Does the goose have a goiter. Infectious diseases of geese

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The most the main problem any goose breeder is a disease of a bird. It is the little goslings that are the weakest before the disease, since their body has not yet grown strong and stable immunity has not formed. , lead to the death of a very large percentage of the bird population, which, having barely been born, became a victim of this scourge. Unfortunately, if no measures and actions are taken, the sick goslings will die and the poultry farmer will suffer losses. Sounds very pessimistic, doesn't it? However, if the disease is correctly identified by the symptoms present, the poor bird can be cured.

To date, a lot of diseases are known to affect precisely small goslings. However, medicine has not stood still for a long time, so we will list in this article the most common diseases of little goslings, as well as talk about treatment and prevention.

Viral enteritis. Goslings of early age are susceptible to this disease. Most often, goslings 5-12 days old are sick. But at risk is a bird up to 3 weeks of age. This virus has a very negative effect on the intestines, heart, but the liver takes on the biggest burden. This disease is accompanied by a very high mortality rate (up to 95%). It can be transmitted with infected hatching eggs, as well as by airborne droplets. The main source of infection is a sick bird. This virus is very tenacious, a bird that has been ill for another 2-4 years can be a carrier of the disease.

  • Symptoms. Goslings are very depressed, they are constantly cold and gather in a heap, they begin to stand with their eyes closed, there is absolutely no appetite. Later, goslings vilify with a bloody admixture. Having been ill and having recovered, the bird is very far behind in development from its peers.
  • Prevention. Goslings are vaccinated against this virus at the age of 20-28 days. In order not to repeat this with other young animals, an adult bird should also be vaccinated a month and a half before laying eggs, then future goslings are less likely to be infected with this unpleasant virus.

Parativ (Salmonellosis). This disease is distinguished by its very acute course. The main risk group includes small goslings aged 5 to 30 days. A bird that has been ill for another 2.5 years can be a source of the disease. The source of the disease can be: a sick bird, contaminated feed, as well as various rodents.

  • Symptoms. Sick goslings are very lethargic and drowsy, they constantly drink water, sticking of the eyelids, diarrhea. Later there are convulsions. Death occurs on the 2-4th day of illness.
  • Prevention. When diagnosing, sick goslings are immediately isolated from the general herd. The room and equipment in it must be disinfected.
  • Treatment. Most effective treatment have nitrofuran drugs, such as furazolidone. It must be given to the gosling along with food, up to 5 mg, 1 time per day. Treatment takes 7-10 days.

Aspergillosis. This is a disease of the respiratory organs. Goslings have a very high mortality rate from this disease. The causative agent of this infection is mainly litter and food that has been affected by mold.

  • Symptoms. Goslings become very lethargic and sleepy. During a sigh, he stretches his neck forward, often sneezes and opens his beak.
  • Prevention. effective destruction the causative agent of the infection is considered to be the burning of the walls of the room and the equipment in it, it is best to use a blowtorch. Goslings should be treated with iodalluminum aerosol.
  • Treatment. For the treatment of goslings, nystatin 20-30 mg per kg of live weight is used. It should be given while feeding goslings.

colibacillosis. This disease is characterized by the fact that it is dangerous, in most cases only for small goslings. The main source is infected birds, as well as infected objects. After the bird gets sick, it becomes a carrier of the infection for a long time.

  • Symptoms. Goslings are very oppressed, drowsy, they are tormented by constant thirst, diarrhea. The chicks are weak, it is difficult for them to move.
  • Prevention. Sick birds must be immediately isolated from the herd. Healthy people should be given baytril. This drug is given to goslings along with water.

These are just the most basic diseases of goslings. Now you know how to behave if you notice a sick bird in your livestock. Remember that goslings that have been ill with the diseases described above are unlikely to be suitable for a tribe, because many infections are not excreted from the body for a long time, so they should be well put on meat.

Goose disease is a phenomenon familiar to many farmers and, of course, unpleasant. Sick poultry infect other individuals, their appearance suffers from ailments and general state. It is easier to prevent any disease than to calculate losses later, because domestic geese are often bred for the purpose of sale. Preventive measures can be found against almost any disease, about which will be discussed in this article.

The first thing to know about , it is their susceptibility to viral diseases. To avoid this dangerous disease, it is necessary to eliminate the draft, keep the birds in a dry and warm place.

Watch the nutrition of birds - spoiled or sour food can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Poor and rare feeding, dirty water, dampness - all this sadly affects the appearance and health of birds.

The poultry house should have a modern ventilation system to avoid overheating or cooling. Very useful for geese Sun rays so farmers let them out every day.

Even if the food is fresh and complete, a failure in the body can occur, which will lead to a violation of productivity if you do not take into account the age of the birds. Remember that for young and mature individuals, feeding should be different.

Goose diseases that are not transmitted to other birds

Avitaminosis- a non-contagious disease faced by birds that are deficient in vitamins. High fecundity, but low egg production, death of chicks, lethargy and poor appetite are all signs of beriberi.

Prevention: Do not forget to provide birds with complete food, add sources of vitamins to food - fish oil, grass meal and other top dressings.

Rickets- this disease is caused by insufficient exposure of birds to the sun, as well as a decrease in vitamin D in the body. Eggs have a thin shell, bones and beak soften in birds, they do not grow well.

Prevention : If geese have been diagnosed with rickets, then bird walks under the sun should be increased, and vitamin sources should be added to food - yeast, fish oil and special preparations.

indigestion - faced with this disease, geese not only suffer from diarrhea: they experience neck cramps and even paralysis. Another sign is ruffled plumage.

Problem solves a varied diet rich in microelements and vitamins - germinated grain, fresh herbs, bran.

cloacite- a disorder of the mucous membrane of the cloaca is characterized by its protrusion and is associated with a lack of vitamins.

Should increase vegetables, bone meal, greens in the geese feed. Let the birds out more often, and also provide them with access to the reservoir. To cure an already developed disease, gently cleanse the area of ​​​​the cloaca from pus, disinfect with iodine, and then lubricate with zinc or penicillin ointment.

