Games for social and communicative development. Didactic games on the social and communicative development of children of primary and secondary preschool age

The buildings 10.10.2019
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MDOU Dashkovsky Kindergarten Combined type "Kolobok"

caregiver speech therapy group Borzunova Galina Alexandrovna

Games and exercises aimed at social and communicative development of children of senior preschool age

Exercises and games aimed at developing communication skills.

Let's get acquainted

The exercise allows participants to get to know each other, get used to, adapt to a new environment.

Exercises are carried out in a circle. Each participant calls himself by name (if he wants, he tells something about himself). At this time, you can pass each other any thing, a toy.


The exercise helps children remember the names of all group members.

The first participant (for example, standing to the left of the leader) calls his name. The next one repeats it, then calls his own. The third participant repeats two names and calls his own. And so in a circle. The exercise ends when the first participant calls the whole group by name.

My name

The exercise helps to create a comfortable environment for each participant.

Each participant speaks in a circle about which form of his name he likes best (Lena, Lenochka, Elena ...) and which one he does not like. How he wants to be called in the group.

After this exercise, you can repeat again who will be called now in the group (Lena or Lenochka, etc.)

Let's say hello

The exercise continues the acquaintance, creates a psychologically relaxed atmosphere.The host talks about different ways greetings, real and comic. Children are invited to greet with their shoulder, back, hand, nose, cheek, invent their own way of greeting for today's lesson. For each subsequent lesson, a new, previously unused way of greeting is invented.

Stand up all those who...

The exercise is aimed at developing attention, observation, as well as the continuation of group acquaintance.

The host gives the task: Stand up all those who ...

Likes to run

Enjoy the good weather

Has a younger sister

Likes to give flowers, ……..

If desired, the role of the leader can be played by children.

After completing the exercise, the children are asked questions summing up the game: “Now we will repeat who in our group turned out to be the most attentive. Who remembered:

Who in our group likes sweets?

Who has younger sister? etc.

Then the questions become more complex (include two variables):

Who in our group likes sweets and has a younger sister?

Each question is addressed to each child. If he cannot answer, the group helps him.

Describe a friend

The exercise contributes to the development of attentiveness and the ability to describe what he saw, the continuation of acquaintance.

Exercises are performed in pairs at the same time by all participants. Children stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing the hairstyle, clothes and face of their partner. Then the description is compared with the original and a conclusion is made about how accurate the child was.

What changed?

Development of attention and observation necessary for effective communication.

Each child in turn becomes the leader. The driver leaves the room. During his absence, several changes are made in the group (in clothes, children's hair, you can move to another place), but no more than two or three changes; All changes made must be significant and noticeable.

The task of the driver is to correctly notice the changes that have occurred.

I understand myself - I understand others

How do you feel?

The development of mindfulness, the ability to feel the mood of another.

The exercise is performed in a circle. Each child carefully looks at his neighbor on the left, tries to guess how he feels, and talks about it.

The child, whose condition is described, and then agrees with what was said or disagrees, complements.

My mood

Development of skills to describe your mood, recognize the mood of others;

Children are invited to tell others about their mood: it can be drawn, it can be compared with any flower, animal, you can show it in motion - it all depends on the child's imagination and desire.

Gift for everyone


Development of team spirit, ability to make friends, make right choice, cooperate with peers.

The children are given the task: “If you were a magician and could work miracles, what would you give now to all of us together?” Or: “If we had a seven-color flower, what wish would you make?”

Each child makes one wish, tearing from common flower one petal.

Fly, fly, petal, through the west and east,

Through the north, through the south, come back, make a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion they led.

Lead to….

At the end, you can hold a competition for the best wish.

portrait of himself best friend

The development of analysis and introspection.

Children are given the task to draw a portrait of their best friend. Then there is a conversation.

Who do you consider your good, your best friend?

What quality does this person have?

Do you want to be considered a good friend?

What do you need to do, how to behave?

During the general discussion, the rules of joyful communication are formulated, which they draw in a schematic form accessible to children or write them down on a piece of paper in block letters (if the children already know how to read). For instance:

Help your friends.

Share with them, learn to play and practice together.

Stop a friend if he does something bad. Tell him if he is wrong about something.

Do not quarrel, do not argue over trifles; play with everyone.

Do not envy.

If you did something wrong, don't be afraid to admit it, apologize.

Feel free to accept the advice and help of other guys.

Don't rejoice when someone loses. Help him if you can.

If you lost yourself, do not take out your anger on others; maybe you'll win next time.

Kindness Rules

Help the weak, the small, the sick, the old, those in trouble.

Forgive the mistakes of others.

Do not envy.

Be attentive to others: maybe someone needs your support, help, sympathy.

Honesty Rules

Said do it.

Not sure - do not offend.

Wrong - admit it.

Forgotten - ask for forgiveness.

Say what you think.

If you can't tell the truth, explain why.

Don't give out someone else's secret.


This unified forgiveness procedure unites the children and links all the days of the training into a single program.

On the first day of the training, children are invited to develop a single farewell ritual for all days, which should contain the idea of ​​interaction.

(universal handshake, pat on the shoulder; stand in a circle and, putting your hands on each other's shoulders, sway from side to side, etc.).

Games for the development of children's communication skills.

We develop the ability to cooperate: we teach to hear, understand and obey the rules

"The Bunnies and the Fox"

Children (bunnies) gather at one of the walls, one child (in a fox mask) hides behind a “bush” (chair). The teacher is standing by opposite wall and loudly counts: "One, two, three, four, five, the bunnies went out for a walk."

The children run out into the middle of the room and start jumping merrily. A minute later, another teacher continues: “Suddenly a fox runs out, she will catch gray hares.”

All the bunnies scatter, the fox tries to “catch” someone, but in vain. The teacher adds: “The foxes didn’t fall into the paws - the bunnies all ran away into the forest.”

Choose another fox, the game is repeated. Such a game is an elementary form of staging, to which children are gradually brought up. It is necessary to ensure that they act in strict accordance with the verbal instructions of the teacher.

"Owl - owl"

Children are shown an owl (picture, photograph), tell about it. One child is an owl; the rest are forest birds. The owl is sitting on a tree (a chair, a box, etc.), the birds are running around it, carefully approaching it. Educator:

Owl - owl, big head,

Sitting on a tree, shaking his head

Looks in all directions.

Suddenly she will fly ....

At the last word (not earlier), the owl "flies" from the tree and begins to catch birds. The captured bird becomes the new owl and the game resumes. Even toddlers love to play this game. They still do not know how to catch each other, but they joyfully run around the hall, waiting for a signal (a clap of hands, an exclamation of “stop!”), By which they must stop.

