, aching legs, Now he will fall, if he says ... Boy: ... Ah! I'm losing so much health, friends, I smoked - I immediately quit - I'm not lying at all! Friends called me to the skating rink in winter, And I answered them: "Reluctance, no lope!" In the spring they called me to chase the ball - I don’t want to run I, and it's a scrap for me! I'd rather put on thieves pants, Mike, baseball, glasses from the sun And sit in the shade, I don't need pripor, I'll get a cigar - I'm still a boy! Friends say that all this is harmful - Kurn here once and I'll eat candy. Perhaps, once there will be nothing?! No, I'd better sleep - Maybe someone will wake me up!

(The boy sits down in the shade and falls asleep.)

A musical beat on the theme "Youth" sounds. Leave the representatives of the youth propaganda team.

1st: Let's go, guys, to the school stadium, it's Health Day there! 2nd: Being healthy is great! (make clapping) 3rd: And who is sitting here? Yes, this is Anton from the next class! 4th: Anton, come with us!
Boy: I'm not going anywhere - I don't want to see you.
1st: How is it, what's wrong with you? 2nd: What happened to you? 3rd: Maybe temperature? 4th: (notices a Pepsi can next to the boy) A very strange mixture! 1st: What have you done to yourself? Boy: What kind of pressure and show-off? I said I'm resting! Well, I don't know you! 1st: We are guys, just class! 2nd: Strength, grace are with us! 3rd: We are friends with sports all - To be completely healthy! 4th: Being healthy is our full house ... Together: Make the right move with us! 1st: The first step is day mode: Know how to eat when your dream is! 2nd: Step two - morning exercises! 3rd: The third step - be calm, Be smart at the lesson, Forget your anger at home! 4th: Step four is the ball. Don't hide it too far! Come out to play with your friends. 1st: Well, five - you are with us Walk along the path to health, And sing a song together!

Members of the propaganda team sing the song "Be healthy!"

to the tune of "Chunga-chang"

There is a miracle remedy for health,

Everything can be counted on the fingers:

Hygiene - it will be time

Mood - as we have now!


This is two, and three is charging.

To make it all right

We need to play sports, temper ourselves.

And four - vitamins,

There is no reason for sickness

You just have to try very, very hard.

Can we save up health

To make our life happier,

So that we can take care of you

Give the planet blue.


So that the rivers do not shallow,

Springs to sing loudly

So that we warm all the animals with love.

For children to be healthy

On a happy planet

We wish everyone and everyone good health!

All health!

We are young, beautiful, energetic! We have strength, mind and excellent biceps! We have dexterity, speed in our body, We can’t live without sports, friends! 1st: Being healthy is great! 2nd: Friends, it's fun to be healthy! 3rd: Being healthy doesn't hurt at all! 4th: Illness is evil, and our deceit. Together: Health is our wealth!

fun starts

"Sports Kaleidoscope" for students in grades 1-5


    Formation of a healthy lifestyle in children.

    Development of interest in sports.

Location: gym.
Inventory: balls, hoops, skipping ropes, clubs, tennis rackets, ski equipment.
Evaluation conditions: correct execution - 10 points, winning + 1 point, penalty - 1 point. Course of the competition: The host introduces the guests, the jury (the strongest athletes of the school).
Teams greet each other, name, motto.

Teams are presented. We wish you all success in the upcoming competitions. Teams, march to the starting positions!

At each relay race we will collect the keys to health. At the end of the game, we will find out which team has more keys.

Relay 1

"Go Through the Swamp"

Imagine that there is a swamp around us. We need to get to the pins, take the key from the hoop and bring it to the team. You can go through the swamp by jumping from "bump" to "bump". Task: shifting the mats, reach the skittles, take the key and jump back over the jump rope. The second participant jumps over the jump rope - back on the mats.

Relay 2.

Run to the pins, jumping over jump ropes, back - the ball is sandwiched between the legs.

Relay 3

"Overcome Obstacles"

Children run to the mat, crawl under the arc, walk along the gymnastic bench, take one key from the hoop. Run back.

Competition "Creative Fantasy"

On a landscape sheet of paper, draw a team drawing on the topic “Bad habits are death!”

Relay race

"Who is first?"

The benches are installed parallel (you need to crawl along the bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with your hands), then jump the distance to the ball on two legs, take the ball and hit the big ball. Hit - back to the team. In the event that the participant does not hit the target, he does 5 squats.

Relay race.

Carry a tennis ball on a racket, overcoming obstacles (pins) to the line, put the racket down, do five squats and carry the ball back on the racket. The baton is passed to the next participant.