Blockage of the esophagus a disease characteristic of young individuals. Its cause is exclusively dry food or even starvation. Remember that you can not deprive the geese of wet food, and also make sure that the birds always have water. A sick goose begins to puff up its feathers, suffocate, its gait becomes shaky. A blockage in the esophagus can result in death from suffocation.

If the situation is critical , it is necessary to give the goose 50 grams vegetable oil and then gently squeeze out the contents of the stomach through the mouth.

Qatar goiter- a disease that mature individuals face. The goiter of the bird is inflamed, it sits, ruffled.

Treatment: Gently massage the goiter, instead of water, give the sick goose a five percent solution of hydrochloric acid. The cause of this disease is spoiled or expired food, so carefully monitor its quality.

Enteritis - the disease is also characterized by indigestion and occurs due to poor feeding and stale water.

Treatment: If your geese have already experienced a disease, restore work digestive system it is possible with the help of hydrochloric acid biomycin or potassium permanganate.

Diseases of the reproductive system of geese

With a problem vitelline peritonitis only females face. The disease is treated poorly, since it is little studied, it is almost impossible to cure a sick bird. Presumably, the cause of the development of the disease is an excess of protein in feeding, as well as uncomfortable keeping of the bird - crowding, stress, poor handling.

To avoid unpleasant consequences , keep birds in comfortable spacious aviaries, handle with care, clean regularly. Unfortunately, since treatments have not yet been developed by veterinarians, preventing the disease is the only chance to save geese.

Prolapse of the oviduct also affects only females and is associated with an egg that is too large or an egg in which two yolks are formed. Sometimes you may encounter the fact that the female cannot lay an egg for a couple of days. With the help of medicines, it is necessary to carefully destroy the shell, get the egg and remove everything from the oviduct.

infectious goose diseases

Aspergillosis - a disease that develops in the respiratory tract of an animal due to the ingestion of a mold fungus. It is almost impossible to cure the disease, sometimes a whole herd of geese dies from it.

For prevention it is necessary to exclude all places of occurrence of the fungus - clean the litter, keep the geese in a dry place, give high-quality food. Symptoms of the disease are weakness, lethargy and problems with the plumage of geese.

Salmonellosis - the disease proceeds differently in chicks and adults. If mature geese suffer the infection chronically, then goslings - sharply and quickly. The disease spreads very quickly between birds, so it is important to isolate the sick individual and apply special medicines. The cause of the infection is salmonella, the disease affects birds suffering from beriberi, a lack of vitamins and light contained in inappropriate conditions. It is worth remembering that if a goose has been ill with salmonellosis at a young age, then the bacteria will still live in his body. Sick geese behave sluggishly, sit ruffled, there is poor growth and flow of tears, as well as lowering of the wings.

Treatment The disease consists in the use of furazalidon preparations, as well as antibiotics biomycin, tetracycline, oxycitracycline.

colibacillosis -infection accompanied by toxicosis, its cause is also in poor maintenance - lack of ventilation, high density keeping geese, poor food, stale water. In sick geese, the temperature rises, they are constantly thirsty, and their appetite disappears.

The disease cannot be cured, so the sick bird has to be isolated and killed so as not to harm healthy individuals, and the room must be thoroughly disinfected.

I hope you will not encounter the above diseases, and not only with them. Health to you and your animals! If you are interested in topics such as follow the link.

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Goose diseases are a very difficult problem for farmers.

Various diseases have a very bad effect on the number of geese in the herd, and also cause both material and aesthetic harm. All knowledgeable farmers know that it is better to prevent a disease than to calculate losses in consequence.

Geese, in comparison with other poultry, are most susceptible to various diseases.

Almost all poultry farmers accept preventive action to protect against disease.

In this topic, we will touch on many diseases of geese, describe them, talk about treatment and preventive measures. The main thing is to love your pet birds, to know everything about your pets.

Viral diseases are very dangerous for geese. Birds are very badly affected by low house temperatures and drafts. That in the end, colds and inflammations are detected in geese.

Also, poor and untimely feeding, dirty water, dampness in the poultry house where they are kept, the presence of birds of all ages in one poultry house, and many other factors are bad for poultry.

In order to avoid diseases, it is necessary to feed geese with good nutrition, which contains vitamins and trace elements necessary for their body.

Harmful impurities or sour food should not be allowed to form in bird feeders, as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can occur.

The ventilation system in the poultry house must always work properly to avoid either overheating or cooling the house.

Irrational nutrition and poor feed quality have an impact on poultry productivity.

Every day you need to let the geese outside. Their body is very well influenced by the sun's rays.

Separate content is important different ages birds. This factor is one of the preventive measures for geese.

Non-communicable diseases

Avitaminosis. The disease manifests itself with a lack of vitamins.

Symptoms of the disease are the fecundity of geese, short stature, the death of young birds is possible, lack of appetite, and decreased egg production.

Treatment and preventive measures of the disease are as follows: you need to buy good and vitamin-rich food, add fresh herbs, fish oil, grass meal and more to your diet.

Rickets. The disease occurs with a low intake of vitamin D, as well as with a small amount of sunlight on the birds.

Symptoms of the disease: poor growth, weakness, softening of the bones, thin shells in eggs, softening of the beak.

As a treatment and prevention of the disease, it is necessary to add fish oil, yeast, a preparation containing vitamin D to the diet of birds, and let the geese go outside in sunny weather.

Diarrhea. The cause of the disease is a lack of vitamin B.

Symptoms of the disease are: neck cramp, paralysis, stunting, ruffled feathers.

For the treatment and prevention of the disease, it is necessary to add vitamin B, sprouted grains, fresh herbs, wheat bran and other nutrients to the diet of geese.

Cloacitis or another name for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cloaca. The cause of the disease is a lack of vitamins A, D, E and minerals.

Symptoms of the disease are: protrusion of the mucous membrane of the cloaca, on which cracks and ulcers may appear.

For the treatment and prevention of the disease, it is necessary to increase the daily intake of vitamins, add carrots, fresh herbs, and bone meal to the diet. Release geese outside, as well as provide the opportunity for water bathing.