"Cold - hot, right - left"

Learn to control movements and work according to instructions

The teacher hides a conditional object (toy), and then, using commands like “Step right, two steps forward, three steps to the left”, leads the player to the goal, helping him with the words “warmth”, “hot”, “cold”. When children learn to navigate in space according to the verbal signs of an adult. You can use a blueprint.

"Play out the transformation"

The leader in a circle passes the object (ball, pyramid, cube, etc.), calling them by conventional names. Children act with them as if they were objects named by adults. For example, a ball is passed around the circle. The host calls it "Apple" - the children "eat" it, "wash", "sniff", etc.

We cultivate trust in each other, a sense of responsibility for the other.

"I do not have"

The teacher prepares plot pictures related to acceptable and unacceptable relationships (in systems adult-child, child-child, child- the world), and an "I shouldn't" pattern (for example, an image of a "-" sign).

The child lays out near the template those pictures that depict situations that are unacceptable in the relationship between people, between man and nature, man and the objective world, explain his choice.

The rest of the children act as observers and advisers.

"Beasts in the Swamp"

All children in the group play. They are the "animals" that have fallen into the swamp. Each has three boards (three sheets of paper). You can get out of the swamp only in pairs and only on planks.

One of the players broke and went to the bottom of two planks. So that he does not drown, he needs help - this can be done by a partner (his "couple").

Every child should play the role of victim and rescuer. Evaluated as a willingness to help, the same proposed options for salvation.

Games for the development of the emotional and moral sphere and communication skills in children of senior preschool age

"Name Yourself"

Purpose: to teach to present themselves to a group of peers.

Progress: the child is asked to introduce himself by giving his name as he likes, as they call him at home, or as he would like to be called in the group.

"Call kindly"

Purpose: to cultivate a friendly attitude of children towards each other.

Move: the child is offered to throw the ball or pass the toy to any peer (optional), affectionately calling him by name.

Magic Chair»

Purpose: to cultivate the ability to be affectionate, to activate gentle, affectionate words in children's speech.

Move: one child sits in the center on a “magic” chair, the rest say kind, affectionate words, compliments about him. You can stroke the person sitting, hug, kiss.

"Transmission of Feelings"

Purpose: to teach to convey the difference in emotional states in a non-verbal way.

Progress: the child is given the task to convey a certain feeling “along the chain” with the help of facial expressions, gestures, touches. The children then discuss how they felt about it.

Games for the formation of a culture of communication in preschool children

"Life in the Forest"

Educator. Imagine that you are in a forest and speak different languages. But you need to somehow communicate with each other. How to do it? How to ask about something, how to express your benevolent attitude without uttering a word? To ask a question, how are you, we clap our palm on the palm of a friend (show). To answer that everything is fine, we tilt our head to his shoulder; we want to express friendship and love - affectionately pat on the head (show). Ready? Then they started. It's early morning, the sun is out, you've just woken up...

The teacher unfolds the further course of the game arbitrarily, making sure that the children do not talk to each other.

"Good Elves"

The teacher sits on the carpet, seating the children around him.

Educator. Once upon a time, people, fighting for survival, were forced to work day and night. Of course they were very tired. The good elves took pity on them. With the onset of night, they began to fly to people and, gently stroking them, affectionately lull kind words. And people fell asleep. And in the morning, full of strength, with redoubled energy, they set to work.

Now we will play the roles of ancient people and good elves. Those who sit on right hand from me, they will play the roles of these workers, and those on the left will play the roles of elves. Then we will switch roles. So the night has come. Exhausted from fatigue, people continue to work, and good elves fly in and lull them to sleep...

A wordless action is played out.

"Revived Toys"

The teacher sits on the carpet, seating the children around him.

Educator. You have probably been told or read fairy tales about how toys come to life at night. Please close your eyes and imagine your favorite toy, imagine what it does at night when it wakes up. Represented? Then I suggest you play the role of your favorite toy and get to know the rest of the toys. But again, we carry out all our actions in silence, so as not to wake up the elders. And after the game, we will try to guess who depicted which toy.

At the end of the game, the children, at the request of the teacher, tell who portrayed whom. If someone finds it difficult, the adult offers to show his toy again, walking around the room.

Games for developing the ability to effectively interact in communication

"Consonant Words"

Children stand in a circle, taking turns tossing a ball to each other. The child who threw the ball first says a word, such as "ball". The one who catches answers with a consonant word (for example, “rook”) and throws the ball to the third, etc. If the child does not have time to pick up a word, he leaves the game.

"Composing a Song"

The teacher invites the children to listen to a familiar quatrain. Children, divided into subgroups (4-5 people each), must come up with their own melody for these words and perform it. Some children can play the role of jury members. They listen to the performance, discuss and choose the best way. The winners can be awarded a diploma or a prize.

"Let's sing a song"

Children are divided into small subgroups (4-5 people each). Each subgroup agrees on which song they will perform.

At the signal of the leader, each group begins to sing the planned song. The order of execution is determined by the leader. The winner is the subgroup that was able to enter in time and sing the song harmoniously.

"We Weave a Chain"

The game begins with two children facing each other. They join hands and with a song in a circle, after agreeing which of the children will be called to the game.

Two: Chain, chain, chain.

We weave a chain.

And we do not weave a chain,

We knit ourselves ... ..

One: Few of us, few of us,

Come, Marina, to us.

Marina, hearing her name, joins them. Then she calls out a name. So gradually the circle increases until all the children are included in the game. With each repetition, the direction of movement changes. As soon as all the children are in the circle, instead of “We are few”, they sing “We are many”; instead of "Come, Marina ..." they sing "Go away, Marina, from us." The named child leaves the circle, stands to the side and names another. The circle gradually decreases until all the children have left it.

Games on social and communicative development.


"Name Yourself"

Target : To form the ability to present oneself to a group of peers.

The child is offered to introduce himself by calling his name the way he likes best, how he would like to be called in the group.

"Call it kindly."

Target: to cultivate a friendly attitude of children towards each other.

The child is offered to throw the ball or pass the toy to his favorite peer (optional) affectionately calling him by name.


"Magic Chair"

Target: to cultivate the ability to be affectionate, to activate gentle, affectionate words in the speech of children.

One child sits in the center on the “magic chair”, and the rest say kind, affectionate words about him.

"Magic wand".

Target : continue to cultivate the ability to be affectionate.