Relay race


Running in pairs: one participant stands on his hands, the second holds his legs, overcoming obstacles (skittles) together, reach the line and change places.

Relay race

The first participant sits on a skateboard, the second carries him to the line, the first one hits the big ball with the ball. The second sits down, and the first delivers to the place.

Summarizing. Team awards.

"Your health is in your hands!"

(Meeting with FAP health worker)

Conduct form: TV program"Health"


Guys, imagine that we are not in the school hall, but in the Health program. All of you, probably, were spectators of the Health program hosted by Elena Malysheva. Today we have our own program on air at school, and it is also about health. We welcome the host.


Hello! The program "Health" is on the air and I am its host - Ganina Tatyana. Today, on the School Day of Health and Sports, we will talk about health. Hello! I do not just greet you, I wish you good health, be healthy.

Today we are visiting medical worker of the feldsher-obstetric station Kondratyeva Olga Vladimirovna, teacher of physical culture Agapov Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, teacher of biology Gorelova Tatyana Vasilievna.

Today we will talk about health, what factors affect it and how to maintain our wealth-health!

Health is wealth for all time. And it starts in childhood. Your health is like a treasure that is deep in the ground, and to find the treasure, you need to make great efforts.

Olga Vladimirovna, tell us what human health is.

Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, you work in the system of health preservation and disease prevention. What is the importance of physical activity for health?

Tatyana Vasilievna, what conditions at school and at home should surround a person so that he remains healthy?

Today, our health is being attacked by bad habits that hunt us everywhere: at home, at school, and on the street.

Now I invite everyone together to answer the questions “Helpful - harmful”

Look at a bright light ... (harmful)

Rinse eyes in the morning ... (useful)

Watch TV up close ... (harmful)

Eat carrots, parsley ... (useful)

Rubbing your eyes with dirty fists ... (harmful)

Engage in physical education ... (useful)

We ask our guests to comment on the children's answers.

These bad habits disrupt the normal state of our health. And there are habits that deal a devastating blow to our health.

Attention to the screen.

Once upon a time in our forest there were many different animals: bears, wolves, and foxes...

And where do they go now? Imagine, dear viewers, they were destroyed by bad habits.

Music sounds. A disheveled, cheerful Fox runs in with a bag on which "Heroin" is written. A bear with a bouquet trudges towards.
Bear. Will you marry me, Liska? Fox. Misha! My friend! Is it you? We haven't seen each other all summer. How did you lose weight, poor thing? You are sick? Bear I don't know what's wrong with me? paws tremble. Fox. Why won't you go to the woodpecker? You need to turn to the woodpecker, He is such a bird with us - He will immediately tell you what's what. Don't hesitate, go to him. Bear. I'll wait a little, It will get worse, so I'll go. Music is playing. The fox preens, looks in the mirror. A wolf in an old fur coat walks staggering, carrying empty bottles.Fox. Listen, Little Wolf, what's the matter with you? The pigs are even cleaner. Ah, your eyes are dull, The brakes failed? Wolf. I can’t, the longing has stuck, Fox, the longing has eaten me up. Fox. You will be lost, If you don’t go to the Owl. You need to turn to the Owl, She is such a bird with us - He will figure it out, give advice: Yes, yes, but no, no! Wolf. Tomorrow I'll rush to Owl. Well, answer my feelings! Fox (sings). I’m walking beautifully Along the forest path, Well, I’m 16 years old. Tails flashed again at my hole, I’ll tell you two again no. Once again, heroin takes me to the sky, I shout “hello”, “hello” to you all. Fox. Misha, Vovik, I love you so much! But I won't get married. I'd better use a dose. Owl comes out:Wolf. Owl, dove, our friend. Bear. You come closer. Owl: Ba! Wolf, Toptygin, hello to you! You are healthy? Wolf and Bear. Apparently not. Bear. The cough hurts. Wolf. Side hurts. Owl: Misha, smoke! And you, my friend, drink. Bear. Yes, I smoke, how do you know? Wolf. And I drink. Owl: You stink of smoke. (Listens.) Do not breathe or sniffle. You are sick, even though you are a bear. Bear. Not deadly? Not dangerous? Owl: Soot has accumulated in the lungs, All the trouble is from smoking. Do you, Toptygin, want to stomp? Quit smoking forever! And now you, my friend. (Listens to Wolf.) Rapid pulse, hypertension. Sick liver, arrhythmia. If you stop drinking, you will survive, And if you drink, you will die. Follow my advice, Otherwise, along the way, you will both stretch your legs. you cigarettes out.
Leading: So, dear guests, I ask everyone to comment on the plot shown fairy tale characters.