For treatment, it is necessary to clean the mucous membrane of the cloaca from pus, films with an iodine solution, and then lubricate with zinc ointment. Perhaps even use an ointment containing antibiotics: streptomycin and penicillin.

Cannibalism. The reason for this disease is bright lighting, high density among geese, lack of protein in the body of birds, minerals and vitamins, high or low humidity in the room, insufficient ventilation.

Symptoms of the disease are: disheveled feathers, which the bird begins to clean, grease, after which the feathers break, and the back is exposed and blood appears.

For the treatment and prevention of the disease, it is necessary to provide the birds with a sufficient dose of protein, vitamins and minerals, and give the birds fresh greens.

Blockage of the esophagus. Most of all, this disease is observed in young geese. The reason is the feeding of birds with dry food, the complete absence of wet food in the diet, low water intake, and sometimes even starvation.

Symptoms of the disease are: birds behave restlessly, shortness of breath appears, a constantly open mouth, weakness and unsteadiness in gait. Sometimes geese die from suffocation.

For the treatment and prevention of the disease, it is necessary to add wet food to the daily diet, provide the bird with water.

You can not feed the geese dry food all the time. In order to prevent the bird from dying, about 50 grams of vegetable oil is injected into the esophagus, after which the contents of the esophagus are gently squeezed out through the mouth.

Stomatitis or "falling tongue". Geese that have a subcutaneous fold are most susceptible. The disease is not widespread.

The disease manifests itself most of all in birds kept on household plots, where in the nutrition of geese vitamins and trace elements. The peak of the disease occurs either in spring or autumn.

Symptoms of the disease are: inflammation of the mucous membrane, prolapse of the tongue in a place between the jaws, the formation of a diverticulum. The disease develops for a very long time and is chronic.

First, there is a slight redness in the oral cavity, a slight swelling and soreness, the appearance more saliva and mucus. Poor feed intake and bird weight loss, decreased egg production.

For the prevention and treatment of the disease, it is necessary to monitor the correct and timely nutrition of geese. It is necessary to provide the geese with enough vitamins and minerals.

In case of illness, it is necessary to treat the oral cavity of geese with a solution of potassium permanganate. But it also happens that poultry farmers cut down livestock.

Qatar goiter. The disease is most common in older geese. It occurs due to feeding geese with spoiled food.

Symptoms of the disease are: swelling of the goiter, geese sitting ruffled.

Treatment and prevention of the disease is in massaging the goiter, it is necessary to give the birds a five percent solution of hydrochloric acid to drink. Do not feed geese spoiled food.

Enteritis. Most often, the disease manifests itself in young geese. Appears with poor food and dirty water.

Symptoms of the disease: inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

During treatment, it is necessary to give goslings water with hydrochloric acid biomycin, as well as a solution of potassium permanganate.

In prevention, it is necessary to monitor the nutrition of birds.

Diseases of the genital organs

Yolk peritonitis. The disease occurs only in females. The causes of the disease can be rough handling, fear, the content of a large amount of protein in food.

Symptoms of the disease are: inflammation of the peritoneum and intestinal loops. The disease is very difficult to treat, and sometimes not cured at all due to poor knowledge of the disease. Treatment methods have not been developed.

Prevention of the disease consists in the processing and cleaning of the premises, in proper nutrition geese, compliance with the density of geese in a certain area.

Prolapse of the oviduct. The disease occurs as a result of the laying of large eggs, or eggs in which two yolks are formed.

Symptoms of the disease are inflammation of the oviduct, diarrhea or constipation.

Treatment of the disease consists in washing the oviduct with cold water, then in a solution of alum or potassium permanganate, and then, with special care, set it into the cloaca.

Then you need to put a small piece of ice there. Sometimes the female cannot lay an egg for several days; for this, you need to carefully remove the egg with your hands smeared with petroleum jelly.

Or, first, introduce oil into the oviduct, then gently destroy the egg shell and remove everything completely from the oviduct.

Infectious diseases

Aspergillosis. The cause of the disease is Airways mold fungus. This fungus is found in the soil, manure, dirty input, in the litter.

Symptoms of the disease: the fungus, once in the respiratory tract, it begins to grow. With growth, it begins to release toxic substances that poison the body. Sometimes the disease develops chronically, and sometimes it manifests itself very quickly.

Geese lose weight with poor appetite, become lethargic, bad breath, thirst. Sometimes young geese get sick and become carriers of the fungus. It happens that geese die very quickly.

Treatment of geese is very difficult, and sometimes not possible.

Prevention of the disease consists in the use of feed without mold, the use of rotten bedding. Ventilate the room, prevent excessive humidity, clean the room, prevent geese from clustering.

Disinfection against mold formation can be carried out with solutions of formalin and copper sulphate. Sometimes a solution of chloramine can be added to the drinking water of birds for ten days.

salmonellosis or paratyphoid. The disease is highly contagious and is caused by salmonella. This disease appears in very young goslings.

Infection occurs through the air and the gastrointestinal tract. The causes of the disease are beriberi, excessive overheating, poor keeping of birds, high density between birds.

Symptoms of the disease are: lethargy, inactivity, lowered wings, poor appetite, thirst, conjunctivitis, flow of tears. Sometimes there is an exhaustion of an organism and short growth.

In adult birds, the disease is chronic, and in small birds it is very fast and acute. If a bird recovers from a disease, salmonella will still live in its body.

Treatment of the disease consists in the use of furazalidon preparations, as well as antibiotics biomycin, tetracycline, oxycitracycline.

In disease prevention are the following measures in isolating a sick bird, it is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness and hygiene of the premises, the vaccination of birds.

colibacillosis. The disease is infectious with manifestations of toxicosis. Most often, young birds turn white. The causes of the disease are dampness in the poultry house, poor ventilation, poor nutrition, overheating, low water consumption.

Symptoms of the disease are: fever, thirst, loss of appetite, greenish frothy stools.

Treatment and preventive measures of the disease include the use of furacilin solution. All diseased birds must be killed. The room must be thoroughly disinfected.

pasteurellosis or cholera. The disease is infectious, caused by the bacteria Pasteurella. The causes and causative agents of the disease are sick birds, small rodents, bad conditions content, adverse weather. Young geese are the most affected.