Children stand in a circle. One child passes the wand to the person standing next to him and affectionately calls him.



Target: develop listening skills, develop organization.

The meaning of the game is in the simple team of the educator “Freeze”, which can be heard at the moments of children's activity, in a variety of situations.


Target: develop the ability to work together and learn to trust and help those with whom you communicate.

Before the game, the teacher talks with the children about friendship and mutual assistance, about how any obstacles can be overcome. The children stand one after another and hold on to the shoulders of the person in front. In this position, they overcome any obstacles.

Go around the lake, crawl under the table, etc.


"Magic wand".

Target: the formation of ideas about the capabilities of one's own and peers.

One names the fairy tale, the other its characters, and so on.

"Polite Word Store"

Target: develop goodwill, the ability to establish contact with peers.

Educator: I have polite words on the shelf in my store: greetings (hello, good morning, good afternoon, etc.); affectionate appeals (dear mother, dear mother, etc.).

I will offer you various situations and you buy the right words from me.

Situation. Mom brought apples from the store. You really want to, but mom said that you need to wait for dinner.

How do you ask her to give you an apple after all?


Target: continue to reinforce polite words.

The children sit around a table with a basket on it. The teacher addresses the child: "Here's a box for you, put a polite word in it."


"That's what a grandmother"

Purpose: to develop respect for elders, to consolidate affectionate words.

Each child in turn tells the name of the grandmother, how affectionately she can be called.

"Wonderful bag"

Target : expansion of the volume of the dictionary, development of tactile perception and ideas about the features of objects.

Children alternately recognize the object by touch, name it and take it out of the bag.


"Good words".

Target : develop the ability to use kind words in speech.

Children choose kind words. Show the children a picture where the children are working. How can you call children who work? (Hardworking, active, kind, noble, etc.)

"Rug of Reconciliation".

Target: develop communication and conflict resolution skills.

Arriving from a walk, the teacher informs the children that two boys quarreled over toys. He invites you to sit down opposite each other on the "mat of reconciliation" to find out the cause of the contention and find a way to peacefully resolve the problem. Discuss how to share a toy.

"How to be, what to do?"

Target: to awaken initiative, independence, intelligence, responsiveness of children, readiness to look for the right solution.

Create a situation: there are no paints of individual colors, there is not enough plasticine for modeling. Children are looking for solutions on their own.



Target: expansion of the vocabulary, development of coherent speech.

The child receives a parcel from Santa Claus and begins to describe his gift without naming or showing it. The item is presented after it is guessed by the children.

"Without a mask"

Target: develop the ability to share their feelings, experiences, build unfinished sentences.

The teacher says the beginning of the sentence, the children must finish.

What do I for real I want it so………….

I especially like it when…………………………

One day I was very scared that ………………..


"Day Night"

Target: develop the ability to cooperate, to achieve the desired result.

After the words "The day is coming - everything comes to life" The participants in the game move randomly, jump. When the teacher says: “The night is coming, everything freezes,” the children freeze in bizarre poses.

"Listen outside the window, behind the door"

Target: develop auditory attention.

On the instructions of the teacher, all children focus their attention on the sounds and rustles of the corridor. Then they take turns listing and explaining what they heard.


"Who will praise better"

Target: be able to name the signs of animals according to the model of an adult, develop attention, the ability to describe.

The teacher takes a bear for himself, and gives the child a bunny.

And starts: "I have a bear." Child: "And I have a hare." etc.

"Who am I talking about"

Target: develop observation, the ability to focus on the main features of the described object.

The teacher describes the child sitting in front of him, naming his details of clothing and appearance. For example: “This is a girl, she is wearing a skirt and a blouse, her hair is blond, the bow is red. She loves to play with the doll Tanya.”


"That's what dad."

Target : develop respect for dad, reinforce affectionate words.

The child tells what his father's name is, how he plays with him, how he affectionately calls him.

"Describe a friend."

Target: develop attentiveness and the ability to describe what you saw.

Children stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing the hairstyle, clothes, face of their partner. Then the description is compared with the original and a conclusion is made about how accurate the child was.


"That's what mom is."

Target: develop love for mom, consolidate affectionate words.

Each child in turn tells the name of his mother, how she takes care of him, how she can be affectionately called.

"What changed?".

Target: attentiveness and observation necessary for effective communication.

The leader leaves the group. During his absence, several changes are made in the group (in the hair of children, in clothes, you can move to another place), but no more than two or three changes.


"Living Toys"

Target: to form a culture of communication in children.

Educator. You have probably been told or read fairy tales about how toys come to life at night. Please close your eyes and imagine your favorite toy, imagine what it does at night when it wakes up. Represented? Then I suggest you play the role of your favorite toy. And we will try to guess what kind of toy you portrayed.

"Edible - inedible"

Target : development of auditory attention, development of the ability to highlight the essential features of an object (edibility, animation).

The leader pronounces the word and throws a ball to one of the children and names the object. If edible, the player catches the ball, and if inedible, dodges the ball.

Ulyanova Alexandra Anatolievna
Games for social and communicative development.

Development games emotional sphere of a preschooler.

1. Game "Pictograms".

Children are offered a set of cards that depict various emotions.

On the table are pictograms of various emotions. Each child takes a card for himself without showing it to the others. After that, the children take turns trying to show the emotions drawn on the cards. The audience, they have to guess what emotion they are being shown and explain how they determined what that emotion was. The teacher ensures that all children participate in the game.

This game will help determine how children are able to correctly express their emotions and "see" the emotions of other people.

2. Game "I'm glad when..."

teacher: “Now I will call one of you by name, throw him a ball and ask, for example, So: “Sveta, tell us, please, when do you rejoice?”. The child catches the ball and is talking: “I am happy when….”, then throws the ball to the next child and, calling him by name, in turn ask: "(child's name, please tell us when you are happy?"

This game can be diversified by inviting children to tell when they are upset, surprised, afraid. Such games can tell you about inner world child, about his relationship with both parents and peers.

3. Exercise "Ways to improve your mood".

It is proposed to discuss with the child how you can improve your own mood, try to come up with as many of these ways as possible (smile at yourself in the mirror, try to laugh, remember something good, do a good deed to another, draw a picture for yourself).

4. Game "Loto of moods". For this games sets of pictures are needed, which depict animals with different facial expressions (for example, one kit: funny fish, sad fish, angry fish, etc.: next kit: the squirrel is cheerful, the squirrel is sad, the squirrel is angry, etc.). The number of sets corresponds to the number of children.

The facilitator shows the children a schematic representation of a particular emotion. The task of the children is to find in their set an animal with the same emotion.