Wolf: I know the remedy for these diseases, Then this dirt will disappear from here. Bring the scales of justice here, We will prove that we do not need black girlfriends! Bear: Help, friends, to find justice, Put your arguments on the scales. Friends, don't let me down, Come to the scales one at a time.

Leading: And to confirm our actions, let's remember once and for all: "A healthy mind in a healthy body!" Thank you all for your attention!

Arguments are checkers of white and black color. Checkers put all bad habits on one scale. On the other side, everyone else.


    Newspaper "Leisure at school" No. 1/2008

Project Protection

Each class team is invited to create a leaflet newspaper on the topic: "Be healthy!". The content of the newspaper should fully correspond to its title and reflect the basics of a healthy lifestyle. The form of presentation of the material is arbitrary: poems, drawings, slogans, diagrams, articles, etc. Form of execution - arbitrary: handwritten text, use of elements computer design. The format and volume of the newspaper are unlimited.

Newspapers must be handed over to the organizing committee in advance. Protection creative works will take place during the theatrical program “We are for life without bad habits!” In the presentation of the work, you need to indicate: the topic, explaining its relevance, summary(headings of the main articles; their brief content);

Share "Tree of Life"

The Tree of Life is chosen as the symbol of life. The guys, proving their desire for a healthy lifestyle, attach each of their leaves to a tree.

Campaign "Bright sun - healthy children!".

The guys, expressing their desire for a healthy lifestyle, choose a certain color of the beam, thereby demonstrating their state of health and mood. Green color- I am well; yellow - something does not suit me; red - I'm sick.

Expected result:

By participating in the event, students develop a complete, clear understanding of the principles and rules of a healthy lifestyle, the harmful effects of bad habits on the body of a teenager, develop aspirations to engage in physical education in order to maintain physical fitness.

Scenario-staged development of a comprehensive health day for students and their families)

This scenario includes materials needed both for organizing a health day and for its implementation.

The purpose of the health day: the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of beliefs not to drink alcohol, drugs.

The script contains slogans, quiz questions, poems, and conversations. Instructions were given on the design of holiday points: stages, halls, locker rooms, sports halls. It is desirable that medical workers and sports workers (heads of sports sections and clubs of interest) take part in the organization of the day of health.

In this development, the main thematic moments of the complex day are highlighted. Such traditional, widely known forms as sports competitions, the game "Lucky Chance", club activities, are only indicated.

The proposed scenario is comprehensive and is addressed to all categories of students and their families.

I. Opening of the day.

The school lobby is brightly lit. In the entire width of the lobby hangs a colorful banner "In a healthy body - a healthy mind!". Together with the numbers for the handed-over clothes, each student is given micro-leaflets "The Seven Commandments of a Healthy Lifestyle."

1. Start your day with morning exercises followed by cold water hardening.

2. Try to use less transport within the city. Walk to school.

3. Don't overeat. Eat a variety of foods.

4. Walk before bed.

5. Go to bed early and get up early. sleep with open window in the warm season, and in winter - with an open window.

6. Don't smoke. Forever give up alcoholic beverages.

7. Do not be nervous over trifles, own your emotions.

The lobby corridors are colorfully decorated with health education slogans and posters, such as:

1. Appreciate life in active manifestation, life is not peace, but action, movement!

2. Who does not smoke and does not drink - that protects health!

3. Appetite happens to those who walk in the air, sleep soundly at night, and do not sit idle during the day.

4. Blame yourself for looking sickly and gloomy. You obviously don't exercise.

5. It is unlikely that we will avoid a cold without observing the correct regimen.

In one of the halls there are exhibitions of popular medical literature. The organizer of the exhibition is a librarian. Students can browse the literature and purchase books that interest them.

Books should be selected for the exhibition containing advice on occupational and household hygiene, on the fight against drunkenness, on smoking, on rational nutrition, rest, physical education, sports, magazines "Physical Culture and Sport", books on cooking, needlework.

There is a poster in the lobby with a health day plan.

1-3 classes.

1. Puppet show "Moydodyr".

2. Game on the stations "Routes of Health".

5-7 classes.

1. Conversation "Enemies of health".

2. Sports competition: "Dad, mom and I are a sports family."

8-9 grades.

1. Watching the video film "On the bad and the criminal."

2. Dispute "Hot topic".

3. The game "Lucky chance" between teams of 8 and 9 classes.

10-11 grades.