The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, through food and drinking water. The disease mainly manifests itself in the autumn or spring season.

Symptoms of the disease are: the bird holds its head under the wing, the bird sits ruffled, depression, weakening, poor appetite, thirst, foamy mucus flowing from the beak, wheezing is heard when breathing, diarrhea with blood, fever, convulsions, often the bird dies.

Treat the disease with antibiotics and sulfa drugs.

Birds should be vaccinated as a preventive measure. Clean and disinfect the room.

Echinostomatidosis. The cause of the disease is the occurrence of trematodes and echinostomatodes in the stomach of birds. They occur in the stomach when tadpoles, mollusks and frogs are consumed.

The symptoms of the disease include: bad condition geese, diarrhea, weakness, loss of appetite.

Treatment is carried out with phenosal and bitionol.

Prevention of the disease consists in the use of clean reservoirs for birds. After treatment, they are quarantined for about three days.

Symptoms of the disease are: a decrease in egg production and poor development of the bird.

Treatment is disinfestation.

Prevention consists in lubricating the skin of birds with ointments.

Worms. The causes of the disease are unclean water and food.

Symptoms of the disease: a decrease in the immunity of the bird, as well as a sharp weight loss.

The treatment of the disease is very difficult, it is better not to allow it.

Disease prevention includes measures such as cleaning and disinfection of the poultry house.

Bird poisoning

Poultry poisoning is caused by eating poisonous plants, moldy feed, accidental ingestion of poisons and fertilizers.

It can be very rapid or chronic. It happens that a bird dies very quickly from poisoning.

Symptoms are diarrhea, convulsions, vomiting, thirst and restlessness of the bird.

Poisoning happens, arises from insufficiently thorough disinfection. For treatment, vinegar is added to the water and the bird is watered. And wash your eyes with water.

There are food poisonings. With such poisoning, saliva flow, frequent breathing, suffocation and convulsions occur.

Birds can be treated with herbal decoctions, vegetable oil, vodka, and sometimes it’s enough just to pour cold water on the geese.

In prevention, you need to ensure that the bird does not eat beets, potatoes.

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Of all poultry, geese are the "champions" in terms of the number of various diseases that affect them. Therefore, those who seriously intend to breed these smart and pretty birds need to know at least the main diseases of geese in order to protect the birds in the herd from death.

All diseases of geese are divided into two large groups: infectious and non-infectious. Non-contagious diseases do not have a specific pathogen and are not transmitted to other birds. These include:

  • avitaminosis;
  • rickets;
  • cannibalism;
  • diarrhea;
  • cloacite;
  • blockage of the esophagus;
  • stomatitis;
  • goiter catarrh;
  • poisoning
  • yolk peritonitis;
  • prolapse of the oviduct.

Infectious diseases are dangerous because their causative agent, infecting one individual in the herd, is able to strike to death most birds in it. These are diseases such as:

  • worms;
  • downy eaters.

Such diseases, although not transmitted infectiously, also quickly affect all birds in the flock.

Non-communicable diseases

These diseases are less dangerous for geese than infectious ones. If geese are detected in time and properly treated, death in such diseases is rare - mostly weak, exhausted birds die.

The main causes of non-contagious diseases of geese are malnutrition and mistakes in bird care.

Avitaminosis . Most often, the disease manifests itself at the end of winter and in early spring. The cause of this disease is a lack of vitamins in the body of birds. With beriberi, young goslings grow poorly and hardly gain weight. In adult geese, egg production decreases and the quality of laid eggs deteriorates: among them there are many unfertilized ones; in fertilized - embryos during incubation often freeze in the egg, unable to peck the shell; hatched goslings hatch with crooked legs.

For weakened geese, prolonged beriberi may end lethal outcome. This disease is difficult to diagnose, since its main symptoms are also characteristic of other diseases. You can get rid of this disease by balancing diet birds, introducing vitamin supplements into it, enriching it with fish oil, herbal meal or green grass.

Rickets develops with an acute deficiency in the goose body of vitamin D. As a result of the disease, growth inhibition occurs, the bones and beak become soft to the touch, in eggs laid by sick birds, the shell does not harden, but remains soft.

The addition of fish oil to the diet of birds, especially when growing young animals, as well as yeast, mineral supplements with a high content of vitamin D, helps to cope with the disease. frost is a good prevention of rickets in geese.

Cannibalism - a rather rare disease of geese of a mental nature. It provokes the appearance of a deficiency in the goose body of the necessary set of proteins, and the immediate cause of development is the improper maintenance of the goose herd (cramped room, high humidity, too bright light, etc.).

Sick birds constantly clean and grease their feathers, so they look disheveled and untidy. Due to excess fat, feathers become brittle and fall out, therefore features birds suffering from cannibalism - naked, in bloody ulcers, backs.

The best prevention of cannibalism in birds is a spacious, well-ventilated house, as well as daily walks in the fresh air and weekly baths. If a diseased bird is found in the herd, it must be immediately isolated from the rest - sick geese behave very aggressively.

Diarrhea in geese provokes a lack of vitamin B in the body. Diarrhea is easy to recognize: the litter of geese becomes liquid and almost continuous, the feathers of sick birds are ruffled, their appearance is untidy, the neck twitches involuntarily. For goose young, this disease is dangerous due to growth retardation, and in severe cases- and complete paralysis.

Wheat bran and vitamin supplements with a high content of vitamin B will help to quickly defeat diarrhea. To prevent diarrhea, sprouted grains must be added to the diet - its green shoots are a real pantry of this important vitamin for geese.

cloacite or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cloaca indicates a lack in the body of birds of a large group of vitamins (A, D, E) and minerals. In sick birds, the anus swells, “blows out”, often small sores or cracks appear on it.

For the prevention and treatment of cloacitis, bone meal, carrots and green grass, as well as complex fortified supplements, are used. To avoid accumulations of pus and fecal residues on the mucous membrane of the cloaca, it is necessary to provide the geese with the opportunity to splash freely in a clean water, preferably with running water. Sick birds need additional care: first, the cloacal mucosa must be cleaned of pus and feces, then the cleaned wounds are treated with iodine solution and lubricated with zinc ointment.