5. Game "Broken phone". All participants games except for two "sleep". The host silently shows the first participant any emotion with the help of facial expressions or pantomime. First member "waking up" the second player, conveys the emotion he saw, as he understood it, also without words. Then the second participant "wakes up" third and gives him his version of what he saw. And so on until the last participant games.

The facilitator then asks all participants games, starting with the last one and ending with the first, about what emotion they thought they were being shown. So you can find the link where the distortion occurred, or make sure that "telephone" was completely correct.

Development games communication skills

1. Game Blind and guide

Target: develop the ability to trust, help and support comrades in communication.

The kids are breaking into couples: "blind man" and "guide". One closes his eyes, and the other leads him around the group, makes it possible to touch various items, helps to avoid various collisions with other couples, gives appropriate explanations regarding their movement. Commands should be given standing behind your back, at some distance. Then the participants switch roles. Each child, therefore, goes through a certain “school of trust”.

At the end games the teacher asks the children to answer who felt safe and confident, who had the desire to fully trust their friend. Why?

2. Game Polite words

Target: developing respect in communication habit of using polite words.

The game is played with the ball in a circle. Children throw the ball to each other, calling polite words. Name only the words of greeting (hello, good afternoon, hello, we are glad to see you, glad to meet you); thanks (thank you, thank you, please be kind); apologies (sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry); farewell (goodbye, see you, goodnight).

3. Game Mat of Reconciliation

Target: Develop communication skills and the ability to resolve conflicts.

Arriving from a walk, the teacher informs the children that two boys had a fight on the street today. Invites opponents to crouch against each other on "Rug of Reconciliation" to find out the cause of the contention and find a way to peacefully resolve the problem. This game is also used when discussing How to share a toy.

4. Game "Mirror"

This game can be played alone with a child or with several children. The child looks into "mirror", which repeats all his movements, gestures, facial expressions. "Mirror" could be a parent or another child. You can portray not yourself, but someone else, "Mirror" must guess, then switch roles. The game helps the child to open up, to feel more free, uninhibited.

5. Game "Merry Centipede"

Target: develop both communication skills and the processes of observation, attention.

Don't forget to play some fun music for the kids!

At least six children participate in the game - the more, the better. Participants should stand behind each other with their hands on the shoulders of the child in front. The first player, respectively, is the leader, he directs the movement of the centipede. The adult regulates the movement of the centipede with the help of the rhythm and tempo of the music. If the children have successfully completed this stage of the task, it can be made more difficult by asking the children to complicate their movement with various intricate movements.

6. Game "Chefs"

Everyone stands in a circle - this is a pan. Now let's prepare compote. Each participant comes up with what kind of fruit he will be (apple, cherry, pear) The host calls out in turn what he wants to put in the pan. The one who recognizes himself stands in a circle, the next participant, who gets up, takes the hands of the previous one. Until all the components are in the circle, the game continues. The result is a delicious and beautiful compote. In this way, you can also cook soup or make a vinaigrette.

7. Game "The wind blows on..."

The facilitator starts the game with words "The wind blows on...". To participants games learned more about each other, questions may be next: "The wind blows on the one with blond hair"- after these words, all the fair-haired people gather side by side in one place. "The wind blows on the one who has ... a sister", "who likes sweets" etc.

8. Game "Ay!"

Target: development interest in peers, auditory perception.

Number of players: 5-6 persons.

Description games: one child stands with his back to everyone else, he is lost in the forest. Some of the children are screaming him: "Ay!"- and "lost" must guess who called him.

A comment: the game indirectly stimulates children's interest in each other through the game rule. This game is good to use in the process of introducing children to each other. It is easier for a child who has his back to everyone else to overcome the barrier in communication, to overcome anxiety when meeting.


1. Game "Glube"

materials: a ball of strong thread.

Game progress.

The teacher and children stand in a circle. The teacher sings a song, wraps thumb right hand. Then he passes the ball to the next child, calling him by name in a song, etc.

When the song ends, all the children and the teacher are connected by a thread. The ball must return to the teacher, having completed a full circle.

Then, at the same time, everyone carefully removes the thread from their fingers and puts it on the table.

The attention of the children is drawn to the fact that the thread has not broken and the guys in the group will always be just as close friends. In conclusion, you can ask the children to remember proverbs and sayings about friendship.

2. Game "Engine"

move games. Children are built one after another, holding on to their shoulders. "Engine" lucky "wagon", overcoming various obstacles: rides on the bridge, over the bumps.

3 Game "Hello my friend"

Game progress.

The teacher invites the children to find a mate and build an inner and outer circle, each couple holding hands. So words: "Hello friend, how glad I am well that you have come" children stand still and greet their couple. At the end of the quatrain, the inner circle stands still, and the outer circle, clockwise, takes a step to the side and changes its partner. So the child should say hello to all the guys who are in the inner circle.

4 Game "Good Wizards"

Game progress.

Children sit in a circle. An adult tells another fairy tale: "In one country there lived a rude villain. He could bewitch any child, calling him bad words. Bewitched children could not have fun and be kind. Only good wizards could disenchant such unfortunate children, calling them affectionate names. Let's see if we are such bewitched children.” As a rule, many preschoolers willingly take on the role of “bewitched”. “And who can become a good wizard and disenchant them by inventing kind, affectionate names?” Usually children gladly volunteer to be good wizards. Presenting themselves as good wizards, they take turns approaching "bewitched" friend and try to cast a spell, calling him affectionate names.

5 Game "Applause in a circle"

Game progress.

Educator. Guys, who among you can imagine what an artist feels after a concert or performance - standing in front of his audience and listening to the thunder of applause? Perhaps he feels this applause not only with his ears. Perhaps he receives applause with all his body and soul. We have good group and each of you deserves a round of applause. I want to play a game with you, during which the applause is quiet at first, and then it gets stronger and stronger. Get in a general circle, I'll start.

The teacher approaches one of the children. She looks into his eyes and gives her applause, clapping her hands with all her might. Then, together with this child, the teacher chooses the next one, who also receives his portion of applause, then the trio chooses the next applicant for a standing ovation. Each time the one who was applauded chooses the next one, the game continues until the last participant games did not receive applause from the whole group.


1 Game Game: "Acquaintance"

Target: Teaching polite greetings.

Introduction: Like us talking: "Hello?"(Correct to say "Hello" It means to see another person).

move games: the following situation is being played out, a new child has come to the group. How will you meet him, what words will you say?