1. Basketball (volleyball) competitions between teams of 10th and 11th grades.

2. Dispute " Proper nutrition- the basis of health.

3. Interest club "Generation NEXT".

Students, having come to school, go through the cloakroom, receive micro-leaflets, disperse to the points where the Health Day episodes are held.

II. Episodes of a comprehensive health day.

1-3 grades

Events are held in the halls and classrooms on the 1st floor.

1. Students watch the puppet show "Moydodyr". After the performance, the counselor invites students to take part in the discussion of the issue "Daily routine". Here are some sample questions for students to answer:

What should you start your day with?

Who can say what the daily routine should be?

Why (why) do you need to follow the daily routine?

Why do you need to harden?

Continue the phrase "If you want to be healthy - ..."

- “Organize your leisure time with a reasonable purpose. Remember: rest is not idleness. How to rest?

At the end of the conversation, the conclusion is:

We wish you to grow, bloom,

Save, improve health,

It's for a long journey

The stations are located in the offices of the 1st floor (tablets on the offices). Time spent at the station - 10-15 minutes.

2.1 Station Poetic.

For each poem read, the class is given points on the route sheet: 1 poem - 3 points. For example:

By the hour he goes to bed,

Doesn't wait for instructions

Even if something is dreaming

At 7 am Yegor gets up.

In the heat, in the cold, it doesn't matter

He opens the window

Charges quickly

Eats soft-boiled eggs for breakfast

5 potato cutlets,

2 cups yogurt

And a bowl of semolina.

The porridge isn't bad either.

(Excerpt from S. Mikhalkov's poem "About Yegor Stepanov".)

The hare jumps furrow,

He has an empty pocket

Katya approached the hare,

Kalach gave him.

Gave me a copper penny

To buy food for the crumbs.

And he bought tobacco,

Smokes lying on the side

Such a bum!

S. Marshak. slacker hare

He is on a swing in the summer,

In winter - ice skating.

He walks on stilts

And maybe on hand.

He has a compass in his pocket

And with a globe in hand

With a ruler under the arm

With a kite in the clouds...

S. Mikhalkov. My friend

2.2 Station Musical.

The competition is held by a music teacher. The teacher plays a melody for the children to guess. For each guessed melody, 3 points are put on the route sheet.

2.3 Sportivnaya station (hall).

Jumping rope more than 20 times - 1 point;

Ring throwing (2-3 people); if all 5 rings hit - 3 points;

Name the sports (winter, summer). Points are awarded according to the number of sports named.

2.4 Painting Station.

5 artists are selected from the class, who take turns drawing a boxer with their eyes closed:

1st - head,

2nd - torso,

3rd - hands, gloves,

4th - legs,

5th - face.

The competition is evaluated when summing up the results of the game by stations. Students compare their work.

1st place - 6 points.

2nd place - 5 points.

3rd place - 4 points.

4th place - 3 points.

5th place - 2 points.

6th place - 1 point.

2.5 Station Zagadkino.

Students get 1 point for each riddle they solve. Riddles should reflect the theme of the event. For example:

The river is flowing - we are lying.

Ice on the river - we run. (Skates.)

What is it with Galochka?

Threads on a stick.

Wand in hand

And a thread in the river. (Fishing rod.)

Beat - do not cry,

It just jumps higher. (Ball.)

Born in the forest

Lives in water. (Boat.)

I have two horses

Two horses.

They carry me on the water.

And the water is hard

Like stone. (Skates.)

It has two wheels

And a saddle on a frame

There are two pedals below

Spin them with their feet. (Bike.)

Two stripes in the snow

I leave it running.

I fly from them with an arrow,

And they are after me again. (Skis.)

He is stubborn and stubborn

The guys hit him hard.

Why are they beating the poor guy?

Because he is inflated. (Ball.)

Downhill - horses,

Uphill, pieces of wood. (Ski, sled.)

Writhe - with a cat,

And it will stretch - off the track. (Rope.)

2.6 Alfavitovo station.

Given a set of letters, you need to collect a word meaning a sport.

For example:





Students get 3 points for each word they guess. After passing through all the stations, students gather in the hall for debriefing. There are already drawings of boxers in the lobby. The curators hand over the route lists, and the award ceremony of the winning class is held.

5-7 grades

Students gather in the auditorium. An exhibition of the poster "Enemies of Health" has been set up here, mail bags have been installed to collect written questions.

1. Conversation "Alcohol is the enemy of health."

The office in which the conversation is held is decorated with posters on which the statements of famous people are written:

"Wine ... destroys the soul and offspring." L. N. Tolstoy.

"Drunkenness destroys beauty, reduces youth." Horace.

"Drunkenness is an exercise in thoughtlessness." Pythagoras.