Blockage of the esophagus more typical for young people. In sick geese, the beak is constantly open, they are excited, breathe heavily and stagger when walking. The main cause of this disease is the feeding of small goslings exclusively with dry food and the lack of clean drinking water. It is characterized by high mortality among diseased birds.

To save sick geese, 2-3 tablespoons are forcibly poured into their mouths. sunflower oil, which after 1.5-2 minutes must be gently squeezed out by hand. But such a procedure requires certain skills so as not to damage the bird's esophagus. Therefore, it is easier and safer to prevent the appearance of this disease: it is imperative to alternate dry food with wet food and provide the birds with clean drinking water in the right amount.

contagious diseases

Dangerous in the first place mass defeat livestock and high mortality among diseased birds - in some infectious diseases it can reach up to 100%.

Infectious diseases are very difficult to treat, so The best way to cope with them - to prevent their appearance in your goose herd.

Paratyphoid (salmonellosis) - an infection caused by salmonella. The incubation period is up to 72 hours. It can be transmitted both through the air and through the feces of infected birds. Mostly young animals are affected, although cases of paratyphoid and adult geese are not uncommon.

There are 3 forms of paratyphoid: acute, subacute and chronic. The form of the disease depends on the age of the geese: goslings up to 20 days always have an acute form, young animals have a subacute form, and those who have crossed a 3-month milestone have a chronic form.

The acute form of paratyphoid is characterized by: poor appetite, diarrhea, purulent conjunctivitis, goslings become lethargic, they can sit motionless for hours with their eyes closed. Developing in the body, salmonella affects the nervous system, so often small goslings have seizures - they fall on their backs, jerk their heads convulsively, wave their paws in the air, unable to roll over on their side on their own. Mortality from paratyphoid among small goslings reaches 70%.

For the subacute form of paratyphoid, in addition to poor appetite, purulent conjunctivitis and diarrhea, rhinitis and inflamed joints are characteristic. Adult geese tolerate paratyphoid relatively easily - the disease is signaled by severe diarrhea and poor weight gain, and for growing young animals it is also a lag in growth from healthy peers.

Viral enteritis - an infectious disease that develops in the liver, intestines and stomach. Dangerous primarily for young animals - there are frequent cases when viral enteritis took the lives of all the chicks in the herd. It has many other names that characterize its ruthlessness: goose plague, goose flu, Hold disease .

Sick chicks are cold, they instinctively strive for warmth, so they huddle together, constantly yawn. 5-10 days after infection, most goslings die, and the surviving geese fall to their feet. , stop growing, become lethargic and indifferent to what is happening.

Viral enteritis affects not only small goslings, but also young animals, and even adult geese. Among sick young animals, about a third of the birds die. Adult geese carry this infection without visible symptoms and practically do not die from it. But at the same time, the geese that have suffered the Hold's disease become carriers of this infection for several years, carrying eggs already infected with viral enteritis.

To avoid an outbreak of viral enteritis, goslings under the age of 5 days are vaccinated by subcutaneously injecting the blood of ill but surviving geese. After 2-3 days, the chicks are vaccinated again. A similar scheme is also used to treat already sick chicks.

colibacillosis another infectious disease that is very dangerous for goslings in the first days of life. It provokes the appearance of E. coli, which enters the intestines of the bird. As a result of its influence, the body is poisoned, the temperature rises in goslings, diarrhea appears, appetite disappears, but thirst is constantly tormented. If the bird walks with foamy greenish feces, then this is a clear sign of infection with colibacillosis.

pasteurellosis A disease caused by the Pasteurella bacterium. Another name for this disease is cholera. It is transmitted through the air and feed, but often the chicks hatched from the eggs of infected geese act as carriers of the infection.

Symptoms of the disease: depression, protruding feathers, the head is almost constantly hidden under the wing, the bird hardly eats, but drinks a lot, wheezing is heard when breathing, foamy mucus flows from the beak. Often this disease is accompanied by severe diarrhea, and traces of blood are visible in goose feces.

Pasteurellosis is seasonal: its peak occurs in the first half of spring or the second half of autumn. Antibiotics and sulfonamides are used to treat it, but more often infected birds are slaughtered to protect healthy geese.

Neisseriasis - an infectious disease transmitted mainly through sexual contact, although males can become infected with it through infected bedding. The causative agents of infection are staphylococci and streptococci. In males, the penis becomes inflamed, it can bend or even fall out of the cloaca. In infected females, the cloacal mucosa becomes red, swollen, and scabbed.

The duration of the infection can vary from one to one and a half months. During this period, infected birds steadily lose weight. If birds sick with neisseria are found in the herd, they should be immediately culled, the house should be disinfected and the litter should be changed, and the remaining birds should be regularly examined for a month and a half.

Aspergillosis - an infectious disease caused by harmful fungal spores. These spores actively develop in warm, fresh straw or haylage. After drying, their surface is often covered with a barely noticeable grayish dust - fungal spores.

These diseases, although not as dangerous as infectious ones, still cause a lot of trouble for both the geese themselves and their owners.

Echinostomatizodes appear in the stomach of geese due to birds eating tadpoles, frogs and other small aquatic animals. When they appear, the geese become lethargic, eat poorly, suffer from diarrhea. When birds are infected with echinostomatizodes, geese are treated with phenosal and bitionol, and after a course of treatment for 3-5 days they are kept separately from the herd.

Sometimes, with a large number of goose herds forced to live in small room, downy-eaters settle on the skin of birds. When they appear, growth in geese slows down, egg production decreases, and the general well-being of birds worsens. To get rid of downy-eaters, special ointments are rubbed into the skin of the geese, and the poultry house is disinfected.

Prevention of goose diseases

Considering great amount goose diseases, as well as the fact that many of these diseases have almost identical symptoms and treatment, it is not always possible to recognize the disease even by a specialist veterinarian. It is much easier and cheaper to prevent diseases of geese than to treat them, while losing a significant part of the livestock.