2 Game Game: "Talking on the phone"

Target: the formation of a culture of dialogue.

move games: act out a conversation with a friend (other) by phone, after inviting to the handset.



Target: to teach children to solve small problems through negotiations, to make joint decisions, to turn out of a quick solution to a problem in their favor.

move games: In this game, each child will need one cookie and each pair of children will need one napkin.

caregiver: children, sit in a circle. The game we have to play is related to sweets. To get a cookie, you first need to choose a partner and solve one problem with him. Sit opposite each other and look into each other's eyes. There will be a cookie between you on a napkin, please don't touch it yet. This game has one problem. A cookie can only be received by a partner whose partner voluntarily refuses the cookie and gives it to you. This rule is. Which cannot be broken. Now you can start talking, but without the consent of your partner, you have no right to take cookies. If consent is obtained, cookies can be taken.

Then the teacher waits for all the couples to make a decision and observes how they act. Some people can eat cookies right away. Having received it from a partner, the others break the cookies and give one half to their partner. Some people can’t solve the problem for a long time, who will get the cookies after all.

caregiver: And now I will give each pair one more cookie. Discuss what you will do with the cookies this time.

He observes that in this case, too, children act differently. Those children who divided the first cookie in half usually repeat this "justice strategy". Most children who gave cookies to a partner in the first part games, and those who did not receive a piece, now expect that the partner will give the cookies to them. There are children who are ready to give their partner a second cookie.

Issues for discussion:

Children, who gave the cookies to their friend? Tell me, how did you feel about it?

Who wanted to keep the cookies? what did you feel about it?

What do you expect when you treat someone politely?

Everyone was treated fairly in this game.

Who took the least time to reach an agreement?

How did you feel about it?

How else can you come to a consensus with your partner?

What reasons did you give for your partner to agree?


Target: to teach children strategies for negotiation and discussion in resolving conflicts in a group. Presence itself "rug of the world" in a group encourages children to abandon fights, arguments and tears, replacing them with discussing the problem with each other.

move games: for games you need a piece of thin blanket or fabric measuring 90 * 150 cm or a soft rug of the same size, felt-tip pens, glue, sequins, beads, colored buttons, everything you might need to decorate the scenery.

caregiver: guys, tell me what you sometimes argue with each other? Which of the guys do you argue with the most? How do you feel after such an argument? What do you think can happen if different opinions clash in a dispute? Today I brought us all a piece of cloth that will become ours. "carpet of the world" As soon as there is a dispute, "opponents" can sit on it and talk to each other in such a way as to find a peaceful way to solve their problem. Let's see what happens. (The teacher puts a fabric in the center of the room, and a beautiful picture book and an interesting toy on it.) Imagine that Katya and Sveta want to take this toy and play, but she is alone, and there are two of them. They both sit on "carpet of the world" and I will sit by to help them when they want to discuss and resolve the issue. None of them has the right to take this toy just like that. (Children take a place on the carpet). Maybe one of the guys has a suggestion on how this situation could be resolved?

After a few minutes of discussion, the teacher invites the children to decorate the piece fabrics: "now we can turn this piece of cloth into "carpet of the world" our group. I will write on it the names of all the children, and you must help me to decorate it.”

This process has a very great importance, because thanks to him, children symbolically do "carpet of the world" part of your life. Whenever a dispute breaks out, they can use it to resolve the problem, discuss the children will get used to this ritual, they will begin to use the rug of the world without the help of a teacher, and this is very important, because independent problem solving is the main objective this strategy. "Rug of Peace" will give children inner confidence and peace, as well as help them concentrate their energies on finding mutually beneficial solutions to problems. This is a wonderful symbol of the rejection of verbal or physical aggression.

Issues for discussion:

1. Why is it so important to us "carpet of the world"?

2. what happens when the stronger one wins the argument?

3. Why is it unacceptable to use violence in a dispute?

4. What do you understand by justice?

3 Game "Sparrow Fights" (removal of physical aggression)

The children choose their mate and "turn" in pugnacious "Sparrows" (squat down with hands on knees). "Sparrows" bouncing sideways to each other, pushing. Which of the children falls or removes his hands from his knees, he is eliminated from games(“The wings and paws are treated by Dr. Aibolit”). "Fights" begin and end at the signal of an adult.

4 Game "EVIL-GOOD CATS" (removal of general aggression)

Children are invited to form a large circle, in the center of which lies a sports hoop on the floor. This "magic circle", in which "transformations".

The child enters the hoop and, at the signal of the host (clap hands, bell sound, whistle sound) turns into ugly cat: hisses and scratches. At the same time, from "magic circle" you can't go out.

Children standing around the hoop repeat in chorus after leading: "Stronger, stronger, stronger.", - and the child, representing a cat, does more and more "evil" movement.

At the repeat signal of the leader "transformation" ends, after which another child enters the hoop and the game is repeated.

When all the children are in "magic circle", the hoop is removed, the children are divided into pairs and again turn into angry cats at the signal of an adult. (If someone did not have enough pair, then the leader himself can participate in the game.) Categorical rule: do not touch each other! If it is violated, the game stops immediately, the host shows an example of possible actions, and then continues the game.

On repeat signal "cats" stop and can exchange pairs.

At the final stage game host offers"evil cats" become kind and gentle. On a signal, the children turn into kind cats that caress each other.

Games to build good relations

"Life in the Forest"

The teacher sits on the carpet, seating the children around him. Creates for children situation: "Imagine that you are in the forest and speak different languages. But you need to somehow communicate with each other. How to do this. How to express your benevolent attitude without uttering a word? To ask a question, how are you, clap your palm on your palm comrade (show). To answer that everything is fine, we tilt our heads to his shoulder; we want to express friendship affectionately stroked on the head (ready? Then let's start. ". Further move the teacher unfolds the games arbitrarily making sure the kids don't talk to each other.

"Good Elves"

We seat the children in a circle. "Once upon a time, people, fighting for survival, worked day and night. They were very tired. The elves took pity on them, and at nightfall they began to fly to people and gently stroking them, gently lulled them with kind words. And people fell asleep. And in the morning full of strength set to work. Now we will play the ancient people and elves. " A wordless action is played out.

We seat the children in a free order. The teacher talks about how the chicks are born. As they pierce the shell with their beak, they come out. For them, everything is new - and the smell of flowers, and grass, and flowers. Then the children show the story. Chicks cannot speak, they only squeak.