Here is a summary of the conversation.

1.1 A bit of history.

The thief of reason - this is how alcohol has been called since ancient times. People learned about the intoxicating properties of alcoholic beverages no less than eight thousand years before our era.

With the advent ceramic dishes it became possible to manufacture alcoholic beverages from honey, fruit juices, barley, wheat, rice, and millet. But grape wine was especially widespread in antiquity. In Greece, grapes began to be cultivated for 4 thousand years BC. Pure alcohol began to be obtained in the 6th-7th centuries and was called "Alcohol", which means "intoxicating". Since alcoholic drinks quickly spread throughout the countries of the world due to the growing industrial production of alcohol from cheap raw materials (potatoes, sugar production waste, etc.). Alcohol entered everyday life so quickly that almost no artist, writer or poet avoided this topic.

Remember A. S. Pushkin:

Ladles are circular, foaming, hissing

At the feast of the deplorable Oleg ...

With sarcasm, the English poet Robert Burns lists the reasons for drunkenness:

There are several reasons for drunkenness:

Wake, holiday, meeting, seeing off,

Christening, marriage and divorce,

Frost, hunting, New Year,

recovery, housewarming,

Sorrow, remorse, joy,

Success, reward, new rank

And just drinking - for no reason.

Translation by S. Ya. Marshak

1.2 The picture of the drunkenness of the working people in Maxim Gorky's novel "Mother" is very well reflected.

“Young people sat in taverns or had parties with each other, played harmonicas, sang obscene, ugly songs, danced, cursed and drank ...

On holidays, young people came home late at night in torn clothes, in mud and dust, with broken faces, ... insulted, ... drunk and miserable, unhappy, disgusting.

Thus, for centuries, drunkenness was planted among the people, the ruling circles only cared about getting more income from the sale of alcoholic beverages.

Alcoholism (drunkenness) is one of the birthmarks past, preserved in our society.

The outstanding psychiatrist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev described psychological reasons drunkenness: “The thing is that drunkenness is an age-old evil, it has taken deep roots in our everyday life and has given rise to a whole system of wild drinking customs. These customs require drinking and refreshments at every opportunity ... ".

Drunkenness and alcoholism will not die out on their own until "drinking habits" disappear.

1.3 How does drunkenness begin?

The reasons for the first initiation to alcohol are very diverse. Until the age of 11, the first acquaintance with alcohol occurs either by chance, or it is given “for appetite”, “treated with wine”, or the child tries it out of curiosity. At any older age, traditional occasions become motives: a holiday, a family celebration, guests, etc. From the age of 14-15, such reasons appear as “it was inconvenient to lag behind the guys”, “friends persuaded”, “for the company”, “for courage." But it is worth touching alcohol once, as the psychological barrier is already removed and the teenager feels entitled to drink with his comrades. No wonder people say: "Rivers begin with a stream, and drunkenness with a glass."

Usually the first acquaintance with alcohol is not what it seemed to you: the “bitter taste” of vodka, burning in the mouth, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting.

After such an unpleasant encounter, most teenagers avoid alcohol for a while.

Psychologically accurately describes the first acquaintance with alcohol Jack London in the story "John Barleycorn".

“The first time I got drunk was when I was 5 years old. It was a hot day, my father was plowing in a field half a mile from home. I was sent to bring him a beer. “Yes, don’t spill it on the road!” - ordered me to say goodbye. The beer was, I remember, in a wooden pail with a wide top and no lid. I carried it and splashed it on my feet. I walked and thought: why is this beer considered such a gem? I bet it's delicious! After all, everything that parents forbid is always very tasty ... I stuck my nose into the bucket and began to lap up the thick liquid. Well, crap! Still drinking. It can't be that adults are wrong!

It's hard to say how much I drank then: I was a toddler, and the bucket seemed huge, and I sipped, not looking up, plunging my face up to my ears in foam.

But I swallowed, I confess, like a medicine: I felt sick, and I wanted to end this torment as soon as possible.

I slept under a tree until evening. At sunset, my father woke me ... I was barely alive ... I felt disgusting.

1.4 Stages and forms of intoxication and alcoholism.

1. A slight degree of intoxication - at this time a person becomes unreasonably cheerful, prone to overestimating his strengths, capabilities, and abilities.

2. The average degree of intoxication - dizziness, ringing in the ears, fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, decreased interest in the environment.

3. Severe degree of intoxication - symptoms of deep alcohol poisoning (nausea, vomiting, incoordination, dizziness).

Alcoholism is a severe chronic disease, and in most cases incurable, develops on the basis of regular and prolonged alcohol consumption, characterized by an uncontrollable craving for alcohol.