There are 3 fundamentals to successful geese keeping: a balanced diet, sufficient clean water and proper management of the flock.

Considering that small goslings are most susceptible to various infections, they must be kept separately from other geese, ideally divided into groups of 5-7 chicks and avoiding contact between chicks from different groups. In this way, not only the risk of infection of the entire livestock is reduced, but the most comfortable conditions for the growth and development of goslings are created.

Particular attention should be paid to the diet. Each age group needs its own diet, so feeding young and adult geese together is best avoided. Be sure to alternate dry and succulent feed in the diet, as well as the use of fortified supplements.

Daily walks and splashing in clean running water is another reliable and affordable way prevention of most diseases.

Geese are more sensitive to conditions than any other bird. The house should be spacious, well ventilated and lit. If you value the health of your feathered pets, they need to change their bedding at least once every 2 days (ideally, every day), and remove food residues, especially juicy ones, immediately after feeding.

You need to clean not only the poultry house, but also the yard where the geese walk most of the day. If possible, then the goose herd should be regularly driven out to pasture - on it the birds instinctively find the grass they need.

The disease begins to disturb the bird almost immediately after the appearance, but visible symptoms may appear after a few days. Therefore, upon noticing the unusual behavior of a bird, it must be immediately isolated from the rest and shown to the veterinarian, even if there are no visible symptoms of the disease.

Subject to the above conditions, breeding geese will become an exciting, not too burdensome and quite profitable business for you.

An acute disease of goslings of early age, characterized by damage to the intestines, heart, liver and accompanied by high mortality of young animals (30-95%) in the first three weeks after hatching, but 6-12-day-old young animals are more often ill. The disease is very contagious and is transmitted from sick and recovered birds through hatching eggs. Infection occurs through the air or with food and water.

The disease is caused by a virus that is localized in the internal organs. The main source of the disease is sick birds that excrete the virus with droppings. An ill bird for a long time (3-4 years) remains a virus carrier.

The main symptoms of the disease are as follows: goslings are depressed, gather in groups, tremble, strive for warmth, stand more with half-closed eyes, sometimes fall asleep completely, lowering their head or tilting it to one side, often yawn, do not respond to sound, no appetite. Some birds have conjunctivitis, nasal discharge. In the future, watery diarrhea appears with an admixture of blood. Sick and recovered goslings lag behind in growth and development.

When a dead bird is opened, a slightly enlarged heart is noted, the myocardium is pale, flabby, the color of boiled meat. The liver is enlarged, filled with blood, the gallbladder is filled with bile. The spleen is light pink, sometimes dark red. The glandular stomach usually contains mucus. The intestines are inflamed. Goslings younger age catarrhal and hemorrhagic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa is more often found, and in the older ones - fibrinous inflammation.

For the purpose of prevention, young and adult geese are vaccinated with a live vaccine. Replacing young animals are vaccinated once at 21 - 28 days of age, adult geese - 1.5 months before the start of laying, again after two weeks.

Vaccination of geese against viral enteritis in a goose farm is mandatory.

Pasteurellosis (cholera)

infectious contagious disease, proceeding superacutely, acutely or chronically with the phenomena of septicemia and high mortality. sick at home and wild birds of all species, especially geese and ducks.

The source of infection is a sick and recovered bird, and the transmission factors are contaminated water, food, care items, and the surrounding air.

The incubation period lasts from several hours to 2-5 days. The superacute course is characterized by the sudden death of an outwardly healthy bird. At the same time, the number of dead birds is growing rapidly.

In the acute course of the disease, the bird becomes lethargic, foamy mucus stretches from the nasal openings and beak. Body temperature increased to 43.5 degrees. The stools are liquid, gray, yellow or greenish in color, sometimes with an admixture of blood. There is no appetite, strong thirst, general weakness appear, and the bird dies.

The chronic course of pasteurellosis is observed after an acute manifestation of the disease. From the nasal openings of a sick bird, viscous outflows appear, difficulty breathing is observed. In adult geese, arthritis and inflammation of the tendon sheaths are noted, resulting in lameness and drooping of one or both wings. The illness lasts from several weeks to several months. A bird that has been ill with pasteurellosis acquires immunity, but is an open carrier of the infection.

With hyperacute course of pasteurellosis, there are no changes in the corpses of birds. As a rule, well-fed geese die. Sometimes exudate is found in the heart shirt, and petechial hemorrhages under the epicardium.

In the acute course of the disease in a fallen bird, hemorrhages are found on the epicardium, serous membranes of the digestive organs, peritoneum, pleura and subcutaneous tissue. The pericardium and epicardium are covered with numerous hemorrhages and, as it were, spattered with blood. An accumulation of fibrous exudate is found in the abdominal cavity.

In the chronic course of the disease, the corpses are emaciated, the liver is enlarged, cherry-colored, necrotic foci are found in its parenchyma. Sometimes there is pulmonary edema.

When the disease is established, all sick birds from a dysfunctional poultry house are immediately killed. The poultry house, paddocks, the territory adjacent to the poultry house are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. At the same time, the geese of other poultry houses are provided with full-fledged feeding and their conditions are improved. For the remaining livestock, for prophylactic purposes, the following antibiotics and sulfonamides are prescribed: biomycin once subcutaneously at a dose of 25,000 - 50,000 per 1 kg of live weight; Levomycetin at a dose of 30 mg/kg of live weight mixed with 1 g of fish oil 2 times a day for 5 days in a row; sulfadimezin at a dose of 0.2 g per head 2 times a day with food for 5-6 days; sulfadimezin in the form of a 1% solution instead of drinking water; spofadizin with feed 2 times a day at a dose of 0.075 g per 1 kg of live weight of poultry for 3-4 days.

You can vaccinate against pasteurellosis of geese no earlier than 5 days after the use of medicines. For vaccination, a live or inactivated vaccine is used.