"Toys Alive"

The teacher sits the children in a circle. caregiver: "You know that when the night comes, all the toys come to life. Close your eyes and imagine your favorite toy, imagine what it does at night when it wakes up. Have you imagined? Then I suggest you play the role of your favorite toy and get to know the rest of the toys. Only silently so as not to wake up the elders. games try to guess who portrayed what toy "

Authors: Malysheva Irina Sergeevna, Dedyukhina Lyudmila Afanasievna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MB preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 157"
Locality: Kemerovo region, city of Novokuznetsk
Material name: methodical development
Topic:"Card file of games on social and communicative development"
Publication date: 27.11.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Card file of games

for social and communicative development

Name of the game:

Purpose of the game:

"Mood Apple"

Formation of the ability to express their emotions through facial expressions and gestures;

education of emotional responsiveness

"Silver Bell"

Development of positive interaction in the children's team; development by children

conveying emotions of joy, surprise.

"ball around"

Development of communication skills. Development of attention and general coordination.

"Jolly Train"

Development of cohesion of a group of children, the ability to overcome obstacles together.

Activation of vocabulary (naming definitions).

"Pity Kitten"

Development communicative communication; education of emotional responsiveness.

"Yes-yes and no-no."

Determine your place in the environment. Development of children's coordination in

group. The development of speech intonation.


Development of emotional visual memory and attention. Stimulation of speech

activity. Activation of motor and muscle activity

"Good Animal"

The grouping of children. The development of auditory attention.

"Give a smile to a friend"

The development of facial expressions. Activation emotional memory. Development of a positive

relationship to each other.

"Jolly Clown"

The development of facial expressions and pantomime. The development of speech intonation.


development of observation and communication skills.


Develop attention, arbitrariness of behavior.

development of interest in peers, auditory perception.


Remove excessive physical activity.


contribute to the development of mutual understanding between children.



development of motor dexterity, attention, coordination of movements, cooperation.


the development of a sense of cohesion, the development of attention.

"Who came to visit us?"

to teach children to switch their attention from themselves to others, to take on a role and

act in accordance with it.

"Whose subject?"

teach children to be considerate of others.

"We sat on the carousel."

development of coordination of speech and movement, auditory attention, partner


"Name Yourself"

Learn to introduce yourself to a group of peers.


activation of vocabulary on the topic: "Birds", the development of creative imagination,

expression of movement.

The development of speech intonation. Development of auditory memory and attention.

"Get up and see who"

nurturing the feelings of a partner (communication through a glance).

"Find a couple."

development of attention, manifestation of initiative, overcoming shyness, development

lexical dictionary on the topic: "Animals and their cubs."

"Call kindly"

to cultivate a friendly attitude of children towards each other.

"Daisies in the Meadow".

development of auditory attention, imagination, activation of vocabulary on the topic

"Flowers", the implementation of coordinated movements.


development of communication skills, coordination of speech and movement.

development of auditory and visual attention, tactile memory.

"Needle and thread".

development of coordination of speech and movement, activation of verbal vocabulary

"Mood Apple"

Objectives: Formation of the ability to express their emotions with

using facial expressions and gestures; emotional education


Move: Children are invited to consider "mood apples",

After that, each child chooses his favorite

"bullseye" and conveys with gestures and facial expressions those emotions

which are shown on it.

Other children guess.

"Silver Bell"

Goal: Development of positive interaction in children's

team; children learning to convey emotions of joy,


Stroke: Educator: Guys, look out the window, has winter come?

Frost rings a silver bell and cheerfully says:

"Winter has come!" frost gave me this bell to

I told you this joyful news, and you would pass it on

each other. But be sure to ring the bell with

smile and joyfully tell your neighbor: “Winter

came!" So, pass the bell to each other while it

will not return to the leader.

"ball around"

Goals: Development of communication skills.

Development of attention and general coordination.

Game description: Children are invited to pass the ball in a circle,

looking into each other's eyes and smiling.

"Jolly Train"

Objectives: Development of cohesion of a group of children, skills to work together

overcome obstacles. Vocabulary activation

(naming definitions).

Move: The leader is a "locomotive", which must

make a train of children. The children have a role

"wagons". "Steam locomotive" alternately drives up to

each of the "trailers" and gets acquainted with him. At

naming a name, you can ask the guys to come up with

yourself one good word, for example:

I'm Lena the funny little train, and who are you?

And I'm a beautiful trailer Sasha.


Children go for the next "trailer", and so on until

until a whole merry train is assembled. Then the kids get up

one after another and hold the one in front by the belt. In such

position, they overcome various obstacles:

Get up and get off the chair (“You need to move through the mountains”).

Crawl under the table ("We drove into the tunnel").

Get through the "dense forest".

Quietly drive through the "enchanted forest" so that "not

fall into the clutches of wild animals.

Throughout the exercise, children should not

disengage from your partner. The train that will arrive

finish in full force, is awarded (“Engine and

trailers were very attentive, took care of each other

friend and therefore did not lose anyone along the way”).

"Pity Kitten"

Goals: Development of communicative communication; upbringing

emotional responsiveness.

Move: The appearance of the Kitten play character, who

cries and tells how bad he feels because he was abandoned

hostess. Discussing with the children how to help the kitten,

how to feel sorry for him. Children are offered speech forms

sayings how you can turn to a kitten, regret

his. Then the children take turns feeling sorry for the kitten.

"Yes-yes and no-no."

Goal: Determination of one's place in the world around.

Development of coordination of children in a group.

The development of speech intonation.

Game description: Children stand around the leader, who asks

Children are invited to answer quietly at first, then a little

and quite loud. Yes-yes or no-no.

Moderator: “I ask you to answer together and very quietly:

Are you kittens? Children answer: “no, no” (quietly)

And now louder you kittens?

And now even louder you kittens

Now answer quietly, you children, etc.

Questions can be asked: Are you flowers? Are you chickens? Are you dolls?


Goal: Development of emotional visual memory and


Stimulation of speech activity.

Activation of motor and muscle activity.

Game description:

The host pronounces the words, and the children - “kittens” repeat

word movements:

“Now the morning has come, the kittens woke up, stretched and

the kittens smiled. They drank milk, they asked for fish.

The mother cat does not have a fish for kittens.

The kittens are sad. Kittens hugged.

All of a sudden funny ball, jump - jump, jump - jump.

Kittens have fun playing, kittens jump, jump-jump.

And then they got tired, fell on the floor and fell asleep.

And the clock tick-tock, tick-tock, and the kittens sleep and sleep.

"Good Animal"

Objectives: Grouping children into a group.

The development of auditory attention.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle and hold hands.