Alcoholism develops in the following way:

a) The initial phase - a person constantly thinks about alcohol, drinks "for the future", he develops greed for alcohol. However, he remains conscious of his guilt.

b) Critical phase - loss of self-control after the first sip of alcohol. Arrogance and aggressiveness develop. A person blames others for their troubles.

c) Chronic phase - daily hangover. Personality breakdown. Confusion of thought. Blurred memory "Delirium tremens".

d) Conclusion - the systematic abuse of alcohol leads to a decrease in mental functions, deterioration of attention, loss of creativity. This mental impoverishment is reflected by Sergei Yesenin in his poem "The Black Man".

My friend, my friend

I am very, very sick.

I don't know where this pain came from.

Is the wind whistling

Over an empty and deserted field,

Or, like a grove in September,

Showers brains with alcohol.

Alcoholism is an evil of society, but an evil that can be eradicated.

2. Sports family competitions.

8-9 grades

1. Watching the video film "On the bad and the criminal."

After viewing, a discussion is held, in which specialists from the district narcological dispensary, representatives of the PDN, the district center take part psychological and pedagogical assistance "Assistance". The material presented below can be taken as a basis as reference points:

2. Conversations for students "On the bad and the criminal."

This conversation is about the evil and criminal that exists in society - about drug addiction.

Drug addiction is a special disease, much in it is completely unclear. A person who embarks on this path, in the end, loses his human appearance.

His psyche is distorted, ideas about the world around him are deformed, efficiency is lost ... However, in addition to this, drug addicts are subject to another danger - the danger of infection with all sorts of infectious diseases, including AIDS. The average life expectancy of a person who has started using drugs is 15 years. With the constant use of narcotic substances, wear and tear of the body, premature aging occurs. By the age of forty, drug addicts look decrepit old people. Drug addicts older than this age hardly exist ...

According to doctors and scientists, drugs remain in the adipose tissue of the human body for decades, and they are found in human hair even after 25 years of cessation of use.

So what is drugs?

It is a poison that destroys not only the body, but also the soul. It deforms the structure of the personality, turning a person into a weak-willed, devastated, slavishly addicted to "drugs", a rapidly aging and untimely dying creature. This is voluntary schizophrenia, detachment from reality, spiritual suicide.

Since time immemorial, people have tried to find a remedy to relieve pain - the most direct manifestation of human suffering. Various herbs have been used as pain relievers. Special properties some plants were known to the priests and leaders of the tribes, and they skillfully used this, relieving people subject to them from feelings of fear and anxiety, hunger and anxiety.

For a long time, drugs have been used for religious ceremonies among some tribes, as well as in medicinal purposes as an anesthetic.

The main purpose of the use of drugs in modern medicine is to suppress the body's response to surgery and, above all, the sensation of pain. And for those who are doomed to unbearable torment and death, for example, in the final stages of cancer, narcotic substances brighten up last days and hours of stay in this world. In medicine, drugs are used that do not cause complications and harmful effects.

Drugs are a group of substances of different origin, but they are united by the similarity of their effects on the body. Most of these substances of plant origin: opium poppy (opium, morphine, heroin are obtained from it), Indian hemp (hashish, marijuana or marijuana are obtained from it), coffee bushes, coca, cola (caffeine, cocaine), etc. Recently received synthetic drugs that act like hard drugs, currently numbering up to 1000.

The effect of drugs on the body occurs in the following chain:

euphoria ⇒ tolerance ⇒ withdrawal.

Euphoria is an elevated, joyful mood, a feeling of satisfaction, complete well-being, which does not correspond to objective circumstances and the real state of the body.

At the initial intake of a narcotic substance, a person becomes cheerful, pleasant hallucinations and cheerfulness appear; who has taken a narcotic substance feels like a superman. But these sensations disappear very quickly, and a person begins to form a mental dependence on the drug (the desire to experience new sensations). With sin - four times the intake of a narcotic substance, tolerance develops.

Small doses of the narcotic substance do not satisfy the addict, and the dose is getting higher and higher.

And the third link in this chain is abstinence or "breaking".

Withdrawal is a painful condition caused by the body's urgent need for a new dose of a narcotic substance.

Here are some examples from letters and case histories that characterize the formation of dependence on narcotic substances.

Historical facts

This was the first description of the sensations of a morphine addict in world literature. The fate of de Quincey is very instructive. Addicted to drugs in his youth, he suffered from drug addiction all his life. Without any medical help, he stopped taking drugs three times and for a long time was practically a healthy person. Why did he periodically become a drug addict? What kind of person was De Quincey?