Salmonellosis (paratyphoid)

Acute disease. Goslings are most susceptible from 5 days to a month of age. But chronic course observed in adult geese. An ill bird for a long time (up to 2.5 years) can remain a bacteriocarrier and carries infected eggs, from which infected goslings hatch. The susceptibility of goslings to this disease increases with poor feeding and maintenance, underheating or overheating. A sick bird with droppings releases the causative agent of the disease - salmonella. They are very resistant to adverse environmental factors, retain the ability to infect birds, being in the litter up to 1 year 8 months, in the soil up to 120 days, on the surface of the premises up to 150 days. In frozen carcasses, salmonella persist for up to 2-3 years, which poses a certain danger to humans.

Salmonellosis occurs fulminantly, acutely, subacutely and chronically. With a fulminant course, no clinical signs of the disease are observed, death occurs suddenly.

In the acute course of the disease, weakness, drowsiness, thirst, decreased appetite, shortness of breath are noted. Nervous phenomena are characteristic: convulsions, paralysis. There is lacrimation, turning into purulent conjunctivitis.

In the subacute course of the disease, goslings experience difficulty breathing and diarrhea. The surviving goslings are exhausted and develop poorly.

Chronic disease often occurs in grown-up young animals. In this case, diarrhea, exhaustion, swelling in the joints, lameness, nervous phenomena, conjunctivitis are observed. In an adult bird, the disease proceeds without visible signs. During the laying period, diseased geese have inflammation of the cloaca, oviduct, and ovaries. Sometimes their joints swell, wings drop, and diarrhea appears.

When a dead bird is opened, an accumulation of exudate is found in the pericardial sac, the heart is flabby, the lungs are hyperemic, the liver is enlarged by 1.5-2 times, filled with blood, fibrous overlays are visible on its surface. In the parenchyma of the liver, multiple necrotic nodules of a grayish-yellowish color are found. gallbladder enlarged, filled with bile. Catarrhal inflammation of the intestine is noted, in some cases peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) is observed.

When a diagnosis of salmonellosis is made, sick and suspected birds are removed from the herd and killed. Inventory, premises and adjacent territory are disinfected with a 3% solution of sodium hydroxide, a 2% solution of formaldehyde or a 2% solution of freshly slaked lime. Drinking bowls and feeders are thoroughly washed in hot water and disinfected with a 5% bleach solution.

The most effective therapeutic agents are nitrofuran preparations (furazolidone up to 5 mg per caterpillar with food 1 time per day for 8-10 days in a row), antibiotics (biomycin, tetracycline, oxytetracycline 20 mg per 1 kg of live weight with food 2 times a day in for 5-10 days), sulfamides (sulfadimezin 200 mg per 1 kg of live weight with food 2 times a day for 3-5 days).

Conditionally infected young geese are immunized orally with a live avirulent vaccine against salmonellosis of waterfowl at the age of 2-4 days, if the population of the parent flock was not vaccinated before the start of laying. Against the background of maternal immunity, goslings are vaccinated at the age of 8-10 days. An adult bird is vaccinated 20-30 days before the start of the productive period twice with an interval of 4-5 days. summer cottage medicines stop 28-45 hours before vaccination.

Salmonellosis is a zoonotic disease, meaning it can be transmitted from humans to birds and vice versa.


Acute, subacute and chronic disease of geese, characterized by damage to the respiratory organs. Young animals have a high mortality, adult birds are more stable.

The causative agent of the disease is a microscopic fungus from the genus Aspergillus. Infection occurs aerogenically, aspergillus penetrates into the internal organs (heart, liver) with blood flow.

The source of the pathogen is a sick bird, as well as infected feed, litter, soil. The spread of aspergillosis is possible through incubators, where spores of the fungus enter with hatching eggs from dysfunctional poultry houses. Fungi cause the death of embryos, appears a large number of"cuffs" that rupture and infect environment. Goslings become infected during hatching in the first days of life, as a result of inhalation of air containing spores of the fungus. Dampness in the room, wet bedding, microclimate disturbance, bird crowding predispose to the onset of the disease. The disease most often occurs in the spring.

A distinctive feature of Aspergillus is unpretentiousness to living conditions and high resistance to chemical and physical factors.

A sick bird becomes lethargic, drowsy, inactive. In the acute course of the disease, the respiratory organs are mainly affected. During inhalation, a sick bird stretches its neck, opens its beak, swallows air, and often sneezes. A serous, sometimes foamy fluid flows from the beak and nasal openings. With the defeat of the air sacs, exhalation is accompanied by a wheezing. There is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, progressive exhaustion. Before death, the bird has convulsions. Among goslings, the case can be 50-100%.

At autopsy in a dead bird, a lesion is noted in the larynx, at the site of the bifurcation of the trachea, in separate air sacs. Nodules are found in the lungs various sizes(from small millet to large). With a prolonged process, Aspergillus nodules form in the trachea, bronchi, lungs, as well as the liver, spleen, and kidneys. Nodules of dense consistency, gray-white or yellowish-gray. A white coating forms on the mucous membranes and serous membranes.

The most effective destruction of the fungus in the external environment and in the poultry house is burning the walls of the room, metal objects, inventory with a blowtorch (flamethrower) with fire. The use of formaldehyde in the form of an aerosol is also effective. It has been established that vitamin A concentrate increases the resistance of young birds to aspergillosis.

In case of an outbreak of the disease, it is recommended to use an iodine aerosol at the rate of 20 ml of a 0.5% solution per 1 cubic meter premises for 5-6 days with an exposure of 40 minutes. With drinking water it is recommended to give a 0.05% solution of copper sulfate for 3-5 days in a row. For the purpose of prevention, goslings can be treated with iodalluminum aerosol. Nystatin is also used at a dose of 25-30 mg per 1 kg of poultry live weight with feed 2 times a day for 7-10 days.

The main condition for the effective action of drugs is the exclusion of moldy feed and moldy bedding. With aspergillosis, it is forbidden to use antibiotics, as they contribute to the development of the fungus.


An infectious disease of young animals of an early age, an adult bird is less likely to get sick.

The main source of infection is sick geese that excrete the pathogen with droppings, as well as infected objects, equipment, feed, water, etc. A sick bird remains a carrier of infection for a long time, the disease is transmitted through eggs.

The disease is promoted by violations of the veterinary and sanitary regime, technology of keeping and feeding.