The leading teacher says: “We are one big good

animal, let's hear how it breathes" All

listen to your breathing and try to breathe

together. Now let's hear how

The heart of a good animal beats." Children say together:

"Knock Knock".

"Give a smile to a friend"

Purpose: The development of facial expressions. Activation of emotional

memory. Develop a positive relationship with each other.

Game description:

1. Children stand in a circle, the leader offers to find a mate,

spin around, smile at each other, stroke each other

on the head, hug. Run away and find again, but another

2. Children are invited to repeat the movements behind the words:

“The sun is shining through the window, and our eyes are like rays

sun, looked at each other, smiled. right

put your hand on the heart, listened to how it knocks, and

gathered a ray of sunshine into a fist and gave it to a friend.

Children call him in different ways, the child guesses by voice who

call him t.

10. "Funny Clown"

Goal: The development of facial expressions and pantomime. Development of speech


Developing the ability to manage your emotions.

Game description:

A clown came to visit the children, he decided to play with the children.

Children move and perform movements behind the clown.

Actions: brush your teeth, wash your face, get dressed, go.

Conveys feelings: the sun is shining, it's raining, it hurts

belly, lost toy, eating ice cream.

Imitation of animal movements: hare, bear, elephant, squirrel,


Purpose: development of observational and communicative

Number of players: a group of children.

Description of the game: the leader is selected. He becomes in

center, the children surround it in a semicircle. The host can

show any movement, the players must repeat

their. If the child is wrong, he is out. victorious

the child becomes the leader.

Commentary: Children need to be reminded that they are

"mirror" of the leader, that is, they must perform the movements of that

the same hand (foot) as he.


Target. Develop attention, arbitrariness of behavior.

The music is calm but not too slow. Children

walk in a column one after the other. Suddenly music

stops. Everyone stop, listen

whispered host command (for example:

"Put your right hand on your neighbor's shoulder") and immediately

perform. Then the music plays again and everyone continues

walking. Commands are given only for the execution of calm

movements. The game is played until the group

able to listen well and complete the task.

The game will help the educator change the rhythm of actions

naughty guys, and children - to calm down and easily

switch to a different, more relaxed look



Purpose: development of interest in peers, auditory


Game description: one child stands with his back to all

the rest, he got lost in the woods. One of the children calls out to him:

"Ay!" - and the "lost" must guess who called him.

Commentary: play indirectly stimulates children's interest

to each other through the game rule. This game is good

use in the process of introducing children to each other.

It is easier for a child who has his back to everyone else

overcome barriers in communication, overcome anxiety when



Target. Remove excessive physical activity.

In a circle, sitting on chairs or standing, the players try to

You can quickly pass the ball to your neighbor without dropping it. Can be in

Throw the ball or pass it as fast as possible.


Purpose: to promote mutual understanding between

Children sit in a circle. Lead walks on the outside

circle, stroking the children on the backs, and one of them is imperceptibly from

others quietly pinch - "bites a mosquito." Child,

who was “bitten by a mosquito”, should strain his back and shoulders.

The rest look at each other and

guess who was bitten by the mosquito.


Purpose: development of motor dexterity, attention, coordination

movement, collaboration.

Description of the game: the children become in a circle, and the leader

simultaneously throws toys to two players who

should quickly change places.

Commentary: the game is played at a fairly high pace,

to increase its intensity and complexity. Especially

that it is still quite difficult for preschool children

perform actions of different directions (as in this

game - catch a toy, see the one who got it

the second and change places with him).

17. "INflate, BUBBLE

Purpose: development of a sense of cohesion, development of attention.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle very closely - this is

"Bloated Bubble" Then they inflate it: they blow into the fists,

placed one on top of the other, like a pipe. After each

exhalation take a step back - the “bubble” increases by making

a few breaths, everyone join hands and walk in a circle,


Blow up, bubble, blow up big, stay that way

don't crash!

It turns out a big circle. Then the teacher (or someone from

children, chosen by the host) says: “Clap!” - "bubble"

bursts, everyone runs to the center (“bubble” deflated) or

scatter around the room (bubbles scattered).

18. “Who came to visit us?”

Purpose of the game: to teach children to switch their attention from themselves to

others, take on a role and act in

accordance with it.

Game progress. At the beginning of the game, the facilitator explains to the children that

now they will meet the guests. The children's task is to guess

who came to visit them. Leading from among the children

selects players, each of whom is given a certain

task - to depict an animal. You can do it

through gestures, facial expressions, onomatopoeia. (Player,

depicting a dog, can "wag its tail" -

wave your hand from behind and bark, etc.). Players portraying

animals, go to the children-spectators in turn. Spectators

must guess who exactly came to visit them,

welcome each guest and seat him next to him.

19. "Whose subject?"

Purpose of the game: to teach children to show consideration for others

Game progress: the teacher prepares several

items belonging to different children. Children close

eyes. The teacher waits for a while, giving

the opportunity for children to calm down and concentrate, then

offers to open your eyes and shows the object,

owned by one of the children. Children must remember

who owns this item. The owner of the item must not

suggest. The game may include items such as

hair clip, badge, etc.

20. "We sat on the carousel."

Purpose: development of coordination of speech and movement, auditory

attention and partnerships.

Children choose a mate and join hands. All movements

performed according to the text.

We sat on the carousel, the carousels began to spin.

Flying up, flying down

Flying up, flying down.

They take turns sitting down and standing up.

And now you and I are sailing on a boat together.

Children sit on the floor, hold hands and rest against each other.

another with the soles of your feet.

The wind walks on the sea, the wind tilts the boat,

Right, left shakes us.

Swinging from side to side.

And now together with you we quickly row to the shore.

A boat has landed on the shore, we will deftly jump ashore. AND

Let's run across the lawn like bunnies, like bunnies.

Children imitate "hares" and jump in all directions around the hall.

21. "Name Yourself"

Purpose: to teach to present themselves to a group of peers.

Age: 3-5 years.

Progress: the child is asked to introduce himself by saying his name

as he likes best, as they call at home or as he

I would like to be named in the group.

22. "Bird".

Purpose: vocabulary activation

Vera Stroganova

Currently, socialization is given Special attention. It is no coincidence that the social and communicative development and education of preschoolers is one of the main components State standard on preschool education.

Our main task is to make any child feel happy, be able to adapt and overcome difficulties, have an idea of different sides own "I", be able to understand feelings and experiences, adequately respond to them and find constructive ways expressing their relationship to reality.

To implement the tasks of social and communicative development for preschool children, it is necessary to create a special playing space in which the child could not only enter into relationships with peers and close adults, but also actively acquire knowledge, norms, rules of society, in other words, be formed as a socially - competent person.