He was almost Lilliputian in height, he was very worried about this. From a young age he was an inveterate vagabond. He lived a significant part of his life in poverty, which did not prevent him from increasing his family and dooming him to the same life. De Quincey was an unbalanced person, and it is precisely such people who are at increased risk of falling ill with drug addiction. However, when a severe need arose, he completely independently, without any recourse to doctors, overcame a painful passion.

2. It happened on the morning of October 3, 1849, when a passer-by found an exhausted man lying on the ground. He barely showed signs of life. Although he periodically muttered something and, looking around in fear, suddenly smiled. “Apparently, a little out of his mind,” thought the passer-by. You don't see that often in Baltimore. However, who knows: there is some kind of tavern nearby. This guy must have gone overboard."

The stranger had no documents, he did not give his name. A policeman and a passerby carried the man to the hospital. He was unconscious and, without regaining consciousness, died on October 7. Only after some time it became clear that it was the great American writer Edgar Alesh Poe (1809 - 1849).

3. I. N. Miklukho-Maclay carried out experimental smoking of opium in Hong Kong under the supervision of a physician with appropriate records. Target: scientific knowledge. “I experienced a sense of peace, it was tempting and pleasant that I would like to never be freed from this state.” But Nikolai Nikolaevich had a strong will and a clear mind, and the experiment was no longer repeated.

4. American writer Ken Kesey, author of the novel "Over the Cuckoo's Nest", admitted: "We tried to understand what a creative fantasy is capable of escaping from control... We tried to compose while under the influence of drugs. And not only compose, but also draw, play in the theater, sing on the stage, just live. No creative heights were achieved in this way. Kesey wrote his novel as a young man while working in a psychiatric hospital.

Extracts from letters and case histories

1. From a medical journal: “... We go into the basement of a residential building. The room is divided wooden partitions. Several foldouts. This is the so-called sleeping car, where the teenagers "go crazy". In the other half - bottles with chemicals, on the walls are portraits of rock musicians. Katya, an 8th grade student, visited this basement where she was taught how to swallow pills.

Here, - he says, - you swallow these pills, and different color pictures appear before your eyes, like in cartoons.

Katya drank 10 tablets at once. "...Come home. I don't feel anything. And suddenly I see: my head is separated from the neck and floats to the window. I am behind her, and she is away from me. At the very window, the head turned. She showed me her tongue and flew out into the street. I yell "Stop!"

Quite by accident, Katya's mother heard the sound of glass. She managed to remove her daughter from the windowsill, who wanted to jump from the 9th floor behind her head.

2. Doctor's story: “A dried-up man rushed about in a hospital bed. His body was beating and writhing in convulsions, covered with large drops of sweat. The patient was crying. He swore, begged, threatened, shouted in a wild voice:

Save! I'm dying! Injection! Worms, white worms are biting me! Take away the worms!

These were withdrawal syndromes, or "withdrawal".

3. From the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda":

a) “... I smoked a cigarette with “weed”, and it became so easy, fun for me ... I wanted to run somewhere, shout, sing. I jumped out into the street and ran across the flow of cars. It seemed to me that the sea was shining ahead ... When I later came to my senses, I found that my hands and face were badly cut - it turns out that I flew into a shop window ... ".

b) “... By the age of 27, my heart was already beating, my whole body ached. Interest in everything was gone ... Nightmares in a dream. hallucinations. There were spiders and worms on the walls. From the corner of the uncleaned room, the red eyes of snakes and rats were staring ... ".

c) “... Until now, frost runs over the skin. When I remember how hard it was to wean. The terrible physical pain lasted for 10 days. I did not sleep, did not eat, could not get out of bed ... I thought that there would be no turning back. And here is the breakdown. The fields bloomed, and I was drawn again. Everything started again. Now, without this, I am no longer able to work, to do anything at all ... I understand everything, I want to quit it and I can’t! After all, this person can, ah, a drug addict!

d) “... I thought, I'll try once and that's it ... I pricked myself again. And it got so good. No problem. Then again and again... But still it didn't seem serious to me. I thought: I’ll quit at any moment when I want to ... I only later realized how Jesuitically “catches” the drug. Suddenly, at one moment, you notice with horror that everything, a terrible state begins: your hands are trembling, your heartbeat - in general, you prick again and again ... "

Here are just a few examples, but they show how cleverly the drug "catches" a person. Euphoria attracts, growing tolerance forces to increase doses, and, finally, abstinence severely punishes for attempts to part with drugs. Few people have the strength to get rid of this dope.