In young animals, colibacillosis is acute and is manifested by oppression, thirst, and drowsiness. Possible conjunctivitis, nervous phenomena, diarrhea, sometimes with an admixture of blood. Two-three-month-old goslings weaken, hardly rise and move slowly. In an adult sick bird, prolapse of the oviduct, inflammation of the ovaries, and peritonitis are observed. The disease is especially pronounced during oviposition. The death of geese in this case reaches 20%.

At autopsy, young animals find an increase and blood filling of the liver and spleen. Vessels of the mesentery and kidneys are hyperemic. In the pericardial sac there is an accumulation of straw-colored serous exudate. The small intestine is inflamed. In an adult bird, the liver is light brown, dense, brittle, the ovary is hemorrhagically inflamed, the mucous membrane of the ovary is catarrhal, in males there are pinpoint hemorrhages in the testicles. Sometimes single and multiple tumor-like formations ranging in size from a pea to chicken egg in the caecum, liver, less often in the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, ovaries, oviduct, lungs, air sacs.

A sick bird is killed and destroyed. Clinically healthy livestock are treated. Antibiotics are prescribed with the determination of the sensitivity of isolated microbial cultures. It should be noted that pathogenic colibacilli quickly acquire resistance to antibiotics, so the regimen and method for the prevention and treatment of colibacillosis should be periodically changed. The best means- neomycin 50 g 1 time per day with feed for 6-10 days, biomycin and tetracycline 20 mg each, chloramphenicol 30 mg per 1 kg of bird live weight. An excellent tool for the treatment and prevention of colibacillosis is baytril, which is drunk with water for birds.

Passive immunity is transmitted to young animals through eggs and lasts for 1-3 weeks, active immunity lasts up to three months and is developed during vaccination. The vaccine is given to young animals at 3 and 6 days of age.

As a prophylactic for goslings, in the first 3 days, propionic acidophilic broth culture is drunk instead of water in the ratio of 1 ml of the drug per 10 ml of water.

Incubators are treated with formaldehyde vapors, and day-old goslings are treated with antibiotic aerosols.

Compliance with sanitary requirements, feeding and keeping regimes, as well as feeding vitamin supplements to the bird helps to prevent the disease.


Acute infectious disease of young geese. The causative agent is a short stick. The microbe is unstable in the external environment. When exposed to a temperature of +50 degrees, he dies within 10 minutes, and +60 degrees kill him after 30 seconds. Low temperatures, on the contrary, seem to conserve the pathogen. So, at a temperature of -17 degrees, it lasts up to two months. Indoors - on walls, bedding, sand, grain fodder - at room temperature, the pathogen remains viable for no more than three days, and in water - up to 50 days.

Disinfectants kill the pathogen fairly quickly. So, when exposed to a 1% solution of sodium hydroxide, a 1% emulsion of creolin, 0.5% solutions of bleach, carbolic acid, it loses its viability after 3 minutes.

Young geese are susceptible to the disease. Infection occurs through scratches and injuries of the skin, as well as through the consumption of food and water contaminated with microbes. Possibility of infection through respiratory organs. The main source of infection is a sick bird, which releases the pathogen during external environment. Sick young animals develop weakness, body temperature rises to + 43-44 degrees, appetite is lost. The wings of the geese hang down, the young sit with an open beak, breathe often, sometimes wheezing is heard. Swelling of the head and legs is often noted. After 2-5 days, coordination of movements is disturbed, diarrhea appears. Mortality among sick goslings reaches 70%.

When a disease appears, obviously sick goslings are killed, the carcasses are scalded with boiling water. Conditionally healthy young animals are transferred to a clean room, and the former ones are disinfected. For prophylactic purposes, instead of water, a 0.5% solution of hydrochloric acid or formalin, diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 10,000, is drunk.

Neisseria goose

An infectious disease characterized by reddening of the mucous membrane of the goose cloaca, the formation of fibrinous scabs, bleeding erosions, and swelling of the affected tissues. In ganders, the disease is manifested by sclerotic inflammation of the penis, curvature and prolapse of the organ from the cloaca. The causative agent is a diplococcus from the genus Neisseria. The accompanying microflora can be staphylococci, streptococci, proteus and other bacteria. Geese over the age of 16 months are susceptible to the disease. Ganders are particularly susceptible to infection.

The disease proceeds in the form of an epizootic, as well as sporadic cases, and is characterized by a sharp increase in the number of unfertilized eggs (up to 90%), since ganders lose their ability to mate. Cases of death of adult geese from the disease were noted (2.5 -12%).

The source of the pathogen are sick and recovered geese. Infection occurs sexually, transmission of infection through infected bedding is possible. The incubation period of the disease is 3-15 days. The disease is noted in the breeding period, when the mating of geese occurs. The duration of the disease is 1-1.5 months. The bird loses weight and dies during the phenomena of the septic process.

At a pathological autopsy of a dead bird, changes in the cloaca and penis (fibrinous scabs, erosions, ulcers, scars, sclerotic changes) and peritonitis are noted. The diagnosis of neisseriasis is established on the basis of a complex of epizootological, clinical, pathoanatomical data and laboratory studies (detection of diplococcus in pathological material, isolation of the pathogen culture and bioassay). Neisseriasis of geese should be differentiated from diseases of the cloaca and penis, in which the causes may be injuries, competitive fights of ganders, poor living conditions, beriberi.

Bicillin-3 (once, at a dose of 60 thousand units / kg of live weight) or bicillin-5 is administered intramuscularly to a bird from a dysfunctional herd for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Simultaneously with the feed give chloramphenicol 0.15 g per head twice a day for five days. Instead of levomycetin, tetracycline or monomycin can be given with food. If necessary, this course of treatment is repeated after 6-8 days.

In the breeding season, once every 1-1.5 months, a clinical examination of the genital organs of geese is carried out and sick and suspected individuals are culled. The rest of the birds are given antibiotics. This procedure is repeated during the period of the autumn acquisition of the parent flock of geese. Industrial premises, walking, containers and inventory are disinfected in accordance with the instructions.

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