To do this, I designed play areas in the group room.

In order to form friendly relations in the group, friendship corner.

It has an allowance "Mirilka doll", with the help of which children learn to get out of unpleasant situations, find ways to resolve the conflict. Playing together, children begin to build their relationships, learn to communicate, not always smoothly and peacefully, but this is a learning path, there is no other way. Unpleasant situations happen in any team and it is important to teach the child to get out of them correctly, not to be offended, but also not to be an aggressor.

Doll - myrilka in the form of the sun. When you click on it, she says the phrase "I love you!" Attached to it is a small file of myriloks. Children love to repeat them.

Didactic game "Whom to be friends with?"


On the left side of the flannelograph is a girl. On the right side of the flannelgraph is a photo of children with different facial expressions: angry, cheerful, laughing, sad, crying. Children choose with whom the girl wants to be friends in their opinion, explain their choice.

In the corner is Album "Happy Birthday!" On each page of the album, I depicted an apple tree in different time years, or rather months. In October, there are raindrops on the branches, in December - lumps of snow, in May - bird nests, in June - flowers, etc. Photos of children are attached to tree branches (on droplets, on nests, on leaves) The child sees what time of year in which month his birthday is, what changes are taking place in nature at this time.

Album "My Family"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about themselves, about family members: names, patronymics and surnames; family relations; to form a benevolent attitude, a feeling of love and care for their loved ones.

Didactic game "To whom and what to give"

Target: The development of the child's ability to establish causal relationships between family members, between the world of the family and the world of objects.

Stroke: An adult invites the child to choose a gift for each family member that is related to him. The teacher asks to explain the choice of the child. Options: Clothes, shoes, cosmetics, electrical appliances.

Didactic game "My family"

Target: Teach children to characterize their family members.

Stroke: An adult invites the child to choose a family member (dad, mom, grandmother, etc.) and give him a description, what is he like? (caring, loving, brave, beautiful, etc.) The teacher asks for an explanation of the child's choice. The adjective is indicated by symbols (camel - hardy, tree - slender, lion - brave, etc.).

Emotions play an important role in the regulation of children's activities, in the formation value orientations and relationships. Positive emotional states are the basis of a benevolent attitude towards people, readiness for communication. Conversely, negative emotional states can cause anger, envy, and fear. We are faced with a twofold task: on the one hand, to teach the child to talk about his inner world and, on the other hand, to teach him to listen, hear and understand others.

For this purpose, the group created Mood Corner.

Methodical manual "My mood"

Target: Developing the ability to determine your mood, analyze, talk about the reasons for changing your mood.

Stroke: Coming to kindergarten, children talk about their mood, attach their clothespin to a colored circle. Red circle - Bad mood, sadness, sadness. The yellow circle is a calm mood, without emotions. Green circle - good mood merry, joyful.

We plan to make a mood corner in the locker room so that children in the morning, upon arrival at kindergarten and leaving it, mark their mood. Parents will be able to monitor the emotional state of the child.

Via benefits "Flower of seven flowers" there is a discussion of various life situations. Children, choosing a petal, determine emotional condition heroes, talk about their emotional experiences, as a rule, with a positive orientation. Children are asked questions: Who is he? What is he? Why is this? Are you like this? What can this lead to? What's next? Discussing stories with the children helps them learn to predict the consequences of their own behavior. By performing an action, the child learns to be aware of what emotion

it will cause, “What will happen next?”, to draw the necessary conclusions.

Game "Masquerade"

Target: Developing the ability to make a portrait, changing facial expressions depending on the feelings and emotions of a person.

Stroke: Children make portraits of fairy-tale characters. They change the position of the eyebrows, eyes, mouth on the face, convey various emotions of people: joy, sadness, anger, fear, fear, surprise, delight, etc. (Alternatively, you can make and make a portrait of grandfather, grandmother, mother, father, children )

Didactic game "Emotions"

Tasks: To teach children to convey the emotional state of a person with the help of facial expressions. To cultivate the ability to feel, understand oneself and another person.

Stroke: the teacher shows the children images of emotions - different expressions faces: joy, fear, surprise, sadness, and the children name, show them and correlate with the necessary drawings: a cake, a broken vase of flowers, angry dog, UFO.

Educator: Guys, what can cause you joy (grief?

Children: When I was praised, received a gift, met a friend, played interesting game and won. (When they scolded, he quarreled with a friend, got into a fight.)

Didactic game "Good or bad deed"

Target: to develop adequate evaluative activity of preschoolers, aimed at analyzing their own behavior and the actions of those around them, the ability to evaluate positive and negative actions.

Stroke: Children receive pictures with images of good and bad deeds, put them on a magnetic board with a cloud (bad deeds) or on a board with a sun (good deeds) and explain their choice).

"Rug of Anger" The child wipes his feet until he smiles and passes

"A cup for anger". The child pours all his anger and anger into the glass and closes it.

The group has Toolkit tree view "Good deeds all year round." Each child on his branch with his photo for the good deeds they have done during the week receives a leaflet (a droplet, a yellow leaf, a red one in autumn, a snowflake in winter, a flower in spring, a green leaf in summer) This can be: help a friend, educator ; compliance with the rules of conduct during the day without comments and reminders. This technique encourages children to follow the rules of behavior. Be polite, hardworking, sensitive to other people.

"Corner of Solitude"

The corner is made in a house - a tent. It is very convenient to transfer to different parts of the group.

Target: creation of conditions for rest, seclusion of children, relaxation and independent games during the day, necessary for the expression of children's experiences stressful situations, for example, morning parting with parents, getting used to a new routine moment, etc.

This is a place where the child feels completely safe, here he can be alone with himself, calm down and relax, play with his favorite object or toy, consider interesting book or just dream.

"Pillow - lamb"- you can just hug her, snuggle up to her.

To remove aggression there is "Pillow for whipping." When a child fights, we explain that it is bad to beat another, it hurts and hurts him, but it is very possible to beat a pillow. "Glass of Anger" If the child shows aggression, the teacher invites him to retreat to a corner of solitude and leave all bad words and thoughts, all his anger, anger in this glass. After that, the child has the opportunity to speak out, and the cup is then tightly closed and hidden.

"Headphones"- to isolate yourself from sounds, to be alone with yourself.

In conclusion, I want to emphasize. The game is the leading type of activity, the most effective form of socialization of the child. The game lays the foundations of the future personality.

Thank you for your attention! Good luck!

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