Think for yourself, decide for yourself and remember:

1) after the pleasure comes a cruel "retirement";

2) physical health deteriorates;

3) you are at risk of contracting AIDS;

4) mental abilities weaken;

5) you lose the future.

From the explanatory dictionary

Withdrawal is a painful condition caused by an acute need of the body for a new dose of a narcotic substance.

Alcoholism is a severe chronic disease caused by alcohol abuse.

An alcoholic is a person who suffers from alcoholism.

A hallucination is a deception of the senses, a false perception due to a mental disorder (it can be visual, auditory).

Hashish is a drug made from Indian hemp.

Heroin is a potent drug derived from the opium poppy.

A cocaine addict is an addict who is addicted to cocaine.

Mania - 1) a state of increased mental activity, arousal; 2) exceptional concentration of consciousness, feelings on any one idea (delusions of grandeur, persecution, fear for oneself); 3) a strong, almost painful attraction, addiction to something.

Morphine is a narcotic and analgesic substance extracted from the milk juice of the opium poppy.

Morphinism is a painful addiction to morphine as a drug.

Marijuana is a drug derived from Indian hemp.

A narcologist is a specialist in narcology (doctor).

Narcology is a branch of medicine that deals with alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse and their treatment.

A drug addict is a person who is addicted to drugs.

Drug addiction is a disease characterized by an irresistible craving for drugs, leading to severe impairment of body functions.

Drugs are potent substances, predominantly of plant origin, that cause an excited state and paralyze the central nervous system.

Opium (opium) - dried milky juice from the unripe heads of the poisonous poppy, is used as a drug and pain reliever.

Substance abuse is a disease expressed in the craving for the use of certain toxic (poisonous) substances for the body, drugs.

Tolerance - tolerance, endurance, formed as a result of addiction and adaptation of the body to drugs.

Euphoria (from Greek) is an elevated, joyful mood, a feeling of satisfaction, complete well-being, which does not correspond to objective circumstances and the real state of the body.

III. The game "Lucky case".

Between teams of 8th and 9th grades. The theme of the game is "Sport as an essential condition for a healthy lifestyle."

The team consists of 5 people.

1. Warm up.

Each team is asked three questions in turn:

What do the Olympic rings symbolize?

The origin of the word "spartakiad".

Origin of the word "Olympiad"

What year was the Olympics in Moscow?

After how many years are the Olympic Games held?

Name 7 ball games.

2. Competition for erudition.

In 1 minute, players must answer as many questions as possible.

Sample questions:

Volgograd football club. (Rotor.)

133rd World Chess Champion. (Kasparov.)

name board games. (Chess, checkers, billiards, table tennis.)

Chess draw. (Pat.)

Football team Kamyshin. (Textile worker.)

Winter sports (3-5 types).

Boxing ground? (Boxing ring.)

Name the chess pieces (at least 3).

How many cells are on the chessboard? (64.)

Russian sports game. (Gorodki.) 5-26326 129

Game plan

Types of swimming. (Brass, crawl, butterfly.)

Tennis court. (Court.)

Figure skiing. (Freestyle.)

An attack by a piece or pawn on the enemy king. (Shah.)

Who is a goalkeeper? (Goalkeeper.)

End of sports competition. (Finish.)

Sports weapon. (Sword.)

Sports cap. (Baseball cap.)

The highest achievement of anything. (Record.)

The largest ice rink in the country. (Olympic.)

3. Music and poetry competition.

Teams must remember and name lines from songs, poems related to sports within 10 minutes. And at this time it is...

4. Playing with fans.

Fans are invited to guess a sports crossword puzzle. For each word named, the team receives one point.

1. Belonging to a sports game. (Ball.)

2. The winner of a sports competition. (Champion.)

3. Position in boxing. (Knockout.)

4. Athlete. (Tennis player.)

5. Kind of sport. (Mountaineering.)

6. Athlete. (Yachtsman.)

7. Award to the winner. (Medal.)

8. The moment of the start of the competition. (Start.)

9. The highest achievement of something. (Record.)

5. Game assortment:

Fun relay races (10 minutes). -Theater of sports miniatures (10 minutes).

6. Homework.

Each team asks the opposing team three questions on the topic "Sport", prepared in advance.

7. Summing up.

Winner's reward ceremony.

10-11 grades

The program is prepared by high school students on their own. During The Day, lecturers act only as coordinating consultants.

At the end of all episodes of the health day, a general final line is held, at which the coordinators read out a joint appeal of students in grades 1-11 to the students of the district - “Make the right choice”.

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